Go to
The General Social Survey (Links to an external site.)
website and open the GSS Questionnaires.
Open the 2018 Questionnaires (the first part of the Questionnaire is a Table of Contents that lists the questions administered and the respective page for more information).
Select 2 measurements that interest you and can demonstrate how concepts are measured (do not use categorical items, e.g., SEX, ADDRESS, CITY, etc.)
Present the following:
GSS 2018 Ballot 1 – English Questionnaire
Present the 2 Measurements referencing the GSS name, and the prompt, the measurement Categories and the page number.
NATSPAC: Categorical (Single), p. 44
The space exploration program … are we spending too much, too little, or about the right amount on the space exploration program?
- Too little
- About right
- Too much
4. After presenting each set, comment about how the concept/ construct is measured. Propose an alternative way or a better way to measure this?

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