For this assignment, envision yourself looking to become an intelligence analyst working for a federal intelligence agency of your choice.

Write a three-page paper on the education and experience necessary to land a job as a federal agency intelligence analyst.

Provide some background on your job function, what you would do every day at work, and what areas of research and analysis you would expect to work on.

Include two reference list sources, used as in-text citations in your analysis, outside of the textbook. Acceptable sources include relevant government websites and peer-reviewed academic journal articles retrieved from the university library databases.


6th-8th Grade PE/Health


Indicator 1: Objectives

· Develop strength and abilities of the motor in a systematic movement to facilitate performances and competency.

· Standards: P-1134, P-1146, P-1076

· Develop endurance towards the promotion of health. (D, PH, N, H) NHS

· Coordinate influences from family, peers, culture, and technology (M)NHS 2

· Facilitate application of student’s ability to access valid health information and to enhance health. (C, S, CH) NHS 3

Specific Learning Objectives (SLOs)

· TSW implement level combinations of interest group skills through recurring patterns. TTWevaluate their administration skills on how to control steadiness in their bodies. Together with their ability to be guided through signals to set off and stop engagements.

· TSW substantial fitness will be analyzed. This will be achieved by educating students on the need to deploy exercise as a natural habit .physical fitness will not only be a key to physical health and promote mental health. This will also help students discover their skills through sports, gymnastics, climbing, and running. This will be analyzed by TTW by checking on activities that suit each student better.

· TSW health nutrition will be comprehended as a way to improve health and influence health behaviors. In addition, lessons on drug abuse and a balanced diet will help discover the need to stay healthy.



· Bell work

· Field

· Balls (volleyball, football)

· Gym equipment’s

· Computers

· Printed materials

· Visual materials

· Audio materials

Lesson Outline


TSW will log into their teams account as they enter the room and complete their bellwork.


After the student has completed the bell ringer TTW discuss then bell ringer then TSW put on their games kit as they walk towards the field carrying skipping ropes and their balls

When all students are done preparing, they are headed over to the field for their physical training education.TTW arrange students on different teams, writes down a lesson for the students, and start conversing with the students. "Hello students, it is essential for us to put into practice what I have been teaching you on physical health and the different ways we can improve teamwork. Therefore, I have arranged you into different groups in which we shall hold competition through dodgeball."

· Why would you consider dodgeball being a competitive sport?

· What will you do to make sure your team is not defeated?

· What are the physical exercise impacts on physical and mental health?

Teach to the Standards

1.) TTW begin by handing out the rules to dodgeball.

2.) TTW play a video of the sport dodgeball so that the students can see how it affects them mentally, physically and emotionally.

3.) TTW have the students to write down the pros and cons of dodgeball after watching the video.

4.) TSW share their pros and cons about dodgeball.

5.) TSW discuss how the feel like dodgeball can impact their lives.

6.) TW hand out differentiated level passages for the students to read about playing dodgeball.

7.) TSW read the passages on their level and answer the questions that follow.

8.) TTW ask the students what makes dodgeball a competitive sport.

9.) TSW write their thoughts down on paper.

10.) TTW give the students a sheet with the techniques of dodgeball on it.

11.) TSW work in their teams to see which techniques they will use to make their team the best team.

12.) TTW ask the students to share with the class the techniques their team chose to use.

13.) TTW give the students a writing prompt to write down how they brainstormed and planned to make their team the number one team.

14.) TTW direct the students to their assignment area in their teams account.

15.) TSW will use a brace map to break down what they brainstormed and then they will put everything together and upload it in teams as a journal.


TTW close the lesson by telling students how emotional, physical and mental health can be implemented in our everyday lives. Beyond the world of sports many others factors are involved when dealing with sports.

Indicator 2: Diversity

Various strategies will be deployed to facilitate comprehensive learning to all students through:

i. Visual: Video of dodgeball to demonstrate how the sport may affect the triangle.

ii. Auditory: Teacher questions and teacher explanation.

iii. Tactile: The students uses the map to break down their brainstorming ideas and piece it together into a journal.

Differentiated Instruction

· General: Students were given diagnostic test that measured their reading level, so the passages will be given based off of the reading level.

· Enrichment: Students who scored above the grade level will receive a more advanced passage on the same topic.

· Remediation: Students who scored below grade level will receive a regular passage that include vocabulary to better help them understand.

· IEP: Students will be required to listen to the studio version on the passage.

· Individual Accommodations: Student will receive one passage at a time with vocabulary so that they can analyse different aspects of the passage one at a time.

Indicator 3: Core content from other subjects

· Reading passages based on 6-8th grade Health Standard

· Students read and analyse how dodgeball can make an impact on our lives outside of the world of sports.

Indicator 4: Teaching Procedures

· Teachers will deploy physical skills and education on students in class in the field to help assess them academically.

· Different strategies are incorporated in the procedure when finding vocabulary in the passages that is using cooperative learning. Independent learning is used when preparing the journal entry. Teacher guided learning is also used when discussing the sport.

Indicator 5: Planning Assessments

· After the students used the map to revised what they learned to put in into their journal it can be classified as formative assessment.

· Through the future writing assessments, the lesson provides preparation for a summative assessment along with strong feedback.

· Teachers scoring sheets function acts as an assessment to determine students' indulgence without the teacher's presence along with conference with the students.

· Scoring sheets provide a final assessment of students' skills.

Indicator 6: Technology

· TTW use the smart board to break down the prompts and plan the journal entry.

· TTW will post screenshots of everything discussed into teams.

· TSW use digital writing structure in teams to type their planning.


Indicator 7: Communication Criteria

· The teacher will discuss with the students the assignment is given on Monday.

· Students copy those standards in their composition book on Monday.

· Teacher directly explains the quiz assignment.

· Teacher discusses the answers with students and give feedback.

· Teacher will go over the expectation for the journal entry along with the prompts to complete the assignment.

· Teacher will provide feedback into teams within 48 hours.

Indicator 8: Formative/summative assessments

· Teacher informally assess the students throughout the lesson.

· The teacher uses the planned journal entry as a formative assessment to guide instruction towards summative assessment: The Persuasive essay the students will write this term.


Indicators 9-19: will be observable in class.


Indicator 20: will be observable in class

Indicator 21: Student jobs:

1. Power on all computer and assist with logging in.

2. Takes up students work and put in file folders.

Indicator 22-24 : will be observable in class.


Indicator 25: Communication with parents

· Newsletter and reports to the parents regarding the progress of their students are sent out weekly.

· Daily notifications or weekly to remind parents about students' assignments and various reports.

· Student feedback for assignments and grades is present to view in teams and active parents.

· For failing students, first a phone call to parent then conference with parent.

· Progress reports and report cards are sent home every semester.

Professional Development

· During planning period all Elective Departments meet 1:15 once weekly.

· Staff meetings are held once a week depending on the day assigned by the principal.

· Grade level meetings are held through teams twice a semester.

Tossing Around Dodgeball

Heather Lindaman from upstate New York won't be playing dodgeball anytime soon. In 2001 , Heather, then 7 years old, was playing dodgeball in gym class when she fell, slamming into a hardwood floor and breaking her elbow.

After Heather's injury, her parents brought a case to court against the school. They argued that dodgeball is too dangerous for young kids to play in school. Many schools have decided the game should be banned, or not allowed.

To play dodgeball, one team's members must hit opposing players with a large rubber ball to eliminate them from the game. The team with players left at the end of the game wins.


Some schools in Massachusetts, Maine, Maryland, New York, Virginia, Texas, and Utah have already banned dodgeball or versions of the game. Some of those versions include war ball monster ball, and kill game.

The National Association for Sport and Physical Education agrees that dodgeball does not belong in schools. That organization is made up of 20,000 gym teachers, coaches, and trainers. "Dodgeball is not an appropriate activity for K-12 school physical education


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Tossing Around Dodgeball

programs," the group told reporters.

Members of the association argue that dodgeball promotes violence and is unfair. They say that the game encourages bullying because stronger kids target weaker ones.


Don't toss dodgeball to the sidelines, say others. Nick Troy is a director with the National Amateur Dodgeball Association. Although his group is not connected with schools, he points out that the game has benefits.

"Dodgeball develops hand-eye coordination, strengthens muscles, and builds concentration skills," Troy told Weekly Reader. "It is also a good form of exercise."

Troy and others argue that dodgeball is no more dangerous than other school sports that kids play. Troy also disagrees that smaller kids are at a disadvantage. "The goal isn't necessarily to get the weakest player out," he said. "It's to get the best player out."


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ReadWorks Vocabulary





An amateur is someone who does something like a job or a sport just because they want to do it and not because they want to get paid.

Leah's father wants her to be a professional musician, but she is happy being an amateur.


amateur, aficionado


noun definition: something that causes a condition that is not favorable; drawback. One disadvantage of this car is its small size.

Spanish: desventaja, inconveniente eliminate

verb definition: to decide to leave out; remove from the set of choices.

Because he cheated, the judges eliminated him from the contest.



Spanish: eliminar, descartar forms: eliminated, eliminates, eliminating

ReadWorks Tossing Around Dodgeball - Genre Questions

Name: Date:

1. This passage is an example of

A. an interview.

B. a biography.

C. an article.

D. a narrative.

2. The author

A. agrees that important skills are learned while playing dodgeball.

B. thinks that more schools should teach dodgeball during gym.

C. neither agrees nor disagrees that dodgeball should bebanned.

D. agrees that dodgeball should be banned from school.

3. This passage is not fiction because

A. it is about real events.

B. it is about dodgeball.

C. it takes place in New York.

D. someone got hurt while playing dodgeball.

4. Which of the following is not an opinion?

A. Kids learn a lot of important skills in dodgeball.

B. Some kids get hurt playing dodgeball.

C. Dodgeball is a good form of exercise.

D. Dodgeball is dangerous.

5. What detail from the passage helped you to determine the genre?

Dodgeball Team Sport Rules:


1. Play will be 4 on 4. A minimum of 3 is required to start the game.

2. Play will be held inside the racquetball courts.

3. No substitutions will be allowed once a game has started, expect for injuries. There is a 15 second stall count between each game for substitutions. No substitutions will be allowed after the 15 second count.

4. Team may substitute between games.

5. Ten (10) minute time limit. Team with the most wins in the 10 minutes will be deemed the winner. If teams are tied, there will be a sudden death game to determine match winner.

6. All players must wear non-marking rubber-soled athletic shoes.

7. Game time is forfeit time, if your team is not there at your scheduled time you will forfeit.

8. Team will switch ends of the court between every game.


SEC. 1  Objective The objective of dodgeball is to eliminate all players of the opposing team by throwing one of four game balls and hitting the opposing player below the shoulders on the fly.

SEC. 2  Starting a Game Each team starts with ONE (1) ball and then there are TWO (2) balls evenly spread on the center line at the beginning of each game. It is a sprint to the TWO (2) balls once the play begins. There is a five (5) second grace period after the initial rush before balls can be thrown. Each team member must start with one hand on their back wall. Play begins on the referees signal of “Go” and “Dodge” after the five (5) second grace period after the initial rush.

SEC. 3  Eliminating the Opposing Players A player is out if: • They throw a ball that is caught by the other team. • They get hit by a ball thrown by the other team. (If the ball does bounce off an opposing player and is then caught the thrower will then be out. This is true even if a different player catches the ball. However if the ball bounces off another ball, the ball is dead. ). Players may use the ball to block; however, if the ball is knocked out of their hand while blocking, they will be out. • They hit another player above the shoulders. • They cross the center line.


A player is not out if: • Their ball is caught off the wall or ceiling. • They get hit above the shoulders.

SEC. 4  Out of Bounds A ball that hit any wall or ceiling is considered dead and is not back in play until someone has picked up the balls and throws it at an opponent.


SEC. 5  Off-Sides The center line is the off-sides line. If any part of your foot or body touches the center line, you will be declared out and thrown ball will be dead.


SEC. 6    Stall Count No player can hold the ball for longer than 5 seconds. Penalty- roll the ball gently to the other team. The opposing team is responsible for calling the stall count. For example: Stall 1, Stall 2, Stall 3…Stall 5. Then at this point the player must roll the ball over or is out.

SEC. 7  Court Procedures Players are expected to be honest and take themselves out when the time comes. Once a player is out, they must stand with their back against the team’s right side wall. Players should not squat due to risk of being hit. Do not leave the racquetball court during game play unless an injury occurs.

RULE III PLAYING DIMINESIONS The short line is the center line for the dodgeball tournament.



Should Schools Still Play Dodgeball?


By  Arianna Prothero  — December 10, 2019  6 min read


Is dodgeball a harmless, time-honored game or school-sanctioned bullying?

Every now and again, charged debate over whether dodgeball should be played in schools flares up in the media and provokes polarizing arguments.

The dodgeball debate, however, is more than just fodder for Twitter spats and opinion pieces. The future of the game that remains popular with some students and is a cultural touchstone for many Americans is a point of major division in parts of the K-12 community.


“I will be honest, our membership is very split,” said Michelle Carter, the senior program manager for SHAPE America, the nation’s largest membership organization of physical education teachers. “Anecdotally, when I was teaching, and I would meet people and tell them what my job was—I’m a health and P.E. teacher—the first thing that people brought up was dodgeball. And I can tell you, some people really hated it.”

Opponents of the game argue that not only is throwing things at other people not behavior we want to encourage in youth, dodgeball can lead to bullying, injury, and in some cases, lawsuits.

Dodgeball supporters fear that banning it—as some districts have—is a sign of excessive coddling that creates gritless young adults ill-prepared for the demands of the real world.

Both sides argue that imparting important social-emotional skills are at stake.

On the pro side:

“I think there is a huge irony that this debate is re-emerging now when social-emotional learning is at a fever pitch in education policy,” said Dale Chu, an education consultant and a former principal of a K-6 school. “This idea that we have to be attuned to not only the academic needs of our kids but their physical and emotional needs is exactly right. So, yes on all of that, but then abolishing dodgeball, you’re just removing from the table a valuable tool that schools can use to engender those SEL values folks are so keen about.”

Values such as teamwork, communication, and conflict resolution, said Elizabeth Cushing, the president of Playworks, a nonprofit that partners with schools to offer structured play at recess that promotes social-emotional learning.

Bullying can be an issue if the game is not properly supervised, she said.

Banning the Game?

Her group recommends setting clear rules and expectations for students. This includes having a plan for conflict resolution—such as making students play rock, paper, scissors to settle disagreements—and having an adult play the game to model good behavior such as kind communication and working together to strategize how to eliminate players.

“I will say that banning any game, as if the game itself is the cause of bullying, is missing the underlying cause of those behaviors,” Cushing said. “Dodgeball is a game kids like to play. Our approach is if there is a game that kids want to play, how might we organize it, how might we establish the expectations and the rules so everyone can be included in the game and everyone can feel safe in the game?”

On the con side:

“I don’t think it contributes to a positive school climate” or positive social behavior, said Carter. She said the game is, at its core, aggressive and exacerbates power imbalances among students—the perfect conditions for bullying.

SHAPE America’s official stance is that dodgeball should not be played in any school setting.

Dodgeball isn’t the most rigorous activity. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention categorizes dodgeball as a moderate-intensity activity, and that’s just for those who make it to the end of the game. Students eliminated early spend most of the game sitting or standing around.

“Compare that to a math class,” said Dan DeJager, a physical education teacher at May Rocking High School in Fair Oaks, Calif. “That would be like a math teacher saying everyone open up your math books, if you get question 1 wrong, then close your book.”

DeJager believes dodgeball remains relatively popular among physical education teachers in large part because the types of people who become P.E. teachers were probably the students who were good at dodgeball.

DeJager was not that kid. He was skinny and sickly by his own telling and acknowledges that physical education was not the most obvious career choice for him. His teaching philosophy has been shaped by his own experiences being bullied in gym class.

While many students love dodgeball, playing it may have disproportionately negative consequences for students who despise the game, said DeJager. He said students who hate P.E. are less likely to be physically active as adults.

“So, as a profession, are we doing more harm than good?” he said. “I always tell people my number one goal is not for students to move perfectly, or even be physically fit, it’s for them not to hate physical activity.”

Loyalty and Loathing

Whether dodgeball is valuable or detrimental may be debatable, but one thing is certain: people are passionate about the game.

Dennis Senibaldi saw that firsthand when the school board he serves on in Windham, N.H., voted to ban dodgeball and all dodgeball-like human-target games in 2013.

Senibaldi, concerned in part about what he called the “wimpification” of America, was the only board member to vote against the ban.

“Maybe I’m a caveman,” he said. “I grew up playing dodgeball my entire life, my kids like to play dodgeball.”

Senibaldi felt the board was over-correcting after one bullying complaint. He was especially incredulous when he learned that physical education teachers in the district had switched to small foam balls from the big, red rubber balls of his youth.

Two of his sons, twins who were in 7th grade at the time, launched a petition to reinstate the game, and the story mushroomed. Senibaldi said the board was inundated with phone calls and emails—most of them critical of the decision.

National media were knocking on his front door, he said.

“I was surprised at the level it rose to,” he said. “I’m not surprised by people who thought we were crazy, disgusted by it, or laughed about it.”

The district was expending so much energy defending its decision, said Senibaldi, that the board decided to reverse the ban.

So why all the fuss? Why does dodgeball inspire such loyalty and loathing?

Chu, the former principal, received many passionate responses to an opinion article he wrote earlier this year defending the game.

His piece was in response to an article published by Canadian researchers claiming dodgeball was a tool of oppression that dehumanizes people.

“All of the sudden now we’re connecting it to generational oppression. For whatever reason, folks are way over their skis on this,” Chu said. “With this issue, and just about any education policy, it’s less about what the data says and more about values, what is important to you.”

But whether charged debates over dodgeball’s place in physical education has actually hurt the game’s popularity is difficult to pin down. It’s unclear how many schools still play the game.

Some districts, such as Texas’ Austin district, have banned it.

And in a random sampling of other districts surrounding Austin, a few, including Waco, Temple, and Killeen, report that while there is no blanket ban against dodgeball in their districts, their physical education teachers opt not to have students play it in class.

In College Station, Texas, dodgeball is not part of the curriculum, but physical education teachers have kids play it on occasion.

Dodgeball isn’t the only classic schoolyard game to come under more scrutiny lately.

Last year, a document was accidentally circulated by the Alabama education department that proposed doing away with several elimination-style games, according to local media. Dodgeball was one. And so were musical chairs and duck, duck goose.

A school in Washington state even tried banning tag at recess in 2015.

In both cases there was strong pushback, and the school and state department backed off their prohibitions.

And after all that controversy six years ago over the dodgeball ban in the New Hampshire district, things have settled down.

Senibaldi isn’t even sure if schools in the district still play the game.

Every once in a while, he gets a call from an out-of-town reporter asking him to comment on dodgeball.

And sometimes, he said, “someone will just say the word ‘dodgeball’ and everyone will start laughing.”

Dodgeball refers to a collection of team sports in which players on two teams try to throw balls at each other while avoiding being hit themselves. If you want to be successful you need teamwork, communication, fitness, and strategy. You can possibly win just by going all out as a group of individuals, but over time this will prove to be a highly suicidal strategy.

# Dodgeball Strategies & Tips

To win over a sustained period of time in dodgeball you need to practice and play both individually and as a team. The more you play together, the more in-sync you will be and the harder you will be to hit. The tips below will help polish your game from novice to expert. Remember, no matter how good you are at these strategies, they are no substitute for practice, teamwork, and communication.

If in doubt, don’t throw at an opponent.

If you are being counted out and you still have no viable target (e.g. you have several balls but one is at the back of the court or you are off-balance) throw hard at the wall, well away from any players. Having a ball caught is the worst thing that can happen in dodgeball.

Dodgeball Strategies

Aim at a single target.

Players are usually numbered 1-6 from left to right as you look at them. The player on your team that stands on the far left calls out the target. Then countdown from 3 in your head before releasing.

Throw together.

The telltale sign of an inexperienced team is teammates throwing in isolation. Three balls thrown at once are much harder to dodge or catch than single shots which can be spotted from range. The best teams are the most coordinated.

Spread out.

If all the balls are coming from the same part of the court, they are easier to dodge because all throwers are in your eye-line. By spreading out on the court and throwing at the same person from different angles, the target may be blind-sided and unable to dodge.

Get close.

Throw as close to the dead zone as possible. This makes your throw much harder to catch or dodge.

Aim low.

It is not the hardest throw that takes someone out, but the smartest. Aim at the chest at your peril. Get your shots in low and together. Aim your hits between the thigh and shin. If you miss, at least you won’t get caught. Remember – catches win matches.


Throw at the strongest players first.

This may seem counter-intuitive, but when the court is more crowded, players have less room to dodge. They also haven’t had time to get their eye in. Whilst it may be tempting to take out weaker players, this will hurt you in the long run; the longer a decent player stays in, the more time they have to hit you with a good throw or catch.

Use the court.

Hitting a player is just one way to get an elimination. Several balls thrown together at the inside shoulder of a player on the edges of the court can cause them to step out of bounds, and out of the game.

Rules of Dodgeball

· The number of players, number of balls, size of court and length of the game can be determined by the organisers.

· Players must remain within the court at all times unless collecting dead balls.

· Players are allowed to leave the court to collect balls but they are not allowed to throw the ball until they are back within the court. If a player leaves the court for any other purpose or they throw a ball from outside the court, they are eliminated.

· The rules regarding headshots can be decided upon personal preference or by order of an official body. Some games will see the throwing player eliminated if an opponent is stuck on the head, some games will see the player struck on the head eliminated.

· Players struck with a ball that is then caught before it becomes dead are eliminated.

· When a player catches a ball, the throwing player will be eliminated.



Tossing Around Dodgeball, Genre Reading Passage (readworks.org)

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