Running head: SWOT ANALYSIS 1
United Nations, Food, and Agriculture
Institutional Affiliation
SWOT Analysis
The reform that is needed within the United Nations, Food, and Agriculture Organization is necessary as it will have to accommodate the recent changes in climatic conditions as well as the organization’s dynamically changing internal environment. The organization has been seeking to widen its services but with an increase in demand and capacity, the population of the world, it has become overwhelmed (Jachertz, 2012). Nonetheless, with the use of the SWOT analysis, the planning tool will evaluate the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in any situation. The analysis always begins by understanding the objectives of the organization as previously mentioned (Carroll, & Buchholtz, 2014). This is then followed by the identification of internal and external factors that will either promote or limit the accomplishment of the goals. This technique is widely applied by various organizations and companies when developing strategic and communication plans (Carroll, & Buchholtz, 2014). Depending on the organization, either it can be simple or complex nonetheless, it helps to identify areas that may be vulnerable.
Internal factors
The main strength that the organization possesses is the years of experience dealing with various governments and development of policies that help them achieve their desired goals. The organization has been operational from the mid-1940s allowing it to gain influence in various regimes and having a global perspective on the problem (Jachertz, 2012). Understanding the problem is important as it will also provide the needed avenue for developing solutions that can be applied. Another strength is the organizations capacity to identify and contend common solutions. The organization has its offices in various countries globally and with such regional influence, it can provide the needed actions that governments fail to perceive (Jachertz, 2012). Moreover, the extensive field network makes it easy for relief to be organized for specific countries. Though it is usually a short-term solution to the problem, it provides the needed buffer time before a viable alternative can be implemented (Jachertz, 2012). The organization operates with a blend of dedicated and experienced staff who are devoted to the values of international civil service.
The organization from its strengths has been depicted as being capable to perform its duty with the only variable being the various governments who have unpredictable ideologies for their nations. Nonetheless, the organization faces few but strong weaknesses the first being its extensive fragmentation that has prevented the organization to have a common solution for the majority of the problems (Jachertz, 2012). Coupled with its diffused organizational structure, the organization fails to focus on key areas. Though the diffused structure is important for innovation, the various office sites create different solutions to problems thereby not benefiting the general need of the organization (Jachertz, 2012).
External Factors
The recent rise in information regarding the patterns that global warming will have on various climatic regions can allow the organization to prepare needed solutions. For example, areas that are expected to have increased rain, dams can be constructed to tap the precious resource (Xu & Weller, 2018). In the process, it will buffer the floodwaters that may destroy food crops. Secondly, the organizations advance access to data and information can be used to provide advice to governments. This would then be applied in preparing and solving issues related to food and land (Xu & Weller, 2018).
The services being offered by the Food and Agriculture organization is being threatened by the decline in the budget (Weller & Yi-chong, 2015). It is stated that the organization operates under an autocratic leadership, however, the recent rise in expenses and limited rise in compensations have resulted in the organization has to become cost-effective (Pasquini, 2015). In 2015, the organization had to modify employment and operation policies in order to save more than $3 million. The effects of these budget cuts are yet to be comprehended (Pasquini, 2015).
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