Solutions Design Matrix

Problem Solutions Matrix
Directions: You will use this matrix to record previous attempts to address the problem and proposed problem solutions. Complete the columns on the matrix as directed. For the "Previous Problem Solution/Proposed Problem Solution" column, include a detailed description of the solution, including the source of the solution. In the case of a previous solution, the source could be a manager interview, while the source for a proposed solution could be a link to an online reference article or resource. All other columns must rank the specified element as it relates to the solution using a 1, 3, or 5, with 5 being the highest ranking. Note that the "Customer Importance" column is weighted at twice the value of the other categories, since the impact of a solution on customers if of utmost importance. For example, if the solution was very important to the customer experience, it would earn a 5. If that same solution was only a 1 in efficiency and quality, then a 1 would be used in those two columns. If employees were somewhat satisfied with the solution and it was in the middle in terms of cost-effectiveness, then both of those columns would be ranked as a 3. When calculated, the overall solution score would be 18. This number could then be used to compare the solution to other solutions as a means of determining whether or not it should receive further consideration for implementation as a problem-solving strategy.
Customer Importance Efficiency Quality Employee Satisfaction Cost-Effectiveness Solutions Score
Previous Problem Solution Rank each item as a 1, 3, or 5, with 5 as highest ranking. Note: Customer Importance is weighted more heavily than other categories.
Proposed Problem Solution Rank each item as a 1, 3, or 5, with 5 as highest ranking. Note: Customer Importance is weighted more heavily than other categories.

Stakeholder Template

Stakeholder Analysis
Directions: To conduct the stakeholder analysis, begin by identifying individuals and groups that are affected by, have influence over, or have an interest in solving the problem you are attempting to address in the organization. List titles and groups in the specified column. Do not list names of specific individuals. Next, describe the role of each individual/group using the corresponding column. It is important to determine whether or not the individual/group has a negative (-), indifferent (0), positive (+) or very positive (+) predisposition about the problem, and this should be noted in the corresponding column. Next, determine the individual/group level of influence and support using the "Current-State Matrix" terminology from the corresponding tab. Examine the remaining columns and use the research you have conducted to make notes about anticipated reaction and issues, motivation, driver, expectations of exchange, when the stakeholder needs to be involved in the change effort, stakeholder management activities, who delivers, when due, and status columns.
Title or Group Role Predisposition Support Influence Anticipated Reaction and Issues Motivation, Drivers, Expectations of Exchange When does this stakeholder need to be involved in the change effort? Stakeholder Management Activities Who Delivers When Due Status
- 0 + ++ Support
Open Text Predisposition Sum - 0 + ++ Pulldown Pulldown Open Text Open Text Open Text Open Text Open Text Open Text Open Text
0 0 0 0

Current-State Matrix

INFLUENCE Negative Support/High Influence (Commit) Positive Support/High Influence (Leverage)
Negative Support/Moderate Influence (Invest) Positive Support/Moderate Influence (Plan)
Negative Support/Low Influence (Marginalize) Positive Support/Low Influence (Maintain)

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