Lap3 2/Main.ctxt

#BlueJ class context comment0.text=\n\ The\ sole\ purpose\ of\ this\ class\ is\ to\ start\ the\ game\ up.\ It\ does\ this\ by\n\ creating\ an\ instance\ of\ the\ Game\ and\ calling\ it's\ play\ method.\n\ \n\ @author\ Maria\ Jump\n\ @version\ 2015.02.01\n comment1.params= comment1.text=Default\ constructor. comment2.params=e\ componentResized(java.awt.event.ComponentEvent) comment3.params=event\ actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent) comment3.text=\n\ Default\ action\ listener.\n\ \n\ @param\ event\n\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ The\ action\ event.\n comment4.params=args\ main(java.lang.String[]) comment4.text=\n\ The\ main\ method\ for\ the\ program.\n\ \n\ @param\ args\n\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ The\ command\ line\ arguments.\n numComments=5

Lap3 2/Game.ctxt

#BlueJ class context comment0.text=\n\ This\ class\ is\ the\ main\ class\ of\ the\ "Campus\ of\ Kings"\ application.\n\ "Campus\ of\ Kings"\ is\ a\ very\ simple,\ text\ based\ adventure\ game.\ Users\ can\ walk\n\ around\ some\ scenery.\ That's\ all.\ It\ should\ really\ be\ extended\ to\ make\ it\ more\n\ interesting\!\n\ This\ game\ class\ creates\ and\ initializes\ all\ the\ others\:\ it\ creates\ all\ rooms,\n\ creates\ the\ parser\ and\ starts\ the\ game.\ It\ also\ evaluates\ and\ executes\ the\n\ commands\ that\ the\ parser\ returns.\n\ \n\ @author\ Mohammed\ Alharbi\n\ @version\ 2018/1/24\n comment1.params= comment1.text=\n\ Create\ the\ game\ and\ initialize\ its\ internal\ map.\n comment10.params=\ look() comment10.text=\n\ prints\ out\ the\ location\ information.\n\ \n comment2.params=\ play() comment2.text=\n\ Main\ play\ routine.\ Loops\ until\ end\ of\ play.\n comment3.params=command\ processCommand(Command) comment3.text=\n\ Given\ a\ command,\ process\ (that\ is\:\ execute)\ the\ command.\n\ \n\ @param\ command\n\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ The\ command\ to\ be\ processed.\n\ @return\ true\ If\ the\ command\ ends\ the\ game,\ false\ otherwise.\n comment4.params=command\ goGame(Command) comment4.text=\n\ Try\ to\ go\ to\ one\ direction.\ If\ there\ is\ an\ exit,\ enter\ the\ new\ room,\n\ otherwise\ print\ an\ error\ message.\n\ \n\ @param\ command\n\ \ The\ command\ to\ be\ processed.\n comment5.params=\ printGoodbye() comment5.text=\n\ Print\ out\ the\ closing\ message\ for\ the\ player.\n comment6.params=\ printLocationInformation() comment6.text=\n\ Prints\ out\ the\ current\ location\ and\ exits.\n comment7.params=\ printHelp() comment7.text=\n\ Print\ out\ some\ help\ information.\ Here\ we\ print\ some\ stupid,\ cryptic\n\ message\ and\ a\ list\ of\ the\ command\ words.\n comment8.params=\ printWelcome() comment8.text=\n\ Print\ out\ the\ opening\ message\ for\ the\ player.\n comment9.params=command\ quit(Command) comment9.text=\n\ "Quit"\ was\ entered.\ Check\ the\ rest\ of\ the\ command\ to\ see\ whether\ we\n\ really\ quit\ the\ game.\n\n\ @param\ command\n\ \ The\ command\ to\ be\ processed.\n\ @return\ true,\ if\ this\ command\ quits\ the\ game,\ false\ otherwise.\n numComments=11

Lap3 2/Player.ctxt

#BlueJ class context comment0.text=\n\ class\ Player.\n\ @author\ Mohammed\ Alharbi\n\ @version\ 2018.1.27\n comment1.params=playPlayer comment1.text=\ constructor\ in\ the\ Player\ class.\n\ @param\ playPlayer\ for\ the\ room\ .\n comment2.params=\ getcurrentRoom() comment2.text=\ accessor\ \ for\ the\ current\ room\ the\ character.\n\ @return\ cerrentRoom\n comment3.params=playing\ setcurrentRoom(Room) comment3.text=\ a\ mutator\ for\ the\ current\ room\ the\ character.\n\ @param\ playing\ for\ the\ Room\n numComments=4

Lap3 2/

Lap3 2/

import  java . util . HashMap ;
 * Class Room - a room in an adventure game.
 * This class is part of the "Campus of Kings" application. "Campus of Kings" is a
 * very simple, text based adventure game.
 * A "Room" represents one location in the scenery of the game. It is connected
 * to other rooms via doors. The doors are labeled north, east, south, west.
 * For each direction, the room stores a reference to an instance of door.
 *  @author  
 *  @version  2018.1.26
public   class   Room   {
     /** Counter for the total number of rooms created in the world. */
     private   static   int  counter ;
     /** The name of this room.  Room names should be unique. */
     private   String  name ;
     /** The description of this room. */
     private   String  description ;
     /**earn poins */
     private   int  points ;  
     /** directions hash map with directions keys and doors values */
     private   HashMap < String , Door >  directions  =   new   HashMap <   > ();
     * Static initializer.
     static   {
        counter  =   0 ;
     * Create a room described "description". Initially, it has no exits.
     * "description" is something like "a kitchen" or "an open court yard".
     *  @param  name  The room's name.
     *  @param  description
     *   The room's description.
     public   Room ( String  name ,   String  description )   {
         this . name  =  name ;
         this . description  =  description ;
        counter ++ ;

     * Returns the name of this room.
     *  @return  The name of this room.
     public   String  getName ()   {
         return  name ;

     * Returns the description of this room.
     *  @return  The description of this room.
     public   String  getDescription ()   {
         return  description ;

     * Rerurns the door of this room.
     *  @return  The door of this room
     public   Door  getDirection ( String  direction ){
         return  directions . get ( direction );

     * Rerutn the rooms that have been created int the world.
     *  @return  the rooms that have been created int the world.
     public   static   int  getCounter (){
         return  counter ;

     *  @return  getExit for getting thae direction.
     *  @param  direction
     *  @return

     public   int  getPoints (){
         int  point  =  points ;
        points  =   0 ;
         return  point ;

     /** Mutator for setting the points.
     *  @param  newPoint

     public   void  setPoints ( int  newPoints ){
        points  =  newPoints ;

     * Set exit.
     *  @param  direction
     *  @param  neighbor
     public   void  setDirection ( String  direction , Door  neighbor )   {
        directions . put ( direction ,  neighbor );

     * Returns a string description including all the details of a Room.
     *Exits : north east south west
     *  @return  A string representing all the details of a Room.
     public   String  toString (){

         String  roomInformation  =   "Exit" ;
        roomInformation  =  getName ()   +   " "   +  getDescription ();
         for ( String  direction  :  directions . keySet ()){
            roomInformation  =  roomInformation  +   "Exit"   +  direction ;

             //roomInformation = "Name";


         return  roomInformation ;


__MACOSX/Lap3 2/

Lap3 2/

Lap3 2/

 * Class Door - a door or portal between two Rooms in an adventure game.
 * This class is part of the "Campus of Kings" application. "Campus of Kings" is a
 * very simple, text based adventure game.
 * A "Door" represents a door or portal between two locations of the game.
 * It stores a reference to the neighboring room and whether that door
 * or portal is locked.  Doors are not locked by default.
 *  @author  
 *  @version  2015.02.01
public   class   Door   {
     /** The room that this door leads to. */
     private   Room  destination ;
     /** Whether this door is locked. */
     private   boolean  locked ;
     * Constructor for the Door class.
     *  @param  destination The room this door leads to
     public   Door ( Room  destination )   {
         this . destination  =  destination ;
         this . locked  =   false ;
     * A getter for the room this door leads to.
     *  @return  The room this door leads to
     public   Room  getDestination ()   {
         return  destination ;
     * A getter for whether this door is locked.
     *  @return  Whether this door is locked
     public   boolean  isLocked ()   {
         return  locked ;

     * A setter for whether this door is locked.
     *  @param  locked Whether this door is locked.
     public   void  setLocked ( boolean  locked )   {
         this . locked  =  locked ;

__MACOSX/Lap3 2/

Lap3 2/Reader.class

public synchronized class Reader {
    private static java.util.Scanner reader;
    public void Reader();
    public static Command getCommand();
    public static String getResponse();
    public static String getResponseKeepCase();
    static void <clinit>();

Lap3 2/.DS_Store

__MACOSX/Lap3 2/._.DS_Store

Lap3 2/

Lap3 2/

import  java . util . HashMap ;

 * This class represents the entire world that makes up the "Campus of Kings"
 * application. "Campus of Kings" is a very simple, text based adventure game.
 * Users can walk around some scenery. That's all. It should really be extended
 * to make it more interesting!
 * This world class creates the world where the game takes place.
 *  @author
 *  @version  20/2/2018
public   class   World   {
     /** The rooms in the world. */
     private   HashMap < String ,   Room >  rooms ;

     * Constructor for the world.
     public   World ()   {
        rooms  =   new   HashMap < String ,   Room > ();
        createRooms ();

     * This method takes care of creating all of the aspects of the world for
     * the "Campus of Kings" application.
     *  @param  name
     *            The provided name of the room.
     *  @return  The room associated with the provided name
     public   Room  getcurrentRoom ( String  name )   {
         return  rooms . get ( name . toLowerCase ());

     // Start of private helper methods

     * Helper method for recreating a Room. Ensure that the room is created and
     * installed in to the collection of Rooms.
     *  @param  theRoom
     *  The room to add to the world.
     private   void  addRoom ( Room  theRoom )   {
        rooms . put ( theRoom . getName (). toLowerCase (),  theRoom );

     * Helper method for creating doors between rooms.
     *  @param  from The room where the door originated.
     *  @param  direction The direction of the door in the from room.
     *  @param  to The room where the door goes.
     private   void  createDoor ( Room  from ,   String  direction ,   Room  to ){
         Door  door  =    new   Door ( to );
        from . setDirection ( direction , door );

     * This method creates all of the individual places in this world and all
     * the doors connecting them.
     private   void  createRooms ()   {
         // Creating all the rooms.
         int  pointScore  =   0 ;

         Room  bathroom  =   new   Room ( "Bathroom" ,   "there is teeth brush, shower place." );
         Room  kitchen  =   new   Room ( "Kitchen" ,   "there are two doors, one the way to go out of the house. The second door the way to the living room.." );
         Room  outOfTheHouse  =   new   Room ( "out Of The House" ,   "the way outside the house to drive to university.." );
        outOfTheHouse . setPoints ( 10 );
        pointScore  =  pointScore  +   10 ;
         Room  car  =   new   Room ( "Car" ,   "inside the car, back bag, car key with house key.." );
        car . setPoints ( 7 );
        pointScore  =  pointScore  +   7 ;
         Room  keepStreet  =   new   Room ( " keep Street" ,   "the correct way." );
         Room  turnLeft  =   new   Room ( "Turn left" ,   "wrong way to go with it.." );
         Room  endOfTheRoad  =   new   Room ( "End of the road" ,   "closed way." );
         Room  gasStaion  =   new   Room ( "Gas Staion" ,   "the way to traffic signal." );
         Room  trafficSignal  =   new   Room ( "Traffic signal" ,   "there are three different ways." );
        trafficSignal . setPoints ( 10 );
        pointScore  =  pointScore  +   10 ;
         Room  turnLeft2  =   new   Room ( "Turn left2" ,   "maybe not the right way." );
         Room  wrongWay  =   new   Room ( "Wrong way" , "it will take long time to reach the goal." );
         Room  turnRight  =   new   Room ( "Turn right" , " more traffic." );
         Room  closedWay  =   new   Room ( "Closed Way" , "no place to go." );
         Room  keepGoing  =   new   Room ( "KeepGoing" , "almost arrive to university." );
        keepGoing . setPoints ( 10 );
        pointScore  =  pointScore  +   10 ;
         Room  parking  =   new   Room ( "Parking" , "there is a meter parking, 2$ in Hour." );
        parking . setPoints ( 17 );
        pointScore  =  pointScore  +   17 ;
         Room  library  =   new   Room ( "Library" , "some books, students, printer, computers." );
         Room  campusCenter  =   new   Room ( "Campus Center" , "office for the activity, mailboxes, four floors" );
         Room  hallCampus  =   new   Room ( "Hall Campus" , "the building for men." );
         Room  hBuilding  =   new   Room ( "H Building" , "Five floors, elevator, six classrooms" );
         Room  square  =   new   Room ( "Square" , "the place in the middle of the university, and from there the player can go any building." );
        square . setPoints ( 12 );
        pointScore  =  pointScore  +   12 ;
         Room  mCBuilding  =   new   Room ( "MCBuilding" , " Classes, six floors." );
         Room  aBuilding  =   new   Room ( "A Building" , ": the goal to reach the class, stairs, elevator, classroom." );
         Room  stairs  =   new   Room ( "Stairs" , "take the player until fourth floor." );
        stairs . setPoints ( 18 );
        pointScore  =  pointScore  +   18 ;
         Room  elevator  =   new   Room ( "Elevator" , "take the player until fourth floor." );
         Room  floor2  =   new   Room ( "2Floor" , "entry for classes" );
         Room  classroom  =   new   Room ( "Classroom" , "one door, blackboard, tables" );
         Room  classroom201  =   new   Room   ( "Classroom201" , "you reach the goal." );
        classroom201 . setPoints ( 30 );
        pointScore  =  pointScore  +   30 ;
         Room  classroom204  =   new   Room ( "Classroom204" , "one door, students." );
         Room  classroom202  =   new   Room ( "Classroom202" , "blackboard, table, students." );
         // Adding all the rooms to the world.
         this . addRoom ( bathroom );
         this . addRoom ( kitchen );
         this . addRoom ( outOfTheHouse );
         this . addRoom ( car );
         this . addRoom ( keepStreet );
         this . addRoom ( turnLeft );
         this . addRoom ( endOfTheRoad );
         this . addRoom ( gasStaion );
         this . addRoom ( trafficSignal );
         this . addRoom ( turnLeft2 );
         this . addRoom ( wrongWay );
         this . addRoom ( turnRight );
         this . addRoom ( closedWay );
         this . addRoom ( keepGoing );
         this . addRoom ( parking );
         this . addRoom ( library );
         this . addRoom ( campusCenter );
         this . addRoom ( hallCampus );
         this . addRoom ( hBuilding );
         this . addRoom ( square );
         this . addRoom ( mCBuilding );
         this . addRoom ( aBuilding );
         this . addRoom ( stairs );
         this . addRoom ( elevator );
         this . addRoom ( floor2 );
         this . addRoom ( classroom );
         this . addRoom ( classroom201 );
         this . addRoom ( classroom204 );
         this . addRoom ( classroom202 );
         // Creating all the doors between the rooms.
         this . createDoor ( bathroom , "east" , kitchen );
         this . createDoor ( kitchen ,   "west" , bathroom );

         this . createDoor ( kitchen , "south" ,  outOfTheHouse );
         this . createDoor ( outOfTheHouse , "north" ,  kitchen );

         this . createDoor ( outOfTheHouse , "west" , car );
         this . createDoor ( car , "east" , outOfTheHouse );

         this . createDoor ( car , "south" , keepStreet );
         this . createDoor ( keepStreet , "north" , car );

         this . createDoor ( keepStreet , "west" , turnLeft );
         this . createDoor ( turnLeft , "east" , keepStreet );

         this . createDoor ( turnLeft , "south" ,  endOfTheRoad );
         this . createDoor ( endOfTheRoad , "north" , turnLeft );

         this . createDoor ( keepStreet , "south" , gasStaion );
         this . createDoor ( gasStaion ,   "north" , keepStreet );

         this . createDoor ( gasStaion , "east" , trafficSignal );
         this . createDoor ( trafficSignal , "west" ,  gasStaion );

         this . createDoor ( trafficSignal , "north" , turnLeft2 );
         this . createDoor ( turnLeft2 , "south" , trafficSignal );

         this . createDoor ( turnLeft2 , "north" ,  wrongWay );
         this . createDoor ( wrongWay , "south" , turnLeft2 );

         this . createDoor ( trafficSignal , "south" ,  turnRight );
         this . createDoor ( turnRight , "north" ,  trafficSignal );

         this . createDoor ( turnRight , "south" , closedWay );
         this . createDoor ( closedWay , "north" ,  turnRight );

         this . createDoor ( trafficSignal , "east" ,  keepGoing );
         this . createDoor ( keepGoing ,   "west" , trafficSignal );

         this . createDoor ( keepGoing , "east" ,  parking );
         this . createDoor ( parking , "west" , keepGoing );

         this . createDoor ( parking , "southwest" , library );
         this . createDoor ( library ,   "northeast" , parking );

         this . createDoor ( library , "east" ,  campusCenter );
         this . createDoor ( campusCenter , "west" , library );

         this . createDoor ( parking , "south" , square );
         this . createDoor ( square , "north" , parking );

         this . createDoor ( square , "east" ,  hallCampus );
         this . createDoor ( hallCampus , "west" , square );

         this . createDoor ( square , "west" , hBuilding );
         this . createDoor ( hBuilding , "east" , square );

         this . createDoor ( square ,   "southeast" , mCBuilding );
         this . createDoor ( mCBuilding , "northwest" , square );

         this . createDoor ( square , "south" , aBuilding );
         this . createDoor ( aBuilding , "north" , square );

         this . createDoor ( aBuilding , "west" , stairs );
         this . createDoor ( stairs , "east" , aBuilding );

         this . createDoor ( aBuilding , "southwest" , classroom );
         this . createDoor ( classroom , "northeast" , aBuilding );

         this . createDoor ( aBuilding , "southwest" , elevator );
         this . createDoor ( elevator , "northeast" , aBuilding );

         this . createDoor ( elevator , "west" , floor2 );
         this . createDoor ( floor2 , "east" , elevator );

         this . createDoor ( stairs , "south" , floor2 );
         this . createDoor ( floor2 , "north" , stairs );

         this . createDoor ( floor2 , "south" , classroom204 );
         this . createDoor ( classroom204 , "north" , floor2 );

         this . createDoor ( floor2 , "east" , classroom202 );
         this . createDoor ( classroom202 , "west" , floor2 );

         this . createDoor ( floor2 , "southeast" , classroom201 );
         this . createDoor ( classroom201 , "northwest" , floor2 );


__MACOSX/Lap3 2/

Lap3 2/Game.class

public synchronized class Game {
    private World world;
    private int score;
    private int turns;
    private Player playerClass;
    public void Game();
    public void play();
    private boolean processCommand(Command);
    private void goGame(Command);
    private void printGoodbye();
    private void printLocationInformation();
    private void printHelp();
    private void printWelcome();
    private boolean quit(Command);
    private void look();

Lap3 2/

Lap3 2/

import  java . util . HashMap ;
 * Write a description of class CommandEnum here.
 *  @author  (your name)
 *  @version  (a version number or a date)
public   class   CommandEnum
     /** A constant array that holds all valid commandEnum. */
     private   static    HashMap < String ,   CommandEnum >  validCommands  =   new   HashMap < String   , CommandEnum > ();

     * Static block to initialize the fields of CommandEnum.
     static   {
         String  tempCommands  =   { "look" , "go" ,   "quit" ,   "help"   };  
        validCommands  =   CommandEnum ;
         for ( CommandEnum  value  :   CommandEnum . values ())   {
            validCommands . put ( value . getCommand (),  value );


     public   static   CommandEnum  getCommand (   String  theString ){

         return  validCommands . get ( theString );

__MACOSX/Lap3 2/

Lap3 2/

Lap3 2/

import  java . awt . Color ;
import  java . io . BufferedWriter ;
import  java . io . File ;
import  java . io . FileNotFoundException ;
import  java . io . FileWriter ;
import  java . io . IOException ;
import  java . util . Scanner ;

import  javax . swing . JFileChooser ;
import  javax . swing . JTextPane ;
import  javax . swing . text . BadLocationException ;
import  javax . swing . text . Document ;
import  javax . swing . text . SimpleAttributeSet ;
import  javax . swing . text . StyleConstants ;

 * This class is a substitute for printing to standard out in our original text
 * adventure game. It uses a simple console to display the messages.
 *  @author  
 *  @version  2016-12-18
public   class   Writer   {

     /** System new line character. */
     private   static   final   String  NEW_LINE ;
     /** Name of the default log. */
     private   static   final   String  DEFAULT_LOG ;

     /** The text area that we will be writing to. */
     private   static   JTextPane  textArea ;

     /** Static block. */
     static   {
        NEW_LINE  =   System . getProperty ( "line.separator" );
        DEFAULT_LOG  =   "defaultlog.txt" ;
        textArea  =   null ;
        restartLog ();

     * Mutator for the text component.
     *  @param  text
     *            The text component.
     public   static   void  setTextArea ( JTextPane  text )   {
        textArea  =  text ;
        textArea . setEditable ( false );

     * Print the user input in blue.
     *  @param  input
     *            The text entered by the user.
     public   static   void  printInput ( String  input )   {
         SimpleAttributeSet  attributes  =   new   SimpleAttributeSet ();
         StyleConstants . setForeground ( attributes ,   Color . BLUE );
        printWithAttributes ( attributes ,  input  +  NEW_LINE );

     * Prints an empty line.
     public   static   void  println ()   {
        standardPrint ( NEW_LINE );

     * Prints out a single integer to a line.
     *  @param  toPrint
     *            The integer to print.
     public   static   void  println ( int  toPrint )   {
         String  text  =   ""   +  toPrint  +  NEW_LINE ;
        standardPrint ( text );

     * Prints out a single integer.
     *  @param  toPrint
     *            The integer to print.
     public   static   void  print ( int  toPrint )   {
         String  text  =   ""   +  toPrint ;
        standardPrint ( text );

     * Prints out a double to a line.
     *  @param  toPrint
     *            The double to print.
     public   static   void  println ( double  toPrint )   {
         String  text  =   ""   +  toPrint  +  NEW_LINE ;
        standardPrint ( text );

     * Prints out a double.
     *  @param  toPrint
     *            The double to print.
     public   static   void  print ( double  toPrint )   {
         String  text  =   ""   +  toPrint ;
        standardPrint ( text );

     * Prints out an object to a line.
     *  @param  toPrint
     *            The object to print.
     public   static   void  println ( Object  toPrint )   {
         String  text  =   ""   +  toPrint  +  NEW_LINE ;
        standardPrint ( text );

     * Prints out a object.
     *  @param  toPrint
     *            The object to print.
     public   static   void  print ( Object  toPrint )   {
         String  text  =   ""   +  toPrint ;
        standardPrint ( text );

     * Prints a string after word-wrapping it to 80 characters if possible. Note
     * that this fails to calculate correct widths if the string contains tabs.
     * Ends with a line return.
     *  @param  toPrint
     *            The String to print.
     public   static   void  println ( String  toPrint )   {
         String  text  =  toPrint  +  NEW_LINE ;
        standardPrint ( text );

     * Prints a string after word-wrapping it to 80 characters if possible. Note
     * that this fails to calculate correct widths if the string contains tabs.
     *  @param  toPrint
     *            The String to print.
     public   static   void  print ( String  toPrint )   {
        standardPrint ( toPrint );
     * Helper method for standard printing.
     *  @param  toPrint
     *            The String to print.
     private   static   void  standardPrint ( String  toPrint )   {
         SimpleAttributeSet  attributes  =   new   SimpleAttributeSet ();
        printWithAttributes ( attributes ,  toPrint );

     * Helper method printing with attributes.
     *  @param  attributes
     *            A set of attributes to use when printing.
     *  @param  toPrint
     *            The String to print.
     *  @throws  IllegalStateException
     *             If the text area has not been set and we are trying to print
     *             to it.
     private   static   void  printWithAttributes ( SimpleAttributeSet  attributes ,   String  toPrint )   throws   IllegalStateException   {
         if   ( textArea  ==   null )   {
             throw   new   IllegalStateException ( "Need to set the text area before printing to it." );
         try   {
             Document  document  =  textArea . getDocument ();
            document . insertString ( document . getLength (),  toPrint ,  attributes );
            textArea . setCaretPosition ( document . getLength ());
             BufferedWriter  log  =   new   BufferedWriter ( new   FileWriter ( DEFAULT_LOG ,   true ));
            log . write ( toPrint );
            log . close ();
         }   catch   ( BadLocationException  ex )   {
             System . err . println ( "ERROR: Should never get this ["   +  toPrint  +   "]" );
             System . exit ( 2 );
         }   catch   ( IOException  ex )   {
             System . err . println ( "ERROR printing to default log (see instructor for help)" );
             System . exit ( 1 );
     * Restart the default log.
     public   static   void  restartLog ()   {
         try   {
             BufferedWriter  log  =   new   BufferedWriter ( new   FileWriter ( DEFAULT_LOG ,   false ));
            log . close ();
         }   catch   ( IOException  ex )   {
             System . err . println ( "ERROR resetting the default log (see instructor for help)" );
             System . exit ( 1 );

     * Copy the default log.
     public   static   void  copyDefaultLog ()   {
         Scanner  input  =   null ;
         BufferedWriter  output  =   null ;
         try   {
             JFileChooser  chooser  =   new   JFileChooser ();
            chooser . setCurrentDirectory ( new   File ( "." ));
             int  result  =  chooser . showOpenDialog ( null );
             if   ( result  ==   JFileChooser . APPROVE_OPTION )   {
                input  =   new   Scanner ( new   File ( DEFAULT_LOG ));
                output  =   new   BufferedWriter ( new   FileWriter ( chooser . getSelectedFile (),   false ));
                 while   ( input . hasNextLine ())   {
                     String  line  =  input . nextLine ();
                    output . write ( line  +  NEW_LINE );
                output . close ();
                input . close ();
         }   catch   ( FileNotFoundException  exception )   {
             System . err . println ( "ERROR: default log file cannot be found" );
             System . exit ( 3 );
         }   catch   ( IOException  exception )   {
             System . err . println ( "ERROR: file for copy cannot be written to" );
             System . exit ( 4 );

__MACOSX/Lap3 2/

Lap3 2/Main$1.class

synchronized class Main$1 extends java.awt.event.ComponentAdapter {
    void Main$1(Main);
    public void componentResized(java.awt.event.ComponentEvent);

Lap3 2/

Lap3 2/

import  java . util . ArrayList ;
 * This class is part of the "Campus of Kings" application. "Campus of Kings" is a
 * very simple, text based adventure game.
 * This class holds information about a command that was issued by the user. A
 * command currently consists of two strings: a command word and a second word
 * (for example, if the command was "take map", then the two strings obviously
 * are "take" and "map").
 * The way this is used is: Commands are already checked for being valid command
 * words. If the user entered an invalid command (a word that is not known) then
 * the command word is <null>.
 * If the command had only one word, then the second word is <null>.
 *  @author  Maria Jump
 *  @version  2015.02.01

public   class   Command   {
     /** The command word for this command. */
     private   String  commandWord ;
     /** The rest of the line with all the spaces removed. */
     private   ArrayList < String >  restOfLine ;

     * Create a command object. First is supplied. The second word is assumed
     * to be null.
     *  @param  firstWord
     *            The first word of the command. Null if the command was not
     *            recognized.
     public   Command ( String  firstWord )   {
        commandWord  =  firstWord ;
        restOfLine  =   new   ArrayList < String > ();
     * Create a command object. First and second word must be supplied, but
     * either one (or both) can be null.
     *  @param  firstWord
     *            The first word of the command. Null if the command was not
     *            recognized.
     *  @param  rest
     *            The rest of the command.
     public   Command ( String  firstWord ,   ArrayList < String >  rest )   {
        commandWord  =  firstWord ;
        restOfLine  =  rest ;

     * Return the command word (the first word) of this command. If the command
     * was not understood, the result is null.
     *  @return  The command word.
     public   String  getCommandWord ()   {
         return  commandWord ;

     * Returns if this command was not understood.
     *  @return  true if this command was not understood.
     public   boolean  isUnknown ()   {
         return   ( commandWord  ==   null );

     * Returns if this command has a second word.
     *  @return  true if the command has a second word.
     public   boolean  hasSecondWord ()   {
         return  restOfLine  !=   null ;
     * Returns if this command has more words.
     *  @param  index The index of the word needed.
     *  @return  true if the command has a word at given index.
     public   boolean  hasWord ( int  index )   {
         return  index  >=   0   &&  index  <  restOfLine . size ();
     * Returns the word at the requested index in the command.
     *  @param  index
     *            The index of word in the command that is being requested.
     *  @return  A particular word in the command. Returns null if there is no
     *         word corresponding to that requested index.
     public   String  getWord ( int  index )   {
         String  result  =   null ;
         if   ( index  >=   0   &&  index  <  restOfLine . size ())   {
            result  =  restOfLine . get ( index );
         return  result ;

     * Returns the second word of this command, if it exists.
     *  @return  The second word of this command. Returns null if there was no
     *         second word.
     public   String  getRestOfLine ()   {
         StringBuffer  buffer  =   null ;
         if   ( restOfLine . size ()   !=   0 )   {
             for ( String  word  :  restOfLine )   {
                 if   ( buffer  ==   null )   {
                    buffer  =   new   StringBuffer ();
                    buffer . append ( word );
                 else   {
                    buffer . append ( " " );
                    buffer . append ( word );
         String  result  =   "" ;
         if   ( buffer  !=   null )   {
            result  +=  buffer . toString ();
         return  result ;

__MACOSX/Lap3 2/

Lap3 2/Command.class

public synchronized class Command {
    private String commandWord;
    private java.util.ArrayList restOfLine;
    public void Command(String);
    public void Command(String, java.util.ArrayList);
    public String getCommandWord();
    public boolean isUnknown();
    public boolean hasSecondWord();
    public boolean hasWord(int);
    public String getWord(int);
    public String getRestOfLine();

Lap3 2/Room.class

public synchronized class Room {
    private static int counter;
    private String name;
    private String description;
    private int points;
    private java.util.HashMap directions;
    public void Room(String, String);
    public String getName();
    public String getDescription();
    public Door getDirection(String);
    public static int getCounter();
    public int getPoints();
    public void setPoints(int);
    public void setDirection(String, Door);
    public String toString();
    static void <clinit>();

Lap3 2/defaultlog.txt

Welcome to the Campus of Kings! Campus of Kings is a new, incredibly boring adventure game. Type 'help' if you need help. Bathroom there is teeth brush, shower place.Exiteast : You are in Bathroom there is teeth brush, shower place.Exiteast Exits: > go east Kitchen there are two doors, one the way to go out of the house. The second door the way to the living room..ExitsouthExitwest : You are in Kitchen there are two doors, one the way to go out of the house. The second door the way to the living room..ExitsouthExitwest Exits: >

Lap3 2/

Lap3 2/

import  java . util . ArrayList ;
import  java . util . Scanner ;
 * This class is part of the "Campus of Kings" application. "Campus of Kings" is a
 * very simple, text based adventure game.
 * This parser reads user input and tries to interpret it as an "Adventure"
 * command. Every time it is called it reads a line from the terminal and tries
 * to interpret the line as a two word command. It returns the command as an
 * object of class Command.
 * The parser has a set of known command words. It checks user input against the
 * known commands, and if the input is not one of the known commands, it returns
 * a command object that is marked as an unknown command.
 *  @author  
 *  @version  2017.12.18
public   class   Reader   {
     /** The source of command input. */
     private   static   Scanner  reader ;

     * Create a parser to read from the terminal window.
     static   {
        reader  =   new   Scanner ( System . in );

     * Returns the next command from the user.
     *  @return  The next command from the user.
     public   static   Command  getCommand ()   {
         CommandEnum  inputLine ;   // will hold the full input line
         String  word1  =   null ;
         ArrayList < String >  restOfLine  =   null ;

         Writer . print ( "> " );   // print prompt

        inputLine  =  reader . nextLine (). toLowerCase ();
         Writer . printInput ( inputLine );

         // Find up to two words on the line.
         Scanner  tokenizer  =   new   Scanner ( inputLine );
         if   ( tokenizer . hasNext ())   {
            word1  =  tokenizer . next ();   // get first word
             if   ( tokenizer . hasNext ())   {
                restOfLine  =   new   ArrayList < String > ();
                 while ( tokenizer . hasNext ())   {
                    restOfLine . add ( tokenizer . next ());
        tokenizer . close ();

         // Now check whether this word is known. If so, create a command
         // with it. If not, create a "null" command (for unknown command).
         Command  result  =   null ;
         if   ( CommandWords . isCommand ( word1 ))   {
            result  =   new   Command ( word1 ,  restOfLine );
         else   {
            result  =   new   Command ( null ,  restOfLine );
         return  result ;

     * Return the response to a question in all lower case.
     *  @return  The response typed in by the user.
     public   static   String  getResponse ()   {
         return  getResponseKeepCase (). toLowerCase ();

     * Return the response to a question in the case used by the player.
     *  @return  The response typed in by the user.
     public   static   String  getResponseKeepCase ()   {
         String  response  =  reader . nextLine (). trim ();
         Writer . printInput ( response );
         return  response ;

__MACOSX/Lap3 2/

Lap3 2/team.defs

#Mon Mar 26 22:16:27 EDT 2018 bluej.teamsettings.groupname= bluej.teamsettings.git.repositoryPrefix=/kings-cs/CS117-S18-AlharbiMohammed.git bluej.teamsettings.git.protocol=https bluej.teamsettings.user=alharbi333 [email protected] bluej.teamsettings.vcs=git bluej.teamsettings.ignore8=\\.DS_Store bluej.teamsettings.yourName=mohammedalharbi bluej.teamsettings.ignore7=.*\\\#backup bluej.teamsettings.ignore6=.*\\\# bluej.teamsettings.ignore5=.*\\~ bluej.teamsettings.ignore4=.*\\.ctxt bluej.teamsettings.ignore3=team\\.defs bluej.teamsettings.ignore2=bluej\\.pkh bluej.teamsettings.ignore1=.*\\.class

Lap3 2/

Project: CampusOfKings-bad Authors: Maria Jump This project is a simple framework for an text adventure game. In this version, it has a few rooms and the ability for a player to walk between these rooms. That's all. This version of the game contains some very bad class design. It should NOT be used as a basis for extending the project without fixing these design problems. It serves as an example to discuss good and bad design. We will fix the problems with this project through the next couple of labs which walk students through fixing bad design decisions and give them an opportunity to become familiar with the existing code.

Lap3 2/World.ctxt

#BlueJ class context comment0.text=\n\ This\ class\ represents\ the\ entire\ world\ that\ makes\ up\ the\ "Campus\ of\ Kings"\n\ application.\ "Campus\ of\ Kings"\ is\ a\ very\ simple,\ text\ based\ adventure\ game.\n\ Users\ can\ walk\ around\ some\ scenery.\ That's\ all.\ It\ should\ really\ be\ extended\n\ to\ make\ it\ more\ interesting\!\n\ \n\ This\ world\ class\ creates\ the\ world\ where\ the\ game\ takes\ place.\n\ \n\ @author\ mohammed\ alharbi\n\ @version\ 20/2/2018\n comment1.params= comment1.text=\n\ Constructor\ for\ the\ world.\n comment2.params=name\ getcurrentRoom(java.lang.String) comment2.text=\n\ This\ method\ takes\ care\ of\ creating\ all\ of\ the\ aspects\ of\ the\ world\ for\n\ the\ "Campus\ of\ Kings"\ application.\n\ \n\ @param\ name\n\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ The\ provided\ name\ of\ the\ room.\n\ @return\ The\ room\ associated\ with\ the\ provided\ name\n comment3.params=theRoom\ addRoom(Room) comment3.text=\n\ Helper\ method\ for\ recreating\ a\ Room.\ Ensure\ that\ the\ room\ is\ created\ and\n\ installed\ in\ to\ the\ collection\ of\ Rooms.\n\ \n\ @param\ theRoom\n\ \ The\ room\ to\ add\ to\ the\ world.\n comment4.params=from\ direction\ to\ createDoor(Room,\ java.lang.String,\ Room) comment4.text=\n\ Helper\ method\ for\ creating\ doors\ between\ rooms.\n\ \n\ @param\ from\ The\ room\ where\ the\ door\ originated.\n\ @param\ direction\ The\ direction\ of\ the\ door\ in\ the\ from\ room.\n\ @param\ to\ The\ room\ where\ the\ door\ goes.\n comment5.params=\ createRooms() comment5.text=\n\ This\ method\ creates\ all\ of\ the\ individual\ places\ in\ this\ world\ and\ all\n\ the\ doors\ connecting\ them.\n numComments=6

Lap3 2/.gitignore

*.class *.ctxt *.*~ doc /.project default.log

Lap3 2/

Lap3 2/

 * class Player.
 *  @author  
 *  @version  2018.1.27
  public   class   Player {  
    /** field in the Player class to store the currentRoom.*/
     private   Room  currentRoom ;     
    /** constructor in the Player class.
    *  @param  playPlayer for the room .
     public   Player ( Room  playPlayer ){
       currentRoom  =  playPlayer ;       
    /** accessor  for the current room the character.
    *  @return  cerrentRoom
     public   Room  getcurrentRoom (){
         return  currentRoom ;
     /** a mutator for the current room the character.
     *  @param  playing for the Room
     public   void  setcurrentRoom ( Room  playing ){
     currentRoom  =  playing ;

__MACOSX/Lap3 2/

Lap3 2/Room.ctxt

#BlueJ class context comment0.text=\n\ Class\ Room\ -\ a\ room\ in\ an\ adventure\ game.\n\ \n\ This\ class\ is\ part\ of\ the\ "Campus\ of\ Kings"\ application.\ "Campus\ of\ Kings"\ is\ a\n\ very\ simple,\ text\ based\ adventure\ game.\n\ \n\ A\ "Room"\ represents\ one\ location\ in\ the\ scenery\ of\ the\ game.\ It\ is\ connected\n\ to\ other\ rooms\ via\ doors.\ The\ doors\ are\ labeled\ north,\ east,\ south,\ west.\n\ For\ each\ direction,\ the\ room\ stores\ a\ reference\ to\ an\ instance\ of\ door.\n\ \n\ @author\ Mohammed\ ALharbi\n\ @version\ 2018.1.26\n comment1.params=name\ description,\ java.lang.String) comment1.text=\n\ Create\ a\ room\ described\ "description".\ Initially,\ it\ has\ no\ exits.\n\ "description"\ is\ something\ like\ "a\ kitchen"\ or\ "an\ open\ court\ yard".\n\ @param\ name\ \ The\ room's\ name.\n\ @param\ description\n\ \ \ The\ room's\ description.\n comment2.params=\ getName() comment2.text=\n\ Returns\ the\ name\ of\ this\ room.\n\ \n\ @return\ The\ name\ of\ this\ room.\n comment3.params=\ getDescription() comment3.text=\n\ Returns\ the\ description\ of\ this\ room.\n\ \n\ @return\ The\ description\ of\ this\ room.\n comment4.params=direction\ getDirection(java.lang.String) comment4.text=\n\ Rerurns\ the\ door\ of\ this\ room.\n\ @return\ The\ door\ of\ this\ room\n comment5.params=\ getCounter() comment5.text=\n\ Rerutn\ the\ rooms\ that\ have\ been\ created\ int\ the\ world.\n\ @return\ the\ rooms\ that\ have\ been\ created\ int\ the\ world.\n comment6.params=\ getPoints() comment6.text=\n\ @return\ getExit\ for\ getting\ thae\ direction.\n\ @param\ direction\n\ @return\n comment7.params=newPoints\ setPoints(int) comment7.text=\ Mutator\ for\ setting\ the\ points.\n\ @param\ newPoint\n comment8.params=direction\ neighbor\ setDirection(java.lang.String,\ Door) comment8.text=\n\ Set\ exit.\n\ @param\ direction\n\ @param\ neighbor\n comment9.params=\ toString() comment9.text=\n\ Returns\ a\ string\ description\ including\ all\ the\ details\ of\ a\ Room.\nExits\ \:\ north\ east\ south\ west\n\ @return\ A\ string\ representing\ all\ the\ details\ of\ a\ Room.\n numComments=10

Lap3 2/

Lap3 2/

import  java . util . HashMap ;
import  java . util . ArrayList ;
 * This class is the main class of the "Campus of Kings" application.
 * "Campus of Kings" is a very simple, text based adventure game. Users can walk
 * around some scenery. That's all. It should really be extended to make it more
 * interesting!
 * This game class creates and initializes all the others: it creates all rooms,
 * creates the parser and starts the game. It also evaluates and executes the
 * commands that the parser returns.
 *  @author  
 *  @version  2018/1/24

public   class   Game   {
     /** The world where the game takes place. */
     private   World  world ;
     //** stores the character controlled by the Player. */
     //private Player Playing;
     /** the total score. */
     private   int  score  ;
     /** the total number of turns. */
     private   int  turns ;
     /** This is an object for getting the room from the Player class. */
     private   Player  playerClass ;
     * Create the game and initialize its internal map.
     public   Game ()   {
        world  =   new   World ();
        playerClass  =   new   Player ( world . getcurrentRoom ( "Bathroom" ));
        score  =   0 ;
        turns  =   0 ;


     * Main play routine. Loops until end of play.
     public   void  play ()   {
        printWelcome ();

         // Enter the main game loop. Here we repeatedly read commands and
         // execute them until the game is over.
         boolean  wantToQuit  =   false ;
         while   ( ! wantToQuit )   {
             Command  command  =   Reader . getCommand ();
            wantToQuit  =  processCommand ( command );
            turns  =  turns  +   1 ;
        printGoodbye ();

     // Helper methods for processing the commands

     * Given a command, process (that is: execute) the command.
     *  @param  command
     *            The command to be processed.
     *  @return  true If the command ends the game, false otherwise.
     private   boolean  processCommand ( Command  command )   {
         //private static CommandEnum g(){

         boolean  wantToQuit  =   false ;

         if   ( command . isUnknown ())   {
             Writer . println ( "I don't know what you mean..." );
         } else   {

             String  commandWord  =  command . getCommandWord ();
             if   ( commandWord . equals ( "help" ))   {
                printHelp ();
             }   else   if   ( commandWord . equals ( "go" ))   {
                goGame ( command );
             }   else   if   ( commandWord . equals ( "quit" ))   {
                wantToQuit  =  quit ( command );
             }   else   {
                 Writer . println ( commandWord  +   " is not implemented yet!" );
         return  wantToQuit ;


     // Helper methods for implementing all of the commands.
     // It helps if you organize these in alphabetical order.

     * Try to go to one direction. If there is an exit, enter the new room,
     * otherwise print an error message.
     *  @param  command
     *  The command to be processed.
     private   void  goGame ( Command  command )   {

         if   ( ! command . hasSecondWord ())   {

             Writer . println ( "Go where?" );
         }   else   {
             String  direction  =  command . getRestOfLine ();
             Door  doorway  =   null ;
            doorway  =  playerClass . getcurrentRoom (). getDirection ( direction );

             if   ( doorway  ==   null )   {
                 Writer . println ( "There is no door!" );
             }   else   {
                 Room  newRoom  =  doorway . getDestination ();                        
                playerClass . setcurrentRoom ( newRoom );
                score  =  score  +  newRoom . getPoints ();  
                printLocationInformation  ();

     * Print out the closing message for the player.
     private   void  printGoodbye ()   {
         Writer . println ( "I hope you weren't too bored here on the Campus of Kings!" );
         Writer . println ( "Thank you for playing.  Good bye." );
         Writer . println ( "You have earned"   +   " "   +  score  +   "points in"   +   " "   +  turns  +   " "   +   "turns." );

     * Prints out the current location and exits.
     private   void  printLocationInformation (){
         Writer . println ( playerClass . getcurrentRoom ()   +   " : " );
         Writer . println ( "You are in "   +  playerClass . getcurrentRoom ());
         Writer . print ( "Exits: " );


     * Print out some help information. Here we print some stupid, cryptic
     * message and a list of the command words.
     private   void  printHelp ()   {
         Writer . println ( "You are lost. You are alone. You wander" );
         Writer . println ( "around at the university." );
         Writer . println ();
         Writer . println ( "Your command words are:" );
         Writer . println ( "look go quit help" );


     * Print out the opening message for the player.
     private   void  printWelcome ()   {
         Room  currentRoom  =  playerClass . getcurrentRoom ();  
         Writer . println ();
         Writer . println ( "Welcome to the Campus of Kings!" );
         Writer . println ( "Campus of Kings is a new, incredibly boring adventure game." );
         Writer . println ( "Type 'help' if you need help." );

        printLocationInformation ();

     * "Quit" was entered. Check the rest of the command to see whether we
     * really quit the game.
     *  @param  command
     *  The command to be processed.
     *  @return  true, if this command quits the game, false otherwise.
     private   boolean  quit ( Command  command )   {
         boolean  wantToQuit  =   true ;
         if   ( command . hasSecondWord ())   {
             Writer . println ( "Quit what?" );
            wantToQuit  =   false ;
         return  wantToQuit ;

     * prints out the location information.
     private   void  look (){
        printLocationInformation ();



__MACOSX/Lap3 2/

Lap3 2/

Lap3 2/

import  java . awt . BorderLayout ;
import  java . awt . Dimension ;
import  java . awt . event . ActionEvent ;
import  java . awt . event . ActionListener ;
import  java . awt . event . ComponentAdapter ;
import  java . awt . event . ComponentEvent ;
import  java . io . InputStream ;
import  java . io . IOException ;

import  javax . swing . JButton ;
import  javax . swing . JFrame ;
import  javax . swing . JMenu ;
import  javax . swing . JMenuBar ;
import  javax . swing . JMenuItem ;
import  javax . swing . JPanel ;
import  javax . swing . JScrollPane ;
import  javax . swing . JTextField ;
import  javax . swing . JTextPane ;

 * The sole purpose of this class is to start the game up. It does this by
 * creating an instance of the Game and calling it's play method.
 *  @author  Maria Jump
 *  @version  2015.02.01
public   class   Main   extends   JFrame   implements   ActionListener   {

     /** Generated unique serial unique id. */
     private   static   final   long  serialVersionUID  =   - 4610552759287004513L ;

     /** Starting dimension of the window. */
     private   static   final   Dimension  WINDOW_DIMENSION ;

     /** The scroll pane so we can resize it when the window is resized. */
     private   JScrollPane  outputScrollPane ;

     /** The save log menu item. */
     private   JMenuItem  saveItem ;
     /** The exit menu item. */
     private   JMenuItem  exitItem ;

     /** The game instance. */
     private   Game  game ;

     /** Static block for initializing static fields. */
     static   {
        WINDOW_DIMENSION  =   new   Dimension ( 500 ,   500 );

     /** Default constructor. */
     public   Main ()   {
        setDefaultCloseOperation ( JFrame . EXIT_ON_CLOSE );
        setLayout ( new   BorderLayout ());

         // Setting up the menu bar
         JMenuBar  menuBar  =   new   JMenuBar ();
        setJMenuBar ( menuBar );
         JMenu  fileMenu  =   new   JMenu ( "File" );
        menuBar . add ( fileMenu );
        saveItem  =   new   JMenuItem ( "Save Log ..." );
        saveItem . addActionListener ( this );
        fileMenu . add ( saveItem );
        exitItem  =   new   JMenuItem ( "Exit" );
        exitItem . addActionListener ( this );
        fileMenu . add ( exitItem );

         // Setting out the output area
         JTextPane  output  =   new   JTextPane ();
        outputScrollPane  =   new   JScrollPane ( output );
         Dimension  outputSize  =   new   Dimension ();
        outputSize . setSize ( WINDOW_DIMENSION . getWidth (),  WINDOW_DIMENSION . getHeight ()   -   100 );
        outputScrollPane . setPreferredSize ( outputSize );
         // So that the scroll pane will resize when the window is resized
        addComponentListener ( new   ComponentAdapter ()   {
             public   void  componentResized ( ComponentEvent  e )   {
                 Dimension  outputSize  =   new   Dimension ();
                outputSize . setSize ( getContentPane (). getWidth (),  getContentPane (). getHeight ()   -   100 );
                outputScrollPane . setPreferredSize ( outputSize );
        add ( BorderLayout . NORTH ,  outputScrollPane );
         // Set up the Writer so that it can be used throughout the game.
         Writer . setTextArea ( output );

         // Setting up the bottom panel for input
         JPanel  bottomPane  =   new   JPanel ();
        bottomPane . setLayout ( new   BorderLayout ());

         JButton  enterButton  =   new   JButton ( "Enter" );
         JTextField  commandField  =   new   JTextField ();

         TextFieldStreamer  streamer  =   new   TextFieldStreamer ( commandField );
         // maybe this next line should be done in the TextFieldStreamer ctor
         // but that would cause a "leak a this from the ctor" warning
        commandField . addActionListener ( streamer );
        enterButton . addActionListener ( streamer );

         System . setIn ( streamer );

        bottomPane . add ( BorderLayout . CENTER ,  commandField );
        bottomPane . add ( BorderLayout . EAST ,  enterButton );

        add ( BorderLayout . SOUTH ,  bottomPane );
        setSize ( WINDOW_DIMENSION );
        setVisible ( true );
        commandField . requestFocus ();

        game  =   new   Game ();
        game . play ();

     * Default action listener.
     *  @param  event
     *            The action event.
    @ Override
     public   void  actionPerformed ( ActionEvent  event )   {
         if   ( event . getSource ()   ==  saveItem )   {
             Writer . copyDefaultLog ();
         }   else   if   ( event . getSource ()   ==  exitItem )   {
             System . exit ( 0 );

     * The main method for the program.
     *  @param  args
     *            The command line arguments.
     public   static   void  main ( String []  args )   {
         new   Main ();

     * Implementation of InputStream that uses the text from a JTextField as the
     * input buffer.
     *  @author  Maria Jump
     private   class   TextFieldStreamer   extends   InputStream   implements   ActionListener   {

         /** The JTextField to use for input. */
         private   JTextField  textField ;

         /** The string of text that being passed as input. */
         private   String  text ;

         /** Used for checking if the available input has reached its end. */
         private   int  position ;

         * Default constructor for TextFieldStreamer.
         *  @param  field
         *            JTextField component being used as input buffer.
         public   TextFieldStreamer ( JTextField  field )   {
            position  =   0 ;
            text  =   null ;
            textField  =  field ;

         // gets
         * Invoked when an action occurs. In this case, prints the text of the
         * JTextField to StdOut as an error message to differentiate between
         * user input and game output. Triggered every time that "Enter" is
         * pressed on the JTextField.
         * Triggered every time that "Enter" is pressed on the textfield
         *  @param  event
         *            ActionEvent passed by the component.
        @ Override
         public   void  actionPerformed ( ActionEvent  event )   {
            text  =  textField . getText ()   +   System . getProperty ( "line.separator" );
            position  =   0 ;
            textField . setText ( "" );
             synchronized   ( this )   {
                 // maybe this should only notify() as multiple threads may
                 // be waiting for input and they would now race for input
                 this . notifyAll ();

         * Reads the next byte of data from the input stream. The value byte is
         * returned as an <code>int</code> in the range <code>0</code> to
         * <code>255</code>. If no byte is available because the end of the
         * stream has been reached, the value <code>-1</code> is returned. This
         * method blocks until input data is available, the end of the stream is
         * detected, or an exception is thrown.
         * <p>
         * A subclass must provide an implementation of this method.
         *  @return  the next byte of data, or <code>-1</code> if the end of the
         *         stream is reached.
         *  @exception  IOException
         *                if an I/O error occurs.
        @ Override
         public   int  read ()   throws   IOException   {
             int  result  =   0xDEADBEEF ;
             // test if the available input has reached its end
             // and the EOS should be returned
             if   ( text  !=   null   &&  position  ==  text . length ())   {
                text  =   null ;
                 // this is supposed to return -1 on "end of stream"
                 // but I'm having a hard time locating the constant
                result  =  java . io . StreamTokenizer . TT_EOF ;
             if   ( result  ==   0xDEADBEEF )   {
                 // no input available, block until more is available because
                 // that's
                 // the behavior specified in the Javadocs.
                 while   ( text  ==   null   ||  position  >=  text . length ())   {
                     try   {
                         // read() should block until new input is available.
                         synchronized   ( this )   {
                             this . wait ();
                     }   catch   ( InterruptedException  ex )   {
                        ex . printStackTrace ();
                 // read an additional character, return it and increment the
                 // index.
                result  =  text . charAt ( position ++ );
             return  result ;

__MACOSX/Lap3 2/

Lap3 2/

Lap3 2/

import  java . util . HashMap ;
 * This class is part of the "Campus of Kings" application. "Campus of Kings" is a
 * very simple, text based adventure game.
 * This class holds an enumeration of all command words known to the game. It is
 * used to recognize commands as they are typed in.
 *  @author  
 *  @version  2015.02.01

public   class   CommandWords   {
     /** A constant array that holds all valid command words. */
     private   static    HashMap < String ,   CommandEnum >  validCommands  =   new   HashMap < String   , CommandEnum > ();

     * Static block to initialize the fields of CommandWords.
     static   {
         //String tempCommands = {"look","go", "quit", "help" }; 
         //validCommands = CommandEnum;
         for ( CommandEnum  value :   CommandEnum . values ())   {
        validCommands . put ( value . getCommand (),  value );

     * Check whether a given String is a valid command word.
     *  @param  aString The string to determine whether it is a valid command.
     *  @return  true if a given string is a valid command, false if it isn't.
     public   static   boolean  isCommand ( String  aString )   {
         boolean  valid  =   false ;
         int  index  =   0 ;
         while   ( ! valid  &&  index  <  validCommands . length )   {
             if   ( validCommands [ index ]. equals ( aString ))   {
                valid  =   true ;
            index ++ ;
         // if we get here, the string was not found in the commands
         return  valid ;

     * Retuerns a list of the available commands, of the form:
     *  your command words are:
     *  look go quit help
     *  @return  A string containing the list of available commands.
     public   static   String  getCommandString (){

     return  getCommandString ();
     * Converts a String into a CommandEnum oblect.
     *  @param  theString The String containing the command word.
     *  @return  The CommandEnum object representing the command, or null if the command does not exist. 
     public   static   CommandEnum  getCommand (   String  theString ){
     return  validCommands . get ( theString );

__MACOSX/Lap3 2/

Lap3 2/Main$TextFieldStreamer.class

synchronized class Main$TextFieldStreamer extends implements java.awt.event.ActionListener {
    private javax.swing.JTextField textField;
    private String text;
    private int position;
    public void Main$TextFieldStreamer(Main, javax.swing.JTextField);
    public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent);
    public int read() throws;

Lap3 2/Door.ctxt

#BlueJ class context comment0.text=\n\ Class\ Door\ -\ a\ door\ or\ portal\ between\ two\ Rooms\ in\ an\ adventure\ game.\n\ \n\ This\ class\ is\ part\ of\ the\ "Campus\ of\ Kings"\ application.\ "Campus\ of\ Kings"\ is\ a\n\ very\ simple,\ text\ based\ adventure\ game.\n\ \n\ A\ "Door"\ represents\ a\ door\ or\ portal\ between\ two\ locations\ of\ the\ game.\n\ It\ stores\ a\ reference\ to\ the\ neighboring\ room\ and\ whether\ that\ door\n\ or\ portal\ is\ locked.\ \ Doors\ are\ not\ locked\ by\ default.\n\ \n\ @author\ Maria\ Jump\n\ @version\ 2015.02.01\n comment1.params=destination comment1.text=\n\ Constructor\ for\ the\ Door\ class.\n\ @param\ destination\ The\ room\ this\ door\ leads\ to\n comment2.params=\ getDestination() comment2.text=\n\ A\ getter\ for\ the\ room\ this\ door\ leads\ to.\n\ @return\ The\ room\ this\ door\ leads\ to\n comment3.params=\ isLocked() comment3.text=\n\ A\ getter\ for\ whether\ this\ door\ is\ locked.\n\ @return\ Whether\ this\ door\ is\ locked\n comment4.params=locked\ setLocked(boolean) comment4.text=\n\ A\ setter\ for\ whether\ this\ door\ is\ locked.\n\ @param\ locked\ Whether\ this\ door\ is\ locked.\n numComments=5

Lap3 2/Player.class

public synchronized class Player {
    private Room currentRoom;
    public void Player(Room);
    public Room getcurrentRoom();
    public void setcurrentRoom(Room);

Lap3 2/World.class

public synchronized class World {
    private java.util.HashMap rooms;
    public void World();
    public Room getcurrentRoom(String);
    private void addRoom(Room);
    private void createDoor(Room, String, Room);
    private void createRooms();

Lap3 2/documents/.DS_Store

__MACOSX/Lap3 2/documents/._.DS_Store

Lap3 2/documents/Game.xml


__MACOSX/Lap3 2/documents/._Game.xml

Lap3 2/documents/Game name copy.docx

Game name: Go to class

-The goal to reach the classroom201 in building A.

-there are 28 rooms until to reach the class.

- the player will lose if he goes to wrong direction and have to bake one room to start again.

-some of the rooms have three ways, two ways, and one way.

-Player will see different ways in each room after leaving the house.

-Items: car key, back bag, coffee.

Bathroom: there is teeth brush, shower place.

Kitchen: there are two doors, one the way to go out of the house. The second door the way to the living room.

Out of the house: the way outside the house to drive to university.

Car: inside the car, back bag, car key with house key.

Keep street: the correct way.

Turn left: wrong way to go with it.

End of the road: closed way.

Gas Station: the way to traffic signal.

Traffic signal: there are three different ways.

Park: maybe not the right way.

Wrong way: it will take long time to reach the goal.

Turn right: more traffic.

Closed way: no place to go.

Walk path: almost arrive to university.

Parking: there is a meter parking, 2$ in Hour.

Library: some books, students, printer, computers.

Campus center: office for the activity, mailboxes, four floors.

Hall campus: the building for men.

H building: Five floors, elevator, six classrooms.

Square: the place in the middle of the university, and from there the player can go any building.

A building: the goal to reach the class, stairs, elevator, classroom.

Stairs: take the player until fourth floor.

Elevator: take the player until fourth floor

Floor2:the pathway to the classes

Classroom: one door, blackboard, tables.

Classroom201: you reach the goal.

Classroom204:one door, students.

Classroom202: blackboard, table, students.

-Optional to earn points.

1- get a coffee.


3-cheek the email if the class might be canceled.

- Player need to pick up his laptop to the class.

-it will be two player, and they can carry their back bag, cellphone, embrella.

__MACOSX/Lap3 2/documents/._Game name copy.docx

Lap3 2/documents/GameSummary-AlharbiMohammed.pdf

Mohammed Alharbi’s Game Summary Tuesday 13th February, 2018 at 13:34– Page 1

NAME: Go To Class

Overview: The player is trying to get to classroom 201 in building A.

Winning: Getting to the correct classroom.

Losing: Not possible?

Other objectives: None?

Player: Unspecified.

Weight limit: Unspecified.

The World : Enough rooms with some detail.

Scoring: Not specified.

Additional Stuff: Unusual features of your game.

1. Not specified.



TODO: As you elaborate on things, you will probably need to find a few more things like this.

Lap3 2/package.bluej

#BlueJ package file dependency1.from=Door dependency1.type=UsesDependency dependency10.from=Game dependency10.type=UsesDependency dependency11.from=Game dependency11.type=UsesDependency dependency12.from=Game dependency12.type=UsesDependency dependency13.from=Reader dependency13.type=UsesDependency dependency14.from=Reader dependency14.type=UsesDependency dependency15.from=Reader dependency15.type=UsesDependency dependency16.from=Main dependency16.type=UsesDependency dependency17.from=Main dependency17.type=UsesDependency dependency2.from=Player dependency2.type=UsesDependency dependency3.from=World dependency3.type=UsesDependency dependency4.from=World dependency4.type=UsesDependency dependency5.from=Room dependency5.type=UsesDependency dependency6.from=Game dependency6.type=UsesDependency dependency7.from=Game dependency7.type=UsesDependency dependency8.from=Game dependency8.type=UsesDependency dependency9.from=Game dependency9.type=UsesDependency editor.fx.0.height=674 editor.fx.0.width=638 editor.fx.0.x=557 editor.fx.0.y=25 objectbench.height=101 objectbench.width=628 package.divider.horizontal=0.6 package.divider.vertical=0.8007380073800738 package.editor.height=411 package.editor.width=503 package.editor.x=714 package.editor.y=96 package.frame.height=600 package.frame.width=652 package.numDependencies=17 package.numTargets=10 package.showExtends=true package.showUses=true project.charset=UTF-8 readme.height=58 readme.width=47 readme.x=10 readme.y=10 target1.height=50 target1.showInterface=false target1.type=ClassTarget target1.width=80 target1.x=390 target1.y=320 target10.height=50 target10.showInterface=false target10.type=ClassTarget target10.width=80 target10.x=30 target10.y=170 target2.height=50 target2.naviview.expanded=true target2.showInterface=false target2.type=ClassTarget target2.width=80 target2.x=240 target2.y=20 target3.height=50 target3.showInterface=false target3.type=ClassTarget target3.width=90 target3.x=40 target3.y=340 target4.height=50 target4.showInterface=false target4.type=ClassTarget target4.width=80 target4.x=120 target4.y=110 target5.height=50 target5.showInterface=false target5.type=ClassTarget target5.width=80 target5.x=370 target5.y=20 target6.height=50 target6.showInterface=false target6.type=ClassTarget target6.width=130 target6.x=10 target6.y=260 target7.height=50 target7.showInterface=false target7.type=ClassTarget target7.width=80 target7.x=430 target7.y=220 target8.height=50 target8.showInterface=false target8.type=ClassTarget target8.width=80 target8.x=70 target8.y=20 target9.height=50 target9.showInterface=false target9.type=ClassTarget target9.width=80 target9.x=510 target9.y=80

Lap3 2/Door.class

public synchronized class Door {
    private Room destination;
    private boolean locked;
    public void Door(Room);
    public Room getDestination();
    public boolean isLocked();
    public void setLocked(boolean);

Lap3 2/Command.ctxt

#BlueJ class context comment0.text=\n\ This\ class\ is\ part\ of\ the\ "Campus\ of\ Kings"\ application.\ "Campus\ of\ Kings"\ is\ a\n\ very\ simple,\ text\ based\ adventure\ game.\n\ \n\ This\ class\ holds\ information\ about\ a\ command\ that\ was\ issued\ by\ the\ user.\ A\n\ command\ currently\ consists\ of\ two\ strings\:\ a\ command\ word\ and\ a\ second\ word\n\ (for\ example,\ if\ the\ command\ was\ "take\ map",\ then\ the\ two\ strings\ obviously\n\ are\ "take"\ and\ "map").\n\ \n\ The\ way\ this\ is\ used\ is\:\ Commands\ are\ already\ checked\ for\ being\ valid\ command\n\ words.\ If\ the\ user\ entered\ an\ invalid\ command\ (a\ word\ that\ is\ not\ known)\ then\n\ the\ command\ word\ is\ <null>.\n\ \n\ If\ the\ command\ had\ only\ one\ word,\ then\ the\ second\ word\ is\ <null>.\n\ \n\ @author\ Maria\ Jump\n\ @version\ 2015.02.01\n comment1.params=firstWord comment1.text=\n\ Create\ a\ command\ object.\ First\ is\ supplied.\ The\ second\ word\ is\ assumed\n\ to\ be\ null.\n\ \n\ @param\ firstWord\n\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ The\ first\ word\ of\ the\ command.\ Null\ if\ the\ command\ was\ not\n\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ recognized.\n comment2.params=firstWord\ rest,\ java.util.ArrayList) comment2.text=\n\ Create\ a\ command\ object.\ First\ and\ second\ word\ must\ be\ supplied,\ but\n\ either\ one\ (or\ both)\ can\ be\ null.\n\ \n\ @param\ firstWord\n\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ The\ first\ word\ of\ the\ command.\ Null\ if\ the\ command\ was\ not\n\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ recognized.\n\ @param\ rest\n\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ The\ rest\ of\ the\ command.\n comment3.params=\ getCommandWord() comment3.text=\n\ Return\ the\ command\ word\ (the\ first\ word)\ of\ this\ command.\ If\ the\ command\n\ was\ not\ understood,\ the\ result\ is\ null.\n\ \n\ @return\ The\ command\ word.\n comment4.params=\ isUnknown() comment4.text=\n\ Returns\ if\ this\ command\ was\ not\ understood.\n\ \n\ @return\ true\ if\ this\ command\ was\ not\ understood.\n comment5.params=\ hasSecondWord() comment5.text=\n\ Returns\ if\ this\ command\ has\ a\ second\ word.\n\ \n\ @return\ true\ if\ the\ command\ has\ a\ second\ word.\n comment6.params=index\ hasWord(int) comment6.text=\n\ Returns\ if\ this\ command\ has\ more\ words.\n\n\ @param\ index\ The\ index\ of\ the\ word\ needed.\n\ @return\ true\ if\ the\ command\ has\ a\ word\ at\ given\ index.\n comment7.params=index\ getWord(int) comment7.text=\n\ Returns\ the\ word\ at\ the\ requested\ index\ in\ the\ command.\n\ \n\ @param\ index\n\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ The\ index\ of\ word\ in\ the\ command\ that\ is\ being\ requested.\n\ \n\ @return\ A\ particular\ word\ in\ the\ command.\ Returns\ null\ if\ there\ is\ no\n\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ word\ corresponding\ to\ that\ requested\ index.\n\ \n comment8.params=\ getRestOfLine() comment8.text=\n\ Returns\ the\ second\ word\ of\ this\ command,\ if\ it\ exists.\n\ \n\ @return\ The\ second\ word\ of\ this\ command.\ Returns\ null\ if\ there\ was\ no\n\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ second\ word.\n numComments=9

Lap3 2/Main.class

public synchronized class Main extends javax.swing.JFrame implements java.awt.event.ActionListener {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = -4610552759287004513;
    private static final java.awt.Dimension WINDOW_DIMENSION;
    private javax.swing.JScrollPane outputScrollPane;
    private javax.swing.JMenuItem saveItem;
    private javax.swing.JMenuItem exitItem;
    private Game game;
    public void Main();
    public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent);
    public static void main(String[]);
    static void <clinit>();

Lap3 2/.git/config

[core] repositoryformatversion = 0 filemode = true logallrefupdates = true precomposeunicode = true [remote "origin"] url = fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* [branch "master"] remote = origin merge = refs/heads/master [user] name = mohammedalharbi email = [email protected]

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blob 124� Welcome to the Campus of Kings! Campus of Kings is a new, incredibly boring adventure game. Type 'help' if you need help.

Lap3 2/.git/objects/0d/92bd7810b78525d6937e9395ab078b69ff31ef

Lap3 2/.git/objects/0d/92bd7810b78525d6937e9395ab078b69ff31ef

blob 7086�import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.awt.event.ComponentAdapter; import java.awt.event.ComponentEvent; import; import; import javax.swing.JButton; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JMenu; import javax.swing.JMenuBar; import javax.swing.JMenuItem; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.JScrollPane; import javax.swing.JTextField; import javax.swing.JTextPane; /** * The sole purpose of this class is to start the game up. It does this by * creating an instance of the Game and calling it's play method. * * @author Maria Jump * @version 2015.02.01 */ public class Main extends JFrame implements ActionListener { /** Generated unique serial unique id. */ private static final long serialVersionUID = -4610552759287004513L; /** Starting dimension of the window. */ private static final Dimension WINDOW_DIMENSION; /** The scroll pane so we can resize it when the window is resized. */ private JScrollPane outputScrollPane; /** The save log menu item. */ private JMenuItem saveItem; /** The exit menu item. */ private JMenuItem exitItem; /** The game instance. */ private Game game; /** Static block for initializing static fields. */ static { WINDOW_DIMENSION = new Dimension(500, 500); } /** Default constructor. */ public Main() { setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); setLayout(new BorderLayout()); // Setting up the menu bar JMenuBar menuBar = new JMenuBar(); setJMenuBar(menuBar); JMenu fileMenu = new JMenu("File"); menuBar.add(fileMenu); saveItem = new JMenuItem("Save Log ..."); saveItem.addActionListener(this); fileMenu.add(saveItem); exitItem = new JMenuItem("Exit"); exitItem.addActionListener(this); fileMenu.add(exitItem); // Setting out the output area JTextPane output = new JTextPane(); outputScrollPane = new JScrollPane(output); Dimension outputSize = new Dimension(); outputSize.setSize(WINDOW_DIMENSION.getWidth(), WINDOW_DIMENSION.getHeight() - 100); outputScrollPane.setPreferredSize(outputSize); // So that the scroll pane will resize when the window is resized addComponentListener(new ComponentAdapter() { public void componentResized(ComponentEvent e) { Dimension outputSize = new Dimension(); outputSize.setSize(getContentPane().getWidth(), getContentPane().getHeight() - 100); outputScrollPane.setPreferredSize(outputSize); } }); add(BorderLayout.NORTH, outputScrollPane); // Set up the Writer so that it can be used throughout the game. Writer.setTextArea(output); // Setting up the bottom panel for input JPanel bottomPane = new JPanel(); bottomPane.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); JButton enterButton = new JButton("Enter"); JTextField commandField = new JTextField(); TextFieldStreamer streamer = new TextFieldStreamer(commandField); // maybe this next line should be done in the TextFieldStreamer ctor // but that would cause a "leak a this from the ctor" warning commandField.addActionListener(streamer); enterButton.addActionListener(streamer); System.setIn(streamer); bottomPane.add(BorderLayout.CENTER, commandField); bottomPane.add(BorderLayout.EAST, enterButton); add(BorderLayout.SOUTH, bottomPane); setSize(WINDOW_DIMENSION); setVisible(true); commandField.requestFocus(); game = new Game();; } /** * Default action listener. * * @param event * The action event. */ @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { if (event.getSource() == saveItem) { Writer.copyDefaultLog(); } else if (event.getSource() == exitItem) { System.exit(0); } } /** * The main method for the program. * * @param args * The command line arguments. */ public static void main(String[] args) { new Main(); } /** * Implementation of InputStream that uses the text from a JTextField as the * input buffer. * * @author Maria Jump */ private class TextFieldStreamer extends InputStream implements ActionListener { /** The JTextField to use for input. */ private JTextField textField; /** The string of text that being passed as input. */ private String text; /** Used for checking if the available input has reached its end. */ private int position; /** * Default constructor for TextFieldStreamer. * * @param field * JTextField component being used as input buffer. */ public TextFieldStreamer(JTextField field) { position = 0; text = null; textField = field; } // gets /** * Invoked when an action occurs. In this case, prints the text of the * JTextField to StdOut as an error message to differentiate between * user input and game output. Triggered every time that "Enter" is * pressed on the JTextField. * * Triggered every time that "Enter" is pressed on the textfield * * @param event * ActionEvent passed by the component. */ @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { text = textField.getText() + System.getProperty("line.separator"); position = 0; textField.setText(""); synchronized (this) { // maybe this should only notify() as multiple threads may // be waiting for input and they would now race for input this.notifyAll(); } } /** * Reads the next byte of data from the input stream. The value byte is * returned as an <code>int</code> in the range <code>0</code> to * <code>255</code>. If no byte is available because the end of the * stream has been reached, the value <code>-1</code> is returned. This * method blocks until input data is available, the end of the stream is * detected, or an exception is thrown. * * <p> * A subclass must provide an implementation of this method. * * @return the next byte of data, or <code>-1</code> if the end of the * stream is reached. * @exception IOException * if an I/O error occurs. */ @Override public int read() throws IOException { int result = 0xDEADBEEF; // test if the available input has reached its end // and the EOS should be returned if (text != null && position == text.length()) { text = null; // this is supposed to return -1 on "end of stream" // but I'm having a hard time locating the constant result =; } if (result == 0xDEADBEEF) { // no input available, block until more is available because // that's // the behavior specified in the Javadocs. while (text == null || position >= text.length()) { try { // read() should block until new input is available. synchronized (this) { this.wait(); } } catch (InterruptedException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } // read an additional character, return it and increment the // index. result = text.charAt(position++); } return result; } } }

Lap3 2/.git/objects/0c/efac37058dc468b1bb5e637b68ea8a8abe5e02

Lap3 2/.git/objects/0c/efac37058dc468b1bb5e637b68ea8a8abe5e02

blob 4750�import java.util.HashMap; /** * Class Room - a room in an adventure game. * * This class is part of the "Campus of Kings" application. "Campus of Kings" is a * very simple, text based adventure game. * * A "Room" represents one location in the scenery of the game. It is connected * to other rooms via doors. The doors are labeled north, east, south, west. * For each direction, the room stores a reference to an instance of door. * * @author Mohammed ALharbi * @version 2018.1.26 */ public class Room { /** Counter for the total number of rooms created in the world. */ private static int counter; /** The name of this room. Room names should be unique. */ private String name; /** The description of this room. */ private String description; /** This room's north exit, null if none exits. */ public Door northExit; /** This room's south exit, null if none exits. */ public Door southExit; /** This room's east exit, null if none exits. */ public Door eastExit; /** This room's west exit, null if none exits. */ public Door westExit; /** directions hash map with directions keys and doors values */ private HashMap<String,Door> directions = new HashMap<>(); /** * Static initializer. */ static { counter = 0; } /** * Create a room described "description". Initially, it has no exits. * "description" is something like "a kitchen" or "an open court yard". * * @param name The room's name. * @param description * The room's description. */ public Room(String name, String description) { = name; this.description = description; counter++; } /** * Returns the name of this room. * * @return The name of this room. */ public String getName() { return name; } /** * Returns the description of this room. * * @return The description of this room. */ public String getDescription() { return description; } /** * Returns the number of rooms that have been created in the world. * @return The number of rooms that have been created in the world. */ public static int getCounter() { return counter; } /** * @return getExit for getting thae direction. * @param direction * @return */ public Door getExit(String direction) { return directions.get(direction); } /** * Set exit. * @param direction * @param neighbor */ public void setExit(String direction,Door neighbor) { directions.put(direction, neighbor); } /** /** Accessor for geting the northExit. * @return getNorthExit for getting that direction. */ public Door getNorthExit(){ return northExit; } /** Accessor for geting the southExit. * @return getSouthExit for getting that direction. */ public Door getSouthExit(){ return southExit; } /** Accessor for geting the eastExit. * @return getEastExit for getting that direction. */ public Door getEastExit(){ return eastExit; } /** Accessor for geting the westExit. * @return getWestExit for getting that direction. */ public Door getWestExit(){ return westExit; } /** Mutator for setting the northExit. * @param newNorthExit for setting that direction. */ public void setNorthExit(Door newNorthExit){ northExit = newNorthExit; } /** Mutator for setting the southExit. * @param newSouthExit for setting that direction. */ public void setSouthExit(Door newSouthExit){ southExit = newSouthExit; } /** Mutator for setting the eastExit. * @param newEastExit for setting that direction. */ public void setEastExit(Door newEastExit){ eastExit = newEastExit; } /** Mutator for setting the westExit. * @param newWestExit for setting that direction. */ public void setWestExit(Door newWestExit){ westExit = newWestExit; } /** * Returns a string description including all the details of a Room . * For example , *Outside : *You are outside in the center of the King's College campus . *Exits : north east south west * * @return A string representing all the details of a Room . */ public String toString (){ String roomInformation = "Exist:"; roomInformation = getName() + "" + getDescription(); for (String direction : directions.keySet()) { roomInformation += direction + " "; } return roomInformation; } }

Lap3 2/.git/objects/3e/d1ad10557200c7dda9781c0163f9dfdf1440d8

Lap3 2/.git/objects/3e/d1ad10557200c7dda9781c0163f9dfdf1440d8

blob 9375�import java.util.HashMap; /** * This class represents the entire world that makes up the "Campus of Kings" * application. "Campus of Kings" is a very simple, text based adventure game. * Users can walk around some scenery. That's all. It should really be extended * to make it more interesting! * * This world class creates the world where the game takes place. * * @author Maria Jump * @version 2015.02.01 */ public class World { /** The rooms in the world. */ private HashMap<String, Room> rooms; /** * Constructor for the world. */ public World() { rooms = new HashMap<String, Room>(); createRooms(); } /** * This method takes care of creating all of the aspects of the world for * the "Campus of Kings" application. * * @param name * The provided name of the room. * @return The room associated with the provided name */ public Room getcurrentRoom(String name) { return rooms.get(name.toLowerCase()); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Start of private helper methods /** * Helper method for recreating a Room. Ensure that the room is created and * installed in to the collection of Rooms * * @param theRoom * The room to add to the world. */ private void addRoom(Room theRoom) { rooms.put(theRoom.getName().toLowerCase(), theRoom); } /** * Helper method for creating doors between rooms. * * @param from * The room where the door originates. * @param west * The room to the west of the originating room. */ private void createDoor(Room from, String direction, Room to) { Door door = new Door(to); from.setDirection(direction,door); } /** * This method creates all of the individual places in this world and all * the doors connecting them. */ private void createRooms() { // Creating all the rooms. int pointScore = 0; Room Bathroom = new Room("Bathroom", "there is teeth brush, shower place."); Room Kitchen = new Room("Kitchen", "there are two doors, one the way to go out of the house. The second door the way to the living room.."); Room OutOfTheHouse = new Room("out Of The House", "the way outside the house to drive to university.."); OutOfTheHouse.setPoints(10); pointScore = pointScore + 10; Room Car = new Room("Car", "inside the car, back bag, car key with house key.."); Car.setPoints(7); pointScore = pointScore + 7; Room KeepStreet = new Room(" keep Street", "the correct way."); Room TurnLeft = new Room("Turn left", "wrong way to go with it.."); Room EndOfTheRoad = new Room("End of the road", "closed way."); Room TurnLeft1 = new Room(" Turn left1", "the way to traffic signal."); Room TrafficSignal = new Room("Traffic signal", "there are three different ways."); TrafficSignal.setPoints(10); pointScore = pointScore + 10; Room TurnLeft2 = new Room("Turn left2", "maybe not the right way."); Room WrongWay = new Room("Wrong way","it will take long time to reach the goal."); Room TurnRight = new Room("Turn right"," more traffic."); Room ClosedWay = new Room("Closed Way","no place to go."); Room KeepStreet1 = new Room("KeepStreet1","almost arrive to university."); KeepStreet1.setPoints(10); pointScore = pointScore + 10; Room Parking = new Room("Parking","there is a meter parking, 2$ in Hour."); Parking.setPoints(17); pointScore = pointScore + 17; Room Library = new Room("Library","some books, students, printer, computers."); Room CampusCenter = new Room("Campus Center","office for the activity, mailboxes, four floors"); Room HallCampus = new Room("Hall Campus","the building for men."); Room HBuilding = new Room("H Building","Five floors, elevator, six classrooms"); Room Square = new Room("Square","the place in the middle of the university, and from there the player can go any building."); Square.setPoints(12); pointScore = pointScore + 12; Room MCBuilding = new Room("MCBuilding"," Classes, six floors."); Room ABuilding = new Room("A Building",": the goal to reach the class, stairs, elevator, classroom."); Room Stairs = new Room("Stairs","take the player until fourth floor."); Stairs.setPoints(18); pointScore = pointScore + 18; Room Elevator = new Room("Elevator","take the player until fourth floor."); Room Floor2 = new Room("2Floor","entry for classes"); Room Classroom = new Room("Classroom","one door, blackboard, tables"); Room Classroom201 = new Room ("Classroom201","you reach the goal."); Classroom201.setPoints(30); pointScore = pointScore + 30; Room Classroom204 = new Room("Classroom204","one door, students."); Room Classroom202 = new Room("Classroom202","blackboard, table, students."); // Adding all the rooms to the world. this.addRoom(Bathroom); this.addRoom(Kitchen); this.addRoom(OutOfTheHouse); this.addRoom(Car); this.addRoom(KeepStreet); this.addRoom(TurnLeft); this.addRoom(EndOfTheRoad); this.addRoom(TurnLeft1); this.addRoom(TrafficSignal); this.addRoom(TurnLeft2); this.addRoom(WrongWay); this.addRoom(TurnRight); this.addRoom(ClosedWay); this.addRoom(KeepStreet1); this.addRoom(Parking); this.addRoom(Library); this.addRoom(CampusCenter); this.addRoom(HallCampus); this.addRoom(HBuilding); this.addRoom(Square); this.addRoom(MCBuilding); this.addRoom(ABuilding); this.addRoom(Stairs); this.addRoom(Elevator); this.addRoom(Floor2); this.addRoom(Classroom); this.addRoom(Classroom201); this.addRoom(Classroom204); this.addRoom(Classroom202); // Creating all the doors between the rooms. this.createDoor(Bathroom,"east",Kitchen); this.createDoor(Kitchen, "west",Bathroom); this.createDoor(Kitchen,"south", OutOfTheHouse); this.createDoor(OutOfTheHouse,"north", Kitchen); this.createDoor(OutOfTheHouse,"west",Car); this.createDoor(Car,"east",OutOfTheHouse); this.createDoor(Car,"south",KeepStreet); this.createDoor(KeepStreet,"north",Car); this.createDoor(KeepStreet,"west",TurnLeft); this.createDoor(TurnLeft,"east",KeepStreet); this.createDoor(TurnLeft,"south", EndOfTheRoad); this.createDoor(EndOfTheRoad,"north",TurnLeft); this.createDoor(KeepStreet,"south",TurnLeft1); this.createDoor(TurnLeft1, "north",KeepStreet); this.createDoor(TurnLeft1,"east",TrafficSignal); this.createDoor(TrafficSignal,"west", TurnLeft1); this.createDoor(TrafficSignal,"north",TurnLeft2); this.createDoor(TurnLeft2,"south",TrafficSignal); this.createDoor(TurnLeft2,"north", WrongWay); this.createDoor(WrongWay,"south",TurnLeft2); this.createDoor(TrafficSignal,"south", TurnRight); this.createDoor(TurnRight,"north", TrafficSignal); this.createDoor(TurnRight,"south",ClosedWay); this.createDoor(ClosedWay,"north", TurnRight); this.createDoor(TrafficSignal,"east", KeepStreet1); this.createDoor(KeepStreet1, "west",TrafficSignal); this.createDoor(KeepStreet1,"east", Parking); this.createDoor(Parking,"west",KeepStreet1); this.createDoor(Parking,"south",Library); this.createDoor(Library, "north",Parking); this.createDoor(Library,"west", CampusCenter); this.createDoor(CampusCenter,"east",Library); this.createDoor(Parking,"south",Square); this.createDoor(Square,"north",Parking); this.createDoor(Square,"east", HallCampus); this.createDoor(HallCampus,"west",Square); this.createDoor(Square,"west",HBuilding); this.createDoor(HBuilding,"east",Square); this.createDoor(Square, "south",MCBuilding); this.createDoor(MCBuilding,"north",Square); this.createDoor(Square,"south",ABuilding); this.createDoor(ABuilding,"north",ABuilding); this.createDoor(ABuilding,"west",Stairs); this.createDoor(Stairs,"east",ABuilding); this.createDoor(ABuilding,"south",Classroom); this.createDoor(Classroom,"north",ABuilding); this.createDoor(ABuilding,"south",Elevator); this.createDoor(Elevator,"north",ABuilding); this.createDoor(Elevator,"south",Floor2); this.createDoor(Floor2,"north",Elevator); this.createDoor(Stairs,"south",Floor2); this.createDoor(Floor2,"north",Stairs); this.createDoor(Floor2,"south",Classroom204); this.createDoor(Classroom204,"north",Floor2); this.createDoor(Floor2,"east",Classroom202); this.createDoor(Classroom202,"west",Floor2); this.createDoor(Floor2,"south",Classroom201); this.createDoor(Classroom201,"north",Floor2); } }

Lap3 2/.git/objects/51/7feb6375a09bfa2f9de8968ffb458cc34a2904

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Lap3 2/.git/objects/67/10927b5418b35dac1bd71c3904707522be1330

blob 3819�import java.util.HashMap; /** * Class Room - a room in an adventure game. * * This class is part of the "Campus of Kings" application. "Campus of Kings" is a * very simple, text based adventure game. * * A "Room" represents one location in the scenery of the game. It is connected * to other rooms via doors. The doors are labeled north, east, south, west. * For each direction, the room stores a reference to an instance of door. * * @author Mohammed ALharbi * @version 2018.1.26 */ public class Room { /** Counter for the total number of rooms created in the world. */ private static int counter; /** The name of this room. Room names should be unique. */ private String name; /** The description of this room. */ private String description; /**.*/ private HashMap<String, Door> exit; /**earn poins */ private int points; /** directions hash map with directions keys and doors values */ private HashMap<String,Door> directions = new HashMap< >(); /** * Static initializer. */ static { counter = 0; } /** * Create a room described "description". Initially, it has no exits. * "description" is something like "a kitchen" or "an open court yard". * @param name The room's name. * @param description * The room's description. */ public Room(String name, String description) { = name; this.description = description; counter++; } /** * Returns the name of this room. * * @return The name of this room. */ public String getName() { return name; } /** * Returns the description of this room. * * @return The description of this room. */ public String getDescription() { return description; } /** * Rerurns the door of this room. * @return The door of this room */ public Door getExit(String direction){ return exit.get(direction); } /** * Rerutn the rooms that have been created int the world. * @return the rooms that have been created int the world. */ public static int getCounter(){ return counter; } /** * @return getExit for getting thae direction. * @param direction * @return */ public int getPoints(){ int point = points; points = 0; return point; } /** Mutator for setting the points. * @param newPoint */ public void setPoints(int newPoints){ points = newPoints; } /** * Set exit. * @param direction * @param neighbor */ public void setExit(String direction,Door neighbor) { directions.put(direction, neighbor); } /** * Returns a string description including all the details of a Room . * For example , *Outside : *You are outside in the center of the King's College campus . *Exits : north east south west * * @return A string representing all the details of a Room . */ public String toString(){ String roomInformation = " "; roomInformation = getName() + " " + getDescription(); for(String exit : exit.keySet()){ roomInformation =roomInformation + "Exit" + exit; } for(Door door : exit.values()){ roomInformation = roomInformation + "Door" + door; String RoomInformation = getName() + " " + getDescription(); roomInformation = "Exit:"; roomInformation = "Name:"; roomInformation = "Description:"; for (String Direction : directions.keySet()) { roomInformation += Direction + " "; } } return roomInformation; } }

Lap3 2/.git/objects/0b/54102bee4956f451cecec5e699795e9af23e7a

Lap3 2/.git/objects/0b/54102bee4956f451cecec5e699795e9af23e7a

blob 3303�import java.util.HashMap; /** * Class Room - a room in an adventure game. * * This class is part of the "Campus of Kings" application. "Campus of Kings" is a * very simple, text based adventure game. * * A "Room" represents one location in the scenery of the game. It is connected * to other rooms via doors. The doors are labeled north, east, south, west. * For each direction, the room stores a reference to an instance of door. * * @author Mohammed ALharbi * @version 2018.1.26 */ public class Room { /** Counter for the total number of rooms created in the world. */ private static int counter; /** The name of this room. Room names should be unique. */ private String name; /** The description of this room. */ private String description; ///**.*/ //private HashMap<String, Door> exit; /**earn poins */ private int points; /** directions hash map with directions keys and doors values */ private HashMap<String,Door> directions = new HashMap< >(); /** * Static initializer. */ static { counter = 0; } /** * Create a room described "description". Initially, it has no exits. * "description" is something like "a kitchen" or "an open court yard". * @param name The room's name. * @param description * The room's description. */ public Room(String name, String description) { = name; this.description = description; counter++; } /** * Returns the name of this room. * * @return The name of this room. */ public String getName() { return name; } /** * Returns the description of this room. * * @return The description of this room. */ public String getDescription() { return description; } /** * Rerurns the door of this room. * @return The door of this room */ public Door getDirection(String direction){ return directions.get(direction); } /** * Rerutn the rooms that have been created int the world. * @return the rooms that have been created int the world. */ public static int getCounter(){ return counter; } /** * @return getExit for getting thae direction. * @param direction * @return */ public int getPoints(){ int point = points; points = 0; return point; } /** Mutator for setting the points. * @param newPoint */ public void setPoints(int newPoints){ points = newPoints; } /** * Set exit. * @param direction * @param neighbor */ public void setDirection(String direction,Door neighbor) { directions.put(direction, neighbor); } /** * Returns a string description including all the details of a Room. *Exits : north east south west * @return A string representing all the details of a Room. */ public String toString(){ String roomInformation = "Exits "; roomInformation = getName() + " " + getDescription(); for(String direction : directions.keySet()){ roomInformation = roomInformation + "Exit" + direction; } return roomInformation; } }

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blob 3216� Welcome to the Campus of Kings! Campus of Kings is a new, incredibly boring adventure game. Type 'help' if you need help. Bathroom there is teeth brush, shower place.Exiteast : You are in Bathroom there is teeth brush, shower place.Exiteast Exits: > go east Kitchen there are two doors, one the way to go out of the house. The second door the way to the living room..ExitsouthExitwest : You are in Kitchen there are two doors, one the way to go out of the house. The second door the way to the living room..ExitsouthExitwest Exits: > go south out Of The House the way outside the house to drive to university..ExitnorthExitwest : You are in out Of The House the way outside the house to drive to university..ExitnorthExitwest Exits: > go west Car inside the car, back bag, car key with house key..ExiteastExitsouth : You are in Car inside the car, back bag, car key with house key..ExiteastExitsouth Exits: > go south keep Street the correct way.ExitsouthExitnorthExitwest : You are in keep Street the correct way.ExitsouthExitnorthExitwest Exits: > go east There is no door! > go west Turn left wrong way to go with it..ExiteastExitsouth : You are in Turn left wrong way to go with it..ExiteastExitsouth Exits: > go east keep Street the correct way.ExitsouthExitnorthExitwest : You are in keep Street the correct way.ExitsouthExitnorthExitwest Exits: > go south Gas Staion the way to traffic signal.ExiteastExitnorth : You are in Gas Staion the way to traffic signal.ExiteastExitnorth Exits: > go east Traffic signal there are three different ways.ExiteastExitsouthExitnorthExitwest : You are in Traffic signal there are three different ways.ExiteastExitsouthExitnorthExitwest Exits: > go east KeepGoing almost arrive to university.ExiteastExitwest : You are in KeepGoing almost arrive to university.ExiteastExitwest Exits: > go east Parking there is a meter parking, 2$ in Hour.ExitsouthwestExitsouthExitwest : You are in Parking there is a meter parking, 2$ in Hour.ExitsouthwestExitsouthExitwest Exits: > go south Square the place in the middle of the university, and from there the player can go any building.ExiteastExitsouthExitnorthExitwestExitsoutheast : You are in Square the place in the middle of the university, and from there the player can go any building.ExiteastExitsouthExitnorthExitwestExitsoutheast Exits: > go south A Building : the goal to reach the class, stairs, elevator, classroom.ExitsouthwestExitnorthExitwest : You are in A Building : the goal to reach the class, stairs, elevator, classroom.ExitsouthwestExitnorthExitwest Exits: > go south There is no door! > go west Stairs take the player until fourth floor.ExiteastExitsouth : You are in Stairs take the player until fourth floor.ExiteastExitsouth Exits: > go south 2Floor entry for classesExiteastExitsouthExitnorthExitsoutheast : You are in 2Floor entry for classesExiteastExitsouthExitnorthExitsoutheast Exits: > go southeast Classroom201 you reach the goal.Exitnorthwest : You are in Classroom201 you reach the goal.Exitnorthwest Exits: > go southwest There is no door! > quit I hope you weren't too bored here on the Campus of Kings! Thank you for playing. Good bye. You have earned 114points in 19 turns.

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blob 6940�/** * This class is the main class of the "Campus of Kings" application. * "Campus of Kings" is a very simple, text based adventure game. Users can walk * around some scenery. That's all. It should really be extended to make it more * interesting! * * This game class creates and initializes all the others: it creates all rooms, * creates the parser and starts the game. It also evaluates and executes the * commands that the parser returns. * * @author Mohammed Alharbi * @version 2018/1/24 */ public class Game { /** The world where the game takes place. */ private World world; /** stores the character controlled by the Player. */ private Player team; /** the total score. */ private int score ; /** the total number of turns. */ private int turns; /** This is an object for getting the room from the Player class. */ private Player playerClass; /** * Create the game and initialize its internal map. */ public Game() { score = 0; turns = 0; world = new World(); // set the starting room Room out = world.getRoom("outside"); team = new Player(out); } /** * Main play routine. Loops until end of play. */ public void play() { printWelcome(); // Enter the main game loop. Here we repeatedly read commands and // execute them until the game is over. boolean wantToQuit = false; while (!wantToQuit) { Command command = Reader.getCommand(); wantToQuit = processCommand(command); turns = turns + 1; } printGoodbye(); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Helper methods for processing the commands /** * Given a command, process (that is: execute) the command. * * @param command * The command to be processed. * @return true If the command ends the game, false otherwise. */ private boolean processCommand(Command command) { boolean wantToQuit = false; if (command.isUnknown()) { Writer.println("I don't know what you mean..."); } else { String commandWord = command.getCommandWord(); if (commandWord.equals("help")) { printHelp(); } else if (commandWord.equals("go")) { goGame(command); } else if (commandWord.equals("quit")) { wantToQuit = quit(command); } else { Writer.println(commandWord + " is not implemented yet!"); } } return wantToQuit; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Helper methods for implementing all of the commands. // It helps if you organize these in alphabetical order. /** * Try to go to one direction. If there is an exit, enter the new room, * otherwise print an error message. * * @param command * The command to be processed. */ private void goGame(Command command) { if (!command.hasSecondWord()) { Writer.println("Go where?"); } else { String direction = command.getRestOfLine(); Door doorway = null; if (direction.equals("north")) { doorway = team.getcurrentRoom().northExit; } if (direction.equals("east")) { doorway = team.getcurrentRoom().eastExit; } if (direction.equals("south")) { doorway = team.getcurrentRoom().southExit; } if (direction.equals("west")) { doorway = team.getcurrentRoom().westExit; } if (doorway == null) { Writer.println("There is no door!"); } else { Room newRoom = doorway.getDestination(); team.setcurrentRoom(newRoom); printLocationInformation (); } } } /** * Print out the closing message for the player. */ private void printGoodbye() { Writer.println("I hope you weren't too bored here on the Campus of Kings!"); Writer.println("Thank you for playing. Good bye."); Writer.println("You have earned" + " " + score + "points in" + " " + turns + " " + "turns."); } /** * Prints out the current location and exits. */ private void printLocationInformation(){ Writer.println(team.getcurrentRoom() + " : "); Writer.println("You are " + team.getcurrentRoom()); Writer.print("Exits: "); if (team.getcurrentRoom().northExit != null) { Writer.print("north "); } if (team.getcurrentRoom().eastExit != null) { Writer.print("east "); } if (team.getcurrentRoom().southExit != null) { Writer.print("south "); } if (team.getcurrentRoom().westExit != null) { Writer.print("west "); } Writer.println(); } /** * Print out some help information. Here we print some stupid, cryptic * message and a list of the command words. */ private void printHelp() { Writer.println("You are lost. You are alone. You wander"); Writer.println("around at the university."); Writer.println(); Writer.println("Your command words are:"); Writer.println(" go quit help"); } /** * Print out the opening message for the player. */ private void printWelcome() { Writer.println(); Writer.println("Welcome to the Campus of Kings!"); Writer.println("Campus of Kings is a new, incredibly boring adventure game."); Writer.println("Type 'help' if you need help."); Writer.println(); printLocationInformation(); if (team.getcurrentRoom().northExit != null) { Writer.print("north "); } if (team.getcurrentRoom().eastExit != null) { Writer.print("east "); } if (team.getcurrentRoom().southExit != null) { Writer.print("south "); } if (team.getcurrentRoom().westExit != null) { Writer.print("west "); } Writer.println(); printLocationInformation(); } /** * "Quit" was entered. Check the rest of the command to see whether we * really quit the game. * * @param command * The command to be processed. * @return true, if this command quits the game, false otherwise. */ private boolean quit(Command command) { boolean wantToQuit = true; if (command.hasSecondWord()) { Writer.println("Quit what?"); wantToQuit = false; } return wantToQuit; } }

Lap3 2/.git/objects/ac/9a3fc965cae9ddc32aaae75a37c8a71bc452a8

Lap3 2/.git/objects/ac/9a3fc965cae9ddc32aaae75a37c8a71bc452a8

blob 4393�/** * Class Room - a room in an adventure game. * * This class is part of the "Campus of Kings" application. "Campus of Kings" is a * very simple, text based adventure game. * * A "Room" represents one location in the scenery of the game. It is connected * to other rooms via doors. The doors are labeled north, east, south, west. * For each direction, the room stores a reference to an instance of door. * * @author Mohammed ALharbi * @version 2018.1.26 */ public class Room { /** Counter for the total number of rooms created in the world. */ private static int counter; /** The name of this room. Room names should be unique. */ private String name; /** The description of this room. */ private String description; /** This room's north exit, null if none exits. */ public Door northExit; /** This room's south exit, null if none exits. */ public Door southExit; /** This room's east exit, null if none exits. */ public Door eastExit; /** This room's west exit, null if none exits. */ public Door westExit; /** * Static initializer. */ static { counter = 0; } /** * Create a room described "description". Initially, it has no exits. * "description" is something like "a kitchen" or "an open court yard". * * @param name The room's name. * @param description * The room's description. */ public Room(String name, String description) { = name; this.description = description; counter++; } /** * Returns the name of this room. * * @return The name of this room. */ public String getName() { return name; } /** * Returns the description of this room. * * @return The description of this room. */ public String getDescription() { return description; } /** * Returns the number of rooms that have been created in the world. * @return The number of rooms that have been created in the world. */ public static int getCounter() { return counter; } /** Accessor for geting the northExit. * @return getNorthExit for getting that direction. */ public Door getNorthExit(){ return northExit; } /** Accessor for geting the southExit. * @return getSouthExit for getting that direction. */ public Door getSouthExit(){ return southExit; } /** Accessor for geting the eastExit. * @return getEastExit for getting that direction. */ public Door getEastExit(){ return eastExit; } /** Accessor for geting the westExit. * @return getWestExit for getting that direction. */ public Door getWestExit(){ return westExit; } /** Mutator for setting the northExit. * @param newNorthExit for setting that direction. */ public void setNorthExit(Door newNorthExit){ northExit = newNorthExit; } /** Mutator for setting the southExit. * @param newSouthExit for setting that direction. */ public void setSouthExit(Door newSouthExit){ southExit = newSouthExit; } /** Mutator for setting the eastExit. * @param newEastExit for setting that direction. */ public void setEastExit(Door newEastExit){ eastExit = newEastExit; } /** Mutator for setting the westExit. * @param newWestExit for setting that direction. */ public void setWestExit(Door newWestExit){ westExit = newWestExit; } /** * Returns a string description including all the details of a Room . * For example , *Outside : *You are outside in the center of the King's College campus . *Exits : north east south west * * @return A string representing all the details of a Room . */ public String toString (){ String roomInformation = ""; roomInformation = getName() + "" + getDescription(); boolean moh = true; if((getNorthExit() != null) && (getSouthExit() != null) && (getEastExit() != null) && (getWestExit() != null)){ moh = false; roomInformation = getName() + " " + getDescription() + getNorthExit() + getSouthExit() + getEastExit() + getWestExit() ; } return roomInformation; } }

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commit 232�tree 3fdab05801a9f2211b9b2cc052c4ccad75e77b45 parent 304fb2fe31611842f6d5bf4858fa6bf934833ac4 author mohammedalharbi <[email protected]> 1522116992 -0400 committer mohammedalharbi <[email protected]> 1522116992 -0400 lap3

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commit 232�tree 6cef56a888dd99dcbb0a165075f06b6f04af7b4c parent 3f705e964028fab9fe251a0e491df78a19dc12eb author mohammedalharbi <[email protected]> 1519181878 -0500 committer mohammedalharbi <[email protected]> 1519181878 -0500 lap3

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blob 3703�import java.util.HashMap; /** * Class Room - a room in an adventure game. * * This class is part of the "Campus of Kings" application. "Campus of Kings" is a * very simple, text based adventure game. * * A "Room" represents one location in the scenery of the game. It is connected * to other rooms via doors. The doors are labeled north, east, south, west. * For each direction, the room stores a reference to an instance of door. * * @author Mohammed ALharbi * @version 2018.1.26 */ public class Room { /** Counter for the total number of rooms created in the world. */ private static int counter; /** The name of this room. Room names should be unique. */ private String name; /** The description of this room. */ private String description; ///**.*/ //private HashMap<String, Door> exit; /**earn poins */ private int points; /** directions hash map with directions keys and doors values */ private HashMap<String,Door> directions = new HashMap< >(); /** * Static initializer. */ static { counter = 0; } /** * Create a room described "description". Initially, it has no exits. * "description" is something like "a kitchen" or "an open court yard". * @param name The room's name. * @param description * The room's description. */ public Room(String name, String description) { = name; this.description = description; counter++; } /** * Returns the name of this room. * * @return The name of this room. */ public String getName() { return name; } /** * Returns the description of this room. * * @return The description of this room. */ public String getDescription() { return description; } /** * Rerurns the door of this room. * @return The door of this room */ public Door getDirection(String direction){ return directions.get(direction); } /** * Rerutn the rooms that have been created int the world. * @return the rooms that have been created int the world. */ public static int getCounter(){ return counter; } /** * @return getExit for getting thae direction. * @param direction * @return */ public int getPoints(){ int point = points; points = 0; return point; } /** Mutator for setting the points. * @param newPoint */ public void setPoints(int newPoints){ points = newPoints; } /** * Set exit. * @param direction * @param neighbor */ public void setDirection(String direction,Door neighbor) { directions.put(direction, neighbor); } /** * Returns a string description including all the details of a Room. *Exits : north east south west * @return A string representing all the details of a Room. */ public String toString(){ String roomInformation = "Exits "; roomInformation = getName() + " " + getDescription(); for(String direction : directions.keySet()){ roomInformation = roomInformation + "Exit" + direction; } //for(Door door : directions.values()){ // roomInformation = roomInformation + "Door" + door; //String RoomInformation = getName() + " " + getDescription(); //roomInformation = "Exit:"; //roomInformation = "Name:"; //roomInformation = "Description:"; //for (String Direction : directions.keySet()) { //roomInformation += Direction + " "; return roomInformation; } }

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blob 765� Welcome to the Campus of Kings! Campus of Kings is a new, incredibly boring adventure game. Type 'help' if you need help. Outsideoutside in the center of the King's College campus. : You are Outsideoutside in the center of the King's College campus. Exits: north east south west north east south west Outsideoutside in the center of the King's College campus. : You are Outsideoutside in the center of the King's College campus. Exits: north east south west > go Go where? > king's college I don't know what you mean... > go Go where? > north I don't know what you mean... > go west Campus Centerin the center of student activities on campus. : You are Campus Centerin the center of student activities on campus. Exits: east > go north There is no door! >

Lap3 2/.git/objects/c9/c2c1714b00122efc17689d12d9a845a80199e3

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blob 2961�<mxfile userAgent="Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_13_3) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/65.0.3325.162 Safari/537.36" version="8.4.7" editor="" type="device"><diagram id="09f86a44-1c33-1832-6ab6-e38326b24b1a" name="Page-1">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</diagram></mxfile>

Lap3 2/.git/objects/f5/7b88c9d1b8ac6a81beaf0ea7f5cd3f157d699c

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blob 6993�/** * This class is the main class of the "Campus of Kings" application. * "Campus of Kings" is a very simple, text based adventure game. Users can walk * around some scenery. That's all. It should really be extended to make it more * interesting! * * This game class creates and initializes all the others: it creates all rooms, * creates the parser and starts the game. It also evaluates and executes the * commands that the parser returns. * * @author Mohammed Alharbi * @version 2018/1/24 */ public class Game { /** The world where the game takes place. */ private World world; /** stores the character controlled by the Player. */ private Player team; /** the total score. */ private int score ; /** the total number of turns. */ private int turns; /** This is an object for getting the room from the Player class. */ private Player playerClass; /** * Create the game and initialize its internal map. */ public Game() { score = 0; turns = 0; world = new World(); // set the starting room Room out = world.getRoom("outside"); team = new Player(out); } /** * Main play routine. Loops until end of play. */ public void play() { printWelcome(); // Enter the main game loop. Here we repeatedly read commands and // execute them until the game is over. boolean wantToQuit = false; while (!wantToQuit) { Command command = Reader.getCommand(); wantToQuit = processCommand(command); turns = turns + 1; } printGoodbye(); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Helper methods for processing the commands /** * Given a command, process (that is: execute) the command. * * @param command * The command to be processed. * @return true If the command ends the game, false otherwise. */ private boolean processCommand(Command command) { boolean wantToQuit = false; if (command.isUnknown()) { Writer.println("I don't know what you mean..."); } else { String commandWord = command.getCommandWord(); if (commandWord.equals("help")) { printHelp(); } else if (commandWord.equals("go")) { goGame(command); } else if (commandWord.equals("quit")) { wantToQuit = quit(command); } else { Writer.println(commandWord + " is not implemented yet!"); } } return wantToQuit; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Helper methods for implementing all of the commands. // It helps if you organize these in alphabetical order. /** * Try to go to one direction. If there is an exit, enter the new room, * otherwise print an error message. * * @param command * The command to be processed. */ private void goGame(Command command) { if (!command.hasSecondWord()) { Writer.println("Go where?"); } else { String direction = command.getRestOfLine(); Door doorway = null; if (direction.equals("north")) { doorway = team.getcurrentRoom().getExit("north"); } if (direction.equals("east")) { doorway = team.getcurrentRoom().getExit("east"); } if (direction.equals("south")) { doorway = team.getcurrentRoom().getExit("south"); } if (direction.equals("setwest")) { doorway = team.getcurrentRoom().getExit("west"); } if (doorway == null) { Writer.println("There is no door!"); } else { Room newRoom = doorway.getDestination(); team.setcurrentRoom(newRoom); printLocationInformation (); } } } /** * Print out the closing message for the player. */ private void printGoodbye() { Writer.println("I hope you weren't too bored here on the Campus of Kings!"); Writer.println("Thank you for playing. Good bye."); Writer.println("You have earned" + " " + score + "points in" + " " + turns + " " + "turns."); } /** * Prints out the current location and exits. */ private void printLocationInformation(){ Writer.println(team.getcurrentRoom() + " : "); Writer.println("You are " + team.getcurrentRoom()); Writer.print("Exits: "); if (team.getcurrentRoom().getExit("north")!=(null)) { Writer.print("north "); } if (team.getcurrentRoom().getExit("east") != null) { Writer.print("east "); } if (team.getcurrentRoom().getExit("south") != null) { Writer.print("south "); } if (team.getcurrentRoom().getExit("west") != null) { Writer.print("west "); } Writer.println(); } /** * Print out some help information. Here we print some stupid, cryptic * message and a list of the command words. */ private void printHelp() { Writer.println("You are lost. You are alone. You wander"); Writer.println("around at the university."); Writer.println(); Writer.println("Your command words are:"); Writer.println(" go quit help"); } /** * Print out the opening message for the player. */ private void printWelcome() { Writer.println(); Writer.println("Welcome to the Campus of Kings!"); Writer.println("Campus of Kings is a new, incredibly boring adventure game."); Writer.println("Type 'help' if you need help."); Writer.println(); if (team.getcurrentRoom().getExit("north") != null) { Writer.print("north "); } if (team.getcurrentRoom().getExit("east") != null) { Writer.print("east "); } if (team.getcurrentRoom().getExit("south") != null) { Writer.print("south "); } if (team.getcurrentRoom().getExit("west") != null) { Writer.print("west "); } Writer.println(); printLocationInformation(); } /** * "Quit" was entered. Check the rest of the command to see whether we * really quit the game. * * @param command * The command to be processed. * @return true, if this command quits the game, false otherwise. */ private boolean quit(Command command) { boolean wantToQuit = true; if (command.hasSecondWord()) { Writer.println("Quit what?"); wantToQuit = false; } return wantToQuit; } }

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blob 9370�import java.util.HashMap; /** * This class represents the entire world that makes up the "Campus of Kings" * application. "Campus of Kings" is a very simple, text based adventure game. * Users can walk around some scenery. That's all. It should really be extended * to make it more interesting! * * This world class creates the world where the game takes place. * * @author Maria Jump * @version 2015.02.01 */ public class World { /** The rooms in the world. */ private HashMap<String, Room> rooms; /** * Constructor for the world. */ public World() { rooms = new HashMap<String, Room>(); createRooms(); } /** * This method takes care of creating all of the aspects of the world for * the "Campus of Kings" application. * * @param name * The provided name of the room. * @return The room associated with the provided name */ public Room getcurrentRoom(String name) { return rooms.get(name.toLowerCase()); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Start of private helper methods /** * Helper method for recreating a Room. Ensure that the room is created and * installed in to the collection of Rooms * * @param theRoom * The room to add to the world. */ private void addRoom(Room theRoom) { rooms.put(theRoom.getName().toLowerCase(), theRoom); } /** * Helper method for creating doors between rooms. * * @param from * The room where the door originates. * @param west * The room to the west of the originating room. */ private void createDoor(Room from, String direction, Room to) { Door door = new Door(to); from.setExit(direction,door); } /** * This method creates all of the individual places in this world and all * the doors connecting them. */ private void createRooms() { // Creating all the rooms. int pointScore = 0; Room Bathroom = new Room("Bathroom", "there is teeth brush, shower place."); Room Kitchen = new Room("Kitchen", "there are two doors, one the way to go out of the house. The second door the way to the living room.."); Room OutOfTheHouse = new Room("out Of The House", "the way outside the house to drive to university.."); OutOfTheHouse.setPoints(10); pointScore = pointScore + 10; Room Car = new Room("Car", "inside the car, back bag, car key with house key.."); Car.setPoints(7); pointScore = pointScore + 7; Room KeepStreet = new Room(" keep Street", "the correct way."); Room TurnLeft = new Room("Turn left", "wrong way to go with it.."); Room EndOfTheRoad = new Room("End of the road", "closed way."); Room TurnLeft1 = new Room(" Turn left1", "the way to traffic signal."); Room TrafficSignal = new Room("Traffic signal", "there are three different ways."); TrafficSignal.setPoints(10); pointScore = pointScore + 10; Room TurnLeft2 = new Room("Turn left2", "maybe not the right way."); Room WrongWay = new Room("Wrong way","it will take long time to reach the goal."); Room TurnRight = new Room("Turn right"," more traffic."); Room ClosedWay = new Room("Closed Way","no place to go."); Room KeepStreet1 = new Room("KeepStreet1","almost arrive to university."); KeepStreet1.setPoints(10); pointScore = pointScore + 10; Room Parking = new Room("Parking","there is a meter parking, 2$ in Hour."); Parking.setPoints(17); pointScore = pointScore + 17; Room Library = new Room("Library","some books, students, printer, computers."); Room CampusCenter = new Room("Campus Center","office for the activity, mailboxes, four floors"); Room HallCampus = new Room("Hall Campus","the building for men."); Room HBuilding = new Room("H Building","Five floors, elevator, six classrooms"); Room Square = new Room("Square","the place in the middle of the university, and from there the player can go any building."); Square.setPoints(12); pointScore = pointScore + 12; Room MCBuilding = new Room("MCBuilding"," Classes, six floors."); Room ABuilding = new Room("A Building",": the goal to reach the class, stairs, elevator, classroom."); Room Stairs = new Room("Stairs","take the player until fourth floor."); Stairs.setPoints(18); pointScore = pointScore + 18; Room Elevator = new Room("Elevator","take the player until fourth floor."); Room Floor2 = new Room("2Floor","entry for classes"); Room Classroom = new Room("Classroom","one door, blackboard, tables"); Room Classroom201 = new Room ("Classroom201","you reach the goal."); Classroom201.setPoints(30); pointScore = pointScore + 30; Room Classroom204 = new Room("Classroom204","one door, students."); Room Classroom202 = new Room("Classroom202","blackboard, table, students."); // Adding all the rooms to the world. this.addRoom(Bathroom); this.addRoom(Kitchen); this.addRoom(OutOfTheHouse); this.addRoom(Car); this.addRoom(KeepStreet); this.addRoom(TurnLeft); this.addRoom(EndOfTheRoad); this.addRoom(TurnLeft1); this.addRoom(TrafficSignal); this.addRoom(TurnLeft2); this.addRoom(WrongWay); this.addRoom(TurnRight); this.addRoom(ClosedWay); this.addRoom(KeepStreet1); this.addRoom(Parking); this.addRoom(Library); this.addRoom(CampusCenter); this.addRoom(HallCampus); this.addRoom(HBuilding); this.addRoom(Square); this.addRoom(MCBuilding); this.addRoom(ABuilding); this.addRoom(Stairs); this.addRoom(Elevator); this.addRoom(Floor2); this.addRoom(Classroom); this.addRoom(Classroom201); this.addRoom(Classroom204); this.addRoom(Classroom202); // Creating all the doors between the rooms. this.createDoor(Bathroom,"east",Kitchen); this.createDoor(Kitchen, "west",Bathroom); this.createDoor(Kitchen,"south", OutOfTheHouse); this.createDoor(OutOfTheHouse,"north", Kitchen); this.createDoor(OutOfTheHouse,"west",Car); this.createDoor(Car,"east",OutOfTheHouse); this.createDoor(Car,"south",KeepStreet); this.createDoor(KeepStreet,"north",Car); this.createDoor(KeepStreet,"west",TurnLeft); this.createDoor(TurnLeft,"east",KeepStreet); this.createDoor(TurnLeft,"south", EndOfTheRoad); this.createDoor(EndOfTheRoad,"north",TurnLeft); this.createDoor(KeepStreet,"south",TurnLeft1); this.createDoor(TurnLeft1, "north",KeepStreet); this.createDoor(TurnLeft1,"east",TrafficSignal); this.createDoor(TrafficSignal,"west", TurnLeft1); this.createDoor(TrafficSignal,"north",TurnLeft2); this.createDoor(TurnLeft2,"south",TrafficSignal); this.createDoor(TurnLeft2,"north", WrongWay); this.createDoor(WrongWay,"south",TurnLeft2); this.createDoor(TrafficSignal,"south", TurnRight); this.createDoor(TurnRight,"north", TrafficSignal); this.createDoor(TurnRight,"south",ClosedWay); this.createDoor(ClosedWay,"north", TurnRight); this.createDoor(TrafficSignal,"east", KeepStreet1); this.createDoor(KeepStreet1, "west",TrafficSignal); this.createDoor(KeepStreet1,"east", Parking); this.createDoor(Parking,"west",KeepStreet1); this.createDoor(Parking,"south",Library); this.createDoor(Library, "north",Parking); this.createDoor(Library,"west", CampusCenter); this.createDoor(CampusCenter,"east",Library); this.createDoor(Parking,"south",Square); this.createDoor(Square,"north",Parking); this.createDoor(Square,"east", HallCampus); this.createDoor(HallCampus,"west",Square); this.createDoor(Square,"west",HBuilding); this.createDoor(HBuilding,"east",Square); this.createDoor(Square, "south",MCBuilding); this.createDoor(MCBuilding,"north",Square); this.createDoor(Square,"south",ABuilding); this.createDoor(ABuilding,"north",ABuilding); this.createDoor(ABuilding,"west",Stairs); this.createDoor(Stairs,"east",ABuilding); this.createDoor(ABuilding,"south",Classroom); this.createDoor(Classroom,"north",ABuilding); this.createDoor(ABuilding,"south",Elevator); this.createDoor(Elevator,"north",ABuilding); this.createDoor(Elevator,"south",Floor2); this.createDoor(Floor2,"north",Elevator); this.createDoor(Stairs,"south",Floor2); this.createDoor(Floor2,"north",Stairs); this.createDoor(Floor2,"south",Classroom204); this.createDoor(Classroom204,"north",Floor2); this.createDoor(Floor2,"east",Classroom202); this.createDoor(Classroom202,"west",Floor2); this.createDoor(Floor2,"south",Classroom201); this.createDoor(Classroom201,"north",Floor2); } }

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blob 9382�import java.util.HashMap; /** * This class represents the entire world that makes up the "Campus of Kings" * application. "Campus of Kings" is a very simple, text based adventure game. * Users can walk around some scenery. That's all. It should really be extended * to make it more interesting! * * This world class creates the world where the game takes place. * * @author mohammed alharbi * @version 20/2/2018 */ public class World { /** The rooms in the world. */ private HashMap<String, Room> rooms; /** * Constructor for the world. */ public World() { rooms = new HashMap<String, Room>(); createRooms(); } /** * This method takes care of creating all of the aspects of the world for * the "Campus of Kings" application. * * @param name * The provided name of the room. * @return The room associated with the provided name */ public Room getcurrentRoom(String name) { return rooms.get(name.toLowerCase()); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Start of private helper methods /** * Helper method for recreating a Room. Ensure that the room is created and * installed in to the collection of Rooms * * @param theRoom * The room to add to the world. */ private void addRoom(Room theRoom) { rooms.put(theRoom.getName().toLowerCase(), theRoom); } /** * Helper method for creating doors between rooms. * * @param from * The room where the door originates. * @param west * The room to the west of the originating room. */ private void createDoor(Room from, String direction, Room to) { Door door = new Door(to); from.setDirection(direction,door); } /** * This method creates all of the individual places in this world and all * the doors connecting them. */ private void createRooms() { // Creating all the rooms. int pointScore = 0; Room Bathroom = new Room("Bathroom", "there is teeth brush, shower place."); Room Kitchen = new Room("Kitchen", "there are two doors, one the way to go out of the house. The second door the way to the living room.."); Room OutOfTheHouse = new Room("out Of The House", "the way outside the house to drive to university.."); OutOfTheHouse.setPoints(10); pointScore = pointScore + 10; Room Car = new Room("Car", "inside the car, back bag, car key with house key.."); Car.setPoints(7); pointScore = pointScore + 7; Room KeepStreet = new Room(" keep Street", "the correct way."); Room TurnLeft = new Room("Turn left", "wrong way to go with it.."); Room EndOfTheRoad = new Room("End of the road", "closed way."); Room GasStaion = new Room("Gas Staion", "the way to traffic signal."); Room TrafficSignal = new Room("Traffic signal", "there are three different ways."); TrafficSignal.setPoints(10); pointScore = pointScore + 10; Room TurnLeft2 = new Room("Turn left2", "maybe not the right way."); Room WrongWay = new Room("Wrong way","it will take long time to reach the goal."); Room TurnRight = new Room("Turn right"," more traffic."); Room ClosedWay = new Room("Closed Way","no place to go."); Room KeepStreet1 = new Room("KeepStreet1","almost arrive to university."); KeepStreet1.setPoints(10); pointScore = pointScore + 10; Room Parking = new Room("Parking","there is a meter parking, 2$ in Hour."); Parking.setPoints(17); pointScore = pointScore + 17; Room Library = new Room("Library","some books, students, printer, computers."); Room CampusCenter = new Room("Campus Center","office for the activity, mailboxes, four floors"); Room HallCampus = new Room("Hall Campus","the building for men."); Room HBuilding = new Room("H Building","Five floors, elevator, six classrooms"); Room Square = new Room("Square","the place in the middle of the university, and from there the player can go any building."); Square.setPoints(12); pointScore = pointScore + 12; Room MCBuilding = new Room("MCBuilding"," Classes, six floors."); Room ABuilding = new Room("A Building",": the goal to reach the class, stairs, elevator, classroom."); Room Stairs = new Room("Stairs","take the player until fourth floor."); Stairs.setPoints(18); pointScore = pointScore + 18; Room Elevator = new Room("Elevator","take the player until fourth floor."); Room Floor2 = new Room("2Floor","entry for classes"); Room Classroom = new Room("Classroom","one door, blackboard, tables"); Room Classroom201 = new Room ("Classroom201","you reach the goal."); Classroom201.setPoints(30); pointScore = pointScore + 30; Room Classroom204 = new Room("Classroom204","one door, students."); Room Classroom202 = new Room("Classroom202","blackboard, table, students."); // Adding all the rooms to the world. this.addRoom(Bathroom); this.addRoom(Kitchen); this.addRoom(OutOfTheHouse); this.addRoom(Car); this.addRoom(KeepStreet); this.addRoom(TurnLeft); this.addRoom(EndOfTheRoad); this.addRoom(GasStaion); this.addRoom(TrafficSignal); this.addRoom(TurnLeft2); this.addRoom(WrongWay); this.addRoom(TurnRight); this.addRoom(ClosedWay); this.addRoom(KeepStreet1); this.addRoom(Parking); this.addRoom(Library); this.addRoom(CampusCenter); this.addRoom(HallCampus); this.addRoom(HBuilding); this.addRoom(Square); this.addRoom(MCBuilding); this.addRoom(ABuilding); this.addRoom(Stairs); this.addRoom(Elevator); this.addRoom(Floor2); this.addRoom(Classroom); this.addRoom(Classroom201); this.addRoom(Classroom204); this.addRoom(Classroom202); // Creating all the doors between the rooms. this.createDoor(Bathroom,"east",Kitchen); this.createDoor(Kitchen, "west",Bathroom); this.createDoor(Kitchen,"south", OutOfTheHouse); this.createDoor(OutOfTheHouse,"north", Kitchen); this.createDoor(OutOfTheHouse,"west",Car); this.createDoor(Car,"east",OutOfTheHouse); this.createDoor(Car,"south",KeepStreet); this.createDoor(KeepStreet,"north",Car); this.createDoor(KeepStreet,"west",TurnLeft); this.createDoor(TurnLeft,"east",KeepStreet); this.createDoor(TurnLeft,"south", EndOfTheRoad); this.createDoor(EndOfTheRoad,"north",TurnLeft); this.createDoor(KeepStreet,"south",GasStaion); this.createDoor(GasStaion, "north",KeepStreet); this.createDoor(GasStaion,"east",TrafficSignal); this.createDoor(TrafficSignal,"west", GasStaion); this.createDoor(TrafficSignal,"north",TurnLeft2); this.createDoor(TurnLeft2,"south",TrafficSignal); this.createDoor(TurnLeft2,"north", WrongWay); this.createDoor(WrongWay,"south",TurnLeft2); this.createDoor(TrafficSignal,"south", TurnRight); this.createDoor(TurnRight,"north", TrafficSignal); this.createDoor(TurnRight,"south",ClosedWay); this.createDoor(ClosedWay,"north", TurnRight); this.createDoor(TrafficSignal,"east", KeepStreet1); this.createDoor(KeepStreet1, "west",TrafficSignal); this.createDoor(KeepStreet1,"east", Parking); this.createDoor(Parking,"west",KeepStreet1); this.createDoor(Parking,"southwest",Library); this.createDoor(Library, "northeast",Parking); this.createDoor(Library,"east", CampusCenter); this.createDoor(CampusCenter,"west",Library); this.createDoor(Parking,"south",Square); this.createDoor(Square,"north",Parking); this.createDoor(Square,"east", HallCampus); this.createDoor(HallCampus,"west",Square); this.createDoor(Square,"west",HBuilding); this.createDoor(HBuilding,"east",Square); this.createDoor(Square, "southeast",MCBuilding); this.createDoor(MCBuilding,"northwest",Square); this.createDoor(Square,"south",ABuilding); this.createDoor(ABuilding,"north",Square); this.createDoor(ABuilding,"west",Stairs); this.createDoor(Stairs,"east",ABuilding); this.createDoor(ABuilding,"southwest",Classroom); this.createDoor(Classroom,"northeast",ABuilding); this.createDoor(ABuilding,"southwest",Elevator); this.createDoor(Elevator,"northeast",ABuilding); this.createDoor(Elevator,"west",Floor2); this.createDoor(Floor2,"east",Elevator); this.createDoor(Stairs,"south",Floor2); this.createDoor(Floor2,"north",Stairs); this.createDoor(Floor2,"south",Classroom204); this.createDoor(Classroom204,"north",Floor2); this.createDoor(Floor2,"east",Classroom202); this.createDoor(Classroom202,"west",Floor2); this.createDoor(Floor2,"southeast",Classroom201); this.createDoor(Classroom201,"northwest",Floor2); } }

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blob 3286�import java.util.HashMap; /** * Class Room - a room in an adventure game. * * This class is part of the "Campus of Kings" application. "Campus of Kings" is a * very simple, text based adventure game. * * A "Room" represents one location in the scenery of the game. It is connected * to other rooms via doors. The doors are labeled north, east, south, west. * For each direction, the room stores a reference to an instance of door. * * @author Mohammed ALharbi * @version 2018.1.26 */ public class Room { /** Counter for the total number of rooms created in the world. */ private static int counter; /** The name of this room. Room names should be unique. */ private String name; /** The description of this room. */ private String description; /**earn poins */ private int points; /** directions hash map with directions keys and doors values */ private HashMap<String,Door> directions = new HashMap< >(); /** * Static initializer. */ static { counter = 0; } /** * Create a room described "description". Initially, it has no exits. * "description" is something like "a kitchen" or "an open court yard". * @param name The room's name. * @param description * The room's description. */ public Room(String name, String description) { = name; this.description = description; counter++; } /** * Returns the name of this room. * * @return The name of this room. */ public String getName() { return name; } /** * Returns the description of this room. * * @return The description of this room. */ public String getDescription() { return description; } /** * Rerurns the door of this room. * @return The door of this room */ public Door getDirection(String direction){ return directions.get(direction); } /** * Rerutn the rooms that have been created int the world. * @return the rooms that have been created int the world. */ public static int getCounter(){ return counter; } /** * @return getExit for getting thae direction. * @param direction * @return */ public int getPoints(){ int point = points; points = 0; return point; } /** Mutator for setting the points. * @param newPoint */ public void setPoints(int newPoints){ points = newPoints; } /** * Set exit. * @param direction * @param neighbor */ public void setDirection(String direction,Door neighbor) { directions.put(direction, neighbor); } /** * Returns a string description including all the details of a Room. *Exits : north east south west * @return A string representing all the details of a Room. */ public String toString(){ String roomInformation = "Exit"; roomInformation = getName() + " " + getDescription(); for(String direction : directions.keySet()){ roomInformation = roomInformation + "Exit" + direction; //roomInformation = "Name"; } return roomInformation; } }

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commit 331�tree d68020e28958745ee47bc6d264c57309e7791c06 parent d7d6b795300692b2f41957ce72ccdee29cf95ce2 parent 6b3850b5b96aedbd8c8595c8532ad8f7b18af418 author mohammedalharbi <[email protected]> 1519181900 -0500 committer mohammedalharbi <[email protected]> 1519181900 -0500 Merge commit '6b3850b5b96aedbd8c8595c8532ad8f7b18af418'

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commit 232�tree 945ebe2b1f73e262c642844596d9a5691a6d343a parent 72095e7c283a7b1e57d54464d87b9bc0168482f2 author mohammedalharbi <[email protected]> 1521153706 -0400 committer mohammedalharbi <[email protected]> 1521153706 -0400 lap3

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blob 3849�import java.util.HashMap; /** * Class Room - a room in an adventure game. * * This class is part of the "Campus of Kings" application. "Campus of Kings" is a * very simple, text based adventure game. * * A "Room" represents one location in the scenery of the game. It is connected * to other rooms via doors. The doors are labeled north, east, south, west. * For each direction, the room stores a reference to an instance of door. * * @author Mohammed ALharbi * @version 2018.1.26 */ public class Room { /** Counter for the total number of rooms created in the world. */ private static int counter; /** The name of this room. Room names should be unique. */ private String name; /** The description of this room. */ private String description; /**.*/ private HashMap<String, Door> exit; /**earn poins */ private int points; /** directions hash map with directions keys and doors values */ private HashMap<String,Door> directions = new HashMap<>(); /** * Static initializer. */ static { counter = 0; } /** * Create a room described "description". Initially, it has no exits. * "description" is something like "a kitchen" or "an open court yard". * * @param name The room's name. * @param description * The room's description. */ public Room(String name, String description) { = name; this.description = description; counter++; } /** * Returns the name of this room. * * @return The name of this room. */ public String getName() { return name; } /** * Returns the description of this room. * * @return The description of this room. */ public String getDescription() { return description; } /** * Rerurns the door of this room. * @return The door of this room */ public Door getExit(String direction){ return exit.get(direction); } /** * Rerutn the rooms that have been created int the world. * @return the rooms that have been created int the world. */ public static int getCounter(){ return counter; } /** * @return getExit for getting thae direction. * @param direction * @return */ public int getPoints(){ int point = points; points = 0; return point; } /** Mutator for setting the points. * @param newPoint /** * Set exit. * @param direction * @param neighbor */ public void setPoints(int newPoints){ points = newPoints; } public void setExit(String direction,Door neighbor) { directions.put(direction, neighbor); } /** * Returns a string description including all the details of a Room . * For example , *Outside : *You are outside in the center of the King's College campus . *Exits : north east south west * * @return A string representing all the details of a Room . */ public String toString(){ String roomInformation = ""; roomInformation = getName() + "" + getDescription(); for(String exit : exit.keySet()){ roomInformation =roomInformation + "Exit" + exit; } for(Door door : exit.values()){ roomInformation =roomInformation + "Door" + door; String RoomInformation = getName() + " " + getDescription(); roomInformation = "Exist:"; roomInformation = "Name:"; roomInformation = "Description:"; for (String Direction : directions.keySet()) { roomInformation += Direction + " "; } } return roomInformation; } }

Lap3 2/.git/objects/4c/92ee36c15271f6e9c5ad6388735280db9361d8

Lap3 2/.git/objects/4c/92ee36c15271f6e9c5ad6388735280db9361d8

blob 7311�import java.util.HashMap; /** * This class is the main class of the "Campus of Kings" application. * "Campus of Kings" is a very simple, text based adventure game. Users can walk * around some scenery. That's all. It should really be extended to make it more * interesting! * * This game class creates and initializes all the others: it creates all rooms, * creates the parser and starts the game. It also evaluates and executes the * commands that the parser returns. * * @author Mohammed Alharbi * @version 2018/1/24 */ public class Game { /** The world where the game takes place. */ private World world; /** stores the character controlled by the Player. */ //private Player Playing; /** the total score. */ private int score ; /** the total number of turns. */ private int turns; /** This is an object for getting the room from the Player class. */ private Player playerClass; /** * Create the game and initialize its internal map. */ public Game() { world = new World(); playerClass = new Player(world.getcurrentRoom("Bathroom")); score = 0; turns = 0; //Playing = Playing; // set the starting room //Room out = world.getcurrentRoom("Bathroom"); //Playing = new Player(out); } /** * Main play routine. Loops until end of play. */ public void play() { printWelcome(); // Enter the main game loop. Here we repeatedly read commands and // execute them until the game is over. boolean wantToQuit = false; while (!wantToQuit) { Command command = Reader.getCommand(); wantToQuit = processCommand(command); turns = turns + 1; } printGoodbye(); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Helper methods for processing the commands /** * Given a command, process (that is: execute) the command. * * @param command * The command to be processed. * @return true If the command ends the game, false otherwise. */ private boolean processCommand(Command command) { boolean wantToQuit = false; if (command.isUnknown()) { Writer.println("I don't know what you mean..."); } else { String commandWord = command.getCommandWord(); if (commandWord.equals("help")) { printHelp(); } else if (commandWord.equals("go")) { goGame(command); } else if (commandWord.equals("quit")) { wantToQuit = quit(command); } else { Writer.println(commandWord + " is not implemented yet!"); } } return wantToQuit; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Helper methods for implementing all of the commands. // It helps if you organize these in alphabetical order. /** * Try to go to one direction. If there is an exit, enter the new room, * otherwise print an error message. * * @param command * The command to be processed. */ private void goGame(Command command) { if (!command.hasSecondWord()) { Writer.println("Go where?"); } else { String direction = command.getRestOfLine(); Door doorway = null; if (direction.equals("north")) { doorway = playerClass.getcurrentRoom().getDirection("north"); } if (direction.equals("east")) { doorway = playerClass.getcurrentRoom().getDirection("east"); } if (direction.equals("south")) { doorway = playerClass.getcurrentRoom().getDirection("south"); } if (direction.equals("west")) { doorway = playerClass.getcurrentRoom().getDirection("west"); } if (doorway == null) { Writer.println("There is no door!"); } else { Room newRoom = doorway.getDestination(); playerClass.setcurrentRoom(newRoom); printLocationInformation (); } } } /** * Print out the closing message for the player. */ private void printGoodbye() { Writer.println("I hope you weren't too bored here on the Campus of Kings!"); Writer.println("Thank you for playing. Good bye."); Writer.println("You have earned" + " " + score + "points in" + " " + turns + " " + "turns."); } /** * Prints out the current location and exits. */ private void printLocationInformation(){ Writer.println(playerClass.getcurrentRoom() + " : "); Writer.println("You are " + playerClass.getcurrentRoom()); Writer.print("Exits: "); if (playerClass.getcurrentRoom().getDirection("north") != (null)) { Writer.print("north "); } if (playerClass.getcurrentRoom().getDirection("east") != null) { Writer.print("east "); } if (playerClass.getcurrentRoom().getDirection("south") != null) { Writer.print("south "); } if (playerClass.getcurrentRoom().getDirection("west") != null) { Writer.print("west "); } Writer.println(); } /** * Print out some help information. Here we print some stupid, cryptic * message and a list of the command words. */ private void printHelp() { Writer.println("You are lost. You are alone. You wander"); Writer.println("around at the university."); Writer.println(); Writer.println("Your command words are:"); Writer.println("go quit help"); } /** * Print out the opening message for the player. */ private void printWelcome() { Room currentRoom = playerClass.getcurrentRoom(); Writer.println(); Writer.println("Welcome to the Campus of Kings!"); Writer.println("Campus of Kings is a new, incredibly boring adventure game."); Writer.println("Type 'help' if you need help."); if (playerClass.getcurrentRoom().getDirection("east") != null) { Writer.print("east"); } if (playerClass.getcurrentRoom().getDirection("west") != null) { Writer.print("west"); } if (playerClass.getcurrentRoom().getDirection("south") != null) { Writer.print("south"); } if (playerClass.getcurrentRoom().getDirection("north") != null) { Writer.print("north"); } //Writer.println(); printLocationInformation(); } /** * "Quit" was entered. Check the rest of the command to see whether we * really quit the game. * * @param command * The command to be processed. * @return true, if this command quits the game, false otherwise. */ private boolean quit(Command command) { boolean wantToQuit = true; if (command.hasSecondWord()) { Writer.println("Quit what?"); wantToQuit = false; } return wantToQuit; } }

Lap3 2/.git/objects/81/f115945636e4599b089905d39fdd48728792fd

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commit 280�tree d65e566f4424108f36c75595e355d28fef5d76b8 parent ad5d870ff31474c58eed44ac4f2e8987c743415c parent 06713f96120d3be7e7f95285736775fc251948c3 author mohammedalharbi <[email protected]> 1522119231 -0400 committer mohammedalharbi <[email protected]> 1522119231 -0400 lap3

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commit 331�tree 8299c43d952b4275bebb5b276fbfab12eb687d71 parent 64506a6dd3dac60899bcd529ce6381a5cddbc03c parent 7b4374acc0bd543c76bea7ab86de61e2d39d2ac7 author mohammedalharbi <[email protected]> 1520970198 -0400 committer mohammedalharbi <[email protected]> 1520970198 -0400 Merge commit '7b4374acc0bd543c76bea7ab86de61e2d39d2ac7'

Lap3 2/.git/objects/72/b4bae1638e99dfe920fb5606cbb891f2a529c2

Lap3 2/.git/objects/72/b4bae1638e99dfe920fb5606cbb891f2a529c2

blob 9515�import java.util.HashMap; /** * This class represents the entire world that makes up the "Campus of Kings" * application. "Campus of Kings" is a very simple, text based adventure game. * Users can walk around some scenery. That's all. It should really be extended * to make it more interesting! * * This world class creates the world where the game takes place. * * @author Maria Jump * @version 2015.02.01 */ public class World { /** The rooms in the world. */ private HashMap<String, Room> rooms; /** * Constructor for the world. */ public World() { rooms = new HashMap<String, Room>(); createRooms(); } /** * This method takes care of creating all of the aspects of the world for * the "Campus of Kings" application. * * @param name * The provided name of the room. * @return The room associated with the provided name */ public Room getRoom(String name) { return rooms.get(name.toLowerCase()); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Start of private helper methods /** * Helper method for recreating a Room. Ensure that the room is created and * installed in to the collection of Rooms * * @param theRoom * The room to add to the world. */ private void addRoom(Room theRoom) { rooms.put(theRoom.getName().toLowerCase(), theRoom); } /** * Helper method for creating doors between rooms. * * @param from * The room where the door originates. * @param west * The room to the west of the originating room. */ private void createDoor(Room from, String direction, Room to) { Door door = new Door(to); from.setExit(direction,door); } /** * This method creates all of the individual places in this world and all * the doors connecting them. */ private void createRooms() { // Creating all the rooms. int pointScore = 0; Room Bathroom = new Room("Bathroom", "there is teeth brush, shower place."); Room Kitchen = new Room("Kitchen", "there are two doors, one the way to go out of the house. The second door the way to the living room.."); Room OutOfTheHouse = new Room("out Of The House", "the way outside the house to drive to university.."); OutOfTheHouse.setPoints(10); pointScore = pointScore + 10; Room Car = new Room("Car", "inside the car, back bag, car key with house key.."); Car.setPoints(7); pointScore = pointScore + 7; Room KeepStreet = new Room(" keep Street", "the correct way."); Room TurnLeft = new Room("Turn left", "wrong way to go with it.."); Room EndOfTheRoad = new Room("End of the road", "closed way."); Room TurnLeft1 = new Room(" Turn left1", "the way to traffic signal."); Room TrafficSignal = new Room("Traffic signal", "there are three different ways."); TrafficSignal.setPoints(10); pointScore = pointScore + 10; Room TurnLeft2 = new Room("Turn left2", "maybe not the right way."); Room WrongWay = new Room("Wrong way","it will take long time to reach the goal."); Room TurnRight = new Room("Turn right"," more traffic."); Room ClosedWay = new Room("Closed Way","no place to go."); Room KeepStreet1 = new Room("KeepStreet1","almost arrive to university."); KeepStreet1.setPoints(10); pointScore = pointScore + 10; Room Parking = new Room("Parking","there is a meter parking, 2$ in Hour."); Parking.setPoints(17); pointScore = pointScore + 17; Room Library = new Room("Library","some books, students, printer, computers."); Room CampusCenter = new Room("Campus Center","office for the activity, mailboxes, four floors"); Room HallCampus = new Room("Hall Campus","the building for men."); Room HBuilding = new Room("H Building","Five floors, elevator, six classrooms"); Room Square = new Room("Square","the place in the middle of the university, and from there the player can go any building."); Square.setPoints(12); pointScore = pointScore + 12; Room MCBuilding = new Room("MCBuilding"," Classes, six floors."); Room ABuilding = new Room("A Building",": the goal to reach the class, stairs, elevator, classroom."); Room Stairs = new Room("Stairs","take the player until fourth floor."); Stairs.setPoints(18); pointScore = pointScore + 18; Room Elevator = new Room("Elevator","take the player until fourth floor."); Room Floor2 = new Room("2Floor","entry for classes"); Room Classroom = new Room("Classroom","one door, blackboard, tables"); Room Classroom201 = new Room ("Classroom201","you reach the goal."); Classroom201.setPoints(30); pointScore = pointScore + 30; Room Classroom204 = new Room("Classroom204","one door, students."); Room Classroom202 = new Room("Classroom202","blackboard, table, students."); // Adding all the rooms to the world. this.addRoom(Bathroom); this.addRoom(Kitchen); this.addRoom(OutOfTheHouse); this.addRoom(Car); this.addRoom(KeepStreet); this.addRoom(TurnLeft); this.addRoom(EndOfTheRoad); this.addRoom(TurnLeft1); this.addRoom(TrafficSignal); this.addRoom(TurnLeft2); this.addRoom(WrongWay); this.addRoom(TurnRight); this.addRoom(ClosedWay); this.addRoom(KeepStreet1); this.addRoom(Parking); this.addRoom(Library); this.addRoom(CampusCenter); this.addRoom(HallCampus); this.addRoom(HBuilding); this.addRoom(Square); this.addRoom(MCBuilding); this.addRoom(ABuilding); this.addRoom(Stairs); this.addRoom(Elevator); this.addRoom(Floor2); this.addRoom(Classroom); this.addRoom(Classroom201); this.addRoom(Classroom204); this.addRoom(Classroom202); // Creating all the doors between the rooms. this.createDoor(Bathroom,"east",Kitchen); this.createDoor(Kitchen, "west",Bathroom); this.createDoor(Kitchen,"south", OutOfTheHouse); this.createDoor(OutOfTheHouse,"north", Kitchen); this.createDoor(OutOfTheHouse,"west",Car); this.createDoor(Car,"east",OutOfTheHouse); this.createDoor(Car,"south",KeepStreet); this.createDoor(KeepStreet,"north",Car); this.createDoor(KeepStreet,"west",TurnLeft); this.createDoor(TurnLeft,"east",KeepStreet); this.createDoor(TurnLeft,"south", EndOfTheRoad); this.createDoor(EndOfTheRoad,"north",TurnLeft); this.createDoor(KeepStreet,"south",TurnLeft1); this.createDoor(TurnLeft1, "north",KeepStreet); this.createDoor(TurnLeft1,"east",TrafficSignal); this.createDoor(TrafficSignal,"west", TurnLeft1); this.createDoor(TrafficSignal,"north",TurnLeft2); this.createDoor(TurnLeft2,"south",TrafficSignal); this.createDoor(TurnLeft2,"north", WrongWay); this.createDoor(WrongWay,"south",TurnLeft2); this.createDoor(TrafficSignal,"south", TurnRight); this.createDoor(TurnRight,"north", TrafficSignal); this.createDoor(TurnRight,"south",ClosedWay); this.createDoor(ClosedWay,"north", TurnRight); this.createDoor(TrafficSignal,"east", KeepStreet1); this.createDoor(KeepStreet1, "west",TrafficSignal); this.createDoor(KeepStreet1,"east", Parking); this.createDoor(Parking,"west",KeepStreet1); this.createDoor(Parking,"south",Library); this.createDoor(Library, "north",Parking); this.createDoor(Library,"west", CampusCenter); this.createDoor(CampusCenter,"east",Library); this.createDoor(Parking,"south",Square); this.createDoor(Square,"north",Parking); this.createDoor(Square,"east", HallCampus); this.createDoor(HallCampus,"west",Square); this.createDoor(Square,"west",HBuilding); this.createDoor(HBuilding,"east",Square); this.createDoor(Square, "south",MCBuilding); this.createDoor(MCBuilding,"north",Square); this.createDoor(Square,"south",ABuilding); this.createDoor(ABuilding,"north",ABuilding); this.createDoor(ABuilding,"west",Stairs); this.createDoor(Stairs,"east",ABuilding); this.createDoor(ABuilding,"south",Classroom); this.createDoor(Classroom,"north",ABuilding); this.createDoor(ABuilding,"south",Elevator); this.createDoor(Elevator,"north",ABuilding); this.createDoor(Elevator,"south",Floor2); this.createDoor(Floor2,"north",Elevator); this.createDoor(Stairs,"south",Floor2); this.createDoor(Floor2,"north",Stairs); this.createDoor(Floor2,"south",Classroom204); this.createDoor(Classroom204,"north",Floor2); this.createDoor(Floor2,"east",Classroom202); this.createDoor(Classroom202,"west",Floor2); this.createDoor(Floor2,"south",Classroom201); this.createDoor(Classroom201,"north",Floor2); } }

Lap3 2/.git/objects/6b/1e6515c63f643ad52418df4385facb8dc92a20

Lap3 2/.git/objects/6b/1e6515c63f643ad52418df4385facb8dc92a20

blob 5870�//import java.util.HashMap; /** * This class is the main class of the "Campus of Kings" application. * "Campus of Kings" is a very simple, text based adventure game. Users can walk * around some scenery. That's all. It should really be extended to make it more * interesting! * This game class creates and initializes all the others: it creates all rooms, * creates the parser and starts the game. It also evaluates and executes the * commands that the parser returns. * * @author Mohammed Alharbi * @version 2018/1/24 */ public class Game { /** The world where the game takes place. */ private World world; //** stores the character controlled by the Player. */ //private Player Playing; /** the total score. */ private int score ; /** the total number of turns. */ private int turns; /** This is an object for getting the room from the Player class. */ private Player playerClass; /** * Create the game and initialize its internal map. */ public Game() { world = new World(); playerClass = new Player(world.getcurrentRoom("Bathroom")); score = 0; turns = 0; } /** * Main play routine. Loops until end of play. */ public void play() { printWelcome(); // Enter the main game loop. Here we repeatedly read commands and // execute them until the game is over. boolean wantToQuit = false; while (!wantToQuit) { Command command = Reader.getCommand(); wantToQuit = processCommand(command); turns = turns + 1; } printGoodbye(); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Helper methods for processing the commands /** * Given a command, process (that is: execute) the command. * * @param command * The command to be processed. * @return true If the command ends the game, false otherwise. */ private boolean processCommand(Command command) { boolean wantToQuit = false; if (command.isUnknown()) { Writer.println("I don't know what you mean..."); } else { String commandWord = command.getCommandWord(); if (commandWord.equals("help")) { printHelp(); } else if (commandWord.equals("go")) { goGame(command); } else if (commandWord.equals("quit")) { wantToQuit = quit(command); } else { Writer.println(commandWord + " is not implemented yet!"); } } return wantToQuit; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Helper methods for implementing all of the commands. // It helps if you organize these in alphabetical order. /** * Try to go to one direction. If there is an exit, enter the new room, * otherwise print an error message. * * @param command * The command to be processed. */ private void goGame(Command command) { if (!command.hasSecondWord()) { Writer.println("Go where?"); } else { String direction = command.getRestOfLine(); Door doorway = null; doorway = playerClass.getcurrentRoom().getDirection(direction); if (doorway == null) { Writer.println("There is no door!"); } else { Room newRoom = doorway.getDestination(); playerClass.setcurrentRoom(newRoom); score = score + newRoom.getPoints(); printLocationInformation (); } } } /** * Print out the closing message for the player. */ private void printGoodbye() { Writer.println("I hope you weren't too bored here on the Campus of Kings!"); Writer.println("Thank you for playing. Good bye."); Writer.println("You have earned" + " " + score + "points in" + " " + turns + " " + "turns."); } /** * Prints out the current location and exits. */ private void printLocationInformation(){ Writer.println(playerClass.getcurrentRoom() + " : "); Writer.println("You are in " + playerClass.getcurrentRoom()); Writer.print("Exits: "); } /** * Print out some help information. Here we print some stupid, cryptic * message and a list of the command words. */ private void printHelp() { Writer.println("You are lost. You are alone. You wander"); Writer.println("around at the university."); Writer.println(); Writer.println("Your command words are:"); Writer.println("go quit help"); } /** * Print out the opening message for the player. */ private void printWelcome() { Room currentRoom = playerClass.getcurrentRoom(); Writer.println(); Writer.println("Welcome to the Campus of Kings!"); Writer.println("Campus of Kings is a new, incredibly boring adventure game."); Writer.println("Type 'help' if you need help."); printLocationInformation(); } /** * "Quit" was entered. Check the rest of the command to see whether we * really quit the game. * * @param command * The command to be processed. * @return true, if this command quits the game, false otherwise. */ private boolean quit(Command command) { boolean wantToQuit = true; if (command.hasSecondWord()) { Writer.println("Quit what?"); wantToQuit = false; } return wantToQuit; } }

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commit 233�tree 6b36ca17784d3d6b46d8d2259854c4694df0dea2 parent 28097f950a7d27ad1519536c2b305fc237bfb29c author mohammedalharbi <[email protected]> 1521414134 -0400 committer mohammedalharbi <[email protected]> 1521414134 -0400 lap3

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blob 5756�//import java.util.HashMap; /** * This class is the main class of the "Campus of Kings" application. * "Campus of Kings" is a very simple, text based adventure game. Users can walk * around some scenery. That's all. It should really be extended to make it more * interesting! * This game class creates and initializes all the others: it creates all rooms, * creates the parser and starts the game. It also evaluates and executes the * commands that the parser returns. * * @author Mohammed Alharbi * @version 2018/1/24 */ public class Game { /** The world where the game takes place. */ private World world; //** stores the character controlled by the Player. */ //private Player Playing; /** the total score. */ private int score ; /** the total number of turns. */ private int turns; /** This is an object for getting the room from the Player class. */ private Player playerClass; /** * Create the game and initialize its internal map. */ public Game() { world = new World(); playerClass = new Player(world.getcurrentRoom("Bathroom")); score = 0; turns = 0; } /** * Main play routine. Loops until end of play. */ public void play() { printWelcome(); // Enter the main game loop. Here we repeatedly read commands and // execute them until the game is over. boolean wantToQuit = false; while (!wantToQuit) { Command command = Reader.getCommand(); wantToQuit = processCommand(command); turns = turns + 1; } printGoodbye(); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Helper methods for processing the commands /** * Given a command, process (that is: execute) the command. * * @param command * The command to be processed. * @return true If the command ends the game, false otherwise. */ private boolean processCommand(Command command) { boolean wantToQuit = false; if (command.isUnknown()) { Writer.println("I don't know what you mean..."); } else { String commandWord = command.getCommandWord(); if (commandWord.equals("help")) { printHelp(); } else if (commandWord.equals("go")) { goGame(command); } else if (commandWord.equals("quit")) { wantToQuit = quit(command); } else { Writer.println(commandWord + " is not implemented yet!"); } } return wantToQuit; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Helper methods for implementing all of the commands. // It helps if you organize these in alphabetical order. /** * Try to go to one direction. If there is an exit, enter the new room, * otherwise print an error message. * * @param command * The command to be processed. */ private void goGame(Command command) { if (!command.hasSecondWord()) { Writer.println("Go where?"); } else { String direction = command.getRestOfLine(); Door doorway = null; doorway = playerClass.getcurrentRoom().getDirection(direction); if (doorway == null) { Writer.println("There is no door!"); } else { Room newRoom = doorway.getDestination(); playerClass.setcurrentRoom(newRoom); score = score + newRoom.getPoints(); printLocationInformation (); } } } /** * Print out the closing message for the player. */ private void printGoodbye() { Writer.println("I hope you weren't too bored here on the Campus of Kings!"); Writer.println("Thank you for playing. Good bye."); Writer.println("You have earned" + " " + score + "points in" + " " + turns + " " + "turns."); } /** * Prints out the current location and exits. */ private void printLocationInformation(){ Writer.println(playerClass.getcurrentRoom() + " : "); Writer.println("You are in " + playerClass.getcurrentRoom()); Writer.print("Exits: "); } /** * Print out some help information. Here we print some stupid, cryptic * message and a list of the command words. */ private void printHelp() { Writer.println("You are lost. You are alone. You wander"); Writer.println("around at the university."); Writer.println(); Writer.println("Your command words are:"); Writer.println("go quit help"); } /** * Print out the opening message for the player. */ private void printWelcome() { Room currentRoom = playerClass.getcurrentRoom(); Writer.println(); Writer.println("Welcome to the Campus of Kings!"); Writer.println("Campus of Kings is a new, incredibly boring adventure game."); Writer.println("Type 'help' if you need help."); printLocationInformation(); } /** * "Quit" was entered. Check the rest of the command to see whether we * really quit the game. * * @param command * The command to be processed. * @return true, if this command quits the game, false otherwise. */ private boolean quit(Command command) { boolean wantToQuit = true; if (command.hasSecondWord()) { Writer.println("Quit what?"); wantToQuit = false; } return wantToQuit; } }

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blob 5246�import java.util.HashMap; /** * This class represents the entire world that makes up the "Campus of Kings" * application. "Campus of Kings" is a very simple, text based adventure game. * Users can walk around some scenery. That's all. It should really be extended * to make it more interesting! * * This world class creates the world where the game takes place. * * @author Maria Jump * @version 2015.02.01 */ public class World { /** The rooms in the world. */ private HashMap<String, Room> rooms; /** * Constructor for the world. */ public World() { rooms = new HashMap<String, Room>(); createRooms(); } /** * This method takes care of creating all of the aspects of the world for * the "Campus of Kings" application. * * @param name * The provided name of the room. * @return The room associated with the provided name */ public Room getRoom(String name) { return rooms.get(name.toLowerCase()); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Start of private helper methods /** * Helper method for recreating a Room. Ensure that the room is created and * installed in to the collection of Rooms * * @param theRoom * The room to add to the world. */ private void addRoom(Room theRoom) { rooms.put(theRoom.getName().toLowerCase(), theRoom); } //** /* Helper method for creating doors between rooms. * * @param from * The room where the door originates. * @param north * The room to the north of the originating room. */ //private void createNorthDoor(Room from, Room north) { //Door northDoor = new Door(north); //from.northExit = northDoor; //** /* Helper method for creating doors between rooms. * * @param from * The room where the door originates. * @param east * The room to the east of the originating room. */ //private void createEastDoor(Room from, Room east) { //Door eastDoor = new Door(east); //from.eastExit = eastDoor; //} //** // * Helper method for creating doors between rooms. /* * @param from * The room where the door originates. * @param south * The room to the south of the originating room. */ //private void createSouthDoor(Room from, Room south) { // Door southDoor = new Door(south); //from.southExit = southDoor; //} //** /* Helper method for creating doors between rooms. /* * @param from * The room where the door originates. * @param west * The room to the west of the originating room. */ //private void createWestDoor(Room from, Room west) { // Door westDoor = new Door(west); // from.getExit(westDoor); // } /** * This method creates all of the individual places in this world and all * the doors connecting them. */ private void createRooms() { //Creating all the rooms. Room outside = new Room("Outside", "outside in the center of the King's College campus."); Room holyCross = new Room("Holy Cross", "at one of two main dormitories on campus."); Room essef = new Room("Essef", "at the other main dormitory on campus."); Room campusCenter = new Room("Campus Center", "in the center of student activities on campus."); Room admin = new Room("Admin", "in the oldest building on campus and home to the computer science department."); Room jumpOffice = new Room("Jump's Office", "in Dr Jump's office."); Room hoggOffice = new Room("Hogg's Office", "in Dr Hogg's office."); Room lab = new Room("Computer Lab", "in the Computer Science and Math computing lab."); Room classroom = new Room("Classroom", "in the classroom where the computer science classes are taught."); //Adding all the rooms to the world. this.addRoom(outside); this.addRoom(holyCross); this.addRoom(essef); this.addRoom(campusCenter); this.addRoom(admin); this.addRoom(jumpOffice); this.addRoom(hoggOffice); this.addRoom(lab); this.addRoom(classroom); //Creating all the doors between the rooms. //this.createSouthDoor(essef, outside); //this.createNorthDoor(outside, essef); //this.createEastDoor(campusCenter, outside); //this.createWestDoor(outside, campusCenter); //this.createEastDoor(outside, holyCross); //this.createWestDoor(holyCross, outside); //this.createSouthDoor(outside, admin); //this.createNorthDoor(admin, outside); //this.createEastDoor(admin, lab); //this.createWestDoor(lab, admin); //this.createSouthDoor(admin, hoggOffice); //this.createNorthDoor(hoggOffice, admin); //this.createWestDoor(admin, jumpOffice); //this.createEastDoor(jumpOffice, admin); //this.createSouthDoor(lab, classroom); //this.createNorthDoor(classroom, lab); } }

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commit 331�tree 517feb6375a09bfa2f9de8968ffb458cc34a2904 parent 1301775cc1c2b4fd94c7905c963f5f6cfb914a2d parent a4e2272a137d2dde8a838d9c73be6e8f12967a27 author mohammedalharbi <[email protected]> 1518056756 -0500 committer mohammedalharbi <[email protected]> 1518056756 -0500 Merge commit 'a4e2272a137d2dde8a838d9c73be6e8f12967a27'

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commit 232�tree c62063f7af6c984d998530e2af1ed4d51ee9aefa parent a62ed382a705487d7667dbe1cd664e4069257396 author mohammedalharbi <[email protected]> 1522015723 -0400 committer mohammedalharbi <[email protected]> 1522015723 -0400 lap3

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blob 940� Welcome to the Campus of Kings! Campus of Kings is a new, incredibly boring adventure game. Type 'help' if you need help. eastBathroom there is teeth brush, shower place.Exiteast : You are Bathroom there is teeth brush, shower place.Exiteast Exits: east > go Go where? > go west There is no door! > go east Kitchen there are two doors, one the way to go out of the house. The second door the way to the living room..ExitsouthExitwest : You are Kitchen there are two doors, one the way to go out of the house. The second door the way to the living room..ExitsouthExitwest Exits: south west > go south out Of The House the way outside the house to drive to university..ExitnorthExitwest : You are out Of The House the way outside the house to drive to university..ExitnorthExitwest Exits: north west > quit I hope you weren't too bored here on the Campus of Kings! Thank you for playing. Good bye. You have earned 0points in 5 turns.

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blob 3061�import java.util.HashMap; /** * Class Room - a room in an adventure game. * * This class is part of the "Campus of Kings" application. "Campus of Kings" is a * very simple, text based adventure game. * * A "Room" represents one location in the scenery of the game. It is connected * to other rooms via doors. The doors are labeled north, east, south, west. * For each direction, the room stores a reference to an instance of door. * * @author Mohammed ALharbi * @version 2018.1.26 */ public class Room { /** Counter for the total number of rooms created in the world. */ private static int counter; /** The name of this room. Room names should be unique. */ private String name; /** The description of this room. */ private String description; /** directions hash map with directions keys and doors values */ private HashMap<String,Door> directions = new HashMap<>(); /** * Static initializer. */ static { counter = 0; } /** * Create a room described "description". Initially, it has no exits. * "description" is something like "a kitchen" or "an open court yard". * * @param name The room's name. * @param description * The room's description. */ public Room(String name, String description) { = name; this.description = description; counter++; } /** * Returns the name of this room. * * @return The name of this room. */ public String getName() { return name; } /** * Returns the description of this room. * * @return The description of this room. */ public String getDescription() { return description; } /** * Returns the number of rooms that have been created in the world. * @return The number of rooms that have been created in the world. */ public static int getCounter() { return counter; } /** * @return getExit for getting thae direction. * @param direction * @return */ public Door getExit(String direction) { return directions.get(direction); } /** * Set exit. * @param direction * @param neighbor */ public void setExit(String direction,Door neighbor) { directions.put(direction, neighbor); } /** * Returns a string description including all the details of a Room . * For example , *Outside : *You are outside in the center of the King's College campus . *Exits : north east south west * * @return A string representing all the details of a Room . */ public String toString (){ String roomInformation = getName() + " " + getDescription(); roomInformation = "Exist:"; roomInformation = "Name:"; roomInformation = "Description:"; for (String direction : directions.keySet()) { roomInformation += direction + " "; } return roomInformation; } }

Lap3 2/.git/objects/97/c1e2ca8d9925127f563d5403883b8069b42e30

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blob 7309�//import java.util.HashMap; /** * This class is the main class of the "Campus of Kings" application. * "Campus of Kings" is a very simple, text based adventure game. Users can walk * around some scenery. That's all. It should really be extended to make it more * interesting! * This game class creates and initializes all the others: it creates all rooms, * creates the parser and starts the game. It also evaluates and executes the * commands that the parser returns. * * @author Mohammed Alharbi * @version 2018/1/24 */ public class Game { /** The world where the game takes place. */ private World world; /** stores the character controlled by the Player. */ //private Player Playing; /** the total score. */ private int score ; /** the total number of turns. */ private int turns; /** This is an object for getting the room from the Player class. */ private Player playerClass; /** * Create the game and initialize its internal map. */ public Game() { world = new World(); playerClass = new Player(world.getcurrentRoom("Bathroom")); score = 0; turns = 0; //Playing = Playing; // set the starting room //Room out = world.getcurrentRoom("Bathroom"); //Playing = new Player(out); } /** * Main play routine. Loops until end of play. */ public void play() { printWelcome(); // Enter the main game loop. Here we repeatedly read commands and // execute them until the game is over. boolean wantToQuit = false; while (!wantToQuit) { Command command = Reader.getCommand(); wantToQuit = processCommand(command); turns = turns + 1; } printGoodbye(); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Helper methods for processing the commands /** * Given a command, process (that is: execute) the command. * * @param command * The command to be processed. * @return true If the command ends the game, false otherwise. */ private boolean processCommand(Command command) { boolean wantToQuit = false; if (command.isUnknown()) { Writer.println("I don't know what you mean..."); } else { String commandWord = command.getCommandWord(); if (commandWord.equals("help")) { printHelp(); } else if (commandWord.equals("go")) { goGame(command); } else if (commandWord.equals("quit")) { wantToQuit = quit(command); } else { Writer.println(commandWord + " is not implemented yet!"); } } return wantToQuit; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Helper methods for implementing all of the commands. // It helps if you organize these in alphabetical order. /** * Try to go to one direction. If there is an exit, enter the new room, * otherwise print an error message. * * @param command * The command to be processed. */ private void goGame(Command command) { if (!command.hasSecondWord()) { Writer.println("Go where?"); } else { String direction = command.getRestOfLine(); Door doorway = null; if (direction.equals("north")) { doorway = playerClass.getcurrentRoom().getDirection("north"); } if (direction.equals("east")) { doorway = playerClass.getcurrentRoom().getDirection("east"); } if (direction.equals("south")) { doorway = playerClass.getcurrentRoom().getDirection("south"); } if (direction.equals("west")) { doorway = playerClass.getcurrentRoom().getDirection("west"); } if (doorway == null) { Writer.println("There is no door!"); } else { Room newRoom = doorway.getDestination(); playerClass.setcurrentRoom(newRoom); printLocationInformation (); } } } /** * Print out the closing message for the player. */ private void printGoodbye() { Writer.println("I hope you weren't too bored here on the Campus of Kings!"); Writer.println("Thank you for playing. Good bye."); Writer.println("You have earned" + " " + score + "points in" + " " + turns + " " + "turns."); } /** * Prints out the current location and exits. */ private void printLocationInformation(){ Writer.println(playerClass.getcurrentRoom() + " : "); Writer.println("You are " + playerClass.getcurrentRoom()); Writer.print("Exits: "); if (playerClass.getcurrentRoom().getDirection("north") != (null)) { Writer.print("north "); } if (playerClass.getcurrentRoom().getDirection("east") != null) { Writer.print("east "); } if (playerClass.getcurrentRoom().getDirection("south") != null) { Writer.print("south "); } if (playerClass.getcurrentRoom().getDirection("west") != null) { Writer.print("west "); } Writer.println(); } /** * Print out some help information. Here we print some stupid, cryptic * message and a list of the command words. */ private void printHelp() { Writer.println("You are lost. You are alone. You wander"); Writer.println("around at the university."); Writer.println(); Writer.println("Your command words are:"); Writer.println("go quit help"); } /** * Print out the opening message for the player. */ private void printWelcome() { Room currentRoom = playerClass.getcurrentRoom(); Writer.println(); Writer.println("Welcome to the Campus of Kings!"); Writer.println("Campus of Kings is a new, incredibly boring adventure game."); Writer.println("Type 'help' if you need help."); if (playerClass.getcurrentRoom().getDirection("east") != null) { Writer.print("east"); } if (playerClass.getcurrentRoom().getDirection("west") != null) { Writer.print("west"); } if (playerClass.getcurrentRoom().getDirection("south") != null) { Writer.print("south"); } if (playerClass.getcurrentRoom().getDirection("north") != null) { Writer.print("north"); } //Writer.println(); printLocationInformation(); } /** * "Quit" was entered. Check the rest of the command to see whether we * really quit the game. * * @param command * The command to be processed. * @return true, if this command quits the game, false otherwise. */ private boolean quit(Command command) { boolean wantToQuit = true; if (command.hasSecondWord()) { Writer.println("Quit what?"); wantToQuit = false; } return wantToQuit; } }

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blob 553� Welcome to the Campus of Kings! Campus of Kings is a new, incredibly boring adventure game. Type 'help' if you need help. Outside outside in the center of the King's College campus.: You are Outside outside in the center of the King's College campus. Exits: north east south west north east south west Outside outside in the center of the King's College campus.: You are Outside outside in the center of the King's College campus. Exits: north east south west > moh I don't know what you mean... > go Go where? > to I don't know what you mean... >

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commit 232�tree 4eeb29795bd70f62bb6e7ebf829c65b29deb70b6 parent 74f5bd1b9585fd8676cf3d1c4382f6ec562680cb author mohammedalharbi <[email protected]> 1520970106 -0400 committer mohammedalharbi <[email protected]> 1520970106 -0400 lap3

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blob 6816�/** * This class is the main class of the "Campus of Kings" application. * "Campus of Kings" is a very simple, text based adventure game. Users can walk * around some scenery. That's all. It should really be extended to make it more * interesting! * * This game class creates and initializes all the others: it creates all rooms, * creates the parser and starts the game. It also evaluates and executes the * commands that the parser returns. * * @author Mohammed Alharbi * @version 2018/1/24 */ public class Game { /** The world where the game takes place. */ private World world; /** stores the character controlled by the Player. */ private Player team; /** the total score. */ private int score ; /** the total number of turns. */ private int turns; /** * Create the game and initialize its internal map. */ public Game() { score = 0; turns = 0; world = new World(); // set the starting room Room out = world.getRoom("outside"); team = new Player(out); } /** * Main play routine. Loops until end of play. */ public void play() { printWelcome(); // Enter the main game loop. Here we repeatedly read commands and // execute them until the game is over. boolean wantToQuit = false; while (!wantToQuit) { Command command = Reader.getCommand(); wantToQuit = processCommand(command); turns = turns + 1; } printGoodbye(); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Helper methods for processing the commands /** * Given a command, process (that is: execute) the command. * * @param command * The command to be processed. * @return true If the command ends the game, false otherwise. */ private boolean processCommand(Command command) { boolean wantToQuit = false; if (command.isUnknown()) { Writer.println("I don't know what you mean..."); } else { String commandWord = command.getCommandWord(); if (commandWord.equals("help")) { printHelp(); } else if (commandWord.equals("go")) { goGame(command); } else if (commandWord.equals("quit")) { wantToQuit = quit(command); } else { Writer.println(commandWord + " is not implemented yet!"); } } return wantToQuit; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Helper methods for implementing all of the commands. // It helps if you organize these in alphabetical order. /** * Try to go to one direction. If there is an exit, enter the new room, * otherwise print an error message. * * @param command * The command to be processed. */ private void goGame(Command command) { if (!command.hasSecondWord()) { Writer.println("Go where?"); } else { String direction = command.getRestOfLine(); Door doorway = null; if (direction.equals("north")) { doorway = team.getcurrentRoom().northExit; } if (direction.equals("east")) { doorway = team.getcurrentRoom().eastExit; } if (direction.equals("south")) { doorway = team.getcurrentRoom().southExit; } if (direction.equals("west")) { doorway = team.getcurrentRoom().westExit; } if (doorway == null) { Writer.println("There is no door!"); } else { Room newRoom = doorway.getDestination(); team.setcurrentRoom(newRoom); printLocationInformation (); } } } /** * Print out the closing message for the player. */ private void printGoodbye() { Writer.println("I hope you weren't too bored here on the Campus of Kings!"); Writer.println("Thank you for playing. Good bye."); Writer.println("You have earned" + score + "points in" + turns + "turns."); } /** * Prints out the current location and exits. */ private void printLocationInformation(){ Writer.println(team.getcurrentRoom() + ":"); Writer.println("You are " + team.getcurrentRoom()); Writer.print("Exits: "); if (team.getcurrentRoom().northExit != null) { Writer.print("north "); } if (team.getcurrentRoom().eastExit != null) { Writer.print("east "); } if (team.getcurrentRoom().southExit != null) { Writer.print("south "); } if (team.getcurrentRoom().westExit != null) { Writer.print("west "); } Writer.println(); } /** * Print out some help information. Here we print some stupid, cryptic * message and a list of the command words. */ private void printHelp() { Writer.println("You are lost. You are alone. You wander"); Writer.println("around at the university."); Writer.println(); Writer.println("Your command words are:"); Writer.println(" go quit help"); } /** * Print out the opening message for the player. */ private void printWelcome() { Writer.println(); Writer.println("Welcome to the Campus of Kings!"); Writer.println("Campus of Kings is a new, incredibly boring adventure game."); Writer.println("Type 'help' if you need help."); Writer.println(); printLocationInformation(); if (team.getcurrentRoom().northExit != null) { Writer.print("north "); } if (team.getcurrentRoom().eastExit != null) { Writer.print("east "); } if (team.getcurrentRoom().southExit != null) { Writer.print("south "); } if (team.getcurrentRoom().westExit != null) { Writer.print("west "); } Writer.println(); printLocationInformation(); } /** * "Quit" was entered. Check the rest of the command to see whether we * really quit the game. * * @param command * The command to be processed. * @return true, if this command quits the game, false otherwise. */ private boolean quit(Command command) { boolean wantToQuit = true; if (command.hasSecondWord()) { Writer.println("Quit what?"); wantToQuit = false; } return wantToQuit; } }

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blob 695� /** * class Player. * @author Mohammed Alharbi * @version 2018.1.27 */ public class Player{ /** field in the Player class to store the currentRoom.*/ private Room currentRoom; /** constructor in the Player class. * @param player for the room . */ public Player(Room PlayPlayer){ currentRoom = PlayPlayer; } /** accessor for the current room the character. * @return cerrentRoom */ public Room getcurrentRoom(){ return currentRoom; } /** a mutator for the current room the character. * @param Playing for the Room */ public void setcurrentRoom(Room Playing){ currentRoom = Playing; } }

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blob 9383�import java.util.HashMap; /** * This class represents the entire world that makes up the "Campus of Kings" * application. "Campus of Kings" is a very simple, text based adventure game. * Users can walk around some scenery. That's all. It should really be extended * to make it more interesting! * * This world class creates the world where the game takes place. * * @author Maria Jump * @version 2015.02.01 */ public class World { /** The rooms in the world. */ private HashMap<String, Room> rooms; /** * Constructor for the world. */ public World() { rooms = new HashMap<String, Room>(); createRooms(); } /** * This method takes care of creating all of the aspects of the world for * the "Campus of Kings" application. * * @param name * The provided name of the room. * @return The room associated with the provided name */ public Room getcurrentRoom(String name) { return rooms.get(name.toLowerCase()); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Start of private helper methods /** * Helper method for recreating a Room. Ensure that the room is created and * installed in to the collection of Rooms * * @param theRoom * The room to add to the world. */ private void addRoom(Room theRoom) { rooms.put(theRoom.getName().toLowerCase(), theRoom); } /** * Helper method for creating doors between rooms. * * @param from * The room where the door originates. * @param west * The room to the west of the originating room. */ private void createDoor(Room from, String direction, Room to) { Door door = new Door(to); from.setDirection(direction,door); } /** * This method creates all of the individual places in this world and all * the doors connecting them. */ private void createRooms() { // Creating all the rooms. int pointScore = 0; Room Bathroom = new Room("Bathroom", "there is teeth brush, shower place."); Room Kitchen = new Room("Kitchen", "there are two doors, one the way to go out of the house. The second door the way to the living room.."); Room OutOfTheHouse = new Room("out Of The House", "the way outside the house to drive to university.."); OutOfTheHouse.setPoints(10); pointScore = pointScore + 10; Room Car = new Room("Car", "inside the car, back bag, car key with house key.."); Car.setPoints(7); pointScore = pointScore + 7; Room KeepStreet = new Room(" keep Street", "the correct way."); Room TurnLeft = new Room("Turn left", "wrong way to go with it.."); Room EndOfTheRoad = new Room("End of the road", "closed way."); Room TurnLeft1 = new Room(" Turn left1", "the way to traffic signal."); Room TrafficSignal = new Room("Traffic signal", "there are three different ways."); TrafficSignal.setPoints(10); pointScore = pointScore + 10; Room TurnLeft2 = new Room("Turn left2", "maybe not the right way."); Room WrongWay = new Room("Wrong way","it will take long time to reach the goal."); Room TurnRight = new Room("Turn right"," more traffic."); Room ClosedWay = new Room("Closed Way","no place to go."); Room KeepStreet1 = new Room("KeepStreet1","almost arrive to university."); KeepStreet1.setPoints(10); pointScore = pointScore + 10; Room Parking = new Room("Parking","there is a meter parking, 2$ in Hour."); Parking.setPoints(17); pointScore = pointScore + 17; Room Library = new Room("Library","some books, students, printer, computers."); Room CampusCenter = new Room("Campus Center","office for the activity, mailboxes, four floors"); Room HallCampus = new Room("Hall Campus","the building for men."); Room HBuilding = new Room("H Building","Five floors, elevator, six classrooms"); Room Square = new Room("Square","the place in the middle of the university, and from there the player can go any building."); Square.setPoints(12); pointScore = pointScore + 12; Room MCBuilding = new Room("MCBuilding"," Classes, six floors."); Room ABuilding = new Room("A Building",": the goal to reach the class, stairs, elevator, classroom."); Room Stairs = new Room("Stairs","take the player until fourth floor."); Stairs.setPoints(18); pointScore = pointScore + 18; Room Elevator = new Room("Elevator","take the player until fourth floor."); Room Floor2 = new Room("2Floor","entry for classes"); Room Classroom = new Room("Classroom","one door, blackboard, tables"); Room Classroom201 = new Room ("Classroom201","you reach the goal."); Classroom201.setPoints(30); pointScore = pointScore + 30; Room Classroom204 = new Room("Classroom204","one door, students."); Room Classroom202 = new Room("Classroom202","blackboard, table, students."); // Adding all the rooms to the world. this.addRoom(Bathroom); this.addRoom(Kitchen); this.addRoom(OutOfTheHouse); this.addRoom(Car); this.addRoom(KeepStreet); this.addRoom(TurnLeft); this.addRoom(EndOfTheRoad); this.addRoom(TurnLeft1); this.addRoom(TrafficSignal); this.addRoom(TurnLeft2); this.addRoom(WrongWay); this.addRoom(TurnRight); this.addRoom(ClosedWay); this.addRoom(KeepStreet1); this.addRoom(Parking); this.addRoom(Library); this.addRoom(CampusCenter); this.addRoom(HallCampus); this.addRoom(HBuilding); this.addRoom(Square); this.addRoom(MCBuilding); this.addRoom(ABuilding); this.addRoom(Stairs); this.addRoom(Elevator); this.addRoom(Floor2); this.addRoom(Classroom); this.addRoom(Classroom201); this.addRoom(Classroom204); this.addRoom(Classroom202); // Creating all the doors between the rooms. this.createDoor(Bathroom,"east",Kitchen); this.createDoor(Kitchen, "west",Bathroom); this.createDoor(Kitchen,"south", OutOfTheHouse); this.createDoor(OutOfTheHouse,"north", Kitchen); this.createDoor(OutOfTheHouse,"west",Car); this.createDoor(Car,"east",OutOfTheHouse); this.createDoor(Car,"south",KeepStreet); this.createDoor(KeepStreet,"north",Car); this.createDoor(KeepStreet,"west",TurnLeft); this.createDoor(TurnLeft,"east",KeepStreet); this.createDoor(TurnLeft,"south", EndOfTheRoad); this.createDoor(EndOfTheRoad,"north",TurnLeft); this.createDoor(KeepStreet,"south",TurnLeft1); this.createDoor(TurnLeft1, "north",KeepStreet); this.createDoor(TurnLeft1,"east",TrafficSignal); this.createDoor(TrafficSignal,"west", TurnLeft1); this.createDoor(TrafficSignal,"north",TurnLeft2); this.createDoor(TurnLeft2,"south",TrafficSignal); this.createDoor(TurnLeft2,"north", WrongWay); this.createDoor(WrongWay,"south",TurnLeft2); this.createDoor(TrafficSignal,"south", TurnRight); this.createDoor(TurnRight,"north", TrafficSignal); this.createDoor(TurnRight,"south",ClosedWay); this.createDoor(ClosedWay,"north", TurnRight); this.createDoor(TrafficSignal,"east", KeepStreet1); this.createDoor(KeepStreet1, "west",TrafficSignal); this.createDoor(KeepStreet1,"east", Parking); this.createDoor(Parking,"west",KeepStreet1); this.createDoor(Parking,"southwest",Library); this.createDoor(Library, "northeast",Parking); this.createDoor(Library,"west", CampusCenter); this.createDoor(CampusCenter,"east",Library); this.createDoor(Parking,"south",Square); this.createDoor(Square,"north",Parking); this.createDoor(Square,"east", HallCampus); this.createDoor(HallCampus,"west",Square); this.createDoor(Square,"west",HBuilding); this.createDoor(HBuilding,"east",Square); this.createDoor(Square, "south",MCBuilding); this.createDoor(MCBuilding,"north",Square); this.createDoor(Square,"south",ABuilding); this.createDoor(ABuilding,"north",ABuilding); this.createDoor(ABuilding,"west",Stairs); this.createDoor(Stairs,"east",ABuilding); this.createDoor(ABuilding,"south",Classroom); this.createDoor(Classroom,"north",ABuilding); this.createDoor(ABuilding,"south",Elevator); this.createDoor(Elevator,"north",ABuilding); this.createDoor(Elevator,"south",Floor2); this.createDoor(Floor2,"north",Elevator); this.createDoor(Stairs,"south",Floor2); this.createDoor(Floor2,"north",Stairs); this.createDoor(Floor2,"south",Classroom204); this.createDoor(Classroom204,"north",Floor2); this.createDoor(Floor2,"east",Classroom202); this.createDoor(Classroom202,"west",Floor2); this.createDoor(Floor2,"south",Classroom201); this.createDoor(Classroom201,"north",Floor2); } }

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commit 252�tree 33c652c2507d0cc360c76895d7f9d431365d070e parent 62aa1fe8f836c8e2f7db3d62521e70180bba71fc author mohammedalharbi <[email protected]> 1521574637 -0400 committer mohammedalharbi <[email protected]> 1521574637 -0400 deleted extar deucmnets

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blob 7251�import java.util.HashMap; /** * This class is the main class of the "Campus of Kings" application. * "Campus of Kings" is a very simple, text based adventure game. Users can walk * around some scenery. That's all. It should really be extended to make it more * interesting! * * This game class creates and initializes all the others: it creates all rooms, * creates the parser and starts the game. It also evaluates and executes the * commands that the parser returns. * * @author Mohammed Alharbi * @version 2018/1/24 */ public class Game { /** The world where the game takes place. */ private World world; /** stores the character controlled by the Player. */ //private Player Playing; /** the total score. */ private int score ; /** the total number of turns. */ private int turns; /** This is an object for getting the room from the Player class. */ private Player playerClass; /** * Create the game and initialize its internal map. */ public Game() { world = new World(); playerClass = new Player(world.getcurrentRoom("Bathroom")); score = 0; turns = 0; //Playing = Playing; // set the starting room //Room out = world.getcurrentRoom("Bathroom"); //Playing = new Player(out); } /** * Main play routine. Loops until end of play. */ public void play() { printWelcome(); // Enter the main game loop. Here we repeatedly read commands and // execute them until the game is over. boolean wantToQuit = false; while (!wantToQuit) { Command command = Reader.getCommand(); wantToQuit = processCommand(command); turns = turns + 1; } printGoodbye(); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Helper methods for processing the commands /** * Given a command, process (that is: execute) the command. * * @param command * The command to be processed. * @return true If the command ends the game, false otherwise. */ private boolean processCommand(Command command) { boolean wantToQuit = false; if (command.isUnknown()) { Writer.println("I don't know what you mean..."); } else { String commandWord = command.getCommandWord(); if (commandWord.equals("help")) { printHelp(); } else if (commandWord.equals("go")) { goGame(command); } else if (commandWord.equals("quit")) { wantToQuit = quit(command); } else { Writer.println(commandWord + " is not implemented yet!"); } } return wantToQuit; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Helper methods for implementing all of the commands. // It helps if you organize these in alphabetical order. /** * Try to go to one direction. If there is an exit, enter the new room, * otherwise print an error message. * * @param command * The command to be processed. */ private void goGame(Command command) { if (!command.hasSecondWord()) { Writer.println("Go where?"); } else { String direction = command.getRestOfLine(); Door doorway = null; if (direction.equals("north")) { doorway = playerClass.getcurrentRoom().getExit("north"); } if (direction.equals("east")) { doorway = playerClass.getcurrentRoom().getExit("east"); } if (direction.equals("south")) { doorway = playerClass.getcurrentRoom().getExit("south"); } if (direction.equals("west")) { doorway = playerClass.getcurrentRoom().getExit("west"); } if (doorway == null) { Writer.println("There is no door!"); } else { Room newRoom = doorway.getDestination(); playerClass.setcurrentRoom(newRoom); printLocationInformation (); } } } /** * Print out the closing message for the player. */ private void printGoodbye() { Writer.println("I hope you weren't too bored here on the Campus of Kings!"); Writer.println("Thank you for playing. Good bye."); Writer.println("You have earned" + " " + score + "points in" + " " + turns + " " + "turns."); } /** * Prints out the current location and exits. */ private void printLocationInformation(){ Writer.println(playerClass.getcurrentRoom() + " : "); Writer.println("You are " + playerClass.getcurrentRoom()); Writer.print("Exits: "); if (playerClass.getcurrentRoom().getExit("north") != (null)) { Writer.print("north "); } if (playerClass.getcurrentRoom().getExit("east") != null) { Writer.print("east "); } if (playerClass.getcurrentRoom().getExit("south") != null) { Writer.print("south "); } if (playerClass.getcurrentRoom().getExit("west") != null) { Writer.print("west "); } Writer.println(); } /** * Print out some help information. Here we print some stupid, cryptic * message and a list of the command words. */ private void printHelp() { Writer.println("You are lost. You are alone. You wander"); Writer.println("around at the university."); Writer.println(); Writer.println("Your command words are:"); Writer.println("go quit help"); } /** * Print out the opening message for the player. */ private void printWelcome() { Room currentRoom = playerClass.getcurrentRoom(); Writer.println(); Writer.println("Welcome to the Campus of Kings!"); Writer.println("Campus of Kings is a new, incredibly boring adventure game."); Writer.println("Type 'help' if you need help."); if (playerClass.getcurrentRoom().getExit("east") != null) { Writer.print("east"); } if (playerClass.getcurrentRoom().getExit("west") != null) { Writer.print("west"); } if (playerClass.getcurrentRoom().getExit("south") != null) { Writer.print("south"); } if (playerClass.getcurrentRoom().getExit("north") != null) { Writer.print("north"); } //Writer.println(); printLocationInformation(); } /** * "Quit" was entered. Check the rest of the command to see whether we * really quit the game. * * @param command * The command to be processed. * @return true, if this command quits the game, false otherwise. */ private boolean quit(Command command) { boolean wantToQuit = true; if (command.hasSecondWord()) { Writer.println("Quit what?"); wantToQuit = false; } return wantToQuit; } }

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blob 699� /** * class Player. * @author Mohammed Alharbi * @version 2018.1.27 */ public class Player{ /** field in the Player class to store the currentRoom.*/ private Room currentRoom; /** constructor in the Player class. * @param playPlayer for the room . */ public Player(Room playPlayer){ currentRoom = playPlayer; } /** accessor for the current room the character. * @return cerrentRoom */ public Room getcurrentRoom(){ return currentRoom; } /** a mutator for the current room the character. * @param playing for the Room */ public void setcurrentRoom(Room playing){ currentRoom = playing; } }

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blob 5362� Welcome to the Campus of Kings! Campus of Kings is a new, incredibly boring adventure game. Type 'help' if you need help. Bathroom there is teeth brush, shower place.Exiteast : You are in Bathroom there is teeth brush, shower place.Exiteast Exits: > go east Kitchen there are two doors, one the way to go out of the house. The second door the way to the living room..ExitsouthExitwest : You are in Kitchen there are two doors, one the way to go out of the house. The second door the way to the living room..ExitsouthExitwest Exits: > go south out Of The House the way outside the house to drive to university..ExitnorthExitwest : You are in out Of The House the way outside the house to drive to university..ExitnorthExitwest Exits: > go west Car inside the car, back bag, car key with house key..ExiteastExitsouth : You are in Car inside the car, back bag, car key with house key..ExiteastExitsouth Exits: > go south keep Street the correct way.ExitsouthExitnorthExitwest : You are in keep Street the correct way.ExitsouthExitnorthExitwest Exits: > go east There is no door! > go west Turn left wrong way to go with it..ExiteastExitsouth : You are in Turn left wrong way to go with it..ExiteastExitsouth Exits: > go east keep Street the correct way.ExitsouthExitnorthExitwest : You are in keep Street the correct way.ExitsouthExitnorthExitwest Exits: > go east There is no door! > go west Turn left wrong way to go with it..ExiteastExitsouth : You are in Turn left wrong way to go with it..ExiteastExitsouth Exits: > go south End of the road closed way.Exitnorth : You are in End of the road closed way.Exitnorth Exits: > go north Turn left wrong way to go with it..ExiteastExitsouth : You are in Turn left wrong way to go with it..ExiteastExitsouth Exits: > go west There is no door! > go east keep Street the correct way.ExitsouthExitnorthExitwest : You are in keep Street the correct way.ExitsouthExitnorthExitwest Exits: > go east There is no door! > go east There is no door! > go south Gas Staion the way to traffic signal.ExiteastExitnorth : You are in Gas Staion the way to traffic signal.ExiteastExitnorth Exits: > go east Traffic signal there are three different ways.ExiteastExitsouthExitnorthExitwest : You are in Traffic signal there are three different ways.ExiteastExitsouthExitnorthExitwest Exits: > go east KeepGoing almost arrive to university.ExiteastExitwest : You are in KeepGoing almost arrive to university.ExiteastExitwest Exits: > go east Parking there is a meter parking, 2$ in Hour.ExitsouthwestExitsouthExitwest : You are in Parking there is a meter parking, 2$ in Hour.ExitsouthwestExitsouthExitwest Exits: > go south Square the place in the middle of the university, and from there the player can go any building.ExiteastExitsouthExitnorthExitwestExitsoutheast : You are in Square the place in the middle of the university, and from there the player can go any building.ExiteastExitsouthExitnorthExitwestExitsoutheast Exits: > go south A Building : the goal to reach the class, stairs, elevator, classroom.ExitsouthwestExitnorthExitwest : You are in A Building : the goal to reach the class, stairs, elevator, classroom.ExitsouthwestExitnorthExitwest Exits: > go south There is no door! > go north Square the place in the middle of the university, and from there the player can go any building.ExiteastExitsouthExitnorthExitwestExitsoutheast : You are in Square the place in the middle of the university, and from there the player can go any building.ExiteastExitsouthExitnorthExitwestExitsoutheast Exits: > go east Hall Campus the building for men.Exitwest : You are in Hall Campus the building for men.Exitwest Exits: > go weat There is no door! > go north There is no door! > go south There is no door! > go west Square the place in the middle of the university, and from there the player can go any building.ExiteastExitsouthExitnorthExitwestExitsoutheast : You are in Square the place in the middle of the university, and from there the player can go any building.ExiteastExitsouthExitnorthExitwestExitsoutheast Exits: > go south A Building : the goal to reach the class, stairs, elevator, classroom.ExitsouthwestExitnorthExitwest : You are in A Building : the goal to reach the class, stairs, elevator, classroom.ExitsouthwestExitnorthExitwest Exits: > go south There is no door! > go east There is no door! > go west Stairs take the player until fourth floor.ExiteastExitsouth : You are in Stairs take the player until fourth floor.ExiteastExitsouth Exits: > go west There is no door! > go east A Building : the goal to reach the class, stairs, elevator, classroom.ExitsouthwestExitnorthExitwest : You are in A Building : the goal to reach the class, stairs, elevator, classroom.ExitsouthwestExitnorthExitwest Exits: > go west Stairs take the player until fourth floor.ExiteastExitsouth : You are in Stairs take the player until fourth floor.ExiteastExitsouth Exits: > go south 2Floor entry for classesExiteastExitsouthExitnorthExitsoutheast : You are in 2Floor entry for classesExiteastExitsouthExitnorthExitsoutheast Exits: > go southeast Classroom201 you reach the goal.Exitnorthwest : You are in Classroom201 you reach the goal.Exitnorthwest Exits: > quit I hope you weren't too bored here on the Campus of Kings! Thank you for playing. Good bye. You have earned 114points in 38 turns.

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blob 9402�import java.util.HashMap; /** * This class represents the entire world that makes up the "Campus of Kings" * application. "Campus of Kings" is a very simple, text based adventure game. * Users can walk around some scenery. That's all. It should really be extended * to make it more interesting! * * This world class creates the world where the game takes place. * * @author mohammed alharbi * @version 20/2/2018 */ public class World { /** The rooms in the world. */ private HashMap<String, Room> rooms; /** * Constructor for the world. */ public World() { rooms = new HashMap<String, Room>(); createRooms(); } /** * This method takes care of creating all of the aspects of the world for * the "Campus of Kings" application. * * @param name * The provided name of the room. * @return The room associated with the provided name */ public Room getcurrentRoom(String name) { return rooms.get(name.toLowerCase()); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Start of private helper methods /** * Helper method for recreating a Room. Ensure that the room is created and * installed in to the collection of Rooms. * * @param theRoom * The room to add to the world. */ private void addRoom(Room theRoom) { rooms.put(theRoom.getName().toLowerCase(), theRoom); } /** * Helper method for creating doors between rooms. * * @param from The room where the door originated. * @param direction The direction of the door in the from room. * @param to The room where the door goes. */ private void createDoor(Room from, String direction, Room to){ Door door = new Door(to); from.setDirection(direction,door); } /** * This method creates all of the individual places in this world and all * the doors connecting them. */ private void createRooms() { // Creating all the rooms. int pointScore = 0; Room bathroom = new Room("Bathroom", "there is teeth brush, shower place."); Room kitchen = new Room("Kitchen", "there are two doors, one the way to go out of the house. The second door the way to the living room.."); Room outOfTheHouse = new Room("out Of The House", "the way outside the house to drive to university.."); outOfTheHouse.setPoints(10); pointScore = pointScore + 10; Room car = new Room("Car", "inside the car, back bag, car key with house key.."); car.setPoints(7); pointScore = pointScore + 7; Room keepStreet = new Room(" keep Street", "the correct way."); Room turnLeft = new Room("Turn left", "wrong way to go with it.."); Room endOfTheRoad = new Room("End of the road", "closed way."); Room gasStaion = new Room("Gas Staion", "the way to traffic signal."); Room trafficSignal = new Room("Traffic signal", "there are three different ways."); trafficSignal.setPoints(10); pointScore = pointScore + 10; Room turnLeft2 = new Room("Turn left2", "maybe not the right way."); Room wrongWay = new Room("Wrong way","it will take long time to reach the goal."); Room turnRight = new Room("Turn right"," more traffic."); Room closedWay = new Room("Closed Way","no place to go."); Room keepGoing = new Room("KeepGoing","almost arrive to university."); keepGoing.setPoints(10); pointScore = pointScore + 10; Room parking = new Room("Parking","there is a meter parking, 2$ in Hour."); parking.setPoints(17); pointScore = pointScore + 17; Room library = new Room("Library","some books, students, printer, computers."); Room campusCenter = new Room("Campus Center","office for the activity, mailboxes, four floors"); Room hallCampus = new Room("Hall Campus","the building for men."); Room hBuilding = new Room("H Building","Five floors, elevator, six classrooms"); Room square = new Room("Square","the place in the middle of the university, and from there the player can go any building."); square.setPoints(12); pointScore = pointScore + 12; Room mCBuilding = new Room("MCBuilding"," Classes, six floors."); Room aBuilding = new Room("A Building",": the goal to reach the class, stairs, elevator, classroom."); Room stairs = new Room("Stairs","take the player until fourth floor."); stairs.setPoints(18); pointScore = pointScore + 18; Room elevator = new Room("Elevator","take the player until fourth floor."); Room floor2 = new Room("2Floor","entry for classes"); Room classroom = new Room("Classroom","one door, blackboard, tables"); Room classroom201 = new Room ("Classroom201","you reach the goal."); classroom201.setPoints(30); pointScore = pointScore + 30; Room classroom204 = new Room("Classroom204","one door, students."); Room classroom202 = new Room("Classroom202","blackboard, table, students."); // Adding all the rooms to the world. this.addRoom(bathroom); this.addRoom(kitchen); this.addRoom(outOfTheHouse); this.addRoom(car); this.addRoom(keepStreet); this.addRoom(turnLeft); this.addRoom(endOfTheRoad); this.addRoom(gasStaion); this.addRoom(trafficSignal); this.addRoom(turnLeft2); this.addRoom(wrongWay); this.addRoom(turnRight); this.addRoom(closedWay); this.addRoom(keepGoing); this.addRoom(parking); this.addRoom(library); this.addRoom(campusCenter); this.addRoom(hallCampus); this.addRoom(hBuilding); this.addRoom(square); this.addRoom(mCBuilding); this.addRoom(aBuilding); this.addRoom(stairs); this.addRoom(elevator); this.addRoom(floor2); this.addRoom(classroom); this.addRoom(classroom201); this.addRoom(classroom204); this.addRoom(classroom202); // Creating all the doors between the rooms. this.createDoor(bathroom,"east",kitchen); this.createDoor(kitchen, "west",bathroom); this.createDoor(kitchen,"south", outOfTheHouse); this.createDoor(outOfTheHouse,"north", kitchen); this.createDoor(outOfTheHouse,"west",car); this.createDoor(car,"east",outOfTheHouse); this.createDoor(car,"south",keepStreet); this.createDoor(keepStreet,"north",car); this.createDoor(keepStreet,"west",turnLeft); this.createDoor(turnLeft,"east",keepStreet); this.createDoor(turnLeft,"south", endOfTheRoad); this.createDoor(endOfTheRoad,"north",turnLeft); this.createDoor(keepStreet,"south",gasStaion); this.createDoor(gasStaion, "north",keepStreet); this.createDoor(gasStaion,"east",trafficSignal); this.createDoor(trafficSignal,"west", gasStaion); this.createDoor(trafficSignal,"north",turnLeft2); this.createDoor(turnLeft2,"south",trafficSignal); this.createDoor(turnLeft2,"north", wrongWay); this.createDoor(wrongWay,"south",turnLeft2); this.createDoor(trafficSignal,"south", turnRight); this.createDoor(turnRight,"north", trafficSignal); this.createDoor(turnRight,"south",closedWay); this.createDoor(closedWay,"north", turnRight); this.createDoor(trafficSignal,"east", keepGoing); this.createDoor(keepGoing, "west",trafficSignal); this.createDoor(keepGoing,"east", parking); this.createDoor(parking,"west",keepGoing); this.createDoor(parking,"southwest",library); this.createDoor(library, "northeast",parking); this.createDoor(library,"east", campusCenter); this.createDoor(campusCenter,"west",library); this.createDoor(parking,"south",square); this.createDoor(square,"north",parking); this.createDoor(square,"east", hallCampus); this.createDoor(hallCampus,"west",square); this.createDoor(square,"west",hBuilding); this.createDoor(hBuilding,"east",square); this.createDoor(square, "southeast",mCBuilding); this.createDoor(mCBuilding,"northwest",square); this.createDoor(square,"south",aBuilding); this.createDoor(aBuilding,"north",square); this.createDoor(aBuilding,"west",stairs); this.createDoor(stairs,"east",aBuilding); this.createDoor(aBuilding,"southwest",classroom); this.createDoor(classroom,"northeast",aBuilding); this.createDoor(aBuilding,"southwest",elevator); this.createDoor(elevator,"northeast",aBuilding); this.createDoor(elevator,"west",floor2); this.createDoor(floor2,"east",elevator); this.createDoor(stairs,"south",floor2); this.createDoor(floor2,"north",stairs); this.createDoor(floor2,"south",classroom204); this.createDoor(classroom204,"north",floor2); this.createDoor(floor2,"east",classroom202); this.createDoor(classroom202,"west",floor2); this.createDoor(floor2,"southeast",classroom201); this.createDoor(classroom201,"northwest",floor2); } }

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blob 123� Welcome to the Campus of Kings! Campus of Kings is a new, incredibly boring adventure game. Type 'help' if you need help.

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blob 1177� Welcome to the Campus of Kings! Campus of Kings is a new, incredibly boring adventure game. Type 'help' if you need help. eastDescription:east : You are Description:east Exits: east > go east Description:south west : You are Description:south west Exits: south west > go south Description:north west : You are Description:north west Exits: north west > go north Description:south west : You are Description:south west Exits: south west > go south Description:north west : You are Description:north west Exits: north west > go north Description:south west : You are Description:south west Exits: south west > go south Description:north west : You are Description:north west Exits: north west > go north Description:south west : You are Description:south west Exits: south west > go south Description:north west : You are Description:north west Exits: north west > go north Description:south west : You are Description:south west Exits: south west > go west Description:east : You are Description:east Exits: east > go east Description:south west : You are Description:south west Exits: south west > go north There is no door! >

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blob 3858�import java.util.HashMap; /** * Class Room - a room in an adventure game. * * This class is part of the "Campus of Kings" application. "Campus of Kings" is a * very simple, text based adventure game. * * A "Room" represents one location in the scenery of the game. It is connected * to other rooms via doors. The doors are labeled north, east, south, west. * For each direction, the room stores a reference to an instance of door. * * @author Mohammed ALharbi * @version 2018.1.26 */ public class Room { /** Counter for the total number of rooms created in the world. */ private static int counter; /** The name of this room. Room names should be unique. */ private String name; /** The description of this room. */ private String description; ///**.*/ //private HashMap<String, Door> exit; /**earn poins */ private int points; /** directions hash map with directions keys and doors values */ private HashMap<String,Door> directions = new HashMap< >(); /** * Static initializer. */ static { counter = 0; } /** * Create a room described "description". Initially, it has no exits. * "description" is something like "a kitchen" or "an open court yard". * @param name The room's name. * @param description * The room's description. */ public Room(String name, String description) { = name; this.description = description; counter++; } /** * Returns the name of this room. * * @return The name of this room. */ public String getName() { return name; } /** * Returns the description of this room. * * @return The description of this room. */ public String getDescription() { return description; } /** * Rerurns the door of this room. * @return The door of this room */ public Door getDirection(String direction){ return directions.get(direction); } /** * Rerutn the rooms that have been created int the world. * @return the rooms that have been created int the world. */ public static int getCounter(){ return counter; } /** * @return getExit for getting thae direction. * @param direction * @return */ public int getPoints(){ int point = points; points = 0; return point; } /** Mutator for setting the points. * @param newPoint */ public void setPoints(int newPoints){ points = newPoints; } /** * Set exit. * @param direction * @param neighbor */ public void setDirection(String direction,Door neighbor) { directions.put(direction, neighbor); } /** * Returns a string description including all the details of a Room. * For example , *Outside : *You are outside in the center of the King's College campus. *Exits : north east south west * * @return A string representing all the details of a Room. */ public String toString(){ String roomInformation = " "; roomInformation = getName() + " " + getDescription(); for(String direction : directions.keySet()){ roomInformation =roomInformation + "Exit" + direction; } for(Door door : directions.values()){ roomInformation = roomInformation + "Door" + door; String RoomInformation = getName() + " " + getDescription(); roomInformation = "Exit:"; roomInformation = "Name:"; roomInformation = "Description:"; for (String Direction : directions.keySet()) { roomInformation += Direction + " "; } } return roomInformation; } }

Lap3 2/.git/objects/82/99c43d952b4275bebb5b276fbfab12eb687d71

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Lap3 2/.git/objects/40/666a187c3d0990208398c96fa737087053a8a7

blob 700� /** * class Player. * @author Mohammed Alharbi * @version 2018.1.27 */ public class Player{ /** field in the Player class to store the currentRoom.*/ private Room currentRoom; /** constructor in the Player class. * @param playPlaying play Playing */ public Player(Room PlayPlaying){ currentRoom = PlayPlaying; } /** accessor for the current room the character. * @return cerrentRoom */ public Room getcurrentRoom(){ return currentRoom; } /** a mutator for the current room the character. * @param Playing for the Room */ public void setcurrentRoom(Room Playing){ currentRoom = Playing; } }

Lap3 2/.git/objects/8b/e7ab3c9ba458495c2b37bb192dbaed0470f15d

Lap3 2/.git/objects/8b/e7ab3c9ba458495c2b37bb192dbaed0470f15d

commit 232�tree a50058e243ec0e4732cbdbf794b1dc700fc6a5dd parent 6adb8eea7214b74c5ac7a842c5cd5f84ecfa732a author mohammedalharbi <[email protected]> 1517800310 -0500 committer mohammedalharbi <[email protected]> 1517800310 -0500 Room

Lap3 2/.git/objects/13/01775cc1c2b4fd94c7905c963f5f6cfb914a2d

Lap3 2/.git/objects/13/01775cc1c2b4fd94c7905c963f5f6cfb914a2d

commit 239�tree df80e5d47e15386febd1a724fdb3c7e087f1d6b4 parent 8be7ab3c9ba458495c2b37bb192dbaed0470f15d author mohammedalharbi <[email protected]> 1518056669 -0500 committer mohammedalharbi <[email protected]> 1518056669 -0500 lap01 lap03

Lap3 2/.git/HEAD

ref: refs/heads/master

Lap3 2/.git/logs/HEAD

0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 6adb8eea7214b74c5ac7a842c5cd5f84ecfa732a moh <[email protected]> 1517797214 -0500
6adb8eea7214b74c5ac7a842c5cd5f84ecfa732a 8be7ab3c9ba458495c2b37bb192dbaed0470f15d mohammedalharbi <[email protected]> 1517800310 -0500 commit: Room
8be7ab3c9ba458495c2b37bb192dbaed0470f15d 1301775cc1c2b4fd94c7905c963f5f6cfb914a2d mohammedalharbi <[email protected]> 1518056669 -0500 commit: lap01 lap03
1301775cc1c2b4fd94c7905c963f5f6cfb914a2d 3f705e964028fab9fe251a0e491df78a19dc12eb mohammedalharbi <[email protected]> 1518056756 -0500 merge a4e2272a137d2dde8a838d9c73be6e8f12967a27: Merge made by recursive.
3f705e964028fab9fe251a0e491df78a19dc12eb d7d6b795300692b2f41957ce72ccdee29cf95ce2 mohammedalharbi <[email protected]> 1519181878 -0500 commit: lap3
d7d6b795300692b2f41957ce72ccdee29cf95ce2 74f5bd1b9585fd8676cf3d1c4382f6ec562680cb mohammedalharbi <[email protected]> 1519181900 -0500 merge 6b3850b5b96aedbd8c8595c8532ad8f7b18af418: Merge made by recursive.
74f5bd1b9585fd8676cf3d1c4382f6ec562680cb 64506a6dd3dac60899bcd529ce6381a5cddbc03c mohammedalharbi <[email protected]> 1520970106 -0400 commit: lap3
64506a6dd3dac60899bcd529ce6381a5cddbc03c 72095e7c283a7b1e57d54464d87b9bc0168482f2 mohammedalharbi <[email protected]> 1520970198 -0400 merge 7b4374acc0bd543c76bea7ab86de61e2d39d2ac7: Merge made by recursive.
72095e7c283a7b1e57d54464d87b9bc0168482f2 28097f950a7d27ad1519536c2b305fc237bfb29c mohammedalharbi <[email protected]> 1521153706 -0400 commit: lap3
28097f950a7d27ad1519536c2b305fc237bfb29c 62aa1fe8f836c8e2f7db3d62521e70180bba71fc mohammedalharbi <[email protected]> 1521414134 -0400 commit: lap3
62aa1fe8f836c8e2f7db3d62521e70180bba71fc a62ed382a705487d7667dbe1cd664e4069257396 mohammedalharbi <[email protected]> 1521574637 -0400 commit: deleted extar deucmnets
a62ed382a705487d7667dbe1cd664e4069257396 304fb2fe31611842f6d5bf4858fa6bf934833ac4 mohammedalharbi <[email protected]> 1522015723 -0400 commit: lap3
304fb2fe31611842f6d5bf4858fa6bf934833ac4 ad5d870ff31474c58eed44ac4f2e8987c743415c mohammedalharbi <[email protected]> 1522116992 -0400 commit: lap3
ad5d870ff31474c58eed44ac4f2e8987c743415c 81f115945636e4599b089905d39fdd48728792fd mohammedalharbi <[email protected]> 1522119231 -0400 commit: lap3

Lap3 2/.git/logs/refs/heads/master

0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 6adb8eea7214b74c5ac7a842c5cd5f84ecfa732a moh <[email protected]> 1517797214 -0500
6adb8eea7214b74c5ac7a842c5cd5f84ecfa732a 8be7ab3c9ba458495c2b37bb192dbaed0470f15d mohammedalharbi <[email protected]> 1517800310 -0500 commit: Room
8be7ab3c9ba458495c2b37bb192dbaed0470f15d 1301775cc1c2b4fd94c7905c963f5f6cfb914a2d mohammedalharbi <[email protected]> 1518056669 -0500 commit: lap01 lap03
1301775cc1c2b4fd94c7905c963f5f6cfb914a2d 3f705e964028fab9fe251a0e491df78a19dc12eb mohammedalharbi <[email protected]> 1518056756 -0500 merge a4e2272a137d2dde8a838d9c73be6e8f12967a27: Merge made by recursive.
3f705e964028fab9fe251a0e491df78a19dc12eb d7d6b795300692b2f41957ce72ccdee29cf95ce2 mohammedalharbi <[email protected]> 1519181878 -0500 commit: lap3
d7d6b795300692b2f41957ce72ccdee29cf95ce2 74f5bd1b9585fd8676cf3d1c4382f6ec562680cb mohammedalharbi <[email protected]> 1519181900 -0500 merge 6b3850b5b96aedbd8c8595c8532ad8f7b18af418: Merge made by recursive.
74f5bd1b9585fd8676cf3d1c4382f6ec562680cb 64506a6dd3dac60899bcd529ce6381a5cddbc03c mohammedalharbi <[email protected]> 1520970106 -0400 commit: lap3
64506a6dd3dac60899bcd529ce6381a5cddbc03c 72095e7c283a7b1e57d54464d87b9bc0168482f2 mohammedalharbi <[email protected]> 1520970198 -0400 merge 7b4374acc0bd543c76bea7ab86de61e2d39d2ac7: Merge made by recursive.
72095e7c283a7b1e57d54464d87b9bc0168482f2 28097f950a7d27ad1519536c2b305fc237bfb29c mohammedalharbi <[email protected]> 1521153706 -0400 commit: lap3
28097f950a7d27ad1519536c2b305fc237bfb29c 62aa1fe8f836c8e2f7db3d62521e70180bba71fc mohammedalharbi <[email protected]> 1521414134 -0400 commit: lap3
62aa1fe8f836c8e2f7db3d62521e70180bba71fc a62ed382a705487d7667dbe1cd664e4069257396 mohammedalharbi <[email protected]> 1521574637 -0400 commit: deleted extar deucmnets
a62ed382a705487d7667dbe1cd664e4069257396 304fb2fe31611842f6d5bf4858fa6bf934833ac4 mohammedalharbi <[email protected]> 1522015723 -0400 commit: lap3
304fb2fe31611842f6d5bf4858fa6bf934833ac4 ad5d870ff31474c58eed44ac4f2e8987c743415c mohammedalharbi <[email protected]> 1522116992 -0400 commit: lap3
ad5d870ff31474c58eed44ac4f2e8987c743415c 81f115945636e4599b089905d39fdd48728792fd mohammedalharbi <[email protected]> 1522119231 -0400 commit: lap3

Lap3 2/.git/logs/refs/remotes/origin/master

0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 6adb8eea7214b74c5ac7a842c5cd5f84ecfa732a moh <[email protected]> 1517797214 -0500 fetch: created
6adb8eea7214b74c5ac7a842c5cd5f84ecfa732a 8be7ab3c9ba458495c2b37bb192dbaed0470f15d mohammedalharbi <[email protected]> 1517800316 -0500 push: forced-update
8be7ab3c9ba458495c2b37bb192dbaed0470f15d a4e2272a137d2dde8a838d9c73be6e8f12967a27 mohammedalharbi <[email protected]> 1518056754 -0500 fetch: forced-update
a4e2272a137d2dde8a838d9c73be6e8f12967a27 3f705e964028fab9fe251a0e491df78a19dc12eb mohammedalharbi <[email protected]> 1518056767 -0500 push: forced-update
3f705e964028fab9fe251a0e491df78a19dc12eb 6b3850b5b96aedbd8c8595c8532ad8f7b18af418 mohammedalharbi <[email protected]> 1519181898 -0500 fetch: forced-update
6b3850b5b96aedbd8c8595c8532ad8f7b18af418 74f5bd1b9585fd8676cf3d1c4382f6ec562680cb mohammedalharbi <[email protected]> 1519181914 -0500 push: forced-update
74f5bd1b9585fd8676cf3d1c4382f6ec562680cb 7b4374acc0bd543c76bea7ab86de61e2d39d2ac7 mohammedalharbi <[email protected]> 1520970195 -0400 fetch: forced-update
7b4374acc0bd543c76bea7ab86de61e2d39d2ac7 72095e7c283a7b1e57d54464d87b9bc0168482f2 mohammedalharbi <[email protected]> 1520970209 -0400 push: forced-update
72095e7c283a7b1e57d54464d87b9bc0168482f2 28097f950a7d27ad1519536c2b305fc237bfb29c mohammedalharbi <[email protected]> 1521153711 -0400 push: forced-update
28097f950a7d27ad1519536c2b305fc237bfb29c 62aa1fe8f836c8e2f7db3d62521e70180bba71fc mohammedalharbi <[email protected]> 1521414138 -0400 push: forced-update
62aa1fe8f836c8e2f7db3d62521e70180bba71fc a62ed382a705487d7667dbe1cd664e4069257396 mohammedalharbi <[email protected]> 1521574641 -0400 push: forced-update
a62ed382a705487d7667dbe1cd664e4069257396 304fb2fe31611842f6d5bf4858fa6bf934833ac4 mohammedalharbi <[email protected]> 1522015727 -0400 push: forced-update
304fb2fe31611842f6d5bf4858fa6bf934833ac4 06713f96120d3be7e7f95285736775fc251948c3 mohammedalharbi <[email protected]> 1522117006 -0400 fetch: forced-update
06713f96120d3be7e7f95285736775fc251948c3 81f115945636e4599b089905d39fdd48728792fd mohammedalharbi <[email protected]> 1522119237 -0400 push: forced-update

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Lap3 2/.git/index

Lap3 2/.git/packed-refs

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Lap3 2/.git/FETCH_HEAD

06713f96120d3be7e7f95285736775fc251948c3 not-for-merge branch 'master' of 62aa1fe8f836c8e2f7db3d62521e70180bba71fc not-for-merge tag 'stage1-attempt0' of 06713f96120d3be7e7f95285736775fc251948c3 not-for-merge tag 'stage1-attempt1' of

Lap3 2/Reader.ctxt

#BlueJ class context comment0.text=\n\ This\ class\ is\ part\ of\ the\ "Campus\ of\ Kings"\ application.\ "Campus\ of\ Kings"\ is\ a\n\ very\ simple,\ text\ based\ adventure\ game.\n\ \n\ This\ parser\ reads\ user\ input\ and\ tries\ to\ interpret\ it\ as\ an\ "Adventure"\n\ command.\ Every\ time\ it\ is\ called\ it\ reads\ a\ line\ from\ the\ terminal\ and\ tries\n\ to\ interpret\ the\ line\ as\ a\ two\ word\ command.\ It\ returns\ the\ command\ as\ an\n\ object\ of\ class\ Command.\n\ \n\ The\ parser\ has\ a\ set\ of\ known\ command\ words.\ It\ checks\ user\ input\ against\ the\n\ known\ commands,\ and\ if\ the\ input\ is\ not\ one\ of\ the\ known\ commands,\ it\ returns\n\ a\ command\ object\ that\ is\ marked\ as\ an\ unknown\ command.\n\ \n\ @author\ Maria\ Jump\n\ @version\ 2017.12.18\n comment1.params=\ getCommand() comment1.text=\n\ Returns\ the\ next\ command\ from\ the\ user.\n\ @return\ The\ next\ command\ from\ the\ user.\n comment2.params=\ getResponse() comment2.text=\n\ Return\ the\ response\ to\ a\ question\ in\ all\ lower\ case.\n\n\ @return\ The\ response\ typed\ in\ by\ the\ user.\n comment3.params=\ getResponseKeepCase() comment3.text=\n\ Return\ the\ response\ to\ a\ question\ in\ the\ case\ used\ by\ the\ player.\n\n\ @return\ The\ response\ typed\ in\ by\ the\ user.\n numComments=4

Lap3 2/Writer.ctxt

#BlueJ class context comment0.text=\n\ This\ class\ is\ a\ substitute\ for\ printing\ to\ standard\ out\ in\ our\ original\ text\n\ adventure\ game.\ It\ uses\ a\ simple\ console\ to\ display\ the\ messages.\n\ \n\ @author\ Maria\ Jump\n\ @version\ 2016-12-18\n comment1.params=text\ setTextArea(javax.swing.JTextPane) comment1.text=\n\ Mutator\ for\ the\ text\ component.\n\ \n\ @param\ text\n\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ The\ text\ component.\n comment10.params=toPrint\ println(java.lang.String) comment10.text=\n\ Prints\ a\ string\ after\ word-wrapping\ it\ to\ 80\ characters\ if\ possible.\ Note\n\ that\ this\ fails\ to\ calculate\ correct\ widths\ if\ the\ string\ contains\ tabs.\n\ Ends\ with\ a\ line\ return.\n\n\ @param\ toPrint\n\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ The\ String\ to\ print.\n comment11.params=toPrint\ print(java.lang.String) comment11.text=\n\ Prints\ a\ string\ after\ word-wrapping\ it\ to\ 80\ characters\ if\ possible.\ Note\n\ that\ this\ fails\ to\ calculate\ correct\ widths\ if\ the\ string\ contains\ tabs.\n\ \n\ @param\ toPrint\n\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ The\ String\ to\ print.\n comment12.params=toPrint\ standardPrint(java.lang.String) comment12.text=\n\ Helper\ method\ for\ standard\ printing.\n\ \n\ @param\ toPrint\n\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ The\ String\ to\ print.\n comment13.params=attributes\ toPrint\ printWithAttributes(javax.swing.text.SimpleAttributeSet,\ java.lang.String) comment13.text=\n\ Helper\ method\ printing\ with\ attributes.\n\n\ @param\ attributes\n\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ A\ set\ of\ attributes\ to\ use\ when\ printing.\n\ @param\ toPrint\n\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ The\ String\ to\ print.\n\ @throws\ IllegalStateException\n\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ If\ the\ text\ area\ has\ not\ been\ set\ and\ we\ are\ trying\ to\ print\n\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ to\ it.\n comment14.params=\ restartLog() comment14.text=\n\ Restart\ the\ default\ log.\n comment15.params=\ copyDefaultLog() comment15.text=\n\ Copy\ the\ default\ log.\n comment2.params=input\ printInput(java.lang.String) comment2.text=\n\ Print\ the\ user\ input\ in\ blue.\n\ \n\ @param\ input\n\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ The\ text\ entered\ by\ the\ user.\n comment3.params=\ println() comment3.text=\n\ Prints\ an\ empty\ line.\n comment4.params=toPrint\ println(int) comment4.text=\n\ Prints\ out\ a\ single\ integer\ to\ a\ line.\n\ \n\ @param\ toPrint\n\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ The\ integer\ to\ print.\n comment5.params=toPrint\ print(int) comment5.text=\n\ Prints\ out\ a\ single\ integer.\n\ \n\ @param\ toPrint\n\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ The\ integer\ to\ print.\n comment6.params=toPrint\ println(double) comment6.text=\n\ Prints\ out\ a\ double\ to\ a\ line.\n\ \n\ @param\ toPrint\n\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ The\ double\ to\ print.\n comment7.params=toPrint\ print(double) comment7.text=\n\ Prints\ out\ a\ double.\n\ \n\ @param\ toPrint\n\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ The\ double\ to\ print.\n comment8.params=toPrint\ println(java.lang.Object) comment8.text=\n\ Prints\ out\ an\ object\ to\ a\ line.\n\ \n\ @param\ toPrint\n\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ The\ object\ to\ print.\n comment9.params=toPrint\ print(java.lang.Object) comment9.text=\n\ Prints\ out\ a\ object.\n\ \n\ @param\ toPrint\n\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ The\ object\ to\ print.\n numComments=16

Lap3 2/Writer.class

public synchronized class Writer {
    private static final String NEW_LINE;
    private static final String DEFAULT_LOG;
    private static javax.swing.JTextPane textArea;
    public void Writer();
    public static void setTextArea(javax.swing.JTextPane);
    public static void printInput(String);
    public static void println();
    public static void println(int);
    public static void print(int);
    public static void println(double);
    public static void print(double);
    public static void println(Object);
    public static void print(Object);
    public static void println(String);
    public static void print(String);
    private static void standardPrint(String);
    private static void printWithAttributes(javax.swing.text.SimpleAttributeSet, String) throws IllegalStateException;
    public static void restartLog();
    public static void copyDefaultLog();
    static void <clinit>();

Name CS117 Project Stage 02: Commands – Page 1

Project Stage 02: Commands

Currently, there are only three commands possible in our game: go, help, and quit. Obviously you will want to add additional commands to the game. In this stage, we will learn how to add commands to our game.

1 Introduction

In order to specify the commands that will be available in our game and how the game will respond to each command, we will use a technique from software engineering. It is becoming more and more common in industry to use behavior driven development (BDD) techniques to specify how a program should behave. The goal of behavior driven development is to develop a clear understanding of how software behaves. It also has the added bonus of enumerating what to test.

BDD specifies the behavior of software using scenarios and uses a particular format. To make this concrete, let’s look at an example:

QUIT Scenario #1:


WHEN : "quit" is entered

THEN : appropriate message is displayed (thanks for playing)

and : program quits

The first thing to note is that the scenario is given a description (“QUIT Scenario #1”) that is short enough that it can be used to refer to when discussing the behaviors of the command. Each scenario consists of three parts:

• Given describes the initial context of the behavior: what is required for this behavior to be applicable. This part often consists of several short statements connected with and or or. If the behavior is always applicable, like it is for QUIT, this will be empty.

• When describes what event occurs that causes the behavior to be triggered. In the case of our game, this will almost always be some command typed at the prompt by the user. (You can see why we think it is a good way to describe commands in our game.)

• Then describes what happens in the game as a result of the trigger described above. This part often consists of several short statements connected with and or or.

Since every scenario consists of all three parts, these are often referred to as GWTs. We will be writing GWTs to help us specify the behavior of each of the commands in the game. In the beginning, we will provide GWTs for your commands. In the end, you will be writing them yourself.

2 Exploring GWTs

To make this clearer, let us specify the other two commands that are already implemented in our game. With each one, run the game and see if the behavior matches what is described:

HELP Scenario #1:


WHEN : "help" is entered

THEN : available commands are displayed

Name CS117 Project Stage 02: Commands – Page 2

Here’s one for the “go” command:

GO Scenario #3: Exit exists

GIVEN : there is an exit in the given direction

WHEN : "go direction" is entered

THEN : player’s current room is changed to the room in the given direction

and : the current room’s points are added to the player’s score

and : player’s current location is displayed

Notice that in this scenario the command word is followed by a second word. We used a generic term for the direction in the command that was issued. Many of our commands will require multiple words. If the player had just entered “go” without a direction, we would have a different scenario:

GO Scenario #1: No direction specified


WHEN : "go" is entered

THEN : appropriate message is displayed (which direction?)

Furthermore, if the player asks to go in a direction where there is no exit:

GO Scenario #2: No exit exists

GIVEN : there is no exit in the given direction

WHEN : "go direction" is entered

THEN : appropriate message is displayed (no door)

Now the “go” command is fully specified and we can move on.

3 Implementation

The next thing we are going to do is to learn how to add commands to your project.

3.1 Adding Your First Command

Let’s look at what it would take to add a new command to our game: the look command. The purpose of look is merely to print out the description of the room and exits again. Let’s start by writing a GWT for it:

LOOK Scenario #1:


WHEN : "look" is entered

THEN : player’s current location is displayed

Since look is a single word command that always succeeds, this should be the only scenario we need. To get started implementing look, identify all the locations in the code that will need to be changed in

order to add a look command. How many are there? In order to add a look command to your game you need to do the following:

1. Add look as a new command word by adding it to the array of known words in the validCommands array in the CommandWords class. Execute the game and type the command look. What happens?

Name CS117 Project Stage 02: Commands – Page 3

2. Implement an action for the look command by adding a private method in the Game class with the following signature. For now, this method should simply call the printLocationInformation method. We will keep its implementation separate so that we can enhance its functionality later.

1 /∗ ∗ 2 ∗ P r i n t s o u t t h e l o c a t i o n i n f o r m a t i o n . 3 ∗/ 4 private void look()

3. Add a case for the look command in the processCommand method of the Game class that calls the method you wrote in part (2).

4. Test your game and be sure that your new command is complete. One good way to do this is go to back through all of the GTWs that have already been specified and tested and make sure that they all work. When you are sure that it is, commit and push your changes.

3.2 Removing Implicit Coupling

In one of the early labs, you were asked to make improvements to your text adventure game making it possible to add additional directions of movement. The changes you made fixed an example of explicit coupling. The coupling was obvious because of the public fields in the Room class. This code base also has an even worse form of coupling: implicit coupling. Implicit coupling is a situation when one class depends on the internal information of another, but this dependence is not immediately obvious. In our current game, we notice this when we test the getting help scenario. Do you notice that it does not include our newly added look command? We want to fix this now.

Since the CommandWords class is responsible for the command words, it should also be responsible for generating a String containing all the command words that we can then use the Game class. Let’s do this now.

1. Add the following method to the CommandWords class:

1 /∗ ∗ 2 ∗ R e t u r n s a l i s t o f t h e a v a i l a b l e commands , o f t h e f o r m : 3 ∗ Your command w o r d s a r e : 4 ∗ l o o k g o q u i t h e l p 5 ∗ 6 ∗ @ r e t u r n A s t r i n g c o n t a i n i n g t h e l i s t o f a v a i l a b l e commands . 7 ∗/ 8 public static String getCommandString ()

2. In the Game class, when the user asks for help, we should use this new method as part of providing that help.

3.3 Removing String Comparison

To further enhance our project, we would like to remove some of the string comparisons that our game is currently doing. String comparisons are very inefficient and tend to be error-prone as many beginning (and advanced) programmers forget that they cannot use == to compare strings. In order to do this we need to change the CommandWords class where the valid list of commands is stored, and the Game class

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where the processCommand method explicitly compares each command word. We are going to do this using enumerations.

Start by adding an enumeration to the project called CommandEnum. Your enumeration should include values for each valid command. Include a field for the text (in all lower case) that would be entered by the person playing the game.

Great! Now let’s refactor the game to use this new enumeration:

1. Change the implementation of validCommands from an array of string to define valid commands to a map between strings and CommandEnum objects. This will make it easy to convert the command typed by a user into its corresponding enumerated type value. You should put the commands into the HashMap in the static initializer of the CommandWords class. HINT: You can do this without CommandWords knowing what the commands are.

2. Modify any methods that were using the array to now use the map. Use the compiler to help you identify every place that the validCommands is used.

3. Add a method to the CommandWords class which will convert a String into a CommandEnum object. It should have the following signature:

1 /∗ ∗ 2 ∗ C o n v e r t s a S t r i n g i n t o a CommandEnum o b j e c t . 3 ∗ 4 ∗ @param t h e S t r i n g The S t r i n g c o n t a i n i n g t h e command word . 5 ∗ @ r e t u r n The CommandEnum o b j e c t r e p r e s e n t i n g t h e command , o r n u l l i f

t h e command d o e s n o t e x i s t . 6 ∗/ 7 public static CommandEnum getCommand(String theString)

4. Change the implementation of Command so that the “command word” is now a CommandEnum object instead of a String. You should change the commandWord field, the constructors, and the accessor.

5. In the Reader class, we need to change the implementation of the getCommand method in the Reader to use the CommandEnum instead of a String. Be careful here because word1 is what was entered on the command line and must remain a String. (HINT: Didn’t you write a method that converts a String into a CommandEnum? You have the opportunity to simplify some code here too.)

6. Modify the processCommand method of Game to use a switch command instead of if-else statements.

When you are done, test your program to be sure that it works the same as it did before you started (HINT: the GWTs can help here) and then commit and push your changes. When you do this, make sure that the new file gets added to the repository.

3.4 Adding More Commands

All this refactoring has left us in a great place for adding additional commands. We have started you off by providing GWTs that fully specify the behavior each command in a text file in your “documents” folder.1

Implement each of the following commands using the provided GWTs:

1Notice that this is a text file, not a Word document. You can open this file up using gedit on the school machines. Notepad++ is a powerful text editor for Windows which you can download and install for free from

Name CS117 Project Stage 02: Commands – Page 5

Command Description

status Prints out current state of the game including the player’s score, the number of turns that the player has used so far, and the complete description of the current room.

back Takes the player into the previous room he/she was in. To keep it simple, your back command only has to remember the last place the player was, not the entire path the player took through the game. Be sure to think about what happens if the player enters ’back’ more than once or before moving for the first time. HINT: Why not update the previous room whenever the current room is updated?

4 Finishing

When you are ready double check that you have been using good style (HINT: use Checkstyle to help you) and that all the code you have implemented is properly documented. Be sure that all of your changes are commited and pushed to Github.

Instead of uploading an archive of your project, you will be uploading a commit marker called an secure hash algorithm (SHA). Every commit in GitHub has a SHA marker attached to it. When you are happy with your submission, commit and push your changes to GitHub. Go to the GitHub website and check to make sure your last commit has made it to the server. Now copy the commit link by right-clicking on the “Latest commit” and selecting “Copy Link Location” (see figure):

Once you have copied the link, go to the submission page on Moodle and paste it into the sub- mission text area. The link that you get will read something like: CS117-S16-JumpMaria/commit/2076ab47397891666d11a2474208f24e73fe576d. Don’t forget to “Submit Assignment”.

Name CS117 Project Stage 01: World – Page 1

Project Stage 01: World In this stage, you will spend some time implementing the map of the world that you created in your

design. The goal is to create a world that the player can walk around in. At this stage we are not concerned with the accuracy of room descriptions, whether a door is locked, or if there are goblins blocking a doorway. Our goal is to create all the rooms and connect them with doors in a way that is consistent and make sense.

1 Design

Before we start any kind of implementation, we usually start with some element of design. Taking the time to design, makes software easier to implement. Keep any and all files you create while designing your game in the “documents” folder in your repository. This should include your design document (but not the temporary files), any maps you create on, and anything that is not in your design document. Remember that source control keeps track of the changes so there is no reason for you to keep multiple copies of any of the files! We are going to start this stage focusing on the World.

If you have not already done so, draw a block-map of your world. In a block-map, each room in your world is represented by a block (or some shape). The ability to travel from one room to another in your world is represented by a line between two blocks. Bidirectional movement is indicated with a solid line, while one-way movement is indicated with an arrow. For cardinal directions (e.g., north, east, southwest) draw straight line following the directions on a compass. Movement in directions not related to a compass should be tagged with the direction pair indicating the direction the player must travel to get there.

To make this easy, I recommend that you can use: I will recognize this file format if you use it. Feel free to have several block maps to represent your world if it will make it easier to represent all of the rooms of your world but be sure to include how they are all connected together. Place these files in the “documents” directory of your code repository.

Here is an example from the Campus of King’s:

Each block in your block-map represents a room (an area) in the game. At this point, write descriptions so that it is obvious where you are in the world when the player walks around. You should not include the

Name CS117 Project Stage 01: World – Page 2

items found in the room in your description unless the item is permanently in the room. Don’t spend too much time worrying about having complete descriptions we will work on refining these as we go.

One way to be sure that your room descriptions are free of typographical errors is to write descriptions in your design document. Many of you have already started this. If you have not, add a section to the end of the document entitled “Room Descriptions” and list each room in your game with its description. Once you have it written there, then it will be easy to cut and paste it from your game contract document to your code (watch out with special characters that Word allows but regular text does not).

2 Implementation

Before you start with this stage’s implementation, you should check your issues on GitHub and resolve any outstanding issues you have from previous stages. Only then, should you start with the implementation of this stage. Make sure that you commit and push often throughout this process, checking afterward to make sure that the server has your latest changes.

1. Modify the World’s createRooms method to include all of the rooms in your game. This method does three things. The first part is where the Room objects are created. In the next part, each room is added to a HashMap which will be used later in the implementation. In the end, the HashMap needs to store every room in the world. This will require that each room you create has a unique name. In the third part you create the doors between the rooms connecting them together. This will allow the player to move from one room to another.

2. Run Checkstyle and correct any reported style issues.

At the end, your goal is to have an implementation of your world that player can walk around. Make sure that you test this by walking around in the game and checking that the connections match

what you have listed on your map.

3 Scoring

For many of you, the player will earn points by finding their way into particular special rooms in your game. We are going to go ahead and add the code needed for this now. The steps to do this are:

1. Add support to the Room class so that each room knows the number of points a player gets for entering the room for the first time.

• Add a points field to your Room class which will contain the number of points a player gets for entering the room for the first time.

• Add a mutator for the points field in the Room class. Use this mutator in the createRooms method of the World class to set the points associated with those special rooms in the game that the player earns points for entering.

• Add an accessor for the points field in the Room class. In addition to doing the classic thing of returning the points associated with the room, the accessor method should also ensure that the points field is reset to 0 so that the player will earn points for entering the room the first time only.

2. Every time the player moves (e.g., the current room is set), get the points from the room and add it to the total score.

Name CS117 Project Stage 01: World – Page 3

4 Finishing

In order to continue you must:

• Add a description of each room in your world to your design document.

• Include a block-map of your world as it is described in your design document in your “documents” folder.

• Have all of your rooms and doors correctly entered in to your code.

• Have added the ability for entering rooms to increase the player’s score to the code.

When you are ready double check that you have been using good style (HINT: use Checkstyle to help you) and that all the code you have implemented is properly documented. Be sure that all of your changes are commited and pushed to GitHub.

Instead of uploading an archive of your project, you will be uploading a commit marker called an secure hash algorithm (SHA). Every commit in GitHub has a SHA marker attached to it. When you are happy with your submission, commit and push your changes to GitHub. Go to the GitHub website and check to make sure your last commit has made it to the server. Now copy the commit link by right-clicking on the “Latest commit” and selecting “Copy Link Location” (see figure):

Once you have copied the link, go to the submission page on Moodle and paste it into the sub- mission text area. The link that you get will read something like: CS117-S16-JumpMaria/commit/2076ab47397891666d11a2474208f24e73fe576d. Don’t forget to “Submit Assignment” to notify the grader.

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