Number of Pages: 3 (Double Spaced)

Writing Style: APA

Number of sources: 3

Data Analysis 2 Before any study can be undertaken, the researcher must determine what exactly will constitute the study’s target population, sample frame, and sample (if any of these terms is unfamiliar to you, I strongly encourage you to revisit the discussion of sampling in Module 3 as this information provides the foundation necessary to complete this case assignment). Also to be considered how he will go about recruiting subjects into his study. Your Task for this Assignment Discuss the following as it pertains to your study in 3 pages. 1. A sampling plan for your study to address the research question your chose in Module 1. Be sure to outline clearly your study’s- a. target population b. sampling frame c. sample 2. A recruitment strategy for enlisting participation prospective research subjects in your study Assignment Expectations: You are expected to consult the scholarly literature in preparing your paper; you are also expected to incorporate relevant background readings. Your paper should be written in your own words. This will enable me to assess your level of understanding. In order to earn full credit, you must clearly show that you have read ALL required background materials.  Note: Wikipedia is not an acceptable source of information. Module One Session Long Project RES 500 Research Methods 2013 Module 1 – SLP The Research Question, Literature Review, and Research Hypothesis A Study on the Correlation of Education and Mortality Risk Numerous studies had already been conducted about how education directly impacts mortality rate in a definite area, accompanied by a specific span of time. Its casual effects of health are perhaps larger than what has been estimated is previous literature that is available. We also found citations on how this corresponds to gender as well as socio-economic standing. Reliable conclusions that better education corresponds to lower risks of mortality had already been established. With all of these information already available on hand, we would like to explore on people’s perception or knowledge on organic and conventional market produce and its adverse effects on general human health and consumption. The question: Do people live healthier, better and longer if they are knowledgeable about their food choices, specifically when faced to choose between organic and conventional produce? If it has been established as a fact that education plays a role on human mortality, then it would be interesting to look at how people use education or knowledge when faced with the most basic of human tasks which is choosing what to eat. The answer or result could be really interesting because when it comes to choosing food, though education plays a factor, other factors also come into play such as socio-economic standing and produce availability or access to specific food. At this point, organic farming in the country is at its infancy. Though numerous sources claim that organic farming and its produce are nutritious, people tend to shy away from it due to its cost and availability. Organic produce is relatively priced higher compared to conventional market produce. This study is relevant, particularly nowadays wherein people are more aware and more conscious about the food that they eat. This study should be able to determine how wise food choices brings about better health, in spite of certain limitations. The central question revolves around organic and conventional produce. As what we have written, organic farming still is at their infancy stage in the country. (Most of the players coming mostly from Europe and the Americas.) We would like to focus on how education helps improve food choices to constitute a healthier living and how other non-education factors affect food choices. Our hypothesis: Though education plays a major role in healthier food choices, product availability and socio-economic standing plays a bigger role. People tend to limit their choices based on what is readily available, affordable and appealing to their taste buds. We hope to expound on health consciousness, food safety concerns and intentions towards organic food. We would also like to take a look at the comparisons on the nutritional value of organic versus conventional produce. We intend on using current literature on education’s relation to better health alongside present material on organic produce, its effects and how similar or different this is with conventional produce. We plan on using surveys to know how a sample size of the population choose their meals and what other factors influences them in making that decision. We would also like to learn and get data from sample local organic producers. References Lleras-Muney, A. (2004) The Relationship Between Education and Adult Mortality in the United States, The Review of Economic Studies Limited Zajacova, A. (2006) Education, gender, and mortality: Does schooling have the same effect on mortality for men and women in the US?, Social Science and Medicine, Vol. 63 Magkos, F. Arvaniti, F. and Zampelas A. (2003) Organic food: nutritious food or food for thought? A review of the evidence, Laboratory of Nutrition and Clinical Dietetics Bourn, D., Prescott, J. (2010) A Comparison of the Nutritional Value, Sensory Qualities, and Food Safety of Organically and Conventionally Produced Foods, Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, Vol. 42

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