ENG 215 – Appendices

Appendix A: Peer Review Feedback Form 1

Reviewer’s Name:_________________________________________ Date:_____________

Writer’s Assigned #: _______________________________________

Course:_________________________________________________ Section: ___________

Assignment 3: Persuasive Paper Part 1: A Problem Exists

Peer reviews should provide feedback to a peer on the criteria expected in the paper. Follow these instructions:

1) Receive a classmate’s paper from your professor (in class if on-ground; by e-mail if online).

2) Copy the Peer Review Feedback Form from the Appendix.

3) Comment on all criteria, noting strengths and / or areas for improvement on the feedback form.

Provide completed Peer Review Feedback Form and classmate’s paper to your professor. Note: On-ground students should submit the feedback form and paper to the professor during the class meeting in which the paper is reviewed; online students should submit the feedback form and paper to the professor via the Assignment Tab in the course shell.

Criteria Comments + Strengths < Areas for Improvement

1 Provide an appropriate title and an interesting opening paragraph to appeal to your stated audience (appeal with logic, ethics, or emotion).

2 Include a defensible, relevant thesis statement in the first paragraph. (With revised thesis statement.)

3 Describe the history and status of the issue and provide an overview of the problem(s) that need to be addressed. This should be one or two (1-2) paragraphs.

4 Explain the first problem (economic, social, political, environmental, complexity, inequity, ethical/moral, etc.) and provide support for your claims. This should be one or two (1- 2)paragraphs.

5 Explain the second problem (economic, social, political, environmental, complexity, inequity, ethical/moral, etc.). and provide support for your claims. This should be one or two (1-2) paragraphs.

6 Explain the third problem (economic, social, political, environmental, complexity, inequity, ethical/moral, etc.) and provide support for your claims. This should be one or two (1-2) paragraphs.

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Sheryl Mccaskill
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English 215
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Intro. welcoming the reader
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The thesis is good and it
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lets the reader know what
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to expect
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Clear and to the point
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The first problem was
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highlighted and well defined
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The second problem is great.
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Straight to the point.
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Needs a title
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The second and third problem
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ran together
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ENG 215 – Appendices

Criteria Comments + Strengths < Areas for Improvement

7 Use effective transitional words, phrases, and sentences throughout the paper.

8 Provide a concluding paragraph that summarizes the stated problems and promises a solution.

9 Develop a coherently structured paper with an introduction, body, and conclusion.

10 Support claims with at least three (3) quality, relevant references. Use credible, academic sources available through Strayer University’s Resource Center.

11 Other

Typewritten Text
Typewritten Text
Some words was misspell
Typewritten Text
good work
Typewritten Text
Typewritten Text
Excellent body
Typewritten Text
Great work overall

ENG 215 – Appendices

Appendix A: Peer Review Feedback Form 2

Reviewer’s Name:_________________________________________ Date:_____________

Writer’s Assigned #: _______________________________________

Course:_________________________________________________ Section: ___________

Assignment 4: Persuasive Paper Part 2: Solution and Advantages

Peer reviews should provide feedback to a peer on the criteria expected in the paper. Follow these instructions:

1) Receive a classmate’s paper from your professor (in class if on-ground; by e-mail if online).

2) Copy the Peer Review Feedback Form from the Appendix.

3) Comment on all criteria, noting strengths and / or areas for improvement on the feedback form.

4) Provide completed Peer Review Feedback Form and classmate’s paper to your professor.

Note: On-ground students should submit the feedback form and paper to the professor during the class meeting in which the paper is reviewed; online students should submit the feedback form and paper to the professor via the Assignment Tab in the course shell.

Criteria Comments + Strengths < Areas for Improvement

1 Revise, using feedback from the professor and classmates, your Persuasive Paper Part I - A Problem Exists.

2 Part 2 Included a defensible, relevant thesis statement clearly in the first paragraph.

3 Explain a detailed, viable solution that supports your thesis. This should be one or two (1-2) paragraphs.

4 State, explain, and support the first advantage (economic, social, political, environmental, social, equitable, ethical/moral, etc.) to your solution. This should be one or two (1-2) paragraphs.

5 State, explain, and support the second advantage (economic, social, political, environmental, social, equitable, ethical/moral, etc.) to your solution. This should be one or two (1-2) paragraphs.

6 State, explain, and support the third (and fourth if desired) advantage (economic, social, political, environmental, social, equitable, ethical/moral, etc.) to your solution. This should be one or two (1-2) paragraphs.

7 Use effective transitional words, phrases, and sentences.

8 Provide a concluding paragraph /transitional paragraph that summarizes the proposed solution and its advantages.

ENG 215 – Appendices

Criteria Comments + Strengths < Areas for Improvement

9 Develop a coherently structured paper with an introduction, body, and conclusion.

10 Use one or more rhetorical strategies (ethos, logos, pathos) to explain advantages.

11 Support advantage claims with at least three (3) additional quality relevant references. Use at least six (6) total for Parts 1 & 2.

12 Other

ENG 215 – Appendices

Appendix B: Patterns of Error Log


Date Writing


Type of Error

# of Errors E

n d -o

f- s e n te

n c e p

u n c tu

a ti o

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ENG 215 – Appendices

Appendix C: Student Guide on How to Use the Patterns of Error Log

Student Guide on How to Use the Patterns of Error System

You might have many grammar errors on a writing assignment, but the errors represent only a couple of grammar problems. To know your patterns of grammar error will help you improve your writing. The Patterns of Grammar Error system uses the ten (10) most commonly occurring grammar errors that impact a reader’s ability to read a text. Ten Grammar Learning Modules have been created to help you understand these problems and learn to fix them. Here are the ten errors. They also appear on the Pattern of Error Log attached to the course guide:

1 End of Sentence Punctuation 6 Agreement of Pronoun with Antecedent

2 Verb Forms 7 When to Use and NOT to Use Apostrophes

3 Verb Tense 8 Using Quotation Marks for All Quoted Words

4 Agreement of Subject and Verb 9 Spelling

5 Pronoun Form 10 Proper Sentence Sense

After you submit your paper to your instructor, it will be turned back to you with comments and numbers. The numbers correspond to the 10 common grammar problems mentioned above. There will be a number above the underlined part of your sentence that has an error. For example, your paper might look like this:

My Writing Experiences 2 1 I not been in school for twenty years and I do not like writing. My teachers always 9 1 9 marked up up my papers and I never new how to make them sound good. I know I won’t make them sound good now because I don’t know how to do it. I will have to work hard 1 to improve my writing I will have to write several drafts to do well in this class.

As you can see, there are 6 errors here, but there are only 3 grammar problems (#1, #9, #2). When your paper is returned, you will count up the number of errors for each grammar problem and chart them on your Pattern of Error Log found in the Course Guide. Your next task is to review the Grammar Learning Modules for your most common Patterns of Error, and correct the mistakes in your paper. Learning your patterns of grammar error and fixing them will help you improve your writing.

ENG 215 – Appendices

Appendix D: ENG 215 Topics for Persuasive Writing Research Paper These topics are to be used for Assignments 1-5.

Assignment 1: Research Topics with Explanation

Assignment 2: Research Proposal – Thesis, Major points, and Plan

Assignment 3: Persuasive Paper Part I: A Problem Exists

Assignment 4: Persuasive Paper Part 2: Solution and Advantages

Assignment 5: Persuasive Writing Part 3: Possible Disadvantages and Answers

Some topics focus on the entire county; however, other topics may focus on states, local areas, and / or businesses.

Topics / Questions Student Name Course Section

1) Should taxes on people making over $250,000 a year be changed?

2) Should Transportation Security (TSA) regulations be changed?

3) Should regulations for home schools be changed?

4) Should funding for the U.S. space program be changed?

5) Should changes be made to the regulations for foods that are served in public schools?

6) Should changes be made to regulations for mental health drugs for minors?

7) Should regulations be changed regarding genetically altering plants and/or animals?

8) Should the Family and Medical Leave Act be changed?

9) Should taxes on alcohol and tobacco be increased to help pay for rising medical costs?

10) Should regulations regarding the use of cell phones while driving be standardized?

11) Should the instant replay used in the NFL be applied to other sports?

12) Should regulations regarding payment of college athletes be changed?

13) Should minors who commit violent crimes be tried as adults?

14) Should child welfare regulations be changed?

15) Should DUI (driving under the influence) laws be changed?

16) Should sex offender registration laws be changed?

17) Should laws governing student laws be changed?

ENG 215 – Appendices 18) Should laws governing nursing homes be changed?

19) Should children of parents who do not allow them to be vaccinated be allowed to attend public school?

20) Should unemployment regulations and benefits be changed?

21) Should rules requiring all members of a jury to agree for conviction be changed?

22) Should financial incentives be offered to high school students to perform well on standardized tests?

23) Should the government offer tax credits for the purchase of hybrid or alternative energy vehicles?

24) Should the U.S. Government prohibit companies from outsourcing jobs to people in foreign countries that do not have unions and / or fair labor laws?

25) Should the U.S. government provide financial assistance to people whose retirement funds were invested in the stock of companies that may have used unethical accounting practices (e.g., Enron, Arthur Andersen, etc.)?

26) Should colleges and universities expel students who are caught cheating on exams and / or plagiarizing their homework assignments?

27) Should the U.S. prohibit trade with countries that have poor records on human rights?

28) Should vehicles (cars, trucks, vans, SUVs) be required to have backup cameras?

29) Should all U.S. students be required to take four years of foreign language in high school?

30) Should the state and / or federal government provide subsidies to organic farmers?

31) Should all states require motorcyclists and passengers to wear helmets?

32) Should state and local governments provide health insurance only for retirees who have served 20 years in government service?

33) Should your state or local government enact different laws regarding certain animals (e.g., pit bulls)?

Hi Cheryl,

Thank you for submitting the first part of writing your paper where you focused on the problems that exist. Here you used source material, included the history and the three problems associated with your topic.  The signposts are wonderful and you did a nice job developing the probelms.

Now I want you work on the thesis statement and incorporating the source material in a meaningful way. Right now you are citing entire paragraphs. This isn't alowed. EACH sentence that is from source material must be cited but an entire paragraph cannot be source material. Remember you need to use the source material to support your ideas, not replace them.

You will want to see my notes in your text and email me if you have any questions. Continue to refine this part of the paper since it will be part of the final paper for this class. Let me know if you have any questions. Lisa

Hi Cheryl,

Thank you for submitting the first part of writing your paper where you focused on

the problems that exist. Here you used source material, included the history and

the three problems associated with your topic.

The signposts are

wonderful and

you did a nice job developing the probelms.

Now I want you work on the thesis statement and incorporating the source

material in a meaningful way. Right now you are citing entire paragraphs. This

isn't alowed. EACH sentence that is from sourc

e material must be cited but an

entire paragraph cannot be source material. Remember you need to use the

source material to support your ideas, not replace them.

You will want to see my notes in your text and email me if you have any

questions. Continue

to refine this part of the paper since it will be part of the final

paper for this class. Let me know if you have any questions. Lisa

Hi Cheryl,

Thank you for submitting the first part of writing your paper where you focused on

the problems that exist. Here you used source material, included the history and

the three problems associated with your topic. The signposts are wonderful and

you did a nice job developing the probelms.

Now I want you work on the thesis statement and incorporating the source

material in a meaningful way. Right now you are citing entire paragraphs. This

isn't alowed. EACH sentence that is from source material must be cited but an

entire paragraph cannot be source material. Remember you need to use the

source material to support your ideas, not replace them.

You will want to see my notes in your text and email me if you have any

questions. Continue to refine this part of the paper since it will be part of the final

paper for this class. Let me know if you have any questions. Lisa

RUNNING HEADER: Persuasive Paper Part 1 1

Persuasive Paper Part 1

Cheryl Sonnier

Strayer University Online

ENG 215

Professor Lisa Teitler


LISA TEITLER: Remember you need an interesting title for this assignment

RUNNING HEADER: Persuasive Paper Part 1 2


Healthcare is a major concern to many households in the current society. The increases

in chronic diseases due to alcohol and tobacco have further made the costs soar to relatively

higher prices than before. Such illnesses are resulting as a financial catastrophe to the

government. The nation is thus spending a lot on recurrent expenditure rather than on

development. As a result, there is a hitch in economic growth and development. America

should increase the taxes on alcohol and tobacco so as to address the escalating medical costs

(Chaloupka, 2003).


The alcohol and tobacco tax came into place with establishment of Bureau of Alcohol,

Tobacco, firearms and Explosives. The bureau at the time ran under the department of

treasury. However, in 2003 there was the introduction of Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade

bureau that currently collects taxes on behalf of the government. The taxes can be traced from

the excise tax that was instituted on the distilled spirits. Such taxes funded the revolutionary

war activities. The treasury later collected taxes and as well as issued stamps on tobacco and

alcohol products. The move was to ensure the financing of civil war. In twentieth century, the

eighteenth amendment was instituted that brought by the treasury department that led to

punishing the persons who employed illegal liquor proceeds to finance crime. Currently, via

TTB (Alcohol and Tobacco Tax Trade and Trade Bureau), the government has engaged

expatriates such as in chemists, auditors and investigators among others to assist in regulation

of the two products. The bureau has ensured proper payment of taxes related to the two

products hence eliminating malpractices as far as the two products are concerned. Increased

health care costs due to effects of consuming the products have strained the government

resources. Increase in taxes in other sectors in attempts to cover medical costs further leads to

affecting the non-smokers financial wise (Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau, 2012).

LISA TEITLER: The thesis statement is missing. The last sentence in the intro is the thesis and should be in your own words and ideas, not source material.
LISA TEITLER: Don't end paragraphs with source material. Add in one more sentence to wrap up the paragraph

RUNNING HEADER: Persuasive Paper Part 1 3

The first problem is related to money. By taxing alcohol and tobacco, huge amount of

revenue could be collected from the exercise. An increase in tax leading to a tax of fifty cents

per a pack of cigarettes would generate revenue amounting to $80 billion in a span of ten

years. In any case the alcohol tax reached a figure of thirty per cent; revenue amounting to

$250 billion could be collected in a span of ten years. Such funds could be directed towards

providing subsidized care for patients that are not insured hence eliminating the strain that is

in medical care (Reed, 2010).

The second problem is a social one related to changes in lifestyle. Currently, majority

of the low income earners are the ones who engage in such unhealthy activities. That does not

mean that they are absolutely the ones who are in such lifestyle. The taxes once instituted

could lead to change in the lifestyle. Individuals will start deviating away from activities

related to alcohol and tobacco. There will be a total change in life style as people abandon

drinking and smoking. Such individuals might not quit completely but at least, there will be a

reduction in the consumption rate. Low consumption will further interpret to less chronic

illnesses related to the problem in question. The society will eventually give a room for such a

social change. The life style change once integrated into the society will be a means towards

alleviating the consumption of alcohol. The social problem of alcoholism and smoking

tobacco will thus be changed (Reed, 2010).

The next problem is political. The raised tax has been a question for quite some time which

has found its way to politics. The politics is at the heart of the nation’s activities. Its presence

drives or leads to formation of certain laws or amendment. In this case, there have been a lot

of politics related to the issue of taxing the two products. To raise such tax, polices are

required to be developed. The developed policies will stipulate on how the tax measures will

be effected or otherwise made to work. The taxes will thus be regulated by the policies to

ensure that the process of tax collection is efficient. The policy makers thus need materials

LISA TEITLER: Nice signpost!
LISA TEITLER: Remember, you can't cite entire paragraphs

RUNNING HEADER: Persuasive Paper Part 1 4

that are related to the issue in order to be able to articulate the matter in congress. As a result,

policies developed that will work to ensure that medical costs are boosted by the raised taxes

(Reed, 2010).


In summary, taxes derived from the alcohol and tobacco can be used to cater for health

care costs. The nation will thus be having quite huge amount of revenue that will ensure some

relief to the medical care. The huge revenue derived from the tax will be an effective

economical move towards addressing the issue of health care. The problem of life style can

further be addressed by the tax. The life style of drinking and consuming lots of the two

products has ultimately had negative effect on health care costs. The consumption has led to

illnesses which in turn translate to more funds directed towards addressing the health care

issue. The problem can be solved with raised tax that discourages the consumption. The third

problem is on politics that will assist in developing policies that will ensure the stipulations of

risen tax are adhered to (Chaloupka, 2003).

RUNNING HEADER: Persuasive Paper Part 1 5


Chaloupka, F. (2003). Tobacco and Alcohol Taxation. Impacteen. Retrieved on 21st Jan, 2015

on http://www.impacteen.org/generalarea_PDFs/AMA_chaloupka082103.pdf

Reed, H. (2010). The effect of Increasing Tobacco Taxation: A cost benefits analysis and

public finances Analysis. Action for smoking and Health. Retrieved on 20th January,

2015 on http://www.ash.org.uk/tax/analysis

Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau. (2012, April 20th). Federal tax Increase and

related tax provision. Retrieved on 20th Jan, 2015 from


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