Cadence Publishes Comprehensive Book on Mixed-Signal Methodology; The "Mixed-Signal Methodology Guide" Provides Expert Direction on How to Address Design, Verification and Implementation Challenges of Modern Mixed- Signal Designs Publication info: M2 Presswire ; Coventry [Coventry]14 Aug 2012.

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ABSTRACT SAN JOSE, Calif. -- Cadence Design Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ: CDNS), a leader in global electronic design innovation,

today announced availability of the critically acclaimed and much anticipated comprehensive design methodology

book for chip designers and CAD engineers that focuses on current and future advanced mixed-signal design

challenges and solutions. The "Mixed-Signal Methodology Guide" provides an overview of the design, verification

and implementation methodologies required for advanced mixed-signal designs. The book brings together top

mixed-signal design experts from across the industry -- including authors from Boeing, Cadence(R), ClioSoft and

Qualcomm -- to address the complex problems facing the mixed-signal design community.

"Modern mixed-signal design require new methodologies to improve productivity, reduce design time and achieve

silicon success," said Hao Fang, engineering director at LSI. "The Mixed-Signal Methodology Guide is a thorough

reference book on advanced verification and implementation methodologies. It will be particularly useful to mixed-

signal verification engineers for its coverage of analog behavioral modeling, and assertion and metric driven

verification methodology as applied to analog and mixed-signal design." FULL TEXT M2 PRESSWIRE-August 14, 2012-Cadence Publishes Comprehensive Book on Mixed-Signal Methodology; The

"Mixed-Signal Methodology Guide" Provides Expert Direction on How to Address Design, Verification and

Implementation Challenges of Modern Mixed-Signal Designs


August 13, 2012

SAN JOSE, Calif. -- Cadence Design Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ: CDNS), a leader in global electronic design innovation,

today announced availability of the critically acclaimed and much anticipated comprehensive design methodology

book for chip designers and CAD engineers that focuses on current and future advanced mixed-signal design

challenges and solutions. The "Mixed-Signal Methodology Guide" provides an overview of the design, verification

and implementation methodologies required for advanced mixed-signal designs. The book brings together top

mixed-signal design experts from across the industry -- including authors from Boeing, Cadence(R), ClioSoft and

Qualcomm -- to address the complex problems facing the mixed-signal design community.

The growing complexity of today's mixed-signal designs requires major changes in design methodology to both

increase productivity and deliver high quality products on time. This wide-ranging compendium examines in depth

such topics as AMS behavioral modeling, mixed-signal metric-driven verification, concurrent mixed-signal physical

implementation, analog scaling at advanced nodes, IC package integration and data management for mixed-signal



The volume is intended for design teams looking for improvements in their mixed-signal design flows. For

managers, it provides an overview of modern mixed-signal methodologies to make it easier to understand and plan

for investment in design capabilities and skills. The guide also helps analog and digital designers value the

domains and disciplines of one another and learn about more efficient ways to collaborate, which is critical for the

overall success of mixed-signal projects.

Comments from leading mixed-signal design companies:

"The Mixed-Signal Methodology Guide is an outstanding resource for both new and experienced circuit designers

to understand the many facets of mixed-signal design and verification," said Dr. Kush Gulati, , general manager for

Advanced IP Development at Maxim Integrated Products and co-founder of Cambridge Analog Technologies. "The

many real-world examples provided in this book, along with the provided example code, make this book a must-

read for anyone involved in the day-to-day design of mixed-signal systems."

"Modern mixed-signal design require new methodologies to improve productivity, reduce design time and achieve

silicon success," said Hao Fang, engineering director at LSI. "The Mixed-Signal Methodology Guide is a thorough

reference book on advanced verification and implementation methodologies. It will be particularly useful to mixed-

signal verification engineers for its coverage of analog behavioral modeling, and assertion and metric driven

verification methodology as applied to analog and mixed-signal design."

"With the growing demand for mixed-signal ICs, now is the time for the industry to upgrade their approach to

mixed-signal design," says David Peterman, EDA Strategy Manager, Texas Instruments, "The Mixed-Signal

Methodology Guide is a solid step in the right direction. The verification and implementation techniques and

design examples provide valuable guidance for engineers addressing the challenges in advanced mixed-signal


Now available:

The 408 page "Mixed-Signal Methodology Guide," featuring a foreword by industry pioneer Alberto Sangiovanni-

Vincentelli, is available now at and will be available soon at For more details about the

book and ordering information- go to: . For more information about other Cadence

publications--go to .

About Cadence

Cadence enables global electronic design innovation and plays an essential role in the creation of today's

integrated circuits and electronics. Customers use Cadence software, hardware, IP, and services to design and

verify advanced semiconductors, consumer electronics, networking and telecommunications equipment, and

computer systems. The company is headquartered in San Jose, Calif., with sales offices, design centers, and

research facilities around the world to serve the global electronics industry. More information about the company,

its products, and services is available at .

For more information, please contact:

Nancy Szymanski

Cadence Design Systems, Inc.


[email protected]

((Comments on this story may be sent to [email protected])) DETAILS

Publication title: M2 Presswire; Coventry

Publication year: 2012


Database copyright  2020 ProQuest LLC. All rights reserved. Terms and Conditions Contact ProQuest

Publication date: Aug 14, 2012

Publisher: Normans Media Ltd

Place of publication: Coventry

Country of publication: United Kingdom, Coventry

Publication subject: Communications

Source type: Wire Feeds

Language of publication: English

Document type: News

ProQuest document ID: 1033272739

Document URL:

Copyright: (Copyright M2 Communications, 2012)

Last updated: 2012-08-14

Database: ProQuest Central


  • Cadence Publishes Comprehensive Book on Mixed-Signal Methodology; The "Mixed-Signal Methodology Guide" Provides Expert Direction on How to Address Design, Verification and Implementation Challenges of Modern Mixed-Signal Designs

Hitachi Adopts Cadence AMS Model-Based Methodology and Tools for Mixed-Signal Design Verification; Accelerated mixed-signal verification by 160X for one of its largest designs and reduced full-chip simulation time to 30 minutes Publication info: M2 Presswire ; Coventry [Coventry]02 June 2016.

ProQuest document link


SAN JOSE, Calif. -- Cadence Design Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ: CDNS) today announced that Hitachi, Ltd. (TSE:6501)

has adopted a Cadence(R) Analog Mixed-Signal (AMS) model-based methodology and tools to shorten the

verification cycle for one of its largest mixed-signal design projects. By upgrading its previous transistor-level

methodology to a model-based methodology, Hitachi successfully accelerated mixed-signal verification for this

project by 160X and reduced full-chip simulation time to 30 minutes. The results were achieved by comparing the

transistor-level and the model-based methodology on the same four CPUs. The significant reduction in the

verification cycle time provided Hitachi with the ability to meet time-to-market goals for designs that integrate both

analog and digital functions. FULL TEXT  

M2 PRESSWIRE-June 2, 2016-Hitachi Adopts Cadence AMS Model-Based Methodology and Tools for Mixed-Signal

Design Verification; Accelerated mixed-signal verification by 160X for one of its largest designs and reduced full-

chip simulation time to 30 minutes


June 2, 2016

SAN JOSE, Calif. -- Cadence Design Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ: CDNS) today announced that Hitachi, Ltd. (TSE:6501)

has adopted a Cadence(R) Analog Mixed-Signal (AMS) model-based methodology and tools to shorten the

verification cycle for one of its largest mixed-signal design projects. By upgrading its previous transistor-level

methodology to a model-based methodology, Hitachi successfully accelerated mixed-signal verification for this

project by 160X and reduced full-chip simulation time to 30 minutes. The results were achieved by comparing the

transistor-level and the model-based methodology on the same four CPUs. The significant reduction in the

verification cycle time provided Hitachi with the ability to meet time-to-market goals for designs that integrate both

analog and digital functions.

With its previous transistor-level methodology, Hitachi predominantly relied on block-level verification followed by

tuning analog-digital interfaces to ensure full-chip functionality, which typically required multiple, costly iterations.

By using a Verilog-AMS real number modeling and simulation flow supported by a full set of Cadence tools-

Virtuoso(R) Analog Design Environment (ADE), Spectre(R) Accelerated Parallel Simulator (APS), Spectre eXtensive

Partitioning Simulator (XPS), Virtuoso AMS Designer and Incisive(R) Enterprise Simulator-Hitachi reduced

iterations and met its accuracy requirements, ultimately speeding time to market.


For more information on the Cadence tools, please visit

"We've had a trusted partnership with Cadence for many years, and our effective collaboration produced a design

environment that significantly improved our productivity and helped us achieve design goals," said Satoshi Ueno,

director of Design Engineering Second Department, Technology Development Operation 1, IT Platform Products

Management Division, Information and Communication Technology Business Division at Hitachi, Ltd. "Cadence

has the behavioral modeling expertise, methodology and tools that we needed to reduce our verification time and

enable us to thoroughly verify our design-not just at the block level, but at the full-chip level, which includes

sensitive analog-digital interfaces. The gains achieved have had a positive impact on our business, and we also

plan to evaluate the Cadence tools and methodology for medical applications and various other system


About Cadence

Cadence enables global electronic design innovation and plays an essential role in the creation of today's

integrated circuits and electronics. Customers use Cadence software, hardware, IP and services to design and

verify advanced semiconductors, consumer electronics, networking and telecommunications equipment, and

computer systems. The company is headquartered in San Jose, Calif., with sales offices, design centers and

research facilities around the world to serve the global electronics industry. More information about the company,

its products and its services is available at

((Comments on this story may be sent to [email protected])) DETAILS

Publication title: M2 Presswire; Coventry

Publication year: 2016

Publication date: Jun 2, 2016

Publisher: Normans Media Ltd

Place of publication: Coventry

Country of publication: United Kingdom, Coventry

Publication subject: Communications

Source type: Wire Feeds

Language of publication: English

Document type: News

ProQuest document ID: 1793386486

Document URL:

Copyright: (Copyright M2 Communications, 2016)

Last updated: 2016-06-02


Database copyright  2020 ProQuest LLC. All rights reserved. Terms and Conditions Contact ProQuest

Database: ProQuest Central


  • Hitachi Adopts Cadence AMS Model-Based Methodology and Tools for Mixed-Signal Design Verification; Accelerated mixed-signal verification by 160X for one of its largest designs and reduced full-chip simulation time to 30 minutes

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