Name _____________________________________ Section _______

BIO 112 Spring 2017

Assignment #2

U.S. Freshwater Use

In 2010, the population of the United States was approximately 309 million. According to the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), the U.S. withdrew about a TOTAL of 355 billion gallons of freshwater per day for a variety of uses, and average per capita use was 1,150 gallons per day. Of that freshwater, 78% was from surface water withdrawals and 21% was from groundwater withdrawals. Read the 2-page USGS article ( and complete the assignment.

• Thermoelectric power plants (electricity) accounted for 45% of the total withdrawals • Irrigation (of crops) accounted for 33% • Public water supply accounted for 12%, and • Industrial, livestock, and mining accounted for 10%

Use the information provided to complete this table (4 pts). Then answer the 2 questions.

Daily Water Use

Electricity (45%) Irrigation (Crops)

(33%) Public Water Supply


Industrial/ livestock/ mining


You (n = 1) 518 gal (a)

( = 1,150 gal x 45%) 380 gal (b)

( = 1,150 gal x 33%)

138 gal (c) ( = 1,150 gal x 12%)

115 gal (d) ( = 1,150 gal x 10%)

(A) Your class (n = 30) __________ (= 518 x 30)

__________ (= 380 x 30)

__________ (= 138 x 30)

__________ (= 115 x 30)

(B) Tampa (n = 337,000) __________ (= 518 x ??)

__________ (= 380 x ??)

__________ (= 138 x ??)

__________ (= 115 x ??)

United States __________

(=355 billion gallons x 45%)

__________ (=355 billion gallons

x 33%)

__________ (=355 billion gallons x


__________ (=355 billion gallons x


1. How many gallons of irrigation (crops) water use per day is

A) your class responsible for? (1 pt)

B) the city of Tampa responsible for (1pt)?

2. Describe one specific activity/behavior you personally can do that will reduce your daily water use in each of the 4 categories. (1 pt each)

A) Electricity

B) Irrigation (crops)

C) Public water supply

D) Industrial/livestock/mining

Name _____________________________________ Section _______

Assignment #2

U.S. Freshwater Use

In 2010, the population of the United States was approximately 309 million. According to the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), the U.S. withdrew about a TOTAL of 355 billion gallons of freshwater per day for a variety of uses, and average per capita use was 1,150 gallons per day. Of that freshwater, 78% was from surface water withdrawals and 21% was from groundwater withdrawals. Read the 2-page USGS article ( and complete the assignment.

· Thermoelectric power plants (electricity) accounted for 45% of the total withdrawals

· Irrigation (of crops) accounted for 33%

· Public water supply accounted for 12%, and

· Industrial, livestock, and mining accounted for 10%

Use the information provided to complete this table (4 pts). Then answer the 2 questions.

Daily Water Use

Electricity (45%)

Irrigation (Crops) (33%)

Public Water Supply (12%)

Industrial/ livestock/ mining (10%)

You (n = 1)

518 gal (a)

( = 1,150 gal x 45%)

380 gal (b)

( = 1,150 gal x 33%)

138 gal (c)

( = 1,150 gal x 12%)

115 gal (d)

( = 1,150 gal x 10%)

(A) Your class (n = 30)


(= 518 x 30)


(= 380 x 30)


(= 138 x 30)


(= 115 x 30)

(B) Tampa (n = 337,000)


(= 518 x ??)


(= 380 x ??)


(= 138 x ??)


(= 115 x ??)

United States


(=355 billion gallons x 45%)


(=355 billion gallons x 33%)


(=355 billion gallons x 12%)


(=355 billion gallons x 10%)

1. How many gallons of irrigation (crops) water use per day is

A) your class responsible for? (1 pt)

B) the city of Tampa responsible for (1pt)?

2. Describe one specific activity/behavior you personally can do that will reduce your daily water use in each of the 4 categories. (1 pt each)

A) Electricity

B) Irrigation (crops)

C) Public water supply

D) Industrial/livestock/mining

BIO 112 Spring 2017

BIO 112 Assignment #1

Calculating Your Ecological Footprint

Spring 2017

This is an OPEN RESOURCE Assignment. Go to

Select the Our Work tab (at the top of the page).

• Select and read the section 'World Footprint, Do we fit on the planet?’ tab.

1. Define ecological overshoot (1 pt).

2. Based on the graph, approximately How many Earths does humanity need in 2016? ___________________________ (1 pt)

Then, select Personal Footprint under the Our Work tab.

• Take the Quiz

• From the map, Select the United States (USA) as your location IF your country is not marked on the map. (Data are not readily available for other countries.)

o Report all values as acres for all answers. Convert all Hectares to ACRES using

• Click on BEGIN>

• NEW USERS, get started . . . Create your YOU (Avatar) and start the quiz.

• When answering a quiz question, use the option when it is available.

o After completing the quiz, a graph will display your personal Ecological Footprint. SAVE your results.

3. Record your personal Ecological Footprint information in this table. (4 pts)

Category Your Ecological Footprint A. How many Plant Earth’s do we need if everyone lived like you? (1 pt) B. How many global acres do we need if everyone lived like you? (1 pt) C. How many tons of carbon dioxide are you responsible for? (1 pt) D. Move your cursor over each section of the pie chart, and record the

percentage of your footprint used for each of the following categories: (1 pt total)

i. Food (0.2 pt) ii. Shelter (0.2 pt) iii. Mobility (0.2 pt) iv. Goods (0.2 pt) v. Services (0.2 pt)

Next, answer Questions 4, 5, and 6 on the following page and submit your completed assignment on Blackboard.

Enter Detailed Information

BIO 112 Assignment #1

Calculating Your Ecological Footprint

Spring 2017

4. Describe the relationship of your footprint (B from the Table in Question 3) (in global acres) to:

• the US average ecological footprint of 16.8 global acres (0.5 pt) and • the Global average ecological footprint of 6.5 global acres. (0.5 pt)

5. List the largest category (with the percentage) (D from the Table in Question 3) that accounts for most of your ecological footprint (0.5 pt).

• Describe what is included in this category (0.5 pt)

6. List 2 activities (and identify which category(ies) are impacted) that you personally can do to reduce your ecological footprint. (1 pt).

• Explain how each of the 2 activities would reduce your ecological footprint for those category(ies). (1 pt)

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