Q1 Give a specific example in which a company failed specifically because of poor management, and another because of poor leadership (define each, then answer through those definitions – you can use personal examples of you wish).
Define social loafing, then answer how you dealt with it on a professional level (i.e., exclude experiences with regard to school).
Answer the following question in essay form (double-spaced, APA format) of 3-5 pages:
a) Lawler advises paying the individual instead of the job, and asserts that pay for performance should focus on collective performance more than individual performance. Do you agree or disagree?
State your position and have academic sources in support.
Lawler, E.E. (2000). Rewarding excellence. Pay strategies for the new century. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
You will need at least four peer-reviewed sources to support your claims.
Note: Please use this format to answer Q2. Separate answers for q1 and q2.
Team Performance Strategies
Here you can give a brief overview of what you will be writing about. One paragraph should be plenty. The assignment was: “Lawler advises paying the individual instead of the job, and asserts that pay for performance should focus on collective performance more than individual performance. Do you agree or disagree? State your position and have academic sources in support.”
There are MANY ways you can address this. Your grade will depend on how well you can support your position, though you should address both sides of the argument.
The headings provided are merely some suggestions. Change whatever you wish to so you can support your positions. The first person is only allowed on the last section in which you are stating your personal opinion.
Arguments for Paying the Individual Instead of the Job
Here, you will do an overview of the topic, then below break into the “pros” and “cons” of this position.
The “Pros” of This Argument
Here, you will discuss the merits of this position.
The “Cons” of This Argument
Here, you will discuss the problems of this position
Arguments for Paying the Job Instead of the Individual
Here, you will do an overview of the topic, then below break into the “pros” and “cons” of this position.
The “Pros” of This Argument
Here, you will discuss the merits of this position.
The “Cons” of This Argument
Here, you will discuss the problems of this position.
Arguments for Pay for Should be for Collective Performance
Here, you will do an overview of the topic, then below break into the “pros” and “cons” of this position.
The “Pros” of This Argument
Here, you will discuss the merits of this position.
The “Cons” of This Argument
Here, you will discuss the problems of this position
Arguments for Pay for Should be for Individual Performance
Here, you will do an overview of the topic, then below break into the “pros” and “cons” of this position.
The “Pros” of This Argument
Here, you will discuss the merits of this position.
The “Cons” of This Argument
Here, you will discuss the problems of this position
My Position on These Issue
Here, you will state your position. In this section you CAN use the first person, but ONLY the first person singular. No “we,” “ our,” and so forth.
Note: there is no “right” answer, it is a matter of how well you support your position.
Also, you must provide at least five peer-reviewed references and cite the references in the form of in-text citations in the body of the paper (i.e., the textbook and five additional sources); again, when you reference material in your paper, you must also have in-text citations in the body of the paper for each reference. Remember, EVERY citation must correspond to a reference and EVERY reference must correspond to a citation. You CANNOT have one without the other.
Summary and Conclusions
This section will tie together all sources used for this case study, conclusions drawn from the reading and any inconsistencies. This section will generally be one to two paragraphs. Notice the paper has a continuous flow; there are no page breaks between sections. The only page breaks occur between the title page and the introduction and the summary/conclusions and the reference page. All references for the case study must appear on a separate page, see the following page for an example).
This section will reference all original work cited throughout the paper. The heading should appear at the top of the page and all reference material should be listed below in alphabetical order by first last name; also, the title for books is always in italic format and in sentence form. In contrast to book references, the title for articles is in sentence format, not in italic, but the name of the publisher is in italic. See example below:
Chopra, M., Munro, S., Lavis, J. N., Vist, G., & Bennett, S. (2008). Effects of policy options for
human resources for health: An analysis of systematic reviews. The Lancet, 371(9613),
Holt, D. (2016). Branding in the age of social media. Harvard Business Review (online). Retrieved from:
Lawler, E. E. (2000). Rewarding excellence. Pay strategies for the new century. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Lepak, D., & Gowan, M. (2010). Human resource management: Managing employees for
competitive advantage. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall.
Luthans, F., & Doh, J. (2014). International management: Culture, strategy, and behavior (9th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education
Thompson, L. L. (2018). Making the team: A guide for managers (6th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson
You must also provide a reference for all sources used to support the case study. (Note: As a minimum, the textbook and five additional sources must be used and referenced.)

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