Resource: Capital Budgeting Techniques Grading Guide

Purpose of Assignment 

The purpose of this assignment is for students to employ capital budgeting techniques using time value of money concepts to determine the acceptability of large dollar value assets. 

Assignment Steps

Scenario: A firm has projected free cash flows of $575,000 for Year 1, $625,000 for Year 2, and 750,000 for Year 3. The projected terminal value at the end of Year 3 is $8,000,000. The firm's Weighted Average cost of Capital (WACC) is 12.5%.

Create a 350-word Microsoft® Excel® document addressing the following:

· Determine the Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) value of the firm.

· Recommend acceptance of this project using net present value criteria.

· Display your calculations.

Format assignment consistent with APA guidelines.

PSYCHOLOGY 19 Lifespan Human Development Online

Fall, 2019; Section 3444

Instructor: L. L. Davison, Ph.D.

Office Hours: Tues/Wed: 5:50-6:30 in HSS 3rd Fl. Lounge;

By phone: Tues. 1:00-1:30pm, 1-818-915-1874

TEXTBOOK: Newman, B.M., & Newman, P.R. (2018). Development Through Life: A

Psychosocial Approach (13th Ed.). Cengage Learning.

Introduction to Development (Aug 26 to Sep 2) Chapter 1

 Discussion 1

 Quiz 1

Research Methods (Sep 2 to Sep 9) (Appendix)

 Discussion 2

 Quiz 2

Theories of Development I (Sep 9 to Sep 16) Chapter 2

 Discussion 3

 Quiz 3

Theories of Development II (Sep 16 to Sep 23) Chapters 2 & 3

 Discussion 4

 Quiz 4

Genetics and Development (Sep 23 to Sep 30) Chapter 4

 Discussion 5

 Quiz 5

Prenatal Development (Sep 30 to Oct 7) Chapter 4

 Discussion 6

 Quiz 6

 Assignment: Article Analysis

Infancy (Oct 7 to Oct 14) Chapter 5

 Discussion 7

 Quiz 7

Toddlerhood (Oct 14 to Oct 21) Chapter 6

 Discussion 8

 Quiz 8

Early School Age (Oct 21 to Oct 28) Chapter 7

 Discussion 9

 Quiz 9

Middle Childhood (Oct 28 to Nov 4) Chapter 8

 Discussion 10

 Quiz 10

Adolescence (Nov 4 to Nov 11) Chapters 9 & 10

 Discussion 11

 Quiz 11

Early Adulthood (Nov 11 to Nov 18) Chapter 11

 Discussion 12

 Quiz 12

 Assignment: Career Evaluation

Middle Adulthood (Nov 18 to Nov 25) Chapter 12

 Discussion 13

 Quiz 13

Late Adulthood/Elderhood (Nov 25 to Dec 2) Chapters 13 & 14

 Discussion 14

 Quiz 14

 Assignment: Age Stereotyping

Review (Dec 2 to Dec 9)

 Discussion 15

 Quiz 15

FINAL EXAM (Dec 9 through Dec 16)


Weekly Discussion (15 x 3 pts) 45

Eleven best quizzes (11 x 5 pts) 55 Three Assignments (3 x 10 pts) 30

Final Exam 20 TOTAL 150

Grades will be as follows: A=90% or 135 points, B=80% or 120 points, C=70% or 105 points, D=60% or 90 points, F=below 60%. Cheating will

result in an automatic “F” for the course.

Late Policy

There will be a half point deduction for late discussion responses. No

responses will be accepted after the week ends.

There is a 3-day “late window” for assignments, with a 10% grade

deduction per day. No late assignments will be accepted after Wednesday,

11:59pm of the week following its due date.

Please note there is no late window for quizzes, which must be posted by

11:59 PST on Sunday of the appropriate week.

Course Description

This course traces physical, emotional, social, and intellectual development

throughout the lifespan from conception through aging and dying. The

impact on the individual of the family, the culture, and socio-economic

factors will be a special emphasis. Theoretical understanding of lifespan

issues will provide a foundation for exploration of their practical implications

at each stage of development.

Course Objectives

Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:

1. Describe major theoretical approaches to human development, and

understand their practical implications at all stages of development 2. Identify physical, emotional, social, and cognitive qualities that

characterize humans at different stages of development from birth through old age

3. Recognize the complexity of interrelationships among all aspects of development

4. Discuss the impact of family, of culture, and of socio-economic status on the process and quality of development

5. Use theory and research to critique major societal cultural institutions, such as schools, hospitals, and homes for the elderly that have a

major impact on human beings as various stages of development

Student Learning Outcomes

1. Students will be able to demonstrate knowledge of bio-psych-social factors and their interaction over the lifespan.

2. Students will demonstrate the ability to distinguish between information and knowledge obtained through the use of research

methods versus other forms of knowledge.

Methods of Instruction: PPT lectures, assigned readings, online discussions,

activities, writing assignments, and media clips.

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