Running Head: TECH V 1
1. Business Goals and Objectives
Google aims to be the best online company by ensuring that they have the best search results and they should always be on time. The company aims to ensure that all the people who use the google get the best results that they want and in the within the shortest time possible. The goal was created to ensure that the employers in charge of the search engine would work hard and make sure that their customers do not prefer any other website that they can use to search for information. They will thus endeavour to research, find out what other companies are doing, even investigate, and find out the things that the customers love about the search engines provided by google. This will give them a chance to discover and even invent new ways that google can adopt and ensure biggest customer satisfaction. Although google is already a leader in terms of searching for information, they want to set a good distance that their competitors will have a hard time beating. This will ensure that their consumers trust them completely and even advocate others to use the site at any time for their own convenience.
Google has realised that for them to achieve the goal of creating best search results they will have to invest in the google laboratory that will ensure that they use artificial intelligence. This will be an important tool in ensuring that the best results appear first when a person types and enters anything in the search engine. In the google laboratory, vital software will be invented to ensure that this goal is achieved. The company will also aim at creating the excellent artificial intelligence that is found in the whole world so that it can have the capacity of inventing anything with ease. Furthermore, the company aims at increasing their multi-lingual ability so that they have the capacity of serving even more people around the world and thus achieve the goal of being the best search engine. The company will also achieve the goal that they have set by ensuring that they provide more trusted information that many people can use anytime they have a query. They also envision providing quality information and especially those that majority of their users want.
1. IT Strategies aligned with business goals and objectives
The objectives that google has that are parallel to the goals of the company includes the use of the artificial intelligence. This is connected to IT as it functions to create a machine that will enable google achieve goals that are still dreams that have never been put into actions. This includes those technologies that have never been tried and the laboratories create a place where this dreams can be tested. The main advantage of using these artificial technologies is that they can be used to create technologies that will affect positively the population in general. Moreover, the artificial technology laboratories are a sure way to ensure that the goal of best search results that are trusted and efficient are achieved. The laboratories that use the technology are usually secretive to ensure that their competitors do not dig in and find valuable technology still been investigated and use it to their benefit and disadvantage to the google company. The AI is also very essential to the google company as it has the skills to solve the problems that google experiences and those that the consumers want support in terms of understanding how some applications work.
Another goal that will benefit greatly from the artificial technology is the goal to support as many innovations as they possibly can. This can be easily be achieved by the laboratory because they will have the necessary tools to come up with the innovations. Moreover, the laboratory will give the creators of the innovations time and space to test their innovations and make necessary changes to the loose knots in the creations that they will be working with. This is very important in the growth strategy of google because they will have a chance of creating software and other projects that will better the work that google provides to its consumers. The use of the laboratory that uses the future technology gives its scientists a chance to use their knowledge and creativity to inspire lives. The benefit of this IT is that the scientists will have all the equipments necessary for their innovations and thus promote inventions that offer quality jobs when used by their customers.
2. Organizational Structure
The leadership structure of the google company is a hybrid of two types of organizational structures because of the wide number of customers that they have all over the world. The organization of the company entails the division of leadership based on the products that they sell and the location of the various offices that they hold all over the world. This means that all the places that google is used is well represented in their organizational structure. Moreover, this kind of organizational structure gives the new small innovations a platform for growth because of the good representation they have. The two main leaders of the company Larry Page and Brin have employed people in managerial positions not because of the experience they have in IT but rather their individual values and talents that can help google grow more each day.
The culture of the google company is one to marvel at because of the unique ways they carry out their business. They have a slogan, 'do no evil' that is quite informal and not very easy to edit. The slogan was agreed upon because they wanted to stand out from their competitors who used their customers because they were sure their evil ways could not easily be traced (Papp, 2013). The employees at the google company are treated very well because they are seen as human beings with needs and other lives apart from that which they do at google. This means that google ensures that their employees receive food and transport to and from their homes and these services are usually free. After it was found out that, the employees received very little wages from the ever-growing company, their salaries was increased and their engineers are not paid more than those of the Apple Company are. It is great motivation to all the employees that will see them performing even better as they know that their interests take centre stage. The comfort of the employees is also very vital to the company and this made them come up with a policy that it is not mandatory to sit behind a desk to show that one is doing something important. Therefore, comfortable sits and other amenities as tennis grounds and swimming pools are located in the company to enable the employees relax.
3. IT Infrastructure
The google company has grown exponentially and now it has invented many products that include hardware that are used all over the world (Laan, 2009). Hardware like the autonomous cars, which is a project that is developed by an engineer at google. The cars will be very useful especially to the population that cannot be able to drive cars and this gives them a chance to move from one place to another without help from other people. The company believes that once the cars have gained popularity it will take over the market. Another hardware that has been invented by the company is Nexus 1. It is a mobile phone invented by google and it uses the android system and offers some of the best software at an affordable price. The phone is of good quality and offers the customers a phone that can perform major functions, which can be done by a computer.
Google Apps is software that was invented by the company and it is very effective because it gives its clients an opportunity of customizing the applications to serve them, as they would require. This includes the Gmail, the google calendar and software that can be used to read documents even from the phone that could have otherwise taken a person a long time to access them through a computer (Laan, 2009). Google calendar is software that has been created by the google and its primary function is to ensure that one is up to date with the events that they have and it is usually important for the people that run many businesses and need to be kept abreast with the dates that they need to keep.
4. IT Challenges
The company although it has succeeded in many ways and grown exponentially it has not missed its fair share of challenges that have set them back many times. The IT challenges that they are facing especially during searching is comprehending natural language. This means that in a particular language a word would mean differently from the natural meaning it has to the British English (Akpan, 2009). The search engine may understand the question wrongly and show search results that the customer was not talking about. Moreover, another challenge that IT is facing is turning the voice that they hear into text and searching for the correct thing. This is because a word can be pronounced very differently from the way it is known by the google search engine. The words that the software will hear will be very different and thus offer results to things the customer did not ask for. This is usually a problem as it causes frustration both to the customer and the google team as well.
Another challenge that the company is facing is that national security companies want to scrutinize some of the data that google holds. They claim that when they are spying on the applications and other software were people put their information they only looking to secure and protect their nations. They claim that looking for the truth and saying it as it is should not be a bad thing because they are not spreading false information. However, this is will not work well for the company. This is because they could easily lose majority of their clientele who will see google as not a trusted site where they can keep their data safe.
Another problem that the company is facing is that some of their products are being faced out or replaced very fast with products from other companies. This is quite a challenge because the products created by google are then easily replaced and swept out of the market. This is not very good for the business of the company because during the invention and marketing of the product enough money was invested in it (Papp, 2013). The product was viewed as an asset and they had already estimated the returns the product will bring back to the company. However, because of the fast growing technology products are invented and sold very quickly reducing the time anticipated for a product to sell. This way google makes losses when they have no control of the market in general.
The risks that the google company has are keeping up with the ever-growing users. This means that the equipment that they are using needs to be expanded every now and then and this is quite expensive in the end. However, they have no choice because of they were to relax and still use their old equipments; their competitors will beat them as their game. This is because of the rapidly advancing technology that offers limitless ability for growth. Another risk that is associated with the google company is that the company relies on other companies for services like data storage and bandwidth. This is a risk because the google company has no authority over these companies, and in case of damage they will have to wait until it is fixed for them to return to their normal businesses. This means that many of their services may be delayed and this will mean less customer satisfaction that will affect the quality of the services that they provide. This risk is not new to the company because many times they have lost a lot of money when the companies they rely on had damages or delays that affected their business. Due to the ever-growing technologies methods could be invented in how they can block some of the displays put in websites by google. This is especially the adverts that run on the website and that are the main source of revenue of the website. If the advertisements were to be blocked the company would loss many customers and this could affect their revenue. Moreover, the security of some of their applications could be hacked into and the important data stolen. This has a big risk because it would chase away existing customers as well as new potential customers because they would be fearful that their data would be stolen or shared with other users. This is because some customers want their privacy withheld and because of the increased rates of hacking into the systems they will be less trusting and therefore prefer other secure websites. This is usually a big problem because of the large number of people that google serves all over the world.
Akpan, Etido. (2009). Strategic Alignment: The Business Imperative for Leading
Organizations. New York: Cenage Learning
Papp, Raymond. (2013).Strategic Information Technology: Opportunities for Competitive
Advantage. London: Sage Publishers.
Laan, Sjaak. (2009). It Infrastructure Architecture - Infrastructure Building Blocks and
Concepts. London: Oxford University Press.

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