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Video Game Violence Contribute To Youth Violence.

Over years, the world has changed due to advancement in technology and enhanced inventions. The new technology has led to improvement in the living styles and urbanization, among other advantages over the current world. The significant great innovations and productivity in the current world have been associated with the use of the advanced technology. The beauty and productivity of the nation have been advanced due to the emerging inventions. Much more emerged benefits over the past world have been accrued to the advancement in technology. However, some adverse impacts effects of the improved technology and inventions have been evident. Much of such disadvantages of technology affect the nation economically, social, politically and in other aspects of life. The advancement and innovations in technology compare the modern generation to the past generation.

The generation in the modern life has been diminished despite the advanced inventions and technology. The generation of the early 1930s and 1940s is used a role model in the modern world. The argument towards this lies within the misuse of the advanced technology in the modern world. The enhanced inventions have led to engineering of advanced media which have been associated with such ruin of the modern generation (Gunter, 2016, p41). The advanced media technology can be perceived differently among the people as scaring and shocking, which could attract involvement in social evils. One of the latest and faster growing media technology is the violence gaming in media videos.

Video games were invented in 1980s and have progressively become widespread. According to reports from most researchers, video games are mostly played by the adolescents. The research analysis by Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine proves how the youths are the most addicted to the video games, with the turnout of male players been higher than that of female players. The advanced technology has invented violent video games, the most addictive games among the adolescents (Hartmann, 2017, p98). Though it is a part of leisure time, the playing of the video games has led to much time wastage among the adolescents due to addiction. The playing of the violent video games and the watching of the violence in the video games have had some contributions to the violence practices among the youths.

Some research studies report that the watching of the violence in the video games increase the annoyance and hostility in the brain of human beings. Biologically, this has been explained by the fact that the situational stimuli affect the cognitive and arousal internal responses of the body. This is the reason as to why the watching of violence in video games triggers the person’s brain to think of live violence (Gunter, 2016, p35). In most cases, the players of the violent video games are more prone to aggressiveness and aroused to practice live violence. Moreover, the players of the violent games can compete unfairly, which could arouse their angers. In demand for fairness, the victims could assume to be in the game moods of violence.

The violence in the video games triggers violence among the teens. However, for an adolescent to be victim other factors are influential. First and foremost is the personal attribute of the child been as a result of her raising. The way the child has been raised will define their self-control and practice of social crimes like violence. Another crucial factor influencing the behavior of a child is their life. Harsh life due to family crises or neglecting guardians may provoke the violent behaviors among the adolescents (Wright, 2018, p80). Nevertheless, violence due to violent video games is relative to the different perceptions of the games. In most cases, however, the adolescents have reduced self-control to regulate their involvement in certain practices.

Any media game equips the players with some relative skills. The same case applies to violent video games where the participants acquire some skills in violence. In most cases, the adolescent players are curios of practicing the acquired skills in real life violence (Gunter, 2016, p40). By this, the less self-controlled behave so brutally that they arouse others’ angers leading to violence. Besides, violent game players tend to be violent in nature such that they are after opportunities for them to act the skills in violence. This explains why the actual players of violent video games are more prone to violent acts than those who watch the games.

The violence in the video games is perceived by the teens in such notion that violence is a better way of solving issues. The violent videos are designed in a manner that the violence comes as a solution to some disagreement. Moreover, in such violent games settings, there are no forgiveness to mistakes but violent revenge (Hartmann, 2017, p102). The violent setting negatively lure the mind of the adolescents. The less principled teens develop a hard spirit of no revenge but taking revenge against the wrongs. In addition to this, the exposed youths to violent video media develop the immoral spirit of settling disputes through violence.

As a form of competition, the violent setting of the games translate to violent behaviors of the teens. The violent competition in such games input the spirit of no defeat among the players. The teenagers walk out of the games sites with confident of winning against the life struggles. This spirit of victory in competition translates into improved performance in class work and other constructive cores among the teens (Wright, 2018, p78). However, a negative impact is attached to such completion spirit among the vigorous youths. The immoral youths strive to win over all means. In some cases, the stronger youths employ violent techniques to out win their competitors. Thus, the violent competition in video games may translate to unfair competition which may lead to violence among the youths.

In summing up, video games are advantageous in teasing the brains of the young persons. As an invented form of technology, video games are forms of entertainment aimed at holding up the adolescents to prevent them from engaging in evil behaviors. The violence in games video is associated with relative intensification of anger. Significantly, the some of the objectives behind the video games have been met through the youths. However, the video games have turned to be much addictive and hence consuming much of time of the youths. The themes behind the games have been influential on the behavioral changes of the youths. Mostly, violence in video games have registered most impacts over the behaviors of the teens. The violent video games are claimed to be skill equipping and boasters of the human brains. However, the skills and experiences drawn from the violent video games influence negatively the behaviors of the youths. Studies have proven how the violence in video games relatively translate into intensification of aggression which contributes to violence among the youths.

Works Cited:

Wright, Esther. "Mixed realism: Videogames and the violence of fiction." (2018): 1461444818764422.

Hartmann, Tilo. "The “Moral Disengagement in Violent Videogames” Model." Game Studies. The International Journal of Computer Game Research. 17.2 (2017).

Gunter, Barrie. "How Much Exposure Do Children Have to Violence in Video Games?" Does Playing Video Games Make Players More Violent? Palgrave Macmillan, London, 2016. 31-52.

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