MGMT 601 FALL SEMESTER: Assignment 5 – Book Review


The first page of this document is the summary of Assessment as given in Syllabus file, followed by details.

If you have any questions or require clarification, please post to the online discussion Forum related to this assignment.

· Using personal reflections, submit a written review of a book related to leadership.

· The book should be focused on business leadership

· Learning journal of about 300 words should be submitted in Week 1-5 on Discussion Forum.

· 1500 words; minimum 6 references; followed by Appendices showing five Learning Journals already submitted on Discussion Forum

· Submission by November 28th on Turnitin.

· Book Review 10 %

· Learning Journal 10 %


Choose a book that matches one of the topics in the class syllabus and write a critical review of it, using the grading rubric as the basis for the review.


The Title of the book is your own choice. The central theme of the book should be business leadership. Selection of an appropriate book is your choice and responsibility.


In your review, you should briefly describe the content of the book chosen, identifying key assumptions and conclusions as well as the most important ideas of the authors and giving your opinion on them. The main focus of your review must be on providing a critical analysis of the book, reflecting on your personal experience, providing relevant examples. Thoroughly evaluate your actions related to various leadership concepts and practices discussed in the book. How does the content of the book relate to your experiences?

Before you start working on your review, you should thoroughly explore the grading rubric at the end of this instruction and clearly identify key elements based on which your review will be assessed.


Use Google Search to see how to write a book review.

One example:


· Introduction of the book (what the book is, why you chose it, when was it published, who is the author, etc)

· Summary of the book (summary of the content of the book)

· Most important aspects of the book (including brief quotes or examples from the book)

· Limitations of the book (anything amiss or lacking in the book)

· Reflection of your experience of reading the book (a summary of five learning journal entries)

· Conclusion (your overall evaluation of the book, and recommendation to other readers)

· References (research articles, books, textbook, scholarly publications, etc)

· Appendices (five learning journal entries, already submitted to Discussion Forum, these can be copy-pasted, or presented via screenshots). Wordcount of Appendices is not included in the 1500 wordcount.


· Critical thinking must be demonstrated to get a good mark

· Personal pronoun (I, me, my, etc) is acceptable for reflective writing.

· The paper should be at least 1500 words, minimum six references

· Submit your paper via Turnitin before the due date; late submissions without prior approval are subject to penalty of 10%/day


Learning journal of about 300 words should be submitted in Week 1-5 on MYUCW portal Discussion Forum. This is to encourage you to regularly read the selected book over a period of time.

Each student's learning journal will be unique to their book, personality, perception, reading speed, understanding of the book, past experiences, current circumstances, etc. It will similar to a personal diary, focused on the book content. A "live" picture of what you understood about the book. You can write down any of the following:

- Your thoughts while reading the book

- Your responses to what you are reading (any confusions or 'light bulb' moments)

- Your interpretations of what you are reading

- Any memories/reflections related to what you are reading

- Any conversations you have with friends/family related to what you are reading.

As such, the learning journal is writing down whatever you are learning while reading the book. 

Here are some links (simple google search using keywords “learning journal for students”) to help you understand what a learning journal is, how it supports learning, and how it can be structured:

How to Find Free Books

If you are interested in accessing free digital books, Vancouver Public Library has opened selective branches with limited services. You can also Request a TakeOut. Link

You may also access, for free, some books on Google Books. Link is here Some books have previews only, so check you have full access before you decide to review it for your assignment.

I have also discovered this little list of free ebooks

If you are more of a print / hard copy reader, then you may find some gems in Free Little Libraries in your neighbourhood. Here is a map where you can find free books from your neighbours:  Over the past few months, I've found recipe books, manuals, maps, novels and DVDs in these libraries on my neighbourhood walks.

You can also create an ISO post on your local Buy Nothing groups on Facebook.

Grading Rubric

Written Communication Assessment 10%


Did not meet expectations


Met expectations


Exceeded expectations

Writing Conventions /5

(grammar, word use, punctuation, mechanics)

Frequent grammatical errors and misspellings

inhibit readability. Informal language, abbreviations and slang are used

Few grammatical errors

(3 or fewer per page). Correct verb tense used.

Paragraphs flow from one to another. Active voice pervasive

Free of grammatical errors

and misspellings. Effective verb tense used. Uses phrases and construction that delight as well as inform the reader

Primarily active voice

Overall Effectiveness /5 (appearance/format)

Not formatted to Specifications, Lacking professional appearance

Formatting is generally

correct, acceptable

professional appearance.

Assigned format followed

explicitly: exceptional

professional appearance

Critical Thinking and Written Analysis Rubric 90%


Did Not Meet Expectations


Met Expectations


Exceeded Expectations



Writing is not clear. It is

difficult to understand points

being made. The writing lacks

transitions, and few examples and/or illustrations are provided to support explanation or recommendations.

Writing is generally well organized and understood. Transitions are used to facilitate clarity. Some examples and/illustrations are used to support explanation or recommendations.

Writing is succinct, precise,

effectively organized no ambiguity. Transitions, explanation and elaboration are extensive to elucidate points. Detailed illustrations and/or examples are used to support explanation & recommendations



Critical issues/questions are

omitted or ignored in the writing.

Most of the critical issues/questions are addressed

All critical issues/questions

are addressed completely in writing

Depth of



Ignores bias; Omits arguments

Misrepresents issues; Excludes data; Includes but does not detect inconsistency of

information; Ideas contain

unnecessary gaps, repetition or extraneous details overlooks differences

Detects bias; Recognizes arguments; Categorizes content; Paraphrases data;

Sufficient detail to support conclusions and/or recommendations

Analysis includes insightful

questions; Refutes bias; Discusses

issues thoroughly; Critiques content; Values information Examines inconsistencies;

Offers extensive detail to support conclusions and recommendations; Suggests solutions/ implementation

Breadth of Discussion


Omits arguments or

perspectives; Misses major

content areas/concepts;

Presents few options

Covers the breadth of the topic without being superfluous

Considers multiple

perspectives; Thoroughly delves into the issues/questions;

Thoroughly discusses relevant facts


Elements of Reasoning


Fails to draw conclusions or

conclusions rely on author’s

authority rather than strength of presentation; Draws faulty conclusions; Shows intellectual dishonesty

Formulates clear conclusions with adequate support

Assimilates and critically

reviews information, uses

reasonable judgment, and

provides balanced, well

justified conclusions

Internally Consistent


There is little integration across the sections of the paper. Several inconsistencies or contradictions exist. Few of the issues, recommendations and explanations make sense; not well integrated.

Sections of the paper are generally well linked/connected. Only minor contradictions exist. Most of the issues, recommendations and explanations make sense and are well integrated.

All sections of the paper are

linked. There are no

contradictions in the

writing. All issues,

recommendations and

explanations make sense

and are well integrated


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