The Parasympathetic Nervous System and Touch ( Milestone 1)
Sandy Pennington
Southern New Hampshire University
The Parasympathetic Nervous System and Touch
The Parasympathetic Nervous System (PSNS) is a “member” of the autonomic nervous system, which also comprise the Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) and the Sympathetic Nervous System (ENS). Occasionally referred to as the rest and digest system, PSNS is critical in conserving energy because it slows down the heart rate, upsurges intestinal and gland activity, and relaxes sphincter muscles in the gastrointestinal tract. Given the importance of this system, understanding its components and mechanism is key to psychologists, biologists, and other related specialists. There is plenty of work about it already. Nonetheless, there are still a couple of gaps of knowledge about several of its elements, contrivances, processes. The current study seeks to bridge some of these gaps covered in the research questions sections below.
Research Questions
What happens during lover’s touch, cuddling and massage in the Parasympathetic Nervous System.
Is there any relationship between the acts of touching, hugging, cuddling, and massage and good health?
What is positive about the parasympathetic nervous system being activated?
Literature Review
The Parasympathetic Nervous System and the lover’s touch and its associated mechanisms are not new concepts in research. Numerous scholars, theorists, and researcher have already contemplated about them but particularly separately. Pichon and Chapelot (2010) explored the homeostatic significance of the parasympathetic nervous system in the behavior of people. The researchers theorized and confirmed that the respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA) reflects organisms’ capacities to assimilate metabolic and behavioral demands, thereby improving its homeostasis adeptness. Lover’s touch, touch through cuddling, and touch through massage all trigger some human behavior. In this study, the work of Pichon and Chapelot (2010) will be helpful in establishing how PSNS facilitates the integration of human behaviors associated with the touches.
Hurley (2018), on the other hand examined the activation mechanism of the Parasympathetic Nervous System. According to the author, the PSNS decreases anxiety and stress. Hurley (2018) also explored how the mechanism mitigates and controls these mental defects and also discussed some of the ways of activating PSNS, which include by touching the lips gently, being mindful (avoiding multitasking), and by using visualization. In this research, this work will help to establish knowledge on happens when the parasympathetic nervous system is activated.
Elsewhere, Penn Medicine (2018) had a look at the health effect of cuddling, snuggling, holding hands, touching, kissing, and hugging and established that they produce more than just magical moments as they can essentially enhance overall health. The report found that science shows that these touches help people to lose weight, lower blood pressure, and fight off sickness just to mention a few. Another study Zur and Nordmarken (2018) also established a link between these touching activities and good health. Zur and Nordmarken (2018) concluded that touch is a piece of the most indispensable elements of human development, a thoughtful mechanism of communication, and a critical cog of the health, growth and development of newborns, and a powerful healing force. In the present study, these resources will be essential in constructing the knowledge of how the acts of touching; hugging, cuddling, and massage promote good health.
Lover’s Touch
When a lover’s touch occurs, the reproductive organs receive parasympathetic innervation from the spinal cord. The sacral parasympathetic pathway then sends these signals to the target organs via the pelvic nerve. This leads to the activation of the postganglionic neurons in the target parasympathetic ganglia, which subsequently leads to the dilation of penile and clitoral arteries. The corresponding smooth muscles of the cavernous sinusoid relax which lead to expansion of sinusoidal spaces (Purves, Augustine, Fitzpatrick, et al., 2001). As a result of this, blood in the aforementioned tissue is increased which in-turn leads to a drastic rise in pressure and expansion of the cavernous spaces thus achieving arousal. The parasympathetic nervous system also raises the heart rate and excites the brain.
Touch through cuddling
During cuddling, the physical touch works to activate pressure receptors within the body. Immediately, signals are sent to the vagus nerve. The vagus nerve is an important element in the parasympathetic nervous system (Zur & Nordmarken, 2018). It acts as a safety valve when the body or brain is suddenly overexcited or put under heightened stress. When cuddling, the vagus nerve relaxes and the feeling is carried all along the body according to Penn Medicine (2018). Because of the nerve relaxing, blood pressure drops and one feels calm and secure.
Touch through massage
Many a times, stressful situations affect individuals. During the stressful period, stress hormones are released resulting in physiological changes such as increased heart rate, quickening in breathing, muscle tension and sweating. Knowing how to use the parasympathetic nervous system to control anxiety and stress promotes long lasting sobriety by reducing the urge to turn to addictive substances (Diego & Field, 2009). When the parasympathetic nervous system is activated, changes in the body occur rapidly. Once the parasympathetic nervous system is activated to decrease activity, calmness and relaxation is achieved. Through massage, the parasympathetic nervous system works to reduce the body’s blood pressure and the heart rate. Massage stimulates the sensory and proprioceptive nerve fibers of the skin and underlying tissues (Diego & Field, 2009). Through the PNS, the stimulus is dispersed to the target body part. This achieves a soothing effect that enhances relaxation. Massage often causes the skin and muscles to dilate through receptor stimulation of the parasympathetic nervous system.
What happens when the parasympathetic nervous system is activated?
As one progresses in recovery, worry and anxiety tend to creep in. issues like deadlines and family concerns occasionally induce stress. When the stress hormone is released physiological changes occur. Lanese (2019) avers that these responses are called fight or flight responses. The responses occur when the parasympathetic nervous system is activated. Stress contributes to high blood pressure and anxiety. The parasympathetic nervous system works to relax and slow down the body’s response (Hurley, 2018). It counter-acts the effects of the sympathetic nervous system. The activation of the sympathetic nervous system causes rapid changes to the body. The brain continually releases corticotrophin and adrenocorticotropic hormones that keep the body on high alert until it perceived that the danger is over (Lanese, 2019). When the threat is deemed over, the hormone levels decline and the parasympathetic system works to inhibit the stress response by slowing down high energy activities within the body as writes Hurley (2018). When the parasympathetic system is activated, it enhances relaxation to the mind and body.
What benefits do we get?
There are several benefits that can be derived from parasympathetic nervous system when activated. They include improving self-esteem and reducing stress and anxiety. Improving self-esteem occurs when the hormones are released and they calm the body, therefore, the body is able to sense security and safety (Zur & Nordmarken, (2018). Studies have been able to show that lovers who often cuddle and hug each other tend to have high self-esteem (Penn Medicine, 2018). Reduced stress and anxiety, on the other hand occur when one is hugged or cuddle to feel better. The brain will naturally produce dopamine, which relaxes the body. Naturally, the activation of the parasympathetic nervous system leads to the secretion of Dopamine and Oxytocin, which reduces cortisol’s levels that are accountable for stress and anxiety.
Above all, the parasympathetic nervous system’s activation contributes positively to health. The mechanism triggers the secretion of vital hormones, which improve people’s mental and physical states. A good example of health benefit would include better heart health and increased immunity (Penn Medicine, 2018). Studies have found that people with ineffective parasympathetic nervous system struggle to cope in certain stressful situations. Additionally, they tend to have problems with their self-esteem. The mechanism is also a natural therapy for high blood pressure and mood disorders (Pichon and Chapelot, 2010). Therefore, activities such as cuddling, massages, and touching of are crucial for human health.
Diego M. A, Field T, (2009). Moderate pressure massage elicits a parasympathetic nervous system response. Int J Neurosci. 119(5):630-8. doi: 10.1080/00207450802329605.
Hurley, T. (2018). Activating the parasympathetic nervous system to decrease stress and anxiety. Canyon Vista Recovery Center. Retrieved on 8/9/2019 from Pichon, A., & Chapelot, D. (2010). Homeostatic role of the parasympathetic nervous system in human behavior. New York: Nova Science Publisher's.
Lanese, N. (2019). Fight or Flight: The Sympathetic Nervous System. Retrieved on 8/9/2019 from
Penn Medicine (2018). Can You Kiss and Hug Your Way to Better Health? Research Says Yes. Retrieved on 8/9/2019 from
Zur, O. & Nordmarken, N. (2018). To touch or not to touch: Exploring the myth of prohibition on touch in psychotherapy and counseling: Clinical, ethical & legal considerations. Retrieved on 8/9/2019 from

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