Running head: SYSTEM DESIGN


System design





Customer billing and payment system for UDO, MARIAN, & UDUAK CORPORATION

The current system that is used by UDO, MARIAN, $ UDUAK CORPORATUION has different challenges due to growth of the company. Expansion of the company due to high demand of companies’ motors has brought about the need for a new system that is capable of handling business and delivering required results to ensure that organization goals are achieved. The current billing and payment system is not able to allow flexibility of customers to or access their bills online, an action that is limiting the company from expanding and to offer more diverse services to the customers. To ensure that the organization has improved its operations, administration of its business and in finance department, there is a need for a more stable billing and payment system that can handle the growth of the company and provide services and information to the company and customers.

Considering the current system that is available at UDO, MARIAN, $ UDUAK CORPORATUION was a old system, it requires various developments to ensure that the system is according to the today’s technology and it can serve the companies development and offer services effectively. To ensure this goal has been achieved there are various changes that are recommendable for the new billing and payment system to serve the growth of the organization effectively. The new system target is to ensure that all organization operations are integrated together in the system to ensure that business operations are made easier for both customers and organization management. There are different features that have been added to the new system to ensure that organization runs its billing and payment services faster and also customers can access services and pay without fear of fraud. This new system will ensure that employees and customers can enquire their bills and make orders online while employees can access customer’s orders and payment immediately when they are made. This will help in effectiveness and efficiency of the company.

The new system has been designed in a professional approach that is according to the standards of technology available in today’s world. Considering the activities done by the corporation, it is important to improve the companies’ security to ensure that all payment conducted are secure. Security of the information concerning payment and billing are the first priority for the new corporations system. The new system for the company will be able to offer bills and payment option to customers under their account that will be created for them in the new system. Before any customer purchases or access the corporation product they have to be approved by the company as their customers. This will help our customers access their accounts and be able to purchase products under their account whereby they are given access to their bills that are not paid and their balances. This will give customers remote access to our products at any given time when they desire to access at any place. Registration of all customers is required to be done through customers email. There will also other details for all customers to ensure that they are serviced appropriately.

To ensure these changes are achieved there is integration of different customer’s information and details to ensure that they are served effectively. Customers information that are email address, finance details for customers, purchase records and personal details are integrated together to ensure that customer details are under integrated system to easy serves delivery on billing and payment services. Customers shall be able o pay their bills using different ways according to the new system. Customers shall be able to pay their bills using their master card, visa and other accredited online banks like PayPal. These will easy the payment of bills by customers. The system will also be able to count automatically for the goods that are purchased by customers. It will also be able to count discount that are offered to customers and fees that are added to the system after every 30 days and above according to recommended charges.

To ensure that employees are gathering information and delivering services to customers effectively, the new system will integrate all information according to different department for the corporate. Department information will be under a single tab that is under the department name for example the department of fiancé whereby all payments are under finance tab from where different departments can get information from. Through this system, the outcomes are required to be achieved as expected by the organization.


Administration finance customers

Products payment

Customer information

Invoice and bills inquiry customer


Orders inquiry

Products delivery

This is a diagram that explains all activities that shall be carried out by the system. From the system, there are three options. Both tabs are integrated in a search a way that customer, administration of finance can be able to view information according to the information they are allowed to access. If customers wish to view their payment and bills information they are linked with finance department that contains the information.

There are difference resources that are required for the new system. The checklist of the resources and other requirements are as shown below.

Customer checklist information

Customer Organization Name

Customer Street Address

Customer City

Customer State

Customer Zip Code + 4

Primary Contact First Name

Primary Contact Last Name

Primary Contact Phone Number

Primary Contact Email Address

Secondary Contact First Name

Secondary Contact Last Name

Secondary Contact Phone Number

Secondary Contact Email Address

Products Ordered

Product Ordered Date

Products Shipped

Product Ship Date


Product Pricing

Calculated Price (Calculated Field)

Amount Due (Calculated Field)

Amount Paid

Date Paid

Amount 30 Days Overdue (Calculated Field)

These are customer’s checklist information that is required in the system for customers to ensure that they are services under appropriate security and in a search a way that their information or messages are delivered to them immediately.

These are information about the new system that is usually planned to be implemented to ensure that corporation as achieved their target. Though these new improvement to the system, there will be efficiency and effectiveness in ensuring that all goals are achieved accordingly and under estimated time and cost.

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