Assessment 3 Individual Assignment: Preliminary business plan of an entrepreneur idea or company

Type of Assessment Summative

Total Mark 20

Weight 30%

Format: Times New Roman font; 12 point font; one and half line spacing; one inch margins

World Length About 2500 words or more

Submission date End of Week 8

Learning Outcomes 1, 2, 3

Description You should discuss one case (an organization or a role model) with your professor and submit a detail report. Preference will be given to an entrepreneur idea related to your own organization, or one of your passions. You need prior approval of your entrepreneur idea or company from the professor.

You are expected to explore feasibility of an entrepreneur idea or company employing the tools and concepts acquired in this course. The purpose of this assignment is to encourage you to pursue practical projects and eliminate any overly ambitious idea. The plan should include expected market size, cost, and detailed competitive analysis relying on secondary sources.

Guidelines for Completion: The individual assignment is designed for you to reflect upon, and indeed to show off your knowledge about entrepreneurship planning. The assignment is deliberately left open and flexible to allow you to be “creative” as per expectation of this course. Please use our e-library to search for references.

Rubrics See Appendix 3

Appendix 3: Rubric for Individual Assessments- Guideline

Learner Name: -------------------------------------------Learner ID:-------------------- Date:------------------------

You are expected to explore feasibility of an entrepreneur idea or company employing the tools and concepts acquired in this course.

Marking Criteria


Quality of entrepreneur idea or company

Knowledge and understanding of course material

Approach to alternative explanations and arguments

Construction of argument

Clear expression and use of academic conventions

Approach to

Language and data

(where appropriate)



Entrepreneur idea to be original and practical

Demonstrates solid knowledge and understanding

Demonstrates logical criticism

Original, demonstrates creative thinking and coherence

Very well organized and based on evidence and appropriately referenced

Logical and Complete

Interpretation and analysis


(Very good)

Entrepreneur idea is based on good research but lacks full understanding

Comprehensive use of relevant body of knowledge

Objective discussion of competing explanations and arguments

Conclusions are drawn evaluated evidence, all sections contributing

Very good structure, expression and ability to employ sources appropriately

Very good Analysis,

judicious interpretations



Entrepreneur idea is based on superficial assumptions and hunches

Effective inferences from evidence/ideas/concepts and arguments central to the course

Recognition and limited discussion of competing explanations

Clear, sustained argument

Good structure/ expression/referencing

Analysis barely appropriate

and related to course



Irrelevant, unacceptable

Very poor comprehension of material

Very poor explanation and argument

Demonstrating errors of judgment and understanding

Very poor, many errors, not based on references

Serious deficiencies

Remarks: _________________________________________________________________________________

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