Running head: SWIMMING 1


Swimming Process Essay

Russell Vilardi

Rasmussen College

Author Note

This paper is being submitted on October 20, 2015 for Dr. Cassandra Pauley G124 English Composition.

Discovery Activity

How to participate in my favorite hobby (swimming) Step one will involve introduction and naming of the activity. I will bring the materials for swimming and then ask the participants to try and identify the materials. It will help in the process of familiarizing the participants with the activity. I will also engage the participants in an open-ended question. The second step in the discovery activity will involve the process of generating and modeling of the participants’ ideas. I will involve the participant by asking them to through the materials (fix sentence) and what are the functions of the material. As an expert in the field, I will be responsible for training them on the best way of using the materials.

The third step of discovery activity will involve exploration and experimentation. The participants will then have to try to use the materials and in this case, they will have to put on the swimming costumes on their own before going into the water. (rephrase sentence, run on) I will be keen to set the limits for the participants so that they do not end up hurt. They will also be able to learn to turn to their colleagues for assistance instead of looking for me. The fourth step will involve the sharing of the exploratory work. I will have to ask all the participants to come together so that they can be able to share their experience with their colleagues. It will help the participants share (fix wording) and model the ideas that they have developed during the exploration. Make the sharing activity voluntary (incomplete sentence). It will help the participants feel free to participate in the activity without the fear of sharing their experiences.

The last step will involve voluntary repletion (are you using the correct word here?) of the process. It is important to allow the participants who are willing to repeat the process to go ahead and do so as this will help them improve on the activity.

Planning activity

How to participate in my favorite hobby

The hobby that I am going to discuss is swimming. I selected this hobby because it is short (what do you mean by it is short? more clear) hence, making the follow-up process easier for prediction and planning. I also selected this topic because am well familiar and comfortable to work with it.

Material gathering- I will also have to gather materials that I am going to use for swimming. Each learner will have a swimming costume that they will have to wear during the activity. It is important for the learners to come with the materials to avoid inconveniences during the activity.

Staying focused- it is important to stay focused on the activity and do not allow any participant to interrupt the program. You can only achieve this by making sure that each (each person?) is carrying all the necessary tools and equipment for the activity by providing a list of the material in advance.

Use caution- take caution while conducting the activity with the participants. In most cases, the participants can start engaging in dangerous activities like swimming on the deep end when they are not good at swimming. Provide the necessary guidelines in advance before allowing the participants to engage in the activity.

Plan for extra time- people who are still learning normally take longer than usual and planning for extra time is critical for the participants to be able to learn more and engage more with each other. (run on sentence. Shorten or make into 2 sentences.) It will also provide time for sharing with other participants.

Record the results and the process. The people involved should be able to record the procedure and so that they can be able to repeat at their own free time.

Review and discuss- after completing the activity, it will be important to discuss the experience with the participants before deciding to repeat.

Plan for another discovery activity-It is important to plan for more discovery activity, but it should happen after thinking what went well for the participants. The next activity should also be planned early to ensure that individuals have enough time to organize their equipment for the activity.

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