EDUC 554
Lesson Plan Template (edTPA – Student Teaching)
This is the only approved template for EDUC 554, no other template will be accepted. All sections should be clearly addressed with specific details in the instructional sections. Be clear and concise with what you are teaching. Maximum page length per lesson plan is 4 pages.
Subject/Topic: English Language Arts/ Reading Comprehension |
Grade Level: 4th Grade
Lesson Structure or Grouping: Whole Class ☒ Small Group ☐ 1:1 ☐ Other (specify): Click or tap here to enter text. |
Learning Segment Theme: Cause and Effect |
Resources and Materials: White board, Cause & Effect Youtube video -, C&E Day 1 Intro Lesson and Sorting Activity-, C&E Day 3 Task Cards Google Forms Version- independently. |
Standards: State: 4.5 The student will read and demonstrate comprehension of fictional texts, literary nonfiction, and poetry. J) Identify cause-and-effect relationships. National: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RI.4.5 Describe the overall structure (e.g., chronology, comparison, cause/effect, problem/solution) of events, ideas, concepts, or information in a text or part of a text. |
Objective: The student will be able to determine which of two events is the cause and which is the effect on 9 out of 12 questions independently. |
Language Demands: The 4th grade students will need to know that a cause is an action, and the effect is what happens. Student must also be familiar with conjunctions, prepositions, and transitional phrases. Language Supports: The teacher will provide the following example of Cause & Effect –Ms. Bauer’s shirt was wrinkled, so she ironed it. Essential Vocabulary: Cause, Effect, Relationship, Conjunctions, Preposition, Transitional Phrases |
Direct Instruction/Modeling: The teacher will explain that author’s write stories and will organize them using different text structures and today we will be learning about Cause & Effect. The teacher will ask students have ever heard of Cause & Effect before. The teacher will call on students and record answers on the white board. The teacher will then show the following Youtube video to introduce Cause & Effect - After watching, the teacher will provide several examples of Cause & Effect relationships making sure to write them on the board and pointing out what the “Cause” is and what the “Effect” would be. The teacher will explain that sometimes the Effect is listed first, and sometimes the Cause is listed first. The teacher will go over conjunction, preposition and transitional phrases and show how they relate to Cause-and-Effect relationships. The teacher will then call on students to provide examples orally. |
Guided Practice: The teacher will then project the activity “C&E Day 1 Intro Lesson and Sorting Activity” -, The teacher will guide students through this as a whole group activity. Students will take turns answering aloud and the teacher will drag and drop each event from the left side to the empty box next to the cause or effect it matches. |
Independent Practice: Students will log into Google Classroom and complete the C&E Day 3 Task Cards Google Forms Version- independently. |
Closure: |
Supporting Students with Special Needs: The fourth-grade classroom consists of 22 students. There are 12 girls and 10 boys. There are 9 Hispanic students, 8 White students, and 5 African American students. 9 students review ELL services and accommodations, 2 students have IEPs, and 2 students have 504 Behavior Plans. Student 1 with an IEP receives IEP services under his Other Health Impairment disability. He gets collaborative math and language arts. His accommodations include access to word prediction software for writing assignments, breaks during instruction and testing (at least 1 time per hour) and independent work modified to be on instructional level. Student 2 with an IEP receives IEP services under her Other Health Impairment and Emotional disability. She gets collaborative math and language arts and receives adult support during Virginia Studies. Her accommodations include chunked information, complete copy of notes, positive behavior chart, breaks during instruction, small group testing and reduced assignments. During independent practice, the teacher will group ELL and IEP students together. The teacher will read each question and possible answers aloud, and students will choose their best answer. Challenging Above-Average Students: For this lesson, above-average students will be given a more challenging assignment that includes writing 2 sentences that include Cause & Effect relationships. Facilitating a Classroom Environment that Supports Student Learning: The teacher will consider each students learning needs and academic ability. The teacher will go over classroom expectations when completing independent work and remind students of expectations and behaviors in a whole group lesson. The teacher will also use words of encouragement and positive praise to support student learning. Extension: Students can engage in further exposure to the weekly comprehension skill by drawing a picture that represents Cause & Effect relationship. Above-average students can write a sentence to go with each picture. |
Diagnostic/Pre-Assessment: Individual student performance can be assessed during the introduction of the lesson. The teacher will assess students’ interaction during class discussion relating to the Cause & Effect examples provided. Formative Assessment: Teacher evaluation of the whole group Cause & Effect activity will help determine if students need additional instruction and examples provided. Summative Assessment: |
EDUC 554
Lesson Plan Template (edTPA – Student Teaching)
This is the only approved template for EDUC 554, no other template will be accepted. All sections should be clearly addressed with specific details in the instructional sections. Be clear and concise with what you are teaching. Maximum page length per lesson plan is 4 pages.
Subject/Topic: Click or tap here to enter text. |
Grade Level: Click or tap here to enter text.
Lesson Structure or Grouping: Whole Class ☐ Small Group ☐ 1:1 ☐ Other (specify): Click or tap here to enter text. |
Learning Segment Theme: Click or tap here to enter text. |
Resources and Materials: Click or tap here to enter text. |
Standards: State: Click or tap here to enter text. National: Click or tap here to enter text. |
Objective: Click or tap here to enter text. |
Language Demands: Click or tap here to enter text. Language Supports: Click or tap here to enter text. Essential Vocabulary: Click or tap here to enter text. |
Direct Instruction/Modeling: Click or tap here to enter text. |
Guided Practice: Click or tap here to enter text. |
Independent Practice: Click or tap here to enter text. |
Closure: Click or tap here to enter text. |
Supporting Students with Special Needs: Click or tap here to enter text. Challenging Above-Average Students: Click or tap here to enter text. Facilitating a Classroom Environment that Supports Student Learning: Click or tap here to enter text. Extension: Click or tap here to enter text. |
Diagnostic/Pre-Assessment: Click or tap here to enter text. Formative Assessment: Click or tap here to enter text. Summative Assessment: Click or tap here to enter text. |
EDUC 554
Differentiating Literacy Lesson Plan Grading Rubric
Content |
Advanced |
Proficient |
Developing |
Not present |
Original Lesson Plan
20 to 22 points Excellent details from the original lesson plan are provided using the lesson plan template. All criteria are included from the following sections—topic/skill, instructional, and assessment. All resources, handouts, or links are included which are needed to teach out the lesson successfully. |
18 to 19 points Details from the original lesson plan are provided using the lesson plan template. Most of the criteria are included from the following sections—topic/skill, instructional, and assessment. OR A resource, handout, or link is omitted which is needed to carry out the lesson successfully. |
1 to 17 points Details from the original lesson plan are provided using the lesson plan template. The criteria from the following sections—topic/skill, instructional, and assessment—have missing components or are incomplete. OR The missing resources, handouts, or links hinder the lesson from being carried out successfully. |
0 points The requirements are missing. |
Differentiated Lesson |
20 to 22 points The original lesson is adapted with specific, detailed differentiations for a selected population. The only sections that are differentiated are the instructional and assessment sections. All resources, handouts, or links are included coded with DI which are necessary for the lesson to be differentiated successfully. The DI clearly meets the needs of the selected population. |
18 to 19 points The original lesson is adapted with differentiations for a selected population. The sections that are differentiated are the instructional or assessment sections. OR A resource, handout, or link coded with DI is missing which is necessary for the lesson to be differentiated successfully. The DI meets the needs of the selected population. |
1 to 17 points The original lesson is adapted with differentiations, but the specific population is not identified. The instructional or assessment sections have missing DI components making the lesson unclear. OR The missing differentiated resources, handouts, or links hinder the lesson from being carried out successfully.
0 points The requirements are missing. |
Written Report |
17 to 19 points A clear description of the literacy focus for the distinct student population along with an overview of the differentiation in the lesson is provided clearly and logically. A thorough explanation of how the differentiation supports and impacts student learning of the specific population is provided. The report is 500 to 600 words in length. |
16 points A description of the literacy focus for the distinct student population along with an overview of the differentiation in the lesson is provided. An explanation of how the differentiation supports or impacts student learning of the specific population is provided. The report is 10 to 100 words above or below the length. |
1 to 15 points A description of the literacy focus for the distinct student population along with an overview of the differentiation in the lesson is missing. OR An explanation of how the differentiation supports or impacts student learning of the specific population is missing, OR The report is 110 or more above or below the required word length. |
0 points The requirements are missing. |
Structure – 30% |
Advanced |
Proficient |
Developing |
Not present |
Grammar and Spelling |
12 to 13 points Correct spelling and grammar are used throughout the essay. There are 0–2 errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content. |
11 points There are 3–5 errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content. |
1 to 10 points There are 6–10 errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content. |
0 points Not present |
Current APA format Reference page |
13 to 14 points There is 0–1 minor error in current APA formatting in the required items: title and reference page. |
12 points There are 2–3 minor errors in current APA format in the required items.
1 to 11 points There are more than 3 errors in current APA format in the required items.
0 points Not present |
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EDUC 554
Differentiating Literacy Lesson Plan Instructions
The purpose of this assignment is for you to select ONE lesson plan from your practicum and modify it for a distinct student population: a disability (one of these categories only - dyslexia, reading difficulty, or learning disability) or English language learners. In addition, you will support other educators by creating instruction that supports the literacy development of diverse classroom populations.
There are three steps to the assignment: 1) include instructional and assessment sections from the original lesson plan (using the lesson plan template), 2) revise the instructional and assessment sections of the lesson to differentiate for selected population, and 3) explain how a teacher would differentiate and provide supports for this distinct student population in a written evaluation.
Step 1- Original Lesson Plan
1. From original lesson plan, cut and paste the topic/skill sections, the instructional sections and assessment section.
2. Include all resources, handouts, links teacher will need to include in lesson (everything the teacher or student will see or use).
Step 2- Differentiating Lesson for Specific Population of Student(s)
1. Write a differentiated lesson plan specifically addressing the selected population. The entire lesson is not rewritten, only the instructional sections and assessment section.
1. Include all NEW differentiated resources, handouts, links teacher will need to include in lesson (everything the teacher or student will see or use).
2. Label differentiated resources with the code “DI” (differentiated instruction).
3. It should be clear as to how you are differentiating the lesson. Include details.
Step 3- Written Report (Evaluation of Differentiated Literacy Lesson)
1. Describe the literacy focus for the distinct student population and how differentiation is seen in the lesson.
2. Explain how a teacher would differentiate and provide supports for this distinct student population.
3. Word count is 500-600 words, written in proper paragraph format.
4. Graduate level writing should adhere to current APA guidelines and should be free of grammatical/mechanical errors, including a cover page and reference page.
5. No additional research-based articles are required.

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