Name________________________________ Score ______/20
REL 2040: Great Books: The Bible and Western Culture
Fall 2013
Dr. Peter Bekins
Class Journal 3. This journal is designed to help you synthesize the content of the class lectures and
also provide me with feedback. The journal is due at the beginning of class on Tuesday, October 29.
Week 7 The Rise of the Priests
Tue Oct 8. Re-read Jeremiah 31. Does Jeremiah think that children should be punished for the sins of
their fathers? How is this different from earlier views? Why would this be comforting to people in the
midst of the exile?
Thu Oct 10. Re-read Genesis 1 and compare the plague narratives in Exodus 7-11. Do you agree with
the idea that there is symmetry between the creation and the plagues? Why or why not (give some
specific reasons)?
Minute Summary. What is the most interesting idea you learned this week?
Week 8 The Second Temple
Tue Oct 15. Re-read Genesis 1 yet again. In what ways does this text reflect the Priestly Theology?
Thu Oct 17. Re-read Psalms 80, 8, and 30. In what way does classifying genre help you to better
understand what the Psalm is about?
Minute summary. What idea was most confusing this week?
Week 9 The Wisdom Literature
Tue Oct 22. Re-read the Job narrative (Job1-2 and 42:7-17). Do you like or dislike this story? Has your
view of it changed in any way after our class discussion?
Thu Oct 24. What is your reaction to the Song of Songs? Are you surprised to find this type of poetry in
the Bible?
Minute summary. What idea was most surprising this week?
Name________________________________ Score ______/20
REL 2040: Great Books: The Bible and Western Culture
Fall 2013
Dr. Peter Bekins
Class Journal 3.
This journal is designed to help you synthesize the content of the class lectures and
also provide me with feedback. The journal is due at the beginning of class on
Tuesday, October 29
Week 7 The Rise of the Priests
Tue Oct 8
. Re
read Jeremiah 31. Does Jeremiah think that children should be punished for the sins of
their fathers? How is th
is different from earlier views? Why would this be comforting to people in the
midst of the exile?
Thu Oct 10
. Re
read Genesis 1 and compare the plague narratives in Exodus 7
11. Do you agree with
the idea that there is symmetry between the creation and th
e plagues? Why or why not (give some
specific reasons)?
Name________________________________ Score ______/20
REL 2040: Great Books: The Bible and Western Culture
Fall 2013
Dr. Peter Bekins
Class Journal 3. This journal is designed to help you synthesize the content of the class lectures and
also provide me with feedback. The journal is due at the beginning of class on Tuesday, October 29.
Week 7 The Rise of the Priests
Tue Oct 8. Re-read Jeremiah 31. Does Jeremiah think that children should be punished for the sins of
their fathers? How is this different from earlier views? Why would this be comforting to people in the
midst of the exile?
Thu Oct 10. Re-read Genesis 1 and compare the plague narratives in Exodus 7-11. Do you agree with
the idea that there is symmetry between the creation and the plagues? Why or why not (give some
specific reasons)?

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