Name: _________________________________
California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
PLS 2010: Introduction to American Government
Professor Pooya Safarzadeh
Spring 2022 Semester
Final Exam
Instructions : This Final Exam, which is worth 40% of your grade, is a take-home, open notes exam. You can use the following material from this class: your class notes, Powerpoint slides, the textbook, the Final Exam Review Sheet, and any other material on the Canvas course website. However, you cannot work with other students on the exam and you cannot use outside sources like Google or other internet sources.
The exam has been uploaded on Canvas under the “Assignments” page under “Final Exam” on Wednesday, May 11 by 8:00 p.m. Students will have until Wednesday, May 18 at 11:59 p.m. to complete the exam and upload it back on the “Assignments” page under “Final Exam” on Canvas.
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Part I: ID’s ( Answer 4 ID Questions only , 5 points each, 20 points total)
Instructions: Identify AND Explain the significance of 4 of the following 6 terms, concepts, or cases. The “identification” should take the form of a definition and/or explanation of the term, concept, or case. The “significance” can take the form of its significance to American government, an example, or an application to current events.
Word Limit: 100 words max (about 5 sentences max) for Each of the 4 ID Questions chosen
1. Signing Statements
Answer Here:
2. Gerrymandering
Answer Here:
3. U.S. v. Curtiss-Wright
Answer Here:
4. Civic skills
Answer Here:
5. Speaker of the House
Answer Here:
6. Engagement (political engagement in the context of political participation)
Answer Here:
Part II: Short Answer Question – Congress and the President (20 points total)
Word Limit: 400-500 words max for Questions 1 and 2 combined (about 1 page max single spaced)
Instructions: Answer Both Questions 1 and 2
Fact Pattern: President Smith has declared war on England. The President claims that England might attack the United States, but he provides no evidence to support his claim. The President sends troops to invade England without consulting Congress first. Upon hearing of the President’s invasion a week later, members of Congress are furious.
Hint : There may be multiple arguments that the President can make in Question 1 and that Congress can make in Question 2 below. List and explain as many arguments as you think are relevant (not just one). Also, include important facts from the fact pattern above in your answers to support your arguments.
1. What are the President’s strongest arguments that he has the power to invade England without
getting authorization from Congress first?
Answer Here:
2. What are Congress’s strongest arguments that the President acted improperly?
Answer Here:
Part III: Short Answer Question – Public Opinion (20 points total)
Word Limit: 400-500 words max for Political Cue 1 and Political Cue 2 combined (about 1 page max single spaced)
Fact Pattern: It is September 7, 2020, two months before the 2020 presidential election, and Jenny Anderson is a voter in Ohio. She is deciding on whether to support President Trump, the Republican candidate, or Vice President Joe Biden, the Democratic candidate, in the election. She is not an ideologue and she does not have high political knowledge. Her parents are Republicans and growing up, they regularly discussed politics at the dinner table. However, in the 2016 election, she registered as a Democrat and regularly watches MSNBC, a more liberal news network. However, she is currently an independent swing voter who voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016 but for Mitt Romney in 2012. She also reads the New York Times daily and on the morning of September 7th, she read an article that said: “Although the unemployment rate has been at historic lows throughout President Trump’s first three years in office, the unemployment rate skyrocketed from 4.4% to 14.7% this past month due to the Coronavirus pandemic. This is the highest unemployment rate since the Great Depression and there are no signs of an improving economy in the near future.”
Explain TWO political cues that Jenny can use in deciding which candidate to support in the 2020 presidential election. Hint: Your answers should not only include the political science concepts requested below, but also should include the relevant facts from the fact pattern above to support your answers.
Instructions: Answer All 3 Questions for BOTH Political Cue 1 AND Political Cue 2
In explaining the political cues, provide the following information:
Political Cue 1:
1. Define the political cue.
Answer Here:
2. Explain how the political cue generally contributes to a person’s opinion formation.
Answer Here:
3. Explain what facts about that political cue from the fact pattern above would make it more
likely for Jenny to support either President Trump or Vice President Biden in the election.
Answer Here:
Political Cue 2:
1. Define the political cue.
Answer Here:
2. Explain how the political cue generally contributes to a person’s opinion formation.
Answer Here:
3. Explain what facts about that political cue from the fact pattern above would make it more
likely for Jenny to support either President Trump or Vice President Biden in the election.
Answer Here:

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