External and Internal Assessment
Michael J. Wallace, Jr.
Grand Canyon University
24 October 2018
Results of the Environmental Scan
From the environmental scan, it was discovered that marketing is a strength of any business since it l helps in creating awareness of the company’s products and services.
Management is also important since it deals with the way in which an organization is run and the activities that affect how it is ran (Champion, 2018).
Research and development is a weakness in any organization since different researchers may find out different things and since everyone want their research to be taken into consideration, it may lead to feuds within an organization.
Finance, accounting and management information systems are the strength of any company since they show how much is spent by an organization within a certain period of time.
Several things were learnt about the industry from the environmental scan.
The first is that the industry is strong and weak at the same time and it is the role of the management and the employees to ensure that the strength of the company surpasses the industry (Champion, 2018).
The other thing learnt was that an environmental scan is important for the industry since it tells the top management more of the where the company was and where it is heading to.
Results of the Environmental Scan
The results from the internal and external assessment tools was used in the decision making process.
They helped the company’s top management to manage their finances and account for the use of every shilling within an organization.
From the assessment, the company was also able to know its strengths and weaknesses and then to know where improvements should be carried out and where they are already doing well.
The internal and external assessment are have also helped the company to make contentious decisions with the help of the employees based on the results that had been found out.
The assessment has also helped in creating accountability and honesty with an organization hence helping the people make sober decisions.
Results of the Environmental Scan
During the assessment process, there were several things that were learnt.
The first is that everybody within an organization is responsible for all the things that happen within the company and they have to make positive contributions for the good of the firm (Machovec, 2018).
The assessment process is also important since it helps the employees to be open- minded.
The workers come up with new ideas in which the company carries out its activities.
Results of the Environmental Scan
The environmental scan has supported my original vision.
The vision was aimed at ensuring that decisions are made effectively .
Every decision within a company counts and when the decisions are made by the employees and employers within a company, it shows that they are well thought (Parker et al., 2018).
From my learning some of the things emerged.
The first is that the accounting and finances have the ability to make or break an organization.
The reason is that the finances can be set in such a manner that the money in a company is used well and it can also make the firm not carry out its activities effectively.
The other emerging issue was that there is need for unity between the company’s top management and employees to make it more successful.
Results of the Environmental Scan
The preliminary strategic preliminary plan involves a series of steps.
Some of them include the strengths and weaknesses within an organization.
It also includes the goals and objectives of the company and what is expected of them.
It also involves the measures that organizations can take to improve its activities.
It also involves the developmental strategies and tactics that are used to evaluate certain results.
I have also considered for organizational culture for implementing the strategic initiative plan.
The reason is that the organizational culture helps in planning for what will happen in the company and the decisions that are going to be made.
Champion, C. (2018). Response to “Environmental scan and evaluation of best practices for online systematic review resources.” Journal of the Medical Library Association, 106(4), 552–553
Machovec, G. (2018). Consortial Ebook Archiving Environmental Scan. Journal of Library Administration, 58(1), 81–90.
Parker, R. M. N., Boulos, L., Visintini, S., Ritchie, K., & Hayden, J. (2018). Environmental scan and evaluation of best practices for online systematic review resources. Journal of the Medical Library Association, 106(2), 208–218.
SafeWays Marketing Plan
Michael J. Wallace, Jr.
Grand Canyon University
7 November 2018
Target Market
Customers that use SafeWays include:
Individuals relocating to any area.
Organizations that want to relocate to any area in the United States
As well as international locations
The above targets are just but a few that the Safeway taxi company serves. The company has spread over many states and other countries over the years. Expansion of operations has enabled it to get new customers along the way.
Target Market
Families moving to new locations across the country.
Individuals going off to college
Car dealerships relocating to new locations in the state.
Car collectors participating in car shows
And armed and federal service individuals relocating to international or national locations.
Market Size
SafeWay’s biggest market is in the United Sates where it is involved in the provision of delivery services to both organizations and individuals.
Its presence is spread across the various states.
The company has also expanded into other markets outside the United States.
Current taxi market is estimated to be worth $108 billion.
Uber as its main competitor also occupies a huge market in the taxi industry.
Safeway Dameer has one of the largest market due to the good services that it offers. Its being used by organizations, individuals and families when it comes to moving items from one place to another.
Resources Needed
To implement the marketing plan, the company needs the following resources:
Enough capital to market the services of the company.
Increase of delivery vehicles and staff.
Investments in Research and development
Qualified staff members that can bring on board innovative ideas.
Innovative leadership skills.
The company needs both capita and human resources to succeed in implementing the marketing plan. SafeWay’s management should ensure that it has qualified staff that can bring new ideas. Qualified staff will enable the company to effectively market its services within and beyond the United States.
How to Reach the Marketing Plan
Enhancement of the company’s online presence is an effective way of reaching out to new customers.
Utilization of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Watsapp.
Enhancing the company’s online presence will help to reach out to new potential customers that have not yet their services(Kachouie,Mavondo & Sands, 2018). The company will have to hire an online team that will specifically handle any online queries concerning the services being offered by the company. Creation of online accounts on different social media platforms will also be a good way of interacting with the customers and getting to know how they feel about the services being offered. New ideas will also be developed from the online views from such platforms.
How to Reach the Marketing Plan
Development of a mobile application:
The mobile app will help the company to communicate directly with its customers.
The application will act as a platform where the customers can launch their queries about the prices of different services being offered(Bashir,Yousaf, & Verma,2016).
To promote transparency about prices.
How to Reach the Marketing Plan
Offering affordable prices for taxi services:
To increase the number of customers.
To effectively compete in the market.
To maintain customer loyalty.
To change the impression of customers about using Safeway services.
How to Reach the Marketing Plan
Implementation of quality control through the introduction of a rating system:
To know whether the company is performing well according to the market standards(Kachouie,Mavondo & Sands, 2018).
To enable the management know where to improve in their services.
To build customer confidence.
How to Reach the Marketing Plan
Being fearless, tough and resilient:
The taxi market industry is competitive.
Therefore it is important for the company to be tough and fearless in its operations.
It should fear any controversies during the implementation of its marketing plan.
How to Reach the Marketing Plan
Referral marketing:
In today’s world, referrals are seen as an integral part of a business(Kachouie,Mavondo & Sands, 2018). It is one of the most effective strategies to acquire new customers. Referrals can be done through the word of mouth, online social media platforms or television advertisements.
For years, companies have relied on referrals as one way of marketing their services and products. One person tells another about how the services of a particular company are excellent. Referral marketing has a huge impact on the way businesses perform. If a business offers good services and products to its customers, then it stands a chance of winning over new customers through referrals.
How the Marketing Strategy Seeks to achieve the Company Vision
The marketing strategy will achieve the company’s vision of becoming the world’s best taxi operator of choice through the acquisition of new customers, enhancement of online presence, provision of excellent services, introduction of fair prices for both the customers and the company.
The company will also partner with other organizations with the main aim of gaining mutual contracts.
How the Marketing Strategy Seeks to Achieve the Company Vision
The company will also engage in community development as a way of giving back to the society.
The company will align itself to the world vision of reducing emissions through the acquisition of vehicles that produce less emission to the environment.
Development of a company mobile application will help to enhance the services of the company as customers will be able to pay for their services in an easy and convenient way.
How to Measure Whether the Marketing Strategies are Achieving the Vision
To know whether the marketing strategies are working, the company will look at the following indicators:
Increased number of customers.
Increased profits
Increased number of returning customers.
Great marketing strategies should always lead to positive indicators. Any marketing strategy that does not produce positive results should be eliminated from a marketing plan. A good marketing plan should include a marketing strategy, expense budget, situation analysis, and sales forecast. Company’s must carry out a proper market analysis before venturing into a new market. A competitive analysis and SWOT analysis are especially important for any company that wants to succeed.
How to Measure Whether the Marketing Strategies are Achieving the Vision
Increased number of referrals.
Increased employee turnover.
Increased positive reviews from customers regarding the services being offered.
Successful expansion into other new markets.
Leadership and Innovative Qualities to Facilitate the Success of the Marketing Plan
Risk tolerance: It is an important aspect in a leader. This quality will enable me have an uncanny knack of considering all the possible eventualities when entering a new market(Schnee,2017) . Knowing the possible eventualities leads to well calculated risks that can pay off.
Openness: As a leader, I will be completely open and receptive to any new ideas from the staff members. This will contribute to the creation of a highly innovative climate in the organization.
Emotional stability: emotional stability will help me to ground my emotions under control. A great leader is wired to be positive and happy, so as to do what is required at the workplace(Schnee,2017) .
Todays rapidly developing requires leaders to have qualities that can help to propel organizations to higher levels. Leaders have to be innovative so as to stay competitive in the market and at the same time ensure the continued success of their organizations(Schnee,2017) . The need for innovative leaders has made organizations go for leaders that have excellent qualities. Without innovative leadership, it is an uphill task for organizations to survive in the ever changing market place.
Kachouie, R., Mavondo, F., & Sands, S. (2018). Dynamic marketing capabilities view on creating market change. European Journal of Marketing, 52(5/6), 1007-1036.
Bashir, M., Yousaf, A., & Verma, R. (2016). Disruptive business model innovation: How a tech firm is changing the traditional taxi service industry. Indian Journal of Marketing, 46(4), 49-59.
Schnee, C. (2017). Understanding a leader’s behaviour: Revisiting the role of reputation management in leadership research. Corporate Reputation Review, 20(1), 27-39.
Michael j. Wallace
Grand Canyon University mgt-660
10 October 2018
SafeWays Dameer is a renowned taxi transport company.
It intends to enter the next stage of market expansion in order;
To upgrade taxi services and stay true its mission, vision,
and core values.
Marketing expansion requires strategic planning since
It helps to set priorities right Bryson, (2018).
SafeWays Dameer is a taxi transport company that has prospered over a short period despite having faced numerous challenges. The organization now enters the next stage of market expansion and it would no longer be business as usual. The market expansion is intended to upgrade services and help stay true to the organization’s vision, mission, and core values. Therefore, the following is a strategic plan the organization would use to set priorities, focus resources, and offer personalized taxi services through innovation. As affirmed by Bryson, (2018), marketing expansion requires strategic planning and a disciplined effort to make informed decisions and actions that guide the organization to provide best services that meet clients’ expectations.
Market expansion forms SafeWays’ strategic initiative plan.
Therefore, its vision, mission, and core values are as follows;
Vision; to become the world’s best taxi operator of choice.
Mission; to embrace change, new opportunities, and develop the best taxi services.
Core Values; results oriented, committed, creative, integrity, and ethics.
Vision and mission statements should align to the organization’s strategic plan. In order to actualize the market expansion as the strategic initiative SafeWays Dameer defines its vision, mission, and values as follows. Firstly, SafeWays Dameer’s vision is to become the world’s best taxi operator of choice. It is mission would be to embrace change, receptive to new opportunities and innovate the best taxi services. These vision and mission statements would be achieved by being results oriented, committed, creative, and embracing integrity and ethics as the organization’s core values. Therefore, SafeWays Dameer would understand its current status, what would be done, what to value and the target in offer taxi services. The vision, mission, and values communicate the reason the organization exists and how it plans to serve its stakeholders Rey, C., & Bastons, M. (2018).
Great company culture begins with defining of core values.
According to Webb, (2018), core values form important component in strategic planning.
SafeWays Dameer’s values would drive its culture as follows;
Shape desire to provide personalized customer services and,
Define employees’ character. Such as result-oriented and show strong commitment to tasks.
Looking at great company cultures in place today, they began with defining of core values. According to Webb, (2018), organization’s core values are important component in strategic planning. SafeWays Dameer’s values as stated above would drive its culture as follows. Firstly, its commitment, integrity, and ethics would shape SafeWays Dameer’s desire to provide personalized customer taxi services. Next, they would help to define employees’ character where each one of them is result-oriented. In addition, showing a strong commitment would help the organization to provide outstanding taxi services as part of its culture. This way, the organization would be well placed to anticipate clients’ needs and thus upgrade constantly to meet those needs.
Significant improvements require strong cultural foundation.
Thus SafeWays Dameer would build culture where there is;
Acceptance, diversity, creativity, and respect for everyone.
Embracing diversity ensures a long-term commitment to quality service Webb, (2018).
This would assist to develop innovative taxi services.
Setting the right priorities and having a strong cultural foundation would help SafeWays to realize significant improvements. Also, it would help it deliver secure, affordable, and comfortable taxi services that could place it above its rivals. Therefore, I intend to build a culture of acceptance, diversity, creativity, and respect for everyone. For instance, employees’ diversity would be embraced, combine new ideas to develop innovative ways to provide secure, affordable, and comfortable taxi services. In line with Webb, (2018), diversity and respect for everyone would ensure a long-term commitment of all stakeholders to high-quality services that meet clients’ expectations.
Lastly, SafeWays Dameer would focus on high value,
Affordable and efficient taxi services.
Thus it would develop a strong commitment to excellent service as the organization’s competitive advantage.
It is dependent on factors like customer service, commitment, integrity, and ethics Bryson, (2018).
Lastly, SafeWays Dameer would want to focus on tasks and conditions that enable it to provide taxi services of high value, affordable and in an efficient fashion. As asserted by Bryson, (2018), such conditions permit an organization to command a wide market base by reaching out to many clients compared to its market competitors. Therefore, in order to compete effectively in the transport industry with market rivals the organization would commit to service excellence to create brand loyalty. It would be dependent on a variety of factors including customer service, commitment, integrity, and ethics.
Bryson, J. M. (2018). Strategic planning for public and nonprofit organizations: A guide to strengthening and sustaining organizational achievement. John Wiley & Sons.
Papke-Shields, K. E., & Boyer-Wright, K. M. (2017). Strategic planning characteristics applied to project management. International Journal of Project Management, 35(2), 169-179.
Rey, C., & Bastons, M. (2018). Three dimensions of effective mission implementation. Long Range Planning, 51(4), 580-585.
Webb, C. E. (2018). Culture, Leadership, and Organizational Learning in California Community Colleges: Exploring the Potential for Second Order Change.
Running head: OPERATIONS CHART 1
Michael J. Wallace
Grand Canyon University
31 October 2018
Operations Chart
Directions: Complete the Operations Chart, based upon the strategic plan you have established for your organization. Write your strategic initiative in the space provided and write three to five primary goals. Next, select one goal/objective from the primary goals/objectives you listed. As you complete each row in the Year 1 column, consider the key organization functions and skills listed in each box, and articulate your strategies related to each. Repeat the identified goal/objective for Year 2 and Year 3. Please note the goals/objectives can be different from year to year.
Strategic Plan (Vision): |
Primary Goals/Objectives: 1. Market Expansion 2. Become the local area’s taxi operator of choice 3. Embrace change and new opportunities 4. To be committed to creativity with services of integrity |
Year 1 |
Year 2 |
Year 3 |
Goal/Objective (How will you reach your strategic initiative?) · Deliver affordable and efficient taxi services · Grow the market to reach and serve more clients · Invest in new, creative technology and market research to catapult above our competitors. |
Goal/Objective (How will you reach your strategic initiative?) · Focus on customer service satisfaction · Continue to invest in new technology and market research to help lead the market in innovation · Continue to growing to reach and serve more clients |
Goal/Objectives (How will you reach your strategic initiative?) · Develop a training plan to help employees understand the vision, mission, and core values. · Add new locations to help gain more of the market · Deliver quality service that exceeds the customers’ expectations. |
Operational Issues (Consider problems that might arise and the importance of contingency planning) · Vehicle mechanical issues · Vehicle inventory · Technology issues |
Operational Issues (Consider problems that might arise and the importance of contingency planning) · Vehicle mechanical issues · Vehicle maintenance · Quality employees |
Operational Issues (Consider problems that might arise and the importance of contingency planning) · Vehicle mechanical issues · Vehicle inventory · Quality employees |
Human Resources (How will you address staffing needs and organizational growth?) · Identify currently available resources accessible to the company · Invest in new, creative technology to give the edge on competitors · Utilize the Human Resource Information Systems (HIRS) |
Human Resources Issues (How will you address staffing needs and organizational growth?) · Identifying differences between anticipated demand and forecasted supply · Eliminate any surpluses within the company · Focus on issues, not competitors |
Human Resources Issues (How will you address staffing needs and organizational growth?) · Identifying currently available resources accessible to the company · Invest in Human Resource Information Systems that ensure the hiring of quality candidates for each position · Invest in new, creative technology and market research to catapult above our competitors. |
Supply Chain (How and where will you acquire resources?) · Hire technology and market research analysts to keep equipment modern · Quality vehicle dealers with warranties · Hire vehicle maintenance specialist |
Supply Chain (How and where will you acquire resources?) · Hire technology and market research analysts to keep equipment modern · Quality vehicle dealers with warranties · Hire vehicle maintenance specialist |
Supply Chain (How and where will you acquire resources?) · Hire managers to manage new locations · Quality vehicle dealers with warranties · Hire vehicle maintenance specialists for all locations |
Marketing (Consider 4 P’s and I’s, target market, pricing, brand value, and CSR) · Formulate the unique selling proposition as a service promotion strategy · Open physical locations in strategic positions within well populated areas where they are visible. · Use social media as a form of advertisement |
Marketing (Consider 4 P’s and I’s, target market, pricing, brand value, and CSR) · Formulate the unique selling proposition as a service promotion strategy · Open physical locations in strategic positions within well populated areas where they are visible. · Use social media as a form of advertisement |
Marketing (Consider 4 P’s and I’s, target market, pricing, brand value, and CSR) · Formulate the unique selling proposition as a service promotion strategy · Open physical locations in strategic positions within well populated areas where they are visible. · Use social media as a form of advertisement |
Value Chain (How does your firm add value to primary and support activities in the value chain?) · Grow market to reach and serve more clients · Invest in technology and research to lead the industry · Differentiate by delivering a distinctive and personalized guest experience for all services |
Value Chain (How does your firm add value to primary and support activities in the value chain?) · Grow market to reach and serve more clients · Invest in technology and research to lead the industry · Differentiate by delivering a distinctive and personalized guest experience for all services |
Value Chain (How does your firm add value to primary and support activities in the value chain?) · Grow market to reach and serve more clients · Invest in technology and research to lead the industry · Differentiate by delivering a distinctive and personalized guest experience for all services |
Leadership (Leadership methodology and any bias you may have.) · Select informal leaders to strategically create order and discipline · Develop strategic initiatives · Move from visionary leadership to strategic leadership |
Leadership (Leadership methodology and any bias you may have.) · Select leaders to enforce create order and discipline · Develop strategic initiatives · Move from visionary leadership to strategic leadership |
Leadership (Leadership methodology and any basis you may have.) · Select leaders to enforce order and discipline · Develop strategic initiatives · Move from visionary leadership to strategic leadership |
Ethics & Sustainability (What are the ethical considerations related to your identified goal/objective) · Develop an Institutional Review Board (IRB) or panel · Voluntary participation and informed consent · Develop logical and achievable business ethical codes |
Ethics & Sustainability (What are the ethical considerations related to your identified goal/objective) · Develop an Institutional Review Board (IRB) or panel · Voluntary participation and informed consent · Develop logical and achievable business ethical codes |
Ethics & Sustainability (What are the ethical considerations related to your identified goal/objective) · Develop an Institutional Review Board (IRB) or panel · Voluntary participation and informed consent · Develop logical and achievable business ethical codes |
· Bryson, J. M. (2018). Strategic planning for public and nonprofit organizations: A guide to strengthening and sustaining organizational achievement. John Wiley & Sons.
· Papke-Shields, K. E., & Boyer-Wright, K. M. (2017). Strategic planning characteristics applied to project management. International Journal of Project Management, 35(2), 169-179.
· Rey, C., & Bastons, M. (2018). Three dimensions of effective mission implementation. Long Range Planning, 51(4), 580-585.
· Webb, C. E. (2018). Culture, Leadership, and Organizational Learning in California Community Colleges: Exploring the Potential for Second Order Change.
· Champion, C. (2018). Response to “Environmental scan and evaluation of best practices for online systematic review resources.” Journal of the Medical Library Association, 106(4), 552–553
· Machovec, G. (2018). Consortial Ebook Archiving Environmental Scan. Journal of Library Administration, 58(1), 81–90.
· Parker, R. M. N., Boulos, L., Visintini, S., Ritchie, K., & Hayden, J. (2018). Environmental scan and evaluation of best practices for online systematic review resources. Journal of the Medical Library Association, 106(2), 208–218.
Strategic Plan Assignment
The ability to think strategically and make choices based on solid analysis and evaluation, in order to capitalize on achieving optimal results when applying limited resources of the firm, are at the core of this strategic initiative plan. Strategic initiatives act as the vehicle to accomplish strategic goals. Strategic initiatives translate vision into reality. The strategic management process enables organizations to achieve objectives through three stages: strategy formulation, strategy implementation, and strategy evaluation.
For this assignment, create a market entry plan (entrepreneurial), a market expansion plan for an existing organization, or a mergers and acquisitions plan that seeks to increase your organization’s competitive advantage. Your strategic plan should aim to innovate. Throughout the development of your strategic plan consider your organization’s responsibility in the greater social good from a Christian perspective and how your plan address ethics, cooperate social responsibly and sustainability. Globalization brings both benefits and challenges in the business sphere. Be sure to consider how globalization impacts your strategic plan and address any international considerations if needed. Your strategic plan will be completed throughout the course in Topic 1, Topic 3, Topic 4, Topic 5, Topic 6, Topic 7, and Topic 8. Be sure to address instructor feedback when possible.
Part 1: Overview (Topic 1)
Imagine you need to present your initial pitch for your Strategic Initiative Plan. Create a 5-8 slide PowerPoint presentation with speaker notes that seeks to get permission from key stakeholders.
In your presentation, address the following:
1. Identify the type (market entry, market expansion, merger, and acquisition) of Strategic Plan that you will be creating.
2. Provide the vision, mission, and values of the organization.
3. How do organization values drive the culture?
4. What is the culture you intend to build, or exists, today?
5. What is your competitive advantage?
Provide three to five sources in your presentation.
While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.
Part 2: External and Internal Assessment (Topic 3)
An environmental scan seeks to ensure your original pitch is viable (Part 1: Overview). External and internal assessment tools are utilized your to ensure strategic initiative is viable. You may find after completing your environmental scan your strategic initiative idea will change. The environmental scan helps you develop Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), which will help focus the application of limited resources to produce above-average returns. During your scan, address the following:
Internal: Identify your strategic initiative using various internal assessment tools to evaluate your organization’s strengths and weaknesses in functional areas of business which include
· Management
· Marketing
· Finance
· Accounting
· Productions/operations
· Research and development
· Management information systems
External: Identify your strategic initiative using various external assessment tools to evaluate outside trends and events outside the control of the organization, and the industry.
Create a 5-10 slide PowerPoint presentation that shows the results of your environmental scan. Include the following:
· Identify what you found in your environmental scan.
· What did you learn about the industry?
· What did you learn about your organization?
· Include the external and internal assessment tools you used at the end of your presentation as an appendix.
· How did you apply the results of your internal and external assessment tools in your decision making process.
· Describe what you learned during the process including key issues that will be reviewed going forward.
· How does this challenge or support your original vision/concept?
· What is emerging from your learning?
· Outline the preliminary strategic initiative plan.
· How have you considered the selected organizations culture within the context of implementing your strategic initiative plan?
Provide three to five sources in your presentation.
While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.
Part 3: Organizational Chart and Operations Chart (Topic 4)
Organizational structure is a factor in implementing your plan. Using a graphic organizer, create an organization chart. Be sure the graphic organizer describes the relationships between people.
Completing the “Operations Chart,” begins to provide a plan of how strategic initiative is executed. Be sure the “Operations Chart” is in the context of the Organization Chart.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
Part 4: Marketing (Topic 5)
Consider if your strategic plan is a market entry plan (entrepreneurial), a market expansion plan for an existing organization, or a mergers and acquisitions plan. Deciding who the target market is and determining their demographics, behaviors, motivation, needs, and goals is essential because the target market drives the marketing plan. This is typically done through studying research and data related to how potential customers are willing to invest their time and energy. Additionally, by deciding who potential customers are, deciphering their needs, and likes and dislikes, learning about their lifestyle, and observing how the target market behaves, creating a brand that appeals to these customers is possible.
Create a 15-20 slide PowerPoint with speaker notes that explains your marketing strategy. Refer to the Marketing section of “Operations Chart” that was due in Topic 4. Based on your research and experience, your ideas may have changed and can be modified at any time during this plan.
Address the following:
1. What is your target market?
2. What is the size of your target market?
3. What resources do you believe would be required to implement your plan?
4. How will you reach your plan?
5. How does your marketing strategy seek to achieve your vision? How will you measure if the marketing strategy is achieving your vision? What are the indicators to identify this?
6. What type of leadership and innovative qualities do you plan to implement in order to execute your marketing strategy?
Provide three to five sources in your presentation.
While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.
Part 5: Financials (Topic 6)
A projected financial statement analysis seeks to forecast the impact of various implementation decisions. The pro forma financial statement can be part of the risk analysis of strategic plan. The goal of this assignment is to ensure your strategic plan is viable financially. In other words, does it create value for the firm?
Consider the cost structure and revenue streams for your strategic initiative plan. Research and data collected so far and will likely change once your product or service is commercialized. Each statement should address financial components of features, expenses, and sales of your product or service. It is typical for net income to be negative at this point. Do not assume that you have sales at this point unless you have sold your product or service.
Research the following if your plan is entrepreneurial:
1. Balance sheet
1. Income statement
1. Statement of cash flow
1. Fixed and variable expenses
1. Startup expenses
1. Breakeven analysis
Research the following if your plan is a market expansion plan for an existing organization, or a mergers and acquisitions plan:
1. Balance sheet
2. Income statement
3. Statement of cash flow
4. Fixed and variable expenses
5. A projected budget
6. Breakeven analysis
Complete the “Projected Financial Statement Analysis (Pro Forma 3-Year Financial Plan)”including the “Questions” tab, “12 Month P& L" tab, “Year 1” tab, "Year 2 P&L” tab, and “Year 3 P&L” tab. The first year is monthly and the second and third year are presented quarterly. Please note the questions in the “Questions” tab may be answered at different points in completing the Profit and Loss information.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
Part 6: Critical Milestones (Topic 7)
Gantt Chart
Refer to Gantt chart resources in the topic readings. Create a Gantt chart that displays 36 months, using the Office Timeline tool or any other tool to produce a Gantt chart. Be sure to include rational 1-36 months
Create a Gantt chart that outlines multiple critical milestones.
In a 250-300 word summary, address the following:
· Include rationale for your Gantt chart.
· Identify one critical risk you could encounter that could prevent you from meeting each of your goal/objectives.
· Develop a contingency plan for the identified risk. Explain how this could maximize management efficiency and the allocation of resources. What leadership qualities are essential when dealing with the identified critical risk?
Provide three to five sources in your presentation.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.
Part 7: Executive Summary and Consolidated Presentation (Topic 8)
Executive Summary
Write a 500-750 word executive summary that seeks to spark interest in potential investors/stakeholders. The goal of the executive summary is to create an opportunity for investors/stakeholders to consider the full details of your Strategic Plan and then decide to provide support.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.
Consolidated Presentation
Create a consolidated Strategic Plan PowerPoint in 25-30 slides with speaker notes that is directed towards interested investors/stakeholders (3.4). Address Parts 1-7 and include improvements from better understanding of the concepts, strategies, and instructor feedback.
Address the following:
· The presentation seeks to explain how your competitive advantage is achieved through your strategic initiative plan. (1.1)
· Describe why your organization’s mission and vision seek to promote the greater social good from a Christian perspective. How does your organization or perhaps even your plan accommodate an organization’s responsibilities to the greater social good, from a Christian perspective? (4.1)
· Include how your plan address ethics, cooperate social responsibility, and sustainability.
· Describe how your plan utilizes your leadership skills to encourage innovation within your organization. (1.4)
· Include an explanation of the global and international considerations in your strategic plan.
Provide three to five sources in your presentation.
While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.
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