Final Examination Booklet

Principles of Management


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Principles of Management



Complete the following exam by answering the questions and

compiling your answers into a word-processing document. When

you’re ready to submit your answers, refer to the instructions at

the end of your exam booklet.

Part A: Answer each of the following questions in one or two

paragraphs. Each answer is worth 15 points.

1. What is required to implement an organization’s commitment to social responsibility? What are the main obstacles to implementing socially responsible policies? Name specific actions that can be taken toward increased social responsibility.

2. What is departmentalization? Explain departmentalization based on work, products, geography, and customers. Provide an example of each.

3. What does the acronym SWOT stand for? Describe a SWOT analysis and explain its purpose.

Part B: Answer each of the following questions in one to four

sentences. Each answer is worth 5 points.

1. Define the term six sigma.

2. How is the balance of trade related to exports, imports, trade surpluses, and deficits?

3. In the context of communication, what is perception?

4. Define the term organizational decentralization.

Principles of Management

5. Briefly summarize Simon’s principle of bounded rationality as it applies to satisficing.

6. The terms consideration and initiating structure emerged from the Ohio State studies. Explain what these terms mean in relationship to leadership.

7. Explain the difference between positive and negative reinforcement.

8. Define the term system as it relates to management. What is the difference between an open and a closed system?

9. In one sentence each, describe the five basic management tasks.

10. Describe how a manager would use the critical-incident appraisal method for assessing an employee.

11. What is the difference between group norms and group cohesiveness? Give a simple example of each concept.


Examination 3

SUBMITTING YOUR ASSIGNMENT You can submit your final exam online:

1. On your computer, save a revised and corrected version

of your project. Be sure to include your student number

and exam number on your saved documents.

2. Go to and log in.

3. Go to My Courses.

4. Click on Take Exam next to the lesson you’re working on.

5. Enter your e-mail address in the box provided. (Note:

This information is required for online submission.)

6. Attach your file or files as follows:

a. Click on the Browse box.

b. Locate the file you wish to attach.

c. Double-click on the file.

d. Click on Upload File.

e. If you have more than one file to attach, repeat

steps a–d.

7. Click on Submit Files.

Be sure to keep a backup copy of your completed assignment!

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