MGT 230 – Analysis Report


(Stock Symbol - PZZA)

Prepare a paper reporting on each of the following criteria as each applies to Papa John’s International, Inc.:





>CEO (experience & previous organizations)

>Two Vice Presidents (suggest Marketing & Operations) (experience & previous organizations)


>Rivals, New Entrants, Buyers, Substitutes & Complements, Suppliers


>Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats (limit to 3 each)


>Inputs, Throughput Processes, Outputs (include the loop back)


>Describe your proposed Strategic Goals (major targets and end results)

>Describe your proposed Tactical Planning (functional goals and plans to implement the Strategic Goals)

>Describe your proposed Operational Planning (frontline procedures and processes to implement Strategic Goals)

>Evaluate current leadership as to their capabilities to carry out your proposed strategy.


Prepare a report applying each of the above criteria to Papa John’s International, Inc. Be specific and current in your reporting of each of the criteria. Prepare your report with proper college level English in a proper sentence structure and paragraph format. Outlines are not acceptable as a report format for this assignment. Quotes with large word counts are not acceptable. Include a cover sheet and a reference page. Add a minimum of 8 research sites to your text (1) and 2015 10K Annual SEC Report (1) sources so that you will have at least 10 sources to list on your reference page for your research. Remember to show your name on your paper. All citation and reference sources must be noted on the reference page. All quotes must be in APA format as well as your citations on your reference page and in the body of your paper. Prepare your paper using a number 12 fonts and double spaced format with a minimum of 1250 words. Submit this paper in Blackboard in a Microsoft Word file only (not MAC Word) and include all assignment materials in one file (ie, cover page, content, and reference page). Name your file “your last name – MGT 230 ANALYSIS REPORT”. This assignment is due 11/1/16 by 9:30AM. Papers submitted within 24 hours after this due date and exact time will drop a full letter grade level before grading begins. This assignment will not be accepted after 1 day following the due date and time stated above. Remember that this is to be submitted in Blackboard and on time in a MS Word file.

10:39 AM (CDT)

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Unit 4 - Individual Project

Assignment Details

Assignment Description

Weekly tasks or assignments (Individual or Group Projects) will be due by Monday, and late submissions will be assigned a late penalty in accordance with the late penalty

policy found in the syllabus. NOTE: All submission posting times are based on midnight Central Time.


You are now ready to apply costing methods, tools, and techniques to your project. There are many of these available to assist you in determining your overall budget, as

well as to estimate the durations for individual tasks. These methods could include the following:

Expert judgment

Analogous estimating

Parametric estimating

Bottom-up estimating

Three-point estimating

Reserve analysis

Cost of quality

Project management estimating software

Vendor bid analysis

You will be responsible for using your plan that you developed in Weeks 2 and 3 to estimate your budget for your key assignment project. You should apply 2 of the above

methods to determine a worst-case scenario budget. Please put your calculations in a spreadsheet similar to the following:


The following are the overall project deliverables:

Update the Key Assignment document title page with a new date and project name.

Update the previously completed sections based on the instructor's feedback.

Create the following new section:

Costing Methods and Tools

Select 2 of the costing methods, and discuss why they will support developing a realistic budget.

Provide an example of computations for a few of the activities for the 2 selected methods.

Fill in a table similar to the example table so that your 2 different total project budgets are based on the 2 selected methods.

Discuss what type of contingency budget you will put in place based on the 2 budgets to mitigate an underestimation.

Name the document "LastName_FirstName_MPM434_IP4.doc" (Note that this is the same document that will be submitted as the Key Assignment draft).

Submit the document for grading.

Please submit your assignment.

For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course materials.

Reading Assignment Fleming & Koppelman: Chapters 11-12

Assignment Objectives

Identify the fundamentals of cost, schedule, and technical performance management of major projects and relate these to the management of small projects.

Use effective communication techniques.

Investigate current costing methods and tools available to assist the project manager.

Use team and problem-solving skills to collaborate on a project.

Other Information

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Extra Credit View Assignment Rubric

Assignment Overview

Type: Individual Project

Unit: Cost Methods & Tools

Due Date: Mon, 10/31/16

Grading Type: Numeric

Points Possible: 150

Points Earned: 0

Deliverable Length: 1,250–1,800 words with 10 total pages, including 2 empty sections

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Assignment Details


Learning Materials

Reading Assignment

My Work:

Online Deliverables: Submissions

10:39 AM (CDT)

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© 2016 Colorado Technical University.  All Rights Reserved. Authorized Users Only.

Unit 4 - Individual Project

Assignment Details

Assignment Description

Weekly tasks or assignments (Individual or Group Projects) will be due by Monday, and late submissions will be assigned a late penalty in accordance with the late penalty

policy found in the syllabus. NOTE: All submission posting times are based on midnight Central Time.


You are now ready to apply costing methods, tools, and techniques to your project. There are many of these available to assist you in determining your overall budget, as

well as to estimate the durations for individual tasks. These methods could include the following:

Expert judgment

Analogous estimating

Parametric estimating

Bottom-up estimating

Three-point estimating

Reserve analysis

Cost of quality

Project management estimating software

Vendor bid analysis

You will be responsible for using your plan that you developed in Weeks 2 and 3 to estimate your budget for your key assignment project. You should apply 2 of the above

methods to determine a worst-case scenario budget. Please put your calculations in a spreadsheet similar to the following:


The following are the overall project deliverables:

Update the Key Assignment document title page with a new date and project name.

Update the previously completed sections based on the instructor's feedback.

Create the following new section:

Costing Methods and Tools

Select 2 of the costing methods, and discuss why they will support developing a realistic budget.

Provide an example of computations for a few of the activities for the 2 selected methods.

Fill in a table similar to the example table so that your 2 different total project budgets are based on the 2 selected methods.

Discuss what type of contingency budget you will put in place based on the 2 budgets to mitigate an underestimation.

Name the document "LastName_FirstName_MPM434_IP4.doc" (Note that this is the same document that will be submitted as the Key Assignment draft).

Submit the document for grading.

Please submit your assignment.

For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course materials.

Reading Assignment Fleming & Koppelman: Chapters 11-12

Assignment Objectives

Identify the fundamentals of cost, schedule, and technical performance management of major projects and relate these to the management of small projects.

Use effective communication techniques.

Investigate current costing methods and tools available to assist the project manager.

Use team and problem-solving skills to collaborate on a project.

Other Information

There is no additional information to display at this time.


Extra Credit View Assignment Rubric

Assignment Overview

Type: Individual Project

Unit: Cost Methods & Tools

Due Date: Mon, 10/31/16

Grading Type: Numeric

Points Possible: 150

Points Earned: 0

Deliverable Length: 1,250–1,800 words with 10 total pages, including 2 empty sections

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Assignment Details


Learning Materials

Reading Assignment

My Work:

Online Deliverables: Submissions

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