Infant I.Q. Testing

JANE PAULEY, anchor:

Parents can plot their new baby’s growth on charts that show if the baby is bigger or smaller or taller or shorter than average. On AFTER EIGHT, a new frontier, infant I.Q. testing. Your first question is why? We’ll start with how. The test is simple enough, it is based on what scientists call cognitive skills. Babies as young as three months will be shown a simple image. It’s given ample time to study the image, the image is then taken away for a time, and then introduced along with another. The more intelligent infant supposedly will recognize the picture he’s seen before and move on quickly to the newer one. Dr. Joseph Fagan of Case Western University is with us this morning and he uses this test to predict a child’s I.Q. as a preschooler. And good morning, Dr. Fagan. All right, why would I want to predict the I.Q. of a baby?

Dr. JOSEPH FAGAN: Ordinarily you wouldn’t. You wouldn’t use this with babies that you have no reason to suspect maybe in difficulty. It’s really the test is used with high risk infants.

PAULEY: Give me an example of how it’s being used.

Dr. FAGAN: Babies who are born very premature, for example, some where babies that are at risk for later cognitive deficit. And it will be used in hospitals to assess these particular babies.

PAULEY: Theoretically though, if I had a new born baby and just kind of wanted to know, you know, how smart he was, I could have such a test done and get some kind of an idea?

Dr. FAGAN: Not really.


Dr. FAGAN: No, it’s really used with high-risk infants and it really isn’t supposed to be used for normal infants. It’s really no reason for you to know how the baby would be doing, unless you were anxious or had to-- some risk reason.

PAULEY: Dr. David Henry Feldman is a professor of developmental psychology at Tufts University, and good morning.

Dr. DAVID HENRY FELDMAN (Tufts University): Good morning.

PAULEY: Is there any doubt that what Dr. Fagan is in fact accurate and that it is a breakthrough?

Dr. FELDMAN: It is modestly accurate and it’s certainly is significant kind of work to be doing. But I think Dr. Fagan would agree that the amount of knowledge that you have of babies’ capabilities is pretty modest even with this new technique.

PAULEY: But the purpose is that he described it, for high-risk babies, where there might be some question that later on there could be a developmental problems, better to recognize it early?

Dr. FELDMAN: The problem that Dr. Fagan identifies is a very real one, and for the purposes that he’s advocating, no problem. The problem is that you can’t put something into the world like this and then control the way it’s going to be used. And as cautious as he and the others who work in this area are trying to be, there’s nonetheless, I think, real concern about the uses to which such a technology might work.

PAULEY: Of what? Give me an example of a way it should not be used.

Dr. FELDMAN: Well, just the way you were asking about it a minute ago, which is to find out how bright your child is at six months or twelve months. The technology wouldn’t do that and nor would I think there should be a technology that were.

PAULEY: Wouldn’t or shouldn’t or couldn’t or mustn’t or what? I’m not clear on…

Dr. FAGAN: It’s not at the level to tell you, you know, the exact I.Q. of your child. First of all, it’s not an I.Q. test, OK. It’s a test of visual information processing which tends to predict how well the child develops in their language, actually, if you want to look at it that way. Because many of these further intelligence tests are test are tests of--of language development. But the real use for it is to, since it picks up mental retardation very early in life, is to get at the causes of mental retardation.

PAULEY: But it doesn’t pick up genius early in life or would it?

Dr. FAGAN: It picks up above average I.Q., yes it does.

PAULEY: There we go.

Dr. FAGAN: On some statistical basis…

Dr. FELDMAN: Genius and above average I.Q. are really very, very different things.

Dr. FAGAN: Are different things, yeah. But that’s a statistical concept. Above average is 115 and above. Genius is a 130 and above.

PAULEY: There are some societies which will identify a gifted children who are, say athletically gifted, and they will be virtually removed from homes and trained for the Olympics. I’ve seen some of these children. We don’t do that, we are offended by that. What’s to keep unscrupulous from using such a test to identify very bright to single them out for something?

Dr. FAGAN: We try to transfer this technology to responsible professionals. I know everybody in the country that’s using this test. There’s only place they can get it and is from me. We train

them, we certify them, we know their credentials and so forth. And they’re really used in hospitals with that are tertiary level…

PAULEY: Dr. Feldman, is there any, that’s good enough, I mean…

Dr. FELDMAN: It’s not good enough.


Dr. FELDMAN: At least not for point of view. I just think that it’s extremely delicate to put a technology into the world, the same as putting nuclear technology into the world with all the best intentions, you say, “We want it to be used for peaceful purposes”, but you can’t control that.

PAULEY: Well, it’s too late isn’t it? It’s out of the box.

Dr. FELDMAN: It’s too late to keep it out of--from getting out of the box, but it’s not too late to have Dr. Fagan and others try to make clear to the public what this instrument is and what this instrument is not. It’s not a measure of genius, it’s not a measure of giftedness, it’s a specific instrument for uses in clinical diagnosis of high-risk infants. Used that way, I think we would both agree it’s proper.

PAULEY: Well let the record show, Dr. Fagan was agreeing with virtually everything you said.

Dr. FAGAN: Absolutely.

PAULEY: Well thank you, it’s fascinating new territory.


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All Daily Reports A variety of reports and information combined into one document. Profile Info Personal: Xxzz Female 19 yrs 167 cm 52 kg Day(s): Day 1, Day 2, Day 3 Activity Level: Sedentary Strive for an Active activity level. Weight Change: None Best not to exceed 2 lbs per week. BMI: 18.6 Normal is 18.5 to 25. Clinically Obese is 30 or higher.

Actual Intakes -vs- Recommended Intakes The actual intakes -vs- recommended intakes report displays the amount of nutrients consumed as they compare to your dietary intake recommendations. Nutrient Actual Rec. Percent

Basic Components Calories 1,539. 1,685.8 91% Calories from Fat 584.73 472.05 124% 20-35% of Calories (adults 19+ yrs)* Calories from SatFat 170.94 151.73 113% Less than 10% of Calories+ Protein (g) 70.34 44.20 159% 10-35% of Calories (adults 19+ yrs)*~ Carbohydrates (g) 174.10 231.81 75% 45-65% of Calories (adults 19+ yrs)* Total Sugars (g) 33.36 Added Sugar (g)++ 0.62 Less than 10% of Calories+ Dietary Fiber (g) 21.26 23.60 90% Soluble Fiber (g) 2.32 InSoluble Fiber (g) 6.61 Fat (g) 64.97 52.45 124% 20-35% of Calories (adults 19+ yrs)* Saturated Fat (g) 18.99 16.86 113% Less than 10% of Calories+ Trans Fat (g) 1.02 Minimize+ Mono Fat (g) 21.29 18.73 114% Poly Fat (g) 13.67 16.86 81% Cholesterol (mg) 274.59 300.00 92% Limit+ Water (g) 847.79 2,300.0 37%

Vitamins Vitamin A - RAE (mcg) 907.38 700.00 130% Beta-carotene (mcg) 8,148. Vitamin B1 - Thiamin (mg) 1.50 1.00 150%

Vitamin B2 - Riboflavin 1.34 1.00 134% Vitamin B3 - Niacin (mg) 17.72 14.00 127% Vitamin B6 (mg) 1.28 1.20 107% Do not exceed 100 mg* Vitamin B12 (mcg) 2.95 2.40 123% Over 50 should take a supplement or eat

fortified foods* Vitamin C (mg) 79.70 65.00 123% Vitamin D - mcg (mcg) 2.85 15.00 19% 15 to no more than 100 mcg* Vitamin E - a-Toco (mg) 8.96 15.00 60%

Folate (mcg) 491.72 400.00 123% Women of child-bearing age should take a supplement or fortified foods with 400 mcg*

Minerals Calcium (mg) 686.96 1,300.0 53% Do not exceed 2500 mg* Iron (mg) 13.20 15.00 88% Do not exceed 45 mg* Magnesium (mg) 268.13 360.00 74% Do not exceed 350 mg by supplement* Phosphorus (mg) 1,180. 1,250.0 94% Do not exceed 4000 mg* Potassium (mg) 2,015. 4,700.0 43% At least 4700 mg per day* Selenium (mcg) 102.04 Sodium (mg) 2,891. 2,300.0 126% Less than 2300 mg per day* - less than

1500 mg for some people+ Zinc (mg) 8.62 9.00 96% Do not exceed 40 mg*

Other Omega-3 (g) 1.10 Omega-6 (g) 12.42 Alcohol (g) 0.00 Do not exceed 2 standard drinks for men

and 1 standard drink for women+ Caffeine (mg) 0.00 Up to 400 mg (three to five 8-oz cups of

coffee per day)+ * Dietary Reference Intakes + 2015 Dietary Guidelines for Americans ++The nutrient content of the items in the MDA food database depend on manufacturers' reporting accurate information. Since many do not have data yet on added sugars, this number may not be an accurate reflection of added sugar intake.

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~ Protein recommendations have not been adjusted to take into account endurance/strength athletes who fall into the active and very active categories, but do take into account pregnancy and lactation.

All Nutrients Spreadsheet This report shows all nutrient values in a spreadsheet format. Nutrients are displayed horizontally, with totals at the bottom of the list. Day Meal Item Amount Cals FatCal SatFatCalProt (g) Day 1 Breakfastbread, whole wheat

(USDA) 2 slice 141.1 17.6 3.6 7

Lunch rice, white, cooked, long grain,

0.5 cup 102.7 2 0.5 2.1

bacon, thick center cut (Oscar

4 slice 160 90 36 16

scrambled eggs (USDA) 2 ea 181.8 120.6 36.6 12.2 lettuce, green leaf, fresh, outer

1 lb 68 6.1 0.8 6.2

Dinner pizza, pan, pepperoni, large, 14"

4 slice 1315.3 531.7 196.2 51.8

Day Total -- 1969 768 273.8 95.3 Day 2 Breakfastbread, whole wheat

(USDA) 1 slice 70.6 8.8 1.8 3.5

peanut butter, creamy (USDA)

2 Tbs 191.4 147.9 29.7 7.1

Lunch soup, chicken noodle, canned,

500 g 125 42.7 11.8 6.3

lettuce, green leaf, fresh, outer

1 cup 5.4 0.5 0.1 0.5

taco, beef (USDA: Taco Bell)

200 g 458 228.6 78.9 17.7

egg, fried, large (USDA) 1 ea 90.2 61.4 17.9 6.3 Dinner apple, fresh, medium, 3"

(USDA: 1 ea 94.6 2.8 0.5 0.5

yogurt, strawberry, individual

1 cntr 150 18 9 6

Day Total -- 1185.1 510.8 149.7 47.9 Day 3 Breakfastoatmeal, quick, prepared

with 1 cup 166.1 32 6.5 5.9

milk, 2%, with vitamins A & D

1 cup 122 43.5 27.6 8.1

Lunch salad mix, leafy romaine (Dole)

1.5 cup 15 0 0 1

banana, fresh, medium, 7" to 7

1 ea 105 3.5 1.2 1.3

mixed nuts, salted, dry roasted,

50 g 297 231.5 29.2 8.6

sandwich, turkey, with whole

1 ea 360 143.8 20.7 26.9

Dinner potato, baked, with salt (USDA)

100 g 93 1.2 0.3 2.5

broccoli, boiled, drained, 200 g 70 7.4 1.4 4.8 pasta, spaghetti, cooked, with

150 g 235.5 12.6 2.4 8.7

Day Total -- 1463.7 475.4 89.4 67.8 Average Day Total -- 1539.3 584.7 170.9 70.3

Day Meal Item Carbs (g)

Sugar (g)

SugAdd (g)

Fiber (g)

Fib-S (g)

Fib-I (g)

Day 1 Breakfastbread, whole wheat (USDA)

23.9 2.4 3.4 0.7 2.6

Lunch rice, white, cooked, long grain,

22.3 0 0 0.3 0.1 0.2

bacon, thick center cut (Oscar

0 0 0 0 0 0

scrambled eggs (USDA) 2 1.7 0 0 0 0 lettuce, green leaf, fresh, outer

13 3.5 0 5.9

Dinner pizza, pan, pepperoni, large, 14"

143.7 8.8 9

Day Total 204.8 16.5 0 18.6 0.8 2.9 Day 2 Breakfastbread, whole wheat

(USDA) 12 1.2 1.7 0.4 1.3

peanut butter, creamy (USDA)

7.1 3.4 1.8 1.6 0.4 1.2

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Lunch soup, chicken noodle, canned,

14.7 1.3 1

lettuce, green leaf, fresh, outer

1 0.3 0 0.5

taco, beef (USDA: Taco Bell)

39.7 1.8 7.8

egg, fried, large (USDA) 0.4 0.2 0 0 0 0 Dinner apple, fresh, medium, 3"

(USDA: 25.1 18.9 0 4.4 0.4 3.9

yogurt, strawberry, individual

25 18 0 0 0

Day Total 125.1 45.1 1.8 16.9 1.3 6.4 Day 3 Breakfastoatmeal, quick, prepared

with 28.1 0.6 4 2.3 1.6

milk, 2%, with vitamins A & D

11.7 11.7 0 0 0 0

Lunch salad mix, leafy romaine (Dole)

3 2 0 1

banana, fresh, medium, 7" to 7

27 14.4 0 3.1

mixed nuts, salted, dry roasted,

12.7 2.4 0 4.5

sandwich, turkey, with whole

28.5 2.5 4.2

Dinner potato, baked, with salt (USDA)

21.1 1.2 0 2.2 0.5 1.6

broccoli, boiled, drained, 14.4 2.8 0 6.6 0.8 5.8 pasta, spaghetti, cooked, with

45.9 0.8 2.7 1.2 1.5

Day Total 192.4 38.5 0 28.3 4.9 10.6 Average Day Total 174.1 33.4 0.6 21.3 2.3 6.6

Day Meal Item Fat (g) Fat-S (g)

Fat-T (g)

Fat-M (g)

Fat-P (g)

Chol (mg)

Day 1 Breakfastbread, whole wheat (USDA)

2 0.4 0 0.3 0.9 0

Lunch rice, white, cooked, long grain,

0.2 0.1 0 0.1 0.1 0

bacon, thick center cut (Oscar

10 4 40

scrambled eggs (USDA) 13.4 4.1 0.8 5.4 3 337.9 lettuce, green leaf, fresh, outer

0.7 0.1 0 0 0.4 0

Dinner pizza, pan, pepperoni, large, 14"

59.1 21.8 1.1 17.4 15.4 104

Day Total 85.3 30.4 1.8 23.2 19.7 481.9 Day 2 Breakfastbread, whole wheat

(USDA) 1 0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0

peanut butter, creamy (USDA)

16.4 3.3 0 8.3 4 0

Lunch soup, chicken noodle, canned,

4.7 1.3 0 2.1 1.3 25

lettuce, green leaf, fresh, outer

0.1 0 0 0 0 0

taco, beef (USDA: Taco Bell)

25.4 8.8 0.9 8.8 6.1 56

egg, fried, large (USDA) 6.8 2 0 2.8 1.5 184.5 Dinner apple, fresh, medium, 3"

(USDA: 0.3 0.1 0 0 0.1 0

yogurt, strawberry, individual

2 1 0 10

Day Total 56.8 16.6 1 22.2 13.5 275.5 Day 3 Breakfastoatmeal, quick, prepared

with 3.6 0.7 0 1 1.3 0

milk, 2%, with vitamins A & D

4.8 3.1 0.2 1.4 0.2 19.5

Lunch salad mix, leafy romaine (Dole)

0 0 0 0 0 0

banana, fresh, medium, 7" to 7

0.4 0.1 0 0 0.1 0

mixed nuts, salted, dry roasted,

25.7 3.2 0 15.7 5.4 0

sandwich, turkey, with whole

16 2.3 46.9

Dinner potato, baked, with salt (USDA)

0.1 0 0 0 0.1 0

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broccoli, boiled, drained, 0.8 0.2 0 0.1 0.3 0 pasta, spaghetti, cooked, with

1.4 0.3 0 0.2 0.5 0

Day Total 52.8 9.9 0.2 18.4 7.8 66.4 Average Day Total 65 19 1 21.3 13.7 274.6

Day Meal Item Water (g)

A- RAE(mcg)

A-Car (mcg)

B1 (mg)

B2 (mg)

B3 (mg)

Day 1 Breakfastbread, whole wheat (USDA)

21.8 0.1 1.1 0.2 0.1 2.5

Lunch rice, white, cooked, long grain,

54.1 0 0 0.1 0 1.2

bacon, thick center cut (Oscar

0 0

scrambled eggs (USDA) 93.2 196.4 31.7 0 0.5 0.1 lettuce, green leaf, fresh, outer

430.8 1679.4 20153.1 0.3 0.4 1.7

Dinner pizza, pan, pepperoni, large, 14"

186.1 1.9 0.9 17

Day Total 786 1875.9 20185.92.6 1.9 22.4 Day 2 Breakfastbread, whole wheat

(USDA) 10.9 0 0.6 0.1 0 1.2

peanut butter, creamy (USDA)

0.4 0 0 0 0.1 4.2

Lunch soup, chicken noodle, canned,

469.1 55 595 0.3 0.2 2.7

lettuce, green leaf, fresh, outer

34.2 133.3 1599.5 0 0 0.1

taco, beef (USDA: Taco Bell)

114 8 92 0.1 0.1 3.3

egg, fried, large (USDA) 32 100.7 16.1 0 0.2 0 Dinner apple, fresh, medium, 3"

(USDA: 155.7 4.9 49.1 0 0 0.2

yogurt, strawberry, individual

Day Total 816.3 302 2352.3 0.6 0.8 11.8 Day 3 Breakfastoatmeal, quick, prepared

with 195.6 0 0 0.2 0 0.5

milk, 2%, with vitamins A & D

217.7 135 9.8 0.1 0.5 0.2

Lunch salad mix, leafy romaine (Dole)


banana, fresh, medium, 7" to 7

88.4 3.8 30.7 0 0.1 0.8

mixed nuts, salted, dry roasted,

0.9 0.1 1.5 0.1 0.1 2.3

sandwich, turkey, with whole

91.8 0.3 0.2 10.1

Dinner potato, baked, with salt (USDA)

74.9 0.5 6 0.1 0 1.4

broccoli, boiled, drained, 178.5 154.8 1858 0.1 0.2 1.1 pasta, spaghetti, cooked, with

93.2 0 0 0.4 0.2 2.5

Day Total 941 544.2 1905.9 1.3 1.4 19 Average Day Total 847.8 907.4 8148.1 1.5 1.3 17.7

Day Meal Item B6 (mg)

B12 (mcg)

C (mg) D (mcg)

E-Toco (mg)

Fola (mcg)

Day 1 Breakfastbread, whole wheat (USDA)

0.1 0 0 0 1.5 23.5

Lunch rice, white, cooked, long grain,

0.1 0 0 0 0 45.8

bacon, thick center cut (Oscar


scrambled eggs (USDA) 0.2 0.9 0 2.2 1.4 43.9 lettuce, green leaf, fresh, outer

0.4 0 41.7 0 1 172.4

Dinner pizza, pan, pepperoni, large, 14"

0.4 2.3 4.5 0 4.2 465.6

Day Total 1.2 3.2 58.3 2.2 8.1 751.2 Day 2 Breakfastbread, whole wheat

(USDA) 0.1 0 0 0 0.7 11.8

peanut butter, creamy (USDA)

0.1 0 0 0 2.9 27.8

Lunch soup, chicken noodle, canned,

0.1 0.1 0 0 0.1 40

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lettuce, green leaf, fresh, outer

0 0 3.3 0 0.1 13.7

taco, beef (USDA: Taco Bell)

0.2 1.9 0.8 1.2 38

egg, fried, large (USDA) 0.1 0.4 0 1 0.6 23.5 Dinner apple, fresh, medium, 3"

(USDA: 0.1 0 8.4 0 0.3 5.5

yogurt, strawberry, individual

0 2

Day Total 0.7 2.4 12.5 3 6 160.2 Day 3 Breakfastoatmeal, quick, prepared

with 0 0 0 0 0.2 14

milk, 2%, with vitamins A & D

0.1 1.3 0.5 2.9 0.1 12.2

Lunch salad mix, leafy romaine (Dole)

18 100

banana, fresh, medium, 7" to 7

0.4 0 10.3 0 0.1 23.6

mixed nuts, salted, dry roasted,

0.1 0 0.2 0 5.5 25

sandwich, turkey, with whole

0.5 1.9 0 0.4 3.9 35.4

Dinner potato, baked, with salt (USDA)

0.3 0 9.6 0 0 28

broccoli, boiled, drained, 0.4 0 129.8 0 2.9 216 pasta, spaghetti, cooked, with

0.1 0 0 0 0.1 109.5

Day Total 2 3.2 168.4 3.3 12.8 563.8 Average Day Total 1.3 2.9 79.7 2.8 9 491.7

Day Meal Item Calc (mg)

Iron (mg)

Magn (mg)

Phos (mg)

Potas (mg)

Selen (mcg)

Day 1 Breakfastbread, whole wheat (USDA)

90.2 1.4 42 118.7 142.2 14.4

Lunch rice, white, cooked, long grain,

7.9 0.9 9.5 34 27.6 5.9

bacon, thick center cut (Oscar

0 0

scrambled eggs (USDA) 80.5 1.6 13.4 201.3 161 28.7 lettuce, green leaf, fresh, outer

163.3 3.9 59 131.5 880 2.7

Dinner pizza, pan, pepperoni, large, 14"

664.4 11.6 99.4 872.4 845.2 70.1

Day Total 1006.3 19.4 223.3 1357.9 2056.1 121.8 Day 2 Breakfastbread, whole wheat

(USDA) 45.1 0.7 21 59.4 71.1 7.2

peanut butter, creamy (USDA)

15.7 0.6 53.8 107.2 178.6 1.3

Lunch soup, chicken noodle, canned,

30 3.3 20 85 110 24

lettuce, green leaf, fresh, outer

13 0.3 4.7 10.4 69.8 0.2

taco, beef (USDA: Taco Bell)

178 2.4 64 356 418 18.4

egg, fried, large (USDA) 28.5 0.9 6 98.9 69.9 15.2 Dinner apple, fresh, medium, 3"

(USDA: 10.9 0.2 9.1 20 194.7 0

yogurt, strawberry, individual

200 0 150

Day Total 521.2 8.3 178.5 886.9 1112.2 66.4 Day 3 Breakfastoatmeal, quick, prepared

with 21.1 2.1 63.2 180.2 163.8 12.6

milk, 2%, with vitamins A & D

292.8 0 26.8 224.5 341.6 6.1

Lunch salad mix, leafy romaine (Dole)

20 0.7 0

banana, fresh, medium, 7" to 7

5.9 0.3 31.9 26 422.4 1.2

mixed nuts, salted, dry roasted,

35 1.8 112.5 217.5 346.5 3.7

sandwich, turkey, with whole

53.1 2.5 71.2 356.3 416.7 51.1

Dinner potato, baked, with salt (USDA)

15 1.1 28 70 535 0.4

broccoli, boiled, drained, 80 1.3 42 134 586 3.2 pasta, spaghetti, cooked,10.5 1.9 27 87 66 39.6

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with Day Total 533.4 11.8 402.6 1295.4 2878 118 Average Day Total 687 13.2 268.1 1180.1 2015.4 102

Day Meal Item Sod (mg)

Zinc (mg)

Omega3 (g)

Omega6 (g)

Alc (g) Caff (mg)

Day 1 Breakfastbread, whole wheat (USDA)

254.8 1 0.1 0.8 0 0

Lunch rice, white, cooked, long grain,

0.8 0.4 0 0 0 0

bacon, thick center cut (Oscar

600 0 0

scrambled eggs (USDA) 176.9 1.3 0.2 2.7 0 0 lettuce, green leaf, fresh, outer

127 0.8 0.3 0.1 0 0

Dinner pizza, pan, pepperoni, large, 14"

3055.5 6.1 1.6 13.6 0 0

Day Total 4215 9.6 2.2 17.2 0 0 Day 2 Breakfastbread, whole wheat

(USDA) 127.4 0.5 0 0.4 0 0

peanut butter, creamy (USDA)

136.3 0.8 0 3.9 0 0

Lunch soup, chicken noodle, canned,

865 0.8 0.1 1.2 0 0

lettuce, green leaf, fresh, outer

10.1 0.1 0 0 0 0

taco, beef (USDA: Taco Bell)

794 3.5 0.4 5.7 0 0

egg, fried, large (USDA) 95.2 0.6 0.1 1.4 0 0 Dinner apple, fresh, medium, 3"

(USDA: 1.8 0.1 0 0.1 0 0

yogurt, strawberry, individual

95 0 0

Day Total 2124.8 6.4 0.6 12.7 0 0 Day 3 Breakfastoatmeal, quick, prepared

with 9.4 2.3 0 1.3 0 0

milk, 2%, with vitamins A & D

114.7 1.2 0 0.2 0 0

Lunch salad mix, leafy romaine (Dole)

15 0 0 0 0

banana, fresh, medium, 7" to 7

1.2 0.2 0 0.1 0 0

mixed nuts, salted, dry roasted,

172.5 1.9 0.1 5.3 0 0

sandwich, turkey, with whole

1733.9 2.2 0 0

Dinner potato, baked, with salt (USDA)

10 0.4 0 0 0 0

broccoli, boiled, drained, 82 0.9 0.2 0.1 0 0 pasta, spaghetti, cooked, with

196.5 0.8 0 0.4 0 0

Day Total 2335.1 9.9 0.5 7.3 0 0 Average Day Total 2891.6 8.6 1.1 12.4 0 0

Day Meal Item MPFruit (cup)

MPDairy (cup)

MPGrain (oz eq)

MPVeg (cup)

MPProt (oz eq)


Day 1 Breakfastbread, whole wheat (USDA)

0 0 1.4 0 0 0

Lunch rice, white, cooked, long grain,

0 0 1 0 0 0

bacon, thick center cut (Oscar

0 0 0 0 2.3 0

scrambled eggs (USDA) 0 0 0 0 2.4 0 lettuce, green leaf, fresh, outer

0 0 0 6.3 0 0

Dinner pizza, pan, pepperoni, large, 14"

0 2.3 8.6 0 3.9 0

Day Total 0 2.3 11 6.3 8.6 0 Day 2 Breakfastbread, whole wheat

(USDA) 0 0 0.7 0 0 0

peanut butter, creamy (USDA)

0 0 0 0 2 0

Lunch soup, chicken noodle, canned,

0 0 0.9 0 0.5 0

lettuce, green leaf, fresh, outer

0 0 0 0.5 0 0

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taco, beef (USDA: Taco Bell)

0 0 2.4 0 1.6 0

egg, fried, large (USDA) 0 0 0 0 0.9 0 Dinner apple, fresh, medium, 3"

(USDA: 1.6 0 0 0 0 1.7

yogurt, strawberry, individual

0 0.7 0 0 0 0

Day Total 1.6 0.7 4 0.5 5 1.7 Day 3 Breakfastoatmeal, quick, prepared

with 0 0 1.7 0 0 0

milk, 2%, with vitamins A & D

0 1 0 0 0 0

Lunch salad mix, leafy romaine (Dole)

0 0 0 0.8 0 0

banana, fresh, medium, 7" to 7

0.8 0 0 0 0 1.8

mixed nuts, salted, dry roasted,

0 0 0 0 3.5 0

sandwich, turkey, with whole


Dinner potato, baked, with salt (USDA)

0 0 0 0.8 0 0

broccoli, boiled, drained, 0 0 0 1.3 0 0 pasta, spaghetti, cooked, with

0 0 2.1 0 0 0

Day Total 0.8 1 3.8 2.9 3.5 1.8 Average Day Total 0.8 1.3 6.3 3.2 5.7 1.2

Day Meal Item XxOCarbXxStarchXxVeg XxFat XxAlc XxNoFtMlk Day 1 Breakfastbread, whole wheat

(USDA) 0 1.6 0 0.1 0 0

Lunch rice, white, cooked, long grain,

0 1.5 0 0

bacon, thick center cut (Oscar

0 0 0 1.1 0 0

scrambled eggs (USDA) 0 0 0 2 0 0 lettuce, green leaf, fresh, outer

0 0 2.6 0 0 0

Dinner pizza, pan, pepperoni, large, 14"

0 9.6 0 10.5 0 0

Day Total 0 12.7 2.6 13.6 0 0 Day 2 Breakfastbread, whole wheat

(USDA) 0 0.8 0 0 0 0

peanut butter, creamy (USDA)

0 0 0 2.9

Lunch soup, chicken noodle, canned,

0 1 0 0.7 0 0

lettuce, green leaf, fresh, outer

0 0 0.2 0 0 0

taco, beef (USDA: Taco Bell)

0 2.6 0 4.5 0 0

egg, fried, large (USDA) 0 0 0 1 0 0 Dinner apple, fresh, medium, 3"

(USDA: 0 0 0 0

yogurt, strawberry, individual

1.7 0 0 0.4 0 0

Day Total 1.7 4.4 0.2 9.6 0 0 Day 3 Breakfastoatmeal, quick, prepared

with 0 1.9 0 0.3 0 0

milk, 2%, with vitamins A & D

0 0 0 0.6 0 1

Lunch salad mix, leafy romaine (Dole)

0 0 0.6 0 0 0

banana, fresh, medium, 7" to 7

0 0 0 0 0 0

mixed nuts, salted, dry roasted,

0 0 0 4.6 0 0

sandwich, turkey, with whole

0 0 0 3.2 0 0

Dinner potato, baked, with salt (USDA)

0 1.4 0 0 0 0

broccoli, boiled, drained, 0 0 2.9 0 pasta, spaghetti, cooked, with

0 3.1 0 0 0 0

Day Total 0 6.3 3.5 8.8 0 1

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Average Day Total 0.6 7.8 2.1 10.7 0 0.3

Day Meal Item XxLnMeat Day 1 Breakfastbread, whole wheat

(USDA) 0

Lunch rice, white, cooked, long grain, bacon, thick center cut (Oscar


scrambled eggs (USDA) 1.7 lettuce, green leaf, fresh, outer


Dinner pizza, pan, pepperoni, large, 14"


Day Total 7.3 Day 2 Breakfastbread, whole wheat

(USDA) 0

peanut butter, creamy (USDA)

Lunch soup, chicken noodle, canned,


lettuce, green leaf, fresh, outer


taco, beef (USDA: Taco Bell)


egg, fried, large (USDA) 0.9 Dinner apple, fresh, medium, 3"

(USDA: yogurt, strawberry, individual


Day Total 2.8 Day 3 Breakfastoatmeal, quick, prepared

with 0

milk, 2%, with vitamins A & D


Lunch salad mix, leafy romaine (Dole)


banana, fresh, medium, 7" to 7


mixed nuts, salted, dry roasted,


sandwich, turkey, with whole


Dinner potato, baked, with salt (USDA)


broccoli, boiled, drained, pasta, spaghetti, cooked, with


Day Total 1.2 Average Day Total 3.8

MyFoodList Report The MyFoodList Report shows the foods you have entered and their calories. Amount Item Cals Day 1 2.0 slice bread, whole wheat (USDA) 141 0.5 cup rice, white, cooked, long grain, enriched (USDA) 103 4.0 slice bacon, thick center cut (Oscar Mayer) 160 2.0 ea scrambled eggs (USDA) 182 1.0 lb lettuce, green leaf, fresh, outer leaf (USDA) 68 4.0 slice pizza, pan, pepperoni, large, 14" (USDA: Pizza Hut) 1,315

Day Total 1969 Day 2 1.0 slice bread, whole wheat (USDA) 71 2.0 Tbs peanut butter, creamy (USDA) 191 500.0 g soup, chicken noodle, canned, low sodium (USDA) 125 1.0 cup lettuce, green leaf, fresh, outer leaf (USDA) 5 200.0 g taco, beef (USDA: Taco Bell) 458 1.0 ea egg, fried, large (USDA) 90 1.0 ea apple, fresh, medium, 3" (USDA: Commodity) 95 1.0 cntr yogurt, strawberry, individual (Yoplait) 150

Day Total 1185 Day 3

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1.0 cup oatmeal, quick, prepared with water, without salt, unenriched


1.0 cup milk, 2%, with vitamins A & D (USDA) 122 1.5 cup salad mix, leafy romaine (Dole) 15 1.0 ea banana, fresh, medium, 7" to 7 7/8" (USDA) 105 50.0 g mixed nuts, salted, dry roasted, with peanuts (USDA) 297 1.0 ea sandwich, turkey, with whole wheat (B&B's Place) 360 100.0 g potato, baked, with salt (USDA) 93 200.0 g broccoli, boiled, drained, chopped (USDA) 70 150.0 g pasta, spaghetti, cooked, with salt, packed, enriched

(USDA) 235

Day Total 1464

Total 4618 Day Average 1539 Item Average 201

MyPlate The MyPlate Food Guide report displays graphically how close the foodlist compares to the lastest USDA Dietary Guidelines (see for more info).

Intake vs. Recommendation

1600 Calorie Pattern

Group Percent Comparison Amount *

Grains Intake 126 % 6.3 oz equivalent

Grains Recommendation 5.0 oz equivalent

Vegetables Intake 161 % 3.2 cup equivalent

Vegetables Recommendation 2.0 cup equivalent

Fruits Intake 54 % 0.8 cup equivalent

Fruits Recommendation 1.5 cup equivalent

Dairy Intake 44 % 1.3 cup equivalent

Dairy Recommendation 3.0 cup equivalent

Protein Foods Intake 115 % 5.7 oz equivalent

Protein Foods Recommendation 5.0 oz equivalent

Make Half Your Grains Whole Vary Your Vegetables

Aim for at least 2.5 oz equivalents whole grains a day

Dark Green Vegetables 2.0 cups weekly

Orange Vegetables 1.5 cups weekly

Oils & Empty Calories Dry Beans & Peas 2.5 cups weekly

Aim for 5.0 teaspoons of oils a day Starchy Vegetables 2.5 cups weekly

Limit your extra fats & sugars to 132 Calories a

Other Vegetables 5.5 cups weekly

* oz equivalent is a 1 ounce estimate, rounded to consumer friendly units. For example, an oz equivalent of Grains is 1 slice of bread, or 1/2 cup of rice. An oz equivalent of Protein Foods 1 oz of meat, 1 egg, or 1/4 cup cooked beans.

Energy Balance The Energy Balance report compares the calories you've consumed to your total energy expenditure. Intake

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Calories consumed = 1539 Calories

Expenditure Sedentary Activity Calories = 1686 Calories Additional exercise Calories = 0 Calories Calories expended = 1686 Calories

Energy Balance: -147 Calories

Intake vs Expenditure 1539 Calories 1686 Calories

Calorie and Fat Sources The Calorie and Fat Sources report is useful for quickly seeing the calorie and fat breakdowns of your intake. The Source of Calories window shows graphically the percentage of calories from protein, carbohydrates, fat, and alcohol. The Source of Fat window shows the breakdown of fat (saturated, monounsaturated, polyunsaturated, and other fats) as a percentage of total calories. Calories: 1539 Source of Calories Source of Fat

Protein 18% 10-35% of Calories(adults 19+ yrs)*~ Saturated Fat 11%

Less than 10% of Calories*

Mono Fat 12%Carbohydrate 45% 45-65% of Calories(adults 19+ yrs)* Poly Fat 8%Fat 37 % 20-35% of Calories(adults 19+ yrs)* Trans Fat 1% Minimize*

Alcohol 0% Do not exceed 2 standard drinks for men and 1 standard drink for women* N/A * 6%

* Complete fat source information is not available for all foods. N/A Fat accounts for the missing information.

* Dietary Reference Intakes

~ Protein recommendations have not been adjusted to take into account endurance/strength athletes who fall into the active and very active categories, but do take into account pregnancy and lactation.


P:S ( Poly Fat / Saturated Fat ) 0.72 : 1Exchanges Potassium : Sodium 0.7 : 1Starch 7.81 Fruit 1.16 Calcium : Phosphorus 0.58 : 1Other Carbs 0.56 Vegetables 2.09 CSI ( Cholesterol / Saturated Fat ) 32.91Lean Meat 3.78 Fat 10.66

Alcohol 0.00 NonFatMilk 0.33

Nutrition Facts Formats the analysis as a Nutrition Facts label.

Nutrition Facts Serving Size ( 1247 g )

Amount per serving

Calories 1539 Calories from Fat 585

% Daily Value * T t l F t 65 124%

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Total Fat 65g 124%

Saturated Fat 19g 113% Trans Fat 1g

Cholesterol 275mg 92%

Sodium 2892mg 126%

Total Carbohydrates 174g 75%

Dietary Fiber 21g 90%

Total Sugars 33g

Protein 70g 159%

Vitamin A 130% Vitamin C 123%

Calcium 53% Iron 88%

* Percent Daily Values are based on your custom

Calorie Assessment A close-up picture of the Calories consumed.

Calories to maintain current weight Calories to maintain current weight 1686 Calorie adjustment for weight change of 0 lb (per week) 0 Goal Calories 1686

Average Daily Intake & Expenditures Average Intake 1539 Average Expenditure 1686

Calories For The Day Goal Intake Assessment Total Calories 1686 1539 Below Goal Protein (10-35% Calories) 168 to 590 277 In Range Carbohydrates (45-65% Calories) 758 to 1095 686 Below Goal Added Sugar (<10% Calories) 0 to 168 2 In Range Fat (20-35% Calories) 337 to 590 576 In Range

Meal Assessment Report Sources of Calories, Protein, Carbohydrates, and Fats by Meal Calories % 0 50 100 Protein % 0 50 100 Breakfast 691 15 % Breakfast 31.6 15 % Lunch 196 43 % Lunch 105. 50 % Snack 0 0 % Snack 0 0 % Dinner 195 42 % Dinner 74.3 35 % Not 0 0 % Not 0 0 %

Carbohydrate % 0 50 100 Fat % 0 50 100 Breakfast 82.8 16 % Breakfast 27.8 14 % Lunch 164. 31 % Lunch 103. 53 % Snack 0 0 % Snack 0 0 % Dinner 275. 53 % Dinner 63.7 33 % Not 0 0 % Not 0 0 %

Activity Summary List of the Activities performed, their METs, duration and Calories burned. Profile Calorie Goal: 1686

Daily Activity Details

Duration Mets Exercise Calories Sedentary Activities of Daily Living** 1686 T l C l i (S d ) 1686

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Total Calories (Sedentary) 1686

Summary Calories

Sedentary Activities of Daily Living** 1686 Average Daily Calories Expended 0 Daily Average*** 1686

[**] The Sedentary activity level includes basic daily tasks such as getting ready for the day, housework, walking to work or class, and light yard work. These tasks are called Activities of Daily Living (ADL). If you engage in physical activity beyond that included in the activities of daily living, you may increase your activity level to Low Active, Active or Very Active. The Active activity level is recommended by the government for health. [***] Your Daily Average put you in the Sedentary activity level, and suggests 1686 Calories to maintain your current weight.

Calorie Goal Calories Expended1686 1686

Recommendations The Recommendations Report lists the recommended daily nutrient intake for a person based on the information entered. Often referred to as the DRI (Dietary Reference Intake). Nutrient Value Notes

Basic Components

Calories 1,685.88 Protein (g) 44.20 10-35% of Calories (adult 19+

yrs)*~ Carbohydrates (g) 231.81 45-65% of Calories (adult 19+ yrs)* Added Sugar (g) ++ Less than 10% of Calories+ Dietary Fiber (g) 23.60 Fat (g) 52.45 20-35% of Calories (adult 19+ yrs)* Saturated Fat (g) 16.86 Less than 10% of Calories + Mono Fat (g) 18.73 Poly Fat (g) 16.86 Cholesterol (mg) 300.00 Limit+ Water (g) 2,300.00


Vitamin A - RAE (mcg) 700.00 Vitamin B1 - Thiamin (mg) 1.00 Vitamin B2 - Riboflavin (mg) 1.00 Vitamin B3 - Niacin (mg) 14.00 Vitamin B6 (mg) 1.20 Do not exceed 100 mg * Vitamin B12 (mcg) 2.40 Over 50 should take a supplement

* Vitamin C (mg) 65.00 Vitamin D - mcg (mcg) 15.00 15 to no more than 100 mcg* Vitamin E - Alpha Toc. (mg) 15.00 Folate (mcg) 400.00 Women of child-bearing age

should take a supplement or fortified foods with 400 mcg*


Calcium (mg) 1,300.00 Do not exceed 2500 mg * Iron (mg) 15.00 Do not exceed 45 mg * Magnesium (mg) 360.00 Do not exceed 350 mg by

supplement * Phosphorus (mg) 1,250.00 Do not exceed 4000 mg * Potassium (mg) 4,700.00 At least 4700 mg per day* Sodium (mg) 2,300.00 Less than 2300 mg per day* - less

than 1500 mg for some people+ Zinc (mg) 9.00 Do not exceed 40 mg *

Sources: * Di t R f I t k

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* Dietary Reference Intakes

+ 2015 Dietary Guidelines for Americans ~ Protein recommendations have not been adjusted to take into account endurance/strength athletes who fall into the active and very active categories, but do take into account pregnancy and lactation.

++ The nutrient contents of the items in the MDA food database depend on manufacturers' reporting accurate information. Since many do not have data yet on added sugars, this number may not be an accurate reflection of added sugar intake.

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