Alexander, Jeffrey C. The Antinomies of Classical Thought: Marx and Durkheim (Theoretical Logic in Sociology). Vol. 2. Routledge, 2014. Print
Jeffrey C. Alexander takes an in-depth look at the theoretical aspects of social stratification and social order, its history and how it augmented to a level where it divides society. He utilizes the foundations and precepts of Philosophers Karl Marx and Emile Durkheim to depict the adverse effects of racism in medieval Europe.
Feagin, Joe. Systemic racism: A theory of oppression. Routledge, 2013. Print
Dr. Joe Feagin takes a retrospective approach to racism in America and Europe and how it manifested into social vile in society today. Feagin, claims that society ills like racism or social stratification is as a result of a few individuals who want pursue vested interests in society and as result exploit the underprivileged giving rise to disparities as result of race and ethnicity.
Hockenos, Paul. Free to hate: The rise of the right in post-communist Eastern Europe. Routledge, 2013. Print
Paul Hockenos gives a special look at post-colonial Eastern Europe racism, focusing on the history of racism Nazi revolution and the impact of Hitler’s rule to Germans. Hockenos attributes racism to political and social construction of the society which is as a result of inept leadership qualities and push for particular ideologies that espouse racism against the dissent.
Solomos, John. "Sociology of Race, Racism and Ethnicity: Trends, Debates and Research Agendas." The Palgrave Handbook of Sociology in Britain. Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2014. 396-412. Print
This is the main article used for the paper it takes a contextual view and standpoint of society and how racial stratification divides society in the contemporary world. Looking at prevailing political, economic and social aspects that have created social disparities that divide the society in racial realms; the book looks at recent agendas around the world and debates on the discourse of race and racism
Schröter, Melani. "80,000,000 HOOLIGANS: Discourse of resistance to racism and xenophobia in German punk lyrics 1991–1994." Critical Discourse Studies 12.4 (2015): 398-425. Print
Melani Schröter depicts the racial disparities for foreigners in historic Germany through songs produced by punk bands produced between 1991 and 1994 which condemn the racist attributes to foreigners in Germany. This article is particularly important as it focuses on the broad scope of the film “Morris from America” which is about racism experienced by foreigners in Germany this is one of the main excerpts utilized in the article.
Non Scholarly
Forbes online Library
Forbes online library provides an assortment of multimedia/video information on the subject of racism form history and in today’s society. The repository on racism is quite vast depicting how the vice has changed society, in schools, resource allocation, politics, family and society at large.
Is an online site with information about racism in general; in essence it gives the history, etymology, legal, social, economic. Behavioral, cultural, institutional aspects of racism in broad; the contributions are from many authors around the world who have pertinent ideas on the subject matter.
Depicts a definitive inquiry on race, staged by psychologists as an experiment, it involves posing of two photographs that fashioned an astounding reaction. Where people were shown a photograph of two white men fighting, one unarmed and another holding a knife followed by another picture of a Caucasian man with a knife fighting an unarmed African-American man. The picture depicted the bigotry exemplified by people when it comes to the colour of skin.
Morris From America, Hartigan Chad. A24, 2016. Film
Is a refreshing film exemplifying of an African-American teenager trying to adapt restlessly to a new life in Heidelberg, Germany. Set in the backdrop of contemporary Europe setting, Morris’s experience of being young, black and misconstrued person can worsen in an unfamiliar setting. Morris has to put up with all manner of racist antics leveled towards him, from the overly hostile society, that he is compelled to contend with and adapt to.
Racism: A History, Tickell Paul, BBC, 2007. Documentary
The documentary marks the 200th centenary celebration of the Slave Trade Act 1807, a momentous section of regulation which obliterated the slave trade in the British Empire. The series explores the influence of discrimination on a worldwide scale and records the changes in the awareness of race and the account of racism in the Americas, Europe, Asia and Australia
Respond to two discuss about Word Applications.
Respond 150 words Minimum
I think one of the neatest features about Word (and really the entire Office Suite) is the SmartArt Graphics. I regularly use these in my documents to draw a linear progression between my ideas. I have used them as a student in college to help me brainstorm, and in my professional life by drawing an organizational chart for my unit, subordinate units, as well as the workflow within my office space. A company might use Word's SmartArt graphics to display statistical data, processes for work, or other information they wish to convey to a customer through a flyer, though I would imagine that a professional design or publishing program would be used by most companies to achieve this and stay original.
The SmartArt system is really easy to use and very easy to comprehend - it is modeled upon a bullet based system which allows you to assign and display hierarchical meaning. Because of this setup it is really easy to promote and demote boxes to best suit your needs. For instance if a company has a hierarchy leader poster or something showing all the leaders in an organization, you can demote/promote members easily without losing the data and it will automatically reformat the SmartArt to fit the original layout (as best as a computer can that is!)The themes and colors are (for the most part) really well complementing to any document style, and if you don't find something you like (as a default) then it you can also choose your own colors and styles.
Respond 150 words Minimum
SmartArt lets you use both "shapes and text to create informative lists, matrices, pyramids, and more" ("Working with SmartArt Graphics | Working with Shapes and SmartArt in Microsoft Office 2013 | Que," n.d.). I have used SmartArt Graphics in Microsoft Word to create a family tree and other things for various personal and school projects. I used the Hierarchy layout for my family tree. Businesses can use SmartArt Graphics to simplify various tasks. Businesses can quickly create professional looking diagrams using the different SmartArt layouts. (K2 Enterprises, n.d.). "SmartArt layouts range from lists to organization charts to step-by-step processes" (K2 Enterprises, n.d.).
I didn't struggle with anything. Microsoft Word makes it extremely easy to insert SmartArt Graphics and format them however you want them to look. Something that I learned new that was exciting was that when you switch to a new "SmartArt graphic layout, most of your text and other content, colors, styles, effects, and text formatting are" switched over to the new layout. ("Choose a SmartArt graphic - Office Support," n.d.). SmartArt is very useful for not only businesses but for personal use as well. I look forward to playing around with the different SmartArt graphics in Microsoft word 2013 to see what all I can create using them.
Nicholi Webb
Respond to two Discussing Python/Boolean
Respond 150 words Minimum
George Boole defined a branch of math that we use today in the Python programming language. Boolean math seeks to answer things as True or False. This is helpful to us because computers only recognize 0s and 1s. To program it is helpful to try and think like a computer. Python refers to Boolean values in as those defined by either being true, or false, but never maybe. Example: myBool=5 > 6 ; myBool will return false.
Using the if-then-else and if-then structures allows us to set up a parameter for our program to process information and make a decision for us. Right now I keep checking the clock because if its 3:00 I will go to work. If it is not 3:00 I will continue to work. This is the type of decision we could build a program to make for us. This would involve a loop to continuously recheck the time.
A simpler version of an if-then structure would be to ask a question to someone using your program.
myFav = int(input("Try to guess my favorite number. Hint! It is less than 10."))
if (myFav == 7):
print("You guessed my favorite number!")
This type of program can become far more complex. If I wanted to have someone guess my favorite number between 1 and 1000 I could have the program ask them to guess. If they were right, let them know. If they were wrong I could have a program tell them that the number is higher or lower than what they guessed and let them guess again. Eventually the program would complete when they got it right.
Respond 150 words Minimum
Boolean is a data type that expresses true or false (0 or 1) decisions (Pazos, 2016). This data type can be used to see if variables are equal to, greater than, or less than. Boolean can only be equal to true or false, meaning you can’t tie a string text or integers to this express (Pazos, 2016). Under Boolean you can choose whichever variable you want however it can only have two results, true or false. Within python you could type “true == true” and the program responds “true”. You could also type “1 ==2” and the response would be false. There are endless possibilities to ask the program if the variables are true or not. Another option is to add, subtract, and combine the true and false results by stating AND, OR, and NOT (Pazos, 2016). Within the program however they must be replaced by &&, II, and ! respectfully. For example, type “not (1 != 10 or 3 == 4)” and the results would be false. This statement is stating that the following line is false (1 is not equal to 10 and 3 is equal to 4) and the response from the program is false. The response is false because the actual statement is true but you declared false with the “not”, which the program disagrees with.
If-then structures outline to a program that “if” a certain value is met “then” perform a certain execution. In other words, it’s a code that tells the program what to do when a specific condition is true. This condition could be either true or false, meaning the execution code can be a trigger for either event depending on the user’s expectations. If you wanted the program to executed an action for if the condition was met and another action if not met this is where the “else” statement is used. The else statements execute coding when the condition is false or “0”.
You will complete this assignment in Python 3.x. Make sure you have downloaded the software and it is installed correctly. You will download it from this site:
You will code the following and submit it in one file. Save it as a python file (.py).
1. Create a comment block with the following information:
Your Name
Course Name, Section (example: ENTD200 B002 Spr15)
Instructor name
Week #
Date completed
2. Problem 1: Write a program to solve a simple payroll calculation. Find the amount of pay given, hours worked, and hourly rate. (The formula to calculate payroll is pay = hourly rate * hours worked.) Use these values to test the calculation: Problem 1A (hours = 30 and rate = 8.52) and Problem 1B (hours = 53 and rate = 11.54). Display hourly rate, hours worked, and pay. Use the print command and make basic mathematical calculations.
3. Problem 2: Write a program that will calculate the average miles per gallon obtained on a trip. Input the amount of gas used and the number of miles driven. (The formula to calculate miles per gallon is miles per gallon = number of miles driven / amount of gas used. ) Use these values to test the calculation: Problem 2 (number of miles driven = 298) and (amount of gas used = 12.17). Use the print command and make basic mathematical calculations.
Assignment Rubric:
Requirements |
Points Available |
Points Earned |
Comments |
Assignment details in a comment block |
10 |
10 |
Print command used to correctly print the solution to Problem 1A. |
30 |
30 |
Print command used to correctly print the solution to Problem 1B. |
30 |
30 |
Print command used to correctly print the solution to Problem 2. |
30 |
30 |
Total |
100 |
100 |
Respond to two discussions. (LAN)
Respond 150 words Minimum
CSMA/CD (Collision Detection) is that every host (device) has equal rights or access to the wire and is able to put data on the wire whenever it is free of traffic. The host will sense the copper wire to see if traffic is present and if so it will wait till the wire is free and place the data on the copper medium. Now if two hosts apply data at the same time it will cause a collision and both hosts’ data will be dropped. At that time the hosts will wait a preset time before sending data again across the line to avoid a collision.
Token Ring Passing there isn’t a chance of a collision. There is a token and the host will hold a token (blank packet) when passing data. The token is circulating the network at a rapid speed and if any host want’s to send data they have to wait for the token once they receive the token they may fill it and send the data across the LAN.
The pitfalls of both in CSMA/CD you have a higher change of more collisions the more you increase the amount of hosts you have on the LAN. That is also why we use managed switches on our network. With token ring passing even though you have no collisions you must wait till the token is available before you can send your data. The other pitfall of token ring is that it has much slower speeds then Ethernet and really it’s obsolete.
Work Referenced:
July 29 2016. KB: Network Access Methods, CSMA/CD, CSMA/CA and Token Passing, Difference between CSMA/CD CSMA/CA and Token Passing. Referenced From:
Respond 150 words Minimum
CSMA is carrier sense multiple access with collision detectsion’s basic function is to try to communicate after the PC detects whether whose communication line is not in use. This method of transmitting data works when no one uses the PC. The carrier sense can detect whether if data has gone through the communication line or not. The carrier is like a signal on the line. Simple carrier sense multiple access does not care about after transmitting the data. If the two PC transmits data simultaneously at the same time, there will be a problems collide right? So you will need to check whether that data go well or collide. The collision detect can help you detect the process and is intended to confirm whether or not there is a conflict. If a collision happens after transmitting the data, it will wait a random time and attempt to transfer again. (Bryant, 2015)
The token ring system is mainly used in the ring-like topology. The carrier sense multiple access can transmit data by anyone but in a token ring system, you can transfer the data only on a PC that is equipped with an authority that data can send a token. The token transmit around the network in a certain direction. The PC that has data to transmit will wait for the token and send the data when the token is available. Then it passes the token to the next PC. Benefit in a token ring system is that collision does not occur, but the disadvantage is that data transmitting PC must wait until the token. (Omnisecu, 2016)
Bryant, C. (2015). How Ethernet CSMA/CD Works. Retrieved July 25, 2016, from MC MCSE Certification Resources:
OmniSecu. Network Access Methods, CSMA/CD, CSMA/CA and Token Passing, Difference between CSMA/CD CSMA/CA and Token Passing. Retrieved from
Name: ___________________________ Date: ____________________
ISSC340 Week 4 Assignment
Lesson 4 Review: LAN Topologies
The purpose of this activity is to reinforce what you have learned so far about local area networks technologies.
1. What are the two methods that Carrier Sense Multiple Access (CSMA) employs to handle messages that are sent simultaneously? (Min. word count: 15)
2. Which topology would you use when unable to install network cable? (Min. word count: 15)
3. What is inherent in mesh topologies that enable them to provide high reliability? (Min. word count: 20)
4. What are advantages of star topologies? (Min. word count: 10)
5. Compare the two modes supported by wireless topologies. (Min. word count: 20)
6. In this section, consider each description (A through G). Which topology does it describe?
For each item, write one of the following answers:
Bus, Ring, Star, Hybrid, Mesh, Wireless (cell)
A. Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI) uses this topology. ______
B. Uses an access point when part of a hybrid topology. ______
C. Nodes connect to a central hub or switch. ______
D. Combines two or more standard topologies. ______
E. Uses a hub or media access unit (MAU) in a central location. ______
F. Supports bandwidths of 100 Mbps or more over twisted-pair cable. ______
G. Uses token passing as an access method. ______
7. In this section, write your answer in short essay form: Describe the basic features of physical star topologies. Provide as much detail as possible. (Minimum word count: 80)
IT Project Outline Assignment:
· Description and goal of the project
· Technical background and literature review on the project subject
· Technical description of the proposed solution to the project (including diagrams, graphics, equipment specs, vendors)
· Analysis and discussion of the solution to the project (e.g., benefits to your employer)
· References (at least 2 good references in APA)
In each section and subsection, insert a couple of sentences (or short paragraph) describing the anticipated/expected content. The last section of the outline must be a bibliography with at least 2 references.
Outline format: Please adhere to a standard outline format of sections and sub-sections, along the structure shown below:
I Section 1 (e.g., introduction of the project)
a Subsection 1.1
b Subsection 1.2
II Section 2 (e.g., Background review)
a Subsection 2.1
b Subsection 2.2
c Subsection 2.3
d Subsection 2.4
III Section 3 (e.g., Technical solution to the project).... this is the core section of the project
a Subsection 3.1
b Subsection 3.2
i Sub-subsection b.1
ii Sub-subsection b.2
c Subsection 3.3
d Subsection 3.3
IV Discussion of the solution
a Sub-section 4.1
b Subsection 4.2
V Conclusion
References (in APA Style formatting).
You may insert a sentence or two after each section and/or sub-section, or selected ones.
Grading Criteria
Grading Criteria |
Maximum Points |
Appropriate use of terms, correct spelling and grammar |
0.6 |
Uses external resources validating position with applicable knowledge |
0.6 |
Completion of required tasks |
3.0 |
Compliance with APA Style Formatting |
0.8 |
Total Points: |
5.0 |
This is an Information Technology Supported, which has been authorized and one that is managed to give space for storage space electronically for the users that has been authorized for some given network. In some cases the dive is given the name as the J: Drive (Phillips & Skagerberg, 2003). The use of the share drive is necessary because it enables information to be store in one place.
There are several advantages of making use of the shared drive for instance:
· It enables the various members of a given staff who are working in some work areas to have knowledge of the exact place from which they have the ability of accessing enjoy form of information that they want.
VI It enables folders to be kept in a hierarchy that can be controlled hence enabling the electronic folders and the tittles of the documents which have been stored hence easing the situation in which some given form of information is required to be retrieved from the system.
· The third advantage is that the electronic information which relates to a given single subject are able to be kept within a given place together. This makes it easier in the case anyone wants to have an access to any piece of information which are related.
· For the sake of the places ad offices where the shared drive is used to store information in large number, it will help the concerned parties with ensuring that not even a single of the documents are duplicated since most of the data required will be stored at a central space for storage for the respective work area (Besanko, 2010). This makes it easier when it comes to sorting out of the files and hence makes it easier to retrieve it.
In the cause of making use of the Share Drive, individuals are always cautioned against storing official documents on their PC, on the personal drives they have or even the personal folders containing their emails or any media that is removable like the external hard drives. This is because malicious individuals can easily access it a by-pass one’s privacy.
Work Cited:
Besanko, D. (2010). Economics of strategy. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.
Phillips, H. L., & Skagerberg, E. (2003). New perspectives on Microsoft Windows 2000 MS-DOS command line: Comprehensive enhanced. Boston, MA: Course Technology.
Respond to all discussions.
Respond 150 words Minimum
On April 21, 2012 the United Nations established a 6-point plan to end the escalating violence in Syria. The mission, which consisted of a small team of unarmed observers, was to implement the UN’s 6-point plan to end conflict in the region. By the May 30th a rapid deployment team was in place in Damascus and by June 30th the rest of the team had arrived all stationed in Damascus. The teams focus on population centers and visited regions where conflict was on going. They also attempted to interact with local population and build relationships and contacts.
The 6-point plans consisted of provisions for the end of armed conflict, which required the Syrian government to stop troop movement, end the use of heavy weapons and begin a pull back from population centers. It also required the Syrian government to allow humanitarian access, release detainees, allow free movement to journalist and allow people to demonstrate peacefully.
The UN’s mission was difficult from the beginning for several reasons. First they had limited access to incident locations. Civilians claimed that they had been retaliated against for working with the UN. As this was going on the risk to the observers increased and the number of attack within there area rose. On June 12th an incident led to UN vehicles being blocked and damaged. The group was then fired on from unknown subjects. The increasing violence made the UN mandate unattainable
With the deteriorating situation the Secretary General announced on the 15th of June that the mission would be suspended and aide would be given on a case-by-case basis. On August 19th 2012 the UNSMIS mandate came to an end with out the entire 6-point plan being implemented.
The UN was successful in showing the worlds concern for the violence in Syria but without the ability to use force and no backing of any major military power there were unsuccessful in implementing their plan. From the beginning the United Nations believed that armed conflict was not an option and no country was willing to commit their troops. This makes me question weather or not any attempt to stop and armed conflict without the back of force is a wise decision. This zero-sum civil war will be difficult to truly end there are to many players in the region and unless the problem is simplified and stakes are raised it will continue for years.
Respond 150 words Minimum
For this week forum, I will be writing on the United Nations Support Mission in Haiti (UNSMIH). This mission started in 1996 and it ended in 1997, however, the United Nation is still present in Haiti today. The end goal of the support mission was to support and stabilize the government and essentially build a safer environment for the Haitian citizens. This was the actually the first time the Haitian government had such a force to assist with these concerns. The United Nations also came to Haiti in order to support the Haitian National Police (HNP), because the HNP alone was not enough to control and stabilize the environment. When the UNSMIH military arrived in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, they provided 24/7 patrols. They also provided mission helicopters to control certain areas, especially during the presidential elections times. Even now the presidential election is very dangerous due to groups who cannot admit that they lost and they tend to turn violent against other groups. The UNSMIH provided protection at the Haitian National palace, which is where the president lived. The UNSMIH separated in fifteen detachments, ten went to different provinces in Haiti and the other five went straight to Port-au-Prince. They began to give assistance to the HNP on their day-to-day job. The UNSMIH also provided extra training for the HNP and the local guards at the National Palace. At the end of the mandate, the HNP, the local guards and even the government was noticeably more proficient and controlled. Everything became fine and was controlled to an extended just until 2010 when the earthquake struck Haiti. After the Earthquake struck Haiti, everything was destroyed besides the American Embassy here in Port-au-Prince. Different groups between the United Nations, Missionary groups and even our own troops showed up and is still here to this day helping to reconstruct what the earthquake destroyed. The UN provided extreme amount of assistance after the earthquake in 2010. After the earthquake they pretty much reenacted the same security assistance as back in 1996 except the presidential part. To me there was nothing unique or nothing that impacted international law besides provide enormous amount of assistance to Haiti.
Work Cite:
Great post this week. Somalia is a very unstable region with many issues that have been taken on by UN efforts. That goes for a lot of African countries in this region. I really think the extensive time these countries have gone with conflict has given the people an image of the government that is hard to reverse. Put yourself in their shoes. If you were in a country that the government couldn't protect you or your family from rebel groups coming into your town and causing mass casualties how would you respond? It really is tough to say because we as Americans have not been faced with an issue of this magnitude before. Different rebel groups promise safety to people that join the cause. Would you be comfortable leaving that sense of protection to go back to a government that has a bad track record of failing in the security department? It really is difficult to give a definite answer on that unless we have been put in that situation in my opinion.
Thank you for sharing you forum. I enjoyed reading your forum; it flowed really well, and was developed well. Somalia is a very unstable and unpredictable place. I found it difficult to make peace with all of the conflict going on with in that region. That background is very interesting to me, to see because all I really get from it is that this one person is causing all of these problems. Why, doesn’t their government have a system set in place to help balance this problem out? With this conflict occurring and causing all of this displacement of people with in the country, it’s hard to believe people just stood by and watched this happen. Wow, I did not know there were so many hands in the pot that help to solve to problem that Somali was facing. It is crazy that it took that many countries to help fix this problem.

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