Name: ____________________________________________Date: ______________
MAR 4354 Marketing Yourself
Interview Question Assignment Worksheet
Assignment Instructions:
1. Tell me about yourself.
2. What are you looking for first and foremost in a job?
3. How has your college experience prepared you for this career?
4. How would a friend describe you?
5. What do you consider to be your greatest attributes?
6. What do you consider to be your greatest achievement in your life thus far?
7. Please give me three reasons why we should hire you for this position.
8. What do you think you could bring to this job?
9. Where do you see yourself in 5 years time?
10. What are your long-term goals and how do you think you can achieve them here?
11. What experience do you have with problem-solving?
12. How do you handle the pressure of deadlines?
13. Do you prefer working as part of a team, or do you prefer working on projects alone?
14. Describe a time when you had to work under pressure.
15. Give me an example of how you have taken a leadership role in a team project or situation.
16. What qualifications do you have that you feel would make you successful here?
17. Why are you seeking a position with our company?
18. Give one or two examples of your creativity.
19. What questions do you have for me? (REQUIRED) List the questions.
Part 1
1) Complete a demographic and psychographic profile for the consumer that your technology is designed to target. Be specific! What is the lifestyle, mindset, income level, and product needs of this customer? Remember that the customer should be part of the Macy target market.
2) Why does this consumer need/demand this technology in fashion? How will this technology provide enough value to this consumer to convert to a purchase?
The technology that we chose for Macy’s to utilize is a virtual experience in their fitting rooms. This technology is modeled after the new additions that Neiman Marcus has made to their new NYC location in Hudson Yards (Grill-Goodman, 2019). Each fitting room will be equipped with the ability for customers to connect with sales associates even while they are privately in the fitting room, to get a different size, color, or style of the clothing they are trying on. It will be touch screen application, where customers will be able to browse all inventory with in that department to try on. The consumer needs this technology because it will upgrade the fitting room experience. For some customers, trying on clothes can be a hassle or an inconvenience that they would like to avoid. This technology can help make the fittings room less of a chore, and more of a fun shopping experience for customers. This technology will help make purchases for Macy’s because instead of a customer being unsatisfied with the garments they brought into the room themselves and leaving, they can use the technology to have a new garment brought to them, and there for increasing the chances of a customer finding something they like and making a purchase.
3) How will the benefits offered by this technology be communicated to the customers?
Over the past few years, retailers have come to discover that integrating technology in the retail world creates the overall best online shopping experience for their customers. With this in mind, retailers are struggling to increase foot traffic in their stores and have turned to technology to create these more personalized shopping experiences for their customers when in stores. Customers prefer to shop online because there is technologies that make it a personalized experience for them, like customer profiles or recommendations based on their past orders. Another reason people prefer to shop online is for the convenience of picking out products. When customers are using fitting rooms, it can be complicated to be able to exchange for different colors or styles, find other pieces, or be able to track down the sales associate that is assisting the customer in the fitting room. By having this touch screen technology in the fitting rooms, it will be able to resolve any issues that could arise while in the fitting room. The technology will be very easy to access for the customer, and sales associates can also guide the customers with any questions they have about it. When the technology is introduced in stores, the advertising for this technology will provide this brief description of creating the personal in-store experience for the customer. The advertising will demonstrate the benefits that come along with the technology in the fitting room and will convey the convenience that the technology has brought to the fitting rooms. The benefits of this technology will show after customers undergo a less complex in-store experience.
4) How can your selected technology reinforce all shopping channels for Macy’s including brick and mortar, e-commerce, and mobile?
Part 2
1) Complete two comprehensive SWOT analyses - one on Macy’s and the other on the technology that you have selected. You should do these in a chart format and include both charts in the appendix of your paper.
2) Which categories of product offered by the retailer would benefit most by implementation of the technology? In other words, you can select one category (for example, cosmetics) that would benefit from the technology’s application.
I think that the answer to this question is pretty self explanatory. People only go into the fitting rooms for to try on clothes, not cook wear or cosmetics, so this technology would only apply to the apparel category. Let’s focus in on women’s casual wear. This is a category that people usually come in to casually shop for, and often with nothing specifically in mind. This consumer mindset can often lead to no purchases being made at all. The use of this fitting room technology will be able to help make more purchases in women’s casual wear. When a customer tries on a shirt she does not like, instead of putting the shirt back and leaving she can choose for a new shirt to be brought to her by a floor associate. Additionally, the technology will be able to suggest other garment pieces to go with the ones she has picked out. For example, if the customer has chosen a fitted black sweater, the technology can suggest to her a few bottoms to go with the sweater, maybe a skirt, dress pants, and a pair of jeans. Hopefully, this new technology can help reduce the number of returns made.
3) Identify potential implementation challenges for the retailer.
There a multiple challenges that I can foresee for Macy’s to overcome. First and foremost, there will need to be extensive research done to understand how this technology will be able to interpret what the customer is looking for, as well as having a large database of knowing what garments to peace with other garments. This could entail the help of market analysts, trend analysts, or stylists. Additionally, Macy’s will have to work harder to get customers into the fittings rooms in the first place. For those customers who do not like trying on clothes in the store, Macy’s will have to market this new technology strongly to peak the interest of these customers. Lastly, I think something that has not yet been accounted for by many is that eventually this technology will be old news for a lot of consumers and eventually the excitement of this new technology will have worn off. Especially for customers who did not find this technology helpful the first time they used it.
4) Develop specific criteria the retailer can use to measure the effectiveness of the roll-out (how will they determine if it is successful)
5) Provide a detailed explanation as to how the technology will be introduced to the customer.
Before the customer is brought to their fitting room, the sales associate that is assisting the customer will briefly explain the new touch screen technology that they will see in the fitting room. When the customer is brought to their fitting room, the sales associate will demonstrate the touch screen technology to customers that have not used it before. The associate will show them all of different amenities that are offered on the touch screen and how to use them. This includes requesting a different size or color, a different garment, or for the associate to come to the fitting room. The customer is offered the chance to run a trial on the touch screen just to make sure they fully understand how to use it. The reasoning for utilizing the technology is to make the in-store shopping experience nearly perfect for the customer, so it is important to make sure that they know how to use properly in the case that they need it.
6) How will it be marketed? What benefit(s) will it provide the consumer? How does it offer a unique platform to Macy’s?
Grill-Goodman, J. (2019, March 12). First Look: The Technology Behind Neiman Marcus's New
Retail Experience at New York's Hudson Yards. Retrieved March 12, 2019, from
Neiman Marcus Is Merging Brick and Click for a Better Shopping Experience. (n.d.). Retrieved
Macy’s Technology Case Study
BACKGROUND: The evolution of e-commerce, social media and mobile devices has permanently changed the expectations of consumers in the ways they shop and the demands they place on traditional retailers. “Brick and mortar” retailers continue to report declining trends in store traffic, comparative store sales and profit margins. Consumers are also making it clear that there needs to be added value to shopping in a physical store over the convenience of shopping online with an entertaining, effortless and personalized shopping experience.
Faced with these challenges, retailers are turning to a broad range of technologies to enhance the consumer experience. For example, digital business-to-business marketplaces are making it easier for retailers to source products, allowing them to be more nimble in responding to fashion trends and speed the delivery of products to the sales floor. Data analytics provides retailers with significant insight into consumer preferences and shopping habits, allowing them to tailor product assortments and marketing initiatives. Artificial intelligence and augmented reality technologies instantly allow consumers to see how a product will look on them or integrate into their environment. Rebecca Minkoff is a great example of how innovative RFID technology has been used in fitting rooms to triple expected clothing sales and collect valuable data, such as why certain styles are selling poorly due to fit issues. Indeed, retailers are rethinking their future store formats as many of these technologies will enable them to interact with their customers in new ways.
Technology is also changing consumers’ expectations for the products they purchase. Innovations in smart textiles and wearable technology have given fashion designers new tools to create customizable products that can engage consumers. Recently, Levis has collaborated with Project Jacquard to launch the first ‘Smart’ jean jacket for urban cyclists that uses conductive yarns to allow simple movements to activate functions on their phone without compromising the appearance of the garment.
OBJECTIVE: Many of the technologies available to retailers are new and therefore have not yet achieved widespread application. Additionally, the recent poor financial performance of many retailers has left them with fewer resources to invest in new technologies, meaning that each new initiative must show a rapid, measurable return on investment.
Your objective will be to select one emerging technology that would allow Macy’s to offer its customers an enhanced shopping experience. You may select from virtually any technology that is currently available to retailers, provided that it helps Macy’s offer a more personalized shopping experience to the consumer and contributes meaningfully to sales and profit line. The technology can apply to the Macy’s product assortment, supply chain, store environment, or communications strategy.
Based on the research you have done, strategically choose one emerging technology. Please explain why you chose this technology and what other options you considered before arriving at this decision.
1) Complete a demographic and psychographic profile for the consumer that your technology is
designed to target. Be specific! What is the lifestyle, mindset, income level, and product
needs of this customer? Remember that the customer should be part of the Macy target
2) Why does this consumer need/demand this technology in fashion? How will this technology
provide enough value to this consumer to convert to a purchase?
3) How will the benefits offered by this technology be communicated to the customers?
4) How can your selected technology reinforce all shopping channels for Macy’s including brick
and mortar, e-commerce, and mobile?
Please include the following:
1) Complete two comprehensive SWOT analyses - one on Macy’s and the other on the
technology that you have selected. You should do these in a chart format and include both
charts in the appendix of your paper.
2) Which categories of product offered by the retailer would benefit most by implementation of
the technology? In other words, you can select one category (for example, cosmetics) that
would benefit from the technology’s application.
3) Identify potential implementation challenges for the retailer.
4) Develop specific criteria the retailer can use to measure the effectiveness of the roll-out (how
will they determine if it is successful)
5) Provide a detailed explanation as to how the technology will be introduced to the customer.
How will it be marketed? What benefit(s) will it provide the consumer? How does it offer a
unique platform to Macy’s?
6) Develop an expansion strategy for your chosen technology, demonstrating how the retailer
will integrate it into their operations. Explain how the retailer should determine the stores in
which to test the technology and implement a full roll-out if successful.
Paper should be double-spaced, 12 point font, a minimum of 7 pages in length (does not include appendix).
Use headings to organize the paper
Include a cover page with your group member names included
Please number all pages
Save as a pdf.
Capstone 5
Milestones 4 3
Benchmark 2
Creativity and Feasibility
Ideas were well-thought out, unique and well- supported.
Ideas were relevant. Additional support was needed.
Ideas were not supported. More development needed
Ideas were too general/broad.
Research Comprehensive research utilizing varying sources to provide an in-depth understanding of the concepts
Utilized a variety of sources to provide a good foundation for the concept development.
Limited sources. Information could have been better supported.
Very little substantiation. Sources were not ideal in providing structure for viewpoint.
Analysis Organized and synthesized evidence to reveal insightful viewpoints and meaningful evidence.
Organized evidence to reveal important viewpoints related to topics.
Analysis lacks organization and support.
Very little analysis.
Clarity of concept Provided substantial support and clear evidence as to how the ideas would be implemented
Provided some support for concept development and discussed how ideas would be implemented.
Identified concepts but implementation was vague.
Concepts were not fully developed and implementation was not feasible.
Recommendations States recommendations that are logical, grounded and thoroughly supported.
States recommendations that are logical, grounded but lack support.
Recommendations are somewhat illogical and unsupported.
Almost no recommendations and/or completely unsubstantiated.
Mechanics Professionally written, proofread, well- organized, APA bibliography
Some part of mechanics less developed
Mechanics were lacking in some capacity.
Mechanics were deficient. Detracted from the overall quality of the case study.

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