Literature Review

1.The Concept of Customer Relationship Management

Customer relationship management (CRM) is critically important to any businesses, regardless of their levels of operation and size. CRM is the art of managing a good customer relationship and prospective customers (Diffley, 2018) and is all about understanding customers' scope and developing a good relationship with them by doing what will bring them closer and keep them for the purpose of the business's good progress. There are different methods of enhancing customer relationships in organisations, including the assistance of the customers in a timely manner, automation of customer support, and continuous engagement. There are aspects that cause poor customer relationships, like not treating customers with respect and not delivering according to promises and customer expectations. It is important to maintain good customer relations to improve customer retention and increase the organization's profitability. Thus, it is important to manage customer relationships, understand what creates poor customer relationships, and specify the impacts of customer relationship management on businesses.

2. Methods of Customer Relationship Management

Live Assistance of Customers

There are different methods that are used in enhancing customer relationships. One is live assistance of the customers. This is a good way that customer relationship officers use to boost customer engagement. Waskito (2018) contends that businesses using visual engagement tools mark about an 83% year on year increase in annual revenue and achieve 2.7 times greater annual improvement (decrease) in customer effort score. Visual engagement involves communicating with customers visually in the form of screen sharing, Co-Browsing, or face-to-face video conferencing (Lockwood, 2004). The use of visual tools in assisting customers is adopted in organizations and businesses in order to save on time for employee interaction as at the comfort of their places. They can interact with the businesses by use of video tools. Video tools involve a one on one interaction between the customer and the organization officer by the use of videos for live assistance (Kotorov, 2003). This saves the time they would have used traveling to meet customer service officials physically. Customers will thus appreciate what does not waste their time. The use of visual engagement tools makes it easy for customers to troubleshoot their software or accounts as well as to ask any questions they have about their transactions (Abhyanker, 2008). This contributes to CRM by ensuring that customers are satisfied by the services offered.

Automation of Customer Support

Another method of CRM is the automation of customer support. This is a method of customer support provided by an automated system like a chatbot and other artificial intelligence software (Taylor, 2015) Today, technology has taken over the world, and businesses are also striving to cope with the technology pace and improve customer experience and support. When there is a delay in customer support delivery, the customers tend to give up with the given business and leave dissatisfied (Abe, 2008). Automating customer support using software like chatbots can redefine your customer satisfaction rates by improving your response times, engagement, and your customers’ interests (Plakoyiannaki, 2006). The businesses develop systems that are fitted with the most commonly asked questions by customers. When customers log into the customer support system, they are first exposed to these questions to determine whether their inquiry is a part of these questions (Johnston, 2012). Since the questions have direct answers, the customer will not have to wait online to get answers to their query. Automation of customer support also avail procedures to customers regarding business transaction processes and any other form of inquiry. This makes the experience of the customers better.

Continuous Marketing Engagement

The other method of CRM is continuous marketing engagement. Customer engagement entails both the physical and emotional connection of the customers to the given brand (Nabe, 2002) If customers are not well engaged in business, they are likely to raise a red flag, which will have a dire consequence to the business. These consequences may include finding an alternative, which is an advantage to the competitors. Actively disengaged customers cause disruption and dissatisfaction within the company (Angel, 2002). When a business gets customers, it is important to try and retain them for the betterment of the future operations of the given business. Royal customers are far more profitable if retained than looking for new customers and making them loyal (Waskito, 2018). As a result, the customer relationship management team must strive to retain loyal customers as they look for new ones, other than finding new ones at the expense of the old loyal customers, as it happens in many businesses. The more engaged the customers are, the happier they are, and the easier it is to retain them, recommend other customers, and buy more (Ivanovic, 2011). Providing a high-quality customer experience is an important component in customer engagement strategy (Peppard, 2000). Engagement can be done by listening to the comments of customers and responding to them.

Social Media

Today, social media has become the most used form of media, and businesses are using it to enhance the customer experience. Social media can be defined as forms of electronic communication through which users create online communities to share information, ideas, personal messages, and other content (Newell, 2000). The customers share both positive and negative experiences and reviews using the business social media and expect an immediate response from the business personnel (Diffley, 2018). When businesses improve on their use of social media and use them for customer service and not just for business satisfaction, they gain increased exposure for their customers. Social CRM is the involvement of social media in CRM (Reinartz, 2004). This is a way of improving on customer relationship management for the betterment of the business operations and gains. Social CRM supports CRM and customer interactions alongside the traditional methods like phone calls (Kumar, 2010). In this case, the customers are able to choose what platform to use depending with the ease of use.  According to Berry (2000), social CRM system helps businesses gather richer, actionable insight about customer sentiment on their company, their brand, and specific products or services. .

3. Causes of Poor Customer Relationship

Poor customer relationship involves dissatisfaction of customers in the way they are treated and how their concerns are handled. Poor customer relationships can have a dire impact on the operations of a business. Poor customer relationships in business results from failure to have a consensus between the customers and the business (Verhoef, 2003). When there is no respect for customers, they tend to back off and look for alternatives that would definitely benefit the competitors (Thakur, 2016). Customers should be treated with respect by employing the right terms, showing respect from the employees. The use of vulgar language when communicating with customers angers them and deteriorates the relationship between the customers and the employees (Payne, 2005). Also, poor customer relationship results from lack of efforts from the customer service personnel. Customers need a constant communication from the business and immediate actions and solutions as well as avoidance of blame games (Thakur, 2016). When there are delays in customer support and response, the customers are forced to seek services elsewhere. This created a rift between the customers and the customer service personnel, thus, creating a disadvantage and bad relationship for the business.

The other causes of poor customer relationships in a business are lack of delivery as per expectations and failure to focus on customer experience. The quality of services offered to customers matters a lot in the way the businesses relate with their customers. It is the hope of every customer that they will receive the expected services and quality goods from the company that they trade in (Bhat, 2016). If this is not the case, there is a rift created, and the relationship between the customers and the business is ruined. When promises are made to customers and not delivered, the customers tend to react in a negative way and this rates the company negatively (Chen, 2003). In addition, the failure to focus on the experience of customers results in unreasonable customer relationships. Businesses should always follow up on the customers and find out how their experience was after every service delivery process (Diffley, 2018). This gives the business the ability to evaluate the process of service delivery and improve on any negative comment given by the clients. The customers are the main assets in a business, and they should thus receive such kind of treatment.

4. Impacts of Customer Relationship Management

Good customer relationship management is very beneficial to the enterprise in the long run. When a business exercises good customer relationship management, it increases its efficiency, effectiveness, and profitability. When the customers are satisfied with the services being offered, they tend to buy more from the given enterprise, thus increasing their sales (Dewnarain, 2019). Also, there is an increase in effectiveness and efficiency as customers are treated the right way and in a way they would like to be, thus improving their experience. Improved ability to target profitable customers, integrated offerings across channels and improved sales force efficiency and effectiveness (Plakoyiannaki, 2006). Good customer relationship management increases customer retention in an enterprise. There is no customer who will be willing to leave an enterprise where they are treated well and where their goals and targets are met (Ivanovic, 2011). The customers will thus be easily retained and recommend others to the enterprise as they are satisfied with the enterprise's services.

Good customer relationship management creates a great experience for the customers, both new and old. Enterprises that offer good customer relations management services find it easy to attract new customers in their business from competing businesses that lack such a form of services for their clients (Heimbach, 2015). In this case, they are existing customers who recommend their friend to the business, and when they are treated well, they are retained (Waskito, 2018). This increased the market share of the given enterprise, and in this case, they increase their production and profits. Coming up with an acquisition strategy that also promotes retention is a win-win scenario for everyone involved (Buttle, 2019). This encourages customers to recommend others as they are also benefiting from the referrals. Customer satisfaction should be an objective for every enterprise in its quest for growth. A good customer relationship management also offers an enterprise the improved ability to target profitable customers (Goldenberg, 2002). When there is a close relationship between the customers and the enterprise personnel, the customers are well examined and monitored regarding their purchase trends, delivery, and satisfaction levels. Losing some key customers is very costly to an enterprise, and these customers must thus be treated rightly to avoid losses to the company (Kolegayev, 2015). This can only be achieved if there is a good relationship with them, only achievable through customer relationship management to keep the customers on board and satisfied always.

5. Summary

Customer relationship management remains to be a critical field in business that businesses need to put much effort into maintaining at the highest standards. Each business should be ready to invest in customer relationship management if they want to retain their customers and increase their profitability levels. By use of technology, businesses can improve on the experience of their customers by live assistance to limit the time spend seeking services physically, automating customer support for easy access, as well as engaging the customers continually and using social media support. This will help avoid unreasonable customer relationships resulting from poor treatment of customers, resulting in a loss of clients. A good customer relationship management assures a business of customer retention and high profitability rates.


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Berry, M. A., & Linoff, G. S. (2000). Mastering data mining: The art and science of customer relationship management. Industrial Management & Data Systems.

Bhat, S. A., & Darzi, M. A. (2016). Customer relationship management. International Journal of Bank Marketing.

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Chen, I. J., & Popovich, K. (2003). Understanding customer relationship management (CRM). Business process management journal.

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Personal and Professional Development



Target skill

Creativity is an important life skill that comes along with a variety of platforms. It uses new and unique ideas to come up with solutions that help solve a problem.


One of the significant strengths I have when it comes to being creative is expressing myself in real confidence. Creativity gives a person the courage to eloquently interact and express yourself when you are dealing with people. It has helped reduce stress and anxiety, and it gives someone the meaning and purpose of life (Fjortoft, Gettig & Verdone, 2018). Creativity has helped solve many problems that have tagged along in the line of life.

Areas on Improvement

Areas on improvement that I am currently working on is to know how to set the right mood. The mood that is aligned with the feelings of particular emotions of the material environment. Asking and yearning for advice from more experienced people is a crucial area that needs to be improved on my end.

Desired outcomes

Creativity has been seen to make things work more comfortable, better, and faster. It eases the situation and often provides breakthrough whenever applied in a problem. Creativity will ultimately make someone have a sharper focus in life and redirect the course of energy whenever you want to. It gives one discipline and motivation in the line of work. It makes someone live a happier and more fulfilling life because it helps someone make the right decisions in life, and therefore the mistakes are minimal. Creativity helps to create diverse minds that are open to changes in life.

Goal statement

I would gladly give a positive and encouraging goal statement concerning creativity that it is the primary key concept that should be explored in life for easier and happier living.

Practices of Growth

Creativity growth all stems for an individual to be willing to sacrifice and be tactful in whatever he/she is doing. Applying creativity in my entrepreneurial business is a critical step. It will open the mind to new ideas and techniques that can help in the company's growth (Trorey & Cullingford, 2017). Being creative when a problem arises amid people and having the courage and confidence to help people navigate through what they are facing vital.

Action Steps

One of the significant action steps that I will take as an individual is making sure that I always show up. Those re new opportunities' that creativity is required that I cannot miss out on. Making the whole encounter enjoyable and not seeing as if being creative is challenging will help develop my skill to greater heights. Choosing a specific time and place when you will be actively focusing on methods of how to build your particular plan is essential. Allowing things to flow and taking one thing at a time will help reduce the bombardment of thoughts and give me a clear picture of what I am supposed to do at a given time.

Potential Obstacles

Fear of failure is one of the obstacles that hinder creativity. They make someone feel so unsure of what they will do and thus fails to boost the required confidence. Another block of the invention is the lack of a proper and clear direction on what you want to do and achieve (Parsons, 2017). Listening to other people's opinions on how you are going to live is also a waste of time and hinders creativity.


Being afraid of rejection from family and friends, and even colleagues can hinder creativity. When proactive thinking is not applied, then there is minimal reasoning taking place, and thus this becomes a significant challenge of the invention. Not embracing the changes that are taking place around you is also a challenge to creativity.

Key Supporters

Key supporters that are involved actively in the skill development plan are close relatives and friends. The family will come first as the top supporters to help me develop and expertise in my skill (Sunley, Harding & Jones, 2019). The family will help boost my confidence and give me the right-hand feedback whenever I apply creativity in my day to day life. Friends are close people in our lives, and therefore they know my full potential and help me develop my skill.

Supporting University Resources

Fitness centers

Library journals subscriptions

Health services

International peer programs

Writing centers

Mental health services

Website and TV subscriptions

Computer labs

International Student Registry Card Centre

Benefits from Change and Connections to Personal, Academic and Career Life

Creativity has helped me develop my personal life. I am more confident and specific about the things that I do. I can make up my mind and get through tough times on my own.

Creativity has had an enormous effect on my academic life. My grades have improved, and I have been more focused on what I want to do. It has made me learn to be eager to learn more, as well.

Creativity has helped me have a shift in my career goal. It has opened the room for a variety of courses to do that I never knew there was (Rubenstein, Ridgley, Callan, Karami & Ehlinger, 2018). It has sharpened the way I perceive specific jobs, and I have learned to appreciate any careers.


Fjortoft, N., Gettig, J., & Verdone, M. (2018). Teaching innovation and creativity, or teaching to the test?. American journal of pharmaceutical education, 82(10).

Parsons, J. R. (2017). Peer-led professional development in musical creativity through improvisation for music teachers (Doctoral dissertation, Boston University).

Rubenstein, L. D., Ridgley, L. M., Callan, G. L., Karami, S., & Ehlinger, J. (2018). How teachers perceive factors that influence creativity development: Applying a Social Cognitive Theory perspective. Teaching and Teacher Education, 70, 100-110.

Sunley, R., Harding, L., & Jones, J. (2019). Realising creativity in management education: Putting student energy into action. The International Journal of Management Education, 17(2), 172-181.

Trorey, G., & Cullingford, C. (2017). Professional development and institutional needs. Taylor & Francis.

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