Scholarly Article Oral Presentation – Assessment of Learning


Now that you’re familiar with the topic presented in your scholarly journal written summary, are you able to present your summary in a succinct manner to a group of interested individuals?

In business, you’ll have status meetings with your boss and your colleagues. You’ll be an expert on whatever it is you’re working on, and your boss will often ask you to give a short synopsis of your project. So, you’ll need to prepare a short PowerPoint presentation to best tell your work’s “story.”

For this Presentation, you are to:

1. Dress in business casual attire – no jeans or ripped clothing. Look crisp, neat and confident.

2. Present in front of the class an overview of the article you researched and wrote about.

Here’s the scenario:

I’m your boss; your classmates are your colleagues. You found a research article that you wanted us to know about. This could be because it pertains to our business or industry, or, just because you thought we as business professionals should be aware of it.

3. Give a 5-minute presentation that includes a few PowerPoint slides. How many? As many as you need to summarize the article.

· Keep your slides high level you shouldn’t have too much text, just bullet points.

· Keep your slides clean – no background color, one font style, no more than 2 colors throughout.

· Organize your presentation in the same manner you organized your written summary. That means you’d likely have a slide for each section you discussed in your written summary.

· Include a chart or graph from the research article and summarize it for the audience. If your article didn’t have a chart or graph, provide one slide that has some numbers, data, or something quantitative that you can discuss and summarize.

· Know your content well enough that you can make eye contact with the class. I don’t want to see you reading with your head down the whole time. No note cards, please.

Your presentation will be evaluated using the Oral Presentation Rubric provided in class.

A Template Example of a Physical Ability Test


INTRODUCTION: (an explanation of the reasons for and parameters of the testing)

APPLICANTS NECESSARY PREPARATION: (explaining the points the applicant needs to consider prior to taking the test.)


o Test Description (Overview of what it to be done.) o Related Job Task : (Explanation as to why this test is related to the job) o Procedure: (Specific details as to what the applicant must do to successfully complete the test.) o Criteria: (What are the measurable results that must be achieved, such as time on task, amount

of task completion expected, and grading criteria, i.e., points/pass –fail, penalities, etc.) o Illustrated Component: (If necessary, obstacle course map, procedural images, etc.)

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