Researchers’ Outline Template

Literature Review

1. Subtopic 1

2. Subtopic 2

3. Subtopic 3

4. Subtopic 4

5. Subtopic 5

6. Subtopic 6

7. Summarizing paragraph

Methods and Material

1. Techniques 1:

2. Technique 2:

3. Independent variable

a. Intervention technique

4. Dependent variables

a. Units used to measure change

5. All other variables to control for

a. Exhaustive list of all other variables to control for


1. Visual one

a. X axis vs y axis

b. Units used to measure

c. Detail explanation of out comes

2. Visual 2

a. X axis vs y axis

b. Units used to measure

c. Detailed explanation of outcomes

Conclusion (3-6)

1. Discuss and assign meaning to data as it relates to

a. Laboratory/ field study findings

b. The scientific community (this includes the medical field)

i. What needs to be further researched/ done until this is standardized?

c. The general public

2. Include two current events related to your topic

a. Topic 1

b. Topic 2

3. Legislative reform

a. Introduce 1 policy change

b. Background information for your audience to understand its link to the result’s meaning

4. Include 2 other beneficial outcomes beyond your findings that will most like occur to justify your position on policy change

a. Justification 1

b. Justification 2

5. Identify 1 special interest group that will lobby against your legislation and counter their position (this can be included as one the arguments you put forth supporting your position)

6. Summary:

a. Interconnect the environmental issue, policy changes, treatments and the health care crisis to support your position

i. Organically explain how nursing/ the health care field is directly affected by the status of the environment and policy

ii. Concludes with a compelling statement that stresses the importance of action by the congress

LDR/711: Week 3

Analyzing and Evaluating Historical Views of Leadership Paper

Resources: Week 3 Grading Rubric, SAS Central: Critical Thinking, AES Presentation

The next step in your exploration of leadership is to analyze the entries in your analytical framework to identify differences, similarities, sequencing and gaps (areas none of the models address) among the three leadership models you chose for your Week 2 assignment. After performing a critical analysis, you will also critically evaluate the application of each theory to a current leadership scenario based upon your personal/professional experience. 

Evaluation involves using a set of criteria and your own critical thinking to reach evaluative conclusions. In evaluating leadership models, you might use a set of theoretical criteria (such as criteria for effective communication, or characteristics of a multi-generational work force), or you might use as criteria who will use the model, why they would use the model, and what the intended outcomes might be. Or you might choose another set of criteria.

Write a 1,250- to 1750-word paper describing your critical analysis and evaluation of the application of each different leadership model to the same leadership scenario. Make sure to support your assertions with Week 1-3 readings and additional literature obtained from University Library resources.

Complete the following in your paper:

· Using your framework, describe the differences, similarities, sequencing and gaps (areas none of the models address) among the theories you have chosen from Wren (analysis).

· Identify and briefly describe a current leadership scenario from your daily experiences. (evaluation)

· Considering that scenario, identify a set of criteria you will use in your evaluation. (evaluation)

· Evaluate the extent to which each theory meets the criteria you have chosen. (evaluation)

· Describe your final conclusions (summary statements) from your critical evaluation. (evaluation)

· Relate your conclusions to your personal leadership practices (i.e. which of your leadership practices do/do not align with the conclusions you drew?) .

· Include your analytical framework as an appendix.

· Use unbiased language to avoid the perpetuation or reinforcement of stereotypes.

Use a minimum of six references to support your analysis and the criteria, assumptions, and context of your evaluation. References should be peer-reviewed articles, journals, and scholarly literature located in the University Library. 

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your paper.

LDR711: Week 3 Rubric

Analysis and Evaluation of Historical Views of Leadership

Possible Points

Points Earned

Depth of Scholarship

Analyze and evaluate three historical leadership models (1250 – 1750 words). Include:

· Analysis of three historical leadership models: discuss the similarities, differences, and gaps among the models.

· Description of a current leadership scenario and the set of criteria related to this scenario you used to evaluate the models.

· Evaluation of each model’s fit as applied to the current leadership scenario.

· Final conclusions from your critical evaluation.

· Discussion of how your conclusions relate to your own current leadership practices.

· Content is comprehensive/accurate/ persuasive -- major points are supported by specific details/examples.


Use of Literature

· Provide references to appropriate literature to support judgments, assertions, and conclusions.

· Use a minimum of six references. One can be the Wren text, the others should come from the University Library - not textbooks, newspapers, magazines, dictionaries, or non-scholarly websites - and be recent.

· Content goes beyond description/regurgitation – literature is appropriately integrated with writer’s own views


Writing Mechanics and APA Format

· Presentation of ideas and language is clear, precise, concise, and unbiased.

· American grammar usage rules are followed.

· The analytical framework is attached as an appendix.

· Formatting, layout, citations, and reference pages adhere to the sixth edition APA style guide


Total (10 points)









School of Advanced Studies


What is AES?

An iterative process for success

in the ACCESS sequence

What is AES?

By understanding AES you will be able to

Prepare your papers more effectively

Become a better critical reader

Easily make sense of your faculty feedback

Become a more effective critical and creative thinker

Prepare yourself to become a more effective researcher

3 Stage Model

Core Task: To put back together and create something new

Core Task: To make a conclusion based on empirical data and a clear rationale

Core Task: To identify and break into parts for identification and comparison

Creative Synthesis

Critical Evaluation


The Rubric contains three main parts: analysis, critical evaluation, and creative synthesis.

The core task in analysis is to identify and break the main ideas into separate parts for comparison (e.g., to take a car apart to find the broken part).

The core task in critical evaluation is to reach a conclusion about the parts based on empirical data and clear cogent rationale (e.g., this is the broken part, based upon this measurement and this evidence; the conclusion is to replace the part).

The core task in creative synthesis is to put things back together and create something new (e.g., if the new part has been re-designed to add more performance, the car will perform differently, so something new has been created).


Different Types of Thinking

Critical Thinking

(Deductive Reasoning)

Creative Thinking

Design Thinking

(Abductive Reasoning)

Analysis and critical evaluation are closely related and tend to rely on deductive reasoning. Many people will recognize the scientific method as analysis and critical evaluation. Evidence-based practice is a good example of analysis and critical evaluation. Analysis and critical evaluation are particularly important in professional practice when creating a new solution is not needed.

Critical evaluation flows directly from analysis. Some analysis is usually needed before a valid conclusion can be developed.

Creative synthesis is an entirely different thinking process and can be regarded as employing different reasoning. Creative thinking is sometimes referred to as abductive reasoning or design thinking. Creative synthesis can occur at an insightful moment when seeing something differently occurs.


An Iterative Process Over Time

At a broader perspective analysis, critical evaluation and creative synthesis are cyclical in nature. The creative product of synthesis we achieve today will become the subject of analytical and evaluative processes in the future. Such a cyclical arrangement is necessary and inevitable as one progresses over time in various disciplines.


Key Questions


Week 2 Lit review Directions with Rubric

Assignment 2

Submission: Week 2 Paper – Scientific Perspective of Inquiry

The purpose of a literature review is to get your reader up to speed on any relevant information so they can understand the purpose of the research. This includes background information on the topic and often background information on techniques used. This particular assignment requires 5-7 pages for full credit. Be aware that if you do only the minimum for each section you will not reach the required 15 for the entire paper.

· Lit review or Executive Summary: 5-7 pagers

Writing Style

This is a formal paper which means it needs to be written in the passive voice. It is intended to be read by scholars, not the general public. This is not story time, a blog or a “how to pamphlet.”

You will not:

· Use I, we, your, our, should, anyway, society, anyhow, us, so in your writing

· Use the following phrases or words

· All in all

· When it comes to

· In the long run

· Never the less

· With that being said

· Of major concern

· Worrisome

· Overall health

· Human beings (it is just humans)

· On the other hand

· In today’s society

· Thing

· Being (as a verb)

· In the long run (over time)

· A lot

· Good

· Whopping

· People (they are consumers, patients, victims etc.)

· Huge (large or significant)

· More and more (increasing amounts)

· At the end of the day

· It (Name what IT is)

· Ask the reader questions (this is forbidden)

· Use “according to” (sometimes this is okay but it annoys me so don’t overdo it)

· Excessive use of quotations (this also annoys me)

· Be vague and unscientific

· Have incomplete or run on sentences

· Have grammar mistakes

· Make too large of a leap with information and lack evidence to support your claim

· Have missing or incorrect citations

· Have incorrect information

· Lack fluidity and have illogical sequencing of information

· Use .coms, blogs or Wikipedia as a source

Command of topic

· Using more than one source in a paragraph

· Using one demonstrates you know how to paraphrase and regurgitate someone else’s work

· Using introductory sentence in each paragraph

· Using summarizing sentences in each paragraph

· Using transition sentences that link one concept to another

· All points that are introduced are elaborated on and concluded

· Using examples to support a claim (then cite them)

· Has substance


In a literature review the writer is contributing very little. They are simply reporting on the literature that already exists. That means that the majority of the paper is comprised of information that is not their own and must be cited. In this section of the paper almost every sentence is cited. The only exceptions are

· Introductory sentences – preview of more detailed information to come and then followed by cited evidence

· Summary sentences – a recap of previously introduced information

This paper requires a minimum of 12 reliable sources.

Fluidity and Logical Sequencing

The presentation of the information must be logical in the paper as a whole and within in each paragraph. The most general information is written first in the form of introductory sentences and then followed by more detailed and related evidence. Transitions between paragraphs and within paragraphs must also have fluidity. Using choppy sentence structure and not employing transition sentences makes the paper unpleasant to read and comprehension difficult.


Total Points Possible

Total Points Earned

Meets Minimum Page Requirement

Five pages

-10 for each missing page

Strong Introductory Paragraph

Introduces the topic without being informal, unscientific or vague.


Body (15 points)

Introductory sentences to the sub topic is clear and strong


Supportive body with relevant and correct information.


Final sentences summarize or prepare reader for transition to the next paragraph.



Summarizes the body of the paper and prepares reader for materials and methods


Paper as a Whole (45 points)

Correct Information

-5 for each offence

Does not use I, you, they, us, our, well, so, anyhow, anyways, my , we, according to

Does not ask the reader questions

-10 for each offence


The order the information is presented in logical sequence including sentences in the paragraphs and paragraphs in the paper


Comprehensive :

The research details the needed information in its entirety for the reader to understand the methods and purpose if the research.



Correct grammar and sentence structure


Sub topics:

Each subtopic is included only in relevant paragraphs


Clearly and sophisticatedly reports information:

The paper is easy to follow, does not repeat information and is not riddles with unnecessary wordiness. The paper is written at the college level


Command of the topic:

Author demonstrates their expertise of the topic by using multiple sources to report information to draw their own insight to the issue

10 or PALS

-100 if not completed

APA format

-5 if incorrect


-5 for each missing

Total Points


Lit Review Outline Directions with Examples

Assignment 1

The purpose of this milestone is to begin the process of becoming an expert on your topic. As a group, decide on a medical condition that is caused by your assigned human activity.

1. Begin to brainstorm about a taskforce name for your group

a. Extinction of bees caused by pesticides – The Sting without the Buzz / A Different Kind of Buzz

b. Loss of sustainability though Corporate Ownership– Farmageddon / Make Faming Great Again

c. Plastic Pollution and hormone Disruption: Save the Jugs / Plus Sized Plastic / Bottles Swimmers

2. List out 6 subtopics that will help create a comprehensive review of the literature on your topic. Find at least 15 articles that are related to your topic and specific role. And three references for each subtopic. References can be reused for more than one subtopic. Create a literature review outline. For each reference list a minimum of 3 relevant, specific and detailed pieces of information rewritten in your own words, that will be helpful as you progress through the course (relevant statistics, current treatment, legislation, history).

Look for

3. Articles published by non-profit, health, agricultural and environmental organizations or coalitions that are already involved in your topic (for or against). It might not be a bad idea to see what the opposition’s position is. These most likely will not be sources for a literature review but often reference studies that are peer reviewed or governmental agency reports which you will be able to use.

4. Published articles by investigative journals like BBC, PBS, NPR, Huffington Post, the Guardian, New York Times or Washington Post can also help you to get your feet wet. Often these sources reference studies that are peer reviewed or governmental agency reports

5. Lobbying groups that have influenced policy makers to create legislation that has led to the threat of a health care crisis.

6. Information on current legislation and laws related to your topic

7. Absolutely no dot coms

Keep your role in mind during the investigation

· Medical care provider – you will be identifying the toxin or nutrient imbalance and will also be an expert the disease and current treatment

· Epidemiologist/ Sociologist – you will be making the link between the human activity and the health related issue. You will be an expert in the social or ecological environment depending on your topic.

· Scientist- you will be creating a revolutionary treatment and will be an expert in the pathophysiology of the disease as well as research and development.

· Public Health Educator- you will be providing the history of the industry / institution involved in causing the health related issue, be an expert in legislation and provide alternative education material to prevent the public health or social issue.

Literature review Outline



Role: Psychiatrist

1. The history of drinking milk

2. The Farm Bill

3. Lobbying and Market Control

A. (2013, October 31). Agriculture and Health Policies in Conflict: How Subsidies Tax our Health: Government Support for Unhealthful Foods. Retrieved April 03, 2017, from and

a. Commodity crops like corn, soy, barley, oats, sorghum, cotton, wheat, rice are receive the majority of federal farming subsidies

b. Dairy has its own federal subsidy programs

c. USDA refers to fresh veggies and fruit as specialty crops and does not receive subsidies.

d. If you grow commodity crops you cannot grow specialty crops

4. Environmental impact of Dairy

5. Farmers as Victims of Big Ag

6. Milk’s False claims to health

(2016, January 26). Health Concerns about Dairy Products. Retrieved April 03, 2017, from

a. Clinical research shows dairy has no benefit for bones

b. High levels of IGF-1 has been linked with milk consumption and cancer

c. A large portion of people are lactose intolerant – Asians (95%), Native Americans (75%), and African Americans (70%).

d. Is a source of contamination like hormones, plastics and viruses

7. Bovine Leukemia

Bovine leukemia virus. (January 7, 2017). Wikipedia. Retrieved January 15, 2017, From

a. Retrovirus that interrogates its self into the genome of the host in the lymph

b. Contains an oncogene HTLV 1 &2 that codes for a protein TAX

c. TAX interferes with the cell cycle and genetic integrity by blocking cellular pathways

Options in controlling BLV. (n.d.). Retrieved April 03, 2017, from

d. Unsuccessful at creating a vaccine at this time

e. Options for controlling BLV: more sanitary conditions within the herds = not using the same needle, use only BLV negative cattle for breading, change gloves during exams, clean equipment with blood on it (dehorning, tattooing)

f. Bovine leukemia has been eradicated from 12 European countries yet the US has done little to act

Sarah Yang, Media relations | September 15, 2015September 21, 2015, & Yang, S. (2015, September 21). Virus in cattle linked to human breast cancer. Retrieved March 30, 2017, from

g. Researchers analyzed tissue from 239 women for the presence of BLV and compared the sample from women with and without breast cancer. 59% of women with breast cancer samples had evidence of exposure

h. 29% of the tissue samples from women without breast cancer had been exposed to the virus

i. Department of Agriculture found 100% of bulk milk tanks contained the virus. Smaller farms 83% of the milk was contaminated

j. This odds ratio is higher than other publicized risk factor (obesity, drinking, menopause)

k. Treatment could be shifted to prevention instead of reactionary


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