695 GRADING RUBRIC: Assignment 10 – Final Research Paper | ||||
Note: All topics must be related to project management, and unrelated topics will not be approved. All assignments in this course build upon one another. Successive assignments may suffer if assignments are late or if a student fails to perform each assignment correctly. All assignments are integral to the final deliverable. | ||||
RESEARCH TOPIC INFO LITERACY 0.2 Collect and retrieve the needed information | • Research topic is related to the field of project management • Demonstrates use of appropriate keyword search and thorough research • Uses quality resources based on their authority, objectivity, currency, accuracy, and/or relevancy • Meets minimum number of sources (10) | 10 | ||
ABSTRACT COMM 0.1 Consider Context and Purpose | • Provides a concise overview of the entire body of work • Includes context, purpose, methodology and results • Adheres to recommended length (1 paragraph: 150-250 words) • Motivates reader to review the paper • Includes appropriate quantity and quality of keywords | 10 | ||
INTRODUCTION COMM 0.1 Consider Context and Purpose | • Provides a context for the research topic/ problem • Includes a broad description of problem to be solved • Describes the relevance of research/ how it benefits field of PM • Relevant research is referenced • Definitions of critical terms included | 10 | ||
PROBLEM STATEMENT CRIT THINKING 0.3 Solve Problems | • Establishes real and relevant problem worth studying (not already solved) • Defines/restricts scope of the study • Working/operational definitions used to define concepts/variables • Reflects open mind about the potential solution • Explains/defines any sub-problems | 10 | ||
LITERATURE REVIEW COMMUNICATION 0.4 Use Sources and Evidence | • Clearly relates the proposed study to the body of knowledge surrounding topic • Organized in logical way (major themes, chronological, order of importance) • Adds clarity, focus and context to the research paper • Shows what researcher learned and comprehended from existing literature • Meets minimum length (4-10 pages) and number of sources (10) | 15 | ||
PROPOSED SOLUTION CRIT THINKING 0.3 Solve Problems COMM 0.2 Develop Content | • Clearly describes overall approach to solve/answer the research problem/question • Conveys author’s understanding of topic and ability to develop/advance ideas • Includes expected benefits based on solution/answer • Includes the methodology of the proposed solution • Describes how findings will be integrated in PMGT 699 or GRAD 699 • Meets the minimum length requirements (3 to 6 pages) | 15 | ||
CONCLUSION COMMUNICATION 0.4 Use Sources and Evidence | • Thoroughly summarizes content of the research paper • Does not introduce new information • Provides supportive evidence and/or knowledge of opposing viewpoints • Includes suggestions for future research • Meets the minimum length requirements (1 page) | 10 | ||
WRITING MECHANICS COMMUNICATION 0.5 Control Grammar and Mechanics | • Uses language that communicates meaning to readers with clarity • Writing is reflective of graduate level work and substantially error-free • Reflects appropriate proofreading for grammar, spelling and sentence structure | 10 | ||
APA FORMAT COMMUNICATION 0.3 Adhere to Conventions | • All direct quotes, ideas, concepts, text and data are accurately cited • All sources cited in the text are listed in the references section • Consistently uses provided guidance provided in template • Consistently APA format that is substantially error-free (i.e. title page, TOC, contents, body of paper, references, etc.) | 10 | ||
OTHER | • Plagiarism, Lateness, Extra Credit | |||
TOTAL | • Final Research Paper submission is worth 25% of your grade | 100 | 0 |
Problem Statement
Date of submission
A possible cause of this problem is lack of proper change management. A study conducted by Hornstein (2015), which investigates the importance of change management in project management points out applying change management models as a possible remedy to this situation. Another possible source of this problem is the lack of prioritization during the project. In this case, the implementation of a change management model would also come in handy by ensuring activities are placed in priority throughout the project management process (Hornstein, 2015).
Hornstein, H. A. (2015). The integration of project management and organizational change management is now a necessity. International Journal of Project Management, 33(2), 291-298.
Refining Your Project Management Research Topic
Student Name: Srinivasa Shiva Theja Yadlapalli
Proposed Project Management Research Topic: Overcoming problems of PMO in Project Management
Directions for Refining Your Research Topic
1) Review the following guidance on how to conduct research and refine your topic:
· HU Library Research Step by Step
· HU Library Credo Reference
· MIT Libraries Refining a research topic
· HU PMGT Graduate Research Topics
2) Using the HU Library, Google scholar or another scholarly research tool, conduct preliminary research on your topic to determine whether it is too broad, too narrow, and adequately addresses a project management issue or topic. You topic may need to be adjusted for the GRAD695 research paper.
· Select “Peer Reviewed” to limit your search to documents reviewed by subject experts
· Select “Full Text” to limit your search to documents you can access immediately
· Add additional keywords to bring focus to your research
3) Conduct research and narrow or broaden your topic to focus on a specific PM research need, complete the table below. Repeat the process until you have achieved a reasonable number of results to research.
Instructions |
List Keywords used in search |
Number of Results |
Search using your original Topic |
Overcoming problems of PMO in Project Management |
188 |
Add additional focused keywords based on the guidance for narrowing or broadening |
PMO Risks |
143 |
Add additional focused keywords based on the guidance for narrowing or broadening |
PMO failures in project management |
113 |
Add additional focused keywords based on the guidance for narrowing or broadening |
PMO, failure, Project Management, Projects |
1,307 |
4) Please list 3 insights that you have noted about your research topic through this exercise.
a. There is a slight narrowing of results when I enter the key words
b. There are not a lot of articles that address this problem
c. The article search broadened when I used the individual terms “PMO, Failure, Project Management” which says that there are many articles covering these topics individually but not within the scope I was searching for
5) Based on these preliminary searches, has the focus of your research changed? In what way?
Based on the what I have searched, my focus has a slight change in the topic. The results suggested to uncover the topic PMO failures in a project that resulted in organizational strategy changes or how PMO helps a change in organizational strategy.
6) Have you identified any gaps in the existing literature or recommendations for future research? (These are often found in the conclusion section of articles and research studies)
Majority of the articles that I have reviewed had been conducted in an IT organization. However, implementing PMO and its value were discussed, there is no certain understanding of why often it has failed to reach the expectations. My focus would be as to why it has failed in certain situations and how to overcome these situations to bring successful PMO implementations.
7) How does your proposed topic take a different/new approach or add to the existing body of knowledge?
For additional help with your research needs, contact a librarian at the HU Library by sending an email to [email protected] or calling 717-901-5188.
GRAD 695 Topic Refinement Assignment Nov 2017 |
2 |
Literature Review Assignment
Student Name: Srinivasa Shiva Theja Yadlapalli
GRAD 695 Project Management Research Topic: Overcoming problems of PMO in Project Management
1. Review the following guidance for Literature Reviews and complete the information below using the template provided.
Texas A&M Writing Center Video 1: Get Lit: The Literature Review (45 Min)
Texas A&M Writing Center Video 2: The Literature Review (46 Min)
UNC Writing Center: Literature Reviews
2. Using your proposed project management topic as refined in your Topic Refinement Assignment and a scholarly research tool, i.e., Google Scholar, HU Library locate four literature reviews for your proposed GRAD695 topic. Literature Reviews usually contain the terms “Literature Review” in the title. If you have limited success, try to modify the keywords that you are using for the search or contact the library for assistance.
3. Provide the name of the literature review and hyperlink to the literature below. If using the HU Library, look for the “Permalink” icon to provide the permanent URL address.
4. Read all four literature reviews and, for each, provide a 1 paragraph discussion (250 words) on the specific research problem the researcher(s) have addressed. In addition, identify and discuss the approach to the research (for example, surveys, case studies, interviews, etc.) Often this information is contained in the Abstract Section.
5. List any gaps in the literature and/or future opportunities in research for a specific field discussed in the literature review. What suggestions did each set of researchers make for future research in this topic/field? This information is often found in the Conclusion Section.
6. Discuss how you plan to incorporate this research into your 695 research paper and address any of these identified gaps.
Name of Literature Review 1:
Why and how do project management offices change? A structural analysis approach
Link to Literature Review 1:
Summary of Literature Review 1 (250 words):
In this research paper by Christophe Bredillet, Stephane Tywoniak and Mahshid Tootoonchy, the theory of using PMO for organizational structure is believed to be efficient and effective, where as this paper focusses that they often fail to deliver the expected value and their nature is unstable because the PMO change and adaptation has not been studied and studying PMO will help broader organizational structure by using co-evolution with project portfolio management. The research concludes that PMOs have a dynamic transformative nature. conceptualizing PMO and PfM as sets of routines sheds light on the process of their dynamic co-transformation.
Gaps in Literature/ Future Research Ideas:
The limitations were - the idiosyncratic variations between cases are not considered, The research also focused only on the patterns and not large numbers, The research also applied structural analysis is the inter-subjective nature of this method
Application to your GRAD 695 research:
Name of Literature Review 2:
Link to Literature Review 2: PMO Conceptualization for Engineering and Construction Businesses
Summary of Literature Review 2 (250 words):
In this paper by Catarina Oliveiraa, Anabela Tereso and Gabriela Fernandes. Their main focus of the paper was to propose a set of functions for a supportive PMO in engineering and construction company. Th research says that while implementing the PMO, the important thing to be considered is the not to determine the typology but define the functions ahead based on authority the organization has. Also, the research concludes that PMO should be adapted to the context and needs of organization where it has been established.
Gaps in Literature/ Future Research Ideas:
The research only proposes the PMO problems related to the construction and engineering organizations and also a analyzed set of functions, not one size fits all.
Application to your GRAD 695 research:
This project helps me considering the fact that how PMO applies to a organization rather be it construction or engineering. This will allow me to analyze he projects that are proposed and follow PMO within these organizations.
Name of Literature Review 3: The Contribution of the Project Management Office: A Balanced Scorecard Perspective
Link to Literature Review 3:
Summary of Literature Review 3 (250 words): In this paper by Elmar Kutsch, John Ward, Mark Hall and John Algar new methods or approaches are analyzed to prove the success and failure of the PMOs and also gives few suggestions also to maintain a moderate and sustainable PMO. The research was conducted on three PMOs that basically were determined to achieve either successive projects, resource acquisition, improve skills etc., Due to the constant pressure on them to be consistent in getting results for their performance has been resulted in one being shut down. The study also suggests that the PMO is more likely to give better results if the PMO supports the end users closely.
Gaps in Literature/ Future Research Ideas:
The PMO contexts were not broad enough to make the conclusion. Only 3 PMOs were assessed within the IT industry and there are lot of other IT organizations that use th PMO otherwise. 3 PMOs is not so much the point of interest that would help any research especially when PMO is much bigger topic. So further studies with the other PMO contexts would help the research.
Application to your GRAD 695 research:
This study is particularly well within my topic range and actually the author had covered the situations on how the PMO fail in organizations and also made suggestion on how to sustain it. This will help my research substantially at least for the moment.
GRAD 695 Literature Review Assignment April 2018 |
1 |
Approval for GRAD 695 Research / 699 Approach
Student Name: Srinivasa Shiva Theja Yadlapalli
Student ID: 197311
Instructor: John Clark
Topic Title: Overcoming Problems of PMO in Project Management
GRAD 699/PMGT 699 Capstone Options and Description
The intent of this approval form is to ensure that students in GRAD695 plan for the second portion of the Capstone and make the decision based on interest and the criteria outlined below. The approval for each student must be completed before Week 6, the formal start of the GRAD695 research paper.
Relationship to Curricular Practical Training (CPT)
CPT students may choose GRAD699 (thesis) or PMGT699 (project) for the completion of your capstone. CPT students are required to complete this section by providing one paragraph for each of the following (three paragraphs in total). Otherwise, enter “NO CPT.”
• An overview of your CPT assignment. Use the journalistic who, what, where, when, why approach here.
My name is Srinivasa Shiva Theja Yadlapalli and I am a senior compliance and program specialist in a pharmaceutical consult company who deals with the clients and their compliance activities based off the regulations handled by FDA. Upon the inspection. I am tasked to lead a program that would help the organization to comply with the regulations as required.
• Highlights of the proposed research and application to the Capstone.
The highlights of the proposed research would be to know the problems that PMO face during project implementations. As working for a start-up company, it is important to maintain resources to accommodate to the project. However, knowing the rules of project handling is also as important. I have seen project fail because of the pressure that was put on the resources. I would like to research on the problems that these PMO face and help understand what strategy they can be used to determine a probable cause to diminish the problems.
• How will this research contribute to your studies and enrich your CPT experience.
This study will help me understand the nature of the problems that PMO face and how do they occur within a project premise. Learning this topic will help me be a better program lead and develop better programs with allocating resources without pressurizing the resources and fail the projects. This would help me in also learning the techniques to use in the projects.
GRAD 695 Problem Statement Description: In 100 words or less, please describe your project management problem statement for your GRAD695 research paper:
PMO has continued to face challenges especially when it comes to defining and maintaining standard in Project Management. PMO which is Project Management Office in full is responsible for defining and maintenance of standards for project management. A problem with this department would then affect the standard of the project in general. At the same time, this problem would negatively impact the budget and finish time of projects. At the same time, the problem has affected the quality of the project which can harm the image of an organization or company. A possible cause of this problem is lack of proper change management. A study conducted by Hornstein (2015), which investigates the importance of change management in project management points out applying change management models as a possible remedy to this situation. Another possible source of this problem is the lack of prioritization during the project. In this case, the implementation of a change management model would also come in handy by ensuring activities are placed in priority throughout the project management process (Hornstein, 2015).
PMGT 699 - Project Management Plan Project
In this option of the capstone, a student identifies a major project that is planned in detail using a Project Management Plan for traditional waterfall methodology. The project itself that is planned will not be executed but only planned in detail. This option is should be taken under PMGT 699 not GRAD 699.
The requirements for the selected project for PMGT 699 include:
1. Clear Definition of Project Scope |
1. Project has a definite beginning and end date |
1. Project can be executed in 6 to 12 months |
1. Project would require 5 to 10 resources to complete |
1. Project Scope can be broken down into a WBS with 200 or so tasks |
If the PMGT699 Project Management Plan capstone option is selected, please describe your intended project (100 words):
I would like to select the PMGT 699 project. My plan is to develop a project with an intention to complete the project with limited resources or otherwise by using the PMO problems and show how the project can be delayed. Also, I would like to develop another schedule by addressing the research with the suggestion to overcome the problems. The difference between the two schedules shall determine that the problems can be overcome in the project management PMO.
GRAD 699 – Research Thesis
GRAD 699 is an extension of the research completed in GRAD 695 and requires the student to write a 40-page research paper. This selection is research and writing intensive and should be considered by those students who write well and enjoy writing. The requirements include:
1. Any project that will be planned and implemented using AGILE Methodology |
1. Topic is worthy of research without an obvious solution to the problem statement. |
1. Topic is related to traditional waterfall, agile, or a hybrid project methodology |
1. Student is willing and able to write a 40-page paper with extensive Literature Reviews, experiments or studies, findings, discussion, recommendations for future work and conclusion. |
1. The research thesis will contribute in some way to the project management profession. |
1. The research thesis is a high quality academic paper that could be published. |
Selection of GRAD 699, Research Thesis requires the student to consult with an advisor to plan for the GRAD 699 Research Thesis within 2 weeks of the submission of this form with email confirmation of contact. The student must share the topic, problem statement, planned approach to the research and two resources in file format. The GRAD699 advisors and area of specialization are listed below:
Advisor Name |
Area of Focus |
Dr. Thomas Sheives |
Agile, Lean, Hybrid Agile/Traditional PM, Team Performance/Dynamics, Multicultural Team Issues |
Dr. Stephen Onu |
Project dyads, Portfolio Mgmt. Global project, Traditional PM, Project tools & new market entry strategies, Agile |
Dr. Barbara Geisler |
Traditional Project Management Methodology, Communications, Soft Skills, Stakeholder Engagement, Virtual Teams, Government/Military |
Dr. Scott Wright |
Sustainability and Project Management, Requirements Management, Strategy and Portfolio Management, Benefits Realization, Stakeholder Engagement, |
Dr. Robert Pittman |
New Business Development, Stakeholder Relationships, PMOs, Analysis & Validation Requirements Elicitation, Systems Engineering, System Architecture Development |
If the GRAD 699 Thesis option is selected, please describe your intended research (100 words) and include TWO of your research resources (complete files) that best support your topic selection:
Capstone Selection:
Please clearly designate your Planned Capstone Option: PMGT 699 Yes GRAD 699
Program Director Response: Approved Requires More Information or Correction
Program Director – Project Management Signature: _______________________________ Date: _____________
GRAD 695 Approval Form v.8 Nov 2017 |
1 |
Research Topic:
Assignment Instructions:
Review the following guidance for APA citation and formatting:
HU Library APA Citation and Format
Purdue OWL APA In-Text Citations: The Basics
Purdue OWL APA Style Reference Format
Using the literature reviews and research articles you have found for your project management topic of interest, select content in which to provide examples of 1) an in-text citation for a short quotation citation; 2) a summary or paraphrased citation; and 3) a long quotation citation. Three separate references should be used.
Use APA formatting for the in-text citations and the references.
1. Short quotation:
Routines have been defined as the “repetitive, recognizable patterns of interdependent actions, carried out bymultiple actors”
2. Summary or paraphrased citation:
Reference 2:
3. Long quotation citation:
“PMO refers to a project, program, or portfolio management office […]. The PMO in an organization is the entity that defines and maintains the process standards generally related to project, program, or portfolio management. […] It provides guidance on the practice of portfolio or program or project management within the organization. […] Depending on the organizational structure, the PMO either functions on an enterprise-wide level, or as one of many departmental PMOs that manage projects from different departments or divisions within an organization. […] The specific form, function, and structure of a PMO are dependent upon the needs of the organization and the stakeholders (PMI, 2013a, p. 16).”
Reference 3:
GRAD 695 Citation & Formatting Assignment Nov 2017 |
1 |
Replace with the Title of Your Paper
Replace with Your Name
Harrisburg University
Guidance Article(s) | |
Due? |
ALL submissions |
NOTE: This template has been created to assist you with writing your academic research paper. Please refer to the guidance provided and use APA formatting with all submissions. It is expected that all submissions are thoroughly proofread and meet standards for graduate level writing. Please remove all guidance and directions upon submitting your paper.
The abstract is written as a block paragraph (not indented) and summarizes your project management research paper in a single paragraph (150 to 250 words). A reader often uses the abstract to determine whether the research is applicable to the reader’s needs before deciding to read the entire article. The abstract is generally one of the last sections added. It is written upon completion of the research paper. An abstract includes:
1. The topic/purpose of the research
2. The approach and/or method of the research
3. The results of the research
4. The brief conclusion based on the research
Keywords. Keywords are those terms located on the same page as the abstract that could be used in a search engine or library data base to locate your research paper. They should appear on the same page as your abstract in block format (not indented) with the word “keywords” listed in italics.
Guidance | |
Due? |
Final Draft Final Submission |
Table of Contents
Problem Statement and Justification 5
Guidance |
Introduction (2 pages) Problem Statement and Justification (2-3 pages) Literature Review (8-10 pages) Proposed Solution Approach (3-5 pages) Conclusion (1-2 pages) (If you use/retain heading markup, you can then have this section update automatically)
Due? |
Final Draft Final Submission |
The research paper introduction is generally started after a clear problem statement has been identified and an initial literature review has been conducted. It is often modified throughout the writing of the research paper. Start your introduction on a new page after the TOC. Your introduction should be about 2 pages in length and include the following:
1. Clearly define why it is important to write this paper/solve this problem.
2. Provide motivation for people to read your paper.
3. Briefly describe the overall problem you will be researching.
4. Describe the context surrounding the problem.
5. Define commonly used terms.
6. Explain how the topic relates to larger field of project management (i.e. project management processes, methodologies, and knowledge areas). Do not focus on technology or business operations. a specific operational process.
Guidance |
Introductions: The Writing Center University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill |
Due? |
Mid-term Draft Mid-Term Final Update Final Draft Update Final |
Problem Statement and Justification
Good research starts with a question to answer or a problem to solve. Your problem statement forms the basis of your entire research paper; therefore, it should be the first part of the paper to be written. It should begin with a clear and concise statement of the problem, and then provide additional detail and justification as to why it is an important issue to be solved. This section should be 2 to 3 pages in length and contain the following:
1. Problem statement – 1 to 2 sentence description of the problem to be solved.
· Clear - provides enough information to be easily understood
· Concise- expressed in the fewest possible words
· Focused – narrow enough to be answered in the scope of the paper
· Relevant – shows a relationship to the field of project management
Note that your problem statement may be, or include, a question to be answered. You may want to list your primary research question and any secondary questions that arise from it.
2. Justification – discussion of why it should be solved. This section should include the reasons why this problem should be solved and/or the consequences of not solving it. You should briefly reference and cite any relevant research to support your claims.
3. Hypothesis (optional) – proposed explanation, solution or suggested outcome. Some research will contain a hypothesis to be tested or explored. This may not apply to all research.
4. Limits (optional) – what the research paper will NOT cover. Note any boundaries, exceptions or limits to your research.
Problem Statement and Justification
Guidance |
How to Write a Research Question GMU |
Due? |
Mid-term Draft & Mid-Term Final Updated in Final Draft and Final submission. |
Literature Review
Your literature review is the theoretical basis of your research paper. It establishes a link between your specific topic and what research has already been done about it. Your literature review should show how your research and/or findings contribute to the existing body of knowledge related to your topic. It should provide the reader with a holistic view of your research, showing a synthesis of all your references (as opposed to an annotated bibliography that details each source one by one). Your literature review should be 8 to 10 pages in length and be organized in logical way. Your literature should meet the following criteria:
1. Contain 10 to 20 scholarly sources such as journal articles, books and papers.
2. Contain research that is relevant and timely (resources should be related to your topic and most should be less than 5 years old).
3. Provide a thorough summary and analysis of previous research about your topic.
4. Be organized in a coherent way (theme, chronological order, order of interest).
5. Identify gaps in the research or areas to expand the existing research.
6. Contain and introductory and conclusion paragraph.
It is recommended that you include other literature reviews in your research. You can often find them by including “literature review” as a keyword in your search criteria. This will also provide you with examples to model.
Guidance |
Literature Reviews - The Writing Center at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Texas A&M Writing Center Video 1: Get Lit: The Literature Review (45 Min) Texas A&M Writing Center Video 2: The Literature Review (46 Min) |
Due? |
Mid-term Draft Mid-Term Final |
Proposed Solution Approach
Based on the Capstone 699 selection, your proposed solution approach should address a continued research study on the same topic that would support your GRAD 699 thesis or PMGT 699 applied project management plan by improving success factors.
GRAD699 Capstone students:
You will research your selected topic and design a preliminary study in GRAD695. The research design should include the following:
· Purpose of the study and the main results expected
· Main approach you will be taking and why (quantitative, qualitative, mixed methods, etc.)
· Methodology you will choose (survey, observation, interview, case study, statistical analysis, etc.)
· Process you will use including main steps and any sub-steps.
· Any instruments you will use for data collection (questionnaire, interview questions).
· Your intended sample and setting (NOTE: Any projects that will involve human subjects MUST gain IRB (Institutional Review Board) approval before beginning. See your instructor.
· How validity, reliability and overall quality of results can be assured
PMGT 699 Capstone Students:
· Description of the topic/problem selected including your approach to research including discussion of the research methods used in the literature.
· Discussion of how the problem was addressed by the researchers and suggestions for future research and/or recommendations to address the question/topic/problem.
· Discussion on how you plan to integrate this research into your PMGT 699 project management plan.
· Summary of the expected benefits to the project based on the solution/topic researched.
Guidance | |
Due? |
Final Draft Final Submission |
The conclusion of your paper presents a great opportunity to restate the benefit and findings of your research. Purdue OWL APA Style Guide (2006) suggests that the Conclusion should:
1. Restate your topic and why it is important
2. Restate your thesis/claim
3. Address opposing viewpoints and explain why readers should align with your position
4. Call for action or overview future research possibilities.
Your references section should include all sources that were used in your research paper and be formatting using APA style. References should be listed in alphabetical order according to the last name of the author. They should be double spaced like the rest of your paper and use a hanging indent. Examples of APA format are listed below, and additional information about APA can be found on the HU Library website. You can get assistance with APA format through the HU Library, HU Writing Center and Smarthinking.
Cummings, J. N., Butler, B., & Kraut, R. (2002). The quality of online social relationships. Communications of the ACM, 45(7), 103-108.
Hu, Y., Wood, J. F., Smith, V., & Westbrook, N. (2004). Friendships through IM: Examining the relationship between instant messaging and intimacy. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 10, 38-48.
Tidwell, L. C., & Walther, J. B. (2002). Computer-mediated communication effects on disclosure, impressions, and interpersonal evaluations: Getting to know one another a bit at a time. Human Communication Research, 28, 317-348.
Underwood, H., & Findlay, B. (2004). Internet relationships and their impact on primary relationships. Behaviour Change, 21(2), 127-140.
Guidance | |
Due? |
Mid-term Draft & Mid-term Final Final Draft (update) & Final Submission (update) |

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