<Insert Your Name and Class>
IT Online Training Application Design Specification
<Notes: The items in <> are explanatory and should be removed from your final document after you follow the directions. When you submit your specification, make certain that you use the formatting and numbering in this document. This specification highlights some of the design artifacts in an application.>
1. Introduction
<Provide a brief introduction of the contents of this document.>
1.1 Purpose
<Describe the purpose of this document.>
1.2 Scope
<Describe the scope of the software to be produced.>
1.3 References
<Insert references to other documents and their sections that are relevant to this document like IT Online Training Analysis Specification and the Analysis Specification.>
2. System Architecture
<Provide a brief introduction of the contents of this section and a general description of the software system including its functionality.>
2.1. Assumptions and Dependencies
<Describe any assumptions or dependencies regarding the software and its use. Consider related software or hardware, operating system, end-user characteristics, etc.>
2.2. General Constraints
<Describe any limitations or constraints that have a significant impact on the design of the system’s software and describe its impact. This can include hardware or software environment, end-user environment, availability or volatility of resources, standards, security requirements, memory or other capacity limitations, performance requirements, etc.>
2.3 Proposed System Architecture.
<Insert your proposed System Architecture diagram.>
2.3.1 System Architecture Discussion
<Provide a discussion of your proposed system architecture and a general description of the software system including its functionality and the specific requirements it meets based on the IT Online Training System Requirements.>
3. 4+1 Architecture
<Provide an introduction of the 4+1 architecture. >
3.1 Logical View
<According to FCGSS (2007), The logical view “focuses on realizing an application’s functionality in terms of structural elements, key abstractions and mechanisms, separation of concerns and distribution of responsibilities.” Include a brief description of the UML diagram you would propose for this view. If you have already created this model, insert it here with a discussion.>
3.2 Process View
<According to FCGSS (2007), the logical view “considers non-functional aspects such as performance, scalability and throughput. It addresses the issues of concurrency, distribution and fault tolerance. It shows the main abstractions from the Logical View executing over a thread as an operation.” Include a brief description of the UML diagram you would propose for this view. If you have already created this model, insert it here with a discussion.>
3.3 Implementation or Development View (Subsystem Decomposition)
<According to FCGSS (2007), “this is a view of a system’s architecture that encompasses the components used to assemble and release a physical system. This view focuses on configuration management and actual software module organization in the development environment. The software is actually packaged into components that can be developed and tested by the development team”. Include a brief description of the UML diagram you would propose for this view. If you have already created this model, insert it here.>
3.4 Deployment View
< According to FCGSS (2007), the deployment or physical view” encompasses the nodes that form the system’s hardware topology on which the system executes; it focuses on distribution, communication and provisioning.” This view maps the software to the hardware components. Include a brief description of the UML diagram you would propose for this view. If you have already created this model, insert it and a discussion here.>
3.5 Use Case View
<According to FCGSS (2007), the use case view “encompasses the use cases that describe the behavior of the system as seen by its end users and other stakeholders. Include a brief description of the UML diagram you would propose for this view. If you have already created this model, insert it and a discussion here.>
4. Application Class Design
<Provide a brief introduction of the contents of this section.>
4.1 Application Class Diagram
<An application class diagram includes model (entity), view (boundary), and controller classes that are used to implement a use case. Application classes define the application itself—the software. Insert your application class diagram based on your detailed use case and form/web page mockups.>
4.2 Application Class Diagram Discussion
<Discuss your application class diagram based on your detailed use case and mockups.>
5. Class Design
<Provide a brief introduction of the contents of this section.>
5.1. Detailed Class Diagram
<Include your class diagram and the two classes in your Assignment for which you provide a detailed class design including attributes and operations. Add visibility as well. >
5.2. Detailed Class Diagram Discussion
<Provide a discussion of your detailed class diagram. Provide a description of the class and discuss the class, attributes, and operations. Use the Use Case and Sequence Diagram or other items to justify the allocation of operations to this class.>
6. Testing
<Provide a brief introduction of the contents of this section. You are to create a test case scenario based on your assignment directions and two test cases with discussion for your detailed use case.>
6.1 Test Case Scenario
< Provide a test scenario for your detailed use case. Include the test scenario name and description.>
Test Scenario Name: <Insert the name of your test scenario here.>
Test Scenario Description: <Insert the description of your test scenario here.>
6.2 Test Case 1
<Provide a test case based on your scenario above for your detailed use case. Complete the following table for your test case:
Test Case 1 Name: |
Test Case 1 Description: |
Test Case 1 Prerequisites: |
Test Case 1 Steps |
Test Case 1 Input |
Test Case 1 Expected Result |
Test Case 1 Actual Result |
Test Case 1 Status |
6.2.1 Test Case 1 Discussion
<Provide a discussion of your Test Case 1.>
6.3 Test Case 2
<Provide a test case based on your scenario above for your detailed use case. Complete the following table for your test case:
Test Case 2 Name: |
Test Case 2 Description: |
Test Case 2 Prerequisites: |
Test Case 2 Steps |
Test Case 2 Input |
Test Case 2 Expected Result |
Test Case 2 Actual Result |
Test Case 2 Status |
6.3.1 Test Case 2 Discussion
<Provide a discussion of your Test Case 2.>
7. Data Design
<Provide a brief introduction of the contents of this section.>
7.1 Persistent Data Model
<Provide a class diagram (without operations) of persistent data (data that must be stored in some file or database management system). This is usually the domain class diagram (entity classes) with attributes, relationships, and multiplicity constraints specified. You must include primary and foreign keys in your diagram.>
7.1.2 Persistent Data Model Discussion
<Include a discussion of the data model.>
7.2 SQL Statements
<Provide the SQL statements including primary and foreign key constraints for two of your domain classes. Include your class diagram here as well.>
7.2.1 SQL Statement Discussion
<Include a discussion of the data model.>
8. Program Implementation
<Provide a brief introduction of the contents of this section.>
8.1 Java for Classes
<Provide Java statements for your two classes in Section 5 of this document. Follow the examples in Chapter 18 of your textbook.>
8.2 Program Implementation Discussion
<Include a discussion of your Java statements. >
<Insert other material you feed is relevant to the project.>
IT Online Training Application Project Part II Page 11
<Insert Your Name and Class>
IT Online Training Application Design Specification
<Notes: The items in <> are explanatory and should be removed from your final document after you follow the directions. When you submit your specification, make certain that you use the formatting and numbering in this document. This specification highlights some of the design artifacts in an application.>
1. Introduction
<Provide a brief introduction of the contents of this document.>
1.1 Purpose
<Describe the purpose of this document.>
1.2 Scope
<Describe the scope of the software to be produced.>
1.3 References
<Insert references to other documents and their sections that are relevant to this document like IT Online Training Analysis Specification and the Analysis Specification.>
2. System Architecture
<Provide a brief introduction of the contents of this section and a general description of the software system including its functionality.>
2.1. Assumptions and Dependencies
<Describe any assumptions or dependencies regarding the software and its use. Consider related software or hardware, operating system, end-user characteristics, etc.>
2.2. General Constraints
<Describe any limitations or constraints that have a significant impact on the design of the system’s software and describe its impact. This can include hardware or software environment, end-user environment, availability or volatility of resources, standards, security requirements, memory or other capacity limitations, performance requirements, etc.>
2.3 Proposed System Architecture.
<Insert your proposed System Architecture diagram.>
2.3.1 System Architecture Discussion
<Provide a discussion of your proposed system architecture and a general description of the software system including its functionality and the specific requirements it meets based on the IT Online Training System Requirements.>
3. 4+1 Architecture
<Provide an introduction of the 4+1 architecture. >
3.1 Logical View
<According to FCGSS (2007), The logical view “focuses on realizing an application’s functionality in terms of structural elements, key abstractions and mechanisms, separation of concerns and distribution of responsibilities.” Include a brief description of the UML diagram you would propose for this view. If you have already created this model, insert it here with a discussion.>
3.2 Process View
<According to FCGSS (2007), the logical view “considers non-functional aspects such as performance, scalability and throughput. It addresses the issues of concurrency, distribution and fault tolerance. It shows the main abstractions from the Logical View executing over a thread as an operation.” Include a brief description of the UML diagram you would propose for this view. If you have already created this model, insert it here with a discussion.>
3.3 Implementation or Development View (Subsystem Decomposition)
<According to FCGSS (2007), “this is a view of a system’s architecture that encompasses the components used to assemble and release a physical system. This view focuses on configuration management and actual software module organization in the development environment. The software is actually packaged into components that can be developed and tested by the development team”. Include a brief description of the UML diagram you would propose for this view. If you have already created this model, insert it here.>
3.4 Deployment View
< According to FCGSS (2007), the deployment or physical view” encompasses the nodes that form the system’s hardware topology on which the system executes; it focuses on distribution, communication and provisioning.” This view maps the software to the hardware components. Include a brief description of the UML diagram you would propose for this view. If you have already created this model, insert it and a discussion here.>
3.5 Use Case View
<According to FCGSS (2007), the use case view “encompasses the use cases that describe the behavior of the system as seen by its end users and other stakeholders. Include a brief description of the UML diagram you would propose for this view. If you have already created this model, insert it and a discussion here.>
4. Application Class Design
<Provide a brief introduction of the contents of this section.>
4.1 Application Class Diagram
<An application class diagram includes model (entity), view (boundary), and controller classes that are used to implement a use case. Application classes define the application itself—the software. Insert your application class diagram based on your detailed use case and form/web page mockups.>
4.2 Application Class Diagram Discussion
<Discuss your application class diagram based on your detailed use case and mockups.>
5. Class Design
<Provide a brief introduction of the contents of this section.>
5.1. Detailed Class Diagram
<Include your class diagram and the two classes in your Assignment for which you provide a detailed class design including attributes and operations. Add visibility as well. >
5.2. Detailed Class Diagram Discussion
<Provide a discussion of your detailed class diagram. Provide a description of the class and discuss the class, attributes, and operations. Use the Use Case and Sequence Diagram or other items to justify the allocation of operations to this class.>
6. Testing
<Provide a brief introduction of the contents of this section. You are to create a test case scenario based on your assignment directions and two test cases with discussion for your detailed use case.>
6.1 Test Case Scenario
< Provide a test scenario for your detailed use case. Include the test scenario name and description.>
Test Scenario Name: <Insert the name of your test scenario here.>
Test Scenario Description: <Insert the description of your test scenario here.>
6.2 Test Case 1
<Provide a test case based on your scenario above for your detailed use case. Complete the following table for your test case:
Test Case 1 Name: |
Test Case 1 Description: |
Test Case 1 Prerequisites: |
Test Case 1 Steps |
Test Case 1 Input |
Test Case 1 Expected Result |
Test Case 1 Actual Result |
Test Case 1 Status |
6.2.1 Test Case 1 Discussion
<Provide a discussion of your Test Case 1.>
6.3 Test Case 2
<Provide a test case based on your scenario above for your detailed use case. Complete the following table for your test case:
Test Case 2 Name: |
Test Case 2 Description: |
Test Case 2 Prerequisites: |
Test Case 2 Steps |
Test Case 2 Input |
Test Case 2 Expected Result |
Test Case 2 Actual Result |
Test Case 2 Status |
6.3.1 Test Case 2 Discussion
<Provide a discussion of your Test Case 2.>
7. Data Design
<Provide a brief introduction of the contents of this section.>
7.1 Persistent Data Model
<Provide a class diagram (without operations) of persistent data (data that must be stored in some file or database management system). This is usually the domain class diagram (entity classes) with attributes, relationships, and multiplicity constraints specified. You must include primary and foreign keys in your diagram.>
7.1.2 Persistent Data Model Discussion
<Include a discussion of the data model.>
7.2 SQL Statements
<Provide the SQL statements including primary and foreign key constraints for two of your domain classes. Include your class diagram here as well.>
7.2.1 SQL Statement Discussion
<Include a discussion of the data model.>
8. Program Implementation
<Provide a brief introduction of the contents of this section.>
8.1 Java for Classes
<Provide Java statements for your two classes in Section 5 of this document. Follow the examples in Chapter 18 of your textbook.>
8.2 Program Implementation Discussion
<Include a discussion of your Java statements. >
<Insert other material you feed is relevant to the project.>
IT Online Training Application Project Part II Page 11
1. Both required readings will be helpful--Larman (2001), Blaha and Rumbaugh (2005).
2. See also http://www.cs.gordon.edu/courses/cs211/AddressBookExample/Links.html for an almost complete UML model example. For detailed classes, see http://www.cs.gordon.edu/courses/cs211/AddressBookExample/ClassDesign.html
2. For implementing UML Composition Person and Address composition example at http://icarus.cs.weber.edu/~dab/cs1410/textbook/12.CPP_Relationships/progexample/actor3.html ,

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