Name_____(First and Last)_______ Red ID: _________________________
Bio 100: __either 9am,12pm,or online__ Extra Credit Research Paper
This is how your essay should look like, double spaced, times new roman, pt 12 font. We
do not need cover pages or any plastic folders/envelopes covering your essay, we just need it on
plain stapled paper. Thanks
For the bibliography, I have no preference to which style you use to list your references
as long as your references are clearly listed and cited. Your assignment will receive a zero if we
find that you have plagiarized.
For any images you add in your essay, please add them at the end and refer to them in
your essay by their titles for example “figure 1.1 shows the blah blah blah of the blah” or “in the
EKG graph (figure 1.2)”. You can reference it any way you want as long as it is clear what
image you are referring to. Your images do not count as part of the 7 pages. In short: your essay
should have text (7 pages or more) first and images last.
You must turn in two versions of your assignment: an online one through an issue tracker
and a paper copy at the office (LSN 130). Special cases will be considered for those who cannot
physically turn in the paper.
Questions? If you have any questions about the project please call (619) 594-8303 to
schedule an appointment. No appointments will be made for any days after Friday
November 13th to discuss the Extra Credit. Also, be sure to bring these guidelines for your
Fall 2015 Extra Credit: Research Paper Due Date: December 7, 2015
The paper will be evaluated based on the presentation of your research question. I am interested in your thinking about the question you are addressing-not just the facts. It is meant to be a critical evaluation by you. Checklist:
� Research Question � 7 pages, double spaced, 12pt font � 10 references
o 3 refereed papers (from scientific journals) � Flow Diagram
o Caption � Feedback Loop
o Caption � Online Copy � Hard Copy
Specifics: 1. Research Question: The question can be anything dealing with biology. It is best to
choose something that is interesting to you since the best papers are done when the student is genuinely interested in the topic and therefore puts in the effort.
2. References: 3 of your 10 references have to be refereed papers. This means that these 3 have to have been found in scientific journals. The other 7 can be from web sites, national geographic, Discovery, NY times, etc.
3. Flow Diagrams (critical): If you do not have this aspect you will get no (zero) credit. The flow diagram can be of some specific aspect of the phenomenon that you are studying . It does not have to be of the entire paper. The flow diagram demonstrates the step by step process of some mechanism that you are discussing. You do not need a special program. Just do it on paper and scan it. This page does not count toward your total page number of 7 pages. Next part (critical): Explain the flow diagram. Do not just do it..but tell me what it is about. Have that explanation as a caption underneath the image. Be sure to also reference it throughout your essay.
4. Please note!! Once the paper is accepted, I will not return it. You need to have completed all aspects of the assignment to get the extra credit of 50 pts. (In case of unusually solid presentation, I may give more points).
5. Do not cut and paste from web sites and insert this into the paper. All papers will be checked and if I discover that you cut and pasted from a web site, you will get a zero for the paper.
- Name_____(First and Last)_______
- Red ID: _________________________

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