Everyday, smart phones have been in development, like I phone. Also, the IPhone is a way of changing person’s life. For example, I have IPhone and it has impact to my life. Such as, using the Face time, Snapchat, and what’s App program that makes the communication easier and faster without any difficulties.
First of all, Face Time is an amazing program for me. Because when I left my daughter in my hometown, I call her by this program and see her and talk to her every day if I can. This program is easy to use especially for my daughter.
Secondly, the snapchat is a wonderful se well. In addition, a lot of time I wish if my daughter with me, but in the real life she’s not. So, I log in to SnapChat and see what’s my sisters send and see my angel’s pictures or videos.
The last one is WhatsApp. This program is very useful. Such as, if you send something and you didn’t delete it, it will keep them. Like, sometimes I can’t call my little baby every single day because of the time differences so; I send a voice note and let her hear it. Either she.
To be brief, the smart phones give each person chance to be close from who love and care. Yet, it has a good impact to my like and made it better. There are programs like, Face Time, SnapChat and WhatsApp made my life easier and happier. I am a thankful to see my little baby and not forgotten my face