Technology in Education




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Need analysis

There are many advancements in technology which needs to be implemented in the education sector. They may help to enhance the relationship between students and their teachers while making the learning process fun and more meaningful. Technology has made life easier and better in many other aspects of our lives, however, when it comes to education, people often hesitate to implement it. However, it is believed that the implementation of technology can greatly improve the quality of education while preparing students for the real world. Due to lack of technology implementation in teaching, many students end up not being technologically savvy causing them to have a hard time when they get to the job market. This leads to many losses since vast resources have to be utilized to help them to learn the technologies that are being utilized. With the implementation of technology in teaching, the students will get to the job market aware of the existing technologies hence eliminating the need for training. There are many obstacles to the implementation even in areas where it has been proposed. The major obstacles include lack of experts that are able to implement these technologies and poor or total lack of integration plans. Therefore, there is need for this sectors to be catered for to ensure that the project is implemented successfully in the schools. This discrepancy further indicates that there is need to have a well laid plan with appropriate technology leadership to ensure adequate implementation of the project (Vatanartiran & Karadeniz, 2015).

Learner characteristics

The learner characteristics for this identified need are varied depending on the age group it is being implemented in. Some of the technologies that have found their way into the class room in addition to e-learning include electronic whiteboards, tablets and computers. The education system is struggling with an increase in the number of students and this further emphasizes the need to implement technology in education. To implement this, first there is need to understand the technological knowledge possessed by the students. Basic knowledge on the use of either a computer or a tablet is important in the implementation of this project. There is also need to come up with appropriate ways of assessing the students if learning is taking place using the technological advancements. Instructional designers are very important in the implementation of the project as they are equipped with skills to analyze all the factors involved and come up with a system that is appropriate and beneficial for the students (United States department of education, 2017).

Instructional objectives

The implementation of technology in education aims at achieving set targets for the students. In the cognitive domain, it aims at improving the application of learned concepts in real life situations. This will assist in the transformation from the classroom into the workplace since the students will already have had experience on what they will be experiencing this. This can be achieved through collaborative learning rather than the traditional learning method where the teacher instructs the students. In the behavioral domain, the implementation of the project aims at improving the perception of objects or events by the students. Technology allows for a level of independence by the student especially in the case of e-learning. The students become more independent as they have to plan their time so as to complete the assigned work within the specified time. In the affective domain, it aims at getting the students exposed to technology consequently creating a good impression towards it. This is an important objective since technology forms a major part of our daily lives and it is important for the students to have positive attitudes towards it early. This will enable them to adapt better in their lives outside school and consequently become more productive individuals in the society (Clark, 2015).

Procedural analysis

Contextual analysis

Project implementation

Implement technology in teaching

Learner analysis

Need analysis

Maintain traditional teaching methods


Requirement analysis


Clark, D. (2015). Bloom's Taxonomy of Learning Domains: The Cognitive Domain. Retrieved 1 February 2020, from

United States Department of Education. (2017). Reimagining the role of technology in education: 2017 National Education Technology Plan update.

Vatanartiran, S., & Karadeniz, S. (2015). A needs analysis for technology integration plan: Challenges and needs of teachers. Contemporary Educational Technology, 6(3), 206-220.

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