
1.Define Black Studies:

2.When and where did Dr Nathan Hare establish the first Black Studies Program?

3. Research and share the so called controversy around Dr Hare at his previous institution (Howard University)

4.Describe (in as much DETAIL as you can) the events that led up to the establishment of the first Black Studies program.

5.What did Dr. Molefi Asante contribute to the discipline of African American Studies? Also define the concept of Afrocentricity

6.List the four (4) basic thrust of the student movement that supported the emergence of Black Studies as a discipline.

7.An academic concern for advocates of Black Studies has been that it must be taught from a Black frame of reference. What does this mean and why is it importance?

8.What is the three-fold mission of Black Studies AND what is the meaning of each?

9.What role did Black women play in promoting Black Studies?

10.List the core fields of Black Studies and indicate which one or ones are most closely related or has some impact to your personal interest and/or field of study and why.

11.Define Kwanzaa and name the individual principles

12.What do the colors in the liberation flag mean?

13.A form of servitude or enslavement existed in African before the European slave trade, however is was nothing like European enslavement. Describe three ways such servitude occurred.

14.What is Drapetomania, who developed the concept and why?

15. What is Dysaesthesia Aethiopica , what are some of the syptons and who is most infected?

16.Read Frederick Douglass speech.. What to the Slave is the Fourth of July? Give a summary in one paragraph.

17. President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation on January 1, 1863, at the height of the Civil War. The proclamation declared "that all persons held as slaves" within the rebellious states "are, and henceforward shall be free." Define and list the “rebellious states” and explain what the proclamation actually did.

18.LISTEN to a recording of The National Negro Anthem (Lift Ev’ry Voice and Sing). Select either the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd verse and explain in detail its meaning.

19.What is the TRUE history of Black History Month?

20. Listen to video/recording of Malcolm X on..The Difference between a house negro and a field negro. Revisit this recording and explain…IF you think this concepts exist today..or not…if what way…if not…in what way?

21.Who formed the Black Panther Party for Self Defense and what was their purpose for organizing?

22.What were some of the programs developed by the Party?

23.What was COINTELPRO, who did it target and WHY?

24. What /who is considered to be a Black Identity Extremist and when did this term first appear?

25. Describe The Red Summer of 1919



27. Harlem Renaissance

28. Tuskegee Experiment (Bad Blood)

29. Black Wall Street


31.Million Man March

32.Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome

33. Niagara Movement

34.Jim Crow

35.Student Non Violent Coordinating Committee

36.Deacons of Defense

37.Slocum Massacre

38.Read the African Proverbs listed below READ THEM ALL…Pick one that “speaks” to you and share WHY (write the proverb first, then tell how you believe it relates to you)


· To get lost is to learn the way. ~ African proverb


He who learns, teaches. ~ Ethiopian proverb

· Ears that do not listen to advice, accompany the head when it is chopped off. ~African Proverb



· Wisdom does not come overnight. ~ Somali proverb



· Knowledge without wisdom is like water in the sand. ~ Guinean proverb

Until the lions have their own historians,

the history of the hunt will always glorify the hunter



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