
Week 4: Career and Company Research

Template and Grading Rubric

This document contains the template you will use to complete this assignment. Save the file by adding your last name to the filename (e.g. Week4_Career_Company_Research_Template_Smith.docx). Be sure to proofread and spell check your work before you submit it.

A grading rubric is also available at the end of this document.

There are TWOparts to theCareer and Company Research assignment.

Part 1: Complete the table below and link your one-, two-, and five-year goals (recall that you identified these in the Week 2 Self-assessment Assignment) to specific company research. You can also use employers you identified in the Week 2 assignment if you wish. (50 POINTS)


One-year Goal

Two-year Goal

Five-year Goal

(State your one-year goal here. Must be different from your two- and five-year goals.)

(State your two-year goal here. Must be different from your one- and five-year goals.)

(State your five-year goal here. Must be different from your one- and two-year goals.)


Employer of Choice for One-year Goal (must be different from your two- and five-year employers)

Employer of Choice for Two-year Goal (must be different from your one- and five-year employers)

Employer of Choice for Five-year Goal (must be different from your one- and two-year employers)

Name, location(s), contact information

Products and/or services

Number of employees

Annual sales/profits/growth for the past year

Potential for growth of the firm and the industry as a whole

Major competitors

Mission and/or vision statement


Part 2: What is your personal marketing strategy; i.e., what do you plan to do to ensure you achieve your goals? (Some questions you might reflect on in your response include: How will I penetrate the hidden job market? How will expand my professional network? Are there skills I need to be working on to be more competitive as a candidate? How will I track my job search? What resources can I use to help me in my job search and how I often should I be contacting them? How will I ensure my resumé and other job-search tools stay current? Where will I look for job leads? How will I hone my interviewing skills? What will I do on a daily, weekly, monthly basis to ensure I am conducting the most proactive job search possible?) (50 points)

In order to achieve my goals, I will . . .

(state what you are going to DO on a daily, weekly, monthly, yearly basis to launch your career)

Grading Rubric: Career and Company Research



Part 1: Award full credit if all sections meet minimum requirements. Deduct up to 30 points for incomplete work. No points awarded if the section is not submitted. Deduct up to 5 points for spelling and grammatical errors.


Part 2: Award full credit if marketing plan is comprehensive and is indicative of actions the students will be taking as part of his/her job-search process. Deduct up to 30 points for incomplete or unclear responses. No points awarded if the section is not submitted. Deduct up to 5 points for spelling and grammatical errors.





Option 1: Portfolio Project: Medical Errors

Submit a paper that identifies and examines two distinct types of sentinel events that frequently occur in healthcare organizations. The error types that you select must be significantly different; for example, patient suicide and wrong-site surgery.

In writing this paper, you should consider and address (as necessary) the following:

1. What system factors influence organizational performance?

2. How do accreditation standards or government regulations guide performance and process design?

3. What is the role of the quality or risk manager in addressing the issues?

4. What processes and techniques can be used to investigate, prevent, and control these types of events now and in the future?

5. What measures can be used to assess the performance of the organization and the risk management plan in this area as it relates to patient safety?

6. What impact could these events have on organizational performance, compliance, and accreditation?

Your paper should be well-written and meet the following requirements:

· 8-10 pages in length.

· Formatted according to the  CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements .

· Include at least six references from the peer-reviewed articles. The CSU-Global Library is a good place to find peer-reviewed articles.

Option 1: Portfolio Project:

Medical Errors

Submit a paper that identifies and examines two distinct types of sentinel events that frequently occur in healthcare

organizations. The error types that you select must be significantly different; for example, patient suicide and wrong


site surgery.

In writing this paper, you should consider and address (as necessary) the following:


What system factors influence organizational performance?


How do accreditation standards or government regulations guide performance and process design?


What is the role o

f the quality or risk manager in addressing the issues?


What processes and techniques can be used to investigate, prevent, and control these types of

events now and in the future?


What measures can be used to assess the performance of the organization and

the risk

management plan in this area as it relates to patient safety?


What impact could these events have on organizational performance, compliance, and


Your paper should be well


written and meet the following requirements:




10 pages in le



Formatted according to the



Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements



Include at least six refer

ences from the peer


reviewed articles. The CSU


Global Library is a good

place to find peer


reviewed articles.

Option 1: Portfolio Project: Medical Errors

Submit a paper that identifies and examines two distinct types of sentinel events that frequently occur in healthcare

organizations. The error types that you select must be significantly different; for example, patient suicide and wrong-

site surgery.

In writing this paper, you should consider and address (as necessary) the following:

1. What system factors influence organizational performance?

2. How do accreditation standards or government regulations guide performance and process design?

3. What is the role of the quality or risk manager in addressing the issues?

4. What processes and techniques can be used to investigate, prevent, and control these types of

events now and in the future?

5. What measures can be used to assess the performance of the organization and the risk

management plan in this area as it relates to patient safety?

6. What impact could these events have on organizational performance, compliance, and


Your paper should be well-written and meet the following requirements:

 8-10 pages in length.

 Formatted according to the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements.

 Include at least six references from the peer-reviewed articles. The CSU-Global Library is a good

place to find peer-reviewed articles.

HCM370: Portfolio Project Scoring Rubric

Criteria Meets Expectation Approaches Expectation Below Expectation Limited Evidence Content, Research, and Analysis 21-25 Points 16-20 Points 11-15 Points 6-10 Points Preliminary Deliverables

Delivered a bibliography in Week 4 as required.

Delivered a bibliography in Week 4 as required with some omissions or errors, or late.

Delivered a bibliography in Week 4 as required with a significant omission or error.

Did not deliver a bibliography in Week 4 as required.

29-35 Points 22-28 Points 15-21 Points 8-14 Points Requirements The Portfolio includes

all of the required components, as specified in the assignment.

The Portfolio includes most of the required components, as specified in the assignment.

The Portfolio includes some of the required components, as specified in the assignment.

The Portfolio includes few of the required components, as specified in the assignment.

29-35 Points 22-28 Points 15-21 Points 8-14 Points Content Demonstrates strong

or adequate knowledge of the materials; correctly represents knowledge from the readings and sources.

Some significant but not major errors or omissions in demonstration of knowledge.

Major errors or omissions in demonstration of knowledge.

Fails to demonstrate knowledge of the materials.

49-60 Points 37-48 Points 25-36 Points 13-24 Points Problem Solving Demonstrates strong

or adequate thought and insight in problem solving.

Some significant but not major errors or omissions in problem solving.

Major errors or omissions in problem solving.

Fails to demonstrate problem solving.

53-65 Points 40-52 Points 27-39 Points 14-26 Points Analysis Provides strong or

adequate thought, insight, and analysis of concepts and applications.

Some significant but not major errors or omissions in thought, insight, and analysis.

Major errors or omissions in thought, insight, and analysis.

Fails to demonstrate thought, insight, and analysis.

29-35 Points 22-28 Points 15-21 Points 8-14 Points Recommendations Recommendations for

risk management address all of the salient issues raised by the situation.

Recommendations for risk management address most, but not all, of the salient issues raised by the situation.

Recommendations for risk management address some of the salient issues raised by the situation.

Recommendations for risk management address few of the salient issues raised by the situation.

29-35 Points 22-28 Points 15-21 Points 8-14 Points Research and Findings

Cites and integrates at least six credible sources and details of research supporting the recommendation.

Cites and integrates four or five credible sources and details of research supporting the recommendation.

Cites and integrates two or three credible sources and details of research supporting the recommendation.

Cites and integrates no more than one credible source and details of research supporting the recommendation.

HCM370: Portfolio Project Scoring Rubric

Mechanics and Writing 17-20 Points 13-16 Points 9-12 Points 5-8 Points Organization Project is clearly

organized, well written, and in proper essay format including an introduction, body, and conclusion. Conforms to project requirements.

Small number of significant but not major flaws in organization and writing; is in proper essay format. In a minor way does not conform to project requirements.

Major problems in organization and writing; does not completely follow proper essay format. In a significant way does not conform to project requirements.

Project is not well organized or well written and is not in proper essay format. Does not conform to project requirements.

17-20 Points 13-16 Points 9-12 Points 5-8 Points Grammar and Style Strong sentence and

paragraph structure; few or no minor errors in grammar and spelling; appropriate writing style; clear and concise with no unsupported comments.

Small number of significant but not major errors in grammar and spelling; generally appropriate writing.

Inconsistent to inadequate sentence and paragraph development; work needed on grammar and spelling; does not meet program expectations.

Poor quality; unacceptable in terms of grammar and/or spelling; inappropriate writing style that interferes with clarity.

17-20 Points 13-16 Points 9-12 Points 5-8 Points APA Project contains

proper APA formatting, according to the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements, with no more than one significant error.

Few errors in APA formatting, according to the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements, with no more than two to three significant errors.

Significant errors in APA formatting, according to the CSU- Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements, with four to five significant errors.

Numerous errors in APA formatting, according to the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements, with more than five significant errors.

Total points possible = 350

Name: Nikhil Vasani

Week 2: Self-Assessment

There are FOUR parts to the Self-Assessment.

Part 1: Reflect on your results from the self-assessment exercises you’ve done from the textbook, as well as others you might have done in the past, and complete the table below. Review current or past jobs to identify your transferable skills. Develop an inventory of your most marketable career-related skills (minimum 15), instances where you have demonstrated these skills (minimum three), and the core values you want your work to reflect (minimum five). Take into consideration the traits employers are seeking, including technical and transferable skills and general abilities. (30 POINTS)


I completed the following assessments/inventories as part of myself-assessment activities:

1. Marketing Readiness Quiz

2.Self-Awareness Checklist

3. Ability Checklist

4.Transfreable Skills Checklist

5. Work environment and Life Preferences

6. Self-Assessment Summary Sheet

My most marketable career-related skills are . . . (minimum 15)(Remember to include technical and transferable skills on this list!)

1. Analyze data

2. Find information

3. Coordinate activities

4. Communicate

5. Develop

6. Lead people

7. Encourage

8. Correspond

9. Learn quickly

10. Evaluate

11. Listen

12. Mediate problem

13. Negotiate

14. Plan


Examples of instances where I have demonstrated these skills include . . . (minimum 3)

1. Supervisory - At a bank I used to work at I was an individual broker and part my obligations where to manage the representatives' work on the teller line by verifying they were mindful of the present advancements we were running and that they were specifying the proper ones to every client.

2. Selling – I used to work for RadioShack and some piece of our wages originated from commissions on offers of mobile phones. I turned out to be better than average at offering telephones in light of the fact that I immediately realized all components and advantages every organization and telephone arrangement offered that way I had the capacity give the best answer for every client searching for wireless administration.

3. Computer Use – Throughout my work experience I have needed to figure out how to function with distinctive projects for instance at Fifth Third Bank we used to utilize a Windows based system which permitted us to scan for client data by writing in diverse hunt criteria. Presently I work with system called Tax Wise, which is utilized for government form arrangement. I have been to learn and utilize these projects rapidly and proficiency.

Core values I want my work to reflect are . . . (minimum 5)

1. Harmony in the middle of work and individual life

2. Steady routine of honesty/morals

3. Having pride in my work

4. Adding to society

5. Proficient improvement and constant learning and development

Part 2: Describe your ideal job. (20 POINTS)


In my ideal job, I would be . . . (state what you see yourself doing as part of your ideal job)

I would like to say that my ideal job is to be analysis the international market and businesses because we all know that there is plenty of opportunity available surrounding us, I want to utilize my knowledge and also I want to learn more about the different possibilities for the business and I also like to meet different people who already make their business very good at overseas I like to be human analyst who can understand behavior of the people and find out the way to greet them to enhance more knowledge and by this way I can survive my business at international level.

Part 3: Identify your one-, two-, and five-year career goals, create a list of possible employers of choice in your career field (minimum 3),possible job titles for your one-, two-, and five-year goals (one for each goal), and current salary ranges for those job titles. (30 POINTS)


Career Goals

Potential Employers (minimum 3)

Possible Job Titles (minimum 3)

Current Salary Ranges (for each job title)

My one-year career goal is . . .(state your goal here)

I will finish my Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and I would like to offer international business.

Customer base Growth

As of now: 500

One Year: 900

Employee Growth

As of now: 3 Fulltime, 3 Seasonal

One Year: 4 Fulltime, 4 Seasonal

Annual Revenue

Currently: $ 50,000

One Year: $ 75,000

My two-year career goal is . . . (state your goal here)

Begin working towards Master’s degree in international business.

Customer base Growth

As of now: 900

One Year: 1300

Employee Growth

As of now: 4 Fulltime, 4 Seasonal

One Year: 4 Fulltime, 5 Seasonal

Annual Revenue

Currently: $ 75,000

One Year: $ 100,000

My five-year career goal is . . . (state your goal here)

Obtain a managerial/higher level position in Export and import Business

Customer base Growth

As of now: 1300

One Year: 2000

Employee Growth

As of now: 4Fulltime, 5 Seasonal

One Year: 5 Fulltime, 8 Seasonal

Annual Revenue

Currently: $ 100,000

One Year: $ 180,000

Part 4: Provide a summary of what you have learned about yourself and the characteristics of your dream job as a result of the reflection and research you have done as part of this assignment (minimum 100 words). (20 POINTS)


I have discovered that I am ready to showcase myself well yet I do need to make a few enhancements particularly when requesting a vocation or business I should be more certain and impart better. I truly loved the capacity evaluation on the grounds that it helped me to distinguish my most grounded capacities like inducing, offering and arranging. At last I took in the most critical part of my workplace, for example, acting naturally utilized, working with others, and performing an assortment of obligations.

Grading Rubric: Self-Assessment



Part 1: Award full credit if all sections meet minimum requirements. Deduct up to 20 points depending on how incomplete the responses are. No points awarded if the section is not completed. Deduct up to 5 points for spelling and grammatical errors.


Part 2: Award full credit if the ideal job is described sufficiently. Deduct up to 10 points for incomplete responses. No points awarded if the section is not completed. Deduct up to 5 points for spelling and grammatical errors.


Part 3: Award full credit if all sections meet minimum requirements. Deduct up to 20 points depending on how incomplete the responses are. No points awarded if the section is not completed. Deduct up to 5 points for spelling and grammatical errors.


Part 4: Award full credit if the student has provided a reflective summary of their learning. Deduct up to 10 points if the response is incomplete. No points awarded if the section is not completed. Deduct up to 5 points for spelling and grammatical errors.





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