Bonnie Gibson
Discussion Board 1
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Chapter 1
Differentiate between a global company and a multinational company.
Both global companies and multinational companies operate in multiple countries, however, global companies tend to operate in a larger number of countries than multinational organizations. Global companies sell standard products without flexibility in terms of adapting to local consumers. Multinational companies have a central structure with a head office in the home country. Products are decided and developed by the head office, but subsidiary offices do have options to adapt to the local market's needs (Kedia, 2020).
Discuss the three factors necessary to achieve global awareness.
Global awareness is a frame of reference important to the success of a businessperson. The following factors are necessary to achieve global awareness. Tolerance for cultural differences; understanding differences, and accepting and working with others whose behaviors may differ from your own. Knowledge about culture and history; understanding culture aids in understanding the behavior of consumers and colleagues, it is also important to understand history because the way people act and think can be influenced by their history. Global awareness also involves market potentials and global economic, social and political trends (Cateors et al., 2020).
Chapter 2
What is the role of profit in international trade? Does profit replace or compliment the regulatory function of pricing? Discuss.
The most important mandate for corporations and other types of businesses is to maximize profit. A company is missing out on potential growth by limiting itself to sales generated only within its domestic borders (Masters, 2021). Profit compliments the regulatory function of pricing. Profit is the surplus revenue after a firm has paid all its costs; profit plays an important role in creating incentives for companies. Higher profit can encourage companies to reduce costs and develop new products. If an industry is profitable, new firms are encouraged to enter (Pettinger, 2018).
Discuss the evolution of world trade that led to the formation of WTO.
The World Trade Organization (WTO) was formed in 1994 and encompasses the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) structure and extends it to new areas that have not been adequately covered previously. The WTO adjudicates trade disputes. All member countries have equal representation. Following World War II the United States and 22 other countries signed the GATT which paved the way for the first effective worldwide tariff agreement (Cateors et al., 2020). The GATT managed to function as an international organization sponsoring eight rounds of multilateral trade negotiations. The Uruguay Round had extended considerably the realm of world trade rules with agreements on intellectual property and trade in services. The Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization also referred to as the “Marrakesh Agreement”, was signed in 1994, after the Uruguay Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations (Anand, 2020).
Anand, A. (2020). Formation of WTO. Law Column.
Cateora, P.R, Money, R.B., Gilly, M.C., Graham, J.L. (2020). “International Marketing Eighteenth Edition.” McGraw Hill Education
Kedia, S. (2020). The Difference Between International, Multinational, Transnational & Global Companies. Marketing Mind.
Masters, T. (2021). What Is the Role of International Trade? Smart Capital Mind.
Pettinger, T. (2018).The Role of Profit in an Economy. Economics Help.
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Mitch Ryan
Discussion 1 -
Chapter 1
Differentiate between a global company and a multinational company.
Global and multinational companies both operate in foreign markets, however one of the key differences between the two lie within their approach to those foreign markets. Global companies look at all foreign and domestic markets as one and instead of marketing based on different countries political, cultural, and economic forces, they market based on income levels and other forces. A prime example of this would be Coca-Cola, because when they went global all they did was put all other countries on the same equal playing field as North America and structure their approach to all countries as one. On the other hand, a multinational company looks at each foreign market as its own and takes into account those different political, cultural, and economic forces. Multinational companies are different, because it uses a decentralized approach to business (Lazzari, 2019). They all operate under the same brand, however they do act independently.
Differentiate among the three international marketing concepts.
The three international marketing concepts are known as regular foreign marketing, international marketing, and global marketing. Regular foreign marketing is when a firm has the capacity set aside and ready to market goods and services in foreign markets. At this point the firms main focus will still be on domestic markets, however they do have the capacity to produce for foreign markets and they are able to adapt those products or services to best fit that market. International marketing are companies that are 100% involved in foreign markets. Companies of this nature then to not only plan for marketing in these markets but also production. Global marketing companies look at the foreign and home market as one. Their marketing segments are not based on the borders of nations, instead they are based on income levels, the usage of the product or services, and other factors.
Chapter 2
What is the role of profit in international trade? Does profit replace or complement the regulatory function of pricing? Discuss
Profit plays a major role in International trade because the countries that are involved are looking to trade globally in return to gain more profit margins. Profits definitely do compliment the regulatory function of pricing. This is because consumer purchasing power is generally higher in developed countries which is a major hotspot for companies looking to trade globally since this will drive up the price.
Discuss the evolution of world trade that led to the formation of the WTO
The development of the WTO came about as U.S. Representatives were looking to reassess trade issues and they brought it to the table at the Uruguay Round trade agreement. The WTO adopted the same foundation of the GATT only adding new areas into the mix and requiring full involvement by all members while also having an expert panel to help make decisions on trade disputes. One of the key differences between the two is that GATT focused almost exclusively on goods, where the WTO encompasses all goods, services, and intellectual property, as well as some investment policies (Anderson, 2021).
Lazzari, Z. (2019, March 11). Global Company Vs. a Multinational Company. Chron.
Anderson, K. (2021, March 24). World Trade Organization. Encyclopedia Britannica.
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Topic : Benchmark - Future Scope, Role, and Professional Obligations Paper
Advanced registered nursing graduates are entering the profession at dynamic time when roles and scope of practice are shifting based on developments in legislation and policy in response to the evolving needs of the health care system. Professional nursing organizations play an important role in making sure the perspectives of advanced registered nurses are heard, and in supporting nurse specialties in their efforts to expand their scope of practice and their full participation throughout the health care system.
For this assignment, you will conduct research on the current scope of practice for your specialty and efforts that are being made to expand that scope and the role of the advanced nurse in positively influencing the health care system. Write a 1,250-1,500-word paper that includes the following:
A discussion of the scope of your future role as an advanced registered nurse, including any regulatory, certification, or accreditation agencies that define that scope.
A discussion of three professional nursing organizations that you think are most influential in advancing the scope and influence of advanced nursing. Of these organizations, evaluate the one that you would most like to join. How do its goals and mission fit in with your worldview and philosophy of care? How might membership in this organization improve your practice?
A discussion of a controversial or evolving issue that is most likely to affect your scope of practice or role in the next few years. How do you think this issue could influence the profession and other stakeholders, and why does it matters to the advanced registered nurse?
You are required to cite five to 10 sources to complete this assignment. Sources must be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria and nursing content.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
Discussion Board Instruction and Grading Guideline
The discussion activity that is due may only be posted during the active week that it is assigned. No early postings or late postings will be accepted.
Sharing information leads to new ideas, and the best way for us to learn is from each other. To that end, each module has an associated discussion forum. Post a response to each forum question, and start conversations with your peers. Points are earned for responding to each discussion forum and for replying to fellow participants. Though you will only earn points for up to two responses, we encourage you to keep an ongoing dialogue about the discussion topic. The purpose of the discussion forum is to generate conversation about relevant topics.
Post your response to each discussion question no later than Wednesday of each week, and respond to at least two other class members’ postings by the Sunday of the week. Please feel free to respond to more than two other postings. We encourage you to learn from each other!
Do not post early – only post in the discussion boards during the active weeks. No early postings will be accepted. Note that no points will be earned for discussion responses posted after the week ends OR before the week begins.
Discussion Board grades are based on the following rubric:
Discussion Board Grading Element: |
Points |
· Deliver solid content in 300-350 words – deductions taken for shorter responses. · Remember that the restatement of the questions and the reference recap at the bottom of your postings do not count towards the word count requirement. · There is no penalty for going over 350-words. |
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· Use an authored outside reference beyond your textbook. Zero points given for non-authored web sources. It is okay/great to use your textbook, but I want to see more research beyond your text. You may use a brand web page too, but you still need an authored source too. · Recap your reference in APA format only at the bottom of your posting. Your reference must be clearly cited within your posting to count. Always provide the exact web site address in your recap of references for full credit. · Research always beyond the materials provided to ADD to the discussion. |
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Respond to two other student’s work by end of activity week (11:59 PM) - minimum 50-words (no outside references required) |
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Late Penalty
· Discussion Board postings are not accepted after the week concludes.
· The original posting is due on Wednesday. Original postings are accepted late (after Wednesday but still within the week assigned). If posted after Wednesday, minus one point for Thursday posting, minus 2 points for Friday posting, minus 3 points for Saturday posting and, minus 4 points for Sunday posting.
· But in each of these cases the discussion is accepted.
Each module has an associated discussion forum. Post a response to each forum question and start conversations with your peers. Points are earned for responding to each discussion forum and for replying to fellow participants. Though you will only earn points for up to two responses, we encourage you to keep an ongoing dialogue about the discussion topic. The purpose of the discussion forum is to generate conversation about relevant topics. Post your response to each discussion question no later than Wednesday of each week and respond to at least two other class members’ postings by the Sunday of the week. Please feel free to respond to more than two other postings. We encourage you to learn from each other. Note that no points will be earned for discussion responses posted after the week ends.
Discussion Board grades are based on the following rubric:
Discussion Board Grading Element: |
Points: |
INITIAL POSTING DUE ON WEDNESDAY. Deliver solid content in 300-350 words – deductions taken for shorter responses. Remember that the restatement of the questions and the reference recap at the bottom of your postings do not count towards the word count requirement.
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Use an authored outside reference beyond your textbook. Zero points given for non-authored web sources. It is okay/great to use your textbook, but I want to see more research beyond your text. You may use a brand web page but you still need an authored source. Recap your reference in APA format only at the bottom of your posting. Your reference must be clearly cited in APA format within your posting to count. Research always beyond the materials provided to ADD to the discussion. An authored source is simply one that is associated with a human(s) NAME. For example, your textbook is an authored source. The United States Census Bureau is not an authored source. But it is fine to use as long as you ALSO use an authored reference source. No videos, blogs, tweets, wikis, interviews, podcasts, encyclopedias, or dictionaries allowed – use an authored reference. |
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Respond to two other student’s work by Sunday night at 11:59 PM EST - minimum 50-words for each response (no outside references required). |
4 |
APA formatting helps in attribution of sources in academic work. Similarly, since your discussion work is an academic exercise, the expectation is that you cite and recap references in the discussion board. It is important to recap the references cited in the posting at the bottom of your posting as you would with a paper. As you know, in an academic paper, your ‘Reference’ page is a recap of all sources cited in the paper. It tells the reader that the following sources are attributed somewhere in the paper. A reference does not count if it is cited (but not recapped) or recapped, but not cited in the paper. Both steps must appear. In other words, it is important that all references cited match 100% the reference RECAPPED at the bottom of the posting or it is considered a serious academic error.

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