MBA 502 Final Project Part II Guidelines and Rubric
Overview For this second part of the final project, you will produce a macroeconomic analysis paper related to the publicly traded company and its product or service that you chose for your microeconomic analysis. First, you will select three macroeconomic variables for the United States that directly impact the supply and demand of the company’s product or service you previously selected. Second, you will analyze the extent to which macroeconomic conditions in the United States have affected the financial performance of your chosen company over the last three years using macroeconomic and company performance data. Finally, you will evaluate how current monetary and/or fiscal policies in the United States are likely to impact your chosen company’s financial performance in the near future. This project addresses the following course outcomes:
Assess how macroeconomic variables and policies impact the supply and demand of a company’s products or services based on trends in economic data
Evaluate the effects of macroeconomic variables and policies on the financial performance of companies in the United States The project includes one milestone, which will be submitted in Module Eight to scaffold learning and ensure quality final submissions. The final macroeconomic analysis paper will be submitted in Module Ten.
Part II Prompt Your macroeconomic analysis paper should respond to the following prompt: Analyze the extent to which the macroeconomic environment in the United States impacts the supply and demand of your chosen company’s product or service and assess the effects of macroeconomic conditions on your company’s financial performance. Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:
I. Overview: Provide an overview consisting of a brief description of the chosen company, your chosen product or service, and annual sales.
II. Macroeconomic Variables For this section, you will utilize macroeconomic variables such as GDP growth, inflation, unemployment, and so on to relate trends in data to the supply and demand of your product or service. Include all calculations in an Excel file.
a) Select three macroeconomic variables in the United States that impact the supply and demand of your chosen product or service. Justify your selections.
b) Interpret the trends of the three selected macroeconomic variables for the past three years. Be sure to include gathered data. Based on the trends of the three macroeconomic variables, assess how they will impact the supply and demand of your chosen product or service.
III. Macroeconomic Policies a) Describe the current monetary and fiscal policies in the United States. Consider including how these policies affect your company and its
products and services. b) Predict how possible changes in monetary and/or fiscal policy may impact the supply and demand of your product or service.
IV. Macroeconomic Conditions and Company Performance
a) Describe the trends of two previously selected company performance variables (e.g., sales, stock pricing, net income) over the past three years. Keep in mind these are the performance variables selected in the microeconomic analysis.
b) Analyze the relationship between the two company performance variables and the three selected macroeconomic variables for the past three years using a correlation graph. Be sure to include the graph that represents the correlation.
c) Assess how the current monetary policy and fiscal policy in the United States may impact your chosen company’s financial performance in the short term (six months to one year). Justify your response.
Part II Milestone: Overview and Macroeconomic Variables In Module Eight, you will submit the overview (Section I) and macroeconomic variables (Section II) components of your macroeconomic analysis paper. This milestone is a two-page paper structured as follows: First, it provides an overview consisting of a brief description of the chosen company, your chosen product or service, and annual sales. Second, it describes three macroeconomic variables in the United States that impact the supply and demand of your chosen product or service. Third, using graphs in Excel, it interprets the trends of the three selected macroeconomic variables for the past three years. Fourth, based on the trends of the three macroeconomic variables, it assesses how the trends will impact the supply and demand of your chosen product or service. Include all calculations in an Excel file. This milestone will be graded with the Part II Milestone Rubric. Part II Final Submission: Macroeconomic Analysis Paper In Module Ten, you will submit your complete macroeconomic analysis paper. It should be a complete, polished artifact containing all of the critical elements of Final Project Part II, including Sections III and IV. The final submission should first describe the current monetary and fiscal policies in the United States. Consider including how these policies affect your company and its products and services. Second, it should predict how possible changes in monetary and/or fiscal policy may impact the supply and demand of your product or service. Third, it should describe the trends of two previously selected company performance variables (e.g., sales, stock pricing, net income) over the past three years. Keep in mind these are the performance variables selected in the microeconomic analysis. Fourth, it should analyze the relationship between the two company performance variables and the three selected macroeconomic variables for the past three years using a correlation graph. Be sure to include the graph that represents the correlation. Finally, it should assess how the current monetary policy and fiscal policy in the United States may impact your chosen company’s financial performance in the short term (six months to one year). Justify your response. The final macroeconomic analysis paper should incorporate feedback from Part II Milestone and should also reflect the incorporation of feedback gained throughout the course. This submission will be graded with the Final Project Part II Rubric.
Final Project Part II Rubric Guidelines for Submission: Your final macroeconomic analysis paper should adhere to the following formatting requirements: 5–6 pages, double-spaced, using 12-point Times New Roman font and the most current version of APA formatting. Instructor Feedback: This activity uses an integrated rubric in Blackboard. Students can view instructor feedback in the Grade Center. For more information, review these instructions.
Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (90%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Overview Meets “Proficient” criteria and expertly balances key detail with brevity
Provides an overview consisting of a brief description of the chosen company and product or service, including annual sales
Provides an overview consisting of a brief description of the chosen company and product or service, including annual sales, but overview has gaps in accuracy or detail
Does not provide an overview consisting of a brief description of the chosen company and product or service, including annual sales
Macroeconomic Variables: Impact
Meets “Proficient” criteria and demonstrates a nuanced understanding of the effects of macroeconomic variables on the supply and demand of the company’s product or service
Selects and logically justifies three macroeconomic variables in the United States that impact the supply and demand of product or service
Selects and justifies three macroeconomic variables in the United States that impact the supply and demand of product or service but selection has gaps in accuracy or justification is illogical
Does not select three macroeconomic variables in the United States that impact the supply and demand of product or service, justifying selections
Macroeconomic Variables: Trends
Meets “Proficient” criteria and demonstrates a nuanced understanding of the meaning behind trends in macroeconomic variables
Logically interprets the trends of the three macroeconomic variables for the past three years, including gathered data
Interprets the trends of the three macroeconomic variables for the past three years, including gathered data, but interpretation is illogical or data has gaps in accuracy or detail
Does not interpret the trends of the three macroeconomic variables for the past three years, including gathered data
Macroeconomic Variables: Assess
Meets “Proficient” criteria and shows sophisticated insight into the effects of macroeconomic variables on supply and demand of products or services
Assesses how macroeconomic variables will impact supply and demand of product or service based on trends
Assesses how macroeconomic variables will impact supply and demand of product or service but with gaps in accuracy or relevance to trends
Does not assess how macroeconomic variables will impact supply and demand of product or service
Macroeconomic Policies: Monetary and Fiscal Policies
Meets “Proficient” criteria and description includes key details about how U.S. policies affect companies
Describes current monetary and fiscal policies in the United States
Describes current monetary and fiscal policies in the United States but with gaps in accuracy or detail
Does not describe the current monetary and fiscal policies in the United States
Macroeconomic Policies: Possible
Meets “Proficient” criteria and shows keen insight into how monetary and/or fiscal policies impact supply and demand
Logically predicts how possible changes in monetary and/or fiscal policy may impact supply and demand of product or service
Predicts how possible changes in monetary and/or fiscal policy may impact supply and demand of product or service but with gaps in logic or detail
Does not predict how possible changes in monetary and/or fiscal policy may impact supply and demand of product or service
Conditions and Company
Performance: Variables
Meets “Proficient” criteria and demonstrates a nuanced understanding of recent company performance variable trends
Describes trends of two company performance variables over the past three years
Describes trends of two company performance variables over the past three years but with gaps in accuracy
Does not describe trends of two company performance variables over the past three years
Conditions and Company
Performance: Relationship
Meets “Proficient” criteria and demonstrates a nuanced understanding of the relationship between company performance variables and macroeconomic variables
Analyzes relationship between company performance variables and selected macroeconomic variables over the past three years, including graph of correlation
Analyzes relationship between company performance variables and selected macroeconomic variables over the past three years, including graph of correlation, but with gaps in accuracy or necessary detail
Does not analyze relationship between company performance variables and selected macroeconomic variables over the past three years, including graph of correlation
Conditions and Company
Performance: Policy Impact
Meets “Proficient” criteria and shows keen insight into how current monetary and fiscal policies in United States may impact company’s financial performance in the short term
Logically assesses how current monetary and fiscal policies in United States may impact company’s financial performance in the short term, justifying response
Assesses how current monetary and fiscal policies in United States may impact company’s financial performance in the short term, justifying response, but assessment or justification has gaps in logic or detail
Does not assess how current monetary and fiscal policies in United States may impact company’s financial performance in the short term and justify response
Articulation of Response
Submission is free of errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, and organization and is presented in a professional and easy-to- read format
Submission has no major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization
Submission has major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that negatively impact readability and articulation of main ideas
Submission has critical errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that prevent understanding of ideas
Total 100%
Varaprasad Mareedu
ID: 002836646
ITS 836 Data Science & Big data
Professor: Dr. Helen Schleckser
Date: 02/15/2020
Bitcoin Blockchain
The biggest problem facing the Bitcoin community today is the political in-fighting and it’s potential to split the blockchain. Right now, Bitcoin has many advantages in the market, including being the most well know cryptocurrency, being the most supported fiat-to-cryptocurrency exchange method and being the largest blockchain by market cap. While Bitcoin is not innovating as quickly as other blockchains, they are making a good attempt at being the go-to cryptocurrency for investors. So long as no one rocks the boat, they can maintain this momentum. However, if a failure happens with the Segwit transition and the chain splits, all of this momentum can be halted.
The problem comes down to a lack of leadership. Since the departure of many key figures in the Bitcoin community, most importantly Satoshi Nakamoto, there is a distinct lack of moral authority around the community. Instead, you’re seeing a lot of foul play and high visibility exits with no one leading the ship. If Bitcoin is to survive unscathed, they need a strong figure to re-emerge and start directing action.
Challenge Facing Bitcoin Blockchain
Slower Transactions
One of the biggest challenge before Bitcoin is the issue of slower transactions. The duration for a transaction to be approved has increased drastically (CryptoScores, 2018). This has made Bitcoin take a hit. A number of businesses, who were initially very enthusiastic about Bitcoin, have stopped accepting Bitcoin. The issue of slower transaction was always around the corner since 2009. And, this only adds to the misery that how did the developers fail to come up with a solution until now. The average time taken for a Bitcoin transaction to be verified and approved is 43 minutes. And, there is a possibility that some Bitcoin transactions remain unverified forever.
The reason behind this is the transaction fee. Those who offer higher transaction fee gets verified before others who do not. This leads to formation of a queue in the list of transactions. This becomes painful for those who pay less or do not pay transaction fee. They are kept in waiting for hours and in very few cases, for even days to get their transaction completed or verified. This has enabled other cryptocurrencies such as Litecoin to eat up the market of Bitcoin.
Expensive Transactions
Every transaction through blockchain is subjected to a transaction fee which creates a queue. The order of business changes according to the highest payer. In simple words, whoever pays the highest amount for transaction fee gets their transaction approved before other. So, if a person has to send the money across instantly, he/she will need to pay an extraordinary amount of money which will directly make the whole transfer expensive (Shi, 2019). This has been widely criticised by people and analysts around the world. This has led a number of people to search for alternative options in cryptocurrencies.
Since Bitcoin operates on a public blockchain, it does not offer privacy. This drawback of Bitcoin has been used by other cryptocurrencies as their unique feature. A large number of people want privacy in transaction and hence considering a switch. Contrary to popular misconception, Bitcoin is not private but anonymous. No Bitcoin transaction is encrypted, each transaction is hashed. So, every transaction is public. In place of counting this as advantage, the point has been advertised by others as a disadvantage. Rival cryptocurrencies have addressed the same to their profit.
Bitcoin Technical Challenges
Blockchain is decentralized, this implies that no one is responsible for system security as well as maintaining. In blockchain, every node can secure the system by processing transaction. Blockchain transactions are directly linked to the user hence anyone can create a new wallet secretly and can transact through that wallet (Ahmed, 2020). Identity verification data like security numbers that cannot be openly stored in public smart contracts. Credential management is another factor which is not managed in an open, ultimately unsecured smart contracts.
Formal authentication of smart contracts is a big issue in blockchain. Formal verification is used to determine whether the program behaves as per the specification or not. One of the main issue with implementing blockchain into everyday lives is with the fact that all the projects, companies, firms etc. that utilizes Blockchain have made it seem too technical hence it stands out as something for only the tech people. The term blockchain alone scares the common man because of the way it has been presented. Also blockchain platforms don’t have any centralized authority to control and it’s completely trustless and open system where no one responsible for setting and maintaining standards.
Solving Bitcoin Blockchain Challenges
Testing has become the most important aspect in success of implementation of blockchain Technology due to decentralized peer to peer architecture with shared ledger available to the network nodes. This ensure that all the transactions are capture within the block which is continuously and securely linked to chain. Blockchain technology apply Smart Contract rule which is absolute, means once implemented it stays permanent (Michaud, 2018).
In an event a newer version of the contract is comes up, due to production error, then manual transfer of stored data is needed, which is a tiresome process. Blockchain application requires all the standard testing and validations such as functional, integration, security & performance with specialized testing as well as Smart Contract testing, Node testing, & advance level non-functional testing.
Integration testing – Blockchain always works with integration of other interfaces so key obligation is to facilitate consistent feedback from all nodes and avoid any system failure. Proper information should be provided to the testing team for all interfaces along with their response status.
Performance- Performance testing is challenging for blockchain as it is very difficult to replicate production like environment for performance testing. It needs to be tested for network latency in relation to node size, network range, possible transaction rate and time it takes to process a transaction. Blockchain platform performance, scalability and stability
Security – it is critical to determine network integrity at all time. All blockchain transactions are encrypted but once the identity layer is compromised the instant transaction cannot be stopped. In security several testing must be done such as blockchain access testing, secure hash algorithm testing, blockchain wallet signature testing.
Blockchain might be one technology but it has applications across multiple industries. Whether we talk about healthcare or finance, politics or manufacturing, there are ways to implement the technology in different ways. For instance, transparency and accuracy in voting can be achieved with tokenized votes in any major election. In the same way, banking services can be made more accessible, affordable, and faster with cryptocurrencies. There are many other applications of blockchain and change has already begun. It won’t be wrong to assume that a major shift in blockchain adoption can be observed within the next 5 years. Blockchain can possibly change the manner in which all industries operate, especially the manner in which business transactions are conducted as well as verified.
It will be easy for organizations to find the right people to fill a certain position within the organization as there will be a database containing this information. Vetting and screening candidates will be easy. The social effect of blockchain innovation has just started to be acknowledged and this may simply be a hint of something bigger. Cryptocurrencies have just created doubts over financial services through computerized wallets, the rollout of ATMs and the arrangement of advances and installment frameworks. While considering the way that there are in excess of 2 billion individuals on the planet today without a bank account, such move is surely an actual life changer and must be a positive one.
Michaud, K. (2018). Why Blockchain: The Complete Guide to Understanding Bitcoin and Blockchain. Kyle Michaud.
CryptoScores. (2018). Bitcoin, Blockchain, & Cryptocurrency: A Complete Guide. Author.
Baker, C. (2019). Bitcoin and Blockchain Technology! The Ultimate Beginner's Guide Informazioni Su Bitcoin, Blockchain, Blockchain Applications, Cryptocurrency Mining and Investing.
Shi, N. (2019). Architectures and Frameworks for Developing and Applying Blockchain Technology. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
Ahmed, M. (2020). Blockchain in Data Analytics. Newcastle upon Tyne, PA: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
View of Beyond Cryptocurrencies: Influence Of Blockchain in Future. (n.d.). Retrieved from
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Study Summary
A study was conducted to build up an extensive classification of the types of use of research markers which can be applied in quantitative examinations. The classification was derived from the data on research about markers use given in the diary writing in the field of scientometrics/bibliometrics. Researchers showed the various classifications in the classification in terms of examples from which the classification has been inferred. By use of this methodology, researchers as well gave a picture of recent study which mention the utilization of research performance markers.
Study Outcomes
The review of the current application of research pointers exhibited in the study uncovers the pertinence of information coordination and interoperability: there is such a variety of application, that no single marker can serve every one of them, nor is it likely that any marker is valuable for only one of these reasons (Celeux & Murphy, 2019). This implies most purposes must be served by a mix of markers and that, simultaneously, numerous markers will fill a few needs however together with various mixes of different markers. This, thus, implies it is profoundly alluring that information from various sources and various pointers can be identified with one another, and share normal definitions and characterizations so they can be used together.
Study results likewise uncovered that the information sources and markers are characterized by our classification of sorts of use. This demonstrated where similarity or 'relatability' is generally required and what sort of activity has furthest significance. Hence, on the off chance that things being what they are, a specific set of markers is frequently used with the end goal of the allocation of financing to colleges, at that point it bodes well to organize the work on a typical depiction of colleges in this set markers and the core information sources. Subsequently, the stupendous moves presented to the present foundation can be tended to all the more effectively and even be guided by utilizing our classification of types of use.
Role of Classification
In finance, time is of essence hence you must be able collect data, run a model, and deliver desired outcome at the same time to be able to monetize any possible opportunity. Clustering algorithms can also be used to classify documents based on their content. One of the most famous is K-means. LDA method is also a way for classifying text from a semantic point of view. All those classifiers are first trained with labeled data (Vidales, 2019). It means that they learn from the labeled data how to do their task. Fitness wrist bands such as fitbit ones are trained to recognize user’s activity such as walking, cycling, running or sleeping. This way they can measure and report activities with great precision.
Celeux & Murphy. (2019). Model-Based Clustering and Classification for Data Science: With Applications in R. Cambridge, FL: Cambridge University Press.
Vidales, A. (2019). Data Science with Matlab. Classification Techniques. FL: Independently Published.
Jiang & Shekhar. (2017). Spatial Big Data Science: Classification Techniques for Earth Observation Imagery. Basingstoke, FL: Springer.

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