Lyn Doe [email protected]
Spaghetti, squash, or both? General Purpose: To inform
Specific Purpose: To inform my listeners how to prepare spaghetti squash.
Central Idea: Spaghetti squash can be prepared just as easily as regular pasta.
INTRODUCTION I. Attention Material
A. How many have eaten spaghetti squash? (Show photo.)
B. Spaghetti squash is as easy to prepare as regular pasta.
1. Spaghetti squash can be cooked in the microwave.
2. Spaghetti squash can be prepared with any type of pasta sauce.
II. Orienting Material
A. I have prepared this dish dozens of time.
B. Several who have tried my spaghetti squash casserole did not like cooked vegetables, but loved my casserole.
C. Preview: I will explain how to choose a spaghetti squash, how to cook spaghetti squash, and how to flavor and finish the spaghetti squash.
(Transition: Now that I’ve shared an overview of what I will demonstrate, let’s begin by taking a trip to the grocery store.)
BODY I. It is important to choose a good spaghetti squash.
A. Grocers usually offer different sizes of spaghetti squash.
B. Be sure to check the firmness of the spaghetti squash.
II. The easiest way to cook the spaghetti squash is in the microwave.
A. To prevent the spaghetti squash from exploding in the microwave, cut several small slits around the spaghetti squash.
B. Cook a medium spaghetti squash in the microwave for around 10 minutes.
III. The way one can make a spaghetti squash delicious is to flavor and finish it for serving.
A. Mix and cook the meat, seasonings, and sweet onion in a skillet.
B. Add Dei Fratelli diced Italian tomatoes instead of pasta sauce.
C. Layer the cooked spaghetti squash and the meat mix in a suitable pan and bake with cheeses of your choice on the casserole.
(Transition: Now that you know how easy it is to prepare spaghetti squash casserole, I’d like to review.)
CONCLUSION I. Review: I explained how to choose a spaghetti squash, how to cook spaghetti squash, and how to flavor and finish the spaghetti squash.
II. Clincher: Remember to try spaghetti squash for an easy, delicious meal that is as easy to prepare as regular pasta.
Visual Aids Photo of spaghetti squash Actual spaghetti squash Can of Dei Fratelli Italian Diced Tomatoes
References [Be sure to use APA style when either using someone else’s ideas or words. An easy-‐to-‐use citation creator can be found at -‐ Son of Citation Machine.]
Begin by filling in the document attached – replace highlighted text that is presented to help you develop a strong outline with requested content
Title of Speech: [Your title should announce the topic clearly, concisely, and creatively]
Specific Purpose:
Central Idea:
I. (Attention) [Start with a catchy opening that gains audience’s attention. Do not simply announce the topic!]
II. (Reveal Topic) [Tell what you are going to talk about – reveal your topic]
III. (Relevancy) [Tell us why this topic is relevant/significant]
IV. (Credibility) [State your credibility: what makes you an expert on the topic? What experience do you have with it?]
V. (Preview) [Give us a preview of topics you will be discussing – this is the list of the main points below]
Transition: [include a transition statement. Simple “Let’s begin by talking about x” (name first main point) would suffice]
I. [Main Point I: In a full and complete sentence state your first main point]
A. [Sub-point A: In a full and complete sentence state the first supporting point that provides justification for your Main Point I above]
1. [Sub-sub-point A: In a full and complete sentence state provide support for your Sub-point A above]
2. [Sub-sub-point B: In a full and complete sentence state provide support for your Sub-point A above ]
B. [Sub-point B: In a full and complete sentence state the first supporting point that provides justification for your Main Point I above]
Transition: [Provide a transition that tells us that you finished talking about Main Point I, and are now mowing on to Main Point II]
II. [Main Point II: In a full and complete sentence state your second main point]
A. [Sub-point A: In a full and complete sentence state the first supporting point that provides justification for your Main Point II above]
1. [Sub-sub-point A: In a full and complete sentence state provide support for your Sub-point A above]
2. [Sub-sub-point B: In a full and complete sentence state provide support for your Sub-point A above]
B. [Sub-point B: In a full and complete sentence state the first supporting point that provides justification for your Main Point II above]
Transition: [Provide a transition that tells us that you finished talking about Main Point II, and are now mowing on to Main Point III]
III. [Continue building your outline, add or remove points as you see fit]
Transition: [Provide a transition that tells us that you finished talking about Main Point III, and are now mowing on to Main Point IV, if you have one]
Transition: [Provide a transition that tells us that you finished talking about all your main points, and are ready to wrap up. You may simply state “Let’s review”]
I. [Provide a review of Main Points]
II. [End with a clincher/tag/exit line or final appeal]
�Please note: every point MUST come in at least a pair. This means that for every Subpoint A you should have at least a Subpoint B. For every sub-sub-point 1, there should at least be sub-sub-point 2. Add or remove additional supporting points as you see fit.
Make sure that you do not have anything left blank. If you do not have a third supporting point, remove the number of letter accordingly.
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