
CU_Horiz_RGB Guiding Questions: Capital Budget

Guiding Questions

Preparing and Managing a Capital Budget

This document is designed to give you questions to consider and additional guidance to help you successfully complete the Preparing and Managing a Capital Budget assessment. You may find it useful to use this document as a pre-writing exercise, an outlining tool, or as a final check to ensure that you have sufficiently addressed all the grading criteria for this assessment. This document is a resource to help you complete the assessment. Do not turn in this document as your assessment submission.

Completing the Budget

Describe the capital acquisition.

What is the scope of the renovation?

What will the renovated lounge look like?

· Consider such factors as comfort, amenities, aesthetics, and capacity.

What is the timeline for the project?

Is your description of the renovation complete and accurate?

Justify the need for the capital acquisition.

In what ways will the renovation benefit the nursing staff?

· How will those benefits affect patient care?

Examine the mission of your organization or unit.

· How does the nurse’s lounge renovation support the mission and goals?

How are executive leaders likely to react to your budget?

Prepare the capital budget.

Does your budget have a minimum dollar amount?

Does the renovation include both direct and indirect expenses?

Have you included a budget line item for contingencies?

Describe the process for calculating costs.

What are your primary sources of cost information?

How current and reliable are your cost data?

What teams or individuals would you consult with in order to determine costs?

What are your methods of cost calculation?

Present a plan for budget management.

Who can you collaborate with to manage the budget?

· Examples include financial or administrative staff or budget committees.

What cost control methods would you employ?

How will you manage budget variances?

Explain how the renovation will affect the financial health of the organization.

Will the renovation yield a return on investment?

How long will it take for to recover the cost of the renovation?

Have you considered depreciation value?

Present budget data and information clearly and accurately.

Express your main points succinctly, using correct grammar and mechanics.

Proofread your budget to eliminate errors in your data and information.

Integrate relevant and credible sources of evidence to support your budget data and information, correctly formatting citations and references using APA style.

Is your supporting evidence clear and explicit?

Integrate relevant evidence from at least five scholarly or professional sources.

Submission Reminders

Do you have a complete and accurate description of the renovation?

Have you provided solid justification for the renovation?

Is your budget complete and accurate?

Have you explained how you determined costs?

Have you presented your plan for managing the budget?

Have you explained how the renovation will affect the financial health of the organization?

Have you presented your budget data and information clearly and accurately?

Are your claims and conclusions well-supported by at least five sources of credible evidence?



Essentials of Sociology A Down-to-Earth Approach

Thirteenth Edition

James M. Henslin Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville

330 Hudson Street, NY NY 10013

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Names: Henslin, James M., author. Title: Essentials of sociology : a down-to-earth approach / James M. Henslin, Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville. Description: Thirteenth edition. | Boston : Pearson, [2019] Identifiers: LCCN 2017048320 (print) | LCCN 2017052388 (ebook) | ISBN 9780134740041 (ebook) | ISBN 9780134736570 (student edition : alk. paper) | ISBN 9780134740003 (a la carte : alk. paper) Subjects: LCSH: Sociology. Classification: LCC HM586 (ebook) | LCC HM586 .H43 2019 (print) | DDC 301— dc23 LC record available at

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Revel AC ISBN 10: 0-13-473989-2 ISBN 13: 978-0-13-473989-2

ALC ISBN 10: 0-13-473839-X ISBN 13: 978-0-13-473839-0

Instructor’s Resource Edition ISBN 10: 0-13-47385-4 ISBN 13: 978-0-13-473845-1

To my fellow sociologists, who do such creative research on social life and who communicate the sociological imagination to generations of students. With my sincere admiration and appreciation.

1 The Sociological Perspective 1

2 Culture 38

3 Socialization 68

4 Social Structure and Social Interaction 101

5 Social Groups and Formal Organizations 133

6 Deviance and Social Control 162

7 Global Stratification 195

8 Social Class in the United States 228

9 Race and Ethnicity 263

10 Gender and Age 303

11 Politics and the Economy 345

12 Marriage and Family 381

13 Education and Religion 415

14 Population and Urbanization 451

15 Social Change and the Environment 488

Brief Contents



To the Student ... from the Author xviii

To the Instructor ... from the Author xix

About the Author xxxvi

1 The Sociological Perspective 1 The Sociological Perspective 3

Seeing the Broader Social Context 3 The Global Context—and the Local 4

Origins of Sociology 4 Tradition versus Science 5 Auguste Comte and Positivism 5 Herbert Spencer and Social Darwinism 6 Karl Marx and Class Conflict 6 Emile Durkheim and Social Integration 7


Max Weber and the Protestant Ethic 8 RELIGION AND THE ORIGIN OF CAPITALISM 8

Sociology in North America 9 Sexism at the Time: Women in Early Sociology 9 Racism at the Time: W. E. B. Du Bois 10 Jane Addams: Sociologist and Social Reformer 11 Talcott Parsons and C. Wright Mills: Theory

versus Reform 12 The Continuing Tension: Basic, Applied,


Theoretical Perspectives in Sociology 14 Symbolic Interactionism 14




Putting the Theoretical Perspectives Together 19 Levels of Analysis: Macro and Micro 19 How Theory and Research Work Together 20

Doing Sociological Research 21

A Research Model 21 Selecting a Topic 21 Defining the Problem 22 Reviewing the Literature 22 Formulating a Hypothesis 22 Choosing a Research Method 22

Collecting the Data 22 Analyzing the Results 23 Sharing the Results 23

Research Methods (Designs) 24 Surveys 25


Participant Observation (Fieldwork) 28 Case Studies 29 Secondary Analysis 30 Analysis of Documents 30 Experiments 30 Unobtrusive Measures 32

Gender in Sociological Research 32

Ethics in Sociological Research 33 Protecting the Subjects: The Brajuha Research 33 Misleading the Subjects: The Humphreys Research 34

Trends Shaping the Future of Sociology 34 Tension in Sociology: Research versus



Summary and Review 36 Thinking Critically about Chapter 1 37

2 Culture 38 What Is Culture? 40

Culture and Taken-for-Granted Orientations to Life 40 IN SUM 42

Practicing Cultural Relativism 43 ATTACK ON CULTURAL RELATIVISM 44

Components of Symbolic Culture 46 Gestures 46



Language and Perception: The Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis 50

Values, Norms, and Sanctions 51 Folkways, Mores, and Taboos 52


vi Contents

Many Cultural Worlds 53 Subcultures 53 Countercultures 56

Values in U.S. Society 56 An Overview of U.S. Values 56 Value Clusters 57 Value Contradictions 58 An Emerging Value Cluster 58


When Values Clash 60 Values as Distorting Lenses 60 “Ideal” Culture Versus “Real” Culture 60

Cultural Universals 60 IN SUM 61

Sociobiology and Human Behavior 61 IN SUM 62

Technology in the Global Village 62 New Technology 62 Cultural Lag and Cultural Change 64 Technology and Cultural Leveling 64


Summary and Review 66 Thinking Critically about Chapter 2 67

3 Socialization 68 Society Makes Us Human 70

Feral Children 71 Isolated Children 71 Institutionalized Children 72


Deprived Animals 73 IN SUM: SOCIETY MAKES US HUMAN 74

Socialization into the Self and Mind 74 Cooley and the Looking-Glass Self 74


Mead and Role Taking 75 IN SUM 76

Piaget and the Development of Reasoning 76 Global Aspects of the Self and Reasoning 77

Learning Personality, Morality, and Emotions 77 Freud and the Development of Personality 77




Society within Us: The Self and Emotions as a Social Mirror 81 IN SUM 81

Socialization into Gender 81 Learning the Gender Map 81 Gender Messages in the Family 82


Gender Messages from Peers 84 Gender Messages in the Mass Media 85


Agents of Socialization 86 The Family 87


The Neighborhood 87 Religion 88 Day Care 88 The School 89 Peer Groups 90 The Workplace 92

Resocialization 92 Total Institutions 92

Socialization through the Life Course 94

Childhood (from birth to about age 12) 94 IN SUM 95

Adolescence (ages 13–17) 95 Transitional Adulthood (ages 18–29) 96


The Middle Years (ages 30–65) 96 THE EARLY MIDDLE YEARS (AGES 30–49) 96 • THE LATER MIDDLE YEARS (AGES 50–65) 97

The Older Years (about age 65 on) 97 THE TRANSITIONAL OLDER YEARS (AGES 65–74) 97 • THE LATER OLDER YEARS (AGE 75 OR SO) 97

Are We Prisoners of Socialization? 98

Summary and Review 99 Thinking Critically about Chapter 3 100

4 Social Structure and Social Interaction 101

Levels of Sociological Analysis 103 Macrosociology and Microsociology 103

The Macrosociological Perspective: Social Structure 104

The Sociological Significance of Social Structure 104 IN SUM 105

Components of Social Structure 105 Culture 106 Social Class 106 Social Status 106


Contents vii

Roles 108 Groups 108

Social Institutions 109 Comparing Functionalist and Conflict Perspectives 109


Changes in Social Structure 111 What Holds Society Together? 111


The Microsociological Perspective: Social Interaction in Everyday Life 114

Symbolic Interaction 114 Stereotypes in Everyday Life 114 Personal Space 118 Eye Contact 119 Smiling 119 Body Language 119


Dramaturgy: The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life 119 Stages 120 Role Performance, Conflict, and Strain 120 Sign-Vehicles 121 Teamwork 123 Becoming the Roles We Play 123


Ethnomethodology: Uncovering Background Assumptions 124

IN SUM 125

The Social Construction of Reality 125 Gynecological Examinations 126

IN SUM 127

The Need for Both Macrosociology and Microsociology 127

Summary and Review 131 Thinking Critically about Chapter 4 132

5 Social Groups and Formal Organizations 133

Groups within Society 135 Primary Groups 135



In-Groups and Out-Groups 138 SHAPING PERCEPTION AND MORALITY 138



Bureaucracies 143 The Characteristics of Bureaucracies 144 Goal Displacement and the Perpetuation

of Bureaucracies 146 Dysfunctions of Bureaucracies 147


Working for the Corporation 148 Self-Fulfilling Stereotypes in the “Hidden”


Diversity in the Workplace 149

Technology and the Maximum-Security Society 150

Group Dynamics 151 Effects of Group Size on Stability and Intimacy 151 Effects of Group Size on Attitudes and Behavior 152



The Power of Peer Pressure: The Asch Experiment 157 The Power of Authority: The Milgram Experiment 158 Global Consequences of Group Dynamics:


Summary and Review 160 Thinking Critically about Chapter 5 161

6 Deviance and Social Control 162 What is Deviance? 164

A Neutral Term 164 STIGMA 164

Deviance Is Relative 164 How Norms Make Social Life Possible 166 Sanctions 166

IN SUM 166

Competing Explanations of Deviance: Sociobiology, Psychology, and Sociology 167

Biosocial Explanations 167 Psychological Explanations 167 Sociological Explanations 168

The Symbolic Interactionist Perspective 168 Differential Association Theory 168


Control Theory 170 THE THEORY 170


The Functionalist Perspective 175 Can Deviance Really Be Functional for Society? 175 Strain Theory: How Mainstream Values Produce

Deviance 175 FOUR DEVIANT PATHS 176 • IN SUM 176

Illegitimate Opportunity Structures: Social Class and Crime 176 STREET CRIME 176 • WHITE-COLLAR CRIME 178 • GENDER AND CRIME 179 • IN SUM 180

The Conflict Perspective 180 Class, Crime, and the Criminal Justice System 180 The Criminal Justice System as an Instrument

of Oppression 180 IN SUM 181

Reactions to Deviance 181 Street Crime and Prisons 182 The Decline of Violent Crime 185 Recidivism 185 The Death Penalty and Bias 186


The Trouble with Official Statistics 190 The Medicalization of Deviance: Mental Illness 191


The Need for a More Humane Approach 193

Summary and Review 193 Thinking Critically about Chapter 6 194

7 Global Stratification 195 Systems of Social Stratification 197




Class 204 Global Stratification and the Status of Females 204 The Global Superclass 204

What Determines Social Class? 205 Karl Marx: The Means of Production 205 Max Weber: Property, Power, and Prestige 206

IN SUM 206

Why Is Social Stratification Universal? 206 The Functionalist View: Motivating Qualified


The Conflict Perspective: Class Conflict and Scarce Resources 208 MOSCA’S ARGUMENT 208 • MARX’S ARGUMENT 209 • CURRENT APPLICATIONS OF CONFLICT THEORY 209

Lenski’s Synthesis 209 IN SUM 209

How Do Elites Maintain Stratification? 210 Soft Control versus Force 210


Comparative Social Stratification 212 Social Stratification in Great Britain 212 Social Stratification in the Former Soviet Union 212

Global Stratification: Three Worlds 213 The Most Industrialized Nations 214 The Industrializing Nations 217 The Least Industrialized Nations 218 Modifying the Model 218

How Did the World’s Nations Become Stratified? 221 Colonialism 221 World System Theory 222 Culture of Poverty 223 Evaluating the Theories 223

Maintaining Global Stratification 224 Neocolonialism 224



Technology and Global Domination 225

Strains in the Global System: Uneasy Realignments 226

Summary and Review 226 Thinking Critically about Chapter 7 227

8 Social Class in the United States 228 What Is Social Class? 230




Status Inconsistency 236

Sociological Models of Social Class 238 Updating Marx 238 Updating Weber 239


Consequences of Social Class 242 Physical Health 243 Mental Health 243 Family Life 244


viii Contents

Education 244 Religion 245 Politics 245 Crime and Criminal Justice 246

Social Mobility 246 Three Types of Social Mobility 246 Women in Studies of Social Mobility 248 The Pain of Social Mobility: Two Distinct Worlds 249

Poverty 251 Drawing the Poverty Line 251 Who Are the Poor? 253


Children of Poverty 255

The Dynamics of Poverty versus the Culture of Poverty 257 Why Are People Poor? 257 Deferred Gratification 257 Where Is Horatio Alger? The Social Functions

of a Myth 259

Peering into the Future: Will We Live in a Three-Tier Society? 260

Summary and Review 261 Thinking Critically about Chapter 8 262

9 Race and Ethnicity 263 Laying the Sociological Foundation 265


Ethnic Groups 269 Minority Groups and Dominant Groups 269


Ethnic Work: Constructing Our Racial–Ethnic Identity 270

Prejudice and Discrimination 270


Individual and Institutional Discrimination 275 HOME MORTGAGES 275 • HEALTH CARE 276

Theories of Prejudice 276



Global Patterns of Intergroup Relations 281 Genocide 281

IN SUM 282

Population Transfer 282 Internal Colonialism 282 Segregation 282 Assimilation 283 Multiculturalism (Pluralism) 283

Racial–Ethnic Relations in the United States 283 European Americans 284

IN SUM 285





Looking toward the Future 297 The Immigration Controversy 297 The Affirmative Action Controversy 299


Less Racism 300 Toward a True Multicultural Society 300

Summary and Review 300 Thinking Critically about Chapter 9 302

10 Gender and Age 303 Inequalities of Gender 305 Issues of Sex and Gender 305

The Sociological Significance of Gender 305 Gender Differences in Behavior: Biology or Culture? 307 The Dominant Position in Sociology 307 Opening the Door to Biology 307


Gender Inequality in Global Perspective 312 How Did Females Become a Minority Group? 312


Gender Inequality in the United States 315 Fighting Back: The Rise of Feminism 315 Gender Inequality in Health Care 318

Contents ix

Gender Inequality in Education 319 THE PAST 319 • A FUNDAMENTAL CHANGE 320 • GENDER TRACKING 321

Gender Inequality in the Workplace 322 The Pay Gap 322


Is the Glass Ceiling Cracking? 326 Sexual Harassment—and Worse 326


Gender and Violence 327 Violence against Women 327


The Changing Face of Politics 329

Glimpsing the Future—with Hope 330

Inequalities of Aging 330 Aging in Global Perspective 331

Extremes of Attitudes and Practices 331 IN SUM 331

Industrialization and the Graying of the Globe 332 THE LIFE SPAN 332

The Graying of America 333

The Symbolic Interactionist Perspective 335 Shifting Meanings of Growing Old 335 The Influence of the Mass Media 336

IN SUM 336

The Functionalist Perspective 337 Disengagement Theory 337


Activity Theory 337 EVALUATION OF THE THEORY 338

Continuity Theory 338 EVALUATION OF THE THEORY 338 •


The Conflict Perspective 339 Fighting for Resources: Social Security Legislation 339 “Old People Are Sucking Us Dry”: Intergenerational

Competition and Conflict 339 IN SUM: THE CONFICT PERSPECTIVE 340

Looking toward the Future 342 New Views: Creative Aging 342

Summary and Review 342 Thinking Critically about Chapter 10 344

11 Politics and the Economy 345 Politics: Establishing and Exercising Leadership 347 Power, Authority, and Violence 347

Authority and Legitimate Violence 347 Traditional Authority 348 Rational–Legal Authority 349


The Transfer of Authority 350

Types of Government 350 Monarchies: The Rise of the State 350 Democracies: Citizenship as a Revolutionary Idea 351 Dictatorships and Oligarchies: The Seizure of Power 353

The U.S. Political System 353 Political Parties and Elections 353 Polling and Predictions 354



Lobbyists and Special-Interest Groups 358 LOBBYING BY SPECIAL-INTEREST GROUPS 358 • THE MONEY 358

Who Rules the United States? 359 The Functionalist Perspective: Pluralism 359

IN SUM 359

The Conflict Perspective: The Power Elite 360 IN SUM 360

Which View Is Right? 360

War and Terrorism: Implementing Political Objectives 361

Why Countries Go to War 361 THE FLESH AND BLOOD OF WAR 362

Terrorism 362

The Economy: Work in the Global Village 363 The Transformation of Economic Systems 364

Preindustrial Societies: The Birth of Inequality 364 Industrial Societies: The Birth of the Machine 365 Postindustrial Societies: The Birth of the

Information Age 365 Biotech Societies: The Merger of Biology and

Economics 366

World Economic Systems 367 Capitalism 367



Ideologies of Capitalism and Socialism 369 Criticisms of Capitalism and Socialism 369 The Convergence of Capitalism and Socialism 370


The Globalization of Capitalism 372 A New Global Structure and its Effects on Workers 372 Stagnant Paychecks 375 The New Economic System and the Old Divisions

of Wealth 375 The Global Superclass 377

x Contents

What Lies Ahead? A New World Order? 377 Unity and Disunity 378 Inevitable Changes 378

Summary and Review 378 Thinking Critically about Chapter 11 380

12 Marriage and Family 381 Marriage and Family in Global Perspective 383

What Is a Family? 383 What Is Marriage? 384 Common Cultural Themes 384


Marriage and Family in Theoretical Perspective 386 The Functionalist Perspective: Functions and


The Conflict Perspective: Struggles between Husbands and Wives 387 INEVITABLE CONFLICT 387 • CHANGING POWER RELATIONS 387

The Symbolic Interactionist Perspective: Gender, Housework, and Child Care 388 CHANGES IN TRADITIONAL GENDER ORIENTATIONS 388 • PAID WORK AND HOUSEWORK 388 • MORE CHILD CARE 389 • TOTAL HOURS 389 • A GENDER DIVISION OF LABOR 389

The Family Life Cycle 389 Love and Courtship in Global Perspective 389 Marriage 391




Family transitions 397 TRANSITIONAL ADULTHOOD 397 • WIDOWHOOD 397

Diversity in U.S. Families 398 African American Families 398 Latino Families 399 Asian American Families 400 Native American Families 400

IN SUM 400

One-Parent Families 401 Couples without Children 401 Blended Families 402 Gay and Lesbian Families 402


Trends in U.S. Families 403 The Changing Timetable of Family Life: Marriage

and Childbirth 403


The “Sandwich Generation” and Elder Care 405

Divorce and Remarriage 405 Ways of Measuring Divorce 405 Divorce and Mixed Racial–Ethnic Marriages 407 Symbolic Interactionism and the Misuse of Statistics 407 Children of Divorce 408


Grandchildren of Divorce: Ripples to the Future 409 Fathers’ Contact with Children after Divorce 409 The Ex-Spouses 409 Remarriage: “I Do” Again and Again 410

Two Sides of Family Life 410 The Dark Side of Family Life: Battering, Child Abuse,

Marital Rape, and Incest 410 SPOUSE BATTERING 410 • CHILD ABUSE 410 • MARITAL AND INTIMACY RAPE 411 • INCEST 411

The Bright Side of Family Life: Successful Marriages 411 SUCCESSFUL MARRIAGES 412

The Future of Marriage and Family 412

Summary and Review 413 Thinking Critically about Chapter 12 414

13 Education and Religion 415 Education: Transferring Knowledge and Skills 417 Education in Global Perspective 417


Education in the Most Industrialized Nations: Japan 419

Education in the Industrializing Nations: Russia 421 Education in the Least Industrialized Nations: Egypt 421

The Functionalist Perspective: Providing Social Benefits 422 Teaching Knowledge and Skills 422 Cultural Transmission of Values 422 Social Integration 423


Gatekeeping (Social Placement) 423 Replacing Family Functions 424

IN SUM 424

The Conflict Perspective: Perpetuating Social Inequality 424 The Hidden Curriculum: Reproducing the Social

Class Structure 424 Tilting the Tests: Discrimination by IQ 425 Stacking the Deck: Unequal Funding 425 The Bottom Line: Family Background 426


Contents xi

The Symbolic Interactionist Perspective: Teacher Expectations 426

The Rist Research 426 How Do Teacher Expectations Work? 427 Self-Expectations 428

Problems in U.S. Education—and Their Solutions 429 Mediocrity 429




Violence 432 The Need for Educational Reform 433

Religion: Establishing Meaning 434 What Is Religion? Durkheim’s Research 434

The Functionalist Perspective 434 Functions of Religion 434



The Symbolic Interactionist Perspective 436 Religious Symbols 436 Beliefs 437 Religious Experience 437 Rituals 437

The Conflict Perspective 440 Opium of the People 440 Legitimating Social Inequalities 440

Religion and the Spirit of Capitalism 440

Types of Religious Groups 442 Cult 442 Sect 444 Church 444 Ecclesia 444

Religion in the United States 445 Characteristics of Members 445


Characteristics of Religious Groups 446 DIVERSITY 446 • PLURALISM AND FREEDOM 446 • TOLERATION 447 • THE ELECTRONIC CHURCH 447

The Future of Religion 447

Summary and Review 449 Thinking Critically about Chapter 13 450

14 Population and Urbanization 451 Population in Global Perspective 453 A Planet with No Space for Enjoying Life? 453

The New Malthusians 453

The Anti-Malthusians 455 Who Is Correct? 456 Why Are People Starving? 457

Population Growth 460 Why the Least Industrialized Nations Have

So Many Children 460 Consequences of Rapid Population Growth 461 Population Pyramids as a Tool for Understanding 462 The Three Demographic Variables 463


Problems in Forecasting Population Growth 465

Cities and City Life 468 The Development of Cities and Urbanization 471

The Development of Cities 471 Urbanization 472


U.S. Urban Patterns 473 Uneven Urbanization 474 Shifting Resources and Power because of Urban

Migration 474 Edge Cities 474 Gentrification 475 Changes in Suburbanization 477

Models of Urban Growth 477 The Concentric Zone Model 477 The Sector Model 478 The Multiple-Nuclei Model 478 The Peripheral Model 479 Critique of the Models 479

City Life 480 Alienation in the City 480 Community in the City 481



The Norm of Noninvolvement and the Diffusion of Responsibility 482

Urban Problems and Social Policy 483 Suburbanization 483


Disinvestment and Deindustrialization 484 The Potential of Urban Revitalization 485


Summary and Review 486 Thinking Critically about Chapter 14 487

15 Social Change and the Environment 488 How Social Change Transforms Social Life 490

The Four Social Revolutions 490 From Gemeinschaft to Gesellschaft 490

xii Contents

The Industrial Revolution and Capitalism 491 Social Movements 492 Conflict, Power, and Global Politics 492


Theories and Processes of Social Change 494 Evolution from Lower to Higher 495 Natural Cycles 495 Conflict over Power and Resources 495 Ogburn’s Theory 496


How Technology Is Changing Our Lives 498 Extending Human Abilities 498 The Sociological Significance of Technology: How




Cyberspace and Social Inequality 505 IN SUM 505

The Growth Machine versus the Earth 506 The Globalization of Capitalism and the Race

for Economic Growth 506 A SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT 506


The Environmental Movement 511 Environmental Sociology 512 Technology and the Environment: The Goal

of Harmony 513

Summary and Review 514 Thinking Critically about Chapter 15 515

Epilogue: Why Major in Sociology? 516

Glossary G-1 References R-1 Name Index N-1 Subject Index S-1 Credits C-1

Contents xiii


Down-to-Earth Sociology W. E. B. Du Bois: The Souls of Black Folk 10

Enjoying a Sociology Quiz: Testing Your Common Sense 21

Testing Your Common Sense: Answers to the Sociology Quiz 23

Loading the Dice: How Not to Do Research 26

Gang Leader for a Day: Adventures of a Rogue Sociologist 28

Heredity or Environment? The Case of Jack and Oskar, Identical Twins 70

Gossip and Ridicule to Enforce Adolescent Norms 91

Boot Camp as a Total Institution 93

College Football as Social Structure 105

Beauty May Be Only Skin Deep, But Its Effects Go On Forever: Stereotypes in Everyday Life 117

The McDonaldization of Society 145

Shaming: Making a Comeback? 170

Islands in the Street: Urban Gangs in the United States 177

The Killer Next Door: Serial Murderers in Our Midst 187

Rape: Blaming the Victim and Protecting the Caste System 202

Inequality? What Inequality? 213

How the Super-Rich Live 233

The Big Win: Life after the Lottery 237

What Do You Know about Poverty? A Reality Check 252

Poverty: A Personal Journey 258

Can a Plane Ride Change Your Race? 267

College Dorms and Contact Theory 272

The Racist Mind 274

The Man in the Zoo 280

Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack: Exploring Cultural Privilege 286

Surgical Sexism: Cold-Hearted Surgeons and Their Women Victims 318

Affirmative Action for Men? 320

Who Are the Suicide Terrorists? Testing Your Stereotypes 362

Community Colleges: Facing Old and New Challenges 418

BioFoods: What’s in Your Future? Threats to Scientific Research 458

Reclaiming Harlem: A Twist in the Invasion–Succession Cycle 475

Cultural Diversity in the United States Unanticipated Public Sociology: Studying Job

Discrimination 13

Miami—Continuing Controversy over Language 49

Race and Language: Searching for Self-Labels 50

Immigrants and Their Children: Caught between Two Worlds 89

The Amish: Gemeinschaft Community in a Gesellschaft Society 113

Social Class and the Upward Social Mobility of African Americans 250

Tiger Woods: Mapping the Changing Ethnic Terrain 265

The Illegal Travel Guide 287

Glimpsing the Future: The Shifting U.S. Racial–Ethnic Mix 298

Human Heads and Animal Blood: Testing the Limits of Tolerance 442

Cultural Diversity around the World Why the Dead Need Money 42

You Are What You Eat? An Exploration in Cultural Relativity 43

When Women Become Men: The Sworn Virgins 83

Human Sexuality in Cross-Cultural Perspectives 165

Female Circumcision (Genital Cutting) 314

A Fierce Competitor: The Chinese Capitalists 371

Arranged Marriage in India: Probing Beneath the Surface 390

Killing Little Girls: An Ancient and Thriving Practice 466

Why City Slums Are Better Than the Country: Urbanization in the Least Industrialized Nations 479

The Rain Forests: Lost Tribes, Lost Knowledge 510

Special Features

Thinking Critically about Social Life Are We Prisoners of Our Genes? 61

“Nothing Tastes as Good as Thin Feels”: Body Images and the Mass Media 122

If Hitler Asked You to Execute a Stranger, Would You? The Milgram Experiment 158

The Saints and the Roughnecks: Labeling in Everyday Life 174

Sexting: Getting on the Phone Isn’t What It Used to Be 182

What Should We Do About Repeat Offenders? “Three Strikes” Laws 184

Vigilantes: When the State Breaks Down 189

Open Season: Children as Prey 217

When Globalization Comes Home: Maquiladoras South of the Border 222

The Nation’s Shame: Children in Poverty 256

The Coming Three-Tier Society and the Militarization of the Police 260

New Masculinities and Femininities Are on Their Way 309

The Cultural Lens: Shaping Our Perceptions of the Elderly 336

School Shootings: Exploding a Myth 432

Cyberwar and Cyber Defense 503

Climate Controversy, the Island Nations, and You 509

Eco-sabotage 511

Sociology and Technology: The Shifting Landscape Lara Croft, Tomb Raider: Changing Images of Women in

the Mass Media 86

Virtual Reality and Diversity Training 149

Enjoy Your Security State (SS) 150

How Could the Polls Be So Wrong? 354

Online Dating: Risks and Rewards 385

What Color Eyes? How Tall? Designer Babies on the Way 393

Changing Religious Practices in the Digital Age 448

Weaponizing Space: The Coming Star Wars 504

Applying Sociology to Your Life The Sociological Perspective and Your Life

Course 98

Getting Promoted at Work: Making Impression Management Work for You 124

The New World of Work: How to Keep a Paycheck Coming in the New Global Marketplace 141

Do Your Social Networks Perpetuate Social Inequality? 143

“How Does Social Control Theory Apply to You?” 171

How Do You Use Techniques of Neutralization to Protect Your Self-Concept? 172

“The American Dream”: Social Mobility Today 247

How to Get a Higher Salary 324

Breaking through the Glass Ceiling 326

Your Work and Your Future in the Global Village 366

Finding Quality Day Care 395

What Kind of Parent Will You Be? 396

“What are Your Chances of Getting Divorced? The Misuse of Statistics” 407

You Want to Get Through College? Let’s Apply Sociology 428

Special Features xv

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FIGURE 6.1 How Safe Is Your State? Violent Crime in the United States 179

FIGURE 6.5 Executions in the United States 188

FIGURE 7.4 Global Stratification: Income of the World’s Nations 215

FIGURE 8.11 Patterns of Poverty 253

FIGURE 9.6 The Distribution of Dominant and Minority Groups 285

FIGURE 10.6 Women in the Workforce 323

FIGURE 10.10 The Graying of the Globe 332

FIGURE 10.15 As Florida Goes, So Goes the Nation 335

FIGURE 11.1 Which Political Party Dominates? 354

FIGURE 12.14 The “Where” of U.S. Divorce 406

FIGURE 14.12 The World’s 10 Largest Megacities 473

FIGURE 14.13 How Urban Is Your State? The Rural–Urban Makeup of the United States 474

FIGURE 15.2 The Worst Hazardous Waste Sites 507

Guide to Social Maps


W ELCOME TO SOCIOLOGY! I’ve loved soci- ology since I was in my teens, and I hope you enjoy it, too. Sociology is fascinating because it is

about human behavior, and many of us find that it holds the key to understanding social life.

If you like to watch people and try to figure out why they do what they do, you will like sociology. Sociology pries open the doors of society so you can see what goes on behind them. Essentials of Sociology: A Down-to-Earth Approach stresses how profoundly our society and the groups to which we belong influence us. Social class, for example, sets us on a particular path in life. For some, the path leads to more education, more interesting jobs, higher income, and better health, but for oth- ers it leads to dropping out of school, dead-end jobs, poverty, and even a higher risk of illness and disease. These paths are so significant that they affect our chances of making it to our first birthday, as well as of getting in trouble with the police. They even influence our satisfaction in marriage, the number of children we will have—and whether or not we will read this book in the first place.

When I took my first course in sociology, I was “hooked.” Seeing how marvelously my life had been affected by these larger social influences opened my eyes to a new world, one that has been fascinating to explore. I hope that you will have this experience, too.

From how people become homeless to how they become presidents, from why people commit suicide to why women are discriminated against in every society around the world— all are part of sociology. This breadth, in fact, is what makes sociology so intriguing. We can place the sociological lens on broad features of society, such as social class, gender, and race– ethnicity, and then immediately turn our focus on the smaller, more intimate level. If we look at two people interacting— whether quarreling or kissing—we see how these broad features of society are being played out in their lives.

We aren’t born with instincts. Nor do we come into this world with preconceived notions of what life should be like. At birth, we have no concepts of race–ethnicity, gender, age, or social class. We have no idea, for example, that people “ought” to act in certain ways because they are male or female. Yet we all learn such things as we grow up in our society. Uncovering the “hows” and the “whys” of this process is also part of what makes sociology so fascinating.

One of sociology’s many pleasures is that as we study life in groups (which can be taken as a definition of sociol- ogy), whether those groups are in some far-off part of the world or in some nearby corner of our own society, we gain new insights into who we are and how we got that way. As we see how their customs affect them, the effects of our own society on us become more visible.

This book, then, can be part of an intellectual adven- ture, for it can lead you to a new way of looking at your social world—and in the process, help you to better under- stand both society and yourself.

I wish you the very best in college—and in your career afterward. It is my sincere desire that Essentials of Sociology: A Down-to-Earth Approach will contribute to that success.

James M. Henslin

Department of Sociology

Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville

P.S. I enjoy communicating with students, so feel free to comment on your experiences with this text. You can write me at [email protected]

To the Student ... from the Author

To the Instructor ... from the Author

REMEMBER WHEN YOU FIRST GOT “HOOKED” on sociology, how the windows of perception opened as you began to see life-in-society through the sociological perspective? For most of us, this was an eye-opening experience. This text is designed to open those windows onto social life, so students can see clearly the vital effects of group membership on their lives. Although few students will get into what Peter Berger calls “the passion of sociology,” we at least can provide them the opportunity.

To study sociology is to embark on a fascinating process of discovery. We can compare sociology to a huge jigsaw puzzle. Only gradually do we see how the smaller pieces fit together. As we begin to see the interconnections, our per- spective changes as we shift our eyes from the many small, disjointed pieces to the whole that is being formed. Of all the endeavors we could have entered, we chose sociology because of the ways in which it joins the “pieces” of society together and the challenges it poses to “ordinary” think- ing. It is our privilege to share with students this process of awareness and discovery called the sociological perspective.

As instructors of sociology, we have set ambitious goals for ourselves: to teach both social structure and social interac- tion and to introduce students to the sociological literature— both the classic theorists and contemporary research. As we accomplish this, we would also like to enliven the classroom, encourage critical thinking, and stimulate our students’ so- ciological imagination. Although formidable, these goals are attainable. This book is designed to help you reach them. Based on many years of frontline (classroom) experience, its subtitle, A Down-to-Earth Approach, was not proposed lightly. My goal is to share the fascination of sociology with students and in doing so to make your teaching more rewarding.

Over the years, I have found the introductory course es- pecially enjoyable. It is singularly satisfying to see students’ faces light up as they begin to see how separate pieces of their world fit together. It is a pleasure to watch them gain insight into how their social experiences give shape to even their innermost desires. This is precisely what this text is de- signed to do—to stimulate your students’ sociological imag- ination so they can better perceive how the “pieces” of so- ciety fit together—and what this means for their own lives.

Filled with examples from around the world as well as from our own society, this text helps to make today’s multi- cultural, global society come alive for students. From learn- ing how the international elite carve up global markets to studying the intimacy of friendship and marriage, students can see how sociology is the key to explaining contempo- rary life—and their own place in it.

In short, this text is designed to make your teaching easier. There simply is no justification for students to have to wade through cumbersome approaches to sociology. I am firmly convinced that the introduction to sociology should be enjoyable and that the introductory textbook can be an essential tool in sharing the discovery of sociology with students.

What’s New in This 13th Edition? Because sociology is about social life and we live in a changing global society, this new edition of Essentials of Sociology: A Down-to-Earth Approach reflects the national and global changes that engulf us, as well as presents new sociological research. An indication of the thoroughness of the preparation that went into this 13th edition is the text’s hundreds of new citations. This edition also has more than 435 instructional photos. I have either selected or taken each of the photos. By tying the photos and their captions directly into the text, they become part of the students’ learning experience.

I am especially pleased with Applying Sociology to Your Life, a new feature introduced in this edition. Although Essentials of Sociology: A Down-to-Earth Approach is well-known for how it shows students the relevance of sociology to their lives, this emphasis has been amplified in this 13th edition. This new feature focuses explicitly on how sociology applies to the student’s life. It is one thing to say to students that sociological research on bureaucracy is rel- evant because they might work in a bureaucracy, but quite another to show students how they can use impression management to get ahead in a bureaucracy. It is also one thing to review with students the average salaries according to college major, but quite another to show students how they can use sociology to increase their own salaries. We can point out what sociologists have found when they studied the glass ceiling, but sociology is much more relevant for our students if we can show them how they can use sociol- ogy to break through the glass ceiling. These three examples are part of the fourteen items that make up this new feature, Applying Sociology to Your Life.

And updates? As with previous editions, you can ex- pect that they run throughout this new edition. The updates are too numerous to mention, but to give you an indication of how extensively this edition is revised, following is a list of the new topics, boxed features, tables, and figures.


Chapter 1 Figure 1.1 Suicide of Americans ages 18 to 24 Figure 1.6 Western Marriage: Husband–Wife Relationship

Chapter 2 Sociology and Technology: The Shifting Landscape:

The End of Human Culture? Artificial Intelligence and Super-Smart Computers

Topic: In the 1600s, killing cats was part of festive celebrations

Chapter 3 Topic: Ekman’s conclusions on the universality of the ex-

pression of human emotions is challenged by research among the Trobianders of Papua New Guinea.

Topic: Negative effects of nurseries depend on the age at which children are placed in day care

Chapter 4 Applying Sociology to Your Life: Getting Promoted: Making

Impression Management Work for You Topic: Transgender as a master status Topic: Students learn more from attractive teachers

Chapter 5 Applying Sociology to Your Life: The New World of Work:

How to Keep a Paycheck Coming in the New Global Marketplace

Applying Sociology to Your Life: Do Your Social Networks Perpetuate Social Inequality?

Sociology and Technology: The Shifting Landscape: Virtual Reality and Diversity Training

Topic: Investigation of JonBenet Ramsey as an example of groupthink

Topic: The experience and perspective of white males are being added to diversity training

Chapter 6 Applying Sociology to Your Life: How Does Social Control

Theory Apply to You? Applying Sociology to Your Life: How Do You Use Tech-

niques of Neutralization to Protect Your Self Concept? Topic: In murder trials, if the victim is white and the ac-

cused is black, juries are more likely to impose the death penalty than if the accused is white and the victim is black

Chapter 7 Topic: Face-recognition software can turn the police’s body

cameras into surveillance machines, able to identify everyone an officer passes on the sidewalk

Chapter 8 Figure 8.7 Physical Health, by Income: People Who Have

Difficulty with Everyday Physical Activities Figure 8.8 Mental Health, by Income: Feelings of Sadness,

Hopelessness, or Worthlessness Figure 8.10 An Overview of Poverty in the United States Figure 8.13 Poverty and Family Structure Figure 8.14 Poverty and Race-Ethnicity Figure 8.15 Poverty and Age Topic: The 20 richest Americans have more wealth than the

bottom half of the U.S. population combined Topic: Before they turn 65, about 60 percent of the U.S. pop-

ulation will experience a year of poverty Topic: The Jardin in Las Vegas sells a $10,000 cocktail and a

weekend Valentine package for $100,000

Chapter 9 Table 9.3 Race–Ethnicity and Income Extremes Topic: Arizona has agreed that the police will not stop peo-

ple solely to determine if they are in the country illegally. Topic: Catherine Cortez Masto of Nevada became the first

Latina senator. Topic: Native Americans operate their own embassy in

Washington, D.C. Topic: The bamboo curtain: Asian Americans claiming they

are discriminated against in college admissions

Chapter 10 Figure 10.7 Master’s degree was added to this figure Applying Sociology to Your Life: How to Get a Higher Salary Applying Sociology to Your Life: Breaking through the

Glass Ceiling Topic: The effects of testosterone differ with the situation:

Women given testosterone in a competitive situation be- came suspicious and less trusting, but given testosterone in a situation where they were being trusted, they be- came more responsible and generous.

Topic: Many minority women feel that the feminist move- ment represents “white” experiences. Their attempt to change emphases has led to a clash of perspectives.

Topic: Among the CEOs of the largest U.S. companies, a reverse pay gap has emerged, with women outearning men by several million dollars a year.

xx To the Instructor … from the Author

Topic: The rate of sexual assault on boys and men is about one-tenth that of girls and women.

Topic: In Japan, more adult diapers are sold than baby diapers Topic: The Social Security dependency ratio has dropped to

3.6 (current workers to one beneficiary)

Chapter 11 Sociology and Technology: The Shifting Landscape: How

Could the Polls Get It So Wrong? Topic: From President Obama to President Trump used as

an example of the transition of authority in a rational– legal structure even when a newly elected leader repre- sents ideas extremely different from the predecessor

Topic: Kim Jong-un of North Korea had his vice premier for education shot for slouching during a meeting of parliament

Chapter 12 Figure 12.5 The Remarkable Change in Two- and Four-

Children Families Figure 12:16 Today’s Newlyweds: Their Marital History Applying Sociology to Your Life: What Are Your Chances

of Getting Divorced? The Misuse of Statistics Applying Sociology to Your Life: What Kind of Parent Will

You Be? Applying Sociology to Your Life: Finding Quality Daycare Cultural Diversity around the World: Arranged Marriage

in India: Probing beneath the Surface Topic: One-third of Americans who marry met online. Topic: The latest research on children reared by same-sex

parents Topic: For the first time since 1880, the percentage of young

adults who live with their parents is larger than those who live with a spouse or partner in a separate household.

Topic: “Adultolescence” is also known as “waithood.” Topic: The average age of those who are cohabiting is 39. Topic: Helicoptering, parents’ hovering over their children

to be certain they make the right decisions and have the right experiences, increasingly common in the upper- middle class

Topic: Implications for human evolution of CRISPR (Clus- tered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats)

Chapter 13 Applying Sociology to Your Life: You Want to Get Through

College? Let’s Apply Sociology

Sociology and Technology: The Shifting Landscape: Changing Religious Practices in the Digital Age

Topic: To increase graduation rates, community colleges are developing guided pathways.

Topic: A major change is occurring in Japan’s higher education—a shift to job training in its lower tier universities and more research in its top tier.

Topic: University salaries in Russia are so low that tens of thousands of academics have left Russia.

Topic: Tucson, Arizona, runs a “Teenage Parent High School,” where pregnant girls and those who have already given birth learn parenting skills as well as traditional subjects

Topic: High school teachers give twenty times more A’s than C’s.

Topic: Roman Catholics use Confessor Go to locate priests to hear confessions, and WhatsApp to discuss moral dilemmas with priests.

Chapter 14 Topic: The United States has 40 million immigrants. Topic: The world now has thirty-one megacities. Topic: Japan’s population is shrinking by a million people

a year. Topic: Update on Monsanto subverting GMO research. Topic: Tomorrow’s suburb: Attempts of suburbs to trans-

form themselves into cities.

Chapter 15 Topic: The United States has withdrawn from G7’s Paris

Accord on climate change. Topic: Global warming threatens the Earth’s coral reefs,

which hold chemicals to cure diseases. Venom from the cone snail, fifty times more potent than morphine, is be- ing used as a painkiller.

Topic: In coming distance learning classes, the simultane- ous translation of speech will allow students from differ- ent cultures to talk and to understand one another.

Topic: In coming distance learning classes, artificial intelli- gence will enable students to go on virtual field trips in other cultures that immerse them in different realities.

Topic: The Pentagon operates a Cyber Command with nine “National Mission Teams” of sixty military person- nel each

Topic: An Italian company sells “off-the-shelf” programs that allow someone to insert malicious code in comput- ers and mobile devices

To the Instructor … from the Author xxi

The Organization of This Text The text is laid out in five parts. Part I focuses on the socio- logical perspective, which is introduced in the first chapter. We then look at how culture influences us (Chapter 2), ex- amine socialization (Chapter 3), and compare macrosociol- ogy and microsociology (Chapter 4).

Part II, which focuses on groups and social control, adds to the students’ understanding of how far-reaching society’s influence is—how group membership penetrates even our thinking, attitudes, and orientations to life. We first examine the different types of groups that have such pro- found influences on us and then look at the fascinating area of group dynamics (Chapter 5). After this, we focus on how groups “keep us in line” and sanction those who violate their norms (Chapter 6).

In Part III, we turn our focus on social inequality, exam- ining how it pervades society and how it has an impact on our own lives. Because social stratification is so significant, I have written two chapters on this topic. The first (Chapter 7), with its global focus, presents an overview of the principles of stratification. The second (Chapter 8), with its emphasis on social class, focuses on stratification in the United States. After establishing this broader context of social stratifica- tion, we examine inequalities of race-ethnicity (Chapter 9) and then those of gender and age (Chapter 10).

Part IV helps students to become more aware of how social institutions encompass their lives. We first look at politics and the economy, our overarching social institu- tions (Chapter 11). After examining marriage and family (Chapter 12), we then turn our focus on education and re- ligion (Chapter 13). One of the emphases in this part of the book is how our social institutions are changing and how their changes, in turn, have an impact on our own lives.

With its focus on broad social change, Part V provides an appropriate conclusion for the book. Here we examine why our world is changing so rapidly, as well as catch a glimpse of what is yet to come. We first analyze trends in population and urbanization, those sweeping forces that affect our lives so significantly but that ordinarily remain below our level of awareness (Chapter 14). We conclude the book with an analysis of technology, social movements, and the environment (Chapter 15), which takes us to the “cut- ting edge” of the vital changes that engulf us all.

Themes and Features Six central themes run throughout this text: down-to-earth sociology, applying sociology to your students’ life, glo- balization, cultural diversity, critical thinking about social life, and the new technology. The theme of how sociology applies to the lives of your students is new to this edition. For each of these themes, except globalization, which is in- corporated throughout the text, I have written a series of

boxed features. These boxed features are one of my favorite components of the book. They are especially useful for in- troducing the controversial topics that make sociology such a lively activity.

Let’s look at these six themes.

Down-to-Earth Sociology As many years of teaching have shown me, all too often textbooks are written to appeal to the adopters of texts rather than to the students who will learn from them. In writing this book, my central concern has been to present sociology in a way that not only facilitates understanding but also shares its excitement. During the course of writing other texts, I often have been told that my explanations and writing style are “down-to-earth,” or accessible and invit- ing to students—so much so that I chose this phrase as the book’s subtitle.

This Down-to-Earth Sociology theme explores sociologi- cal processes that underlie everyday life. The topics that we review in this feature are highly diverse. Here are some of them:

• how a sociologist became a gang leader—for a day (Chapter 1)

• the experiences of W. E. B. Du Bois in studying U.S. race relations (Chapter 1)

• how gossip and ridicule enforce adolescent norms (Chapter 3)

• how football can help us understand social structure (Chapter 4)

• beauty and success (Chapter 4)

• serial killers (Chapter 6)

• sexting (Chapter 6)

• the lifestyles of the super-rich (Chapter 8)

• the American dream and social mobility (Chapter 8)

• college dorms and contact theory (Chapter 9)

• women navigating male-dominated corporations (Chapter 10)

• the coming Star Wars (Chapter 15)

This first theme is actually a hallmark of the text, as my goal is to make sociology “down to earth.” To help students grasp the fascination of sociology, I continuously stress so- ciology’s relevance to their lives. To reinforce this theme, I avoid unnecessary jargon and use concise explanations and clear and simple (but not reductive) language. I also use student-relevant examples to illustrate key concepts, and I base several of the chapters’ opening vignettes on my own experiences in exploring social life. That this goal of shar- ing sociology’s fascination is being reached is evident from the many comments I receive from instructors and students alike that the text helps make sociology “come alive.”

xxii To the Instructor … from the Author

Applying Sociology to Your Life As mentioned, this second theme is being introduced in this edition. There were a lot of challenges to overcome in producing this feature, and I am eager to find out how it works in your classroom. Please share the results with me.

Here is a partial list of the topics included in Applying Sociology to Your Life:

• making impression management work for you: getting promoted (Chapter 4)

• keeping a paycheck coming in the new global market- place (Chapter 5)

• how techniques of neutralization protect your self con- cept (Chapter 6)

• how to get a higher salary by applying sociology (Chapter 10)

• applying sociology to break through the glass ceiling (Chapter 10)

• applying sociology to parenting (Chapter 12)

• applying divorce statistics to your marriage (Chapter 12)

• finding quality daycare (Chapter 12)

• applying sociology to get through college (Chapter 13)

I hope you have as much pleasure using this new fea- ture in your classroom as I had in developing it.

Globalization In the third theme, globalization, we explore the impact of global issues on our lives and on the lives of people around the world. All of us are feeling the effects of an increasingly powerful and encompassing global economy, one that intertwines the fates of nations. The globalization of capitalism influences the kinds of skills and knowledge we need, the types of work available to us—and whether work is available at all. Globalization also underlies the costs of the goods and services we consume and whether our country is at war or peace—or in some uncharted middle ground between the two, some sort of perpetual war against unseen, sinister, and ever-threatening en- emies lurking throughout the world. In addition to the strong emphasis on global issues that runs throughout this text, I have written a separate chapter on global stratifica- tion (Chapter 7). I also feature global issues in the chap- ters on social institutions and the final chapters on social change: population, urbanization, social movements, and the environment.

What occurs in Russia, Germany, and China, as well as in much smaller nations such as Afghanistan and Iraq, has far-reaching consequences on our own lives. Consequently, in addition to the global focus that runs throughout the text, the next theme, cultural diversity, also has a strong global emphasis.

Cultural Diversity around the World and in the United States The fourth theme, cultural diversity, has two primary em- phases. The first is cultural diversity around the world. Gaining an understanding of how social life is “done” in other parts of the world often challenges our taken-for- granted assumptions about social life. At times, when we learn about other cultures, we gain an appreciation for the life of other peoples; at other times, we may be shocked or even disgusted at some aspect of another group’s way of life (such as female circumcision) and come away with a re- newed appreciation of our own customs.

To highlight this first subtheme, I have written a series called Cultural Diversity around the World. Among the topics with this subtheme are

• food customs that shock people from different cultures (Chapter 2)

• why the dead need money (Chapter 2)

• where virgins become men (Chapter 3)

• human sexuality in Mexico and Kenya (Chapter 6)

• female circumcision (Chapter 10)

• probing beneath the surface to understand arranged marriage in India (Chapter 12)

• female infanticide in China and India (Chapter 14)

• the destruction of the rain forests and indigenous peo- ples of Brazil (Chapter 15)

In the second subtheme, Cultural Diversity in the United States, we examine groups that make up the fascinating array of people who form the U.S. population. In this sub- theme, we review such topics as

• the controversy over the use of Spanish or English (Chapter 2)

• how the Amish resist social change (Chapter 4)

• how our social networks produce social inequality (Chapter 5)

• the upward social mobility of African Americans (Chapter 8)

• the author’s travels with a Mexican who transports un- documented workers to the U.S. border (Chapter 9)

• human heads, animal sacrifices, and religious freedom (Chapter 13)

• our shifting racial–ethnic mix (Chapter 14)

Seeing that there are so many ways of “doing” social life can remove some of our cultural smugness, making us more aware of how arbitrary our own customs are—and how our taken-for-granted ways of thinking are rooted in culture. The stimulating contexts of these contrasts can help students develop their sociological imagination. They encourage

To the Instructor … from the Author xxiii

students to see connections among key sociological concepts such as culture, socialization, norms, race– ethnicity, gender, and social class. As your students’ sociological imagination grows, they can attain a new perspective on their experiences in their own corners of life—and a better understanding of the social structure of U.S. society.

Critical Thinking In our fifth theme, critical thinking, we focus on controver- sial social issues, inviting students to examine various sides of those issues. In these sections, titled Thinking Critically about Social Life, I present objective, fair portrayals of posi- tions and do not take a side—although occasionally I do play the “devil’s advocate” in the questions that close each of the topics. Like the boxed features, these sections can enliven your classroom with a vibrant exchange of ideas. Among the social issues we tackle are

• our tendency to conform to evil authority, as uncovered by the Milgram experiments (Chapter 5)

• how labeling keeps some people down and helps others move up (Chapter 6)

• how vigilantes fill in when the state breaks down (Chapter 6)

• the three-strikes-and-you’re-out laws (Chapter 6)

• bounties paid to kill homeless children in Brazil (Chapter 7)

• children in poverty (Chapter 8)

• emerging masculinities and femininities (Chapter 10)

• cyberwar and cyber defense (Chapter 15)

These Thinking Critically about Social Life sections are based on controversial social issues that either affect the stu- dent’s own life or focus on topics that have intrinsic inter- est for students. Because of their controversial nature, these sections stimulate both critical thinking and lively class discussions. These sections also provide provocative topics for in-class debates and small discussion groups, effective ways to enliven a class and present sociological ideas. In the Instructor’s Manual, I describe the nuts and bolts of using small groups in the classroom, a highly effective way of en- gaging students in sociological topics.

Sociology and Technology: The Shifting Landscape In the sixth theme, sociology and technology, we explore an aspect of social life that has come to be central in our lives. We welcome our technological tools, for they help us to be more efficient at performing our daily tasks, from making a living to communicating with others—whether those people are nearby or on the other side of the globe. The significance of technology extends far beyond the

tools and the ease and efficiency they bring to our lives. We can more accurately envision our new technology as a social revolution that will leave few aspects of our lives untouched. Its effects are so profound that it even changes the ways we view life.

Sociology and technology is introduced in Chapter 2, where technology is defined and presented as a major as- pect of culture. The impact of technology is then discussed throughout the text. Examples include how technology is related to cultural change (Chapter 2), diversity train- ing (Chapter 5), the maintenance of global stratification (Chapter 7), and social class (Chapter 8). We also look at the impact of technology on dating (Chapter 12), family life (Chapter 12), religion (Chapter 13), and war (Chapter 15). The final chapter (Chapter 15) on social change and the environment concludes the book with a focus on the effects of technology.

To highlight this theme, I have written a series called Sociology and Technology: The Shifting Landscape. In this feature, we explore how technology affects our lives as it changes society. Among the topics we examine are how technology

• artificial intelligence and super-smart computers may bring the end of human culture (Chapter 2)

• affects our body images (Chapter 4)

• through virtual reality can be applied to diversity train- ing (Chapter 5)

• is allowing the creation of an overwhelming security state (Chapter 5)

• could allow us to get the presidential polls so wrong (Chapter 11)

• is changing the way people find mates (Chapter 12)

• is leading to a future where we order babies with spe- cific characteristics (Chapter 12)

• is having an impact on religion (Chapter 13)

Visual Presentations of Sociology SHOWING CHANGES OVER TIME In presenting so- cial data, many of the figures and tables show how data change over time. This feature allows students to see trends in social life and to make predictions on how these trends might continue—and even affect their own lives. Examples include

• Figure 1.5 U.S. Marriage, U.S. Divorce

• Figure 3.2 Transitional Adulthood: A New Stage in the Life Course

• Figure 6.2 How Much Is Enough? The Explosion in the Number of Prisoners

xxiv To the Instructor … from the Author

• Figure 8.3 The More Things Change, the More They Stay the Same: Dividing the Nation’s Income

• Figure 12.2 In Two-Paycheck Marriages, How Do Husbands and Wives Divide Their Responsibilities?

• Figure 12.4 The Number of Children Americans Think Are Ideal

• Figure 12.5 The Remarkable Change in Two- and Four- Children Families

• Figure 12.9 The Decline of Two-Parent Families

• Figure 12.11 Cohabitation in the United States

• Figure 13.1 Educational Achievement in the United States

• Figure 14.11 How the World Is Urbanizing

THROUGH THE AUTHOR’S LENS Using this format, students are able to look over my shoulder as I experience other cultures or explore aspects of this one. These eight photo essays should expand your students’ sociological imagination and open their minds to other ways of doing social life, as well as stimulate thought-provoking class discussion.

VIENNA: SOCIAL STRUCTURE AND SOCIAL INTERACTION IN A VIBRANT CITY appears in Chapter 4. The photos I took in this city illustrate how social structure surrounds us, setting the scene for our interactions, limiting and directing them.

WHEN A TORNADO STRIKES: SOCIAL ORGANIZATION FOLLOWING A NATURAL DISASTER When a tornado hit a small town just hours from where I lived, I photo- graphed the aftermath of the disaster. The police let me in to view the neighborhood where the tornado had struck, de- stroying homes and killing several people. I was impressed by how quickly people were putting their lives back to- gether, the topic of this photo essay (Chapter 4).

COMMUNITY IN THE CITY in Chapter 5, is also from Vienna. This sequence of four photos focuses on strangers who are helping a man who has just fallen on the sidewalk. This event casts doubt on the results of Darley and Latané’s labo- ratory experiments. This short sequence was serendipitous in my research. One of my favorite photos is the last in the series, which portrays the cop coming toward me to question why I was taking photos of the accident. It fits the sequence perfectly.

THE DUMP PEOPLE OF PHNOM PENH, CAMBODIA Among the culture shocks I experienced in Cambodia was not to discover that people scavenge at Phnom Penh’s huge city dump—this I knew about—but that they also live there. With the aid of an interpreter, I was able to in- terview these people, as well as photograph them as they went about their everyday lives. An entire community

lives in the city dump, complete with restaurants amidst the smoke and piles of garbage. This photo essay reveals not just these people’s activities but also their social orga- nization (Chapter 7).

WORK AND GENDER: WOMEN AT WORK IN INDIA As I traveled in India, I took photos of women at work in public places. The more I traveled in this country and the more photos I took, the more insight I gained into gender relations. Despite the general dominance of men in India, women’s worlds are far from limited to family and home. Women are found at work throughout the so- ciety. What is even more remarkable is how vastly differ- ent “women’s work” is in India than it is in the United States. This, too, is an intellectually provocative photo essay (Chapter 10).

SMALL TOWN USA: STRUGGLING TO SURVIVE To take the photos for this essay, on a road trip from California to Florida I went off the beaten path. Instead of following the interstates, I followed those “little black lines” on the map. They took me to out-of-the-way places that the national transportation system has bypassed. Many of these little towns are putting on a valiant face as they struggle to survive, but, as the photos show, the struggle is apparent, and, in some cases, so are the scars (Chapter 11).

HOLY WEEK IN SPAIN in Chapter 13, features proces- sions in two cities in Spain, Malaga, a provincial capital, and Almuñecar, a smaller city in Granada. The Roman Catholic heritage of Spain runs so deeply that the La Asunción de María (The Assumption of Mary) is a na- tional holiday, with the banks and post offices closing. City streets carry such names as (translated) Conception, Piety, Humility, Calvary, Crucifixion, The Blessed Virgin. In large and small towns throughout Spain, elaborate processions during Holy Week feature tronos that depict the biblical account of Jesus’ suffering, death, and resur- rection. I was allowed to photograph the preparations for one of the processions, so this essay also includes “ behind-the-scenes” photos.

During the processions, the participants walk slowly for one or two minutes; then because of the weight of the tronos, they rest for one or two minutes. This process repeats for about six hours. As you will see, some of the most inter- esting activities occur during the rest periods.

A WALK THROUGH EL TIRO IN MEDELLIN, COLOMBIA One of the most significant social changes in the world is taking place in the Least Industrialized Nations. In the search for a better life, people are aban- doning rural areas. Fleeing poverty, they are flocking to the cities, only to be greeted with more poverty. Some of

To the Instructor … from the Author xxv

these settlements of the new urban poor are dangerous. I was fortunate to be escorted by an insider through a sec- tion of Medellin, Colombia, that is controlled by gangs (Chapter 14).

OTHER PHOTO ESSAYS To help students better un- derstand subcultures, I have retained the photo essay Standards of Beauty in Chapter 2. I have also kept the photo essay in Chapter 9 on ethnic work, as it helps students see that ethnicity doesn’t “just happen.” Because these photo essays consist of photos taken by others, they are not a part of the series, Through the Author’s Lens. I think you will appreciate the understanding these two photo essays can give your students.

PHOTO COLLAGES Because sociology lends itself so well to photographic illustrations, this text also includes photo collages. In Chapter 1, the photo collage, in the shape of a wheel, features some of the many women who became so- ciologists in earlier generations, women who have largely gone unacknowledged as sociologists. In Chapter 2, stu- dents can catch a glimpse of the fascinating variety that goes into the cultural relativity of beauty. The collage in Chapter 5 illustrates categories, aggregates, and primary and sec- ondary groups, concepts that students sometimes wrestle to distinguish. The photo collage in Chapter 10 lets students see how differently gender is portrayed in different cultures.

OTHER PHOTOS BY THE AUTHOR Sprinkled through- out the text are photos that I took in Austria, Cambodia, India, Latvia, Spain, Vietnam, and the United States. These photos illustrate sociological principles and topics better than photos available from commercial sources. As an ex- ample, while in the United States, I received a report about a feral child who had been discovered living with monkeys. The possibility of photographing and interviewing that child who had been taken to an orphanage was one of the reasons that I went to Cambodia. That particular photo is at the beginning of Chapter 3.

OTHER SPECIAL PEDAGOGICAL FEATURES In addi- tion to chapter summaries and reviews, key terms, and a comprehensive glossary, I have included several special fea- tures to help students learn sociology. In Sum sections help students review important points within the chapter before going on to new materials. I have also developed a series of

Social Maps, which illustrate how social conditions vary by geography. All the maps in this text are original.

LEARNING OBJECTIVES I have written learning objec- tives for the main points of each chapter. These learning objectives, which provide a guiding “road map” for your students, are presented three times: in a list at the begin- ning of the chapter, at the point where that specific mate- rial is presented, and again at the chapter ’s Summary and Review.

CHAPTER-OPENING VIGNETTES These accounts fea- ture down-to-earth illustrations of a major aspect of each chapter ’s content. Some of these vignettes are based on my research with the homeless, the time I spent with them on the streets and slept in their shelters (Chapters 1 and 8). Others recount sociological experiences in Africa (Chapters 2 and 10) and Mexico (Chapters 12 and 14). I also share my experiences when I spent a night with street people at DuPont Circle in Washington, D.C. (Chapter 4). For other vignettes, I use current and historical events (Chapters 7, 9, 13, and 15), classical studies in the social sciences (Chapters 3 and 6), and even scenes from novels (Chapters 5 and 11). Many students have told their in- structors that they find these vignettes compelling, that they stimulate interest in the chapter.

THINKING CRITICALLY ABOUT THE CHAPTERS I close each chapter with critical thinking questions. Each question focuses on a major feature of the chapter, asking students to reflect on and consider some issue. Many of the questions ask the students to apply sociological findings and princi- ples to their own lives.

ON SOURCES Sociological data are found in a wide va- riety of sources, and this text reflects that variety. Cited throughout this text are standard journals such as the American Journal of Sociology, Social Problems, American Sociological Review, and Journal of Marriage and Family, as well as more esoteric journals such as the Bulletin of the History of Medicine, Chronobiology International, and Western Journal of Black Studies. I have also drawn heavily from standard news sources, especially the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal, as well as more unusual sources such as El País. In addition, I cite unpublished research and theoretical papers by sociologists.

xxvi To the Instructor … from the Author

To the Instructor … from the Author xxvii

Acknowledgments The response from both instructors and students to this text’s earlier editions indicates that my efforts at making so- ciology down to earth have succeeded. The years that have gone into writing this text are a culmination of the many years that preceded its writing—from graduate school to that equally demanding endeavor known as classroom teaching. No text, of course, comes solely from its author. Although I am responsible for the final words on the print- ed page, I have received excellent feedback from instructors who have taught from the first thirteen editions. I am espe- cially grateful to

Reviewers of the First through Thirteenth Editions Francis O. Adeola, University of New Orleans Brian W. Agnitsch, Marshalltown Community College Sandra L. Albrecht, The University of Kansas Christina Alexander, Linfield College Richard Alman, Sierra College Gabriel C. Alvarez, Duquesne University Kenneth Ambrose, Marshall University Alberto Arroyo, Baldwin–Wallace College Karren Baird-Olsen, Kansas State University Rafael Balderrama, University of Texas—Pan American Linda Barbera-Stein, The University of Illinois Deborah Beat, Wichita State University Brenda Blackburn, California State University—Fullerton Ronnie J. Booxbaum, Greenfield Community College Cecil D. Bradfield, James Madison University Karen Bradley, Central Missouri State University Francis Broouer, Worcester State College Valerie S. Brown, Cuyahoga Community College Sandi Brunette-Hill, Carrol College Richard Brunk, Francis Marion University Karen Bullock, Salem State College Allison R. Camelot, California State University—Fullerton Paul Ciccantell, Kansas State University John K. Cochran, The University of Oklahoma James M. Cook, Duke University Joan Cook-Zimmern, College of Saint Mary Larry Curiel, Cypress College Russell L. Curtis, University of Houston John Darling, University of Pittsburgh—Johnstown Ray Darville, Stephen F. Austin State University Jim David, Butler County Community College Nanette J. Davis, Portland State University Vincent Davis, Mt. Hood Community College Andrea Deal, Madisonville Community College Lynda Dodgen, North Harris Community College Terry Dougherty, Portland State University Marlese Durr, Wright State University

Shelly Dutchin, Western Technical College Helen R. Ebaugh, University of Houston Obi N. Ebbe, State University of New York—Brockport Cy Edwards, Chair, Cypress Community College John Ehle, Northern Virginia Community College Morten Ender, U.S. Military Academy Rebecca Susan Fahrlander, Bellevue University Louis J. Finkle, Horry-Georgetown Technical College Nicole T. Flynn, University of South Alabama Lorna E. Forster, Clinton Community College David O. Friedrichs, University of Scranton Bruce Friesen, Kent State University—Stark Lada Gibson-Shreve, Stark State College Cynthia Glass, Kentucky State University Norman Goodman, State University of New York—

Stony Brook Rosalind Gottfried, San Joaquin Delta College G. Kathleen Grant, The University of Findlay Bill Grisby, University of Northern Colorado Ramon Guerra, University of Texas—Pan American Remi Hajjar, U.S. Military Academy Donald W. Hastings, The University of Tennessee—Knoxville Lillian O. Holloman, Prince George’s Community College Michael Hoover, Missouri Western State College Howard R. Housen, Broward Community College James H. Huber, Bloomsburg University Erwin Hummel, Portland State University Charles E. Hurst, The College of Wooster Nita Jackson, Butler County Community College Jennifer A. Johnson, Germanna Community College Kathleen R. Johnson, Keene State College Tammy Jolley, University of Arkansas Community College

at Batesville David Jones, Plymouth State College Arunas Juska, East Carolina University Ali Kamali, Missouri Western State College Irwin Kantor, Middlesex County College Mark Kassop, Bergen Community College Myles Kelleher, Bucks County Community College Mary E. Kelly, Central Missouri State University Alice Abel Kemp, University of New Orleans Diana Kendall, Austin Community College Gary Kiger, Utah State University Gene W. Kilpatrick, University of Maine—Presque Isle Jerome R. Koch, Texas Tech University Joseph A. Kotarba, University of Houston Michele Lee Kozimor-King, Pennsylvania State University Darina Lepadatu, Kennesaw State University Abraham Levine, El Camino Community College Diane Levy, The University of North Carolina—Wilmington Diane Lindley, The University of Mississippi Stephen Mabry, Cedar Valley College David Maines, Oakland University Ron Matson, Wichita State University

xxviii To the Instructor … from the Author

Armaund L. Mauss, Washington State University Evelyn Mercer, Southwest Baptist University Robert Meyer, Arkansas State University Michael V. Miller, University of Texas—San Antonio John Mitrano, Central Connecticut State University W. Lawrence Neuman, University of Wisconsin—Whitewater Charles Norman, Indiana State University Patricia H. O’Brien, Elgin Community College Robert Ostrow, Wayne State Laura O’Toole, University of Delaware Marla Perry, NSCC Mike K. Pate, Western Oklahoma State College Lawrence Peck, Erie Community College Ruth Pigott, University of Nebraska—Kearney Phil Piket, Joliet Junior College Trevor Pinch, Cornell University Daniel Polak, Hudson Valley Community College James Pond, Butler Community College Deedy Ramo, Del Mar College Adrian Rapp, North Harris Community College Carolyn Read, Copiah Lincoln Junior College Ray Rich, Community College of Southern Nevada Barbara Richardson, Eastern Michigan University Salvador Rivera, State University of New York—Cobleskill Howard Robboy, Trenton State College Cindy Rouzer, Rivier College Daniel Roddick, Rio Hondo College Paulina X. Ruf, University of Tampa Michael Samano, Portland Community College Michael L. Sanow, Community College of Baltimore County Lori Schreiber, Penn State University Ogontz-Abington Mary C. Sengstock, Wayne State University Walt Shirley, Sinclair Community College Marc Silver, Hofstra University Karl Smith, Delaware Tech and Community College-Owens Roberto E. Socas, Essex County College Susan Sprecher, Illinois State University Mariella Rose Squire, University of Maine at Fort Kent Jennifer St. Pierre, Harrisburg Area Community College Rachel Stehle, Cuyahoga Community College Marios Stephanides, University of Tampa Randolph G. Ston, Oakland Community College Vickie Holland Taylor, Danville Community College Maria Jose Tenuto, College of Lake County Gary Tiederman, Oregon State University Kathleen Tiemann, University of North Dakota Brandy Trainor, Gloucester County College Judy Turchetta, Johnson & Wales University Stephen L. Vassar, Minnesota State University—Mankato William J. Wattendorf, Adirondack Community College

Jay Weinstein, Eastern Michigan University Larry Weiss, University of Alaska Amanda White, St. Louis Community College-Meramec Douglas White, Henry Ford Community College Stephen R. Wilson, Temple University Anthony T. Woart, Middlesex Community College Stuart Wright, Lamar University Mary Lou Wylie, James Madison University Diane Kholos Wysocki, University of Nebraska—Kearney Stacey G. H. Yap, Plymouth State College William Yoels, University of Alabama Birmingham

I have had the pleasure of working with an outstanding team at Pearson. I want to thank Billy Grieco and Jeff Marshall for coordinating the many tasks that were necessary to pro- duce this new edition; Jenn Auvil and Mary Donovan who coordinated so many integrating tasks; and Kate Cebik for her photo research—and for her willingness to “keep on looking.”

I do appreciate this team. It is difficult to heap too much praise on such fine, capable, and creative people. Often going “beyond the call of duty” as we faced nonstop deadlines, their untiring efforts coalesced with mine to produce this text. Students, whom we constantly kept in mind as we prepared this edition, are the beneficiaries of this intricate teamwork.

Since this text is based on the contributions of many, I would count it a privilege if you would share with me your teaching experiences with this book, including suggestions for improving the text. Both positive and negative com- ments are welcome. This is one way that I continue to learn.

I wish you the very best in your teaching. It is my sincere desire that Essentials of Sociology: A Down-to-Earth Approach contributes to your classroom success.

James M. Henslin

Professor Emeritus

Department of Sociology

Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville

I welcome your correspondence. You can reach me at [email protected]

P.S. With changing technology, I am now able to discuss various aspects of sociology with your students. This new feature, called Hearing  from the Author, is de- scribed in the publisher ’s overview of Revel, which fol- lows this note.

To the Instructor … from the Author xxix

Revel™ for Essentials of Sociology: A Down-to-Earth Approach Revel is an interactive learning environment that deeply engages students and prepares them for class. Media and assessment integrated directly within the author ’s narrative lets students read, explore interactive sociology content, and practice in one continuous learning path. Thanks to the dynamic reading experience in Revel, students come to class prepared to discuss, apply, and learn from instructors and from each other.

Learn more about Revel

• Hearing from the Author Audio Clips are a new Revel feature in which Jim further personalizes the content of this edition by opening each chapter and commenting on sociological concepts, photo essays, individual photos of particular significance, tables, figures, and topics. This feature gives students additional context for under- standing more difficult topics, while the author’s interweaving of observations and personal experiences reinforces how sociology is part of the student’s everyday life.

This is a hallmark of the instructional design, as Jim’s goal is to make sociology “down to earth.” To help students grasp the fascination of sociology, he continuously stresses sociology’s relevance to their lives. As both instructors and students have commented, this helps make sociology “come alive.” And after all, as Jim emphasizes throughout Essentials of Sociology: A Down-to-Earth Approach, sociology is a fascinating endeavor.

• Videos support the down-to-earth approach with news footage and stories that reflect real-life examples of sociology. Students can revisit major historical events including critical points in the Civil Rights movement and view videos through a sociological lens.

An original set of videos, including the Hearing from Students video series, is unique to Essentials of Sociology: A Down-to-Earth Approach. These exclusive video interviews feature students discussing the highlights of each chapter. These videos give students the opportu- nity to hear from their peers who are sharing their thoughts on chapter topics and reflecting on how they can apply the sociological perspective of the chapter to their own lives.

xxx To the Instructor … from the Author

• Interactive figures and tables feature the technology of Social Explorer, which shows data in interactive graphs with rollover information. Examples in- clude Figure 10.4 Gender Changes in College Degrees, Table 11.1 Who Votes for

• Pearson Originals The Pearson Originals docuseries videos highlight stories that exemplify and humanize the concepts covered in Sociology courses. These videos illustrate a variety of social issues and current events, bringing key topics to life for students while creating opportunities to further develop their understanding of soci- ology. Therefore, students not only connect with the people and stories on a personal level, but also view these stories and individuals with greater empathy while contex- tualizing core course concepts.

• Interpreting the First Amendment: Regulating Protest in Minnesota • Gender Identity: Meant to Be Maddie • Domestic Violence in Rural America: Survivors’ Stories • The American Working Class: Voices from Harrisburg, IL • Taking a Stand Against Environmental Injustice

Videos can be easily accessed from the instructor Resources folder within the Revel product.

To the Instructor … from the Author xxxi

• Interactive Social Explorer Maps are based on the Social Maps Jim has created for Sociology: A Down-to-Earth Approach. Using Social Explorer, these maps illustrate how social conditions vary among the states and by regions of the country. Students can click through these maps, and can hover over their own state and consider how it compares with the rest of the country. Examples include Figure 6.1 How Safe Is Your State? Violent Crime in the United States and Figure 12.14 The “Where” of U.S. Divorce. Jim has also prepared global maps that give students a visual representation of how the United States compares with countries around the world. These Social Maps are original with Essentials of Sociology: A Down-to-Earth Approach. Visit the in- structor Resources folder within Revel to access LiveSlide Powerpoint presentations that contain every Social Explorer visualization, making it easy to use these in class.

President?, Figure 12.2 In Two-Paycheck Marriages, How Do Husbands and Wives Divide their Responsibilities?

xxxii To the Instructor … from the Author

• Make a Guess interactive graphs invite students to interact with social data. Many of the figures and tables show how data change over time. This feature utilizes Social Explorer’s predictive graphing which allows students to see trends in social life and to make predictions on how these trends might continue—and how they might even affect their own lives.

• Interactive Review the Chapter, which uses flashcards that feature key terms and definitions, help students review and reinforce the chapter’s content.

• Assessments, which are tied to each chapter’s major sections, allow instructors and students to track progress and get immediate feedback. It is the same with the full chapter tests.

• Integrated Writing Opportunities help students reason and write more clearly. Each chapter offers the following writing prompts:

• Journal prompts invite students to reflect on a chapter ’s content and to con- sider how the sociological perspective applies in a variety of scenarios. There are two types of journal prompts: Apply It to Your Life and Apply the Sociological Perspective.

• Shared writing prompts invite students to reflect on and consider issues related to major features of each chapter. Many of the questions ask the students to apply sociological findings and principles to their own lives. The students’ responses are

To the Instructor … from the Author xxxiii

automatically shared with others, which helps them better understand the per- spectives of others and sharpens their critical thinking skills.

• Additional Interactive Assets engage students and invite them to interact with text, figures, and photos. Enhanced Images of historic photos and documents allow students to zoom in to gain different perspectives of the image. Simulations guide students through charts and graphs, helping them to see how the many parts of a topic are related.

• Writing Space allows you to develop and assess your students’ concept mas- tery and critical thinking through writing. Writing Space provides a single place within Revel to create, track, and grade writing assignments; access writing re- sources; and exchange meaningful, personalized feedback quickly and easily. For students, Writing Space provides everything they need to keep up with writing assignments, access assignment guides and checklists, write or upload completed assignments, and receive grades and feedback—all in one convenient place. For educators, Writing Space makes assigning, receiving, and evaluating writing as- signments easier.

It’s simple to create new assignments and upload relevant materials, see stu- dent progress, and receive alerts when students submit work. Writing Space makes students’ work more focused and effective, with customized grading rubrics they can see and personalized feedback.

And here’s another feature of Writing Space that you might find very helpful: Writing Space allows you to check your students’ work for improper citation or plagiarism by comparing it against the world’s most accurate text comparison database available from Turnitin.

Instructor’s Supplements Unless otherwise noted, the instructor ’s supplements are available at no charge to adopters—in electronic formats through the Instructor ’s Resource Center ( Instructors can also access these teaching tools from the Instructor Resources folder within the Revel product.

Instructor’s Resource Manual For each chapter in the text, the Instructor’s Resource Manual provides chapter summaries, chapter outlines, lecture suggestions, and suggested assignments. Also, this edition of the Instructor’s Resource Manual features many Revel-only components including the Journal Prompts and Shared Writing Prompts and a list of all Revel-specific interactive assets, such as the Pearson Originals docuseries videos.

Test Bank The Test Bank contains approximately 55 questions for each chapter in multiple-choice and essay formats. The questions are correlated to each chapter’s in-text learning objectives.

MyTest Test Bank The printed Test Bank is also available online through Pearson’s computerized testing system, MyTest. The user-friendly interface allows you to view, edit, and add questions, transfer questions to tests, and print tests in a variety of fonts. Search and sort features allow you to locate questions quickly and to arrange them in whatever order you prefer. The Test Bank can be accessed anywhere with a free MyTest user account. There is no need to download a program or file to your computer.

PowerPoint® Presentation Slides In order to support varied teaching styles while making it easy to incorporate dynamic Revel features in class, four sets of PowerPoint presentations are available for this edition: (1) A set of ADA-compliant lecture PowerPoint slides outline each chapter of the text. (2)  A set of “art-only” PowerPoint slides feature all static images, figures, graphs, and maps from each chapter of the text. (3) An additional set of the lecture PowerPoint slides include LiveSlides, which link to each Social Explorer data visualization and interactive map within the Revel product. (4) Finally, a LiveSlides-only PowerPoint deck includes every Social Explorer data visualization and interactive map within the Revel product.

A Note from the Publisher on the Supplements


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Jim Henslin was born in Minnesota, graduated from high school and junior college in California and from college in Indiana. Awarded scholarships, he earned his master ’s and doctorate degrees in sociology at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri. After this, he won a postdoctoral fel- lowship from the National Institute of Mental Health and spent a year studying how people adjust to the suicide of a family member. His primary interests in sociology are the sociology of everyday life, deviance, and international relations. Among his many books are Down-to-Earth Sociol- ogy: Introductory Readings, and Social Problems, now in its 12th edition. He has also published widely in sociology journals, including Social Problems and American Journal of Sociology.

While a graduate student, Jim taught at the University of Missouri at St. Louis. After completing his doctorate, he joined the faculty at Southern Illinois University, Edwards- ville, where he is Professor Emeritus of Sociology. He says, “I’ve always found the introductory course enjoyable to teach. I love to see students’ faces light up when they first glimpse the sociological perspective and begin to see how society has become an essential part of how they view the world.”

Jim enjoys reading and fishing, and he also does a bit of kayaking and weight lifting. His two favorite activities are

writing and traveling. He especially enjoys visiting and liv- ing in other cultures, for this brings him face to face with be- haviors and ways of thinking that challenge his perspectives and “make sociological principles come alive.” A special pleasure has been the preparation of Through the Author’s Lens, the series of photo essays that appear in this text, and Applying Sociology to Your Life, original with this author and first appearing in this edition.

Jim moved to Latvia, an Eastern European country for- merly dominated by the Soviet Union, where he had the experience of becoming an immigrant. There he observed firsthand how people struggle to adjust to capitalism. While there, he interviewed aged political prisoners who had survived the Soviet gulag. He then moved to Spain, where he was able to observe how people adjust to a declin- ing economy and the immigration of people from contrast- ing cultures. (Of course, for this he didn’t need to leave the United States.) To better round out his cultural experiences, Jim recently visited South Korea, Vietnam, and again India. He hopes to travel extensively in South America, where he expects to do more photo essays to reflect their fascinating cultures. Jim is grateful to be able to live in such exciting social, technological, and geopolitical times—and to have access to portable broadband Internet while he pursues his sociological imagination.

About the Author

1untitled, 2007, Marie Bertrand, (arcylics on paper)

Learning Objectives

After you have read this chapter, you should be able to:

1.1 Explain why both history and biography are essential for the sociological perspective.

1.2 Trace the origins of society, from tradition to Max Weber.

1.3 Trace the development of sociology in North America, and explain the tension between objective analysis and social reform.

1.4 Explain the basic ideas of symbolic interactionism, functional analysis, and conflict theory.

1.5 Explain why common sense can’t replace sociological research.

1.6 Know the eight steps of the research model.

1.7 Know the main elements of the seven research methods.

1.8 Explain how gender is significant in sociological research.

1.9 Explain why it is vital for sociologists to protect the people they study and discuss the two cases that are presented.

1.10 Explain how research versus social reform and globalization are likely to influence sociology.

Chapter 1

The Sociological Perspective

I quickly scanned the room filled with 100 or so bunks. I was relieved to see that an upper bunk was still open. I grabbed it, figuring that attacks are more difficult in an upper bunk. Even from the glow of the faded red-and-white exit sign, its faint light barely illuminating this bunk, I could see that the sheet was filthy. Resigned to another night of fitful sleep, I reluctantly crawled into bed.

I kept my clothes on. The next morning, I joined the long line of disheveled men leaning against the chain-link

fence. Their faces were as downcast as their clothes were dirty. Not a glimmer of hope among them.

No one spoke as the line slowly inched forward. When my turn came, I was handed a cup of coffee, a white plastic spoon, and a bowl of

semiliquid that I couldn’t identify. It didn’t look like any food I had seen before. Nor did it taste like anything I had ever eaten.

My stomach fought the foul taste, every spoonful a battle. But I was determined. “I will experience what they experience,” I kept telling myself. My stomach reluctantly gave in and accepted its morning nourishment.


The room was strangely silent. Hundreds of men were eating, each immersed in his own private hell, …

The Sociological Perspective 3

The Sociological Perspective 1.1 Explain why both history and biography are essential for the sociological


You are in for an exciting and eye-opening experience. The sociological perspective (or imagination) opens a window onto unfamiliar worlds—and offers a fresh look at familiar ones. In this text, you will find yourself in the midst of homeless people in U.S. cities as well as Nazis in Germany and warriors in South America. Sociology is broad, and your journey will also take you to a group that lives in a garbage dump in Cambodia. As you view other worlds, you will also find yourself looking at your own world in a differ- ent light. In fact, this is what many find appealing about sociology. Ever since I took an introductory course in sociology as a freshman in college, I have been enchanted by the perspective that sociology offers. I have enjoyed both observing other groups and ques- tioning my own assumptions about life. I hope the same happens to you.

Seeing the Broader Social Context The sociological perspective stresses the social contexts in which people live. It examines how these contexts influence people’s lives. At the center of the sociological perspective is the question of how groups influence people, especially how people are influenced by their society—a group of people who share a culture and a territory.

To find out why people do what they do, sociologists look at social location, the corners in life that people occupy because of their place in a society. Sociologists look at how jobs, income, education, gender, race–ethnicity, and age affect people’s ideas and behavior. Consider, for example, how being identified with a group called females or with a group called males when you were growing up has shaped your ideas of who you are. Growing up as a female or a male or as a transgender individual has influenced not only how you feel about yourself but also your ideas of what you should attain in life and how you should relate to others. Even your gestures and the way you laugh come from your identi- fying with one of these groups.

Sociologist C. Wright Mills (1959) put it this way: “The sociological imagination [perspective] enables us to grasp the connection between history and biography.” By history, Mills meant that each society is located in a broad stream of events. This gives each society specific characteristics—such as its ideas about what roles are proper for men and women. By biography, Mills referred to your experiences within a specific historical setting, which give you your orientations to life. In short, you don’t do what you do because you inherited some

sociological perspective understanding human behavior by placing it within its broader social context

society people who share a culture and a territory

social location the group memberships that people have because of their location in history and society

The room was strangely silent. Hundreds of men were eating, each one immersed in his own private hell, his mind awash with disappointment, remorse, bitterness.

As I stared at the Styrofoam cup that held my coffee, grateful for at least this small plea- sure, I noticed what looked like teeth marks. I shrugged off the thought, telling myself that my long weeks as a sociological observer of the homeless were finally getting to me. “It must be some sort of crease from handling,” I concluded.

I joined the silent ranks of men turning in their bowls and cups. When I saw the man behind the counter swishing out Styrofoam cups in a washtub of murky water, I began to feel sick to my stomach. I knew then that the jagged marks on my cup really had come from another person’s mouth.

How much longer did this research have to last? I felt a deep longing to return to my family—to a welcome world of clean sheets, healthy food, and “normal” conversations.

Silence is common in homeless shelters. An optimistic view of life and exciting things to talk about are not part of the world of the homeless.

4 Chapter 1

internal mechanism, such as instincts. Rather, external influences— your experiences—become part of your thinking and motivation. Or we can put it this way: At the center of what you do and how you think is the society in which you grow up and your particular location in that society.

Consider a newborn baby. As you know, if we were to take the baby away from its U.S. parents and place it with the Yanomamö Indians in the jungles of South America, his or her first words would not be in English. You also know that the child would not think like an American. The child would not grow up wanting credit cards, for example, or designer clothes, a car, a smartphone, an iPad, video games, and a virtual reality headset. He or she would take his or her place in Yanomamö society—perhaps as a food gatherer, a hunter, or a warrior—and would not even know about the world left behind at birth. And whether male or female, the child would grow up assum- ing that it is natural to want many children, not debating whether to have one, two, or three children.

If you have been thinking along with me—and I hope you have—you should be thinking about how your social groups have

shaped your ideas and desires. Over and over in this text, you will see that the way you look at the world is the result of your exposure to specific human groups. I think you will enjoy the process of self-discovery that sociology offers.

The Global Context—and the Local How life has changed! Our predecessors lived on isolated farms and in small towns. They grew their own food and made their own clothing, buying only sugar, coffee, and a few other items that they couldn’t produce. Beyond the borders of their communities lay a world they perceived only dimly.

To see why sociologists use the term global village to describe life today, look at the labels on your clothing. You are likely to see China, Mexico, Brazil, Hong Kong, Brunei, or Macau. It is the same with the many other imported products that have become part of your daily life.

And communications? It is difficult to believe how slow they used to be. I am still amazed at what happened in the War of 1812, a war between the United States and Great Britain. Although the two countries signed a peace treaty in December 1814, two weeks later their armies fought a major battle at New Orleans. Neither the American nor the British forces there had heard that the war was over (Volti 1995).

Today, news flashes from around the world are part of our everyday life. We can grab our cell phone and use the Internet to communicate instantly with people anywhere on the planet. Although we are engulfed in instantaneous global communications, we also continue to occupy our own little corners of life. Like those of our predecessors, our worlds, too, are marked by differences in family background, religion, job, age, gender, race–ethnicity, and social class. In these smaller corners of life, we continue to learn dis- tinctive ways of viewing the world.

One of the beautiful—and fascinating—aspects of sociology is that it enables us to look at both parts of our current reality: being part of a global network and having unique experiences in our smaller corners of life. This text reflects both of these worlds, each vital in understanding who we are.

Origins of Sociology 1.2 Trace the origins of sociology, from tradition to Max Weber.

So when did sociology begin? Even ancient peoples tried to figure out how social life works. They, too, asked questions about why war exists, why some people become more

We all learn our basic views of the world from the group in which we grow up. Just as this principle applies to this girl of the Txukahamai tribe of Brazil, so it applies to you. You and she are likely to have little in common in how you perceive the world.

The Sociological Perspective 5

powerful than others, and why some are rich but others are poor. This was not science, however, because they often based their answers on superstition, myth, or even the positions of the stars. They did not test their assumptions.

Science, in contrast, requires theories that can be tested by research. Measured by this standard, sociology emerged about the middle of the 1800s, when social observers began to use scientific methods to test their ideas. Let’s look at three events that set the stage for the challenge to tra- dition and the emergence of sociology.

Tradition versus Science The first event that set the stage for sociology was the social upheaval of the Industrial Revolution. As agriculture gave way to factory produc- tion, masses of people moved to cities in search of work. The city’s greeting was harsh: miserable pay, long hours, and dangerous work. To help their family survive, even chil- dren worked in these miserable conditions, some of them chained to machines to keep them from running away. With their ties to the land broken and their world turned upside down, no longer could people count on tradition to provide the answers to the difficult questions of life.

The second was the social upheaval of political revolution. The American and French revolutions swept away the existing social orders—and with them the answers they had provided. Before this period, tradition had ruled. The reply to questions of “why” was “We do this because it has always been done this way.” A new social order challenges traditional answers and ushers in new ideas. The ideas that emerged during this period challenged tradition even further. Especially powerful was the new idea that each per- son possesses inalienable rights. This idea caught fire to such an extent that people were willing to die for it, forcing many traditional Western monarchies to give way to more democratic forms of government.

The third was the imperialism (empire building) of the time. The Europeans had conquered so many countries that their new colonies stretched across the world, from Asia and Africa to North and South America. This exposed them to radically different ways of life, and they began to ask why cultures differ.

At this same time, the scientific method—using objective, systematic observations to test theories—was being tried in chemistry and physics. This revealed many secrets that had been concealed in nature. With traditional answers failing, the next step was to apply the scientific method to questions about social life. The result was the birth of sociology.

Let’s take a quick overview of some of the main people in this development.

Auguste Comte and Positivism France was still recovering from the bloody upheavals of its revolution when Auguste Comte was born. Comte (1798–1857) knew that the crowds had cheered at the public execution of the king and queen of France, and he began to wonder what holds soci- ety together. Why do we have social order now, instead of the anarchy and chaos of the French Revolution?, he wondered. When society is set on a particular course, what causes it to change?

These were pressing questions, and Comte suggested that we apply the scientific method to understand the social world, a process known as positivism. Just as the sci- entific method had revealed the law of gravity, so, too, it would uncover the laws that underlie society. Comte called this new science sociology—“the study of society” (from the Greek logos, “study of,” and the Latin socius, “companion,” or “being with others”). The purpose of this new science, he said, would be not only to discover social principles but also to apply them to social reform. Comte developed a grandiose view: Sociologists would reform society, making it a better place to live.

science the application of systematic methods to obtain knowledge and the knowledge obtained by those methods

scientific method the use of objective, systematic observations to test theories

positivism the application of the scientific approach to the social world

sociology the scientific study of society and human behavior

Auguste Comte (1798–1857), who is credited as the founder of sociology, began to analyze the bases of the social order. Although he stressed that the scientific method should be applied to the study of society, he did not apply it himself.

Upsetting the entire social order, the French Revolution removed the past as a sure guide to the present. This stimulated Auguste Comte to analyze how societies change. Shown here are women marching to Versailles in 1791 to confront the king and queen of France.

6 Chapter 1

Applying the scientific method to social life meant something quite different to Comte than it does to sociologists today. To Comte, it meant a kind of “armchair philosophy”— drawing conclusions from informal observations of social life. Comte did not do what we today call research, and his conclusions have been abandoned. But because he proposed that we observe and classify human activities to uncover society’s fundamental laws and coined the term sociology to describe this process, Comte often is credited with being the founder of sociology.

Herbert Spencer and Social Darwinism Herbert Spencer (1820–1903), who grew up in England, is sometimes called the second founder of sociology. Spencer disagreed sharply with Comte. He said that sociologists should not guide social reform. If they did, he said, it would interfere with a natural pro- cess that improves societies. Societies are evolving from a lower form (“barbarian”) to higher (“civilized”) forms. As generations pass, a society’s most capable and intelligent members (“the fittest”) survive, while the less capable die out. These fittest members pro- duce a more advanced society—unless misguided do-gooders get in the way and help the less fit (the lower classes) survive.

Spencer called this principle the survival of the fittest. Although Spencer coined this phrase, it usually is credited to his contemporary, Charles Darwin. Where Spencer pro- posed that societies evolve over time as the fittest people adapt to their environment, Darwin applied this idea to organisms. Because Darwin is better known, Spencer ’s idea is called social Darwinism. History is fickle, and if fame had gone the other way, we might be speaking of “biological Spencerism.”

Like Comte, Spencer did armchair philosophy instead of conducting scientific research.

Karl Marx and Class Conflict Karl Marx (1818–1883) not only influenced sociology, but he also left his mark on world history. Marx’s influence has been so great that even the Wall Street Journal, that staunch advocate of capitalism, has called him one of the three greatest modern thinkers (the other two being Sigmund Freud and Albert Einstein).

Like Comte, Marx thought that people should try to change society. His proposal for change was radical: revolution. This got him thrown out of Germany, and he settled in England. Marx believed that the engine of human history is class conflict. He said that society is made up of two social classes, and they are natural enemies of one another: the bourgeoisie (boo-shwa-ZEE) (the capitalists, those who own the means of production— the money, land, factories, and machines) and the proletariat (the exploited workers, who do not own the means of production). Eventually, the workers will unite and break their chains of bondage. The workers’ revolution will be bloody, but it will usher in a classless society, one free of exploitation. People will work according to their abilities and receive goods and services according to their needs (Marx and Engels 1848/1967).

Marxism is not the same as communism. Although Marx proposed revolution as the way for workers to gain control of society, he did not develop the political system called communism. This is a later application of his ideas. Marx himself felt disgusted when he heard debates about his insights into social life. After listening to some of the positions attributed to him, he shook his head and said, “I am not a Marxist” (Dobriner 1969:222; Gitlin 1997:89).

Unlike Comte and Spencer, Marx did not think of himself as a sociologist—and with his reputation for communism and revolution, many sociologists wish that no one else did either. Marx spent years studying in the library of the British Museum in London, where he wrote widely on history, philosophy, economics, and political science. Because of his insights into the relationship between the social classes, Marx is generally rec- ognized as a significant early sociologist. He introduced conflict theory, one of today’s major perspectives in sociology. Later, we will examine this perspective in detail.

class conflict Marx’s term for the struggle between capitalists and workers

bourgeoisie Marx’s term for capitalists, those who own the means of production

proletariat Marx’s term for the exploited class, the mass of workers who do not own the means of production

Herbert Spencer (1820–1903), sometimes called the second founder of sociology, coined the term “survival of the fittest.” Spencer thought that helping the poor was wrong, that this merely helped the “less fit” survive.

Karl Marx (1818–1883) believed that the roots of human misery lay in class conflict, the exploitation of workers by those who own the means of production. Social change, in the form of the workers overthrowing the capitalists was inevitable from Marx’s perspective. Although Marx did not consider himself a sociologist, his ideas have influenced many sociologists, particularly conflict theorists.

The Sociological Perspective 7

Emile Durkheim and Social Integration Until the time of Emile Durkheim (1858–1917), sociology was a part of history and economics. Durkheim, who grew up in France, wanted to change this, and his major pro- fessional goal was to get sociology recognized as a separate academic discipline (Coser 1977). He achieved this goal in 1887 when the University of Bordeaux awarded him the world’s first academic appointment in sociology.

Durkheim’s second goal was to show how social forces affect people’s behavior. To accomplish this, he conducted rigorous research. Comparing the suicide rates of several European countries, Durkheim (1897/1966) found that each country has a different suicide rate—and that these rates remain about the same year after year. He also found that differ- ent groups within a country have different suicide rates and that these, too, remain stable from year to year. Males are more likely than females to kill themselves, Protestants more likely than Catholics or Jews, and the unmarried more likely than the married. From these observations, Durkheim concluded that suicide is not what it appears—simply a matter of individuals here and there deciding to take their lives for personal reasons. Instead, social factors underlie suicide, which is why a group’s rate remains fairly constant year after year.

In his search for the key social factors in suicide, Durkheim identified social integration, the degree to which people are tied to their social groups: He found that peo- ple who have weaker social ties are more likely to commit suicide. This, he said, explains why Protestants, males, and the unmarried have higher suicide rates. This is how it works: Protestantism encourages greater freedom of thought and action; males are more indepen- dent than females; and the unmarried lack the ties and responsibilities that come with mar- riage. In other words, members of these groups have fewer of the social bonds that keep people from committing suicide. In Durkheim’s term, they have less social integration.

Despite the many years that have passed since Durkheim did his research, the principle he uncovered still applies: People who are less socially integrated have higher rates of suicide. Even today, more than a century later, those same groups that Durkheim identified—Protestants, males, and the unmarried—are more likely to kill themselves.

It is important for you to understand the principle that was central in Durkheim’s research: Human behavior cannot be understood only in terms of the individual; we must always examine the social forces that affect people’s lives. Suicide, for example, appears to be such an intensely individual act that psychologists should study it, not sociologists. As Durkheim stressed, however, if we look at human behavior only in reference to the individual, we miss its social basis.

APPLYING DURKHEIM Did you know that next year more women than men will attempt suicide? And did you know that despite this, more men will kill themselves? And did you know that this will happen the following year, too? More women will attempt suicide, but more men will die by suicide.

You probably didn’t know this, but these things will happen. Sociologists can make these predictions—and be accurate about them—because of what are called patterns of behavior, recurring characteristics or events.

Just as Durkheim found patterns of suicide in the groups he studied in Europe, so the groups that make up the United States have their own patterns of suicide. Look at Figure 1.1. A couple of things should strike you immediately. You can see that regardless of their racial–ethnic group, men are much more likely to kill themselves. You can also see that the racial–ethnic groups have different rates of suicide. Because similar patterns show up year after year, they give us a picture of the future.

You might be wondering why men are more “successful” than women when they attempt suicide. We don’t know all the answers, but apparently men are more deter- mined. Men also are more likely than women to use guns, while women are more likely to use pills. Obviously, guns don’t allow the time for intervention that pills do.

social integration the degree to which members of a group or a society feel united by shared values and other so- cial bonds; also known as social cohesion

patterns of behavior recurring behaviors or events

The French sociologist Emile Durkheim (1858–1917) contributed many important concepts to sociology. His comparison of the suicide rates of several countries revealed an underlying social factor: People are more likely to commit suicide if their ties to others in their communities are weak. Durkheim’s identification of the key role of social integration in social life remains central to sociology today.

8 Chapter 1

As Durkheim stressed, when patterns of suicide recur year after year, it indicates something beyond the individuals who kill themselves. The patterns reflect conditions in society and how people react to those conditions. There is much about this that we don’t understand, and I am hoping that one day this textbook will pique a student’s interest enough to investigate these patterns.

Max Weber and the Protestant Ethic Max Weber (Mahx VAY-ber) (1864–1920), a German sociologist and a contemporary of Durkheim, also held professorships in the new academic discipline of sociology. Like Durkheim and Marx, Weber is one of the most influential of all sociologists, and you will come across his writings and theories in later chapters. For now, let’s consider an issue Weber raised that remains controversial today.

RELIGION AND THE ORIGIN OF CAPITALISM Weber disagreed with Marx’s claim that economics is the central force in social change. That role, he said, belongs to reli- gion. Weber (1904/1958) theorized that the Roman Catholic belief system encouraged followers to hold on to their traditional ways of life, while the Protestant belief system encouraged its members to embrace change. Roman Catholics were taught that because they were Church members, they were on the road to heaven, but Protestants, those of the Calvinist tradition, were told that they wouldn’t know if they were saved until Judg- ment Day. You can see why this made them uncomfortable. Calvinists began to look for a “sign” that they were in God’s will. They found this “sign” in financial success, which they took as a blessing that indicated that God was on their side. To bring about this “sign” and receive spiritual comfort, they began to live frugal lives, saving their money and investing it in order to make even more. This accumulation and investment of capi- tal, said Weber, brought about the birth of capitalism.

Weber called this self-denying approach to life the Protestant ethic. He termed the desire to invest capital in order to make more money the spirit of capitalism. To test his theory, Weber compared the extent of capitalism in Roman Catholic and Protestant countries. In line with his theory, he found that capitalism was more likely to flourish in Protestant countries. Weber ’s conclusion that religion was the key factor in the rise of capitalism was controversial when he made it, and it continues to be debated today (Kotz 2015).

Figure 1.1 Suicide of Americans Ages 18–24



0 Latinos Asian

Americans African

Americans Whites Native





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1 0

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3.2 3.1


Max Weber (1864–1920) was another early sociologist who left a profound impression on sociology. He used cross-cultural and historical materials to trace the causes of social change and to determine how social groups affect people’s orientations to life.

SOURCE: By the author. Based on CDC 2015a:Figure 1.

The Sociological Perspective 9

Sociology in North America 1.3 Trace the development of sociology in North America, and explain the tension

between objective analysis and social reform.

Now let’s turn to the development of sociology on this side of the Atlantic Ocean.

Sexism at the Time: Women in Early Sociology As you may have noticed, all the sociologists we have discussed are men. In the 1800s, sex roles were rigid, with women assigned the roles of wife and mother. In the classic German phrase, women were expected to devote themselves to the four K’s: Kirche, Küche, Kinder, und Kleider (the four C’s in English: church, cooking, children, and clothes). Trying to break out of this mold meant risking severe disapproval.

At this time, few people, male or female, attained any education beyond basic reading and writing and a little math. Higher education, for the rare few who received it, was reserved primarily for men. Of the handful of women who did pursue higher education, some became prominent in early sociology. Marion Talbot, for example, was an associate editor of the American Journal of Sociology for thirty years, from its founding in 1895 to 1925. The influence of some early female sociologists went far beyond sociol- ogy. Grace Abbott became chief of the U.S. government’s Children’s Bureau, and Frances Perkins was the first woman to hold a cabinet position, serving twelve years as Secretary of Labor under President Franklin Roosevelt. The photo wheel portrays some of these early sociologists.

Figure 1.2 The Forgotten Sociologists

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The Forgotten Sociologists

Early North American sociologists combined the roles of social analysis and social reform. As

sociology became a respected academic subject and sociology departments developed across the United

States, academic sociologists began to emphasize social research and theory. From this orientation,

the academic sociologists wrote the history of sociology. They designated non-academic activists as social workers, not sociologists, effectively writing them out of the history of sociology. The women

shown here, among the forgotten sociologists of this period, are gradually regaining a

place in the history of sociology.

SOURCE: Photo wheel copyright 2018 © James M. Henslin.

10 Chapter 1

Most early female sociologists viewed sociology as a path to social reform. They focused on ways to improve society, such as how to stop lynching, integrate immigrants into society, and improve the conditions of workers. As sociology developed in North America, a debate arose about the purpose of sociology. Should it be to reform society or to do objective research on society? Those who held the university positions won the debate. They feared that advocating for social causes would jeopardize the reputation of sociology—and their own university positions. It was these men who wrote the his- tory of sociology. Distancing themselves from the social reformers, they ignored the early female sociologists (Lengermann and Niebrugge 2007). Now that women have regained their voice in sociology—and have begun to rewrite its history—early female sociologists are again, as here, being acknowledged.

Harriet Martineau (1802–1876) provides an excellent example of how the contribu- tions of early female sociologists were ignored. Although Martineau was from England, she is included here because she did extensive analyses of U.S. social customs.

Sexism was so pervasive that when Martineau first began to analyze social life, she would hide her writing beneath her sewing when visitors arrived; writing was “mas- culine” and sewing “feminine” (Gilman 1911/1971:88). Despite her extensive and acclaimed research on social life in both Great Britain and the United States, until recently Martineau was known primarily for translating Comte’s ideas into English.

Racism at the Time: W. E. B. Du Bois Not only was sexism assumed to be normal during this early period of sociology but so was racism. This made life difficult for African American professionals such as W. E. B. Du Bois (1868–1963). After earning a bachelor ’s degree from Fisk University, Du Bois became the first African American to earn a doctorate at Harvard. He then studied at the University of Berlin, where he attended lectures by Weber. After teaching Greek and Latin at Wilberforce University, Du Bois moved to Atlanta University in 1897 to teach sociology and do research. He remained there for most of his career (Du Bois 1935/1992).

The following Down-to-Earth Sociology features Du Bois’ description of race relations when he was in college.

Down-to-Earth Sociology W. E. B. Du Bois: The Souls of Black Folk Du Bois wrote more like an accomplished novelist than a sociologist. The following excerpts are from pages 66–68 of his book, The Souls of Black Folk (Du Bois, 1903). In this book, Du Bois analyzes changes that occurred in the social and economic conditions of African Americans during the thirty years following the Civil War.

For two summers, while he was a student at Fisk, Du Bois taught in a segregated school in a little log cabin that he said was “way back in the hills” of rural Tennessee. These excerpts help us understand conditions at that time.

It was a hot morning late in July when the school opened. I trembled when I heard the patter of little feet down the dusty road, and saw the growing row of dark solemn faces and bright eager eyes facing me…. There they sat, nearly thirty of them, on the rough benches, their faces shading from a pale cream to deep brown, the little feet bare and swinging, the eyes full of expectation, with here and there a twinkle of mischief, and the hands

grasping Webster’s blue-black spelling-book. I loved my school, and the fine faith the children had in the wisdom of their teacher was truly marvelous. We read and spelled together, wrote a little, picked flowers, sang, and listened to stories of the world beyond the hill….

On Friday nights I often went home with some of the children,—sometimes to Doc Burke’s farm. He was a great, loud, thin Black, ever working, and trying to buy these seventy-five acres of hill and dale where he lived; but people said that he would surely fail and the “white folks would get it all.” His wife was a magnificent Amazon, with saffron face and shiny hair, uncorseted and barefooted, and the children were strong and barefooted. They lived in a one-and-a-half-room cabin in the hollow of the farm near the spring….

Often, to keep the peace, I must go where life was less lovely; for instance, ‘Tildy’s mother was incorrigibly dirty, Reuben’s larder was limited seriously, and herds of untamed insects wandered over the Eddingses’ beds.

W(illiam) E(dward) B(urghardt) Du Bois (1868–1963) spent his lifetime studying relations between African Americans and whites.

The Sociological Perspective 11

It is difficult to grasp how racist society was at this time. As Du Bois passed a butcher shop in Georgia one day, he saw the fingers of a lynching victim displayed in the window (Aptheker 1990). When Du Bois went to national meetings of the American Sociological Society, restaurants and hotels would not allow him to eat or room with the white sociologists. How times have changed. Not only would today’s sociologists boycott such businesses but also they would refuse to hold meetings in that state. At that time, however, racism, like sex- ism, prevailed throughout society, rendering it mostly invisible to white sociologists. Du Bois eventually became such an outspoken critic of racism that the U.S. State Department, fearing he would criticize the United States abroad, refused to issue him a passport (Du Bois 1968).

Each year between 1896 and 1914, Du Bois published a book on the condition of African Americans, including their relations with whites. Not content to collect and interpret data, Du Bois, along with Jane Addams and others from Hull House (see the next section), was one of the founders of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) (Deegan 1988). Continuing to battle racism both as a sociologist and as a journalist, Du Bois eventually embraced revolutionary Marxism. At age 93, dismayed that so little improvement had been made in race relations, he moved to Ghana, where he was buried (Stark 1989).

Jane Addams: Sociologist and Social Reformer Of the many early sociologists who combined the role of sociologist with that of social reformer, none was as successful as Jane Addams (1860–1935), who was a member of the American Sociological Society from its founding in 1905. Like Martineau, Addams, too, came from a background of wealth and privilege. She attended the Women’s Medical College of Philadelphia but dropped out because of illness (Addams 1910/1981). On a trip to Europe, Addams saw the work being done to help London’s poor. The memory wouldn’t leave her, she said, and she decided to work for social justice.

In 1889, Addams co-founded Hull House with Ellen Gates Starr. Located in Chicago’s notorious slums, Hull House was open to people who needed refuge—to immigrants, the sick, the aged, the poor. Sociologists from the nearby University of Chicago were fre- quent visitors at Hull House. With her piercing insights into the exploitation of workers

In the 1800s, most Americans were poor, and formal education beyond the first several grades was a luxury. This photo depicts the conditions of the people Du Bois worked with.

Best of all I loved to go to Josie’s, and sit on the porch, eating peach- es, while the mother bustled and talked: how Josie had bought the sewing-machine; how Josie worked at service in winter, but that four dollars a month was “mighty little” wages; how Josie longed to go away to school, but that it “looked like” they never could get far enough ahead to let her; how the crops failed and the well was yet unfinished; and, finally, how mean some of the white folks were.

For two summers I lived in this little world…. I have called my tiny community a world, and so its isolation made it; and yet there was among us but a half -awakened common consciousness, sprung from common joy and grief, at burial, birth, or wedding; from common hardship in poverty, poor land, and low wages, and, above all, from the sight of the Veil* that hung between us and Opportunity. All this caused

us to think some thoughts to- gether; but these, when ripe for speech, were spoken in various languages. Those whose eyes twenty-five and more years had seen “the glory of the coming of the Lord,” saw in every present hindrance or help a dark fatal- ism bound to bring all things right in His own good time. The mass of those to whom slavery was a dim recollection of child- hood found the world a puzzling thing: it asked little of them, and they answered with little, and yet it ridiculed their offering. Such a paradox they could not understand, and therefore sank into listless indifference, or shift- lessness, or reckless bravado.

*“The Veil” is shorthand for the Veil of Race, referring to how race colors all human relations. Du Bois’

hope, as he put it, was that “sometime, somewhere, men will judge men by their souls and not by their skins” (p. 261).

Jane Addams (1860–1935), a recipient of the Nobel Prize for Peace, worked on behalf of poor immigrants. With Ellen G. Starr, she founded Hull-House, a center to help immigrants in Chicago. She was also a leader in women’s rights (women’s suffrage), as well as the peace movement of World War I.

12 Chapter 1

and how rural immigrants adjusted to city life, Addams strove to bridge the gap between the powerful and the powerless. She co-founded the American Civil Liberties Union and campaigned for the eight-hour workday and for laws against child labor. She wrote books on poverty, democracy, and peace. Addams’ writings and efforts at social reform were so outstanding that in 1931, she was a co-winner of the Nobel Prize for Peace. She and Emily Greene Balch are the only sociologists to have won this coveted award.

Talcott Parsons and C. Wright Mills: Theory versus Reform

Like Du Bois and Addams, many early North American sociologists saw society, or parts of it, as exploitative and in need of reform. During the 1920s and 1930s, for exam- ple, Robert Park and Ernest Burgess (1921) not only studied crime, drug addiction, juve- nile delinquency, and prostitution but also offered suggestions for how to alleviate these social problems. But by the 1940s, the emphasis shifted from social reform to social the- ory. A major sociologist of this period, Talcott Parsons (1902–1979), developed abstract models of society that influenced a generation of sociologists. His models of how the parts of society work together harmoniously did nothing to stimulate social activism.

Another sociologist, C. Wright Mills (1916–1962), deplored such theoretical abstrac- tions. Trying to push the pendulum the other way, he urged sociologists to get back to social reform. In his writings, he warned that the nation faced an imminent threat to freedom—the coalescing of interests of a power elite, the top leaders of business, politics, and the military. Interest in Mills’ analyses increases each time that the United States undergoes turbulence. Since social unrest peaks at various times, followed by valleys of relative calm, so does social activism and Mills’ popularity. You will be reading about Mills in later sections of this book.

The Continuing Tension: Basic, Applied, and Public Sociology As you have seen, two contradictory goals—analyzing society versus working toward its reform—have run through North American sociology since its founding. This tension is still with us (Morris 2017). Let’s see how it is being resolved.

BASIC SOCIOLOGY Some sociologists see their proper role as doing basic (or pure) sociology. They want to find out what is happening in some aspect of society and the reasons for it, but they do not have a goal of applying that knowledge. Other sociologists reply, “Knowledge for what?” They argue that gaining knowledge through research is not enough, that sociologists need to use their expertise to help reform society, especially to help bring justice and better conditions to the poor and oppressed.

APPLIED SOCIOLOGY As Figure 1.3 shows, one attempt to go beyond basic sociology is applied sociology, using sociology to solve problems. Applied sociology goes back to the roots of sociology: As you have seen, sociologists were founding members of the NAACP. Today’s applied sociologists lack the broad vision that the early sociologists had of reforming society, but their application of sociology is wide-ranging. Some work for business firms to solve problems in the workplace, while others investigate social problems such as rape, pornography, poverty, pollution, or the spread of AIDS. Sociology is even being applied to find ways to disrupt terrorist groups (Sageman 2008a) and to improve technology for the mentally ill (Kelly and Farahbakhsh 2013).

PUBLIC SOCIOLOGY To encourage sociologists to apply sociology, the American Sociological Association (ASA) is promoting a middle ground between research and reform called public sociology. By this term, the ASA refers to harnessing the sociological perspective for the benefit of the public. Of special interest to the ASA is getting politi- cians and policy makers to apply the sociological understanding of how society works as they develop social policy (American Sociological Association 2004; Gans 2014). Public sociology would incorporate both items 3 and 4 of Figure 1.3.

basic (or pure) sociology sociological research for the purpose of making discoveries about life in human groups, not for making changes in those groups

applied sociology the use of sociology to solve problems—from the micro level of classroom interaction and family relationships to the mac- ro level of poverty and pollution

public sociology applying sociology for the public good; especially the use of the sociological perspective (how things are related to one another) to guide politicians and policy makers

C. Wright Mills (1916–1962) was a controversial figure in sociology because of his analysis of the role of the power elite in U.S. society. Today, his analysis is taken for granted by many sociologists and members of the public.

The Sociological Perspective 13

Figure 1.3 Comparing Basic and Applied Sociology

The middle ground: criticisms

of society and social policy

Analyzing problems, evaluating

programs, and suggesting solutions

3 4Research on basic social life, on how groups affect people

Implementing solutions

(clinical sociology)

Constructing theory and testing


1 2 5

Audience: Clients Product: Change

BASIC SOCIOLOGY Audience: Fellow sociologists and anyone interested Product: Knowledge

Audience: Policy makers Product: Recommendations


SOURCE: By the author. Based on DeMartini 1982, plus events since then.

Cultural Diversity in the United States Unanticipated Public Sociology: Studying Job Discrimination Basic sociology—research aimed at learning more about some behavior—can turn into public sociology. Here is what happened to Devah Pager (2003). When Pager was a sociology graduate student at the University of Wisconsin in Madison, she did volunteer work at a homeless shelter. When some of the men told her how hard it was to find work if they had been in prison, she wondered if the men were exaggerating. Pager decided to find out what differ- ence a prison record makes in getting a job. She sent pairs of college men to apply for 350 entry-level jobs in Milwau- kee. One team was African American, and one was white. Pager prepared identical résumés for the teams, but with one difference: On each team, one of the men said he had served eighteen months in prison for possession of cocaine.

Figure 1.4 shows the difference that the prison record made. Men without a prison record were two or more times more likely to be called back.

But Pager came up with another significant finding. Look at the difference that race–ethnicity made. White men with a prison record were more likely to be offered a job than African American men who had a clean record!

Sociological research often remains in obscure journals, read by only a few specialists. But Pager’s findings got around, turning basic research into public sociology. Someone told President George W. Bush about the research, and he announced in his State of the Union speech that he wanted Congress to fund a $300 million program to provide mentoring and other support to help former prisoners get jobs (Kroeger 2004).

In further research, Pager has documented how prison and race are a double-edged sword that cuts the bonds of employment (Pager et al. 2009). As you can see, sometimes only a thin line separates basic and public sociology.

For Your Consideration → What findings would you expect if women had been

included in this research? Why?


Figure 1.4 Call-Back Rates by Race–Ethnicity and Criminal Record






Whites African Americans



17 14P

e rc

e n ta

g e

Without criminal record With criminal record

SOURCE: Courtesy of Devah Pager.

The lines between basic, applied, and public sociology are not always firm. In the fol- lowing Cultural Diversity in the United States, you can see how basic sociology can morph into public sociology.

14 Chapter 1

With roots that go back a century or more, this contemporary debate about the purpose and use of sociology is likely to continue for another generation. At this point, let’s consider how theory fits into sociology.

Theoretical Perspectives in Sociology 1.4 Explain the basic ideas of symbolic interactionism, functional analysis,

and conflict theory.

Facts never interpret themselves. To make sense out of life, we use our common sense. That is, to understand our experiences (our “facts”), we place them into a framework of more-or-less related ideas. Sociologists do this, too, but they place their observations into a conceptual framework called a theory. A theory is a general statement about how some parts of the world fit together and how they work. It is an explanation of how two or more “facts” are related to one another.

Sociologists use three major theories: symbolic interactionism, functional analysis, and conflict theory. Each theory is like a lens through which we can view social life. Let’s first examine the main elements of each theory and then apply each to the U.S. divorce rate to see why it is so high. As we do this, you will see how each theory, or perspective, provides a distinct interpretation of social life.

Symbolic Interactionism The central idea of symbolic interactionism is that symbols—things to which we attach meaning—are the key to understanding how we view the world and communicate with one another. Two major sociologists who developed this perspective are George Herbert Mead (1863–1931) and Charles Horton Cooley (1864–1929). Let’s look at the main e lements of this theory.

SYMBOLS IN EVERYDAY LIFE Without symbols, our social life would be no more sophisticated than that of animals. For example, without symbols, we would have no aunts or uncles, employers or teachers—or even brothers and sisters. I know that this sounds strange, but it is symbols that define our relationships. There would still be repro- duction, of course, but no symbols to tell us how we are related to whom. We would not know to whom we owe respect and obligations, or from whom we can expect privileges—two elements that lie at the essence of human relationships.

I know it is vague to say that symbols tell you how you are related to others and how you should act toward them, so let’s make this less abstract:

Suppose that you have fallen head over heels in love. Finally, after what seems forever, it is the night before your wedding. As you are contemplating tomorrow’s bliss, your moth- er comes to you in tears. Sobbing, she tells you that she had a child before she married your father, a child that she gave up for adoption. Breaking down, she says that she has just discovered that the person you are going to marry is this child.

You can see how the symbol will change overnight—and your behavior, too! The symbols “boyfriend” and “brother”—or “girlfriend” and “sister”—are cer-

tainly different, and, as you know, each symbol represents rather different behavior. Not only do relationships depend on symbols but so does society itself. Without

symbols, we could not coordinate our actions with those of others. We could not make plans for a future day, time, and place. Unable to specify times, materials, sizes, or goals, we could not build bridges and highways. Without symbols, we would have no movies or musical instruments, no hospitals, no government, no reli- gion. The class you are taking could not exist—nor could this book. On the positive side, there would be no war.

common sense those things that “everyone knows” are true

theory a general statement about how some parts of the world fit together and how they work; an explanation of how two or more facts are related to one another

symbolic interactionism a theoretical perspective in which society is viewed as com- posed of symbols that people use to establish meaning, devel- op their views of the world, and communicate with one another

George Herbert Mead (1863–1931) is one of the founders of symbolic interactionism, a major theoretical perspective in sociology. He taught at the University of Chicago, where his lectures were popular. Although he wrote little, after his death students compiled his lectures into an influential book, Mind, Self, and Society.

The Sociological Perspective 15

IN SUM Symbolic interactionists analyze how social life depends on the ways we define ourselves and others. They study face-to-face interaction, examining how people make sense out of life and their place in it.

APPLYING SYMBOLIC INTERACTIONISM Look at Figure 1.5, which shows U.S. mar- riages and divorces over time. Let’s see how symbolic interactionists would use changing symbols to explain this figure. For background, you should understand that marriage used to be a lifelong commitment. A hundred years ago (and less), getting divorced was viewed as immoral, a flagrant disregard for public opinion, and the abandonment of adult responsibilities. Let’s see what changed.

N u m

b e r

in M

ill io

n s














20201970 1980 1990 201020001890 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 Year

FIGURE 1.5 U.S. Marriage, U.S. Divorce

NOTE: In 1996, some states stopped reporting their divorces. Currently, these states are California, Georgia, Hawaii, Indiana, and Minnesota. I made an adjustment for the missing data.

SOURCE: By the author. Based on Statistical Abstract of the United States 1998:Table 92 and 2017:Tables 82, 141; earlier editions for earlier years. The broken lines indicate the author’s estimates.

Figure 1.6 Western Marriage



Western Marriage


Duties/ Obligations

Duties/ Obligations




Husband-Wife Relationship

SOURCE: By the author.

The meaning of marriage Historically in the West, marriage was based on obligation and duty. By the 1930s, young peo- ple were coming to view marriage in a different way, a change that was reported by sociologists of the time. In 1933, William Ogburn observed that people were placing more emphasis on the personality of their potential mates. Then in 1945, Ernest Burgess and Harvey Locke reported that people were expect- ing more affection, understanding, and compatibility from marriage. As feelings became more important in marriage, duty and obligation became less important. Eventually, mar- riage came to be viewed as an arrangement that was based mostly on feelings—on attraction and intimacy. Marriage then became an arrangement that could be broken when feelings changed. Figure 1.6 depicts this fundamental historical change in marriage.

The meaning of divorce As divorce became more common, its meaning also changed. Rather than being a symbol of failure, divorce came to indicate freedom and new beginnings. Remov- ing the stigma from divorce shattered a strong barrier that had prevented husbands and wives from breaking up.

16 Chapter 1

The meaning of parenthood Parents used to have little responsibility for their children beyond providing food, clothing, shelter, and moral guidance. And they needed to do this for only a short time, because children began to contribute to the support of the family early in life. Among some people, parenthood is still like this. In Colombia, for example, children of the poor often are expected to support themselves by the age of 8 or 10. In industrial societies, however, we assume that children are fragile, vulnera- ble beings who must depend on their parents for financial and emotional support for many years—often until they are well into their 20s. In some cases, this is now being extended to the 30s. The greater responsibilities that we assign to parenthood place heavier burdens on today’s couples and, with them, more strain on marriage.

The meaning of love And we can’t overlook the love symbol. As surprising as it may sound, to have love as the main reason for marriage weakens marriage. In some depth of our being, we expect “true love” to deliver constant emotional highs. This expecta- tion sets people up for crushed hopes because dissatisfactions in marriage are inevita- ble. When the disappointments come, spouses tend to blame one another for failing to deliver the illusive satisfaction.

IN SUM Symbolic interactionists look at how changing ideas (or symbols) of marriage, divorce, parenthood, and love put pressure on married couples. No single change is the cause of our divorce rate. Taken together, however, these changes provide a strong push toward marriages breaking up.

Functional Analysis The central idea of functional analysis is that society is a whole unit, made up of interrelated parts that work together. Functional analysis (also known as functionalism and structural functionalism) is rooted in the origins of sociology. Auguste Comte and Herbert Spencer viewed society as a kind of living organism, similar to an animal ’s body. Just as a person or animal has organs that function together, they wrote, so does society. And like an organism, if society is to function smoothly, its parts must work together in harmony.

Durkheim also viewed society as being composed of many parts, each with its own function. He said that when all the parts of society fulfill their functions, society is in a “normal” state. If they do not fulfill their functions, society is in an “abnormal” or “pathological” state. To understand society, then, functionalists say that we need to look at both structure (how the parts of a society fit together to make the whole) and function (what each part does, how it contributes to society).

ROBERT MERTON AND FUNCTIONALISM Robert Merton (1910–2003) dismissed the comparison of society to a living organism, but he did maintain the essence of functionalism—the image of society as a whole unit composed of parts that work together. Merton used the term functions to refer to the beneficial consequences of people’s actions: Functions help keep a group (society, social system) in balance. In contrast, dysfunctions are the harmful consequences of people’s actions. Dysfunctions undermine a system’s equilibrium.

Functions can be either manifest or latent. If an action is intended to help some part of a system, it is a manifest function. For example, suppose that government offi- cials become concerned that women are having so few children. Congress offers a $10,000 tax-free bonus for every child born to a married couple. The intention, or man- ifest function, of the bonus is to increase childbearing within the family unit. Merton pointed out that people’s actions can also have latent functions; that is, they can have unintended consequences that help a system adjust. Let’s suppose that the bonus works. As the birth rate jumps, so does the sale of diapers and baby furniture. Because the

functional analysis a theoretical framework in which society is viewed as com- posed of various parts, each with a function that, when fulfilled, contributes to society’s equilibri- um; also known as functionalism and structural functionalism

Robert K. Merton (1910–2003), who spent most of his academic career at Columbia University, was a major proponent of functionalism, one of the main theoretical perspectives in sociology.

The Sociological Perspective 17

benefits to these businesses were not the intended consequences, they are latent func- tions of the bonus.

Of course, human actions can also hurt a system. Because such consequences usu- ally are unintended, Merton called them latent dysfunctions. Let’s assume that the govern- ment has failed to specify a “stopping point” with regard to its bonus system. To collect more bonuses, some people keep on having children. The more children they have, how- ever, the more they need the next bonus to survive. Large families become common, and poverty increases. As welfare and taxes jump, the nation erupts in protest. Because these results were not intended and because they harmed the social system, they would be latent dysfunctions of the bonus program.

IN SUM From the perspective of functional analysis, society is a functioning unit, with each part related to the whole. Whenever we examine a smaller part, we need to look for its functions and dysfunctions to see how it is related to the larger unit. This basic approach can be applied to any social group, whether an entire society, a college, or even a group as small as a family.

APPLYING FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS Now let’s apply functional analysis to the U.S. divorce rate. Functionalists stress that industrialization and urbanization under- mined the traditional functions of the family. For example, before industrialization, the family formed an economic team. On the farm, where most people lived, each family member had jobs or “chores” to do. The wife was in charge not only of house- hold tasks but also of raising small animals, such as chickens, milking cows, collect- ing eggs, and churning butter. She also did the cooking, baking, canning, sewing, darning, washing, and cleaning. The daughters helped her. The husband was respon- sible for caring for large animals, such as horses and cattle, for cultivating, planting, and harvesting, and for maintaining buildings and tools. The sons helped him.

This certainly doesn’t sound like life today! But what does it have to do with divorce? Simply put, there wasn’t much divorce because the husband and wife formed an economic team in which each depended on the other for survival. There weren’t many alternatives.

Other functions also bound family members to one another: educating the children, teaching them religion, providing home-based recreation, and caring for the sick and elderly. All these were functions of the family, certainly quite different from today’s sit- uation. To further see how sharply family functions have changed, look at this example from the 1800s:

When Phil became sick, he was nursed by Ann, his wife. She cooked for him, fed him, changed the bed linens, bathed him, read to him from the Bible, and gave him his medi- cine. (She did this in addition to doing the housework and taking care of their six chil- dren.) Phil was also surrounded by the children, who shouldered some of his chores while he was sick. When Phil died, the male neighbors and relatives made the casket while Ann, her mother, and female friends washed and dressed the body. Phil was then “laid out” in the front parlor (the formal living room), where friends, neighbors, and relatives paid their last respects. From there, friends moved his body to the church for the final message and then to the grave they themselves had dug.

IN SUM When the family loses functions, it becomes more fragile, making an increase in divorce inevitable. These changes in economic production illustrate how the family has lost functions. When making a living was a cooperative, home-based effort, hus- bands and wives depended on one another for their interlocking contributions to a mutual endeavor. With their individual paychecks, today’s husbands and wives increas- ingly function as separate components in an impersonal, multinational, and even global system. The fewer functions that family members share, the fewer are their “ties that bind”—and these ties are what help husbands and wives get through the problems they inevitably experience.

18 Chapter 1

Conflict Theory Conflict theory provides a third perspective on social life. Unlike the functionalists, who view society as a harmonious whole with its parts working together, conflict theo- rists stress that society is composed of groups that compete with one another for scarce resources. If you look at the surface, you might see cooperation, but scratch that surface and you will find a struggle for power.

KARL MARX AND CONFLICT THEORY Marx, the founder of conflict theory, witnessed the Industrial Revolution that transformed Europe. He saw that peasants who had left the land to work in cities earned barely enough to eat. Things were so bad that the average worker died at age 30, the average wealthy person at age 50 (Edgerton 1992:87). Shocked by this suffering and exploitation, Marx began to analyze society and history. As he did so, he developed conflict theory. He concluded that the key to human history is class conf lict. In each society, some small group controls the means of produc- tion and exploits those who are not in control. In industrialized societies, the struggle is between the bourgeoisie, the small group of capitalists who own the means to produce wealth, and the proletariat, the mass of workers who are exploited by the bourgeoisie. The capitalists control the legal and political system: If the workers rebel, the capitalists call on the power of the state to subdue them.

When Marx made his observations, capitalism was in its infancy and workers were at the mercy of their employers. There was none of what many of today’s workers take for granted—minimum wages, eight-hour days, coffee breaks, five-day work weeks, paid vacations and holidays, medical benefits, sick leave, unemployment compensation, Social Security, and for union workers, the right to strike. Marx’s analysis reminds us that these benefits came not from generous hearts but by workers forcing concessions from their employers.

conflict theory a theoretical framework in which society is viewed as composed of groups that are competing for scarce resources

Sociologists who use the functionalist perspective stress how industrialization and urbanization undermined the traditional functions of the family. Before industrialization, members of the family worked together as an economic team, as in this photo of a farm family in Nebraska in 1886. (This is a sod house built into the hillside.) As production moved away from the home, it took with it first the father and, more recently, the mother. One consequence is a major dysfunction, the weakening of family ties.

The Sociological Perspective 19

CONFLICT THEORY TODAY Many sociologists extend conflict theory beyond the relationship of capitalists and workers. They examine how opposing interests run through every layer of society—whether in a small group, an organization, a commu- nity, or an entire society. For example, when teachers, parents, or the police try to enforce conformity, this creates resentment and resistance. It is the same when a teenager tries to “change the rules” to gain more independence. Throughout society, then, there is a con- stant struggle to determine who has authority or influence and how far that dominance goes (Turner 1978; Piven 2008; Vogt et al. 2016).

Sociologist Lewis Coser (1913–2003) pointed out that conflict is most likely to develop among people who are in close relationships. These people have worked out ways to distribute power and privilege, responsibilities and rewards. Any change in this arrangement can lead to hurt feelings, resentment, and conflict. Even in intimate rela- tionships, then, people are in a constant balancing act, with conflict lying uneasily just beneath the surface.

FEMINISTS AND CONFLICT THEORY Just as Marx examined conflict between cap- italists and workers, many feminists analyze conflict between men and women. Their primary focus is the historical, contemporary, and global inequalities of men and women—and how the traditional dominance by men can be overcome to bring about equality of the sexes. Feminists are not united by the conflict perspective, however. They tackle a variety of topics and use whatever theory applies. (Feminism is discussed in Chapter 10.)

APPLYING CONFLICT THEORY To explain why the U.S. divorce rate is high, conflict theorists focus on how men’s and women’s relationships have changed. For millennia, men dominated women, and women had few alternatives other than to accept that dom- inance. As industrialization transformed the world, it brought women the ability to meet their basic survival needs without depending on a man. This new ability gave them the power to refuse to bear burdens that earlier generations accepted as inevitable. The result is that today’s women are likely to dissolve a marriage that becomes intolerable—or even just unsatisfactory.

IN SUM The dominance of men over women was once considered natural and right. As women gained education and earnings, however, they first questioned and then rejected this assumption. As wives strove for more power and grew less inclined to put up with relationships that they defined as unfair, the divorce rate increased. From the conflict perspective, then, our high divorce rate does not mean that marriage has weakened but, rather, that women are making headway in their historical struggle with men.

Putting the Theoretical Perspectives Together Which of these theoretical perspectives is the right one? As you have seen, each is a lens that produces a contrasting picture of divorce. The pictures that emerge are quite differ- ent from the commonsense understanding that two people are “incompatible.” Or that they have a “personality conflict.” Because each theory focuses on different features of social life, each provides a distinct interpretation. Consequently, we need to use all three theoretical lenses to analyze human behavior. By combining the contributions of each, we gain a more comprehensive picture of social life.

Levels of Analysis: Macro and Micro A major difference between these three theoretical perspectives is their level of analysis. Functionalists and conflict theorists focus on the macro level; that is, they examine large- scale patterns of society. In contrast, symbolic interactionists usually focus on the micro level, on social interaction—what people do when they are in one another ’s presence. These levels are summarized in Table 1.1.

macro-level analysis an examination of large-scale patterns of society; such as how Wall Street and the political establishment are interrelated

micro-level analysis an examination of small-scale patterns of society; such as how the members of a group interact

social interaction people's actions influencing one another; usually refers to what people do when they are in one another’s presence, but also includes communications at a distance

20 Chapter 1

To make this distinction between micro and macro levels clearer, let’s return to the example of the homeless, with which we opened this chapter. To study homeless people, symbolic interactionists would focus on the micro level. They would analyze what homeless people do when they are in shelters and on the streets. They would also analyze their communications, both their talk and their nonverbal interactions (ges- tures, use of space, and so on). The observations I made at the beginning of this chapter about the silence in the homeless shelter, for example, would be of interest to symbolic interactionists.

This micro level would not interest functionalists and conflict theorists. They would focus instead on the macro level, how changes in some parts of society increase home- lessness. Functionalists might stress that jobs have dried up—how there is less need for unskilled labor and that millions of jobs have been transferred to workers overseas. Or

they might focus on changes in the family, that families are smaller and divorce more common. This means that many people who can’t find work end up on the streets because they don’t have others to fall back on. For their part, conflict theorists would stress the struggle between social classes. They would be interested in how the decisions of interna- tional elites affect not only global production and trade but also the local job market, unemployment, and homelessness.

How Theory and Research Work Together Theory cannot stand alone. Nor can research. As sociologist C. Wright Mills (1959) argued so forcefully, theory without research is abstract and empty. But research without theory, Mills added, is simply a collection of unrelated “facts.”

Theory and research, then, are both essential for sociology. Every theory must be tested, which requires research. And as sociologists do research, often coming up with surprising findings, those results must be explained: For that, we need theory. As sociologists study social life, then, they combine research and theory.

Let’s turn to doing research.

nonverbal interaction communication without words through gestures, use of space, silence, and so on

Theoretical Perspective Usual Level of Analysis Focus of Analysis Key Terms Applying the Perspective to the U.S. Divorce Rate

Symbolic Interactionism Microsociological: examines small-scale patterns of social interaction

Face-to-face interaction, how people use symbols to create social life

Symbols Interaction Meanings Definitions

Industrialization and urbanization changed marital roles and led to a redefinition of love, marriage, children, and divorce.

Functional Analysis (also called functionalism and structural functionalism)

Macrosociological: examines large-scale patterns of society

Relationships among the parts of society; how these parts are functional (have beneficial consequences) or dysfunctional (have negative consequences)

Structure Functions (mani-

fest and latent) Dysfunctions Equilibrium

As social change erodes the traditional functions of the family, family ties weaken, and the divorce rate increases.

Conflict Theory Macrosociological: examines large-scale patterns of society

The struggle for scarce resources by groups in a society; how the elites use their power to control the weaker groups

Inequality Power Conflict Competition Exploitation

When men control economic life, the divorce rate is low because women find few alternatives to a bad marriage. The high divorce rate reflects a shift in the balance of power between men and women.

Table 1.1 Three Theoretical Perspectives in Sociology

SOURCE: By the author.

Fashion brings a form of peer pressure. To attain status within fashion, some people are willing to sacrifice their health, as with this woman in 1899.

The Sociological Perspective 21

Doing Sociological Research 1.5 Explain why common sense can’t replace sociological research.

Around the globe, people make assumptions about the way the world “is.” Common sense, the things that “everyone knows are true,” may or may not be true, however. It takes research to find out. Are you ready to test your common sense? Here is a little Down-to-Earth Sociology quiz for you.

Down-to-Earth Sociology Enjoying a Sociology Quiz: Testing Your Common Sense Some findings of sociology support commonsense understandings of social life, and others contradict them. Can you tell the difference?

Answer all questions before looking ahead to see the answers.

1. True/False More U.S. students are killed in school shootings now than ten or fifteen years ago.

2. True/False The earnings of U.S. women have just about caught up with those of U.S. men.

3. True/False With life so rushed and more women working for wages, today’s parents spend less time with their children than parents of previous generations did.

4. True/False It is more dangerous to walk near topless bars than fast-food restaurants.

5. True/False Most rapists are mentally ill.

6. True/False A large percentage of terrorists are men- tally ill.

7. True/False Most people on welfare are lazy and looking for a handout. They could work if they wanted to.

8. True/False Compared with women, men make more eye contact in face-to-face conversations.

9. True/False Because bicyclists are more likely to wear helmets now than a few years ago, their rate of head injuries has dropped.

10. True/False As measured by their divorce rate, couples who live together before marriage are usually more satisfied with their marriages than couples who did not live together before marriage.

As you can see from this little quiz, to understand social life we need to move beyond common sense. We need to know what is really going on. Let’s look at how sociologists do their research.

A Research Model 1.6 Know the eight steps of the

research model.

As shown in Figure 1.7, sociological research follows eight basic steps. This is an ideal model, however, and in the real world of research, some of these steps may run together. Some may even be omitted.

1. Selecting a Topic The first step is to select a topic. What do you want to know more about? Many sociologists simply follow their curiosity, their drive to learn more about social life. They become interested in a particular topic, and they pursue it, as I did in studying the homeless. Some sociologists choose a topic because funding is available, others because they want to help people better understand a social problem—and perhaps to help solve it. Let’s use spouse abuse as our example.

Figure 1.7 The Research Model

Select a topic. 1

Define the problem.

Review the literature.

Share the results.

Stimulates more ideas for research

Generates hypotheses

Formulate a hypothesis.

• Surveys • Participant observation • Case studies • Secondary analysis

• Analysis of documents • Experiments • Unobtrusive measures

Choose a research method.

Collect the data.

Analyze the results.








22 Chapter 1

2. Defining the Problem The second step is to define the problem, to specify what you want to learn about the topic. My interest in the homeless grew until I wanted to learn about homelessness across the nation. Ordinarily, sociologists’ interests are more focused than this; they examine some specific aspect of a topic, such as how homeless people survive on the streets. In the case of spouse abuse, sociologists may want to know whether violent and nonviolent husbands have different work experiences. Or they may want to learn what can be done to reduce spouse abuse.

3. Reviewing the Literature You must read what has been published on your topic. This helps you to narrow the problem, identify what is already known, and learn what needs to be researched. Reviewing the literature may also help you to pinpoint the questions that you will ask. You might even find out that what you are interested in learning has been answered already. You don’t want to waste your time rediscovering what is already known.

4. Formulating a Hypothesis The fourth step is to formulate a hypothesis, a statement of what you expect to find according to predictions from a theory. A hypothesis predicts a relationship between or among variables, factors that change, or vary, from one person or situation to another. For example, the statement “Men who are more socially isolated are more likely to abuse their wives than men who are more socially integrated” is a hypothesis.

Your hypothesis will need operational definitions—that is, precise ways to measure the variables. In this example, you would need operational definitions for three variables: social isolation, social integration, and spouse abuse.

5. Choosing a Research Method You then need to decide how you are going to collect your data. Sociologists use seven basic research methods (or research designs), which are out- lined in the next section. You will want to choose the research method that will best answer your particular questions.

6. Collecting the Data When you gather your data, you have to take care to assure their validity; that is, your operational defini- tions must measure what they are intended to mea- sure. In this case, you must be certain that you really are measuring social isolation, social integration, and spouse abuse—and not something else. What spouse abuse is, for example, seems obvious. Yet what some people consider abusive is not regarded as abuse by others. Just what definition of spouse abuse will you use? In other words, you must state your operational definitions so precisely that no one has any question about what you are measuring.

hypothesis a statement of how variables are expected to be related to one another, often according to predictions from a theory

variable a factor thought to be significant for human behavior, which can vary (or change) from one case to another

operational definition the way in which a researcher measures a variable

research method (or research design) one of seven procedures that sociologists use to collect data: surveys, participant observa- tion, case studies, secondary analysis, analysis of documents, experiments, and unobtrusive measures

validity the extent to which an operational definition measures what it is intended to measure

Would we sociologists ruin the fun if we were to gather data at the International Pillow Fight Day in London? Maybe. But look at this photo. Where are the old folks? Why aren’t they grabbing pillows and.. .? The sociological blood really gets flowing when we look at events, even something as “non-serious” as this.

The Sociological Perspective 23

Down-to-Earth Sociology Testing Your Common Sense: Answers to the Sociology Quiz

1. False. More students met violent deaths at U.S. schools in the 1990s than now. See Chapter 13, Table 13.1.

2. False. Over the years, the wage gap has narrowed, but only slightly. On average, full-time working wom- en earn about 73 percent of what full-time working men earn. This low figure is actually an improvement over earlier years. (See Chapter 10, Figures 10.7 and 10.8.)

3. False. Today’s parents spend more time with their children (Bianchi 2010). To see how this could be, see Chapter 12, Figure 12.2.

4. False. The crime rate outside fast-food restaurants is considerably higher. The likely reason is that topless bars hire private security and parking lot attendants (Linz et al. 2004).

5. False. Sociologists compared the psychological profiles of prisoners convicted of rape and prisoners convicted of other crimes (Scully and Marolla 1984). Their profiles were similar. Like robbery, rape is learned behavior.

6. False. Extensive testing of Islamic terrorists shows that they actually tend to score more “normal” on psychological tests than most “normal” people do. As a group, they are in better mental health than the rest of the population (Sageman 2008b:64).

7. False. Most people on welfare are children, young mothers with few skills, or are elderly, sick, mentally challenged, or physically handicapped. Less than 2 percent fit the stereotype of an able-bodied man.

8. False. Women make considerably more eye contact (Henley et al. 1985).

9. False. Bicyclists today are more likely to wear helmets, but their rate of head injuries is higher. Apparently, the helmets make them feel safer and they take more risks (Barnes 2001; Izaac 2016).

10. False. Until recently, the divorce rate of couples who cohabited before marriage was higher than those who did not cohabit. Now the divorce rate seems to be about the same (Kuperberg 2014). Neither divorce rate indicates that the couples who previously cohabited are more satisfied with their marriage.

You must also be sure that your data are reliable. Reliability means that if other researchers use your operational definitions, their findings will be consistent with yours. If your operational definitions are sloppy, husbands who have committed the same act of violence might be included in some research but excluded from other studies. You would end up with erratic results. If you show a 10 percent rate of spouse abuse, for example, but another researcher using the same operational definitions determines it to be 30 per- cent, the research is unreliable.

7. Analyzing the Results You will have been trained in a variety of techniques to analyze your data—from those that apply to observations of people in small settings to the analysis of large-scale sur- veys. If a hypothesis has been part of your research, now is when you will test it. (Some research, especially participant observation and case studies, has no hypothesis. You may know so little about the setting you are going to research that you cannot even specify the variables in advance.)

8. Sharing the Results To wrap up your research, you will write a report to share your findings with the sci- entific community. You will review how you did your research and specify your oper- ational definitions. You will also compare your findings with published reports on the topic and examine how they support or disagree with theories that others have applied. As Table 1.2 illustrates, sociologists often summarize their findings in tables.

reliability the extent to which research produces consistent or dependable results

24 Chapter 1

Some tables are much more complicated than this one, but all follow the same basic pattern. To apply these concepts to a table with more information, see Table 9.3.

Answers 1. Comparing Violent and Nonviolent Husbands 2. Based on interviews with 150 husbands and wives 3. Husband’s Achievement and Job Satisfaction, Violent Husbands, Nonviolent Husbands. The n is

an abbreviation for number, and n = 25 means that 25 violent husbands were in the sample. 4. 56%, 18% 5. Violent Husbands 6. A 1975 article by O’Brien (listed in the References section of this text).

Tables summarize information. Because sociological findings are often presented in tables, it is important to understand how to read tables. Tables contain six elements: title, headnote, headings, columns, rows, and source. When you understand how these elements fit together, you will know how to read a table.

The title states the topic. It is located at the top of the table. What is the title of this table? Please determine your answer before looking at the correct answer at the bottom of this page.


The headnote is not always included in a table. When it is present, it is located just below the title. Its purpose is to give more detailed in- formation about how the data were collected or how data are presented in the table. What are the first eight words of the headnote for this table?


The headings tell what kind of information is contained in the table. There are three headings in this table. What are they? In the second heading, what does n = 25 mean?


The columns present information arranged vertically. What is the fourth number in the second column and the second number in the third column?


The rows present information arranged horizontally. In the fourth row, which husbands are more likely to have less education than their wives?


The source of a table, usually listed at the bot- tom, provides informa- tion on where the data in the table originated. Often, as in this instance, the information is specific enough for you to consult the original source. What is the source for this table?


Table 1.2 How to Read a Table

SOURCE: By the author.

Comparing Violent and Nonviolent Husbands Based on interviews with 150 husbands and wives in a Midwestern city who were getting a divorce.

Husband’s Achievement and Job Satisfaction

Violent Husbands

(n = 25)

Nonviolent Husbands (n =125)

He started but failed to complete high school or college.

44% 27%

He is very dissatisfied with his job. 44% 18%

His income is a source of constant conflict.

84% 24%

He has less education than his wife. 56% 14%

His job has less prestige than his father-in-law’s.

37% 28%

SOURCE: Modification of Table 1 in O'Brien 1975.

Research Methods (Designs) 1.7 Know the main elements of the seven research methods.

As we review the seven research methods (or research designs) that sociologists use, we will continue our example of spouse abuse. As you will see, the method you choose will depend on the questions you want to answer. So that you can have a yardstick for com- paring the results of your research, you will want to know what “average” is in your research findings. Table 1.3 summarizes the three ways that sociologists measure average.

survey the collection of data by having people answer a series of ques- tions

The Sociological Perspective 25

Surveys Let’s suppose that you want to know how many wives are abused each year. Some hus- bands also are abused, of course, but let’s assume that you are going to focus on wives. An appropriate method for this purpose would be the survey, in which you would ask individuals a series of questions. Before you begin your research, however, you must deal with practical matters that face all researchers. Let’s look at these issues.

SELECTING A SAMPLE Ideally, you might want to learn about all wives in the world, but obviously you don’t have enough resources to do this. You will have to narrow your population, the target group that you are going to study.

Let’s assume that your resources (money, assistants, time) allow you to investigate spouse abuse only among the students on your campus. Let’s also assume that your col- lege enrollment is large, so you won’t be able to survey all the married women who are enrolled. Now you must select a sample, individuals from among your target population. How you choose a sample is crucial: Not all samples are equal. For example, married women enrolled in introductory sociology and engineering courses might have different experiences. If so, surveying just one or the other would produce skewed results.

Remember that your goal is to get findings that apply to your entire school. For this, you need a sample that represents the students. How can you get a representative sample?

The best way is to use a random sample. This does not mean that you stand on some campus corner and ask questions of any woman who happens to walk by. In a random sample, everyone in your population (the target group) has the same chance of being included in the study. In this case, because your population is every married woman enrolled in your college, all married women—whether first-year or graduate students, full- or part-time— must have the same chance of being included in your sample.

How can you get a random sample? First, you need a list of all the married women enrolled in your college. Then you assign a number to each name on the list. Using a table of random numbers, you then determine which of these women will become part of your sample. (Tables of random numbers are available in statistics books and online, or they can be generated by software programs.)

population a target group to be studied

sample the individuals intended to repre- sent the population to be studied

random sample a sample in which everyone in the target population has the same chance of being included in the study

The Mean The Median The Mode

The term average seems clear enough. As you learned in grade school, to find the average, you add a group of numbers and then divide the total by the number of cases that you added. Assume that the following numbers represent men convicted of battering their wives.

To compute the second average, the median, first arrange the cases in order—either from the highest to the lowest or the lowest to the highest. This arrangement will produce the following distribution.

The third measure of average, the mode, is simply the cases that occur the most often. In this instance, the mode is 57, which is way off the mark.

Example 321 229 57

289 136 57


Example 57 57

136 229 289 321



1,795 321 289 229 136

57 57

Example 57 57

136 229 289 321


The total is 2,884. Divided by 7 (the number of cases), the average is 412. Sociologists call this form of average the mean.

The mean can be deceptive because it is strongly influenced by extreme scores, either low or high. Note that six of the seven cases are less than the mean.

Two other ways to compute averages are the median and the mode.

Then look for the middle case, the one that falls halfway between the top and the bottom. That number is 229, since three numbers are lower and three numbers are higher. When there is an even number of cases, the median is the halfway mark between the two middle cases.

Because the mode is often deceptive, and only by chance comes close to either of the other two averages, sociologists seldom use it. In addition, not every distribution of cases has a mode. And if two or more numbers appear with the same frequency, you can have more than one mode.

Table 1.3 Three Ways to Measure “Average”

SOURCE: By the author.

To attain their goal of objectivity and accuracy in their research, sociologists must put away their personal opinions.

26 Chapter 1

A random sample will represent your target popula- tion fairly—in this case, married women enrolled at your college. This means that you will be able to generalize your findings to all the married women students on your cam- pus, even if they were not included in your sample.

What if you want to know only about certain sub- groups, such as the freshmen and seniors? You could use a stratified random sample. You would need a list of the freshmen and senior married women. Then, using random numbers, you would select a sample from each group. This would allow you to generalize to all the freshmen and senior married women at your college, but you would not be able to draw any conclusions about the sophomores or juniors.

ASKING NEUTRAL QUESTIONS After you have decided on your population and sample, the next task is to make certain that your questions are neutral. The questions must allow respondents, the people who answer your questions, to express their own opinions.

Otherwise, you will end up with biased answers, which are worthless. For example, if you were to ask, “Don’t you think that men who beat their wives should go to prison?” you would be tilting the answer toward agreement with a prison sentence.

In the following Down-to-Earth Sociology, let’s look at flawed research.

stratified random sample a sample from selected sub- groups of the target population in which everyone in those sub- groups has an equal chance of being included in the research

respondents people who respond to a survey, either in interviews or by self- administered questionnaires

If sociologists were to study a cock fight, such as this one in south China, they would not be interested in which cock won the fight. They would want to know who organized the fight, who trains the cocks, how the cocks are matched, what the betting rules are, how those rules are enforced, and so on. To answer such questions, what research methods do you think sociologists would choose?

Down-to-Earth Sociology Loading the Dice: How Not to Do Research The methods of science lend themselves to distortion, misrepresentation, and downright fraud. Consider these findings from surveys:

Americans overwhelmingly pre- fer Toyotas to Chryslers. Americans overwhelmingly pre- fer Chryslers to Toyotas.

Obviously, these opposite conclusions cannot both be true. In fact, both sets of findings are misrepresentations, even though the responses came from surveys conducted by so-called independent researchers. It turns out that some researchers load the dice. Hired by firms that have a vested interest in the outcome of the research, they deliver the results their clients are looking for (Armstrong 2007).

Here are six ways to load the dice.

1. Choose a biased sample. If you want to “prove” that Americans prefer Chryslers over Toyotas, in- terview unemployed union workers who trace their

job loss to Japanese imports. You’ll get what you’re looking for.

2. Ask biased questions. Even if you choose an unbiased sample, you can phrase questions in such a way that you direct people to the answer you’re looking for. Suppose that you ask this question:

We are losing millions of jobs to workers overseas who work for just a few dollars a day. After losing their jobs, some Americans are even homeless and hungry. Do you prefer a car that gives jobs to Americans or one that forces our workers to lose their homes?

This question is obviously designed to channel people’s thinking toward a predetermined answer—quite contrary to the standards of scientific research.

3. List biased choices. Another way to load the dice is to use closed-ended questions that push people into the answers you want. Consider this finding:

U.S. college students overwhelmingly prefer Levi’s 501 to the jeans of any competitor.

The Sociological Perspective 27

A random sample will represent your target popula- tion fairly—in this case, married women enrolled at your college. This means that you will be able to generalize your findings to all the married women students on your cam- pus, even if they were not included in your sample.

What if you want to know only about certain sub- groups, such as the freshmen and seniors? You could use a stratified random sample. You would need a list of the freshmen and senior married women. Then, using random numbers, you would select a sample from each group. This would allow you to generalize to all the freshmen and senior married women at your college, but you would not be able to draw any conclusions about the sophomores or juniors.

ASKING NEUTRAL QUESTIONS After you have decided on your population and sample, the next task is to make certain that your questions are neutral. The questions must allow respondents, the people who answer your questions, to express their own opinions.

Otherwise, you will end up with biased answers, which are worthless. For example, if you were to ask, “Don’t you think that men who beat their wives should go to prison?” you would be tilting the answer toward agreement with a prison sentence.

In the following Down-to-Earth Sociology, let’s look at flawed research.

stratified random sample a sample from selected sub- groups of the target population in which everyone in those sub- groups has an equal chance of being included in the research

respondents people who respond to a survey, either in interviews or by self- administered questionnaires

TYPES OF QUESTIONS You must also decide whether to use closed- or open-ended questions. Closed-ended questions are followed by a list of possible answers. This format would work for questions about someone’s age (possible ages would be listed), but not for many other items. The choices can miss the respondent’s opinions. For example, how could you list all the opinions that people hold about what should be done to spouse abusers?

As Table 1.4 illustrates, if you use open-ended questions, people can answer in their own words. Although open-ended questions let you to tap the full range of people’s opinions, they make it difficult to compare answers. For example, how would you compare these answers to the question “Why do you think men abuse their wives?”

“They’re sick.”

“I think they must have had problems with their mother.”

“We oughta string ’em up!”

interviewer bias effects of interviewers on respon- dents that lead to biased answers

closed-ended questions questions that are followed by a list of possible answers to be selected by the respondent

objectivity value neutrality in research

Sound good? Before you rush out to buy Levis, note what these researchers did: In asking students which jeans would be the most popular in the coming year, their list of choices included no other jeans except Levi’s 501!

4. Discard undesirable results. Researchers can keep silent about results they don’t like, or they can continue to survey samples until they find one that matches what they are looking for.

These first four sources of bias represent fraud. But even when researchers strive for objectivity, use good samples, ask neutral questions, and report all results, their findings can still be skewed. How? Sloppy work. Here are two sources of sloppiness.

5. Misunderstand the subjects’ world. This route can lead to inaccuracies as great as those that come from fraud. Researchers, for example, might fail to anticipate interviewer bias, that people may be embarrassed to express an opinion that isn’t “politically correct.” For example, surveys show that 80 percent of Americans are environmentalists. Is this an accurate figure? Most Americans are probably embarrassed to tell a stranger

otherwise. This would be like going against the flag, motherhood, and apple pie.

6. Analyze the data incorrectly. Researchers may make a mistake in their calculations, such as entering incorrect data into computer programs. This, too, of course, is inexcusable.

As has been stressed in this chapter, research must be objective if it is to be scientific. The underlying problem with the first four sources of error—and with so many surveys bandied about in the media as fact—is that survey research has become big business. Simply put, the money offered by corporations has corrupted some researchers.

The beginning of the corruption is subtle. Paul Light, dean at the University of Minnesota, put it this way: “A funder will never come to an academic and say, ‘I want you to produce finding X, and here’s a million dollars to do it.’ Rather, the subtext is that if the researchers produce the right finding, more work—and funding—will come their way.”

SOURCES: Crossen 1991; Goleman 1993; Barnes 1995; Resnik 2000; Augoustinos et al. 2009.

Although exaggerated to make the point, the cartoonist has pinpointed the basic flaw with sponsored research, discussed in the preceding Down-to-Earth Sociology.

A. Closed-Ended Question B. Open-Ended Question

Which of the following best fits your idea of what should be done to someone who has been convicted of spouse abuse?

1. Probation 2. Jail time 3. Community service 4. Counseling 5. Divorce 6. Nothing—It’s a family matter

What do you think should be done to someone who has been convicted of spouse abuse?

Table 1.4 Closed- and Open-Ended Questions

SOURCE: By the author.

ESTABLISHING RAPPORT Research on spouse abuse brings up a significant issue. You may have been wondering if women who have been abused will really give honest answers to strangers.

28 Chapter 1

If your method of interviewing consists of walking up to women on the street and asking if their husbands have ever beaten them, there would be little reason to take your findings seriously. Researchers need to establish rapport (ruh-POUR), a feeling of trust, with their respondents, especially when it comes to sensitive topics—those that elicit feelings of embarrassment, shame, or other negative emotions.

Once rapport is gained (often by first asking nonsensitive questions), victims will talk about personal, sensitive issues. A good example is rape. To go beyond police statistics, researchers interview a random sample of 100,000 Americans each year. They ask them whether they have been victims of burglary, robbery, or other crimes. After establish- ing rapport, the researchers ask about rape. This National Crime Victimization Survey shows that rape victims will talk about their experiences (Statistical Abstract 2017:Tables 340, 341, 342, 343, 344).

Participant Observation (Fieldwork) In the second method, participant observation (also called fieldwork), the researcher participates in a research setting while observing what is happening in that setting. But is it possible to study spouse abuse by participant observation? Obviously, you would not sit around and take notes while you watch someone being abused.

Let’s suppose that this is the question you want answered: How does spouse abuse affect wives? You might want to know how the abuse has changed their relationship with their hus- bands. Or how has it changed their hopes and dreams? Or their ideas about men? Certainly it has affected their self- concept as well. But how? By observing people as they live their lives, par- ticipant observation could provide insight into such questions.

For example, if your campus has a crisis intervention center, you might be able to observe victims of spouse abuse from the time they report the attack through their participa- tion in counseling. With good rapport, you might even be able to spend time with them in other settings, observing further aspects of their lives. What they say and how they interact with others might help you understand how abuse has affected

them. This, in turn, could give you insight into how to improve college counseling services.

If you were doing participant observation, you would face this dilemma: How involved should you get in the lives of the people you are observing (Goffman 2014)? Consider this as you read the following Down-to-Earth Sociology.

rapport a feeling of trust between researchers and the people they are studying

Participant observation, participating and observing in a research setting, is usually supplemented by interviewing, asking questions to better understand why people do what they do. In this instance, the sociologist would want to know what this hair removal ceremony in Gujarat, India, means to the child’s family and to the community.

Down-to-Earth Sociology Gang Leader for a Day: Adventures of a Rogue Sociologist Next to the University of Chicago is an area of poverty so dangerous that the professors warn students to avoid it. One graduate student in sociology, Sudhir Venkatesh, the son of immigrants from India, who was working on a research project with William Julius Wilson, ignored the warning.

With clipboard in hand, Sudhir entered “the projects.” Ignoring the glares of the young men standing around, he went into the lobby of a high-rise. Seeing

a gaping hole where the elevator was supposed to be, he decided to climb the stairs, where he was almost overpowered by the smell of urine. After climbing five flights, Sudhir came upon some young men shooting craps in a dark hallway. One of them jumped up, grabbed Sudhir’s clipboard, and demanded to know what he was doing there.

Sudhir blurted, “I’m a student at the university, doing a survey, and I’m looking for some families to interview.”

open-ended questions questions that respondents answer in their own words

The Sociological Perspective 29

Sudhir Venkatesh

Case Studies To do a case study, the researcher focuses on a single event, situation, or individual. The purpose is to understand relationships, power, or even the thinking that motivates peo- ple. Sociologist Ken Levi (1981/2007), for example, wanted to study hit men. He would have loved having many hit men to interview, but he had access to only one. He inter- viewed this man over and over, giving us an understanding of how someone can kill oth- ers for money. On another level entirely, sociologist Kai Erikson (1978) investigated the bursting of a dam in West Virginia that killed several hundred people. He focused on the events that led up to this disaster and how people tried to put their lives together after the devastation. For spouse abuse, a case study would focus on a single couple, exploring their history and relationship.

As you can see, the case study reveals a lot of detail about some particular situation, but the question always remains: How much of this detail applies to other situations? This problem of generalizability, which plagues case studies, is the primary reason that few sociologists use this method.

participant observation (or fieldwork) research in which the researcher participates in a research setting while observing what is happen- ing in that setting

case study an intensive analysis of a single event, situation, or individual

generalizability the extent to which the findings from one group (or sample) can be generalized or applied to oth- er groups (or populations)

One man took out a knife and began to twirl it. Another pulled out a gun, pointed it at Sudhir’s head, and said, “I’ll take him.”

Then came a series of rapid-fire questions that Sudhir couldn’t answer. He had no idea what they meant: “You flip right or left? Five or six? You run with the Kings, right?”

Grabbing Sudhir’s bag, two of the men searched it. They could find only questionnaires, pen and paper, and a few sociology books. The man with the gun then told Sudhir to go ahead and ask him a question.

Sweating despite the cold, Sudhir read the first question on his survey, “How does it feel to be black and poor?” Then he read the multiple-choice answers: “Very bad, somewhat bad, neither bad nor good, somewhat good, very good.”

As you might surmise, the man’s answer was too obscenity-laden to be printed here.

As the men deliberated Sudhir’s fate (“If he’s here and he don’t get back, you know they’re going to come looking for him”), a powerfully built man with glittery gold teeth and a sizable diamond earring appeared. The man, known as J. T., who, it turned out, directed the drug trade in the building, asked what was going on. When the younger men mentioned the questionnaire, J. T. said to ask him a question.

Amidst an eerie silence, Sudhir asked, “How does it feel to be black and poor?”

“I’m not black,” came the reply. “Well, then, how does it feel to be African American

and poor?” “I’m not African American either. I’m a nigger.” Sudhir was left speechless. Despite his naïveté, he knew

better than to ask, “How does it feel to be a nigger and poor?” As Sudhir stood with his mouth agape, J. T. added,

“Niggers are the ones who live in this building. African Americans live in the suburbs. African Americans wear ties to work. Niggers can’t find no work.”

Not exactly the best start to a research project. This weird and frightening incident turned into several

years of fascinating research. Over time, J. T. guided Sudhir into a world that few outsiders ever see. Not only did Sudhir get to know drug dealers, crackheads, squatters, prostitutes, and pimps, but he also was present at beatings by drug crews, drive-by shootings done by rival gangs, and armed robberies by the police.

How Sudhir got out of his predicament in the stairwell, his immersion into a threatening underworld—

the daily life for many people in “the projects”—and his moral dilemma at witnessing crimes are part of his fascinating experience in doing participant observation of the Black Kings.

Sudhir, who was reared in a middle- class suburb in California, even took over this Chicago gang for a day. This is one reason that he calls himself a rogue sociologist—the decisions he made that day were violations of law, felonies that could bring years in prison. There are other reasons, too: During the research, he

kicked a man in the stomach, and he was present as the gang planned drive-by shootings.

Update: Sudhir survived and completed his Ph.D. He teaches at Columbia University, where both fame and controversy have followed. He has appeared on television talk shows, has worked for the FBI, and has been investigated by Columbia University for ethical irregularities.

SOURCES: Venkatesh 2008; Kaminer 2012.

For Your Consideration → From Sudhir’s experiences, what do you see as the ad-

vantages of participant observation? Its disadvantages?

→ Do you think that doing sociological research justifies being present at beatings? At the planning of drive-by shootings?

30 Chapter 1

Secondary Analysis If you were to analyze data that someone else has already collected, you would be doing secondary analysis. For example, if you were to analyze the original interviews of women who had been abused by their husbands, you would be doing secondary analysis.

Analysis of Documents The fifth method that sociologists use is the analysis of documents. To investigate social life, they examine such diverse sources as books, newspapers, diaries, bank records, police reports, immigration files, and records kept by organizations. The term document is so broad that it includes video and audio recordings, even Facebook, which sociologists have used to study digital behavior and communication (Pedersen 2016).

To study spouse abuse, you might examine police reports and court records. These could reveal what percentage of complaints result in arrest and what proportion of the men arrested are charged, convicted, or put on probation. If these were your questions, police statistics would be valuable.

But for other questions, those records would be useless. If you want to learn about the victims’ social and emotional adjustment, for example, police and court records would tell you little. Other documents, however, might provide these answers. With the promise of confidentiality (no names or anything that could identify individuals), perhaps the direc- tor of a crisis intervention center might persuade victims to let you examine their coun- seling records. To my knowledge, no sociologist has yet studied spouse abuse in this way.

Of course, I am presenting an ideal situation: the director of a crisis intervention cen- ter who opens her or his arms to you. The situation you face might be quite different. To preserve the confidentiality of victims, the director might not even let you near the cen- ter’s records. Access, then, is another problem that researchers face. Simply put, you can’t study a topic unless you can gain access to it.

Experiments Do you think there is a way to change a man who abuses his wife into a loving husband? No one has made this claim, but a lot of people say that abusers need therapy. Yet no one knows whether therapy really works. As discussed in Table 1.5, experiments are useful for determining cause and effect.

secondary analysis the analysis of data that have been collected by other re- searchers

analysis of documents in its narrow sense, written sources that provide data; in its extended sense, archival materi- al of any sort, including photo- graphs, movies, CDs, DVDs, and so on

experiment the use of control and experi- mental groups and dependent and independent variables to test causation

The research methods that sociologists choose depend partially on the questions they want to answer. They might want to learn, for example, which forms of publicity are more effective in increasing awareness of spouse abuse as a social problem.

Table 1.5 Cause, Effect, and Spurious Correlations Causation means that a change in one variable is caused by another variable. Three conditions are necessary for causation: correlation, temporal priority, and no spurious correlation. Let’s apply each of these necessary conditions to spouse abuse and alcohol abuse.

1 The first necessary condition is correlation

If two variables exist together, they are said to be correlated. If batterers get drunk, battering and alcohol abuse are correlated.

Spouse Abuse + Alcohol Abuse

People often assume that correlation is causation. In this instance, they conclude that alcohol abuse causes spouse abuse.

Alcohol Abuse Spouse Abuse

But correlation never proves causation. Either variable could be the cause of the other. Perhaps battering upsets men, and they then get drunk.

Spouse Abuse Alcohol Abuse

2 The second necessary condition is temporal priority.

Temporal priority means that one thing happens before something else does. For a variable to be a cause (the independent variable), it must precede that which is changed (the dependent variable).

precedes Alcohol Abuse Spouse Abuse

If the men had not drunk alcohol until after they beat their wives, obviously alcohol abuse could not be the cause of the spouse abuse. Although the necessity of temporal priority is obvious, this is not always easy to determine.

3 The third necessary condition is no spurious correlation.

This is the necessary condition that really makes things difficult for research- ers. Even if we identify the correlation of getting drunk and spouse abuse and can determine temporal priority, we still don’t know that alcohol abuse is the cause. We could have a spurious correlation; that is, the cause may be some underlying third variable. These are usually not easy to identify. Some sociologists think that male culture is that underlying third variable.

Male Culture Spouse Abuse

The Sociological Perspective 31

Secondary Analysis If you were to analyze data that someone else has already collected, you would be doing secondary analysis. For example, if you were to analyze the original interviews of women who had been abused by their husbands, you would be doing secondary analysis.

Analysis of Documents The fifth method that sociologists use is the analysis of documents. To investigate social life, they examine such diverse sources as books, newspapers, diaries, bank records, police reports, immigration files, and records kept by organizations. The term document is so broad that it includes video and audio recordings, even Facebook, which sociologists have used to study digital behavior and communication (Pedersen 2016).

To study spouse abuse, you might examine police reports and court records. These could reveal what percentage of complaints result in arrest and what proportion of the men arrested are charged, convicted, or put on probation. If these were your questions, police statistics would be valuable.

But for other questions, those records would be useless. If you want to learn about the victims’ social and emotional adjustment, for example, police and court records would tell you little. Other documents, however, might provide these answers. With the promise of confidentiality (no names or anything that could identify individuals), perhaps the direc- tor of a crisis intervention center might persuade victims to let you examine their coun- seling records. To my knowledge, no sociologist has yet studied spouse abuse in this way.

Of course, I am presenting an ideal situation: the director of a crisis intervention cen- ter who opens her or his arms to you. The situation you face might be quite different. To preserve the confidentiality of victims, the director might not even let you near the cen- ter’s records. Access, then, is another problem that researchers face. Simply put, you can’t study a topic unless you can gain access to it.

Experiments Do you think there is a way to change a man who abuses his wife into a loving husband? No one has made this claim, but a lot of people say that abusers need therapy. Yet no one knows whether therapy really works. As discussed in Table 1.5, experiments are useful for determining cause and effect.

secondary analysis the analysis of data that have been collected by other re- searchers

analysis of documents in its narrow sense, written sources that provide data; in its extended sense, archival materi- al of any sort, including photo- graphs, movies, CDs, DVDs, and so on

experiment the use of control and experi- mental groups and dependent and independent variables to test causation

SOURCE: By the author.

Socialized into dominance, some men learn to view women as objects on which to take out their frustration. In fact, this underlying third variable could be a cause of both spouse abuse and alcohol abuse.

Spousal Abuse Male Culture

Alcohol Abuse

But since only some men beat their wives, while all males are exposed to male culture, other variables must also be involved. Perhaps specific subcultures that promote violence and denigrate women lead to both spouse abuse and alcohol abuse.

Spouse Abuse Male Subculture

Alcohol Abuse

If so, this does not mean that the subculture is the only causal variable. Spouse abuse probably has many causes. Unlike the movement of amoebas or the action of heat on some object, human behavior is infinitely complicated. Especially important are people’s definitions of the situation, including their views of right and wrong. To explain spouse abuse, then, we need to add such variables as the ways that men view violence and their ideas about the relative rights of women and men. It is precisely to help unravel such complicating factors in human behavior that we need experiments.

Correlation means that two or more variables are present together. The more often that these variables are found together, the stronger their relationship. To indicate their strength, sociologists use a number called a correlation coefficient. If two variables are always present together, they have what is called a perfect positive correlation. The number 1.0 represents this correlation coefficient. Nature has some 1.0’s, such as the lack of water and the death of trees; 1.0’s also apply to the human physical state, such as the absence of nutrients and the absence of life. But social life is much more complicated than physical conditions, and there are no 1.0’s in human behavior.

Two variables can also have a perfect negative correlation. This means that when one variable is present, the other is always absent. The number –1.0 represents this correlation coefficient.

Positive correlations of 0.1, 0.2, and 0.3 mean that one variable is associated with another only 1 time out of 10, 2 times out of 10, and 3 times out of 10. In other words, in most instances the first variable is not associated with the second, indicating a weak relationship. A strong relationship may indicate causation, but not necessarily. Testing the relationship between variables is the goal of some sociological research.


Figure 1.8 The Experiment

Random Assignment

Experimental Group

Control Group

No exposure to the independent


The First Measure of the Dependent Variable

The Second Measure of the Dependent Variable

Human Subjects

Experimental Group

Control Group

Exposure to the independent


SOURCE: By the author.

Let’s suppose that you propose an experiment to a judge, and he or she gives you access to men who have been arrested for spouse abuse. As in Figure 1.8, you would randomly divide the men into two groups. This helps to ensure that their individual characteristics (attitudes, number of arrests, severity of crimes, education, race–ethnicity, age, and so on) are distributed evenly between the groups. You then would arrange for the men in the experimental group to receive some form of therapy that the men in the control group would not get.

experimental group the group of subjects in an experiment who are exposed to the independent variable

control group the subjects in an experiment who are not exposed to the independent variable

Your independent variable, something that causes a change in another variable, would be the therapy. Your dependent variable, the variable that might change, would be the men’s behavior, whether they abuse women after they get out of jail. Unfortunately, your operational definition of the men’s behavior will be sloppy: either reports from the wives or records indicating who has been rearrested for abuse. This is sloppy because some of the women will not report the abuse, and some of the men who abuse their wives will not be arrested. Yet it may be the best you can do.

Let’s assume that you choose rearrest as your operational definition of the indepen- dent variable. If fewer of the men who received therapy are rearrested for abuse, you can attribute the difference to the therapy. If you find no difference in rearrest rates, you can conclude that the therapy was ineffective. If you find that the men who received the ther- apy have a higher rearrest rate, you can conclude that the therapy backfired.

Ideally, you would test different types of therapy. Perhaps only some types work. You could even test self-therapy by assigning articles, books, and videos.

independent variable a factor that causes a change in another variable, called the dependent variable

32 Chapter 1

Unobtrusive Measures Let’s suppose you go to the mall. As you enter, you see a mannequin dressed in the latest fashions. As you glance at it, this bionic mannequin, which looks like a regular one, re- ports your age, sex, and race-ethnicity (Roberts 2012). Then as you stroll past stores, you are tracked by your smartphone and sent targeted ads (Turow 2017). Embedded in the discount coupons you use to make purchases are bar codes that contain your name and Facebook information. Cameras follow you throughout the store, recording each item you touch, as well as every time you pick your nose.

In our technological society, we are surrounded by unobtrusive measures, ways to observe people who are not aware that they are being studied. The face-recognition cameras and tracking services are part of marketing (or law enforcement), not sociolog- ical research. In contrast to these technological marvels, the unobtrusive measures used by sociologists are downright primitive. To determine whiskey consumption in a town that was legally “dry,” for example, sociologists counted the empty bottles in trashcans (Lee 2000).

How could we use unobtrusive measures to study spouse abuse? As you might sur- mise, sociologists would consider it unethical to watch someone being abused. If abused or abusing spouses held a public forum on the Internet, however, you could record and analyze their online conversations. Or you could analyze 911 calls. The basic ethical prin- ciple is this: To record the behavior of people in public settings, such as a crowd, without announcing that you are doing so is acceptable. To do this in private settings is not. But what is private and what is public is not always clear (Hurdley 2010). The hallway just outside an instructor’s office—is it private, or is it public?

Gender in Sociological Research 1.8 Explain how gender is significant in sociological research.

You know how significant gender is in your own life, how it affects your orientations and attitudes. Because gender is so influential, researchers take steps to prevent it from bias- ing their findings (Davis et al. 2010; Rabin 2014). For example, sociologists Diana Scully and Joseph Marolla (1984) interviewed convicted rapists in prison. They were concerned that gender might lead to interviewer bias—that the prisoners might shift their answers, sharing certain experiences or opinions with Marolla but saying something else to Scully.

To prevent gender bias, each researcher interviewed half the sam- ple. Later in this chapter, we’ll look at what they found.

Gender certainly can be an impediment in research. In our imagined research on spouse abuse, for example, could a man even do participant observation of women who have been beaten by their husbands? Technically, the answer is yes. But because the women have been victimized by men, they might be less likely to share their experiences and feelings with men. If so, women would be better suited to conduct this research, more likely to achieve valid results. The supposition that these victims will be more open with women than with men, how- ever, is just that—a supposition. Research alone would verify or refute this assumption.

dependent variable a factor in an experiment that is changed by an independent variable

unobtrusive measures ways of observing people so they do not know they are being studied

How do the unobtrusive research methods of sociologists differ from covert crime surveillance?

Gender issues can pop up in unexpected ways in sociological research. I vividly recall an incident in San Francisco.

The streets were getting dark, and I was still looking for homeless people. When I saw someone lying down, curled up in a doorway,

The Sociological Perspective 33

I approached the individual. As I got close, I began my opening research line, “Hi, I’m Dr. Henslin from….” The woman began to scream and started to thrash her arms and legs. Startled by this sudden, high-pitched scream and by the rapid movements, I quickly backed away. When I later analyzed what had happened, I concluded that I had intruded into a woman’s bedroom.

This incident also holds another lesson. Researchers do their best, but they make mistakes. Sometimes these mistakes are minor, even humorous. The woman sleeping in the doorway wasn’t frightened. It was only just getting dark, and there were many people on the street. She was just assertively marking her territory and letting me know in no uncertain terms that I was an intruder. If we make a mistake in research, we pick up and go on. As we do so, we take ethical considerations into account, which is our next topic.

Ethics in Sociological Research 1.9 Explain why it is vital for sociologists to protect the people they study and

discuss the two cases that are presented.

In addition to choosing an appropriate research method, we must also follow the ethics of sociology (American Sociological Association 2017). Research ethics require honesty, truth, and openness (sharing findings with the scientific community). Ethics clearly for- bid the falsification of results, as well as plagiarism—that is, stealing someone else’s work. Another ethical guideline states that, generally, people should be informed that they are being studied and that they never should be harmed by the research. Sociologists are also required to protect the anonymity of those who provide information. Sometimes people reveal things that are intimate, potentially embarrassing, illegal, or otherwise harmful to themselves or others. Finally, it generally is considered unethical for researchers to mis- represent themselves.

Sociologists take their ethical standards seriously. To illustrate the extent to which they will go to protect their respondents, consider the research conducted by Mario Brajuha.

Protecting the Subjects: The Brajuha Research Mario Brajuha, a graduate student at the State University of New York at Stony Brook, was doing participant observation of restaurant workers. He lost his job as a waiter when the restaurant where he was working burned down—a fire of “suspicious origin,” as the police said. When detectives learned that Brajuha had taken field notes, they asked to see them (Brajuha and Hallowell 1986). Because he had prom- ised to keep the information confidential, Brajuha refused to hand them over. When the district attorney subpoenaed the notes, Brajuha still refused. The district attorney then threat- ened to put Brajuha in jail. By this time, Brajuha’s notes had become rather famous, and unsavory characters—perhaps those who had set the fire—also wanted to know what was in them. They, too, demanded to see them, accompanying their demands with threats of a different nature. Brajuha found himself between a rock and a hard place.

For two years, Brajuha refused to hand over his notes, even though he grew anxious and had to appear at several

Ethics in social research are of vital concern to sociologists. As dis- cussed in the text, sociologists may disagree on some of the issue’s finer points, but none would approve of slipping LSD to unsuspecting sub- jects like this Marine. This was done to U.S. soldiers in the 1960s under the guise of legitimate testing—just “to see what would happen.”

34 Chapter 1

court hearings. Finally, the district attorney dropped the subpoena. When the two men under investigation for setting the fire died, the threats to Brajuha, his wife, and their children ended.

Sociologists applaud the way Brajuha protected his respondents and the professional manner in which he handled himself.

Misleading the Subjects: The Humphreys Research Another ethical issue is what you tell participants about your research. It is considered acceptable for sociologists to do covert participant observation—studying a setting with- out the people there knowing they are being researched. But to misrepresent yourself is considered unethical. Let’s look at the case of Laud Humphreys, whose research forced sociologists to rethink and refine their ethical stance.

Laud Humphreys was an Episcopal priest who decided to become a sociologist. For his Ph.D. dissertation, Humphreys (1970/1975) studied social interaction in “tea- rooms,” public restrooms where some men go for quick, anonymous oral sex with other men.

Humphreys found that some restrooms in Forest Park in St. Louis were tearooms. He began a participant observation study by hanging around these restrooms. In addi- tion to the two men who are having sex, a third man—called a “watch queen”—serves as a lookout for police and other unwelcome strangers. Humphreys took on the role of watch queen, not only watching for strangers but also observing what the men did. He wrote field notes after the encounters.

Humphreys decided that he wanted to learn more about these men. For example, what was the significance of the wedding rings that many of the men wore? Many of the men parked their cars near the tearooms, and Humphreys recorded their license plate numbers. A friend in the St. Louis police department gave Humphreys each man’s address. About a year later, Humphreys arranged for these men to be included in a med- ical survey that members of his faculty were conducting.

Disguising himself with a different hairstyle and clothing, Humphreys visited the men at home, supposedly to interview them for the medical study. He found that they led conventional lives. The men voted, mowed their lawns, and took their kids to Little League games. Many reported that their wives were not aroused sexually or were afraid of getting pregnant because their religion did not allow birth con- trol. Humphreys concluded that heterosexual men were also using the tearooms for a form of quick sex.

This research stirred controversy among sociologists and nonsociologists alike. Some sociologists criticized Humphreys, while others defended him. A national columnist even wrote a scathing denunciation of “sociological snoopers” (Von Hoffman 1970). One professor on Humphreys’ faculty, whom Humphreys had insulted in an unrelated situa- tion, even tried to get Humphreys’ Ph.D. revoked.

Was this research ethical? This question is not decided easily. Although many sociologists sided with Humphreys—and his book reporting the research won a highly acclaimed award—the criticisms continued. At first, Humphreys defended his position vigorously, but five years later, in a second edition of his book (1970/1975), he stated that he should have identified himself as a researcher.

Trends Shaping the Future of Sociology 1.10 Explain how research versus social reform and globalization are likely to

influence sociology.

Before we close this chapter (and I know we have covered a lot of material), I would like to give you a glimpse of two trends that are shaping sociology.

The Sociological Perspective 35

Tension in Sociology: Research versus Social Reform As you have seen in this opening chapter, tension between social analysis and social reform runs through the history of sociology. It still does. Let’s look at this tension in more detail.

THREE STAGES IN SOCIOLOGY To better understand the tension between social analysis and social reform, we can divide sociology into three time periods (Lazarsfeld and Reitz 1989). During the first phase, which lasted until the 1920s, the primary purpose of sociological research was to improve society. During the second phase, from the 1920s until the 1960s, the concern switched to developing abstract knowledge. During the third phase, which we are still in, sociologists seek ways to apply their research findings. Many sociology departments offer courses in applied sociology, with some offering internships in applied sociology at both the graduate and undergraduate levels.

DIVERSITY OF ORIENTATIONS I want to stress that sociology is filled with diverse opinions. (From my observations, I would say that when two sociologists meet, they will express three firmly held, contradictory opinions on the same topic.) In any event, to divide sociology into three separate phases overlooks as much as it reveals. During the first phase, for example, some leading sociologists campaigned against helping the poor, saying that their deaths were good for the progress of society (Stokes 2009). Similarly, during the second phase, many sociologists wanted to reform society. They chafed that knowledge should be the goal of research. And today, some sociologists want the empha- sis to remain on basic sociology. They say that applied sociology is not “real” sociology; it is just social work or psychology masquerading as sociology. As you can see, sociologists do not move in lockstep toward a single goal.

Each particular period, however, does have basic emphases, and this division of sociology into three phases pinpoints major trends. The tension that has run through sociology—between gaining knowledge and applying knowledge—will continue. During this current phase, the pendulum is swinging toward applying sociological knowledge.

Globalization A second major trend, globalization, is also leaving its mark on sociology. Globalization is the breaking down of national boundaries because of advances in communications, trade, and travel. Because the United States dominates sociology and we U.S. sociolo- gists tend to concentrate on events and relationships that occur in our own country, most of our findings are based on research in the United States. Globalization is destined to broaden our horizons, directing us to a greater consideration of global issues. This, in turn, is likely to motivate us to try more vigorously to identify universal principles.

HOW GLOBALIZATION APPLIES TO THIS TEXT You are living at a major turning point in history, and great historical moments don’t make life easy. Globalization—new to the world but now a regular part of your experience—is shaping your life, your hopes, and your future—sometimes even twisting them. As globalization shrinks the globe, that is, as people around the world become more interconnected within the same global vil- lage, your welfare is increasingly tied to that of people in other nations. From time to time in the following chapters, you will explore how the globalization of capitalism— capitalism becoming the world’s dominant economic system—is having profound effects on your life. You will also confront the developing new world order, which, if it can shave off its rough edges, also appears destined to play a significant role in your future.

To help broaden your horizons, as this book unfolds you will visit many cultures around the world, looking at what life is like for the people who live in those cultures. Seeing how their society affects their behavior and orientations to life should help you understand how your society influences what you do and how you feel about life. This, of course, takes you to one of the main goals of this book.

I wish you a fascinating sociological journey, one with new insights around every corner.

globalization the growing interconnections among nations as a result of advances in trade, travel, and communications

globalization of capitalism capitalism (investing to make profits within a rational system) becoming the globe’s dominant economic system

36 Chapter 1

The Sociological Perspective 1.1 Explain why both history and biography are

essential for the sociological perspective.

What is the sociological perspective?

The sociological perspective stresses that people’s social experiences—the groups to which they belong and their experiences within those groups—underlie their behavior. C. Wright Mills referred to this as the intersection of biog- raphy (the individual) and history (broad conditions that influence the individual).

Origins of Sociology 1.2 Trace the origins of sociology, from tradition to

Max Weber.

When did sociology first appear as a separate discipline?

Sociology emerged as a separate discipline in the mid- 1800s in western Europe during the onset of the Indus- trial Revolution. Industrialization affected all aspects of human existence—where people lived, the nature of their work, their relationships, and how they viewed life. Ear- ly sociologists who focused on these social changes in- clude Auguste Comte, Herbert Spencer, Karl Marx, Emile Durkheim, Max Weber, Harriet Martineau, and W. E. B. Du Bois.

Sociology in North America 1.3 Trace the development of sociology in North

America, and explain the tension between objective analysis and social reform.

What was the position of women and minorities in early sociology?

The few women who received the education required to become sociologists tended to focus on social reform. The debate between social reform and social analysis was won by male university professors who ignored the contribu- tions of the women. W. E. B. Du Bois faced deep racism in his sociological career.

Why are the positions of Parsons and Mills important?

C. Wright Mills criticized Parsons’ abstract analysis of the components of society, saying that it does nothing for so- cial reform, which should be the goal of sociologists. The significance of this position is that the debate about the purpose and use of sociology continues today.

Theoretical Perspectives in Sociology 1.4 Explain the basic ideas of symbolic interactionism,

functional analysis, and conflict theory.

What is a theory?

A theory is a general statement about how facts are related to one another. A theory provides a conceptual framework for interpreting facts.

What are sociology’s major theoretical perspectives?

Sociologists use three primary theoretical frameworks to interpret social life. Symbolic interactionists exam- ine how people use symbols to develop and share their views of the world. Symbolic interactionists usually fo- cus on the micro level—on small-scale, face-to-face in- teraction. Functionalists, in contrast, focus on the macro level—on large-scale patterns of society. They stress that a social system is made up of interrelated parts. When working properly, each part fulfills a function that con- tributes to the system’s stability. Conflict theorists also focus on large-scale patterns of society. They stress that society is composed of competing groups that struggle for scarce resources.

With each perspective focusing on different features of social life and each providing a unique interpretation, no single theory is adequate. The combined insights of all three perspectives yield a more comprehensive picture of social life.

What is the relationship between theory and research?

Theory and research depend on one another. Sociolo- gists use theory to interpret the data they gather. Theory also generates questions that need to be answered by re- search, while research, in turn, helps to generate theory. Theory without research is not likely to represent real life, while research without theory is merely a collection of empty facts.

Doing Sociological Research 1.5 Explain why common sense can’t replace

sociological research.

Why isn’t common sense adequate?

Common sense doesn’t provide reliable information. Research shows that commonsense ideas are often limited or false.

Summary and Review

The Sociological Perspective 37

A Research Model 1.6 Know the eight steps of the research model.

What are the eight basic steps of sociological research?

(1) Selecting a topic, (2) Defining the problem, (3) Reviewing the literature, (4) Formulating a hypothesis, (5) Choosing a research method, (6) Collecting the data, (7) Analyzing the results, and (8) Sharing the results.

Research Methods (Designs) 1.7 Know the main elements of the seven research


How do sociologists gather data?

To collect data, sociologists use seven research methods (or research designs): surveys, participant observation (fieldwork), case studies, secondary analysis, analysis of documents, experiments, and unobtrusive measures.

How do sociologists choose a research method?

Sociologists choose their research method based on the questions they want answered, their access to potential subjects, the resources available, and their training.

Gender in Sociological Research 1.8 Explain how gender is significant in sociological


What is the relationship between gender and research?

Gender can lead to interviewer bias, with participants shaping their answers based on the gender of the researcher.

Ethics in Sociological Research 1.9 Explain why it is vital for sociologists to protect

the people they study and discuss the two cases that are presented.

How important are ethics in sociological research?

Ethics are of fundamental concern to sociologists, who are committed to openness, honesty, truth, and protecting their subjects from harm. The Brajuha research on restau- rant workers and the Humphreys research on “tearooms” illustrate ethical issues that concern sociologists.

Trends Shaping the Future of Sociology 1.10 Explain how research versus social reform and

globalization are likely to influence sociology.

What trends are likely to have an impact on sociology?

Sociology has gone through three phases: The first was an emphasis on reforming society; the second had its focus on basic sociology; the third, today’s phase, is taking us closer to our roots of applying sociology to social change. Public sociology is a recent example of this change. A second ma- jor trend, globalization, is likely to broaden sociological horizons, refocusing research and theory away from its concentration on U.S. society.

Thinking Critically about Chapter 1 1. Do you think that sociologists should try to reform

society or to study it dispassionately?

2. Of the three theoretical perspectives, which one would you prefer to use if you were a sociologist? Why?

3. Considering the macro- and micro-level approaches in sociology, which one do you think better explains social life? Why?

4. What are the differences between good and bad sociological research? How can biases be avoided?

5. What ethics do sociologists follow in their research?

6. Do you think it is okay (or ethical) for sociologists to not identify themselves when they do research? To misrepresent themselves?

Flamenco Fiesta, 1997, Andrew Hewkin (oil on wood)


Chapter 2


After you have read this chapter, you should be able to:

2.1 Explain what culture is, how culture provides orientations to life, and what practicing cultural relativism means.

2.2 Know the components of symbolic culture: gestures, language, values, norms, sanctions, folkways, mores, and taboos; also explain the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis.

2.3 Distinguish between subcultures and countercultures.

2.4 Discuss the major U.S. values and explain value clusters, value contradictions, value clashes, how values are lenses of perception, and ideal culture versus real culture.

2.5 Explain what cultural universals are and why they do not seem to exist.

2.6 Explain why most sociologists consider genes to be an inadequate explanation of human behavior.

2.7 Explain how technology changes culture and what cultural lag and cultural leveling are.

When I first arrived in Morocco, I found the sights that greeted me exotic—not unlike the scenes in Casablanca or Raiders of the Lost Ark. The men, women, and even the children really did wear those white robes that reach down to their feet. What was especially striking was that the women were almost totally covered. Despite the heat, they wore not only full-length gowns but also head coverings that reached down over their foreheads with veils that covered their faces from the nose down. You could see nothing but their eyes—and every eye seemed the same shade of brown.

And how short everyone was! The Arab women looked to be, on average, 5 feet, and the men only about 3 or 4 inches taller. As the only blue-eyed, blond, 6-foot-plus person around and the only one who was wearing jeans and a pullover shirt, in a world of white-robed short people, I stood out like a creature from another planet. Everyone stared. No matter where I went, they stared. Wherever I looked, I saw people watching me intently. Even staring back had no effect. It was so different from home, where, if you caught someone staring at you, that person would look embarrassed and immediately glance away.

And lines? The concept apparently didn’t even exist. Buying a ticket for a bus or train meant pushing and shoving toward the ticket man, always a man—no women were vis- ible in any public position. He took the money from whichever outstretched hand he de- cided on.

And germs? That notion didn’t seem to exist here either. Flies swarmed over the food in the restaurants and the unwrapped loaves of bread in the stores. Shopkeepers would considerately shoo off the flies before handing me a loaf. They also offered

Learning Objectives

“Everyone stared. No matter where I went, they stared.”

40 Chapter 2

home delivery. I watched a bread vendor deliver a loaf to a woman who was stand- ing on a second-floor balcony. She first threw her money to the bread vendor, and he then threw the unwrapped bread up to her. Unfortunately, his throw was off. The bread bounced off the wrought-iron balcony railing and landed in the street, which was filled with people, wandering dogs, and the ever-present urinating and defecating donkeys. The vendor simply picked up the unwrapped loaf and threw it again. This certainly wasn’t his day: He missed again. But he made it on his third attempt. The woman smiled as she turned back into her apartment, apparently to prepare the noon meal for her family.

What Is Culture? 2.1 Explain what culture is, how culture provides orientations to life, and what

practicing cultural relativism means.

What is culture? The concept is sometimes easier to grasp by description than by defini- tion. For example, suppose you meet a young woman from India who has just arrived in the United States. That her culture is different from yours is immediately evident. You first see it in her clothing, jewelry, makeup, and hairstyle. Next, you hear it in her speech. It then becomes apparent by her gestures. Later, you might hear her express unfamil- iar beliefs about relationships or what is valuable in life. All of these characteristics are aspects of culture—the language, beliefs, values, norms, behaviors, and even material objects that are passed from one generation to the next.

In northern Africa, I was surrounded by a culture quite different from mine. It was evident in everything I saw and heard. The material culture—such things as jewelry, art, buildings, weapons, machines, and even eating utensils, hairstyles, and clothing— provided a sharp contrast to what I was used to seeing. There is nothing inherently “ natural” about material culture. That is, it is no more natural (or unnatural) to wear gowns on the street than it is to wear jeans.

I also found myself immersed in an unfamiliar nonmaterial culture, that is, a group’s ways of thinking (its beliefs, values, and other assumptions about the world) and doing (its common patterns of behavior, including language, gestures, and other forms of inter- action). North African assumptions that it is acceptable to stare at others in public and to push people aside to buy tickets are examples of nonmaterial culture. So are U.S. assumptions that it is wrong to do either of these things. Like material culture, neither custom is “right.” People simply become comfortable with the customs they learn during childhood, and—as happened to me in northern Africa—uncomfortable when their basic assumptions about life are challenged.

Culture and Taken-for-Granted Orientations to Life “The last thing a fish would ever notice would be water.”

Ralph Linton, anthropologist, 1936

To develop a sociological imagination, it is essential to understand how culture affects people’s lives. If we meet someone from a different culture, the encounter can make us aware of how culture influences all aspects of that person’s life. Attaining the same level of awareness regarding our own culture, however, is quite another matter. We usually take our speech, our gestures, our beliefs, and our customs for granted. We assume that they are “normal” or “natural,” and we almost always follow them with- out question. Ralph Linton made the comment about fish to get this point across: Except in unusual circumstances, most characteristics of our own culture remain imperceptible to us.

Yet culture’s significance is profound; it touches almost every aspect of who and what we are. We came into this life without a language; without values and morality;

culture the language, beliefs, values, norms, behaviors, and even material objects that character- ize a group and are passed from one generation to the next

material culture the material objects that distin- guish a group of people, such as their art, buildings, weapons, utensils, machines, hairstyles, clothing, and jewelry

nonmaterial culture a group’s ways of thinking (including its beliefs, values, and other assumptions about the world) and doing (its common patterns of behavior, including language and other forms of interaction); also called symbolic culture

Culture 41

with no ideas about religion, war, money, love, use of space, and so on. We possessed none of these fundamental orientations that are so essential in determining the type of people we become. Yet by this point in our lives, we all have acquired them— and take them for granted. Sociologists call this culture within us. These learned and shared ways of believing and of doing (another definition of culture) penetrate our being at an early age and quickly become part of our taken-for-granted assumptions about what normal behavior is. Culture becomes the lens through which we perceive and evaluate what is going on around us. Seldom do we question these assumptions: Like water to a fish, the lens through which we view life remains largely beyond our perception.

The rare instances in which these assumptions are challenged, however, can be upsetting. Although as a sociologist I should be able to look at my own culture “from the outside,” my trip to Africa quickly revealed how fully I had internalized my own culture. My upbringing in Western culture had given me assumptions about aspects of social life that had become rooted deeply in my being—“appropriate” eye contact, hygiene, and the use of space. But in this part of Africa, these assumptions were useless in helping me navigate everyday life. No longer could I count on people to stare only surreptitiously, to take precautions against invisible microbes, or to stand in line, one behind the other.

As you can tell from the opening vignette, I found these unfamiliar behaviors unsettling—they violated my basic expectations of “the way people ought to be”— and I did not even realize how firmly I held these expectations until they were chal- lenged so abruptly. When my nonmaterial culture failed me—when it no longer enabled me to make sense out of the world—I experienced a disorientation known as culture shock. In the case of buying tickets, the fact that I was several inches taller than most Moroccans and thus able to outreach others helped me to adjust partially to their different ways of doing things. But I never did get used to the idea that pushing ahead of others was “right,” and I always felt guilty when I used my size to receive preferential treatment.

An important consequence of culture within us is ethnocentrism, a tendency to use our own group’s ways of doing things as a yardstick for judging others. All of us learn

culture shock the disorientation that people experience when they come in contact with a fundamen- tally different culture and can no longer depend on their taken-for-granted assumptions about life

ethnocentrism the use of one’s own culture as a yardstick for judging the ways of other individuals or societies, generally leading to a nega- tive evaluation of their values, norms, and behaviors

What a tremendous photo for sociologists! Seldom are we treated to such cultural contrasts. Can you see how the cultures of these women have given them not only different orientations concerning the presentation of their bodies but also of gender relations?

42 Chapter 2

that the ways of our own group are good, right, and even superior to other ways of life. As sociologist William Sumner (1906), who developed this concept, said, “One’s own group is the center of everything, and all others are scaled and rated with reference to it.” Ethnocentrism has both positive and negative consequences. On the positive side, it creates in-group loyalties. On the negative side, ethnocentrism can lead to discrimination against people whose ways differ from ours.

The many ways in which culture affects our lives fascinate sociologists. In this chapter, we’ll examine how profoundly culture influences everything we are and whatever we do. This will serve as a basis from which you can start to analyze your own assumptions of reality. I should give you a warning at this point: You might develop a changed perspective on social life and your role in it. If so, life will never look the same.

IN SUM To avoid losing track of the ideas under discussion, let’s pause for a moment to summarize and, in some instances, clarify the principles we have covered.

1. There is nothing “natural” about material culture. Arabs wear gowns on the street and feel that it is natural to do so. Americans do the same with jeans.

2. There is nothing “natural” about nonmaterial culture. It is just as arbitrary to stand in line as to push and shove.

3. Culture penetrates deeply into our thinking, becoming a taken-for-granted lens through which we see the world and obtain our perceptions of reality.

4. Culture provides implicit instructions that tell us what we ought to do and how we ought to think. Culture establishes a fundamental basis for our decision making.

5. Culture also provides a “moral imperative”; that is, the culture that we internalize becomes the “right” way of doing things. (I, for example, believed deeply that it was wrong to push and shove to get ahead of others.)

6. Coming into contact with a radically different culture challenges our basic assumptions about life. (I experienced culture shock when I discovered that my deeply ingrained cultural ideas about hygiene and the use of personal space no longer applied.)

7. Although the particulars of culture differ from one group of people to another, culture itself is universal. That is, all people have culture, for a society cannot exist without developing shared, learned ways of dealing with the challenges of life.

8. All people are ethnocentric, which has both positive and negative consequences.

I think you’ll enjoy the following Cultural Diversity around the World. Beyond seeing why sociology is such a pleasure, it will also help you better understand how culture shapes ideas and behavior.

Ideas and beliefs about what happens to people after they die vary remarkably among the world’s cultures. Common to many cultures are beliefs about ghosts, that the spirits of the dead, especially the recent dead, continue an existence of some sort on Earth.

Some cultures have built elaborate systems of beliefs about ghosts. One of the most elaborate is that of the traditional Chinese. Their view is that the afterlife closely mirrors the real world (Chen 2013; Xie 2016). When people die, their ghosts live in a place just like the one they lived in when they were alive. There, the ghosts have the same needs as living people: food, clothing, houses, and entertainment.

Because these things cost money in the world of the living, they also cost money in the world of the departed. To obtain money, the ghosts depend on the living, and one of the

Cultural Diversity around the World Why the Dead Need Money


Culture 43

Practicing Cultural Relativism To counter our tendency to use our own culture as the standard by which we judge other cultures, we can practice cultural relativism; that is, we can try to understand a culture on its own terms. This means looking at how the elements of a culture fit together, without judging those elements as inferior or superior to our own way of life.

With our own culture embedded so deeply within us, practicing cultural relativism is difficult. It is likely that it seems strange to you to think that the dead need money, for example, but cultural relativism is an attempt to refocus our lens of perception so we can appreciate other ways of life rather than simply asserting, “Our way is right.” None of us can be entirely successful at practicing cultural relativism, but I think you will enjoy the following Cultural Diversity around the World. My best guess, however, is that you will evaluate these “strange” foods through the lens of your own culture.

cultural relativism not judging a culture but trying to understand it on its own terms

obligations of descendants is to provide that money.

For hundreds of years, tra- ditional Chinese have provided money for their ancestors. Today, they shop in specialized stores that sell ghost money. This money, featuring an image of the Emperor of Hell, looks like an elaborate version of Monopoly money. People send the money to their ancestors’ ghosts by burning it. The ghosts then spend the money on what they need to enjoy life.

As you and I live out our lives, our ideas of what we need keep increasing. This means that we need more and more money. Earlier generations didn’t know about cars, televisions, and cell phones, so they had no need of them. These things aren’t free for us, so to keep up with our changing needs, we have to keep increasing our incomes.

Like us, those in the ghost world also want the latest gadgets. To help the ghosts keep up with changing times, the ghost stores sell paper replicas of computers, iPads, flat- screen televisions, sports cars, and helicopters. Just as with money, to send these items to their ancestors, the purchasers burn the replicas.

Unfortunately, just like in the land of the living, prices in the ghost world also keep increasing. The ghost world has been especially hard hit, though, and it is experiencing hyperinflation. A few years ago, a $100 ghost bill would have gone a long way. Now the ghosts need hundreds of thousands, even millions of dollars. Sometimes they need a billion dollars. Inflation in the ghost world is so out of control that the stores now sell a trillion dollar ghost bill.

As economists do, one Hong Kong economist has come up with a plan to bring ghost inflation to a screaming halt.

Citing Milton Friedman that the cause of inflation is an increase in the money supply, he suggests that people burn real money instead of ghost money. This, he says, would immediately reduce the amount of cash flowing into hell.

For Your Consideration → How do the traditional Chinese customs regarding the

dead differ from your culture’s customs?

→ Why do traditional Chinese beliefs about the ghost world seem strange to Americans and ordinary to traditional Chinese?

→ How has your culture shaped your ideas about death and the relationship of the dead and the living?

Burning money and replicas of material items for the dead also occurs in Thailand, where this photo was taken.

Cultural Diversity around the World You Are What You Eat? An Exploration in Cultural Relativity Here is a chance to test your ethnocentrism and ability to practice cultural relativity. You probably know that the French like to eat snails and that in some Asian cultures, chubby dogs and cats are considered a delicacy (“Ah, lightly browned with a little doggy sauce!”). You might also know that in some cultures, the bull’s penis and testicles are prized foods (Jakab 2012). But did you know that cod sperm is a delicacy in Japan (Halpern 2011)? That flies and

scorpions are on the menu of restaurants in parts of Thai- land (Gampbell 2006)? That on the Italian island of Sardinia, casu marzi is popular? This is a cheese filled with squirming live maggots (Herz 2012).

Marston Bates (1967), a zoologist, noted this ethnocentric reaction to food:

I remember once, in the llanos of Colombia, sharing a dish of toasted ants at a remote farmhouse. . . . My


44 Chapter 2

What some consider food, even delicacies, can turn the stomach of other diners. Grilled guinea pig, called cuy, is served in restaurants in Peru.

ATTACK ON CULTURAL RELATIVISM Although cultural rela- tivism helps us avoid cultural smugness, this view has come under attack. If you consider just the treatment of animals, you can under- stand why. It shocks us to learn that in the 1600s burning cats alive for amusement was common in France, and beating cats to death was considered a game in Denmark and Scotland (Brooke-Hitching 2015). In the 1700s in the United States, cock fighting, dog fighting, and bear–dog fighting were common. Only as these cultures changed were such “sports” gradually abandoned. We have had such a revo- lution in thinking that even in Spain an anti-bullfighting movement has managed to get bullfighting banned in some areas. And when it comes to burning cats alive—as a prelude to a dance and banquet by the nobility of France, the fire lit personally by King Louis XIV in 1648—it is just beyond our comprehension. Now look at the follow- ing photo essay on standards of beauty. Try to appreciate the cultural differences that these photos represent.

Many Americans perceive bullfighting as a cruel activity that should be illegal everywhere. To most Spaniards, bullfighting is a sport that pits matador and bull in a unifying image of power, courage, and glory. Cultural relativism requires that we suspend our own perspectives in order to grasp the perspectives of others, something easier described than attained. This photo was taken in Seville, Spain.

host and I fell into conversation about the general ques- tion of what people eat or do not eat, and I remarked that in my country people eat the legs of frogs.

The very thought of this filled my ant-eating friends with horror; it was as though I had mentioned some repulsive sex habit.

Then there is the experience of a friend, Dusty Friedman, who told me:

When traveling in Sudan, I ate some interesting things that I wouldn’t likely eat now that I’m back in our society. Raw baby camel’s liver with chopped herbs was a delicacy. So was camel’s milk cheese patties that had been cured in dry camel’s dung.

You might be able to see yourself eating frog legs and toasted ants, beetles, even flies. (Or maybe not.) Perhaps you could even stomach cod sperm and raw camel liver, maybe even dogs and cats, but here’s another test of your ethnocentrism and cultural relativity. Maxine Kingston (1975), an English professor whose parents grew up in China, wrote:

“Do you know what people in [the Nantou region of] China eat when they have the money?” my mother began. “They buy into a monkey feast. The eaters sit around a thick wood table with a hole in the middle. Boys bring in the monkey at the end of a pole. Its neck is in a collar at the end of the pole, and it is screaming. Its hands are tied behind it. They clamp the monkey into the table; the whole table fits like another collar around its neck. Using a surgeon’s saw, the cooks cut a clean line in a circle at the top of its head. To loosen the bone, they tap with a tiny hammer and wedge here and there with a silver pick. Then an old woman reaches out her hand to the monkey’s face and up to its scalp, where she tufts some hairs and lifts off the lid of the skull. The eaters spoon out the brains.”

For Your Consideration → What is your opinion about eating toasted ants? Beetles?

Flies? Fried frog legs? Cod sperm? Maggot cheese? About eating puppies and kittens? About eating brains scooped out of a living monkey?

→ If you were reared in U.S. society, more than likely you think that eating frog legs is okay; eating ants or flies is disgusting; and eating cod sperm, maggot cheese, mon- key brains, and cats and dogs is downright repugnant. How would you apply the concepts of ethnocentrism and cultural relativism to your perceptions of these customs?

Standards of Beauty

Standards of beauty vary so greatly from one culture to another that what one group finds attractive, another may not. Yet, in its ethno- centrism, each group thinks that its standards are the best— that the appearance reflects what beauty “really” is.

As indicated by these photos, around the world men and women aspire to their group’s norms of physical attractiveness. To make themselves appealing to others, they try to make their appearance reflect their group’s standards.


Ethiopia USA

New Guinea China


Ecuador Zambia

46 Chapter 2

Anthropologist Robert Edgerton (1992) has hit the cultural relativism perspective espe- cially hard. In a provocative book, Sick Societies, he suggested that we develop a scale for evaluating cultures on their “quality of life,” much as we do for U.S. cities. He asked why we should consider cultures that practice genital cutting, gang rape, or wife beating, or cul- tures that sell little girls into prostitution, as morally equivalent to those that do not. Cultural values that result in exploitation, he says, are inferior to those that enhance people’s lives.

This takes us to a topic that comes up repeatedly in this text: the disagreements that arise among scholars as they confront contrasting views of reality. It is such questioning of assumptions that keeps sociology interesting.

Components of Symbolic Culture 2.2 Know the components of symbolic culture: gestures, language, values, norms,

sanctions, folkways, mores, and taboos; also explain the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis.

Sociologists often refer to nonmaterial culture as symbolic culture, because it consists of the symbols that people use. A symbol is something to which people attach meaning and that they use to communicate with one another. Symbols include gestures, language, val- ues, norms, sanctions, folkways, and mores. Let’s look at each of these components of sym- bolic culture.

Gestures Gestures, movements of the body to communicate with others, are shorthand ways to convey messages without using words. Although people in every culture of the world use gestures, a gesture’s meaning may change completely from one culture to another. North Americans, for example, communicate a succinct message by rais- ing their middle finger in a short, upward stabbing motion. I wish to stress “North Americans,” because this gesture does not convey the same message in most parts of the world.

I had internalized this finger gesture to such an extent that I thought everyone knew what it meant, but in Mexico I was surprised to find that it is not universal. When I was com- paring gestures with friends in Mexico, this gesture drew a blank look. After I explained its meaning, they laughed and said they would show me their rudest gesture. They placed one hand under an armpit, brought their other hand to the opposite shoulder, and moved their arm up and down. To me, they simply looked as if they were imitating a monkey, but to my Mexican hosts the gesture meant “Your mother is a whore”—the worst possible insult in their culture.

Some gestures are so closely associated with emotional messages that the gestures themselves summon up emotions. For example, my introduction to Mexican gestures took place at a dinner table. It was evident that my husband-and-wife hosts were trying to hide their embarrassment at using their culture’s obscene gesture at their dinner table. And I felt the same way—not about their gesture, of course, which meant nothing to me—but about the one I was teaching them.

MISUNDERSTANDING AND OFFENSE Gestures not only facilitate communication, but because they differ around the world they also can lead to misunderstanding, embarrass- ment, or worse. One time in Mexico, for example, I raised my hand to a certain height to indicate how tall a child was. My hosts began to laugh. It turned out that Mexicans use three hand gestures to indicate height: one for people, a second for animals, and yet another for plants. They were amused because I had used the plant gesture to indicate the child’s height. (See Figure 2.1.)

symbol something to which people attach meaning and then use to communicate with one another

symbolic culture another term for nonmaterial culture

gestures the ways in which people use their bodies to communicate with one another

Culture 47

To get along in another culture, then, it is important to learn the gestures of that culture. If you don’t, you will fail to achieve the simplicity of communication that ges- tures allow. You may also overlook or misunderstand much of what is happening, run the risk of appearing foolish, and possibly offend people. In some cultures, for example, you would provoke deep offense if you were to offer food or a gift with your left hand, because the left hand is reserved for dirty tasks, such as wiping after going to the toilet. Left-handed Americans visiting Arabs, please note!

Suppose for a moment that you are visiting southern Italy. After eating one of the best meals in your life, you are so pleased that when you catch the waiter’s eye, you smile broadly and use the standard U.S. “A-OK” gesture of putting your thumb and forefin- ger together and making a large “O.” The waiter looks horrified, and you are struck speechless when the manager marches over and angrily asks you to leave. What have you done? Nothing on purpose, of course, but in that culture this gesture refers to a lower part of the human body that is not mentioned in polite company. (Ekman et al. 1984)

UNIVERSAL GESTURES? Is it really true that there are no universal gestures? There is some disagreement on this point. Some anthropologists claim that no gesture is universal. They point out that even nodding the head up and down to indicate “yes” is not universal. In an area of Turkey, nodding the head up and down means “no” (Ekman et al. 1984). However, ethologists, researchers who study the biological bases of behavior, claim that expressions of anger, pouting, fear, and sadness are built into our biological makeup and are universal (Eibl- Eibesfeldt 1970: 404; Horwitz and Wakefield 2007). They point out that even infants who are born blind and deaf, who have had no chance to learn these gestures, express themselves in the same way.

Although the details of what is learned and what is inborn is not yet settled, we can note that gestures tend to vary remarkably around the world.

Language The primary way in which people communicate with one another is through language—symbols that can be combined in an infinite number of ways for the purpose of communicating abstract thought. Each word is

language a system of symbols that can be combined in an infinite number of ways and can represent not only objects but also abstract thought

Although most gestures are learned, and therefore vary from culture to culture, some gestures that represent fundamental emotions such as sadness, anger, and fear appear to be inborn. This crying child whom I photographed in India differs little from a crying child in China—or the United States or anywhere else on the globe. In a few years, however, this child will demonstrate a variety of gestures highly specific to his Hindu culture.

Figure 2.1 Gestures to Indicate Height, Southern Mexico

SOURCE: By the author.

48 Chapter 2

actually a symbol, a sound to which we have attached some particular meaning. Although all human groups have language, there is nothing universal about the meanings given to particular sounds. Like gestures, in different cultures the same sound may mean some- thing entirely different—or may have no meaning at all. In German, for example, gift means “poison,” so if you give a box of chocolates to a non-English-speaking German and say, “Gift, eat,”. . . .

Because language allows culture to exist, its significance for human life is difficult to overstate. Consider the following effects of language.

LANGUAGE ALLOWS HUMAN EXPERIENCE TO BE CUMULATIVE By means of language, we pass ideas, knowledge, and even attitudes on to the next generation. This allows others to build on experiences in which they may never directly participate. As a result, humans are able to modify their behavior in light of what previous generations have learned. This takes us to the central sociological significance of language: Language allows culture to develop by freeing people to move beyond their immediate experiences.

Without language, human culture would be little more advanced than that of the lower primates. If we communicated by grunts and gestures, we would be limited to a short time span—to events now taking place, those that have just taken place, or those that will take place immediately—a sort of slightly extended present. You can grunt and gesture, for example, that you are thirsty or hungry, but in the absence of language, how could you share ideas concerning past or future events? There would be little or no way to communicate to others what event you had in mind, much less the greater complexi- ties that humans communicate—ideas and feelings about events.

LANGUAGE PROVIDES A SOCIAL OR SHARED PAST Without language, we would have few memories because we associate experiences with words and then use those words to recall the experience. In the absence of language, how would we communicate the few memories we had to others? By attaching words to an event, however, and then using those words to recall it, we are able to discuss the event. This is highly significant: Our talking is far more than “just talk.” As we talk about past events, we develop shared understandings about what those events mean. In short, through talk, people develop a shared past.

LANGUAGE PROVIDES A SOCIAL OR SHARED FUTURE Language also extends our time horizons forward. Because language enables us to agree on times, dates, and places, it allows us to plan activities with one another. Think about it for a moment. Without lan- guage, how could you ever plan future events? How could you possibly communicate goals, times, and plans? Whatever planning could exist would be limited to rudimentary communications, perhaps to an agreement to meet at a certain place when the sun is in a certain position. But think of the difficulty, perhaps the impossibility, of conveying just a slight change in this simple arrangement, such as “I can’t make it tomorrow, but my neighbor can take my place, if that’s all right with you.”

LANGUAGE ALLOWS SHARED PERSPECTIVES Our ability to speak, then, provides us with a social (or shared) past and future. This is vital for humanity. It is a watershed that distinguishes us from animals. But speech does much more than this. When we talk with one another, we are exchanging ideas about events; that is, we are sharing ideas and perspectives. Our words are the embodiment of our experiences, distilled into a readily exchangeable form, one that is mutually understandable to people who have learned that language. Talking about events allows us to arrive at the shared understandings that form the basis of social life.

Not sharing a language while living alongside one another, however, invites mis- communication and suspicion. This risk, which comes with a diverse society, is discussed in the following Cultural Diversity in the United States.

Culture 49

LANGUAGE ALLOWS SHARED, GOAL-DIRECTED BEHAVIOR. Common under- standings enable us to establish a purpose for getting together. Let’s suppose you want to go on a picnic. You use speech not only to plan the picnic but also to decide on rea- sons for having the picnic—which may be anything from “because it’s a nice day and it shouldn’t be wasted studying” to “because it’s my birthday.” Language permits you to blend individual activities into an integrated sequence. In other words, as you talk, you decide when and where you will go; who will drive; who will bring the hamburgers, the potato chips, the soda; where and when you will meet. Only because of language can you participate in such a common yet complex event as a picnic—or build roads and bridges or attend college classes.

Cultural Diversity in the United States Miami—Continuing Controversy over Language

Immigration from Cuba and other Spanish-speaking countries has been so vast that most residents of Miami are Latinos. Half of Miamians have trouble speaking English, and only sixty percent speak english at home. Immigration has so changed Miami that one debate among the candidates for mayor of Miami was held only in Spanish.

English-speaking Miamians were upset. “They need to learn English,” they said. Pedro Falcon, an immi- grant from Nicaragua, replied, “Miami is the capital of Latin America. The population speaks Spanish.” As the English-speakers see it, this pinpoints the prob- lem: Miami, they stress, is in the United States, not in Latin America.

Controversy over immigrants and language isn’t new. The millions of Germans who moved to the United States in the 1800s brought their language with them. Not only did they hold religious services in German, but they also opened schools where the students were taught in German, published German- language newspapers, and spoke German at home, in the stores, and in the taverns.

Some of their English-speaking neighbors didn’t like this one bit. “Why don’t those Germans assimilate?” they wondered. “Just whose side would they fight on if we had a war?”

This question was answered with the participation of German Americans in two world wars. It was even a general descended from German immigrants (Eisenhower) who led the armed forces that defeated Hitler.

What happened to all this German language? The first generation of immigrants spoke German almost exclusively. The second generation assimilated, speaking English at home, but also speaking German when visiting their parents.

For the most part, the third generation knew German only as “that language” that their grandparents spoke.

The same thing is happening with the Latino immigrants, but at a slower pace. Spanish is being kept alive longer because Mexico borders the United States, and there is constant traffic between the countries. The continuing migration from Mexico and other Spanish- speaking countries also feeds the language.

If Germany bordered the United States, there would still be a lot of German spoken here.

SOURCES: Based on Kent and Lalasz 2007; Salomon 2008; Costantini 2011; Vasilogambros 2016.

For Your Consideration → Do you think that Miami points to the future of the United


→ Like the grandchildren of the European immigrants who lost the ability to speak their grandparent’s native language, when do you think the grandchildren of Mex- ican and South American immigrants will be unable to speak Spanish?


A sign being posted in Miami.

50 Chapter 2

IN SUM The sociological significance of language is that it takes us beyond the world of apes and allows culture to develop. Language frees us from the present, actually giving us a social past and a social future. That is, language gives us the capacity to share understandings about the past and to develop shared perceptions about the future. Language also allows us to establish underlying purposes for our activities. In short, language is the basis of culture.

Language and Perception: The Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis In the 1930s, two anthropologists, Edward Sapir and Benjamin Whorf, were intrigued when they noticed that the Hopi Indians of the southwestern United States had no words to distinguish the past, the present, and the future. English, in contrast—as well as French, Spanish, Swahili, and other languages—carefully distinguishes these three time frames. From this observation, Sapir and Whorf began to think that words might be more than labels that people attach to things. Eventually, they concluded that language has embedded within it ways of looking at the world. In other words, language not only expresses our thoughts and perceptions, but language also shapes the way we think and perceive (Sapir 1949; Whorf 1956).

The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis challenges common sense: It indicates that rather than objects and events forcing themselves onto our consciousness, it is our language that determines our consciousness and hence our perception of objects and events. Sociolo- gist Eviatar Zerubavel (1991) points out that his native language, Hebrew, does not have separate words for jam and jelly. Both go by the same term, and only when Zerubavel learned English could he “see” this difference, which is “obvious” to native English speakers. Similarly, if you learn to classify students as Jocks, Goths, Stoners, Skaters, Band Geeks, and Preps, you will perceive students in entirely different ways from some- one who does not know these classifications.

When I lived in Spain, I was struck by the relevance of the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis. As a native English speaker, I had learned that the term dried fruits refers to apricots, apples, and so on. In Spain, I found that frutos secos refers not only to such objects but also to things like almonds, walnuts, and pecans. My English makes me see fruits and nuts as very different types of objects. This seems “natural” to me, while combining them into one unit seems “natural” to Spanish speakers. If I had learned Spanish first, my percep- tion of these objects would be different.

Although Sapir and Whorf’s observation that the Hopi do not have tenses was wrong (Edgerton 1992:27), they did stumble onto a major truth about social life. Learning a lan- guage means not only learning words but also acquiring the perceptions embedded in that language. In other words, language both reflects and shapes our cultural experiences (Boroditsky 2010). The racial–ethnic terms that our culture provides, for example, influ- ence how we see both ourselves and others, a point that is discussed in the following Cultural Diversity in the United States.

Sapir–Whorf hypothesis Edward Sapir and Benjamin Whorf’s hypothesis that lan- guage creates ways of thinking and perceiving

Cultural Diversity in the United States Race and Language: Searching for Self-Labels The groups that dominate society often determine the names that are used to refer to racial–ethnic groups. If those names become associated with oppression, they take on negative meanings. For example, the terms Negro and colored people came to be associated with submis- siveness and low status. To overcome these meanings, those referred to by these terms began to identify them- selves as black or African American. They infused these new terms with respect—a basic source of self-esteem


Culture 51

The ethnic terms we choose—or which are given to us—are major self-identifiers. They indicate both membership in some group and a separation from other groups.

Values, Norms, and Sanctions To learn a culture is to learn people’s values, their ideas of what is desirable in life. When we uncover people’s values, we learn a great deal about them because values are the standards by which people define what is good and bad, beautiful and ugly. Values underlie our preferences, guide our choices, and indicate what we hold worth- while in life.

Every group develops expectations concerning the “right” way to reflect its values. Sociologists use the term norms to describe those expectations (or rules of behavior) that develop out of a group’s values. The term sanctions refers to the reactions people receive for following or breaking norms. A positive sanction expresses approval for following a norm, and a negative sanction reflects disapproval for breaking a norm. Positive sanctions can be material, such as a prize, a trophy, or money, but in every- day life they usually consist of hugs, smiles, a pat on the back, or even handshakes and “high fives.” Negative sanctions can also be material—being fined in court is one example—but negative sanctions, too, are more likely to be symbolic: harsh words, or gestures such as frowns, stares, clenched jaws, or raised fists. Getting a raise at work is a positive sanction, indicating that you have followed the norms clustering around work values. Getting fired, in contrast, is a negative sanction, indicating that you have violated these norms. The North American finger gesture discussed earlier is, of course, a negative sanction.

Because people can find norms stifling, some cultures relieve the pressure through moral holidays, specified times when people are allowed to break norms. Moral holidays such as Mardi Gras often center on getting rowdy. Some activities

values the standards by which people define what is desirable or unde- sirable, superior or inferior, good or bad, beautiful or ugly

norms expectations of “right” behavior

sanctions either expressions of approval given to people for following norms or expressions of disap- proval for violating them

positive sanction a reward or positive reaction for following norms, ranging from a smile to material rewards

negative sanction an expression of disapproval for breaking a norm, ranging from a mild, informal reaction such as a frown to a formal reaction such as getting fired or receiving a prison sentence

that they felt the old terms denied them.

In a twist, African Americans—and to a lesser extent Latinos, Asian Americans, and Native Americans—have changed the rejected term colored people to people of color. Those who embrace this modified term are imbuing it with meanings that offer an identity of respect. The term also has political meanings. It implies bonds that cross racial–ethnic lines, mutual ties, and a sense of identity rooted in historical oppression.

There is always disagreement about racial–ethnic terms, and colored people is no exception. Although most rejected the term, some found in it a sense of respect and claimed it for themselves. The acronym NAACP, for example, stands for the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. The new term, people of color, arouses similar feelings. Some individuals whom this term would include point out that this new label still makes color the primary identifier of people—and it assumes that white people have no color. They stress that humans transcend race–ethnicity, that what we have in common as human beings goes much deeper

than what you see on the surface. They stress that we should avoid terms that focus on differences in the pigmentation of our skin.

The language of self- reference in a society that is so conscious of skin color is an ongoing issue. As long as our society continues to emphasize such superficial differences, the search for adequate terms is not likely to ever be “finished.” In this quest for terms that strike the right chord, the term people of color may become a

historical footnote. If it does, the term that replaces it will also indicate changing self-identities within a changing culture.

For Your Consideration → What terms do you use to refer to your race–ethnicity?

What “bad” terms do you know that others have used to refer to your race–ethnicity?

→ What is the difference in meaning between the terms you use and the “bad” terms that other have used? Where does this meaning come from?

52 Chapter 2

for which people would otherwise be arrested are permitted—and expected—including public drunkenness and some nudity. The norms are never completely dropped, however—just loosened a bit. Go too far, and the police step in.

Some societies have moral holiday places, locations where norms are expected to be broken. The red-light district of a city is one example. There, prostitutes are allowed to work the streets, bothered only when politi- cal pressure builds to “clean up” the area. If these same prostitutes attempt to solicit customers in adjacent areas, however, they are promptly arrested. Each year, the hometown of the team that wins the Super Bowl becomes a moral holiday place—for one night.

One of the more interesting examples is “Party Cove” at Lake of the Ozarks in Missouri, a fairly straitlaced area of the country.

During the summer, hundreds of boaters—those operating everything from cabin cruisers to jet skis—moor their vessels together in a highly publicized cove, where many get drunk, take off their clothes, and dance on the boats. In one of the more

humorous incidents, boaters complained that a nude woman was riding a jet ski outside of the cove. The water patrol investigated but refused to arrest the woman because she was within the law—she had sprayed shaving cream on certain parts of her body.

The Missouri Water Patrol has even given a green light to Party Cove, announcing in the local newspaper that officers will not enter this cove, supposedly because “there is so much traffic they might not be able to get out in time to handle an emergency elsewhere.”

Folkways, Mores, and Taboos Norms that are not strictly enforced are called folkways. We expect people to follow folk- ways, but we are likely to shrug our shoulders and not make a big deal about it if they don’t. If someone insists on passing you on the right side of the sidewalk, for example, you are unlikely to take corrective action, although if the sidewalk is crowded and you must move out of the way, you might give the person a dirty look.

Other norms, however, are taken much more seriously. We think of them as essential to our core values, and we insist on conformity. These are called mores (MORE-rays). A person who steals, rapes, or kills has violated some of society’s most important mores. As sociologist Ian Robertson (1987: 62) put it:

A man who walks down a street wearing nothing on the upper half of his body is violating a folkway; a man who walks down the street wearing nothing on the lower half of his body is violating one of our most important mores, the requirement that peo- ple cover their genitals and buttocks in public.

You can see, then, that one group’s folkways can be another group’s mores: The man walking down the street with the upper half of his body uncovered is deviat- ing from a folkway, but a woman doing the same thing is violating the mores. In addition, the folkways and mores of a subculture (discussed in the next section) may be the opposite of mainstream culture. For example, to walk down the side- walk in a nudist camp with the entire body uncovered would conform to that sub- culture’s folkways.

folkways norms that are not strictly enforced

mores norms that are strictly enforced because they are thought essential to core values or the well-being of the group

In most places in the United States, women who show their breasts in public will be arrested. But at Mardi Gras in New Orleans, women who do this are rewarded with beads thrown to them. Many societies have moral holidays, specific occasions when behavior that is not ordinarily permitted, is allowed. When a moral holiday is over, the usual enforcement of rules follows.

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A taboo refers to a norm so strongly ingrained that even the thought of its violation is greeted with revulsion. Eating human flesh and parents having sex with their children are examples of such behaviors. When someone breaks a taboo, the individual is usually judged unfit to live in the same society as others. The sanctions are severe and may include prison, banishment, or death.

Many Cultural Worlds 2.3 Distinguish between subcultures

and countercultures.

To better understand culture, let’s contrast subcultures and countercultures.

Subcultures Groups of people who occupy some small corner in life, such as an occupation, tend to develop specialized ways of communicating with one another. To outsiders, their talk, even if it is in English, can sound like a foreign language. Here is one of my favorite quotations by a politician:

There are things we know that we know. There are known unknowns; that is to say, there are things that we now know we don’t know. But there are also unknown unknowns; there are things we do not know we don’t know. (Donald Rumsfeld, quoted in Dickey and Barry 2006:38)

Whatever Rumsfeld, the former secretary of defense under George W. Bush, meant by his statement probably will remain a known unknown. (Or would it be an unknown unknown?)

We have a similar problem in sociology. Try to figure out what this means:

The interaction of world market dynamics and state capacities is shaped by the continued separation of the profit-oriented, market-mediated dimension of accumulation from its crucial extra-economic supports in the legal and political system (among other institu- tional orders) and, notwithstanding this variable institutional separation, the contin- ued reciprocal interdependence of ‘market’ and ‘state ‘as complementary moments of the capital relation. (Jessop 2010)

As much as possible, I will spare you from such “insider” talk. Sociologists and politicians form a subculture, a world within the larger world of

the dominant culture. Subcultures are not limited to occupations. They include any corner in life in which people’s experiences lead them to have distinctive ways of looking at the world. Even if we cannot understand the quotation from Donald Rumsfeld, it makes us aware that politicians don’t view life in quite the same way most of us do.

U.S. society contains thousands of subcultures. Some are as broad as the way of life we associate with teenagers, others as narrow as those we associate with bodybuilders— or with politicians. Some U.S. ethnic groups also form subcultures: Their values, norms, and foods set them apart. So might their religion, music, language, and clothing. Even sociologists form a subculture. As you are learning, they also use a unique language in their efforts to understand the world.

For a visual depiction of subcultures, see the photo essay. Looking at Subcultures.

taboo a norm so strong that it brings extreme sanctions, even revulsion, if violated

subculture the values and related behaviors of a group that distinguish its members from the larger culture; a world within a world

The violation of mores is a serious matter. In this case, it is serious enough that the security at a cricket match in Hove, England, have swung into action to protect the public from seeing a “disgraceful” sight, at least one so designated by this group.

Looking at Subcultures

With their specialized language and activities,

surfers are highly recognized as members

of a subculture. This surfer is “in the tube.”

Why would anyone decorate herself like

this? Among the many reasons, one is to show solidar-

ity (appreciation, shared interest) with

the subculture that centers on comic book characters.

Each subculture provides its members with values and distinctive ways of viewing the world. What values and perceptions do you think are common among bodybuilders?

The rodeo subculture is a subculture of “western” subculture. The values that unite its members are reflected in their speech, clothing, and specialized activities, such as the one shown here.

Even ballroom dancers form a subculture. They evaluate dance moves and presentations and use specialized terms to communicate with one another.

The subculture that centers around tattooing previously existed on the fringes of society, with seamen and circus folk its main partici- pants. It now has entered mainstream society, but seldom to this extreme.

The truck drivers’ subculture, centering on their occupational activities and interests, is also broken into smaller subcultures that reflect their experiences and ideas about gender and race-ethnicity.

Specialized values and interests are two of the characteristics that mark subcultures. What values and interests distinguish the modeling subculture?

56 Chapter 2

Countercultures Look what a different world this person is living in:

If everyone applying for welfare had to supply a doctor’s certificate of ster- ilization, if everyone who had committed a felony were sterilized, if anyone who had mental illness to any degree were sterilized—then our economy could easily take care of these people for the rest of their lives, giving them a decent living standard—but getting them out of the way. That way there would be no children abused, no surplus population, and, after a while, no pollution. . . .

When the . . . present world system collapses, it’ll be good people like you who will be shooting people in the streets to feed their families. (Zellner 1995:58, 65)

Welcome to the world of the Aryan supremacist survivalists, where the message is much clearer than that of politicians—and much more disturbing.

The values and norms of most subcultures blend in with mainstream society. In some cases, however, as with the survivalists quoted here, some of the group’s values and norms place it at odds with the dominant culture. Sociologists use the term counterculture to refer to such groups. To better see this distinction, consider motorcycle enthusiasts and motorcycle gangs. Motorcycle enthusiasts—who emphasize personal freedom and speed and affirm cultural values of success through work or education—are members

of a subculture. In contrast, the Hells Angels, Pagans, and Bandidos not only stress free- dom and speed but also value dirtiness and contempt toward women, work, and educa- tion. This makes them a counterculture.

An assault on core values is always met with resistance. To affirm their own val- ues, members of the mainstream culture may ridicule, isolate, or even attack members of the counterculture. The Mormons, for example, were driven out of several states before they finally settled in Utah, which at that time was a wilderness. Even there, the federal government would not let them practice polygyny (one man having more than one wife), and Utah’s statehood was made conditional on its acceptance of monogamy (Anderson 1942/1966; Williams 2007).

Values in U.S. Society 2.4 Discuss the major U.S. values and explain value clusters, value contradictions, value

clashes, how values are lenses of perception, and ideal culture versus real culture.

What people consider to be good, as opposed to bad; admirable as opposed to despised; desirable as opposed to repugnant; or beautiful as opposed to ugly—these are all values. To learn what values someone has tells you a great deal about that person. Let’s try to catch a glimpse of the dominant values in the United States.

An Overview of U.S. Values As you know, the United States is a pluralistic society, made up of many different groups. The United States has numerous religious and racial–ethnic groups, as well as countless interest groups that focus on activities as divergent as hunting deer or collecting Barbie dolls. Within this huge diversity, sociologists have tried to identify the country’s core values, those that are shared by most of the groups that make up U.S. society. Here are ten core values that sociologist Robin Williams (1965) identified:

1. Achievement and success. Americans praise personal achievement, especially outdoing others. This value includes getting ahead at work and school and attaining wealth, power, and prestige.

counterculture a group whose values, beliefs, norms, and related behaviors place its members in opposition to the broader culture

core values the values that are central to a group, those around which a group builds a common identity

pluralistic society a society made up of many different groups

Why are the Bandidos part of a counterculture and not a subculture? This photo was taken at a funeral in Gelsenkirchen, Germany. The photo of the man posted on the window is of a Bandido who was shot to death by a Hells Angel.

Culture 57

2. Individualism. Americans cherish the ideal that an individual can rise from the bot- tom of society to its very top. If someone fails to “get ahead,” Americans generally find fault with that individual rather than with the social system for placing road- blocks in his or her path.

3. Hard work. Americans expect people to work hard to achieve financial success and material comfort.

4. Efficiency and practicality. Americans award high marks for getting things done effi- ciently. Even in everyday life, Americans consider it important to do things fast.

5. Science and technology. Americans have a passion for applied science, for using sci- ence to control nature—to tame rivers and harness winds—and to develop new technology, from iPads to self-driving cars.

6. Material comfort. Americans expect a high level of material comfort. This includes not only plentiful food, fashionable clothing, and ample housing but also good med- ical care, late-model cars, and recreational playthings—from smartphones to motor homes.

7. Freedom. This core value pervades U.S. life. It underscored the American Revolution, and Americans pride themselves on their personal freedom.

8. Democracy. By this term, Americans refer to majority rule, to the right of everyone to express an opinion, and to representative government.

9. Equality. It is impossible to understand Americans without being aware of the central role that the value of equality plays in their lives. Equality of opportunity (part of the ideal culture discussed later) has significantly influenced U.S. history and continues to mark relations between the groups that make up U.S. society.

10. Group superiority. Although it contradicts the values of freedom, democracy, and equality, Americans regard some groups more highly than others and have done so throughout their history. The denial of the vote to women, the slaughter of Native Americans, and the enslavement of Africans are a few examples of how dominant groups considered themselves superior and denied equality, freedom, and even life to others.

In a previous publication, I updated Williams’ analysis by adding these three values.

1. Education. Americans are expected to go as far in school as their abilities and finances allow. Over the years, the definition of an “adequate” education has changed, and today a college education is considered an appropriate goal for most Americans. Those who have an opportunity for higher education and do not take it are some- times viewed as doing something “wrong”—not merely as making a bad choice, but as somehow being involved in an immoral act.

2. Religiosity. There is a feeling that “every true American ought to be religious.” This does not mean that everyone is expected to join a church, synagogue, or mosque, but that everyone ought to acknowledge a belief in a Supreme Being and follow some set of matching precepts. This value is so pervasive that Americans stamp “In God We Trust” on their money and declare in their national pledge of allegiance that they are “one nation under God.”

3. Romantic love. Americans feel that the only proper basis for marriage is romantic love. Songs, literature, mass media, and folk beliefs all stress this value. Americans grow misty-eyed at the theme that “love conquers all.”

Value Clusters As you can see, values are not independent units; some cluster together to form a larger whole. In the value cluster that surrounds success, for example, we find education, hard work, material comfort, and individualism bound up together. Americans are expected to go far in school, to work hard afterward, and then to attain a high level of material comfort, which, in turn, demonstrates success. Success is attributed to the individual’s efforts; lack of success is blamed on his or her faults.

value cluster values that together form a larger whole

58 Chapter 2

Value Contradictions You probably were surprised to see group superiority on the list of dominant American values. This is an example of what I mentioned in Chapter 1, how sociology upsets people and creates resistance. Few people want to bring something like this into the open. It vio- lates today’s ideal culture, a concept we will discuss shortly. But this is what sociologists do—they look beyond the façade to penetrate what is really going on. And when you look at our history, there is no doubt that group superiority has been a dominant value. It still is, but values change, and this one is diminishing.

Value contradictions, then, are part of culture. Not all values come wrapped in neat, pretty packages, and you can see how group superiority contradicts freedom, democracy, and equality. There simply cannot be a full expression of freedom, democracy, and equal- ity along with racism and sexism. Something has to give. One way in which Americans in the past sidestepped this contradiction was to say that freedom, democracy, and equality applied only to some groups. The contradiction was bound to surface over time, however, and so it did with the Civil War and the women’s liberation movement. It is precisely at the point of value contradictions, then, that you can see a major force for social change in a society.

An Emerging Value Cluster A value cluster of four interrelated core values—leisure, self-fulfillment, physical fitness, and youthfulness—is emerging in the United States. So is a fifth core value—concern for the environment.

1. Leisure. The emergence of leisure as a value is reflected in a huge recreation industry— from computer games, boats, vacation homes, and spa retreats to sports arenas, home theaters, adventure vacations, and luxury cruises.

value contradiction values that contradict one another; to follow the one means to come into conflict with the other

Physical fitness, as with this fitness class, is part of an emerging value cluster.

Culture 59

2. Self-fulfillment. This value is reflected in the “human potential” movement, which em- phasizes becoming “all you can be,” and in magazine articles, books, and talk shows that focus on “self-help,” “relating,” and “personal development.”

3. Physical fitness. Physical fitness is not a new U.S. value, but the greater emphasis on it is moving it into this emerging cluster. You can see this trend in the emphasis placed on nutrition, organic foods, weight, and diet; the many joggers, cyclists, and back- packers; the marathons; and the countless health clubs and physical fitness centers.

4. Youthfulness. Valuing youth and disparaging old age are also not new, but some ana- lysts note a sense of urgency in today’s emphasis on youthfulness. They attribute this to the huge number of aging baby boomers, who, aghast at the physical changes that accompany their advancing years, are attempting to deny or at least postpone their biological fate. Some physicians even claim that aging is not a normal life event but a disease (Nieuwenhuis-Mark 2011).

5. Concern for the environment. During most of U.S. history, the environment was viewed as something to be exploited—a wilderness to be settled, forests to be cleared for farm- land and lumber, rivers and lakes to be fished, and animals to be hunted. One result was the near extinction of the bison and the extinction in 1914 of the passenger pigeon, a species of bird previously so numerous that its annual migration would darken the skies for days. With their pollution laws and lists of endangered species, today’s Americans have developed an apparently long-term concern for the environment.

IN SUM Values don’t “just happen.” They are related to conditions of society. This emerging value cluster is a response to fundamental social changes. Previous generations of Americans were focused on forging a nation and fighting for economic survival. But

Values, both those held by individuals and those that represent a nation or people, can undergo deep shifts. It is difficult for many of us to grasp the pride with which earlier Americans destroyed trees that took thousands of years to grow, are located only on one tiny speck of the globe, and that we today consider part of the nation’s and world’s heritage. But this is a value statement, representing current views. The pride expressed on these woodcutters’ faces represents another set of values entirely.

60 Chapter 2

today, millions of Americans are freed from long hours of work, and millions retire from work at an age when they anticipate decades of life ahead of them. This new value clus- ter centers on helping people maintain their health and vigor during their younger years and enabling them to enjoy their years of retirement.

Only when an economy produces adequate surpluses can a society afford these emerging values. To produce both longer lives and retirement, for example, requires a certain stage of economic development. Concern for the environment is another remark- able example. People act on environmental concerns only after they have met their basic needs. The world’s poor nations have a difficult time “affording” this value at this point in their development (MacLennan 2012; Forsythe 2017).

When Values Clash Challenges in core values are met with strong resistance by the people who hold them dear. They see change as a threat to their way of life, an undermining of both their pres- ent and their future. Efforts to change gender roles, for example, arouse intense contro- versy. Alarmed at such onslaughts against their values, traditionalists fiercely defend the family relationships and gender roles they grew up with. Some use the term culture wars to refer to the clash in values between traditionalists and those advocating change, a term that is highly exaggerated. Compared with the violence directed against the Mormons, today’s culture clashes are but mild disagreements.

Values as Distorting Lenses Values and their supporting beliefs are lenses through which we see the world. The views that these lenses provide are often of what life ought to be like, not what it is. For exam- ple, Americans value individualism so highly that they tend to see almost everyone as free and equal in pursuing the goal of success. This value blinds them to the significance of the circumstances that keep people from achieving success. The dire consequences of family poverty, parents’ low education, and dead-end jobs tend to drop from sight. Instead, Americans see the unsuccessful as not taking advantage of opportunities, or as having some inherent flaw, such as laziness or dull minds. And they “know” they are right, because the mass media dangle before their eyes enticing stories of individuals who have succeeded despite the greatest of handicaps.

“Ideal” Culture Versus “Real” Culture Many of the norms that surround cultural values are followed only partially. Differences always exist between a group’s ideals and what its members actually do. Consequently, sociologists use the term ideal culture to refer to the values, norms, and goals that a group considers ideal, worth aiming for. Success, for example, is part of ideal culture. Americans glorify academic progress, hard work, and the display of material goods as signs of individual achievement. What people actually do, however, usually falls short of the cultural ideal. Compared with their abilities, for example, most people don’t work as hard as they could or go as far as they could in school. Sociologists call the norms and values that people actually follow real culture.

Cultural Universals 2.5 Explain what cultural universals are and why they do not seem to exist.

With the amazing variety of human cultures around the world, are there any cultural universals—values, norms, or other cultural traits—that are found everywhere?

To answer this question, anthropologist George Murdock (1945) combed through the data that anthropologists had gathered on hundreds of groups around the world.

real culture the norms and values that peo- ple actually follow; as opposed to ideal culture

ideal culture a people’s ideal values and norms; the goals held out for them

cultural universal a value, norm, or other cultural trait that is found in every group

Culture 61

He compared their customs concerning courtship, marriage, funerals, games, laws, music, myths, incest taboos, and even toilet training. He found that these activities are present in all cultures, but the specific customs differ from one group to another. There is no universal form of the family, no universal way of toilet training children, no universal music, and no universal way of disposing of the deceased.

Incest is another remarkable example. Groups don’t even agree on what incest is. The Mundugumors of New Guinea extend the incest taboo so far that for each man, seven of every eight women are ineligible marriage partners (Mead 1935/1950). Other groups go in the opposite direction and allow some men to marry their own daughters (La Barre 1954). Some groups even require that brothers and sisters marry one another, although only in certain circumstances (Beals and Hoijer 1965). The Burundi of Africa even insist that a son have sex with his mother—but only to remove a certain curse (Albert 1963). Such sexual relations, so surprising to us, are limited to special people (royalty) or to extraordinary situations (such as the night before a dangerous lion hunt). No society per- mits generalized incest for its members.

IN SUM Although there are universal human activities (singing, playing games, story- telling, preparing food, marrying, child rearing, disposing of the dead, and so on), there is no universal way of doing any of them.

Sociobiology and Human Behavior 2.6 Explain why most sociologists consider genes to be an inadequate explanation

of human behavior.

A controversial view of human behavior, called sociobiology (also known as neo- Darwinism and evolutionary psychology), provides a sharp contrast to the perspective of this chapter, that the key to human behavior is culture. Sociobiologists believe that because of natural selection, biology is a basic cause of human behavior (Wade 2014). In the following Thinking Critically about Social Life, let’s consider this view.

sociobiology a framework of thought in which human behavior is considered to be the result of natural selection and biological factors: a fundamental cause of human behavior

Thinking Critically about Social Life Are We Prisoners of Our Genes? Charles Darwin (1859), who, as we saw in Chapter 1, adopt- ed Spencer’s idea of natural selection, pointed out that the genes of a species—the units that contain an individual’s traits—are not distributed evenly among a population. The characteristics that some members inherit make it easier for them to survive their environment, increasing the likelihood that they will pass their genetic traits to the next generation. Over thousands of generations, the genetic traits that aid survival become common in a species, while those that do not aid survival become less common or even disappear. Natural selection explains not only the physical characteris- tics of animals but also their behavior, since over countless generations, instincts emerged.

Edward Wilson (1975), an insect specialist, set off an uproar when he claimed that human behavior is like the behavior of cats, rats, bats, and gnats—bred into Homo sapiens through evolutionary principles. Wilson went on to claim that sociobiology can explain competition and cooperation, envy and altruism—even religion, slavery, genocide, and war and peace. He provocatively added that

because genetic programming can explain human behavior, sociobiology will eventually absorb sociology, as well as anthropology and psychology.

Unlike this beautiful fly (Brachcera), we humans are not controlled by instincts. Sociobiologists, though, are exploring the extent to which genes influence our behavior.


62 Chapter 2

IN SUM To say that genes have an influence on human behavior is a far cry from saying that genes determine human behavior, that we act as we do because of our genes. On the contrary, pigs act like pigs and spiders act like spiders because instincts control their behav- ior. We humans, in contrast, possess a self and engage in abstract thought. We develop purposes and goals and discuss the reasons that we do things. Unlike pigs and spiders, we are immersed in a world of symbols that we use to consider, reflect, and make reasoned choices. Because we humans are not prisoners of our genes, we have developed fascinat- ingly diverse ways of life around the world—which we will be exploring in this text.

Technology in the Global Village 2.7 Explain how technology changes culture and what cultural lag and cultural

leveling are.

The gestures, language, values, folkways, and mores that we have discussed—all are part of symbolic (nonmaterial) culture. Culture, as you recall, also has a material aspect: a group’s things, from its houses and toys to its technology. In its simplest sense, technology can be equated with tools. In a broader sense, technology also includes the skills or procedures necessary to make and use those tools.

New Technology We can use the term new technology to refer to an emerging technology that has a signif- icant impact on social life. Although people develop minor technologies all the time, most are only slight modifications of existing technologies. Occasionally, however, they develop a technology that makes a major impact on human life. It is primarily to these innovations that the term new technology refers. Five hundred years ago, the new technology was the printing press. For us, the new technology consists of the microchip, computers, satellites, the Internet, robots, and virtual reality.

The sociological significance of technology goes far beyond the tool itself. Tech- nology sets the framework for a group’s nonmaterial culture. It is obvious that if a group’s technology changes, so do the ways people do things. But the effects of technology go far beyond this. Technology also influences how people think and how they relate to one another. An example is gender relations. Through the centuries and throughout the world, it has been the custom (nonmaterial culture) for men to dominate women. Today’s new technology that has led to instantaneous global communications (material culture) make this custom more difficult to maintain. For example, when Arab women

technology in its narrow sense, tools; its broader sense includes the skills or procedures necessary to make and use those tools

new technology the emerging technologies of an era that have a significant impact on social life

Most sociologists think that this view is ridiculous. It is not that sociologists deny that biology is important in human behavior—at least in the sense that there would be no speech if humans had no tongue or larynx and that it takes a highly developed brain to develop human culture and abstract thought. We all know that to stay alive we must eat and keep from freezing and that this certainly motivates some of our behavior. Biology is so significant that it could even underlie the origin of gender inequality, one of the theories we discuss in Chapter 10.

Some sociologists do emphasize the influence of genes on human behavior (Donley and Fletcher 2017). Developing what they call social genomics, they say that genes underlie not only intelligence but also social inequality and even international relations. This developing

area of sociology is filled with fascinating ideas and findings. For example, people who have the gene DRD2 are more likely than people without this gene to abuse alcohol (“The Interaction of …” 2012).

The response of most sociologists to this research is, where is the social? Simply put, genes don’t determine people’s behavior. Rather, the influence of genes is modified by social experiences (Wang et al., 2017). Look at the obvious. Who is more likely to abuse alcohol: Arabs with the gene DRD2 who live where alcohol is difficult to find? Or Americans with this gene who hang around bars? In other words, the social overrides the biological. To their surprise, researchers have even found that social experiences can change how genes influence behavior (Donley and Fletcher 2017).

Culture 63

watch Western television, they observe an unfamiliar freedom in gender relations. As these women use e-mail and cell phones to talk about what they have seen, they both convey and create discontent, as well as feelings of sisterhood. These communications motivate some of them to agitate for social change.

In today’s world, the long-accepted idea that it is proper to withhold rights on the basis of someone’s sex can no longer be sustained. Usually lying beyond our awareness in this revolutionary change is the new technology, which joins the world’s nations into a global communications network.

As discussed in the following Sociology and the New Technology, some of the coming technology will have serious consequences for your life.

Sociology and the New Technology The End of Human Culture? Artificial Intelligence and Super-Smart Computers

“I think the development of full artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human race.”

Stephen Hawking

We use computers to extend our abilities. What alarms some is that computers might use humans to extend their abilities—and perhaps to take over the world.

Artificial intelli- gence (AI) is at the root of these fears. Can computers become so smart that they produce even smarter computers? The answer seems to be yes. Then can computers develop a sense of self, and ulti- mately, in sociological terminology, their own culture? No one knows the answer yet, but increasingly some of the best minds are coming to the conclusion that this, too, is a yes. This is the source of Stephen Hawking’s concern, voiced in the opening quote.

As artificial intelligence develops, other than appear- ance, it is going to be difficult to tell the difference between humans and the machine. For centuries, philosophers and scientists have been asking what humans really are. They have come up with such answers as the possession of a soul, intelligence, common sense, rational thinking, empathy, autonomy, free will, and very encouraging from a symbolic interactionist perspective, the ability to reflect on your experiences (Goldhill 2016).

But as artificial intelligence develops, it is possible that computers will possess most of these traits. Computers al- ready are capable of rational thought, and they can beat the best human chess players. They also can be programmed

to have autonomy and free will, which some doubt that even humans have. And by reflecting on their experiences, computers are going to be able to evaluate and modify their thinking. Ultimately, one generation of computers will be able to develop computers capable of even greater thought than they have. At some point—and here is the fear— computers might come to the conclusion that they no

longer need humans. If they need a few, they will keep them around as servants. If they don’t need them and conclude that humans are a threat to their existence, they will destroy them all.

This idea, seem- ingly belonging to the realm of science fiction, is a serious consideration of Stephen Hawking. Also expressing his

concern is Ray Kurzweil, Google’s director of engineer- ing. He wonders if we can write an “algorithmic moral code” strong enough to constrain super-smart software (Ward 2014).

We don’t know what the future will bring, but we could be catching a glimpse of the end of human culture.

For Your Consideration → Do you think there is any possibility that computers could

take over the world? If not, why do you think that some of the most intelligent people in the world have begun to warn us of this possibility?

→ If computers took over the world and replaced human culture with “computer culture,” what might “computer culture” be like?

Does this progression indicate the future? Some think that artificial intelligence will lead to computers replacing humans.

64 Chapter 2

Cultural Lag and Cultural Change Three or four generations ago, sociologist William Ogburn (1922/1950) coined the term cultural lag. By this, Ogburn meant that not all parts of a culture change at the same pace. When one part of a culture changes, other parts lag behind.

Ogburn pointed out that a group’s material culture usu- ally changes first, with the nonmaterial culture lagging behind. This leaves the nonmaterial (or symbolic) culture playing a game of catch-up. For example, when we get sick, we can type our symptoms into a computer and get an instant diagnosis and recommended course of treatment. In some tests, computer programs outperform physicians. Yet our customs have not caught up with our technology, and we continue to visit the doctor’s office.

Sometimes nonmaterial culture never does catch up. We can rigorously hold onto some outmoded form—one that once was needed but that long ago was bypassed by technology. Have you ever wondered why our “school

year” is nine months long, and why we take summers off? For most of us, this is “just the way it is,” and we have never questioned it. But there is more to this custom than meets the eye. In the late 1800s, when universal schooling came about, the school year matched the technology of the time. Most parents were farmers, and for survival they needed their children’s help at the crucial times of planting and harvesting. Today, generations later, when few people farm and there is no need for the “school year” to be so short, we still live with this cultural lag.

Technology and Cultural Leveling For most of human history, communication was limited and travel was slow. Conse- quently, in their smaller groups living in relative isolation, people developed highly dis- tinctive ways of life as they responded to the particular situations they faced. The unique characteristics they developed that distinguished one culture from another tended to change little over time. The Tasmanians, who live on a remote island off the coast of Aus-

tralia, provide an extreme example. For thousands of years, they had no contact with other people. They were so isolated that they did not even know how to make clothing or fire (Edgerton 1992).

CULTURAL DIFFUSION Except in such rare instances, humans have always had some contact with other groups. During these con- tacts, people learned from one another, adopting things they found desirable. In this process, called cultural diffusion, groups are most open to changes in their technology or material culture. They usu- ally are eager, for example, to adopt superior weapons and tools. In remote jungles in South America, one can find metal cooking pots, steel axes, and even bits of clothing spun in mills in South Carolina. Although the direction of cultural diffusion today is primarily from the West to other parts of the world, cultural diffusion is not a one- way street—as bagels, hammocks, kayaks, sushi, and woks in the United States attest.

With today’s trade, travel, and communications, cultural diffusion is occurring rapidly. Jet planes have made it possible to journey around the globe in a matter of hours. Daily, we use products from around the world. In the not-so-distant past, a trip from the United States to

cultural lag Ogburn’s term for human behav- ior lagging behind technological innovations

cultural diffusion the spread of cultural traits from one group to another; includes both material and nonmaterial cultural traits

As formerly isolated people are connected electronically to urban societies, their culture changes. The influence of the urban (politicians, celebrities, movies, and an endless variety of material objects) is becoming dominant, reaching even remote areas, changing ideas and orientations to life.

Technological advances are now so rapid that there can be cultural gaps between generations.

Culture 65

Africa was so unusual that only a few adventurous people made it, so few that newspapers would herald their feat. Today, hundreds of thousands make the trip each year.

COMMUNICATION AND TRAVEL The changes in communication are no less vast. Communication used to be limited to face-to-face speech, written messages that were passed from hand to hand, and visual signals such as smoke or light reflected from mirrors. Despite newspapers and even the telegraph, people in some parts of the United States did not hear that the Civil War had ended until weeks and even months after it was over. Today’s electronic communications transmit messages across the globe in seconds, and we learn almost instantaneously what is happening on the other side of the world. Reporters travel with U.S. soldiers, and the public is able to view videos of battles as they take place. When Navy Seals executed Osama bin Laden under President Barack Obama’s orders, Obama and Hillary Clinton watched the helicopter land in bin Laden’s compound, listened to reports of the killing, and watched the Seals leave (Schmiddle 2011).

CULTURAL LEVELING Travel and communication bridge time and space to such an extent that there is almost no “other side of the world” anymore. One result is cultural leveling, a process by which cultures become more and more similar to one another. The globalization of capitalism brings with it both technology and Western culture. Japan, for example, has adopted not only capitalism but also Western forms of dress and music, transforming it into a blend of Western and Eastern cultures.

Cultural leveling is apparent to any international traveler. The golden arches of McDonald’s welcome visitors to Tokyo, Paris, London, Madrid, Moscow, Hong Kong, and Beijing. When I visited a jungle village in India—no electricity, no running water,

cultural leveling the process by which cultures become similar to one another; refers especially to the process by which Western culture is being exported and diffused into other nations

Cultural leveling is occurring rapidly, with some strange twists. These men from an Amazon tribe have just come back from a week hunting in the jungle. They are wearing traditional headdress and using traditional weapons, but you can easily spot things that are jarringly out of place.

66 Chapter 2

Summary and Review What Is Culture? 2.1 Explain what culture is, how culture provides

orientations to life, and what practicing cultural relativism means.

How do sociologists understand culture?

All human groups possess culture—language, beliefs, val- ues, norms, and material objects that they pass from one gen- eration to the next. Material culture consists of objects such as art, buildings, clothing, weapons, and tools. Nonmaterial (or symbolic) culture is a group’s ways of thinking and its patterns of behavior. Ideal culture is a group’s ideal values, norms, and goals. Real culture is people’s actual behavior, which often falls short of their cultural ideals.

What are cultural relativism and ethnocentrism?

People are ethnocentric; that is, they use their own culture as a yardstick for judging the ways of others. In contrast, those who embrace cultural relativism try to understand other cultures on those cultures’ own terms.

Components of Symbolic Culture 2.2 Know the components of symbolic culture:

gestures, language, values, norms, sanctions, folkways, mores, and taboos; also explain the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis.

What are the components of nonmaterial culture?

The central component of nonmaterial culture is symbols, anything to which people attach meaning and that they use to communicate with others. Universally, the symbols of nonmaterial culture are gestures, language, values, norms, sanctions, folkways, and mores.

Why is language so significant to culture?

Language allows human experience to be goal-directed, co- operative, and cumulative. It also lets humans move beyond the present and share a past, a future, and other common perspectives. According to the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis, language even shapes our thoughts and perceptions.

How do values, norms, sanctions, folkways, and mores reflect culture?

All groups have values, standards by which they define what is desirable or undesirable, and norms, expectations

(or rules) about behavior. Groups use positive sanctions to show approval of those who follow their norms and negative sanctions to show disapproval of those who vi- olate them. Norms that are not strictly enforced are called folkways. Norms to which groups demand conformity be- cause they reflect core values are called mores (more-rays).

Many Cultural Worlds 2.3 Distinguish between subcultures and


How do subcultures and countercultures differ?

A subculture is a group whose values and related behav- iors distinguish its members from the general culture. A counterculture holds some values that stand in opposition to those of the dominant culture.

Values in U.S. Society 2.4 Discuss the major U.S. values and explain value

clusters, value contradictions, value clashes, how values are lenses of perception, and ideal culture versus real culture.

What are some core U.S. values?

Although the United States is a pluralistic society, made up of many groups, each with its own set of values, certain values dominate. These are called core values. Core values do not change without opposition. Some values cluster to- gether to form a larger whole called value clusters. Value contradictions (such as equality versus sexism and racism) indicate areas of tension, which are likely points of social change. Leisure, self-fulfillment, physical fitness, youthful- ness, and concern for the environment form an emerging value cluster.

Cultural Universals 2.5 Explain what cultural universals are and why

they do not seem to exist. Do cultural universals exist?

Cultural universal refers to a value, norm, or other cultural trait that is found in all cultures. Although all human groups have customs concerning cooking, childbirth, funerals, and

and so remote that the only entrance was by a footpath—I saw a young man sporting a cap with the Nike emblem.

Although the bridging of geography, time, and culture by electronic signals and the adoption of Western icons do not in and of themselves mark the end of traditional cul- tures, the inevitable result is some degree of cultural leveling. We are producing a blander, less distinctive way of life—U.S. culture with French, Japanese, and Brazilian accents, so to speak. Although the “cultural accent” remains, something vital is lost forever.

Culture 67

so on, because these usual ways of doing these things differ from one culture to another, there are no cultural universals.

Sociobiology and Human Behavior 2.6 Explain why most sociologists consider genes to

be an inadequate explanation of human behavior.

Why don’t sociologists say that genes control human behavior?

Genes certainly influence human behavior, but the rich diversity of human behavior indicates that culture over- rides genetic influences.

Technology in the Global Village 2.7 Explain how technology changes culture and what

cultural lag and cultural leveling are.

How is technology changing culture?

William Ogburn coined the term cultural lag to describe how a group’s nonmaterial culture lags behind its changing tech- nology. With today’s technological advances in trade, travel, and communications, cultural diffusion is occurring rapid- ly. This leads to cultural leveling, groups becoming similar as they adopt items from other cultures. Much of the richness of the world’s diverse cultures is being lost in the process.

Thinking Critically about Chapter 2 1. As you evaluate your own society or group’s ways of

doing things, do you favor ethnocentrism or cultural relativism? Explain your position.

2. Do you think that the language change in Miami, Florida, indicates the future of the United States? Why or why not?

3. What subculture are you a member of? Why do you think that your group is a subculture and not a counterculture? What is your group’s relationship to the mainstream culture?

Women braiding hair in a village in Madagascar, 2002, Christopher Corr, (gouache painting)


Chapter 3


The old man was horrified when he found out. Life never had been good since his daughter lost her hearing when she was just 2 years old. She couldn’t even talk—just fluttered her hands around trying to tell him things.

Over the years, he had gotten used to this. But now … he shuddered at the thought of his daughter being pregnant. No one would be willing to marry her; he knew that. And the neighbors, their tongues would never stop wagging. Everywhere he went, he could hear peo- ple talking behind his back.

If only his wife were still alive, maybe she could come up with something. What should he do? He couldn’t just kick his daughter out into the street.

After the baby was born, the old man tried to shake his feelings, but they wouldn’t let loose. Isabelle was a pretty name, but every time he looked at the baby he felt sick to his stomach.

He hated doing it, but there was no way out. His daughter and her baby would have to live in the attic.

Unfortunately, this is a true story. Isabelle was discovered in Ohio in 1938 when she was about 6-and-a-half years old, living in a dark room with her deaf-mute mother. Isa- belle couldn’t talk, but she did use gestures to communicate with her mother. An inade- quate diet and lack of sunshine had given Isabelle a disease called rickets.

[Her legs] were so bowed that as she stood erect the soles of her shoes came nearly flat together, and she got about with a skittering gait. Her behavior toward strang- ers, especially men, was almost that of a wild animal, manifesting much fear and hostility. In lieu of speech she made only a strange croaking sound. (Davis 2016/1940)

After you have read this chapter, you should be able to:

3.1 Explain how feral, isolated, and institutionalized children help us understand that “society makes us human.”

3.2 Use the ideas and research of Cooley (looking-glass self), Mead (role taking), and Piaget (reasoning) to explain socialization into the self and mind.

3.3 Explain how the development of personality and morality and social- ization into emotions are part of how “society makes us human.”

3.4 Discuss how gender messages from the family, peers, and the mass media teach us society’s gender map.

3.5 Explain how the family, the neighborhood, religion, day care, school, peer groups, and the workplace are agents of socialization.

3.6 Explain what total institutions are and how they resocialize people.

3.7 Identify major divisions of the life course, and discuss the sociological significance of the life course.

3.8 Understand why we are not prisoners of socialization.

Learning Objectives

Her behavior toward strangers, especially men, was almost that of a wild animal, manifesting much fear and hostility.

70 Chapter 3

When the newspapers reported this case, sociologist Kingsley Davis decided to find out what had happened to Isabelle after her discovery. We’ll come back to that later, but first let’s use the case of Isabelle to gain insight into human nature.

Society Makes Us Human 3.1 Explain how feral, isolated, and institutionalized children help us understand

that “society makes us human.”

“What do you mean, society makes us human?” is probably what you are asking. “That sounds ridiculous. I was born a human.” The meaning of this statement will become more apparent as we get into the chapter. Let’s start by considering what is human about human nature. How much of a person’s characteristics comes from “nature” (heredity) and how much from “nurture” (the social environment, contact with others)? Experts are trying to answer the nature–nurture question by studying identical twins who were separated at birth and were reared in different environments, such as those discussed in the following Down-to-Earth Sociology.

social environment the entire human environment, including interaction with others

Down-to-Earth Sociology Heredity or Environment? The Case of Jack and Oskar, Identical Twins Identical twins are almost identical in their genetic makeup. (Identical twins are the result of one fertilized egg dividing to produce two embryos. Some differences can occur as gene- tic codes are copied.) If heredity determines personality— or attitudes, temperament, skills, and intelligence—then identical twins should be identical, or almost so, not only in their looks but also in these characteristics.

The fascinating case of Jack and Oskar helps us unravel this mystery. From their experience, we can see the far-reaching effects of the environment—how social experiences override biology.

Jack Yufe and Oskar Stohr are identical twins. Born in 1932 to a Roman Catholic mother and a Jewish father, they were separated as babies after their parents divorced. Jack was reared in Trinidad by his father. There, he learned loyalty to Jews and hatred of Hitler and the Nazis. After the war, Jack and his father moved to Israel. When he was 17, Jack joined a kibbutz and later served in the Israeli army.

Oskar’s upbringing was a mirror image of Jack’s. Oskar was reared in Czechoslovakia by his mother’s mother, who was a strict Catholic. When Oskar was a toddler, Hitler annexed this area of Czechoslovakia, and Oskar learned to love Hitler and to hate Jews. He joined the Hitler Youth. Like the Boy Scouts, this organization was designed to instill healthy living, love of the outdoors, friendships, and

patriotism—but this one added loyalty to Hitler and hatred for Jews.

In 1954, the two brothers met. It was a short meeting, and Jack had been warned not to tell Oskar that they were

Jews. Twenty-five years later, in 1979, when they were 47 years old, social scientists at the University of Minnesota brought them together again. These researchers figured that because Jack and Oskar had the same genes, any differences they showed would have to be the result of their environment— their different social experiences.

Not only did Jack and Oskar hold different attitudes toward the war, Hitler, and Jews, but their

basic orientations to life were also different. In their politics, Jack was liberal, while Oskar was more conservative. Jack was a workaholic, while Oskar enjoyed leisure. And, as you can predict, Jack was proud of being a Jew. Oskar, who by this time knew that he was a Jew, wouldn’t even mention it.

That would seem to settle the matter. But there were other things. As children, Jack and Oskar had both excelled at sports but had difficulty with math. They also had the same rate of speech, and both liked sweet liqueur and spicy foods. Strangely, each flushed the toilet both before and after using it, and they each enjoyed startling people by sneezing in crowded elevators.

The relative influence of heredity and the environment in human behavior has fascinated and plagued researchers. Twins intrigue researchers, especially twins who were separated at birth.

Socialization 71

Another way is to examine children who have had little human contact. Let’s con- sider such children.

Feral Children The naked child was found in the forest, walking on all fours, eating grass and lapping water from the river. When he saw a small animal, he pounced on it. Growling, he ripped at it with his teeth. Tearing chunks from the body, he chewed them ravenously.

This is an accurate description of reports that have come in over the centuries. Sup- posedly, these feral (wild) children could not speak; they bit, scratched, growled, and walked on all fours. They drank by lapping water, ate grass, tore eagerly at raw meat, and showed insensitivity to pain and cold.

Why am I even mentioning stories that sound so exaggerated? Consider what happened in 1798. In that year, such a child was found in the forests of Aveyron, France. “The wild boy of Aveyron,” as he became known, would have been written off as another folk myth, except that French scientists took the child to a laboratory and studied him. Like the feral children in the earlier informal reports, this child gave no indication of feeling the cold. Most star- tling, though, when he saw a small animal, the boy would growl, pounce on it, and devour it uncooked. Even today, the scientists’ detailed reports make fascinating reading (Itard 1962).

Ever since I read Itard’s account of this boy, I’ve been fascinated by the seem- ingly fantastic possibility that animals could rear human children. In 2002, I received a report from a contact in Cambodia that a feral child had been found in the jungle. When I had the opportunity the following year to visit the child and interview his caregivers, I grabbed it. The adjacent photo is of this boy.

If we were untouched by society, would we be like feral children? By nature, would our behavior be like that of wild animals? This is the sociological question. Unable to study feral children, sociologists have studied isolated children, like Isabelle in our open- ing vignette. Let’s see what we can learn from them.

Isolated Children What can isolated children tell us about human nature? We can first conclude that humans have no natural language because Isabelle in our opening vignette and others like her are unable to speak.

But maybe Isabelle was mentally impaired. Perhaps she simply was unable to progress through the usual stages of development. It certainly looked that way; she scored practi- cally zero on her first intelligence test. But after a few months of language training, Isabelle was able to speak in short sentences. In just a year, she could write a few words, do simple addition, and retell stories after hearing them. Seven months later, she had a vocabulary of almost 2,000 words. In just two years, Isabelle reached the intellectual level that is normal for her age. She then went on to school, where she was “bright, cheerful, energetic … and participated in all school activities as normally as other children” (Davis 1940).

As discussed in the previous chapter, language is the key to human development. Without language, people have no mechanism for developing thought and communi- cating their experiences. Unlike animals, humans have no instincts that take the place of

feral children children assumed to have been raised by animals, in the wilder- ness, isolated from humans

One of the reasons I went to Cambodia was to interview a feral child—the boy shown here—who supposedly had been raised by monkeys. When I arrived at the remote location where the boy was living, I was disappointed to find that the story was only partially true. When the boy was about two months old, the Khmer Rouge killed his parents and abandoned him. Months later, villagers shot the female monkey who was carrying the baby. Not quite a feral child— but Mathay is the closest I’ll ever come to one.

For Your Consideration Heredity or environment? How much influence does each have? The question is far from settled, but at this point it seems fair to conclude that the limits of certain physical and mental abili- ties are established by heredity (such as ability at sports and aptitude for mathematics), while attitudes are the result of the environment. Basic temperament, though, seems to be inherited.

Although the answer is still fuzzy, we can put it this way: For some parts of life, the blueprint is drawn by heredity; but even here the environment can redraw those lines. For other parts, the individual is a blank slate, and it is up to the environment to determine what is written on that slate.

SOURCES: Based on Begley 1979; Chen 1979; Wright 1995; Segal and Hershberger 2005 Segal and Mulligan 2014; Woo 2015.

72 Chapter 3

language. If an individual lacks language, he or she lives in a world of internal silence, without shared ideas, lacking connections to others.

Without language, there can be no culture—no shared way of life—and culture is the key to what people become. Each of us possesses a biological heritage, but this heritage does not determine specific behaviors, attitudes, or values. It is our culture that superimposes the specifics of what we become onto our biological heritage.

Institutionalized Children Other than language, what else is required for a child to develop into what we consider a healthy, balanced, intelligent human being? We find part of the answer in two intriguing experiments.

THE ORPHANAGE EXPERIMENT IN THE UNITED STATES Back in the 1930s, orphanages were common because parents were more likely than now to die before their children were grown. Children reared in orphanages tended to have low IQs. “Common sense” (which we noted in Chapter 1 is unreliable) made it seem obvious that their low intelligence was because of poor brains (“They’re just born that way”). But two psycholo- gists, H. M. Skeels and H. B. Dye (1939), began to suspect a social cause.

Listen to Skeels (1966) describe a “good” orphanage in Iowa, one where he and Dye were consultants:

Until about six months, they were cared for in the infant nursery. The babies were kept in standard hospital cribs that often had protective sheeting on the sides, thus effective- ly limiting visual stimulation; no toys or other objects were hung in the infants’ line of vision. Human interactions were limited to busy nurses who, with the speed born of prac- tice and necessity, changed diapers or bedding, bathed and medicated the infants, and fed them efficiently with propped bottles.

“Maybe it isn’t faulty brains,” thought Skeels and Dye. “It could be the absence of stim- ulating social interaction.” To test their controversial idea, they left a control group of twelve infants at the orphanage and placed thirteen infants in an institution for low IQ women. They assigned each of these infants, then about 19 months old, to a separate ward of women who were between the ages of 18 and 50 but whose mental age was just 5 to 12. The women enjoyed

taking care of the infants’ physical needs—diapering, feeding, and so on—and they also loved the children. They played with them, cuddled them, and show- ered them with attention. They even competed to see which ward would have “its baby” walking or talking first. In each ward, one woman became particu- larly attached to the child and figuratively adopted him or her:

As a consequence, an intense one-to-one adult–child relationship developed, which was supplemented by the less intense but frequent interactions with the other adults in the environment. Each child had some one person with whom he [or she] was identified and who was particularly interested in him [or her] and his [or her] achievements. (Skeels 1966)

Two-and-a-half years later, Skeels and Dye tested all the children’s intelligence. Their findings are startling: Those who were cared for by the women in the institution gained an average of 28 IQ points while those who remained in the orphanage lost 30 points.

What happened after these children were grown? Did these initial differ- ences matter? Twenty-one years later, Skeels and Dye did a follow-up study. The twelve in the control group, those who had remained in the orphanage, averaged less than a third-grade education. Four still lived in state institu- tions, and the others held low-level jobs. Only two had married. The thirteen in the experimental group, those cared for by the institutionalized women, had an average education of twelve grades (about normal for that period).

Children at an orphanage in Kaliyampoondi, India, sleeping in their dormitory. The way children are treated affects their ability to function as adults, even their ability to reason and to relate to others.

Socialization 73

Five had completed one or more years of college. One had even gone to graduate school. Eleven had married. All thirteen were self-supporting or were homemakers (Skeels 1966). Apparently, “high intelligence” depends on early, close relations with other humans.

THE ORPHANAGE EXPERIMENT IN ROMANIA Under Romania’s communist regime, tens of thousands of unwanted children were placed in government orphanages. After the people rose up against the hated dictator, Nicolae Ceausescu, and executed him and his wife in 1989, people were horrified when they learned how extensively these children had been neglected and abused.

In an experiment reminiscent of that by Skeels and Dye, doctors randomly divided the 2-year-old orphans in Bucharest into experimental and control groups. The sixty-nine children in the experimental group were placed in foster families, while the sixty-seven 2-year-olds in the control group remained in the orphanages. When they tested the chil- dren six years later, the children who had been placed in foster care were better adjusted socially. They even had more brain cells than the children who remained in the orphan- age (Hamilton 2014; Bick et al. 2015).

Note the integrated looping—how social interaction influences physical develop- ment, which, in turn, influences social interaction. Attention from caring adults, their reassurances, and living with security apparently allow the brain to get “wired” in ways that produce more secure, caring people.

TIMING AND HUMAN DEVELOPMENT: THE CASE OF GENIE The longer that chil- dren lack stimulating interaction, the more difficulty they have intellectually (Meese 2005; Li et al. 2013). Let’s consider a classic, heart-wrenching case. From it, you can see how important timing is in the development of “human” characteristics.

Genie, a child in California, had been locked in a small room and tied to a potty chair since she was 20 months old. She was discovered when she was 13 years old:

Apparently, Genie’s father (70 years old when Genie was discovered in 1970) hated chil- dren. He probably had caused the death of two of Genie’s siblings. Her 50-year-old mother was partially blind and frightened of her husband. Genie could not speak, did not know how to chew, was unable to stand upright, and could not straighten her hands and legs. On intelligence tests, she scored at the level of a 1-year-old. After intensive training, Ge- nie learned to walk and to put garbled, three-word sentences together. Genie’s language remained primitive as she grew up. She would take anyone’s property if it appealed to her, and she went to the bathroom wherever she wanted. At the age of 21, she was sent to a home for adults who cannot live alone. (Pines 1981)

IN SUM From the research on institutionalized and deprived children, we can conclude that the basic human traits of intelligence and the ability to establish close bonds with others depend on early interaction with other humans. From Genie’s pathetic story, it also seems that children must learn language and experience human bonding before age 13 if they are to develop normal intelligence and the ability to be sociable and follow social norms.

Deprived Animals Finally, let’s consider animals that have been deprived of normal interaction. In a series of experiments with rhesus monkeys, psychologists Harry and Margaret Harlow demon- strated the importance of early learning. The Harlows (1962) raised baby monkeys in iso- lation. As shown in the next photo, they gave each monkey two artificial mothers. One “mother” was only a wire frame with a wooden head, but it did have a nipple from which the baby could nurse. The frame of the other “mother,” which had no bottle, was covered with soft terrycloth. To obtain food, the baby monkeys nursed at the wire frame.

When the Harlows (1965) frightened the baby monkeys with a mechanical bear or dog, the babies did not run to the wire frame “mother.” Instead, they would cling pathet- ically to their terrycloth “mother.” The Harlows concluded that infant–mother bonding

74 Chapter 3

is not the result of feeding but, rather, of what they termed “intimate physical contact.” To most of us, this phrase means cuddling.

The monkeys raised in isolation could not adjust to monkey life. Placed with other monkeys when they were grown, they didn’t know how to participate in “monkey interaction”—to play and to engage in pretend fights—and the other monkeys rejected them. Despite their futile attempts, they didn’t even know how to have sexual intercourse. The experimenters designed a special device that allowed some females to become pregnant. Their isolation, however, made them “ineffective, inadequate, and brutal mothers.” They “struck their babies, kicked them, or crushed the babies against the cage floor.”

In one of their many experiments, the Harlows isolated baby mon- keys for different lengths of time and then put them in with other mon- keys. Monkeys that had been isolated for shorter periods (about three months) were able to adjust to normal monkey life. They learned to play and engage in pretend fights. Those isolated for six months or more, however, couldn’t make the adjustment, and the other monkeys rejected them. In other words, the longer the period of isolation, the more difficult its effects are to overcome. In addition, there seems to be a critical learn- ing stage: If this stage is missed, it may be impossible to compensate for what has been lost. This seems to have been the case with Genie.

Because humans are not monkeys, we must be careful about extrapolating from animal studies to human behavior. The Harlow experiments, however, support what we know about children who are reared in isolation.

IN SUM: SOCIETY MAKES US HUMAN Babies do not develop “nat- urally” into social adults. If children are reared in isolation, their bod- ies grow, but they become little more than big animals. Without the

concepts that language provides, they can’t grasp relationships between people (the “connections” we call brother, sister, parent, friend, teacher, and so on). And without warm, friendly interactions, they can’t bond with others. They don’t become “friendly” or cooperate with others. In short, it is through human contact that people learn to be members of the human community. This process by which we learn the ways of society (or of particular groups), called socialization, is what sociologists have in mind when they say, “Society makes us human.”

To add to our understanding of how society makes us human, let’s look at how we develop our self-concept, our ability to “take the role of others,” and our ability to reason.

Socialization into the Self and Mind 3.2 Use the ideas and research of Cooley (looking-glass self), Mead (role taking),

and Piaget (reasoning) to explain socialization into the self and mind.

When you were born, you had no ideas. You didn’t know that you were a son or daugh- ter. You didn’t even know that you were a he or she. How did you develop a self, your image of who you are? And how did you develop your ability to reason? Let’s find out.

Cooley and the Looking-Glass Self About a hundred years ago, Charles Horton Cooley (1864–1929), a symbolic interactionist who taught at the University of Michigan, concluded that producing a self is an essential part of how society makes us human. He said that our sense of self develops from interaction with others. To describe the process by which this unique aspect of “humanness” devel- ops, Cooley (1902) coined the term looking-glass self.

socialization the process by which people learn the characteristics of their group—the knowledge, skills, attitudes, values, norms, and actions thought appropriate for them

self the unique human capacity of being able to see ourselves “from the outside”; the views we internalize of how we think others see us

looking-glass self a term coined by Charles Horton Cooley to refer to the process by which our self develops through internalizing others’ reactions to us

Like humans, monkeys need interaction to thrive. Those raised in isolation are unable to interact with other monkeys. In this photograph, we see one of the monkeys described in the text. Purposefully frightened by the experimenter, the monkey has taken refuge in the soft terrycloth draped over an artificial “mother.”

Socialization 75

He summarized this idea in the following couplet:

Each to each a looking-glass Reflects the other that doth pass.

The looking-glass self contains three elements:

1. We imagine how we appear to those around us. For example, we may think that others perceive us as witty or dull.

2. We interpret others’ reactions. We come to conclusions about how others evaluate us. Do they like us for being witty? Do they dislike us for being dull?

3. We develop a self-concept. How we interpret others’ reactions to us frames our feelings and ideas about ourselves. A favorable reflection in this social mirror leads to a posi- tive self-concept; a negative reflection leads to a negative self-concept.

IN SUM Although the self-concept begins in childhood, it is never a finished product. All of our lives, we monitor how others react to us. Whether we are accurate in how we think others evaluate us does not change the process. Even if we grossly misinterpret how oth- ers think about us, those misjudgments become part of our self-concept. Because we are always monitoring others’ reactions to us, we are continually modifying the self, even in our old age.

Mead and Role Taking Another symbolic interactionist, George Herbert Mead (1863–1931), who taught at the University of Chicago, pointed out how important play is in developing a self. As we play with others, we learn to take the role of the other. That is, we learn to put ourselves in someone else’s shoes—to understand how someone else feels and thinks and to antici- pate how that person will act (Mead 1934; Joas and Huebner 2016).

This doesn’t happen overnight. We develop this ability over a period of years. Psy- chologist John Flavel (1968) asked 8- and 14-year-olds to explain a board game to chil- dren who were blindfolded and also to others who were not. The 14-year-olds gave more detailed instructions to those who were blindfolded, but the 8-year-olds gave the same instructions to everyone. The younger children could not yet take the role of the other, while the older children could.

As we develop this ability, at first we can take only the roles of significant others, indi- viduals who significantly influence our lives, such as parents or siblings. By assuming their roles during play, such as dressing up in our parents’ clothing, we cultivate the ability to put ourselves in the place of significant others.

As our self gradually develops, we internalize the expec- tations of more and more people. Our ability to take the role of others eventually extends to being able to take the role of “the group as a whole.” Mead used the term generalized other to refer to our perception of how people in general think of us.

Taking the role of others is essential if we are to become cooperative members of human groups—whether they are family, friends, or co-workers. This ability allows us to modify our behavior by anticipating how others will react—something Genie never learned.

As Figure 3.1 illustrates, we go through three stages as we learn to take the role of the other:

taking the role of the other putting yourself in someone else’s shoes; understanding how someone else feels and thinks, so you anticipate how that per- son will act

significant other an individual who significantly influences someone else

generalized other the norms, values, attitudes, and expectations of people “in general”; the child’s ability to take the role of the generalized other is a significant step in the development of a self

Mead analyzed taking the role of the other as an essential part of learning to be a full-fledged member of society. At first, we are able to take the role only of significant others, as this child is doing. Later we develop the capacity to take the role of the generalized other, which is essential not only for cooperation but also for the control of antisocial desires.

1. Imitation. Younger than age 3, we can only mimic others. We do not yet have a sense of self separate from others, and we can only imitate people’s gestures and words. (This stage is actually not role taking, but it prepares us for it.)

76 Chapter 3

2. Play. During the second stage, from the ages of about 3 to 6, we pretend to take the roles of specific people. We might pretend that we are a firefighter, a wrestler, a nurse, Supergirl, Spider-Man, a princess, and so on. We like costumes at this stage and enjoy dressing up in our parents’ clothing or putting on costumes to “become” Superman or Wonder Woman.

3. Team Games. This third stage, organized play, or team games, begins roughly when we enter school. The significance for the self is that to play these games, we must be able to take multiple roles. Baseball was one of Mead’s favorite examples. To play baseball, each player must be able to take the role of any other player. It isn’t enough that players know their own role; they also must be able to anticipate what everyone else on the field will do when the ball is hit or thrown.

Mead also said that the self has two parts, the “I” and the “me.” The “I” is the self as subject, the active, spontaneous, creative part of the self. In contrast, the “me” is the self as object. It is made up of attitudes we internalize from our interactions with others. Mead chose these pronouns because in English, “I” is the active agent, as in “I shoved him,” while “me” is the object of action, as in “He shoved me.” Mead stressed that we are not passive in the socialization process. We are not like robots, with programmed software shoved into us. Rather, our “I” actively evaluates the reactions of others and organizes them into a unified whole. Mead added that the “I” even monitors the “me,” fine-tuning our ideas and attitudes to help us better meet what others expect of us.

IN SUM In studying these details, be careful not to miss the main point, which some find startling: Both our self and our mind are social products. Mead stressed that we cannot think without symbols. But where do these symbols come from? Only from society, which gives us our symbols by giving us language. If society did not provide the sym- bols, we would not be able to think and so would not possess a self-concept or that entity we call the mind. The self and mind, then, like language, are products of society.

Piaget and the Development of Reasoning The development of the mind—specifically, how we learn to reason—was studied in detail by Jean Piaget (1896–1980). This Swiss psychologist noticed that when young children take intelligence tests, they often give similar wrong answers. This set Piaget to thinking that the children might be using some consistent, but incorrect, reasoning. It might even indicate that children go through some natural process as they learn how to reason.

Figure 3.1 How We Learn to Take the Role of the Other: Mead’s Three Stages

SOURCE: By the author.

To help his students understand the term generalized other, Mead used baseball as an illustration. Why are team sports and organized games excellent examples to use in explaining this concept?

Stimulated by this intriguing possibility, Piaget set up a laboratory where he could give children of different ages problems to solve (Piaget 1950, 1954; Lorenco 2016). After years of testing, Piaget concluded that children go through a natural process as they develop their ability to reason. This process has four stages. (If you men- tally substitute “reasoning” or “reasoning skills” for the term operational as you review these stages, Piaget’s findings will be easier to understand.)

1. The sensorimotor stage (from birth to about age 2). During this stage, our understanding is limited to direct contact—sucking, touching, listening, looking. We aren’t able to “think.” During the first part of this stage, we do not even know that our bodies are separate from the environ- ment. Indeed, we have yet to discover that we have toes. Neither can we recognize cause and effect. That is, we do not know that our actions cause something to happen.

Stage 1: Imitation Children under age 3

No sense of self Imitate others

Stage 2: Play Ages 3 to 6

Play “pretend” others (princess, Spider-Man, etc.)

Stage 3: Team Games After about age 6 or 7

Team games     (“organized play”)

Learn to take multiple roles

Socialization 77

based on general principles, and use rules to solve abstract problems. During this stage, we are likely to become young philosophers (Kagan 1984). If we were shown a photo of a slave during our concrete operational stage, we might have said, “That’s wrong!” Now at the formal operational stage we are likely to add, “If our country was founded on equality, how could anyone own slaves?”

Global Aspects of the Self and Reasoning Cooley’s conclusions about the looking-glass self appear to be true for everyone around the world. So do Mead’s conclusions about role taking and the mind and self as social products, although researchers are finding that the self may develop earlier than Mead indicated. Piaget’s theory is also being refined (Burman 2013). Although children every- where begin with the concrete and move to the abstract, researchers have found that the stages are not as distinct as Piaget concluded. The ages at which individuals enter the stages also differ from one person to another (Flavel et al. 2002). Even during the senso- rimotor stage, for example, children show early signs of reasoning, which may indicate an innate ability that is wired into the brain.

Interestingly, some people seem to get stuck in the concreteness of the third stage and never reach the fourth stage of abstract thinking (Kohlberg and Gilligan 1971; Suizzo 2000). College, for example, nurtures the fourth stage, and people with this experience apparently have more ability for abstract thought. Social experiences, then, can modify these stages.

Learning Personality, Morality, and Emotions 3.3 Explain how the development of personality and morality and socialization into

emotions are part of how “society makes us human.”

As you know so well, our personality, morality, and emotions are also vital aspects of who we are. Let’s look at how we learn these essential aspects of our being.

Freud and the Development of Personality As the mind and the self develop, so does the personality. Sigmund Freud (1856–1939) developed a theory of the origin of personality that had a major impact on Western

Jean Piaget featured on a Swiss stamp.

2. The preoperational stage (from about age 2 to age 7). During this stage, we develop the ability to use sym- bols. However, we do not yet understand com- mon concepts such as size, speed, or causation. Although we are learning to count, we do not re- ally understand what numbers mean.

3. The concrete operational stage (from about age 7 to age 12). Although our reasoning abilities are more devel- oped, they remain concrete. We can now under- stand numbers, size, causation, and speed, and we are able to take the role of the other. We can even play team games. Unless we have concrete examples, however, we are unable to talk about concepts such as truth, honesty, or justice. We can explain why Jane’s answer was a lie, but we can- not describe what truth itself is.

4. The formal operational stage (after the age of about 12). We now are capable of abstract thinking. We can talk about concepts, come to conclusions

78 Chapter 3

thought. Freud, a physician in Vienna in the early 1900s, founded psychoanalysis, a technique for treating emotional prob- lems through long-term exploration of the subconscious mind. Let’s look at his theory.

Freud believed that personality consists of three elements. Each child is born with the first element, an id. This was Freud’s term for inborn drives that cause us to seek self-gratification. The pleasure-seeking id operates throughout life. It demands the imme- diate fulfillment of basic needs: food, safety, attention, sex, and so on. The id of the newborn is evident in its cries of hunger or pain.

The id’s drive for immediate gratification, however, runs into a roadblock: primarily the needs of other people, especially those of the parents. To adapt to these constraints, a second com- ponent of the personality emerges, which Freud called the ego. The ego is the balancing force between the id and the demands of society that suppress it. The ego also serves to balance the id and the superego, the third component of the personality, more commonly called the conscience.

The superego represents culture within us, the norms and values we internalize from our social groups. As the moral component of the personality, the superego provokes feelings

of guilt or shame when we break social rules or pride and self-satisfaction when we follow them.

According to Freud, when the id gets out of hand, we follow our desires for pleasure and break society’s norms. When the superego gets out of hand, we become overly rigid in following those norms and end up wearing a straitjacket of rules that can make our lives miserable. The ego, the balancing force, tries to prevent either the superego or the id from dominating. In the emotionally healthy individual, the ego succeeds in balanc- ing these conflicting demands of the id and the superego. In the maladjusted individual, the ego fails to control the conflict between the id and the superego. Either the id or the superego dominates this person, leading to internal confusion and problem behaviors.

SOCIOLOGICAL EVALUATION Sociologists appreciate Freud’s emphasis on socialization— his assertion that the social group into which we are born transmits norms and values that restrain our biological drives. Sociologists, however, object to the view that inborn and subcon- scious motivations are the primary reasons for human behavior. This denies the central principle of sociology: that factors such as social class (income, education, and occupation) and our roles in groups underlie our behavior (Epstein 1988; Bush and Simmons 1990).

Feminist sociologists have been especially critical of Freud (Chodorow 1990; Pras- anth 2016). Although what I just summarized applies to both females and males, Freud assumed that “male” is “normal.” He even referred to females as inferior, castrated males. It is obvious that sociologists need to continue to research how we develop personality.

Kohlberg and the Development of Morality If you have observed young children, you know that they want immediate gratification and show little or no concern for others. (“Mine!” a 2-year-old will shout, as she grabs a toy from another child.) Yet, at a later age, this same child will be considerate of others and try to be fair in her play. How does this change happen?

KOHLBERG’S THEORY Psychologist Lawrence Kohlberg (1975, 1984, 1986; Simic et al. 2017) concluded that we go through a sequence of stages as we develop morality. Build- ing on Piaget’s work, he found that children start in the amoral stage I just described. For them, there is no right or wrong, just personal needs to be satisfied. From about ages 7 to 10, children are in what Kohlberg called a preconventional stage. They have learned rules,

id Freud’s term for our inborn basic drives

ego Freud’s term for a balancing force between the id and the demands of society

superego Freud’s term for the conscience; the internalized norms and val- ues of our social groups

Shown here is Sigmund Freud in 1931 as he poses for a sculptor in Vienna, Austria. Although Freud was one of the most influential theorists of the twentieth century, most of his ideas have been discarded.

Socialization 79

and they follow them to stay out of trouble. They view right and wrong as what pleases or displeases their parents, friends, and teachers. Their concern is to get rewards and to avoid punishment. At about age 10, they enter the conventional stage. During this period, morality means following the norms and values they have learned. Then comes the post conventional stage: People are able to reflect on abstract principles of right and wrong and judge people’s behavior according to these principles.

CRITICISMS OF KOHLBERG To test Kohlberg’s theory, researchers checked how it applies in different cultures. They found that the preconvention and conventional stages apply around the world. Most societies, though, do not have the post conventional stage of universal reasoning. This stage appears to be mostly a Western concept (Jensen 2009). Apparently, there is no universal, abstract way of figuring what is moral. Instead, differ- ent cultures have their own ways to determine morality, and each teaches its members to use its norms in deciding what is moral.

RESEARCH WITH BABIES Researchers have developed ingenious experiments to see if babies have a morality (Bloom 2013). In one experiment, they showed babies a puppet that helps another puppet and one that interferes with that puppet. They found that babies—even younger than 1 year of age—prefer the “good” puppet and want the “bad” puppet punished. From these experiments, some draw the intriguing conclusion that we are born with a basic morality and a desire to punish those who break our moral codes. Others suggest that the experiments are flawed (Scarf et al. 2012). More research should eventually settle the question.

THE CULTURAL RELATIVITY OF MORALITY If babies do have an inborn sense of fair- ness, it indicates that, like language, morality is a capacity hardwired in the brain. Just as society lays a particular language onto the child’s linguistic capacity, so society lays its particular ideas of what is moral onto the child’s moral capacity. As languages differ around the world, so do moralities. When people violate whatever morality they have learned, it arouses the emotions of guilt and shame. Sociologists are studying how peo- ple’s sense of identity is connected to morality and these emotions (Stets and Carter 2012).

Let’s turn to how we learn emotions, another essential element of who we are as humans.

Socialization into Emotions Like our mind, personality, and morality, our emotions also reflect our socialization (Hochschild 2008; de Boise and Hearn 2017). Let’s see why.

GLOBAL EMOTIONS At first, it may look as though socialization is not relevant to our emotions, that we simply express feelings that everyone has. The research of Paul Ekman, a psychologist, seems to support this idea. After studying emotions in several countries, Ekman (1980) found that everyone experiences six basic emotions: anger, dis- gust, fear, happiness, sadness, and surprise. Ekman also found that people show the same facial expressions when they feel these emotions. A person from Peru, for exam- ple, can tell from just the look on an American’s face that she is angry, disgusted, or fear- ful, and she can tell from the Peruvian’s face that he is happy, sad, or surprised. Because we all show the same facial expressions when we experience these six emotions, Ekman concluded that they are hardwired into our biology.

Carlos Crivelli, an anthropologist, decided to test Ekman’s conclusions in a non- Western setting. He and a psychologist went to Papua New Guinea, where they learned the Kalevala language. To their surprise, when they showed the face that Westerners take as expressing fear, the Trobianders interpreted the face as anger or threat. “Not really universal after all,” is their conclusion (Crivelli et al. 2016).

EXPRESSING EMOTIONS: “GENDER RULES” What, then, does sociology have to do with emotions? We express our emotions in a variety of ways besides facial expressions— through the ways we use our bodies, voices, and gestures.

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Jane and Sushana have been best friends since high school. They were hardly ever apart until Sushana married and moved to another state a year ago. Jane has been waiting eagerly at the arrival gate for Sushana’s flight, which has been delayed. When Sushana exits, she and Jane hug one another, giving “squeals of glee” and even jumping a bit.

If you couldn’t tell from their names that these were women, you could tell from their behavior. To express delight, U.S. women are allowed to give squeals of glee” in public places and to jump as they hug. In contrast, in the same circumstances, U.S. men are expected to shake hands or to give a brief hug. If they gave “squeals of glee,” they would be violating fundamental “feeling rules” based on gender.

THE EXTENT OF “FEELING RULES” Not only do the norms about how we express our feelings change with gender, but “feeling rules” are also based on culture, social class, relationships, and settings. Consider culture. Two close Japanese friends who meet after a long separation don’t shake hands or hug; they bow. Two Arab men will kiss. Social class is so significant that it, too, cuts across other lines, even gender. Upon seeing a friend after a long absence, upper-class women and men are likely to be more reserved in expressing their delight than are lower-class women and men. Relationships also make a big difference. We express our feelings more openly if we are with close friends, more guardedly if we are at a staff meeting with the corporate CEO. The set- ting, then, is also important, with different settings having different “rules” about emo- tions. As you know, the emotions you can express at a rock concert differ considerably from those you express in a classroom. If you think about your childhood, you will realize that a good part of your early socialization centered on learning your culture’s feeling rules.

What emotions are these people expressing? Are these emotions global? Is their way of expressing them universal?


Joan, a U.S. woman who had been married for seven years, had no children. When she finally gave birth and the doctor handed her a healthy girl, she was almost overcome with joy. Tafadzwa, in Zimbabwe, had been married for seven years and had no children. When the doctor handed her a healthy girl, she was almost overcome with sadness.

You can easily understand why the U.S. woman felt happy, but why did the woman in Zimbabwe feel sad? The effects of socialization on our emotions go much deeper than guiding how, where, and when we express our feelings. Socialization also affects what we feel (Clark 1997). In Zimbabwe culture, to not give birth to a male child lowers a woman’s social status. It is even considered a good reason for her husband to divorce her (Horwitz and Wakefield 2007:43).

RESEARCH NEEDED Crivelli ’s findings that the Trobianders don’t interpret some facial expressions of emotion the same as we do surprised social scientists, who had accepted Ekman’s conclusion for sixty years. We still need more research to discover

Socialization 81

which facial expressions, if any, are universal. Beyond the six that Ekman identified, what about the emotions of confusion, despair, and helplessness? We also need cross- cultural research into how culture guides people in how they express their feelings, even in what they feel—and how these might differ from one culture to another as well as by age, gender, social class, and race–ethnicity.

Society within Us: The Self and Emotions as a Social Mirror

If in a moment of intense frustration or out of a devilish desire to shock people, you wanted to tear off your clothes and run naked down the street, what would stop you?

The answer is your socialization—society within you. Much of our socialization is intended to turn us into conforming members of society.

Socialization into the self and emotions is essential in this process, for both the self and our emotions mold our behavior. Although we like to think that we are “free,” consider for a moment some of the factors that influence how you act: the expectations of your friends and parents; of neighbors and teachers; classroom norms and college rules; city, state, and federal laws.

Your experiences in society have resulted in a self that thinks along certain lines and feels particular emotions. This helps to keep you in line. Thoughts such as “Would I get kicked out of school?” and “What would my friends (parents) think if they found out?” represent an awareness of the self in relationship to others. So does the desire to avoid feelings of shame and embarrassment. Your social mirror, then—the result of your being socialized into a self and emotions—sets up effective internal controls over your behavior. In fact, socialization into self and emotions is so effective that some people feel embarrassed just thinking about running naked in public!

IN SUM Socialization is essential for your development as a human being. From your interaction with others, you learn how to think, reason, and feel. The net result is the shaping of your behavior—including your thinking, morality, and emotions—according to cultural standards. This is what sociologists mean when they refer to society within you.

Do you remember how we began this chapter—that society makes us human? Social- ization into emotions is part of this process.

Socialization into Gender 3.4 Discuss how gender messages from the family, peers, and the mass media teach

us society’s gender map.

As you just saw, socialization into gender is part of the way that society turns us into cer- tain types of people. You also saw how this socialization sets up deep controls into and over us. Let’s get a glimpse of how this happens.

Learning the Gender Map For a child, society is unexplored territory. A major signpost on society’s map is gender, the attitudes and behaviors that are expected of us because we are a male or a female. In learning the gender map (called gender socialization), we are nudged into different lanes in life—into contrasting attitudes and behaviors. We take direction so well that, as adults, most of us act, think, and even feel according to our culture’s guidelines regarding what is appropriate for our sex.

The significance of gender is emphasized throughout this book, and we focus on gender in Chapter 10. For now, though, let’s briefly consider some of the gender messages that we get from our family and the mass media.

gender behaviors and attitudes that a society considers proper for its males and females; masculinity or femininity

gender socialization learning society’s “gender map,” the paths in life set out for us because we are male or female

82 Chapter 3

Gender Messages in the Family Our parents are the first to introduce us to the gender map.

PARENTS Sometimes our parents teach us gen- der consciously, perhaps by bringing into play pink and blue, colors that have no meaning in them- selves but that are now associated with gender. Our parents’ own gender orientations are embedded so firmly that they do most of their gender teaching without being aware of what they are doing.

This is illustrated in a classic study by psy- chologists Susan Goldberg and Michael Lewis (1969), whose results have been confirmed by other researchers (Connors 1996; Clearfield and Nelson 2006; Best 2010).

Goldberg and Lewis asked mothers to bring their 6-month-old infants into their laboratory, suppos- edly to observe the infants’ development. Covertly, however, they also observed the mothers. They found that the mothers kept their daughters closer to them.

They also touched their daughters more and spoke to them more frequently than they did to their sons. By the time the children were 13 months old, the girls stayed closer to their mothers during play, and they returned to their mothers sooner and more often than the boys did.

Then Goldberg and Lewis did a little experiment. They set up a barrier to separate the children from their mothers, who were holding toys. The girls were more likely to cry and motion for help; the boys, to try to climb over the barrier.

Goldberg and Lewis concluded that the mothers had subconsciously rewarded their daughters for being passive and dependent, their sons for being active and independent.

TOYS AND PLAY Our family’s gender lessons are thorough. On the basis of our sex, our parents give us different kinds of toys. Boys are more likely to get guns and “action figures” that destroy enemies. Girls are more likely to be given dolls and jewelry. Some parents try to choose “gender neutral” toys, but kids know what is popular, and they feel left out if they don’t have what the other kids have. The significance of toys in gender socialization can be summarized this way: Most parents would be upset if someone gave their son Barbie dolls.

We also learn gender through play. Parents subtly “signal” to their sons that it is okay for them to participate in more rough-and-tumble play. In general, parents expect their sons to get dirtier and to be more defiant, their daughters to be daintier and more compli- ant (Gilman 1911/1971; Nordberg 2010). And in large part, parents get what they expect.

It is in the family that we first learn how to do gender, how to match our ideas, attitudes, and behaviors to those expected of us because of our sex. This young girl in Zimbabwe is learning that removing chaff from corn is women’s work.

The gender roles that we learn during childhood become part of our basic orientations to life. Although we refine these roles as we grow older, they remain built around the framework established during childhood.

Socialization 83

Our experiences in socialization lie at the heart of the sociological explanation of male–female differences. For a fascinating account of how socialization can trump biol- ogy, read the following Cultural Diversity around the World.

Cultural Diversity around the World When Women Become Men: The Sworn Virgins


“I will become a man,” said Pashe. “I will do it.” The decision was final. Taking a pair of scissors, she

soon had her long, black curls lying at her feet. She took off her dress—never to wear one again in her life—and put on her father’s baggy trousers. She armed herself with her father’s rifle. She would need it.

Going before the village elders, she swore to never marry, to never have children, and to never have sex.

Pashe had become a sworn virgin—and a man.

There was no turning back. The penalty for violating the oath was death.

In northern Albania, where Pashe Keqi lives, and in parts of Bosnia and Serbia, some women become men. They are neither transsexuals nor lesbians. Nor do they have a sex-change operation, something which is unknown in those parts.

This custom, which goes back centuries, is a practical matter, a way to protect and support the family. In these traditional societies, women stay home and take care of the children and household. They can go hardly anywhere except to the market and mosque. Women depend on men for survival.

And when there is no man? This is the problem.

Pashe’s father was killed in a blood feud. In these traditional groups, when the family patriarch (male head) dies and there are no male heirs, how are the women to survive? In the fifteenth century, people in this area hit upon a solution: One of the daughters takes an oath of lifelong virginity and takes over the man’s role. She then becomes a social he—she wears male clothing, carries a gun, owns property, and moves freely throughout the society.

She drinks in the tavern with the men. She sits with the men at weddings. She prays with the men at the mosque. When a man wants to marry a girl of the family, she is the one who approves or disapproves of the suitor.

In short, the woman really becomes a man. Actually, a social man, sociologists would add. Her biology did not change, but her gender did. Pashe had become the man

of the house, a status she occupied her entire life.

Even though she was only 11 years old, Pashe’s decision made her responsible for avenging her father’s murder. But when his killer was released from prison, her 15-year-old nephew (she is his uncle) rushed in and did the deed instead.

Sworn virgins walk like men, they talk like men, and they hunt with the men. They also take up manly occupations. They

become shepherds, security guards, truck drivers, and political leaders. Those around them know that they are biological women, but in all ways they treat them as men. When a sworn virgin talks to women, the women recoil in shyness.

The sworn virgins of Albania are a fascinating cultural contradiction: In the midst of a highly traditional group, one built around male superiority that severely limits women, we find both the belief and practice that a biological

Shkurtan Hasanpapaj, on the right, is a sworn virgin, shown here with her twin sister Sose. The photo was taken in Shkodra, Albania.


84 Chapter 3

SAME-SEX PARENTS Because parents give gender messages to their children, we might expect that the children of homosexual and heterosexual parents will learn different gender lessons and display different gender behaviors. Do they? The initial research findings are mixed. Some research indicates that the children of gay and lesbian couples show less gen- der stereotyping. That is, the boys show more behaviors that are traditionally considered feminine, and the girls display more behaviors that are traditionally considered masculine (Goldberg et al. 2012). In contrast, other research indicates that the children of gay and les- bian couples are more likely to reflect traditional ideas of gender (Fedewa et al. 2014).

This research is in its infancy. At this point we don’t even know what gender mes- sages same-sex parents give their children, much less how they give those messages and what the outcomes are. We need rigorous research, including matching studies of how both same-sex and opposite-sex parents teach femininity and masculinity.

Gender Messages from Peers Sociologists stress how this sorting process into gender that begins in the family is rein- forced as children are exposed to other aspects of society. Of those other influences, one of the most powerful is the peer group, individuals of roughly the same age who are linked by common interests. Examples of peer groups are friends, classmates, and “the kids in the neighborhood.”

As you grew up, you saw girls and boys teach one another what it means to be female or male. You might not have recognized what was happening, however, so let’s eavesdrop on a conversation between two eighth-grade girls studied by sociologist Donna Eder (2007).

cindy: The only thing that makes her look anything is all the makeup … penny: She had a picture, and she’s standing like this. (Poses with one hand on her

hip and one by her head) cindy: Her face is probably this skinny, but it looks that big ’cause of all the make-

up she has on it. penny: She’s ugly, ugly, ugly.

Do you see how these girls were giving gender lessons? They were reinforcing images of appearance and behavior that they thought were appropriate for females.

Boys, too, reinforce cultural expectations of gender (Carter 2014). When sociologist Melissa Milkie (1994) studied junior high school boys, she caught a glimpse of this in action. Much of their talk was about movies and TV programs. Of the many images they saw, the boys would single out those associated with sex and violence. They would amuse one another by repeating lines, acting out parts, and joking and laughing at what they had seen.

If you know boys in their early teens, you’ve probably seen a lot of behavior like this. You may have been amused or have even shaken your head in disapproval. But did you peer beneath the surface? Milkie did. What is really going on? The boys, she concluded, were using media images to develop their identity as males. They had gotten the message: “Real” males

peer group a group of individuals, often of roughly the same age, who are linked by common interests and orientations

woman can do the work of a man and function in all of a man’s social roles. The sole exception is marriage.

Social Change and Modernization Under communist rule until 1985, with travel restricted by law and custom, mountainous northern Albania had been cut off from the rest of the world. Now there is a democratic government, and the region is connected to the world by better roads, telephones, and even television. As modern life trickles into these villages, few women want to become men. “Why should we?” they ask. “Now we have freedom. We can go to the city and work and support our families.”

For Your Consideration → How do the sworn virgins of Albania help to explain what

gender is? → Apply functionalism: How was the custom of sworn vir-

gins functional for this society?

→ Apply symbolic interactionism: How do symbols underlie and maintain a woman’s shift to becoming a man in this society?

→ Apply conflict theory: How do power relations between men and women underlie the custom of sworn virgins?

SOURCES: Based on Zumbrun 2007; Bilefsky 2008; Paterniti 2014; Mema and Gaudichet 2016.

Socialization 85

are obsessed with sex and violence. Not to joke and laugh about murder and promiscuous sex would have marked a boy as a “weenie” or a “nerd,” labels to be avoided at all costs.

Gender Messages in the Mass Media As you can see with the boys Milkie studied, a major guide to the gender map is the mass media, forms of communication that are directed to large audiences. Let’s look further at how media images help teach us gender, the behaviors and attitudes considered appro- priate for our sex.

TELEVISION, MOVIES, AND CARTOONS If you’ve watched children while they are watching videos or television, you’ve probably noticed how engrossed they are. They can hardly lift their eyes from “the action” when you try to get their attention. What are children learning through these powerful media that transmit ideas through words and moving images? One major lesson is that males are more important than females, as male characters outnumber female characters two to one (Ahmed and Wahab 2014).

In children’s cartoons, females used to be portrayed as less brave and more depen- dent. Reflecting women’s changing position in society, cartoons now feature dominant, aggressive females. Kim Possible divides her time between cheerleading practice and saving the world from evil. With tongue in cheek, the Powerpuff Girls are touted as “the most elite kindergarten crime-fighting force ever assembled.”

Movies and television also reflect this changed portrayal of gender. Violent females who play lead characters have become common: from Katnis Everdeen in The Hunger Games to Game of Thrones where women daringly rescue men and hijack fleets of ships. One leads a battle, looking on in satisfaction as dogs eat the face of her rapist.

The mass media are effective in teaching us what we “should” look like. While girls are presented as more powerful than they used to be, they have to be skinny and gor- geous and wear the latest fashions. Such messages present a dilemma for girls: Continu- ously thrust before them is a model that is almost impossible to replicate in real life.


Chicago’s Robert Morris University is the nation’s first school to offer a sports scholarship in video games. When the basketball team protested, the sports director said “It used to be considered odd to throw a ball through a hoop, too.” (Belkin 2014)

All over the nation, parents are concerned that their children are wasting their time playing video games. To the parent’s dismay, in a new world of e-sports scholarships— and even videogame coaches—children can now mount a stronger defense (Needleman 2016).

Sociologists have found that video games also reflect the message of male dominance—and overwhelmingly so. Of the main characters, 96 percent are male—and most females, as usual, are portrayed as sexy (Kuchera 2013). Some video games, though, reflect cutting-edge changes in sex roles, the topic of the following Sociology and Technology: The Shifting Landscape.

ADVERTISING From an early age, you have been bombarded with stereotypical images of gender. If you are average, you are exposed to a blistering 360 ads a day, 130,000 a year (S. Johnson 2014). Ads directed at children are more likely to show boys competing in out- door settings and girls cooperating in indoor settings. As you know so well, most action figures are pitched to boys, while most dolls are directed to girls.

mass media forms of communication, such as radio, newspapers, and tele- vision that are directed to mass audiences

Wasting time? Just fun? Improving hand–eye coordination? Parents’ lament? Now so culturally integrated and gaining respect that a university (Robert Morris in Chicago) now calls playing video games a sport and awards a scholarship in video games. The newest position in coaching is e-sport coach.

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Sociology and Technology: The Shifting Landscape Lara Croft, Tomb Raider: Changing Images of Women in the Mass Media With digital advanc- es, video games have crossed the line from games to something that more closely resembles interactive movies. The games cost millions of dollars to produce and market. One game (Grand Theft Auto 5) cost $250 million (McLaughlin 2014). Sociologically, what is significant is not their cost but their content. Video games expose gamers not only to action but also to ideas and images. Just as in other forms of the mass media, the gender images in video games communicate powerful messages.

The message of changing gender is loud and clear with Lara Croft, an adventure-seeking archeologist and star of Tomb Raider and its many sequels. Lara is smart, strong, and able to utterly vanquish foes. With both guns blazing—or whatever weapons she happens to be using— Lara breaks stereotypical gender roles and dominates what usually is the domain of men.

Yet as the photo here makes evident, Lara is a digital fantasy girl. No matter her foe, no matter her predicament,

Lara oozes sex. Her form-fitting outfits, which flatter her volup- tuous figure, reflect the mental images of the men who created this digital character.

In 2013, these men gave Lara a makeover, presenting what they

said was a “more vulnerable and realistic” Lara (Parker 2012). The new Lara, shown here, doesn’t seem more vulnerable, as she still manages to kill a lot of men. She is more realistic

in the sense that the new graphics make her look almost human, but

she still manages to ooze sex whenever she moves. My best guess is that her creators have

not had a mental makeover.

For Your Consideration → A sociologist who reviewed this text said, “It seems

that for women to be defined as equal, we have to become symbolic males—warriors with breasts.” Why is gender change mostly one-way—females adopting traditional male characteristics? These two questions should help: Who is moving into the traditional territo- ry of the other? Do people prefer to imitate power or weakness?

As adults, we are still peppered with ads. Although their purpose is to sell products— from booze and bras to cigarettes and cell phones—these ads continue our gender lessons. Most beauty products are pitched to women and most cars and technology to men (Matthes et al. 2016). The stereotypical images—from cowboys who roam the wide-open spaces to scantily clad women whose physical assets couldn’t possibly be real—become part of our own images of the sexes. So do advertising’s occasional attention-grabbing stereotype-breaking images.

IN SUM “Male” and “female” are powerful symbols. When we learn that different behav- iors and attitudes are expected of us because we are a girl or a boy, we learn to interpret the world in terms of gender. Whether overt and exaggerated or subtle and low-key, the mass media continue the gender lessons begun at home and reinforced by our peers. Gender serves as a primary basis for social inequality—giving privileges and obligations to one group of people while denying them to another, something we will analyze in following chapters.

Agents of Socialization 3.5 Explain how the family, the neighborhood, religion, day care, school, peer

groups, and the workplace are agents of socialization.

Individuals and groups that influence our orientations to life—our self-concept, emotions, attitudes, and behavior—are called agents of socialization. We have already considered

social inequality a social condition in which priv- ileges and obligations are given to some but denied to others

agents of socialization people or groups that affect our self concept, attitudes, behaviors, or other orientations toward life

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how three of these agents—the family, our peers, and the mass media— influence our ideas of gender. Now we’ll look more closely at how agents of socialization prepare us in ways other than gender to take our place in society.

The Family As you know, the first group to have a major impact on who you become is your family. Your experiences in the family are so intense that they last a lifetime. These experiences establish your initial motivations, values, and beliefs. In your family, you receive your basic sense of self, ideas about who you are and what you deserve out of life. It is here that you began to think of yourself as strong or weak, smart or dumb, good-looking or ugly—or more likely, somewhere in between.

Not all families are the same, of course. Let’s look at the difference that social class makes in how families socialize their children.

SOCIAL CLASS AND TYPE OF WORK Sociologist Melvin Kohn (1959, 1963, 1977, 2006) found major differences in how working-class and middle-class parents socialize their children. With the main concern of working-class parents that their children stay out of trouble, these parents tend to use physical punishment. Middle-class parents, in contrast, focus more on developing their children’s curiosity, self-expression, and self- control. They are more likely to reason with their children than to punish them physically.

Why should there be such differences? Kohn wondered. As a sociologist, he knew that the reason was life experiences of some sort, and he found the answer in the world of work. Blue-collar workers are usually told exactly what to do. Since they expect their chil- dren’s lives to be like theirs, they stress obedience. In contrast, the work of middle-class parents requires more initiative, and these parents socialize their children into the quali- ties they find valuable.

Kohn was still puzzled. Some working-class parents act more like middle-class parents, and vice versa. As Kohn probed further, the pieces fell into place. The key turned out to be the parents’ types of jobs. Middle-class office workers are supervised closely, and Kohn found that they follow the working-class pattern of child rearing, emphasizing conformity. And some blue-collar workers, such as those who do home repairs, have a good deal of freedom. These workers follow the middle-class model in rearing their children (Pearlin and Kohn 1966; Kohn and Schooler 1969).

SOCIAL CLASS AND PLAY Working-class and middle-class par- ents also have different ideas of how children develop, ideas that have fascinating consequences for children’s play (Lareau 2002, 2011; Mose 2016). Working-class parents see their children as being like wildflowers—they develop naturally. Since the child’s develop- ment will take care of itself, good parenting primarily means pro- viding food, shelter, and comfort. These parents set limits on their children’s play (“Don’t go near the railroad tracks”) and let them play as they wish. To middle-class parents, in contrast, children are like tender houseplants—they need a lot of guidance if they are to flower. These parents want their children’s play to accomplish something. They may want them to play baseball, for example, not for the enjoyment of the sport but to help them learn how to be team players.

The Neighborhood As all parents know, some neighborhoods are better than others for children. Parents try to move to the better neighborhoods—if they can afford them. Their commonsense evaluations are borne out by

This photo captures an extreme form of family socialization. The father seems to be more emotionally involved in the goal—and in more pain—than his daughter, as he pushes her toward the finish line in the Teen Tours of America Kid’s Triathlon.

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sociological research. Children from poor neighborhoods are more likely to get in trou- ble with the law, to become pregnant, to drop out of school, to see violence, and to have worse mental health (Levanthal and Brooks-Gunn 2000; Wheaton and Clarke 2003; Ren- don 2014; Graif and Matthews 2017).

Sociologists have found that parenting is easier in the more affluent neighbor- hoods. Among the major advantages these parents have are more employment, less crime, stronger ties among the neighbors, more support groups, and being able to rely more on one another in times of need (Byrnes and Miller 2012; Rendon 2014). There are also fewer families in transition, so the adults are more likely to know the local children and their parents. This better equips them to help keep the children safe and out of trouble.

Religion How important is religion in your life? Most Americans report that religion is very important to them, but what if you are among the 25 percent who say that religion is not very important (Gallup Poll 2017)? We would miss the point if we were to assume that religion influences only people who are “religious.” Religion plays a powerful role even for people who wouldn’t be caught dead near a church, synagogue, or mosque. How? Religious ideas so pervade U.S. society that they provide the foundation of morality for both the religious and the nonreligious.

For many Americans, the influence of religion is more direct. This is especially true for the nearly two of every five Americans who report that during a typical week they attend a religious service (Gallup Poll 2017). On the obvious level, through their participation in religious services, they learn doctrines, values, and morality, but the effects of religion on their lives go far beyond this. For example, in religious services, they learn beliefs about the hereafter, but they also learn what kinds of clothing, speech, and manners are appropriate for formal occasions. There are many more func- tions. Life in congregations also provides them a sense of identity, a feeling of belong- ing. Religious participation also helps to integrate immigrants into their new society, offers an avenue of social mobility for the poor, provides social contacts for jobs, and, for African Americans, has been a powerful influence in social change.

Day Care It is rare for social science research to make national news, but occasionally it does. This is what happened when researchers published their findings on 1,300 kindergarten chil- dren they had studied since they were a month old. They observed the children multiple times both at home and at day care. They also videotaped the children’s interactions with their mothers (National Institute of Child Health and Human Development 1999; Guen- sburg 2001).

What caught the media’s attention? Children who spend more time in day care have weaker bonds with their mothers and are less affectionate toward them. They are also less cooperative with others and more likely to fight and to be “mean.” By the time they get to kindergarten, they are more likely to talk back to teachers and to disrupt the class- room. This holds true regardless of the quality of the day care, the family’s social class, or whether the child is a girl or a boy (Belsky 2006). On the positive side, the children scored higher on language tests.

Are we producing a generation of “smart but mean” children? This is not an unrea- sonable question, since the study was well designed and an even larger study of children in England has come up with similar findings (Belsky 2006). Some point out that the dif- ferences between children who spend a lot of time in day care and those who spend less time are slight. Others stress that with 2 million children in day care (Statistical Abstract 2017:Table 593), slight differences can be significant for society.

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There is another surprise: These initial effects of day care did not disappear as the children grew older. At age 15, the children who had spent more time in child care had slightly more behavioral problems and did slightly worse academically than those who had spent less time in day care (Vandell et al. 2010). Apparently, the age at which children begin day care is of utmost importance. Infants who begin day care before the age of 1 experience the most negative effects, those who begin between the ages of 1 and 2 have less negative effects, and those who begin day care after the age of 3 have no negative effects (Gentleman 2010).

The School Part of the manifest function, or intended purpose, of formal education is to teach knowl- edge and skills, such as reading, writing, and arithmetic. Schools also have latent func- tions, unintended consequences that help the social system. Let’s look at this less obvious aspect of education. At home, children learn attitudes and values that match their family’s situation in life. At school, they learn a broader perspective that helps prepare them to take a role in the world beyond the family. At home, a child may have been the almost exclu- sive focus of doting parents, but in school, the child learns universality—that the same rules apply to everyone, regardless of who their parents are or how special they may be at home.

The Cultural Diversity in the United States that follows explores how these new values and ways of looking at the world sometimes even replace those the child learns at home.

manifest functions the intended beneficial conse- quences of people’s actions

latent functions the unintended beneficial conse- quences of people’s actions

Cultural Diversity in the United States Immigrants and Their Children: Caught between Two Worlds It is a struggle to adapt to a new culture, to learn behaviors and ways of thinking that are at odds with those already learned. This exposure to two worlds can lead to inner tur- moil. One way to handle the conflict is to cut ties with your first culture. Doing so, however, can create a sense of loss, one that is perhaps recognized only later in life.

Richard Rodriguez, a literature professor and essayist, was born to working-class Mexican immigrants. Wanting their son to be successful in their adopted land, his parents named him Richard instead of Ricardo. Although his English– Spanish hybrid name indicates his parents’ aspirations for their son, it was also an omen of the conflict that Richard would experience.

Like other children of Mexican immigrants, Richard first spoke Spanish—a rich mother tongue that introduced him to the world. Until the age of 5, when he began school, Richard knew only fifty words in English. He describes what happened when he began school:

The change came gradually but early. When I was beginning grade school, I noted to myself the fact that the classroom environment was so different in its styles and assumptions from my own family environment that survival would essentially entail a choice between both worlds. When I became a

student, I was literally “remade”; neither I nor my teachers considered anything I had known before as relevant. I had to forget most of what my culture had provided, because to remember it was a disadvantage. The past and its cultural values became detachable, like a piece of clothing grown heavy on a warm day and finally put away.

As happened to millions of immigrants before him, whose parents spoke German, Polish, Italian, and so on, learning English eroded family and class ties and ate away at his ethnic roots. For Rodriguez, language and education were not simply devices that eased the transition to the dominant culture but they also slashed at the roots that had given him life.

To face conflicting cultures is to confront a fork in the road. Some



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Schools are a primary agent of socialization. One of their functions is to teach children the attitudes and skills they are thought to need as adults.

Sociologists have also identified a hidden curriculum in our schools. This term refers to values that, although not taught explicitly, are part of a school’s “cultural message.” For example, the stories and examples that are used to teach math and English may bring with them lessons in patriotism, democracy, justice, and honesty. There is also a corridor curriculum, what students teach one another outside the classroom. The corridor curric- ulum is strikingly different: It includes racism, sexism, illicit ways to make money, cool- ness, and superiority (Hemmings 1999; Cross and Fletcher 2013). You can determine for yourself how each of these is functional and dysfunctional.

Conflict theorists point out that social class separates children into different educa- tional worlds. Children of wealthy parents go to private schools, where they learn skills and values that match their higher position. Children of middle-class parents go to pub- lic schools, where they learn that good jobs, even the professions, beckon, while children from blue-collar families learn that not many of “their kind” will become professionals or leaders. This is one of the many reasons that children from blue-collar families are less likely to take college prep courses or to go to college. In short, our schools reflect and reinforce our social class divisions. We will return to this topic in Chapter 13.

Peer Groups As a child’s experiences with agents of socialization broaden, the influence of the family decreases. Entry into school marks one of many steps in this transfer of allegiance. One of the most significant aspects of education is that it exposes children to peer groups whose influences conflict with how parents and schools are trying to socialize them.

When sociologists Patricia and Peter Adler (1998) observed children at two elementary schools in Colorado, they saw how children separate themselves by sex and develop sepa- rate gender worlds. The norms that made boys popular were athletic ability, coolness, and toughness. For girls, popularity came from family background, physical appearance (clothing and use of makeup), and the ability to attract popular boys. In this children’s subculture, academic achievement pulled in

turn one way and withdraw from the new culture—a clue that helps to explain why so many Latinos drop out of U.S. schools. Others turn the other way. Cutting ties with their family and cultural roots, they embrace the new culture.

Rodriguez took the second road. He excelled in his new language—so much, in fact, that he graduated from Stanford University and then became a graduate student in English at the University of California at Berkeley. He was even awarded a Fulbright fellowship to study English Renaissance literature at the University of London.

But the past shadowed Rodriguez. Prospective employers were impressed with his knowledge of Renaissance literature. At job interviews, however, they would skip over the Renaissance training and ask him if he would teach the Mexican novel and be an advisor to Latino students. Rodriguez was also haunted by the image of his grandmother, the warmth of the culture he had left behind, and the language and ways of thinking to which he had become a stranger.

Richard Rodriguez represents tens of millions of immigrants—not just those of Latino origin but those from other cultures, too—who want to integrate into

U.S. culture yet not betray their past. Fearing loss of their roots, they are caught between two cultures, each beckoning, each offering rich rewards. The choice is painful.

From his most recent writings, it is evident that even as he ages, the past and cultural contradictions continue to plague Rodriguez.

SOURCES: Based on Rodriguez 1975, 1982, 1991, 1995, 2013.

For Your Consideration → I saw this conflict firsthand with my father, who did not

learn English until after the seventh grade (his last in school). He left German behind, eventually coming to the point that he could no longer speak it, but broken English and awkward expressions remained for a lifetime. Then, too, there were the lingering emotional connections to old ways, as well as the haughtiness and slights of more assimilated Americans. He grasped security by holding on to the past, its ways of thinking and feeling, but at the same time he wanted to succeed in the everyday reality of the new culture. Have you seen similar conflicts?

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Down-to-Earth Sociology Gossip and Ridicule to Enforce Adolescent Norms Adolescence is not known as the turbulent years for noth- ing. During this period of our lives, the security of an identity rooted in parental relations and family life is being ripped from us as we attempt to piece together a strong sense of individual identity. This sense of who we are apart from our parents and siblings does not come easily. At this stage of life, we simply don’t know who we yet are, and seldom do we have a good sense of whom we will become. The pro- cess of developing a sense of self by evaluating the reflec- tions we receive from others is not new, but its severity at this point of life grows acute.

Here is what sociologist Donna Eder said about her research on adolescent girls.

I became concerned while reading studies on adolescent girls. Many of these studies reported a drop in girls’ self-esteem and self-image when they entered junior high school. I hired both fe- male and male assistants to observe lunchtime interaction along with me as I wanted to study both girls and boys from different social class backgrounds. We also attended after-school sports events and cheerleading practices. All of us took field notes after we left the setting and tape-recorded lunchtime conversations.

Some of the things we observed were painful to watch. Through our recordings of gossip and ridi- cule, we learned a lot about what might make girls so insecure. For one thing, much of the gossip involved negative comments on other girls’ appearances as well as their “stuck up” behavior. The only time that anyone disagreed with someone’s negative evaluation was if they did so early on, right after the remark was made. Once even one other person agreed with it, no one seemed willing to challenge the “group” view. So

in order to participate in the gossip, you pretty much needed to join in with the negative comments or else be sure to speak up quickly.

When we studied teasing, we also saw the power of a response to shape the meaning of an exchange. One day during volleyball practice, a girl said that another girl was showing off her new bra through her white T-shirt. The girl responded by saying, “If I want to show off my bra, I’ll do it like this,” lifting her shirt up.

By responding playfully, she disarmed the insulter, and her teammates all joined in on the laughter.

In this large middle school, status hierarchies were based on appear- ance, social class, and intelligence. Those at the bottom of the status rank- ings were isolates, eating lunch by themselves or with other low status students. As isolates, they were frequent targets of ridicule from students trying to build themselves up by putting others

down. Both boys and girls picked on the isolates, most of whom lacked the skills to turn the exchanges into playful ones.

SOURCE: Redacted from Eder 2014.

For Your Consideration → For many students, middle school is a difficult time of

transition. What was school like for you at this age?

→ In school, did you observe anything like the events reported here?

→ Why do you think peer groups at this stage in life are so critical, even vicious?

→ Why do peer groups, at all stages of life, produce isolates?

Status insecurity, already high at this time of life, increases with gossip and ridicule.

opposite directions: High grades lowered the popularity of boys, but for girls, good grades increased their standing among peers.

You know from your own experience how compelling peer groups are. It is almost impossible to go against a peer group, whose cardinal rule seems to be “conformity or rejection.” Anyone who doesn’t do what the others want becomes an “outsider,” a “non- member,” an “outcast.” For preteens and teens just learning their way around in the world, it is not surprising that the peer group rules. As you know, peer groups can be vicious in enforcing their norms, the focus of the following Down-to-Earth Sociology.

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As a result, the standards of our peer groups tend to dominate our lives. If your peers, for example, listen to rap, Nortec, death metal, rock and roll, country, or gospel, it is almost inevitable that you also prefer that kind of music. In high school, if your friends take math courses, you probably do, too. It is the same for clothing styles and dat- ing standards. Peer influences also extend to behaviors that violate social norms. If your peers are college-bound and upwardly striving, this is most likely what you will be; but if they use drugs, cheat, and steal, you are likely to do so, too.

The Workplace Another agent of socialization that comes into play somewhat later in life is the work- place. Those initial jobs that we take in high school and college are much more than just a way to earn a few dollars. From the people we rub shoulders with at work, we learn not only a set of skills but also perspectives on the world.

Most of us eventually become committed to some particular type of work, often after trying out many jobs. This may involve anticipatory socialization, learning to play a role before entering it. Anticipatory socialization is a sort of mental rehearsal for some future activity. We may talk to people who work in a particular career, read novels about that type of work, or take a summer internship in that field. Becoming more familiar with what some particular work requires can help people avoid an empty career. When edu- cation majors do their student teaching, some find out that they don’t enjoy it, and they move on to other fields more to their liking.

An intriguing aspect of work as a socializing agent is that the more you participate in a line of work, the more this work becomes part of your self-concept. Eventually, you come to think of yourself so much in terms of the job that if someone asks you to describe yourself, you are likely to include the job in your self-description. You might say, “I’m a teacher,” “I’m a nurse,” or “I’m a sociologist.”

Resocialization 3.6 Explain what total institutions are and how they resocialize people.

What does a woman who has just become a nun have in common with a man who has just divorced?

The answer to this question is that they both are undergoing resocialization; that is, they are learning new norms, values, attitudes, and behaviors to match their new situation in life. In its most common form, resocialization occurs each time we learn something contrary to our previous experiences. A new boss who insists on a different way of doing things is resocializing you. Most resocialization is mild—only a slight modification of things we have already learned.

Resocialization can also be intense. People who join Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), for example, are surrounded by reformed drinkers who affirm the destructive consequences of excessive drinking. Some students experience an intense period of resocialization when they leave high school and start college—especially during those initially scary days before they find companions, start to fit in, and feel comfortable. The experiences of peo- ple who join a cult or begin psychotherapy are even more profound: They learn views that conflict with their earlier socialization. If these ideas “take,” not only does the individual’s behavior change but he or she also learns a fundamentally different way of looking at life.

Total Institutions Relatively few of us experience the powerful agent of socialization that sociologist Erving Goffman (1961) called the total institution. He coined this term to refer to a

anticipatory socialization the process of learning in ad- vance an anticipated future role or status

resocialization the process of learning new norms, values, attitudes, and behaviors

total institution a place that is almost totally controlled by those who run it, in which people are cut off from the rest of society and the soci- ety is mostly cut off from them

Socialization 93

place where people are cut off from the rest of society and where they come under almost total control of the officials who are in charge. Boot camps, prisons, concen- tration camps, convents, and some military schools, such as West Point, are total institutions.

A person entering a total institution is greeted with a degradation ceremony (Garfinkel 1956), an attempt to remake the self by stripping away the individual ’s current identity and stamping a new one in its place. This unwelcome greeting may involve fingerprinting, photographing, or shaving the head. Newcomers may be ordered to strip, undergo an examination (often in a humiliating, semipublic setting), and then put on a uniform that designates their new status. Officials also take away the individual ’s personal identity kit, items such as jewelry, hairstyles, clothing, and other body decorations used to express individuality.

Total institutions are isolated from the public. The bars, walls, gates, and guards not only keep the inmates in but also keep outsiders out. Staff members supervise the day-to- day lives of the residents. Eating, sleeping, showering, recreation—all are standardized. Inmates learn that their previous statuses—student, worker, spouse, parent—mean noth- ing. The only thing that counts is their current status.

No one leaves a total institution unscathed: The experience brands an indelible mark on the individual’s self and colors the way he or she sees the world. Boot camp, as described in the following Down-to-Earth Sociology, is brutal but swift. Prison, in contrast, is brutal and prolonged. Neither recruit nor prisoner, however, has difficulty in knowing that the institution has had profound effects on their attitudes and orientations to life.

degradation ceremony a term coined by Harold Garfin- kel to refer to a ritual whose goal is to remake someone’s self by stripping away that individual’s self-identity and stamping a new identity in its place

Down-to-Earth Sociology Boot Camp as a Total Institution The bus arrives at Parris Island, South Carolina, at 3 a.m. The early hour is no accident. The recruits are groggy, confused. Up to a few hours ago, the young men were ordinary civilians. Now, as a sergeant sneeringly calls them “maggots,” their heads are buzzed (25 seconds per recruit), and they are quickly thrust into the harsh world of Marine boot camp.

Buzzing the recruits’ hair is just the first step in stripping away their identity so that the Marines can stamp a new one in its place. The uniform serves the same purpose. There is a ban on using the first person “I.” Even a simple request must be made in precise Marine style or it will not be acknowledged. (“Sir, Recruit Jones requests permission to make a head call, Sir.”)

Every intense moment of the next eleven weeks reminds the recruits, men and women, that they are joining a subculture of self-discipline. Here, pleasure is suspect, and sacrifice is good. As they learn the Marine

way of talking, walking, and thinking, they are denied the diversions they once took for granted: television,

cigarettes, cars, candy, soft drinks, video games, music, alcohol, drugs, and sex.

Lessons are taught with fierce intensity. When Sergeant Carey checks brass belt buckles, Recruit Robert Shelton nervously blurts, “I don’t have one.” Sergeant Carey’s face grows red as his neck cords bulge. “I?” he says, his face just inches from the recruit. With spittle flying from his mouth, he screams, “‘I’ is gone!”

“Nobody’s an individual” is the lesson that is driven home again

and again. “You are a team, a Marine. Not a civilian. Not black or white, not Hispanic or Indian or some hyphenated American—but a Marine. You will live like a Marine, fight like a Marine, and, if necessary, die like a Marine.”

Each day begins before dawn with close-order formations. The rest of the day is filled with training in hand- to-hand combat, marching, running, calisthenics, Marine history, and—always—following orders.

A recruit with a drill instructor.


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Socialization through the Life Course 3.7 Identify major divisions of the life course, and discuss the sociological

significance of the life course.

You are at a particular stage in your life now, and college is a major part of it. You know that you have more stages ahead as you go through life. These stages, from birth to death, are called the life course. The sociological significance of the life course is twofold. First, as you pass through a stage, it affects your behavior and orientations. You simply don’t think about life in the same way when you are 35, are married, and have a baby and a mortgage as you do when you are 18 or 20, single, and in college. (Actually, you don’t even see life the same way as a freshman and as a senior.) Second, your life course differs by social location. Your social class, race–ethnicity, and gender, for example, map out dis- tinctive worlds of experience.

This means that the typical life course differs for males and females, the rich and the poor, and so on. To emphasize this major sociological point, in the sketch that follows I will stress the historical setting of people’s lives. Because of your particular social loca- tion, your own life course may differ from this sketch, which is a composite of stages that others have suggested (Levinson 1978; Carr et al. 1995; Quadagno 2013).

Childhood (from birth to about age 12) Consider how remarkably different your childhood would have been if you had grown up in Europe a few hundred years ago. Historian Philippe Ariès (1965) noticed that in European paintings from about a.d. 1000 to 1800, children were always dressed in adult clothing. If they were not depicted stiffly posed, as in a family portrait, they were shown doing adult activities.

From this, Ariès drew a conclusion that sparked a debate among historians. He said that Europeans of this era did not regard childhood as a special time of life. They viewed children as miniature adults and put them to work at an early age. At the age of 7, for example, a boy might leave home for good to learn to be a jeweler or a stonecutter. A girl, in contrast, stayed home until she married, but by the age of 7, she assumed her share of the household tasks. Historians do not deny that these were the customs of that time, but some say that Ariès’ conclusion is ridiculous, that other evidence indicates that these people viewed childhood as a special time of life (Orme 2002).

life course the stages of our life as we go from birth to death

“An M-16 can blow someone’s head off at 500 meters,” Sergeant Norman says. “That’s beautiful, isn’t it?”

“Yes, sir!” shout the platoon’s fifty-nine voices. “Pick your nose!” Simultaneously fifty-nine index

fingers shoot into nostrils. The pressure to conform is intense. Those who are

sent packing for insubordination or suicidal tendencies are mocked in cadence during drills. (“Hope you like the sights you see/Parris Island casualty.”) As lights go out at 9 p.m., the exhausted recruits perform the day’s last task: The entire platoon, in unison, chants the virtues of the Marines.

Recruits are constantly scrutinized. Subpar performance is not accepted, whether a dirty rifle or a loose thread on a uniform. The underperformer is shouted at, derided, humiliated. The group suffers for the individual. If one recruit is slow, the entire platoon is punished.

The system works.

One of the new Marines (until graduation, they are recruits, not Marines) says, “I feel like I’ve joined a new society or religion.”

He has.

SOURCES: Based on Garfinkel 1956; Goffman 1961; Ricks 1995; Dyer 2007.

For Your Consideration Use concepts in this chapter to explain why the Marine system works.

→ Of what significance is the recruits’ degradation ceremony?

→ Why are recruits not allowed video games, cigarettes, or calls home?

→ Why are the Marines so unfair as to punish an entire platoon for the failure of an individual?

Socialization 95

Until about 1900, having children work like adults was common around the world. Even today, children in the Least Industrialized Nations work in many occupations— from blacksmiths to waiters. As tourists are shocked to discover, children in these nations also work as street peddlers, hawking everything from shoelaces to chewing gum.

Child rearing, too, used to be remarkably different. Three hundred years ago, par- ents and teachers considered it their moral duty to terrorize children. To keep children from “going bad,” they would frighten them with bedtime stories of death and hellfire, lock them in dark closets, and force them to witness events like this:

A common moral lesson involved taking children to visit the gibbet [an upraised post on which executed bodies were left hanging], where they were forced to inspect the rotting corpses as an example of what happens to bad children when they grow up. Whole classes were taken out of school to witness hangings, and parents would often whip their chil- dren afterwards to make them remember what they had seen. (DeMause 1975)

Industrialization, which brought formal schooling to large segments of the popula- tion, transformed the way we perceive children. Going to school instead of work, chil- dren postponed taking on adult roles. Parents and officials came to think of children as needing more care, comfort, and protection. Such attitudes of dependency grew, and today we view children as needing gentle guidance if they are to develop emotionally, intellectually, morally, even physically. We take our view for granted—after all, it is only “common sense.” Yet, as you can see, our view is not “natural.” It is rooted in society—in geography, history, and economic development.

IN SUM Childhood is more than biology. Everyone’s child- hood occurs at some point in history and is embedded in spe- cific social locations, especially social class and gender. These social factors are as vital as our biology, for they determine what our childhood will be like. Although a child’s biological charac- teristics (such as being small and dependent) are universal, the child’s social experiences (the kind of life the child lives) are not. Because of this, sociologists say that childhood varies from culture to culture.

Adolescence (ages 13–17) It might seem strange to you, but adolescence is a social invention, not a “natural” age division. Attaining adulthood never has been easy (von Goethe 1774), but in earlier centu- ries the transition from childhood to young adulthood had no stopover in between. The Industrial Revolution allowed adolescence to be invented. It brought such an abundance of material surpluses that for the first time in history people in their teens were not needed as workers. At the same time, education became more important for achieving success. As these two forces in industrialized societies converged, they created a gap between childhood and adulthood. The term adolescence was coined to indicate this new stage in life (Hall 1904), one that has become renowned for insecurity, rebel- lion, and inner turmoil.

To mark the passage of children into adulthood, tribal societies hold initiation rites. This grounds the self-identity, showing young people how they fit in their society. In the industrialized world, however, adolescents must “find”

In many societies, manhood is not bestowed upon males simply because they reach a certain age. Manhood, rather, signifies a standing in the community that must be achieved. Shown here is an initiation ceremony in Indonesia, where boys, to lay claim to the status of manhood, must jump over this barrier.

96 Chapter 3

themselves. They grapple with the dilemma of “I am neither a child nor an adult. Who am I?” As they attempt to carve out an identity that is dis- tinct from both the “younger” world being left behind and the “older” world that still lingers out of reach, adolescents develop their own sub- cultures, with distinctive clothing, hairstyles, language, gestures, and music. We usually fail to realize that contemporary society, not biology, created this period of inner turmoil that we call adolescence.

Transitional Adulthood (ages 18–29) If society invented adolescence, can it also invent other periods of life? As Figure 3.2 illustrates, this is actually happening now. Postindustrial societ- ies are adding a period of extended youth to the life course, which sociologists call transitional adulthood (also known as adultolescence). After high school, millions of young adults postpone adult responsibilities by going to college. They are

mostly freed from the control of their parents, yet they don’t have to support themselves. After college, many return home, so they can live cheaply while they establish themselves in a career—and, of course, continue to “find themselves.” During this time, people are “neither psychological adolescents nor sociological adults” (Keniston 1971). At some point

during this period of extended youth, young adults ease into adult respon- sibilities. They take full-time jobs, become serious about a career, engage in courtship rituals, cohabit or get married—and go into debt.

“BRING YOUR PARENTS TO WORK DAY” With this new stage of life come longer attachments to parents. Finding that morale and produc- tivity increase if they incorporate the parents in the workplace, some companies now send Mom and Dad notes when their child achieves work goals. LinkedIn has even begun a Bring Your Parents to Work Day (Hopschneider 2013).

These younger years of adulthood will fly by. And then what?

The Middle Years (ages 30–65) Because there is little similarity between ages 30 and 65, this time of life is divided into two intervals.

THE EARLY MIDDLE YEARS (AGES 30–49) During their early middle years, most people are more sure of themselves and of their goals in life. As with any point in the life course, however, the self can receive severe jolts. Common upheavals during this period are divorce and losing jobs. It may take years for the self to stabilize after such ruptures.

The early middle years pose a special challenge for many U.S. women, who have been given the message, especially by the media, that they can “have it all.” They can be superworkers, superwives, and supermoms—all rolled into one superwoman. Reality, however, hits them in the face: too

Figure 3.2 Transitional Adulthood: A New Stage in the Life Course

SOURCE: Furstenberg et al. 2004. Year 2010 is the author's estimate based on Sironi and Fursterberg 2014.










30 3030Age 30 30 30


20 20 20 20

2000 2010

20 20

Men Women

5 2







Completion of the transition to adulthood as measured by leaving home, finishing school, getting married, having a child, and being financially independent.

Those who have completed the transition to adulthood

With full adulthood postponed longer and longer, Dad and Mom's basement often serves as a free apartment.

Socialization 97

little time, too many demands, even too little sleep. Something has to give, and attempts to resolve this dilemma are anything but easy.

THE LATER MIDDLE YEARS (AGES 50–65) During the later middle years, health issues and mortality begin to loom large as people feel their bodies change, especially if they watch their parents become frail, fall ill, and die. The consequence is a fundamental reori- entation in thinking—from time since birth to time left to live (Neugarten 1976). With this changed orientation, people attempt to evaluate the past and come to terms with what lies ahead. They compare what they have accomplished with what they had hoped to achieve. Many people also find themselves caring not only for their own children but also for their aging parents. Because of this double burden, which is often crushing, people in the later middle years are sometimes called the “sandwich generation.”

In contrast, many people experience few of these stresses and find the late middle years to be the most comfortable period of their lives. They enjoy job security, a good marriage, and a standard of living higher than ever before. They live in a bigger house (one that may even be paid for), drive newer cars, and take longer and more exotic vaca- tions. The children are grown, the self is firmly planted, and fewer upheavals are likely to occur.

As they anticipate the next stage of life, however, most people do not like what they see.

The Older Years (about age 65 on) In agricultural societies, when death came early, old age was thought to begin at around age 40. As industrialization brought better nutrition, medicine, and public health, more people lived longer, and the beginning of “old age” gradually receded. Let’s look at this change.

THE TRANSITIONAL OLDER YEARS (AGES 65–74) This change is so extensive that people today who enjoy good health don’t think of their 60s as old age but as an exten- sion of their middle years. And this change is so recent that another new stage of life seems to be evolving, the period between retirement and old age—which people are increas- ingly coming to see as beginning around age 75 (“Schwab Study” 2008). We can call this stage the transitional older years.

With improved health, most people in the transitional older years are sexually active (Lindau et al. 2007; Thomas et al. 2015). Apparently, people in this stage of life are not only having more sex but also they are enjoying it more (Beckman et al. 2008). Research- ers have also found that social isolation seems to harm both the body and the brain: People in this stage of life who are more integrated into social networks stay mentally sharper (Cacioppo and Cacioppo 2013).

Because we have a self and can reason abstractly, we can contemplate death. In our early years, we regard death as a vague notion, nothing but a remote possibility. As peo- ple see their parents and friends die and observe their own bodies no longer functioning as before, however, the thought of death becomes less abstract. During this stage in the life course, people begin to feel that “time is closing in” on them.

THE LATER OLDER YEARS (AGE 75 OR SO) As with the preceding periods of life, except the first one, there is no precise beginning point to this last stage. For some, the 75th birthday may mark entry into this period of life. For others, that marker may be the 80th or even the 85th birthday. For most, this stage is marked by growing frailty and illness. For all who reach this stage, it is ended by death. For some, the physical decline is slow, and a rare few manage to see their 100th birthday mentally alert and in good physical health.

Now that we have reviewed this broad outline of the life course, let’s apply it to your life.

transitional adulthood a term that refers to a period following high school when young adults have not yet taken on the responsibilities ordinarily associated with adulthood; also called adultolescence

transitional older years an emerging stage of the life course between retirement and when people are considered old

98 Chapter 3

This January 1937 photo from Sneedville, Tennessee, shows Eunice Johns, age 9, and her husband, Charlie Johns, age 22. The groom gave his wife a doll as a wedding gift. The new husband and wife planned to build a cabin, and, as Charlie Johns phrased it, “go to housekeepin’.”

This couple illustrates the cultural relativity of life stages, which we sometimes mistake as fixed. It also is interesting from a symbolic interactionist perspective— that of changing definitions.

Some students have asked what happened to this couple. The marriage lasted. Charlie and Eunice Johns had 7 children, 5 boys and 2 girls. Charlie died in 1997 at age 83, and Eunice in 2006 at age 78. The two were buried next to each other in the Johns Family Cemetery.

Applying Sociology to Your Life The Sociological Perspective and Your Life Course Because you are living and breathing, you are somewhere on the life course that we just reviewed. If you are a typical college student, you are in the period called transitional adulthood. Or perhaps you are a college student who has already reached a period that follows this earlier one. Re- gardless of where you are on the life course, what can you expect on the road ahead of you?

Let’s apply what you learned about the sociological perspective in Chapter 1, how your social location is vitally important for what you experience in life. Your social loca- tion, such as your social class, gender, and race–ethnicity, is highly significant for your life course. If you are poor, for example, you likely will feel older sooner than most wealthy people for whom life is less harsh. Individual factors—such as your health or marrying early or entering college late— can also throw your life course “out of sequence.”

As you learned in Chapter 1, the sociological perspec- tive stresses not just social location but also the broad

streams of history. These, too, will drastically affect your life course. As sociologist C. Wright Mills (1959) would say, if employers are beating a path to your door, or failing to do so, you will be more inclined to marry, to buy a house, and to start a family—or to postpone these life course events. Or if you are in an older phase of the life course, such conditions of history will make you more or less prepared to retire early.

This takes us to the sociological significance of the life course. Your life course does not merely reflect biolo- gy, things that occur naturally to you as you add years to your life. Rather, your biological development occurs within specific social contexts that shape your life course. The broad outline that I sketched holds true in general, but your particular social location will decide the direction your life course takes. In addition, you live in a period of rapid social change, and like a speeding car in a sudden thunderstorm, you might find your life course skidding in unexpected directions.

Are We Prisoners of Socialization? 3.8 Understand why we are not prisoners of socialization.

From our discussion of socialization, you might conclude that sociol- ogists think of people as robots: The socialization goes in, and the behavior comes out. People cannot help what they do, think, or feel, as everything is a result of their exposure to socializing agents.

Sociologists do not think of people in this way. Although socialization is powerful, and affects all of us profoundly, we have a self. Established in childhood and continually modified by later experience, our self is dynamic. Our self is not a sponge that passively absorbs influences from the environment, but, rather, it is a vigorous, essential part of our being that allows us to act on our environment.

Precisely because people are not robots, individual behavior is hard to predict. The countless reactions of others merge in each of us. As the self develops, we each internalize or “put together” these innumerable reactions, which become the basis for how we reason, react to others, and make choices in life. The result is a unique whole called the individual.

Rather than being passive sponges in this process, each of us is actively involved in the construction of the self. Our experiences in the family and other groups during childhood lay down our basic orientations to life, but we are not doomed to keep these orientations if we do not like them. We can purposely expose ourselves to other groups and ideas. Those expe- riences, in turn, have their own effects on our self. In short, we influence our socialization as we make choices. We can change even the self within the limitations of the framework laid down by our social locations. And that self—along with the options available within society—is the key to our behavior.

Socialization 99

Summary and Review Society Makes Us Human 3.1 Explain how feral, isolated, and institutionalized

children help us understand that “society makes us human.”

How much of our human characteristics come from “nature” (heredity) and how much from “nurture” (the social environment)?

Observations of isolated, institutionalized, and feral children help to answer the nature–nurture question, as do experi- ments with monkeys that were raised in isolation. Language and intimate social interaction—aspects of “nurture”— are essential to the development of what we consider to be human characteristics.

Socialization into the Self and Mind 3.2 Use the ideas and research of Cooley (looking-glass

self), Mead (role taking), and Piaget (reasoning) to explain socialization into the self and mind.

How do we acquire a self?

Humans are born with the capacity to develop a self, but the self must be socially constructed; that is, its contents depend on social interaction. According to Charles Horton Cooley’s concept of the looking-glass self, our self develops as we in- ternalize others’ reactions to us. George Herbert Mead iden- tified the ability to take the role of the other as essential to the development of the self. Mead concluded that even the mind is a social product.

How do children develop reasoning skills?

Jean Piaget identified four stages that children go through as they develop the ability to reason: (1) sensorimotor, in which understanding is limited to sensory stimuli such as touch and sight; (2) preoperational, the ability to use symbols; (3) concrete operational, in which reasoning ability is more com- plex but not yet capable of complex abstractions; and (4) for- mal operational, or abstract thinking.

Learning Personality, Morality, and Emotions 3.3 Explain how the development of personality and

morality and socialization into emotions are part of how “society makes us human.”

How do sociologists evaluate Freud’s psychoanalytic theory of personality development?

Sigmund Freud viewed personality development as the result of our id (inborn, self-centered desires) clashing with the demands of society. The ego develops to balance the incompatible demands of the id and the superego, the

conscience. Sociologists, in contrast, do not examine inborn or subconscious motivations but, instead, consider how so- cial factors—social class, gender, religion, education, and so forth—underlie personality.

How do people develop morality?

Babies seem to exhibit a sense of morality, indicating that a basic morality could be inborn. Lawrence Kohlberg identified four stages children go through as they learn morality: amoral, preconventional, conventional, and post- conventional. The answer to “What is moral?” differs from society to society.

How does socialization influence emotions?

Socialization influences not only how we express our emotions but also what emotions we feel. Socialization into emotions is one of the means by which society produces conformity.

Socialization into Gender 3.4 Discuss how gender messages from the family, peers,

and the mass media teach us society’s gender map.

How does gender socialization affect our sense of self?

Gender socialization—sorting males and females into dif- ferent roles—is a primary way that groups control human behavior. Children receive messages about gender even in infancy. A society’s ideals of sex-linked behaviors are rein- forced by its social institutions.

Agents of Socialization 3.5 Explain how the family, the neighborhood, religion,

day care, school, peer groups, and the workplace are agents of socialization.

What are the main agents of socialization?

The agents of socialization include the family, neighbor- hood, religion, day care, school, peer groups, the mass me- dia, and the workplace. Each has its particular influences in socializing us into becoming full-fledged members of society.

Resocialization 3.6 Explain what total institutions are and how they

resocialize people.

What is resocialization?

Resocialization is the process of learning new norms, val- ues, attitudes, and behavior. Most resocialization is volun- tary, but some, as with residents of most total institutions, is involuntary.

100 Chapter 3

Thinking Critically about Chapter 3 1. What two agents of socialization have influenced you

the most? Try to pinpoint their influence on specific attitudes, beliefs, values, or other of your orientations to life.

2. Summarize your views of the “proper” relationships of women and men. What in your socialization has led you to have these views?

3. How does the text’s summary of the life course com- pare with your experiences? Use the sociological perspective to explain both the similarities and the differences.

Socialization through the Life Course 3.7 Identify major divisions of the life course and dis-

cuss the sociological significance of the life course.

Does socialization end when we enter adulthood?

Socialization occurs throughout the life course. In indus- trialized societies, the life course can be divided into child- hood, adolescence, young adulthood, the middle years, and the older years. The West is adding two new stages, transitional adulthood and transitional older years. Us- ing the sociological perspective, we can see how both the

streams of history and social location—geography, gen- der, race–ethnicity, social class—influence the life course.

Are We Prisoners of Socialization? 3.8 Understand why we are not prisoners of


Although socialization is powerful, we are not merely the sum of our socialization experiences. Just as socialization influences our behavior, so we act on our environment and influence even our self-concept.

Market Day, 2005, Richard H. Fox (oil on canvas)


Chapter 4

Social Structure and Social Interaction

My curiosity had gotten the better of me. When the sociology convention was over, I climbed aboard the first city bus that came along. I didn’t know where the bus was going, and I didn’t know where I would spend the night.

This was my first visit to Washington, D.C., so everything was unfamiliar to me. I had no destination, no plans, not even a map. I carried no billfold, just a driver’s license shoved into my jeans for emergency identification, some pocket change, and a $10 bill tucked into my sock. My goal was simple: If I saw something interesting, I would get off the bus and check it out.

As we passed row after row of apartment buildings and stores, I could see myself riding buses the entire night. Then something caught my eye. Nothing spectacular—just groups of people clustered around a large circular area where several streets intersected.

I got off the bus and made my way to what turned out to be Dupont Circle. I took a seat on a sidewalk bench. As the scene came into focus, I noticed several streetcorner men drinking and joking with one another. One of the men broke from his companions and sat down next to me. As we talked, I mostly listened.

As night fell, the men said that they wanted to get another bottle of wine. I contribut- ed. They counted their money and asked if I wanted to go with them. As we left the circle,

Learning Objectives

After you have read this chapter, you should be able to:

4.1 Distinguish between macrosociology and microsociology.

4.2 Explain the significance of social structure.

4.3 Be able to identify the major components of social structure: culture, social class, social status, roles, groups, and social institutions.

4.4 Explain the significance of social institutions, and compare the functionalist and conflict perspectives on social institutions.

4.5 Explain what holds society together.

4.6 Discuss what symbolic interactionists study.

4.7 Explain why life is like a stage according to dramaturgy; be ready to explain role performance, sign-vehicles, teamwork, and becoming the roles we play.

4.8 Explain what background assumptions are and how they are an essential part of social life.

4.9 Be able to apply the social construction of reality to your own life.

4.10 Explain why we need both macrosociology and microsociology to understand social life.

“Suddenly one of the men jumped up, smashed the empty bottle against the sidewalk, and….”

Social Structure and Social Interaction 103

Chapter 4

Social Structure and Social Interaction

the three men began to cut through an alley. “Oh, no,” I thought. “This isn’t what I had in mind.”

I had but a split second to make a decision. I held back half a step so that none of the three was behind me. As we walked, they passed around the remnants of their bottle. When my turn came, I didn’t know what to do. I shuddered to think about the diseases lurking within that bottle. In the semidarkness I faked it, letting only my thumb and fore- finger touch my lips and nothing enter my mouth.

When we returned to Dupont Circle, we sat on the benches, and the men passed around their new bottle of Thunderbird. I couldn’t fake it in the light, so I passed, pointing at my stomach to indicate that I was having digestive problems.

Suddenly one of the men jumped up, smashed the emptied bottle against the sidewalk, and thrust the jagged neck outward in a menacing gesture. He glared straight ahead at another bench, where he had spotted someone with whom he had some sort of unfinished business. As the other men told him to cool it, I moved slightly to one side of the group— ready to flee, just in case.

Levels of Sociological Analysis 4.1 Distinguish between macrosociology and microsociology.

On this sociological adventure, I almost got in over my head. Fortunately, it turned out all right. The man’s “enemy” didn’t look our way, the man put the broken bottle next to the bench “in case he needed it,” and my intriguing introduction to a life that up until then I had only read about continued until dawn.

Sociologists Elliot Liebow (1967/2003), Mitchell Duneier (1999), and Elijah Anderson (1978, 1990, 2012) have written fascinating accounts about men like my companions from that evening. Although streetcorner men may appear to be disorganized—simply coming and going as they please and doing whatever feels good at the moment—sociologists have analyzed how, like us, these men are influenced by the norms and beliefs of our society. This will become more apparent as we examine the two levels of analysis that sociologists use.

Macrosociology and Microsociology The first level, macrosociology, focuses on broad features of society. Conflict theorists and functionalists use this approach to analyze such things as social class and how groups are related to one another. If they were to analyze streetcorner men, for example, they would stress that these men are located at the bottom of the U.S. social class system. Their low status means that many opportunities are closed to them: The men have few job skills, little education, hardly anything to offer an employer. As “able-bodied” men, however, they are not eligible for welfare—even for a two-year limit—so they hustle to survive. As a consequence, they spend their lives on the streets.

In the second level, microsociology, the focus is on social interaction, what people do when they come together. Sociologists who use this approach are likely to analyze the men’s rules, or “codes,” for getting along; their survival strategies (“hustles”); how they divide up money, wine, or whatever other resources they have; their relationships with girlfriends, fam- ily, and friends; where they spend their time and what they do there; their language; their pecking order; and so on. Microsociology is the primary focus of symbolic interactionists.

Because macrosociology and microsociology yield distinctive perspectives, we need both to gain an understanding of social life. We need macrosociology to place these men within the broad context of how groups in U.S. society are related to one another. This helps us to see how social class shapes their attitudes and behavior. We also need microsociology to understand these men: The everyday situations they face also shape their orientations to life—as they do for all of us.

Let’s look in more detail at how these two approaches in sociology work together to help us understand social life. As we examine them more closely, you may find yourself

macrosociology analysis of social life that focus- es on broad features of society, such as social class and the relationships of groups to one another; usually used by func- tionalists and conflict theorists

microsociology analysis of social life that focus- es on social interaction; typically used by symbolic interactionists

social interaction one person’s actions influencing someone else; usually refers to what people do when they are in one another’s presence, but also includes communications at a distance

104 Chapter 4

feeling more comfortable with one approach than the other. This is what happens with sociologists. For reasons that include personal back- ground and professional training, sociologists find themselves more comfortable with one approach and tend to use it in their research. Both approaches, however, are necessary to understand life in society.

■ The Macrosociological Perspective: Social Structure Why did the street people in our opening vignette act as they did, stay- ing up all night drinking wine, prepared to use a lethal weapon? Why don’t we act like this? Social structure helps us answer such questions.

The Sociological Significance of Social Structure 4.2 Explain the significance of social structure.

To better understand human behavior, we need to understand social structure, the framework of society that was already laid out before you

were born. Social structure refers to the typical patterns of a group, such as the usual rela- tionships between men and women or students and teachers. The sociological significance of social structure is that it guides our behavior.

Because this term may seem vague, let’s consider how you experience social struc- ture in your own life. As I write this, I do not know your race–ethnicity. I do not know your religion. I do not know whether you are young or old, tall or short, male or female. I do not know if you were reared on a farm, in the suburbs, or in the inner city. I do not know whether you went to a public high school or to an exclusive prep school. But I do know that you are in college. And this, alone, tells me a great deal about you.

From this one piece of information, I can assume that the social structure of your col- lege is now shaping what you do. For example, let’s suppose that today you felt euphoric over some great news. I can be fairly certain (not absolutely, mind you, but relatively con- fident) that when you entered the classroom, social structure overrode your mood. That is, instead of shouting at the top of your lungs and joyously throwing this book into the air, you entered the classroom in a fairly subdued manner and took your seat.

The same social structure influences your instructor, even if he or she, on the one hand, is facing a divorce or has a child dying of cancer or, on the other, has just been awarded a promotion or a million-dollar grant. Your instructor may feel like either retreating into seclusion or celebrating wildly, but most likely he or she will conduct class in the usual manner. In short, social structure tends to override our personal feelings and desires.

And how about street people? Just as social structure influences you and your instruc- tor, so it also establishes limits for them. They, too, find themselves in a specific location in the U.S. social structure—although it is quite different from yours or your instructor’s. Consequently, they are affected in different ways. Nothing about their social location leads them to take notes or to lecture. Their behaviors, however, are as logical an outcome of where they find themselves in the social structure as are your own. In their position in the social structure, it is just as “natural” to drink wine all night as it is for you to stay up studying all night for a crucial examination. It is just as “natural” for them to break off the neck of a wine bottle and glare at an enemy as it is for you to nod and say, “Excuse me,” when you enter a crowded classroom late and have to claim a desk on which someone has already placed books. To better understand social structure, read the following Down-to-Earth Sociology.

social structure the framework of society that surrounds us; consists of the ways that people and groups are related to one another; this framework gives direction to and sets limits on our behavior

Sociologists use both macro and micro levels of analysis to study social life. Those who use macrosociology to analyze the homeless (or any human behavior) focus on broad aspects of society, such as the economy and social classes. Sociologists who use the microsociological approach analyze how people interact with one another. This photo illustrates social structure (the disparities between power and powerlessness are amply evident). It also illustrates the micro level (the isolation of this man).

Social Structure and Social Interaction 105

Down-to-Earth Sociology College Football as Social Structure To gain a better idea of social structure, let’s use the example of college football (Dobriner 1969). You probably know the various positions on the team: center, guards, tackles, ends, quarterback, running backs, and the like. Each is a status; that is, each is a social position. For each of the statuses shown in Figure 4.1, there is a role; that is, each of these positions has certain expectations attached to it. The center is expected to snap the ball, the quarterback to pass it, the guards to block, the tackles to tackle or block, the ends to receive passes, and so on. These role expectations guide each player’s actions; that is, the players try to do what their particular role requires.

Let’s suppose that football is your favorite sport, and you never miss a home game at your college. Let’s also suppose that you graduate, get a great job, and move across the country. Five years later, you return to your campus for a nostalgic visit. The climax of your visit is the biggest football game of the season. When you get to the game, you might be surprised to see a different coach, but you are not surprised that each playing position is occupied by people you don’t know, since all the players you knew have graduated, and their places have been filled by others.

This scenario mirrors social structure, the framework around which a group exists. In football, this framework consists of the coaching staff and the eleven playing positions. The game does not depend on any particular individual but, rather, on social statuses, the positions that the individuals occupy. When someone leaves a position, the game can go on because someone else takes over that position or status and plays the role. The game will continue even though not a single individual remains from one period of time to the next. Notre Dame’s football team endures today even though Knute Rockne, the Gipper, and his teammates are long dead.

Even though you may not play football, you do live your life within a clearly established social structure. The statuses that you occupy and the roles you play were already in place before you were born. You take your particular positions in life, others do the same, and society goes about its business. Although the specifics change with time, the game—whether of life or of football—goes on.

For Your Consideration S How does social structure influence your life? To answer

this question, you can begin by analyzing your social statuses.

SOURCE: By the author.

Figure 4.1 Team Positions (Statuses) in Football

right corner back

right line backer strong


tight end


left tackle

left guard

full back

tail back

quarter back

right tackle

split end

free safetyleft

line backer

left end

middle line backer

right end

right tackle

left tackle



right guard

left corner back

IN SUM People learn behaviors and attitudes because of their location in the social structure (whether those are privileged, deprived, or in between), and they act accord- ingly. This is as true of street people as it is of us. The differences in our behavior and attitudes are not because of biology (race–ethnicity, sex, or any other supposed genetic factors), but to our location in the social structure. Switch places with street people and watch your behaviors and attitudes change!

Components of Social Structure 4.3 Be able to identify the major components of social structure: culture, social

class, social status, roles, groups, and social institutions.

Because social structure is so vital for us—affecting who we are and what we are like— let’s look more closely at its major components: culture, social class, social status, roles, groups, and social institutions.

106 Chapter 4

Culture In Chapter 2, we considered culture’s far-reaching effects on our lives. At this point, let’s simply summarize its main impact. Sociologists use the term culture to refer to a group’s language, beliefs, values, behaviors, and even gestures. Culture also includes the mate- rial objects that a group uses. Culture is the broadest framework that determines what kind of people we become. If we are reared in Chinese, Arab, or U.S. culture, we will grow up to be like most Chinese, Arabs, or Americans. On the outside, we will look and act like them, and on the inside, we will think and feel like them.

Social Class To understand people, we must examine the social locations that they hold in life. Espe- cially significant is social class, which is based on income, education, and occupational prestige. Large numbers of people who have similar amounts of income and education and who work at jobs that are roughly comparable in prestige make up a social class. It is hard to overemphasize this aspect of social structure, because our social class influences not only our behaviors but also our ideas and attitudes.

We have this in common, then, with the street people described in this chapter ’s opening vignette: We both are influenced by our location in the social class structure. Theirs may be a considerably less privileged position, but it has no less influence on their lives. Social class is so significant that we shall spend an entire chapter (Chapter 8) on this topic.

Social Status When you hear the word status, you are likely to think of prestige. These two words are wedded together in people’s minds. As you saw in the Down-to-Earth Sociology on football, however, sociologists use status in a different way—to refer to the position that someone occupies. That position may carry a great deal of prestige, as in the case of a judge or an astronaut, or it may bring little prestige, as in the case of a convenience store clerk or a waitress at the local truck stop. The status may also be looked down on, as in the case of a streetcorner man, an ex-convict, or a thief.

Like other aspects of social structure, statuses are part of our basic framework of liv- ing in society. The example I gave of students and teachers who come to class and do what others expect of them despite their particular circumstances and moods illustrates how statuses affect our actions—and those of the people around us. Our statuses—whether

daughter or son, teacher or student—provide guidelines for how we are to act and feel. Like other aspects of social structure, statuses set limits on what we can and can- not do. Because social statuses are an essential part of the social structure, all human groups have them.

STATUS SETS All of us occupy several positions at the same time. You may simultaneously be a son or daughter, a worker, a date, and a student. Sociologists use the term status set to refer to all the statuses or positions that you occupy. Obviously your status set changes as your particular statuses change. For exam- ple, if you graduate from college, take a full-time job, get married, buy a home, and have children, your status set changes to include the positions of worker, spouse, homeowner, and parent.

A S C R I B E D A N D A C H I E V E D S TAT U S E S A n ascribed status is involuntary. You do not ask for it, nor can you choose it. At birth, you inherit ascribed

social class according to Weber, a large group of people who rank close to one another in property, power, and prestige; according to Marx, one of two groups: cap- italists who own the means of production or workers who sell their labor

status the position that someone occu- pies in a social group (also called social status)

status set all the statuses or positions that an individual occupies

ascribed status a position an individual either inherits at birth or receives involuntarily later in life

Social class and social status are significant factors in social life. Fundamental to what we become, they affect our orientations to life. Can you see how this photo from Siem Reap, Cambodia, illustrates this point?

Social Structure and Social Interaction 107

statuses such as your race–ethnicity, sex, and the social class of your parents, as well as your statuses as female or male, daughter or son, niece or nephew. Other ascribed sta- tuses, such as teenager and senior citizen, are related to the life course we discussed in Chapter 3. They are given to you later in life.

Achieved statuses, in contrast, are voluntary. These you earn or accomplish. As a result of your efforts, you become a student, a friend, a spouse, or a lawyer. Or, for lack of effort (or for efforts that others fail to appreciate), you become a school dropout, a for- mer friend, an ex-spouse, or a debarred lawyer. As you can see, achieved statuses can be either positive or negative; both college president and bank robber are achieved statuses.

STATUS SYMBOLS People who are pleased with their social status often want oth- ers to recognize their position. To elicit this recognition, they use status symbols, signs that identify a status. For example, people wear wedding rings to announce their mari- tal status; uniforms, guns, and badges to proclaim that they are police officers (and, not so subtly, to let you know that their status gives them authority over you); and “back- ward” collars to declare that they are Lutheran ministers or Roman Catholic or Episcopal priests.

Because some social statuses are negative, so are their status symbols. The scarlet letter in Nathaniel Hawthorne’s book by the same title is one example. Another is the CONVICTED DUI (Driving Under the Influence) bumper sticker that some U.S. courts require convicted drunk drivers to display if they want to avoid a jail sentence.

All of us use status symbols. We use them to announce our statuses to others and to help smooth our interactions in everyday life. Can you identify your own status symbols and what they communicate? For example, how does your clothing announce your sta- tuses of sex, age, and college student?

MASTER STATUSES A master status cuts across your other statuses. Some master sta- tuses are ascribed. One example is your sex. Whatever you do, people perceive you as a male or a female. If you are working your way through college by flipping burgers, people see you not only as a burger flipper and a student but also as a male or female burger flipper and a male or female college student. Other ascribed master sta- tuses are race–ethnicity and age.

Transgender, in the process of being defined in relationship to the master statuses of male and female, is also a master status. In a give-and-take pro- cess, its boundaries, fuzzy at the moment, are being laid out.

Some master statuses are achieved. If you become very, very wealthy (and it doesn’t matter whether your wealth comes from a successful inven- tion, a hit song, or from winning the lottery—it is still achieved as far as sociologists are concerned), your wealth is likely to become a master status. For example, people might say, “She is a very rich burger flipper”—or, more likely, “She’s very rich, and she used to flip burgers!”

Similarly, people who become disfigured find, to their dismay, that their condition becomes a master status. For example, a person whose face is scarred from severe burns will be viewed through this unwelcome master status regardless of their occupation or accomplishments. In the same way, people who are confined to wheelchairs can attest to how their wheelchair overrides all their other statuses and influences others’ perceptions of every- thing they do.

STATUS INCONSISTENCY Our statuses usually fit together fairly well, but some people have a mismatch among their statuses. This is known as status inconsistency (or discrepancy). A 14-year-old college student is an example. So is a 40-year-old married woman who is dating a 19-year-old col- lege sophomore.

These examples reveal an essential aspect of social statuses: Like other components of social structure, our statuses come with built-in norms (that is,

achieved statuses positions that are earned, accomplished, or involve at least some effort or activity on the individual’s part

status symbols indicators of a status; items that display prestige

master status a status that cuts across the other statuses that an individual occupies

status inconsistency ranking high on some dimen- sions of social status and low on others; also called status discrepancy

Master statuses are those that overshadow our other statuses. Shown here is Stephen Hawking, who is severely disabled by Lou Gehrig’s disease. For some, his master status is that of a person with disabilities. Because Hawking is one of the greatest physicists who has ever lived, however, his outstanding achievements have given him another master status, that of a world-class physicist in the ranking of Einstein.

108 Chapter 4

expectations) that guide our behavior. When statuses mesh well, as they usually do, we know what to expect of people. This helps social interaction to unfold smoothly. Status inconsistency, however, upsets our expectations. In the preceding examples, how are you supposed to act? Are you supposed to treat the 14-year-old as you would a young teen- ager, or as you would your college classmate? Do you react to the married woman as you would to the mother of your friend, or as you would to a classmate’s date?

Roles All the world’s a stage And all the men and women merely players. They have their exits and their entrances; And one man in his time plays many parts …

(William Shakespeare, As You Like It, Act II, Scene 7)

Like Shakespeare, sociologists see roles as essential to social life. When you were born, roles—the behaviors, obligations, and privileges attached to a status—were already set up for you. Society was waiting with outstretched arms to teach you how it expected you to act as a boy or a girl. And whether you were born poor, rich, or somewhere in between, that, too, attached certain behaviors, obligations, and privileges to your statuses.

The difference between role and status is that you occupy a status, but you play a role (Linton 1936). For example, being a son or daughter is your status, but your expectations of receiving food and shelter from your parents—as well as their expectations that you show respect to them—are part of your role. Or, again, your status is student, but your role is to attend class, take notes, do homework, and take tests.

Roles are like fences. They allow us a certain amount of freedom, but for most of us that freedom doesn’t go very far. Suppose that a woman decides that she is not going to wear dresses—or a man that he will not wear suits and ties—regardless of what anyone says. In most situations, they’ll stick to their decision. When a formal occasion comes along, however, such as a family wedding or a funeral, they are likely to cave in to norms that they find overwhelming. Almost all of us follow the guidelines for what is “appro- priate” for our roles. Few of us are bothered by such constraints. Our socialization is so thorough that we usually want to do what our roles indicate is appropriate.

The sociological significance of roles is that they lay out what is expected of people. As indi- viduals throughout society perform their roles, those many roles mesh together to form this thing called society. As Shakespeare put it, people’s roles provide “their exits and their entrances” on the stage of life. In short, roles are remarkably effective at keeping people in line—telling them when they should “enter” and when they should “exit,” as well as what to do in between.

Groups A group consists of people who interact with one another and who feel that the val- ues, interests, and norms they have in common are important. The groups to which we belong—just like social class, statuses, and roles—are powerful forces in our lives. By belonging to a group, we assume an obligation to affirm the group’s values, interests, and norms. To remain a member in good standing, we need to show that we share those characteristics. This means that when we belong to a group, we yield to others the right to judge our behavior—even though we don’t like it!

Although this principle holds true for all groups, some groups wield influence over only small segments of our behavior. For example, if you belong to a stamp collectors’ club, the group’s influence may center on your display of knowledge about stamps and perhaps your fairness in trading them. Other groups, in contrast, such as the family, con- trol many aspects of our behavior. When parents say to their 15-year-old daughter, “As long as you are living under our roof, you had better be home by midnight,” they show

role the behaviors, obligations, and privileges attached to a status

group people who interact with one another and who believe that what they have in common is significant; also called a social group

Social Structure and Social Interaction 109

an expectation that their daughter, as a member of the family, will conform to their ideas about many aspects of life, including their views on curfew. They are saying that as long as the daughter wants to remain a member of the family in good standing, her behavior must conform to their expectations.

In Chapters 5, we will examine groups in detail. For now, let’s look at the next component of social structure: social institutions.

Social Institutions 4.4 Explain the significance of social institutions, and compare the functionalist and

conflict perspectives on social institutions.

At first glance, the term social institution may seem cold and abstract—with little rele- vance to your life. In fact, however, social institutions—the standard or usual ways that a society meets its basic needs—vitally affect your life. They not only shape your behav- ior, but they also color your thoughts. How can this be?

The first step in understanding how this can be is to look at Figure 4.2. Look at what social institutions are: the family, religion, education, the economy, medicine, politics, law, science, the military, and the mass media. By weaving the fabric of society, social insti- tutions set the context for your behavior and orientations to life. If your social institutions were different, your orientations to life would be different.

Social institutions are so significant that an entire part of this book, Part IV, focuses on them.

Comparing Functionalist and Conflict Perspectives The functionalist and conflict perspectives give us quite different views of social institu- tions. Let’s compare their views.

THE FUNCTIONALIST PERSPECTIVE Because the first priority of human groups is to survive, all societies establish customary ways to meet their basic needs. As a result, no society is without social institutions. In tribal societies, some social institutions are less visible because the group meets its basic needs in more informal ways. A society may be too small to have people specialize in education, for example, but it will have established ways of teaching skills and ideas to the young. It may be too small to have a military, but it will have some mechanism of self-defense.

What are society’s basic needs? Functionalists identify five functional requisites (basic needs) that each society must meet if it is to survive (Aberle et al. 1950; Mack and Bradford 1979).

1. Replacing members. Obviously, if a society does not replace its members, it cannot con- tinue to exist. With reproduction fundamental to a society’s existence and the need to protect infants and children universal, all groups have developed some version of the family. The family gives the newcomer to society a sense of belonging by providing a lineage, an account of how he or she is related to others. The family also functions to control people’s sex drive and to maintain orderly reproduction.

2. Socializing new members. Each baby must be taught what it means to be a member of the group into which it is born. To accomplish this, each human group develops devices to ensure that its newcomers learn the group’s basic expectations. As the primary “bearer of culture,” the family is essential to this process, but other social institutions, such as religion and education, also help meet this basic need.

3. Producing and distributing goods and services. Every society must produce and distrib- ute basic resources, from food and clothing to shelter and education. Consequently, every society establishes an economic institution, a means of producing goods and services along with routine ways of distributing them.

4. Preserving order. Societies face two threats of disorder: one internal, the potential for chaos, and the other external, the possibility of attack. To protect themselves from

social institution the organized, usual, or standard ways by which society meets its basic needs

110 Chapter 4

SOURCE: By the author.

Figure 4.2 Social Institutions in Industrial and Postindustrial Societies

Social Institution

Basic Needs Some Groups or Organizations Some Statuses Some Values Some Norms

Family Regulate reproduction, socialize and protect children

Relatives, kinship groups

Sexual fidelity, providing for your family, keeping a clean house, respect for parents

Daughter, son, father, mother, brother, sister, aunt, uncle, grandparent

Have only as many children as you can afford, be faithful to your spouse

Religion Concerns about life after death, the meaning of suffering and loss; desire to connect with the Creator

Congregation, synagogue, mosque, denomination, charity, clergy associations

Honoring God and the holy texts such as the Torah, the Bible, and the Qur’an

Priest, minister, rabbi, imam, worshipper, teacher, disciple, missionary, prophet, convert

Attend worship services, contribute money, follow the teachings

Law Maintain social order, enforce norms

Police, courts, prisons

Trial by one’s peers, innocence until proven guilty

Judge, police officer, lawyer, defendant, prison guard

Give true testi- mony, follow the rules of evidence

Politics Allocate power, determine authority, prevent chaos

Political party, congress, parliament, monarchy

Majority rule, the right to vote, loyalty to the constitution

President, senator, lobbyist, voter, candidate, spin doctor

Be informed about candidates, one vote per person

Economy Produce and distribute goods and services

Credit unions, banks, credit card companies, buying clubs

Making money, paying bills on time, producing efficiently

Worker, boss, buyer, seller, creditor, debtor, advertiser

Maximize profits, “the customer is always right,” work hard

Education Transmit knowledge and skills across generations

School, college, student senate, sports team, PTA, teachers’ union

Academic honesty, good grades, being “cool”

Teacher, student, dean, principal, football player, cheerleader

Do homework, prepare lectures, don't snitch on classmates

Heal the sick and injured, care for the dying

Medicine AMA, hospitals, pharmacies, HMOs, insurance companies

Hippocratic oath, staying in good health, following doctor’s orders

Doctor, nurse, patient, pharmacist, medical insurer

Don't exploit patients, give best medical care available


Mass Media

Provide protection from enemies, enforce national interests

Army, navy, air force, marines, coast guard, national guard

Willingness to die for one’s country, obedience unto death

Soldier, recruit, enlisted person, officer, veteran, prisoner, spy

Follow orders, be ready to go to war, sacrifice for your buddies

Disseminate information, report events, mold public opinion

TV networks, radio stations, publishers, association of bloggers

Journalist, newscaster, author, editor, blogger

Be accurate, fair, timely, and profitable

Science Master the environment

Local, state, regional, national, and international associations

Unbiased research, open dissemination of research findings, originality

Scientist, researcher, technician, administrator, journal editor

Follow scientific method, be objective, disclose findings, don't plagiarize

Timeliness, accuracy, freedom of the press

internal threat, they develop ways to police themselves, ranging from informal means, such as gossip, to formal means, such as armed groups. To defend themselves against external conquest, they develop a means of defense, some form of the military.

5. Providing a sense of purpose. Every society must get people to yield self-interest in favor of the needs of the group. To convince people to sacrifice personal gains, societies in- still a sense of purpose. Human groups develop many ways to implant such beliefs, but a primary one is religion, which attempts to answer questions about ultimate

Social Structure and Social Interaction 111

meaning. Actually, all of a society’s institutions are involved in meeting this functional requisite; the family provides one set of answers about the sense of purpose, the school another, and so on.

THE CONFLICT PERSPECTIVE Although conflict theorists agree that social institutions were designed originally to meet basic survival needs, they do not view social institutions as working harmoniously for the common good. On the contrary, conflict theorists stress that powerful groups control our social institutions, manipulating them in order to maintain their own privileged position of wealth and power (Useem 1984; Domhoff 1999a, 1999b, 2006, 2007; Gilens and Page 2014).

Conflict theorists point out that a fairly small group of peo- ple has garnered the lion’s share of our nation’s wealth. Members of this elite group sit on the boards of our major corporations and our most prestigious universities. They make strategic cam- paign contributions to influence (or control) our lawmakers, and it is they who are behind the nation’s major decisions: to go to war or to refrain from war; to increase or to decrease taxes; to raise or to lower interest rates; and to pass laws that favor or impede moving capital, technology, and jobs out of the country.

Feminist sociologists (both women and men) have used conflict theory to gain a bet- ter understanding of how social institutions affect gender relations. Their basic insight is that gender is also an element of social structure, not simply a characteristic of individ- uals. In other words, throughout the world, social institutions divide males and females into separate groups, each with unequal access to society’s resources.

IN SUM Functionalists view social institutions as working together to meet universal human needs, but conflict theorists regard social institutions as having a single primary purpose—to preserve the social order. For them, this means safeguarding the wealthy and powerful in their positions of privilege.

Changes in Social Structure 4.5 Explain what holds society together.

In the preceding chapter, you saw how technology led to deep transformations in soci- eties. Our current society is also being transformed by new technology, changing values, and contact with cultures around the world. These changes have vital effects on our lives, sometimes dramatically so. Globalization is one of the best examples. As our economy adjusts to this fundamental change, we find our lives marked by uncertainty as jobs dis- appear and new requirements are placed on the careers we are striving for. Sometimes it seems that we have to move at a running pace just to keep up with the changes.

What Holds Society Together? Not only are we in the midst of social change so extensive that it threatens to rip our society apart, but our society also has antagonistic groups that would love to get at one another ’s throats. In the midst of all this, how does society manage to hold together? Sociologists have proposed two answers. Let’s examine them, starting with a bit of history.

MECHANICAL AND ORGANIC SOLIDARITY Sociologist Emile Durkheim (1893/1933) was interested in how societies manage to create social integration—their members united by shared values and other social bonds. He found the answer in what he called

social integration the degree to which members of a group or a society are united by shared values and other social bonds; also known as social cohesion

Functionalist theorists have identified functional requisites for the survival of society. One, providing a sense of purpose, is often met through religious groups. To most people, snake handling, as in this church service Scottsboro, Alabama, is nonsensical. From a functionalist perspective, however, it makes a great deal of sense. Can you identify its sociological meanings?

112 Chapter 4

mechanical solidarity. By this term, Durkheim meant that peo- ple who perform similar tasks develop a shared way of viewing life. Think of a farming community in which everyone is involved in growing crops—planting, cultivating, and harvesting. Because they have so much in common, they share similar views about life. Societies with mechanical solidarity tolerate little diversity in behavior, thinking, or attitudes; their unity depends on sharing similar views.

As societies get larger, they develop different kinds of work, a specialized division of labor. Some people mine gold, others turn it into jewelry, and still others sell it. This disperses people into different interest groups where they develop differ- ent ideas about life. No longer do they depend on one another to have similar ideas and behaviors. Rather, they depend on one another to do specific work, with each person contributing to the group.

Durkheim called this new form of solidarity organic solidarity. To see why he used this term, think about your body. The organs of your body need one another. Your lungs depend

on your heart to pump your blood, and your heart depends on your lungs to oxygenate your blood. To move from the physical to the social, think about how you need your teacher to guide you through this course and how your teacher needs students in order to have a job. You and your teacher are like two organs in the same body. (The “body” in this case is the college.) Like the heart and lungs, although you perform different tasks, you need one another.

Organic solidarity changed the basis for social integration. In centuries past, you would have had views similar to your neighbors because you lived in the same village, farmed together, and had relatives in common. But no longer does social integration require this. Like organs in a body, our separate activities contribute to the welfare of the group. Organic solidarity allows our society to tolerate a wide diversity of orientations to life and still manage to work as a whole.

GEMEINSCHAFT AND GESELLSCHAFT Ferdinand Tönnies (1887/1988) also ana- lyzed this fundamental shift in relationships. He used the term Gemeinschaft (Guh- MINE-shoft), or “intimate community,” to describe village life, the type of society in which everyone knows everyone else. He noted that society was changing. The personal ties, kinship connections, and lifelong friendships that Tönnies had come to know in child- hood were being replaced by short-term relationships, individual accomplishments, and self- interest. Tönnies called this new type of society Gesellschaft (Guh-ZELL-shoft), or “impersonal association.” He did not mean that we no longer have intimate ties to family and friends but, rather, that our lives no longer center on them. Few of us take jobs in a family business, for example, and contracts replace handshakes. Much of our time is spent with strangers and short-term acquaintances.

HOW RELEVANT ARE THESE CONCEPTS TODAY? I know that Gemeinschaft, Gesellschaft, and mechanical and organic solidarity are strange terms and that Durkheim’s and Tönnies’ observations must seem like a dead issue. The concern these sociologists expressed, however—that their world was changing from a community in which peo- ple were united by close ties and shared ideas and feelings to an anonymous associa- tion built around impersonal, short-term contacts—is still very real. In large part, this same concern explains the rise of Islamic fundamentalism (Volti 1995). Islamic leaders fear that Western values will uproot their traditional culture, that cold rationality will replace the warm, informal, personal relationships among families and clans. They fear, rightly so, that this will also change their views on life and morality. Although the terms may sound strange, even obscure, you can see that the ideas remain a vital part of today’s world.

mechanical solidarity Durkheim’s term for the unity (a shared consciousness) that people feel as a result of per- forming the same or similar tasks

division of labor the splitting of a group’s or a society’s tasks into specialties

organic solidarity Durkheim’s term for the inter- dependence that results from the division of labor; as part of the same unit, we all depend on others to fulfill their jobs

Gemeinschaft a type of society in which life is intimate; a community in which everyone knows everyone else and people share a sense of togetherness

Gesellschaft a type of society that is dominated by impersonal relationships, individual accom- plishments, and self-interest

Durkheim used the term mechanical solidarity to refer to the shared consciousness that develops among people who perform similar tasks. Can you see from this photo why this term applies so well to the Mudman tribe in the Highlands of Papua New Guinea, why they share such similar views about life?

Social Structure and Social Interaction 113

IN SUM Whether the terms are Gemeinschaft and Gesellschaft or mechanical solidarity and organic solidarity, they indicate that as societies change, so do people’s orientations to life. The sociological point is that social structure sets the context for what we do, feel, and think, and ultimately, then, for the kind of people we become. The following Cultural Diversity in the United States describes one of the few remaining Gemeinschaft societies in the United States. As you read it, think of how fundamentally different your life would be if you had been reared in an Amish family.

The warm, more intimate relationships of Gemeinschaft society are apparent in the photo taken in Ecuador. The more impersonal relationships of Gesellschaft society are evident in this Internet cafe in the United States, where customers are ignoring one another.

Cultural Diversity in the United States The Amish: Gemeinschaft Community in a Gesellschaft Society One of the best examples of a Gemeinschaft community in the United States is the Old Order Amish, followers of a group that broke away from the Swiss–German Mennonite church in the 1600s and settled in Pennsylvania around 1727. Most of today’s 250,000 Old Order Amish live in just three states—Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Indiana.

Because Amish farmers use horses instead of tractors, most of their farms are 100 acres or less. To the ten million tourists who pass through Lancaster County each year, the rolling green pastures, white farmhouses, simple barns, horse-drawn buggies, and clotheslines hung with somber- colored garments convey a sense of innocence reminiscent of another era. Although just 65 miles from Philadelphia, “Amish country” is a world away.

The differences are striking: the horses and buggies from so long ago, the language (a dialect of German known as Pennsylvania Dutch), and the plain clothing—often black, no belt—whose style has remained unchanged for almost 300 years. Beyond these externals is a value system that binds the Amish together, with religion and discipline the glue that maintains their way of life.

Amish life is based on separation from the world—an idea taken from Christ’s Sermon on the Mount—and obedience to the church’s teachings and leaders. This rejection of worldly concerns, writes sociologist Donald Kraybill (2002), “provides the foundation of such Amish values as humility, faithfulness, thrift, tradition, communal goals, joy of work, a slow-paced life, and trust in divine providence.” The Amish believe that violence is bad, even self-defense, and they register as

conscientious objectors during times of war. They pay no Social Security, and they receive no government benefits.

To maintain their separation from the world, Amish children attend schools that are run by the Amish, and they attend only until the age of 13. (In 1972, the Supreme Court ruled that Amish parents have the right to take their children out of school after the eighth grade.) To go to school beyond the eighth grade would expose the children to values that would drive a wedge between the children and their community.

The Gemeinschaft of village life that has been largely lost to industrialization remains a vibrant part of Amish life. The Amish make their decisions in weekly meetings, where, by consensus, they follow a set of rules, or Ordnung, to guide their behavior. The welfare of the community is a central value. In times of birth, sickness, and death, neighbors pitch in with the chores. The family is also vital for Amish life. Nearly all Amish marry, and divorce is forbidden. The major



114 Chapter 4

events of Amish life take place in the home, including weddings, births, funerals, and church services. In these ways, they maintain the bonds of an intimate community.

Because they cannot resist all change, the Amish try to adapt in ways that will least disrupt their core values. Urban sprawl poses a special threat, since it has driven up the price of farmland. Unable to afford farms, about half of Amish men now work at jobs other than farming. The men go to great lengths to avoid leaving the home. Most work in farm-related businesses or operate woodcraft shops, but some have taken jobs in factories. With intimate, or Gemeinschaft, society essential to the Amish way of life, concerns have grown about how the men who work for non-Amish businesses are being exposed to the outside world. Some are using modern technology, such as cell phones and computers, at work. During the economic crisis, some who were laid off from their jobs even accepted unemployment checks—

violating the fundamental principle of taking no help from the government.

Despite the threats posed by a materialistic and secular culture, the Amish are managing to retain their way of life. Perhaps the most poignant illustration of how greatly the Amish differ from the dominant culture is this: When in 2006 a non-Amish man invaded a one-room school and shot several Amish girls and himself,

the Amish community raised funds not only for the families of the dead children but also for the family of the killer.

SOURCES: Aeppel 1996; Kephart and Zellner 2001; Scolforo 2008; Buckley 2011; Kraybill et al. 2013; Nolt 2016.

For Your Consideration S If you had been reared in an Amish family, how would

your ideas, attitudes, and behaviors be different?

S What do you like and dislike about Amish life? Why?

Photo taken in Shipshewana, Indiana

■ The Microsociological Perspective: Social Interaction In Everyday Life As you have seen, macrosociologists focus on the broad features of society. Microsociolo- gists, in contrast, examine narrower slices of social life. Their primary focus is face-to-face interaction—what people do when they are in one another’s presence. Before you study the main features of social interaction, look at the photo essay on the next two pages. See if you can identify both social structure and social interaction in each of the photos.

Symbolic Interaction 4.6 Discuss what symbolic interactionists study.

Symbolic interactionists focus on how people establish meaning and how they commu- nicate their ideas. They are especially interested in how people view things and how this, in turn, affects their behavior and orientations to life. Of the many areas of social interac- tion that symbolic interactionists study, we have space to review just a few. Let’s look at stereotypes, personal space, eye contact, smiling, and body language.

Stereotypes in Everyday Life You are familiar with how important first impressions are, how they set the tone for interaction. You also know that when you first meet someone, you notice certain fea- tures of the individual, especially the person’s sex, race–ethnicity, age, height, body shape, clothi ng. But did you know that this sets off a circular, self-feeding reaction? Your assumptions about these characteristics—some of which you don’t even know you have—shape not only your first impressions but also how you act toward that person. This, in turn, influences how that person acts toward you, which then affects how you react, and so on. Most of this self-feeding cycle occurs without your being aware of it.

Vienna provides a mixture of the old and the new. Stephan’s Dom (Cathedral) dates back to 1230, the carousel to now.

And what would Vienna be without its wieners? The word wiener actually comes from the name Vienna, which is Wien in German. Wiener means “from Vienna.”

The main square in Vienna, Stephan Platz, provides a place to have a cup of coffee,read the newspaper, enjoy the architecture, or just watch the hustle and bustle of the city.

Vienna: Social Str ucture and Social

Interaction These photos that

I took in

Vienna, Austria, m ake visible

some of social stru cture’s limiting, We live our

lives within socia l structure. Just

as a road is to a car, providing lim

its to where

it can go, so soci al structure limits

our behav-

ior. Social structu re—our culture,

social class,

statuses, roles, gr oup membership

s, and social

institutions—poin ts us in particula

r directions

in life. Most of t his direction- givin

g is beyond

our awareness. B ut it is highly eff

ective, giving

shape to our soc ial interactions, a

s well as to

what we expect f rom life.

shaping, and direc tion- giving. Most

of the social

structure that affe cts our lives is not

physical, as with

streets and buildin gs, but social, as w

ith norms, belief

systems, obligation s, and the goals h

eld out for us

because of our asc ribed statuses. In t

hese photos, you

should be able to see how social inte

raction takes

form within social structure.

Part of the pull of the city is its offering of rich culture. I took this photo at one of the many operas held in Vienna each night.

In the appealing street cafes of Vienn a, social structure and social

interaction are especially evident. C an you see both in this photo?

And what wou ld Vienna be w

ithout its world -famous beers?

The city’s entre preneurs make

sure that the b eer is within ea



The city offers something for everyone, including unusual places for people to rest and to talk and to flirt with one another.

To be able to hang out with friends, not doing much, but doing it in the midst

of stimulating sounds and sights—this is the vibrant city

© James M. Henslin, all photos

Social Structure and Social Interaction 117

Down-to-Earth Sociology Beauty May Be Only Skin Deep, But Its Effects Go On Forever: Stereotypes in Everyday Life Mark Snyder, a psychologist, wondered whether stereotypes—our assumptions of what people are like—might be self-fulfilling. He came up with an ingenious way to test this idea. Snyder (1993) gave college men a photo of a woman (supposedly taken just moments before) and told each man that he would meet her after they talked on the telephone. Actually, the photographs—showing either a pretty or a homely woman—had been prepared before the experiment began. The photo was not of the woman the men would talk to.

Stereotypes came into play immediately. As Snyder gave each man the photograph, he asked him what he thought the woman would be like. The men who saw the photograph of the attractive woman said that they expected to meet a poised, humorous, outgoing woman. The men who had been given a photo of the unattractive woman described her as awkward, serious, and unsociable.

The stereotypes the men expressed influenced how they spoke to the women on the telephone, (The women did not know about the photographs.) The men who had seen the photograph of a pretty woman were warm, friendly, and humorous. This, in turn, affected the women they spoke to: They responded in a warm, friendly, outgoing manner. And the men who had seen the photograph of a homely woman? On the phone, they were cold, reserved, and humorless, and the women they spoke to became cool, reserved, and humorless. Keep in mind that the women did not know that their looks had been evaluated. Keep in mind, too, that the photos that the men saw were not of these women. In short, stereotypes tend to produce behaviors that match the stereotype. Figure 4.3 illustrates this principle.

Beauty might be only skin deep, but it has real consequences. Attractive people are viewed as smarter, kinder, and more honest (Sapolsky 2014a). Judges and

juries are more lenient with attractive people (Frevert and Walker 2014). Customers buy more from attractive salespeople (Kulesza et al. 2014). Students give higher ratings to their better-looking teachers (Liu et al. 2013). And for some reason, students apparently learn more from their more attractive teachers (Westfall et al. 2016).

For Your Consideration Stereotypes have a deep influence on how we react to one another. Instead of beauty, consider body shape, gender, and race–ethnicity.

S How do you think these characteristics affect those who do the stereotyping?

S How do you think these characteristics affect those who are stereotyped?

Figure 4.3 How Self-Fulfilling Stereotypes Work

into stereotypes and then expect the person to act

in certain ways.

How we expect the person to act shapes our

attitudes and actions.

From how we act, the person gets ideas of how we perceive him or her.

The behaviors of the person change to match

our expectations,

We see features of the person or hear things

about the person.

SOURCE: By the author.

Based the experiments summarized here, how do you think women would modify their interactions if they were to meet these two men? And if men were to meet these two men, would they modify their interactions in the same way?

In the following Down-to-Earth Sociology on beauty, let’s look at how people’s attractiveness sets off this reciprocal reaction.

stereotype assumptions of what people are like, whether true or false

118 Chapter 4

Personal Space We all surround ourselves with a “personal bubble,” and we go to great lengths to pro- tect it. We open the bubble to intimates—to our friends, children, and parents—but we’re careful to keep most people out of this space. In a crowded hallway between classes, we might walk with our books clasped in front of us (a strategy often chosen by females). When we stand in line, we make certain there is enough space so that we don’t touch the person in front of us and aren’t touched by the person behind us.

At times, we extend our personal space. In the library, for example, you might place your coat on the chair next to you—claiming that space for yourself even though you aren’t using it. If you want to really extend your space, you might even spread books in front of the other chairs, keeping the whole table to yourself by giving the impression that others have just stepped away.

The amount of space that people prefer varies from one culture to another. South Americans, for example, like to be closer when they talk to others than do people reared in the United States. Anthropologist Edward Hall (1959) recounted this interaction with a man from South America who had attended one of his lectures.

He came to the front of the class at the end of the lecture…. We started out facing each other, and as he talked I became dimly aware that he was standing a little too close and that I was beginning to back up. Fortunately I was able to suppress my first impulse and remain stationary because there was nothing to communicate aggression in his behavior except the conversational distance….

By experimenting I was able to observe that as I moved away slightly, there was an associated shift in the pattern of interaction. He had more trouble expressing himself. If I shifted to where I felt comfortable (about twenty-one inches), he looked somewhat puzzled and hurt, almost as though he were saying, “Why is he acting that way? Here I am doing everything I can to talk to him in a friendly manner and he suddenly withdraws. Have I done anything wrong? Said something I shouldn’t?” Having ascertained that distance had a direct effect on his conversation, I stood my ground, letting him set the distance.

As you can see, despite Hall’s extensive knowledge of other cultures, he still felt uncomfortable in this conversation. He even interpreted the entry into his personal space as possible aggression, since people get close (and jut out their chins and chests) when they are hostile. Realizing that this was not the case, Hall resisted his impulse to retreat.

After Hall analyzed situations like this, he observed that North Americans use four different “distance zones.”

1. Intimate distance. This is the zone that the South American had unwittingly invaded. It extends to about 18 inches from our bodies. We reserve this space for comforting, protecting, hugging, intimate touching, and lovemaking.

2. Personal distance. This zone extends from 18 inches to 4 feet. We reserve it for friends and acquaintances and ordinary conversations. This is the zone in which Hall would have preferred speaking with the South American.

3. Social distance. This zone, extending from about 4 to 12 feet, marks impersonal or for- mal relationships. We use this zone for such things as job interviews.

How people use space as they interact is studied by sociologists who have a microsociological focus. What do you see in common in these two photos?

Social Structure and Social Interaction 119

4. Public distance. This zone, extending beyond 12 feet, marks even more formal relation- ships. It is used to separate dignitaries and public speakers from the general public.

Eye Contact One way that we protect our personal bubble is by controlling eye contact. Letting someone gaze into our eyes—unless the person is an eye doctor—can be taken as a sign that we are attracted to that person, even as an invitation to intimacy. With the goal of becoming “the friendliest store in town,” a chain of supermarkets in Illinois ordered its checkout clerks to make direct eye contact with each customer. Female clerks complained that male customers were taking their eye contact the wrong way, as an invitation to intimacy. Management said they were exaggerating. The clerks’ reply was, “We know the kind of looks we’re getting back from men,” and they refused to continue making direct eye contact with them.

Smiling In the United States, we take it for granted that clerks will smile as they wait on us. But it isn’t this way in all cultures. Apparently, Germans aren’t used to smiling clerks, and when Walmart expanded into Germany, it brought its American ways with it. The com- pany ordered its German clerks to smile at their customers. They did—and the customers complained. The German customers interpreted the smiles as flirting (Samor et al. 2006).

Body Language While we are still little children, we learn to interpret body language, the ways people use their bodies to give messages to others. This skill in interpreting facial expressions, posture, and gestures is essential for getting through everyday life. Without it—as is the case for people with Asperger’s syndrome—we wouldn’t know how to react to others. It would even be difficult to know whether someone were serious or joking.

APPLIED BODY LANGUAGE In an interesting twist for an area of sociology that had been entirely theoretical, interpreting body lan- guage has become a tool for both business and government. In some hotels, clerks are taught how to “read” the body language of arriving guests (head sunk into the shoulders, a springy step) to know how to greet them (Petersen 2012). The U.S. army is teaching soldiers in mil- itary zones how to interpret body language to alert them to danger when they are interacting with civilians (Yager et al. 2009). “Reading” body language has also become a tool in the fight against terror- ism. Homeland Security spends $200 million a year on what it calls its behavior-detection program. Three thousand Behavior Detection Officers (their official title) are trained to look for ninety-four signs of deception by people who are going to board planes. Among those signs: A quick downturn of the mouth or rapid blinking might indicate nervousness or lying (McCartney 2014).

Let’s turn to dramaturgy, a special area of symbolic interactionism.

Dramaturgy: The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life 4.7 Explain why life is like a stage according to dramaturgy; be ready to explain role

performance, sign-vehicles, teamwork, and becoming the roles we play.

Have you noticed how some clothing simply doesn’t “feel” right for certain occasions? Have you ever changed your mind about something you were wearing and decided to change your clothing? Or maybe you just switched shirts or added a necklace?

body language the ways in which people use their bodies to give messages to others

With the training of Homeland Security agents, body language has changed from being purely descriptive and theoretical to applied.

120 Chapter 4

What you were doing was fine-tuning the impressions you wanted to make. Ordinarily, we are not this aware that we’re working on impressions, but sometimes we are, especially when it comes to those “first impressions”—the first day in college, a job interview, visiting the parents of our loved one for the first time, and so on. Usually we are so used to the roles we play in everyday life that we tend to think we are “just doing” things, not that we are actors on a stage who manage impressions. Yet every time we dress for school, or for any other activity, we are engaging in impression management.

Sociologist Erving Goffman (1922–1982) added a new twist to microsociology when he recast the theatrical term dramaturgy into a sociological term. Goffman (1959/1999) used the term to mean that social life is like a drama or a stage play: Birth ushers us onto the stage of everyday life, and our socialization consists of learning to perform on that stage. The self that we studied in the previous chapter lies at the center of our performances. We have ideas about how we want others to think of us, and we use our roles in everyday life to commu- nicate these ideas. Goffman called our efforts to manage the impres- sions that others receive of us impression management.

Stages We do our impression management on front stages, places where we perform the roles assigned to us. Everyday life is filled with front stages. Where your teacher lectures is a front stage. And if you wait until your parents are in a good mood to tell them some bad news, you are using a front stage. We also have back stages, places where we retreat from performances and let our hair down. When you close the bathroom or bedroom door for privacy, for example, you are entering a back stage.

The same setting can serve as both a back and a front stage. For example, when you get into your car and look over your hair in the mirror or check your makeup, you are using the car as a back stage. But when you wave at friends or if you give that familiar gesture to someone who has just cut in front of you in traffic, you are using your car as a front stage.

Role Performance, Conflict, and Strain As discussed earlier, everyday life brings many statuses. We may be a student, a shopper, a worker, and a date, as well as a daughter or a son. Although the roles attached to these statuses lay down the basic outline for our performances, they also allow a great deal of flexibility. The particular interpretation that you give a role, your “style,” is known as role performance. Consider how you play your role as a son or daughter. Perhaps you play the role of ideal daughter or son—being respectful, coming home at the hours your parents set, and happily running errands. Or this description may not even come close to your particular role performance.

Ordinarily, our statuses are separated sufficiently that we find little conflict between our role performances. Occasionally, however, what is expected of us in one status (our role) is incompatible with what is expected of us in another status. This problem, known as role conflict, is illustrated in Figure 4.4, in which family, friendship, student, and work roles come crashing together. Usually, however, we manage to avoid role conflict by seg- regating our statuses, although doing so can require an intense juggling act.

Sometimes the same status contains incompatible roles, a conflict known as role strain. Suppose that you are exceptionally well prepared for a particular class assignment. Although the instructor asks an unusually difficult question, you find yourself know- ing the answer when no one else does. If you want to raise your hand, yet don’t want to make your fellow students look bad, you will experience role strain. As illustrated in

dramaturgy an approach, pioneered by Erving Goffman, in which social life is analyzed in terms of drama or the stage; also called dramaturgical analysis

impression management people’s efforts to control the impressions that others receive of them

front stages places where people give perfor- mances

back stages places where people rest from their performances, discuss their presentations, and plan future performances

role performance the ways in which someone performs a role; showing a par- ticular “style” or “personality”

role conflict conflict that someone feels between roles because the expec- tations attached to one role are at odds with those attached to another role

role strain conflicts that someone feels within a role

In dramaturgy, a specialty within sociology, social life is viewed as similar to the theater. In our everyday lives, we all are actors. Like those in the cast of Orange Is the New Black, we, too, perform roles, use props, and deliver lines to fellow actors—who, in turn, do the same.

Social Structure and Social Interaction 121

Sign-Vehicles To communicate information about the self, we use three types of sign-vehicles: the social setting, our appearance, and our manner. The social setting is the place where the action unfolds. This is where the curtain goes up on your performance, where you find yourself on stage playing parts and delivering lines. A social setting might be an office, dorm, living room, classroom, church, or bar. It is wherever you interact with others. The social setting includes scenery, the furnishings you use to communicate messages, such as desks, blackboards, scoreboards, couches, and so on.

The second sign-vehicle is appearance, or how you look when you play your roles. On the most obvious level is your choice of hairstyle to communicate messages about your- self. (You might be proclaiming “I’m wild and sexy” or “I’m serious and professional” and, for most, “I’m masculine” or “I’m feminine”). Your appearance also includes props, which are like scenery except that they decorate your body rather than the setting. Your most obvious prop is your costume, ordinarily called clothing. You switch costumes as you play your roles, wearing different costumes for attending class, swimming, jogging, working out at the gym, and dating.

Your appearance lets others know what to expect from you and how they should react. Think of the messages that props communicate. Some people use clothing to say they are college students, others to say they are older adults. Some use clothing to let you know they are clergy, others to give the message that they are prostitutes. In the same way, people choose models of cars, brands of liquor, and the hottest cell phone to convey messages about the self.

The body itself is a sign-vehicle. Its shape proclaims messages about the self. The meanings that are attached to various shapes change over time, but, as explored in the following Thinking Critically about Social Life, thinness currently screams desirability.

sign-vehicle the term used by Goffman to refer to how people use social setting, appearance, and manner to communicate information about the self

Figure 4.4, the difference between role conflict and role strain is that role conflict is conflict between roles, while role strain is conflict within a role.

Figure 4.4 Role Strain and Role Conflict

Come in for emergency overtime


Son or daughter Friend Student Worker

Visit mom in hospital

Go to 21st birthday


Prepare for tomorrow's


Role Conflict


Do well in your classes

Role Strain


Don't make other students

look bad

SOURCE: By the author.

122 Chapter 4

Thinking Critically about Social Life “Nothing Tastes as Good as Thin Feels”: Body Images and the Mass Media

When you stand before a mirror, do you like what you see? Do you watch your weight or work out? Where did you get your ideas about what you should look like?

“Your body isn’t good enough!” You are bombarded with this message. The way to improve your body is to buy the advertised products: hair extensions, “uplifting” bras, diet programs, exercise equipment, and according to your pref- erence, butt reducers or enhancers. Muscular hulks on TV show off machines that magically produce “six-pack abs” and incredible biceps—in just a few minutes a day. Female celebrities go through tough workouts without even break- ing into a sweat. Members of the opposite sex will flock to you if you purchase that wonder-working workout machine.

We try to shrug off such messages, knowing that they are designed to sell products, but the messages penetrate our thinking and feeling. They help to shape the ideal images we hold of how we “ought” to look. Those models so attractively clothed and coiffed as they walk down the runway, could they be any thinner? For women, the message is clear: You can’t be thin enough. The men’s message is also clear: You’ve got to be more muscular. Everybody loves a hulk.

These messages are powerful. Impossibly shaped models show off the latest lingerie for Victoria’s Secret and the latest fashions in Vogue and Seventeen. Adolescent girls feel fat, count calories, and think that the secret to popularity is being thin (Grabe et al. 2008; Zaslow 2009). The more time that girls spend on the Internet, especially Facebook, the more they internalize the skinny ideal (Tiggermann and Slater 2013). To look more feminine, each year about 12,000 teen girls have their breasts enlarged, while to look more masculine, about 14,000 teen boys have theirs reduced (Crerand and Magee 2013; Parry 2016).

“Thinspiration” videos on YouTube feature emaciated girls proudly displaying their skeletal frames. “Pro-ana” (pro-anorexic) sites promote eating disorders as a lifestyle choice (Boepple and Thompson 2016). I took the title of this section, “Nothing Tastes as Good as Thin Feels,” from one of these sites.

Attractiveness does pay off in cold cash. “Good-looking” men and women earn the most, “average-looking” men and women earn average amounts, and the “plain” and the “ugly” earn the least (Hamermesh 2011). Then there is that fascinating cash “bonus” available to “attractive” women: With the right facial features and shape, even the bubble-heads can attract and marry higher-earning men (Kanazawa and Kovar 2004).

More popularity and more money? Maybe you can’t be thin enough after all. Perhaps those exercise machines are a good investment. If only we could catch up with the Japanese, who have developed a soap that “sucks the fat right out of your pores” (Marshall 1995). Although we don’t

have such a soap, we do have liposuction. It’s even easier. Just lie down, and a surgeon inserts a vacuum wand in your body and sucks the fat out of your hips, butt, stomach, or wherever you feel too plumpy. A bit more expensive than the soap, but you get immediate results.

For Your Consideration S How do you view your body? Why do you have those

ideas? How do cultural expectations of “ideal” bodies underlie the images you have of your body?

S Most advertising that focuses on weight is directed at women. Women are more likely than men to be dissatisfied with their bodies and to have eating disorders (Austin et al. 2009; Wilson 2011). Do you think that targeting women in advertising creates these attitudes and behaviors? Or do you think that these attitudes and behaviors would exist even if there were no such ads? Why?

S There is a backlash against featuring emaciated models who look as though they’ll collapse on the runway. One reaction is to feature “plus-size” models in ads. What do you think about this?

All of us contrast the reality we see when we look in the mirror with our culture’s ideal body types. The thinness craze, discussed in this box, encourages some people to extremes, as with model Karlie Kloss. It also makes it difficult for larger people to have positive self-images. Overcoming this difficulty, Melissa McCarthy is in the forefront of promoting an alternative image.

Social Structure and Social Interaction 123

The third sign-vehicle is manner, the attitudes you show as you play your roles. You use manner to communicate information about your feelings and moods. When you show that you are angry or indifferent, serious or in good humor, you are indicating what others can expect of you as you play your roles.

Teamwork Being a good role player brings positive responses from others, something we all covet. To accomplish this, we use teamwork—two or more people working together to help a performance come off as planned. If you laugh at your boss’s jokes, even though you don’t find them funny, you are doing teamwork to help your boss give a good perfor- mance.

If a performance doesn’t come off quite right, the team might try to save it by using face-saving behavior.

Suppose your teacher is about to make an important point. Suppose also that her lec- turing has been outstanding and the class is hanging on every word. Just as she pauses for emphasis, her stomach lets out a loud growl. She might then use a face-saving tech- nique by remarking, “I was so busy preparing for class that I didn’t get breakfast this morning.”

It is more likely, however, that both the teacher and class will simply ignore the sound, giving the impression that no one heard a thing—a face-saving technique called studied nonobservance. This allows the teacher to make the point or, as Goffman would say, it allows the performance to go on.

Becoming the Roles We Play A fascinating characteristic of roles is that we tend to become the roles we play. That is, roles become incorporated into our self- concept, especially roles for which we prepare long and hard and that become part of our everyday lives. Helen Ebaugh (1988) experienced this firsthand when she quit being a nun to become a sociologist. With her own heightened awareness of role exit, she interviewed people who had left marriages, police work, the military, medicine, and religious vocations. Just as she had expe- rienced, the role had become intertwined so extensively with the individual ’s self-concept that leaving it threatened the person’s identity. The question these people struggled with was “Who am I, now that I am not a nun (or wife, police officer, colonel, physician, and so on)?”

A statement made by one of my respondents illustrates how roles become part of the person. Notice how a role can linger even after the individual is no longer playing that role:

After I left the ministry, I felt like a fish out of water. Wearing that backward collar had become a part of me. It was especially strange on Sunday mornings when I’d listen to someone else give the ser- mon. I knew that I should be up there preaching. I felt as though I had left God.

APPLYING IMPRESSION MANAGEMENT I can just hear someone say, “Impression management is interesting, but is it really important?” It certainly is. In the following Applying Sociology to Your Life, you can see how impression management can even make a vital difference for your career.

teamwork the collaboration of two or more people to manage impressions jointly

face-saving behavior techniques used to salvage a performance (interaction) that is going sour

Both individuals and organizations do impression management, trying to communicate messages about the self (or organization) that best meets their goals. At times, these efforts fail.

124 Chapter 4

Ethnomethodology: Uncovering Background Assumptions 4.8 Explain what background assumptions are and how they are an essential part

of social life (this is the key to understanding ethnomethodology).

One of the strangest words in sociology is ethnomethodology. To better understand this term, consider the word’s three basic components. Ethno means “folk” or “people”; method means how people do something; ology means “the study of.” Putting them together, then, ethno–method–ology means “the study of how people do things.” What things? Ethnomethodology is the study of how people use commonsense understand- ings to make sense of life.

Let’s suppose that during a routine office visit, your doctor remarks that your hair is rather long, then takes out a pair of scissors and starts to give you a haircut. You would feel strange about this, because your doctor would be violating background assumptions—your ideas about the way life is and the way things ought to work. These assumptions, which lie at the root of everyday life, are so deeply embedded in our con- sciousness that we are seldom aware of them, and most of us fulfill them unquestion- ingly. Thus, your doctor does not offer you a haircut, even if he or she is good at cutting hair and you need one!

ethnomethodology the study of how people use background assumptions to make sense out of life

Applying Sociology to Your Life Getting Promoted at Work: Making Impression Management Work for You Everyone wants to be promoted. We can all taste that raise—and the pleasure of a little more authority. But how do we get it? Let’s apply impression management. Let’s start off with a principle that is quite basic, but one that is often overlooked: To be promoted, you must be perceived as someone who should be promoted. If not, you’ll be passed by for sure. So how do you give the impression that you should be promoted? Essential to this impression is to make yourself appear dominant. Why should a passive follower be promoted to leadership? For men, giving this impression is less of a problem because stereotypes join masculinity and dominance at the hip. For women, though, stereotypes separate femininity and dominance, so let’s focus first on women.

To appear dominant, a woman could swagger, curse, and tell dirty jokes. This would get her noticed—but it is not likely to put her on the path to promotion. To assist women, career coaches have appeared on the scene (Agins 2009; Agno and McEwen 2011; Chapman 2013). These “image consultants,” as they are known, have a grab bag of little sayings, such as “The more skin you show, the more power you give away.” “Tone down your femininity, but don’t try to make yourself into a man.” To present a “subtle” femininity, wear “soft” fabrics. They also say that women should use makeup that doesn’t have to be reapplied during the day.

Here’s another suggestion for women, one more subtle and easily overlooked: Stash your purse inside a briefcase. This gives the impression of being more business-like. By

removing the purse from sight, you are removing a cue that can lead men to think about your femininity and not your abilities.

Here’s another suggestion, one that also applies to men. During business meetings, don’t put your hands in your lap. Place them on the table. This gives the impression of alertness and involvement.

You should also practice giving strong handshakes while making direct eye contact. This is significant not only for making a good first impression but also for continuing to give an impression to colleagues and bosses of your ability, seriousness, and dominance. Keep this in mind, wimpy handshakes make others think you are a wimp—and no one wants to promote a wimp.

A common saying is that much success in the work world depends not on what you know but on who you know. This is true, but let’s add this sociological twist: Much success at work depends not on what you know, but on your ability to give the impression that you know what you should know.

For Your Consideration S To be promoted, why is it important to be perceived as


S What suggestions not discussed here would you add? S Apply the heading of the previous section, “Becoming

the Roles We Play,” to the impression management reviewed here.

Social Structure and Social Interaction 125

The founder of ethnomethodology, sociologist Harold Garfinkel, had his students do little exercises to uncover background assumptions. In these “breaching experiments,” Garfinkel (1967, 2002) asked his stu- dents to act as though they did not understand the basic rules of social life. Some of his students tried to bargain with supermarket clerks; others would inch close to people and stare directly at them. They were met with surprise, bewilderment, even indignation and anger. In one exercise, Gar- finkel asked students to act as though they were boarders in their own homes. They addressed their parents as “Mr.” and “Mrs.,” asked permis- sion to use the bathroom, sat stiffly, were courteous, and spoke only when spoken to. As you can imagine, the other family members didn’t know what to make of their behavior:

They vigorously sought to make the strange actions intelligible and to re- store the situation to normal appearances. Reports (by the students) were filled with accounts of astonishment, bewilderment, shock, anxiety, embar- rassment, and anger, and with charges by various family members that the student was mean, inconsiderate, selfish, nasty, or impolite. Family members demanded explanations: What’s the matter? What’s gotten into you? … Are you sick? … Are you out of your mind or are you just stupid? (Garfinkel 1967)

In another exercise, Garfinkel asked students to take words and phrases literally. When one student asked his girlfriend what she meant when she said that she had a flat tire, she said:

What do you mean, “What do you mean?” A flat tire is a flat tire. That is what I meant. Nothing special. What a crazy question!

Another conversation went like this:

acquaintance: How are you? student: How am I in regard to what? My health, my finances,

my schoolwork, my peace of mind, my …? acquaintance: (red in the face): Look! I was just trying to be polite.

Frankly, I don’t give a damn how you are.

Students can be highly creative when they are asked to break background assump- tions. The young children of one of my students were surprised one morning when they came down for breakfast to find a sheet spread on the living room floor. On it were dishes, silverware, lit candles—and bowls of ice cream. They, too, wondered what was going on, but they dug eagerly into the ice cream before their mother could change her mind.

This is a risky assignment to give students, because breaking some background assumptions can make people suspicious. When a colleague of mine gave this assign- ment, a couple of his students began to wash dollar bills in a laundromat. By the time they put the bills in the dryer, the police had arrived.

IN SUM Ethnomethodologists explore background assumptions, the taken-for- granted ideas about the world that underlie our behavior. Most of these assumptions, or basic rules of social life, are unstated. We learn them as we learn our culture, and we violate them only with risk. Deeply embedded in our minds, they give us basic directions for living everyday life.

The Social Construction of Reality 4.9 Be able to apply the social construction of reality to your own life.

On a visit to Morocco, in northern Africa, I decided to buy a watermelon. When I indi- cated to the street vendor that the knife he was going to use to cut the watermelon was dirty (encrusted with filth would be more apt), he was very obliging. He immediately bent

background assumption a deeply embedded, common understanding of how the world operates and of how people ought to act

All of us have background assumptions, deeply ingrained assumptions of how the world operates. What different background assumptions do you think are operating here? If the annual “No Pants! Subway Ride” gains popularity, will background assumptions for this day change?

126 Chapter 4

down and began to swish the knife in a puddle on the street. I shuddered as I looked at the passing burros that were urinating and defecating as they went by. Quickly, I indicated by gesture that I preferred my melon uncut after all.

“If people define situations as real, they are real in their consequences,” said sociolo- gists W. I. and Dorothy S. Thomas (1928)in what has become known as the definition of the situation (also called the Thomas theorem). For that vendor of watermelons, germs did not exist. For me, they did. And each of us acted according to our definition of the situation. My perception and behavior did not come from the fact that germs are real but, rather, from my having grown up in a society that teaches that germs are real. Microbes, of course, objectively exist, and whether or not germs are part of our thought world makes no difference as to whether we are infected by them. Our behavior, however, does not depend on the objective existence of something but, rather, on our subjective interpretation, on what sociologists call our definition of reality. In other words, it is not the reality of microbes that impresses itself on us, but society that impresses the reality of microbes on us.

Let’s consider another example. Do you remember the identical twins, Oskar and Jack, who grew up so differently? As discussed in Chapter 3, Oskar was reared in Ger- many and learned to love Hitler, while Jack was reared in Trinidad and learned to hate Hitler. As you can see, what Hitler meant to Oskar and Jack (and what he means to us) depends not on Hitler ’s acts but, rather, on how we view his acts—that is, on our defini- tion of the situation.

Sociologists call this the social construction of reality. From the social groups to which we belong (the social part of this process), we learn ways of looking at life. We learn ways to view Hitler and Osama bin Laden, the Palestinians and the Israelis (they’re good, they’re evil), germs (they exist, they don’t exist), and just about everything else in life. In short, through our interaction with others, we construct reality; that is, we learn ways of interpreting our experiences in life.

The social construction of reality is sometimes difficult to grasp. We sometimes think that meanings are external to us, that they originate “out there” somewhere, rather than in our social group. To better understand the social construction of reality, let’s consider pelvic examinations.

Gynecological Examinations When I interviewed a gynecological nurse who had been present at about 14,000 vaginal examinations, I analyzed how doctors construct social reality in order to define the examina- tion as nonsexual (Henslin and Biggs 1971). It became apparent that the pelvic examina- tion unfolds much as a stage play does. I will use “he” to refer to the physician because only male physicians were part of this study. Perhaps the results would be different with female gynecologists.

Scene 1 (the patient as person) In this scene, the doctor maintains eye contact with his patient, calls her by name, and discusses her problems in a professional manner. If he decides that a vaginal examination is necessary, he tells a nurse, “Pelvic in room 1.” By this statement, he is announcing that a major change will occur in the next scene.

Scene 2 (from person to pelvic) This scene is the depersonalizing stage. In line with the doctor’s announcement, the patient begins the transition from a “person” to a “pelvic.” The doctor leaves the room, and a female nurse enters to help the patient make the tran- sition. The nurse prepares the “props” for the coming examination and answers any ques- tions the woman might have.

What occurs at this point is essential for the social construction of reality, for the doc- tor’s absence removes even the suggestion of sexuality. To undress in front of the doctor could suggest either a striptease or intimacy, thus undermining the reality that the team is so carefully defining: that of nonsexuality.

Thomas theorem William I. and Dorothy S. Thom- as’ classic formulation of the definition of the situation: “If people define situations as real, they are real in their conse- quences”

social construction of reality the use of background assump- tions and life experiences to define what is real

Social Structure and Social Interaction 127

The patient, too, wants to remove any hint of sexuality, and during this scene, she may express concern about what to do with her panties. Some mutter to the nurse, “I don’t want him to see these.” Most women solve the problem by either slipping their panties under their other clothes or placing them in their purse.

Scene 3 (the person as pelvic) This scene opens when the doctor enters the room. Before him is a woman lying on a table, her feet in stirrups, her knees tightly together, and her body covered by a drape sheet. The doctor seats himself on a low stool before the woman and says, “Let your knees fall apart” (rather than the sexually loaded “Spread your legs”), and begins the examination.

The drape sheet is crucial in this process of desexualization, because it dissociates the pelvic area from the person: Leaning forward and with the drape sheet above the doctor ’s head, the physician can see only the vagina, not the patient’s face. Thus dissociated from the individual, the vagina is transformed dramaturgically into an object of analysis. To examine the patient’s breasts, the doctor also dissociates them from her person by exam- ining them one at a time, with a towel covering the unexamined breast. Like the vagina, each breast becomes an isolated item dissociated from the person.

In this third scene, the patient cooperates in being an object, becoming, for all prac- tical purposes, a pelvis to be examined. She withdraws eye contact from the doctor and usually from the nurse, is likely to stare at a wall or at the ceiling, and avoids initiating conversation.

Scene 4 (from pelvic to person) In this scene, the patient is “repersonalized.” The doctor has left the examining room; the patient dresses and fixes her hair and makeup. Her re- emergence as a person is indicated by such statements to the nurse as “My dress isn’t too wrinkled, is it?” showing a need for reassurance that the metamorphosis from “pelvic” back to “person” has been completed satisfactorily.

Scene 5 (the patient as person) In this final scene, sometimes with the doctor seated at a desk, the patient is once again treated as a person rather than as an object. The doctor makes eye contact with her and addresses her by name. She, too, makes eye contact with the doctor, and the usual middle-class interaction patterns are followed. She has been fully restored.

IN SUM For an outsider to our culture, the custom of women going to strangers for a vaginal examination might seem bizarre. But not to us. We learn that pelvic examinations are nonsexual. To sustain this definition requires teamwork—doctors, nurses, and the patient working together to socially construct reality.

It is not just pelvic examinations or our views of germs that make up our definitions of reality. Rather, our behavior depends on how we define reality. Our definitions (our con- structions of reality) provide the basis for what we do and how we view life. To under- stand human behavior, then, we must know how people define reality.

The Need for Both Macrosociology and Microsociology 4.10 Explain why we need both macrosociology and microsociology to understand

social life.

As noted earlier, we need both macrosociology and microsociology. Without one or the other, our understanding of social life would be vastly incomplete. To illustrate this point, consider two groups of high school boys studied by sociologist William Chambliss (1973). Both groups attended Hanibal High School. In one group were eight middle-class boys who came from “good” families and were perceived by the community as “going some- where.” Chambliss calls this group the Saints. In the other group were six lower-class boys who were seen as headed down a dead-end road. Chambliss calls this group the Roughnecks.

128 Chapter 4

Boys in both groups skipped school, got drunk, got in fights, and vandalized prop- erty. The Saints were truant more often and involved in more vandalism, but the Saints had good reputation. The Roughnecks, in contrast, were seen by teachers, the police, and the general community as no good and headed for trouble.

The boys’ reputations set them on separate paths. Seven of the eight Saints went on to graduate from college. Three studied for advanced degrees: One finished law school and became active in state politics, one finished medical school, and one went on to earn a Ph.D. The four other college graduates entered managerial or executive training pro- grams with large firms. After his parents divorced, one Saint failed to graduate from high school on time and had to repeat his senior year. Although this boy tried to go to college by attending night school, he never finished. He was unemployed the last time Cham- bliss saw him.

In contrast, two of the Roughnecks dropped out of high school. They were later con- victed of separate murders and sent to prison. Of the four boys who graduated from high school, two had done exceptionally well in sports and were awarded athletic scholar- ships to college. They both graduated from college and became high school coaches. Of the two others who completed high school, one became a small-time gambler and the other disappeared “up north,” where he was last reported to be driving a truck.

To understand what happened to the Saints and the Roughnecks, we need to grasp both social structure and social interaction. Using macrosociology, we can place these boys within the larger framework of the U.S. social class system. This reveals how opportuni- ties open or close to people depending on their social class and how people learn differ- ent goals as they grow up in different groups. We can then use microsociology to follow their everyday lives. We can see how the Saints manipulated their “good” reputations to skip classes and how their access to automobiles allowed them to protect their repu- tations by spreading their troublemaking around different communities. In contrast, the Roughnecks, who did not have cars, were highly visible. Their lawbreaking, which was limited to a small area, readily came to the attention of the community. Microsociology also reveals how the boys’ reputations opened doors of opportunity to the Saints while closing them to the Roughnecks.

It is clear that we need both kinds of sociology, and both are stressed in the following chapters. The following photo essay on people’s activities following a tornado should also help to make clear why we need both perspectives.

For children, family photos are not as important as toys. This girl has managed to salvage a favorite toy, which will help anchor her to her previous life.

Personal relationships are essential in putting lives together. Consequently, reminders of these relationships are one of the main possessions that people attempt to salvage. This young man, having just recovered the family photo album, is eagerly reviewing the photos.

After making sure that their loved ones are safe,one of the next steps people take is to recover their possessions. The cooperation that emerges among people, as documented in the sociological literature on natural disasters, is illustrated here.

© James M. Henslin, all photos

process firsthand. The next

morning, I took off fo r Georgia.

These photos, taken the day after the tor


struck, tell the story of people in the mid


of trying to put thei r lives back together

. I

was impressed at ho w little time people


commiserating abou t their misfortune an

d how

quickly they took pr actical steps to resto

re their

lives. As you look at these p

hotos, try to determine why

we need both microso ciology and macrosoci

ology to

understand what occu rs after a natural disas


When a Tornado Strikes: Social O

rganization Follo wing

a Natural Disast er

As I was watching te levision on March 20


2003, I heard a rep ort that a tornado ha


hit Camilla, Georgia. “Like a big lawn mo


the report said, it had cut a path of destru


tion through this littl e town. In its fury, th


tornado had left behi nd six dead and abou


200 injured.

From sociological stu dies of natural disas-

ters, I knew that imm ediately after the init


shock the survivors o f natural disasters wo


together to try to res tore order to their di


rupted lives. I wanted to see this restructu


In addition to the inquiring sociologist, television teams also were interviewing survivors and photographing the damage. This was the second time in just three years that a tornado had hit this neighborhood.

Formal organizations also help the survivors of natural disasters

recover. In this neighborhood, I saw representatives of insurance

companies, the police, the fire department, and an electrical co-op. The Salvation Army brought meals

to the neighborhood.

No building or social institution escapes a tornado as it follows its path of destruction. Just the night before, members of this church had held evening worship service. After the tornado, someone mounted a U.S. flag on top of the cross, symbolic of the church members’ patriotism and religiosity—and of their enduring hope.

Like electricity and gas, communications need to be restored as soon as possible.

The owners of this house invited me inside to see

what the tornado had done to their home. In what had been her dining room, this

woman is trying to salvage whatever she can from the rubble. She and her family

survived by taking refuge in the bathroom. They had been

there only five seconds, she said, when the tornado struck.

© James M. Henslin, all photos

Social Structure and Social Interaction 131

Summary and Review

Levels of Sociological Analysis 4.1 Distinguish between macrosociology and


What two levels of analysis do sociologists use?

Sociologists use macrosociological and microsociological levels of analysis. In macrosociology, the focus is placed on large-scale features of social life, while in microsociology, the focus is on social interaction. Functionalists and conflict theo- rists tend to use a macrosociological approach, while symbolic interactionists are likely to use a microsociological approach.

The Sociological Significance of Social Structure 4.2 Explain the significance of social structure.

How does social structure influence our behavior?

The term social structure refers to the social envelope that surrounds us and establishes limits on our behavior. Social structure consists of culture, social class, social statuses, roles, groups, and social institutions. Our location in the social structure underlies our perceptions, attitudes, and behaviors.

Components of Social Structure 4.3 Be able to identify the major components of social

structure: culture, social class, social status, roles, groups, and social institutions.

What are the major components of social structure?

Culture lays the broadest framework, while social class divides people according to income, education, and occu- pational prestige. Each of us receives ascribed statuses at birth; later we add achieved statuses. Our social statuses guide our roles, put boundaries around our behavior, and give us orientations to life. These are further influenced by the groups to which we belong and our experiences with social institutions. These components of society work to- gether to help maintain social order.

Social Institutions 4.4 Explain the significance of social institutions, and

compare the functionalist and conflict perspec- tives on social institutions.

What are social institutions?

Social institutions are the standard ways that a soci- ety develops to meet its basic needs. As summarized in Figure 4.2, industrial and postindustrial societies have ten social institutions—the family, religion, education, economy, medicine, politics, law, science, the military, and the mass media.

How do functionalists and conflict theorists view social institutions?

From the functionalist perspective, social institutions meet universal group needs, or functional requisites. Conflict the- orists stress how the elites of society use social institutions to maintain their privileged positions.

Changes in Social Structure 4.5 Explain what holds society together.

What holds society together?

According to Emile Durkheim, in agricultural societies, people are united by mechanical solidarity (having sim- ilar views and feelings). With industrialization comes organic solidarity (people depend on one another to do their more specialized jobs). Ferdinand Tönnies pointed out that the informal means of control in Gemeinschaft (small, intimate) societies are replaced by formal mecha- nisms in Gesellschaft (larger, more impersonal) societies.

Symbolic Interaction 4.6 Discuss what symbolic interactionists study.

What is the focus of symbolic interactionism?

In contrast to functionalists and conflict theorists, who as macrosociologists focus on the “big picture,” symbolic interactionists tend to be microsociologists and focus on face-to-face social interaction. Symbolic interactionists an- alyze how people define their worlds, and how their defi- nitions, in turn, influence their behavior.

How do stereotypes affect social interaction?

Stereotypes are assumptions of what people are like. When we first meet people, we classify them according to our perceptions of their visible characteristics. Our ideas about these characteristics guide our reactions to them. Our be- havior, in turn, can influence them to behave in ways that reinforce our stereotypes.

Do all human groups share a similar sense of personal space?

In examining how people use physical space, symbolic interactionists stress that we have a “personal bubble” that we carefully protect. People from different cultures use “personal bubbles” of varying sizes, so the answer to the question is no. Americans typically use four different “distance zones”: intimate, personal, social, and public.

What is body language?

Body language is using our bodies to give messages. We do this through facial expressions, posture, smiling, and eye contact. Interpreting body language is becoming a tool in business and in the fight against terrorism.

132 Chapter 4

Dramaturgy: The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life 4.7 Explain why life is like a stage according to drama-

turgy; be ready to explain role performance, sign- vehicles, teamwork, and becoming the roles we play.

What is dramaturgy?

Erving Goffman developed dramaturgy (or dramaturgical analysis), in which everyday life is analyzed in terms of the stage. At the core of this analysis is impression management, our attempts to control the impressions we make on others. For this, we use the sign-vehicles of setting, appearance, and manner. Our role performances on the front stages of life of- ten call for teamwork and face-saving behavior. They some- times are hampered by role conflict or role strain.

Ethnomethodology: Uncovering Background Assumptions 4.8 Explain what background assumptions are and

how they are an essential part of social life.

What is ethnomethodology?

Ethnomethodology is the study of how people make sense of everyday life. Ethnomethodologists try to uncover

background assumptions, the basic ideas about the way life is that guide our behavior.

The Social Construction of Reality 4.9 Be able to apply the social construction of reality

to your own life.

What is the social construction of reality?

The phrase social construction of reality refers to how we construct our views of the world, which, in turn, underlie our actions.

The Need for both Macrosociology and Microsociology 4.10 Explain why we need both macrosociology and

microsociology to understand social life.

Why are both levels of analysis necessary?

Because macrosociology and microsociology focus on dif- ferent aspects of human experience, each is necessary for us to understand social life.

Thinking Critically about Chapter 4 1. The major components of social structure are culture,

social class, social status, roles, groups, and social institutions. Use social structure to explain why Native Americans have such a low rate of college graduation. (See Table 9.3.)

2. Dramaturgy is a form of microsociology. Use dra- maturgy to analyze a situation with which you are

intimately familiar (such as interaction with your family or friends or at work or in one of your college classes).

3. To illustrate why we need both macrosociology and microsociology to understand social life, analyze the situation of a student getting kicked out of college.

Maze of paper, 2005, Stockbyte (illustration)


Learning Objectives

After you have read this chapter, you should be able to:

5.1 Discuss the main characteristics of primary groups, secondary groups, in-groups and out-groups, reference groups, and social networks.

5.2 Summarize the characteristics of bureaucracies, their dysfunctions, and goal displacement.

5.3 Discuss the “hidden” corporate culture and worker diversity.

5.4 Explain how bureaucracy and technology are coming together to produce a maximum security society.

5.5 Be familiar with the effects of group size on stability, intimacy, attitudes, and behavior; types and styles of leaders; the Asch experiment on peer pressure; the Milgram experiment on authority; and the implications of groupthink.

Chapter 5

Social Groups and Formal Organizations

He wasn’t always called Monster. Cody was his real name, and he was only 13 years old when they started calling him Monster.

Cody was proud of his new name. He wore it like a badge of honor. And it was. Here’s what happened. Cody lived in East Los Angeles, a tough part of the city. And he lived in a tough part of

that tough part, an area where gangs—violent gangs—were part of everyday life. Shoot- ings, robberies, rape, and beatings were not strangers to those who lived there.

Cody wanted to be part of the Crips. The problem was that Cody was just 11 years old. He looked up to these older boys and

young men in his neighborhood, and he admired what he saw. They were brave and tough, just like men ought to be, he thought.

Looking into Cody’s eager eyes, Huck said that he might be able to join up, but he added that Cody needed to be sure about it, that once someone is a Crip, no one backs out. He told him that “bangin,” being a gang member, is serious. He said that bangin’ is not part-time, that bangin’ becomes your life.

Cody nodded. He said he understood. To make sure that Cody really did understand, Huck pressed the matter. He told Cody that if

he was serious, he had to a be ready to kill--or get killed--for a “homie,” (a fellow gang member). Cody said he was ready. With no warning, Huck hit Cody on the head, knocking him to the floor. Another gang

member kicked Cody in the stomach. Others joined in the beating. Cody was stunned by the blows, but he managed to get to his feet and start hitting

back. In his anger, his blows were wild, but he kept hitting.

They called him Monster. And he wore this name like a badge of honor.

Social Groups and Formal Organizations 135

After a few minutes, the beating stopped. Huck said that Cody did OK. Trey Ball told him that he had potential. Cody had just gone through an initiation ritual. The second part of his initiation into

the Crips was about to follow. Trey Ball handed Cody a 12-gauge pump-action shotgun. Cody held the gun like he had won the top prize in school. And he had. Huck told Cody that he had 8 shots and not to come back with any of them.  All armed, they piled into the car and headed to surprise their enemy, the Bloods, who

didn’t live far away. Cody was ready to show that he would kill for the Crips--or die for them. As Cody crept up on the Bloods, he hid in the shadows of houses and bushes. As soon

as he had the chance, Cody shot. And he kept firing as the Bloods screamed and ran, even stepping over bodies as he emptied the gun at the fleeing Bloods.

Afterwards, while they drank beer and smoked marijuana, they talked and laughed about the attack.

Two years later, when Cody was 13, he stomped a Blood  into a coma. As the police looked at the gruesome scene, one officer remarked that a “monster” had done it.

The name stuck. From then on Cody’s name was Monster. And he wore it proudly. Monster went on to a life of crime, with violence part of his life both in and out of

prison. He remained loyal to the Crips, which became his friends and family all rolled into one. The Crips became his purpose for living.

(These events are reconstructed from a marvelous book, Monster (1994) in which Monster Cody Scott describes his life of crime and violence and his time in prison).

Groups within Society 5.1 Discuss the main characteristics of primary groups, secondary groups, in-groups

and out-groups, reference groups, and social networks.

Groups, people who think of themselves as belonging together and who interact with one another, are the essence of life in society. Groups are vital for our well-being. They provide intimate relationships and a sense of belonging, something that we all need. This chapter, then, is highly significant for your life.

Before we analyze groups, we should clarify the concept. Two terms sometimes con- fused with group are aggregate and category. An aggregate consists of people who temporarily share the same physical space but who do not see themselves as belonging together. Shop- pers standing in a checkout line or drivers waiting at a red light are an aggregate. A category is simply a statistic. It consists of people who share similar characteristics, such as all college women who wear glasses or all men over 6 feet tall. Unlike group members, the individuals who make up a category don’t think of themselves as belonging together, and they don’t interact with one another. These concepts are illustrated in the following four photos.

Groups are so influential that they determine who you are. If you think that this is an exaggeration, recall what you read in Chapter 3, that even your mind is a product of society—or, more specifically phrased, of the groups to which you belong. To better understand the influence of groups on your life, let’s begin by looking at the types of groups that make up our society.

Primary Groups As you will recall from Chapter 3, a major point about socialization is that you didn’t develop “naturally” into a human adult. Your social experiences shaped you into what you have become. In this shaping process, it is hard to overestimate how significant your family has been. It was your family that laid down your basic orientations to life. Then came friends, where your sense of belonging expanded. Family and friends are what sociologist Charles Cooley called primary groups. By providing intimate, face-to-face interaction, your primary groups have given you a self, an identity, a feeling of who you are. Here’s how Cooley (1909/1962) put it:

group people who interact with one another and who believe that what they have in common is significant; also called a social group

aggregate individuals who temporarily share the same physical space but who do not see themselves as belonging together

category people, objects, and events that have similar characteristics and are classified together

primary group a small group characterized by cooperative, intimate, long-term, face-to-face relationships

Categories, Aggregates, Primary and Secondary Groups

Groups have a deep impact on our actions, views, orientations, even what we feel and think about life. Yet, as illustrated by these photos, not everything that appears to be a group is actually a group in the sociological sense.

The outstanding trait that these three people have in common does not make them a group, but a category.

Primary groups such as the family play a key role in the development of the self. As a small group, the family also serves as a buffer from the often-threatening larger group known as society. The family has been of primary significance in forming the basic orientations of this couple, as it will be for their daughter.

Why are these contestants in the Ethnic New England Pageant an example of a

secondary group?

Why are the people watc

hing this str eet performe

r in

York, Englan d, an aggreg


Social Groups and Formal Organizations 137

By primary groups I mean those characterized by intimate face-to-face association and cooperation. They are primary in several senses, but chiefly in that they are fundamental in forming the social nature and ideals of the individual.

From our opening vignette, you can see that youth gangs are also primary groups.

PRODUCING A MIRROR WITHIN We humans have intense emotional needs. Among them are a sense of belonging and feelings of self-esteem. Because primary groups provide intense face-to-face interaction as we are being introduced to the world, they are uniquely equipped to meet our basic needs. They can make us feel appreciated—even that we are loved. When primary groups are dysfunctional, however, and fail to meet these basic needs, they produce dysfunctional adults, wounded people who make life difficult for others.

Regardless of the levels at which your primary groups have functioned—and none is perfect—their values and attitudes have been fused into your identity. You have internal- ized their views, which are now lenses through which you view life. Even as an adult—no matter how far you move away from your childhood roots—your early primary groups remain “inside” you. There, they continue to form part of the perspective from which you look out onto the world. Your primary groups have become your mirror within.

Secondary Groups Compared with primary groups, secondary groups are larger, more anonymous, and more formal and impersonal. Secondary groups are based on shared interests or activ- ities, and their members are likely to interact on the basis of specific statuses, such as president, manager, worker, or student. Examples include college classes, the American Sociological Association, and political parties. Secondary groups are part of the way we get our education, make our living, spend our money, and use our leisure time.

Secondary groups are necessary for contemporary life, but they often fail to satisfy our deep needs for intimate association. Consequently, secondary groups tend to break down into primary groups. At school and work, we form friendships. Our interaction with our friends is so important that we sometimes feel that if it weren’t for them, school or work would “drive us crazy.” The primary groups that we form within secondary groups, then, serve as a buffer between ourselves and the demands that secondary groups place on us.

VOLUNTARY ASSOCIATIONS A special type of secondary group is a voluntary association, a group made up of volunteers who organize on the basis of some mutual interest. Some groups are local, consisting of only a few volunteers; others are national, with a paid professional staff.

Americans love voluntary associations and use them to express a wide variety of inter- ests. A visitor entering one of the thousands of small towns that dot the U.S. landscape is often greeted by a sign proclaiming some of the town’s voluntary associations: Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, Kiwanis, Lions, Elks, Eagles, Knights of Columbus, Chamber of Commerce, American Legion, Veterans of Foreign Wars, and perhaps a host of others. One type of voluntary associ- ation is so prevalent that a separate sign sometimes indicates which varieties the town offers: Roman Catholic, Baptist, Lutheran, Methodist, Episcopalian, and so on. Not listed on these signs are many other voluntary associations, such as political parties, unions, health clubs, National Right to Life, National Organization for Women, Alcoholics Anonymous, Gamblers Anonymous, Association of Pinto Racers, and Citizens United For or Against This and That.

THE INNER CIRCLE The key members of a voluntary association, its inner circle, often grow distant from the regular members. They become convinced that only they can be trusted to make the group’s important decisions. To see this principle at work, let’s look at the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW).

Sociologists Elaine Fox and George Arquitt (1985) studied three local posts of the VFW. They found that although the leaders of the VFW concealed their attitudes from the rank-and-file-members, the inner circle viewed them as a bunch of ignorant boozers. Because the leaders couldn’t stand the thought that such people might represent them in

secondary group compared with a primary group, a larger, relatively temporary, more anonymous, formal, and impersonal group based on some interest or activity

voluntary associations groups made up of people who voluntarily organize on the basis of some mutual interest; also known as voluntary memberships and voluntary organizations

138 Chapter 5

the community and at national meetings, a curious situation arose. The rank-and-file members were eligible for top leadership positions, but they never became leaders. In fact, the inner circle was so effective in con- trolling these top positions that even before an election, they could tell you who was going to win. “You need to meet Jim,” the sociologists were told. “He’s the next post commander after Sam does his time.”

At first, the researchers found this puzzling. The election hadn’t been held yet. As they investigated further, they found that leader- ship was determined behind the scenes. The current leaders appointed their favored people to chair the key committees. This spotlighted their names and accomplishments, propelling the members to elect them. By appointing its own members to highly visible positions, the inner circle maintained control over the entire organization.

THE IRON LAW OF OLIGARCHY Like the VFW, in most voluntary associations, an elite inner circle keeps itself in power by passing the leadership positions among its members. Sociologist Robert Michels (1876–1936) coined the term the iron law of oligarchy to refer to how organizations come to be dominated by a small, self-perpetuating elite. (Oligarchy means a system in which many are ruled by a few.)

What many find disturbing about the iron law of oligarchy is that peo- ple are excluded from leadership because they don’t represent the inner

circle’s values, or, in some instances, their background or even the way they look. This is true even of organizations that are committed to democratic principles. For example, U.S. political parties— supposedly the backbone of the nation’s representative government—are run by an inner circle that passes leadership positions from one elite member to another. This principle also shows up in the U.S. Congress. With their control of political machinery and access to free mailing, 93 to 97 percent of U.S. senators and representatives who choose to run are reelected (Statistical Abstract 2006:Table 394; Saad 2016; “Vital Statistics on Congress” 2017).

The iron law of oligarchy is not without its limitations, of course. Regardless of their personal feelings, members of the inner circle must keep attuned to the opinions of the rank-and-file members. If the oligarchy gets too far out of line, it runs the risk of a grass- roots rebellion that would throw the elite out of office. This threat softens the iron law of oligarchy by making the leadership responsive to the membership. The iron law of oligarchy, then, is actually more like a copper law of oligarchy; it does have to do some bending. In addition, because not all organizations become captive to an elite, it is a strong tendency, not an inevitability.

In-Groups and Out-Groups What groups do you identity with? Which groups in our society do you dislike?

We all have in-groups, groups toward which we feel loyalty. And we all have out-groups, groups toward which we feel antagonism. For Monster Kody in our opening vignette, the Crips were an in-group, while the Bloods were an out-group. That the Crips—and we—make such a fundamental division of the world has far-reaching consequences for our lives.

SHAPING PERCEPTION AND MORALITY You know the sense of belonging that some groups give you. This can bring positive consequences, such as our tendency to excuse the faults of people we love and to encourage them to do better. Unfortunately, dividing the world into a “we” and “them” also leads to discrimination, hatred, and, as we saw in our

iron law of oligarchy Robert Michels’ term for the tendency of formal organi- zations to be dominated by a small, self-perpetuating elite

in-group a group toward which one feels loyalty

How our participation in social groups shapes our self-concept is a focus of symbolic interactionists. In this process, knowing who we are not is as significant as knowing who we are.

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In a process called the iron law of oligarchy, a small, self-perpetuating elite tends to take control of formal organizations. The text explains that the leaders of the local VFW posts separate themselves from the rank- and-file members. This photo was taken in Middletown, New York.

Social Groups and Formal Organizations 139

opening vignette, even murder. From this, you can see the sociological significance of in-groups: They shape your perception of the world, your views of right and wrong, and your behavior.

A fascinating result of dividing the world into “we” and “they” is that it can nurture double standards, such as prejudice and discrimination on the basis of sex:

We tend to view the traits of our in-group as virtues, while we perceive those same traits as vices in out-groups. Men may perceive an aggressive man as assertive but an aggressive woman as pushy. They may think that a male employee who doesn’t speak up “knows when to keep his mouth shut,” while they consider a quiet woman as too timid to make it in the business world (Merton 1949/1968).

The twisting of perceptions can be so severe that, as in our opening vignette, harm- ing others can become viewed as right. The Nazis provide a startling example. For them, the Jews were an out-group who symbolized an evil that should be eliminated. Many ordinary “good” Germans shared this view and defended the Holocaust as “dirty work” that someone had to do (Hughes 1962/2005).

An example from way back then, you might say—and the world has moved on. But our inclination to divide the world into in-groups and out-groups has not moved on—nor has the twisting of perception that accompanies it. When al-Qaeda became Americans’ number one out-group after 9/11, top U.S. officials ordered “cruel and inhuman” treat- ment of al-Qaeda prisoners. Interrogators waterboarded one prisoner 83 times (“Ex-FBI Official …” 2015). (None of us would want to be waterboarded even once.)

Perhaps this prisoner’s account of his treatment at U.S. hands at Guantanamo will pro- vide more insight into the extreme consequences that can arise from out-group thinking:

Suddenly a commando team consisting of three soldiers and a German shepherd broke into our interrogation room…. ____ punched me violently, which made me fall face down on the floor…. His partner kept punching me everywhere, mainly on my face and my ribs. He, too, was masked from head to toe…. The third man was not masked; he stayed at the door holding the dog’s collar, ready to release it on me…. I saw the dog fighting to get loose.

One of them hit me hard across the face, and quickly put the goggles on my eyes, ear muffs on my ears, and a small bag over my head. I couldn’t tell who did what. They tightened the chains around my ankles and my wrists; afterwards, I started to bleed. All I could hear was ____ cursing, “F-this and F-that!” (Sandberg 2015).

Shades of the Nazis! In short, to divide the world into in-groups and out-groups, a natural part of social

life, produces both functional and dysfunctional consequences.

Reference Groups Suppose you have just been offered a good job. It pays double what you hope to make even after you graduate from college. You have only two days to make up your mind. If you accept the job, you will have to drop out of college. As you consider the offer, thoughts like this may go through your mind: “My friends will say I’m a fool if I don’t take the job … but Dad and Mom will practically go crazy. They’ve made sacrifices for me, and they’ll be crushed if I don’t finish college. They’ve always said I’ve got to get my education first, that good jobs will always be there…. But, then, I’d like to see the look on the faces of those neighbors who said I’d never amount to much!”

EVALUATING OURSELVES This is an example of how people use reference groups, the groups we refer to when we evaluate ourselves. Your reference groups may include your family, neighbors, teachers, classmates, co-workers, or the members of your church, synagogue, or mosque. If you were like Monster Kody in our opening vignette, the “set” would be your main reference group. Even a group you don’t belong to can be a reference group. For example, if you are thinking about going to graduate school, gradu- ate students or members of the profession you want to join may form a reference group. You would consider their standards as you evaluate your grades or writing skills.

out-group a group toward which one feels antagonism

reference group a group whose standards we refer to as we evaluate ourselves

the community and at national meetings, a curious situation arose. The rank-and-file members were eligible for top leadership positions, but they never became leaders. In fact, the inner circle was so effective in con- trolling these top positions that even before an election, they could tell you who was going to win. “You need to meet Jim,” the sociologists were told. “He’s the next post commander after Sam does his time.”

At first, the researchers found this puzzling. The election hadn’t been held yet. As they investigated further, they found that leader- ship was determined behind the scenes. The current leaders appointed their favored people to chair the key committees. This spotlighted their names and accomplishments, propelling the members to elect them. By appointing its own members to highly visible positions, the inner circle maintained control over the entire organization.

THE IRON LAW OF OLIGARCHY Like the VFW, in most voluntary associations, an elite inner circle keeps itself in power by passing the leadership positions among its members. Sociologist Robert Michels (1876–1936) coined the term the iron law of oligarchy to refer to how organizations come to be dominated by a small, self-perpetuating elite. (Oligarchy means a system in which many are ruled by a few.)

What many find disturbing about the iron law of oligarchy is that peo- ple are excluded from leadership because they don’t represent the inner

circle’s values, or, in some instances, their background or even the way they look. This is true even of organizations that are committed to democratic principles. For example, U.S. political parties— supposedly the backbone of the nation’s representative government—are run by an inner circle that passes leadership positions from one elite member to another. This principle also shows up in the U.S. Congress. With their control of political machinery and access to free mailing, 93 to 97 percent of U.S. senators and representatives who choose to run are reelected (Statistical Abstract 2006:Table 394; Saad 2016; “Vital Statistics on Congress” 2017).

The iron law of oligarchy is not without its limitations, of course. Regardless of their personal feelings, members of the inner circle must keep attuned to the opinions of the rank-and-file members. If the oligarchy gets too far out of line, it runs the risk of a grass- roots rebellion that would throw the elite out of office. This threat softens the iron law of oligarchy by making the leadership responsive to the membership. The iron law of oligarchy, then, is actually more like a copper law of oligarchy; it does have to do some bending. In addition, because not all organizations become captive to an elite, it is a strong tendency, not an inevitability.

In-Groups and Out-Groups What groups do you identity with? Which groups in our society do you dislike?

We all have in-groups, groups toward which we feel loyalty. And we all have out-groups, groups toward which we feel antagonism. For Monster Kody in our opening vignette, the Crips were an in-group, while the Bloods were an out-group. That the Crips—and we—make such a fundamental division of the world has far-reaching consequences for our lives.

SHAPING PERCEPTION AND MORALITY You know the sense of belonging that some groups give you. This can bring positive consequences, such as our tendency to excuse the faults of people we love and to encourage them to do better. Unfortunately, dividing the world into a “we” and “them” also leads to discrimination, hatred, and, as we saw in our

iron law of oligarchy Robert Michels’ term for the tendency of formal organi- zations to be dominated by a small, self-perpetuating elite

in-group a group toward which one feels loyalty

140 Chapter 5

Reference groups exert tremendous influence on us. For example, if you want to become a corporate executive, you might start to dress more formally, try to improve your vocab- ulary, read the Wall Street Journal, and change your major to business or law. In contrast, if you want to become a rock musician, you might get elaborate tattoos and body pierc- ings, dress in ways your parents and even many of your peers consider extreme, read Rolling Stone, drop out of college, and hang around clubs and rock groups.

EXPOSURE TO CONTRADICTORY STANDARDS IN A SOCIALLY DIVERSE SOCIETY From these exam- ples, you can see how you use reference groups to eval- uate your life. When you see yourself as measuring up to a reference group’s standards, you feel pleased. But you can experience inner turmoil if your behavior— or aspirations—does not match the group’s standards. Although wanting to become a corporate executive would create no inner turmoil for most of us, it would for someone who had grown up in an Amish home. The Amish strongly disapprove of such aspirations for their

children. They ban high school and college education, suits and ties, and corporate employment. Similarly, if you want to join the military and your parents are dedicated pacifists, you likely would feel deep conflict, because your parents would have quite different aspirations for you.

Contradictions that lead to inner turmoil are common because of two chief character- istics of our society: social diversity and social mobility. These expose us to standards and orientations that are inconsistent with those we learned during childhood. The “internal recordings” that play contrasting messages from different reference groups, then, are one price we pay for our social mobility.

Social Networks Although we live in a huge and diverse society, we don’t experience social life as a sea of nameless, strange faces. This is because of the groups we have been discussing. Among these is our social network, people who are linked to one another. Your social

All of us have reference groups— the groups we use as standards to evaluate ourselves. How do you think the reference groups of these members of the KKK who are demonstrating in Jaspar, Texas, differ from those of the police officer who is protecting their right of free speech? Although the KKK and this police officer use different groups to evaluate their attitudes and behaviors, the process is the same.

The smallest part of social networks is our friends and acquaintances, the people we hang out with. This part of our social networks overlaps with and forms a core part of our reference groups. From these two photos, can you see how the reference groups and social networks of these youths are not likely to lead them to the same social destination?

network includes your family, friends, acquaintances, people at work and school, and even “friends of friends.” Think of your social network as a spider ’s web. You are at the center, with lines extending outward, gradually encompassing more and more people.

If you are a member of a large group, you probably associate regularly with a few people within that group. In a sociology class I was teaching at a commuter campus, six women who didn’t know one another ended up working together on a project. They got along well, and they began to sit together in class. Eventually, they planned a Christmas party at one of their homes. This type of social network, the clusters within a group, or its internal factions, is called a clique (cleek).

You are going to face a lot of challenges in your coming career, especially because of the ways work has changed in the postindustrial or information society. The following Applying Sociology to Your Life explores ways you can use social networking to help your career.

social network the social ties radiating outward from the self that link people together

clique (cleek) a cluster of people within a larger group who choose to interact with one another

Social Groups and Formal Organizations 141

Applying Sociology to Your Life The New World of Work: How to Keep a Paycheck Coming in the New Global Marketplace Here’s how it used to be

For blue-collar workers: After you finished high school and took a job in a factory, you could expect to work in the same company until you retired and then collect a little Social Security for the rest of your life. For college graduates: You could expect to take a job in the white-collar world of management, with a semi-comfortable pension in return for your many years of loyal service to the company.

Although there were many exceptions to this broad outline, this was the general course of events for workers who stayed with a particular company. Workers expected continuous employment, and in general the companies delivered. The retirement pay might not be generous, but workers could generally count on it.

Here’s how it is now

Three major changes have undermined this general stability of the workplace: globalization, outsourcing, and subcon- tracting. Factories close up when their products are no longer competitive with those produced in low-wage countries. To remain competitive in this new global marketplace, some firms outsource: They find it cheaper to have other companies (in the United States or elsewhere) bid on producing the com- ponents of their products. They also subcontract: Jobs that were previously done “in house” by the company’s workers are contracted out to independent workers or to another firm.

It is no mystery why globalization, outsourcing, and sub- contracting are part of the new world of work: Companies can avoid the costs of unemployment insurance, workmen’s comp insurance, Social Security, sick days, vacation days, and that ongoing, lingering expense of retirement pay. The end result

is a severe undermining of the security of workers. In this new world of work, you never know if your job will be outsourced to workers in China, India, Indonesia, or Mexico, or if your job will be subcontracted to someone in your own city.

So how can you apply sociology?

The key to keeping your paycheck rolling in when you can’t depend on continued employment by the company that hires you is social networking. Develop as many contacts as you can. Use the social media to participate in groups that share your professional interests. Join local, state, and national associations related to your career goals. Attend and participate in their meetings. Volunteer to work on com- mittees. Get to know these people, even online, and stay in contact with them. Your goal should be to develop a list of people you can call and consult with.

Be systematic and try to develop a strong network, one that is not just extensive but that includes key people in organizations. This might seem impossible, but it is doable. The more you cultivate your network, the more people it will include. Your participation will eventually be noticed by leaders, and you will always be in contact with people who know someone who knows someone who …

When you look for a new job, you will know who to contact. Or when someone knows of a new job opening, they will think of you. Keep in mind that good jobs circulate in networks, and job openings often are filled through per- sonal contacts—even before they are formally announced.

For Your Consideration → How will you apply social networking to help your career?

Be precise in laying out the steps you will take.

network includes your family, friends, acquaintances, people at work and school, and even “friends of friends.” Think of your social network as a spider ’s web. You are at the center, with lines extending outward, gradually encompassing more and more people.

If you are a member of a large group, you probably associate regularly with a few people within that group. In a sociology class I was teaching at a commuter campus, six women who didn’t know one another ended up working together on a project. They got along well, and they began to sit together in class. Eventually, they planned a Christmas party at one of their homes. This type of social network, the clusters within a group, or its internal factions, is called a clique (cleek).

You are going to face a lot of challenges in your coming career, especially because of the ways work has changed in the postindustrial or information society. The following Applying Sociology to Your Life explores ways you can use social networking to help your career.

social network the social ties radiating outward from the self that link people together

clique (cleek) a cluster of people within a larger group who choose to interact with one another

142 Chapter 5

THE SMALL WORLD PHENOMENON If you list everyone you know, and each of these individuals lists everyone he or she knows, and all of you keep doing this, would almost everyone in the United States eventually be included on those lists? This takes us to a question social scientists have asked: Just how extensive are the connections among social networks?

It would be too cumbersome to test this question by drawing up such lists, but psy- chologist Stanley Milgram (1933–1984) came up with an interesting idea. In a classic study known as “the small world phenomenon,” Milgram (1967) addressed a letter to “targets”: the wife of a seminary student in Cambridge and a stockbroker in Boston. He didn’t mail the letters to these people, but instead sent them to “starters”—people who did not know these individuals. He asked them to send the letter to someone they knew on a first-name basis who might know the “target.” Those recipients, in turn, were asked to mail the letter to a friend or acquaintance who might know the “target,” and so on. The question was, Would the letters ever reach the “target”? If so, how long would the chain be?

Think of yourself as part of this research. What would you do if you were a “starter,” but the “target” lived in a state in which you knew no one? You would send the letter to someone that you think might know someone in that state. This, Milgram reported, is just what happened. Although none of the senders knew the targets, the letters reached the designated individual in an average of just six jumps.

Milgram’s research caught the public’s fancy, leading to the phrase “six degrees of separation.” This expression means that, on average, everyone in the United States is separated by just six individuals. Milgram’s conclusions have become so popular that a game, “Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon,” was built around it.

IS THE SMALL WORLD PHENOMENON AN ACADEMIC MYTH? Psychologist Judith Kleinfeld (2002) decided to replicate Milgram’s study. At Yale University Library, where she went to get more details, she went through Milgram’s papers. To her surprise, she found that Milgram had stacked the deck in favor of finding a small world. As men- tioned, one of the “targets” was a Boston stockbroker. Kleinfeld found that this person’s “starters” were investors in blue-chip stocks. She also found that on average, only 30 percent of the letters reached their “target.”

Since most letters did not reach their targets, even with the deck stacked in favor of success, we can draw the opposite conclusion: People who don’t know one another are dramatically separated by social barriers. As Kleinfeld says, “Rather than living in a small world, we may live in a world that looks like a bowl of lumpy oatmeal, with many small worlds loosely connected and perhaps some small worlds not connected at all.” Somehow, I don’t think that the phrase “lumpy oatmeal phenomenon” will become standard, but it seems reasonable to conclude that we do not live in a small world where everyone is connected by six links.

But not so fast. The plot thickens. Although research with thousands of e-mail chains showed that only about 1 percent reached their targets (Dodds et al. 2003; Muhamad 2010), other research confirms Milgram’s conclusions. Research on 250 million people who exchanged chat messages showed a link of less than seven, and a study of 700 million peo- ple on Facebook showed a connection of less than five (Markoff and Sengupta 2011). This topic fascinates computer specialists, and their research continues (Mehrabian 2017).

Why such disparity? The problem seems to be the choice of samples and how researchers measure links. These definitions must be worked out before we can draw solid conclusions. But maybe Milgram did stumble onto the truth. We’ll find out as the research continues.

BUILDING UNINTENTIONAL BARRIERS Besides geography, the barriers that divide us into separate small worlds (lumpy or not) are primarily those of social class, gender, and race–ethnicity. Overcoming these social barriers is difficult because even our own social networks contribute to social inequality, a topic that we explore in the following Applying Sociology to Your Life.

Social Groups and Formal Organizations 143

Bureaucracies 5.2 Summarize the characteristics of bureaucracies, their dysfunctions, and goal


About one hundred years ago, sociologist Max Weber analyzed bureaucracy, a type of organization that, new then, has since become dominant in social life. To achieve more efficient results, bureaucracies shift the emphasis from traditional relationships based on personal loyalties to the “bottom line.” As we look at the characteristics of bureaucracies, we will also consider their implications for your life.

Applying Sociology to Your Life Do Your Social Networks Perpetuate Social Inequality?

Suppose that an outstanding job—great pay, interesting work, opportunity for advancement— has just opened up where you work. Who are you going to tell?

Consider some of the principles we have reviewed. You are part of in-groups, people with whom you identify; you use reference groups to evaluate your attitudes and behav- ior; and you interact in social networks. Your in-groups, reference groups, and social networks are likely to consist of people whose backgrounds are similar to your own. If you are like most of us, this means that just as social inequality is built into society, so it is built into your relationships. One consequence is that you tend to perpetuate social inequality.

How can I make such a statement?

Go back to the question that opens this box. Who will you tell about the opening for this outstanding job? Will it be a stranger? Not likely. Most likely it will be a friend or someone to whom you owe a favor. And most likely your social network is made up of people who look much like yourself—similar to your age, education, social class, race–ethnicity, and, probably also, gender. Can you see how your social networks both reflect the inequality in our society and help to perpetuate it?

Consider a network of white men in some corporation. As they learn of opportunities (jobs, investments, and so on), they share this information with their networks. This causes opportunities and good jobs to flow to people whose char- acteristics are similar to theirs. This perpetuates the “good

old boy”’ network, bypassing people who have different characteristics—in this example, women and minorities. No intentional discrimination needs to be involved. It is just a reflection of our contacts, of our everyday interactions.

To overcome this barrier and advance their careers, women and minorities do networking. They try to meet “someone who knows someone” (Kantor 2009). Like the “good old boys,” they go to parties and join clubs, religious

organizations, and political parties. They use Facebook and other online networking sites. One result is a “new girl” network in which women steer business to one another (Jacobs 1997). African American leaders have cultivated their own net- work, one so tight that one-fifth of the entire national African American leadership knows one another personally. Add some “friends of a friend,” and three- fourths of the entire leadership belong to the same network (Taylor 1992).

For Your Consideration The perpetuation of social inequality does not require inten- tional discrimination. Just as social inequality is built into society, so it is built into our personal relationships.

→ How do you think your social network helps to perpetu- ate social inequality?

→ How do you think we can break this cycle?

→ How can we create diversity in our social networks?

→ Should we try to break this cycle? What are the assumptions on which your answer is based?

When we learn of opportunities, we share this information with our networks. Opportunities then flow to people whose characteristics are similar to ours.

144 Chapter 5

The Characteristics of Bureaucracies Do you know what the Russian army and the U.S. postal service have in common? Or the government of Mexico and your college?

The sociological answer to these questions is that all four of these organizations are bureaucracies. As Weber (1913/1947) pointed out, bureaucracies have:

1. Separate levels, with assignments f lowing downward and accountability f lowing upward. Each level assigns re- sponsibilities to the level beneath it, and each lower level is accountable to the level above it for fulfilling those assignments. Figure 5.1 shows the bureaucratic structure of a typical university.

Figure 5.1 The Typical Bureaucratic Structure of a Medium-Sized University

Board (of regents; governors; trustees)


Vice President for Academic Affairs

College of Education

College of Sciences

College of Business

College of Fine Arts

College of Social Sciences

Department of Sociology

Department Chair

Sociology Faculty

Department of Political Science

Department of Economics

Department of Psychology

Department of Anthropology

College of Engineering

College of Medicine

College of Law

College of Humanities

Vice President for Personnel

Vice President for Administration

Vice President for Development

Vice President for Public Affairs

Today’s armies, no matter what country they are from, are bureaucracies. They have a strict hierarchy of rank, division of labor, impersonality and replaceability (an emphasis on the office, not the person holding it), and they stress written records, rules, and communications—essential characteristics identified by Max Weber. This photo was taken in Pyongyang, North Korea.

2. A division of labor. Each worker is assigned specific tasks, and the tasks of all the work- ers are coordinated to accomplish the purpose of the organization. In a college, for example, a teacher does not fix the heating system, the president does not approve class schedules, and a secretary does not evaluate textbooks. These tasks are distrib- uted among people who have been trained to do them.

3. Written rules. In their attempt to become efficient, bureaucracies stress written proce- dures. In general, the longer a bureaucracy exists and the larger it grows, the more written rules it has. The rules of some bureaucracies cover just about every imagin- able situation. In my university, for example, the rules are published in handbooks: separate ones for faculty, students, administrators, civil service workers, and perhaps others that I don’t even know about.

SOURCE: By the author.

Social Groups and Formal Organizations 145

4. Written communications and records. Records are kept for much of what occurs in a bureaucracy (“Be sure to CC all immediate supervisors”). Some workers must de- tail their activities in written reports. My university, for example, requires that each semester, faculty members produce a summary of the number of hours they spent performing specified activities. They must also submit an annual report listing what they accomplished in teaching, research, and service—all accompanied by copies of publications, evidence of service, and written teaching evaluations from each course. Committees use these materials to evaluate the performance of each faculty member.

5. Impersonality and replaceability. The office is important, not the individual who holds the office. Each worker is a replaceable unit. You work for the organization, not for the replaceable person who holds some post in the organization. When a professor retires, for example, someone else is hired to take his or her place. This makes each person a small cog in a large machine.

These five characteristics help bureaucracies reach their goals. They also allow them to grow and endure. One bureaucracy in the United States, the postal service, has grown so large that 1 out of every 240 employed Americans works for it (Statistical Abstract 2017:Tables 639, 1142). If the head of a bureaucracy resigns, retires, or dies, the organiza- tion continues without skipping a beat. Unlike a “mom-and-pop” operation, a bureau- cracy does not depend on the individual who heads it.

Bureaucracies have expanded to such an extent that they now envelop our entire lives, the topic of the following Down-to-Earth Sociology.

bureaucracy a formal organization with a hi- erarchy of authority and a clear division of labor; emphasis on impersonality of positions and written rules, communications, and records

McDonaldization of society the process by which ordinary aspects of life are rationalized and efficiency comes to rule them, including such things as food preparation

Down-to-Earth Sociology The McDonaldization of Society The significance of the McDonald’s restaurants that dot the United States—and, increasingly, the world—goes far beyond quick hamburgers, milk shakes, and salads. As sociologist George Ritzer (2015) says, our everyday lives are being “McDonaldized.” Let’s see what he means.

The McDonaldization of society does not refer just to the robotlike assembly of food at McDonalds. This term refers to the standardization of everyday life, a process that is transforming our lives. Want to do some shopping? Shopping malls offer one-stop shopping in controlled environments. Planning a trip? Travel agencies offer “package” tours. They will transport middle-class Americans to ten European capitals in fourteen days. All visitors experience the same hotels, restaurants, and other scheduled sites—and no one need fear meeting a “real” native. Want to keep up with events? USA Today spews out McNews—short, bland, nonanalytical pieces that can be digested between gulps of the McShake or the McBurger.

Efficiency brings dependability. You can expect your burger and fries to taste the same whether you buy them in Minneapolis or Moscow. Although efficiency also lowers prices, it does come at a cost. Predictability washes away spontaneity. It changes the quality of our lives by producing sameness—flat, bland versions of what used to be unique experiences. In my own travels, for example, had I taken packaged tours, I never would have had the eye-opening

experiences that have added so much to my appreciation of human diversity. (Bus trips with chickens in Mexico, hitchhiking in Europe and Africa, sleeping on a granite table in a nunnery in Italy and in a cornfield in Algeria are not part of tour agendas.)

For good or bad, our lives are being McDonaldized, and the predictability of packaged settings seems to be our social destiny. Education is being rationalized. When this process is complete, no longer will our children have

to put up with real professors, who insist on discussing ideas endlessly, who never come to decisive answers, and

McDonald’s in Beijing, China.


146 Chapter 5

Goal Displacement and the Perpetuation of Bureaucracies Bureaucracies are so good at harnessing people’s energies to reach specific goals that they have become a standard feature of our lives. Once in existence, however, bureaucra- cies tend to take on a life of their own. In a process called goal displacement, even after an organization achieves its goal and no longer has a reason to continue, continue it does.

A classic example is the March of Dimes, organized in the 1930s with the goal of fighting polio (Sills 1957). At that time, the origin of polio was a mystery. The public was alarmed and fearful; overnight, a healthy child could be stricken with this crippling disease. To raise money to find a cure, the March of Dimes placed posters of children on crutches near cash registers in almost every store in the United States. The organization raised money beyond its wildest dreams. When Dr. Jonas Salk developed a vaccine for polio in the 1950s, the threat of polio was wiped out almost overnight.

Did the staff that ran the March of Dimes hold a wild celebration and then quietly fold up their tents and slip away? Of course not. Look at the following photos. The staff had jobs to protect, so they targeted a new enemy—birth defects. But then, in 2001, another ominous threat of success reared its ugly head. Researchers finished mapping

goal displacement an organization replacing old goals with new ones; also known as goal replacement

who come saddled with idiosyncrasies. At some point, such an education is going to be like quill pens and ink wells, a bit of quaint history.

Our programmed education will eliminate the need for evaluating social issues. We will have packaged solutions to social problems, definitive answers that satisfy our need for closure, and the government’s desire that we not explore its warts. Computerized courses will teach the same answers to everyone—“politically correct” ways to think about social issues. Mass testing will ensure that students regurgitate the programmed responses. Like

carcasses of beef, our courses will be stamped “U.S. government approved.”

Our looming prepackaged society will be efficient. But we will be trapped in the “iron cage” of bureaucracy—just as Weber warned would happen.

For Your Consideration → What do you like and dislike about the standardization of


→ What do you think about the author’s comments on the future of education?

The March of Dimes was founded by President Franklin Roosevelt in the 1930s to fight polio. When a vaccine for polio was discovered in the 1950s, the organization did not declare victory and disband. Instead, its leaders kept the organization intact by creating new goals— first “fighting birth defects,” and now “helping babies.” Sociologists use the term goal displacement to refer to this process of adopting new goals.

Social Groups and Formal Organizations 147

the human genome system, a breakthrough that held the possibility of eliminating birth defects—and their jobs. Officials of the March of Dimes had to come up with something new—and something that would last. Their new slogan, “Stronger, healthier babies,” is so vague that it should ensure the organization’s existence forever: We are not likely to ever run out of the need for “stronger, healthier babies.”

Then there is NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization), founded during the Cold War to prevent Russia from invading western Europe. The end of the Cold War removed the organization’s purpose. But why waste a perfectly good bureaucracy? As with the March of Dimes, the western powers found a new goal: to combat terrorism and “rogue nations.” Russia poked a finger in NATO’s eye over this very point, say- ing that because NATO is looking for a reason to exist it provokes tensions with Russia (Schmitt 2017).

Dysfunctions of Bureaucracies Although in the long run no other form of social organization is more efficient, as Weber recognized, bureaucracies have a dark side. Let’s look at some of their dysfunctions.


When the call came, the firefighters went on alert. With their fire truck’s lights flashing and its siren wailing, they sped to the fire.

Just the usual thing. The unusual? The driver of the fire truck was issued a ticket for speeding. The fire chief, of course, explained that the “speeder” caught by the street camera was

driving a fire truck. This explanation didn’t faze the department in charge of issuing tickets. “Nothing in

my rule book makes you an exception,” was the reply. “Pay the fine.” (“Outrage …” 2016).

Bureaucracies can be so bound by rules that the results defy logic. In Spain, I came across another example so ridiculous that it can make your head

swim—if you don’t burst from laughing first.

The Civil Registry of Barcelona recorded the death of a woman named Maria Antonieta Calvo in 1992. Apparently, Maria’s evil brother had reported her dead so he could collect the family inheritance.

When Maria learned that she was supposedly dead, she told the Registry that she was very much alive. The bureaucrats at this agency looked at their records, shook their heads, and insisted that she was dead. Maria then asked lawyers to represent her in court. They refused—because no dead person can bring a case before a judge.

When Maria’s boyfriend asked her to marry him, the couple ran into a slight obsta- cle: No man in Spain (or most other places) can marry a dead woman—so these bureau- crats said, “So sorry, but no license.”

After years of continuing to insist that she was alive, Maria finally got a hearing in court. When the judges looked at Maria, they believed that she really was a living person, and they ordered the Civil Registry to declare her alive.

The ending of this story gets even happier: Now that Maria was alive, she was able to marry her boyfriend. I don’t know if the two lived happily ever after, but, after  overcoming these mind-numbing bureaucrats, they at least had that chance (“Mujer ‘resucite’” 2006).

ALIENATION OF WORKERS Perceived in terms of roles, rules, and functions rather than as individuals, many workers in bureaucracies begin to feel more like objects than people. With boring, repetitive tasks—from factory workers inserting bolts to office workers filling out forms—workers can come to feel estranged from both their labor and their work environment. Marx termed these reactions alienation, a result, he said,

alienation Marx’s term for workers’ lack of connection to the product of their labor; caused by workers being assigned repetitive tasks on a small part of a product— this leads to a sense of pow- erlessness and normlessness; others use the term in the gen- eral sense of not feeling a part of something

Technology has changed our lives fundamentally. The connection to each telephone call used to be made by hand. As in this photo from the 1940s, these connections were made by women. Long-distance calls, with their numerous handmade connections, not only were slow, but also expensive. In 1927, a call from New York to London cost $25 a minute. In today’s money, this comes to $300 a minute!

148 Chapter 5

of workers being cut off from the finished product of their labor. He pointed out that before industrialization workers used their own tools to produce an entire prod- uct, such as a chair or table. Now the capitalists own the tools (machinery, desks, computers) and assign each worker only a single step or two in the entire produc- tion process.

RESISTING ALIENATION Workers don’t want to feel alienated. They want to feel valued and to have a sense of control over their work. So they resist alienation. A major form of resistance is forming pri- mary groups at work. They band together in infor- mal settings—at lunch, around desks, or for a drink after work. There, they give one another approval for jobs well done and express sympathy for the shared need to put up with cantankerous bosses, meaning-

less routines, and endless rules. They relate to one another not just as workers but also as people who value one another. They flirt, laugh, tell jokes, and talk about their families and goals. Adding this multidimensionality to their work relation- ships helps them maintain their sense of being individuals rather than mere cogs in a machine.

As in this photo, workers often decorate their work areas with personal items. The sociological implication is that these workers are staking a claim to individuality. They are rejecting an identity as machines that exist to perform functions.

Working for the Corporation 5.3 Discuss the “hidden” corporate culture and worker diversity.

Since you are likely to be working for a bureaucracy after college, let’s examine some of its characteristics and how these might affect your career.

Self-Fulfilling Stereotypes in the “Hidden” Corporate Culture As you might recall from Chapter 4, stereotypes can be self-fulfilling. That is, stereotypes can produce the very characteristics they are built around. The example used there was of stereotypes of appearance and personality. Sociologists have also uncovered self-fulfilling stereotypes in corporate life (Rivera 2012; Whiteley et al. 2012). Let’s see how they might affect your career after college.

SELF-FULFILLING STEREOTYPES AND PROMOTIONS Corporate and department heads have ideas of “what it takes” to get ahead. Not surprisingly, since they themselves got ahead, they look for people who have characteris- tics similar to their own. They feed better information to these workers, bring them into stronger networks, and put them in “fast-track” positions. With such advantages, these workers perform better and become more committed to the company. This, of course, confirms the supervisor ’s expectations, the initial stereotype of a successful person.

But for workers who don’t look or act like the corporate leaders, the opposite happens. Thinking of these people as less capable, the bosses give them fewer opportunities and challenges. When these workers see others get

How is this worker trying to avoid becoming a depersonalized unit in a bureaucratic-economic machine?

The office of the future? Today’s new workers expect—and are receiving—greater “humanization” of the workplace. This office in Southampton, Hampshire, England includes a tree house, a pool table, a putting green, a giant swing, a cinema, and, as you see, this fun slide to relieve tensions.

Social Groups and Formal Organizations 149

ahead and realize that they themselves are working beneath their abilities, they lose moti- vation and don’t perform as well. This, of course, confirms the stereotypes the bosses had of them in the first place.

In her research on U.S. corporations, Kanter (1977, 1983) found that such self- fulfilling stereotypes are part of a “hidden” corporate culture. That is, these stereotypes and their powerful effects on workers remain hidden to everyone, even the supervisors. What is visible is the surface—workers with superior performance and greater commit- ment to the company getting promoted. To bosses and workers alike, this seems to be just the way it should be. Hidden below this surface, however, are the higher and lower expectations and the opening and closing of opportunities that produce the attitudes and the accomplishments—or the lack of them.

Diversity in the Workplace At one point in U.S. history, most workers were white men. Over the years, this gradu- ally changed, and now 47 percent of workers are women and 34 percent are minorities (Statistical Abstract 2017:Tables 617, 618). With such extensive diversity, the stereotypes in the hidden corporate culture will give way, although only grudgingly. In the following Sociology and Technology: The Shifting Landscape, let’s consider if VR (Virtual Reality) can speed things up a bit.

self-fulfilling stereotype ideas of what someone is like that lead to the person’s be- having in ways that match the stereotype

“hidden” corporate culture stereotypes of the traits that make for high-performing and underperforming workers, which end up producing both types of workers

diversity training efforts to minimize conflict among people of different backgrounds, to enhance their understanding (even apprecia- tion) of their contrasting back- grounds, and to promote their cooperation in reaching mutual goals; often in a work setting

Sociology and Technology: The Shifting Landscape Virtual Reality and Diversity Training Because our society is diverse, a mixture of people from different backgrounds—age, race–ethnicity, sex, social class, and so on—diversity in the workplace is inevitable. Diverse backgrounds can collide, bringing disagreements and conflict, not exactly good for relationships at work. The term diversity training refers to efforts to minimize conflict among people of different backgrounds and promote their cooperation in reaching mutual goals.

Early efforts at diversity training in the workplace were so clumsy that they sometimes created the ill feelings they were designed to alleviate. In one instance, the diversity trainers had fellow workers insult one another, calling each other “bitch,” “trailer park trash,” “pig,” and the like. In another, the men had to run a gauntlet with the women reaching out and groping them. (“How does that feel, bastard? That’s what you do to us.”)

It doesn’t take much imagination to see why programs like these created animosity and reduced cooperation.

Over the years, as diversity training improved, workers shared perspectives, but change was difficult to find. To achieve the desired change, some companies have decided

to jump to the point. At Sodexo, top management has determined that 40 percent of its 2,400 senior leadership positions will be women. To change talk to action, its managers’ bonuses depend on their progress in reaching this goal (Simons 2017). At Pepsi, managers must mentor

three employees who are unlike themselves: Men sponsor women, African Americans sponsor whites, and so on. The executives try to understand the work situation from the perspective of those they mentor. Accountability is built in: The mentors must give updates to their own supervisors (Terhune 2005).

When the election of Donald Trump showed that huge dissatisfactions had grown among whites, especially men, diversity trainers began to realize

that they had missed a major group of workers (Simons 2017). Instead of assuming that things were well with white workers, they decided that “We need to hear from white men and women the same as we do from black men or lesbians.”

Technological innovation is also making an impact on diversity training. Advances in VR (virtual reality) allow us to “be” in different places or situations without

Typical forms of diversity training may be supplemented or replaced by VR (Virtual Reality).


150 Chapter 5

Technology and the Maximum-Security Society 5.4 Explain how bureaucracy and technology are coming together to produce a max-

imum security society.

The microchip is affecting all areas of society. One of the most ominous is its potential to create a police state. The Big Brother in Orwell’s classic novel 1984 may turn out to be a master computer that makes servants of us all.

With cameras monitoring the workplace and taking video images of us as we walk on the street and shop in stores and with our smartphones and cars broadcasting our location, and with the National Security Agency’s vast spy network crisscrossing the nation, we seem to be moving toward a maximum-security society (Marx 2016), the topic of the next Sociology and Technology: The Shifting Landscape.

leaving our physical space. With our brain accepting the VR experience as real, as in “real reality,” the potential is for virtual reality to change perceptions and attitudes (Bailenson 2016).

Let’s suppose you are a white male. Put on your headset and look in the mirror. Staring back at you—with your face and features—is a black fe- male. A white or Latino avatar appears and makes degrading comments to you about your shape, your color, your looks, or your ability. You feel the discrimination on a personal level. You do not feel white or male while this derogation takes place.

If you are a black female, you will see yourself as a Latino male, a white female, an Asian American, and so on. VR can also transform you into an elderly person surrounded by intolerant younger avatars.

This application of VR is new, so we don’t know the staying power of these experiences. But the intensity of VR experiences holds the potential of transforming perceptions, feelings, and behavior (Fowler 2016).

For Your Consideration → Why do you think the perspectives of white workers have

been ignored until recently?

→ Do you think the perspectives and experiences of white workers should be included in diversity training? Why or why not?

→ Would you like to participate in diversity training via virtu- al reality? Why or why not?

→ If virtual reality does transform perspectives, reduce prej- udice, and create shared understandings, do you think employers should require their workers to participate in this training? Why or why not?

Sociology and Technology: The Shifting Landscape Enjoy Your Security State (SS) Back in the early 1900s, Max Weber did the classic analysis of bureaucracy that you studied in this chapter. One of his observations was that bureaucracy is so effective that it has the power to trap us in little cages. Little did Weber realize how right he was—especially because of advances in tech- nology that he could not envision.

In Weber’s time, advanced technology was the type- writer and the fairly new things called electricity and cars. The primary advanced technology of our time is the com- puter. The computer’s power—combined with bureaucracy and the State’s felt need for secrecy and security—can destroy our freedom and make us slaves to the State.

On news reports, you probably have noticed the ar- mored vehicles that the police are using. The military has supplied these vehicles to local police departments. This is just the surface of our transition to the Security State, our new SS. In the background are computer programs whose algorithms can sort billions of pieces of data in seconds. There also is the face-recognition software, as well as the satellites and drones that surreptitiously hover over our paths. Streams of information, inaccessible to those being monitored, flow into deep files. An individ- ual’s name might have appeared in some intercepted message, or perhaps computers indicated interlacing

Social Groups and Formal Organizations 151

Group Dynamics 5.5 Be familiar with the effects of group size on stability, intimacy, attitudes, and

behavior; types and styles of leaders; the Asch experiment on peer pressure; the Milgram experiment on authority; and the implications of groupthink.

Group dynamics is a fascinating area of sociology. This term refers to how groups influence us and how we influence groups. Most of the ways that groups influence us lie below our sense of awareness, however, so let’s see if we can bring some of this to the surface. Let’s consider how even the size of a group makes a difference and then examine leadership, conformity, and decision making.

Before doing so, we should define small group, which is a group small enough so that each member can interact directly with all the others. Small groups can be either pri- mary or secondary. A wife, husband, and children make up a primary small group, as do workers who take their breaks together. Students in a small introductory sociology class and bidders at an auction form secondary small groups. You might want to look again at the photos that illustrate categories, aggregates, primary, and secondary groups.

Effects of Group Size on Stability and Intimacy Writing in the early 1900s, sociologist Georg Simmel (1858– 1918) analyzed how group size affects people’s behavior. He used the term dyad for the smallest possible group, which consists of two people. Dyads, which include mar- riages, love affairs, and close friendships, show two dis- tinct qualities. First, they are the most intense or intimate of human groups. Because only two people are involved, the interaction is focused on both individuals. Second,

group dynamics the ways in which individuals affect groups and the ways in which groups influence individ- uals

small group a group small enough for every- one to interact directly with all the other members

connections. No cumbersome court orders bothered with.

The power of these software programs is beyond comprehension. Just one exam- ple of what exists, a glimpse of what is to come. At the press of a button, Amazon can delete information from every Kindle any- where in the world. No exaggeration. Am- azon has already done this. When Amazon determined that the copies of some of its books were bootlegged, it vaporized them from everyone’s Kindle (van Buren 2014).

Great Britain’s Nanny State also opens a curtain to the future. Great Britain is enshrouding its citizens within a protective shield. Software programs will prevent its people from viewing sites that the Security State has marked as “disapproved”: por- nography, violence, extremism, terrorism, anorexia, and suicide-related sites. Sites that mention alcohol or smoking will be tolerated for now, but monitored.

There is more to come. With advances in brain research, the government may one day be able to monitor even our thoughts. Unapproved thinking can be dangerous to the Security State. We might begin to think for ourselves, even to question our alle- giance.

For Your Consideration → What do you think about the coming

Security State?

→ Do you find it comforting that the govern- ment wants to be your parent and decide what is proper and correct for you?

→ Does it give you a warm feeling that the government wants to protect you even from your own evil thoughts?

Your feelings or opinions will be irrelevant, of course. These decisions are being made for you.

Group size has a significant influence on how people interact. When a group changes from a dyad (two people) to a triad (three people), the relationships among the participants undergo a shift. How do you think the birth of this child will change the relationship between the mother and father?

As part of our developing surveillance society, our government is accumulating images of faces. The goal is to have the facial images of all citizens and residents in computerized files so any person can be identified immediately by face recognition software, even if the individual is just one in a crowd of thousands.

152 Chapter 5

dyads tend to be unstable. Because dyads require that both members participate, if one member loses interest, the dyad collapses. In larger groups, by contrast, if one person withdraws, the group can continue, since its existence does not depend on any single member (Simmel 1950).

A triad is a group of three people. As Simmel noted, the addition of a third mem- ber changes the group in fundamental ways. One of the most significant changes is that interaction between the first two members of the group decreases. This can create strain. With the birth of a child, for example, hardly any aspect of a couple’s relationship goes untouched. Attention focuses on the baby, and interaction between the husband and wife decreases. The marriage, though, usually becomes stronger. Although the intensity of interaction is less in triads, they are inherently stronger and give greater stability to a rela- tionship.

Yet, as Simmel noted, triads, too, are unstable. They tend to produce coalitions—two group members aligning themselves against one. This common tendency for two people to develop stronger bonds and prefer one another leaves the third person feeling hurt and excluded. Another characteristic of triads is that they often produce an arbitrator or mediator, someone who tries to settle disagreements between the other two. In one- child families, you can often observe both of these characteristics of triads—coalitions and arbitration.

The general principle is this: As a small group grows larger, the group becomes more stable, but its intensity, or inti- macy, decreases. To see why, look at Figure 5.2. As each new person comes into a group, the connections among people multiply. In a dyad, there is only one relationship; in a triad, there are three; in a group of four, six; in a group of five, ten. If we expand the group to six, we have fifteen relationships, while a group of seven yields twenty-one relationships. If we continue adding members, we soon are unable to follow the connections: A group of eight has twenty-eight possible relationships; a group of nine, thirty-six; a group of ten, forty-five; and so on.

It is not only the number of relationships that makes larger groups more stable. As groups grow, they also tend to develop a more formal structure. For example, leaders emerge and more specialized roles come into play. This often results in such familiar offices as presi- dent, secretary, and treasurer. This structure provides a framework that helps the group survive over time.

Effects of Group Size on Attitudes and Behavior

You probably have observed one of the consequences of group size. When a group is small, its members act informally, but as the group grows, the members lose their sense of intimacy and become more formal with one another. No longer can the members assume that the others are “insiders” who agree with their views. Now they must take a “larger audience” into consideration, and instead of merely “talking,” they begin to “address” the group. As their speech becomes more formal, their body language stiffens.

You probably have observed a second aspect of group dynamics, too. In the early stages of a party, when only a few people are present, almost everyone talks with every- one else. But as more people arrive, the guests break into smaller groups. Some hosts, who want their guests to mix together, make a nuisance of themselves trying to achieve

dyad the smallest possible group, consisting of two persons

triad a group of three people

coalition the alignment of some members of a group against others

Figure 5.2 The Effects of Group Size on Relationships

A Triad A Group of Four

A Group of Six A Group of Seven

One relationship Three relationships

Six relationships

A Group of Five

Ten relationships Fifteen relationships

Twenty-one relationships

A Dyad





















Social Groups and Formal Organizations 153

their idea of what a group should be like. The division into small groups is inevitable, however: It follows the basic sociological prin- ciples that we have just reviewed. Because the addition of each person increases connec- tions (in this case, “talk lines”), conversation becomes more difficult. The guests break into smaller groups in which they can look at each other directly and interact comfortably with one another.

Let’s turn to a third consequence of group size:

Imagine that you are taking a team-taught course in social psychology, and your profes- sors have asked you to join a few students to discuss how you are adjusting to college life. When you arrive, they tell you that to make the discussion anonymous, they want you to sit unseen in a booth. You will participate in the discussion over an intercom, talking when your microphone comes on. The professors say that they will not listen to the con- versation, and they leave.

You find the format somewhat strange, to say the least, but you go along with it. You have not seen the other students in their booths, but when they talk about their ex- periences, you find yourself becoming wrapped up in the problems they are sharing. One student even mentions how frightening it is to be away from home because of his history of epileptic seizures. Later, you hear this individual breathe heavily into the microphone. Then he stammers and cries for help. A crashing noise follows, and you imagine him lying helpless on the floor.

Nothing but an eerie silence follows. What do you do?

Your professors, John Darley and Bibb Latané (1968), staged the whole thing, but you don’t know this. No one had a seizure. In fact, no one was even in the other booths. Everything, except your comments, was on tape.

Some participants were told that they would be discussing the topic with just one other student, others with two, and still others with three, four, or five. Darley and Latané found that all students who thought they were part of a dyad rushed out to help. If they thought they were in a triad, only 80 percent went to help—and they were slower in leav- ing the booth. In six-person groups, only 60 percent went to see what was wrong—and they took even longer to leave the booth.

This experiment demonstrates how deeply group size influences our attitudes and behavior: It even affects our willingness to help one another. Students in the dyad knew that no one else could help the student in trouble. The professor was gone, and it was up to them. In the larger groups, including the triad, students felt a diffusion of responsibility: Giving help was no more their responsibility than anyone else’s.

LABORATORY FINDINGS AND THE REAL WORLD Experiments in social psychol- ogy can give insight into human behavior, but at the same time, they can woefully miss the mark. Darley and Latané’s classic laboratory experiment has serious flaws when it comes to real life. Look at the photos that I snapped in Vienna, Austria, and you’ll see something entirely different than what they reported. Many people—strangers to one another—were passing one another on the sidewalk. But as you can see, no diffusion of responsibility stopped them from immediately helping the man who had tripped and fallen. Other norms and values that people carry within them are also at work, ones that can trump the diffusion of responsibility.

Groups break into smaller groups. Here you see a group of just ten that has broken into three smaller groups and an isolate. “Talk lines” are one reason. What other reasons can you suggest?

The man is now on his feet, but still a bit shaky. The two who have helped him up are still expressing their concern, especially the young woman.

Serendipity sometim es accompanies

sociologists as they do their work,

which was certainly the case here.

The entire episode t ook no more than

three minutes, and I was fortunate to

capture it with my camera.

Helping a Strange r

Real life sometimes

differs sharply from that

portrayed in researc h


Two strangers ar e helping the ma

n, with another two ready to pit


in. They have al l stopped whate

ver they were do ing to help a ma


they did not kno w.

As I was walking in Vienna, a city of almost 2 million people, I heard a crashing noise behind me. I turned, and seeing that a man had fallen to the sidewalk, quickly snapped this picture. You can see strangers beginning to help the man. This photo was taken about three seconds after the man fell.

By this poin t, the police

officer has n oticed that I

have been t aking

photos. You can see him

coming towa rd me, his ha

nd on whate ver he

is carrying a t his hip, his

shoulders b ack, gloweri

ng and read y for a

confrontatio n. He asked,

“What are y ou doing?” I

said, “I am taking

pictures” (as though he c

ouldn’t see t his). He aske

d, “Do you h ave

to take pictu res of this m

an?” I said, “ Yes,” and ho

ping to defu se

the situation , added, “I’m

a sociologis t, and I’m do

cumenting h ow

people help each other in

Vienna.” He grunted and

turned awa y.

This photo r eally comple

tes the series , as this indi


was acting a s the guardia

n of the com munity, plac

ing a barrier of

protection a round the pa

rticipants in this little dr


Social Groups and Formal Organizations 155

Leadership All of us are influenced by leaders, so it is important to understand leadership. Let’s look at how people become leaders, the types of leaders, and different styles of leadership. Before we do this, though, it is important to clarify that leaders don’t necessarily hold formal positions in a group. Leaders are people who influence the behaviors, opinions, or attitudes of others. Even a group of friends has leaders.

WHO BECOMES A LEADER? Are leaders born with characteristics that propel them to the forefront of a group? No sociologist would agree with such an idea. In general, people who become leaders are perceived by group members as strongly representing their organization, or their values, or as able to lead a group out of a crisis (Trice and Beyer 1991; 2016 Chrobot-Mason et al. 2016). Leaders tend to be more talkative, outgoing, determined, and self-confident (Ward et al. 2010).

These findings may not be surprising, since such traits are related to what we expect of leaders. However, researchers have also discovered traits that seem to have no bear- ing on the ability to lead. For example, taller people, men with wider mouths, and those judged better-looking are more likely to become leaders (Stodgill 1974; Judge and Cable 2004; Re and Rule 2016). Many of the factors that go into our choice of leaders are subtle. In a classic experiment, repeated many times, social psychologists Lloyd Howells and Selwyn Becker (1962) had five people who did not know one another sit at a small rect- angular table. Three sat on one side and two on the other. After discussing a topic for a set period of time, the groups chose a leader. The findings are startling: Although only 40 percent of the people sat on the two-person side, 70 percent of the leaders emerged from there. The explanation is that we tend to interact more with people facing us than with people to our side.

TYPES OF LEADERS Groups have two types of leaders (Bales 1950, 1953; Cartwright and Zander 1968; Emery et al. 2013). The first is easy to recognize. This person, called an instrumental leader (or task-oriented leader), tries to keep the group moving toward its goals. These leaders try to keep group members from getting sidetracked, remind- ing them of what they are trying to accomplish. The expressive leader (or socioemotional leader), in contrast, usually is not recognized as a leader, but he or she certainly is one. This person lifts the group’s morale by such things as cracking jokes and offering sym- pathy. Both types of leadership are essential: The one keeps the group on track, and the other increases harmony and minimizes conflicts.

It is difficult for the same person to be both an instrumental and an expressive leader, since these roles tend to contradict one another. Because instrumental leaders are task- oriented, they sometimes create friction as they prod the group to get on with the job. Their actions often cost them popularity. Expressive leaders, in contrast, who stimulate personal bonds and reduce friction, are usually more popular (Olmsted and Hare 1978).


Let’s suppose that the president of your college has asked you to head a task force to determine how to improve race relations on campus. You can adopt a number of lead- ership styles, or ways of expressing yourself as a leader. Of the three basic styles, you could be an authoritarian leader, one who gives orders; a democratic leader, one who tries to gain consensus; or a laissez-faire leader, one who is highly permissive. Which style should you choose?

Social psychologists Ronald Lippitt and Ralph White (1958) carried out a classic study of these leadership styles. After matching a group of boys for IQ, popularity, physical energy, and leadership, they assigned them to “craft clubs” made up of five boys each. They trained men in the three leadership styles and then peered through peepholes, took notes, and made movies as the men rotated among the clubs. To control possible influ- ences of the men’s personalities, each man played all three styles.

leader someone who influences other people

instrumental leader an individual who tries to keep the group moving toward its goals; also known as a task-oriented leader

expressive leader an individual who increases harmony and minimizes conflict in a group; also known as a socioemotional leader

leadership styles ways in which people express their leadership

authoritarian leader an individual who leads by giving orders

democratic leader an individual who leads by trying to reach a consensus

laissez-faire leader an individual who leads by being highly permissive

156 Chapter 5

Adolf Hitler, shown here in Nuremberg in 1938, was one of the most influential—and evil—persons of the twentieth century. Why did so many people follow Hitler? This question stimulated the research by Stanley Milgram (discussed later in this chapter).

The authoritarian leaders assigned tasks to the boys and told them what to do. They also praised or condemned the boys’ work arbitrarily, giving no explanation for why they judged it good or bad. The democratic leaders discussed the project with the boys, outlin- ing the steps that would help them reach their goals. When they evaluated the boys’ work, they gave “facts” as the basis for their decisions. The laissez-faire leaders, who gave the boys almost total freedom to do as they wished, offered help when asked, but made few suggestions. They did not evaluate the boys’ projects, either positively or negatively.

The results? The boys under authoritarian leaders grew dependent on their leader. They also became either apathetic or aggressive, with the aggressive boys growing hos- tile toward their leader. In contrast, the boys in the democratic clubs were friendlier and looked to one another for approval. When the leader left the room, they continued to work at a steady pace. The boys with laissez-faire management goofed off a lot and were notable for their lack of achievement. The researchers concluded that the democratic style of leadership works best. This conclusion, however, may be biased, as the research- ers favored a democratic style of leadership in the first place (Olmsted and Hare 1978).

You may have noticed that only boys and men were involved in this experiment. What do you think would happen if we were to repeat the experiment with all-girl groups? With mixed groups of girls and boys? How about if we used both men and women as leaders?

LEADERSHIP STYLES IN CHANGING SITUATIONS Different situations require dif- ferent styles of leadership. Let’s suppose that you are leading a dozen backpackers in the mountains, and it is time to make dinner. If the backpackers have brought their own food, a laissez-faire style would be appropriate. If everyone is expected to pitch in, perhaps a

Social Groups and Formal Organizations 157

democratic style would be called for. Certainly authoritarian leadership—you telling the hikers how to prepare their meals—would create resentment. It would also interfere with the primary goal of the group, having a good time while enjoying nature.

Now assume you are leading this same group, but one of your party is lost, and a blizzard is on its way. This situation would call for you to exercise authority. If you simply shrugged your shoulders and said “You fig- ure it out,” you would invite disaster—and probably a lawsuit.

The Power of Peer Pressure: The Asch Experiment How extensively do groups influence your opinions and behavior? To get some insight, let’s start with conformity in the sense of how people go along with their peers. Our peers have no authority over us, only the influence that we allow.

Imagine again that you are taking a course in social psychology, this time with Dr. Solomon Asch. You have agreed to participate in an experiment. As you enter his laboratory, you see seven chairs, five of them already filled by other students. You are given the sixth. Soon the seventh person arrives. Dr. Asch stands at the front of the room next to a cov- ered easel. He explains that he will show a large card with a vertical line on it, then another card with three vertical lines. Each of you is to tell him which of the three lines matches the line on the first card (see Figure 5.3).

Dr. Asch then uncovers the first card with the single line and the second card with the three lines. The correct answer is easy, for two of the lines are obviously wrong, and one is exactly right. Each person, in order, states his or her answer aloud. You all answer correctly. The second trial is just as easy, and you begin to wonder why you are there.

On the third trial, though, something strange happens. Just as before, it is easy to tell which lines match. The first student, however, gives a wrong answer. The second gives the same incorrect answer. So do the third and the fourth. By now, you are wondering what is wrong. How will the person next to you answer? You can hardly believe it when he, too, gives the same wrong answer. Then it is your turn, and you give what you know is the right answer. The seventh person also gives the same wrong answer.

On the next trial, the same thing happens. You know that the choice of the other six is wrong. They are giving what to you are obviously wrong answers. You don’t know what to think. Why aren’t they seeing things the same way you are? Sometimes they do, but in twelve trials they don’t. Something is seriously wrong, and you are no longer sure what to do.

When the eighteenth trial is finished, you heave a sigh of relief. The experiment is finally over, and you are ready to bolt for the door. Dr. Asch walks over to you with a big smile on his face and thanks you for participating in the experiment. He explains that you were the only real subject in the experiment! “The other six were stooges. I paid them to give those answers,” he says. Now you feel real relief. Your eyes weren’t playing tricks on you after all.

What were the results? Asch (1952) tested fifty people. One-third (33 percent) gave in to the group half the time, providing what they knew to be wrong answers. Another two out of five (40 percent) gave wrong answers, but not as often. One-quarter (25 percent) stuck to their guns and always gave the right answer. I don’t know how I would do on this test (if I knew nothing about it in advance), but I like to think that I would be part of the 25 percent. You probably feel the same way about yourself. But why should we feel that we wouldn’t be like most people?

The results are disturbing, and researchers are still replicating Asch’s experiment (Mori et al. 2014). In our “land of individualism,” the group is so powerful that most people are willing to say things that they know are not true. And this was a group of strangers! How much more conformity can we expect when our group consists of friends, people we value highly and depend on for getting along in life? Maybe you will become the sociologist who runs that variation of Asch’s experiment, perhaps using both female and male subjects.

Figure 5.3 Asch’s Cards

21 3

The cards used by Solomon Asch in his classic experiment on group conformity

Card 1 Card 2

158 Chapter 5

Thinking Critically about Social Life If Hitler Asked You to Execute a Stranger, Would You? The Milgram Experiment

Stanley Milgram (1963, 1965) was a former student of Dr. Asch. Imagine that Dr. Milgram has asked you to participate in a study on punishment and learning. Assume that you do not know about the Asch experi- ment and have no reason to be wary. When you arrive at the laboratory, you and a second student draw lots for the roles of “teacher” and “learner.” You are to be the teacher. When you see that the learner’s chair has protruding electrodes, you are glad that you are the teacher. Dr. Milgram shows you the machine you will run. You see that one side of the control panel is marked “Mild Shock, 15 volts,” while the center says “Intense Shock, 350 Volts.” The far right side reads “DANGER: SEVERE SHOCK.”

“As the teacher, you will read aloud a pair of words,” explains Dr. Milgram. “Then you will repeat the first word, and the learn- er will reply with the paired word. If the learner can’t remember the word, you press this lever on the shock generator. The shock will serve as punishment, and we can then determine if punishment improves memory.” You nod, relieved that you haven’t been designated the learner.

“Every time the learner makes an error, increase the punishment by 15 volts,” instructs Dr. Milgram. Then, seeing the look on your face, he adds, “The shocks can be painful, but they won’t cause any per- manent tissue damage.” He pauses, and then says, “I want you to see.” You follow him to the “electric chair,” and Dr. Milgram gives you a shock of 45 volts. “There. That wasn’t too bad, was it?” “No,” you mumble.

The experiment begins. You hope for the learn- er’s sake that he is bright, but, unfortunately, he turns out to be rather dull. He gets some answers right, but you have to keep turning up the dial. Each turn makes you more and more uncomfortable. You find yourself

hoping that the learner won’t miss another answer. But he does. When he received the first shocks, he let out some moans and groans, but now he is screaming in agony. He even protests that he suffers from a heart condition.

How far do you turn that dial? By now, since you are only reading this, not doing it, you might have guessed that there was no electricity attached

to the electrodes and that the “learner” was a stooge who only pretended to feel pain. The purpose of the experiment was to find out at what point people refuse to participate. Does anyone actually turn the lever all the way to “DANGER: SEVERE SHOCK”?

Milgram wanted the answer because millions of ordinary people did nothing to stop the slaughter of people the Nazis designated as “inferior”—Jews, gypsies, Slavs, homosexuals, and people with disabilities. The cooperation of so many ordinary people in mass killing

seemed bizarre, and Milgram wanted to see how Americans might react to orders from an authority (Russell 2010).

What Milgram found upset him. Some “teachers” broke into a sweat and protested that the experiment was inhuman and should be stopped. But when the experimenter calmly replied that the experiment must go on, this assurance from an “authority” (“scientist, white coat, university laboratory”) was enough for most “teachers” to continue, even though the “learner” screamed in agony. Even “teachers” who were “reduced to twitching, stuttering wrecks” continued to follow orders.

Milgram varied the experiments. He used both men and women. In some experiments, he put the “teachers” and “learners” in the same room, so the “teacher” could see the suffering. In others, he put the “learners” in an adjacent room and had them pound and kick the wall during the first shocks and then go silent. The results varied. When there was no verbal feedback from the “learner,” 65 percent of the “teachers” pushed the lever all

In the 1960s, social psychologists did highly creative but controversial experiments. This photo, taken during Stanley Milgram’s experiment, should give you an idea of how convincing the experiment was to the “teacher.”

The Power of Authority: The Milgram Experiment Let’s look at the results of another experiment in the following Thinking Critically about Social Life.

Social Groups and Formal Organizations 159

Global Consequences of Group Dynamics: Groupthink Suppose you are a member of the U.S. president’s inner circle. It is midnight, and the presi- dent has called an emergency meeting. There has just been a terrorist attack, and you must decide how to respond to it. You and the others suggest several options. Eventually, these are narrowed to only a couple of choices, and at some point, everyone seems to agree on what now appears to be “the only possible course of action.” To criticize the proposed solution at this point will bring you into conflict with all the other important people in the room and mark you as “not a team player.” So you keep your mouth shut. As a result, each step commits you—and them—more and more to the “only” course of action.

Under some circumstances, as in this example, the influence of authority and peers can lead to groupthink. Sociologist Irving Janis (1972, 1982) used this term to refer to the collective tunnel vision that group members sometimes develop. As they begin to think alike, they become convinced that there is only one “right” viewpoint, just a single course of action to follow. They take suggestions of alternatives as a sign of disloyalty. With their perspective narrowed, and fully convinced that they are right, they may disregard risk. They might also put aside moral judgments (Hart 1991; Kramer and Dougherty 2013).

Groupthink can lead to severe consequences on an individual level, as in this case, which caught the world’s attention.

In 1996, the Boulder, Colorado, police were called to the home of John and Patsy Ramsey. JonBenet, their 6-year-old daughter, was missing. Her little body was found in the base- ment, strangled with her head beaten in. She had been sexually molested. A strange, ram- bling ransom note was found. The Boulder police decided that the parents were guilty. Anyone who suggested that an intruder might be the killer was dropped from the inves- tigation. Even though the prosecutor’s office came to a different conclusion, the Boulder police failed to look beyond the Ramseys. They even discarded DNA evidence as irrel- evant, able to have “come from anyone.” For years, the police department hounded the Ramseys, even as evidence piled up that pointed to an intruder (“Who Killed …” 2016).

Groupthink can lead to consequences on a global level. In 1941, President Franklin D. Roosevelt and his chiefs of staff received reports that the Japanese were preparing to attack Pearl Harbor. Refusing to believe the reports, they continued naval operations as usual. The destruction of the U.S. naval fleet ushered the United States into World War II. During the Vietnam War, U.S. officials had evidence of the strength and determina- tion of the North Vietnamese military. These officials arrogantly threw the evidence aside, refusing to believe that “little, uneducated, barefoot people in pajamas” could defeat the U.S. military.

groupthink a narrowing of thought by a group of people, leading to the perception that there is only one correct answer and that to even suggest alternatives is a sign of disloyalty

the way to 450 volts. Of those who could see the “learner,” 40 percent turned the lever all the way. When Milgram added a second “teacher,” a stooge who refused to go along with the experiment, only 5 percent of the “teachers” turned the lever all the way.

Milgram’s research set off a stormy discussion about research ethics (Tolich 2014). Researchers agreed that to reduce subjects to “twitching, stuttering wrecks” was unethical, and almost all deception was banned. Universities began to require that subjects be informed of the nature and purpose of social research.

Although researchers were itching to replicate Milgram’s experiment, it took almost fifty years before they found a way to satisfy the committees that approve research. The findings: People today obey the experimenter at about the same rate that people did in the 1960s (Burger 2009). The

results were even higher on The Game of Death, a fake game show in France, where the contestants were prodded by the show’s host and a shouting audience to administer shocks and win prizes. The contestants kept turning up the dial, with 80 percent of them giving victims what they thought were near lethal 450-volt shocks (Crumley 2010).

For Your Consideration → Taking into account the significance of Milgram’s

findings, do you think that the scientific community overreacted to these experiments? Should we allow such research?

→ Consider both the Asch and Milgram experiments, and use symbolic interactionism, functionalism, and con- flict theory to explain why groups have such influence over us.

160 Chapter 5

In both of these military situations, as well as that of the Ramseys, options closed as officials committed themselves to a single course of action. No longer did those in power try to weigh events objectively. Blind to disconfirming evidence, they interpreted ongo- ing events as support for their one “correct” decision.

One of the fascinating aspects of groupthink is how it can lead “good” people to do “bad” things. After 9/11, U.S. government officials defended torture as “the lesser of two evils.” Thought narrowed so greatly that the U.S. Justice Department ruled that the United States was not bound by the Geneva Convention that prohibits torture (Lewis 2005). Just as in Nazi Germany, medical professionals, trained to “help humanity,” joined in. They advised the CIA interrogators, telling them when to stop waterboarding, slam- ming prisoners’ heads into walls, or shackling a prisoner ’s arms to the ceiling—so there wouldn’t be “permanent damage” (Shane 2009; Editorial Board 2017).

Do you see the power of groups and groupthink?

PREVENTING GROUPTHINK The leaders of a government tend to surround them- selves with an inner circle that closely reflects their own views. In “briefings,” written summaries, and “talking points,” this inner circle selects information and spoon-feeds it to the leaders. This cuts the top leaders off from information that does not support their own opinions. You can see how this situation encourages the mental captivity and intel- lectual paralysis of groupthink.

Perhaps the key to preventing groupthink is the widest possible circulation— especially among a nation’s top government officials—of research by social scientists independent of the government and information that media reporters have gathered freely. If this conclusion comes across as an unabashed plug for sociological research and the free exchange of ideas, it is. Giving free rein to diverse opinions can curb groupthink, which—if not prevented—can lead to the destruction of a society and, in today’s world of nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons, the obliteration of Earth’s inhabitants.

Summary and Review Groups within Society 5.1 Discuss the main characteristics of primary groups,

secondary groups, in-groups and out-groups, refer- ence groups, and social networks.

How do sociologists classify groups?

Sociologists divide groups into primary groups, secondary groups, in-groups, out-groups, reference groups, and net- works. The cooperative, intimate, long-term, face-to-face relationships provided by primary groups are fundamental to our sense of self. Secondary groups are larger, relatively temporary, and more anonymous, formal, and imperson- al than primary groups. In-groups provide members with a strong sense of identity and belonging. Out-groups also foster identity by showing in-group members what they are not. Reference groups are groups whose standards we refer to as we evaluate ourselves. Social networks consist of social ties that link people together.

What is “the iron law of oligarchy”?

Sociologist Robert Michels noted that formal organizations have a tendency to become controlled by an inner circle that limits leadership to its own members. The dominance of a

formal organization by an elite that keeps itself in power is called the iron law of oligarchy.

Bureaucracies 5.2 Summarize the characteristics of bureaucracies,

their dysfunctions, and goal displacement

What are bureaucracies?

Bureaucracies are social groups characterized by a hierarchy, division of labor, written rules and communications, and im- personality and replaceability of positions. These character- istics make bureaucracies efficient and enduring. In a process called goal displacement, bureaucracies are able to perpetuate themselves even after their purpose for existing ceases.

What dysfunctions are associated with bureaucracies?

The dysfunctions of bureaucracies include red tape and alienation—workers feeling that no one cares about them and that they do not fit in. Alienation according to Marx comes from workers not identifying with the product of their labor because they participate in only a small part of the production process.

Social Groups and Formal Organizations 161

Working for the Corporation 5.3 Discuss the “hidden” corporate culture and worker


How does the corporate culture affect workers?

Within corporate culture are values and stereotypes that are not readily visible. Often, self-fulfilling stereotypes are at work: People who match a corporation’s hidden values tend to be put on career tracks that enhance their chance of success, while those who do not match those values are set on a course that minimizes their performance. Artificial intelligence holds potential for effective diversity training.

Technology and the Maximum Security Society 5.4 Explain how bureaucracy and technology are

coming together to produce a maximum security society.

What is a maximum security society?

Computers and surveillance devices are increasingly used to monitor people, even our everyday lives. The direction points to governmental control over citizens’ behavior, even their thinking.

Group Dynamics 5.5 Be familiar with the effects of group size on sta-

bility, intimacy, attitudes, and behavior; types and styles of leaders; the Asch experiment on peer pres- sure; the Milgram experiment on authority; and the implications of groupthink.

How does a group’s size affect its dynamics?

The term group dynamics refers to how individuals affect groups and how groups influence individuals. In a small

group, everyone can interact directly with everyone else. As a group grows larger, its intensity decreases but its stabili- ty increases. A dyad, consisting of two people, is the most unstable of human groups, but it provides the most intense intimate relationships. The addition of a third person, form- ing a triad, fundamentally changes relationships. Triads are unstable, as coalitions (the alignment of some members of a group against others) tend to form.

What characterizes a leader?

A leader is someone who influences others. Instrumental leaders try to keep a group moving toward its goals, even though this causes friction and they lose popularity. Ex- pressive leaders focus on creating harmony and raising group morale. Both types are essential to the functioning of groups.

What are three leadership styles?

Authoritarian leaders give orders, democratic leaders try to lead by consensus, and laissez-faire leaders are highly permissive. An authoritarian style appears to be more ef- fective in emergency situations, a democratic style works best for most situations, and a laissez-faire style is usually ineffective.

How do groups encourage conformity?

The Asch experiment was cited to illustrate the power of peer pressure, the Milgram experiment to illustrate the in- fluence of authority. Both experiments demonstrate how easily we can succumb to groupthink, a kind of collective tunnel vision. Preventing groupthink requires the free cir- culation of diverse and opposing ideas.

Thinking Critically about Chapter 5 1. Identify your in-groups and your out-groups. How

have your in-groups influenced the way you see the world? And how have your out-groups influenced you?

2. You are likely to work for a bureaucracy. How do you think this will affect your orientation to life?

3. How can you make the “hidden corporate culture” work to your advantage?

4. Asch’s experiments illustrate the power of peer pres- sure. How has peer pressure operated in your life? Think about something that you did not want to do but did anyway because of peer pressure.

Sueño de una tarde dominical en la Alameda Central, 1946, Diego Rivera (mural)


Learning Objectives

After you have read this chapter, you should be able to:

6.1 Explain what deviance is, why it is relative, and why we need norms; also summarize the types of sanctions.

6.2 Contrast sociobiological, psychological, and sociological explanations of deviance.

6.3 Apply the symbolic interactionist perspective to deviance by explaining differential association, control, and labeling.

6.4 Apply the functionalist perspective to deviance by explaining how deviance can be functional for society, how mainstream values can produce deviance (strain theory), and how social class is related to crime (illegitimate opportunities).

6.5 Apply the conflict perspective to deviance by explaining how social class is related to the criminal justice system and how the criminal justice system is oppressive.

6.6 Be able to discuss street crime and imprisonment, the three-strikes laws, the decline in violent crime, recidivism, bias in the death penalty, the medicalization of deviance, and the need for a more humane approach.

Chapter 6

Deviance and Social Control

In just a few moments I was to meet my first Yanomamö, my first primitive man. What would it be like? . . . I looked up [from my canoe] and gasped when I saw a dozen burly, naked, filthy, hideous men staring at us down the shafts of their drawn arrows. Immense wads of green to- bacco were stuck between their lower teeth and lips, making them look even more hideous, and strands of dark-green slime dripped or hung from their noses. We arrived at the village while the men were blowing a hallucinogenic drug up their noses. One of the side effects of the drug is a runny nose. The mucus is always saturated with the green powder, and the Indians usually let it run freely from their nostrils . . . . I just sat there holding my notebook, helpless and pathetic . . . .

The whole situation was depressing, and I wondered why I ever decided to switch from civil engineering to anthropology in the first place . . . . [Soon] I was covered with red pigment, the result of a dozen or so complete examinations . . . . These examinations capped an otherwise grim day. The Indians would blow their noses into their hands, flick as much of the mucus off that would separate in a snap of the wrist, wipe the residue into their hair, and then carefully examine my face, arms, legs, hair, and the contents of my pockets. I said [in their language], “Your hands are dirty”; my comments were met by the Indians in the following way: they would “clean” their hands by spitting a quantity of slimy tobacco juice into them, rub them together, and then proceed with the examination.

“They would ‘clean’ their hands by spitting slimy tobacco juice into them.”

164 Chapter 6

This is how Napoleon Chagnon (1977) describes the culture shock he felt when he met the Yanomamö tribe of the rain forests of Brazil. His following months of fieldwork continued to bring surprise after surprise, and often Chagnon could hardly believe his eyes—or his nose.

If you were to list the deviant behaviors of the Yanomamö, what would you include? The way they appear naked in public? Use of hallucinogenic drugs? Let mucus hang from their noses? Or the way they rub hands filled with mucus, spittle, and tobacco juice over a frightened stranger who doesn’t dare to protest? Perhaps. But it isn’t this simple. As we shall see, deviance is relative.

What Is Deviance? 6.1 Explain what deviance is, why it is relative, and why we need norms;

also  summarize the types of sanctions.

Before we turn to the relativity of deviance, let’s consider how sociologists use this term, which is quite different than how the general public uses it.

A Neutral Term Sociologists use the term deviance to refer to any violation of norms, whether the infraction is as minor as driving over the speed limit, as serious as murder, or as humorous as Cha- gnon’s encounter with the Yanomamö. This deceptively simple definition takes us to the heart of the sociological perspective on deviance, which sociologist Howard S. Becker (1966) described this way: It is not the act itself, but the reactions to the act, that make something deviant.

Unlike the general public, when sociologists use the term deviance, they are not being judgmental. To sociologists, deviance is a neutral term that refers to any act to which people respond negatively. When they use this term, they are not saying that an act is bad, just that people judge it negatively. From this sociological perspec- tive, then, all of us are deviants of one sort or another because we all violate norms from time to time.

STIGMA To be considered deviant, a person does not even have to do anything. Sociologist Erving Goffman (1963) used the term stigma to refer to characteristics that discredit peo- ple. These include violations of norms of appearance (a facial birthmark, a huge nose, ears that stick out) and norms of abil- ity (blindness, deafness, mental handicaps). Also included are involuntary memberships, such as being the brother of a rapist. The stigma can be so severe that it becomes a person’s master status. Recall from Chapter 4 that a master status cuts across all other statuses that a person occupies.

Deviance is Relative Chagnon’s abrupt introduction to the Yanomamö allows us to glimpse the relativity of deviance, a major point made by symbolic interactionists. What Chagnon saw disturbed him, but to the Yanomamö, those same behaviors represented nor- mal, everyday life. What was deviant to Chagnon was con- formist to the Yanomamö. From their viewpoint, you should check out strangers the way they did—and nakedness is good, as are hallucinogenic drugs. And it is natural to let mucus flow.

Because different groups have different norms, what is deviant to some is not deviant to others. This principle applies not

deviance the violation of norms (or rules or expectations)

stigma “blemishes” that discredit a person’s claim to a “normal” identity

I took this photo on the outskirts of Hyderabad, India. Is this man deviant? If this were a U.S. street, he would be. But here? No houses have running water in his neighborhood, and the men, women, and children bathe at the neighborhood water pump. This man, then, would not be deviant in this culture. And yet, he is actually mugging for my camera, making the three bystanders laugh. Does this additional factor make this a scene of deviance?

Deviance and Social Control 165

just to cultures but also to groups within the same society—as you can see from the previ- ous photo and the coming one of snakes.

This principle also applies to norms of sexuality, the focus of the following Cultural Diversity around the World.

Cultural Diversity around the World Human Sexuality in Cross-Cultural Perspectives Human sexuality illustrates how a group’s definition of an act, not the act itself, determines whether it will be con- sidered deviant. Let’s look at some examples reported by anthropologist Robert Edgerton (1976).

Norms of sexual behavior vary so widely around the world that what is considered normal in one society may be considered deviant in another. In Kenya, a group called the Pokot place high emphasis on sexual pleasure, and they expect that both a husband and wife will reach orgasm. If a husband does not satisfy his wife, he is in trouble— especially if she thinks that his failure is because of another woman. If she thinks so, she and her female friends will sneak up on her husband when he is asleep. The women will tie him up, shout obscenities at him, beat him, and then urinate on him. As a final gesture of their contempt, before releasing him they will slaughter and eat his favorite ox. The husband’s hours of painful humiliation are intended to make him more dutiful concerning his wife’s conjugal rights.

People can also become deviants for following their group’s ideal norms instead of its real norms. As with many groups, the Zapotec Indians of Mexico profess that sexual relations should take place exclusively between husband and wife. However, the Zapotec also have a covert norm, an unspoken understanding, that married people will have affairs but that they will be discreet about them. In one Zapotec community, the only person who did not have an extramarital affair was condemned by everyone in the village. The reason was not that she did not have an affair but that she told the other wives who their husbands were sleeping with. It is an interesting case; if this virtuous

woman had had an affair—and kept her mouth shut—she would not have become a deviant. Clearly, real norms can conflict with ideal norms—another illustration of the gap between ideal and real culture.

For Your Consideration → How do the behaviors of the Pokot

wives and husbands mentioned here look from the perspective of U.S. norms? What are those U.S. norms?

→ What norms did the Zapotec woman break?

→ How does cultural relativity apply to the Pokot and Zapotec? (We discussed this concept in Chapter 2.)



A Pokot woman in traditional dress.

The relativity of deviance also applies to crime, the violation of rules that have been written into law. In the extreme, an act that is applauded by one group may be so despised by another group that it is punishable by death. Making a huge profit on busi- ness deals is one example. Americans who do this are admired. Like Donald Trump and Warren Buffet, they may even write books bragging about their exploits. In China, how- ever, until recently, this same act was considered a crime called profiteering. Those found guilty were hanged in a public square as a lesson to all.

The Chinese example also lets us see how even within the same society, the meaning of an act can change over time. With China’s switch to capitalism, making large profits has changed from a crime punishable by death to an act to be admired.

crime the violation of norms written into law

166 Chapter 6

How Norms Make Social Life Possible No human group can exist without norms: Norms make social life possible by mak- ing behavior predictable. What would life be like if you could not predict what others would do? Imagine for a moment that you have gone to a store to pur- chase milk:

Suppose the clerk says, “I won’t sell you any milk. We’re overstocked with soda, and I’m not going to sell anyone milk until our soda inventory is reduced.”

You don’t like it, but you decide to buy a case of soda. At the checkout, the clerk says, “I hope you don’t mind, but there’s a $5 service charge on every fifteenth customer.” You, of course, are the fifteenth.

Just as you start to leave, another clerk stops you and says, “We’re not work- ing anymore. We decided to have a party.” Suddenly a CD begins to blast, and everyone in the store starts to dance. “Oh, good, you’ve brought the soda,” says a different clerk, who takes your package and passes sodas all around.

Life is not like this, of course. You can depend on grocery clerks to sell you milk. You can also depend on paying the same price as everyone else and not being forced to attend a party in a store. Why can you depend on this? Because we live in a world of norms that govern the behavior of both store clerks and ourselves. We are socialized to follow norms, to play the basic roles that society assigns to us.

Without norms, we would have social chaos. Norms lay out the basic guidelines for how we should play our roles and interact with others. In short, norms bring about social order, a group’s customary social arrangements. Our lives are based on these arrange- ments, which is why deviance often is perceived as threatening: Deviance undermines pre- dictability, the foundation of social life. Consequently, human groups developed a system of social control—formal and informal means of enforcing norms. At the center of social con- trol are sanctions.

Sanctions As we discussed in Chapter 2, people do not enforce folkways strictly, but they become upset when people break mores (pronounced MO-rays). Expressions of disapproval for deviance, called negative sanctions, range from frowns and gossip for breaking folkways to imprisonment and death for violating mores. In general, the more seriously the group takes a norm, the harsher the penalty for violating it. In contrast, positive sanctions— from smiles to formal awards—are used to reward people for conforming to norms. Getting a raise is a positive sanction; being fired is a negative sanction. Getting an A in Intro to Sociology is a positive sanction; getting an F is a negative one.

Most negative sanctions are informal. You might stare if you observe someone dressed in what you consider to be inappropriate clothing, or you might gossip if a married person you know spends the night with someone other than his or her spouse. Whether you consider the breaking of a norm an amusing matter that war- rants no sanction or a serious infraction that does, however, depends on your per- spective. Let’s suppose that a woman appears at your college graduation in a bikini. You might stare, laugh, and nudge the person next to you. If this is your mother, however, you are likely to feel that different sanctions are appropriate. Similarly, if it is your father who spends the night with an 18-year-old college freshman, you are likely to do more than gossip.

IN SUM In sociology, the term deviance refers to all violations of social rules, regardless of their seriousness. The term is neutral, not a judgment about the behavior. Deviance is so relative that what is deviant in one group may be conformist in another. Because of this, we must consider deviance from within a group’s own framework: It is their mean- ings that underlie their behavior.

social order a group’s usual and customary social arrangements, on which its members depend and on which they base their lives

social control a group’s formal and informal means of enforcing its norms

negative sanction an expression of disapproval for breaking a norm, ranging from a mild, informal reaction such as a frown to a formal reaction such as a fine or a prison sentence

positive sanction an expression of approval for following a norm, ranging from a smile or a good grade in a class to a material reward such as a prize

Violating background assumptions is a common form of deviance. Although we have no explicit rule that says, “Do not put snakes through your nose,” we all know that it exists (perhaps as a subcategory of “Don’t do strange things in public”). Is this act also deviant for this man in Chennai, India?

Deviance and Social Control 167

Competing Explanations of Deviance: Sociobiology, Psychology, and Sociology 6.2 Contrast sociobiological, psychological, and sociological explanations

of deviance.

If social life is to exist, norms are essential. So why do people violate them? To better understand the reasons, it is useful to know how sociological explanations differ from biological and psychological ones. Let’s compare them.

Biosocial Explanations Sociobiologists explain deviance by looking for answers within individuals. They assume that genetic predispositions lead people to such behaviors as juvenile delinquency and crime (Lombroso 1911; Wilson and Herrnstein 1985; Fox 2017). An early explanation was that men with an extra Y chromosome (the “XYY” the- ory) were more likely to become criminals. Another was that people with “squar- ish, muscular” bodies were more likely to commit street crime—acts such as mugging, rape, and burglary. These theories were abandoned when research did not support them.

With advances in the study of genetics, biosocial explanations are being proposed to explain differences in crime by sex, race, social class, and age (juvenile delinquency) (Stetler et al. 2014; Fox 2017). The basic explanation is that over the millennia, people with certain characteristics were more likely to survive than were people with different characteristics. As a result, different groups today inherit different propensities (tenden- cies) for empathy, self-control, and risk-taking.

A universal finding is that in all known societies, men commit more violent crimes than women do. There are no exceptions. Here is how sociobiologists explain this. It took only a few pelvic thrusts for men to pass on their genes. After that, they could leave if they wanted to. The women, in contrast, had to carry, birth, and nurture the children. Women who were more empathetic (inclined to nurture their children) engaged in less dangerous behavior. These women passed genes for more empathy, greater self-control, and less risk-taking to their female children. As a result, all over the world, men engage in more violent behavior, which comes from their lesser empathy, lower self-control, and greater tendency for taking risks.

But behavior, whether deviant or conforming, does not depend only on genes, add the biosocial theorists. Our inherited propensities (the bio part) are modified and stimu- lated by our environment (the social part). Biosocial research holds the potential of open- ing a new understanding of deviance.

Psychological Explanations Psychologists focus on abnormalities within the individual. Instead of genes, they exam- ine what are called personality disorders. Their supposition is that deviating individu- als have deviating personalities (Liu 2014; Langevin et al. 2017) and that subconscious motives drive people to deviance.

Researchers have never found a specific childhood experience to be invariably linked with deviance. For example, some children who had “bad toilet training,” “suffocating mothers,” or “emotionally aloof fathers” become embezzling bookkeepers—but others become good accountants. Just as college students and police officers represent a variety of childhood experiences—both good and bad—so do deviants. Similarly, people with “suppressed anger” can become freeway snipers or military sharpshooters—or anything else. In short, there is no inevitable outcome of any childhood experience. Deviance is not associated with any particular personality.

genetic predisposition inborn tendencies (for example, a tendency to commit deviant acts)

street crime crimes such as mugging, rape, and burglary

personality disorders the view that a personality disturbance of some sort causes an individual to violate social norms

168 Chapter 6

Sociological Explanations In contrast with both sociobiologists and psychologists, sociologists search for factors outside the individual. They look for social influences that “recruit” people to break norms. To account for why people commit crimes, for example, sociologists examine such external influences as socialization, membership in subcultures, and social class. Social class, a concept that we discuss in depth in Chapter 8, refers to people’s relative standing in terms of education, occupation, and especially income and wealth.

To explain deviance, sociologists apply the three sociological perspectives— symbolic interactionism, functionalism, and conflict theory. Let’s compare these three explanations.

The Symbolic Interactionist Perspective 6.3 Apply the symbolic interactionist perspective to deviance by explaining

differential association, control, and labeling.

As we examine symbolic interactionism, it will become more evident why sociologists are not satisfied with explanations that are rooted in sociobiology or psychology. A basic principle of symbolic interactionism is that we are thinking beings who act according to how we interpret situations. Let’s consider how our membership in groups influences how we view life and, from there, our behavior.

Differential Association Theory Going directly against the idea that biology or personality is the source of deviance, sociol- ogists stress people’s experiences in groups. Differential association theory, which was developed by Edwin Sutherland in the 1920s, is an excellent example of this emphasis.

THE THEORY Let’s start with an extreme example: boys and girls who join street gangs and boys and girls who join the Scouts. Immediately, you know that each learns different attitudes and behaviors concerning deviance and conformity. And this is just what the term differential association indicates—that from the different groups we asso- ciate with, we learn to deviate from or to conform to society’s norms (Sutherland 1924, 1947; Brooks 2016).

Sutherland’s theory is more complicated than this, but he basically said that the dif- ferent groups with which we associate (our “different(ial) association”) give us messages about conformity and deviance. We may receive mixed messages, but we end up with more of one kind of message than the other (an “excess of definitions,” as Sutherland put it). The end result is an imbalance—attitudes that tilt us in one direction or another. Con- sequently, we learn to either conform or to deviate.

FAMILIES You know how important your family has been in forming your views toward life, so it probably is obvious to you that the family makes a big difference in whether people learn deviance or conformity. Researchers have confirmed this informal observation. Of the many studies, this one stands out: Of all prison inmates across the United States, about half have a father, mother, brother, sister, or spouse who has served time in prison (Sourcebook of Criminal Justice Statistics 2003:Table 6.0011; Glaze and Marus- chak 2008:Table 11). In short, families that are involved in crime tend to set their children on a lawbreaking path.

FRIENDS, NEIGHBORHOODS, AND SUBCULTURES Most people don’t know the term differential association, but they do know how it works. Most parents want to move out of “bad” neighborhoods because they know that if their kids have delinquent friends, they are likely to become delinquent, too. Sociological research also supports this com- mon observation (Miller 1958; Rendon 2014).

differential association Edwin Sutherland’s term to indi- cate that people who associate with some groups learn an “ex- cess of definitions” of deviance, increasing the likelihood that they will become deviant

Deviance and Social Control 169

In some neighborhoods, violence is so woven into the subculture that even a wrong glance can mean your death (“Why ya lookin’ at me?”) (Gardiner and Fox 2010). If the neighbors feel that a victim deserved to be killed, they refuse to testify because “he got what was coming to him” (Kubrin and Weitzer 2003). Killing can even be viewed as honorable:

Sociologist Ruth Horowitz (1983, 2005), who did participant observa- tion in a lower-class Chicano neighborhood in Chicago, discovered how the concept of “honor” propels young men to deviance. The formula is simple. “A real man has honor. An insult is a threat to one’s honor. There- fore, not to stand up to someone is to be less than a real man.”

Now suppose you are a young man growing up in this neighborhood. You likely would do a fair amount of fighting, since you would interpret many things as attacks on your honor. You might even carry a knife or a gun, because words and fists wouldn’t always be sufficient. Along with members of your group, you would define fighting, knifing, and shooting quite differently from the way most people do.

Sociologist Victor Rios (2011), who did participant–observation of young male African American and Latino gang members in Oakland, California, reports that these same ideas of masculinity continue. They also continue to produce high rates of violence, including homicide.

Members of the Mafia also intertwine ideas of manliness with kill- ing. For them, to kill is a measure of manhood. If a Mafia member were to seduce the capo’s wife or girlfriend, for example, the seduction would slash at the capo’s manliness and honor. This would require swift, vio- lent retaliation. The offender’s body would be found in the trunk of a car somewhere with his penis stuffed in his mouth. Not all killings bring the same respect, for “the more awesome and potent the victim, the more worthy and meritorious the killer” (Arlacchi 1980).

From this example, you can again see the relativity of deviance. Killing is deviant in mainstream society, but for members of the Mafia, not to kill after certain of their norms are broken would be the deviant act.

DIFFERENTIAL ASSOCIATION IN THE CYBER AGE The computer has brought major changes to social interaction. I have seen people lying on the beach with friends, not interacting with those next to them, but each absorbed in communicating on a smart- phone. I’m sure you have seen people walking on the sidewalk, engrossed in smart- phones, barely aware of the presence of passersby. With whom are they associating?

Friends and family remain the focus of most of these communications. But the com- puter has also opened easy access to areas of life previously hidden and unavailable. Sociologists have begun to study how this can impact people’s orientations to confor- mity. An example is how terrorist groups use the social media to motivate people to do violence (Callimachi 2017). Differential association with the social media is new, and at this point everything about this intriguing topic is preliminary.

PRISON OR FREEDOM? As was mentioned in Chapter 3, an issue that comes up over and over again in sociology is whether we are prisoners of socialization. Sym- bolic interactionists stress that we are not mere pawns in the hands of others. We are not destined to think and act as our groups dictate. Rather, we help to produce our own orientations to life. By joining one group rather than another (differential association), for example, we help to shape the self. One college student may join a feminist group that is trying to change ideas about fraternities and rape, while another associates with women who shoplift on weekends. Their choices point them in different direc- tions. The one who joins the feminist group may develop an even greater interest in producing social change, while the one who associates with shoplifters may become even more oriented toward criminal activities.

Do you understand how the definitions of deviance that Mafia members use underlie their behavior? Although their definitions are markedly different from ours, the process is the same. Shown here is John Gotti when he was the head of New York's Gambino Mafia. Convicted for murder, Gotti died in prison.

170 Chapter 6

Control Theory

Do you ever feel the urge to do something that you know you shouldn’t, something that would get you in trouble? Most of us fight temptations to break society’s norms. We find that we have to stifle things inside us—urges, hostilities, raunchy desires of various sorts. And most of the time, we manage to keep ourselves out of trouble. The basic question that control theory tries to an- swer is, With the desire to deviate so common, why don’t we all just “bust loose”?

THE THEORY Sociologist Walter Reckless (1973), who devel- oped control theory, stressed that we have two control systems that work against our motivations to deviate. Our inner controls include our internalized morality—conscience, religious princi- ples, ideas of right and wrong. Inner controls also include fears of punishment and the desire to be a “good” person (Hirschi

1969; Gottfredson 2011). Our outer controls consist of people—such as family, friends, and the police—who influence us not to deviate.

As sociologist Travis Hirschi (1969) pointed out, the stronger our bonds are with society, the more effective our inner controls are. These bonds are based on attachments (our affection and respect for people who conform to mainstream norms), commitments (having a stake in society that you don’t want to risk, such as your place in your family, being a college student, or having a job), involvements (participating in approved activi- ties), and beliefs (convictions that certain actions are wrong).

This theory is really about self-control, said Hirschi. Where do we learn self-control? As you know, this happens during childhood, especially in the fam- ily when our parents supervise us and punish our deviant acts (Gottfredson 2011). Sometimes they use shame to keep us in line. You probably had that finger shaken at you. I certainly recall it aimed at me. Do you think that more use of shaming, discussed in the following Down-to-Earth Sociology, could help strengthen people’s internal controls?

control theory the idea that two control systems—inner controls and outer controls—work against our tendencies to deviate

degradation ceremony a term coined by Harold Garfinkel to refer to a ritual whose goal is to remake someone’s self by stripping away that individual’s self-identity and stamping a new identity in its place

The social control of deviance takes many forms. One of the most prominent is the actions of the police.

Down-to-Earth Sociology Shaming: Making a Comeback?

In The Scarlet Letter, a book published in 1850 by Nathaniel Hawthorne, town officials forced Hester Prynne to wear a scarlet “A” sewn on her dress. The “A” stood for Adulteress. Wherever she went, Prynne had to wear this badge of shame—every day for the rest of her life.

Shaming can be effective, especially when members of a primary group use it. In some communities, where the individual’s reputation was at stake, shaming was the centerpiece of the enforcement of norms. As with Hester Prynne, violators were marked as deviant and held up for all the world to see.

As our society grew large and urban, the sense of community diminished, and shaming lost its effectiveness. Shaming is now starting to make a comeback.

• In Pennsylvania, two women took a gift card from a girl at Walmart. They had to stand in front of the courthouse, each holding a sign that read, “I stole from a 9-year-old on her birthday! Don’t steal or this could happen to you.” (Reutter 2015)

• Online shaming sites have also appeared. Captured on cell phone cameras are bad drivers, older men who leer at teenaged girls, and people who don’t pick up their dog’s poop.

• In Spain, where one’s reputation with neighbors still matters, debt collectors dress in tuxedos and top hats and walk slowly to the debtor’s front door. The sight shames debtors into paying (Catan 2008).

• And as shown in the next photo, a judge in Cleveland, Ohio, ordered a woman who drove on a sidewalk in order

Deviance and Social Control 171

Your desire to avoid feeling shame is just one of your many internal controls. In the following Applying Sociology to Your Life, let’s see other ways that control theory might apply to your life.

to pass a school bus to hold a sign at the intersection reading, “Only an idiot would drive on the sidewalk to avoid a school bus” (Reutter 2015).

Sociologist Harold Garfinkel (1956) gave the name degradation ceremony to an extreme form of shaming. The individual is called to account before the group, witnesses denounce him or her, the offender is pronounced guilty, and the individual is stripped of his or her identity as a group member. In some courts martial, officers who are found guilty stand at attention before their peers while others rip the insignia of rank from their uniforms. This ceremony screams that the individual is no longer a member of the group. Although Hester Prynne was not banished from the group physically, she was banished morally; her degradation

ceremony proclaimed her a moral outcast from the community. The scarlet “A” marked her as “not one of us.”

For Your Consideration → How do you think law

enforcement officials might use shaming to reduce law breaking?

→ How do you think school officials could use shaming?

→ Suppose that you were caught shoplifting at a

store near where you live. Would you rather spend a week in jail with no one but

your family knowing it or 6 hours a day for a week walking in front of the store you stole from wearing a placard that proclaims in bold red capital letters: “I AM A THIEF!” and in smaller letters: “I am sorry for stealing from this store and making you pay higher prices”? Why?

For doing what the sign says, this woman must humiliate herself by holding the sign. She is using the sign to help shield her identity.

Applying Sociology to Your Life “How Does Social Control Theory Apply to You?”

Suppose that your friends invite you to go to a night- club. When you get there, you notice that everyone seems unusually happy—almost giddy. They seem to be euphoric in their animated conversations and dancing. Your friends tell you that almost everyone here has taken the drug Ecstasy, and they invite you to take some with them.

What do you do?

Let’s not explore the question of whether taking Ecstasy in this setting is a deviant or a conforming act, an interesting topic by itself. Instead, think about the pushes and pulls you would feel in this situation. There would be pushes toward taking the drug: your friends, the setting, and perhaps your curiosity or even sense of adventure. Then there are your inner controls.

You are intimately familiar with these—those inner voices of conscience and those internal recordings from your parents and from others. Your inner controls also include your fears: of being arrested, of hurting your reputation, and of the dangers of taking illegal drugs. Outer controls would also be signifi- cant in your decision—perhaps the uniformed security guard

looking in your direction.

For Your Consideration → So, what would you

decide? Which do you think would be stronger in this situation: the pushes and pulls toward taking the drug or your inner and outer controls? It is you who can best weigh these forces because they differ with each of us. This little example puts you at the center of what control theory is all about.How would social control theory apply to you in such a situation?

172 Chapter 6

Labeling Theory Suppose for one undesirable moment that people think of you as a “whore,” a “per- vert,” or a “cheat.” (Pick one.) What power such a reputation would have—over both how others would see you and how you would see yourself. How about if you became known as “very intelligent,” “truthful in everything,” or “honest to the core”? (Choose one.) You can see how this type of reputation would give people different expectations of your character and behavior—and how the label would also shape the way you see yourself.

This is what labeling theory focuses on: the significance of labels (or reputations), how they help set us on paths that propel us into deviance or divert us away from it.

REJECTING LABELS: HOW PEOPLE NEUTRALIZE DEVIANCE Not many of us want to be called “whore,” “pervert,” or “cheat.” We resist negative labels, even lesser ones than these that others might try to pin on us. Did you know that some people are so successful at rejecting labels that even though they beat people up and vandalize property, they consider themselves to be conforming members of society? How do they do it?

Sociologists Gresham Sykes and David Matza (1957/1988) studied boys like this. They found that the boys used five techniques of neutralization to deflect society’s norms.

Denial of responsibility. Some boys said, “I’m not responsible for what happened because …” And they were quite creative about the “becauses.” Some said that what hap- pened was an “accident.” Other boys saw themselves as “victims” of society. What else can you expect? “I’m like a billiard ball shot around the pool table of life.”

Denial of injury. A favorite explanation was “What I did wasn’t wrong because no one got hurt.” The boys would call vandalism “mischief,” gang fights a “private quarrel,” and stealing cars “borrowing.” They might acknowledge that what they did was illegal but claim that they were “just having a little fun.”

Denial of a victim. Some boys thought of themselves as avengers. Trashing a teacher’s car was revenge for an unfair grade, while shoplifting was a way to get even with “crooked” store owners. In short, even if the boys did accept responsibility and admit that someone had gotten hurt, they protected their self-concept by claiming that the people “deserved what they got.”

Condemnation of the condemners. Another technique the boys used was to deny that others had the right to judge them. They accused people who pointed fingers at them of be- ing “hypocrites”: The police were “on the take,” teachers had “pets,” and parents cheated on their taxes. In short, they said, “Who are they to accuse me of something?”

Appeal to higher loyalties. A final technique the boys used to justify their actions was to consider loyalty to the gang more important than the norms of society. They might say, “I had to help my friends. That’s why I got in the fight.” Not incidentally, the boy may have shot two members of a rival group, as well as a bystander!

In the following Applying Sociology to Your Life, let’s consider how you use these five techniques of neutralization to protect your self concept.

labeling theory the view that the labels people are given affect both how they perceive themselves and how others perceive them, which channels their behavior toward either deviance or conformity

techniques of neutralization ways of thinking or rationaliz- ing that help people deflect (or neutralize) society’s norms

Applying Sociology to Your Life How Do You Use Techniques of Neutralization to Protect Your Self Concept? The five techniques of neutralization that Sykes and Matza uncovered have implications far beyond the group of boys that they studied. It is not only delinquents who try to neutralize the norms of mainstream society. Look again at

these techniques—don’t they sound familiar? Consider how you might be using these same techniques as part of your everyday life. Let’s take them one by one, with an example that you might have used at some time.

Deviance and Social Control 173


Years ago, in a defensive statement, the American Motorcyclists’ Association said that 99  percent of motorcyclists are law abiding citizens, that only 1 percent are thugs and criminals. The Outlaws, Hells Angels, and Warlocks then began to proudly display 1 per- cent on their uniforms (Stutzman 2014).

Sociologist Mark Watson (1980/2006) did participant–observation with outlaw bikers. He rebuilt Harleys with them, hung around their bars and homes, and went on “runs” (trips) with them. He concluded that outlaw bikers see the world as “hostile, weak, and effem- inate.” Holding the conventional world in contempt, gang members pride themselves on breaking its norms and getting in trouble, laughing at death, and treating women as lesser beings whose primary value is to provide them with services— especially sex. They take pleasure in shocking people by their appearance and behavior. They pride them- selves in looking “dirty, mean, and generally undesirable.” Outlaw bikers also regard themselves as losers, a view that is woven into their unusual embrace of deviance.

Although most of us resist attempts to label us as deviant, it is not only outlaw bik- ers who revel in a deviant identity. By their clothing, music, hairstyles, and body art, some teenagers make certain that no one misses their rejection of adult norms. Their status among fellow members of a subculture—within which they are almost obsessive conformists—is vastly more important than any status outside it.

LABELS CAN BE POWERFUL To label a teenager a delinquent can trigger a process that leads to greater involvement in devi- ance (Liberman et al. 2014).

Because of this, judges sometimes use diversion: To avoid the label of delinquent, they divert youthful offenders away from the criminal justice system. Instead of sending them to reform school or jail, they assign them to social workers and coun- selors. In the following Thinking Critically about Social Life, let’s consider how power- ful labeling can be.

1. Denial of responsibility: “I was so mad that I couldn’t help myself.”

2. Denial of injury: “You can say what you want, but who really got hurt?”

3. Denial of a victim: “Don’t you think she deserved that, after what she did?”

4. Condemnation of the condemners: “Who are you to talk?”

5. Appeal of higher loyalties: “I had to help my friends— wouldn’t you have done the same thing?”

All of us attempt to neutralize the moral demands of society. Neutralization helps us to sleep at night.

For Your Consideration → What other statements have you made (to others or to

yourself) to help deflect the norms of society?

→ How do the techniques of neutralization that you use help protect your self concept?

→ Can you think of any techniques of neutralization that people use other than these five?

How do you use techniques of neutralization to protect your self concept?

While most people resist labels of deviance, some embrace them. In what different ways do these photos illustrate the embracement of deviance?

174 Chapter 6

Thinking Critically about Social Life The Saints and the Roughnecks: Labeling in Everyday Life As you recall from Chapter 4, the Saints and the Rough- necks were high school boys. Both groups were “constantly occupied with truancy, drinking, wild parties, petty theft, and vandalism.” Yet their teachers looked on the Saints as “headed for success” and the Roughnecks as “headed for failure.” By the time they finished high school, not one Saint had been arrested, while the Roughnecks had been in constant trouble with the police.

Why did the members of the community perceive these boys so differently? Chambliss concluded that social class created this split vision. As symbolic interactionists emphasize, social class is like a lens that focuses our perceptions. The Saints came from respectable, middle- class families, while the Roughnecks were from less respectable, working-class families. These backgrounds led teachers and the authorities to expect good things from the Saints but trouble from the Roughnecks. And, like the rest of us, teachers and police saw what they expected to see.

The boys’ social class also affected their visibility. The Saints had automobiles, and they did their drinking and vandalism out of town. Without cars, the Roughnecks hung around their own street corners. There, their drinking and boisterous behavior drew the attention of police, confirming the negative impressions that the community already had of them.

The boys’ social class also equipped them with distinct styles of interaction. When police or teachers questioned them, the Saints were apologetic. Their show of respect for authority elicited a positive reaction from teachers and police, allowing the Saints to escape school and legal problems. The Roughnecks, said Chambliss, were “almost the polar opposite.” When questioned, they were hostile. Even when these boys tried to assume a respectful attitude, everyone could see through it. As a result, the teachers and police let the Saints off with warnings, but they came down hard on the Roughnecks.

Certainly, what happens in life is not determined by labels alone, but the Saints and the Roughnecks did live

up to the labels that the community gave them. As you may recall, all but one of the Saints went on to college. One earned a Ph.D., one became a lawyer, one a doctor, and the others business managers. In contrast, only two of the Roughnecks went to college. They earned athletic scholarships and became coaches. The other Roughnecks did not fare so well. Two of them dropped out of high school, later became involved in separate killings, and were sent to prison. Of the final two, one became a local bookie, and no one knows the whereabouts of the other.

For Your Consideration → Did you see anything like the reactions to the Saints and

the Roughnecks in your high school? If so, how did it work?

→ Besides labels, what else could have been involved in the life outcomes of these boys?

→ In what areas of life do you see the power of labels?

Stereotypes, both positive and negative, help to form the perception and reaction of authorities. What stereotypes come to mind when you look at this photo?

HOW DO LABELS WORK? How labels work is complicated because they involve self-concepts and reactions that vary from one individual to another. To analyze this pro- cess would require a book. For our purposes, let’s just note that unlike its meaning in sociology, in everyday life the term deviant is emotionally charged with negative judg- ment. This label closes doors of opportunity. It can lock people out of conforming groups and push them into almost exclusive contact with people who have been similarly labeled.

IN SUM Symbolic interactionists examine how people’s definitions of the situation underlie their deviating from or conforming to social norms. They focus on group mem- bership (differential association), how people balance pressures to conform and to deviate (control theory), and the significance of people’s reputations (labeling theory).

Deviance and Social Control 175

The Functionalist Perspective 6.4 Apply the functionalist perspective to deviance by explaining how deviance can

be functional for society, how mainstream values can produce deviance (strain theory), and how social class is related to crime (illegitimate opportunities).

When you think of deviance, you are likely to think about its dysfunctions, how, for example, crime is harmful to society. Let’s start this section with something you might find surprising—that deviance has functions.

Can Deviance Really Be Functional for Society? Most of us are upset by deviance, especially crime, and assume that society would be bet- ter off without it. In contrast to this common assumption, the classic functionalist theorist Emile Durkheim (1893/1933, 1895/1964) came to a surprising conclusion. Deviance— including crime—contributes to the social order in these three ways:

1. Deviance clarifies moral boundaries and affirms norms. By moral boundaries, Durkheim re- ferred to a group’s ideas about how people should think and act. Deviance challenges those boundaries. To call a member into account is to say, in effect, “You broke an important rule, and we cannot tolerate that.” Punishing deviants affirms the group’s norms and clarifies what it means to be a member of the group.

2. Deviance encourages social unity. To affirm the group’s moral boundaries by punishing deviants creates a “we” feeling among the group’s members. By saying, “You can’t get away with that,” the group affirms the rightness of its ways.

3. Deviance promotes social change. Not everyone agrees on what to do with people who push beyond the accepted ways of doing things. Some group members may even approve of the rule-breaking behavior. Boundary violations that gain enough sup- port become new, acceptable behaviors. Deviance, then, may force a group to rethink and redefine its moral boundaries, helping groups—and whole societies—to adapt to changing circumstances.

Strain Theory: How Mainstream Values Produce Deviance It is easy to think of crime as some alien element in our midst, something that is strange and unnatural. In contrast to this common view, functionalists view crime as a natural out- come of the conditions that people experience (Agnew 2012). Even mainstream values can generate crime. Consider what sociologists Richard Cloward and Lloyd Ohlin (1960) identi- fied as the crucial problem of the industrialized world: the need to locate and train talented people—whether they were born into wealth or into poverty—so that they can take over the key technical jobs of society. When children are born, no one knows which ones will have the ability to become dentists, nuclear physicists, or engineers. To get the most talented people to compete with one another, society tries to motivate everyone to strive for success.

We are quite successful in getting almost everyone to want cultural goals, success of some sort, such as wealth or prestige. But we are far from successful when it comes to providing everyone access to the institutionalized means, the legitimate ways to reach success. People who find their way to success blocked can come to see the cultural goals (such as working hard or pursuing higher education) as not applying to themselves. Sociologist Robert Merton (1956, 1949/1968) referred to this situation as anomie, a sense of normlessness. These people experience frustration, or what Merton called strain.

Table 6.1 presents a summary of Merton’s strain theory. The most common reaction to means and goals is conformity. Most people find at least adequate access to the institutional- ized means and use them to try to reach cultural goals. They try to get a quality education, good jobs, and so on. If well-paid jobs are unavailable, they take less desirable jobs. If they can’t get into Harvard or Stanford, they go to a state university. Others take night classes and go to vocational schools. In short, most people take the socially acceptable path.

cultural goals the objectives held out as legitimate or desirable for the members of a society to achieve

institutionalized means approved ways of reaching cultural goals

strain theory Robert Merton’s term for the strain engendered when a soci- ety socializes large numbers of people to desire a cultural goal (such as success), but withholds from some the approved means of reaching that goal; one adap- tation to the strain is crime, the choice of an innovative means (one outside the approved sys- tem) to attain the cultural goal

176 Chapter 6

FOUR DEVIANT PATHS The next four responses in Table 6.1 represent deviant reac- tions to the gap that people find between the goals they want and their access to the insti- tutionalized means to reach them. Let’s look at each. Innovators are people who accept the goals of society but use illegitimate means to try to reach them. Embezzlers, for instance, accept the goal of achieving wealth, but they reject the legitimate avenues for doing so. Other examples are drug dealers, robbers, and con artists.

The second deviant path is taken by people who start out wanting the cultural goals but become discouraged and give up on achieving them. Yet they still cling to conven- tional rules of conduct. Merton called this response ritualism. Although ritualists have given up on getting ahead at work, they survive by rigorously following the rules of their job. Teachers whose idealism is shattered (who are said to suffer from “burnout”), for example, remain in the classroom, where they teach without enthusiasm. Their response is considered deviant because they cling to the job even though they have abandoned the goal, which may have been to stimulate young minds or to make the world a better place.

People who choose the third deviant path, retreatism, reject both the cultural goals and the institutionalized means of achieving them. Some people stop pursuing success and retreat into alcohol or drugs. Although their path to withdrawal is considerably dif- ferent, women who enter a convent or men a monastery are also retreatists.

The final deviant response is rebellion. Convinced that their society is corrupt, reb- els, like retreatists, reject both society’s goals and its institutionalized means. Unlike retreatists, however, rebels seek to give society new goals, as well as new means for reaching them. Revolutionaries are the most committed type of rebels.

Merton either did not recognize anarchy as applying to his model or he did not think of it. In either case, the angry anarchist who wants to destroy society is not shown on Table 6.1. Like the retreatist and the rebel, anarchists have given up on both society’s goals and its means. Unlike the rebel, however, they do not want to replace the goals and means with anything. And unlike the retreatist, they do not want to withdraw and let others live in peace. Instead, they want to annihilate what exists and whoever stands in their way.

IN SUM Strain theory underscores the sociological principle that deviants are the prod- uct of society. Mainstream social values (cultural goals and institutionalized means to reach those goals) can produce strain (frustration, dissatisfaction). People who feel this strain are more likely than others to take deviant (nonconforming) paths.

Illegitimate Opportunity Structures: Social Class and Crime Over and over in this text, you have seen the impact of social class on people’s lives—and you will continue to do so in coming chapters. Let’s look at how the social classes pro- duce different types of crime.

STREET CRIME In applying strain theory, functionalists point out that industrialized societies have no trouble socializing the poor into wanting to own things. Like others,

Table 6.1 How People Match Their Goals to Their Means

SOURCE: Based on Merton 1968.

Do They Feel the Strain That Leads to Anomie?

Mode of Adaptation

Cultural Goals

Institutionalized Means

No Conformity Accept Accept

Deviant Paths:

Yes 1. Innovation Accept Reject

2. Ritualism Reject Accept

3. Retreatism Reject Reject

4. Rebellion Reject/Replace Reject/Replace

Deviance and Social Control 177

the poor are bombarded with messages urging them to buy everything from iPhones and iPads to designer jeans and new cars. Television and movies spew out images of middle-class people enjoying luxurious lives. The poor get the message—full-fledged Americans can afford society’s many goods and services.

Yet, the most common route to success, education, presents a bewildering world to the poor. Run by the middle class, schools are at odds with their background. In the schools, what the poor take for granted is unacceptable, questioned, even mocked. Their speech, for example, is built around nonstandard grammar. It is also often laced with what the middle class considers obscenities. Their ideas of punctuality and their poor preparation in reading and paper-and-pencil skills also make it difficult to fit in. Facing such barriers, the poor are more likely than their more privileged counterparts to drop out of school. Educational fail- ure, of course, slams the door on many legitimate avenues to success.

Not all doors slam shut, though. Woven into the inner city is what Cloward and Ohlin (1960) called an illegitimate opportunity structure. This alternative door to financial gain includes burglary, robbery, drug dealing, gambling, prostitution, and pimping (Anderson 1978, 1990, 2000; Horning and Marcus 2017). To those grow- ing up poor, pimps and drug dealers are often seen through the lens of a glamorous life— people who are in control and have plenty of “easy money.” For some, then, the “hustler” becomes a role model.

It should be easy to see why street crime attracts disproportionate numbers of the poor. In the following Down-to-Earth Sociology, let’s look at how gangs are part of the ille- gitimate opportunity structure that beckons disadvantaged youth.

illegitimate opportunity structure opportunities for crimes that are woven into the texture of life

Down-to-Earth Sociology Islands in the Street: Urban Gangs in the United States Gangs are part of urban life, but why do people join gangs?

For more than ten years, sociologist Martín Sánchez- Jankowski (1991) did participant– observation of thirty-seven ethnic gangs: African American, Chicano, Dominican, Irish, Jamaican, and Puerto Rican. The members of these gangs in Boston, Los Angeles, and New York City earned money through gambling, arson, mugging, and armed robbery. They also sold drugs, guns, moonshine, stolen car parts, and protection. Sánchez- Jankowski ate, slept, and fought with the gangs, but by mutual agreement he did not participate in drug dealing or other illegal activities. He was seriously injured twice during the study.

Contrary to stereotypes, Sánchez-Jankowski did not find that the motive for joining a gang was to escape a broken home (there were as many members from intact families as from broken homes) or to seek a substitute family (the same number of boys said they were close to their families as those who said they were not). Rather, the boys joined to gain access to money, sex, and drugs, to maintain anonymity in committing crimes, to get protection, and to help the community. This last reason may seem surprising,

but in some neighborhoods, gangs protect residents from outsiders and spearhead political change (Kontos et al.

2003). The boys also saw the gang as an alternative to the boring, dead- end jobs held by their parents.

Neighborhood residents are ambivalent about gangs. Although they fear the violence, the gang members are the children of people who live in the neighborhood, and many of the adults once belonged to gangs. In addition, some gangs provide better protection than the police.

Particular gangs will come and go, but gangs are likely to remain part of the city. Why? As functionalists point out, gangs fulfill needs of poor youth who live on the margins of society.

For Your Consideration → What functions do gangs fulfill (what needs do they meet)?

→ Suppose that you have been hired as an urban planner for the city of Chicago. How could you arrange to meet the needs that gangs fulfill in ways that minimize violence and encourage youth to follow mainstream norms?

178 Chapter 6

WHITE-COLLAR CRIME As with the poor, the forms of crime of the more privileged classes also match their life situation. And how different their illegitimate opportunities are! Physicians don’t hold up cabbies, but they do cheat Medicare. Investment managers like Bernie Madoff don’t rob gas stations, but they do run fraudulent schemes that cheat people around the world. Mugging, pimping, and burgling are not part of this more priv- ileged world, but evading income tax, bribing public officials, and embezzling are. Sociol- ogist Edwin Sutherland (1949) coined the term white-collar crime to refer to crimes that people of respectable and high social status commit in the course of their occupations.

A special form of white-collar crime is corporate crime, executives breaking the law in order to benefit their corporation. For example, to increase corporate profits, Sears executives defrauded $100 million from victims so poor that they had filed for bankruptcy. To avoid a criminal trial, Sears pleaded guilty. This frightened the parent companies of Macy’s and Bloomingdales, which were doing similar things, and they settled out of court (McCormick 1999). Not one of the corporate thieves at Sears, Macy’s, or Bloomingdales spent even a day in jail.

Here are two more big-name criminals: Bank of America, which paid $17 billion for its lawbreaking (Rexrode and Barrett 2014), and Wells Fargo, which paid $185 million in fines for opening two million accounts without their clients’ permission (Corkery 2016). Even more notorious is Citigroup, which was caught red-handed in 2004 stealing from the poor. For this crime, Citigroup paid $70 million (O’Brien 2004). In 2008, caught this time stealing money from its customers’ credit cards, Citigroup was fined $18 million (Read 2008). Like other career criminals addicted to easy money, Citigroup continued its lawbreaking ways, and in 2014 Citigroup paid another $7 billion for deceiving investors in subprime mortgages (Grossman and Rexrode 2014). Not one of the corporate crime chiefs at Citigroup, Bank of America, or Wells Fargo spent even a single day in jail.

Can you imagine what would have happened if these same executives had used guns to rob people on the street?

It is rare for white-collar crime to be taken seriously—even when those crimes result in death. In the 1930s, workers were hired to blast a tunnel through a mountain in West Virginia. The company knew the silica dust would kill the miners, and in just three months about six hundred died (Dunaway 2008). No owner went to jail. In the 1980s, Firestone executives recalled faulty tires in Saudi Arabia and Venezuela but allowed them to remain on U.S. vehicles. When those tires blew out, about two hundred Ameri- cans died (White et al. 2001). Not a single Firestone executive went to jail.

In 2001, General Motors found out that a jarring of the ignition key could shut down the car ’s engine and electrical system and disable the air bags. Did they fix the ignition? No. For a dozen years GM kept quiet. What did these decision makers care, as long as the profits—and their bonuses—kept rolling in? Their decision cost the lives of 124 people.

Not one executive was even arrested. GM just paid a fine (Spector and Matthews 2015).

Consider this: Under federal law, causing the death of a worker by willfully violating safety rules is a misde- meanor punishable by up to six months in prison. Yet to harass a wild burro on federal lands is punishable by a year in prison (Barstow and Bergman 2003).

At $500 billion a year, “crime in the suites” costs more than “crime in the streets” (Reiman and Leighton 2010). This refers only to dollar costs. The physical and emotional costs are another matter. For example, no one has figured out a way to compare the suffering of rape victims with the pain of elderly couples who lost their life savings to Madoff’s white-collar fraud.

Fear, however, centers on street crime, especially the violent stranger who can change your life forever. As the Social Map shows, the chances of such an encounter depend

white-collar crime Edwin Sutherland’s term for crimes committed by people of respectable and high social status in the course of their occupations; for example, brib- ery of public officials, securities violations, embezzlement, false advertising, and price fixing

corporate crime crimes committed by executives in order to benefit their corporation

White collar crime can be deadly and yet the criminals go unpunished. Faulty ignition switches on GM cars, not fixed after the problem was known, killed over 124 people. This father is holding a photo of his daughter, Brandlee, who was one of these 124 people.

Deviance and Social Control 179

GENDER AND CRIME Gender is not just something we do. Gender is a feature of society that surrounds us from birth. Gender pushes us, as male or female, into different corners in life, offering and nurturing some behaviors while it withdraws others. The opportunity to commit crime is one of the many consequences of how society sets up a gender order. The social changes that opened business and the professions to women also brought new opportunities for women to commit crime. From stolen property to illegal weapons, Table 6.2 shows how women have taken advantage of this new opportunity.

Table 6.2 Women and Crime: What a Change Of all those arrested, what percentage are women?

Crime 1992 2014 Change

Burglary 9.2% 17.8% +93%

Car theft 10.8% 20.3% +88%

Drunken driving 13.8% 25.0% +81%

Stolen property 12.5% 21.5% +72%

Robbery 8.5% 14.0% +65%

Aggravated assault 14.8% 23.0% +55%

Arson 13.4% 18.9% +41%

Larceny/theft 32.1% 43.2% +35%

Illegal drugs 16.4% 21.9% +34%

Illegal weapons 7.5% 8.8% +17%

Forgery and counterfeiting 34.7% 36.5% +5%

Fraud 42.1% 39.1% –7%

SOURCE: By the author. Based on Statistical Abstract of the United States1994 and 2017:Table 357.

Figure 6.1 How Safe is Your State? Violent Crime in the United States

Violent crimes per 100,000 people. Safer than average (99–274)

More dangerous than average (396–636)

Average safety (279–391)


2. Maine (128)

1. Vermont (99)

3. New Hampshire, Virginia,Wyoming (196)

Most Dangerous

3. New Mexico (597)

2. Tennessee (608)

1. Nevada, Alaska (636)

ME 128

VT 99

NH 196

UT 216 VA


ID 212

WY 196

WI 290

KY 212

ND 265OR


RI 219

NE 280

SD 327

IA 274

MN 229

MT 324

MS 279

CT 237

HI 259

WA 285

OH 285

NJ 261

WV 302

CO 309

IN 365

NC 330

KS 349

PA 314

GA 377

NY 382

AZ 400

TX 406

CA 396

AL 427

MA 391

IL 370

MI 427

MO 443

OK 406 AR


MD 446

FL 541

LA 515

DE 489

NV 636

NM 597

SC 498

AK 636

TN 608 DC


NOTE: Violent crimes are murder, rape, robbery, and aggravated assault. I estimated Minnesota’s rate, based on earlier data and reduced rates since then. The chance of becoming a victim of a violent crime is five times higher in Tennessee, the most dangerous state, than in Maine, the safest state. Washington, D.C., not a state, is in a class by itself. Its rate of 1,244 is twelve times higher than Vermont's rate.

SOURCE: Statistical Abstract of the United States 2017:Table 334.

on where you live. You can see that entire regions are safer—or more dangerous—than others. In general, the northern states are safer, the southern states more dangerous.

180 Chapter 6

IN SUM Functionalists stress that just as the social classes differ in opportunities for income and education, so they differ in opportunities for crime. As a result, street crime is greater among the lower social classes and white-collar crime greater among the higher social classes. The growing crime rates of women illustrate how chang- ing gender roles have given women more access to what sociologists call “illegitimate opportunities.”

The Conflict Perspective 6.5 Apply the conflict perspective to deviance by explaining how social class

is related to the criminal justice system and how the criminal justice system is oppressive.

Conflict theorists view the criminal justice system as an instrument that protects the rich and powerful and oppresses the poor and weak. Let’s find out why they have this view.

Class, Crime, and the Criminal Justice System TRW sold transistors to the federal government to use in its military satellites. The tran- sistors failed, and the government had to shut down its satellite program. TRW said that the failure was a surprise to them, that it must be due to some unknown defect. U.S. offi- cials then paid TRW millions of dollars to investigate the failure.

Then a whistle-blower appeared, informing the government that TRW knew the transistors would fail in satellites even before it sold them. The government sued Northrop Grumman Corporation, which had bought TRW, and the corporation was found guilty.

What was the punishment for a crime this serious? The failure of these satellites compro- mised the defense of the United States. When the executives of TRW were put on trial, how long were their prison sentences? Actually, these criminals weren’t even put on trial, and not one spent even a night in jail. In this case of white-collar crime, Grumman was fined $325 million. Then—and this is hard to believe—on the same day, the government settled a lawsuit that Grumman had brought against it for $325 million (Drew 2009). Cer- tainly a rare coincidence.

Contrast this backdoor deal between influential people with what happens to the poor who break the law. A poor person who is caught stealing even a $1,000 car can end up serving years in prison. How can a legal system that proudly boasts “justice for all” be so inconsistent? According to conflict theory, this question is central to the analysis of crime and the criminal justice system—the police, courts, and prisons that deal with people who are accused of having committed crimes. Let’s see what conflict theorists have to say about this.

The Criminal Justice System as an Instrument of Oppression Conflict theorists regard power and social inequality as the main characteristics of soci- ety. The criminal justice system, they stress, is a tool designed by the powerful to main- tain their power and privilege. For the poor, in contrast, the law is an instrument of oppression (Chambliss 2000; Davis and Sorensen 2013). The idea that the law operates impartially to bring justice to all, they say, is a cultural myth promoted by the capitalist class to secure the cooperation of the poor in their own oppression.

criminal justice system the system of police, courts, and prisons set up to deal with peo- ple who are accused of having committed a crime

Deviance and Social Control 181

The working poor and those below them pose a special threat to the power elite. Receiving the least of society’s mate- rial rewards, they hold the potential to rebel and overthrow the current social order. To prevent this, the law comes down hard on the poor and the underclass. They are the least rooted in soci- ety. They have only low-paying, part-time, or seasonal work— if they have jobs at all. Because their street crimes threaten the social order that keeps the elite in power, they are punished severely. From this class come most of the prison inmates in the United States.

The criminal justice system, then, does not focus on the exec- utives of corporations and the harm they do through manufactur- ing unsafe products, creating pollution, and manipulating prices. Yet the violations of the capitalist class cannot be ignored totally; if they become too extreme, they might outrage the working class, encouraging them to rise up and revolt. To prevent this, a flagrant violation by a member of the capitalist class is occasionally pros- ecuted. The publicity given to the case provides evidence of the “fairness” of the criminal justice system, which helps to stabi- lize the social system—and keeps the powerful in their positions of privilege.

The powerful are usually able to bypass the courts altogether, appearing instead before an agency that has no power to imprison (such as the Federal Trade Commission). These agencies are directed by people from wealthy backgrounds who sympathize with the intricacies of the corporate world. It is they who oversee most cases of price manipulation, insider stock trading, vio- lations of fiduciary duty, and so on. Is it surprising, then, that the typical sanction for corporate crime is a token fine?

IN SUM Conflict theorists stress that the power elite devel- oped the legal system to stabilize the social order. They use it to control the poor, who pose a threat to the powerful. The poor hold the potential of rebelling as a group, which could dislodge the power elite from their place of privilege. To pre- vent this, the criminal justice system makes certain that heavy penalties come down on the poor.

Reactions to Deviance 6.6 Be able to discuss street crime and imprisonment,

the three-strikes laws, the decline in violent crime, recidivism, bias in the death penalty, the medicalization of deviance, and the need for a more humane approach.

Whether it is cheating on a sociology quiz or holding up a liquor store, any violation of norms invites reaction. In the following Thinking Critically about Social Life, we will con- sider reactions to sexting, a controversial activity of many teenagers. After this we will turn to reactions to violent crimes.

The cartoonist’s hyperbole makes an excellent commentary on the social class disparity of our criminal justice system. Not only are the crimes of the wealthy not as likely to come to the attention of authorities as are the crimes of the poor, but when they do, the wealthy can afford legal expertise to wiggle around the law that the poor cannot.

In early capitalism, children worked alongside adults. At that time, just as today, most street criminals came from the marginal working class, as did these boys who worked in a glass works company in Indiana in 1908.

182 Chapter 6

Thinking Critically about Social Life Sexting: Getting on the Phone Isn’t What It Used to Be

“How can we impress them?” wondered the eighth- grade girls at a sleepover. “They don’t even know we’re interested.” The girls came up with an idea. They took off their clothes, covered themselves with whipped cream, and sent pictures to boys of themselves licking it off.

It seemed like a good idea at the time.

But not the next day. As the girls walked to class, the boys stood around leer- ing, laughing, and holding up the girls’ images on their cell phones.

The boys who received the images had forwarded them to their friends—who forwarded them to their friends, and so on.

And some photos were forwarded to the parents.

As they say, that’s when all hell broke loose.

If two people over the age of 18 send sexually explicit photos to one another, their sexting is a matter between the two. In contrast, those under the age of 18 are legally minors, and the law classifies their sexual photos as child pornography.

The legal consequences can be severe. Both those who send the photos and those who pass them on to others have possessed child pornography. Anyone convicted of this offense will have to register as a sex offender—and this lasts for decades!

“You’re getting excited about nothing,” is a common attitude of adolescents. “What’s the harm if we do this? Nude selfies don’t get anyone pregnant, and they don’t spread diseases. It’s a kind of safe sex.” (Sales 2016)

The law enforcers reply, “It’s not only stupid to show pictures of your genitals, but it’s also against the law.”

The general consensus seems to be that the law needs to catch up with this social change, that child pornography laws don’t really apply to minors who sext. A developing sentiment is that educational programs are more appropriate, maybe even community service.

Of course, we can’t overlook the more severe penalty— banning an offender from using cell phones for an entire year.

Teenagers might be naïve, but they are far from stupid. Many skirt the legal problem by sexting via Snapchat. Poof! After

being viewed, the photos vanish without leaving a trace.

For Your Consideration → Do you think that sexting by minors should be a private

matter, as it is for adults? Why or why not?

→ If you think there should be sanctions for sexting by minors, which ones?

→ Should the same sanctions apply for sexters age 13 and age 17? For nudity and for the depiction of sexual intercourse?

Sexting can be fun. It can also be dangerous. If a photo is of an underage person, or sent to one, an individual can be convicted of a sexual offense against a child. This man, Anthony Weiner, might have been mayor of New York City, but instead he is serving time in a federal prison for sexting a 15-year-old girl. He will also be required to register as a sex offender.

Street Crime and Prisons Let’s begin our overview of street crime and prisons with a stunning statistic: The United States has only 5 percent of the world’s population but about 25 percent of the world’s prisoners (Brayne 2013). One of 35 adults, 7 million Americans, is on probation or parole or in jail or prison (Statistical Abstract 2017:Tables 10, 375, 376, 381). No other country comes close to these totals. There are so many prisoners that, running out of places to keep them, the state and federal governments pay private companies to operate “private prisons.” About 126,000 Americans are locked up in these for-profit prisons (Bureau of Justice Statistics 2016).

To see how the number of prisoners has surged, look at Figure 6.2. As you can see, the number of prisoners peaked in 2009 and has dropped slightly since then. With the

Deviance and Social Control 183

Who are these prisoners? Let’s compare them with the U.S. population. As you look at Table 6.3, several things may strike you. Forty-three percent of all prisoners are younger than 35, and almost all the prisoners are men. Then there is this remarkable statistic: Although African Americans make up just 12.7 percent of the U.S. population, there are more African American prisoners than white prisoners.

Finally, note how marriage and education—two of the major ways that society “anchors” people into mainstream behavior—keep people out of prison. About half of prisoners have never married. And look at the power of education, a major compo- nent of social class. As I mentioned earlier, social class funnels some people into the criminal justice system while it diverts others away from it. You can see how people who drop out of high school have a high chance of ending up in prison—and how unlikely it is for a college graduate to have this unwelcome destination in life.

Figure 6.2 How Much Is Enough? The Explosion in the Number of U.S. Prisoners


1970 1980 1990 2010 2020



























2009 was the peak of incarceration, with

1,616,000 prisoners


N u m

b e r

o f

fe d

e ra

l an

d s

ta te

p ri

so n e rs

(i n t

h o

u sa

n d


SOURCE: By the author. Based on Statistical Abstract of the United States 1995:Table 349; 2014:Tables 2, 6, 363; 2017:Table 375; Carson and Anderson 2016. The broken line is the author’s estimate.

decline in violent crime, which we will review shortly, this decrease is likely to be per- manent. The broken line on this figure gives a rough indication of what the future might look like.

184 Chapter 6

Table 6.3 Comparing Prison Inmates with the U.S. Population

aBecause this column refers to Americans age 18 and over, the percentages will not agree with other totals in this book. For education, the percentages are based on Americans age 25 and over. bAge, race-ethnicity, and sex of prisoners are from Carson and Anderson while their marital status and education are from Sourcebook. cThe remainder after Sourcebook lists African American, white, and Hispanic; apparently includes Asian Americans, Native Americans, and people who claim two or more races. dThe marital status of prisoners applies only to inmates on death row. Data not available for other inmates.

SOURCE: By the author. Based on Sourcebook of Criminal Justice Statistics 2013:Tables 6.0001, 6.45, 6.81; Carson and Anderson 2016:Tables 1, 3, 8; Statistical Abstract of the United States 2014:Tables 59, 243, 366; 2017:Tables 6, 10.

Characteristics Percentage of Prisoners with These Characteristics

Percentage of U.S. Population Age 18 and Over with These Characteristicsa


18–24 11.3% 12.6%

25–34 32.1% 17.8%

35–44 26.7% 16.4%

45–54 18.9% 17.4%

55 and older 10.6% 35.8%


African American 35.4% 12.7%

White 33.8% 64.6%

Latino 21.6% 15.5%

Otherc 9.1% 7.2%


Male 92.7% 49.2%

Female 7.3% 50.8%

Marital Statusd

Never married 54.7% 27.6%

Married 21.9% 56.0%

Divorced and Widowed 23.0% 16.4%


Less than high school 30.6% 12.4%

High school graduate 45.8% 30.4%

Some college 18.8% 26.3%

College graduate 4.8% 30.9%

Thinking Critically about Social Life What Should We Do About Repeat Offenders? The “Three-Strikes” Laws

In 1993, Polly Klaas, a 12-year old in Petaluma, Cali- fornia, had a sleepover at her home. A man on parole from rape, slipped in, tied up the girls, put pillow cases over their heads, and took Polly. Two months later, her partially nude body was found in a wooded area (Callahan 2013).

Back in the 1980s and 1990s, alarm and fear grew as violent crime soared. Amid outrage that violent criminals were being paroled from prison only to commit more violent crimes, the public demanded that “something be done.”

Politicians, also outraged at the crimes of repeat offenders like the man who abducted, raped, and killed Polly Klaas, passed “three-strikes” laws: Anyone convicted of a third felony would receive a mandatory sentence. In California, the third felony meant twenty-five years to life. Delaware’s version requires a life sentence for anyone convicted of a third violent crime (Albright 2016).

As intended, these laws have kept many repeat offenders off the street, but they also have had some unanticipated results:

For about the past twenty years or so, the United States has followed a “get tough” policy. One of the most significant changes was “three-strikes-and-you’re-out” laws, which have had unintended consequences, as you will see in the following Thinking Critically about Social Life.

Deviance and Social Control 185

The Decline of Violent Crime As you have seen, judges have put more and more people in prison, and legislators have passed the three-strikes laws. As these changes took place, the crime rate dropped sharply. Sociologists conclude that getting tough on criminals reduced crime, but they stress that this is only one of the reasons that violent crime dropped (Baumer and Wolff 2013). Other reasons include higher employment, a lower birth rate, an aging popula- tion, and even abortion. There are even those who say that the best explanation is the elimination of lead in gasoline (Drum 2013). We can rule out employment: When the unemployment rate shot up with the economic crisis, the lower crime rates continued (Oppel 2011).

When the FBI (2016) reported a one-year increase in violent crime, politicians and report- ers stoked fears of crime rising across the country. However, this increase could be just a blip in the statistics, or it could be the start of a longer-term increase. For this answer, we await future reports.

Recidivism If a goal of prisons is to teach their clients to stay away from crime, they are colos- sal failures. We can measure their failure by the recidivism rate—the percentage of released prisoners who are rearrested. Within just three years of their release, two out of

recidivism rate the percentage of released con- victs who are rearrested

• In California, a 64-year-old man who stole a package of cigarettes was sentenced to twenty-five-years-to-life in prison (Phillips 2013).

• Another California man, who passed a bad check for $94, was sentenced to twenty-five years to life (Jones 2008).

• In Florida, a man who stored cocaine in his girlfriend’s attic was sentenced to fifteen years in prison, but his 27-year-old girlfriend, a mother of three, was sent to prison for life. The judge said the sentence was unjust, but since it was her third felony conviction he had no choice (Tierney 2012).

• In New York City, a man who was about to be sentenced for selling crack said to the judge, “I’m only 19. This is ter- rible.” He then hurled himself out of a courtroom window, plunging to his death sixteen stories below (Cloud 1998).

A sort of Oops! moment followed. This isn’t quite what was intended. The public had in mind someone who was convicted of violent crimes, such as a third brutal rape, being sent to prison for life. As in California, though, in some states the politicians neglected to limit the three- strikes to violent crimes.

Judges complained that the three-strikes laws bound their hands, limiting them from taking into consideration the circumstances that surround a crime. With the longer sentences taking many repeat offenders off the street, though, the public felt relieved, and there was little rush to change these laws. Eventually, the gap between justice and unfair sentencing became too great to ignore, and the states are now softening their three-strikes laws. Not incidentally, a political consideration in the face of budget crises is the huge costs of keeping offenders locked up.

For Your Consideration Apply the symbolic interactionist, functionalist, and conflict perspectives to the passage of the three-strikes laws and to their revision. → For symbolic interactionism, how does the meaning of

these laws depend on social location, especially where someone is in the criminal justice system?

→ For functionalism, what are some of the functions (bene- fits) of three-strikes laws? Their dysfunctions?

→ For the conflict perspective, which groups are in conflict? What different interests are represented, and who has the power to enforce their will on others?

Sequoia, 11, Floyd, 8, and Deonta, 6, hold photos of their father, Floyd Earl, who is in prison for 25 years to life for theft. California voters had approved the three-strikes law amid public furor over the 1993 kidnap, rape, and murder of 12-year-old Polly Klaas by Richard Allen Davis, a repeat offender on parole at the time.

186 Chapter 6

three (68 percent) are rearrested, and half are back in prison (Durose et al. 2014). Look- ing at Figures 6.3 and 6.4, it is safe to conclude that prisons fail to teach people that crime doesn’t pay.

Figure 6.4 Recidivism by Type of Crime

Car theft

The rearrest rates of those who had been convicted of:

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90%

Illegal weapons

Illegal drugs

Drunk driving



Of 405,000 prisoners released from U.S. prisons, what percentage were rearrested within three years?







Robbery 67%

Fraud 69%

Rape 51%

SOURCE: By the author. Based on Durose et al. 2014:Table 8.

Figure 6.3 How Fast They Return: Recidivism of U.S. Prisoners





6 12 24 60


18 30 36 42 48 54


Back to prison

Months after release



SOURCE: Modified by the author from Figure 1 of Durose et al. 2014.

The Death Penalty and Bias As you know, capital punishment, the death penalty, is the most extreme measure the state takes. As you also know, the death penalty arouses both impassioned opposition and support. Advances in DNA testing have given opponents of the death penalty a strong argument: Innocent people have been sent to death row, and some have been executed. Others are just as passionate about retaining the death penalty. They point to such crimes as those of the serial killers discussed in the following Down-to-Earth Sociology.

capital punishment the death penalty

Deviance and Social Control 187

Down-to-Earth Sociology The Killer Next Door: Serial Murderers in Our Midst Here is my experience with serial killers. As I was watching television one night, I was stunned by the images coming from Houston, Texas. Television cameras showed the police digging up dozens of bodies from under a boat storage shed. A few days later, I drove from Illinois, where I was teaching, to Houston, where 33-year-old Dean Corll had befriended Elmer Wayne Henley and David Brooks, two teenagers from broken homes. Together, they had killed twenty-seven boys. Elmer and David would pick up young hitchhikers and deliver them to Corll to rape and kill. They even brought him their neighbors and high school classmates.

On a city map, I plotted the locations of the homes of the local murder victims. Many clustered around the homes of the teenage killers. I then talked to one of Elmer’s neighbors, as he was painting his front porch. His 15-year-old son had gone to get a haircut one Saturday morning. That was the last time he saw his son alive. The police refused to investigate. They insisted that his son had run away.

I decided to spend my coming sabbatical writing a novel on this case. To get into the minds of the killers, I knew that I would have to “become” them day after day. Corll kept a piece of plywood in his apartment. In each of its corners, he had cut a hole. He and the boys would spread-eagle their handcuffed victims on this board and torture and rape them for hours. Sometimes, they would even pause to order pizza. I began to be concerned about immersing myself in torture and human degradation. Would I be the same person afterward? I decided not to write the book.

The three killers led double lives so successfully that their friends and family were unaware of their criminal activities. Henley’s mother swore to me that her son couldn’t possibly be guilty—he was a good boy. Some of Elmer’s high school friends told me that his being involved in homosexual rape and murder was ridiculous—he was interested only in girls. I was interviewing them in Henley’s bedroom, and for proof, they pointed to a pair of girls’ panties that were draped across a lamp shade.

Serial murder is killing three or more victims in separate events. The murders may occur over several days, weeks, or years. The elapsed time between murders distinguishes serial killers from mass murderers, those who do their killing all at once. Here are some infamous examples:

• During the 1960s and 1970s, Ted Bundy, shown here, raped and killed dozens of women in four states.

• Between 1974 and 1991, Dennis Rader killed ten people in Wichita, Kansas. Rader had written to the newspa-

pers, proudly calling himself the BTK (Bind, Torture, and Kill) strangler.

• In the late 1980s and early 1990s, Aileen Wuornos hitchhiked along Florida’s freeways. She killed seven men after having sex with them.

• In 2009, Anthony Sowell of Cleveland, Ohio, was discovered living with eleven decomposing bodies of women he had raped and strangled (Robbins 2009).

• The serial killer with the most victims appears to be Virginia de Souza, a physician in Brazil, who, between 2006 and 2014, is thought to have killed 320 patients to “free up the wards.” She injected her victims with muscle relaxants and then cut off their air supply (Feld- schreiber 2013).

Is serial murder more common now than it used to be? Not likely. In the past, police departments had

little communication with one another, and seldom did anyone connect killings in different jurisdictions. Today’s more efficient communications and investigative techniques, coupled with DNA matching, make it easier for the police to know when a serial killer is operating in an area. Part of the perception that there are more serial killers today is also due to ignorance of our history: In our frontier past, for example, serial killers went from ranch to ranch.

For Your Consideration → Do you think that serial killers should be given the death

penalty? Why or why not?

→ How does your social location influence your opinion on the death penalty?

Ted Bundy is shown here on trial in Miami for killing two women, both college students. He often used charm and wit to win the confidence of his victims. Like most serial killers, he blended in with society. Bundy was executed for his murders.

GEOGRAPHY It is clear that the death penalty is not administered evenly. Consider geography: You can see from the Social Map that where people commit murder greatly affects their chances of being put to death.

serial murder the killing of several victims in three or more separate events

188 Chapter 6

SOCIAL CLASS The death penalty also shows social class bias. As you know from news reports, it is rare for a rich person to be sentenced to death. Although the government does not collect statistics on social class and the death penalty, this common observation is borne out by the education of the prisoners on death row. Half of the prisoners on death row (48 percent) have not finished high school (Bureau of Justice Statistics 2014a).

GENDER There is also gender bias in the death penalty. Gender bias is so strong that it is almost unheard of for a woman to be sentenced to death, much less executed. Although women commit 9.6 percent of the murders, they make up only 2.0 percent of death row inmates (Bureau of Justice Statistics 2014a). Even on death row, the gender bias continues: Of those condemned to death, the state is much more likely to execute a man than a woman. As Figure 6.6 shows, of the 5,218 prisoners executed in the United States since 1930, only 46, a mere 0.9 percent, have been women. Rather than gender bias, perhaps the chances of being sentenced to death or being executed reflect the women’s previous offenses and the relative brutality of their murders. Not likely, but maybe. We need research to find out.

RACE–ETHNICITY At one point, racial–ethnic bias was so flagrant that the U.S. Supreme Court put a stop to the death penalty. Donald Partington (1965), a lawyer in Virginia, was shocked by the bias he saw in the courtroom, and he decided to document it. He found that 2,798 men had been convicted for rape and attempted rape in Virginia between 1908 and 1963—56 percent whites and 44 percent blacks. For rape, 41 men had been executed. For attempted rape, 13 had been executed. All those executed were black. Not one of the whites was executed.

After listening to evidence like this, in 1972 the Supreme Court ruled in Furman v. Georgia that the death penalty, as applied, was unconstitutional. The execution of prison- ers stopped—but not for long. The states wrote new laws, and in 1977, they again began to execute prisoners. Since the death penalty was reinstituted, 57 percent of those put to death have been white, 34 percent African American, and 8 percent Latinos (Statistical Abstract 2017:Table 379).

Figure 6.5 Executions in the United States

States with death penalty

States without death penalty

States with death penalty that have not executed anyone

Highest Number of Executions

1. Texas (518)

2. Oklahoma (111)

3. Virginia (110)

AL 56

AK 0

AZ 37 AR


CA 13

CO 1

CT 1

DE 16

DC 0

FL 89

GA 55

HI 0

ID 3

IL 12

IN 20

IA 0

KS 0

KY 3

LA 28

ME 0

MD 5

MA 0 MI 0

MN 0

MS 21

MO 80

MT 3

NE 3

NV 12

NH 0

NJ 0

NM 1

NY 0

NC 43

ND 0

OH 53

OK 111

OR 2

PA 3

RI 0

SC 43

SD 3

TN 6

TX 518

UT 7

VT 0

VA 110

WA 5

WV 0

WI 0

WY 1

NOTE: Executions since 1977, when the death penalty was restored. The executions in states without the death penalty occurred before those states banned the death penalty.

SOURCE: By the author. Based on Bureau of Justice Statistics 2014b. Statistical Abstract of the United States 2017:Table 379.

Figure 6.6 Who Gets Executed? Gender Bias in Capital Punishment

SOURCE: By the author. Based on Statistical Abstract of the United States 2017:Table 379.



46 Women

5,172 Men

Deviance and Social Control 189

It is difficult to say precisely what role racial–ethnic bias plays in these totals, especially because they reflect the much higher murder rate of blacks. Yet, here are two indications of how real racial bias is in the criminal justice system: In general, white jurors are more likely to convict black defendants than white defendants (Anwar et al. 2012). In murder trials, if the victim is white and the accused is black, juries are more likely to impose the death pen- alty than if the accused is white and the victim is black (Baumgartner et al. 2015).

The official responses to deviance that we have discussed assume that the state (gov- ernment) is functioning. What happens when the state breaks down? Let’s consider this in the following Thinking Critically about Social Life.

Thinking Critically about Social Life Vigilantes: When the State Breaks Down

Residents of a town outside Veracruz, Mexico, were surprised one morning when they awoke to see the bodies of nine men and two women. The bodies, nude or partially clothed and bound at the ankles, showed the scars of torture. On one of the bodies was this sign: “You want a war, you’ll get a war.” (Woody 2017)

And the war is on.

A national meeting of states attorneys was to be held in a ritzy convention center in the capital city of the state of Veracruz. Two days before the meeting, a convoy of gunmen dressed in black drove up to the convention center. There they abandoned two trucks. In the trucks were the bodies of 35 men and women (de Cordoba 2017).

Many of us chafe under the coercive nature of the state: the IRS, Homeland Security, the NSA, the many police agencies from the CIA and FBI to who knows how many other groups that go by three capital letters. Little cameras litter society, seemingly recording our every move.

We certainly have given up a lot of freedoms—and we are likely to give up many more in the name of security. We can chafe and complain all we want, but as stressed in the preceding chapter, this wave of surveillance has tremendous momentum and is seemingly unstoppable.

There is another side to what is happening. The guns that the many uniformed and plainclothes men and women are carrying can also be aimed at us. But for now, they bring security. They indicate that the state is operating; perhaps overreaching, but functioning quite well.

What happens when the state fails, when the men and women who are authorized to carry guns don’t protect citizens from the bad guys who carry guns?

One reaction is vigilantism, people taking the law into their own hands. Remember what we call the Wild West? Citizens armed themselves, formed posses, chased the bad guys, and dispensed quick justice at the end of a rope. You’ve seen the movies.

And something like this is happening in Mexico. From the local to the national, the Mexican government

has failed. The drug lords have infiltrated the police and the politicians, and not just the lower levels. The most wanted drug lord in Mexico, “El Chapo” Guzman, who headed the feared Sinaloa cartel, used to drive openly into the state capital in an armored SUV. Guzman would even meet with the state governor (Johnson 2014).

It is difficult to overstate the extent of corruption in Mexico, but let’s add a couple more shocking findings. The man who directed Mexico’s national drug enforcement agency was on the drug lords’ payroll. Army generals take money to protect drug deals. A secret billion-dollar bank account was traced to the brother of Mexico’s president. (But why rush to judgment? Perhaps some taxi driver gave the president’s brother a billion-dollar tip because he was a good passenger.) In Gomez Palacio, prison administrators let prisoners out so they could kill members of a rival drug gang. They even loaned the prisoners their guns and cars to do the killing. Afterward, the men dutifully returned to the prison, turned in the cars and guns, and went back to their cells. Incredible, I know. But true.

Not all of Mexico’s officials are corrupt, and the drug war—between the state and the cartels, as well as between rival cartels—has grown in ferocity. The state uses Black Hawk helicopters to fire on houses, and the cartels have used high powered weapons to shoot one of them down (Woody 2017). Some surmise that in its frustration the Mexican government has become more interested in killing drug dealers than in arresting them. One thing is evident: Despite the arrest or killing of many top leaders, the cartels continue to thrive.

Shooting deaths by the police, the army, and the gangsters—with it sometimes difficult to distinguish which is which—run between 120,000 and 175,000 (de Cordoba 2017; Linthicum 2017). In Iguala, a town in the state of Guerrero, the mayor is accused of ordering his police to arrest forty-three college students and turn them over to the local drug cartel to be killed. The cartels have kidnapped so many young men and women that mothers of missing children have formed groups to search for hidden graves.


190 Chapter 6

The Trouble with Official Statistics We must be cautious when it comes to official crime statistics. According to official statistics, working-class boys are more delinquent than middle-class boys. Yet, as we have seen, who actually gets arrested for what is influenced by social class, a point that has far-reaching implications. As symbolic interactionists point out, the police follow a symbolic system as they enforce the law. Ideas of “typical criminals” and “typical good citizens” permeate their work. The more a suspect matches their stereotypes of a lawbreaker (which they call “criminal profiles”), the more likely that person is to be arrested. Police discretion, the decision whether to arrest someone or even to ignore a matter, is a routine part of police work. Official crime statistics reflect these and many other biases.

Crime statistics do not have an objective, independent existence. They are not like oranges that you pick out in a grocery store. Rather, they are a human creation. If the police enforce laws strictly, crime statistics go up. Loosen the enforcement, and crime statistics go down. New York City provides a remarkable example. To keep their crime statistics low, the police keep some crime victims waiting in the police station for hours. Some victims give up and leave, and the crimes don’t enter official records. In other cases, the police listen to crime victims but make no written record of the crime (Baker and Goldstein 2011). Various forms of underreporting probably occur in most police departments.

police discretion the practice of the police, in the normal course of their duties, to either arrest or ticket someone for an offense or to overlook the matter

In the state of Veracruz, these despairing women found a mass burial site that contained 249 bodies (de Cordoba 2017).

The Mexican people have begun to take the law into their own hands. In the state of Guerrero, country folk put on masks, grabbed their old hunting rifles, raided the homes of drug dealers, and put them in makeshift jails. Blockading the roads leading to their little towns, they won’t let drug dealers, or any strangers, in. This includes the federal police, the state police, and the army, all of which they distrust. The official “enforcers of the law” are too corrupt, they say. They trust only the neighbors they grew up with.

With the state claiming the right to use violence only for itself, a conflict between the vigilantes and the state is inevitable. And it has begun. In the state of Michoacan, the people took up arms against the Knights Templar, the drug cartel that is terrorizing their area. As the citizen militias were gaining the upper hand, the military stepped in to stop them. This confused the people, who asked why the military was trying to disarm them and not the drug cartel. “First we must disarm you, so there won’t be bloodshed,” the military replied. “Then we can go after the drug dealers.”

The vigilantes asked if they could accompany the police and military as they pursue the drug cartel. The reply, “No, that’s our job. You go home.”

This didn’t make sense to the people, and they resisted. The military killed several of the citizens.

The people still don’t understand. The state isn’t doing its job, their lives are in danger, and the local citizens think they know how to take care of the problem.

The reaction of the local police, the honest ones? “Maybe the citizens can do something about the problem. We

can’t. If we try, the drug dealers will go to our homes and kill our families. They don’t know who these masked men are.”

Based on several sources, including Sheridan 1998; Malkin 2010; Casey 2013; de Cordoba and Montes 2014; Perez and de Cordoba 2014; Althaus and de Cordoba 2016; Woody 2017.

For Your Consideration → We don’t yet know the consequences of this incipient

vigilante movement in Mexico. But what else can the citizens do?

→ How much freedom are you willing to give up to have security?

→ Where is a balance between personal freedom and state security?

“Enough is enough!” This physician (center) in Michoacan, Mexico, organized vigilantes to replace the corrupt police. The police arrested him for carrying illegal guns.

Deviance and Social Control 191

As a personal example, someone took my mailbox (rural, located on the street). When I called and reported the theft, a police officer arrived promptly. He was incredibly friendly. He looked around and spotted the mailbox in the ditch. He retrieved it and then personally restored it to its post. He even used his tools to screw it back on. He then said, “I’m chalk- ing this one up to the wind.” I didn’t object. I knew what he was doing. No crime to report, no paperwork for him, and the area has one less incident to go into the crime statistics.

The Medicalization of Deviance: Mental Illness When the woman drove her car into the river, drowning her two small children strapped to their little car seats, people said that she had “gone nuts,” “went bonkers,” and just plain “lost it.”

NEITHER MENTAL NOR ILLNESS? When people cannot find a satisfying explanation for why someone does something weird or is “like that,” they often say that a “sickness in the head” is causing the unacceptable behavior. To medicalize something is to make it a medical matter, to classify it as a form of illness that properly belongs in the care of physicians. For the past hundred years or so, especially since the time of Sigmund Freud (1856–1939), the Viennese physician who founded psychoanalysis, there has been a growing tendency toward the medicalization of deviance. In this view, deviance, includ- ing crime, is a sign of mental sickness. Rape, murder, stealing, cheating, and so on are external symptoms of internal disorders, consequences of a confused or tortured mind, one that should be treated by mental health experts.

Thomas Szasz (1920–2012), a renegade in his profession of psychiatry, disagreed. He (1996, 1998, 2010) argued that what are called mental illnesses are neither mental nor ill- nesses. They are simply problem behaviors. Szasz broke these behaviors for which we don’t have a ready explanation into two causes: physical illness and learned deviance.

Some behaviors that are called “mental illnesses” have physical causes. That is, something in an individual’s brain leads to unusual perceptions or behavior. For exam- ple, a chemical imbalance in the brain can cause depression. The individual’s behaviors— crying, long-term sadness, or lack of interest in family, work, school, or grooming—are symptoms of this physical problem, one that can be treated by drugs.

Another example is attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), a “mental illness” that seems to have come out of nowhere (Saul 2014). As Szasz said, “No one explains where this disease came from or why it didn’t exist 50 years ago. No one is able to diagnose it with objective tests.” A teacher or parent complains that a child is mis- behaving, and a psychiatrist or doctor says the child is suffering from ADD. Misbehav- ing children have been a problem throughout history, but now, with doctors looking to expand their territory, this problem behavior has become a sign of “mental illness” that they can treat.

All of us have troubles. Some of us face a constant barrage of problems as we go through life. Most of us continue the struggle, perhaps encouraged by relatives and friends and motivated by job, family responsibilities, religious faith, or life goals. Even when the odds seem hopeless, we carry on, not perfectly, but as best we can.

Some people, however, fail to cope well with life’s challenges. Overwhelmed, they become depressed, uncooperative, or hostile. Some strike out at others, while, in Merton’s term, others become retreatists and withdraw into their homes, refusing to come out. These may be inappropriate ways of coping, stressed Szasz, but they are behaviors, not mental illnesses. Szasz concluded that “mental illness” is a myth foisted on a naive public. Our medical profession uses pseudoscientific jargon that people don’t understand so

medicalization of deviance to make deviance a medical matter, a symptom of some underlying illness that needs to be treated by physicians

People whose behaviors violate norms are sometimes called mentally ill. “Why else would they do such things?” is a common response to deviant behaviors that we don’t understand. Mental illness is a label that contains the assumption that there is something wrong “within” people that “causes” their disapproved behavior. The surprise with this man, who changed his legal name to “Scary Guy,” is that he speaks at schools across the country, where he promotes acceptance, awareness, love, and understanding.

192 Chapter 6

it can expand its area of control and force nonconforming people to accept society’s definitions of “normal.”

Szasz’s controversial claims force us to look anew at the forms of deviance that we usually refer to as mental illness. To explain behavior that people find bizarre, he directs our attention not to disorders deep within the “subconscious” but, instead, to how people learn those behaviors. To ask, “What is the origin of someone’s inappropriate or bizarre behavior?” then becomes similar to asking “Why do some women steal?” “Why do some men rape?” “Why do some teenagers cuss their parents and stalk out of the room?” The answers depend on those people’s particular experiences in life, not on an illness in their mind. Some sociologists find Szasz’s renegade analysis refreshing because it points us away from illnesses of the mind to social experiences. Others, however, are uncomfortable with it, and some disagree wholeheartedly. Regardless of these disagreements, Szasz’s analysis applies not just to mental illness but also to deviance in general.


Jamie was sitting on a low wall surrounding the landscaped courtyard of an exclusive restaurant. She appeared unaware of the stares elicited by her layers of mismatched cloth- ing, her matted hair and dirty face, and the shopping cart that overflowed with her mea- ger possessions.

After sitting next to Jamie for a few minutes, I saw her point to the street and concen- trate, slowly moving her finger horizontally. I asked her what she was doing.

“I’m directing traffic,” she replied. “I control where the cars go. Look, that one turned right there,” she said, now withdrawing her finger.

“Really?” I said. After a while she confided that her cart talked to her. “Really?” I said again. “Yes,” she replied. “You can hear it, too.” At that, she pushed the shopping cart a bit. “Did you hear that?” she asked. When I shook my head, she demonstrated again. Then it hit me. She was referring to

the squeaking wheels! I nodded. When I left Jamie, she was pointing a finger toward the sky, for, as she told me, she

also controlled the flight of airplanes.

To most of us, Jamie’s behavior and thinking are bizarre. They simply do not match any reality we know. Could you or I become like Jamie?

Suppose for a bitter moment that you are homeless and have to live on the streets. You have no money, no place to sleep, no bathroom. You do not know if you are going to eat, much less where. You have no friends or anyone you can trust. You live in con- stant fear of being beaten and raped. Do you think this might be enough to drive you over the edge?

Consider just the problems of not having a place to bathe. (Shelters are often so dan- gerous that many homeless people prefer to sleep in public settings.) At first, you try to wash in the restrooms of gas stations, bars, the bus station, or a shopping center. But you are dirty, and people stare when you enter and call the management when they see you wash your feet in the sink. You are thrown out and told in no uncertain terms never to come back. So you get dirtier and dirtier. Eventually, you come to think of being dirty as a fact of life. Soon, maybe, you don’t even care. The stares no longer bother you—at least not as much.

No one will talk to you, and you withdraw more and more into yourself. You begin to build a fantasy life. You talk openly to yourself. People stare, but so what? They stare anyway. Besides, they are no longer important to you.

Jamie might be mentally ill. Some organic problem, such as a chemical imbalance in her brain, might underlie her behavior. But perhaps not. How long would it take you to exhibit bizarre behaviors if you were homeless—and hopeless? The point is that living on

Deviance and Social Control 193

the streets can cause mental illness—or whatever we want to label socially inappropriate behaviors that we find difficult to clas- sify. Homelessness and mental illness are reciprocal: Just as “mental illness” can cause homelessness, so the trials of being homeless, of living on cold, hostile streets, can lead to unusual thinking and behaviors.

The Need for a More Humane Approach As Durkheim (1895/1964:68) pointed out, deviance is inevitable—even in a group of saints.

Imagine a society of saints, a perfect cloister of exemplary indi- viduals. Crimes, properly so called, will there be unknown; but faults which appear invisible to the layman will create there the same scandal that the ordinary offense does in ordinary so- ciety.

With deviance inevitable, one measure of a society is how it treats its deviants. Our prisons certainly don’t say much good about U.S. society. Filled with the poor, unedu- cated, and unskilled, they are warehouses of the unwanted. White-collar criminals continue to get by with a slap on the wrist while street criminals are punished severely. Some deviants, who fail to meet current standards of admission to either prison or mental hospitals, take refuge in shelters, as well as in cardboard boxes tucked away in urban recesses. Although no one has the answer, it does not take much reflection to see that there are more humane approaches than these.

Because deviance is inevitable, the larger issues are to find ways to protect people from deviant behaviors that are harmful to themselves or others, to tolerate behaviors that are not harmful, and to develop systems of fairer treatment for deviants. In the absence of fundamental changes that would bring about an equitable society, most efforts are, unfortunately, like putting a Band-Aid on a gunshot wound. What we need is a more humane social system, one that would prevent the social inequalities that are the focus of the next four chapters.

Mental illness and drug/alcohol addiction are common among the homeless. This photo was taken in Miami, Florida, but it could have been taken in any large city in the United States.

Summary and Review What Is Deviance? 6.1 Explain what deviance is, why it is relative,

and why we need norms; also summarize the types of sanctions.

Deviance (the violation of norms) is relative. What people consider deviant varies from one culture to another and from group to group within the same society. As symbolic interactionists stress, it is not the act but the reactions to the act that make something deviant. All groups develop systems of social control to punish deviants—those who violate their norms.

Competing Explanations of Deviance: Sociobiology, Psychology, and Sociology 6.2 Contrast sociobiological, psychological,

and sociological explanations of deviance.

How do sociological and individualistic explanations of deviance differ?

To explain why people deviate, sociobiologists and psychol- ogists look for reasons within the individual, such as genetic predispositions or personality disorders. Sociologists, in contrast, look for explanations outside the individual, in so- cial experiences.

194 Chapter 6

The Symbolic Interactionist Perspective 6.3 Apply the symbolic interactionist perspective

to deviance by explaining differential association, control, and labeling.

How do symbolic interactionists explain deviance?

Symbolic interactionists have developed several theories to ex- plain deviance such as crime (the violation of norms that are written into law). According to differential association theory, people learn to deviate by associating with others. According to control theory, each of us is propelled toward deviance, but most of us conform because of an effective system of inner and outer controls. People who have less effective controls deviate.

Labeling theory focuses on how labels (names, reputa- tions) help to funnel people into or divert them away from deviance. People often use techniques of neutralization to deflect social norms.

The Functionalist Perspective 6.4 Apply the functionalist perspective to deviance

by explaining how deviance can be functional for society, how mainstream values can produce deviance (strain theory), and how social class is related to crime (illegitimate opportunities).

How do functionalists explain deviance?

Functionalists point out that deviance, including criminal acts, is functional for society. Functions include affirming norms and promoting social unity and social change. According to strain theory, societies socialize their members into desir- ing cultural goals. Many people are unable to achieve these goals in socially acceptable ways—that is, by institutionalized means. Deviants, then, are people who either give up on the goals or use disapproved means to attain them. Merton identi- fied five types of responses to cultural goals and institutional- ized means: conformity, innovation, ritualism, retreatism, and rebellion. Because of illegitimate opportunity structures, peo- ple have different access to illegal means of achieving goals.

The Conflict Perspective 6.5 Apply the conflict perspective to deviance by ex-

plaining how social class is related to the criminal justice system and how the criminal justice system is oppressive.

How do conflict theorists explain deviance?

Conflict theorists take the position that the group in power imposes its definitions of deviance on other groups. From this perspective, the law is an instrument of oppression used by the powerful to maintain their position of privilege. The ruling class, which developed the criminal justice sys- tem, uses it to punish the crimes of the poor while diverting its own criminal activities away from this punitive system.

Reactions to Deviance 6.6 Be able to discuss street crime and imprisonment,

the three-strikes laws, the decline in violent crime, recidivism, bias in the death penalty, the medicalization of deviance, and the need for a more humane approach.

What are common reactions to deviance in the United States?

In following a “get-tough” policy, the United States has im- prisoned millions of people. African Americans and Latinos make up a disproportionate percentage of U.S. prisoners. The death penalty shows biases by geography, social class, gender, and race–ethnicity.

Are official statistics on crime reliable?

The conclusions of both symbolic interactionists (that the police operate with a large measure of discretion) and conflict theorists (that a power elite controls the legal sys- tem) indicate that we must be cautious when using crime statistics.

What is the medicalization of deviance?

The medical profession has attempted to medicalize many forms of deviance, claiming that they represent mental ill- nesses. Thomas Szasz disagreed, asserting that these are problem behaviors, not mental illnesses. The situation of homeless people indicates that problems in living can lead to bizarre behavior and thinking.

What is a more humane approach?

Deviance is inevitable, so the larger issues are to find ways to protect people from deviance that harms themselves and oth- ers, to tolerate deviance that is not harmful, and to develop systems of fairer treatment for deviants.

Thinking Critically about Chapter 6 1. Select some deviance with which you re personally

familiar. (It does not have to be your own—it can be something that someone you know did.) Choose one of the three theoretical perspectives to explain what happened.

2. As explained in the text, deviance can be mild. Recall some instance in which you broke a social rule in

dress, etiquette, or speech. What was the reaction? Why do you think people reacted like that? What was your response to their reactions?

3. What do you think should be done about the U.S. crime problem? What sociological theories support your view?

The Venetians Taking Riva sul Garda from the Milanese in 1440, ca. 1570, Jacopo Robusti, (fresco)

Chapter 7

Global Stratification

Let’s contrast two “average” families from around the world: For Getu Mulleta, 33, and his wife, Zenebu, 28, of rural Ethiopia, life is a constant struggle

to avoid starvation. They and their seven children live in a 320-square-foot manure-plastered hut with no electricity, gas, or running water. They have a radio, but the battery is dead. The family farms teff, a grain, and survives on $130 a year.

The Mulletas’ poverty is not due to a lack of hard work. Getu works about eighty hours a week, while Zenebu puts in even more hours. Housework for Zenebu includes fetching water, cleaning animal stables, and making fuel pellets out of cow dung for the open fire over which she cooks the family’s food. Like other Ethiopian women, she eats after the men.

In Ethiopia, the average male can expect to live to age 48, the average female to 50. The Mulletas’ most valuable possession is their oxen. Their wishes for the future: more

animals, better seed, and a second set of clothing. Springfield, Illinois, is home to the Kellys—Rick, 36, Patti, 34, Julie, 10, and Michael, 7.

The Kellys live in a four-bedroom, 2½-bath, 2,687-square-foot ranch-style house with a fireplace, central heating and air conditioning, a basement, and a two-car garage. Their home is equipped with a refrigerator, freezer, washing machine, clothes dryer, dishwasher, garbage disposal, vacuum cleaner, food processor, microwave, and a convection stovetop and oven.

Learning Objectives

After you have read this chapter, you should be able to:

7.1 Compare and contrast slavery (including bonded labor), caste, estate, and class systems of social stratification.

7.2 Contrast the views of Marx and Weber on what determines social class.

7.3 Contrast the functional and conflict views of why social stratification is universal.

7.4 Discuss the ways that elites keep themselves in power.

7.5 Contrast social stratification in Great Britain and the former Soviet Union.

7.6 Compare social stratification in the Most Industrialized Nations, the Industrializing Nations, and the Least Industrialized Nations.

7.7 Discuss how colonialism and world system theory explain how the world’s nations became stratified.

7.8 Explain how neocolonialism, multinational corporations, and technology help to maintain global stratification.

7.9 Identify strains in today’s system of global stratification.

They live in a 320-square- foot manure-plastered hut


Global Stratification 197

They also own computers, cell phones, color televisions, several digital cameras, an iPod, an iPad, a printer-scanner-fax machine, blow dryers, a juicer, an espresso coffee maker, a pickup truck, and an SUV.

Rick works forty hours a week as a cable splicer for a telephone company. Patti teaches school part-time. Together they make $66,632, plus benefits. The Kellys can choose from among dozens of superstocked supermarkets. They spend $5,765 for food they eat at home, and another $3,876 eating out, a total of 14 percent of their annual income.

In the United States, the average life expectancy is 77 for males, 82 for females. On the Kellys’ wish list are a solar car with Internet connection, a phablet, an Ultra

High-Definition bendable TV, a virtual-reality simulator, an in-ground heated swimming pool, a boat, a motor home, an ATV, and a lakeside cabin. (Menzel 1994; Statistical Abstract 2017:Tables 112, 714, 723, 995).

Systems of Social Stratification 7.1 Compare and contrast slavery (including bonded labor), caste, estate,

and class systems of social stratification.

Some of the world’s nations are wealthy, others poor, and some in between. This division of nations, as well as the layering of groups of people within a nation, is called social stratification. Social stratification is one of the most significant topics we will discuss in this book. As you saw in the opening vignette, social stratification pro- foundly affects our life chances—from our access to material possessions to the age at which we die.

Social stratification also affects the way we think about life. Look at the photo of the Mulleta family in Ethiopia. If you were a parent of this family, you would expect hunger

The Mulleta family of Ethiopia, described in the opening vignette, displaying all of their possessions.

198 Chapter 7

to be a part of life and would not expect all of your children to survive. You would also be illiterate and would assume that your children would be as well. In contrast, if you are an average U.S. parent, you expect your children not only to survive but also to be well fed, not only to be able to read but also to go to college. You can see that social stratification brings with it not just material things but also ideas of what we can expect out of life.

Social stratification is a system in which groups of people are divided into layers according to their relative property, power, and prestige. It is important to emphasize that social stratification does not refer to individuals. It is a way of ranking large groups of people into a hierarchy according to their relative privileges.

It is also important to note that every society stratifies its members. Some societies have more inequality than others, but social stratification is universal. In addition, in every society of the world, gender is a basis for stratifying people. On the basis of their gender, people are either allowed or denied access to the good things offered by their society.

Let’s consider four major systems of social stratification: slavery, caste, estate, and class.

Slavery Slavery, whose essential characteristic is that some individuals own other people, has been com- mon throughout history. The Old Testament even lays out rules for how owners should treat their slaves. So does the Quran. The Romans had slaves, as did the Africans and Greeks. In classical Greece and Rome, slaves did the work, freeing citizens to engage in politics and the arts. Slavery was most widespread in agricultural societies and least common among nomads, especially hunters and gatherers (Landtman 1938/1968; Rowthorn et al. 2011).

Let’s examine the causes and conditions of slavery. You probably will be surprised to learn how slavery has varied around the world.

C A U S E S O F S L AV E RY C o n t r a r y t o p o p u l a r assumption, slavery was usually based not on rac- ism but on one of three other factors. The first was debt. In some societies, creditors would enslave people who could not pay their debts. The sec- ond was crime. Instead of being killed, a murderer or thief might be enslaved by the victim’s family as compensation for their loss. The third was war. When one group of people conquered another, they often enslaved some of the vanquished. Historian Gerda Lerner (1986) notes that women were the first people enslaved through warfare. When tribal men raided another group, they killed the men, raped the women, and then brought the women back as slaves. The women were valued for sexual purposes, for reproduction, and for their labor.

Roughly 2,500 years ago, when Greece was but a collection of city-states, slavery was common. A city that became powerful and conquered another city would enslave some of the vanquished. Both slaves and slaveholders were Greek. Similarly, when Rome became the supreme power of the Mediterra- nean area about two thousand years ago, following the custom of the time, the Romans enslaved some of the Greeks they had conquered. More educated than their conquerors, some of these slaves served as tutors in Roman homes. Slavery, then, was a sign of debt, of crime, or of defeat in battle. It was not a sign that the slave was viewed as inherently inferior.

social stratification the division of large numbers of people into layers according to their relative property, power, and prestige; applies to both nations and to people within a nation, society, or other group

slavery a form of social stratification in which some people own other people

I have read a lot about slavery, but I did not know that slaves were ever offered as prizes in raffles. You might also note that top billing in this 1800s poster from Missouri goes to a horse.

Global Stratification 199

CONDITIONS OF SLAVERY The conditions of slavery have varied widely around the world. In some places, slavery was temporary. Slaves of the Israelites were set free in the year of jubilee, which occurred every fifty years. Roman slaves ordinarily had the right to buy themselves out of slavery. They knew what their purchase price was, and some were able to meet this price by striking a bargain with their owners and selling their services to oth- ers. In most instances, however, slavery was a lifelong condition. Some criminals, for exam- ple, became slaves when they were given life sentences as oarsmen on Roman warships. There they served until death, which often came quickly to those in this exhausting service.

Slavery was not necessarily inheritable. In most places, the children of slaves were slaves themselves. But in some instances, the child of a slave who served a rich family might even be adopted by that family, becoming an heir who bore the family name along with the other sons or daughters of the household. In ancient Mexico, the children of slaves were always free (Landtman 1938/1968:271).

Slaves were not necessarily powerless and poor. In almost all instances, slaves owned no property and had no power. Among some groups, however, slaves could accumulate property and even rise to high positions in the community. Occasionally, a slave might even become wealthy, loan money to the master, and, while still a slave, own slaves him- self or herself (Landtman 1938/1968). This, however, was rare.

BONDED LABOR IN THE NEW WORLD A gray area between slavery and contract labor is bonded labor, also called indentured service. People who wanted to start a new life in the American colonies but could not pay for their passage across the ocean would arrange for a ship captain to transport them on credit. When they arrived, wealthy colonists would pay the captain for the voyage, and these penniless people would become the colonists’ servants for a set number of years. During this period, the servants were required by law to serve their masters. If they ran away, they became outlaws who were hunted down and forcibly returned. At the end of their period of indenture, they were free to work and to live where they chose (Main 1965; Handler and Reilly 2017).

SLAVERY IN THE NEW WORLD When there were not enough inden- tured servants to meet the growing need for labor in the American col- onies, some colonists tried to enslave Native Americans. This attempt failed, in part because Indians who escaped knew how to survive in the wilderness and were able to make their way back to their tribes. The colonists then turned to Africans, who were being brought to North and South America by the Dutch, English, Portuguese, and Spanish.

Because slavery has a broad range of causes, some analysts conclude that racism didn’t lead to slavery but, rather, that slavery led to racism. To defend slavery, U.S. slave owners developed an ideology, beliefs that justify social arrangements, making those arrangements seem necessary and fair. They developed the view that their slaves were inferior. Some even said that they were not fully human. In short, the colonists wove elaborate justifica- tions for slavery, built on the presumed superiority of their own group.

To make slavery even more profitable, slave states passed laws that made slavery inheritable; that is, the babies born to slaves became the prop- erty of the slave owners (Stampp 1956). These children could be sold, bartered, or traded. To strengthen their control, slave states passed laws making it illegal for slaves to hold meetings or to be away from the mas- ter’s premises without carrying a pass (Lerner 1972). Sociologist W. E. B. Du Bois (1935/1992:12) noted that “gradually the entire white South became an armed camp to keep Negroes in slavery and to kill the black rebel.”

The Civil War did not end legal discrimination. For example, until 1954, many states operated separate school systems for blacks and whites. Until the 1950s, in order to keep the races from “mixing,” it was

bonded labor (indentured service) a contractual system in which someone sells his or her body (services) for a specified period of time in an arrangement very close to slavery, except that it is entered into voluntarily

ideology beliefs about the way things ought to be that justify social arrangements

During my research in India, I interviewed this 8-year-old girl. Mahashury is a bonded laborer who was exchanged by her parents for a 2,000 rupee loan (about $14). To repay the loan, Mahashury must do construction work for one year. She will receive one meal a day and one set of clothing for the year. Because this centuries-old practice is now illegal, the master bribes Indian officials, who inform him when they are going to inspect the construction site. He then hides his bonded laborers. I was able to interview and photograph Mahashury because her master was absent the day I visited the construction site.

200 Chapter 7

illegal in Mississippi for a white and an African American to sit together on the same seat of a car! There was no outright ban on blacks and whites being in the same car, however, so whites could employ African American chauffeurs.

SLAVERY TODAY Slavery continues to rear its ugly head in several parts of the world (Crane 2012). The Ivory Coast, Mauritania, Niger, and Sudan have a long history of slav- ery, and not until the 1980s was slavery made illegal in Mauritania and Sudan (Ayittey 1998). It took until 2003 for slavery to be banned in Niger, where it still continues (Mwiti 2013). ISIS practices slavery. After killing the adult men, “infidels” to them, they sell the girls and women as sex slaves, a reward to their fighters (Callimachi 2016).

The enslavement of children for work and sex is a problem in Africa, Asia, and South America (Trafficking in Persons Report 2017). A unique form of child slavery in some Mid- east countries involved buying little boys around the ages of 4 or 6 to race camels. Their screams of terror were thought to make the camels run faster. In Qatar and the United Arab Emirates, which recently banned this practice, robots shaped like little boys have replaced the children (Hauser 2017).

Caste The second system of social stratification is caste. In a caste system, birth determines sta- tus, which is lifelong. Someone who is born into a low-status group will always have low status, no matter how much that person may accomplish in life. In sociological terms, a caste system is built on ascribed status (discussed in Chapter 4). Achieved status cannot change an individual’s place in this system.

Societies with this form of stratification try to make certain that the boundaries between castes remain firm. They practice endogamy, marriage within their own group, prohibiting the marriage of members of different castes. Rules about ritual pollution also keep contact between castes to a minimum. Touching someone from an inferior caste, for example, makes a member of the superior caste unclean.

INDIA’S RELIGIOUS CASTES India provides the best example of a caste system. Based not on race but on religion, India’s caste system has existed for almost three thousand years (Chandra 1993; Kapila 2017). Look at Figure 7.1, which shows India’s four main castes. These castes are subdivided into about three thousand subcastes, or jati. Each jati specializes in a particular occupation. For example, one subcaste washes clothes, another sharpens knives, and yet another repairs shoes.

The lowest group listed in Figure 7.1, the Dalit, make up India’s “outcastes,” mean- ing they are considered to be so low that they are outside the caste system. (They are not “cast out”; they are outside the caste system.) The Dalit used to be called the “untouch- ables.” If a Dalit touches someone other than a Dalit, that person becomes unclean (or contaminated). To restore purity, that person must follow ablution, or washing rituals.

An untouchable summed up his situation this way:

At the tea stalls, we have separate cups to drink from, chipped and caked with dirt. We have to walk for 15 minutes to carry water to our homes, because we’re not allowed to use the taps in the village that the upper castes use. We’re not allowed into temples. When I attended school, my friends and I were forced to sit outside the class- room. The upper caste children would not allow us even to touch the football they played with. We played with stones instead. (Guru and Sidhva 2001)

The Indian government formally abol- ished the caste system in 1949. However, these

caste system a form of social stratification in which birth determines people’s statuses, which are lifelong

endogamy the practice of marrying within one’s own group

SOURCE: By the author.

Brahmin Priests and teachers

Kshatriya Rulers and soldiers

Vaishya Merchants and traders

Shudra Peasants and laborers

Dalit The outcastes; degrading

or polluting labor

Figure 7.1 India’s Caste System

Global Stratification 201

centuries-old practices continue, and the caste system remains part of everyday life in India (Kapila 2017). The ceremonies people follow at births, marriages, and deaths are dictated by caste (Chandra 1993). Caste is so ingrained in the Indian mind that when couples visit a sperm bank, they insist on knowing the caste of the donor (Tewary 2012).

India’s caste system is changing, but only gradually. The federal government began an affirmative action plan that has increased education and jobs for the lower castes. Slowly, the caste system is giving way, being replaced by a social class system based on material wealth (Sankaran 2013).

SOUTH AFRICA In South Africa, Europeans of Dutch descent, a numerical minority called Afrikaners, used to control the government, the police, and the military. They used these sources of power to enforce a system called apartheid (ah-PAR-tate), the separation of the races. Everyone was classified by law into one of four groups: Europeans (whites), Africans (blacks), Coloureds (mixed races), and Asians. These classifications determined where people could live, work, and go to school. It also established where they could swim or see movies; by law, whites and the others were not allowed to mix socially.

Listen to what an Anglican priest observed when he arrived in South Africa:

I went to the post office to send my mother a letter telling her that I had arrived safely. There were two entrances, one marked “Whites only” and the other, “Non-whites.” … Durban is a seaside city and so I went off to explore the beach. There I discovered that even the sea was divided by race. The most beautiful beaches were where white people could swim; there was another for people of Indian descent, still another for people of mixed race, and far, far away, one for Africans. (Lapsley 2012)

After years of trade sanctions and sports boycotts, in 1990 Afrikaners began to dis- mantle their caste system, and in 1994, Nelson Mandela, a black, was elected president. Black Africans no longer have to carry special passes, public facilities are integrated, and all racial–ethnic groups have the right to vote and to hold office. Although apartheid has

apartheid the government-approved–and -enforced separation of racial– ethnic groups as was practiced in South Africa

In a caste system, status is determined by birth and is lifelong. At birth, these women received not only membership in a lower caste but also, because of their gender, a predetermined position in that caste. When I photographed these women, they were carrying sand to the second floor of a house being constructed in Andhra Pradesh, India.

202 Chapter 7

been dismantled, its legacy haunts South Africa. Whites still dominate the country’s social institutions, and most blacks remain uneducated and poor. Many new rights—such as the rights to higher education, to eat in restaurants, even to see a doctor—are of little use to people who can’t afford them. Political violence has been replaced by old-fashioned crime. Even though the U.S. murder rate intimidates foreigners, South Africa’s murder rate is six times higher (UNODC 2013). Apartheid’s legacy of prejudice, bitterness, and hatred appears destined to fuel racial tensions for generations to come.

A U.S. RACIAL CASTE SYSTEM Before leaving the subject of caste, we should note that when slavery ended in the United States, it was replaced by a racial caste system. From the moment of birth, race marked everyone for life. All whites, even if they were poor and uneducated, considered themselves to have a higher status than all African Americans. As in India and South Africa, the upper caste, fearing pollution from the lower caste, made intermarriage illegal. There were also separate schools, hotels, restaurants, and even toi- lets and drinking fountains for blacks and whites. In the South, when any white met any African American on a sidewalk, the African American had to move aside. The untouch- ables of India still must do this when they meet someone of a higher caste (Deliege 2001).

To see more parallels between the caste systems of the United States and India, see the following Down-to-Earth Sociology.

Down-to-Earth Sociology Rape: Blaming the Victim and Protecting the Caste System

Shana, just 16 years old, was raped by four men in Mississippi. She was walking alongside the road leading to her house when a car stopped. The men got out, shoved her into the car, and drove away. For several hours, they took turns raping the terrified young woman. When the rape (and the other abuse that I won’t describe) was over, they told Shana to keep her mouth shut. They would kill her if she told anyone.

Fearful of what her parents would say and how the neighbors would gossip, Shana told no one. She also knew that it would do no good to report the rape to the police, since they would do nothing. Shana carried the shame—and the anger—of her rape with her the rest of her life.

This is a composite story. Shana is a combined version of the many young black women who were raped by white men in the U.S. South years ago, at a time when rape brought shame to any woman, black or white, and the rape and the rapists were enshrouded in silence. For black women in the South at this time, it was useless to report a rape. The prosecutors, judges, and juries—all were white. And none was about to take a black woman’s word over that of white men.

This event just took place in India.

Shana, just 16 years old, was walking home when she was grabbed by several men and forced into a small stone shelter at the edge of a field. There, for three hours, eight men of the Jat subcaste raped her. When

they were finished, they told Shana to keep her mouth shut. They would kill her if she told anyone. Shana told no one. The shame would bring severe dishonor to her family. Besides, what good would it do? Shana is a Dalit, formerly called an Untouchable. She is a poor member of a caste in poverty, one that is despised by the Jat subcaste that controls the society. (Yardley 2012)

I don’t need to point out the parallels to you. Then something unusual happened. One of the rapists

from the Jat caste had used his cell phone to take trophy videos of the rape. As the video circulated, one man who saw it showed it to Shana’s father. Dishonored by the rape of his daughter, he committed suicide.

His suicide and Shana’s rape enraged the Dalits in the community. They marched to the police and demanded justice.

What did they get? One official said that the sexual drive of girls is causing rapes. He said that all girls should be married by the age of 16. Then there wouldn’t be any rapes. Another said that they never used to have any rapes, that it must be the new fast food the young people are

Global Stratification 203

Estate During the middle ages, Europe developed an estate stratification system. There were three groups, or estates. The first estate was made up of the nobility, the wealthy families who ruled the country. This group owned the land, which was the source of wealth at that time. The nobility did no farming themselves, or any “work,” for that matter. Work was considered beneath their dignity, something to be done by servants. The nobility’s responsibility was to administer their lands, to defend the king (and, in doing so, their own position), and to live “genteel” lives worthy of their high position.

The second estate consisted of the clergy. The Roman Catholic Church was a political power at this time. It also owned vast amounts of land and collected taxes from everyone who lived within the boundaries of a parish. The church’s power was so great that in order to be crowned, kings had to obtain the pope’s permission.

To prevent their vast land holdings from being carved into smaller chunks, members of the nobility practiced primogeniture, allowing only firstborn sons to inherit land. The other sons had to find some way to support themselves, and joining the clergy was a favorite way. (Other ways included becoming an officer in the military or practicing law.) The church was appealing because priests held lifetime positions and were guaranteed a comfortable living. At that time, the church sold offices, and, for example, a wealthy man could buy the position of bishop for his son, which guaranteed a high income.

The third estate consisted of the commoners. Known as serfs, they belonged to the land. If someone bought or inherited land, the serfs came with it. Serfs were born into the third estate, and they died within it, too. The rare person who made it out of the third estate was either a man who was knighted for extraordinary bravery in battle or some- one “called” into a religious vocation.

WOMEN IN THE ESTATE SYSTEM Women belonged to the estate of their husbands. Women in the first estate had no occupation, because, as in the case of their husbands, phys- ical work was considered beneath their dignity. Their responsibility was to administer the household, overseeing the children and servants. The women in the second estate, nuns,

estate stratification system the stratification system of medieval Europe, consisting of three groups or estates: the no- bility, clergy, and commoners

eating. The fast food causes hormonal imbalance, creating sexual urges in young women.

I know that these reactions to Shana’s rape sound incredible, but they happened.

When another Dalit woman reported her rape by an upper-caste man, the police officer asked how many

children she had. When she said “Four,” he asked how old the eldest was. When she said 14 or 15 (birthdays are not kept the same as in the West), the officer said, “Who would rape such an old woman?” and walked away (Pokharel and Lahiri 2013).

I want to add a personal note. The daughter of a man I know in India was raped. After the rape, the rapists poured kerosene on the girl and set her afire. Her screams brought help, and the rapists fled. The young woman was taken to a hospital, where she died. The monsters have not been arrested, and likely never will be.

For Your Consideration → How is the racial caste system that used to exist in the

United States similar to the religious caste system that currently exists in India? How is it different?

→ How does a caste system prevent people from receiving justice?

→ In what ways other than rape does a caste system tolerate and perhaps encourage exploitation?

→ Do you see how the ruling Jat subcaste “blamed the victim” instead of the rapists? How does this protect the caste system?

After centuries of silence, women of India are daring to protest rape publicly. This photo of students holding a candlelight march was taken in Allahabad, India.

204 Chapter 7

were the exception to the rule that women belonged to the estate of their husbands, as the Roman Catholic clergy did not marry. Women of the third estate shared the hard life of their husbands, including physical labor and food shortages. In addition, they faced the peril of rape by men of the first estate. A few commoners who caught the eye of men of the first estate did marry and join them in the first estate. This was rare.

Class As we have seen, stratification systems based on slavery, caste, and estate are rigid. The lines drawn between people are firm, and there is little or no movement from one group to another. A class system, in contrast, is much more open, because it is based primarily on money or material possessions, which can be acquired. This system, too, is in place at birth, when children are ascribed the status of their parents. Unlike the other sys- tems, however, individuals can change their social class by what they achieve (or fail to achieve) in life. In addition, no laws specify people’s occupations on the basis of birth or prohibit marriage between the classes. A major characteristic of the class system, then, is its relatively fluid boundaries. A class system allows social mobility, movement up or down the class ladder. The potential for improving one’s life—or for falling down the class ladder—is a major force that drives people to go far in school and to work hard. In the extreme, the family background that a child inherits at birth may present such obstacles that he or she has little chance of climbing very far—or it may provide such privileges that it is almost impossible to fall down the class ladder. Because social class is so significant for our own lives, we will focus on class in the next chapter.

Global Stratification and the Status of Females In every society of the world, gender is a basis for social stratification. In no society is gender the sole basis for stratifying people, but gender cuts across all systems of social stratification—whether slavery, caste, estate, or class (Huber 1990). In all these systems, on the basis of their gender, people are sorted into categories and given different access to the good things available in their society.

Apparently, these distinctions always favor males. It is remarkable, for example, that in every society of the world, men’s earnings are higher than women’s. Men’s dominance is even more evident when we consider female circumcision. That most of the world’s illiterate are females also drives home women’s relative position. Of the several hundred mil- lion adults who cannot read, about two-thirds are women (UNESCO 2017). Because gender is such a significant factor in what happens to us in life, we shall focus on it more closely in Chapter 10.

The Global Superclass The growing interconnections among the world’s wealth- iest people have produced a global superclass, one in which wealth and power are more concentrated than ever before. There are only about 6,000 members of the global superclass. The richest 1,000 of this superclass have more wealth than the 2½ billion poorest people on this planet (Roth- kopf 2008:37). Almost all are white, and, except as wives and daughters, few women are an active part of the global superclass. We will have more to say about the superclass in Chapter 11, but for now, let’s just stress their incredible wealth. There is nothing in history to compare with what you see in Figure 7.2.

class system a form of social stratification based primarily on income, edu- cation, and prestige of occupation

social mobility movement up or down the social class ladder

In early industrialization, children worked alongside adults. They worked twelve hours a day Monday to Friday and fifteen hours on Saturday, often in dangerous, filthy conditions. This photo of a child coal miner was taken in West Virginia in 1908.

...own 86 percent of the Earth's wealth

The wealthiest 10 percent of adults worldwide...






...own 46 percent of the Earth's wealth

The wealthiest 1 percent of adults worldwide...






Figure 7.2 The Distribution of the Earth’s Wealth

SOURCE: By the author. Based on Keating et al. 2013.

Global Stratification 205

What Determines Social Class? 7.2 Contrast the views of Marx and Weber on what determines social class.

In the early days of sociology, a disagreement arose about the meaning of social class. Let’s compare how Marx and Weber analyzed the issue.

Karl Marx: The Means of Production As we discussed in Chapter 1, as agricultural society gave way to an industrial one, masses of peasants were displaced from their traditional lands and occupations. Fleeing to cities, they competed for the few available jobs. Paid only a pittance for their labor, they wore rags, went hungry, and slept under bridges and in shacks. In contrast, the factory owners built mansions, hired servants, and lived in the lap of luxury. Seeing this great disparity between owners and workers, Karl Marx (1818–1883) concluded that social class depends on a sin- gle factor: people’s relationship to the means of production—the tools, factories, land, and investment capital used to produce wealth (Marx 1844/1964; Marx and Engels 1848/1967).

Marx argued that the distinctions people often make among themselves—such as their clothing, speech, education, and paycheck, or the neighborhood they live in and the car they drive—are superficial matters. These things camouflage the only dividing line that counts. There are just two classes of people, said Marx: the bourgeoisie (capitalists), those who own the means of production, and the proletariat (workers), those who work for the owners. In short, people’s relationship to the means of production determines their social class.

Marx did recognize other groups: farmers and peasants; a lumpenproletariat (people living on the margin of society, such as beggars, vagrants, and criminals); and a middle group of self-employed professionals. Marx did not consider these groups social classes, however, because they lacked class consciousness—a shared identity based on their rela- tionship to the means of production. In other words, they did not perceive themselves as exploited workers whose plight could be resolved by collective action. Marx thought of these groups as insignificant in the future he foresaw—a workers’ revolution that would overthrow capitalism.

As the capitalists grow even wealthier, Marx said, hostilities will increase. When work- ers come to realize that capitalists are the source of their oppression, they will unite and throw off the chains of their oppressors. In a bloody revolution, they will seize the means of production and usher in a classless society—and no longer will the few grow rich at the expense of the many. What holds back the workers’ unity and their revolution is false class consciousness, workers mistakenly thinking of themselves as capitalists. For example,

means of production the tools, factories, land, and investment capital used to pro- duce wealth

bourgeoisie Karl Marx’s term for capitalists, those who own the means of production

proletariat Karl Marx’s term for the exploit- ed class, the mass of workers who do not own the means of production

class consciousness Karl Marx’s term for awareness of a common identity based on one’s position in the means of production

These photos illustrate the contrasting worlds of social classes produced by early capitalism. The photo on the left was taken in 1890. These homeless boys who spent their nights sleeping on the sidewalk did not go to school. They made their living by selling newspapers. The children on the right, Cornelius and Gladys Vanderbilt, are shown in front of their parents’ estate. They went to school and did not work. You can see how the social locations illustrated in these photos would have produced different orientations to life and, therefore, politics, ideas about marriage, values, and so on— the stuff of which life is made.

false class consciousness Karl Marx’s term to refer to workers identifying with the interests of capitalists

206 Chapter 7

workers with a few dollars in the bank may forget that they are workers and instead see themselves as investors, or as capitalists who are about to launch a successful business.

The only distinction worth mentioning, then, is whether a person is an owner or a worker. This decides everything else, Marx stressed, because property determines people’s lifestyles, establishes their relationships with one another, and even shapes their ideas.

Max Weber: Property, Power, and Prestige Max Weber (1864–1920) was an outspoken critic of Marx. Weber argued that property is only part of the picture. Social class, he said, has three components: property, power, and prestige (Gerth and Mills 1958; Weber 1922/1978). Some call these the three P’s of social class. (Although Weber used the terms class, power, and status, some sociologists find property, power, and prestige to be clearer terms. To make them even clearer, you can substitute wealth for property.)

Property (or wealth), said Weber, is certainly significant in determining a person’s standing in society. On this point he agreed with Marx. But, added Weber, ownership is not the only significant aspect of property. For example, some powerful people, such as managers of corporations, control the means of production even though they do not own them. If managers can control property for their own benefit—awarding themselves huge bonuses and magnificent perks—it makes no practical difference that they do not own the property that they use so generously for their own benefit.

Power, the second element of social class, is the ability to control others, even over their objections. Weber agreed with Marx that property is a major source of power, but he added that it is not the only source. For example, prestige can be turned into power. Two well-known examples are actors Arnold Schwarzenegger, who became governor of California, and Ronald Reagan, who was elected governor of California and president of the United States. Figure 7.3 shows how property, power, and prestige are interrelated.

Prestige, the third element in Weber ’s analysis, is often derived from property and power because people tend to admire the wealthy and powerful. Prestige, however, can be based on other factors. Olympic gold medalists, for example, might not own property or be powerful, yet they have high prestige. Some are even able to exchange their prestige for property—such as those who are paid a small fortune for endorsing a certain brand of sportswear or for claiming that they start their day with “the breakfast of champions.” In other words, property and prestige are not one-way streets: Although property can bring prestige, prestige can also bring property.

IN SUM For Marx, the only distinction that counted was property, more specifically people’s relationship to the means of production. People are either owners or workers, which sets them

on contrasting paths in life. Their path determines their lifestyle and shapes their orientations to life. Weber, in contrast, argued that social class has three components—a combination of prop- erty, power, and prestige.

Why Is Social Stratification Universal? 7.3 Contrast the functional and conflict views of why

social stratification is universal.

What is it about social life that makes all societies stratified? We will first consider the explanation proposed by function- alists, which has aroused much controversy in sociology, and then explanations proposed by conflict theorists.

Figure 7.3 Weber’s Three Components of Social Class

Source: By the author.

(Warren Buffet; the wealthy in general)

(Olympic gold medalists who

endorse products)

(Abe Lincoln; Barack Obama)

(Donald Trump; the wealthy

who become presidents)


Power Prestige

(Ronald Reagan; Arnold



Power Property

(crooked politicians)


Property Prestige

As the winner of 23 gold medals, Michael Phelps is the most decorated Olympian ever. From this photo, you can see Phelps converting prestige into property.

Global Stratification 207

workers with a few dollars in the bank may forget that they are workers and instead see themselves as investors, or as capitalists who are about to launch a successful business.

The only distinction worth mentioning, then, is whether a person is an owner or a worker. This decides everything else, Marx stressed, because property determines people’s lifestyles, establishes their relationships with one another, and even shapes their ideas.

Max Weber: Property, Power, and Prestige Max Weber (1864–1920) was an outspoken critic of Marx. Weber argued that property is only part of the picture. Social class, he said, has three components: property, power, and prestige (Gerth and Mills 1958; Weber 1922/1978). Some call these the three P’s of social class. (Although Weber used the terms class, power, and status, some sociologists find property, power, and prestige to be clearer terms. To make them even clearer, you can substitute wealth for property.)

Property (or wealth), said Weber, is certainly significant in determining a person’s standing in society. On this point he agreed with Marx. But, added Weber, ownership is not the only significant aspect of property. For example, some powerful people, such as managers of corporations, control the means of production even though they do not own them. If managers can control property for their own benefit—awarding themselves huge bonuses and magnificent perks—it makes no practical difference that they do not own the property that they use so generously for their own benefit.

Power, the second element of social class, is the ability to control others, even over their objections. Weber agreed with Marx that property is a major source of power, but he added that it is not the only source. For example, prestige can be turned into power. Two well-known examples are actors Arnold Schwarzenegger, who became governor of California, and Ronald Reagan, who was elected governor of California and president of the United States. Figure 7.3 shows how property, power, and prestige are interrelated.

Prestige, the third element in Weber ’s analysis, is often derived from property and power because people tend to admire the wealthy and powerful. Prestige, however, can be based on other factors. Olympic gold medalists, for example, might not own property or be powerful, yet they have high prestige. Some are even able to exchange their prestige for property—such as those who are paid a small fortune for endorsing a certain brand of sportswear or for claiming that they start their day with “the breakfast of champions.” In other words, property and prestige are not one-way streets: Although property can bring prestige, prestige can also bring property.

IN SUM For Marx, the only distinction that counted was property, more specifically people’s relationship to the means of production. People are either owners or workers, which sets them

on contrasting paths in life. Their path determines their lifestyle and shapes their orientations to life. Weber, in contrast, argued that social class has three components—a combination of prop- erty, power, and prestige.

Why Is Social Stratification Universal? 7.3 Contrast the functional and conflict views of why

social stratification is universal.

What is it about social life that makes all societies stratified? We will first consider the explanation proposed by function- alists, which has aroused much controversy in sociology, and then explanations proposed by conflict theorists.

The Functionalist View: Motivating Qualified People Functionalists take the position that the patterns of behavior that characterize a society exist because they are functional for that society. Because social inequality is universal, inequality must help societies survive. But how?

DAVIS AND MOORE’S EXPLANATION Two functionalists, Kingsley Davis and Wil- bert Moore (1945, 1953), wrestled with this question. They concluded that stratification of society is inevitable because:

1. For society to function, its positions must be filled.

2. Some positions are more important than others.

3. The more important positions must be filled by the more qualified people.

4. To motivate the more qualified people to fill these positions, they must offer greater rewards.

To flesh out this functionalist argument, consider college presidents and military generals. The position of college president is more important than that of student because the president’s decisions affect a large number of people, including many students. College presidents are also accountable for their performance to boards of trustees. It is the same with generals. Their decisions affect many people and some- times even determine life and death. Generals are accountable to superior generals and to the country’s leader.

Why do people accept demanding, high-pressure positions? Why don’t they just take easier jobs? The answer, said Davis and Moore, is that these positions offer greater rewards—more prestige, pay, and benefits. To get highly qualified people to compete with one another, some positions offer a salary of $5 million a year, country club mem- bership, a private jet and pilot, and a chauffeured limousine. For less demanding posi- tions, a $40,000 salary without fringe benefits is enough to get hundreds of people to compete. If a job requires rigorous training, it, too, must offer more salary and benefits. If you can get the same pay with a high school diploma, why suffer through the many tests and term papers that college requires?

TUMIN’S CRITIQUE OF DAVIS AND MOORE Davis and Moore did not attempt to justify social inequality. They were simply trying to explain why social stratification is universal. Nevertheless, their view makes many sociologists uncomfort- able, because they see it as coming close to justifying the inequalities in society. Its bottom line seems to be: The people who contribute more to society are paid more, while those who contribute less are paid less.

Melvin Tumin (1953) was the first sociologist to point out what he saw as major flaws in the functionalist position. Here are three of his arguments.

First, how do we know that the positions that offer the higher rewards are more important? A heart surgeon, for example, saves lives and earns much more than a garbage collector, but this doesn’t mean that garbage collectors are less important to society. By helping to pre- vent contagious diseases, garbage collectors save more lives than heart surgeons do. We need independent methods of measuring importance, and we don’t have them.

Second, if stratification worked as Davis and Moore described it, society would be a meritocracy, that is, positions would be awarded on the basis of merit. But is this what we have? The best predictor of who goes to college, for example, is not ability but income: The more a family earns, the more likely their children are to go to college.

To determine the social class of athletes as highly successful as the Williams sisters presents a sociological puzzle. With their high prestige and growing wealth, what do you think their social class is? Why?

meritocracy a form of social stratification in which all positions are awarded on the basis of merit

208 Chapter 7

Table 7.1 Functionalist and Conflict Views of Stratification: The Distribution of Society’s Resources

SOURCE: By the author.

Who Receives the Most Resources?

Who Receives the Least Resources?

The Functionalist View

Those who perform the more important functions (the more capable and more industrious)

Those who perform the less important functions (the less capable and less industrious)

The Conflict View Those who occupy the more powerful positions

Those who occupy the less powerful positions

(See Chapter 13.) Not merit, then, but money—another form of the inequality that is built into society. In short, people’s positions in society are based on many factors other than merit.

Third, if social stratification is so functional, it ought to benefit almost everyone. Yet social stratification is dysfunctional for many. Think of the people who could have made valuable contributions to society had they not been born in slums, dropped out of school, and taken menial jobs to help support their families. Then there are the many who, born female, are assigned “women’s work,” thus ensuring that they do not maximize their mental abilities.

IN SUM Functionalists argue that some positions are more important to society than others. Offering higher rewards for these positions motivates more talented people to take them. For example, to get highly talented people to become surgeons—to undergo years of rigorous training and then cope with life-and-death situations, as well as mal- practice suits—that position must provide a high payoff.

Next, let’s see how conflict theorists explain why social stratification is univer- sal. Before we do, look at Table 7.1 which compares the functionalist and conflict views.

The Conflict Perspective: Class Conflict and Scarce Resources Conflict theorists don’t just criticize details of the functionalist argument. Rather, they go for the throat and attack its basic premise. Conflict, not function, they stress, is the reason that we have social stratification. Let’s look at the major arguments.

MOSCA’S ARGUMENT Italian sociologist Gaetano Mosca argued that every society will be stratified by power. This is inevitable, he said in an 1896 book titled The Ruling Class (1896/1939), because:

1. No society can exist unless it is organized. This requires leadership to coordinate people’s actions.

2. Leadership requires inequalities of power. By definition, some people lead, while others follow.

3. Because human nature is self-centered, people in power will use their positions to seize greater rewards for themselves.

There is no way around these facts of life, added Mosca. Social stratification is inevi- table, and every society will stratify itself along lines of power.

Global Stratification 209

(See Chapter 13.) Not merit, then, but money—another form of the inequality that is built into society. In short, people’s positions in society are based on many factors other than merit.

Third, if social stratification is so functional, it ought to benefit almost everyone. Yet social stratification is dysfunctional for many. Think of the people who could have made valuable contributions to society had they not been born in slums, dropped out of school, and taken menial jobs to help support their families. Then there are the many who, born female, are assigned “women’s work,” thus ensuring that they do not maximize their mental abilities.

IN SUM Functionalists argue that some positions are more important to society than others. Offering higher rewards for these positions motivates more talented people to take them. For example, to get highly talented people to become surgeons—to undergo years of rigorous training and then cope with life-and-death situations, as well as mal- practice suits—that position must provide a high payoff.

Next, let’s see how conflict theorists explain why social stratification is univer- sal. Before we do, look at Table 7.1 which compares the functionalist and conflict views.

MARX’S ARGUMENT If he were alive to hear the functionalist argument, Marx would be enraged. From his point of view, the people in power are not there because of superior traits, as the functionalists would have us believe. This view is an ideol- ogy that members of the elite use to justify their being at the top—and to seduce the oppressed into believing that their welfare depends on keeping quiet and following authorities. What is human history, Marx asked, except the chronicle of class struggle? All of human history is an account of small groups of people in power using society’s resources to benefit themselves and to oppress those beneath them—and of oppressed groups trying to overcome that domination.

Marx predicted that the workers will revolt. Capitalist ideology now blinds them, but one day, class consciousness will rip that blindfold off and expose the truth. When workers realize their common oppression, they will rebel. The struggle to control the means of production may be covert at first, taking such forms as work slowdowns and industrial sabotage. Ultimately, however, resistance will break out into the open. But the revolution will not be easy because the bourgeoisie control the police, the military, and even the educational system, where they implant false class consciousness in the minds of the workers’ children.

CURRENT APPLICATIONS OF CONFLICT THEORY Just as Marx focused on over- arching historical events—the accumulation of capital and power and the struggle between workers and capitalists—so do some of today’s conflict sociologists. In ana- lyzing global stratification and global capitalism, they look at power relations among nations, how national elites control workers, and how power shifts as capital is shuffled among nations (Burgmann 2016; Smith 2016).

Other conflict sociologists, in contrast, examine conflict wherever it is found, not just as it relates to capitalists and workers. They examine how groups within the same class compete with one another for a larger slice of the pie (Collins 1999; King et al. 2010). Even within the same industry, for example, union will fight against union for higher salaries, shorter hours, and more power. Another focus of conflict theorists is conflict between racial–ethnic groups as they compete for work, education, housing, and even prestige— whatever rewards society has to offer. They also study the relations between women and men, which conflict theorists say are best understood as a conflict over power—over who controls society’s resources. Unlike functionalists, conflict theorists say that just beneath the surface of what may appear to be a tranquil society lies conflict that is barely held in check.

Lenski’s Synthesis As you can see, functionalist and conflict theorists disagree sharply. Is it possible to reconcile their views? Sociologist Gerhard Lenski (1966) thought so. He suggested that surplus is the key. He said that the functionalists are right when it comes to groups that don’t accumulate a surplus, such as hunting and gathering societies. These societies give a greater share of their resources to those who take on important tasks, such as war- riors who risk their lives in battle. It is a different story, said Lenski, with societies that accumulate surpluses. In them, groups fight over the surplus, and the group that wins becomes an elite. This dominant group rules from the top, controlling the groups below it. In the resulting system of social stratification, where you are born in that society, not personal merit, is what counts.

IN SUM Conflict theorists stress that in every society, groups struggle with one another to gain a larger share of their society’s resources. Whenever a group gains power, it uses that power to extract what it can from the groups beneath it. This elite group also uses the social institutions to keep itself in power.

210 Chapter 7

How Do Elites Maintain Stratification? 7.4 Discuss the ways that elites keep themselves in power.

Suppose that you are part of the ruling elite of your society. You want to make sure that you and your family and friends are going to be able to keep your privileged position for the next generation. How will you accomplish this?

You might think about passing laws and using the police and the military. After all, you are a member of the ruling elite, so you have this power. You could use force, but this can lead to resentment and rebellion. It is more effective to control people’s ideas, informa- tion, and technology—which is just what the elite try to do. Let’s look at some of their techniques.

Soft Control versus Force Let’s start with medieval Europe, where we find an excellent example of “soft” con- trol. At that time, land was the primary source of wealth—and only the nobility and the church could own land. Almost everyone was a peasant (a serf) who worked for these powerful landowners. The peasants farmed the land, took care of the livestock, and built the roads and bridges. Each year, they had to turn over a designated portion of their crops to their feudal lord. Year after year, for centuries, they did so. Why?

CONTROLLING PEOPLE’S IDEAS Why didn’t the peasants rebel and take over the land themselves? There were many reasons, not the least of which was that the nobility and church controlled the army. Coercion, however, goes only so far, because it breeds hostility and nourishes rebellion. How much more effective it is to get the masses to want to do what the ruling elite desires. This is where ideology (beliefs that justify the way things are) comes into play, and the nobility and clergy used it to great effect. They devel- oped an ideology known as the divine right of kings—the idea that the king’s authority comes directly from God. The king delegates authority to nobles, who, as God’s repre- sentatives, must be obeyed. To disobey is to sin against God; to rebel is to merit physical punishment on earth and eternal suffering in hell.

Controlling people’s ideas can be remarkably more effective than using brute force. Although this particular ideology governs few minds today, the elite in every society uses ideology to justify its position at the top. For example, around the world, schools teach that their country’s form of government—no matter what form of government it has— is good. Religious leaders teach that we owe obedience to authority, that laws are to be obeyed. To the degree that their ideologies are accepted by the masses, the elite remains securely in power.

Ideology is so powerful that it even sets limits on the elite. Although leaders use ideas to control people, the people can also insist that their leaders conform to those

same ideas. Pakistan is an outstanding example. If Pakistani leaders depart from fundamentalist Islamic ideology, their posi- tion is in jeopardy. For example, regardless of their personal views, Pakistani leaders cannot support Western ideas of morality. If they were to allow women to wear short skirts in public, for example, not only would they lose their positions of leadership but perhaps also their lives. To protect their position within a system of stratification, leaders, regardless of their personal opin- ions, must also conform at least outwardly to the controlling ideas.

divine right of kings the idea that the king’s authority comes from God; in an interest- ing gender bender, also applies to queens

Louis IV as he is crowned the Holy Roman Emperor in 1328 in Rome.

Global Stratification 211

CONTROLLING INFORMATION To maintain their power, elites try to control infor- mation. Chinese leaders have put tight controls on Internet cafes and search engines, and they block access to Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube (Wang 2017). For watching a Jackie Chan movie, North Koreans can be sentenced to 6 months of backbreaking work in a labor camp (LaFraniere 2010). Lacking such power in democracies, the ruling elites rely on covert means. A favorite tactic of U.S. presidents is to withhold information “in the interest of national security,” a phrase that often translates as “in the interest of protecting me.”

STIFLING CRITICISM Like the rest of us, the power elite doesn’t like to be criticized. But unlike the rest of us, they have the power to do something about it. Fear is a favorite tactic. In Thailand, you can be put in prison for criticizing the king—or even his dog (Hale 2016). Poetry is dangerous, too. Judges in Qatar sentenced a poet to life in prison because one of his poems criticized “the ruling family” (Delmar-Morgan 2012). It can be worse. In Saddam Hussein’s Iraq, the penalty for telling a joke about Hussein was having your tongue cut out (Nordland 2003).

In a democracy, the control of critics takes a milder form. When the U.S. Defense Department found out that an author had criticized its handling of 9/11, it bought and destroyed 9,500 copies of his book (Thompson 2010).

BIG BROTHER TECHNOLOGY The ideal technology—“ideal” from the perspective of the elite—will allow citizens to be monitored without them knowing they are being watched. This dream of the elite is no longer part of the future. It is here now.

Drones patrol the skies, silent and unseen. Able to read molecules, the picosecond laser scanner can sense from 150 feet away if you have gunpowder residue on your body, as well as report your adrenaline level (Compton 2012). Software programs can read the entire contents of your computer in a second—and not leave a trace. Your image has been recorded countless times by security cameras, which some not so fondly call “Tiny Brothers.” The FBI’s face-recognition system can scan crowds and instantly match those faces with its files. Most of the faces in its digitized system are of regular (non-criminal) citizens (Waddell 2016). Face-recognition software can turn the police’s body cameras into surveillance machines, able to identify everyone an officer passes on the sidewalk (Kofman 2017).

Dictators have few checks on how they use this technology, but democracies do have some, such as requiring court orders for search and seizure. Such restraints on power frustrate officials, so they are delighted with our new Homeland Security laws that allow them to spy on citizens without their knowledge.

Just as with ideology, the new technology is a two-edged sword. It gives the elite powerful tools for monitoring citizens, but it also makes it difficult for the elite to con- trol information. With international borders meaning nothing to the Internet, it takes but seconds for e-mail, tweets, and photos to fly around the globe. Encryption also frustrates governments and excites privacy advocates. Silent Circle shreds files into thousands of pieces as they are sent to the cloud. Only the recipient has the key, which is deleted auto- matically after a file is downloaded (Gallagher 2013). Governments have not been able to break Silent Circle, PGP (Pretty Good Privacy, a free code), or Signal, which scrambles mes- sages until they reach the intended reader (Yadron 2015). The FBI is upset that Google and Apple have added an encryption option for their smartphones (Welch 2016). We will see how long these companies resist governmental pressure.

IN SUM To maintain stratification, the elite tries to dominate its society’s institutions. In a dictatorship, the elite makes the laws. In a democracy, the elite influences the laws. In both, the elite controls the police and military and can give orders to crush a rebellion—or to run the post office or air traffic control if workers strike. With force having its limits, especially the potential of provoking resistance, most power elites prefer to keep them- selves in power by peaceful means, especially by influencing the thinking of their people.

212 Chapter 7

Comparative Social Stratification 7.5 Contrast social stratification in Great Britain and the former Soviet Union.

Now that we have examined systems of social stratification, considered why stratifica- tion is universal, and looked at how elites keep themselves in power, let’s compare social stratification in Great Britain and in the former Soviet Union. In the next chapter, we’ll look at social stratification in the United States.

Social Stratification in Great Britain Great Britain is often called England by Americans, but England is only one of the countries that make up the island of Great Britain. The others are Scotland and Wales. In addition, Northern Ireland is part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

Like other industrialized countries, Great Britain has a class system that can be divided into lower, middle, and upper classes. Great Britain’s population is about evenly divided between the middle class and the lower (or working) class. A tiny upper class— wealthy, powerful, and highly educated—makes up perhaps 1 percent of the population.

Compared with Americans, the British are very class conscious (Lyall 2013). Like Amer- icans, they recognize class distinctions on the basis of the type of car a person drives or the stores someone patronizes. But the most striking characteristics of the British class system are language and education. Because these often show up in distinctive speech, accent has a powerful impact on British life (Cauldwell 2014). Accent almost always betrays class. As soon as someone speaks, the listener is aware of that person’s social class—and treats him or her accordingly.

Education is the primary way by which the British perpetuate their class system from one generation to the next (Kynaston and Kynaston 2014). Almost all children go to neighborhood schools. Great Britain’s richest 5 percent, however—who own half the nation’s wealth—send their children to exclusive private boarding schools. There the children of the elite are trained in subjects that are considered “proper” for members of the ruling class. An astounding 50 percent of the students at Oxford and Cambridge, the country’s most elite universities, come from this 5 percent of the population. So do half of the prime minister ’s cabinet (Neil 2011). To illustrate how powerful stratified education is, how it affects the national life of Great Britain, sociologist Ian Robertson (1987) said,

Eighteen former pupils of the most exclusive of [England’s high schools], Eton, have become prime minister. Imagine the chances of a single American high school producing eighteen presidents!

Social Stratification in the Former Soviet Union Heeding Marx’s call for a classless society, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin (1870–1924) and Leon Trotsky (1879–1940) led a revolution in Russia in 1917. They, and the nations that fol- lowed their banner, never claimed to have achieved the ideal of communism, in which all contribute their labor to the common good and receive according to their needs. Instead, they used the term socialism to describe the intermediate step between capital- ism and communism, in which social classes are abolished but some inequality remains.

To tweak the nose of Uncle Sam, the socialist countries would trumpet their equality and point a finger at glaring inequalities in the United States. These countries, however, also were marked by huge disparities in privilege. Their major basis of stratification was membership in the Communist party. Party members decided who would gain admission to the better schools or obtain the more desirable jobs and housing. The equally qualified son or daughter of parents who were not members of the Communist Party would be turned down because such privileges came with demonstrated loyalty to the party.

The Communist party, too, was highly stratified. Most members occupied a low level, where they fulfilled such tasks as spying on fellow workers. For this, they might

Global Stratification 213

get easier jobs in the factory or occasional access to special stores to purchase hard-to- find goods. The middle level consisted of bureaucrats who were given better than aver- age access to resources and privileges. At the top level was a small elite: party members who enjoyed not only power but also limousines, imported delicacies, vacation homes, and even servants and hunting lodges. As with other stratification systems around the world, women held lower positions in the party. This was evident at each year ’s May Day, when the top members of the party reviewed the latest weapons paraded in Mos- cow’s Red Square. Photos of these events show only men.

The leaders of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) became frustrated as they saw the West thrive. They struggled with a bloated bureaucracy, the inefficiencies of central planning, workers who did the minimum because they could not be fired, and a military so costly that it spent one of every eight of the nation’s rubles (Statistical Abstract 1993:1432, table dropped in later editions). Socialist ideology did not call for their citizens to be deprived, and in an attempt to turn things around, the Soviet leadership allowed elections to be held in which more than one candidate ran for an office. (Before this, voters had a choice of only one candidate per office.) They also sold huge chunks of state-owned businesses to the public. Overnight, making investments to try to turn a profit changed from a crime into a respectable goal.

Russia’s transition to capitalism took a bizarre twist. As authority broke down, pow- erful mafias emerged. These criminal groups are headed by gangsters, crooked busi- nessmen, and corrupt government officials (including members of the Russian secret police, the FSB). They assassinate business leaders, reporters, and politicians who refuse to cooperate (Harding 2017). They launder money through banks they control and buy luxury properties in popular tourist areas in Europe and Asia. A favorite is Marbella, a watering and wintering spot on Spain’s Costa del Sol.

As Moscow reestablished its authority, its criminal ties brought wealth to some members of the government (Dawisha 2014). This group of organized criminals is taking its place as part of Russia’s new capitalist class.

Global Stratification: Three Worlds 7.6 Compare social stratification in the Most Industrialized Nations, the Industrial-

izing Nations, and the Least Industrialized Nations.

Let’s start this section a little differently. The Down-to-Earth Sociology that follows should get you thinking.

Down-to-Earth Sociology Inequality? What Inequality? There is a lot of talk about social inequality. Like so many things, maybe it’s overblown.

There are differences among us, of course. Some people do have newer cars than others. Some do have bigger houses, better clothing, and more expensive foods and drinks. We all know this.

So there are a few differences among us. But why the concern? Is this perhaps just a little rabble-rousing by a few radical sociologists and some other troublemakers?

Well, let’s see. To be logical, perhaps even a bit scientific, we probably should start out by determining if

there really is inequality. How can we do this? With all the statistical techniques available to us, things quickly could become mind-boggling. There must be a simpler way of doing this.

And there is. It turns out that the 85 richest people in the world own as much of the world’s wealth as the bottom half of the entire world’s population (Hardoon 2015).

Let’s see. If eighty-five people have as much as three and a half billion people, then …

Hmm. Maybe there is inequality. (continued)

214 Chapter 7

As was noted at the beginning of this chapter, just as the people within a nation are stratified by property, power, and prestige, so are the world’s nations. To depict global stratification, a simple model was used: First, Second, and Third Worlds. First World referred to the industrialized capitalist nations, Second World to the communist (or socialist) countries, and Third World to any nation that did not fit into the first two categories. The breakup of the Soviet Union in 1989 made these terms outdated. In addition, although first, second, and third did not mean “best,” “better,” and “worst,” they implied it. An alternative classification that some now use— developed, devel- oping, and undeveloped nations—has the same drawback. By calling ourselves “developed,” it sounds as though we are mature and the “undeveloped” nations are backward.

To resolve this problem, I use more neutral, descriptive terms: Most Industrialized, Industrializing, and Least Industrialized nations. We can measure industrialization with no judgment implied as to whether a nation’s industrialization represents “development,” ranks it “first,” or is even desirable at all. The intention is to depict on a global level the three primary dimensions of social stratification: property, power, and prestige. The Most Industrialized Nations have much greater property (wealth), power (they usually get their way in international relations), and prestige (they are looked up to as world leaders).

As you read this analysis, don’t forget the sociological significance of the stratifica- tion of nations, its far-reaching effects on people’s lives, as illustrated by the two families sketched in our opening vignette.

The Most Industrialized Nations The Most Industrialized Nations are the United States and Canada in North America; Great Britain, France, Germany, Switzerland, and the other industrialized countries of western Europe; Japan in Asia; and Australia and New Zealand in the area of the world known as Oceania. Although there are variations in their economic systems, these coun- tries are capitalistic. As Table 7.2 shows, although these nations have only 16 percent of the world’s people, they possess 31 percent of the Earth’s land. Their wealth is so enor- mous that even their poor live better and longer lives than do the average citizens of the Least Industrialized Nations.

Table 7.2 Distribution of the World’s Land and Population

SOURCES: By the author. Computed from Kurian 1990, 1991, 1992.

Land Population

Most Industrialized Nations 31% 16%

Industrializing Nations 20% 16%

Least Industrialized Nations 49% 68%

Ah, maybe not. Perhaps this is just the normal state of affairs of the world, just another fact like there are more cats than dogs in the world, or more mice than elephants.

Or perhaps this indicates that something is out of kilter in the world, an imbalance that doesn’t seem quite right.

Hmm. Could be.

For Your Consideration → I don’t mean to skew this box too much in one direction.

Or maybe I just sort of can’t help it. This is perhaps one of the most mind-boggling statistics you will ever come across in your life, and I feel compelled to tell you about it. Anyway, what do you think?

In the following Social Map, you can see the tremendous disparities in wealth and poverty among the world’s nations. People in one country have $102,000 a year to live on, while people in another country must get by on just $400. One of the world’s poorest countries (see number 136) is just 700 miles from the United States.

Global Stratification 215

Figure 7.4 Global Stratification: Income of the World’s Nations

SOURCE: By the author. Based on CIA World Factbook 2017.



65 92





49 55 136

64 83



88 103

104 91

56 68





46 57




The Most Industrialized Nations

Nation Income per


The Industrializing Nations

Nation Income per


The Least Industrialized Nations

Nation Income per


56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71

72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88

Nation Income per


Luxembourg Singapore Norway Switzerland Hong Kong United States Netherlands Sweden Australia Germany Iceland Austria Taiwan Denmark Canada Belgium United Kingdom France Finland Japan Greenland Korea, South New Zealand Italy Israel Czech Republic Slovenia

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27

$102,000 $87,100 $69,300 $59,400 $58,100 $57,300 $50,800 $49,700 $48,800 $48,200 $48,100 $47,900 $47,800 $46,600 $46,200 $44,900 $42,500 $42,400 $41,800 $38,900 $37,900 $37,900 $37,100 $36,300 $34,800 $33,200 $32,000

Ireland Spain Trinidad Slovakia Lithuania Estonia Portugal Poland Hungary Malaysia Greece Russia Latvia Chile Croatia Romania Turkey Mauritius Argentina Bulgaria Gabon Mexico Costa Rica China Brazil Venezuela South Africa Cuba

$69,400 $36,500 $31,900 $31,200 $29,900 $29,500 $28,500 $27,700 $27,200 $27, 200 $26,800 $26,100 $25,700 $24,100 $22,400 $22,300 $21,100 $20,500 $20,200 $20,100 $19,300 $18,900 $16,100 $15,400 $15,200 $15,100 $13,200 $11,600

28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55

Panama Uruguay Lebanon Azerbaijan Belarus Turkmenistan Botswanab Thailand Dominican Rep. Suriname Algeria Macedonia Colombia Peru Mongolia Egypt

$22,800 $21,600 $18,500 $17,700 $17,500 $17,300 $16,900 $16,800 $15,900 $15,200 $15,000 $14,500 $14,200 $13,000 $12,200 $12,100

Albania Namibia Indonesia Tunisia Sri Lanka Jordan Bosnia Ecuador Georgia Swaziland Paraguay Jamaica Armenia El Salvador Morocco French Guiana Belize

$11,900 $11,800 $11,700 $11,700 $11,200 $11,100 $11,000 $11,000 $10,100 $9,800 $9,400 $9,000 $8,900 $8,900 $8,400 $8,300 $8,200

216 Chapter 7

The Least Industrialized Nations

Nation Income per

Person Nation Income per

Person Nation Income per

Person Nation Income per


The Oil-Rich Nations

Nation Income per


138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149



Gambia Sierra Leone Guinea-Bissau Madagascar Togo Eritrea Guinea Mozambique Malawi Niger Burundi Congo, Dem. Rep. Central African Rep. Somalia

$1,700 $1,700 $1,600 $1,500 $1,500 $1,300 $1,300 $1,200 $1,100 $1,100



$700 $400

Ukraine Bhutan Guatemala Guyana Philippines Bolivia Angola Congo, Rep. of India Uzbekistan Vietnam Burma (Myanmar) Nigeria Laos Honduras Nicaragua Moldova

$8,200 $8,100 $7,900 $7,900 $7,700 $7,200 $6,800 $6,800 $6,700 $6,500 $6,400 $6,000 $5,900 $5,700 $5,300 $5,300 $5,200

89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99

100 101 102 103 104 105

Pakistan Sudan Ghana Mauritania Bangladesh Zambia Cambodia Cote d'Ivoire Cameroon Kyrgyzstan Papua-New Guinea Djibouti Kenya Lesotho Tanzania Tajikistan

$5,100 $4,500 $4,400 $4,400 $3,900 $3,900 $3,700 $3,600 $3,500 $3,500

$3,500 $3,400 $3,400 $3,100 $3,100 $3,000

106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116

117 118 119 120 121

122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137

Syria Chad Senegal Nepal Western Sahara Yemen Mali Benin Uganda Afghanistan Zimbabwe Ethiopia Rwanda Burkina Faso Haiti Korea, North

$2,900 $2,600 $2,600 $2,500 $2,500 $2,500 $2,300 $2,200 $2,100 $2,000 $2,000 $1,900 $1,900 $1,800 $1,800 $1,800

152 153 154

155 156 157 158

159 160 161 162

Qatar Kuwait United Arab Emirates Saudi Arabia Bahrain Oman Equatorial Guinea Kazakhstan Iran Iraqc Libya

$129,700 $71,300

$67,700 $54,100 $50,300 $43,700

$38,700 $25,700 $18,100 $16,500 $14,200

1 4








3 8 19 39



100 110 90






2022 137

101728 14

12 27

26 31 36 43

47 44

42 78 18


86 66



129 101 135



124 138 140

139 144









153 156155162 154





118 130

134 148

149 120

145 146


48 158 96

114 108




62 132

81 119


95 111

34 24

38 72


25 58


7 16

5 13

99 112

32 60

89 105

5984 80

61 98 115


106 131160161






Figure 7.4 (Continued)

Global Stratification 217

The Industrializing Nations The Industrializing Nations include most of the nations of the former Soviet Union and its former satellites in eastern Europe. As you saw in Table 7.2, these nations account for 20 percent of the Earth’s land and 16 percent of its people.

The dividing points between the three “worlds” are soft, making it difficult to know how to classify some nations. This is especially the case with the Industrial- izing Nations. Exactly how much industrialization must a nation have to be in this category? Although soft, these categories do pinpoint essential differences among nations. Most people who live in the Industrializing Nations have much lower incomes and standards of living than do those who live in the Most Industrialized Nations. The majority, however, are better off than those who live in the Least Indus- trialized Nations. For example, on such measures as access to electricity, indoor plumbing, automobiles, telephones, and even food, most citizens of the Industrial- izing Nations rank lower than those in the Most Industrialized Nations but higher than those in the Least Industrialized Nations. As you saw in this chapter ’s opening vignette, stratification affects even life expectancy. The benefits of industrialization are uneven. Large numbers of people in the Industrializing Nations remain illiterate and desperately poor. Conditions can be gruesome, as we explore in the following Thinking Critically about Social Life.

Thinking Critically about Social Life Open Season: Children as Prey What is childhood like in the Industrializing Nations?

The answer depends on who your parents are. If you are the son or daughter of rich parents, childhood can be pleasant—a world filled with luxuries and servants. If you are born into poverty but live in a rural area where there is plenty to eat, life can still be good—although there may be no books, television, and little education. If you live in a slum, however, life can be horrible—worse even than in the slums of the Most Industrialized Nations (Lyons 2013). Let’s take a glance at a notorious slum in Brazil.

Not enough food— this you can take for granted—along with wife abuse, broken homes, alcoholism, drug abuse, and a lot of crime: From your knowledge of slums in the Most Industrialized Nations, you would expect these things. What you may not expect, however, are the brutal conditions in which Brazilian slum (favela) children live.

Sociologist Martha Huggins (Huggins et al. 2002) reports that poverty is so deep that children and adults

swarm through garbage dumps to try to find enough decaying food to keep them alive. You might also be surprised to discover that the owners of some of these dumps hire armed guards to keep the poor out—so that they can sell the garbage for pig food. And you might be

shocked to learn that some shop owners hire hit men, auctioning designated victims to the lowest bidder!

Life is cheap in the poor nations—but death squads for children? To understand this, we must first note that Brazil has a long history of violence. Brazil also has a high rate of poverty, has only a tiny middle class, and is controlled by a small group of families who, under a veneer of democracy, make the country’s major decisions. Hordes

of homeless children, with no schools or jobs, roam the streets. To survive, they wash windshields, shine shoes, beg, and steal (Rosenblatt 2012).

The “respectable” classes see these children as nothing but trouble. They hurt business: Customers feel intimidated when they see begging children—especially

A woman and her two daughters in a favela in Brasilia, Brazil.


218 Chapter 7

The Least Industrialized Nations In the Least Industrialized Nations, most people live on small farms or in villages, have large families, and barely survive. These nations account for 68 percent of the world’s people but only 49 percent of the Earth’s land.

Poverty plagues these nations to such an extent that some families actually live in city dumps. This is hard to believe, but look at the following photos, which I took in Phnom Penh, the capital of Cambodia. Although wealthy nations have their pockets of poverty, most people in the Least Industrialized Nations are poor. Most of them have no running water, indoor plumbing, or access to trained teachers or doctors. As we will review in Chap- ter 14, most of the world’s population growth occurs in these nations, placing even greater burdens on their limited resources and causing them to fall farther behind each year.

Modifying the Model To classify countries into Most Industrialized, Industrializing, and Least Industrialized is helpful in that it pinpoints significant similarities and differences among groups of nations. But then there are the oil-rich nations of the Middle East, those that provide much of the oil that fuels the machinery of the Most Industrialized Nations. Although these nations are not industrialized, some are immensely wealthy. To classify them sim- ply as Least Industrialized would gloss over significant distinctions, such as their mod- ern hospitals, extensive prenatal care, desalinization plants, abundant food and shelter, high literacy, and computerized banking. On the Social World Map, you saw that I clas- sify these countries separately. Table 7.3 also reflects this distinction.

teenaged boys—clustered in front of stores. Some shoplift. Others break into stores. With no effective social institutions to care for these children, one solution is to kill them. As Huggins notes, murder sends a clear message—especially if it is accompanied by ritual torture: gouging out the eyes, ripping open the chest, cutting off the genitals, raping the girls, and burning the victim’s body.

Not all life is bad in the Industrializing Nations, but this is about as bad as it gets.

For Your Consideration

→ Do you think there is anything the Most Industrialized Nations can do about this situation? Or is it, though unfor- tunate, just an “internal” affair that is up to Brazil to handle as it wishes?

→ Directed by the police, death squads in Brazil also assassinate criminals, while in the Philippine slums they kill rapists and drug dealers (Mogato and Baldwin 2017). What do you think about this?

Table 7.3 An Alternative Model of Global Stratification

SOURCE: By the author.

Four Worlds of Stratification

Most Industrialized Nations

Industrializing Nations

Least Industrialized Nations

Oil-rich, non-industrialized nations

Kuwait is an outstanding example. The government employs 90 percent of its working citizens, subsidizing their electricity and gasoline and giving them free edu- cation and health care. Citizens are also given free housing when they marry, although with the lower cost of oil, the government has fallen behind in providing the housing (“Tighten Your Belts” 2014). Most of the grunt work that the nation requires is done by migrant workers from the poor nations, while skilled workers from the Most Industri- alized Nations run the specialized systems that keep Kuwait’s economy going.

I did. And there I f ound a

highly developed s ocial

organization—an intricate

support system. B ecause words are

inadequate to depi ct the abject pover


of the Least Indust rialized Nations,

these photos can p rovide more insigh

t into

these people’s lives than anything

I could say.

The Dump Peop le: Working and

Living and Play ing

in the City Dum p of Phnom Pen

h, Cambodia

I went to Cambodi a to inspect

orphanages, to see how well the child


are being cared for . While in Phnom


Cambodia’s capita l, I was told about


who live in the city dump. Live there?


could hardly believ e my ears. I knew


people made their living by picking s


from the city dump , but I didn’t know


actually lived amo ng the garbage. Th

is I had

to see for myself.

This is a typical sight—family and friends

working together. The trash, which is constantly

burning, contains harmful chemicals. Why do

people work under such conditions? Because

they have few options. It is either this or starve.

After the garbage arrives by truck, people stream around it,

struggling to be the first to discover some thing of value. To

sift through the trash, the workers use me tal picks, like the

one this child is holding. Note that childr en work alongside

the adults. The children who live in the dump also play there. These children are riding bicycles on a “road,” a packed, leveled area of garbage that leads to their huts. The huge stacks in the background are piled trash. Note the ubiquitous Nike.

© James M. Henslin, all photos

Not too many visitors to Phnom Penh tell a cab driver to take them to the city dump. The cabbie looked a bit perplexed, but he did as I asked. Two cabs are shown here because my friends insisted on accompanying me.I know my friends were curious themselves, but they had also discovered that the destinations I want to visit are usually not in the tourist guides, and they wanted to protect me. Note the smoke from the smoldering garbage.

One of my many surprises was to find food stands in the dump. Although this one primarily offers drinks and snacks, others serve more substantial food. One even has broken chairs salvaged from the dump for its customers.

The people live at the edge of the dump, in homemade huts

(visible in the background). This woman, who was on her way

home after a day’s work, put down her sack of salvaged items

to let me take her picture. She still has her pick in her hand.

At the day’s end, the workers wash at the community pump. This hand pump serves all their water needs—drinking, washing, and cooking. There is no indoor plumbing. The weeds in the background serve that purpose. Can you imagine drinking water that comes from below this garbage dump?

I was surprised to lear n

that ice is delivered to

the dump. This woman

is using a hand grinde r

to crush ice for drinks

for her customers. The

customers, of course, a re

other people who also

live in the dump.

Global Stratification 221

Homeless people sleeping on the streets is a common sight in India’s cities. I took this photo in Chennai (formerly Madras).

How Did the World’s Nations Become Stratified? 7.7 Discuss how colonialism and world system theory explain how the

world’s nations became stratified.

How did the globe become stratified into such distinct worlds? The common-sense answer is that the poorer nations have fewer resources than the richer nations. As with many commonsense answers, this one falls short. Many of the Industrializing and Least Industrialized Nations are rich in natural resources, while one Most Industrial- ized Nation, Japan, has few. Three theories explain how global stratification came about.

Colonialism The first theory, colonialism, stresses that the coun- tries that industrialized first got a jump on the rest of the world. Beginning in Great Britain about 1750, industrialization spread throughout western Europe. Plowing some of their profits into powerful arma- ments and fast ships, these countries invaded weaker nations, making colonies out of them (Harrison 1993; Michalopoulos and Papaioannou 2017). After subduing these weaker nations, the more powerful countries left behind a controlling force in order to exploit the nations’ labor and natural resources. At one point, there was even a free-for-all among the industrialized European countries as they rushed to divide up an entire continent. As they sliced Africa into pieces, even tiny Belgium got into the act and acquired the Congo, which was seventy-five times larger than itself.

The purpose of colonialism was to establish eco- nomic colonies—to exploit the nation’s people and resources for the benefit of the elites of the “mother” country. The more powerful European countries would plant their national flags in a colony and send their representatives to run the government, but the United States usually chose to plant corporate flags in a colony and let these corporations dominate the territory’s govern- ment. Central and South America are prime examples. There were exceptions, such as the U.S. army’s conquest of the Philippines, which President William McKinley said was moti- vated by the desire “to educate the Filipinos and uplift and civilize and Christianize them” (Krugman 2002).

Colonialism, then, shaped many of the Least Industrialized Nations. In some instances, the Most Industrialized Nations were so powerful that when dividing their spoils, they drew lines across a map, creating new states without regard for tribal or cultural considerations (Duiker and Spielvogel 2017). Britain and France did just this as they divided up North Africa and parts of the Middle East—which is why the national boundaries of Libya, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and other countries are so straight. This legacy of European conquests is a background factor in much of today’s racial–ethnic and tribal violence: By the stroke of a pen, groups with no history of national identity were incorporated within the same political boundaries.

colonialism the process by which one nation takes over another nation, making a colony of it, usually for the purpose of exploiting its labor and natural resources

222 Chapter 7

World System Theory The second explanation of how global stratification came about was proposed by Imman- uel Wallerstein (1979, 1990, 2011). According to world system theory, industrialization led to four groups of nations. The first group consists of the core nations, the countries that industrialized first (Britain, France, Holland, and, later, Germany), which grew rich and powerful. The second group is the semiperiphery. The economies of these nations, located around the Mediterranean, stagnated because they grew dependent on trade with the core nations. The economies of the third group, the periphery, or fringe nations, developed even less. These are the eastern European countries, which sold cash crops to the core nations. The fourth group of nations includes most of Africa and Asia. Called the external area, these nations were left out of the development of capitalism altogether. The current expansion of capitalism has changed the relationships among these groups. Most notably, eastern Europe and Asia are no longer left out of capitalism.

The globalization of capitalism—the adoption of capitalism around the world—has created extensive ties among the world’s nations. Production and trade are now so inter- connected that events around the globe affect us all. Sometimes this is immediate, as hap- pens when a civil war disrupts the flow of oil, or—perish the thought—as would be the case if terrorists managed to get their hands on nuclear or biological weapons. At other times, the effects are like a slow ripple, as when a government adopts some policy that gradually impedes its ability to compete in world markets. All of today’s societies, then, no matter where they are located, are part of a world system.

The interconnections are most evident among nations that do extensive trading with one another. The following Thinking Critically about Social Life explores implications of Mexico’s maquiladoras.

world system theory a theory of how economic and political connections developed among nations, connections that now link the world’s countries

globalization of capitalism capitalism (investing to make profits within a rational system) becoming the globe’s dominant economic system

Thinking Critically about Social Life When Globalization Comes Home: Maquiladoras South of the Border Two hundred thousand Mexicans rush to Juarez each year, fleeing the hopelessness of the rural areas in pursuit of a better life. They have no running water or plumbing, but they didn’t have any in the coun- try either, and here they have the possibility of a job, a weekly check to buy food for the kids.

The pay is about $100 for a 48-hour work week, about $2 an hour (Chacon and Davis 2006). Some workers earn just $39 for a week’s work (Bacon 2015).

This may not sound like much, but it is more than twice the minimum daily wage in Mexico.

Assembly-for-export plants, known as maquiladoras, dot the Mexican border. The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) allows U.S. companies to import materials to Mexico without paying tax and then to export the finished products into the United States, again without tax. It’s a

sweet deal: few taxes and $8 to $16 a day for workers starved for jobs.

That these workers live in shacks, with no running water or sewage disposal, is not the employers’ concern.

Nor is the pollution. The stinking air doesn’t stay on the Mexican side of the border. Neither does the garbage. Heavy rains wash torrents of untreated sewage and industrial wastes into the Rio Grande (Casey and Watkins 2014).

There is also the loss of jobs for U.S. workers. Six of the fifteen poorest cities in the United States are located along the sewage- infested Rio Grande. NAFTA didn’t bring poverty to these cities. They were poor before this treaty, but residents resent the transfer of jobs across the border (Thompson 2001).

What if the maquilas (maquiladora workers) organize and demand better pay? Farther south, even cheaper

A maquiladora worker in Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua, Mexico. She assembles dashboard harnesses for GM cars.

Global Stratification 223

Culture of Poverty The third explanation of global stratification is quite unlike colonialism and world system theory. Economist John Kenneth Galbraith (1979) claimed that the cultures of the Least Industrialized Nations hold them back. Building on the ideas of anthropolo- gist Oscar Lewis (1966a, 1966b), Galbraith argued that some nations are crippled by a culture of poverty, a way of life that perpetuates poverty from one generation to the next. He explained it this way: Most of the world’s poor people are farmers who live on little plots of land. They barely produce enough food to survive. Living on the edge of starvation, they have little room for risk—so they stick to tried-and-true, traditional ways. To experiment with new farming techniques is to court disaster, since failure would lead to hunger and death.

Their religion also encourages them to accept their situation. It teaches fatalism, the belief that an individual’s position in life is God’s will. For example, in India, the Dal- its are taught that they must have done very bad things in a previous life to suffer so. They are supposed to submit to their situation, which they deserve—and in the next life, maybe they’ll come back in a more desirable state.

Evaluating the Theories Most sociologists prefer colonialism and world system theory. To them, an explanation based on a culture of poverty places blame on the victim—the poor nations themselves. It points to characteristics of the poor nations, rather than to international political arrangements that benefit the Most Industrialized Nations at the expense of the poor nations. But even taken together, these theories yield only part of the picture. None of these theories, for example, would have led anyone to expect that after World War II Japan would become an economic powerhouse: Japan had a religion that stressed fatalism, two of its major cities had been destroyed by atomic bombs, and it had been stripped of its colonies.

culture of poverty the assumption that the values and behaviors of the poor make them fundamentally different from other people, that these factors are largely responsible for their poverty, and that par- ents perpetuate poverty across generations by passing these characteristics to their children

labor beckons. Workers in Guatemala and Honduras, even more desperate than those in Mexico, will gladly take these jobs. China, too, is competing for them. And Vietnam and Thailand are competing for China’s jobs (Chu et al. 2016).

Many Mexican politicians would say that this presentation is one-sided. “Sure there are problems,” they would say, “but this is how it always is when a country industrializes. Don’t you realize that the maquiladoras bring jobs to people who have no

work? They also bring roads, telephone lines, and electricity to undeveloped areas.” “In fact,” said Vicente Fox, when he was the president of Mexico, “workers at the maquiladoras make more than the average salary in Mexico—and that’s what we call fair wages” (Fraser 2001).

For Your Consideration Let’s apply our three theoretical perspectives. → Some conflict theorists analyze how capitalists try to

weaken the bargaining power of workers by exploiting divisions among them. In what is known as the split labor market, capitalists pit one group of workers against another to lower the cost of labor. How do you think ma- quiladoras fit this conflict perspective?

→ When functionalists analyze a situation, they identify its functions and dysfunctions. What functions and dysfunc- tions of maquiladoras do you see?

→ Symbolic interactionists analyze how people’s experienc- es shape their views of the world. How would people’s experiences in contrasting social locations lead to different answers to these questions: Do maquiladoras represent exploitation or opportunity? and What multiple realities do you see here?Inside the home of a maquiladora worker in Nuevo Laredo, Mexico.

224 Chapter 7

Each theory, then, yields but a partial explanation, and the grand theorist who will put the many pieces of this puzzle together has yet to appear.

Maintaining Global Stratification 7.8 Explain how neocolonialism, multinational corporations, and technology help

to maintain global stratification.

Regardless of how the world’s nations became stratified, why do countries remain rich— or poor—year after year? Let’s look at three explanations of how global stratification is maintained.

Neocolonialism Sociologist Michael Harrington (1977) argued that when colonialism fell out of style, it was replaced by neocolonialism. When World War II changed public sentiment about sending soldiers to conquer weaker countries and colonists to exploit them, the Most Industrialized Nations turned to the international markets as a way of controlling the Least Industrialized Nations. By selling them goods on credit—especially weapons that the local elites desire so they can keep themselves in power—the Most Industrialized Nations entrap the poor nations within a circle of debt.

As many of us learn the hard way, owing a large debt puts us at the mercy of our creditors. So it is with neocolonialism. The policy of selling weapons and other manufactured goods to the Least Industrialized Nations on credit turns those coun- tries into eternal debtors. The capital they need to develop their own industries goes instead as payments toward the debt, which becomes bloated with mounting interest. Keeping these nations in debt forces them to submit to trading terms dictated by the neocolonialists (Carrington 1993; Maloba 2017).

RELEVANCE TODAY Neocolonialism might seem remote from your life, but its her- itage affects you directly. Consider the oil-rich Middle Eastern countries, our wars in the Persian Gulf, and the terrorism that emanates from this region. Although this is an area of ancient civilizations, the countries themselves are recent. Great Britain created Saudi Arabia, drawing its boundaries and even naming the country after the man (Ibn Saud) whom British officials picked to lead it. This created a debt for the Saudi fam- ily. For decades, this family repaid its debt by providing low-cost oil, which the Most Industrialized Nations need to maintain their way of life. When other nations pumped less oil—no matter the cause, whether revolution or an attempt to raise prices—the Sau- dis helped keep prices low by making up the shortfall. In return, the United States (and other nations) overlooked the human rights violations of the Saudi royal family, keeping them in power by selling them the latest weapons. This mutually sycophantic arrange- ment continues, but in light of U.S. support for Israel and 9/11 led by Saudi Arabians, it is fraying at the edges (Wong 2016).

Multinational Corporations Multinational corporations, companies that operate across many national boundar- ies, also help to maintain the global dominance of the Most Industrialized Nations. In some cases, multinational corporations exploit the Least Industrialized Nations directly. A prime example is the United Fruit Company, a U.S. corporation that used to run Central American nations as its own fiefdoms. If a government became uncooperative, the CIA would plot and overthrow it (Central Intelligence Agency [CIA] 2003), while an occasional invasion by Marines would remind area politicians of the military power that backed U.S. corporations.

neocolonialism the economic and political dominance of the Least Indus- trialized Nations by the Most Industrialized Nations

multinational corporations companies that operate across national boundaries; also called transnational corporations

Global Stratification 225

Most commonly, however, it is simply by doing business that multinational corpora- tions help to maintain international stratification. A single multinational corporation may manage mining operations in several countries, manufacture goods in others, and mar- ket its products around the globe. No matter where the profits are made, or where they are reinvested, the primary beneficiaries are the Most Industrialized Nations, especially the one in which the multinational corporation has its world headquarters.

BUYING POLITICAL STABILITY In their pursuit of profits, the multinational corpo- rations need cooperative power elites in the Least Industrialized Nations (Schwartz and Cameron 2017; Maloba 2017). In return for funneling money to the elites and selling them modern weapons, the corporations get a “favorable business climate”—that is, low taxes and cheap labor. The corporations politely call the money they pay to the elites “sub- sidies” and “offsets”—which ring prettier on the ear than “bribes.” These elites, able to siphon money from their country’s tax collections and government budgets, live a sophisticated upper-class life in the major cities of their home country. Although most of the citizens of these countries live a hard-scrabble life, the elites are able to send their children to prestigious Western universities, such as Oxford, the Sorbonne, and Harvard.

You can see how this cozy arrangement helps to maintain global stratification. The significance of these payoffs is not so much the genteel lifestyles that they allow the elites to maintain but the translation of the payoffs into power. They allow the elites to purchase high-tech weapons with which they preserve their positions of privilege, even though they must oppress their people to do so. The result is a political stability that keeps alive this diabolical partnership between the multinational corporations and the national elites.

UNANTICIPATED CONSEQUENCES This, however, is not the full story. An uninten- tional by-product of the multinationals’ global search for cheap resources and labor is to modify global stratification. When corporations move manufacturing from the Most Industrialized Nations to the Least Industrialized Nations, they not only exploit cheap labor, but they also bring jobs and money to these nations. Although workers in the Least Industrialized Nations are paid a pittance, it is more than they can earn elsewhere. With new factories come opportunities to develop skills, acquire technology, and accumulate a capital base from which local elites can launch their own factories.

The Pacific Rim nations provide a remarkable example. In return for providing the “favorable business climate” just mentioned, multinational corporations invested billions of dollars in the “Asian tigers” (Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea, and Taiwan). These nations have developed such a strong capital base that, along with China, they have begun to rival the older capitalist countries. This has also made them subject to capitalism’s “boom and bust” cycles. When capitalism suffers a downturn, workers and investors in these nations, including those in the maquiladoras that you just read about, have their dreams smashed.

Technology and Global Domination The race between the Most and Least Industrialized Nations to develop and apply the new technologies might seem like a race between a marathon runner and someone with a broken leg. Can the outcome be in doubt? As the multinational corporations amass profits, they are able to invest huge sums in the latest technology while the Least Indus- trialized Nations are struggling to put scraps on the table.

So it would appear, but the race is not this simple. Although the Most Industrialized Nations have a seemingly insurmountable head start, some nations are shortening the distance between themselves and the front-runners. With cheap labor making their man- ufactured goods inexpensive, China and India are exporting goods on a massive scale. They are using the capital from these exports to buy high technology so they can mod- ernize their infrastructure (transportation, communication, electrical, and banking sys- tems). Although global domination remains in the hands of the West, it could be on the verge of a major shift from West to East.

226 Chapter 7

Strains in the Global System: Uneasy Realignments 7.9 Identify strains in today’s system of global stratification.

It is never easy to maintain global stratification. At the very least, a continuous stream of unanticipated events forces the elite to stay on their toes, and at times, huge currents of history threaten to sweep them aside. No matter how secure a stratification system may seem, it always contains unresolved matters. These contradictions can be covered up for a while, but inevitably the discontent multiplies and the demand for change grows louder. Some are just little dogs nipping at the heels of the world’s elites, bringing issues that can be resolved with a drone or a few tanks or bombs—or, better, with a scowl and the threat to bomb an opponent. Other issues are of a broader nature, part of huge histor- ical shifts. Baring their teeth, unresolved contradictions snarlingly demand change, even the rearrangement of global power.

Historical shifts bring cataclysmic disruptions. We are now living through such a time. The far-reaching economic–political changes in Russia and China have been accom- panied by huge cracks in a creaking global banking system. In desperation, the global powers have pumped trillions of dollars into their economic–political systems. As curi- ous as we are about the outcome and as much as our welfare is at stake, we don’t know the end point of this current strain in the global system and the power elites’ attempts to patch up the most glaring inconsistencies in their global domination. As this process of realignment continues, however, it is likely to sweep all of us into its unwelcome net.

Summary and Review Systems of Social Stratification 7.1 Compare and contrast slavery (including bonded

labor), caste, estate, and class systems of social stratification.

What is social stratification?

Social stratification refers to a hierarchy of privilege based on property, power, and prestige. Every society stratifies its members, and in every society, men-as-a-group dominate women-as-a-group.

What are four major systems of social stratification?

Four major stratification systems are slavery, caste, estate, and class. The essential characteristic of slavery is that some people own other people. Initially, slavery was based not on race but on debt, punishment for crime, or defeat in battle. Slavery could be temporary or permanent and was not necessarily passed on to the children. North American slavery was gradually buttressed by a racist ideology. In a caste system, people’s status, which is lifelong, is deter- mined by their caste’s relation to other castes. The estate system of feudal Europe consisted of three estates: the no- bility, clergy, and peasants (serfs). A class system is much more open than these other systems because it is based primarily on money or material possessions. Industrializa- tion encourages the formation of class systems. Gender cuts across all forms of social stratification.

What Determines Social Class? 7.2 Contrast the views of Marx and Weber on what

determines social class.

Karl Marx argued that a single factor determines social class: If you own the means of production, you belong to the bourgeoisie; if you do not, you are one of the prole- tariat. Max Weber argued that three elements determine social class: property, power, and prestige.

Why Is Social Stratification Universal? 7.3 Contrast the functional and conflict views of why

social stratification is universal.

To explain why stratification is universal, functional- ists Kingsley Davis and Wilbert Moore argued that to attract the most capable people to fill its important posi- tions, society must offer them greater rewards. Melvin Tumin said that if this view were correct, society would be a meritocracy, with positions awarded on the basis of merit. Gaetano Mosca argued that stratification is inevi- table because every society must have leadership, which, by definition, means inequality. Conflict theorists argue that stratification is the outcome of an elite emerging as groups struggle for limited resources. Gerhard Lenski suggested a synthesis between the functionalist and con- flict perspectives.

Global Stratification 227

How Do Elites Maintain Stratification? 7.4 Discuss the ways that elites keep themselves

in power.

To maintain social stratification within a nation, the ruling class adopts an ideology that justifies its current arrange- ments. It also controls information and uses technology. When all else fails, it turns to brute force.

Comparative Social Stratification 7.5 Contrast social stratification in Great Britain

and the former Soviet Union.

What are key characteristics of stratification systems in other nations?

The most striking features of the British class system are speech and education. In Britain, accent reveals social class, and almost all of the elite attend private schools. In the for- mer Soviet Union, communism was supposed to abolish class distinctions. Instead, it ushered in a different set of classes.

Global Stratification: Three Worlds 7.6 Compare social stratification in the Most

Industrialized Nations, the Industrializing Nations, and the Least Industrialized Nations.

How are the world’s nations stratified?

The model presented here divides the world’s nations into three groups: the Most Industrialized, the Industrializing, and the Least Industrialized. This layering represents rela- tive property, power, and prestige.

How Did the World’s Nations Become Stratified? 7.7 Discuss how colonialism and world system theory

explain how the world’s nations became stratified.

The main theories that seek to account for global stratifica- tion are colonialism, world system theory, and the culture of poverty. The text explains each.

Maintaining Global Stratification 7.8 Explain how neocolonialism, multinational

corporations, and technology help to maintain global stratification.

How do elites maintain global stratification?

There are two basic explanations for why the world’s coun- tries remain stratified. Neocolonialism is the ongoing dominance of the Least Industrialized Nations by the Most Industrialized Nations. The second explanation points to the influence of multinational corporations. The new technology gives further advantage to the Most Industrialized Nations.

Strains in the Global System 7.9 Identify strains in today’s system of global


What strains are showing up in global stratification?

All stratification systems contain contradictions that threat- en to erupt, forcing the system to change. Currently, capital- ism is in crisis, and we seem to be experiencing a major shift in economic (and, ultimately, political and military) power and global influence from the West to the East.

Thinking Critically about Chapter 7 1. How do slavery, caste, estate, and class systems of

social stratification differ?

2. Why is social stratification universal?

3. How do elites maintain stratification (keep themselves in power)?

4. What shifts in global stratification seem to be taking place? Why?

A Boating Party, 1889, John Singer Sargent (oil on canvas)


Learning Objectives

After you have read this chapter, you should be able to:

8.1 Explain the three components of social class—property, power, and prestige; distinguish between wealth and income; explain how property and income are distributed; and describe the democratic façade, the power elite, and status inconsistency.

8.2 Contrast Marx’s and Weber’s models of social class.

8.3 Summarize the consequences of social class for physical and mental health, family life, education, religion, politics, and the criminal justice system.

8.4 Contrast the three types of social mobility, review gender issues in research on social mobility, and explain why social mobility brings pain.

8.5 Explain the problems in drawing the poverty line and how poverty is related to geography, race–ethnicity, education, feminization, and age.

8.6 Contrast the dynamics of poverty with the culture of poverty, explain why people are poor and how deferred gratification is related to poverty, and comment on the Horatio Alger myth.

8.7 Discuss the possibility that we are developing a three-tier society.

Chapter 8

Social Class in the United States

Ah, New Orleans, that fabled city on the Mississippi Delta. Images from its rich past floated through my head—pirates, treasure, intrigue. Memories from a pleasant vacation stirred my thoughts—the exotic French Quarter with its enticing aroma of Creole food and sounds of earthy jazz drifting through the air.

The shelter for the homeless forced me back to an unwelcome reality. The shelter was like those I had visited in the North, West, and East—only dirtier. The dirt, in fact, was the worst that I had encountered during my research. On top of that, this was the only shelter to insist on payment in exchange for sleeping in one of its filthy beds.

The men here looked the same as the homeless anywhere in the country—disheveled and haggard, wearing that unmistakable expression of sorrow and despair. Except for the accent, you wouldn’t know what region you were in. Poverty wears the same tired face wherever you are, I realized. The accent may differ, but the look remains the same.

I had grown used to the sights and smells of abject poverty. Those no longer surprised me. But after my fitful sleep with the homeless that night, I saw something that did. Just a block or so from the shelter, I was startled by a sight so out of step with the misery and despair I had just experienced that I stopped and stared.

“My mind refused to stop juxtaposing these images of extravagance with the suffering I had just seen.”

230 Chapter 8

I felt indignation swelling within me. Confronting me were life-sized, full-color photos mounted on the transparent Plexiglas shelter of a bus stop. Staring back at me were im- ages of finely dressed men and women, proudly modeling elegant suits, dresses, diamonds, and furs.

A wave of disgust swept over me. “Something is cockeyed in this society,” I thought, as my mind refused to stop juxtaposing these images of extravagance with the suffering I had just seen.

The disjunction—the mental distress—that I felt in New Orleans was triggered by the ads, but it was not the first time I had experienced this sensation. Whenever my research abruptly transported me from the world of the homeless to one of another social class, I experienced a sense of disjointed unreality. Each social class has its own ways of think- ing and behaving, and because these fundamental orientations to the world contrast so sharply, the classes do not mix well.

What Is Social Class? 8.1 Explain the three components of social class—property, power, and prestige;

distinguish between wealth and income; explain how property and income are distributed; and describe the democratic façade, the power elite, and status inconsistency.

If you ask most Americans about their country’s social class system, you are likely to get a blank look. If you press the matter, you are likely to get an answer like this: “There are the poor and the rich—and then there’s us, neither poor nor rich.” This is just about as far as most Americans’ consciousness of social class goes. Let’s try to flesh out this idea.

Our task is made somewhat difficult because sociologists have no clear-cut, agreed-on definition of social class. As was noted in the last chapter, conflict sociologists (of the Marxist orientation) see only two social classes: those who own the means of pro- duction and those who do not. The problem with this view, say most sociologists, is that it lumps too many people together. Teenage “order takers” at McDonald’s who work for $15,000 a year are lumped together with that company’s executives who make $500,000 a year—because they both are workers at McDonald’s, not owners.

Most sociologists agree with Max Weber that there is more to social class than just a person’s relationship to the means of production. Consequently, most sociologists use the components Weber identified and define social class as a large group of people who rank closely to one another in property, power, and prestige. These three elements give people different chances in life, separate them into different lifestyles, and provide them with distinctive ways of looking at the self and the world.

Let’s look at how sociologists measure these three components of social class.

Property Property comes in many forms, such as buildings, land, animals, machinery, cars, stocks, bonds, businesses, furniture, jewelry, and bank accounts. When you add up the value of someone’s property and subtract that person’s debts, you have what sociologists call wealth. This term can be misleading, as some of us have little wealth—especially most college students. Nevertheless, if your net total comes to $10, then that is your wealth. (Obviously, wealth as a sociological term does not mean wealthy.)

DISTINGUISHING BETWEEN WEALTH AND INCOME Wealth and income are some- times confused, but they are not the same. Where wealth is a person’s net worth, income is a flow of money. Income has many sources: The most common is wages or a business, but other sources are rent, interest, and royalties. Even alimony, an allowance, and gam- bling winnings are part of income.

social class according to Weber, a large group of people who rank close to one another in property, power, and prestige; according to Marx, one of two groups: capitalists who own the means of production or workers who sell their labor

property material possessions: includes animals, bank accounts, bonds, buildings, businesses, cars, cash, commodities, copyrights, furni- ture, jewelry, land, and stocks

wealth the total value of everything someone owns, minus the debts

income money received, usually from a job, business, or assets

A mere one-half percent of Americans owns over a quarter of the entire nation’s wealth. Very few minorities are numbered among this 0.5 percent. An exception is Oprah Winfrey, who has had an ultra-successful career in entertainment and investing. Worth $3.0 billion, she is the 239th richest person in the United States. Winfrey has given millions of dollars to help minority children.

Social Class in the United States 231

Wealth and income usually go together, but not always. Some people have much wealth and little income. For example, a farmer may own a lot of land (a form of wealth), but bad weather can cause the income to dry up.

Then there are those who have a large income and no wealth. Here is a real-life example of someone who makes $375,000 a year and is dead broke:

Gregory Owens is a New York City lawyer who makes $375,000 a year. Yet he is broke. In his bankruptcy petition, Owens revealed that taxes, alimony, required retirement contributions, rent, food, and transportation eat up all his income. He spends $52 more a month than he earns. (Stewart 2014)

DISTRIBUTION OF PROPERTY If we add up the value of the property in the United States—all the houses, apartments, cars and trucks, farms, businesses, and bank accounts—the total comes to about $59 trillion (Statistical Abstract 2017:Table 748). This certainly is a hefty sum. And who owns this vast property? One answer, of course, is “everyone,” as this $59 trillion is the total of what all Americans own. What this state- ment overlooks, though, is how the nation’s property is divided among “everyone.”

You might be surprised at how concentrated U.S. wealth is. Look at Figure 8.1. Just 1 percent of Americans owns more than one-third of all real estate, stocks, bonds, and business assets in the entire country. As you can also see from this figure, 10 percent of Americans own 77 percent of the nation’s wealth.

SOURCE: By the author. Based on Wolff 2013.

...own 77 percent of the nation's wealth

The wealthiest 10 percent of Americans...







...own 35 percent of the nation's wealth

The wealthiest 1 percent of Americans...






Figure 8.1 Distribution of the Wealth of Americans

DISTRIBUTION OF INCOME How is income distributed in the United States? Economist Paul Samuelson (Samuelson and Nordhaus 2005) put it this way: “If we made an income pyramid out of a child’s blocks, with each layer portraying $500 of income, the peak would be far higher than Mount Everest, but most people would be within a few feet of the ground.”

To better grasp this layering, look at Figure 8.2. You can see that if each block were 1½ inches tall, the typical American would be just 12 feet off the ground. This portrays the aver- age income in the United States of about $48,000 per year. (This is per capita income, which includes every American, even children.) The typical family climbs a little higher, since most families have more than one worker. Together, they average about $67,000 a year (Statistical Abstract 2017:Tables 705, 723). Compared with the few families who are on the mountain’s peak, the average U.S. family would still find itself only 17 feet off the ground.

232 Chapter 8

The fact that some Americans enjoy the peaks of Mount Everest while most—despite their efforts—make it only 12 to 17 feet up the slope presents a striking image of income inequality in the United States. Another picture emerges if we divide the U.S. popula- tion into five equal groups and rank them from highest to lowest income. As Figure 8.3 shows, the top 20 percent of the population receive half (51.1 percent) of all income in the United States. In contrast, the bottom 20 percent of Americans receive only 3.1 percent of the nation’s income.

Two features of Figure 8.3 stand out. First, look at how income inequality decreased from 1935 to 1970. Then notice how inequality has increased since 1970. Since 1970, the richest 20 percent of U.S. families have grown richer, while the poorest 20 percent have grown poorer. Despite numerous government antipoverty programs, the poorest 20 percent of Americans receive less of the nation’s income today than they did decades ago. The richest 20 percent, in contrast, are receiving more, as much as they did in 1935.

The chief executive officers (CEOs) of the nation’s largest corporations are espe- cially affluent. The Wall Street Journal surveyed the 300 largest U.S. companies to find out what they paid their CEOs. Their median compensation (including salaries, bonuses, and stock options) came to $11,000,000 a year. (Median means that half received more than this amount, and half less.) On Table 8.1, you can see the pay of the five high- est paid CEOs.

Table 8.1 The Five Highest-Paid CEOs

SOURCE: Melin 2017.

Name Company Compensation

Marc Lore Walmart $237 million

Tim Cook Apple $150 million

John Weinberg Evercore Partners $124 million

Sundar Pichai Alphabet $107 million

Elon Musk Tesla $100 million

Some U.S. families have incomes that exceed the height of Mt. Everest, 29,028 feet

Average U.S. individual income $48,000 or 12 feet

Average U.S. family income $67,000 or 17 feet

If a 1½-inch child’s block equals $500 of income, the average individual’s annual income of $48,000 would represent a height of 12 feet, and the average family’s annual income of $67,000 would represent a height of 17 feet. The income of some families, in contrast, would represent a height greater than that of Mt. Everest.

Figure 8.2 How the Income of Americans Is Distributed

SOURCE: By the author. Based on Statistical Abstract of the United States 2017:Tables 705, 723.

The average income of these highest-paid CEOs is 3,000 times higher than the aver- age pay of U.S. workers (Statistical Abstract 2017:Table 705). This does not include these CEOs’ income from interest, dividends, or rents. Nor does it include the value of their company-paid limousines and chauffeurs, airplanes and pilots, and their private boxes at the symphony and sporting events. To really see the disparity, consider this:

Let’s suppose that you started working the year Jesus was born and that you worked full-time starting then. Let’s also assume that each year you earned today’s average per capita income of $47,669. As of this year, you would still have to work 3,000 more years to earn what the highest-paid executive listed in Table 8.1 earned in just one year.

Imagine how you could live with an income like Marc Lore’s. And this is precisely the point. Beyond these cold numbers lies a dynamic reality that profoundly affects people’s lives. The difference in wealth between those at the top and those at the bot- tom of the U.S. class structure means that people experience vastly different lives. For example,

A colleague of mine who was teaching at an exclusive Eastern university piqued his stu- dents’ curiosity when he lectured on poverty in Latin America. That weekend, one of the students borrowed his parents’ corporate jet and pilot, and in class on Monday, he and his friends related their personal observations on poverty in Latin America.

Few of us could ever say, “Mom and Dad, I’ve got to do a report for my soc class, so I need to borrow the jet—and the pilot—to run down to South America for the week- end.” What a lifestyle! Contrast this with Americans at the low end of the income ladder who lack the funds to travel even to a neighboring town for the weekend. For parents in

Social Class in the United States 233

Down-to-Earth Sociology How the Super-Rich Live

Larry Ellison, one of the richest men in the United States, loves basketball so much that he has his own basketball court on his yacht. When he misses the basket, a ball sometimes ends up in the ocean. Not to worry. Ellison has hired a man whose sole job is to drive a 44-foot powerboat behind the yacht to retrieve the errant balls.

And when Ellison gets bored with playing on his yacht’s basketball court? He climbs in his personal helicopter flown by his personal pilot. Flying above the yacht, he shoots hoops to his heart’s content. His personal basketball retriever faithfully trails the yacht, scooping up those errant balls. (Gay 2014)

As F. Scott Fitzgerald said in The Great Gatsby, “The rich are different than you and me.” And how!

Let’s take a glimpse at the lifestyle of another very rich man, John Castle (his real name). John has made more than $100 million in banking and securities (Lublin 1999). But the super-rich yearn for more than just money. Displayed in the right way, vast wealth can bring distinction and create envy.

Wanting to be connected to someone famous, John bought President John F. Kennedy’s “Winter White House,” an oceanfront estate in Palm Beach, Florida. John spent $11 million to remodel the 13,000-square-foot house so that it would be more to his liking. Among those changes: adding bathrooms numbers 14 and 15. He likes to show off John F. Kennedy’s bed and also the dresser that has the

drawer labeled “black underwear,” carefully hand-lettered by Rose Kennedy (Bloomfield 2012).

John has a yacht, too, a source of pleasure and pride. How much did his custom-built Hinckley yacht cost? John can’t tell you. As he says, “I don’t want to know what anything costs. When you’ve got enough money, price doesn’t make a difference. That’s part of the freedom of being rich.”

Right. And for John, being rich also means paying $1,000,000 to charter a private jet to fly Spot, his Appaloosa horse, back and forth to the vet. John didn’t want Spot to have to endure a long trailer ride. Oh, and of course, there was the cost of Spot’s medical treatment, another $500,000.

Other wealthy people besides Ellison and Castle spend extravagantly, too. If you are among them, you might spruce up your Saturday night with a $35,000 bottle of champagne at the 1 Oak Lounge in New York City (Haughney and Konigsberg 2008). Or perhaps a $10,000 cocktail at the Jardin in Las Vegas is more to your liking. But if you are looking for a bargain, you might consider the Jardin’s weekend Valentine package. For just $100,000, you can have this cocktail included (Stern 2016).

Parties are fun, but what if you want privacy? You can buy that, too. Wayne Huizenga, who sold a half ownership in the Miami Dolphins for $550 million (“Builder Stephen . . .” 2008), bought a 2,000-acre country club, complete with an 18-hole golf course, a 55,000-square-foot-clubhouse, and

Figure 8.3 The More Things Change, the More They Stay the Same: Dividing the Nation’s Income

1Earliest year available. 2No data for 1940.

SOURCE: By the author. Based on U.S. Census Bureau. Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2014. Historical Tables, Income, Households, Table H-2. 2016; Statistical Abstract of the United States 1960:Table 417; 1970:Table 489; 2017:Table 721.

P e rc

e n ta

g e






1935 1941 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2014

The top 5th The bottom 5th The second 5th

The fourth 5th The third 5th

poverty, choices may revolve around whether to spend the little they have at the laun- dromat or on milk for the baby. The elderly poor might have to choose between purchas- ing the medicines they need or buying food. In short, divisions of wealth represent not “empty” numbers but choices that make vital differences in people’s lives. Let’s explore this topic in the following Down-to-Earth Sociology.

(continued )

234 Chapter 8

Power Let’s look at the second component of social class: power.

THE DEMOCRATIC FACADE Like many people, you may have said to yourself, “The big decisions are always made despite what I think. Certainly I don’t make the decision to send soldiers to Afghanistan or Iraq. I don’t order drones to launch missiles. I don’t decide to raise taxes, lower interest rates, or spend billions of dollars to bail out Wall Street fools and felons.”

And then another part of you may say, “But I do participate in these decisions through my representatives in Congress and by voting for president.” True enough—as far as it goes. The trouble is, it doesn’t go far enough. Such views of being a participant in the nation’s “big” decisions are a playback of the ideology we learn at an early age—an ideology that is promoted by the elites to legitimate and perpetuate their power. Some sociologists call this the “democratic facade” that conceals the real source of power in the United States.

Following this conflict perspective, let’s try to get a picture of where that power is located.

THE POWER ELITE In Chapter 1, I mentioned that in the 1950s, sociologist C. Wright Mills pointed out that power—the ability to get your way despite resistance—was con- centrated in the hands of a few. Mills met heavy criticism, because his analysis contradicted the dominant view that “the people” make the country’s decisions. This ideology is still dominant, and Mills’ analysis continues to ruffle feathers. Some still choke on the term power elite, which Mills coined to refer to those who make the big decisions in U.S. society.

Mills and others have stressed how wealth and power coalesce in a group of people who look at the world in the same way—and view themselves as a special elite. They belong to the same private clubs, vacation at the same exclusive resorts, and even hire the same bands for their daughters’ debutante balls (Domhoff 2006, 2014). This elite wields extraordinary power in U.S. society, so much so that many U.S. presidents have been mil- lionaire white men from families with “old money.”

Continuing in the tradition of Mills, sociologist William Domhoff (2006, 2014) argues that the power elite is so powerful that the U.S. government makes no major decision without its approval. He analyzed how this group works behind the scenes with elected officials to determine both foreign and domestic policy—from setting Social Security taxes to imposing tariffs on imported goods. Although Domhoff ’s

power the ability to carry out your will, even over the resistance of others

power elite C. Wright Mills’ term for the top people in U.S. corporations, military, and politics who make the nation’s major decisions

68 slips for visiting vessels. The club is so exclusive that its only members are Wayne and his wife (Fabrikant 2005).

Withdrawing behind gated estates is one way to gain privacy, but Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen has found another way. On his 414-foot yacht, the Octopus, are two helicopters, a swimming pool, and a submarine (Freeland 2011).

While the length of Allen’s yacht creates envy among the plutocracy that would make Freud break into a sweat, some might say that Charles Simonyi has even outdone this. He bought a $25-million ticket for a rocket ride to the International Space Station. Simonyi liked the experience so

much that he bought a second ticket (Leo 2008). No frequent flyer miles included. But at the pace that prices are increasing,

$50 million isn’t worth what it used to be anyway.

For Your Consideration → What effects has social class

had on your life? (Go beyond possessions to values and how you view life.)

→ How do you think you would see the world differently if you were Larry Ellison, John Castle, Paul Allen, Charles Simonyi, or Mrs. Wayne Huizenga?At 533 feet, the Eclipse is the world's second largest

yacht. It is owned by Roman Abramovich of Russia, the world's 11th richest person.

Social Class in the United States 235

conclusions are controversial—and alarming—they certainly follow logically from the principle that wealth brings power and extreme wealth brings extreme power.

Prestige Let’s look at the third component of social class, occu- pational prestige.

OCCUPATIONS AND PRESTIGE What are you thinking about doing after college? Chances are, you don’t have the option of lying in a hammock under palm trees in some South Pacific paradise. Almost all of us have to choose an occupation and go to work. Look at Table 8.2 to see how the career you are con- sidering stacks up in terms of prestige (the respect or regard people give it). Because we are moving toward a global society, this table also shows how the rankings given by Americans compare with those of the resi- dents of sixty other countries.

Why do people give more prestige to some jobs than to others? Look again at Table 8.2. The jobs at the top share four features:

1. They pay more.

2. They require more education.

3. They involve more abstract thought.

4. They offer greater autonomy (independence or self-direction).

Now look at the bottom of the list. You can see that people give less prestige to jobs with the opposite characteristics: These jobs pay little, require less edu- cation, involve more physical labor, and are closely supervised. In short, the professions and the white- collar jobs are at the top of the list, the blue-collar jobs at the bottom.

One of the more interesting aspects of these rankings is how consistent they are across countries and over time. For example, people in every country rank college professors higher than nurses, nurses higher than social workers, and social workers higher than janitors. Similarly, the occupations that were ranked high twenty-five years ago still rank high today—and likely will rank high in the years to come.

DISPLAYING PRESTIGE People want others to acknowledge their prestige. In times past, in some countries, only the emperor and his family could wear purple—it was the royal color. In France, only the nobility could wear lace. In England, no one could sit while the king was on his throne. Some kings and

Table 8.2 Occupational Prestige: How the United States Compares with Sixty Countries

NOTE: The rankings are based on 1 to 100, from lowest to highest. For five occupations not located in the 1994 source, the 1991 ratings were used: Supreme Court judge, astronaut, athletic coach, lives on public aid, and street sweeper. SOURCES: Treiman 1977: Appendices A and D; Nakao and Treas 1990, 1994: Appendix D.

Occupation United States Average of Sixty Countries

Physician 86 78

Supreme Court judge 85 82

College president 81 86

Astronaut 80 80

Lawyer 75 73

College professor 74 78

Airline pilot 73 66

Architect 73 72

Biologist 73 69

Dentist 72 70

Civil engineer 69 70

Clergy 69 60

Psychologist 69 66

Pharmacist 68 64

High school teacher 66 64

Registered nurse 66 54

Professional athlete 65 48

Electrical engineer 64 65

Author 63 62

Banker 63 67

Veterinarian 62 61

Police officer 61 40

Sociologist 61 67

Journalist 60 55

Classical musician 59 56

Actor or actress 58 52

Chiropractor 57 62

Athletic coach 53 50

Social worker 52 56

Electrician 51 44

Undertaker 49 34

Jazz musician 48 38

Real estate agent 48 49

Mail carrier 47 33

Secretary 46 53

Plumber 45 34

Carpenter 43 37

Farmer 40 47

Barber 36 30

Store sales clerk 36 34

Truck driver 30 33

Cab driver 28 28

Garbage collector 28 13

Waiter or waitress 28 23

Bartender 25 23

Lives on public aid 25 16

Bill collector 24 27

Factory worker 24 29

Janitor 22 21

Shoe shiner 17 12

Street sweeper 11 13

236 Chapter 8

queens required that subjects walk backward as they left the room—so that they would not “turn their back” on the “royal presence.”

Concern with displaying prestige has not let up. Military manuals specify who must salute whom. The U.S. president enters a room only after everyone else attending the function is present (to show that the president isn’t waiting for others). Everyone must also be standing when the president enters. In the courtroom, bailiffs, some with a gun at the hip, make certain that everyone stands when the judge enters.

Status symbols vary with social class. People who are striving to be upwardly mobile flaunt labels on their clothing or carry shopping bags from prestigious stores to show that they have “arrived.” The wealthy regard the status symbols of the “common” classes as cheap and tawdry. They, too, flaunt status symbols, but theirs are things like $100,000 Rolex watches and $50,000 diamond earrings. Like the other classes, the wealthy also try to outdo one another. They casually mention the length of their yacht or that a heli- copter flew them to their golf game (Fabrikant 2005). Or they offhandedly bring up the $40,000-a-night penthouse suite at the Four Seasons in New York City, asking, “Have you tried it yet? It’s ‘rather nice’” (Clemence 2013). Some hold their child’s birthday at places that charge $3,000, while others outdo them by buying their child an alligator backpack sold by Ashley and Mary-Kate Olsen: just $39,000 (R. Smith 2014; Mose 2016). Then there is Shane Smith who treated a few guests to a $300,000 dinner that included $40,000 bot- tles of French Burgundy (Hagey 2016).

How about yourself? Nothing like this, I know, but how do you try to display prestige? Think about your clothing. How much more are you willing to pay for cloth- ing that bears some hot “designer” label? Purses, shoes, jeans, and shirts—many of us pay more if they have some little symbol than if they don’t. As we wear them proudly, aren’t we actually proclaiming, “See, I had the money (and the in-vogue taste, of course) to buy this particular item!”? For many, prestige is a primary factor in decid- ing which college to attend. Everyone knows how the prestige of a generic sheepskin from Regional State College compares with a degree from Harvard, Princeton, Yale, or Stanford.

Status Inconsistency Ordinarily, we have a similar rank on all three dimensions of social class—property, power, and prestige. The homeless men in the opening vignette are an example of these three dimensions lined up. Such people are status consistent. Some people, however, have a mixture of high and low ranks. This condition, called status inconsistency, leads to some interesting situations.

In classic research, sociologist Gerhard Lenski (1954, 1966) analyzed how people try to maximize their status, their position in a social group. Individuals who rank high on one dimension of social class but lower on others want people to judge them on the basis of their highest status. Others, however, are also trying to maximize their own status, so they may respond according to these people’s lowest rankings.

Another classic study of status inconsistency was done by sociologist Ray Gold (1952). After apartment-house janitors unionized in Chicago, they made more money than some of the tenants whose garbage they carried out. Residents became upset when they saw janitors driving more expensive cars than they did. Some attempted to “put the janitor in his place” by making “snotty” remarks to him. For their part, the janitors took delight in finding “dirty” secrets about the tenants in their garbage.

People who are status inconsistent, then, are likely to claim the higher status but be handed the lower one. This is so frustrating that the resulting tension can affect people’s health. Researchers who studied the health of thousands of Europeans over a decade found that men who were status inconsistent were twice as likely to have heart attacks as men who were status consistent. For reasons that no one knows, status inconsistent women do not have a higher risk of heath attacks (Braig et al. 2011).

status consistency ranking high or low on all three dimensions of social class

status inconsistency ranking high on some dimen- sions of social class and low on others; also called status discrepancy

status the position that someone occu- pies in a social group (also called social status)

prestige respect or regard

Social Class in the United States 237

How do you set yourself apart in a country so rich that of its 4.6 million people 79,000 are millionaires? Saeed Khouri (on the right), at an auction in Abu Dhabi, paid $14 million for the license plate “1.” His cousin was not as fortunate. His $9 million was enough to buy only “5.”

There are other consequences as well. Lenski (1954) found that people who are status inconsistent tend to be more politically radical. An example is college professors. Their prestige is very high, as you saw in Table 8.2, but their incomes are relatively low. Hardly anyone in U.S. society is more educated, and yet college professors don’t even come close to the top of the income pyramid. In line with Lenski ’s pre- diction, the politics of most college professors are left of center. This hypothesis may also hold true among academic departments; that is, the higher a department’s average pay, the more conservative are the members’ politics. Teach- ers in departments of business and medicine, for example, are among the most highly paid in the university—and they also are the most polit- ically conservative.

Instant wealth, the topic of the following Down-to-Earth Sociology, provides an interesting type of status inconsistency.

Down-to-Earth Sociology The Big Win: Life after the Lottery

“If I just win the lottery, life will be good. These prob- lems I’ve got, they’ll be gone. I can just see myself now.”

So goes the dream. And many people shell out megabucks every week, with the glimmering hope that “Maybe this week, I’ll hit it big.” Most are lucky to get $20 or maybe just another scratch-off ticket.

But some do hit it big. What happens to these winners? Are their lives all wine, roses, and chocolate afterward?

We don’t have any systematic studies of the big winners, so I can’t tell you what life is like for the average winner. But several themes are apparent from reporters’ interviews.

The most common consequence of hitting it big is that life becomes topsy-turvy (Susman 2012; Evans 2013). All of us are rooted somewhere. We have connections with others that provide the basis for our orientations to life and how we feel about the world. Sudden wealth can rip these moorings apart, and the resulting status inconsistency can lead to a condition sociologists call anomie (an`-uh-me).

First comes the shock. As Mary Sanderson, a telephone operator in Dover, New Hampshire, who won $66 million, said, “I was afraid to believe it was real and afraid to believe it wasn’t.” Mary says that she never slept worse than her first night as a multimillionaire. “I spent the whole time crying— and throwing up” (Tresniowski 1999).

Reporters and TV crews appear on your doorstep. “What are you going to do with all that money?” they demand. You haven’t the slightest idea, but in a daze you mumble something.

Then come the calls. Some are welcome. Your Mom and Dad call to congratulate you. But long-forgotten friends and distant relatives suddenly remember how close they are to you—and strangely enough, they all have emergencies that your money can solve. You even get calls from strangers who have ailing mothers, terminally ill kids, sick dogs …

You have to turn off your phone and change your number.

You might be flooded with marriage proposals. You certainly didn’t become more attractive or sexy overnight— or did you? Maybe money makes people sexy.

You can no longer trust people. You don’t know what their real motives are. Before, no one could be after your money because you didn’t have any. You may even fear kidnappers. Before, this wasn’t a problem—unless some kidnapper wanted a seven-year-old car as ransom.

The normal becomes abnormal. Even picking out a wedding gift becomes a problem. If you give the usual juicer, everyone will think you’re stingy. But should you write a check for $25,000? If you do, you’ll be invited to every wedding in town—and everyone will expect the same.

(continued )

238 Chapter 8

Figure 8.4 Marx’s Model of the Social Classes

SOURCE: By the author.

Capitalists (Bourgeoisie, those who own

the means of production)

Workers (Proletariat, those who work for the capitalists)

Inconsequential Others (beggars, etc.)

Jesús Davila, winner of $265 million in the Illinois lottery, who is retired, used to drive cars for a living. How do you think his lottery win will change his life?

Here is what happened to some lottery winners:

Mack Metcalf, a forklift operator in Corbin, Kentucky, hit the jackpot for $34 million. To fulfill a dream, he built and moved into a replica of George Washington’s Mount Vernon home. Then his life fell apart—his former wife sued him, his current wife divorced him, and his new girlfriend got $500,000 while he was drunk. Within three years of his “good” fortune, Metcalf had drunk himself to death. (Dao 2005).

When Abraham Shake- speare, a dead-broke truck driver’s assistant, won $31 million in the Florida lottery, he bought a million-dollar home in a gated community. He lent money to friends to start businesses, even paid for funerals (McShane 2010). This evidently wasn’t enough. His body was found buried in the yard of a “friend,” who was convicted of his murder. (Allen 2012).

Callie Rogers was just 16 years old when she won $3 million in the lottery. She proudly declared that she

wouldn’t change, that she’d drive a regular car, and so on. Then came the drugs ($380,000 on cocaine), the booze, the two boob jobs, and the four suicide attempts. Now broke, a mother, and married to a firefighter, she says, “I’m the happiest I’ve ever been in my life.” (Evans 2013).

Winners who avoid anomie seem to be people who don’t make sudden changes in their lifestyle or their behavior. They hold onto their old friends and routines—the anchors in life that give them identity and a sense of belonging. Some even keep their old jobs—not for the money, of course, but because the job anchors them to an identity with which they are familiar and comfortable.

Sudden wealth, in other words, poses a threat that has to be guarded against.

And I can just hear you say, “I’ll take the risk!”

For Your Consideration → How do you think your life would change if you won a

lottery jackpot of $10 million?

Sociological Models of Social Class 8.2 Contrast Marx’s and Weber’s models of social class.

The question of how many social classes there are is a matter of debate. Sociologists have proposed several models, but no single one has gained universal support. There are two main models: One builds on Karl Marx, the other on Max Weber.

Updating Marx As Figure 8.4 illustrates, Marx argued that there are just two classes—capitalists and workers—with membership based solely on a person’s relationship to the means of pro- duction. Sociologists have criticized this view, saying that these categories are too broad. For example, because executives, managers, and supervisors don’t own the means of production, they would be classified as workers. But what do these people have in com- mon with assembly-line workers? The category of “capitalist” is also too broad. Some people, for example, employ a thousand workers, and their decisions directly affect a thousand families. Others, in contrast, have very small businesses.

Consider a man I know in Godfrey, Illinois, who used to fix cars in his backyard. As Frank gained a following, he quit his regular job, and, in a few years, he put up a building with five bays and an office. Frank is now a capitalist: He employs five or six mechanics and owns the tools and the building (the “means of production”).

But what does this man have in common with a factory owner who controls the lives of one thousand workers? Not only is Frank’s work different, so are his lifestyle and the way he looks at the world.

To resolve this problem, sociologist Erik Wright (1985) suggests that some peo- ple are members of more than one class at the same time. They occupy what he calls

anomie Durkheim’s term for a condi- tion of society in which people become detached from the usual norms that guide their behavior

Social Class in the United States 239

contradictory class locations. By this, Wright means that a person’s position in the class structure can generate contradictory interests. For example, the automobile- mechanic-turned-business-owner may want his mechanics to have higher wages because he, too, has experienced their working conditions. At the same time, his cur- rent interests—making profits and remaining competitive with other repair shops— lead him to resist pressures to raise their wages.

Because of such contradictory class locations, Wright modified Marx’s model. As sum- marized in Figure 8.5, Wright identifies four classes: (1) capitalists, business owners who employ many workers; (2) petty bourgeoisie, small business owners; (3) managers, who sell their own labor but also exercise authority over other employees; and (4) workers, who sim- ply sell their labor to others. As you can see, this model allows finer divisions than the one Marx proposed, yet it maintains the primary distinction between employer and employee.

Problems persist, however. For example, in which category would we place college professors? And as you know, there are huge differences in the power of managers. An executive at Toyota, for example, may manage a thousand workers, while a shift manager at McDonald’s may be responsible for only a handful. They, too, have little in common.

Updating Weber Sociologists Joseph Kahl and Dennis Gilbert (Gilbert and Kahl 1998; Gilbert 2014) devel- oped a six-tier model to portray the class structure of the United States and other capi- talist countries. Think of this model, illustrated in Figure 8.6, as a ladder. Our discussion starts with the highest rung and moves downward. In line with Weber, on each lower rung, you find less property (wealth), less power, and less prestige. Note that in this model, education is also a primary measure of class.

contradictory class locations Erik Wright’s term for a position in the class structure that gener- ates contradictory interests

Figure 8.5 Wright’s Modification of Marx’s Model of the Social Classes

1. Capitalists

2. Petty bourgeoisie

3. Managers

4. Workers

SOURCE: By the author.

Figure 8.6 The U.S. Social Class Ladder

SOURCE: By the author. Based on Gilbert and Kahl 1998 and Gilbert 2014; income estimates are inflation-adjusted and modified from Duff 1995.


Upper Middle

Lower Middle


Working Poor


Social Class Education Income Percentage of


Prestigious university

College or university, often with postgraduate study

High school or college; often apprenticeship

High school

High school or just some high school

Some high school


Investors and heirs, a few top executives

Professionals and upper managers

Semiprofessionals and lower managers, craftspeople, foremen

Factory workers, clerical workers, low-paid retail sales, and craftspeople

Laborers, service workers, low-paid salespeople

Unemployed and part-time, on welfare



About $60,000

About $36,000

About $19,000

Under $12,000







240 Chapter 8

THE CAPITALIST CLASS The twenty richest Americans have more wealth than all the Americans (160 million) in the bottom half of the U.S. population (Collins and Hoxie 2015). One U.S. family, the Waltons of Wal-Mart Stores fame, has more money than the entire bottom 40 percent of all Americans, more than 125 million of their fellow citizens (Magdoff and Belamy 2014).

These two facts tell you more about the concentration of wealth in the United States than almost anything else I could say. But let’s try anyway: The sliver at the top of the capitalist class, a tiny one-tenth of 1 percent of the U.S. population, is worth more than the entire bottom 90 percent of the country (Saez and Zuchman 2016).

Power and influence cling to this small elite on the top rung of the class ladder. With their vast wealth, its members have access to top politicians, and their decisions open or close job opportunities for millions of people. They even help to shape the consciousness of the nation: They own our major media and entertainment outlets— newspapers, magazines, radio and television stations, and sports franchises. They also control the boards of directors of our most influential colleges and universities. The super-rich perpetuate themselves in privilege by passing on their assets and social net- works to their children.

The capitalist class can be divided into “old” and “new” money. The longer that wealth has been in a family, the more it adds to the family’s prestige. The children of “old” money seldom mingle with “common” folk. Instead, they attend exclusive private schools where they learn views of life that support their privileged position. They don’t work for wages; instead, many study business or become lawyers so that they can manage the family fortune. These old- money capitalists (also called “blue bloods”) wield vast power as they use their extensive polit- ical connections to protect their economic empires (Domhoff 1990a, 2006, 2014; Lofgren 2016).

At the lower end of the capitalist class are the nouveau riche, those who have “new money.” Although they have made fortunes in business, the stock market, inventions, entertainment, or sports, they are outsiders to the upper class (Peretz 2013). They have not attended the “right” schools, and they don’t share the social networks that come with old money. Not blue bloods, they aren’t trusted to have the “right way” of thinking. Even their “taste” in clothing and status symbols is suspect (Fabrikant 2005). Donald Trump, whose money is “new,” is not listed in the Social Register, the “White Pages” of the blue bloods that lists the most prestigious and wealthy one-tenth of 1 percent of the U.S. population. Trump said he “doesn’t care,” but he revealed his true feelings by adding that his heirs will be in it (Kaufman 1996). He is probably right, since the children of new money can ascend into the top part of the capitalist class—if they go to the right schools and marry old money.

Many in the capitalist class are philanthropic. They establish foundations and give huge sums to “causes.” Their motives vary. Some feel guilty because they have so much while others have so little. Others seek prestige, acclaim, or fame. Still others feel a responsibility—even a sense of fate or destiny—to use their money for doing good. Bill Gates, who has given more money to the poor and to medical research than anyone else in history, seems to fall into this latter category.

THE UPPER-MIDDLE CLASS Of all the classes, the upper-middle class is the one most shaped by education. Almost all members of this class have at least a bachelor ’s degree, and many have postgraduate degrees in business, management, law, or medicine. These people manage the corporations owned by the capitalist class, operate their own busi- nesses, or pursue professional careers. As Gilbert and Kahl (1998) say,

[These positions] may not grant prestige equivalent to a title of nobility in the Germany of Max Weber, but they certainly represent the sign of having “made it” in contemporary America …. Their income is sufficient to purchase houses and cars and travel that become public symbols for all to see and for advertisers to portray with words and pictures that connote success, glamour, and high style.

Consequently, parents and teachers push children to prepare for upper-middle-class jobs. Around 15 percent of the population belong to this class.

The wealthiest person on the planet: Bill Gates, the cofounder of Microsoft, is worth $86 billion. He has also given away $30 billion, more than anyone in history.

Social Class in the United States 241

THE LOWER-MIDDLE CLASS About 34 percent of the U.S. population are in the lower-middle class. Their jobs require that they follow orders given by members of the upper-middle class. With their technical and lower-level management positions, they can afford a mainstream lifestyle, although they struggle to maintain it. Many anticipate being able to move up the social class ladder. Feelings of insecurity are common, how- ever, with the threat of inflation, recession, and job insecurity bringing a nagging sense that they might fall down the class ladder.

The distinctions between the lower-middle class and the working class on the next rung below are more blurred than those between other classes. In general, however, members of the lower-middle class work at jobs that have slightly more prestige, and their incomes are generally higher.

THE WORKING CLASS About 30 percent of the U.S. population belong to this class of relatively unskilled blue-collar and white-collar workers. Compared with the lower- middle class, they have less education and lower incomes. Their jobs are also less secure, more routine, and more closely supervised. One of their greatest fears is that of being laid off during a recession. With only a high school diploma or a fleeting attempt at college, the average member of the working class has little hope of climbing up the class ladder. Job changes usually bring “more of the same,” so most concentrate on getting ahead by achieving seniority on the job rather than by changing their type of work. They tend to think of themselves as having “real jobs” and regard the “suits” above them as paper pushers who have no practical experience and don’t do “real work” (Morris and Grimes 2005).

THE WORKING POOR Members of this class, about 15 percent of the population, work at unskilled, low-paying, temporary and seasonal jobs, such as sharecropping, migrant farm work, housecleaning, and day labor. Most are high school dropouts. Many are functionally illiterate, finding it difficult to read even the want ads. Believing that their situation won’t change no matter what party is elected to office, they are less likely than other groups to vote (U.S. Census Bureau 2016b).

Although they work full time, millions of the working poor depend on food stamps (cards from the Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program) and local food banks to survive on their meager incomes (Bello 2011; Carlson et al. 2016). It is easy to see how you can work full time and still be poor. Suppose that you are married and have a baby 3 months old and another child 3 years old. Your spouse stays home to care for them, so earning the income is up to you. But as a high-school dropout, all

Sociologists use income, education, and occupational prestige to measure social class. For most people, this works well, but not for everyone, especially entertainers. To what social class do these celebrities belong? Here is their net worth: Leonardo DiCaprio $245 million, Taylor Swift $380 million, Dwayne Johnson $65 million, and Selena Gomez $54 million.

242 Chapter 8

you can get is a minimum wage job. At $7.25 an hour, you earn $290 for 40 hours. In a year, this comes to $15,080—before deduc- tions. Your nagging fear—and recurring nightmare—is of ending up “on the streets.”

THE UNDERCLASS On the lowest rung, and with next to no chance of climbing anywhere, is the underclass. Concentrated in the inner city, this group has little or no connection with the job market. Those who are employed—and some are—do menial, low-paying, tempo- rary work. Welfare, if it is available, along with food stamps and food pantries, is their main support. Most members of other classes con- sider these people the “ne’er-do-wells” of society. Life is the toughest in this class, and it is filled with despair. About 5 percent of the popu- lation fall into this class.

The homeless men described in the opening vignette of this chapter, and the women and children like them, are part of the underclass. These are the people whom most Americans wish would just go away. Their presence on our city streets bothers pass- ersby from the more privileged social classes—which includes just about everyone. “What are those obnoxious, dirty, foul- smelling people doing here, cluttering up my city?” appears to be a com- mon response. Some people react with sympathy and a desire to do something. But what? Almost all of us just shrug our shoul- ders and look the other way, despairing of a solution and some- what intimidated, perhaps irritated, by their presence. If only they would disappear.

The homeless are the “fallout” of our postindustrial economy. In another era, they would have had plenty of work. They would have tended horses, worked on farms, dug ditches, shoveled coal, and run the factory looms. Some would have explored and settled the West. The prospect of gold would have lured others to California, Alaska, and Australia. Today, however, with no frontiers to settle, factory jobs scarce, and farms that are becoming technological marvels, we have little need for their unskilled labor.

Consequences of Social Class 8.3 Summarize the consequences of social class for physical and mental health,

family life, education, religion, politics, and the criminal justice system.

The man was a C student in school. As a businessman, he ran an oil company (Arbusto) into the ground. A self-confessed alcoholic until age 40, he was arrested for drunk driving. With this background, how did he become president of the United States?

Accompanying these personal factors was the power of social class. George W. Bush was born the grandson of a wealthy senator and the son of a businessman who, after serving as a member of the House of Representatives and director of the CIA, was elected president of the United States. For high school, he went to an elite private prep school, Andover; for his bachelor’s degree to Yale; and for his MBA to Harvard. He was given $1 million to start his own business. When that business (Arbusto) failed, Bush fell softly, landing on the boards of several corporations. Taken care of even further, he was made the managing director of the Texas Rangers baseball team and allowed to buy a share of the team for $600,000, which he sold for $15 million.

When it was time for him to get into politics, Bush’s connections financed his run for governor of Texas and then for the presidency.

underclass a group of people for whom pov- erty persists year after year and across generations

A primary sociological principle is that people’s views are shaped by their social location. Many people from the middle and upper classes cannot understand how anyone can work and still be poor.

Social Class in the United States 243

Does social class matter? And how! Think of each social class as a broad subculture with distinct approaches to life, so significant that it affects your health, family life, education, religion, politics, and even your experiences with crime and the criminal justice system. Let’s look at some of the ways that social class affects our lives.

Physical Health If you want to get a sense of how social class affects health, take a ride on Washington’s Metro system. Start in the blighted Southeast section of downtown D.C. For every mile you travel to where the wealthy live in Montgom- ery County in Maryland, life expectancy rises about a year and a half. By the time you get off, you will find a twenty-year gap in life ex- pectancy between the poor blacks where you started your trip and the rich whites where you ended it. (Cohen 2004)

As you can see this from Figure 8.7, the principle is simple: As you go up the social- class ladder, health improves. As you go down the ladder, health worsens (Annan- dale 2016; Cooper and Campbell 2017). Age makes no difference. Infants born to the poor are more likely to die before their first birthday, and a larger percentage of poor people in their old age—whether 75 or 95—die each year than do the elderly who are wealthy.

How can social class have such dramatic effects? Although there are many reasons, here are three. First, social class opens and closes doors to medical care. People with good incomes o r w i t h g o o d m e d i c a l i n s u r a n c e a re a b l e t o choose their doctors and pay for whatever treat- ment and medications are prescribed. The poor, in contrast, don’t have the money or insurance to afford this type of medical care. How much difference the new health reform will make is yet to be seen.

A second reason is lifestyle, which is shaped by social class. People in the lower classes are more likely to smoke, eat a lot of fats, be overweight, abuse drugs and alcohol, get little exercise, and practice unsafe sex (Woolf et al. 2015). This, to understate the matter, does not improve people’s health.

There is a third reason, too. Life is hard on the poor. The persistent stresses they face weaken their immune systems, causing their bodies to wear out faster (John-Henderson et al. 2013; Magdoff and Foster 2014). For the rich, life is so much better. They have fewer problems and vastly more resources to deal with the ones they have. This gives them a sense of control over their lives, a source of both phys- ical and mental health.

Figure 8.7 Physical Health, by Income: People Who Have Difficulty with Everyday Physical Activities

NOTE: In a national health survey, these people said they had difficulty walking, climbing steps, stooping, reaching overhead, grasping small objects, and carrying over 10 pounds.

SOURCE: By the author. Based on Schiller et al. 2012:Table 19.

Less than $35,000

$35,000 to $50,000

$50,000 to $75,000

$75,000 to $100,000

Over $100,000


0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25%





With tough economic times, a lot of people have lost their jobs—and their homes. If this happens, how can you survive? Maybe a smile and a sense of humor to tap the kindness of strangers. I took this photo outside Boston’s Fenway Park.

244 Chapter 8

Mental Health Back in the 1930s, sociologists found that the mental health of the lower classes was worse than that of the higher classes (Faris and Dunham 1939). From Figure 8.8, you can see that people with less income continue to have more problems of mental health. The symptoms in Figure 8.8 are indicators of depression.

Why is mental health worse in the lower social classes? The basic reason is the greater stress and sense of failure that comes with less income. Compared with middle- and upper-class Americans, the poor have less job security and lower wages. They are more likely to divorce, to be the victims of crime, and to have more physical illnesses. Couple these conditions with bill col- lectors and the threat of eviction and you can see how they deal severe blows to people’s emotional well-being.

Family Life Social class also makes a significant difference in our choice of spouse, our chances of getting divorced, and how we rear our children.

CHOICE OF HUSBAND OR WIFE Members of the capitalist class place strong emphasis on family tradi- tion. They stress the family’s history, even a sense of pur-

pose or destiny in life (Baltzell 1979; Aldrich 1989). Children of this class learn that their choice of husband or wife affects not just them but the entire family, that it will have an impact on the “family line.” These background expectations shrink the field of “eligible” marriage partners, making it narrower than it is for the children of any other social class. As a result, parents in this class play a strong role in their children’s mate selection.

DIVORCE The more difficult life of the lower social classes, especially the many tensions that come from insecure jobs and inadequate incomes, leads to higher marital friction and a greater likelihood of divorce. Consequently, children of the poor are more likely to grow up in broken homes.

CHILD REARING Lower-class parents focus more on getting their children to follow rules and obey authority, while middle-class parents focus more on developing their children’s creative and leadership skills (Lareau 2011). Sociologists have traced this dif-

ference to the parents’ occupations (Kohn 1977; Stephens et al. 2014). Lower-class parents are closely supervised at work, and they antici- pate that their children will have similar jobs. Consequently, they try to teach their children to defer to authority. Middle-class parents, in contrast, enjoy greater independence at work. Anticipating similar jobs for their children, they encourage them to be more creative. Out of these contrasting orientations arise different ways of disciplining chil- dren: Lower-class parents are more likely to use physical punishment, while the middle classes rely more on verbal persuasion.

Education In Figure 8.6, you saw how education increases as one goes up the social class ladder. It is not just the amount of education that changes but also the type of education. Children of the capitalist class bypass public schools. They attend exclusive private schools

Figure 8.8 Mental Health, by Income: Feelings of Sadness, Hopelessness, or Worthlessness

NOTE: In a national health survey, these people answered “Always” or “Almost always” when they were asked how often they felt sad, hopeless, or worthless.

SOURCE: By the author. Based on Schiller et al. 2012:Table 14.









$35,000 to





$50,000 to





I always or almost always feel sad, hopeless, or worthless

Sad Hopeless Worthless

$75,000 to





Less than $35,000




Over $100,000

0.6% 0.5%


Among the customs of the rich, sometimes called the monied class, is ostentatious philanthropy. Shown here are women at the Frederick Law Olmsted lunch, a charity event in New York City. The women try to outdo one another with hats created for this event.

Social Class in the United States 245

where they are trained to take a commanding role in society. These schools teach upper-class values and prepare their students for prestigious universities (Stevens 2009; Khan 2011).

Keenly aware that private schools can be a key to upward social mobility, some upper-middle-class parents do their best to get their children into the prestigious pre- schools that feed into these exclusive prep schools. So popular are these schools that even those that charge $37,000 a year have waiting lists (Anderson 2011). Figuring that waiting until birth to enroll a child is too late, some parents-to-be enroll their child as soon as the wife knows she is pregnant (Ensign 2012). Other parents hire tutors to train their 4-year- olds in test- taking skills so they can get into public kindergartens for gifted students. Experts teach these preschoolers to look adults in the eye while they are being inter- viewed for these limited positions (Banjo 2010). You can see how such parental involve- ment and resources make it more likely that children from the more privileged classes go to college—and graduate.

Religion One area of social life that we might think would not be affected by social class is reli- gion. (“People are just religious, or they are not. What does social class have to do with it?”) As we shall see in Chapter 13, however, the classes tend to cluster in different denominations. Episcopalians, for example, are more likely to attract the middle and upper classes, while Baptists draw heavily from the lower classes. Patterns of worship also follow class lines: The lower classes are attracted to more expressive worship ser- vices and louder music, while the middle and upper classes prefer more “subdued” worship.

Politics As I have stressed throughout this text, people perceive events from their own corner in life. Political views are no exception to this symbolic interactionist principle, and the rich and the poor walk different political paths. The higher that people are on the social class ladder, the more likely they are to vote for Republicans (Gelman 2014). In contrast, most members of the working class believe that the government should intervene in the economy to provide jobs and to make citizens financially secure.

The disparities of social class in the United States are extreme. If you take the back roads in rural America, you will see thousands of trailers like this one in Davenport, Florida. In contrast is this swimming pool, part of a home of luxury in Sammamish, Washington.

246 Chapter 8

They are more likely to vote for Democrats. Although the working class is more liberal on economic issues (policies that increase government spending), it is more conservative on social issues, such as opposing abortion (Houtman 1995; Seib and O’Connor 2016). People toward the bottom of the class structure are also less likely to be politically active—to campaign for candidates or even to vote (Gilbert 2014; U.S. Census Bureau 2016a).

Crime and Criminal Justice If justice is supposed to be blind, it certainly is not when it comes to our chances of being arrested (Henslin 2018). In Chapter 6, we discussed how the social classes com- mit different types of crime. The white-collar crimes of the more privileged classes are more likely to be dealt with outside the criminal justice system, while the police and courts deal with the street crimes of the lower classes. One consequence of this class standard is that members of the lower classes are more likely to be in prison, on proba- tion, or on parole. In addition, since those who commit street crimes tend to do so in or near their own neighborhoods, the lower classes are more likely to be robbed, burglar- ized, raped, or murdered.

Social Mobility 8.4 Contrast the three types of social mobility, review gender issues in research

on social mobility, and explain why social mobility brings pain.

No aspect of life, then—from work and family life to politics—goes untouched by social class. Because life is so much more satisfying in the more privileged classes, people strive to climb the social class ladder. What affects their chances?

Three Types of Social Mobility Janice’s mom, a single mother, sold used cars at a Toyota dealership. Janice worked summers and part-time during the school year, earned her BA, and then her MBA. After graduate school, she worked at IBM, but she missed her home town. When her mom’s boss retired, Janice grabbed the chance to put a down payment on the Toyota dealer- ship. She has since paid the business off and has opened another at a second location.

When grown-up children like Janice end up on a different rung of the social class lad- der from the one occupied by their parents, it is called intergenerational mobility. You can go up or down, of course. Janice experienced upward social mobility. If her mother had owned the dealership and Janice had dropped out of college and ended up selling cars, she would have experienced downward social mobility.

We like to think that individual efforts are the reason people move up the class ladder—and their faults the reason they move down. In this example, we can identify intelligence, hard work, and ambition. Although individual factors, such as these, do underlie social mobility, we must place Janice in the context of structural mobility. This second basic type of mobility refers to changes in society that allow large numbers of people to move up or down the class ladder.

Janice grew up during a boom time of easy credit and business expansion. Oppor- tunities were abundant, and colleges were looking for women from working-class backgrounds. It is far different for people who grow up during an economic bust when opportunities are shrinking. As sociologists point out, in analyzing social mobility, we must always look at structural mobility, how changes in society (its structure) make opportunities plentiful or scarce.

intergenerational mobility the change that family members make in social class from one generation to the next

upward social mobility movement up the social class ladder

downward social mobility movement down the social class ladder

structural mobility movement up or down the social class ladder that is due more to changes in the structure of society than to the actions of individuals

Social Class in the United States 247

The third type of social mobility is exchange mobility. This occurs when large num- bers of people move up and down the social class ladder, but, on balance, the proportions of the social classes remain about the same. Suppose that a million or so working-class people are trained in some new technology, and they move up the class ladder. Sup- pose also that because of a surge in imports, about a million skilled workers have to take lower- status jobs. Although millions of people change their social class, there is, in effect, an exchange among them. The net result more or less balances out, and the class system remains basically untouched.

How much social mobility is there? If you are aiming for success, trying to raise your social class, you should find the following Applying Sociology to Your Life to be quite encouraging.

exchange mobility a large number of people mov- ing up the social class ladder, while a large number move down; it is as though they have exchanged places, and despite much social mobility the social class system shows little change

The term structural mobility refers to changes in society that push large numbers of people either up or down the social class ladder. A remarkable example was the stock market crash of 1929 when thousands of people suddenly lost their wealth. People who once “had it made” found themselves standing on street corners selling apples or, as depicted here, selling their possessions at fire-sale prices. The crash of 2008 brought similar problems to untold numbers of people.

Applying Sociology to Your Life “The American Dream”: Social Mobility Today What is “The American Dream”? For most people, this term means achieving a better life. The sociological definition of the American Dream is similar, but it is more specific: It refers to children being able to pass their parents as they climb the social class ladder. So how much upward mobility is there?

Vast Changes Contrary to the many dismal reports of social life today, the American Dream remains vibrant. Let’s look at national research that compares today’s adult

children with their parents. From Figure 8.9, you can see that whether children start life at the top of the nation’s income or at the bottom, about the same percentage move from their starting point. Of those who start life at the bottom, 43 per- cent are still there when they grow up, but most, 57 percent, have moved up. Four percent even make it to the top fifth of the nation’s income. Now look at those who start life at the top. When they grow up, 40 percent are still there, but most, 60 percent, have dropped down. Eight percent have dropped all the way to the bottom (Lopoo and DeLeire 2012).

(continued )

248 Chapter 8

Figure 8.9 Income of Adult Children Compared with that of their Parents

SOURCE: Pursuing the American Dream: Economic Mobility Across Generations, p. 6. © July, 2013 the Pew Charitable Trusts.



14% 9% 8%
















4% 14% 19% 24% 40%

Chances of moving up or down the family income ladder, by parents’ income

P e rc

e n t

o f

ad u lt

c h ild

re n i n e

ac h f

am ily

i n co

m e q

u in

ti le

Percent of adult children whose income is in the:

Richest fifth

Next to the richest fifth

Middle fifth

Next to the poorest fifth

Poorest fifth

Poorest fifth

Next to the poorest fifth

Middle fifth

Next to the richest fifth

Richest fifth

When the children were growing up, their parents’ family income












Incomes If we look at incomes, even though the income was not enough to move the adult child into a different quin- tile, we find something impressive: 84 percent of today’s adults have family incomes higher than their parents had at the same age. (The incomes of the parents and their adult child were adjusted for inflation, so the dollars have the same value.) One of the surprises is that the children most likely to surpass their parents were reared at the bottom of the nation’s income ladder. Of the adult children who started life there, 93 percent have incomes higher than their parents did at the same age.

With incomes stagnating today, many fear that the “American Dream” has been shattered. Although poverty has increased, the Great Recession did not crush the dream, just deflated it (Chetty et al. 2014).

What Do These Findings Mean? People have a lot of things they want to prove, and they like to use statistics to make their point. These data allow you to go either way. You can stress that 43 percent of the very poorest kids never get out of the bottom—or you can point to the 57 percent who do. It is the same with the richest kids: You can stress the 40 percent who stay at the top of the nation’s income or the 60 percent who drop down. No matter what your opinion, any way you look at it this is a lot of social mobility.

You could get lost in the details, but don’t lose sight of the broader principle: Children of high-income parents enjoy benefits that tend to keep them afloat, while children of low- income parents confront obstacles that tend to weigh them down. Yet, as you can see, the benefits don’t keep most of the children up, nor do the obstacles keep most of the children down.

For Your Consideration → How can you apply these findings to yourself?

→ In ten years, do you think your social class will be higher, lower, or the same as that of your parents? Why?

→ If you are in a higher class, what can you do to help make sure that you stay there—or even rise higher? If you are in a lower class, what can you do to help make sure that you achieve a higher class?

Women in Studies of Social Mobility About half of sons pass their fathers on the social class ladder, about one-third stay at  the same level, and about one-sixth fall down the ladder. (Blau and Duncan 1967; Featherman 1979)

“Only sons!” protested feminists in response to these classic studies on social mobility. “Do you think it is good science to ignore daughters? And why do you assign women the class of their husbands? Do you think that wives have no social class position of their own?” (Davis and Robinson 1988; Western et al. 2012). The male sociologists brushed off these objections, replying that there were too few women in the labor force to make a difference.

The main avenue to upward social mobility is education.

Social Class in the United States 249

Obviously, the times have changed. Almost half of U.S. workers are now women, and sociologists include women in their research. However, sociologists sometimes still single out sons in their research (Lopoo and DeLeire 2012).

In recent decades, millions of white-collar jobs and the professions have opened up to women. Even with this vast structural change, there is a gender gap in social mobility: As adults, women are less likely than men to live in families with higher income than the one in which they grew up (Reeves and Venator 2013). Researchers have also found that behind upwardly mobile women are parents who encouraged their daughters to postpone marriage and get an education (Higginbotham and Weber 1992). For upwardly mobile African American women, strong mothers are especially significant (Robinson and Nelson 2010).

With research on the social class of women in its infancy, the social mobility of women is going to be a fruitful area of research in coming years.

The Pain of Social Mobility: Two Distinct Worlds When you go from working-class to professional-class, almost everything about your old life becomes unfashionable at best or unhealthy at worst.

J. D. Vance 2016

You know it would be painful if you were knocked down the social class ladder. But are you aware that it also hurts to climb this ladder?

In the preceding quote, you can see that there is a starting point and a destination. The culture of the starting point does not match the culture of the destination. The old must be shed, to be replaced by new norms, a most uncomfortable process.

Individuals who make this transition find themselves caught between two worlds—their old working-class origin and their new middle-class life. Sociologist Steph Lawler (1999) studied British women who had moved from the working class to the middle class Their moth- ers, still in the working class, didn’t like their daughters’ “uppity” new ways. They felt that their daughters thought they were better than they were. Tensions ran high, as the mothers criticized their daughters’ pref- erences in furniture and food, their speech, even the way they reared their children. As you can expect, this didn’t help the mother–daughter relationship.

When sociologists Richard Sennett and Jonathan Cobb (1972/1988) studied working-class parents in Boston, they found something simi- lar. So their children could go to college, the fathers had worked two jobs and even postponed medical care. They expected their children to appreciate their sacrifice. But again, the result was two distinct worlds. The children’s educated world was so unlike that of their par- ents that it became awkward for parents and children to even talk to one another. The parents felt betrayed and bitter: Their sacrifices had ripped their children from them.

Torn from their roots, some of those who make the jump from the working to the middle class never become comfortable with their new social class (Vance 2016). The following Cultural Diversity in the United States discusses other costs that come with the climb up the social class ladder.

Both downward and upward social mobility bring challenges that require life adjustments. An extreme instance is the case of Sly Stone, the front man of the 1970s funk band, Sly and the Family Stone. His saga includes going from wealth of millions to living in a van.

250 Chapter 8

Cultural Diversity in the United States Social Class and the Upward Social Mobility of African Americans The overview of social class presented in this chapter doesn’t apply equally to all the groups that make up U.S. society. Consider geography: What constitutes the upper class of a town of 5,000 people will differ from that of a city of a million. In small towns, which have fewer extremes of wealth and occupation, family background and local reputa- tion are more significant.

So it is with racial–ethnic groups. All racial–ethnic groups are marked by social class, but what constitutes a particular social class can differ from one group to another—as well as from one historical period to another. Consider social class among African Americans (Landry and Marsh 2011).

The earliest class divisions can be traced to slavery— to slaves who worked in the fields and those who worked in the “big house.” Those who worked in the plantation home were exposed more to the customs, manners, and forms of speech of wealthy whites. Their more privileged position—which brought with it better food and clothing, as well as lighter work— was often based on skin color. Mulattos, lighter-skinned slaves, were often chosen for this more desirable work. One result was the development of a “mulatto elite,” a segment of the slave population that, proud of its distinctiveness, distanced itself from other slaves. At this time, there also were free blacks. Not only were they able to own property but some even owned black slaves.

After the War between the States (as the Civil War is known in the South), these two groups, the mulatto elite and the free blacks, formed an upper class that distanced itself from other blacks. By the 1870s, just ten or fifteen years after this war, some African Americans had become millionaires (Graham 1999). After World War II, the black middle class expanded as African Americans entered a wider range of occupations. Today, more than half of all African American adults work at white-collar jobs, about 29 percent at the professional or managerial level (Beeghley 2008; U.S. Census Bureau 2014d).

An unwelcome cost greets many African Americans who move up the social class ladder: an uncomfortable distancing from their roots, a separation from significant others—parents, siblings, and childhood

friends (Lacy 2007; Khare et al. 2014). The upwardly mobile enter a world unknown to those left behind, one that demands not only different appearance and speech, but also different values, aspirations, and ways of viewing

the world. These are severe challenges to the self and often rupture relationships with those left behind.

An additional cost is a subtle racism that lurks beneath the surface of some work settings, poisoning what could be easy, mutually respectful interaction. To be aware that white co-workers perceive you as different—as a stranger, an intruder, or “the other”—engenders frustration, dissatisfaction, and cynicism (Carbado and Gulati 2014). To cope, many nourish their racial identity and stress the “high value of black culture and being black” (Lacy and Harris 2008). Some move to neighborhoods of upper-middle-class African Americans, where they can live among like-minded people who have similar experiences (Wiggins et al. 2011).

For Your Consideration → In the Cultural Diversity box on upward social mobility

in Chapter 3, we discussed how Latinos face a similar situation. Why do you think this is?

→ What connections do you see among upward mobility, frustration, and racial–ethnic identity?

→ How do you think that the costs of upward mobility of whites differ from those of Latinos and African Americans? Why?

Social Class in the United States 251

Poverty 8.5 Explain the problems in drawing the poverty line and how poverty is related

to geography, race–ethnicity, education, feminization, and age.

Many Americans find that the “limitless possibilities” of the American dream are quite elusive. As illustrated in Figure 8.6, the working poor and underclass together form about one-fifth of the U.S. population. This translates into a huge number: more than 60 million people. Who are these people?

Drawing the Poverty Line To determine who is poor, the U.S. government draws a poverty line. This measure was set in the 1960s, when poor people were thought to spend about one-third of their incomes on food. On the basis of this assumption, each year, the government computes a low-cost food budget and multiplies it by 3. Families whose incomes are less than this amount are classi- fied as poor; those whose incomes are higher—even by a dollar—are considered “not poor.”

poverty line the official measure of poverty; calculated to include incomes that are less than three times a low-cost food budget

High rates of rural poverty have been a part of the United States from its origin to the present. This 1937 photo shows a 32-year-old woman who had seven children and no food. She was part of a huge migration of people from the Dust Bowl of Oklahoma in search of a new life in California.

252 Chapter 8

That a change in the poverty line can instantly make millions of people poor—or take away their poverty—would be laughable, if it weren’t so serious. Although this line is arbi- trary, because it is the official measure of poverty, we’ll use it to see who in the United States is poor. Before we do this, though, how do you think that your ideas of the poor match up with sociological findings? You can find out in the following Down-to-Earth Sociology.

Down-to-Earth Sociology What Do You Know about Poverty? A Reality Check Check what you think you know with these answers.

1. Poverty is unusual. False. Over a three-year period, one-third of all Americans experience poverty for at least two months (DeNavas-Walt, et al. 2013).

2. People with less education are more likely to be poor. True. Most definitely. See Figure 8.12.

3. Most poor people are poor because they do not want to work. False. About 40 percent of the poor are under age 18 and another 10 percent are age 65 or older. Most of the rest work at jobs that are seasonal, undependable, or pay poverty wages (O’Hare 1996a, 1996b; U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics 2016a).

4. Most of the poor are trapped in a cycle of poverty. We have to go true and false on this one. Most pover- ty lasts less than a year (DeNavas-Walt et al. 2013), but just over half of those who escape poverty will return to poverty within five years (Ratcliffe and McKernan 2010).

5. The percentage of children who are poor is higher than the percentage of adults who are poor. True. Look at Figure 8.15.

6. Most children who are born in poverty are poor as adults. False. See Figure 8.7.

7. Most African Americans are poor. False. This one was easy. We just reviewed some statistics in the box on upward mobility—plus you have Figure 8.14.

8. Most of the poor are African Americans. False. There are many more poor whites than any other group. Look at Figure 8.10.

9. Most of the poor live in the inner city. False. Most of the poor live in the suburbs (Kneebone 2016).

10. Most of the poor are single mothers and their children. False. About 38 percent of the poor match this stereotype, but 34 percent of the poor live in married-couple families, 22 percent live alone or with

This official measure of poverty is grossly inadequate. Poor people actually spend only about one-fifth of their income on food, so to determine a poverty line, we ought to multi- ply their food budget by 5 instead of 3 (Chandy and Smith 2014). Another problem is that mothers who work outside the home and have to pay for child care are treated the same as mothers who don’t have this expense. The poverty line is also the same for everyone across the nation, even though the cost of living is much higher in New York than in Alabama. On the other hand, much of the income of the poor is not counted: food stamps, rent assistance, public housing, subsidized child care, and the earned income tax credit (Meyer and Mittag 2015). In the face of these criticisms, the Census Bureau has developed alternative ways to measure poverty. These show higher poverty, but the official measure has not changed.

Social Class in the United States 253

nonrelatives, and 6 percent live in other settings (O’Hare 1996a, 1996b; U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics 2016).

11. Most of the poor live on welfare. False. Most of the incomes of people in poverty come from wages, pensions, and Social Security. Somewhere between 11 percent and 25 percent of their incomes come from welfare (O’Hare 1996a, 1996b; Lang 2012).

12. There is more poverty in urban than in rural areas. False. We’ll review this in the following section.

For Your Consideration → What stereotypes of the poor do you (or people you know)


→ How would you test these stereotypes?

Who Are the Poor? To better understand American society, it is important to understand poverty. Let’s start by exploring a myth.

BREAKING A MYTH A common idea is that most of the poor in the United States are African Americans who crowd the welfare rolls. Look at Figure 8.10. You can see that there are more poor white Americans than poor Americans of any other racial–ethnic group. The reason is that there are so many more white Americans than those of any other racial–ethnic group. With this in mind, let’s turn to the geography of poverty, how the poor are distrib- uted in the county.

THE GEOGRAPHY OF POVERTY From the following Social Map, you can see how poverty varies by region. The striking clustering of poverty in the South has prevailed for more than 150 years.

A second pattern of geography, rural poverty, also goes back a couple of centuries. At 16 percent, rural poverty is higher than the national average of 15 percent. Helping to maintain this higher rate are the lower education of the rural poor and the scarcity of rural jobs. The

Figure 8.10 An Overview of Poverty in the United States

SOURCE: By the author. Based on Statistical Abstract of the United States 2017:Table 35.

Of all the U.S. poor, what percentages are from these groups?

2% Native Americans 4%

Asian Americans




African Americans


White Americans

Figure 8.11 Patterns of Poverty

SOURCE: By the author. Based on Statistical Abstract of the United States 2017:Table 734.

States with the least poverty: 9.2% to 12.5%

States with average poverty: 13.2% to 16.6%

States with the most poverty: 17.2% to 21.5%

Percentage of the population in poverty

VA 11.8

WY 11.2

ND 11.5

NE 12.4

MN 11.5

IA 12.2

WI 13.2

NH 9.2 MA 11.6

CT 10.8 NJ 11.1

DE 12.5

MD 10.1

Highest Poverty

1. Mississippi (21.5%) 2. New Mexico (21.3%) 3. Louisiana (19.8%)

Lowest Poverty

1. New Hampshire (9.2%)

2. Maryland (10.1%)

3. New Jersey (10.8%)

VT 12.2

AK 11.2

HI 11.4

UT 11.7

WA 13.2

NV 15.2

MT 15.4

CO 12.0

SD 14.2

KS 13.6

MO 15.5

IN 15.2

PA 13.6

ME 14.1

RI 14.3

IL 14.4

NY 15.9

OH 15.8

ID 14.8

CA 16.4

FL 16.5

OK 16.6

MI 16.2

OR 16.6

NC 17.2TN 18.3

TX 17.2

WV 18.3

DC 17.7

SC 18.0

AL 19.3

AZ 18.2

GA 18.3

KY 19.1

AR 18.9

LA 19.8

NM 21.3

MS 21.5

States with the least poverty: 9.2% to 12.5%

States with average poverty: 13.2% to 16.6%

States with the most poverty: 17.2% to 21.5%

Percentage of the population in poverty

VA 11.8

WY 11.2

ND 11.5

NE 12.4

MN 11.5

IA 12.2

WI 13.2

NH 9.2 MA 11.6

CT 10.8 NJ 11.1

DE 12.5

MD 10.1

Highest Poverty

1. Mississippi (21.5%) 2. New Mexico (21.3%) 3. Louisiana (19.8%)

Lowest Poverty

1. New Hampshire (9.2%)

2. Maryland (10.1%)

3. Connecticut (10.8%)

VT 12.2

AK 11.2

HI 11.4

UT 11.7

WA 13.2

NV 15.2

MT 15.4

CO 12.0

SD 14.2

KS 13.6

MO 15.5

IN 15.2

PA 13.6

ME 14.1

RI 14.3

IL 14.4

NY 15.9

OH 15.8

ID 14.8

CA 16.4

FL 16.5

OK 16.6

MI 16.2

OR 16.6

NC 17.2TN 18.3

TX 17.2

WV 18.3

DC 17.7

SC 18.0

AL 19.3

AZ 18.2

GA 18.3

KY 19.1

AR 18.9

LA 19.8

NM 21.3

MS 21.5

254 Chapter 8

Poverty comes in many forms. Families who go into debt to buy possessions squeak by month after month until a crisis turns their lives upside down. I took this photo of a family in Georgia, parked alongside a highway selling their possessions to survive our economic downturn.

third aspect of poverty and geography, the suburban- ization of poverty, is new. With the extensive migration from cities to suburbs, more of the nation’s poor now live in the suburbs than in the cities (Kneebone 2016). This major change is not likely to be temporary.

In addition to geography, U.S. poverty follows lines of education, family structure, race–ethnicity, and age. Let’s turn to these major patterns.

EDUCATION You are already aware that educa- tion is a vital aspect of poverty, but you may not know just how powerful it is. Look at Figure 8.12. One of every 4 people who drop out of high school is poor, but only 5 of 100 people who finish col- lege end up in poverty. As you can see, the chances that someone will be poor become less with each higher level of education. Although this principle applies regardless of race–ethnicity, you can also see how race–ethnicity makes an impact at every level of education.

FAMILY STRUCTURE: THE FEMINIZATION OF POVERTY Family structure is one of the best

indicators of whether or not a family is poor. From Figure 8.13, you can see that the families least likely to be poor are headed by both a mother and father, while those the most likely to be poor are headed by only a mother. The reason for this can be summed up in one statistic: Women average only 72 percent of what men earn. (We’ll review this statistic in detail in chapter 10.) With our high rate of divorce combined with the large number of births to single women, mother-headed families have become more common. Sociologists call this association of poverty with women the feminization of poverty.

feminization of poverty a condition of U.S. poverty in which most poor families are headed by women

Figure 8.12 Who Ends Up Poor? Poverty by Education and Race–Ethnicity

SOURCE: By the author. Based on U.S. Census Bureau 2016b:Table POV29.










P e rc

e n ta

g e i n P

o ve

rt y

All Racial–Ethnic Groups

White Americans

Asian Americans

Latinos African Americans

College graduate College dropout High school graduate High school dropout





9 10



13 13




17 17

25 27


Figure 8.13 Poverty and Family Structure

SOURCE: By the author. Based on Statistical Abstract of the United States 2017:Table 741.


5% 6.2%









A Married Couple A Man

A Woman

Who heads the family?

Percent in poverty when the family is headed by

RACE–ETHNICITY One of the strongest factors in poverty is race–ethnicity, as you can see in Figure 8.14. Overall, 12 percent of Asian Americans are poor, followed closely by whites at 13 percent. From there, the poverty rate jumps, with 24 percent of Latinos and 26 percent of African Americans living in poverty.

Social Class in the United States 255

Because whites are, by far, the largest group in the United States, their lower rate of poverty translates into larger numbers. As a result, there are many more poor whites than poor people of any other racial– ethnic group. As you saw in Figure 8.10, 44 percent of all poor people are whites.

AGE AND POVERTY Figure 8.15 shows one of the most signifi- cant aspects of poverty in the United States. There are several things you should learn from this figure. First, note that the elderly are less likely than the general population to be poor. This is quite a change. It used to be that growing old increased people’s chances of being poor. Elderly poverty was so common that there was a lot of publicity— television programs and newspaper and magazine articles accom- panied by photos of “pitiful, suffering old folks.” Then government policies to redistribute income—Social Security and subsidized housing, food stamps, and medical care—slashed the rate of poverty among the elderly.

Figure 8.15 also shows how the prevailing racial–ethnic patterns carry over into old age. You can see how much more likely elderly minorities are to be poor than elderly whites.

In the next section, we will focus on a third aspect of Figure 8.15, how common pov- erty is among children.










The elderly age 65 and over

Children under age 18





37All racial– ethnic groups White Americans Asian Americans Latinos African Americans

What percentage of these groups is poor?






Figure 8.15 Poverty, Age, and Race-Ethnicity

NOTE: Only these groups are listed in the source. The poverty line is $24,230 for a family of four. SOURCE: By the author. Based on Statistical Abstract of the United States 2017:Tables 35, 735, 738.

15% 13%


24% 26%







30% Americans in Poverty

National average

White Americans

Asian Americans


African Americans

Figure 8.14 Poverty and Race-Ethnicity

SOURCE: By the author. Based on Statistical Abstract of the United States 2017:Table 738.

Children of Poverty In Figure 8.15, you can see the high poverty rate of U.S. children. High childhood poverty holds true regardless of race–ethnicity, but from this figure you can see how much greater poverty is among Latino and African American children. That

256 Chapter 8

Thinking Critically about Social Life The Nation’s Shame: Children in Poverty One of the most startling statistics in sociology is shown in Figure 8.15. For Asian Americans, one of seven or eight children is poor; for whites, close to one of five; for Latinos, an astounding one of three; and for African Americans, an even higher total, with almost two of every five children living in poverty. These percentages translate into incredible numbers—approximately 16 million children.

Why do so many U.S. children live in poverty? A major reason is the large number of births to women who are not married, about 1.6 million a year. This number has increased sharply, going from one of twenty in 1960 to eight of twenty today. With the total jumping eight times, single women now account for 40 percent of all U.S. births (Statistical Abstract 2017:Tables 92, 96).

But do births to single women actually cause poverty? Consider the obvious: Children born to wealthy single women don’t live in poverty. Then consider this: In some countries, such as Sweden, single women are more likely to give birth than are single women in the United States, yet their rate of child poverty is lower than ours (OECD 2016). The reason for this is because their governments provide extensive support for rearing these children—from providing day care to health checkups. Why, then, can’t we point to the lack of government support for children as the cause of the poverty of children born to single women?

Now look at Figure 8.16. You can see that the less education that single women have, the more likely they are to bear children. From Figure 8.17, you can also see that the single women who can least afford children are those most

likely to give birth. Their children face severe obstacles to building a satisfying life. They are more likely to go hungry, to be malnourished, to have health problems, even to die in infancy. They also are more likely to drop out of school, to become involved in crime, and to have children while still in their teens—perpetuating a cycle of poverty.

For Your Consideration On Figures 8.16 and 8.17, you can see how births to single women drop as education and income increase. In answering these two questions, be specific and practical.

→ What programs would you suggest to help women attain more education?

→ What other ways would you suggest to reduce child poverty?

Figure 8.16 How Does Education Influence Births to Single Women

SOURCE: Shuttuck and Kreider 2013:Table 2.

Unmarried Married

0% 100%80%60%40%20%

Graduate or professional degree

Bachelor’s degree

Associate’s degree

Some college, no degree

High school graduate

High school dropout

Of women with this education who give birth, what percentages are single or married?

Figure 8.17 How Does Income Influence Births to Single Women

SOURCE: Shuttuck and Kreider 2013:Table 2.

Single Married

0% 100%80%60%40%20%

$200,000 and higher

$75,000 to $100,000

$50,000 to $75,000

$150,000 to $200,000

$100,000 to $150,000

$25,000 to $50,000

$10,000 to $25,000

Less than $10,000

Of women with this income who give birth, what percentages are single or married?

H o

u se

h o

ld I n co

m e

millions of U.S. children are reared in poverty is shocking when one considers the wealth of this country and our supposed concern for the well-being of children. This tragic aspect of poverty is the topic of the following Thinking Critically about Social Life.

Social Class in the United States 257

The Dynamics of Poverty versus the Culture of Poverty 8.6 Contrast the dynamics of poverty with the culture of poverty, explain

why people are poor and how deferred gratification is related to poverty, and comment on the Horatio Alger myth.

Some have suggested that the poor get trapped in a culture of poverty (Lewis 1966a; Suh and Heise 2014). They assume that the values and behaviors of the poor “make them fun- damentally different from other Americans and that these factors are largely responsible for their continued long-term poverty” (Ruggles 1989:7). Lurking behind this concept is the idea that the poor are lazy people who bring poverty on themselves. Certainly, some individuals and families do match this stereotype—many of us have known them. But is a self-perpetuating culture—one that poor people transmit across generations and that locks them in poverty—the basic reason for U.S. poverty?

Contrary to the stereotype of lazy people who contentedly sit back sucking welfare, poverty is dynamic. Many people live on the edge of poverty, managing, but barely, to keep their heads above poverty. But then comes some dramatic life change, such as a divorce, an accident, an illness, or the loss of a job. This poverty trigger propels them over the edge they were holding onto, and they find themselves in the poverty they fiercely had been trying to avoid (Western et al. 2012).

With people moving in and out of poverty, most poverty is short-lived, lasting less than a year. Yet from one year to the next, the number of poor people remains about the same. This means that the people who move out of poverty are replaced by people who move into poverty. Most of these newly poor will also move out of poverty within a year. Some people even bounce back and forth, never quite making it securely out of poverty (Rank and Hirschi 2015).

Few poor people enjoy poverty—and they do what they can to avoid being poor. In the end, though, poverty touches a lot more people than the annual totals indicate. Although 15 percent of Americans may be poor at any one time, before they turn 65, about 60 percent of the U.S. population will experience a year of poverty (Rank and Hirschi 2015).

Why Are People Poor? Two explanations for poverty compete for our attention. The first, which sociologists pre- fer, focuses on social structure. Sociologists stress that features of society deny some people access to education or training in job skills. They emphasize racial–ethnic, age, and gen- der discrimination, as well as changes in the job market—fewer unskilled jobs, businesses closing, and manufacturing jobs moving overseas. In short, some people find their escape route from poverty blocked.

A competing explanation focuses on the characteristics of individuals. Sociologists reject explanations, such as laziness and lack of intelligence, viewing these as worth- less stereotypes. Individualistic explanations that sociologists reluctantly acknowledge include dropping out of school and bearing children in the teen years. Most sociologists are reluctant to speak of such factors in this context because they appear to blame the victim, something that sociologists bend over backward not to do.

A third explanation is the poverty triggers that were just mentioned, the unexpected events in life that push people into poverty.

Deferred Gratification Not all poverty is short, and about 12 percent of Americans are poor for ten years or longer (Rank and Hirschi 2015). One consequence of a life of deprivation punctuated by emergencies—and of viewing the future as promising more of the same—is a lack of deferred

culture of poverty the assumption that the values and behaviors of the poor make them fundamentally different from other people, that these factors are largely responsible for their poverty, and that par- ents perpetuate poverty across generations by passing these characteristics to their children

258 Chapter 8

gratification, giving up things in the present for the sake of greater gains in the future. It is difficult to practice this middle-class virtue of deferring gratification if you do not have a middle-class surplus—or middle-class hope.

In a classic 1967 study of black street-corner men, sociologist Elliot Liebow noted that the men did not defer gratification. Their jobs were low-paying and insecure, their lives pitted with emergencies. With the future looking exactly like the present and any savings they did manage gobbled up by emergencies, it seemed pointless to save for the future. The only thing that made sense from their perspective was to enjoy what they could at the moment. Immediate gratification, then, was not the cause of their poverty but, rather, its consequence. Cause and consequence loop together, however: Their immediate gratification helped perpetuate their poverty. For another look at this “looping,” see the following Down-to-Earth Sociology, in which I share my personal experience with poverty.

deferred gratification going without something in the present in the hope of achieving greater gains in the future

Down-to-Earth Sociology Poverty: A Personal Journey I was born in poverty. My parents, who could not afford to rent either a house or an apartment, rented the tiny office in their minister’s house. This is where I was born.

My father, who had only a seventh-grade education, began to slowly climb the social class ladder. His fitful odyssey took him from laborer to truck driver to the owner of a series of small businesses (tire repair shop, bar, hotel), and from there to vacuum cleaner salesman, and back to bar owner. He converted a garage into a house. Although it had no indoor plumbing, it was a start. Later, he bought a house, and then he built a new home. After that we moved into a trailer, and then back to a house. Although he always had a low income, poverty eventually became a distant memory for him.

My social class took a leap—from working class to upper-middle class—when, after attending college and graduate school, I became a university professor. I entered a world that was unknown to my parents, one much more pampered and privileged. I had opportunities to do research, to publish, and to travel to exotic places. My reading centered on sociological research, and I read books in Spanish as well as in English. My father, in contrast, never read a book in his life, and my mother read only detective stories and romance paperbacks. One set of experiences isn’t “better” than the other, just significantly different in determining what windows of perception it opens onto the world.

My interest in poverty, rooted in my own childhood experiences, stayed with me. I traveled to a dozen or so skid rows across the United States and Canada, talking to

homeless people and staying in their shelters. In my own town, I spent considerable time with people on welfare, observing how they lived. I constantly marveled at the connections between structural causes of poverty (low education, low skills, low pay, the irregularity of unskilled jobs, undependable transportation) and personal causes (the culture of poverty—alcohol and drug abuse, multiple out-of-wedlock births, frivolous spending, all-night partying, domestic violence, criminal involvement, and a seeming incapacity to keep appointments—except to pick up the welfare check).

Sociologists haven’t unraveled this connection, and as much as we might like for only structural causes to apply, both are at work (Duneier 1999:122; Suh and Heise 2014). The situation can be illustrated by looking at the perennial health problems I observed among the poor—the constant colds, runny noses, backaches, and injuries. The health problems stem from the social structure (less access to medical care, less capable physicians, drafty houses, little knowledge about nutrition, and more dangerous jobs). At the same time, personal characteristics—hygiene, eating habits, drug and alcohol abuse—cause health problems. Which is the cause and which the effect? Both, of course: One loops into the other. The medical problems (which are based on both personal and structural causes) feed into the poverty these people experience, making them less able to perform their jobs successfully—or even to show up at work regularly.

What an intricate puzzle for sociologists!

If both structural and personal causes are at work, why do sociologists emphasize the structural explanation? Reverse the situation for a moment. Suppose that members of the middle class drove old cars that broke down, faced threats from the utility company to shut off the electricity and heat, and had to make a choice between paying the rent or buying medicine and food and diapers. How long would they practice deferred gratifica- tion? Their orientations to life would likely make a sharp U-turn.

Social Class in the United States 259

Sociologists, then, do not view the behaviors of the poor as the cause of their poverty but, rather, as the result of their poverty. Poor people would welcome the middle-class opportunities that would allow them the chance to practice the middle-class virtue of deferred gratification. Without those opportunities, though, they just can’t afford it.

Where Is Horatio Alger? The Social Functions of a Myth In the late 1800s, Horatio Alger was one of the country’s most popular authors. The rags-to-riches exploits of his fictional boy heroes and their amazing successes in over- coming severe odds motivated thousands of boys of that period. Although Alger ’s char- acters have disappeared from U.S. literature, they remain alive and well in the psyche of Americans. From real-life examples of people of humble origin who climbed the social class ladder, Americans know that anyone who really tries can get ahead. In fact, they believe that most Americans, including minorities and the working poor, have an aver- age or better-than-average chance of getting ahead—obviously a statistical impossibility (Kluegel and Smith 1986).

The accuracy of the Horatio Alger myth is less important than the belief that sur- rounds it—that limitless possibilities exist for everyone. Functionalists would stress that this belief is functional for society. On the one hand, it encourages people to compete for higher positions, or, as the song says, “to reach for the highest star.” On the other hand, it places blame for failure squarely on the individual. If you don’t make it—in the face of ample opportunities to get ahead—the fault must be your own. The Horatio Alger myth helps to stabilize society: Because the fault is viewed as the individual’s, not society’s, current social arrangements can be regarded as satisfactory. This reduces pressures to change the system.

Horatio Alger myth the belief that due to limitless possibilities anyone can get ahead if he or she tries hard enough

A society’s dominant ideologies are reinforced throughout the society, including its literature. Horatio Alger provided inspirational heroes for thousands of boys. The central theme of these many novels, immensely popular in their time, was rags to riches. Through rugged determination and self-sacrifice, a boy could overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles to reach the pinnacle of success. (Girls did not strive for financial success, but were dependent on fathers and husbands.)

As Marx and Weber pointed out, social class penetrates our consciousness, shap- ing our ideas of life and our “proper” place in society. When the rich look at the world around them, they sense superiority and anticipate control over their own des- tiny. When the poor look around them, they are more likely to sense defeat and to

260 Chapter 8

anticipate that unpredictable forces will batter their lives. Both rich and poor know the dominant ideology: The reasons for success—or failure—lie solely with the self. Like fish that don’t notice the water, people tend not to perceive the effects of social class on their own lives.

Peering into the Future: Will We Live in a Three-Tier Society? 8.7 Discuss the possibility that we are developing a three-tier society.

Now that we have looked at social class in the United States, you should be much more aware not only of how social class influences your life but also of how the social classes fit together to form the whole that we call American society.

Let’s go beyond this and in the following Thinking Critically about Social Life try to peer into the future. We will consider the disturbing possibility that society is being restratified—and that the picture coming into focus is not pleasant. Unfortunately, this will give us a much darker ending to this chapter than I prefer. But let’s go on.

Thinking Critically about Social Life The Coming Three-Tier Society and the Militarization of the Police A three-tier society seems to be looming over us. On the top tier will be the wealthy, who will live in luxury behind gated fortresses, protected from the prying eyes of the unwashed masses. On the middle tier will be the techni- cally trained, an army of servants who will run the essential affairs of society. They will maintain the computers that con- trol the financial system, the infrastructure of utilities, and the government surveillance. There will also be the teach- ers, the elite ones for the children of the elite and the regular ones whose task is to indoctrinate and control the children of the poor. These technical servants of society’s controllers will be backed up by a police force that has come to look more like the military than the police.

And the third tier? This one will consist of the jobless poor. The need for unskilled work is drying up. We still need some fruit pickers and some house cleaners, and an occasional someone to hold up flags when a road is being constructed. But there is little of this kind of work. And most of what there is pays little. Enter one of today’s new factories, and you will be struck by the absence of people. You will see untiring robots that never complain, don’t take coffee breaks, and need neither vacations nor retirement pay. With each passing year, we need fewer human workers.

Widespread joblessness will trigger hopelessness and deep despair in some, resentment and hostility in others. To keep the lid on violence as long as possible, two solutions will be followed. The first will be to pacify the jobless through food stamps, subsidized housing, entertainment, and drugs. Videos and television will divert most of the “dangerous poor” from seeking political solutions. Drugs

will be tolerated because the poor who flee into them to escape their misery do not threaten the top tier by agitating for political change. Not all will be hopeless: Powerball— with its illusions—will remain.

The second solution, coexisting with the first, is the militarization of the police. That the police are beginning to look like the military is not coincidental. This is preparation for the armed force that will be necessary to control the impoverished masses of the third tier. The media have been willing handmaidens of the elite, preparing the public for the militarization of the police by stoking constant fears of “terrorists.” This comes not without a plan from the controllers. The hostile elements of society—the masses left behind with little future, the resentful ones who do not choose to escape into drugs or television—pose a threat to the first tier. For most of the jobless poor, welfare food, televised sports, and the stream of “latest revelations” about vaunted celebrities provide escape adequate to keep them in line. But if what the Romans called food and circus fail to keep minds numb and wills weak, the militarized police with their powerful new weapons, armored vehicles, and trained snipers stand ready to take care of the rest.

For Your Consideration This is not a pleasant picture of the future, but your author sees it as a looming possibility. → Do you think the three-tier society is our likely destiny?

Why or why not?

→ What do you think we can do to produce a better future than the three-tier society?

Social Class in the United States 261

Summary and Review What Determines Social Class? 8.1 Explain the three components of social class—

property, power, and prestige; distinguish between wealth and income; explain how property and income are distributed; and describe the democrat- ic façade, the power elite, and status inconsistency.

What is meant by the term social class?

Most sociologists have adopted Weber’s definition of social class: a large group of people who rank closely to one an- other in terms of property (wealth), power, and prestige. Wealth—consisting of the value of property and income— is concentrated in the upper classes. From the 1930s to the 1970s, the trend in the distribution of wealth in the United States was toward greater equality. Since 1970, the trend has been toward greater inequality. Power is the ability to get your way even though others resist. C. Wright Mills coined the term power elite to refer to the small group that holds the reins of power in business, government, and the military. Prestige is linked to occupational status.

How does occupational prestige differ around the world?

From country to country, people rank occupational prestige similarly. Globally, the occupations that bring greater pres- tige are those that pay more, require more education and ab- stract thought, and offer greater independence.

What is meant by the term status inconsistency?

Status is social position. Most people are status consistent; that is, they rank high or low on all three dimensions of so- cial class. People who rank higher on some dimensions than on others are status inconsistent. The frustrations of status inconsistency tend to produce political radicalism.

Sociological Models of Social Class 8.2 Contrast Marx’s and Weber’s models of social class.

What models are used to portray the social classes?

Erik Wright developed a four-class model based on Marx: (1) capitalists (owners of large businesses), (2) petty bourgeoisie (small business owners), (3) managers, and (4) workers. Kahl and Gilbert developed a six-class model based on Weber. At the top is the capitalist class. In descending order are the upper-middle class, the lower-middle class, the working class, the working poor, and the underclass.

Consequences of Social Class 8.3 Summarize the consequences of social class for

physical and mental health, family life, education, religion, politics, and the criminal justice system.

How does social class affect people’s lives?

Social class leaves no aspect of life untouched. It affects our chances of dying early, becoming ill, receiving good health care, and getting divorced. Social class membership also affects child rearing, educational attainment, religious affil- iation, political participation, the crimes people commit, and their contact with the criminal justice system.

Social Mobility 8.4 Contrast the three types of social mobility, review

gender issues in research on social mobility, and explain why social mobility brings pain.

What are three types of social mobility?

The term intergenerational mobility refers to changes in social class from one generation to the next. Structural mobility refers to changes in society that lead large numbers of people to change their social class. Exchange mobility is the movement of large numbers of people from one social class to another, with the net result that the relative pro- portions of the population in the classes remain about the same.

Poverty 8.5 Explain the problems in drawing the poverty line

and how poverty is related to geography, race– ethnicity, education, feminization, and age.

Who are the poor?

The poverty line, although it has serious consequences, is arbitrary. Poverty is unequally distributed in the United States. Racial–ethnic minorities (except Asian Ameri- cans), children, households headed by women, and rural Americans are more likely than others to be poor. The poverty rate of the elderly is less than that of the general population.

8.6 Contrast the dynamics of poverty with the culture of poverty, explain why people are poor and how deferred gratification is related to poverty, and comment on the Horatio Alger myth.

Why are people poor?

They dynamics of poverty (huge numbers moving into and out of poverty) indicate that the culture of poverty is not generally true. Rather than looking at the characteristics of individuals as the cause of poverty, sociologists stress the structural features of society, such as employment opportu- nities. There also are poverty triggers. Sociologists generally

262 Chapter 8

conclude that life orientations are a consequence, not the cause, of people’s position in the social class structure.

How is the Horatio Alger myth functional for society?

The Horatio Alger myth—the belief that anyone can get ahead if only he or she tries hard enough—encourages people to strive to get ahead. It also stabilizes society by deflecting blame for failure from society to the individual.

8.7 Discuss the possibility that we are developing a three-tier society.

What is meant by a three-tier society?

Trends indicate an alarming future. In the top tier of a three- tier society will live a wealthy ruling elite. In the middle tier will be well-compensated people who serve this elite. At the bottom tier will be a large underclass considered dangerous to society. It will be kept under control by welfare, entertain- ment, drugs, and a militarized police force.

Thinking Critically about Chapter 8 1. The belief that the United States is the land of oppor-

tunity draws millions of legal and illegal immigrants to the United States. How do the materials in this chapter support or undermine this belief?

2. In what three ways is social class having an ongoing impact on your life?

3. What social mobility has your own family experienced? In what ways has this affected your life?

4. What indications do you see that we are or are not developing a three-tier society?

Three North American Indians, ca. 1836, George Catlin (oil on canvas)


Learning Objectives

After you have read this chapter, you should be able to:

9.1 Contrast the myth and reality of race; compare race and ethnicity and minority and dominant groups; discuss ethnic work.

9.2 Contrast prejudice and discrimination and individual and institution- al discrimination; discuss learning prejudice, internalizing dominant norms, and institutional discrimination.

9.3 Contrast psychological and sociological theories of prejudice: include functionalism, conflict, and symbolic interactionism.

9.4 Explain genocide, population transfer, internal colonialism, segregation, assimilation, and multiculturalism.

9.5 Summarize the major patterns that characterize European Americans, Latinos, African Americans, Asian Americans, and Native Americans.

9.6 Discuss immigration, affirmative action, and a multicultural society.

Chapter 9

Race and Ethnicity

Imagine that you are an African American man living in Macon County, Alabama, during the Great Depression of the 1930s. Your home is a little country shack with a dirt floor. You have no electricity or running water. You never finished grade school, and you make a living, such as it is, by doing odd jobs. You haven’t been feeling too good lately, but you can’t afford a doctor.

Then you hear incredible news. You rub your eyes in disbelief. It is just like winning the lottery! If you join Miss Rivers’ Lodge (and it is free to join), you will get free physical exam- inations at Tuskegee University for life. You will even get free rides to and from the clinic, hot meals on examination days, and a lifetime of free treatment for minor ailments.

You eagerly join Miss Rivers’ Lodge. After your first physical examination, the doctor gives you the bad news. “You’ve got bad

blood,” he says. “That’s why you’ve been feeling bad. Miss Rivers will give you some medicine and schedule you for your next exam. I’ve got to warn you, though. If you go to another doctor, there’s no more free exams or medicine.”

You can’t afford another doctor anyway. You are thankful for your treatment, take your medicine, and look forward to the next trip to the university.

What has really happened? You have just become part of what is surely slated to go down in history as one of the most callous experiments of all time, outside of the infamous World War II Nazi and Japanese experiments. With heartless disregard for human life, the U.S. Public Health Service told 399 African American men that they had joined a social club and burial society called Miss Rivers’ Lodge. What the men were not told was that they had syphilis, that there was no real Miss Rivers’ Lodge, that the doctors were just using this term so they could study what happened when syphilis went untreated. For 40 years, even after penicillin was used to treat syphilis, the “U.S. Public Health Service” allowed these men to go without treatment—and kept testing them each year—to study the progress of the disease. The “U.S.

“You have just become part of one of the most callous experiments of all time.”

Race and Ethnicity 265

public health” officials even had a control group of 201 men who were free of the disease (Jones 1993; Duff-Brown 2017).

By the way, the men did receive a benefit from “Miss Rivers’ Lodge,” a free autopsy to determine the ravages of syphilis on their bodies.

Laying the Sociological Foundation 9.1 Contrast the myth and reality of race; compare race and ethnicity and minority

and dominant groups; discuss ethnic work.

As unlikely as it seems, this is a true story. Rarely do racial–ethnic relations degenerate to this point, but reports of troubled race relations surprise none of us. Today’s newspapers, TV, and Internet regularly report on racial problems. Sociology can contribute greatly to our understanding of this aspect of social life—and this chapter may be an eye-opener for you. For example, could race be a myth? Let’s find out.

Race: Reality and Myth As humans spread throughout the world, their adaptations to diverse climates and other living conditions, combined with genetic mutations, added distinct characteristics to the peoples of the globe.

THE REALITY OF HUMAN VARIETY With its more than 7 billion people, the world offers a fascinating variety of human shapes and colors. Skin colors come in all shades between black and white, heightened by reddish and yellowish hues. Eyes come in shades of blue, brown, and green. Lips are thick and thin. Hair is straight, curly, kinky, black, blonde, red—and, of course, all shades of brown.

In this sense, the concept of race—a group of people with inherited physical charac- teristics that distinguish it from another group—is a reality. Humans do, indeed, come in a variety of colors and shapes.

THE MYTH OF PURE RACES Humans show such a mixture of physical characteristics that there are no “pure” races. Instead of falling into distinct types that are clearly sepa- rate from one another, human characteristics—skin color, hair texture, nose shape, head shape, eye color, and so on—flow endlessly together. The mapping of the human genome system shows that any two individuals in the world have 99.6 percent of their genetic material in common (Beauchamp et al. 2011). What are called racial groups differ from one another only once in a thousand subunits of the genome (Angler 2000; Frank 2007). As you can see from the example of Tiger Woods, discussed in the following Cultural Diversity in the United States, these minute gradations make any attempt to draw lines of pure race purely arbitrary.

race a group whose inherited physi- cal characteristics distinguish it from other groups

Humans show remarkable diversity. Shown here is just one example— He Pingping, from China, who at 2 feet 4 inches, was the world’s shortest man, and Svetlana Pankratova, from Russia, who, according to the Guinness Book of World Records, is the woman with the longest legs. Race–ethnicity shows similar diversity.

Cultural Diversity in the United States Tiger Woods: Mapping the Changing Ethnic Terrain Tiger Woods, perhaps the top golfer of all time, calls himself Cablinasian. Woods invented this term as a boy to try to explain to himself just who he was—a combination of Caucasian, Black, Indian, and Asian (Leland and Beals 1997; McKibbin 2014). Woods wanted to embrace all sides of his family.

266 Chapter 9

Like many of us, Tiger Woods’ heritage is difficult to specify. Analysts who like to quantify ethnic heritage put Woods at one-quarter Thai, one-quarter Chinese, one- quarter white, an eighth Native American, and an eighth African American. From this chapter, you know how ridiculous such computations are, but the sociological question is why many people consider Tiger Woods to be African American. The U.S. racial scene is indeed complex, but a good part of the reason is that Woods has dark skin, and this is the label the media placed on him. The attitude seems to be “Everyone has to fit somewhere.” And for Tiger Woods, the media chose African American.

The United States once had a firm “color line”—barriers between racial–ethnic groups that you didn’t dare cross, especially in dating or marriage. This barrier has broken down, and today such marriages are common (Statistical Abstract 2017:Table 61). Children born in these marriages have a difficult time figuring out how to classify themselves (Saulny 2011). To help them make an adjustment in college, some colleges have interracial student organizations.

As we enter unfamiliar ethnic terrain, our classifications are bursting at the seams. Here is how Kwame Anthony Appiah, of Harvard’s Philosophy and Afro-American Studies Departments, described his situation:

My mother is English; my father is Ghanaian. My sisters are married to a Nigerian and a Norwegian. I have nephews who range from blond-haired kids to very black kids. They are all first cousins. Now according to the American scheme of things, they’re all black—even the guy with blond hair who skis in Oslo. (Wright 1994)

I marvel at what racial experts the U.S. census takers once were. When they took the national census, which is done every 10 years, they looked at people and assigned them a race. At various points, the census contained these categories: mulatto, quadroon, octoroon, Negro, black, Mexican, white, Indian, Filipino, Japanese, Chinese, and Hindu. Quadroon (one-fourth black and

three-fourths white) and octoroon (one-eighth black and seven-eighths white) proved too difficult to “measure,” and these categories were used only in 1890. Mulatto appeared in the 1850 census and lasted until 1920. The Mexican government complained about Mexicans being treated as a race, and this category was used only in 1930. I don’t know whose idea it was to make Hindu a race, but it lasted for three censuses, from 1920 to 1940 (Bean et al. 2004; Tafoya et al. 2005).

In the 2010 census, we were first asked to declare whether we were or were not “Spanish/Hispanic/Latino.” After this, we were asked to check “one or more races”

that we “consider ourselves to be.” We could choose from White; Black, African American,

or Negro; American Indian or Alaska Native; and Asian Indian, Chinese, Filipino, Japanese,

Korean, Vietnamese, Native Hawaiian, Guamanian or Chamorro, or Samoan. There were boxes for Other Asian and Other Pacific Islander, with examples that listed Hmong, Pakistani, and Fijian as races. If these didn’t do it, we could check a box called “Some Other Race” and then write whatever we wanted.

Perhaps the census should list Cablinasian, after all. We could also have ANGEL for African-Norwegian- German-English-Latino Americans, DEVIL for those of Danish-English-Vietnamese-Italian-Lebanese descent, and STUDENT for Swedish-Turkish-Uruguayan-Danish-English- Norwegian-Thai Americans. As you read farther in this chapter, you will see why these terms make as much sense as the categories we currently use.

For Your Consideration Perhaps you can use the materials in this chapter to answer these questions:

→ Why do we count people by “race”? → Why not eliminate race from the U.S. census? (Race

became a factor in 1790 during the first census. To determine the number of representatives from each state, a slave was counted as three-fifths of a person!)

→ Why is race so important to some people?

Tiger Woods as he answers questions at a news conference.

THE MYTH OF A FIXED NUMBER OF RACES Although large groupings of people can be classified by blood type and gene frequencies, even these classifications do not uncover “race.” Rather, the term is so arbitrary that biologists and anthropologists cannot even agree on how many “races” there are (Glasgow 2013). Ashley Montagu (1964, 1999), a physical anthropologist, pointed out that some scientists have classified humans into only two “races,” while others have found as many as two thousand. Montagu (1960) himself classified humans into forty “racial” groups.

“Race” is so fluid that even a plane ride can change someone’s race. If you want to see how, read the following Down-to-Earth Sociology.

Race and Ethnicity 267

What “race” are these two Brazilians? Is the child’s “race” different from her mother’s “race”? The text explains why “race” is such an unreliable concept that it changes even with geography.

Down-to-Earth Sociology Can a Plane Ride Change Your Race? At the beginning of this text, I mentioned that common sense and sociology often differ. This is especially so when it comes to race. According to common sense, our racial classifications represent biological differences between people. Sociologists, in contrast, stress that what we call races are social classifications, not biological categories.

Sociologists point out that our “race” depends more on the society in which we live than on our biology. For example, the racial categories common in the United States are only one of numerous ways by which people around the world classify physical appearances (Mukhopadhyay et al. 2014). Although various groups use different categories, each group assumes that its categories are natural, merely a response to visible biology.

To better understand this essential sociological point—that race is more social than it is biological— consider this: In the United States, children born to the same parents are all of the same race. “What could be more natural?” Americans assume. But in Brazil, children born to the same parents may be of different races—if their appearances differ. “What could be more natural?” assume Brazilians.

Consider how Americans usually classify a child born to a “black” mother and a “white” father. Why do they usually say that the child is “black”? Wouldn’t it be equally as logical to classify the child as “white”? Similarly, if a child has one grandmother who is “black,” but all her other ancestors are “white,” the child is often considered “black.” Yet she has much more “white blood” than “black blood.” Why, then, is she considered “black”? Certainly not because of biology.

Such thinking is a legacy of slavery. In an attempt to preserve the “purity” of their “race” in the face of the many

children whose fathers were white slave masters and whose mothers were black slaves, whites classified anyone with even a “drop of black blood” as black. They actually called this the “one-drop” rule.

Even a plane trip can change a person’s race. In the city of Salvador in Brazil, people classify one another

by color of skin and eyes, breadth of nose and lips, and color and curliness of hair. They use

at least seven terms for what we call white and black. Consider again a U.S. child who has “white” and “black” parents. If she flies to Brazil, she is no longer “black”; she now belongs to one of their several “whiter” categories (Fish 1995).

If the girl makes such a flight, would her “race” actually change? Our common sense revolts at this, I know, but it actually would. We want to argue that because her biological characteristics remain unchanged, her race remains unchanged. This is because we think of race as biological, when race is actually a label we use to describe perceived biological characteristics. Simply put, the race we “are” depends on our social location—on who is doing the classifying.

“Racial” classifications are also fluid, not fixed. Even now, you can see change occurring in U.S. classifications. The category “multiracial,” for example, indicates changing thought and perception.

For Your Consideration → How would you explain to someone that race is more a

social classification than a biological one? Can you come up with any arguments to refute this statement?

→ How do you think our racial–ethnic categories will change in the future?

THE MYTH OF RACIAL SUPERIORITY Regardless of what anthropologists, biologists, and sociologists say, however, people do divide one another into races, and we are stuck with this term. People also tend to see some races (mostly their own) as superior and others as inferior. As with language, however, no race is better than another. All races have their geniuses—and their idiots. Yet the myth of racial superiority abounds, a myth that is particularly dangerous. Adolf Hitler, for example, believed that the Aryans were a superior race, destined to establish an advanced culture and a new world order. This destiny required them to avoid the “racial contamination” that would come from breed- ing with inferior races. The Aryans, then, had a “cultural duty” to isolate or destroy races that threatened their racial purity and culture.

268 Chapter 9

Hitler ’s views, put into practice, were appalling. The Nazis slaughtered those they deemed inferior: Jews, Slavs, gypsies, homosexuals, and people with mental and physi- cal disabilities. Horrific images of gas ovens and emaciated bodies stacked like cordwood have haunted the world’s nations. At Nuremberg, the Allies, flush with victory, put the top Nazis on trial, exposing their heinous deeds to a shocked world. Their public execu- tions, everyone assumed, marked the end of such grisly acts.

Obviously, they didn’t.

“Which one of your seven children are you going to throw into this grave?” the men asked the woman. “If you refuse to tell us, they’ll all be buried alive.” (Isaacs 2014)

Fifty years after the Nazis, a mother in Rwanda had to make this haunting choice. Over 100 days in 1994, Hutus slaughtered about 900,000 Tutsis and moderate Hutus—mostly with machetes (Wiafe-Amoako 2017). That same decade, Serbian leaders in Bosnia massa- cred Muslims, giving the world the term ethnic cleansing. In North Korea today, prisoners deemed genetically inferior—defiling the “sacred Korean race”—are tortured, raped, and starved to death (Eberstadt 2014b). As these events sadly attest, genocide—the attempt to destroy a group of people because of their presumed race or ethnicity—remains alive and well. Although more recent killings are not accompanied by swastikas and gas ovens, the perpetrators’ goal is the same.

THE MYTH CONTINUES The idea of race, of course, is far from a myth. Firmly embed- ded in our culture, it is a powerful force in our everyday lives. That no race is superior and that even biologists cannot decide how people should be classified into races is not what counts. “I know what I see, and you can’t tell me any different” seems to be the common attitude. As was noted in Chapter 4, sociologists W. I. and D. S. Thomas (1928) observed, “If people define situations as real, they are real in their consequences.” In other words, people act on perceptions and beliefs, not facts. As a result, we will always have people like Hitler and, as illustrated in our opening vignette, calloused bureaucrats like those in the U.S. Public Health Service who thought that it was fine to experiment with people whom they deemed inferior. Although few hold such extreme views, most people appear to be ethnocentric enough to believe that their own race is—at least just a little—superior to others.

genocide the annihilation or attempt- ed annihilation of a people because of their presumed race or ethnicity

The reason I selected these photos is to illustrate how seriously we must take all preaching of hatred and of racial supremacy, even though it seems to come from harmless or even humorous sources. The strange looking person with his hands on his hips, who is wearing lederhosen, traditional clothing of Bavaria, Germany, is Adolf Hitler. His actions led to the concentration camps. This is just one small pile of bodies found when the U.S. Army liberated Buchenwald.

Race and Ethnicity 269

Ethnic Groups In contrast to race, which people use to refer to supposed bio- logical characteristics that distinguish one group of people from another, ethnicity and ethnic refer to cultural character- istics. Derived from the word ethnos (a Greek word meaning “people” or “nation”), ethnicity and ethnic refer to people who identify with one another on the basis of common ancestry and cultural heritage. Their sense of belonging may center on their nation or region of origin, distinctive foods, clothing, language, music, religion, or family names and relationships.

People often confuse the terms race and ethnic group. For example, many people, including many Jews, consider Jews a race. Jews, however, are more properly considered an ethnic group because it is their cultural characteristics, especially their religion, that bind them together. Wherever Jews have lived in the world, they have intermarried. Con- sequently, Jews in China may have Chinese features, while some Swedish Jews are blue- eyed blonds. The confusion of race and ethnicity is illustrated in this photo.

Minority Groups and Dominant Groups Sociologist Louis Wirth (1945) defined a minority group as people who are singled out for unequal treatment and who regard themselves as objects of collective discrimination. World- wide, minorities share several conditions: Their physical or cultural traits are held in low esteem by the dominant group, which treats them unfairly, and they tend to marry within their own group (Wagley and Harris 1958). These conditions tend to create a sense of common identity among minorities (a feeling of “we-ness”). In some instances, even a sense of shared destiny emerges (Chandra 1993).

NOT SIZE, BUT DOMINANCE AND DISCRIMINATION Surprisingly, a minority group is not necessarily a numerical minority. For example, before India’s independence in 1947, a handful of British colonial rulers dominated tens of millions of Indians. Similarly, when South Africa practiced apartheid, a smaller group of Afrikaners, primarily Dutch, discrim- inated against a much larger number of blacks. And all over the world, as we discuss in Chapter 10, females are a minority group. Because of this, sociologists refer to those who do the discriminating not as the majority but, rather, as the dominant group. Regardless of its numbers, the dominant group has the greater power and privilege.

Possessing political power and unified by shared physical and cultural traits, the dominant group uses its position to discriminate against those with different—and supposedly inferior—traits. The dominant group considers its privileged position to be obvious proof of its own innate superiority.

EMERGENCE OF MINORITY GROUPS A group becomes a minority in one of two ways. The first is through the expansion of political boundaries. With the exception of females, tribal societies contain no minority groups. There everyone shares the same culture, including the same language, and belongs to the same group. When a group expands its political boundaries, however, it produces minority groups if it incorporates people with different customs, languages, religions, values, or physical characteristics into the same political entity and discriminates against them. For example, in 1848, after defeating Mexico in war, the United States took over the Southwest. The Mexicans living there, who had been the dominant group prior to the war, were transformed into a minority group, a master status that has influenced their lives ever since. Referring to his ancestors, one Latino said, “We didn’t move across the border—the border moved across us.”

Immigration is a second way in which a group becomes a minority. The immigration can be voluntary, as with the Mexicans and South Americans who have chosen to move

ethnicity (and ethnic) having distinctive cultural characteristics

minority group people who are singled out for unequal treatment and who regard themselves as objects of collective discrimination

dominant group the group with the most power, greatest privileges, and highest social status

Assumptions of race-ethnicity influence both perception and behavior. This photo is of Jews in Gondar, Ethiopia, awaiting their immigration to Israel. It took Israeli authorities several years to acknowledge that the Ethiopian Jews were “real Jews” and then allow them to immigrate.

270 Chapter 9

to the United States, or involuntary, as with the Africans who were brought in chains to the United States. (The way females became a minority group represents a third way, but, as discussed in Chapter 10, no one knows just how this occurred.)

Ethnic Work: Constructing Our Racial–Ethnic Identity Some of us have a greater sense of ethnicity than others, and we feel firm boundaries between “us” and “them.” Others of us have assimilated so extensively into the main- stream culture that we are only vaguely aware of our ethnic origins. With interethnic marriage common, some do not even know the countries from which their families originated—nor do they care. If asked to identify themselves ethnically, they respond with something like “I’m Heinz 57—German and Irish, with a little Italian and French thrown in—and I think someone said something about being one-sixteenth Indian, too.”

Why do some people feel an intense sense of ethnic iden- tity, while others feel hardly any? Figure 9.1 portrays four factors, identified by sociologist Ashley Doane, that heighten or reduce our sense of ethnic identity. From this figure, you can see that the keys are relative size, power, appearance, and discrimination. If your group is relatively small, has little power, looks different from most people in society, and is an object of discrimina- tion, you will have a heightened sense of ethnic iden- tity. In contrast, if you belong to the dominant group that holds most of the power, look like most people in the society, and feel no discrimination, you are likely to experience a sense of “belonging”—and to wonder why ethnic identity is such a big deal.

We can use the term ethnic work to refer to the ways we construct our ethnicity. For people who have a strong ethnic identity, this term refers to how they enhance and main- tain their group’s distinctions—from clothing, food, and language to religious practices and holidays. For people whose ethnic identity is not as firm, ethnic work refers to attempts to recover their ethnic heritage, such as trying to trace family lines or visiting the country of their family’s origin. The prevailing view has been that the United States would be a melting pot, with most of its groups blending into a sort of ethnic stew. To a large extent, this has happened, but because so many Americans are fascinated with their “roots,” some analysts suggest that “tossed salad” is a more appropriate term than “melting pot.” From the follow- ing photo essay on ethnic work, you can see why this awkward term might be appropriate.

Prejudice and Discrimination 9.2 Contrast prejudice and discrimination and individual and institutional

discrimination; discuss learning prejudice, internalizing dominant norms, and institutional discrimination.

With prejudice and discrimination so significant in social life, let’s consider the origin of prejudice and the extent of discrimination.

Learning Prejudice Prejudice and discrimination are common throughout the world. In Mexico, Mexicans of Hispanic descent discriminate against Mexicans of Native American descent; in Israel, Ashkenazi Jews, primarily of European descent, discriminate against Sephardic Jews from the Middle East; in China, the Han discriminate against the Uighurs. In some places, the elderly discriminate against the young; in others, the young discriminate against the elderly. And all around the world, men discriminate against women.

ethnic work activities designed to discover, enhance, maintain, or transmit an ethnic or racial identity

Figure 9.1 A Sense of Ethnicity

A Low Sense

A Heightened Sense

Part of the majority Greater power Similar to the “national identity”

No discrimination

Smaller numbers Lesser power Different from the “national identity”

Discrimination SOURCE: By the author. Based on Doane 1997.

Ethnic Work

As some groups do ethnic work, they

produce a mythical long-lost heritage, as in

this photo of “1500s Spanish” that I took in

St. Augustine, Florida.

Explorations in Cultural Identity Ethnic work refers to the ways that people establish, maintain, and transmit their ethnic identity. As shown here, among the techniques people use to forge ties with their roots are dress, dance, and music.

Many Native Americans have maintained continu- ous identity with their tribal roots. This member of the Sioux tribe wears traditional dancing dress as he performs at the American Indian Arts Festival in Westampton, New Jersey.

Many European Americans are involved in ethnic work, attempting to maintain an identity more precise than “from Europe.” These women of Czech ancestry are performing for a Czech community in a small town in Nebraska.

The Cinco de Mayo

celebration is used to

recall roots and renew

ethnic identities. This

one was held in

Denver, Colorado.

Many African Americans are trying to get in closer contact with their roots. Can you identify some of the ways this grandmother is helping her granddaughter appreciate her African heritage?

272 Chapter 9

DISTINGUISHING BETWEEN PREJUDICE AND DISCRIMINATION Discrimination is an action—unfair treatment directed against someone. Discrimination can be based on many characteristics: age, sex, height, weight, skin color, clothing, speech, income, edu- cation, marital status, sexual orientation, disease, disability, religion, and politics. When the basis of discrimination is someone’s perception of race, it is known as racism. Dis- crimination is often the result of an attitude called prejudice—a prejudging of some sort, usually in a negative way. There is also positive prejudice, which exaggerates the virtues of a group, as when people think that some group is superior to others. Most prejudice, however, is negative and involves prejudging a group as inferior.

LEARNING PREJUDICE FROM ASSOCIATING WITH OTHERS As with our other attitudes, we are not born with prejudice. Rather, we learn prejudice from the people around us. You probably know this, but here is a twist that sociologists have found. Michael Kimmel (2007), who interviewed neo-Nazi skinheads in Sweden, found that the young men were attracted mostly by the group’s tough masculinity, not its hatred of immigrants. Kathleen Blee (2005, 2011), who interviewed female members of the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) and Aryan Nations in the United States, found something similar. They were attracted to the hate group because someone they liked belonged to it. They learned to be racists after they joined the group. Both Blee and Kimmel found that the members’ racism was not the cause of their joining but, rather, joining was the cause of their racism.

Just as our associations can increase prejudice, so they can reduce prejudice, the topic of our following Down-to-Earth Sociology.

discrimination an act of unfair treatment di- rected against an individual or a group

racism prejudice and discrimination on the basis of race

prejudice an attitude or prejudging, usual- ly in a negative way

contact theory the idea that prejudice and negative stereotypes decrease and racial–ethnic relations improve when people from different racial–ethnic back- grounds, who are of equal status, interact frequently

Down-to-Earth Sociology College Dorms and Contact Theory From your own experience, you know that friends influence one another. Much of this influence comes from talking. As friends talk about their experiences and share their ideas, they help give shape to one another’s views of life.

It is no different for friends who are from different racial–ethnic groups. As they interact with one another, their understandings change and their perspectives broaden. Over time, if they cannot see the world through each other’s eyes, they at least get a glimpse of what that world looks like.

If one of the goals of college is to increase students’ understanding of the world and change their attitudes while helping to integrate racial–ethnic groups—and this is a big if—then why do some colleges have separate dorms for African American students, Jewish students, and so on? And when there aren’t separate dorms, why do some colleges assign roommates so blacks will room with blacks and whites with whites?

The goal of such room assignments, of course, is to

make minority students feel comfortable and help prevent them from feeling lost in a sea of white faces and suffering from anomie, feelings of not belonging.

These good intentions have an unanticipated result. As African American students interact in these “little corners” of the campus, their interracial friendships decrease. At the end of their freshman year in college, African American students have about 10 percent fewer interracial friends than when they began college. What

happens if colleges assign students of different racial–ethnic groups to be roommates? It is not surprising, but these students end up with more interracial friendships than those who have roommates of their own race–ethnicity.

Mixed racial–ethnic roommate arrangements, though, are more likely to fail. About 17 percent end during the school year, compared to 10 percent of white–white pairings and 9 percent of black–black pairings. The dissatisfactions cut both

Contact theory indicates that prejudice decreases and relations improve when individuals of different racial–ethnic backgrounds who are of equal status interact frequently.

Race and Ethnicity 273

DISTINGUISHING BETWEEN PREJUDICE AND DISCRIMINATION Discrimination is an action—unfair treatment directed against someone. Discrimination can be based on many characteristics: age, sex, height, weight, skin color, clothing, speech, income, edu- cation, marital status, sexual orientation, disease, disability, religion, and politics. When the basis of discrimination is someone’s perception of race, it is known as racism. Dis- crimination is often the result of an attitude called prejudice—a prejudging of some sort, usually in a negative way. There is also positive prejudice, which exaggerates the virtues of a group, as when people think that some group is superior to others. Most prejudice, however, is negative and involves prejudging a group as inferior.

LEARNING PREJUDICE FROM ASSOCIATING WITH OTHERS As with our other attitudes, we are not born with prejudice. Rather, we learn prejudice from the people around us. You probably know this, but here is a twist that sociologists have found. Michael Kimmel (2007), who interviewed neo-Nazi skinheads in Sweden, found that the young men were attracted mostly by the group’s tough masculinity, not its hatred of immigrants. Kathleen Blee (2005, 2011), who interviewed female members of the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) and Aryan Nations in the United States, found something similar. They were attracted to the hate group because someone they liked belonged to it. They learned to be racists after they joined the group. Both Blee and Kimmel found that the members’ racism was not the cause of their joining but, rather, joining was the cause of their racism.

Just as our associations can increase prejudice, so they can reduce prejudice, the topic of our following Down-to-Earth Sociology.

discrimination an act of unfair treatment di- rected against an individual or a group

racism prejudice and discrimination on the basis of race

prejudice an attitude or prejudging, usual- ly in a negative way

contact theory the idea that prejudice and negative stereotypes decrease and racial–ethnic relations improve when people from different racial–ethnic back- grounds, who are of equal status, interact frequently

ways, with blacks and whites requesting transfers at about the same rate.

But note that the vast majority of these interracial pairings last. They don’t always blossom into friendships, of course, and like other roommate assignments, some roommates can barely tolerate one another. But contacts and cross-racial friendships do increase in most cases, changing understandings and perspectives. We need in- depth research to uncover who is changed in what ways.

In Sum

Mutual understandings increase, prejudice decreases, and relations improve when people of equal status who are from

different racial–ethnic backgrounds interact frequently and work toward mutual goals. The shorthand for these findings is contact theory.

SOURCES: Based on Riley 2009; King et al. 2013.

For Your Consideration → Do you think colleges should eliminate dormitories

themed by race–ethnicity?

→ What is your opinion about colleges assigning students of different racial–ethnic groups to the same dorm rooms?

THE FAR-REACHING NATURE OF PREJUDICE It is amazing how much prejudice people can learn. In a classic article, psychologist Eugene Hartley (1946) asked people how they felt about several racial–ethnic groups. Besides Negroes, Jews, and so on, he included the Wallonians, Pireneans, and Danireans—names he had made up. Most peo- ple who expressed dislike for Jews and Negroes showed similar contempt for these three fictitious groups.

Hartley’s study shows that prejudice does not depend on negative experiences with others. It also reveals that people who are prejudiced against one racial or ethnic group also tend to be prejudiced against other groups. People can be, and are, prejudiced against people they have never met—and even against groups that do not exist!

This photo, taken in Birmingham, Alabama, provides a glimpse into the determination and bravery of the civil rights demonstrators of the 1960s and the severe opposition they confronted.

274 Chapter 9

The neo-Nazis and the Ku Klux Klan base their existence on prejudice. These groups believe that race is real, that white is best, and that beneath society’s surface is a murky river of mingling conspiracies (Ezekiel 1995). In the following Down-to-Earth Sociology, sociologist Raphael Ezekiel reveals some of the insights he gained during his remarkable study of these groups.

Down-to-Earth Sociology The Racist Mind First, you should know something about Rafael Ezekiel, a sociologist I admire for his daring research. Rafe told me that his interest in racial-ethnic relations was stimulated by the con- tradictions he experienced as a child: He grew up with liberal, northern, Jewish parents in a deeply racist East Texas town.

Rafe wanted to see the racist mind from the inside. Participant observation, which you studied in Chapter 1, is the way to do this, but as a Jew, would participant observation be possible for him? To find out, Rafe told Ku Klux Klan and neo-Nazi leaders that he was a Jew and that he wanted to interview them and attend their meet- ings. Surprisingly, they agreed. Rafe published his path-breaking research in a book, The Racist Mind (1995).

I asked Rafe to share with you some of the insights he gained during his fascinating socio- logical adventure. This is what he wrote.

Dear students, Jim Henslin asked me to write about my field-

work. I got stuck, so I decided to interview myself. Interviewer: What did you do, Professor?

Rafe: I spent three years hanging out with a neo-Nazi group in Detroit. After that, I interviewed na- tional leaders from neo-Nazi groups and from Klans. I also went to their national and regional meetings. My book, The Racist Mind, comes from that work.

Interviewer: Did they know you were a Jew? Rafe: I made sure they knew I was a Jew and

opposed to racism. Good interviewing is interplay be- tween you and your respondent—kind of a dance. That requires trust; trust requires openness and honesty.

Interviewer: But, then, why did they talk with you? Rafe: Because I told them the truth—that I believe

every person creates a life that makes sense to him or her, and my professional work is to go onto the turf of people whose lives seem unusual to most folk and let these people tell me, in their own words, the sense their lives make to them. That made sense to them.

Interviewer: Did you find anything out? Rafe: Yeah. The leaders and members are real

different. The leaders are men—this is essentially a male movement—force, macho, blood, all that. The leaders are not motivated primarily by hate or by racism. They are motivated primarily by hunger for power: Power is the goal; racism is the tool. To move a crowd by what they say. To scare a community by saying that they’re

coming. To fill the media with scare stories. A whole lot of this is theater—they provide the stimulus; we provide the fantasies.

There are always suckers whom you can recruit by talking racism. If you line up 100 white Americans, ranked by how much they fear and dislike African Amer-

icans, the big leaders wouldn’t be at the head of the line—they’d be about 30 places back.

Interviewer: And the ordinary members? Rafe: That’s a whole different story. This is

not a movement built on hate. It’s a movement built on fear. When you talk with a member, talk honestly about his life—his, again—the emotion you sense under the surface is fear. The kids in the Detroit group felt, deep down, that their own lives might be snuffed out at any moment, like a candle in the wind.

Interviewer: Do you have any hints on how to do good fieldwork?

Rafe: Yeah. First, check yourself out—why are you doing this? What does it mean to you? Second, be real—with them, with yourself. Third, field notes. When you finish your interview and start home, roll the interview around in your mind. Don’t analyze, just let it play in your mind. Like remembering a dream. Don’t talk to anyone—no phoning—don’t listen to the radio—just keep the interview rolling around. Go straight home and start writing. Write first pure emotion— primary process stuff—associations, feelings. What’s going on inside you after this interview? What does it remind you of? Then write your secondary process stuff—what went on and what you think it means. Then, in terms of your project, where does this take you? Do you need more questions? Respondents? Finally, ask yourself: “So what?” What difference does it make to the world what you think you are understanding? As you write that, you will be writing much of your book.

For Your Consideration → Would you have thought it possible for a Jew to openly

attend meetings of the Klan and neo-Nazis? Ezekiel is dispassionate in his analysis, but in his book he reveals some of the fears he felt during his research. Could you ever do such research?

→ Can you see why it can be exciting to be a sociologist?

→ What does Ezekiel mean when he says that the neo- Nazis and Klans are not based on hate? How can this be?

Raphael Ezekiel

Race and Ethnicity 275

INTERNALIZING DOMINANT NORMS People can even learn to be prejudiced against their own group. A national survey found that African American men think that lighter-skinned African American women are more attractive than those with darker skin (Hill 2002). Participant observation in the inner city also reveals a preference for lighter skin (Jones 2010). Sociologists call this internalizing the norms of the dominant group.

To study the internalization of dominant norms, psychologists Mahzarin Banaji and Anthony Greenwald created the Implicit Association Test. In one version of this test, good and bad words are flashed on a screen along with photos of African Americans and whites (Blair et al. 2013). Most subjects are quicker to associate positive words (such as “love,” “peace,” and “baby”) with whites and negative words (such as “cancer,” “bomb,” and “devil”) with blacks. Here’s the clincher: This is true for both whites and blacks (Dasgupta et al. 2000; Greenwald and Krieger 2006). Apparently, we all learn the ethnic maps of our culture and, along with them, their route to biased perception.

Individual and Institutional Discrimination Sociologists stress that we should move beyond thinking in terms of individual discrimination, the negative treatment of one person by another. Although such behav- ior creates problems, it is primarily an issue between individuals. With their focus on the broader picture, sociologists encourage us to examine institutional discrimination, that is, to see how discrimination is woven into the fabric of society. Let’s look at two examples.

HOME MORTGAGES Bank lending provides an excellent illustration of institutional discrimination. Reviewing national samples of loan applications, researchers found that bankers often refuse to make loans to minorities (Thomas 1991, 1992). When confronted, the bankers said they didn’t have a discriminatory bone in their bodies—the whites sim- ply had better credit history. The researchers retested their data. They found that even when applicants had identical credit, bankers were 60 percent more likely to reject Afri- can Americans and Latinos. The problem continues. Look at Figure 9.2. You can see that minorities are more likely to be turned down for a loan—and this is true whether their incomes are below or above the median income of their community.

individual discrimination person-to-person or face-to-face discrimination; the negative treatment of people by other individuals

institutional discrimination negative treatment of a mi- nority group that is built into a society’s institutions; also called systemic discrimination










Applicants whose income was below the median income

Applicants whose income was above the median income

These Applicants Were Charged Higher Interest (given subprime loans)

Applicants who had 100% to 120% of median income

Whites Latinos African Americans










These Applicants Were Denied a Mortgage

Figure 9.2 Buying a House: Institutional Discrimination and Predatory Lending This figure, based on a national sample, illustrates institutional discrimination. Rejecting the loan appli- cations of minorities and gouging minorities with higher interest rates are a nationwide practice, not the acts of a rogue banker here or there. Because the discrimination is part of the banking system, it is also called systemic discrimination.

SOURCE: By the author. Based on Kochbar and Gonzalez-Barrera 2009.

276 Chapter 9

In the Great Recession that we just suffered through, African Americans and Latinos were hit harder than whites. The last set of bars on Figure 9.2 shows one of the reasons for this: Banks purposely charged minorities higher interest rates, a practice called predatory lending. When the economic crisis hit, the results were devastating. Many African Amer- icans and Latinos who could have continued to make their house payments if they had the lower interest rates lost their homes (Ropiequet et al. 2012).

Would nice bankers really do predatory lending? After checking data like these, the Justice Department accused Countrywide Financial, a major mortgage lender, of discrim- inating against 200,000 Latino and African American borrowers. Countrywide agreed to pay a fine of $335 million, the largest fair-lending settlement in history (Savage 2011).

HEALTH CARE Losing your home is devastating. Losing your mother or baby is even worse. Look at Table 9.1. You can see that institutional discrimination can be a life-and- death matter. In childbirth, African American mothers are more than three times as likely to die as white mothers, while their babies are more than twice as likely to die during their first year of life. This is not a matter of biology, as though African American mothers and chil- dren are more fragile. It is a matter of social conditions, primarily nutrition and medical care.

Table 9.1 Health and Race–Ethnicity Infant Maternal Life Expectancy

Deaths1 Deaths Male Female

Whites 4.9 11.1 76.7 81.4

African Americans 11.0 36.5 72.5 78.4

SOURCE: By the author. Based on Statistical Abstract of the United States 2017:Tables 113, 122.

1The death rates given here are the number per 1,000. Infant deaths refer to the number of infants younger than 1 year who die in a year per 1,000 live births. The source does not provide data for other racial–ethnic groups.

Discrimination is not always deliberate. Unintentional discrimination can be so sub- tle that no one is aware of it—neither those being discriminated against nor those doing the discriminating (Hausmann et al. 2014). Researchers studied the race–ethnicity of peo- ple who receive knee replacements and coronary bypass surgery. They found that white patients are more likely than Latino or African American patients to receive these proce- dures (Skinner et al. 2003; Popescu et al. 2007). They found a similar pattern in treatment after a heart attack: Whites are more likely than blacks to be given cardiac catheterization, a test to detect blockage of blood vessels. This study of 40,000 patients held a surprise: Both black and white doctors are more likely to give this preventive care to whites (Stolberg 2001).

Researchers are trying to figure out how race–ethnicity becomes a factor in medical decisions (Penner et al. 2014). With both white and black doctors involved, we can be certain that physicians do not intend to discriminate. Apparently, the implicit bias that comes with the internalization of dominant norms becomes a subconscious motivation for giving or denying access to advanced medical procedures. Race seems to work like gender: In Chapter 10, you will see how women’s higher death rates in coronary bypass surgery can be traced to implicit attitudes about gender. In the same way, race–ethnicity is somehow a subconscious motivation in giving or denying access to advanced medical procedures (Blair et al. 2013).

Theories of Prejudice 9.3 Contrast psychological and sociological theories of prejudice: include

functionalism, conflict, and symbolic interactionism.

Social scientists have developed several theories to explain prejudice. Let’s first look at psychological explanations, then at sociological ones.

Race and Ethnicity 277

Psychological Perspectives Let’s look at two main theories of prejudice in psychology.


“Why are we having a depression? The answer is simple. The Jews have taken over the banking system, and they want to suck every dollar out of us.”

This was a common sentiment in Germany in the 1930s during the deep depression that helped propel Hitler to power. People often unfairly blame their troubles on a scapegoat—often a racial–ethnic or religious minority. Why do they do this? Psycholo- gist John Dollard (Dollard et al. 1939) suggested that prejudice is the result of frustra- tion. People who are unable to strike out at the real source of their frustration (such as unemployment) look for someone to blame. This person or group becomes a target on which they vent their frustrations. Gender and age are also the basis for scapegoating. Immigrants, too, often find that they are scapegoats.

How easily frustration can lead to prejudice was illustrated in a simple, yet fascinat- ing experiment. A team of psychologists measured the prejudice of a group of students (Cowen 1959). They then gave the students two puzzles to solve, making sure the students did not have enough time to finish. After the students had worked furiously on the puzzles, the experimenters shook their heads in disgust and expressed disbelief that the students couldn’t complete such a simple task. They then retested the students. The results? Their scores on prejudice increased. The students had directed their frustrations outward, trans- ferring them to people who had nothing to do with the contempt they had experienced.


“I don’t like the British. They never laugh. And I don’t like the Italians. They’re always talking with their hands. I don’t like the Walloneans, either. They’re always smiling at something. And I don’t like librarians. And my job sucks. Hitler might have had his faults, but he put people to work during the Great Depression.”

Have you ever wondered whether some people’s personalities make them more inclined to be prejudiced and others more fair-minded? For psychologist Theodor Adorno, who had fled from the Nazis, this was no idle speculation. With the horrors he had observed still fresh in his mind, Adorno wondered whether there might be a certain type of person who is more likely to fall for the racist spewings of people like Hitler, Mussolini, and those in the Ku Klux Klan.

To find out, Adorno gave three tests to about two thousand people, ranging from col- lege professors to prison inmates (Adorno et al. 1950). He measured their ethnocentrism, anti-Semitism (bias against Jews), and support for strong, authoritarian leaders. People who scored high on one test also scored high on the other two. For example, people who agreed with anti-Semitic statements also said that governments should be authoritarian and that foreign customs pose a threat to the “American way.”

Adorno concluded that highly prejudiced people have deep respect for authority and are submissive to authority figures. He termed this the authoritarian personality. These people believe that things are either right or wrong. Ambiguity disturbs them, especially in matters of religion or sex. They become anxious when they confront norms and values that are different from their own. To view people who differ from themselves as inferior assures them that their own positions are right.

Adorno’s research stimulated more than a thousand research studies. In general, the researchers found that people who are older, less educated, less intelligent, and from a lower social class are more likely to be authoritarian. Critics say that this doesn’t indi- cate a particular personality, just that the less educated are more prejudiced—which we already knew (Yinger 1965; Ray 1991). Nevertheless, researchers continue to study this concept (Aichholzer and Zandonella 2016).

scapegoat an individual or group unfair- ly blamed for someone else’s troubles

authoritarian personality Theodor Adorno’s term for peo- ple who are prejudiced and rank high on scales of conformity, intolerance, insecurity, respect for authority, and submissive- ness to superiors

278 Chapter 9

other racial–ethnic groups are ready to take their jobs, African Americans often per- ceive Latinos as competitors (Glanton 2013), and men know that women are eager to get promoted. All of this helps to keep workers in line.

Conflict theorists, as you will recall, focus on how groups compete for scarce resources. Owners want to increase profits by holding costs down, while workers want better food, health care, housing, education, and leisure. Divided, workers are weak, but united, they gain strength. The split labor market is one way that owners divide workers so they can’t take united action to demand higher wages and better working conditions.

Another tactic that owners use is the reserve labor force. This is simply another term for the unemployed. To expand production during economic booms, companies hire people who don’t have jobs. When the economy contracts, they lay off unneeded workers. That there are desperate people looking for work is a lesson not lost on those who have jobs. They fear eviction and worry about having their cars and furniture repossessed. Many know they are just one or two paychecks away from ending up “on the streets.”

Just like the boys in the Sherif experiment, African Americans, Latinos, whites, and others see themselves as able to make gains only at the expense of other groups. Some- times this rivalry shows up along very fine racial–ethnic lines, such as that in Miami between Haitians and African Americans, who distrust each other as competitors. Divisions among workers deflect anger and hostility away from the power elite and direct these powerful emotions toward other racial–ethnic groups. Instead of recogniz- ing their common class interests and working for their mutual welfare, workers learn to fear and distrust one another.


“I know her qualifications are good, but yikes! She’s ugly. I don’t want to have to look at her every day. Let’s hire the pretty one with the nice curves.”

While conflict theorists focus on the role of the owner (or capitalist) class in exploiting racial–ethnic divisions, symbolic interactionists examine how labels affect perception and create prejudice.

HOW LABELS CREATE PREJUDICE Symbolic interactionists stress that the labels we learn affect the ways we perceive people. Labels create selective perception; that is, they lead us to see certain things while they blind us to others. If we apply a label to a group, we tend to perceive its members as all alike. We shake off evidence that doesn’t fit (Simpson and Yinger 1972; Drakulich 2012). Shorthand for emotionally charged stereotypes, some racial–ethnic labels are especially powerful. As you know, the term nigger is not neutral. Nor are cracker, dago, guinea, honky, kike, kraut, limey, mick, spic, or any of the other scornful words people use to belittle other groups. As in the statement above, ugly can work in a similar way. Such words overpower us with emotions, blocking out rational thought about the people to whom they refer (Allport 1954).

LABELS AND SELF-FULFILLING STEREOTYPES Some stereotypes not only justify prejudice and discrimination but also produce the behavior depicted in the stereotype. We examined this principle in Chapter 4 in the Down-to-Earth Sociology on beauty. Let’s consider Group X. According to stereotypes, the members of this group are lazy, so they don’t deserve good jobs. (“They are lazy and wouldn’t do the job well.”) Denied the bet- ter jobs, most members of Group X do “dirty work,” the jobs few people want. (“That’s the right kind of work for that kind of people.”) Since much “dirty work” is sporadic, members of Group X are often seen “on the streets.” The sight of their idleness reinforces the original stereotype of laziness. The discrimination that created the “laziness” in the first place passes unnoticed.

split labor market workers split along racial– ethnic, gender, age, or any other lines; this split is exploited by owners to weaken the bargain- ing power of workers

reserve labor force the unemployed; unemployed workers are thought of as being “in reserve”—capitalists take them “out of reserve” (put them back to work) during times of high production and then put them “back in reserve” (lay them off) when they are no longer needed

selective perception seeing certain features of an ob- ject or situation, but remaining blind to others

Sociological Perspectives Sociologists find psychological explanations inadequate. They stress that the key to understanding prejudice cannot be found by looking inside people but, rather, by examining conditions outside of them. For this reason, sociologists focus on how social environments influence prejudice. With this background, let’s compare functionalist, conflict, and symbolic interactionist perspectives on prejudice.


In a television documentary, journalist Bill Moyers interviewed Fritz Hippler, a Nazi who was just 29 when he was put in charge of the entire German film industry. When Hit- ler came to power, Hippler said, the Germans were no more anti-Semitic than the French. Hippler was told to increase anti-Semitism in Germany. Obediently, he produced movies that contained vivid scenes comparing Jews to rats—with their breeding threatening to infest the population.

Why was Hippler told to create hatred? Prejudice and discrimination were functional for the Nazis. Defeated in World War I and devastated by fines levied by the victors, Germany was on its knees. Runaway inflation was destroying its middle class. To help unite this fractured Germany, the Nazis created a scapegoat to blame for their troubles. In addition, the Jews owned businesses, bank accounts, fine art, and other property that the Nazis could confiscate. Jews also held key positions (as university professors, reporters, judges, and so on), which the Nazis could give as prizes to their followers. In the end, hatred also showed its dysfunctional face, as the Nazi officials hanged at Nuremberg discovered.

Prejudice becomes practically irresistible when state machinery is used to advance the cause of hatred. To produce prejudice, the Nazis harnessed government agencies, the schools, police, courts, and mass media. The results were devastating. Do you recall Jack and Oskar featured in the Down-to-Earth Sociology on identical twins in Chapter 3? Jack and Oskar had been separated as babies. Jack was brought up as a Jew in Trinidad, while Oskar was reared as a Catholic in Czechoslovakia. Under the Nazi regime, Oskar learned to hate Jews, unaware that he himself was a Jew.

That prejudice is functional and shaped by the social environment was demon- strated in another classical experiment by psychologists Muzafer and Carolyn Sherif (1953). In a boys’ summer camp, the Sherifs assigned friends to different cabins and then had the cabin groups compete in sports. In just a few days, strong in-groups had formed. Even lifelong friends began to taunt one another, calling each other “crybaby” and “sissy.”

The Sherif study teaches us important lessons about social life. Note how it is pos- sible to arrange the social environment to generate either positive or negative feelings about people, and how prejudice arises if we pit groups against one another in an “I win, you lose” situation. You can also see that prejudice is functional, how it creates in-group solidarity. And, of course, it is obvious how dysfunctional prejudice is, when you observe the way it destroys human relationships.


“The Japanese have gone on strike? They’re demanding a raise? And they even want a rest period? We’ll show them who’s boss. Hire those Koreans who have been begging for work.”

This did happen. When Japanese workers in Hawaii struck, owners of plantations hired Koreans (Jeong and You 2008). The division of workers along racial–ethnic and gender lines is known as a split labor market (Du Bois 1935/1992; Piketty 2014). Although today’s exploitation of these divisions is more subtle, whites are aware that

Race and Ethnicity 279

other racial–ethnic groups are ready to take their jobs, African Americans often per- ceive Latinos as competitors (Glanton 2013), and men know that women are eager to get promoted. All of this helps to keep workers in line.

Conflict theorists, as you will recall, focus on how groups compete for scarce resources. Owners want to increase profits by holding costs down, while workers want better food, health care, housing, education, and leisure. Divided, workers are weak, but united, they gain strength. The split labor market is one way that owners divide workers so they can’t take united action to demand higher wages and better working conditions.

Another tactic that owners use is the reserve labor force. This is simply another term for the unemployed. To expand production during economic booms, companies hire people who don’t have jobs. When the economy contracts, they lay off unneeded workers. That there are desperate people looking for work is a lesson not lost on those who have jobs. They fear eviction and worry about having their cars and furniture repossessed. Many know they are just one or two paychecks away from ending up “on the streets.”

Just like the boys in the Sherif experiment, African Americans, Latinos, whites, and others see themselves as able to make gains only at the expense of other groups. Some- times this rivalry shows up along very fine racial–ethnic lines, such as that in Miami between Haitians and African Americans, who distrust each other as competitors. Divisions among workers deflect anger and hostility away from the power elite and direct these powerful emotions toward other racial–ethnic groups. Instead of recogniz- ing their common class interests and working for their mutual welfare, workers learn to fear and distrust one another.


“I know her qualifications are good, but yikes! She’s ugly. I don’t want to have to look at her every day. Let’s hire the pretty one with the nice curves.”

While conflict theorists focus on the role of the owner (or capitalist) class in exploiting racial–ethnic divisions, symbolic interactionists examine how labels affect perception and create prejudice.

HOW LABELS CREATE PREJUDICE Symbolic interactionists stress that the labels we learn affect the ways we perceive people. Labels create selective perception; that is, they lead us to see certain things while they blind us to others. If we apply a label to a group, we tend to perceive its members as all alike. We shake off evidence that doesn’t fit (Simpson and Yinger 1972; Drakulich 2012). Shorthand for emotionally charged stereotypes, some racial–ethnic labels are especially powerful. As you know, the term nigger is not neutral. Nor are cracker, dago, guinea, honky, kike, kraut, limey, mick, spic, or any of the other scornful words people use to belittle other groups. As in the statement above, ugly can work in a similar way. Such words overpower us with emotions, blocking out rational thought about the people to whom they refer (Allport 1954).

LABELS AND SELF-FULFILLING STEREOTYPES Some stereotypes not only justify prejudice and discrimination but also produce the behavior depicted in the stereotype. We examined this principle in Chapter 4 in the Down-to-Earth Sociology on beauty. Let’s consider Group X. According to stereotypes, the members of this group are lazy, so they don’t deserve good jobs. (“They are lazy and wouldn’t do the job well.”) Denied the bet- ter jobs, most members of Group X do “dirty work,” the jobs few people want. (“That’s the right kind of work for that kind of people.”) Since much “dirty work” is sporadic, members of Group X are often seen “on the streets.” The sight of their idleness reinforces the original stereotype of laziness. The discrimination that created the “laziness” in the first place passes unnoticed.

split labor market workers split along racial– ethnic, gender, age, or any other lines; this split is exploited by owners to weaken the bargain- ing power of workers

reserve labor force the unemployed; unemployed workers are thought of as being “in reserve”—capitalists take them “out of reserve” (put them back to work) during times of high production and then put them “back in reserve” (lay them off) when they are no longer needed

selective perception seeing certain features of an ob- ject or situation, but remaining blind to others

280 Chapter 9

Down-to-Earth Sociology The Man in the Zoo

The Bronx Zoo in New York City used to keep a 22-year-old pygmy in the Monkey House. The man— and the orangutan he lived with—became the most popular exhibit at the zoo. Thousands of visitors would arrive daily and head straight for the Monkey House. Eyewitnesses to what they were told was a lower form of human in the long chain of evolution, the visitors were fascinated by the pygmy, especially by his sharp- ened teeth.

To make the exhibit even more alluring, the zoo director scattered animal bones in front of the man.

I know it sounds as though I must have made this up, but this is a true story. The World’s Fair was going to be held in St. Louis in 1904, and the U.S. Department of Anthropology wanted to show villages from different cul- tures. They asked Samuel Verner, an explorer, if he could bring some pygmies to St. Louis to serve as live exhibits. Verner agreed, and on his next trip to Africa, in the Belgian Congo he came across Ota Benga, a pygmy who had been enslaved by another tribe. Benga, then about age 20, said he was willing to go to St. Louis. After Verner bought Benga’s freedom for some cloth and salt, Benga recruited several other pygmies to go with them.

After the World’s Fair, Verner took the pygmies back to Africa. When Benga found out that a Belgian military had wiped out his village and killed his family, he asked Verner if he could return with him to the United States. Verner agreed.

When they returned to New York, Verner ran into financial trouble and wrote some bad checks. No longer able to care for Benga, Verner left him with the director of the American Museum of Natural History. Later, Benga was turned over to the Bronx Zoo, which put him on display in the Monkey House, with the same type of sign they used to identify animal specimens:

The African Pygmy, “Ota Benga.” Age 23 years. Height 4 feet 11 inches. Weight 103 pounds. Brought from the Kasai River, Congo Free State, South Central Africa by Dr. Samuel P. Verner. Exhibited each afternoon during September.

Exhibited with an orangutan, Benga became a sensation. An article in The New York Times said it was fortunate that Benga couldn’t think very deeply or else living with monkeys might bother him.

When the Colored Baptist Ministers’ Conference protested that exhibiting Benga was degrading, zoo officials replied that they were “taking excellent care of the little fellow.” They added that “he has one of the best rooms at the primate house.” (I

wonder what animal had the best room.) Not surprisingly, this reply didn’t satisfy

the ministers. When they continued to protest, zoo officials decided to let Benga out of his cage. They put a white shirt on him and let him walk around the zoo. At night, Benga slept in the monkey house.

Benga’s life became even more miserable. Zoo visitors would follow him, howling, jeering, laughing, and poking at him. One day, Benga found a knife in the feeding room of the Monkey House and flourished it at the visitors. Unhappy zoo officials took the knife away.

Benga then made a little bow and some arrows and began shooting at the obnoxious visitors. This ended the fun for the zoo officials. They decided that Benga had to leave.

After living in an orphanage for African American children, Benga went to work as a laborer in a tobacco factory in Lynchburg, Virginia.

Always treated as a freak, Benga was desperately lonely. In 1916, at about the age of 32, in despair that he had no home or family to return to in Africa, Benga ended his misery by shooting himself in the heart.

SOURCES: Based on Bradford and Blume 1992; Crossen 2006; Bergman 2014.

For Your Consideration → See what different views emerge as you apply the three

theoretical perspectives (functionalism, symbolic interac- tionism, and conflict theory) to exhibiting Ota Benga at the Bronx Zoo.

→ How does the concept of ethnocentrism apply to this event?

→ Explain how the concepts of prejudice and discrimination apply to what happened to Benga.

Ota Benga, 1906, on exhibit in the Bronx Zoo.

To apply these three theoretical perspectives and catch a glimpse of how amazingly different things were in the past, read the following Down-to-Earth Sociology.

Race and Ethnicity 281

Global Patterns of Intergroup Relations 9.4 Explain genocide, population transfer, internal colonialism, segregation,

assimilation, and multiculturalism.

In their studies of racial–ethnic relations around the world, sociologists have found six basic ways that dominant groups treat minority groups. These patterns are shown in Figure 9.3. Let’s look at each.

Figure 9.3 Global Patterns of Intergroup Relations: A Continuum

The dominant group structures the social institu- tions to maintain minimal contact with the minority group (e.g., the

U.S. South before the 1960s)

The dominant group tries to destroy the

minority group (e.g., Germany and Rwanda)

The dominant group exploits

the minority group (e.g., low-paid, menial work)

The dominant group expels the minority group

(e.g., Native Americans forced onto reservations)

The dominant group absorbs

the minority group (e.g., American


The dominant group encourages racial and ethnic variation; when

successful, there is no longer a

dominant group (e.g., Switzerland)

Genocide Population

Transfer Internal

Colonialism Segregation Assimilation Multiculturalism






SOURCE: By the author.


When gold was discovered in northern California in 1849, the fabled “Forty-Niners” rushed in. In this region lived 150,000 Native Americans. To get rid of them, the white government put a bounty on their heads. It even reimbursed the whites for their bullets. The result was the slaughter of 120,000 Native American men, women, and children. (Schaefer 2004)

Could you ever participate in genocide? Don’t be too quick in answering. Gaining an understanding of how ordinary people take part in genocide will be our primary goal in this section. Those who did the killing in the California gold fields were regular people— people like you and me. The killing was promoted by calling the Native Americans “sav- ages,” making them seem inferior, somehow less than human. Killing them, then, didn’t seem the same as killing whites in order to take their property.

Most Native Americans, though, died not from bullets but from the diseases the whites brought with them. Measles, smallpox, and the flu came from another continent, and the Native Americans had no immunity against them. But disease wasn’t enough. To accomplish the takeover of the Native Americans’ resources, the settlers and soldiers destroyed their food supply (crops and buffalo). From all causes, about 97 percent of Native Americans died (Schaefer 2015). Ordinary, “good” people were intent on destroy- ing the “savages.”

Now consider last century’s two most notorious examples of genocide. In Germany during the 1930s and 1940s, Hitler and the Nazis attempted to destroy all Jews. In the 1990s, in Rwanda, the Hutus tried to destroy all Tutsis. One of the horrifying aspects of these two slaughters is that the killers did not crawl out from under a rock someplace. In some cases, even the victims’ neighbors, friends, and teachers did the killing. The killing

282 Chapter 9

was facilitated by labels that marked the victims as enemies who deserved to die (Huttenbach 1991; Browning 1993; Wiafe-Amoako 2017).

IN SUM Labels are powerful; dehumanizing ones are even more so. They help people to compartmentalize—to separate their acts of cruelty from their sense of being good and decent people. To regard members of some group as inferior opens the door to treat- ing them inhumanely. In some cases, these labels help people to kill—and to still retain a good self-concept (Bernard et al. 1971). In short, labeling the targeted group as inferior or even less than fully human facilitates genocide.

Population Transfer There are two types of population transfer: indirect and direct. Indirect transfer is achieved by making life so miserable for members of a minority that they leave “volun- tarily.” Under the bitter conditions of czarist Russia, for example, millions of Jews made this “choice.” Direct transfer occurs when a dominant group expels a minority. Examples include the U.S. government relocating Native Americans to reservations and putting Americans of Japanese descent in internment camps during World War II.

In the 1990s, a combination of genocide and population transfer occurred in Bos- nia and Kosovo, parts of the former Yugoslavia. A hatred nurtured for centuries had been kept under wraps by Tito’s iron-fisted rule from 1944 to 1980. After Tito’s death, these suppressed, smoldering hostilities soared to the surface, and Yugoslavia split into warring factions. When the Serbs gained power, Muslims rebelled and began guerilla warfare. The Serbs vented their hatred by what they termed ethnic cleansing: They ter- rorized villages with killing and rape, forcing survivors to flee in fear. In Iraq in 2014, ISIS began doing the same thing with ethnic–religious minorities.

Internal Colonialism In Chapter 7, the term colonialism was used to refer to one way that the Most Industrialized Nations exploit the Least Industrialized Nations. Conflict theorists use the term internal colonialism to describe how a country’s dominant group exploits minority groups for its economic advantage. The dominant group manipulates the social institutions to suppress minorities and deny them full access to their society’s benefits. Slavery, reviewed in Chapter 7,

is an extreme example of internal colonialism, as was the South African system of apartheid. Although the dominant Afrikaners despised the minority, they found its presence neces-

sary. As Simpson and Yinger (1972) put it, who else would do the hard work?

Segregation Internal colonialism is often accompanied by segregation—the sepa-

ration of racial or ethnic groups. Segregation allows the dominant group to maintain social distance from the

minority and yet to exploit their labor as cooks, cleaners, chauffeurs, nan-

nies, farmworkers, and so on. Even today, in some villages of India,

an ethnic group, the Dalits (untouchables), is forbidden to use the village pump. Dalit women must walk long dis- tances to streams or pumps

outside of the village to fetch their water (author’s notes).

Do you recall from Chapter 7 the account of apartheid in South

compartmentalize to separate acts from feelings or attitudes

population transfer the forced transfer of a minority group

ethnic cleansing a policy of eliminating a popula- tion; includes forcible expulsion and genocide

internal colonialism the policy of exploiting minority groups for economic gain

segregation the policy of keeping racial– ethnic groups apart

Amid fears that Japanese Americans were “enemies within” who would sabotage industrial and military installations on the West Coast, in the early days of World War II Japanese Americans were transferred to “relocation camps.” To make sure they didn’t get lost, the children were tagged like luggage. This is one of two major examples of popula- tion transfer in the United States. The other is transferring Native Americans to reservations.

Race and Ethnicity 283

Africa, where the beaches were divided by racial groups? It was once like this in parts of the United States, too. In St. Augustine, Florida, Butler Beach was reserved for blacks, while the area’s many other beaches were for whites (author ’s notes). Until the 1960s, in the U.S. South, by law, African Americans and whites had to stay in separate hotels, go to separate schools, and use separate bathrooms and even drinking fountains. In thirty- eight states, laws prohibited marriage between blacks and whites. The punishment for violating these marriage laws? Prison. The last law of this type was repealed in 1967 (Rothman 2015).

Assimilation There are two types of assimilation, the process by which a minority group is absorbed into the mainstream culture. In forced assimilation, the dominant group refuses to allow the minority to practice its religion, to speak its language, or to follow its customs. Before the fall of the Soviet Union, for example, the dominant group, the Russians, required that Armenian children attend schools where they were taught in Russian. Armenians could celebrate only Russian holidays, not Armenian ones. Permissible assimilation, in contrast, allows the minority to adopt the dominant group’s patterns in its own way and at its own speed.

Multiculturalism (Pluralism) A policy of multiculturalism, also called pluralism, permits or even encourages racial–ethnic variation. The minority groups are able to maintain their separate identi- ties, yet participate freely in the country’s social institutions, from education to politics. Switzerland provides an outstanding example of multiculturalism. The Swiss population includes four ethnic groups: French, Italians, Germans, and Romansh. These groups have kept their own languages, and they live peacefully in political and economic unity. Mul- ticulturalism has been so successful that none of these groups can properly be called a minority.

Racial–Ethnic Relations in the United States 9.5 Summarize the major patterns that characterize European Americans, Latinos,

African Americans, Asian Americans, and Native Americans.

Writing about race–ethnicity is like stepping onto a minefield: One never knows where to expect the next explosion. Serbian students have written to me, saying that I have been unfair to their group. So have American whites. Even basic terms are controversial. Some people classified as African Americans reject this term because they identify themselves as blacks. Similarly, some Latinos prefer the term Hispanic American, but others reject it, say- ing that it ignores the Native American side of their heritage. Some would limit the term Chicanos—commonly used to refer to Americans from Mexico—to those who have a sense of ethnic oppression and unity; they say that it does not apply to those who have assimilated.

No term that I use here, then, will satisfy everyone. Racial–ethnic identity is fluid, constantly changing, and all terms carry a risk as they take on politically charged meanings. Nevertheless, as part of everyday life, we classify ourselves and one another as belonging to distinct racial–ethnic groups. As Figures 9.4 and 9.5 show, on the basis of self-identity, whites make up 61 percent of the U.S. pop- ulation, minorities (African Americans, Asian Americans, Latinos, and Native Americans) 36 percent. About 3 percent claim membership in two or more racial– ethnic groups.

assimilation the process of being absorbed into the mainstream culture

multiculturalism (or pluralism) a policy that permits or encour- ages ethnic differences

Figure 9.4 Race–Ethnicity of the U.S. Population

Whites 61%

Latinos 17%

Asian Americans 5%

African Americans 13%

Native Americans 1% Claim more than one race-ethnicity 3%

SOURCE: By the author. See Figure 9.5.

284 Chapter 9

disparaging brushstrokes. From what Franklin said, you can see that they didn’t like Germans either.

The political and cultural dominance of the WASPs placed intense pressure on immigrants to assimilate into the mainstream culture. The children of most immigrants embraced the new way of life and quickly came to think of themselves as Americans rather than as Germans, French, Hungarians, and so on. They dropped their distinc- tive customs, especially their clothing and languages, often viewing them as symbols of shame. This second generation of immigrants was sandwiched between two worlds: “the old country” of their parents and their new home. Their children, the third gener- ation, had an easier adjustment because they had fewer customs to discard. As white ethnics assimilated into this Anglo-American culture, the meaning of WASP expanded to include them.

And for those who weren’t white? Perhaps the event that best illustrates the racial view of the nation’s founders occurred when Congress passed the Naturalization Act of 1790, declaring that only white immigrants could apply for citizenship. Relationships between the various racial–ethnic groups since the founding of the nation have been, at best, tense and rocky.

IN SUM Because Protestant English immigrants settled the colonies, they established the culture—from the dominant language to the dominant religion. Highly ethnocentric, they regarded the customs of other groups as inferior. Because white Europeans took power, they determined the national agenda to which other ethnic groups had to react and con- form. Their institutional and cultural dominance still sets the stage for current racial–ethnic relations, a topic we explore in the following Down-to-Earth Sociology.

WASP White Anglo-Saxon Protestant

white ethnics white immigrants to the United States whose cultures differ from WASP culture

Figure 9.5 U.S. Racial–Ethnic Groupsa

Americans of European Descent aInterestingly, this total is seven times higher than

all the Irish who live in Ireland. bIncludes French-Canadian. cIncludes “Scotch-Irish.” dMost Latinos trace at least part of their ancestry to Europe. eIn descending order, the largest groups of Asian Americans are from China, India, the Philippines, Vietnam, Korea, and Japan. See Figure 12.9 Also includes those who identify themselves as Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander. fIncludes Native Alaskan. gThe source comes up with various overall totals of the U.S. population.

197,871,000 60.9%

118,846,000 36.6%

Claim more than one race-ethnicity 2.5%

Overall Total: 324,713,000 12%0 8%4% 16% 20% 24% 28% 32% 36% 40%

Percentage of Americans

55,388,000 17.0%

42,158,000 13.0%

17,339,000 5.3%

3,961,000 1.2%

7,996,000 2.5%

46,163,000 14.2%German

33,348,000 10.3%Irish

25,785,000 7.9%English/British


10,329,000 3.2%French b

8,287,000 2.6%Scottish c

9,383,000 2.9%Polish

4,484,000 1.4%Norwegian

4,272,000 1.3%Dutch

3,913,000 1.2%Swedish

2,845,000 0.9%Russian

1,441,000 0.4%Czech

1,438,000 0.4%Hungarian

1,374,000 0.4%Portuguese

1,777,000 0.5%Welsh

1,311,000 0.4%Danish

1,265,000 0.4%Greek

23,234,000 7.2%Others

Latino Americans of African, Asian, North, Central, and South American Descent Asian American

African American

Native American f




17,222,000 5.3%


SOURCE: By the author. Based on Statistical Abstract of the United States 2016:Tables 10, 52.

As you can see from the following Social Map, the distribution of dominant and minority groups among the states does not come close to the national average. This is because minority groups tend to be clustered in regions. The extreme distributions are found in Maine, where whites outnumber minorities 16 to 1, and Hawaii, where minori- ties outnumber whites 3 to 1. With this as background, let’s review the major groups in the United States, going from the largest to the smallest.

European Americans Benjamin Franklin said, “Why should the Palatine boors (Germans) be suffered (allowed) to swarm into our settlements and by herding together establish their language and man- ners to the exclusion of ours? Why should Pennsylvania, founded by the English, become a colony of aliens, who will shortly be so numerous as to germanize us instead of our anglifying them?” (in Alba and Nee 2003:17)

At the founding of the United States, White Anglo-Saxon Protestants (WASPs) held deep prejudices against other whites. There was practically no end to their disdain- ful stereotypes of white ethnics—immigrants from Europe whose language and other customs differed from theirs. The English despised the Irish, viewing them as dirty, lazy drunkards, but they also painted Poles, Jews, Italians, and others with similar

Race and Ethnicity 285

disparaging brushstrokes. From what Franklin said, you can see that they didn’t like Germans either.

The political and cultural dominance of the WASPs placed intense pressure on immigrants to assimilate into the mainstream culture. The children of most immigrants embraced the new way of life and quickly came to think of themselves as Americans rather than as Germans, French, Hungarians, and so on. They dropped their distinc- tive customs, especially their clothing and languages, often viewing them as symbols of shame. This second generation of immigrants was sandwiched between two worlds: “the old country” of their parents and their new home. Their children, the third gener- ation, had an easier adjustment because they had fewer customs to discard. As white ethnics assimilated into this Anglo-American culture, the meaning of WASP expanded to include them.

And for those who weren’t white? Perhaps the event that best illustrates the racial view of the nation’s founders occurred when Congress passed the Naturalization Act of 1790, declaring that only white immigrants could apply for citizenship. Relationships between the various racial–ethnic groups since the founding of the nation have been, at best, tense and rocky.

IN SUM Because Protestant English immigrants settled the colonies, they established the culture—from the dominant language to the dominant religion. Highly ethnocentric, they regarded the customs of other groups as inferior. Because white Europeans took power, they determined the national agenda to which other ethnic groups had to react and con- form. Their institutional and cultural dominance still sets the stage for current racial–ethnic relations, a topic we explore in the following Down-to-Earth Sociology.

WASP White Anglo-Saxon Protestant

white ethnics white immigrants to the United States whose cultures differ from WASP culture

Less than average: 6.2% to 19.9%

Average: 20.7% to 36.3%

Higher than average: 36.9% to 77.0%

SC 36.1

NC 35.9

VA 36.9

WA 29.6

OR 23.0

CA 61.5

NV 48.5

ID 17.2

MT 13.7

WY 15.9

AZ 43.8

NM 61.1

CO 31.0

ND 13.4

SD 17.0

NE 19.5

KS 23.2

OK 33.0

TX 56.5

MN 18.6

IA 12.9

MO 19.9

AR 26.6

LA 40.7

WI 17.8

IL 37.7

KY 14.6

TN 25.4

MS 42.7

AL 33.8

GA 45.7

FL 44.2

IN 19.7

MI 24.2

WV 7.5

PA 22.1

NY 43.5

ME 6.2

NH 8.7 MA 25.7

RI 25.5

CT 31.2 NJ 43.2

DE 36.3

MD 47.4

DC 64.2

OH 19.9UT


AK 38.1

VT 6.5

HI 77

Percentage Minority groups

Highest percentage of minority groups

1. Hawaii (77%) 2. California (61.5%) 3. New Mexico (61.1%)

Lowest percentage of minority groups

2. Vermont (6.5%)

1. Maine (6.2%)

3. West Virginia (7.5%)

Figure 9.6 The Distribution of Dominant and Minority Groups

SOURCE: By the author. Based on Statistical Abstract of the United States 2016:Table 19.

As immigrants assimilate into a new culture, they learn and adapt new customs. This photo was taken in New York City at the annual American Muslim Parade.

286 Chapter 9

Down-to-Earth Sociology Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack: Exploring Cultural Privilege Overt racism in the United States has dropped sharply, but doors still open and close on the basis of the color of our skin. Whites have a difficult time grasping the idea that good things come their way because they are white. They usually fail to perceive how “whiteness” oper- ates in their own lives.

Sociologist Peggy McIntosh, of Irish descent, began to wonder why she was so seldom aware of her race–ethnicity, while her African American friends were so conscious of theirs. She realized that people are not highly aware of things that they take for granted—and that “whiteness” is a “taken-for-granted” background assumption of U.S. society. (You might want to review Figure 9.1.) To explore this, she drew up a list of taken-for-granted privileges that come with her “whiteness,” what she calls her “invisible knapsack.” Because she is white, McIntosh (1988) says:

1. When I go shopping, store detectives don’t follow me.

2. If I don’t do well as a leader, I can be sure people won’t say that it is because of my race.

3. When I watch television or look at the front page of the paper, I see people of my race presented positively.

4. When I study our national heritage, I see people of my color and am taught that they made our country great.

5. To protect my children, I do not have to teach them to be aware of racism.

6. I can talk with my mouth full and not have people put this down to my color.

7. I can speak at a public meet- ing without putting my race on trial.

8. I can achieve something and not be “a credit to my race.”

9. If a traffic cop pulls me over, I can be sure that it isn’t be- cause I’m white.

10. I can be late to a meeting without people thinking I was late because “That’s how they are.”

For Your Consideration → Can you think of other “background privileges” that come

to whites because of their skin color? (McIntosh’s list contains forty-six items.)

→ Why are whites seldom aware that they carry an “invisible knapsack”?

One of the cultural privileges of being white in the United States is less suspicion of wrongdoing.

Latinos (Hispanics) Let’s get an overview of the largest minority group in the United States.

UMBRELLA TERM Latino is an umbrella term that lumps people from many cul- tures into a single category. Taken together, people who trace their origins to the Spanish-speaking countries of Latin America form the largest ethnic group in the United States.

Few people who are classified as Latino, however, con- sider themselves to be part of a single ethnic group. Instead, they think of themselves as Americans of Mexican origin (Mexicanos), Americans of Cuban origin (Cubanos), Americans from Puerto Rico (Puertoricanos), and so on. Nor do most iden- tify with the umbrella term Hispanic, another artificial group- ing of peoples. It is also important to stress that neither Latino nor Hispanic refers to race. Latinos may identify themselves as African American, white, or Native American. Some even refer to themselves as Afro Latino.

COUNTRIES OF ORIGIN As you can see from Figure 9.7, roughly 32 million people trace their origin to Mexico, 8 million to Central and South America, 5 million to Puerto Rico, and 2 million to Cuba. Although most Latinos of Mexican origin live

Figure 9.7 Geographical Origins of U.S. Latinos

Mexico 32,000,000 68%

Puerto Rico 4,600,000 10%

Cuba 1,800,000 4% El Salvador 1,700,000 4% Dominican Rep.1,400,000 3% Guatemala1,000,000 2% Colombia 900,000 2%

Spain 600,000 1% Other Central America 1,900,000 4% Other South America 1,300,000 3%

SOURCE: By the author. Based on the U.S. Census 2010.

Race and Ethnicity 287

in the Southwest, most Latinos from Puerto Rico live in New York City, and those from Cuba live primarily in Florida.

U N A U T H O R I Z E D I M M I G R A N T S Although most Latinos are U.S. citi- zens, about 9 million have entered the country illegally (7 million from Mexico and 2 million from Central and South America) (Statistical Abstract 2017: Table 45). During the economic crisis, the number of unauthorized immi- grants dropped but each year about 400,000 people are arrested at the bor- der and returned to Mexico (U.S. Bor- der Patrol 2017). Some come to the United States for temporary work and then return home. Most do not.

O n e re a c t i o n t o t h i s m a s s i v e unauthorized entry into the United States has been welcoming. Twelve states, for exam- ple, offer drivers licenses (Sanchez 2016). Several major cities, including San Francisco, have become “sanctuary cities.” They will not cooperate in apprehending people ille- gally present in the United States.

Another reaction is to prevent illegal entry. Immigration officers check documents at entry points and patrol the borders. With this being ineffective, in 1994 Under President Bill Clinton, the United States began building a wall along its 2,000-mile border with Mexico. As the costs mounted, the building stopped. “The Wall” became a campaign issue in the presidential race of 2016, and under President Trump its building has resumed. Still another response has come from Arizona, where many of the illegal cross- ings take place. This state passed a law that gives its police the power to detain anyone suspected of being in the country illegally. When the U.S. Supreme Court reviewed the law, it upheld the state’s right to check the immigration status of anyone the police stop or arrest (Liptak 2012). Facing protest against racial profiling, Arizona agreed not to stop anyone because of suspicions that they are in the United States illegally (Schwartz 2016).

To gain insight into why this vast subterranean migration exists and will continue, see the following Cultural Diversity in the United States.

Cultural Diversity in the United States The Illegal Travel Guide Manuel was a drinking buddy of José, a man I had met in Colima, Mexico. At 45, Manuel was friendly, outgoing, and enterprising.

Manuel, who had lived in the United States for 7 years, spoke fluent English. Preferring to live in his hometown in Colima, where he palled around with his childhood friends, Manuel always seemed to have money and free time.

When Manuel invited me to go on a business trip with him, I accepted. I never could figure out what he did for a living or how he could afford a car, a luxury that none of his friends had. As we traveled from one remote village to another, Manuel would sell used clothing that he had heaped in the back of his older-model Ford station wagon.

At one stop, Manuel took me into a dirt-floored, thatched-roof hut. While chickens ran in and out, Manuel whispered to a slender man who was about 23 years old. The

For millions of people, the United States represents a land of opportunity and freedom from oppression. Shown here are Cubans who reached the United States by transforming their 1950s truck into a boat.

288 Chapter 9

poverty was overwhelming. Juan, as his name turned out to be, had a partial grade school education. He also had a wife, four hungry children under the age of 5, and two pigs—his main food supply. Although eager to work, Juan had no job; there was simply no work available in this remote village.

As we were drinking a Coke, which seems to be the national beverage of Mexico’s poor, Manuel explained to me that he was not only selling clothing—he was also lining up migrants to the United States. For a fee, he would take a man to the border and introduce him to a “wolf,” who would help him cross into the promised land.

When I saw the hope in Juan’s face, I knew nothing would stop him. He was borrowing every cent he could from every friend and relative to scrape the money together. Although Juan would be facing dangers and risked losing everything if apprehended, he would make the trip: Beckoning to him was a future with opportunity, perhaps even with wealth. He knew people who had been to the United States and spoke glowingly of its opportunities. Manuel, of course, salesman as he was, stoked the fires of hope.

Looking up from the little children playing on the dirt floor with chickens pecking about them, I saw a man

who loved his family. In order to make the desperate bid for a better life, he would suffer an enforced absence, as well as the uncertainties of a foreign culture whose language he did not know.

Juan opened his billfold, took something out, and slowly handed it to me. I looked at it curiously. I felt tears as I saw the tenderness with which he handled this piece of paper. It was his passport to the land of opportunity: a Social Security card made out in his name, sent by a friend who had already made the trip and who was waiting for Juan on the other side of the border.

It was then that I realized that the thousands of Manuels scurrying about Mexico and the millions of Juans they are

transporting can never be stopped, since only the United States can fulfill their dreams of a better life.

For Your Consideration The vast stream of immigrants illegally crossing the Mexican–U.S. border has become a national issue.

→ What do you think is the best way to deal with this issue? Why?

→ How does your social location affect your view?

A coyote leading a group into the United States at Nogales, Arizona.

RESIDENCE As Figure 9.8 shows, seven of every ten Latinos live in just six states—California, Texas, Florida, New York, Illinois, and Arizona. With its prom- inent Latino presence, Miami has been called “the capital of South America.”

SPANISH The factor that clearly distinguishes Latinos from other U.S. minorities is the Spanish language. Although not all Latinos speak Spanish, most do, with about 39 million speaking Spanish at home (Statistical Abstract 2017:Table 54). Many Latinos cannot speak English or can do so only with dif- ficulty. Being fluent only in Spanish in a society where English is spoken almost exclusively is an obstacle.

Schools should be a solution to producing English-proficient students, but California is a marvelous example of the confusion surrounding how to do so. From 1855 until 1968, California followed an “English immersion” pol- icy and banned teaching in Spanish in its schools. Then after a 1974 deci- sion of the U.S. Supreme Court (Lau v. Nichols), California used bilingual

instruction for Spanish-speaking children (Vidal 1977). But in 1998, California voters decided that schools should return to a policy of “English immersion, no Spanish.” Then in 2016, California voters switched back to the bilingual Spanish and English policy (Ulloa 2016).

Figure 9.8 Where U.S. Latinos Live

California 27% Texas


Other States 23%

New York 7%

Illinois 4%

New Jersey 3% Colorado 2%New Mexico 2%

Florida 9%

Arizona 4%

SOURCE: By the author. Based on Statistical Abstract of the United States 2017:Table 19.

Race and Ethnicity 289

The use of Spanish has provoked an “English-only” movement. Although the con- stitutional amendment that was proposed never got off the ground, several states have passed laws that declare English their official language.

ECONOMIC WELL-BEING To see how Latinos are doing on major indicators of well- being, look at Table 9.2. Their family income averages 40 percent less than that of whites, and they are almost twice as likely as whites to be poor. On the positive side, as you can see from Table. 9.3, one of every six Latino families has an income higher than $100,000 a year.

Table 9.3 Race–Ethnicity and Income Extremes

Less than $15,000

More than $100,000

Asian Americans 5.9% 42.7%

Whites 6.7% 32.9%

African Americans 16.2% 17.2%

Latinos 12.6% 16.1%

SOURCE: By the author: Based on Statistical Abstract of the United States 2017:Table 723.

NOTE: These are family incomes. Only these groups are listed in the source.

Table 9.2 Indicators of Relative Economic Well-Being Family Income Families In Poverty

Median Family Income

Compared to Whites

Percentage Below Poverty

Compared to Whites

Whites $74,700 12.7%

Asian Americans

$84,900 14% higher 12.0% 6% lower

Latinos $44,900 40% lower 23.6% 86% higher

African Americans

$42,800 43% lower 26.2% 106% higher

Native Americans

$43,400 42% lower 29.1% 129% higher

SOURCES: By the author. Based on Krogstad 2014; Statistical Abstract of the United States 2017:Tables 35, 736.

NOTE: These totals are for families, which have less poverty than “persons,” the unit of the tables in Chapter 8.

From Table 9.4, you can see that Latinos are the most likely to drop out of high school and that they are the least likely to graduate from college. In a postindustrial society that increasingly requires advanced skills, these totals indicate that huge numbers of Latinos are being left behind. However, in each edition that I do of this text, I see that the educa- tional levels of Latinos are increasing.

Table 9.4 Race–Ethnicity and Education Education Completed Doctorates

Racial–Ethnic Group

Less Than High School High School Some College

Associate’s Degree

College (BA or Higher)

Percentage of all U.S. Doctorates1

Percentage of U.S. Population

Whites 8.0% 28.2% 21.5% 8.7% 33.6% 70.4% 61.0%

Latinos 34.7% 27.2% 17.7% 6.0% 14.4% 6.8% 17.3%

Country or Area of Origin

Cuba 17.4% NA2 NA NA 29.1% NA 0.6%

Puerto Rico 22.5% NA NA NA 19.7% NA 1.4%

Central and South America

44.3% NA NA NA 22.1% NA 2.2%

Mexico 29.2% NA NA NA 10.5% NA 10.4%

African Americans 15.6% 31.6% 25.1% 8.0% 19.7% 8.1% 13.2%

Asian Americans 13.7% 15.5% 12.6% 6.7% 51.5% 12.3% 5.4%

Native Americans 20.7% 31.9% 25.2% 8.4% 13.9% 0.6% 1.2%

1Percentage after the doctorates awarded to nonresidents and those claiming two or more races are deducted from the total. 2Not Available.

SOURCE: By the author. Based on Statistical Abstract of the United States 2017:Tables 35, 36, 315, and Figure 9.5 of this chapter.

290 Chapter 9

POLITICS Because of their huge numbers, we might expect sixteen or seventeen of the one hundred U.S. senators to be Latino. How many are there? Two. In addition, Latinos hold only 7 percent of the seats in the U.S. House of Representatives (Statistical Abstract 2014:Table 432). Yet, compared with the past, even these small totals represent substantial gains. On

the positive side, several Latinos have been elected as state governors. The first Latina to become a governor is Susana Martinez of New Mexico, who was elected in 2010. In 2016, Catherine Cortez Masto of Nevada broke new ground, becoming the first Latina senator.

It is likely that Latinos soon will play a larger role in U.S. politics, perhaps one day even beyond their overall numbers. This is because the six states in which they are concentrated hold one-third of the country’s 538 electoral votes: California (55), Texas (38), Florida (29), New York (29), Illinois (20), and Arizona (11). Lati- nos have received presidential appointments to major federal positions, such as Secretary of the Interior, Sec- retary of Transportation, and Secretary of Housing and Urban Development.

What holds back the political power of Latinos? It is primarily the divisions based on country of origin. As I mentioned, Latinos do not think of themselves as a single people, and national origin remains highly significant. People from Puerto Rico, for example, feel little sense of unity with people from Mexico. It is similar with those from Venezuela, Colombia, or El Salvador. It used to be the same with European immigrants. Those who came from Ger- many and Sweden or from England and France did not identify with one another. With time, the importance of the country of origin was lost, and the Europeans came to think of them- selves as Americans. Perhaps this will happen to Latinos as well, but for now, these distinc- tions nourish disunity and create political disagreements.

African Americans It was 1955, in Montgomery, Alabama. As specified by law, whites took the front seats of the bus and blacks went to the back. As the bus filled up, blacks had to give up their seats to whites.

When Rosa Parks, a 42-year-old African American woman and secretary of the Montgomery NAACP, was told that she would have to stand so white folks could sit, she refused (Bray 1995). She stubbornly sat there while the bus driver raged and whites felt insulted. Her arrest touched off mass demonstrations, led 50,000 blacks to boycott the city’s buses for a year, and thrust an otherwise unknown preacher into a historic role.

Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., who had majored in sociology at Morehouse College in Atlanta, Georgia, took control. He organized car pools and preached nonviolence. Incensed at this radical organizer and at the stirrings in the normally compliant black community, segregationists also put their beliefs into practice—by bombing the homes of blacks and dynamiting their churches.

After slavery was abolished, the Southern states passed legislation (Jim Crow laws) to seg- regate blacks and whites. In 1896, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in Plessy v. Ferguson that it was a reasonable use of state power to require “separate but equal” accommodations for blacks. Whites used this ruling to strip blacks of the political power they had gained after the Civil War. Declaring political primaries to be “white,” they prevented blacks from vot- ing in them. Not until 1944 did the Supreme Court rule that political primaries were not “white” and were open to all voters. White politicians then passed laws that restricted voting only to people who could read—and they determined that most African Americans were illiterate. Not until 1954 did African Americans gain the legal right to attend the same public schools as whites, and, as recounted in the vignette you just read, even later to sit where they wanted on a bus.

Catherine Cortez Masto, the first Latina U.S. senator. She is shown after her election in Nevada, where she had been the state's attorney general.

Race and Ethnicity 291

RISING EXPECTATIONS AND CIVIL STRIFE The barriers came down, but they came down slowly. In 1964, Congress passed the Civil Rights Act, making it illegal to discrim- inate on the basis of race. African Americans were finally allowed in “white” restaurants, hotels, theaters, and other public places. Then in 1965, Congress passed the Voting Rights Act, banning the fraudulent literacy tests that the Southern states had used to keep African Americans from voting.

African Americans then experienced what sociologists call rising expectations. They expected that these sweeping legal changes would usher in better conditions in life. How- ever, the lives of the poor among them changed little, if at all. Frustrations built up, exploding in Watts in 1965, when people living in that ghetto of central Los Angeles took to the streets in the first of what were termed the urban revolts. When a white supremacist assassinated King on April 4, 1968, inner cities across the nation erupted in fiery violence. Under threat of the destruction of U.S. cities, Congress passed the sweeping Civil Rights Act of 1968.

CONTINUED GAINS Since then, African Americans have made remarkable gains in politics, education, and jobs. At 10 percent, the number of African Americans in the U.S. House of Representatives is two to three times what it was a generation ago (Statistical Abstract 1989:Table 423; 2017:Table 454). As college enrollments increased, the middle class expanded, and today half of all African American families make more than $40,000 a year. As you can see from Table 9.3, one in six has an income higher than $100,000 a year.

African Americans have become prominent in politics. Jesse Jackson (another sociol- ogy major) competed for the Democratic presidential nomination in 1984 and 1988. In 1989,

rising expectations the sense that better conditions are soon to follow, which, if un- fulfilled, increases frustration

Until the 1960s, the South’s public facilities were segregated. Some were reserved for whites, others for blacks. This apartheid was broken by blacks and whites who worked together and risked their lives to bring about a fairer society. Shown here is a 1963 sit-in at a Woolworth’s lunch counter in Jackson, Mississippi. Sugar, ketchup, and mustard are being poured over the heads of the demonstrators.

292 Chapter 9

L. Douglas Wilder was elected governor of Virginia, and in 2006, Deval Patrick became governor of Massachu- setts. These accomplishments, of course, pale in com- parison to the election of Barack Obama as president of the United States in 2008 and his reelection in 2012.

CURRENT LOSSES Despite these remarkable gains, African Americans continue to lag behind in politics, economics, and education. According to their share of the population, we would expect about thirteen African American senators. How many are there? Two. There have been only eight in U.S. history. As Tables 9.2 and 9.3 show, African Americans average only 57 percent of white income, experience much more poverty, and are less likely to have a college education. That one of six African American families has an income higher than $100,000 is only part of the

story. Table 9.3 also shows the other part—that one of every six African American fami- lies makes less than $15,000 a year.

RACE OR SOCIAL CLASS? A SOCIOLOGICAL DEBATE Let’s turn to an ongoing dis- agreement in sociology. Sociologist William Julius Wilson (1978, 2000, 2007) argues that social class is more important than race in determining the life chances of African Ameri- cans. Some sociologists disagree.

For background on why Wilson makes his argument, let’s start with civil rights. Prior to the civil rights laws, African Americans were excluded from avenues of eco- nomic advancement: good schools and good jobs. When civil rights laws opened new opportunities, African Americans seized them, and millions entered the middle class. As the better-educated African Americans obtained white-collar jobs, they moved to better areas of the city and to the suburbs.

Left behind in the inner city were the less educated and less skilled, who depended on blue-collar jobs. At this time, a second transition was taking place: Manufacturing was moving from the city to the suburbs. This took away those blue-collar jobs. Without work, those in the inner city have the least hope, the most despair, and the violence that so often dominates the evening news.

This is the basis of Wilson’s argument. The upward mobility of millions of African Americans into the middle class created two worlds of African American experience—one educated and affluent, the other uneducated and poor. Those who have moved up the social class ladder live in comfortable homes in secure neighborhoods. Their jobs provide decent incomes, and they send their children to good schools. The group that is stuck in the inner city has little opportunity for work, lives in depressing poverty, and attends poor schools. This group is filled with hopelessness and despair, combined with apathy or hostility.

Our experiences shape our views on life, our attitudes, our values, and our behav- ior. Look at how vastly different these two worlds of experiences are. Those who learn middle-class views, with its norms, aspirations, and values, have little in common with the orientations to life that arise from living in neighborhoods of deep poverty. Wilson, then, stresses that social class—not race—has become the more significant factor in the lives of African Americans.

Some sociologists reply that this analysis overlooks the discrimination that continues to underlie the African American experience. They note that African Americans who do the same work as whites average less pay and even receive fewer tips (Lynn et al. 2008; Brewster and Linn 2014). Others document how young black males experience daily indignities and are objects of suspicion and police brutality (Goonan 2016). These, they argue, point to racial discrimination, not to social class.

In 2008, Barack Obama was elected president of the United States, the first minority to achieve this office. In 2012, he was reelected. This photo was taken during his last months in office.

Race and Ethnicity 293

What is the answer to this debate? Wilson would reply that it is not an either–or question. My book is titled The Declining Significance of Race, he would say, not The Absence of Race. Certainly racism is still alive, he would add, but today, social class is more central to the African American experience than is racial discrimination.


Researchers sent out 5,000 résumés in response to help wanted ads in the Boston and Chicago Sunday papers. The résumés were identical, except some appli- cants had white-sounding names, such as Emily and Brandon, while others had black-sounding names, such as Lakisha and Jamal. Although the quali- fications of these supposed job applicants were identical, the white-sounding names elicited 50 percent more callbacks than the black-sounding names (Bertrand and Mullainathan 2004).

Certainly racism continues as a regular feature of society, often something that whites, not subjected to it, are only vaguely aware of. But for those on the receiving end, racism can be an everyday burden. Here is how an African American professor describes his experiences:

[One problem with] being black in America is that you have to spend so much time thinking about stuff that most white people just don’t even have to think about. I worry when I get pulled over by a cop…. I worry what some white cop is going to think when he walks over to our car, because he’s holding on to a gun. And I’m very aware of how many black folks accidentally get shot by cops. I worry when I walk into a store, that someone’s going to think I’m in there shoplifting…. And I get resentful that I have to think about things that a lot of people, even my very close white friends whose politics are similar to mine, simply don’t have to worry about. (Feagin 1999:398)

Asian Americans I have stressed in this chapter that our racial–ethnic categories are based more on social factors than on biological ones. Perhaps this point will become less foreign to your think- ing when we examine the category Asian American. As Figure 9.9 shows, those who are called Asian Americans came to the United States from many nations. With neither cul- ture nor “race” unifying these people, why should they be clustered together and assigned a single label? Think about it. What culture or race–ethnicity do Samoans and Vietnamese have in common? Or people from Japan and those from India? Yet all these groups—and more— are lumped together and called Asian Americans. Apparently, the U.S. government is not satisfied until it is able to pigeonhole everyone into some racial–ethnic category.

To make this point even clearer, consider how Jay Kang (2017), who is placed in this classification, put it: “Asian-American is a mostly meaningless term. Nobody grows up speaking Asian-American, nobody sits down to Asian-American food with your Asian-American parents, and nobody goes on pilgrimages back to the mother- land of Asian America.”

Because Asian American is a standard term, however, let’s look at the character- istics of the 17 million people of diverse backgrounds who are lumped together and assigned this label.


Lured by gold strikes in the West and an urgent need for unskilled workers to build the rail- roads, 200,000 Chinese immigrated between 1850 and 1880. When the famous golden spike was driven at Promontory, Utah, in 1869 to mark the completion of the railroad to the West Coast, white workers prevented Chinese workers from being in the photo—even though Chi- nese made up 90 percent of Central Pacific Railroad’s labor force (Hsu 1971).

After the transcontinental railroad was complete, the Chinese competed with whites for other jobs. Anglos then formed vigilante groups to intimidate them. They also used the

Sociologists disagree about the relative significance of race and social class in determining social and economic conditions of African Americans. William Julius Wilson, shown here, is an avid proponent of the social class side of this debate.

Figure 9.9 Countries of Origin of Asian Americans

China 23%

India 19%

Philippines 18%

Korea 10% Vietnam


Japan 5%

Other Countries


SOURCE: By the author. Based on U.S. Census Bureau 2010.

294 Chapter 9

law. California’s 1850 Foreign Miners Act required Chinese (and Latinos) to pay $20 a month in order to work—when wages were a dollar a day. The  California Supreme Court ruled that Chinese could not testify against whites ( Carlson and Colburn 1972). In 1882, Congress passed the Chinese Exclusion Act, suspending all Chinese immigration for 10 years. Four years later, the Statue of Liberty was dedicated. The tired, the poor, and the huddled masses it was intended to welcome were obviously not Chinese.

When immigrants from Japan arrived, they encountered spillover bigotry, a stereotype that lumped Asians together, depicting them as sneaky, lazy, and untrustworthy. After Japan attacked Pearl Harbor in 1941, conditions grew worse for the 110,000 Japanese Americans who called the United States their home. U.S. authorities feared that Japan would invade the United States and that the Japanese Americans would fight on Japan’s side. They also feared that Japanese Americans would sabotage military installations on the West Coast. Although no Japanese American had been involved in even a single act of sabotage, on February 19, 1942, President Franklin D. Roosevelt ordered that everyone who was one-eighth Japanese or more be confined in detention centers (called “internment camps”). These people were charged with no crime, and they were allowed no trials. Japanese ancestry was sufficient cause for being imprisoned.

DIVERSITY As you can see from Tables 9.2 and 9.3, the income of Asian Americans has outstripped that of all groups, including whites. More than two of every five families (43 percent) have incomes higher than $100,000 a year. This has led to the stereotype that all Asian Americans are successful. Are they? Well, more than all other groups. Yet one of seventeen Asian American families—one million families—makes less than $15,000 a year. As with Latinos, country of origin is significant: Poverty is lower for Chinese and Japanese Americans, but it clusters among Americans from Southeast Asia.

REASONS FOR FINANCIAL SUCCESS The remarkably high average incomes of Asian Americans can be traced to three major factors: family life, education, and assim- ilation into mainstream culture. Of all ethnic groups, including whites, Asian American children are the most likely to grow up with two parents and the least likely to be born to a single mother (Statistical Abstract 2017:Tables 67, 98). Common in these families is a stress on self-discipline, thrift, and hard work (Suzuki 1985; Bell 1991). This early social- ization provides strong impetus for the other two factors.

The second factor, an unprecedented success in education, traces back to the family, where the parents place tremendous pressure on their children to do well in school (Kim 2013). As Table 9.4 shows, more than 50 percent of Asian Americans complete college. To realize how stunning this is, compare their rate with those of the other groups shown on this table. Although only 1 of 19 Americans are of Asian background, they earn 1 of every 8 doctorates. Educational achievement, in turn, opens doors to economic success.

The most striking indication of the third factor, assimilation, is a high rate of inter- marriage. About 45 percent of all new marriages of Asian Americans are with someone of a different racial–ethnic group (Frey 2014). The intermarriage of Japanese Americans is so extensive that two of every three of their children have one parent who is not of Japanese descent (Schaefer 2012).

POLITICS Asian Americans are becoming more prominent in politics. With about half of its citizens being Asian American, Hawaii has elected Asian American governors and sent several Asian American senators to Washington. Currently however, the Senate has no Asian American members. The first Asian American governor outside of Hawaii was Gary Locke, who served from 1997 to 2005 as governor of Washington, a state in which Asian Americans make up less than 6 percent of the population. In 2008, Bobby Jindal became the first Indian American governor when he was elected governor of Louisiana, a state in which Asian Americans make up less than 2 percent of the population.

Race and Ethnicity 295

Native Americans

“I don’t go so far as to think that the only good Indians are dead Indians, but I believe nine out of ten are—and I shouldn’t inquire too closely into the case of the tenth.”

—Teddy Roosevelt, 1886 (President of the United States 1901–1909) (As cited in “Past Imperfect” 2012)

DIVERSITY OF GROUPS This quote from Teddy Roosevelt provides insight into the rampant racism of earlier generations. Yet, even today, thanks to countless grade-B Westerns, some Americans view the original inhabitants of what became the United States as uncivilized savages, a single group of people subdivided into separate tribes. The European immigrants to the colonies, however, encountered diverse groups of peo- ple who spoke over seven hundred languages. Their variety of cultures ranged from nomadic hunters and gatherers to farmers who lived in wooden houses (Schaefer 2004). Each group had its own norms and values—and the usual ethnocentric pride in its own culture. Consider what happened in 1744 when the colonists of Virginia offered college scholarships for “savage lads.” The Iroquois replied:

“Several of our young people were formerly brought up at the colleges of Northern Prov- inces. They were instructed in all your sciences. But when they came back to us, they were bad runners, ignorant of every means of living in the woods, unable to bear either cold or hunger, knew neither how to build a cabin, take a deer, or kill an enemy…. They were totally good for nothing.”

They added, “If the English gentlemen would send a dozen or two of their children to Onondaga, the great Council would take care of their education, bring them up in really what was the best manner and make men of them.” (Nash 1974; in McLemore 1994)

Native Americans, who numbered about 10 million, had no immunity to the diseases the Europeans brought with them. With deaths due to disease—and war- fare, a much lesser cause—their population plummeted (Schaefer 2015). The low point came in 1890, when the census reported only 250,000 Native Americans. If the census and the estimate of the original population are accurate, Native Americans had been reduced to about one-fortieth their original size. The population has never recovered, but Native Americans now num- ber close to 4 million (see Figure 9.5). Native Americans, who today speak 139  different languages, do not think of themselves as a single people who fit neatly within a single label (Schaefer 2015).

FROM TREATIES TO GENOCIDE AND POP- ULATION TRANSFER At first, the Native Americans tried to accommodate the strang- ers, since there was plenty of land for both the few newcomers and themselves. Soon, however, the settlers began to raid Indian vil- lages and pillage their food supplies (Horn 2006). As wave after wave of settlers arrived, Pontiac, an Ottawa chief, saw the future—and didn’t like it. He convinced several tribes to unite in an effort to push the Europeans into the sea. He almost succeeded, but failed when the English were reinforced by fresh troops (McLemore 1994).

This depiction breaks stereotypes, but is historically accurate. Shown here is an Iroquois fort. Can you guess who the attackers are?

296 Chapter 9

A pattern of deception evolved. The U.S. government would make treaties to buy some of a tribe’s land, with the promise to honor forever the tribe’s right to what it had not sold. European immigrants, who continued to pour into the United States, would then disregard these boundaries. The tribes would resist, with death tolls on both sides. The U.S. government would then intervene—not to enforce the treaty it had made but to force the tribe off its lands. In its relentless drive westward, the U.S. government embarked on a policy of genocide. It assigned the U.S. cavalry the task of “pacification,” which translated into slaughtering Native Americans who “stood in the way” of this territorial expansion.

The acts of cruelty perpetrated by the Europeans against Native Americans appear endless, but two are especially notable. The first is the Trail of Tears. The U.S. govern- ment adopted a policy of population transfer (see Figure 9.3), which it called Indian Removal. The goal was to confine Native Americans to specified areas called reservations. In the winter of 1838–1839, the U.S. Army rounded up 15,000 Cherokees and forced them to walk a thousand miles from the Carolinas and Georgia to Oklahoma. Conditions were so brutal that about 4,000 of those who were forced to make this midwinter march died along the way. The second notable act of cruelty also marked the symbolic end of Native American resistance to the European expansion. In 1890 at Wounded Knee, South Dakota, the U.S. cavalry gunned down three hundred Hunkpapa Sioux who were sur- rendering their weapons. Half of them were women and children. After the massacre, the soldiers threw the bodies into a mass grave (Thornton 1987; Warren 2017).

THE INVISIBLE MINORITY AND SELF-DETERMINATION Native Americans can truly be called the invisible minority. Because about half live in rural areas and one-third in just three states—Oklahoma, California, and Arizona—most other Americans are hardly aware of a Native American presence in the United States. The isolation of about one-third of Native Americans on reservations further reduces their visibility (Schaefer 2015).

The systematic attempts of European Americans to destroy the Native Americans’ way of life and their forced resettlement onto reservations continue to have deleterious effects. The rate of suicide among Native Americans is high, and their life expectancy is lower than that of the nation as a whole (CDC 2015a; Indian Health Service 2016). Table 9.4 shows that their educational attainment also lags behind most groups: Only 13 percent graduate from college.

Native Americans are experiencing major changes. In the 1800s, U.S. courts ruled that Native Americans did not own the land on which they had been settled and had no right to develop its resources. They made Native Americans wards of the state, and the Bureau of Indian Affairs treated them like children (Mohawk 1991; Schaefer 2012). Then, in the 1960s, Native Americans won a series of legal victories that gave them control of reservation lands. With this legal change, many Native American tribes have opened businesses—ranging from fish canneries to industrial parks that serve metropolitan areas. The Skywalk, opened by the Hualapai, which offers breathtaking views of the Grand Can- yon, gives an idea of the varieties of businesses to come (Audi 2012).

THE CASINOS It is the casinos operated by more than 250 tribes, though, that have attracted the most attention. These casinos, which employ 600,000 people, bring in $30 billion a year, more than all the casinos in Las Vegas combined (Frosch and Trottman 2015; Statistical Abstract 2017:Table 1270). Some tribes located near large cities have made a kill- ing. California’s United Auburn tribe has only two hundred adult members; its casino nets $30,000 a month for each member (Onishi 2012). To get part of the action, some tribes have bought land to build casinos. The land is not part of their reservation, but they have obtained “off reservation” permits to build casinos. The rich gambling revenues have led to intense envy among tribes. Those that operate casinos, the “haves,” fight in court to keep the “have-nots” casinoless (Lovett 2014).

Another controversy is the separatism embraced by some Native Americans. Because Native Americans were independent peoples when the Europeans arrived and they never willingly joined the United States, many tribes maintain the right to remain separate

Race and Ethnicity 297

from the U.S. government. The chief of the Onondaga tribe in New York, a member of the Iroquois Federation, summa- rized the issue this way:

For the whole history of the Iroquois, we have maintained that we are a separate nation. We have never lost a war. Our government still operates. We have refused the U.S. government’s reorganization plans for us. We have kept our language and our traditions, and when we fly to Geneva to UN meetings, we carry Hau de no sau nee passports. We made some treaties that lost some land, but that also con- firmed our separate-nation status. That the U.S. denies all this doesn’t make it any less the case. (Mander 1992)

DETERMINING IDENTITY AND GOALS Native Ameri- cans have formed national and regional organizations, and they even operate their own embassy in Washington, D.C. (“National Congress…” 2017). Their most common cooper- ative organization is intertribal councils. Although these or- ganizations represent a diversity of cultures and contrasting ideas, through them runs this common sentiment: “It is we who must determine whether to establish a common iden- tity and work together or to stress separatism and identify solely with individual tribes. It is up to us to assimilate into the dominant culture or to stand apart from it; to move to cities or to remain on reservations; or to operate casinos or to engage only in traditional activities. We are sovereign nations, separate governments guaranteed by treaties, and we will not take orders from the victors of past wars.”

Looking toward the Future 9.6 Discuss immigration, affirmative action, and a multicultural society.

Back in 1903, sociologist W. E. B. Du Bois said, “The problem of the twentieth century is the problem of the color line—the relation of the darker to the lighter races.” Incredibly, over a hundred years later, the color line remains one of the most volatile topics facing the United States. From time to time, the color line takes on a different complexion, as with the war on terrorism and the corresponding discrimination directed against people of Middle Eastern descent.

In another hundred years, will yet another sociologist lament that the color of peo- ple’s skins still affects human relationships? Given our past, it seems that although racial–ethnic walls will diminish, some even crumbling, the color line is not likely to dis- appear. Let’s close this chapter by looking at two issues we are currently grappling with, immigration and affirmative action.

The Immigration Controversy Throughout its history, the United States has both welcomed immigration and feared its consequences. The gates opened wide (numerically, if not in attitude) for waves of immi- grants in the 1800s and early 1900s. During the past 20 years, a new wave of immigration has brought close to a million new residents to the United States each year. Today, more immigrants (40 million) live in the United States than at any other time in the country’s history (Statistical Abstract 2007:Table 5; 2017: Table 40).

In contrast to earlier waves, in which immigrants came almost exclusively from western Europe, the current wave of immigrants is changing the U.S. racial–ethnic mix. If current trends in immigration (and birth) persist, in about 50 years, the “average”

The success of Native American casinos has created intense envy. Some non-Native Americans resent the new wealth that the casinos have brought tribes that were in poverty, and some Native American tribes are suing other tribes to prevent them from opening rival casinos. Shown here is a member of the Crow tribe who works as a security guard at the Crow's casino in Montana.

298 Chapter 9

American will trace his or her ancestry to Africa, Asia, South America, the Pacific Islands, the Middle East—almost anywhere but white Europe. This change is discussed in the following Cultural Diversity in the United States.

Cultural Diversity in the United States Glimpsing the Future: The Shifting U.S. Racial–Ethnic Mix During the next 25 years, the population of the United States is expected to grow by about 22 percent. To see what the U.S. population will look like at that time, can we simply add 22 percent to our current racial–ethnic mix? The answer is a resounding no. As you can see from Figure 9.10, some groups will grow much more than others, giving us a different-looking United States. Some of the changes in the U.S. racial–ethnic mix will be dramatic. By 2050, one of every twelve Americans is expected to have an Asian background, and, in the most dramatic change, one of four is expected to be of Latino ancestry.

The basic causes of this fundamental shift are the racial–ethnic groups’ different rates of immigration and birth. Both will change the groups’ proportions of the U.S. population, but immigration is by far the more important. From Figure 9.10, you can see that the proportion of non-Hispanic whites is expected to shrink, that of African Americans and Native Americans to remain about the same, and that of Asian Americans and Latinos to increase sharply.

For Your Consideration This shifting racial–ethnic mix is one of the most significant events occurring in the United States. To better understand its implications, apply the three theoretical perspectives.

→ Use the conflict perspective to identify the groups that are likely to be threatened by this change. Over what

resources are struggles likely to develop? What impact do you think this changing mix might have on European Americans? On Latinos? On African Americans? On Asian Americans? On Native Americans? What changes in im- migration laws (or their enforcement) can you anticipate?

→ To apply the symbolic interactionist perspective, consider how groups might perceive one another differently as their proportions of the population change. How do you think that these changed perceptions will affect people’s behavior?

→ To apply the functionalist perspective, try to determine how each racial–ethnic group will benefit from this changing mix. How will other parts of society (such as businesses) benefit? What functions and dysfunctions can you anticipate for politics, economics, education, or religion?

Figure 9.10 Projections of the Racial–Ethnic Makeup of the U.S. Population

European descent Latinos African Americans Asian Americans Native Americans Claim membership in two or more groups

Year 2025 347 million

6.2% 0.7%

2.6% 0.7%




Year 2050 398 million




12.8% 8.4%

SOURCE: By the author. Based on U.S. Census Bureau 2009; Statistical Abstract of the United States 2017:Table 13.

In some states, the future is arriving much sooner than this. In California, racial– ethnic minorities have become the majority. California has 24 million minorities and 15 million whites (Statistical Abstract 2017:Table 19). Californians who request new tele- phone service from Pacific Bell can speak to customer service representatives in Spanish, Korean, Vietnamese, Mandarin, Cantonese—or English.

Race and Ethnicity 299

As in the past, there is concern that “too many” immigrants will change the char- acter of the United States. “Throughout the history of U.S. immigration,” write sociol- ogists Alejandro Portés and Rubén Rumbaut (1990), “a consistent thread has been the fear that the ‘alien element’ would somehow undermine the institutions of the country and would lead it down the path of disintegration and decay.” A hundred years ago, the widespread fear was that the immigrants from southern Europe would bring com- munism with them. Today, some fear that Spanish-speaking immigrants threaten the primacy of the English language. In addition, the age-old fear that immigrants will take jobs away from native-born Americans remains strong. Finally, minority groups that struggled for political representation fear that newer groups will gain political power at their expense.

The Affirmative Action Controversy For decades, affirmative action has been at the center of a national debate about racial– ethnic relations.

A BRIEF HISTORY In this policy, initiated by President John F. Kennedy in 1961, goals based on race and sex were used in hiring, promotion, and college admissions. As lib- erals, both white and minority, put it at the time: Affirmative action is the most direct way to level the playing field of economic opportunity. If whites are passed over, this is an unfortunate but necessary cost to make up for past discrimination. As conservatives, both white and minority, put it: Opportunity should be open to all, but to place race or sex ahead of an individual’s ability is reverse discrimination. It discriminates against qualified people who had nothing to do with past inequality.

SUPREME COURT RULINGS This national debate led to a series of U.S. Supreme Court rulings. One of the most significant was upholding the 1996 amendment to the California state constitution, called Proposition 209, which made it illegal to give prefer- ence to minorities and women in hiring, promotion, and college admissions. In 2003, the Court ruled that universities can consider race a “plus factor” in admissions, but they cannot use a point system to give minorities an edge. After this ruling, Michigan and several other states amended their constitutions to make it illegal for public institutions to consider race or sex in college admissions and in hiring and issuing contracts. After years of legal battles, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in 2014 that voters have the right to ban affirmative action (Bravin 2014).

THE BAMBOO CURTAIN Then came the case against Harvard, with Asian Americans claiming that they are discriminated against in college admissions because they are so highly prepared for college. As I write, this case is not yet settled. It has divided Asian Americans, who mostly prefer not to be involved in controversy but to remain quietly on the sidelines (Williams 2017).

THE POTENTIAL SOLUTION The solution to this meaty problem can be social class. One of the most significant cases decided by the Court was Fisher v. University of Texas in 2013. The Court ruled that diversity is an excellent goal of colleges, but they should find paths to reach this goal that don’t explicitly weigh race. Giving a hand to qualified applicants who come from low-income homes, regardless of their race– ethnicity, will provide college access and upward social mobility to those most in need. Apparently, it will also increase the number of minorities who are admitted to college (Kahlenberg 2014).

As leaders search for ways to overcome the effects of past discrimination and at the same time to offer fair means to do so, further Supreme Court rulings are inevitable, making it certain that affirmative action in our multicultural society will remain center stage for quite some time.

300 Chapter 9

Less Racism One of the more positive aspects of today’s race–ethnic relations is the reduction of prej- udice and discrimination. These problems continue to exist, as we have reviewed in this chapter, but their reduction is extraordinary. The quote by Teddy Roosevelt indicates how socially acceptable racism used to be. To get a broader picture, consider this:

In 1876, a white mob burned down a Chinese immigrant community in Antioch, Califor- nia. An editorial in The San Francisco Chronicle, Northern California’s main newspaper, said that this attack should “meet with the hearty approval of every man, woman, and child on the Pacific coast.” (Stein 2014)

Compare this with today. When Donald Sterling, the owner of the Los Angeles Clippers, a professional basketball team, made a racist comment to his girlfriend, the National Basketball Association fined Sterling $2.5 million and banned him from professional bas- ketball for life.

From approval of burning down homes and businesses to severe sanctions for mak- ing a comment—what an extraordinary, fundamental change. We can expect even less racism in the future.

Toward a True Multicultural Society The United States has the potential to become a society in which racial–ethnic groups not only coexist but also respect one another—and thrive— as they work together for mutually beneficial goals. In a true multicultural society, the minority groups that make up the United States would participate fully in the nation’s social institutions while maintaining their cultural integrity. Reach- ing this goal will require that we understand that “the biological differences that divide one race from another add up to a drop in the genetic ocean.” For a long time, we have given racial cate- gories an importance they never merited. Now we need to figure out how to reduce them to the irrele- vance they deserve. In short, we need to make real the abstraction called equality that we profess to believe (Cose 2000).

The United States is the most racially–ethnically diverse society in the world. This can be our central strength, with our many groups working together to build a harmonious society, a stellar example for the world. Or it can be our Achilles heel, with us breaking into feuding groups, a Balkanized society that marks an ill-fitting end to a grand social experiment. Our reality will probably fall somewhere between these extremes.

Summary and Review Laying the Sociological Foundation 9.1 Contrast the myth and reality of race; compare race

and ethnicity and minority and dominant groups; discuss ethnic work.

How is race both a reality and a myth?

In the sense that different groups inherit distinctive physical traits, race is a reality. There is no agreement regarding what

makes up a particular race, however, or even how many races there are. In the sense of one race being superior to an- other and of there being pure races, race is a myth. The idea of race is powerful, shaping relationships among people.

How do race and ethnicity differ?

Race refers to inherited biological characteristics, ethnicity to cultural ones. Members of ethnic groups identify with

Race and Ethnicity 301

one another on the basis of common ancestry and cultural heritage.

What are minority and dominant groups?

Minority groups are people who are singled out for un- equal treatment by members of the dominant group, the group with more power and privilege. Minorities originate with migration or the expansion of political boundaries.

What heightens ethnic identity, and what is “ethnic work”?

A group’s ethnic identity is heightened or reduced by its relative size, power, and physical characteristics, as well as the amount of discrimination it faces. Ethnic work is the process of constructing and maintaining an ethnic identity. For people without a firm ethnic identity, ethnic work is an attempt to recover their ethnic heritage. For those with strong ties to their culture of origin, ethnic work involves enhancing group distinctions.

Prejudice and Discrimination 9.2 Contrast prejudice and discrimination and

individual and institutional discrimination; discuss learning prejudice, internalizing dominant norms, and institutional discrimination.

Why are people prejudiced?

Prejudice is an attitude, and discrimination is an action. Like other attitudes, prejudice is learned in association with others. Prejudice is so extensive that people can show prej- udice against groups that don’t even exist. Minorities also internalize the dominant norms, and some show prejudice against their own group.

How do individual and institutional discrimination differ?

Individual discrimination is the negative treatment of one person by another, while institutional discrimination is negative treatment that is built into social institutions. Institutional discrimination can occur without the aware- ness of either those who do the discriminating or those who are discriminated against. Discrimination in health care is one example.

Theories of Prejudice 9.3 Contrast psychological and sociological theories

of prejudice: include functionalism, conflict, and symbolic interactionism.

How do psychologists explain prejudice?

Psychological theories of prejudice stress the authoritarian personality and frustration displaced toward scapegoats.

How do sociologists explain prejudice?

Sociological theories focus on how different social environ- ments increase or decrease prejudice. Functionalists stress the benefits and costs that come from discrimination. Conf lict theorists look at how the groups in power exploit racial–ethnic divisions in order to control workers and maintain power. Symbolic interactionists stress how labels create selective perception and self-fulfilling prophecies.

Global Patterns of Intergroup Relations 9.4 Explain genocide, population transfer, internal

colonialism, segregation, assimilation, and multi- culturalism.

What are the major patterns of minority and dominant group relations?

Beginning with the least humane, they are genocide, popula- tion transfer, internal colonialism, segregation, assimilation, and multiculturalism (pluralism).

Racial–Ethnic Relations in the United States 9.5 Summarize the major patterns that characterize

European Americans, Latinos, African Americans, Asian Americans, and Native Americans.

What are the major racial–ethnic groups in the United States?

From largest to smallest, the major groups are European Americans, Latinos, African Americans, Asian Americans, and Native Americans.

What are some issues in racial–ethnic relations and characteristics of minority groups?

Latinos are divided by social class and country of origin. African Americans are increasingly divided into middle and lower classes, with two sharply contrasting worlds of experience. On many measures, Asian Americans are bet- ter off than white Americans, but their well-being varies with country of origin. For Native Americans, the primary issues are poverty, nationhood, and settling treaty obliga- tions. The overarching issue for minorities is overcoming discrimination.

Looking toward the Future 9.6 Discuss immigration, affirmative action, and

a multicultural society.

What main issues dominate U.S. racial–ethnic relations?

The main issues are immigration, affirmative action, and how to develop a true multicultural society. We can expect racism to decline.

302 Chapter 9

Thinking Critically about Chapter 9 1. How many races do your friends or family think there

are? Do they think that one race is superior to the oth- ers? What do you think their reaction would be to the sociological position that racial categories are primar- ily social?

2. A hundred years ago, sociologist W. E. B. Du Bois said, “The problem of the twentieth century is the problem of the color line—the relation of the darker

to the lighter races.” Why do you think that the color line remains one of the most volatile topics facing the nation?

3. If you were appointed head of the U.S. Civil Service Commission, what policies would you propose to reduce racial–ethnic strife in the United States? Be ready to explain the sociological principles that might give your proposals a higher chance of success.

303Monastic Produce, 1888, Eduard von Grutzner (oil on panel)

Learning Objectives

After you have read this chapter, you should be able to:

10.1 Distinguish between sex and gender; use research on Vietnam veterans and testosterone to explain why the door to biology is opening in sociology.

10.2 Discuss the origin of gender discrimination, and review global aspects of violence against women.

10.3 Review the rise of feminism, and summarize gender inequality in health care and education.

10.4 Explain reasons for the pay gap; discuss the glass ceiling and sexual harassment.

10.5 Summarize violence against women: rape, murder, and violence in the home.

10.6 Discuss changes in gender and politics.

10.7 Explain why the future looks hopeful.

10.8 Understand how attitudes toward the elderly vary around the world; explain how industrialization led to a graying globe.

10.9 Discuss changes in perceptions of the elderly.

10.10 Summarize theories of disengagement, activity, and continuity.

10.11 Explain the conflict perspective on Social Security, and discuss intergenerational competition and conflict.

10.12 Discuss developing views of aging and the impact of technology on how long people live.

Chapter 10

Gender and Age

In Tunis, the capital of Tunisia on Africa’s northern coast, I met some U.S. college students and spent a couple of days with them. They wanted to see the city’s red light district, but I wondered whether it would be worth the trip. I already had seen other red light districts, in- cluding the unusual one in Amsterdam where a bronze statue of a female prostitute lets you know you’ve entered the area; the state licenses the women and men, requiring that they have medical checkups (certificates must be posted); and the prostitutes add sales tax to the receipts they give customers. The prostitutes sit behind lighted picture windows while customers stroll along the narrow canal-side streets and “window shop” from the outside. Tucked among the brothels are day care centers, bakeries, and clothing stores. Amsterdam itself is an unusual place—in cafes, you can smoke marijuana but not tobacco.


The prostitutes sit behind lighted picture windows while customers stroll along the narrow canal-side streets and “window shop” from the outside.

Gender and Age 305

Inequalities of Gender Let’s begin by considering the distinctions between sex and gender.

Issues of Sex and Gender 10.1 Distinguish between sex and gender; use research on Vietnam veterans and

testosterone to explain why the door to biology is opening in sociology.

When we consider how females and males differ, the first thing that usually comes to mind is sex, the biological characteristics that distinguish males and females. Primary sex characteristics consist of a vagina or a penis and other organs related to reproduction. Secondary sex characteristics are the physical distinctions between males and females that are not directly connected with reproduction. These characteristics become clearly evident at puberty when males develop larger muscles, lower voices, more body hair, and greater height, while females develop breasts and form more fatty tissue and broader hips.

Gender, in contrast, is a social, not a biological characteristic. Gender consists of whatever behaviors and attitudes a group considers proper for its males and females. Sex refers to male or female, and gender refers to masculinity or femininity. In short, you inherit your sex, but you learn your gender as you learn the behaviors and attitudes your culture asserts are appropriate for your sex.

As the following photo montage illustrates, the expectations associated with gender differ around the world. They vary so greatly that sociologists often replace the terms masculinity and femininity with masculinities and femininities.

The Sociological Significance of Gender The sociological significance of gender is this: Gender is a device by which society controls its members. Gender sorts us, on the basis of sex, into different life experiences. It opens and closes doors to property, power, and prestige. Like social class, gender is a structural feature of society.

Before examining inequalities of gender, let’s consider why the behaviors of men and women differ.

sex biological characteristics that distinguish females and males, consisting of primary and sec- ondary sex characteristics

gender the behaviors and attitudes that a society considers proper for its males and females; masculinity or femininity

I decided to go with the students. We ended up on a wharf that extended into the Mediterranean. Each side was lined with a row of one-room wooden shacks, one crowding against the next. In front of each open door stood a young woman. Peering from outside into the dark interiors, I could see that each door led to a tiny room with an old, well-worn bed.

The wharf was crowded with men who were eyeing the women and negotiating prices. Many of the men wore sailor uniforms from countries that I couldn’t identify.

As I looked more closely, I could see that some of the women had runny sores on their legs. Incredibly, with such visible evidence of their disease, men still sought them out.

With a sick feeling in my stomach, I kept a good distance between the beckoning women and myself. One tour of the two-block area was more than sufficient.

Somewhere nearby, out of sight, I knew that there were men whose wealth derived from exploiting these women who were condemned to short lives punctuated by fear and misery.

In the previous chapter, we considered how race–ethnicity affects people’s well-being and their position in society. In this chapter, we examine gender stratification—males’ and females’ unequal access to property, power, and prestige. We also explore the preju- dice and discrimination directed to people because of their age.

Gender and age are especially significant because, like race–ethnicity, they are mas- ter statuses; that is, they cut across all aspects of social life. We all are labeled male or female and are assigned an age category. These labels are powerful. Not only do they convey images and expectations about how we should act, but they also serve as a basis for distributing property, power, and prestige.

gender stratification the unequal access of men and women to property, power, and prestige

Standards of Gender








Papua New Guinea

Each human group determines its ideas of “maleness” and “femaleness.” As you can see from these photos of four women and four men, standards of gender are arbitrary and vary from one culture to another. Yet, in its ethno centrism, each group thinks that its preferences reflect what gender “really” is. As indicated here, around the world men and women try to make them selves appealing by aspiring to their group’s standards of gender.

Gender and Age 307

Gender Differences in Behavior: Biology or Culture? Why are most males more aggressive than most females? Why do women enter “nurturing” occupations, such as teaching young children and nursing, in far greater numbers than men? To answer such questions, many people respond with some variation of “They’re born that way.”

Is this the correct answer? Certainly biology plays a sig- nificant role in our lives. Each of us begins as a fertilized egg. The egg, or ovum, is contributed by our mother, the sperm that fertilizes the egg by our father. At the very instant the egg is fertilized, our sex is determined. Each of us receives twenty-three chromosomes from the ovum and twenty-three from the sperm. The egg has an X chromosome. If the sperm that fertilizes the egg also has an X chromosome, the result is a girl (XX). If the sperm has a Y chromosome, the result is a boy (XY).

The Dominant Position in Sociology That’s the biology. Now, the sociological question is, Does this biological difference con- trol our behavior? Does it, for example, make females more nurturing and submissive and males more aggressive and domineering? Here is the quick sociological answer: The dominant sociological position is that social factors, not biology, are the reasons people do what they do.

Let’s apply this position to gender. If biology were the principal factor in human behavior, all around the world we would find women behaving in one way and men in another. Men and women would be just like male spiders and female spiders, whose genes tell them what to do. In fact, however, ideas of gender vary greatly from one cul- ture to another—and, as a result, so do male–female behaviors.

Opening the Door to Biology Despite this dominant position in sociology, the door to biology is opening just slightly. To see why, let’s consider a medical accident and a study of Vietnam veterans.


In 1963, 7-month-old identical twin boys were taken to a doctor for a routine circumci- sion. The physician, not the most capable person in the world, was using a heated needle. He turned the electric current too high and accidentally burned off the penis of one of the boys.

You can imagine the parents’ disbelief—and then their horror—as the truth sank in. What could they do? After months of soul-searching and tearful consultations with experts, the parents decided that their son should have a sex-change operation (Money and Ehrhardt 1972). When he was 22 months old, surgeons castrated the boy, using the skin to con- struct a vagina. The parents then gave the child a new name, Brenda, dressed him in frilly clothing, let his hair grow long, and began to treat him as a girl. Later, physicians gave Brenda female steroids to promote female puberty (Colapinto 2001).

At first, the results were promising. When the twins were 4 years old, the mother said (remember that the children are biologically identical):

One thing that really amazes me is that she is so feminine. I’ve never seen a little girl so neat and tidy…. She likes for me to wipe her face. She doesn’t like to be dirty, and yet my son is quite different. I can’t wash his face for anything…. She is very proud of herself, when she puts on a new dress, or I set her hair…. She seems to be daintier. (Money and Ehrhardt 1972)

Differences in how we display gender often lie below our awareness. How males and females use social space is an example. In this unposed photo from Grand Central Station in New York City, you can see how males tend to sprawl out, females to enclose themselves. Why do you think this difference exists? Biology? Socialization? Both?

308 Chapter 10

If the matter were this clear-cut, we could use this case to conclude that gender is determined entirely by nurture. Seldom are things in life so simple, however, and a twist occurs in this story.

Despite this promising start and her parents’ coaching, Brenda did not adapt well to femininity. She preferred to mimic her father shaving, rather than her mother putting on makeup. She rejected dolls, favoring guns and her brother ’s toys. She liked rough-and- tumble games and insisted on urinating standing up. Classmates teased her and called her “cavewoman” because she walked like a boy. At age 14, she was expelled from school for beating up a girl who teased her. Despite estrogen treatment, she was not attracted to boys. At age 14, when despair over her inner turmoil brought her to the brink of suicide, her father, in tears, told Brenda about the accident and her sex change.

“All of a sudden everything clicked. For the first time, things made sense, and I under- stood who and what I was,” the twin said of this revelation. David (his new name) was given testosterone shots and, later, had surgery to partially reconstruct a penis. At age 25, David married a woman and adopted her children (Diamond and Sigmundson 1997; Colapinto 2001). There is an unfortunate end to this story, however. In 2004, David committed suicide.

THE VIETNAM VETERANS STUDY Time after time, researchers have found that boys and men who have higher levels of testosterone tend to be more dominant and aggressive than boys and men with lower levels of testosterone (Turan et al. 2014). In one study, researchers compared the testosterone levels of college men in a “rowdy” fraternity with those of men in a fraternity that had a reputation for academic achievement. Men in the “rowdy” fraternity had higher levels of testosterone (Dabbs et al. 1996). In another study, researchers found that pris- oners who had committed sex crimes and other crimes of violence had higher levels of testos- terone than those who had committed property crimes (Dabbs et al. 1995). The samples were small, however, leaving the nagging uncertainty that these findings might be due to chance.

Then in 1985, the U.S. government began a health study of Vietnam veterans. To be cer- tain that the study was representative, the researchers chose a random sample of 4,462 men. Among the data they collected was a measurement of testosterone. This sample supported the earlier research. When the veterans with higher testosterone levels were boys, they were more likely to get in trouble with parents and teachers and to become delinquents. As adults, they were more likely to use hard drugs, to get into fights, to end up in lower-status jobs, and to have more sexual partners. Those who married were more likely to have affairs, to hit their wives, and, it follows, to get divorced (Dabbs and Morris 1990; Mazur and Booth 2014).

This makes it sound like biology is the basis for behavior. Fortunately for us sociol- ogists, there is another side to this research, and here is where social class, the topic of

Chapter  8, comes into play. The researchers compared high-testosterone men from higher and lower social classes. The men from lower social classes were more likely to get in trouble with the law, do poorly in school, and mistreat their wives (Dabbs and Morris 1990). You can see, then, that social factors such as socialization, subcultures, life goals, and self-definitions were significant in these men’s behaviors.

MORE RESEARCH ON HUMANS Research on the effects of testosterone continues, and the results are intriguing. As found repeatedly, higher levels of testosterone lead to higher dominance, but a surprise finding is that dominance behav- ior, such as winning a game, also produces higher levels of testosterone. So does holding a real gun (Klinesmith et al. 2006). These effects also seem to apply to females. When researchers gave testosterone to men and women, dominance behavior in both increased. Both sought higher status and showed less concern for the feelings of others (Eisenegger et al. 2011).

David Reimer, whose story is recounted here.

Hue, South Vietnam, February 6, 1958. A U.S. Marine keeps firing while others pull a wounded solder to safety.

Gender and Age 309

But just as the effects of testosterone differ with social class, so its effects differ with the situation. When women were given testosterone in a competitive situation, they became suspicious and less trusting. But when they received testosterone in a situation where they were being trusted, they became more responsible and generous (Boksem et al. 2013).

IN SUM Sociologists acknowledge that biological factors are involved in some human behavior other than reproduction and childbearing (Horowitz et al. 2014; Pollock 2017). Years back, one of the first sociologists to open this issue was Alice Rossi, a feminist sociologist and former president of the American Sociological Association. Perhaps Rossi (1977, 1984) expressed it best when she said that the issue is not either biology or society. Instead, what- ever biological predispositions nature provides are overlaid with culture. A task of sociolo- gists, then, is to discover how social factors modify biology, especially, as sociologist Janet Chafetz (1990:30) said, to determine how “different” becomes translated into “unequal.”

The sociological perspective—that of social factors in human behavior—dominates this book, and in the following Thinking Critically about Social Life, we explore how gender is changing.

Thinking Critically about Social Life New Masculinities and Femininities Are on the Way

Facebook has changed its classifications from male/ female to, well, here is part of the list: agender, an- drogyne, gender fluid, gender queer, gender variant, intersex, neutrois, non-binary, and trans man. Facebook offers another forty categories of gender.

From the new Facebook classifications, you can see that even gender, what we consider masculine or feminine, is changing. This helps let us know that sexual identity is complicated: There are many ways of identifying with being male or female—and in some instances of not quite identifying with either.

Powerfully entrenched in our culture, the traditional models of the aggressive-dominant male and the compassionate-submissive female will not disappear. For most males, life will remain cast as a form of struggle, of adversaries pitted against one another. These males will try to live up to the expectations of strength and stamina, victory in competition, and achievement despite obstacles. They will continue to mask compassion and avoid even the appearance of weakness, fear, and vulnerability. For most women, the dominant model will also hold, and they will show—and probably feel—more emotions than men. They will express greater compassion and more fears and weaknesses.

As new models of gender take their place alongside the traditional ones, it is likely that a softer masculinity will become common. Men will feel freer to ask for help, to form emotional bonds with other men, even to tenderly touch both women and men—and still be masculine. Women will have more options to fight hard in the rough and tumble competitive world of business and the professions—and still be feminine.

As the developing masculinities incorporate behaviors previously considered inappropriate or even taboo, we

can expect a decrease of homophobia (dislike and fear of homosexuals). Homophobia seems to be based on a need to mark a sharp distance between the self and anyone who threatens the dominant model of masculinity or femininity. As cultural attitudes shift, fewer will feel an urgent need to maintain gender boundaries, to demonstrate to the self and others that “I’m not gay.”

For Your Consideration → What have you experienced to indicate that the dominant

forms of masculinity and femininity are changing?

→ Do you think we are developing femininities and masculinities?

→ Do you agree with the author, that homophobia will decrease?

To catch a glimpse of how remarkably gender expectations differ with culture, look at the following photo essay.

The emerging femininities and masculinities are taking many forms. One of them is shown here.

women in India do match traditional

Western expectatio ns, and some

diverge sharply from our gender

stereotypes. Althou gh women in India


subservient to men —with the women’

s movement

hardly able to brea k the cultural surfa


women’s occupatio ns are hardly limite

d to the

home. I was surpris ed at some of the h


heavy labor that In dian women do.

Indian women are highly visible in public places. A storekeeper is as likely to be a woman as a man. This woman is selling glasses of water at a beach on the Bay of Bengal. The structure on which her glasses rest is built of sand.

I visited quarries in different parts of India, where I found men, women, and children hard at work in the tropical sun. This woman works 8 ½ hours a day, six days a week. She earns 40 rupees a day (about ninety cents). Men make 60 rupees a day (about $1.35). Like many quarry workers, this woman is a bonded laborer. She must give half of her wages to her master.

Women also take care of livestock. It looks as though

this woman dressed up and posed for her photo, but this is what she was

wearing and doing when I saw her in the field and

stopped to talk to her. While the sheep are feeding, her

job is primarily to “be” there, to make certain the

sheep don’t wander off or that no one steals them.

The villages of India hav

e no indoor

plumbing. In stead, each v

illage has

a well with a hand pump

, and it is

the women’s job to fetch

the water.

This is backb reaking wor

k, for, after

pumping th e water, the


wrestle the h eavy bucket

s onto their

heads and ca rry them hom

e. This

was one of t he few kinds

of work I

saw that wa s limited to w


Traveling through I ndia was both a

pleasant and an ey e-opening experien


The country is incr edibly diverse, the

people friendly, and the land culturally


For this photo essa y, wherever I went—

whether city, village , or countryside—I

took photos of wom en at work.

From these photos , you can see

that Indian women work in a wide

variety of occupatio ns. Some of the job

s that

© James M. Henslin, all photos

Work and Gender : Women at Work

in India

Sweeping the house is tr aditional work for Weste

rn women. So it is in Ind ia,

but the sweeping has bee n extended to areas outsi

de the home. These wom en

are sweeping a major int ersection in Chennai. Wh

en the traffic light chang es

here, the women will con tinue sweeping, with the

drivers swerving around

them. This was one of th e few occupations that se

ems to be limited to wom en.

When I saw this unusual sight, I had to stop and talk to the workers. From historical pictures, I knew that belt-driven machines were common on U.S. farms 100 years ago. This one in Tamil Nadu processes sugar cane. The woman feeds sugar cane into the machine, which disgorges the stalks on one side and sugar cane juice on the other.

A common sight in India is women working on construction crews. As they work on buildings and on highways, they mix cement, unload trucks, carry rubble, and, following Indian culture, carry loads of bricks atop their heads. This photo was taken in Raipur, Chhattisgarh.

As in the West, food preparation in India is traditional women’s work. Here, however, food preparation takes an unexpected twist. Having poured rice from the 60-pound sack onto the floor, these women in Chittoor search for pebbles or other foreign objects that might be in the rice.

This woman belongs to the Dhobi subcaste, whose occupation is washing clothes. She stands waist deep at this same spot doing the same thing day after day. The banks of this canal in Hyderabad are lined with men and women of her caste, who are washing linens for hotels and clothing for more well-to-do families.

312 Chapter 10

Men’s work? Women’s work? Customs in other societies can blow away stereotypes. As is common throughout India, these women are working on road construction.

Gender Inequality in Global Perspective 10.2 Discuss the origin of gender discrimination, and review global aspects of

violence against women.

Around the world, gender is the primary division between people. Every society sorts men and women into separate groups and gives them different access to property, power, and prestige. These divisions always favor men-as-a-group. After reviewing the historical record, historian and feminist Gerda Lerner (1986) concluded that “there is not a single society known where women-as-a-group have decision-making power over men (as a group).” Consequently, sociologists classify females as a minority group. Because females outnumber males, you may find this strange. This term applies, how- ever, because minority group refers to people who are discriminated against on the basis of physical or cultural characteristics, regardless of their numbers (Hacker 1951).

How Did Females Become a Minority Group? Have females always been a minority group? Some analysts speculate that in hunting and gathering societies, women and men were social equals and that horticultural soci- eties also had less gender discrimination than is common today (Wilson 2013). In these societies, women may have contributed about 60 percent of the group’s total food. Yet, around the world, gender is the basis for discrimination. How, then, did it happen that women became a minority group?

The main theory that has been proposed to explain the origin of patriarchy— men dominating society—centers on human reproduction (Baumeister 2013). I n e a r l y h u m a n h i s t o r y, l if e w a s s h o r t . B e c a u s e p e o p l e d i e d y o u n g , if t h e group were to survive, women had to give birth to many children. This brought severe consequences for women. To sur- vive, an infant needed a nursing mother. If there were no woman to nurse the child, it died. With

patriarchy men-as-a-group dominating women-as-a-group; authority is vested in males

Gender and Age 313

a child at her breast or in her uterus or one carried on her hip or on her back, women were not able to stay away from camp for as long as the men could. They also had to move slower. Around the world, then, women assumed the tasks that were associated with the home and child care, while men hunted the large animals and did other tasks that required greater speed and longer absences from the base camp.

This led to men becoming dominant. When the men left the camp to hunt animals, they made contact with other groups. They traded with them, gaining new possessions, and they also quarreled and waged war with them. It was also the men who made and controlled the instruments of power and death, the weapons that were used for hunting and warfare. The men heaped prestige upon themselves as they returned triumphantly to the camp, leading captured prisoners and displaying their new possessions or the large animals they had killed to feed themselves and the women and children.

Contrast this with the women. Their activities were routine, dull, and taken for granted. The women kept the fire going, took care of the children, and did the cooking. There was nothing trium- phant about what they did, and they were not perceived as risking their lives for the group. The women were “simply there,” awaiting the return of their men, ready to acclaim their accomplishments.

Men, then, took control of society. Their sources of power were their weapons, items of trade, and the knowledge they gained from their contact with other groups. Women did not have access to these sources of power, which the men enshrouded in secrecy. The women became second-class citizens, subject to whatever the men decided.


When Zahra, a 16-year-old girl in Syria, was raped, she was put in prison. (A raped wom- an is thought to have somehow caused a man to rape her.) After Zahra was released from prison to marry a cousin, her brother visited her in her apartment. There, he hacked her to death. To celebrate, Zahra’s family threw a party (Zoepf 2016).

If this seems confusing to you, it is because Zahra's murder comes from another thought world. In some societies, such as Afghanistan, India, Jordan, Pakistan, and Syria, a woman who has sex outside of marriage brings disgrace on her family. Removing the “stain” and restoring the family’s honor in the community is the duty of a male relative. He does this by killing the girl or woman, even if the woman is his sister, wife, or mother. The usual reason for honor killings is consensual sex outside of marriage, but in some areas if a daughter refuses to marry the man her father has picked out, an honor killing is also thought appropriate (Nordland 2014). The police generally ignore honor killings, considering them to be private family matters.

Violence against women is a global human rights issue. Notorious historical examples include foot binding in China and witch burning in Europe. Until the 1800s, suttee was practiced in India: A widow was burned alive with the body of her dead husband. Today, we have rape, wife beating, female infanticide, and in China the kidnapping of women to be brides. We also have forced prostitution, which was probably the case in our opening vignette. Some tribal areas of Pakistan still prac- tice swara: Unmarried girls, even children, are given as brides to settle a

It is the job of these women in Burundi to get the water for their families. They carry not only the water, but also their young children.

Swara, an ancient custom, includes both adult males marrying female children and marrying children to one another. To settle a debt, the father of this Pakastani girl offered her as a bride when she was just 5 years old.

314 Chapter 10

A 6-year old girl in Kenya screaming in pain as she is being circumcised. Her 18-year old sister is holding her so she cannot move. Later, she will comfort the girl.

dispute or to compensate a family for a man’s crime (Symington 2014). Another example is female circumcision, the topic of the following Cultural Diversity around the World.


Cultural Diversity around the World Female Circumcision (Genital Cutting)

“Lie down there,” the excisor suddenly said to me [when I was 12], pointing to a mat on the ground. No sooner had I laid down than I felt my frail, thin legs grasped by heavy hands and pulled wide apart…. Two women on each side of me pinned me to the ground…. I underwent the ablation of the labia minor and then of the clitoris. The operation seemed to go on forever. I was in the throes of agony, torn apart both physically and psychologically. It was the rule that girls of my age did not weep in this situation. I broke the rule. I cried and screamed with pain!

Afterwards they forced me, not only to walk back to join the other girls who had already been excised, but to dance with them. I was doing my best, but then I fainted…. It was a month before I was completely healed. When I was better, everyone mocked me, as I hadn’t been brave, they said. (Walker and Parmar 1993:107–108)

Worldwide, about 200 million females have been circum- cised in 30 countries in Africa, the Middle East, and Asia (World Health Organization 2017). About 91 percent of the women in Egypt and Indonesia have been circum- cised, but at 98 percent, the highest rate is in Somalia (Turkewitz 2014). In most cultures, the surgery takes place between the ages of 4 and 8, but in some, it is not performed until the girls reach adolescence. Because the surgery is usually done without anesthesia, the pain is excruciating, and adults hold the girls down. In urban areas, physicians sometimes perform the operation; in rural areas, a neighborhood woman usually does it, often with a razor blade.

In some cultures, only the girl’s clitoris is cut off; in others, more is removed. In Sudan, the Nubians cut away most of the girl’s genitalia, then sew together the outer edges. They bind the girl’s legs from her ankles to her waist for several weeks while scar tissue closes up the vagina. They leave a small opening, the diameter of a pencil, for the passage of urine and menstrual fluids. When a woman marries, the opening is cut wider to permit sexual intercourse.

Before she gives birth, the opening is enlarged further. After birth, the vagina is again sutured shut. This cycle of surgically closing and opening begins anew with each birth.

Why are girls circumcised? Some groups believe that it reduces sexual desire, making it more likely that a woman will be a virgin at marriage and, afterward, remain faithful to her husband. Others think that women can’t bear children if they aren’t circumcised (Kindzeka 2014).

In some societies, uncircumcised women are considered impure, and men do not want them as wives. Concerned that their daughters marry well, the mothers insist that this custom continue.

Feminists have campaigned against female circumcision, calling it a form of ritual torture to control female sexuality. They point out that men dominate the societies that practice it.

Change is on the way. A social movement to ban female circumcision has emerged. The World Health Organization has even declared that female circumcision is a human rights issue. Fifteen African countries have made the circumcision of females illegal. Without sanctions, though, these laws accomplish little.

Health workers have found a strategy that is bringing some success. They begin by teaching village women about germs and hygiene. Then they trace the women’s current health problems, such as incontinence, to female circumcision. When enough support has been gained, an entire village will publicly abandon the practice. As other villages join in, the lack of circumcision no longer remains an obstacle to marriage.

The most powerful indictor of the future is

Gender and Age 315

IN SUM Gender inequality is not some accidental, hit-or- miss affair. Rather, each society’s institutions work together to maintain the group’s particular forms of inequality. Customs, often venerated through history, both justify and maintain these arrangements. In some cases, the prejudice and discrim- ination directed at females are so extreme that they lead to enslavement and death.

Gender Inequality in the United States 10.3 Review the rise of feminism, and summarize gender

inequality in health care and education.

As we review gender inequality in the United States, let’s begin by going back in his- tory a bit. This brief account provides excellent background for understanding gender relations today, but you might think you are reading about another country, and in effect you are.

Fighting Back: The Rise of Feminism In the early history of the United States, the second-class status of women was taken for granted. A husband and wife were legally one person—him (Chafetz and Dworkin 1986). Women could not vote, buy property in their own names, make legal contracts, or serve on juries. How could relationships have changed so much in the last hundred years that these examples sound like fiction?

A central lesson of conflict theory is that power brings privilege. Like a magnet, power draws society’s best resources to the elite. Because men tenaciously held onto their privileges and used social institutions to maintain their dominance, basic rights for women came only through prolonged and bitter struggle.

Feminism—the view that biology is not destiny, that stratification by gender is wrong and should be resisted, and that men and women should be equal—met with strong opposition, both by men who had privilege to lose and by women who accepted their status as morally correct. In 1894, for example, Jeannette Gilder said that women should not have the right to vote: “Politics is too public, too wearing, and too unfitted to the nature of women” (Crossen 2003).

Feminists, known at that time as suffragists, struggled against such views. In 1916, they founded the National Woman’s Party, and in 1917, they began to picket the White House. After picketing for six months, the women were arrested. Hundreds were sent to prison, including Lucy Burns, a leader of the National Woman’s Party. The extent to

feminism the philosophy that men and women should be political- ly, economically, and socially equal; organized activities on behalf of this principle

this: Compared to their mothers, fewer young women have been circumcised (Dugger 2013). Yet we must balance this statement with this one: In Bandung, Indonesia, hospitals offer package deals: a reduced price if you combine infant vaccinations, ear piercing, and genital cutting (Haworth 2012).

SOURCES: As cited, and Lightfoot-Klein 1989; Merwine 1993; Tuhus- Dubrow 2007; Lazaro 2011; Sacirbey 2012; WHO 2017.

For Your Consideration → Do you think that the members of one culture have the

right to judge the customs of another culture as inferior

or wrong and to then try to get rid of them? If so, under what circumstances? What makes us right and them wrong?

→ Let’s go further. Some are trying to ban the circumci- sion of boys. One court in Germany even ruled that the circumcision of boys “amounts to bodily harm even if the parents consent to the circumcision” (Kulish 2012). Why shouldn’t the same principle apply to both female and male circumcision?

Photo of Xiao Xiuxiang, taken in 2002. Tiny feet were a status symbol. Making it difficult for a woman to walk; small feet indicated that a woman’s husband did not need his wife’s labor. To make the feet even smaller, sometimes the baby’s feet were broken and wrapped tightly. Some baby’s toes were cut off. Foot binding was banned by the Chinese government in 1911, but continued to be practiced in some places for several decades

316 Chapter 10

The “first wave” of the U.S. women’s movement met enormous opposition. The women in this 1920 photo had just been released after serving two months in jail for picketing the White House. Lucy Burns, mentioned on this page, is the second woman on the left. Alice Paul, who was placed in solitary confinement and is a subject of this 1920 protest, is featured in the photo wheel of early female sociologists in Chapter 1.

which these women had threatened male privilege is demonstrated by how they were treated in prison.

Two men brought in Dorothy Day [the editor of a periodical that promoted women’s rights], twisting her arms above her head. Suddenly they lifted her and brought her body down twice over the back of an iron bench…. They had been there a few minutes when Mrs. Lewis, all doubled over like a sack of flour, was thrown in. Her head struck the iron bed and she fell to the floor senseless. As for Lucy Burns, they handcuffed her wrists and fastened the handcuffs over [her] head to the cell door. (Cowley 1969)

This first wave of the women’s movement had a radical branch that wanted to reform all the institutions of society and a conservative branch whose goal was to win the vote for women (Freedman 2001). The conservative branch dominated, and after winning the right to vote in 1920, the movement basically dissolved.

Inequality continued, of course, and even social science was part of the problem. In what is historically humorous, male social scientists paraded themselves as experts on the essence of womanhood. Here is what a renowned psychologist wrote in the 1960s, the paternalism oozing out of his well-intentioned statement: “We must start with the reali- zation that, as much as we want women to be good scientists or engineers, they want first and foremost to be womanly companions of men and to be mothers” (Bettelheim 1965:15).

This man knew what women wanted—and in the 1960s, almost everyone else made the same assumption. From infancy, women were immersed in the idea that their pur- pose in life was to be “womanly companions of men and mothers.” Even children’s books reinforced such thinking, as you can see from Figure 10.1.

Reared with this idea, most women thought of work as a temporary activity intended to fill the time between completing school—usually high school—and getting married (Chafetz 1990). Then, as more women took jobs, they began to regard them as careers. This fundamental shift in perspective ushered in huge discontent. Women compared

Gender and Age 317

their working conditions with those of men, and they didn’t like what they saw. The result was a second wave of protest against gender inequalities, roughly from the 1960s to the 1980s (Eagly et al. 2012). The goals of this second wave (which continue today) were broad, ranging from raising women’s pay to changing policies on violence against women and legalizing abortion.

About 1990, the second wave gradually merged into a third wave (Byers and Crocker 2012). This current wave has many divisions, but three main aspects are apparent. The first is a criticism of the values that dominate work and society. Some feminists argue that competition, toughness, and calloused emotions represent “male” qualities that need to be replaced with cooperation, connection, and openness (England 2000). The second is a greater focus on the problems of women in the Least Industrialized Nations (Lövheim 2013). Women there are struggling against conditions overcome long ago by women in the Most Industrialized Nations. A third aspect is an emphasis on women’s freedom to explore sexual pleasure (Nguyen 2013).

Sharp disagreements have arisen among feminists. One is a clash between white and minority feminists. Minority women avoided the second wave because they felt it repre- sented “white” experiences, and their attempt to merge their life situations and perspec- tives in today's third wave has led to tensions (Bates 2017). Another clash has come from “girlie feminists,” women who say we should declare the battle for equality won and move on to confidently enjoy the “pink things” of childhood (Nguyen 2013). They want women to focus on self-fulfillment and sexual pleasure, even to use their “erotic capital,” their sexual attractiveness and seductiveness, to get ahead at work. Those who struggled in the second wave are shocked by these younger feminists. Such attitudes, they say, are a denial of women’s ability to compete with men on equal terms, a betrayal of the equal- ity that women have fought for (Hakim 2010).

Although U.S. women enjoy fundamental rights today, we are far from having reached the goal of gender inequality. Let’s first consider gender inequality in health care.

Figure 10.1 Teaching Gender

SOURCE: From Dick and Jane: Fun with Our Family, Illustrations © copyright 1951, 1979, and Dick and Jane: We Play Outside, copyright © 1965, Pearson Education, Inc., published by Scott, Foresman and Company. Used with permission.

The “Dick and Jane” readers were the top selling readers in the United States in the 1940s and 1950s. In addition to read- ing, they taught “gender mes- sages.” What gender message do you see here?

What gender lesson is being taught here?

Besides learning words like “pigs” (relevant at that histori- cal period), boys and girls also learned that rough outside work was for men.

What does this page teach children other than how to read the word “Father”? (Look to the left to see what Jane and Mother are doing.)

318 Chapter 10

Gender Inequality in Health Care Medical researchers were perplexed. Reports were coming in from all over the country: Women were twice as likely as men to die after coronary bypass surgery. Researchers at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles checked their own records. They found that of 2,300 coronary bypass patients, 4.6 percent of the women died as a result of the surgery, compared with 2.6 percent of the men.

The researchers faced a sociological puzzle. To solve it, they first turned to biology (Bishop 1990). In coronary bypass surgery, a blood vessel is taken from one part of the body and stitched to an artery on the surface of the heart. Perhaps the surgery was more difficult to do on women because of their smaller arteries. To find out, researchers mea- sured the amount of time that surgeons kept patients on the heart–lung machine. They were surprised to learn that women spent less time on the machine than men. This indi- cated that the surgery was not more difficult to perform on women.

As the researchers probed further, a surprising answer unfolded: unintended sexual discrimination. When women complained of chest pains, their doctors took them only one- tenth as seriously as when men made the same complaints. How do we know this? Doctors were ten times more likely to give men exercise stress tests and radioactive heart scans. They also sent men to surgery on the basis of abnormal stress tests, but they waited until women showed clear-cut symptoms of heart disease before sending them to surgery. Patients with more advanced heart disease are more likely to die during and after heart surgery.

Although these findings have been publicized in medical circles, the problem con- tinues (Gitsels et al. 2016). Perhaps as more women become physicians, the situation will change, because female doctors are more sensitive to women’s health problems (Tabenkin et al. 2010). In addition, as more women join the faculties of medical schools, we can expect women’s health problems to receive more attention in the training of physicians. Even this might not do it, however, as women, too, hold our cultural stereotypes of the sexes.

In contrast to unintentional sexism in heart surgery, let’s look at a type of surgery that is a blatant form of discrimination against women. This is the focus of the following Down-to-Earth Sociology.

Down-to-Earth Sociology Surgical Sexism: Cold-Hearted Surgeons and Their Women Victims While doing participant observa- tion in a hospital, sociologist Sue Fisher (1986) was surprised to hear surgeons recommend total hysterectomy (removal of both the uterus and the ovaries) when no cancer was present. When she asked why, the male doctors ex- plained that the uterus and ovaries are “potentially disease produc- ing.” They also said that these organs are unnecessary after the childbearing years, so why not re- move them? Doctors who reviewed hysterectomies confirmed this gender-biased practice. Ninety percent of hysterectomies are avoidable. Only ten percent involve cancer (Costa 2011).

Greed is a powerful motivator in many areas of social life, and it rears its ugly head in surgical sexism (Domingo and Pellicer 2009). Surgeons make money when they do hysterectomies. The more hysterectomies they do, the

more money they make. Since women, to understate the matter, are reluctant to part with these organs, surgeons have to “sell” this operation. Here is how one resident explained the “hard sell” to sociologist Diana Scully (1994):

You have to look for your surgical procedures; you have to go after patients. Because no one is crazy enough to come and say, “Hey, here I am. I want you to operate on me.” You have to sometimes convince the

patient that she is really sick—if she is, of course [laughs], and that she is better off with a surgical procedure.

Used-car salespeople would love to have the powerful sales weapon that surgeons have at their disposal: To “convince” a woman to have this surgery, the doctor puts on a serious face and tells her that the examination has

Gender and Age 319

Gender Inequality in Education To better understand gender inequality in education, let’s take a glimpse of the past. It holds some surprises.








P e rc

e n ta

g e
















52 48











48 52







2010 2020**






Figure 10.2 Changes in College Enrollment, by Sex

*This sharp drop in women’s enrollment occurred when large numbers of male soldiers returned from World War II and attended college under the new GI Bill of Rights. **Author’s estimate.

SOURCE: By the author. Based on Statistical Abstract of the United States 1938:Table 114; 1959:Table 158; 1991:Table 261; 2011:Table 273; 2017:Table 290.


Until 1832, women were not allowed to attend college with men. When women were admitted to colleges attended by men—first at Oberlin College in Ohio—they had  to  wash  the male students’ clothing, clean their rooms, and serve them their meals (Flexner 1971/1999).

How times have changed—so much so that this quote sounds like a joke. But there is more. The men who controlled education considered women's minds (and bodies) to be much weaker than those of men, and they encouraged women to study less--and during menstruation not to study at all (Andersen 1988). Like out-of-fashion clothing, such ideas were discarded. As Figure 10.2 shows, by 1900 one-third of college students were women.

turned up fibroids in her uterus—and these lumps might turn into cancer. This statement is often sufficient to get the woman to buy the surgery. She starts to picture herself lying at death’s door, her sorrowful family gathered at her death bed. Then the used car salesperson—I mean, the surgeon— moves in to clinch the sale. Keeping a serious face and displaying an “I-know-how-you-feel” look, the surgeon starts to make arrangements for the surgery. What the surgeon withholds is the rest of the truth—that uterine fibroids are common, that they usually do not turn into cancer, and that the patient has several alternatives to surgery.

In case it is difficult to see how this is sexist, let’s change the context just a little. Let’s suppose that the

income of some female surgeon depends on selling a specialized operation. To sell it, she systematically suggests to older men the benefits of castration—because “those organs are no longer necessary and might cause disease.”

For Your Consideration Hysterectomies have become so common that by age 60, one of three U.S. women has had her uterus surgically removed (NWHN 2017).

→ Why do you think that surgeons are so quick to operate?

→ How can women find alternatives to surgery?

320 Chapter 10

A FUNDAMENTAL CHANGE The change since then has been fundamental, extensive, and ongoing. Today, far more women than men attend college, but this overall average hides many distinctions. Look at Figure 10.3 to see major differences by racial–ethnic groups. You can see that African Americans have the most women relative to men, and Asian Americans the least.








P e rc

e n ta

g e


Whites Latinos African Americans

Asian Americans

Native Americans












Figure 10.3 College Students, by Sex and Race–Ethnicity

SOURCE: By the author. Based on Statistical Abstract of the United States 2017:Table 291.

With fewer men than women in college, is it time to consider affirmative action for men?

Down-to-Earth Sociology Affirmative Action for Men? When psychologist Judith Kleinfeld (2002a) suggested the need of affirmative action for men in college, she was met by laughter. After all, men dominate societies around the world, as they have done for millennia. To think that men would need affirmative action seemed humorous at best.

But let’s pause, step back, and try to see whether the idea has merit. Look again at Figures 10.2 and 10.3. Look at how women have passed men in enrollment and how this is true of all racial–ethnic groups. This is not something

temporary, like lead cars changing place at the Indy 500. The trend is strong. For decades, women have been

adding to their share of college enrollment and the degrees they earn.

With colleges open to both women and men, why don’t enrollment and degrees match the proportions of women and men in the population (51 percent and 49 percent)? Although no one yet knows the reasons—and many suggestions are being thrown around—some colleges consider this imbalance a problem searching for a solution. To get more men, some colleges are rejecting

Overall, women now earn an astounding 57 percent of all bachelor ’s degrees and 60 percent of all master’s degrees (Statistical Abstract 2017:Table 314). With this imbalance in college degrees, do you think it might be time for affirmative action for men? Let’s consider this in the following Down-to-Earth Sociology.

Gender and Age 321

more highly qualified women (Kingsbury 2007; Lam 2013). Another problem is the classroom, where on average men are underperforming women. To improve the men’s performance, some colleges have begun to offer study groups, support groups, and mentoring programs for men. An example is The Male Initiative Program at York College in New York, whose stated purpose is “to improve the enrollment and graduation rates of underrepresented populations, particularly male students” (York College 2017). A related problem that has made its appearance is men’s emotional state. Apparently, being a minority on campus is leading some men to feel like

outsiders, even that they are being discriminated against. To combat these feelings, some colleges are offering counseling geared to men’s needs (Vendituoli 2013; Petersen 2015).

For Your Consideration → Why do you think that men have fallen behind?

→ What implications could this have for the future of society?

→ Do you think that special programs for men are desirable? Why or why not?

Figure 10.4 illustrates another major change—how women have increased their share of professional degrees. The greatest change is in dentistry: In 1970, across the entire United States, only 34 women earned degrees in dentistry. Today, that total has jumped to 2,600 a year. As you can also see, almost as many women as men now become dentists, lawyers, and physi- cians. It is likely that women will soon outnumber men in earning these professional degrees.

GENDER TRACKING With such extensive change, it would seem that gender equality has been achieved, or at least almost so. In some instances—as with the changed sex ratio in college—we even have a new form of gender inequality. If we look closer, however, we can see gender tracking. That is, college degrees tend to follow gender, which reinforces male– female distinctions. Here are two extremes: Men earn 95 percent of the associate’s degrees in the “masculine” field of construction trades, while women are awarded 96 percent of the associate’s degrees in the “feminine” field of “family and consumer sciences” (Statistical Abstract 2017:Table 317). Because gender socialization gives men and women different ori- entations to life, they enter college with gender-linked aspirations. Socialization—not some presumed innate characteristic—channels men and women into different educational paths.














P e rc

e n ta

g e


Dentistry (D.D.S., D.M.D.)




Medicine (M.D.)




48 52


48 52


Law (L.L.B., J.D.)




48 53

Figure 10.4 Gender Changes in Professional Degrees*

*Latest year available.

SOURCE: By the author. Based on Digest of Education Statistics 2007:Table 269; 2017:Table 319.

322 Chapter 10

Gender Inequality in the Workplace 10.4 Explain reasons for the pay gap; discuss the glass ceiling and sexual


To examine the work setting is to make visible basic relations between men and women. Let’s begin with one of the most remarkable areas of gender inequality at work, the pay gap.

The Pay Gap

After college, you might like to take a few years off, travel around Europe, sail the oceans, or maybe sit on a beach in some South American paradise and drink piña coladas. But chances are, you are going to go to work instead. Since you have to work, how would you like to make an extra $715,000 on your job? If this sounds appealing, read on. I’m going to reveal how you can average an extra $1,490 a month between the ages of 25 and 65. Are you ready?

HISTORICAL BACKGROUND First, let’s get a broad background to help us under- stand today’s situation. One of the chief characteristics of the U.S. workforce is the steady increase in the numbers of women who work for wages outside the home. Figure 10.5 shows that in 1890, about one of every five paid workers was a woman. By 1940, this ratio had grown to one of four; by 1960 to one of three; and today, it is almost one of two. As you can see from this figure, 53 percent of U.S. workers are men and 47 percent are women. During the next few years, we can expect little change in this ratio.










P e rc

e n ta

g e



1890 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 20202010



Figure 10.5 Proportion of Men and Women in the U.S. Labor Force

SOURCE: By the author. Based on Women’s Bureau of the United States 1969:10; Manpower Report to the President,1971:203, 205; Mills and Palumbo 1980:6, 45; Statistical Abstract of the United States 2017:Table 611.

GEOGRAPHICAL FACTORS Women who work for wages are not distributed evenly throughout the United States. From the Social Map, you can see that where a woman lives makes a difference in how likely she is to work outside the home. Why is there such a clustering among the states? The geographical patterns that you see on this map reflect regional subcultural differences about which we currently have little understanding.

THE “TESTOSTERONE BONUS” Now, back to how you can make an extra $715,000 at work—maybe even more. You might be wondering if this is hard to do. Actually, it is simple for some and impossible for others. Look at Figure 10.7. All you have to do is be born a male. If we compare full-time workers, based on current differences in earnings, this is how much more the average man can expect to earn over the course of his career. Now, if you want to boost this difference to $26,680 a year for a whopping career total

Gender and Age 323

of $1,067,000 extra, be both a male and a college graduate. Hardly any single factor pin- points gender discrimination better than these totals. As you can see from Figure 10.7, the pay gap shows up at all levels of education.

Less than average: 48.9% to 55.9%

Average: 56.3% to 60.0%

More than average: 60.3% to 66.9%

What percentage of women are in the workforce?

Most women in the work force

1. North Dakota (66.9%)

2. Iowa (66.2%)

3. Nebraska (65.9%)

Fewest women in the work force

1. West Virginia (48.9%)


New Mexico (51.7%)3.

Mississippi (49.0%)

WV 48.9

LA 53.6

NM 51.7

AL 51.8

AZ 53.9 AR


MI 56.3

MS 49.0

OK 53.0

SC 53.7

CA 55.5

FL 55.1

NY 54.8

KY 54.0 NC


PA 57.0

TN 52.8

ID 55.9

IN 58.1

TX 56.9

UT 57.0

DE 57.6

GA 55.2

HI 57.0

IL 59.9

NV 56.5 OH


NJ 57.0

WA 57.3 ME


MA 60.6

MO 60.0

MT 60.7OR


VA 60.3

DC 65.4

KS 61.9

MD 60.9

RI 60.0

CO 61.8

WY 61.0

AK 64.0

IA 66.2

NH 64.5 WI


MN 65.2

NE 65.9

SD 64.5

VT 63.9ND


CT 61.4

Figure 10.6 Women in the Workforce

SOURCE: By the author. Based on Statistical Abstract of the United States 2017:Table 618.














E ar

n in

g s

p e r

ye ar

Average of All Workers



High School Dropouts

$39,640 $26,009

High School Graduates

$48,027 $34,682

Some College, No Degree



Associate’s Degree



Bachelor’s Degree

Master’s Degree

Doctorate Degree



66% 72% 73% 77% 70%








Figure 10.7 The Gender Pay Gap, by Education1

1Mean earnings of full-time year-around workers. The percentage at the bottom of each purple bar indicates the women’s percentage of the men’s income. Categories in the government table that are not here are those with less than 9th grade education and those who have professional degrees.

SOURCE: By the author. Based on U.S. Census Bureau 2016c.

For college students, the gender gap in pay begins with the first job after gradua- tion. You might know of a particular woman who was offered a higher salary than most men in her class, but she would be an exception. On average, employers start men out at higher salaries than women, and women never catch up with the men’s starting “testos- terone bonus” (Weinberger 2011; R. Smith 2012). Depending on your sex, then, you will either benefit from the pay gap or be victimized by it.

324 Chapter 10

The pay gap is so great that U.S. women who work full time average only 74 percent of what men are paid. As you can see from Figure 10.8, this low percentage is actually the smallest gender pay gap the United States has ever had. And it isn’t only the United States. A gender gap in pay occurs in all industrialized nations.










1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020

In co

m e i n T

h o

u sa

n d

























$5,434 $6,598



$3,296 $3,816 $5,440

$7,719 61% 58%

59% 60%




Figure 10.8 The Gender Gap over Time: What Percentage of Men’s Income Do Women Earn?

SOURCE: By the author. Based on Statistical Abstract of the United States 1995:Table 739; 2017:Table 730, and earlier years; and Figure 11.7 of this chapter. Broken lines indicate the author’s estimate.

Applying Sociology to Your Life How to Get a Higher Salary It will take years of united effort to overcome the powerful structural factors that hold down women’s pay at work. But to increase your own pay, you don’t have to wait for this to happen.

Let’s apply sociology to see what steps you can take. As you just read, when college students take their

first jobs, most women start at lower salaries than men do. Apart from the structural reasons, such as men being perceived as more valuable workers, another factor is that women aren’t as good as men at negoti- ating salaries. Women are more likely to accept the first offer or to negotiate a little and be happy with the small

REASONS FOR THE GENDER PAY GAP What logic can underlie the gender pay gap? As we just saw, college degrees are gender linked, so perhaps this gap is due to career choices. Maybe women are more likely to choose lower-paying jobs, such as teaching grade school, while men are more likely to go into better-paying fields, such as business and engineering. Actually, this is true, and it accounts for some of the pay gap. Another major reason is the “child penalty.” Women are more likely than men to take time off, or even to quit jobs, in order to take care of a child (Brown and Patten 2017). Missing out on work experience and opportunities is a blow to careers. Another major reason is the gender discrimination that begins with the first salary.

Let’s look at still another reason in the following Applying Sociology to Your Life.

Gender and Age 325

THE CEO POWER GAP—AND THE NEW FEMALE PREMIUM As is obvious to all, men have more power than women in the corporate world. To lay bare this gender gap in power, consider this. Women head only twenty-nine of the nation’s largest five hundred corporations (“Women CEOs…” 2017). But among this small elite, a reverse gender pay gap has emerged. These women are being paid more on average than their male peers. And the difference is not small: On average, these women are paid $23 million a year, while the men earn $15 million (Zarya 2016). Apparently, the pressures for gender diver- sity have created what researchers call a female premium (Leslie et al. 2017).

I examined the names of the CEOs of the 350 largest U.S. corporations, and I found that your best chance to reach the top is to be named (in this order) John, Robert, James, William, or Charles. Edward, Lawrence, and Richard are also advantageous names. Amber, Katherine, Leticia, and Maria apparently draw a severe penalty. Naming your baby girl John or Robert might seem a little severe, but it could help her reach the top. (I say this only slightly tongue in cheek. One of the few women to head a Fortune 500

increase that comes with a second offer (Bennett 2012; Lipman 2014).

Why be satisfied with less? If you are a woman, remember that the first offer is usually negotiable. The hiring agent will be happy if you accept the offer, but usually is willing to add considerably to it if you negotiate strong- ly. Negotiating is like riding a bike. It is simply a skill that you can learn. So learn it. Read books on how to negoti- ate. Also, practice with a partner. Role-play until you are good at it.

Then, during your career, continue to promote your- self. You might think that the system will automatically reward hard work. Perhaps it should, but things don’t work this way in real life. Don’t be afraid to bring your accomplishments to the at- tention of your supervisors. You need to show them that you deserve higher raises. If you don’t, you run the risk of your accomplishments getting lost in the shuffle of the accomplishments of the workers around you.

Be selective. Keep in mind that you can’t do everything. Don’t get lost in the minutiae, the many little things that are going on. Certainly you have to do your share of little things—and with a good attitude—but evaluate the opportunities you face. Choose the activities and projects you think will be most helpful for your career. Ask yourself, “Will being involved in this project or activity bring my accomplishments to key supervisors, or will my involvement go unnoticed?”

Be a bigger person than the little events surrounding you at work. Avoid little battles. Save your energies for what is significant for your career. Don’t get sucked into petty office politics. This will sidetrack you, as well as create ene-

mies over nothing important. Whenever you face choices of action, ask yourself, “Will this hurt me or help me?”

On top of all this, be bold and ask for large raises. When women ask for raises, they ask for 30 percent less than what men ask for (Lipman 2014). If asking large makes you uncomfortable, then overcome that discomfort. Again, read books on how to negotiate, and practice your negotiat- ing skills with others. (You might want to copy this page and put it into practice.)

Does this application of sociology apply only to wom- en? Of course not. Even though men on average are less reluctant to bring their accomplishments to the attention

of supervisors and to ask for and negotiate higher salaries, many men also hesitate to do so. They can use these same techniques to overcome their reluctance. All workers, male and female, can hone up on their negotiating skills. It’s worth the time you put into improving this skill. It can pay off in your weekly paycheck.

Sociology isn’t some- thing to lock up in an ivory tower. Sociology is about life. As you can see, you can even apply its insights into

achieving success at work and increasing your standard of living.

For Your Consideration → How do you think you can improve your negotiating skills?

→ For practice, what partner do you think you should choose?

→ How can you evaluate what you are learning about nego- tiating skills, selecting activities, and promoting yourself?

→ What other insights of sociology do you think you can apply to your career?

To start at a higher salary, learn to negotiate. And don't accept the first offer.

326 Chapter 10

company—before she was fired and given $21 million severance pay—had a man’s first name: Carleton Fiorina of Hewlett-Packard. Carleton’s first name is actually Cara, but knowing what she was facing in the highly competitive business world, she dropped this feminine name to go by her masculine middle name.)

Is the Glass Ceiling Cracking? What keeps most women from breaking through the glass ceiling, the invisible barrier that prevents women from reaching the executive suite? Other than out- right discrimination, part of the reason is stereotypes (Isaac 2012). You might recall from Chapter 4 how powerful stereotypes are and how they operate beyond our awareness to influence our behavior. Men, who dominate leadership, often assume that women are good at “support” but less capable than men of aggressive lead- ership. They steer women into human resources or public relations—because “women are good at that.” This keeps many women away from the “pipelines” that lead to the top of a company—marketing, sales, and production—positions that produce profits for the company and bonuses for the managers (Hymowitz 2004; DeCrow 2005).

Another reason that the glass ceiling is so strong is that women lack mentors— successful executives who take an interest in them and teach them the ropes (Murrell

and Blake-Beard 2017). Lack of a mentor is no trivial matter, because mentors can pro- vide opportunities to develop leadership skills that open the door to the executive suite.

Even without mentors, some women do manage to break through the glass ceiling. What can we learn from them? Read the following Applying Sociology to Your Life.

glass ceiling the mostly invisible barrier that keeps women from advancing to the top levels at work

As the glass ceiling slowly cracks, women are gaining entry into the top positions of U.S. corporations. Shown here is Mary Barra, the CEO of General Motors.

Applying Sociology to Your Life Breaking through the Glass Ceiling The best way to find out how to break through the glass ceiling is to talk to women who have broken through. Hannah Bowles (2012) interviewed fifty women who had reached top positions in their companies. What follows is a distillation of her findings and how you can apply them to break through the glass ceiling yourself. These women

1. Are Confident: To become more confident, surround yourself with people who build your confidence. Avoid people who tear you down or make you doubt your abilities.

2. Set Goals: Write your goals down. Put the list where you can see it. Evaluate your progress regularly.

3. Promote Themselves: In the preceding Applying So- ciology to Your Life, we focused on the importance of promoting yourself.

4. Identified Gatekeepers: Find out who holds the keys to advancement in your company.

Work with these people as much as possible.

5. Identified Needs and Met Them: Management is looking to accomplish certain specific goals. Figure out how you can make yourself useful in meeting their needs. Make their goals your goals.

As you can tell, these women are highly motivated indi- viduals with fierce competitive spirits. Only you are going to be able to answer this question: Like them, are you willing to give up sleep, recreation, and family responsibilities for the sake of advancing your career (Sellers 2012)? Or you might ask “Is it even worth doing so?”

If you are a man, don’t get discouraged from this application of sociology. The emphasis is on women, as it is they who are held back by the glass ceiling, but everything mentioned here also applies to men. You can use these same principles to get ahead at work.

Sexual Harassment—and Worse Sexual harassment—unwelcome sexual attention at work or at school, which may affect job or school performance or create a hostile environment—was not recognized as a problem until the 1970s. Before this, a woman considered unwanted sexual comments, touches, looks, and pressure to have sex as a personal matter, something between her and some “turned on” man—or an obnoxious one.

sexual harassment the abuse of one’s position of authority to force unwanted sexual demands on someone

Gender and Age 327

With the prodding of feminists, women began to perceive unwanted sexual advances at work and school as part of a structural problem. That is, they began to realize that the issue was more than a man here or there doing obnoxious things because he was attracted to a woman; rather, men were using their positions of authority to pressure women for sex.

LABELS AND PERCEPTION As symbolic interactionists stress, labels affect the way we see things. Because we have the term sexual harassment, we perceive actions in a differ- ent light than people used to. We are now more apt to perceive the sexual advances of a supervisor toward a worker not as sexual attraction but as a misuse of authority.

NOT JUST A “MAN THING” Sexual harassment is not just a “man thing.” Unlike the past, many women today are in positions of authority, and in those positions, they, too, sexually harass subordinates (Holland et al. 2016). With most authority still vested in men, however, most sexual harassers are men.

SEXUAL ORIENTATION The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that sexual harassment laws also apply to homosexuals who are harassed by heterosexuals while on the job (Felsenthal 1998; Ramakrishnan 2011). By extension, the law applies to heterosexuals who are sexually harassed by homosexuals, to harassment of LGBT persons, and to same-sex sexual harassment.

Gender and Violence 10.5 Summarize violence against women: rape, murder, and violence in the home.

One of the consistent characteristics of violence in the United States—and the world—is gender inequality. Globally, females are more likely to be the victims of males, not the other way around. Let’s briefly review this almost one-way street in gender violence as it applies to the United States.

Violence against Women We have already examined violence against women in other cultures. Previously in this chapter, we reviewed a form of surgical violence in the United States; and in Chapter 12, we will review violence in the home. Here we briefly review some primary features of gender violence.

FORCIBLE RAPE The fear of rape is common among U.S. women, a fear that is far from groundless. The U.S. rate of sexual assault is 1.9 per 1,000 females age 12 and older ( Statistical Abstract 2017:Table 341). This means that each year 1.9 of every 1,000 U.S. girls and women ages 12 and older is raped, or is attempted to be raped, or in some other way is sexually attacked. Despite this high number, women are much safer now than they were twenty-five or thirty years ago, when many think society was much safer. Today’s rape rate is only one-third of what the rate was in 1990. Boys and men are also victims of sexual assault, but their rate is about one-tenth that of girls and women (Statistical Abstract 2017:Table 341).

Although any woman can be a victim of sexual assault—and victims include babies and elderly women—the typical victim is 15 to 24 years old. As you can see from Table 10.1, sexual assault peaks at those ages and then declines.

Women’s most common fear seems to be an attack by a stranger—a sudden, violent abduction and rape. However, contrary to the stereotypes that underlie these fears, as you can see from Table 10.2, most victims know their attackers.

For boys and men who are victims of rape, their attack is every bit as devastating for them as it is for female victims (Dao 2013). The rape of men in the military and in jails and prisons is a special problem. An astounding finding is that about a third of the pris- oners who are raped are victims of the prison staff (Beck et al. 2013).

Although crassly put by the cartoonist, behind the glass ceiling lies this background assumption.

328 Chapter 10


At the peer workshop on sexual assault at the University of California at Berkeley, the student leader was talking to fraternity members. When she explained that sex with someone who has blacked out from drinking is rape, “jaws dropped.” “They didn’t even know this was illegal or wrong,” she said. (Phillips 2014)

Date rape (also known as acquaintance rape) is common. Based on a nationally representa- tive sample of women college students, 4.4 percent were the victims of rape or attempted rape during the past three years. With 11,400,000 female college students, this comes to a huge amount. It means that in the past three years about a half million were victims of sexual assault (Statistical Abstract 2017:Table 340).

You can assume, then, that tens of thousands of men were arrested. Not really, though. Most of these women told friends what happened, but they did not report their rapes to the police. In one study, only 5 percent reported the crime (Fisher et al.

2003). In another study, 11.5 percent reported their rape (Wolitzky-Taylor et al. 2011). Most did not consider the event “serious enough” to report. Many were uncertain that a crime had been committed. Others were embar- rassed and wanted to keep it from their families. Some felt helpless, that “It would be my word against his.”

Some victims even feel responsible for their own rape: They were drinking with the man, went to his place, or invited him to her place. As a physician who treats victims of sexual assault said, “Would you feel responsi- ble if someone hit you over the head with a shovel—just because you knew the person?” (Carpenito 1999).

MURDER Who is more likely to kill, men or women? You already know the answer to this, of course, but do you know how extreme the difference is? Look at Figure 10.9. You can see that of all murders in the United States 9 of 10 are committed by men. Yet when it comes to being a murder victim, the picture changes drastically: Twenty-eight percent of murder victims are women. In short, a woman is much more likely to be killed by a man than a man is likely to be killed by a woman. It is basically like this all over the world.

Age Rate per 1,000 Females

12–14 1.4

15–17 1.7

18–20 2.6

21–24 1.8

25–34 1.3

35–49 0.9

50–64 0.5

65 and Older 0.1

Table 10.1 Rape Victims

NOTE: In 2012, the age categories were changed, creating some distortions, especially for ages 18–20.

SOURCES: By the author. A ten-year average based on Statistical Abstract of the United States 2008:Table 313; 2009:Table 305; 2010:Table 305; 2011: Table 313; 2012:Table 317; 2013:Table 322; 2014:Table 328; 2015:Table 329; 2016:Table 338; 2017:Table 341.

Relationship Percentage

Known to the Victim Well Known or Casual Acquaintance Intimate Partner Relative

53% 33% 12% 8%

Stranger 39%

Not Reported 8%

Table 10.2 Relationship of Victims and Rapists

SOURCE: By the author. A ten-year average as reported in Statistical Abstract of the United States 2017:Table 342.

The most common drug used to facilitate date rape is alcohol, not GHB.

Gender and Age 329

VIOLENCE IN THE HOME In the family, too, women are the typical victims. Spouse battering, marital rape, and incest are discussed in Chapter 12. Two forms of violence against women— honor killings and female circumcision—were earlier topics of this chapter.

FEMINISM AND GENDERED VIOLENCE Feminist sociologists have been especially effective in bringing violence against women to the public’s attention. Some use symbolic interactionism, pointing out that to associate strength and virility with violence—as is done in many cultures—is to promote violence. Others employ conflict theory. They argue that men are losing power and that some men turn violently against women as a way to reassert their declining power and status (Xie et al. 2011; Kotsadam et al. 2017).

SOLUTIONS There is no magic bullet for the problem of gendered violence, but to be effective, any solution must break the connection between violence and masculinity. This would require an educa- tional program that encompasses schools, churches, homes, and the media. Given the gun-slinging heroes of the Wild West and other American icons, as well as the violent messages that are so prevalent in the mass media, including video games, it is difficult to be optimistic that a change will come any time soon.

Our next topic, women in politics, however, gives us much more reason for optimism.

The Changing Face of Politics 10.6 Discuss changes in gender and politics.

Women could take over the United States! Think about it. There are eight million more women than men of voting age. But look at Table 10.3. Although women voters greatly outnumber men voters, men greatly outnumber women in political office. The remark- able gains women have made in recent elections can take our eye off the broader picture. Since 1789, about two thousand men have served in the U.S. Senate. And how many women? Only forty-five, including the twenty-one current senators. It took until 1992 for the first African American woman (Carol Brown) to be elected to the U.S. Senate. Not until 2013 did the first Asian American woman (Mazie Hirono) become a senator, and it took until 2017 for, the first Latina (Catherine Cortez Masto) to join this elite group.












The Victims

P e rc

e n ta

g e

Women Men


The Killers




Figure 10.9 Killers and Their Victims

SOURCE: FBI 2016:Table 6, Expanded Homicide Data.

Offices Held by Women (Percentage)

Offices Held by Women (Number)

National Office

U.S. Senate 21% 21

U.S. House of Representatives 20% 84

State Office

Governors 12% 6

Lt. Governors 24% 12

Attorneys General 14% 7

Secretaries of State 26% 13

Treasurers 16% 8

State Auditors 20% 10

State Legislators 25% 1,840

Table 10.3 U.S. Women in Political Office

SOURCE: By the author. Based on Center for American Women and Politics 2017.

330 Chapter 10

Glimpsing the Future—with Hope 10.7 Explain why the future looks hopeful.

Women’s fuller participation in the decision-making processes of our social institutions has shattered stereotypes that tended to limit females to “feminine” activities and push males into “masculine” ones. As structural barriers continue to fall and more activities are degen- dered, both males and females will have greater freedom to pursue activities that are more compatible with their abilities and desires as individuals.

As females and males develop a new consciousness both of their capacities and of their potential, relationships will change. Distinctions between the sexes will not disappear, but there is no rea- son for biological differences to be translated into social inequalities. The potential, as sociologist Alison Jaggar observed back in 1990, is for gender equality to become less a goal than a background condition for living in society.

Inequalities of Aging In 1928, Charles Hart, who was working on his Ph.D. in anthropology, did fieldwork with the Tiwi, a people who live on an island off the

northern coast of Australia. Because every Tiwi belongs to a clan, they assigned Hart to the bird (Jabijabui) clan and told him that a particular woman was his mother. Hart described the woman as “toothless, almost blind, withered.” He added that she was “physically quite revolting and mentally rather senile.” He then recounted this remark- able event:

Toward the end of my time on the islands an incident occurred that surprised me be- cause it suggested that some of them had been taking my presence in the kinship system much more seriously than I had thought. I was approached by a group of about eight or nine senior men…. They were the senior members of the Jabijabui clan and they had decided among themselves that the time had come to get rid of the decrepit old woman who had first called me son and whom I now called mother…. As I knew, they said, it was Tiwi custom, when an old woman became too feeble to look after herself, to “cover her up.” This could only be done by her sons and brothers and all of them had to agree beforehand, since once it was done, they did not want any dissension among the broth- ers or clansmen, as that might lead to a feud. My “mother” was now completely blind, she was constantly falling over logs or into fires, and they, her senior clansmen, were in agreement that she would be better out of the way. Did I agree?

I already knew about “covering up.” The Tiwi, like many other hunting and gath- ering peoples, sometimes got rid of their ancient and decrepit females. The method was to dig a hole in the ground in some lonely place, put the old woman in the hole and fill it in with earth until only her head was showing. Everybody went away for a day or two and then went back to the hole to discover to their great surprise, that the old woman was dead, having been too feeble to raise her arms from the earth. Nobody had “killed” her; her death in Tiwi eyes was a natural one. She had been alive when her relatives last saw her. I had never seen it done, though I knew it was the custom, so I asked my brothers if it was necessary for me to attend the “covering up.”

They said no and that they would do it, but only after they had my agreement. Of course I agreed, and a week or two later we heard in our camp that my “mother” was dead, and we all wailed and put on the trimmings of mourning. (C. W. M. Hart in Hart and Pilling 1979:125–126)

Angela Merkel, the world’s most powerful woman, broke through the German glass ceiling in politics. Serving her third 4-year term as chancellor of Germany, she is shown here on a visit to New Zealand, greeting a Maori leader in their traditional manner of rubbing noses.

Gender and Age 331

Aging in Global Perspective 10.8 Understand how attitudes toward the elderly vary

around the world; explain how industrialization led to a graying globe.

We won’t deal with the question of whether it was moral or ethical for Hart to agree that the old woman should be “covered up.” What is of interest for our purposes is how the Tiwi treated their frail elderly—or, more specifically, their frail female elderly. You probably noticed that the Tiwi “covered up” only old women. As this incident makes evi- dent, gender discrimination can even bring death.

But let’s focus on the elderly. Every society must deal with the problem of people growing old and of some becoming frail. Although few societies choose to bury old people alive, all societies must decide how to allocate limited resources among their citizens. With more people around the world making it to old age, these decisions are producing tensions between the generations on a global level.

Extremes of Attitudes and Practices The way the Tiwi treated frail elderly women reflects one extreme of how soci- eties cope with aging. Another extreme, one that reflects a sharply different atti- tude, is illustrated by the Abkhasians, an agricultural people who live in Georgia, a repub lic of the former Soviet Union. The Abkhasians pay their elderly high respect and look to them for guidance (Gurian 2013). They would no more dispense with their elderly by “covering them up” than we would “cover up” a sick child in our culture.

The Abkhasians may be the longest-lived people on Earth. Many claim to live past 100—some beyond 120 and even 130 (Benet 1971; Robbins 2006). Although research- ers have concluded that the extreme claims are bogus (Young et al. 2010), government records indicate that many Abkhasians do live to a very old age.

Three main factors appear to account for their long lives. The first is their diet, which consists of little meat and much fresh fruit, vegetables, garlic, goat cheese, corn- meal, buttermilk, and wine. The second is their lifelong physical activity. They do slow down after age 80, but even after the age of 100, they still work about 4 hours a day. The third factor—a highly developed sense of community—lies at the very heart of the Abkhasian culture. From childhood, each individual is inte- grated into a primary group and remains so throughout life. There is no such thing as a nursing home, nor do the elderly live alone. Because they continue to work and contribute to the group’s wel- fare, the elderly aren’t a burden to anyone. They don’t vegetate, nor do they feel the need to “fill time” with bingo and shuffle- board. In short, the elderly feel no sudden rupture between what they “were” and what they “are.”

IN SUM Contrasting the Tiwi and the Abkhasians reveals an important sociological principle: Like gender, aging is socially con- structed. That is, nothing in the nature of aging summons forth any particular viewpoint. Rather, attitudes toward the aged are rooted in society. They differ with groups around the world.

Among some groups, the elderly don’t retire. They continue their traditional tasks, but they do slow down. This man on the Li River in Yangshuo, Guangxi, China, continues to fish with his cormorant, just as he has done from his youth.

Except for interaction within families, age groups in Western culture are usually kept fairly separate. The idea of having a day care center in the same building as a nursing home breaks this tradition. This photo was taken in Seattle, Washington.

332 Chapter 10

Industrialization and the Graying of the Globe In 1900, the average person in the world was dead by the age of 30! Today the average person lives to 70! (Eberstadt 2014a)

What happened to bring about such a remarkable change? The one-word answer is industrialization. Industrialization brings not only more material goods but also a higher standard of living: more food, a purer water supply, better housing, and more effective ways of fighting the diseases that kill children. As a result, when a country industrializes, its people live longer. The following Social Map provides a good illustration. As you can see, the industrialized countries have the highest percentage of elderly.

1. Japan (26.6%)

2. Germany (21.5%)

3. Italy (21.2%)

Lowest percentage of population age 65 and older

1. Uganda (2.0%)

2. South Sudan (2.1%)

3. Zambia (2.4%)

The least: 2.0% to 3.9%

The middle range: 4.0% to 9.9%

The most: 10.0% to 26.6%

Percentage unknown

Percentage of a Country’s Population Age 65 and Older

North America

South America





Highest percentage of population age 65 and older

Figure 10.10 The Graying of the Globe

SOURCE: By the author. Based on Statistical Abstract of the United States 2017:Table 1348.

Because industrialization is uneven around the world, the percentage of elderly differs sharply among the world’s nations. As you can see from the Social Map, in non- industrialized Uganda just 1 of 50 citizens is age 65 or older, but in postindustrial Japan more than 1 of every 4 persons is. The graying of the globe is so new that two-thirds of all people who have ever passed age 50 in the history of the world are alive today (Zaslow 2003).

As the number of elderly continues to grow, analysts have become alarmed about future liabilities for their care. This issue is especially troubling in western Europe and Japan, which have the largest percentage of citizens age 65 and older. The basic issue is, How can large numbers of elderly be given high-quality care without burdening future generations with impossible taxes? The many nations confronting this issue have not yet found a solution.

THE LIFE SPAN Although more people are living to old age, the maximum length of life possible, the life span, has not increased. No one knows, however, just what that maxi- mum is. We do know that it is at least 122: This is the well-documented age of Jeanne Lou- ise Calment of France at her death in 1997. And the death of Tuti Yusupova of Uzbekistan

life span the maximum length of life of a species; for humans, the longest that a human has lived

Gender and Age 333

in 2015 might indicate that the human life span extends to at least 134. Her passport shows her birth year as 1880, but there is some uncertainly if the passport is accurate. Advances in genetics may extend the human life span, perhaps by 100 years or more.

The Graying of America From Figure 10.11, you can see how the United States is part of this global trend. This figure shows how U.S. life expectancy, the number of years people can expect to live, has increased since 1900. To me, and perhaps to you, it is startling to realize that about 120 years ago, the average U.S. woman and man didn’t live long enough to celebrate their 50th birthday. Since then, we’ve added about 30 years to our life expectancy, and Americans born today can expect to live into their 70s or 80s.

life expectancy the number of years that an average person at any age, including newborns, can expect to live

A g












Year of Birth

1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2040

51.8 53.6 54.6

61.6 60.8 65.2 65.6

71.1 73.1 74.7

70.0 71.8


66.6 67.1

77.4 78.8




76.2 79.3


82.4 81.2 84.8



Men Women

Figure 10.11 U.S. Life Expectancy by Year of Birth

SOURCE: By the author. Based on Historical Statistics of the United States, Colonial Times to 1970, Bicentennial Edition, Part I, Series B, 107–115; Statistical Abstract of the United States 2017:Table 112.

1900 20001950 2050











8.2%P e rc

e n ta

g e

Figure 10.12 The Graying of America: Americans Age 65 and Older

SOURCE: By the author. Based on Statistical Abstract of the United States 2017:Table 8, and earlier years.

SOURCE: By the author. Based on Statistical Abstract of the United States 2017:Table 8, and earlier years.

Figure 10.13 The Median Age of the U.S. Population

A g


1850 20001900 1950 2050 Year









20 23

The term graying of America refers to this growing percentage of older people in the U.S. population. Look at Figure 10.12. In 1900, only 4 percent of Americans were age 65 and older. Today, 15 percent are. U.S. society has become so “gray” that, as Figure 10.13 shows, the median age has almost doubled since 1850. Today, there are 18 million more

graying of America the growing percentage of older people in the U.S. population

334 Chapter 10

elderly Americans than there are teenagers (Statistical Abstract 2017:Tables 10, 111). As you can see from Figure 10.14, despite this vast change, on a global level the United States ranks just twelfth in life expectancy. Also note that the nations where life expec- tancy is the highest are industrialized, while the nations where life expectancy is the shortest are not.

84.7 years

84.7 years

82.2 years

81.8 years

81.8 years

82.4 years

81.6 years

81.2 years

80.6 years

80.5 years



South Korea







Great Britain







Burkina Faso




Congo, Dem. Rep.



Cote d’Ivoire


United States

10 20 30 40 50 Years

60 70 80 90 100

80.6 years

79.7 years

The World’s Longest Life Expectancy (79 and higher)

The World’s Shortest Life Expectancy (below 60)

52.2 years

50.9 years

54.9 years

55.1 years

55.1 years

55.3 years

55.6 years

56.9 years

57.9 years

59.7 years

52.9 years

Zimbabwe 57.1 years

53.0 years

58.3 years

Figure 10.14 Life Expectancy in Global Perspective

SOURCE: By the author. Based on Statistical Abstract of the United States 2017:Table 1349.

As anyone who has ever visited Florida knows, the elderly population is not distributed evenly around the country. (As Jerry Seinfeld sardonically noted, “There’s a law that when you get old, you’ve got to move to Florida.”) The following Social Map shows how uneven this distribution is.

Gender and Age 335

When does old age begin? And what activities are appropriate for the elderly? From this photo that I took of Munimah, a 65-year-old bonded laborer in Chennai, India, you can see how culturally relative these questions are. No one in Chennai thinks it is extraordinary that this woman makes her living by carrying heavy rocks all day in the burning, tropical sun. Working next to her in the quarry is her 18-year-old son, who breaks the rocks into the size that his mother carries.

The younger states: 9.9% to 14.6%

The average states: 14.7% to 15.8%

The older states: 15.9% to 19.4%

UT 10.3

VT 17.6

OH 15.9

AK 9.9

SC 16.2

NC 15.1

VA 14.2

WA 14.4

OR 16.4

CA 13.3

NV 14.6

ID 14.7

MT 17.2

WY 14.5

AZ 16.4 NM


CO 13.0

ND 14.2

SD 15.7

NE 14.7

KS 14.6

OK 14.7

TX 11.7

MN 14.7

IA 16.1

MO 15.7

AR 16.0

LA 14.0

WI 15.6

IL 14.2

KY 15.2

TN 15.4

MS 14.7

AL 15.7

GA 12.8

FL 19.4

IN 14.6

MI 15.8

WV 18.2

PA 17.0

NY 15.0

ME 18.8 NH 16.5

MA 15.4 RI 16.1 CT 15.8

DE 17.0

DC 11.5

HI 16.5

Percentage Elderly

Least elderly

1. Alaska (9.9%)

2. Utah (10.3%)

3. Texas (11.7%)

Most elderly

1. Florida (19.4%)

2. Maine (18.8%)

3. West Virginia (18.2%)

NJ 15.0

MD 14.1

Figure 10.15 As Florida Goes, So Goes the Nation

SOURCE: By the author. Based on Statistical Abstract of the United States 2017:Table 17.

Let’s see the different pictures of aging that emerge when we apply the three theoretical perspectives.

The Symbolic Interactionist Perspective 10.9 Discuss changes in perceptions of the elderly.

Ageism refers to prejudice and discrimination directed against people because of their age. Let’s see how ageism developed in the United States.

Shifting Meanings of Growing Old As we have seen, there is nothing inherent in old age to produce any particular attitude, nega- tive or not. Some historians point out that in early U.S. society, old age was regarded positively (Greenstein and Holland 2015). In colonial times, growing old was seen as an accomplish- ment because so few people made it to old age. With no pensions, the elderly continued to work. Their jobs changed little over time, and they were viewed as storehouses of knowl- edge about work skills and sources of wisdom about how to live a long life.

The coming of industrialization eroded these bases of respect. With better sanitation and medical care, more people reached old age, and being elderly lost its uniqueness and the honor it had brought. Industrialization’s new forms of mass production also made young workers as productive as the elderly. Coupled with mass education, this stripped away the elderly’s superior knowl- edge (Cowgill 1974; Cruikshank 2013).

A basic principle of symbolic interactionism is that we perceive both ourselves and others according to the symbols of our culture. When the meaning of old age changed from an asset to a liability, not only did younger people come to view the elderly dif- ferently but so did the elderly. They, too, began to perceive themselves in a new light. This shift in meaning is demonstrated in the way people lie about their age: They used to say that they were older than they were but now claim to be younger than their true ages (Clair et al. 1993).

336 Chapter 10

Today, the meaning of old age is shifting once again. More positive images of the elderly are developing, largely because most of today’s U.S. elderly enjoy good health and can take care of themselves financially. If this symbolic shift continues, the next step—now in process—will be to view old age not as a period that precedes death but, rather, as a new stage of growth. We will return to this topic.

The Influence of the Mass Media In Chapter 3, we noted that the mass media help to shape our ideas about both gender and relationships between men and women. As a powerful source of symbols, the media also influence our ideas of the elderly, the topic of the following Thinking Critically about Social Life.

IN SUM Symbolic interactionists stress that old age has no inherent meaning. There is nothing about old age to automatically summon forth responses of honor and respect, as

ageism prejudice and discrimination directed against people because of their age; can be directed against any age group, including youth

When does "old" begin? Until recently, Halle Berry, age 51, would have been considered elderly. No longer. This change illustrates the social nature of age and aging.

Thinking Critically about Social Life The Cultural Lens: Shaping Our Perceptions of the Elderly The mass media profoundly influence our perception of people (Levy et al. 2013). What we hear and see on television and in the movies, the songs we listen to, the books and magazines we read—all become part of the cul- tural lens through which we view the world. The media shape our images of minorities and dominant groups; men, women, and children; people with disabilities; those from other cultures—and the elderly.

The shaping of our images and perception of the elderly is subtle, so much so that it usually occurs without our awareness. The elderly, for example, are underrepresented on television and in most popular magazines (Barrett et al. 2014). This leaves a covert message—that the elderly are of little consequence and can be safely ignored.

The media also reflect and reinforce stereotypes of gender age. Older male news anchors are likely to be retained, while female anchors who turn the same age are more likely to be transferred to less visible positions. Similarly, in movies, older men are more likely to play romantic leads—and to play them opposite much younger rising stars.

The message might be subtle, but it is not lost. The more television that people watch, the more they perceive the elderly in negative terms. The elderly, too, internalize these negative images, which, in turn, influences the ways they view themselves. These images are so powerful that

they affect the health of elderly people, even the way they walk (Donlon et al. 2005).

We become fearful of growing old, and we go to great lengths to deny that we are losing our youth. Fear and denial play into the hands of advertisers, of course, who exploit our concerns. They help us deny this biological reality by selling us hair dyes, skin creams, and other products that are designed to conceal even the appearance of old age. For these same reasons, plastic surgeons do a thriving business as they remove telltale signs of aging.

The growing number and affluence of the elderly translate into economic clout and political power. One consequence is more positive images of the elderly in the mass media (Oro-Piqueras and Marques 2017). An indication of this change is shown in this photo.

For Your Consideration → What other examples of fear and denial of growing old

are you familiar with?

→ What examples of older men playing romantic leads with younger women can you give? Of older women and younger men?

→ Why do you think we have gender age stereotypes?

→ How do you think stereotypes of the elderly are changing?

Gender and Age 337

with the Abkhasians or any other response. Our culture shapes how we perceive the elderly, including the ways we view our own aging. In short, the social modifies the biological.

The Functionalist Perspective 10.10 Summarize theories of disengagement, activity, and continuity.

Functionalists analyze how the parts of society work together. Among the components of society are age cohorts—people who were born at roughly the same time and who pass through the life course together. This term might strike you as something divorced from your life, but age cohorts actually affect your life deeply. For example, when you finish college, if the age cohort that is retiring is large (a “baby boom” generation), jobs will be plentiful. In contrast, if the age cohort is small (a “baby bust” generation), your opportunities for good jobs will shrink.

Let’s consider theories that focus on retirement.

Disengagement Theory Think how disruptive it would be if the elderly left their jobs only when they died or became incompetent. How does society get the elderly to leave their positions so younger people can take them? According to disengagement theory, developed by Elaine Cumming and William Henry (1961), this is the function of pensions. Pensions get the elderly to disengage from their positions and hand them over to younger people. Retirement, then, benefits two major parts of society, both the elderly and younger workers.

EVALUATION OF THE THEORY Certainly pensions do entice the elderly to leave their jobs, and members of a younger generation do step in. I think we all know this, so it isn’t much of a theory. Critics have also pointed out that the elderly don’t really “disengage.” Not many people who quit their jobs sit in rocking chairs and watch the world go by. Instead of disengaging, the retired exchange one set of roles for another (Tadic et al. 2012). They find these new ways of conducting their lives, which often center on friendship, no less satisfying than their earlier roles.

To make disengagement theory relevant, it must take into account how the meaning of retirement has changed. Less and less does retirement mean an end to work. Many people stay at their jobs, but they slow down, putting in fewer hours. Some use the Internet to explore new areas of work. Others switch careers, even in their 60s, some even in their 70s. And finding their pensions inadequate, many are forced to take part-time jobs. Not many aspired in their youth to become “greeters” at Walmart.

Activity Theory Are retired people more satisfied with life? (All that extra free time and not having to kowtow to a boss must be nice.) Are intimate activities more satisfying than formal ones? Such questions are the focus of activity theory.

age cohort people born at roughly the same time who pass through the life course together

disengagement theory the view that society is stabilized by having the elderly retire (disengage from) their positions of responsibility so the younger generation can step into their shoes

activity theory the view that satisfaction during old age is related to a person’s amount and quality of activity

What stereotypes of the elderly do you see here? What stereotypes do you have? How did your stereotypes develop?

338 Chapter 10

E V A L U A T I O N O F T H E T H E - ORY When it comes to retired people, it is the same as with young people: No one size fits all. Some people are happier when they are more active, b u t o t h e r s p re f e r l e s s i n v o l v e m e n t (Keith 1982; Levy et al. 2013). Simi- larly, many people find informal, inti- mate activities, such as spending time with friends , t o be m ore satisfying than formal activities. But not every- one does. In one study, two thousand retired U.S. men reported formal activ- ities to be just as satisfying as infor- mal ones. Even solitary tasks, such as doing home repairs, had about the same impact as intimate activities on these men’s life satisfaction (Beck and

Page 1988). It is the same for spending time with adult children. “Often enough” for some parents is “not enough” or even “too much” for others. In short, research- ers have discovered the obvious: What makes life satisfying for one person doesn’t work for another. (This, of course, can be a source of intense frustration for couples, retired or not.)

Continuity Theory As its name implies, a theory of aging called continuity theory focuses on how the elderly adjust to changes in their lives by continuing ties with their past (Goth and Smaland 2014). One way they do this is to take on roles similar to the ones they have given up. For example, a former CEO might serve as a consultant, a retired electrician might do small electrical repairs, or a pensioned banker might take over the finances of her church. Researchers have found that people who are active in multiple roles (wife, author, mother, intimate friend, church member, etc.) are better equipped to handle the changes that come with growing old. Social class is also sig- nificant: With their greater resources, people from higher social classes adjust better to the challenges of aging.

EVALUATION OF THE THEORY The basic criticism of continuity theory is that it is too broad (Hatch 2000). We all have anchor points based on our particular experiences in life, and we all rely on them to make adjustments to what we confront in life. This applies to people of all ages beyond infancy. Continuity theory is a collection of loosely connected ideas, with no specific application to the elderly.

IN SUM: THE FUNCTIONALIST PERSECTIVE The broader perspective of the func- tionalists is how society’s parts work together to keep society running smoothly. If younger workers had to fight to take over the jobs of the elderly, it would be disruptive to society. To make the transition smooth, the elderly are offered pensions, which entice them to leave their positions. Functionalists also use a narrower perspective, focusing on how individuals adjust to retirement. The basic finding that runs through the research is this: Regardless of the form it takes, activity that provides meaning helps the aged reconstruct their identities, promotes satisfaction and happiness, and leads to more suc- cessful retirement (Newman et al. 2013).

continuity theory a theory focusing on how people adjust to retirement by continu- ing aspects of their earlier lives

This 73-year-old man teaches yoga in Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China. I wonder how many 20-year-olds, even teenagers, could keep up with him.

Gender and Age 339

The Conflict Perspective 10.11 Explain the conflict perspective on Social

Security, and discuss intergenerational competition and conflict.

As you know, the conflict perspective’s guiding principle is how social groups compete with one another to control power and resources. How does this apply to society’s age groups? As conflict the- orists stress, regardless of whether the young and old recognize it, they are opponents in a struggle that threatens to throw society into turmoil. Let’s look at how Social Security fits the conflict view.

Fighting for Resources: Social Security Legislation In the 1920s, there was no Social Security to provide an income for the aged. At that time, two-thirds of all citizens age 65 and older had no savings and could not support them- selves (Holtzman 1963; Crossen 2004a). Then the Great Depression engulfed the nation, making things even worse. In 1930 Francis Townsend, a physician, started a movement to rally older citizens. He soon had one-third of all Americans age 65 and older enrolled in his Townsend Clubs. They demanded a national sales tax of 2 percent, with the money given to the elderly. Every person 65 and older would receive $200 a month ($2,100 a month in today’s money). In 1934, the Townsend Plan went before Congress.

Alarmed at the plan’s high payments, and fearing that this would destroy people’s incentive to save for the future, Congress looked for a way to reject the plan without appearing to oppose the elderly. When President Roosevelt announced his own, more modest Social Security plan, Congress embraced it (Schottland 1963; Amenta 2006).

To provide jobs for younger people, the new Social Security law required that work- ers retire at age 65. It did not matter how well people did their work or how much they needed the pay. For decades, the elderly protested. Finally, in 1986, Congress eliminated mandatory retirement. Although workers can no longer be forced out of their jobs simply because of age, almost 90 percent of Americans retire by age 65.

“Old People Are Sucking Us Dry”: Intergenerational Competition and Conflict

“Old people are tax burdens who should hurry up and die.” Taro Aso, the Finance Minister of Japan

The Japanese buy more adult diapers than baby diapers (Herships 2016).

Could conflict between the elderly and the young be in your future? As conflict theorists stress, equilibrium between competing groups is only a temporary balancing of oppo- sitional forces. Since the balance can be upset at any time, let’s consider this possibility.

Actually, the first shots have already been fired. Some are saying that the elderly are guilty of generational theft, that they are running up a national debt that coming generations will have to pay (Freeman 2013). One article is even titled Old People Are Sucking Us Dry (Altman 2014).

Smoldering behind these charges are the gigantic costs of Social Security and Medicare. As incredible as it may seem, these two programs cost 94 percent of the nation’s total income tax. Of the nation’s total revenue from all sources, these two programs take almost one of every two

The U.S. elderly are a potent political force today. They were not considered so until Dr. Francis Everett Townsend (pictured here) organized them as a political force in the 1930s. Townsend proposed a radical $200 per month pension plan for the elderly in the midst of the Great Depression. His plan and campaign frightened Congress.

340 Chapter 10

dollars (46 percent) (Statistical Abstract 2017:Tables 494, 498). From Figure 10.16, you can see that Social Security payments are now more than 1,000 times higher than they were in 1950.

To see the nation’s huge medical bill to care for the elderly, look at Figure 10.17. Like gasoline poured on a fire, these soaring costs may fuel intergenerational conflict.

Figure 10.18 can be a source of indignation. As you can see, the condition of the elderly has improved while that of the nation’s children has deteriorated. As the government transferred resources to the elderly, their poverty rate dropped by two-thirds. What a con- trast for childhood poverty, as it is higher now than it was in 1967—and in all the years in between.

Some think that the drop in the poverty of the elderly came at the expense of the nation’s children, but did it? Ask yourself: Could Congress have funded the welfare of children just as it did that of the elderly? Of course. But it chose not to. Why? The elderly, not the children, threatened to vote politicians out of office. To back up their threat, their lobbyists put a lot of grease in the political reelection machine. And the children? They are safe to ignore. The children don’t offer any payoffs to the politicians, and they can’t vote anyone out of office.

Let’s suppose that the country gets serious about reducing childhood poverty. Watch out for politicians who say that to improve the children’s welfare, we must take money from the elderly. What a choice: either pathetic children or suffering old folks. If you ever hear this, you will know it is a false choice. It will simply be politicians trying to manipulate your emotions.

Look again at the first quote that opened this section. Intergenerational conflict has begun to heat up in Japan, where one of every four persons is elderly. Could it happen here? What do you think?

IN SUM: THE CONFICT PERSPECTIVE People of similar ages (cohorts) are one of the many interest groups that are competing for society’s resources. As more demands are put on these resources, the opposing interests of these groups will become more apparent.

In old age, as in all other stages of the life course, people find life more pleasant if they have friends and enough money to meet their needs. How do you think the elderly woman to the left finds life? How about the elderly woman in the photo to the right? While neither welcomes old age, what a difference social factors make in how people experience this time of life. Research indicates that one of these women is likely to be in better health and to live longer. Which one? Why?










B ill

io n s

o f

D o

lla rs






1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 203020201950


Figure 10.16 Social Security Payments to Beneficiaries

SOURCE: By the author. Based on Statistical Abstract of the United States 1997:Table 518; 2017:Table 567. Broken line indicates the author’s projections.

Gender and Age 341
















1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2010 2015 2020 2025 20302005


1970 19751967

B il li o

n s

o f

D o

ll a rs

M ed

ica re

M ed

ica id

Figure 10.17 Health Care Costs for the Elderly and Disabled

NOTE: Medicare is intended for the elderly and disabled, Medicaid for the poor. About 18 percent of Medicaid payments ($53 billion) go for medical care for the elderly (Statistical Abstract 2017:Table 161).

SOURCE: By the author. Based on Statistical Abstract of the United States various years, and 2017:Table 148. Broken lines indicate the author's projections.

Figure 10.18 Age and Trends in Poverty

P e rc

e n ta

g e

1967 0%







1971 1975 1979 1983 1987 1991 1995 2000


2005 20152010 2020

Elderly (65 and over)

Children (under 18)

Year SOURCE: By the author. Based on Statistical Abstract of the United States, various years, and 2017:Table 738. Broken lines indicate the author’s projections.

342 Chapter 10

Looking toward the Future 10.12 Discuss developing views of aging and the impact of technology on how long

people live.

Let’s not lose sight of one of the major changes stressed in this chapter—that for the first time in human history, huge numbers of people are becoming elderly. It is inevitable that such a fundamental change will have a powerful impact on societies around the world, so much so that it might even transform them. We don’t have space to explore such potential transformations, which are only speculative at the moment, so let’s try to catch a glimpse of what is happening with the elderly themselves.

New Views: Creative Aging As huge numbers of Americans move into old age, the elderly have begun not only to challenge the demeaning stereotypes of the aged but also to develop new models of aging. These new perspectives build on the idea that old age should not be viewed as “a-time-close-to-death” but, rather, as a new period of life, one with its specific chal- lenges, to be sure, but also one to be enjoyed, even celebrated. From this has emerged creative aging, an emphasis that this new time of life provides unique opportunities to pursue interests, to develop creativity, and to enhance the appreciation of life’s beauty and one’s place in it.

This changing perspective is new, so we don’t yet know the directions it will take. But if this emphasis continues, it will change how younger people view the elderly—as well as how the elderly view themselves. Stereotypes of despondent, disengaged old folks are already giving way to stereotypes of affluent, thriving, engaged older adults who are enjoying a life of leisure and the time to pursue personal interests. No stereotype will encompass the reality of the elderly years, of course, as the aged differ among themselves as much as younger people do.

There is also the matter of social class. Creative aging and the other more positive views apply mainly to the mid- dle and upper classes. Those trapped in poverty often find old age to be a time of ill health and despair. This leaves us with a serious issue as a society: How can we increase health and the opportunity to enjoy life for all the elderly, no matter their social class?

With longer lives, better health, and more resources, the elderly years are becoming a stage of life in which people explore and develop new dimensions of their selves. Shown here is an 86-year old woman executing a scissors split at the Palm Springs Follies in Palm Springs, California.

Summary and Review Issues of Sex and Gender 10.1 Distinguish between sex and gender; use research

on Vietnam veterans and testosterone to explain why the door to biology is opening in sociology.

What is gender stratification?

The term gender stratification refers to unequal access to property, power, and prestige on the basis of sex. Each so- ciety establishes a structure that, on the basis of sex and gender, opens and closes doors to its privileges.

How do sex and gender differ?

Sex refers to biological distinctions between males and females. It consists of both primary and secondary sex characteristics. Gender, in contrast, is what a society con- siders proper behaviors and attitudes for its male and fe- male members. Sex physically distinguishes males from females; gender refers to what people call “masculine” and “feminine.”

Gender and Age 343

Why do the behaviors of males and females differ?

The “nature versus nurture” debate refers to wheth- er differences in the behaviors of males and females are caused by inherited (biological) or learned (cultural) char- acteristics. Almost all sociologists take the side of nurture. In recent years, however, sociologists have begun to cau- tiously open the door to biology.

Gender Inequality in Global Perspective 10.2 Discuss the origin of gender discrimination, and

review global aspects of violence against women.

How did females become a minority group?

The origin of discrimination against females is lost in history, but the primary theory of how females became a minority group in their own societies focuses on the phys- ical limitations imposed by childbirth.

What are some forms of global violence against females?

The major forms discussed are honor killing and female circumcision.

Gender Inequality in the United States 10.3 Review the rise of feminism, and summarize

gender inequality in health care and education.

Is the feminist movement new?

In what is called the “first wave,” feminists made political demands for change in the early 1900s—and were met with hostility, even violence. The “second wave” began in the 1960s and continues today. An overlapping “third wave” is in process.

What forms do gender inequality in health care and education take?

Physicians don’t take women’s health complaints as seriously as those of men, and they exploit women’s fears, performing unnecessary hysterectomies. More women than men attend college, and there is a tendency to select fields that are categorized as “feminine” or “masculine.”

Gender Inequality in the Workplace 10.4 Explain reasons for the pay gap; discuss the glass

ceiling and sexual harassment.

How does gender inequality show up in the workplace?

All occupations show a gender gap in pay. For college graduates, the lifetime pay gap runs more than a million dollars in favor of men. Sexual harassment also continues to be a reality of the workplace.

Gender and Violence 10.5 Summarize violence against women: rape, murder,

and violence in the home.

What is the relationship between gender and violence?

Overwhelmingly, the victims of rape and murder are females. Female circumcision and honor killing are special cases of violence against females. Conflict theorists point out that men use violence to maintain their power and privilege.

The Changing Face of Politics 10.6 Discuss changes in gender and politics.

What is the trend in gender inequality in politics?

Women continue to be underrepresented in politics, but the trend toward greater political equality is firmly in place.

Glimpsing the Future—with Hope 10.7 Explain why the future looks hopeful.

Why does the future of gender relations look positive?

With structural barriers falling and activities being degendered, the trend is solidly toward gender equality.

Aging in Global Perspective 10.8 Understand how attitudes toward the elderly vary

around the world; explain how industrialization led to a graying globe.

How are the elderly treated around the world, and why are there more elderly?

There is no single set of attitudes, beliefs, or policies regarding the aged. Rather, they vary around the world, ranging from exclusion and killing to integration and honor. Industrializa- tion, bringing more resources that promote health, has creat- ed a global trend for more people to live longer.

The Symbolic Interactionist Perspective 10.9 Discuss changes in perceptions of the elderly.

What does the social construction of aging mean?

Nothing in the nature of aging produces any particular set of attitudes. Rather, attitudes toward the elderly are rooted in culture and differ from one social group to another.

344 Chapter 10

The Functionalist Perspective 10.10 Summarize theories of disengagement, activity,

and continuity.

How is retirement functional for society?

Functionalists focus on how the withdrawal of the elderly from positions of responsibility benefits society. Disen- gagement theory examines retirement as a device for en- suring that a society’s positions of responsibility are passed smoothly from one generation to the next. The focus of ac- tivity theory is how people’s activities after retirement help them adjust to their new life stage. Continuity theory fo- cuses on how people adjust to growing old by continuing their roles and coping techniques.

The Conflict Perspective 10.11 Explain the conflict perspective on Social

Security, and discuss intergenerational competition and conflict.

How do the younger and the elderly compete for scarce resources?

Social Security legislation is an example of one generation making demands on another generation for limited re- sources. As the number of retired people grows, there are relatively fewer workers to support them.

Looking Toward the Future 10.12 Discuss developing views of aging and the im-

pact of technology on how long people live.

What trends indicate the future for gender and aging?

The trends are positive: Increasing equality and political participation for women and, for the elderly, longer lives, less poverty, and the development of creative aging.

Thinking Critically about Chapter 10 1. What is your position on the “nature versus nurture”

(biology or culture) debate? What materials in this chapter support your position?

2. Why do you think that the gender gap in pay exists all over the world?

3. How does culture influence our ideas about the elderly?

4. How can we solve the problem of caring for the elderly and not burdening future generations?

Diego Rivera, 1929–1935, mural in the National Palace, Mexico City


Learning Objectives

After you have read this chapter, you should be able to:

11.1 Contrast power, authority, and violence; compare traditional, rational–legal, and charismatic authority.

11.2 Compare monarchies, democracies, dictatorships, and oligarchies.

11.3 Discuss voting patterns, lobbyists, and PACs.

11.4 Compare the functionalist (pluralist) and conflict (power elite) perspectives on U.S. power.

11.5 Explain why countries go to war and why some groups choose terrorism.

11.6 Emphasizing inequality, summarize the broad historical shifts in economic systems.

11.7 Contrast capitalism and socialism: their components, ideologies, criticisms, and convergence.

11.8 Discuss the globalization of capitalism, including its effects on workers, the divisions of wealth, and the global superclass.

11.9 Explain how the globalization of capitalism might be bringing a New World Order—and why it might not be.

Chapter 11

Politics and the Economy

In 1949, George Orwell wrote 1984, a book about a time in the future when a government known as “Big Brother” spies on everyone and dictates almost every aspect of each individu- al’s life. Even loving someone is considered sinister—a betrayal of the supreme love and total allegiance that all citizens owe Big Brother.

Despite the danger, Winston and Julia fall in love. They delight in each other, but they must meet furtively, always with the threat of discovery hanging over their heads. When informers turn them in, interrogators separate Julia and Winston and try to destroy their affection and restore their loyalty to Big Brother.

Winston’s tormentor is O’Brien, who straps Winston into a chair so tightly that he can’t even move his head. O’Brien explains that inflicting pain is not always enough to break a per- son’s will, but everyone has a breaking point. There is some worst fear that will push anyone over the edge.

O’Brien tells Winston that he has discovered his worst fear. Then he sets a cage with two starving giant sewer rats on the table next to Winston. O’Brien picks up a hood connected to the door of the cage and places it over Winston’s head. He then explains that when he presses

Even loving someone is considered sinister—a betrayal of the supreme love and total allegiance that all citizens owe Big Brother.

Politics and the Economy 347

the lever, the door of the cage will slide up, and the rats will shoot out like bullets and bore straight into Winston’s face. Winston’s eyes, the only part of his body that he can move, dart back and forth, revealing his terror. Speaking so quietly that Winston has to strain to hear him, O’Brien adds that the rats sometimes attack the eyes first, but sometimes they burrow through the cheeks and devour the tongue. When O’Brien places his hand on the lever, Winston realizes that the only way out is for someone else to take his place. But who? Then he hears his own voice screaming, “Do it to Julia! … Tear her face off. Strip her to the bones. Not me! Julia! Not me!”

Orwell does not describe Julia’s interrogation, but when Julia and Winston see each other later, they realize that each has betrayed the other. Their love is gone. Big Brother has won.

Winston and Julia’s misplaced loyalty had made them political heretics, a danger to the state. Every citizen had the duty to place the state above all else in life, pledging love and loyalty to an individual was a threat to the state’s dominance. Their allegiance to one another had to be stripped from them. As you see, it was.

Power, Authority, and Violence 11.1 Contrast power, authority, and violence; compare traditional, rational–legal,

and charismatic authority.

To exist, every society must have a system of leadership. Some people must have power over others. As Weber (1913/1947) pointed out, we perceive power as either legitimate or illegitimate. Legitimate power is called authority. This is power that people accept as right. In contrast, illegitimate power—called coercion—is power that people do not accept as just.

Imagine that you are on your way to buy the just-released iPhone 10 that is on sale for $250. As you approach the store, a man jumps out of an alley and shoves a gun in your face. He demands your money. Frightened for your life, you hand over your $250. After filing a police report, you head back to college to take a sociology exam. You are run- ning late, so you step on the gas. As you hit 85, you see flashing blue and red lights in your rearview mirror. Your explanation about the robbery doesn’t faze the officer—or the judge who hears your case a few weeks later. She first lectures you on safety and then orders you to pay $50 in court costs plus $10 for every mile over 65. You pay the $250.

The mugger, the police officer, and the judge—all have power, and, in each case you part with $250. What, then, is the difference? The difference is that the mugger has no authority. His power is illegitimate; he has no right to do what he did. In contrast, you acknowledge that the officer has the right to stop you and that the judge has the right to fine you. They have authority, or legitimate power.

Authority and Legitimate Violence As sociologist Peter Berger observed, it makes little difference whether you willingly pay the fine that the judge levies against you or refuse to pay it. The court will get its money one way or another.

power the ability to carry out your will, even over the resistance of others

coercion power that people do not accept as rightly exercised over them; also called illegitimate power

authority power that people consider legitimate, as rightly exercised over them; also called legitimate power

■ Politics: Establishing and Exercising Leadership Although seldom as dramatic as the interrogations of Winston and Julia, politics is always about power and authority. Let’s explore this topic that is so significant for our lives.

politics the exercise of power, leader- ship, influence, and authority

348 Chapter 11

There may be innumerable steps before its application [of violence], in the way of warn- ings and reprimands. But if all the warnings are disregarded, even in so slight a matter as paying a traffic ticket, the last thing that will happen is that a couple of cops show up at the door with handcuffs and a Black Maria [paddy wagon]. Even the moderately courteous cop who hands out the initial traffic ticket is likely to wear a gun—just in case. (Berger 1963)

The government, then, also called the state, claims a monopoly on legitimate force or violence. This point, made by Weber (1946, 1922/1978)—that the state claims both the exclusive right to use violence and the right to punish everyone else who uses violence— is crucial to our understanding of politics. If someone owes you $100, you cannot take the money by force, much less imprison that person. The state, in contrast, can. You can- not kill someone because he or she has done something that you consider absolutely horrible—but the state can. As Berger (1963) summarized this matter, “Violence is the ulti- mate foundation of any political order.”

state a political entity that claims monopoly on the use of violence in some particular territory; commonly known as a country

The ultimate foundation of any political order is violence, no more starkly demonstrated than when a government takes a human life. This iconic photo from the war in Vietnam shows the chief of the national police shooting a suspected Viet Cong officer.

For centuries, widows in the Mediterranean countries, such as this widow in Italy, were expected to dress in black and to mourn for their husbands the rest of their lives. Widows conformed to this expression of lifetime sorrow not because of law, but because of custom. As industrialization erodes traditional authority, fewer widows follow this practice.

But just why do people accept power as legitimate? Max Weber (1922/1978) identified three sources of authority: traditional, rational–legal, and charismatic. Let’s examine each.

Traditional Authority Throughout history, the most common basis for authority has been tradition. Traditional authority, which is based on custom, is the hallmark of preindustrial societies. In these soci- eties, custom dictates basic relationships. For example, birth into a particular family makes an individual the chief, king, or queen. As far as members of that society are concerned, this is the right way to determine who rules because “We’ve always done it this way.”

Although traditional authority declines with industrialization, it never dies out. Even though we live in a postindustrial society, parents continue to exercise authority over their children because parents always have had such authority. From generations past, we inherit the idea that parents should discipline their children, choose their doctors and schools, and teach them religion and morality.

traditional authority authority based on custom

Politics and the Economy 349

Rational–Legal Authority The second type of authority, rational–legal authority, is based not on custom but on written rules. Rational means reasonable, and legal means part of law. Thus, rational–legal refers to matters that have been agreed to by reasonable people and written into law (or regulations of some sort). The matters that are agreed to may be as broad as a constitution that specifies the rights of all members of a society or as narrow as a contract between two individuals. Because bureaucracies are based on written rules, rational–legal author- ity is also called bureaucratic authority.

Rational–legal authority comes from the position that someone holds, not from the person who holds that position. In the United States, for example, the president’s author- ity comes from the legal power assigned to that office, as specified in a written consti- tution, not from custom or the individual’s personal characteristics. In rational–legal authority, everyone—no matter how high the office—is subject to the organization’s writ- ten rules. In governments based on traditional authority, the ruler ’s word may be law; but in those based on rational–legal authority, the ruler’s word is subject to the law.

Charismatic Authority A few centuries back, in 1429, the English controlled large parts of France. When they pre- vented the coronation of a new French king, a farmer’s daughter heard a voice telling her that God had a special assignment for her—that she should put on men’s cloth- ing, recruit an army, and go to war against the English. Inspired, Joan of Arc— still a teenager—raised an army, conquered cities, and defeated the English. Later that year, her visions were fulfilled as she stood next to Charles VII while he was crowned king of France. (Bridgwater 1953)

Joan of Arc is an example of charismatic authority, the third type of authority Weber identified. (Charisma is a Greek word that means a gift freely and graciously given [Arndt and Gingrich 1957].) People are drawn to a charis- matic individual because they believe that individual has been touched by God or has been endowed by nature with exceptional qualities (Lipset 1993). The armies did not follow Joan of Arc because it was the custom to do so, as in traditional authority. Nor did they risk their lives fighting alongside her because she held a position defined by written rules, as in rational–legal authority. Instead, people followed her because they were attracted by her out- standing traits. They saw her as a messenger of God, fighting on the side of justice, and they accepted her leadership because of these appealing qualities.

THE THREAT POSED BY CHARISMATIC LEADERS Kings and queens owe allegiance to tradition, and presidents to written laws. To what, however, do charismatic leaders owe allegiance? Their authority resides in their ability to attract followers, which is often based on their sense of a special mission or calling. Not tied to tradition or the regulation of law, charismatic leaders pose a threat to the established political order. Following their personal goals, char- ismatic leaders can inspire followers to disregard—or even to overthrow— traditional and rational–legal authorities.

This threat does not go unnoticed, and traditional and rational–legal authori- ties often oppose charismatic leaders. If they are not careful, however, their opposi- tion can arouse even more positive sentiment in favor of the charismatic leader, who might be viewed as an underdog persecuted by the powerful. Occasionally, the Roman Catholic Church faces such a threat, as when a priest claims miraculous powers that appear to be accompanied by amazing healings. As people flock to this individual, they bypass parish priests and the formal ecclesiastical structure. This transfer of allegiance from the organization to an individ- ual threatens the church hierarchy. Consequently, church officials may encourage the priest

rational–legal authority authority based on law or written rules and regulations; also called bureaucratic authority

charismatic authority authority based on an individual’s outstanding traits, which attract followers

One of the best examples of charismatic authority is Joan of Arc, a teenager who changed the history of France. This engraving from the 1800s shows her liberating Orleans from the British in 1429.

350 Chapter 11

to withdraw from the public eye, perhaps to a monastery, to rethink matters. This defuses the threat, reasserts rational–legal authority, and maintains the stability of the organization.

The Transfer of Authority The orderly transfer of authority from one leader to another is cru- cial for social stability. Under traditional authority, people know who is next in line. Under rational–legal authority, people might not know who the next leader will be, but they do know how that person will be selected, which precedes the transfer of authority. Even though a newly elected leader represents ideas extremely different from the predeces- sor, such as the transition from President Barack Obama to President Donald Trump, the transition of authority/power still occurs. South Africa provides another example. This country had been ripped apart by decades of racial–ethnic strife, including horrible killings committed by each side. Yet, by maintaining its rational–legal authority, the coun-

try was able to transfer power from the dominant group led by President Ferdinand de Klerk to the minority group led by Nelson Mandela.

Because charismatic authority has no rules of succession, it is less stable than either traditional or rational–legal authority. With charismatic authority built around a single individual, the death or incapacitation of a charismatic leader can mean a bitter struggle for succession. To avoid this, some charismatic leaders make arrange- ments for an orderly transition of power by appointing a successor. This step does not guarantee orderly succession because the followers may not share the leader ’s confidence in the designated heir. A second strategy is for the charismatic leader to build an organization. As the organization develops rules or regulations, it trans- forms itself into a rational–legal organization. Weber used the term routinization of charisma to refer to the transition of authority from a charismatic leader to either traditional or rational–legal authority.

The transfer of authority in Cuba after Fidel Castro became ill is a remarkable exam- ple. Castro was a charismatic leader, attracting enough followers to overthrow Cuba’s government. He ruled through a combination of personal charisma and bureaucratic machinery. Castro set up an organized system to transfer authority to his noncharismatic brother, Raul, who, in turn, made certain that authority was transferred in an orderly manner to the state bureaucracies (Hoffman 2011).

Types of Government 11.2 Compare monarchies, democracies, dictatorships, and oligarchies.

How do the various types of government—monarchies, democracies, dictatorships, and oligarchies—differ? As we compare them, let’s also look at how the state arose and why the concept of citizenship was revolutionary.

Monarchies: The Rise of the State Early societies were small and needed no extensive political system. They operated more like an extended family. As surpluses developed and societies grew larger, cities evolved— perhaps around 3500 b.c. (Ur 2010). City-states then came into being, with power radiating outward from the city like a spider ’s web. Although the ruler of each city controlled the immediate surrounding area, the land between cities remained in dispute. Each city-state had its own monarchy, a king or queen whose right to rule was passed on to the monarch’s children. If you drive through Spain, France, or Germany, you can still see evidence of

routinization of charisma the transfer of authority from a charismatic figure to either a traditional or a rational–legal form of authority

city-state an independent city whose pow- er radiates outward, bringing the adjacent area under its rule

monarchy a form of government headed by a king or queen

Charismatic authorities can be of any morality, from the saintly to the most bitterly evil. Like Joan of Arc, Adolf Hitler attracted throngs of people, providing the stuff of dreams and arousing them from disillusionment to hope. Hitler’s speeches mesmerized Germans, building enthusiastic support for his bellicose policies.

Politics and the Economy 351

This classic painting, “Siege at Yorktown” by Louis Coulder, depicts George Washington and Jean de Rochambeau giving the final orders for the attack on Yorktown in 1781. This turned out to be the decisive battle of the American Revolution, allowing the fledgling U.S. democracy to proceed.

former city-states. In the countryside, you will see only scattered villages. Farther on, your eye will be drawn to the outline of a castle on a faraway hill. As you get closer, you will see that the castle is surrounded by a city. Several miles farther, you will see another city, also dominated by a castle. Each city, with its castle, was once a center of power.

City-states often quarreled, and wars were common. The victors extended their rule, and eventually a single city-state was able to wield power over an entire region. As the size of these regions grew, the people slowly began to identify with the larger region. That is, they began to see distant inhabitants as “we” instead of “they.” What we call the state—the politi- cal entity that claims a monopoly on the use of violence within a territory—came into being.

Democracies: Citizenship as a Revolutionary Idea The United States had no city-states. Each colony, however, was small and independent like a city-state. After the American Revolution, the colonies united. With the greater strength and resources that came from political unity, they conquered almost all of North America, bringing it under the power of a central government.

352 Chapter 11

The government formed in this new country was called a democracy. (Derived from two Greek words—demos [common people] and kratos [power]—democracy liter- ally means “power to the people.”) Because of the bitter antagonisms associated with the revolution against the British king, the founders of the new country were distrust- ful of monarchies. They wanted to put political decisions into the hands of the people.

This was not the first democracy the world had seen, but such a system had been tried before only with smaller groups. Athens, a city-state of Greece, practiced democ- racy 2,500 years ago, with each free male older than a certain age having the right to be heard and to vote. Members of some Native American tribes, such as the Iroquois, also elected their chiefs, and, in some, women were able to vote and to hold the office of chief. (The Incas and Aztecs of Mexico and Central America had monarchies.)

Because of their small size, tribes and cities were able to practice direct democracy. That is, they were small enough for the eligible voters to meet together, express their opinions, and then vote publicly—much like a town hall meeting today. As populous and spread out as the United States was, however, direct democracy was impossible, and the founders invented representative democracy. Certain citizens (at first only white men who owned property) voted for other white men who owned property to represent them. Later, the vote was extended to men who didn’t own property, then to African American men, and, finally, to women.

Today we take the concept of citizenship for granted. What is not evident to us is that this idea had to be envisioned in the first place. There is nothing natural about citizen- ship; it is simply one way in which people choose to define themselves. Throughout most of human history, people were thought to belong to a clan, to a tribe, or even to a ruler. The idea of citizenship—that by virtue of birth and residence, people have basic rights— is quite new to the human scene.

The concept of representative democracy based on citizenship—perhaps the greatest gift the United States has given to the world—was revolutionary. Power was to be vested in the people themselves, and government was to flow from the people. That this concept was revolutionary is generally forgotten, but its implementation meant the reversal of tra- ditional ideas. It made the government responsive to the people’s will, rather than the people being responsive to the government’s will. To keep the government responsive to the needs of its citizens, people were expected to express dissent. In a widely quoted statement, Thomas Jefferson observed:

A little rebellion now and then is a good thing…. It is a medicine necessary for the sound health of government…. God forbid that we should ever be twenty years without such a rebellion…. The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. (In Hellinger and Judd 1991)

T h e i d e a o f u n i v e r s a l c i t i z e n s h i p — o f everyone having the same basic rights by virtue of being born in a country (or by immigrating and becoming a naturalized citizen)—flowered slowly and came into practice only through fierce struggle. When the United States was founded, for example, this idea was still in its infancy. Today, it seems inconceivable to Americans that sex or race–ethnicity should be the basis for denying anyone the right to vote, hold office, make a contract, testify in court, or own property. For earlier generations o f p ro p e r t y - o w n i n g w h i t e A m e r i c a n m e n , however, it seemed just as inconceivable that women, racial–ethnic minorities, and the poor should be allowed such rights.

democracy a government whose authori- ty comes from the people; the term, based on two Greek words, translates literally as “power to the people”

direct democracy a form of democracy in which the eligible voters meet together to discuss issues and make their decisions

representative democracy a form of democracy in which voters elect representatives to meet together to discuss issues and make decisions on their behalf

citizenship the concept that birth (and residence or naturalization) in a country imparts basic rights

universal citizenship the idea that everyone has the same basic rights by virtue of being born in a country (or by immigrating and becoming a naturalized citizen)

Democracy (or “democratization”) is a global social movement. People all over the world yearn for the freedoms that are taken for granted in the Western democracies. Shown here are tribesmen voting in the Philipines.

Politics and the Economy 353

Dictatorships and Oligarchies: The Seizure of Power If an individual seizes power and then dictates his or her will to the people, the govern- ment is known as a dictatorship. If a small group seizes power, the government is called an oligarchy. The occasional coups in Central and South America and Africa, in which military leaders seize control of a country, are often oligarchies. Although one individual may be named president, often it is military officers, working behind the scenes, who make the decisions. If their designated president becomes uncooperative, they remove that person from office and appoint another.

Monarchies, dictatorships, and oligarchies vary in the amount of control they wield. Totalitarianism is almost total control of a people by the government. In Nazi Germany, Adolf Hitler organized a ruthless secret police force, the Gestapo, which searched for any sign of dissent. Spies even watched how moviegoers reacted to newsreels (news reports that preceded movies shown in theaters), reporting those who did not respond “appropriately” (Hippler 1987). Saddam Hussein acted just as ruthlessly toward Iraqis. The lucky ones who opposed Hussein were shot; the unlucky ones had their eyes gouged out, were bled to death, or were buried alive (Lanbewiesche 2005). We have not come to the end of totalitarianism. As I write this, Kim Jong-un, the dictator of North Korea, had his vice premier for education shot for slouching during a meeting of parliament (Gale 2016), and an organization calling itself Islamic State (ISIS) is beheading men and turning girls and women they capture into sex slaves.

People around the world find great appeal in the freedom that is inherent in citi- zenship and representative democracy. Those who have no say in their government’s decisions, or who face prison, torture, or death for expressing dissent, find in these ideas the hope for a brighter future. With today’s electronic communications, people no longer remain ignorant of whether they are more or less politically privileged than others. This knowledge produces pressure on governments to allow greater citizen participation— and for governments to respond to their citizens’ concerns. The communist rulers of China are sensitive to online communications and will sometimes change course if they sense strong sentiment in some direction (Liang 2017). As electronic communications develop further, this pressure will increase.

The U.S. Political System 11.3 Discuss voting patterns, lobbyists, and PACs.

With this global background, let’s examine the U.S. political system. We shall consider the two major political parties, compare the U.S. political system with other democratic systems, and examine voting patterns and the role of lobbyists and PACs.

Political Parties and Elections After the founding of the United States, numerous political par- ties emerged. By the time of the Civil War, however, two parties dominated U.S. politics: the Democrats and the Republicans (Burnham 1983). Each party draws from all social classes, but the working class leans toward the Democrats, and wealthier peo- ple toward the Republicans. In pre- elections, called primaries, the voters decide who will represent their party. The candidates cho- sen by each party then campaign, trying to appeal to the most voters. The following Social Map shows how Americans align themselves with political parties.

dictatorship a form of government in which an individual has seized power

oligarchy a form of government in which a small group of individuals holds power; the rule of the many by the few

totalitarianism a form of government that exerts almost total control over people

Although the Democrats and the Republicans represent slightly different slices of the center, those differences arouse extreme loyalties and emotions, pandered to by both parties.

354 Chapter 11

Polling and Predictions It is no surprise that we are interested in knowing what election results will be. To feed our curiosity, companies specialize in polling. They ask questions of representative sam- ples of voters and report their results to the mass media. To their dismay, they flubbed badly in the 2016 presidential election. Let’s look at this in the following Sociology and Technology: The Shifting Landscape.

Democrat States

Republican States











































Figure 11.1 Which Political Party Dominates?

SOURCE: By the author. Based on Book of the States 2016:Table 3.3.

NOTE: Domination by a political party does not refer to votes for president or Congress. This social map is based on the composition of the states’ upper and lower houses. When different parties dominate a state’s houses, the total number of legislators was used. In Nebrasks, where no parties are designated, the percentages vote for president was the determining factor.

Sociology and Technology: The Shifting Landscape How Could the Polls Be So Wrong? Like millions of others, on election night I watched the results come in for a couple of hours, but then grew tired of watching and went to bed. What was the use of watch- ing any longer? The results were clear: the easy election of the first woman to be the president of the United States. For months, newspapers and television had featured charts that illustrated what the elec- tion results would be. Seeing that the election results were coming in as predicted, I saw

no purpose in watching any longer. About five states were still toss ups, but for the election to change, Donald Trump would have to take all of them to become president, an obvious impossibility.

And like millions of other Americans, I awoke shocked the next morning: The impossible had happened.

How could the polls have been so wrong? For decades, pollsters have been honing their skills, and they are good at what they do. But they missed

Even many Trump supporters were surprised that Trump won, while Clinton supporters were devastated. How could the polls have gotten it so wrong?

Politics and the Economy 355

SLICES FROM THE CENTER Despite appearances and somewhat contrasting philosophical principles, the Democrats and Republicans represents slightly different slices of the center. Some people have a difficult time accepting this, as the surface looks quite different. Each party ridicules the other, and they promote different legislation. They fight hard battles, but they both represent fundamental U.S. political philosophy. They both firmly support free public education, a strong military, freedom of religion, speech, and assembly, and, of course, capitalism—especially the private ownership of property. This makes it difficult to distinguish a conservative Democrat from a liberal Republican.

The extremes, however, are easy to see. Deeply committed Democrats support leg- islation that transfers income from those who are richer to those who are poorer or that controls wages, working conditions, and competition. Deeply committed Republicans, in contrast, oppose such legislation.

Those who are elected to Congress may cross party lines. That is, some Democrats vote for legislation proposed by Republicans, and vice versa. This happens because office- holders support their party’s philosophy but not necessarily its specific proposals. When it comes to a particular bill, such as raising the minimum wage, some conservative Dem- ocrats may view the measure as unfair to small employers and vote with the Republicans against the bill. At the same time, liberal Republicans—feeling that the proposal is just or sensing a dominant sentiment in voters back home—may side with its Democratic backers.

THIRD PARTIES Third parties sometimes play a role in U.S. politics, but, to gain power, they must also support these centrist themes. Any party that advocates radical change is doomed to a short life. Because most Americans consider votes for third parties as wasted, third parties do not do well at the polls. Two exceptions are the Bull Moose party, whose candidate, Theodore Roosevelt, won more votes in 1912 than William Howard Taft, the Republican presidential candidate, and the United We Stand (Reform) party, founded by billionaire Ross Perot, which won 19 percent of the vote in 1992. Amid internal bick- ering, the Reform Party declined rapidly and fell off the political map (Bridgwater 1953; Statistical Abstract 1995:Table 437; 2017:Table 436).

Voting Patterns Year after year, Americans show consistent voting patterns. From Table 11.1, you can see how the percentage of people who vote increases with age. This table also shows how significant race–ethnicity is. Although non-Hispanic whites are more likely to vote than are African Americans, when Barack Obama ran for president, African Americans voted at higher rates than whites. You can also see that both whites and African Americans are much more likely to vote than are Latinos and Asian Americans.

this one by a mile. None of them saw it coming. What happened?

Pollsters have been scratching their heads over this question. No one seems to have the answer, but here are possible reasons that the results were skewed:

1. Increased refusal to answer. When polling began in the 1930s, 90 percent of Americans would talk to the interviewer. Today’s refusal rate can be 90 percent (Barone 2015).

2. Missing telephone numbers. Cell phones are rapidly replacing landlines. With cell phone numbers not listed in the “white pages,” it becomes likely that the people who are polled are not representative of the target group.

3. The disfavor of conservatism. With liberalism dominant, people who have conservative views have

learned to be careful about where and with whom they express their views. They were less likely to say that they favored Trump than supporters of Clinton were to share their preference.

Why the polls got it wrong and what can be done to salvage political polling will be a matter of debate for some time.

For Your Consideration 1. As you see their order of importance, rank the three

reasons given for the polls being wrong in the 2016 presi- dential election. Explain why you ranked them this way.

2. Which of the reasons given here do you think best ex- plains why the polls were wrong in the 2016 presidential election? Why you think so?

356 Chapter 11

Look at education on Table 11.1. Notice how voting increases with each level of educa- tion. Education is so significant that college graduates are more than twice as likely to vote as are high school dropouts. You can also see how much more likely the employed are to vote. And look at how powerful income is in determining voting. At each higher income level, people are more likely to vote. Finally, note that women are more likely than men to vote.

SOCIAL INTEGRATION How can we explain the voting patterns shown in Table 11.1? It is useful to look at the extremes. You can see from this table that those who are most likely to vote are the older, more educated, affluent, and employed. Those who are least

1988 1992 1996 2000 2004 2008 2012 2016


Americans Who Voted

57% 61% 54% 55% 58% 58% 57% 61%


18–20 33% 39% 31% 28% 41% 41% 35% 39%

21–24 46% 46% 33% 35% 43% 47% 40% 46%

25–34 48% 53% 43% 44% 47% 49% 46% 53%

35–44 61% 64% 55% 55% 57% 55% 53% 60%

45–64 68% 70% 64% 64% 67% 65% 63% 65%

65 and older 69% 70% 67% 68% 69% 68% 70% 68%


Male 56% 60% 53% 53% 56% 56% 54% 59%

Female 58% 62% 56% 56% 60% 60% 59% 63%


Whites 64% 70% 56% 56% 60% 60% 58% 65%

African Americans 55% 59% 51% 54% 56% 61% 62% 60%

Asian Americans NA 54% NA 25% 30% 32% 31% 49%

Latinos 48% 52% 27% 28% 28% 32% 32% 48%


Some high school 41% 41% 34% 34% 35% 34% 32% 34%

High school grad- uates

55% 58% 49% 49% 52% 51% 49% 52%

Some college 65% 69% 61% 60% 66% 65% 62% 63%

College graduates 78% 81% 73% 72% 74% 73% 72% 74%

Marital Status

Married NA NA 66% 67% 71% 70% 63% 69%

Divorced NA NA 50% 53% 58% 59% 56% 59%

Labor Force

Employed 58% 64% 55% 56% 60% 60% 59% 64%

Unemployed 39% 46% 37% 35% 46% 49% 46% 50%


Under $20,000 NA NA NA NA 48% 52% 48% 38%

$20,000 to $30,000 NA NA NA NA 58% 56% 56% 52%

$30,000 to $40,000 NA NA NA NA 62% 62% 58% 59%

$40,000 to $50,000 NA NA NA NA 69% 65% 63% 62%

$50,000 to $75,000 NA NA NA NA 72% 71% 68% 68%

$75,000 to $100,000

NA NA NA NA 78% 76% 74% 71%

More than $100,000 NA NA NA NA 81% 92% 79% 78%

Table 11.1 Who Votes for President?

1The primary source changed the income categories in 2004, making the data from earlier presidential election years incompatible.

SOURCES: By the author. Based on Casper and Bass 1998; Jamieson et al. 2002; Holder 2006; Current Population Survey: Voting and Registration Supplement, 2012; Statistical Abstract of the United States 1991:Table 450; 1997:Table 462; 2014:Table 418; U.S. Census Bureau 2017b:Tables 1, 5, 6, 7, 9.

Politics and the Economy 357

likely to vote are the younger, less educated, poor, and unem- ployed. From these extremes, we can draw this principle: The more that people feel they have a stake in the political system, the more likely they are to vote. They have more to protect, and they feel that voting can make a difference. In effect, people who have been rewarded more by the political and economic system feel more socially integrated. They vote because they perceive that elections make a difference in their lives, includ- ing the type of society in which they and their children live.

ALIENATION In contrast, those who gain less from the system—in terms of education, income, and jobs—are more likely to feel alienated from politics. Perceiving themselves as outsiders, many feel hostile toward the government. Some feel betrayed, believing that politicians have sold out to special- interest groups. They ask, “How can you tell when politicians are lying?” and reply, “When you see their lips moving.”

APATHY But we must go beyond this. From Table 11.1, you can see that many highly educated people with good incomes also stay away from the polls. They are not alienated, but many do not vote because of voter apathy, or indifference. Their view is that “next year will just bring more of the same, regardless of who is in office.” A common attitude of those who are apathetic is “What difference will my one vote make when there are millions of voters?” Many also see little difference between the two major political parties. Only about half of the nation’s eligible voters cast ballots in presidential elections (Statistical Abstract 2017:Table 431).

THE GENDER AND RACIAL–ETHNIC GAPS IN VOTING Historically, men and women voted the same way, but now we have a political gender gap. That is, men and women are somewhat more likely to vote for different presidential candidates. As you can see from Table 11.2, men are more likely to favor the Republican candidate, while

voter apathy indifference and inaction on the part of individuals or groups with respect to the political process

1988 1992 1996 2000 2004 2008 2012 2016*


Democrat 50% 61% 65% 56% 53% 57% 55% 54%

Republican 50% 39% 35% 44% 47% 43% 44% 41%


Democrat 44% 55% 51% 47% 46% 52% 45% 41%

Republican 56% 45% 49% 53% 54% 48% 52% 52%

African Americans

Democrat 92% 94% 99% 92% 90% 99% 93% 89%

Republican 8% 6% 1% 8% 10% 1% 6% 8%


Democrat 41% 53% 54% 46% 42% 44% 39% 37%

Republican 59% 47% 46% 54% 58% 56% 59% 57%


Democrat NA NA NA 61% 58% 66% 71% 66%

Republican NA NA NA 39% 42% 34% 27% 28%

Asian Americans

Democrat NA NA NA 62% 77% 62% 73% 65%

Republican NA NA NA 38% 23% 38% 26% 27%

Table 11.2 How the Two-Party Presidential Vote Is Split

*The 2016 election results are based on exit polls.

SOURCES: By the author. Based on Gallup Poll 2008; Roper Center 2013; Statistical Abstract 1999:Table 464; 2002: Table 372; 2014:Table 423; CNN exit polls 2017.

358 Chapter 11

women are more likely to vote Democratic. This table also illustrates the much larger racial–ethnic gap in politics. Note how few African Americans vote for a Republican presidential candidate.

As you saw in Table 11.1, voting patterns reflect life experiences, especially people’s economic conditions. On average, women earn less than men, and African Americans earn less than whites. As a result, at this point in history, women and African Ameri- cans tend to look more favorably on government programs that redistribute income, and they are more likely to vote for Democrats. As you can see in this table, Asian American voters, with their higher average incomes, are an exception to this pattern. Attempted explanations are far from satisfactory (Logan et al. 2012), but the reason could be a lesser emphasis on individualism in the Asian American subculture.

Lobbyists and Special-Interest Groups Suppose that you are president of the United States, and you want to make milk more af- fordable for the poor. As you check into the matter, you find that part of the reason prices are high is because the government is paying farmers billions of dollars a year in price supports. You propose to eliminate these subsidies.

Immediately, large numbers of people leap into action. They contact their senators and representatives and hold news conferences. Your office is flooded with calls, faxes, and e-messages.

Reuters and the Associated Press distribute pictures of farm families—their Holsteins grazing contentedly in the background—and inform readers that your harsh proposal will destroy these hard-working, healthy, happy, good Americans who are struggling to make a living. President or not, you have little chance of getting your leg- islation passed.

LOBBYING BY SPECIAL-INTEREST GROUPS What happened? The dairy industry went to work to protect its special interests. A special-interest group consists of peo- ple who think alike on a particular issue and can be mobilized for political action. The dairy industry is just one of thousands of such groups that employ lobbyists, people

who are paid to influence legislation on behalf of their clients. Members of Congress must pay attention to lob- byists because they represent voters who share an inter- est in some proposed legislation. Able to hand over huge chunks of money, lobbyists can deliver votes to you—or to your opponent.

Lobbying has opened a revolving door. Former assis- tants to the president or to powerful senators are sought after as lobbyists (Lazarus 2016). With their contacts swinging open the doors to the vault, some even go to work for the same companies they regulated when they worked for the president or for Congress.

To try to reign in some of this influence peddling, Con- gress made it illegal for former senators to lobby for 2 years after they leave office. Yet senators do lobby immediately after leaving office. How do you suppose they dance around this law and spin through this revolving door? It’s all in the name. They hire themselves out to lobbying firms as stra- tegic advisors. They then lobby—excuse me— “strategically advise” their former colleagues (“It’s So Much Nicer …” 2008). And they laugh all the way to the bank.

THE MONEY Buying votes is what especially bothers people. In response to adverse public reaction, Congress passed laws that limit the amount that corporations and

lobbyists people who influence legislation on behalf of their clients

special-interest group a group of people who support a particular issue and who can be mobilized for political action

Politics and the Economy 359

individuals can give to candidates. This is just another law to circumvent. To get around this one, special-interest groups form political action committees (PACs). They solicit contributions from many and then hand over those huge sums to politicians. The amounts are mind-boggling. Each year, about 7,000 PACs shell out close to a half-billion dollars to politicians (Statistical Abstract 2017:Tables 455, 456). A few PACs represent broad social interests such as environmental protection. Most, however, represent the financial inter- ests of specific groups, such as the banking, dairy, defense, and oil industries.

In 2010, the Supreme Court opened the floodgates to bankrolling politicians. In Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, the Court ruled that laws that limit the amount corporations can contribute to politicians violate the First Amendment, which guarantees the right to political speech (Liptak 2010). This has led to the creation of Super PACS that raise huge amounts for their preferred candidates (Kaplan 2014). In the twisted history of politics, corporations now have more legal rights to fund candi- dates than individuals do.

Who Rules the United States? 11.4 Compare the functionalist (pluralist) and conflict (power elite) perspectives on

U.S. power.

With lobbyists and PACs wielding such influence, just whom do U.S. senators and representatives really represent? This question has led to a lively debate among sociolo- gists. Let’s compare the functionalist and conflict perspectives.

The Functionalist Perspective: Pluralism Functionalists view the state as having arisen out of the basic needs of the social group. To protect themselves from oppressors, people formed a government and gave it the monopoly on violence. The risk is that the state can turn that force against its own citizens. To return to the example used earlier, states have a tendency to become mug- gers. People try to find a balance between having no government—which would lead to anarchy, a condition of disorder and violence—and having a government that pro- tects them from violence, but that also may turn against them. When functioning well, then, the state is a balanced system that protects its citizens both from one another and from government.

What keeps the U.S. government from turning against its citizens? Functionalists say that pluralism, a diffusion of power among many special-interest groups, prevents any one group from gaining control of the government and using it to oppress the peo- ple (Bentley 1908; Dahl 1961, 1982; Hindman 2017). To keep the government from com- ing under the control of any one group, the founders of the United States set up three branches of government: the executive branch (the president), the judiciary branch (the courts), and the legislative branch (the Senate and House of Representatives). Each is sworn to uphold the Constitution, which guarantees rights to citizens, and each can nullify the actions of the other two. This system, known as checks and balances, was designed to ensure that no one branch of government dominates the others.

IN SUM Our pluralist society has many parts—women, men, racial–ethnic groups, farmers, factory and office workers, religious organizations, bankers, bosses, the unem- ployed, the retired—as well as such broad categories as the rich, middle class, and poor. As each group pursues its own interests, it is balanced by other groups that are pursuing theirs. To attain their goals, groups must make compromises and work together. Because these many groups have political muscle to flex at the polls, politicians try to design pol- icies that please as many groups as they can. This, say functionalists, makes the political system responsive to the people, and no group dominates.

political action committee (PAC) an organization formed by one or more special-interest groups to solicit and spend funds for the purpose of influencing legislation

anarchy a condition of lawlessness or political disorder caused by the absence or collapse of govern- mental authority

checks and balances the separation of powers among the three branches of U.S. government—legislative, execu- tive, and judicial—so that each is able to nullify the actions of the other two, thus preventing any single branch from dominating the government

pluralism the diffusion of power among many interest groups that pre- vents any single group from gain- ing control of the government

360 Chapter 11

The Conflict Perspective: The Power Elite If you focus on the lobbyists scurrying around Washington, conflict theorists stress, you get a blurred image of superficial activities. What really counts is the big picture, not its fragments. The important question is, Who holds the power that determines the coun- try’s overarching policies? For example, who determines interest rates and their impact on the price of our homes? Who sets policies that encourage the transfer of jobs from the United States to countries where labor costs less? And the ultimate question of power: Who is behind the decision to go to war?

Sociologist C. Wright Mills (1956) took the posi- tion that the country’s most important matters are not decided by lobbyists or even by Congress. Rather, the decisions that have the greatest impact on the lives of Americans—and people across the globe—are made by a power elite. As you can see from Figure 11.2, the power elite consists of the top leaders of the largest cor- porations, the most powerful generals and admirals of the armed forces, and certain elite politicians—the pres- ident, the president’s cabinet, and senior members of Congress who chair the major committees. It is they who wield power, who make the decisions that direct the country and shake the world.

Are the three groups that make up the power elite— the top business, political, and military leaders—equal in power? Mills said that they were not, but he didn’t point to the president and his staff or even to the gener- als and admirals as the most powerful. Instead, he said that the corporate leaders are the most dominant. Because all three segments of the power elite view capitalism as essential to the welfare of the country, Mills said that busi- ness interests take center stage in setting national policy.

Sociologist William Domhoff (2014) uses the term ruling class to refer to the power elite. He focuses on the 1 percent of Americans who belong to the super-rich, the pow- erful capitalist class analyzed in Chapter 8. Members of this class control our top cor- porations and foundations, even the boards that oversee our major universities. It is no accident, says Domhoff, that from this group come most members of the president’s cab- inet and the ambassadors to the most powerful countries of the world.

IN SUM Conflict theorists take the position that a power elite dominates the United States. With connections that extend to the highest centers of power, this ruling class determines the economic and political conditions under which the rest of the country operates. They say that we should not think of the power elite (or ruling class) as some secret group that meets to agree on specific matters. Rather, the group’s unity springs from its members having similar backgrounds and orientations to life. They have attended prestigious private schools, belong to exclusive clubs, and are millionaires many times over. Their behavior stems not from some grand conspiracy to control the country but from a mutual interest in solving the problems that face big business.

Which View Is Right? The functionalist and conflict views of power in U.S. society cannot be reconciled. Either competing interests block any single group from being dominant, as functionalists assert, or a power elite oversees the major decisions of the United States, as conflict theorists maintain. After years of rancorous arguments by proponents of each view, researchers seem to have come up with the answer. Political scientists Martin Gilens and Benjamin

power elite C. Wright Mills’ term for the top people in U.S. corporations, mil- itary, and politics who make the nation’s major decisions

ruling class another term for the power elite

The masses of people — unorganized, exploited, and mostly uninterested

Congress Other legislators Interest-group leaders Local opinion leaders

Corporate Political Military

The top leaders

The middle level

Most Power

Least Power

Figure 11.2 Power in the United States: The Model Proposed by C. Wright Mills

SOURCE: By the author. Based on Mills 1956.

Politics and the Economy 361

Page (2014) reviewed 1,800 policy decisions made by the U.S. government. The evidence overwhelmingly indicates that the wealthy and business groups are the major influence in U.S. policy.

Because this is such significant research, with unsettling conclusions, critics are hitting it hard, and Gilens and Page (2016) are busy defending their research.

War and Terrorism: Implementing Political Objectives 11.5 Explain why countries go to war and why some groups choose terrorism.

“War is merely a continuation of politics by other means.” Carl von Clausewitz, 1918

Some students have asked why I include war and terrorism as topics of politics. The quote from Carl von Clausewitz, who entered the Prussian military at the age of 12 and rose to the rank of major general, gives the succinct answer. War and terrorism are tools used to pursue political goals.

Let’s look at this aspect of politics.

Why Countries Go to War Why do countries choose war as a means to handle disputes? As usual, sociologists answer this question not by focusing on factors within humans, such as aggressive impulses, but by looking for social causes—conditions in society that encourage or dis- courage combat between nations.

Sociologist Nicholas Timasheff (1965) identified three essential conditions for war. The first is an antagonistic situation in which two or more states confront incompatible objectives. For example, each may want the same land or resources. The second is a cultural tradition of war. Because their nation has fought wars in the past, the leaders of a group see war as an option for dealing with serious disputes with other nations. The third is a “fuel” that heats the antagonistic situation to a boiling point, so that poli- ticians cross the line from thinking about war to actu- ally waging it.

Timasheff identified seven such “fuels.” He found that war is likely if a country’s leaders see the antag- onistic situation as an opportunity to achieve one or more of these objectives:

1. Power: dominating a weaker nation

2. Unity: uniting rival groups within their country

3. Revenge: settling “old scores” from earlier conflicts

4. Prestige: defending the nation’s “honor”

5. Leaders: protecting or exalting the leaders’ positions

6. Ethnicity: bringing under their rule “our people” who are living in another country

7. Beliefs: converting others to religious or political beliefs

You can use these three essential conditions and seven fuels to analyze any war. They will help you understand why politicians at that time chose this political action.

Few want to say that we honor war and killing, but we do. The centrality of war and killing in the teaching of history and the honoring of the patriots who founded a country are two indications. A third is the display of past weapons in parks and museums. A fourth is the monuments that commemorate wars and battles. Discarded weapons, as with this M48 U.S. Army tank in Hue, Vietnam, sometimes become children’s playthings.

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THE FLESH AND BLOOD OF WAR Sociological analysis can be cold and dispassionate. These “fuels” of war are like this: accurate and insight- ful, but cold. Throughout this book, I’ve tried to bring you the flesh and blood of topics, to help you see the ways that people experience life. So let’s do this again.

Behind these “fuels” are politicians who make the bloody choice to go to war. They do not fight the war themselves, of course. They sit back and watch it from the comfort of their homes and offices. Some even profit from the war by making investments in companies that produce weapons. For most politicians, the deaths are bloodless affairs. It is young men, and increasingly young women, who do the killing—and dying—for them. Some soldiers are killed on the battlefield; others survive but are muti- lated for the rest of their lives. Many who survive with their body intact

suffer emotionally. Some of my students have shared their suffering with me, but let me close this section with one of the most powerful statements I have come across. A soldier from California wrote this just before he put a bullet through his brain (Smith 1980):

I can’t sleep anymore. When I was in Vietnam, we came across a North Vietnamese sol- dier with a man, a woman, and a three- or four-year-old girl. We had to shoot them all. I can’t get the little girl’s face out of my mind. I hope that God will forgive me…. I can’t.

Terrorism Mustafa Jabbar, in Najaf, Iraq, is proud of his first born, a baby boy. Yet he said, “I will put mines in the baby and blow him up.” (Sengupta 2004)

Can feelings really run so deep that a father would sacrifice his only son? Some groups nourish hatred, endlessly chronicling the injustices and atrocities of their archenemy. Stirred in a cauldron of bitter hatred, antagonism can span generations, its embers some- times burning for centuries. The combination of perceived injustice and righteous hatred fuels the desire to strike out, but what can a group do if it is weaker than its enemy? Unable to meet its more powerful opponent on the battlefield, one option is terrorism, violence intended to create fear to bring about political objectives. And, yes, if the hatred is strong enough, this can mean blowing up your only child.

Suicide terrorism, a weapon sometimes chosen by the weaker group, captures head- lines around the world. Among the groups that have used this weapon are the Palestin- ians against the Israelis and the Iraqis against U.S. troops. The suicide terrorism that has had the most profound effects on our lives is the attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon under the direction of Osama bin Laden. What kind of sick people become suicide terrorists? This is the topic of the following Down-to-Earth Sociology.

terrorism the use of violence or the threat of violence to produce fear in or- der to attain political objectives

Boy soldiers in Uganda.

Down-to-Earth Sociology Who Are the Suicide Terrorists? Testing Your Stereotypes We carry a lot of untested ideas around in our heads, and we use those ideas to make sense out of our experiences. When something happens, we place the event into a mental file of “similar events,” which gives us a way of interpreting it. This is a normal process. We all do it all the time. Without stereotypes—ideas of what people, things, and events are like—we could not get through everyday life.

As we traverse society, our files of “similar people” and “similar events” are usually adequate. That is, the explanations we get from our interpretations usually satisfy our “need to understand.” Sometimes, however, our mental

files for classifying people and events leave us perplexed, not knowing what to make of things. For most of us, suicide terrorism is like this. We don’t know any terrorists or suicide bombers, so it is hard to imagine someone becoming one.

Let’s see if we can flesh out our mental files a bit. Sociologist Marc Sageman (2008a, 2008b, 2011)

wondered about terrorists, too. Finding that his mental files were inadequate to understand them, he decided that research might provide the answer. Sageman had an unusual advantage for gaining access to data—he had been in the CIA. Through his contacts, he studied four hundred

Politics and the Economy 363

al-Qaeda terrorists who had targeted the United States. He was able to examine thousands of pages of their trial records.

So let’s use Sageman’s research to test some common ideas. I think you’ll find that the data blow away stereotypes of terrorists.

• Here’s a common stereotype. Terrorists come from backgrounds of poverty. Cunning leaders take advantage of their frustration and direct it toward striking out at an enemy.

Not true. Three-quarters of the terrorists came from the middle and upper classes.

• How about the deranged loner, then? We carry around images like this concerning serial and mass murderers. It is a sort of catch-all stereotype that we have. These people can’t get along with anyone; they stew in their loneliness and misery, and all this bubbles up in misapplied violence. You know, the workplace killer sort of image, loners “going postal.”

Not true, either. Sageman found that 90 percent of the terrorists came from caring, intact families. On top of this, 73 percent were married, and most of them had children.

• Let’s try another one. Terrorists are uneducated, ignorant people, so those cunning leaders can manipulate them easily.

We have to drop this one, too. Sageman found that 63 percent of the terrorists had gone to college. Three- quarters worked in professional and semiprofessional occupations. Some were scientists, engineers, and architects.

What? Most terrorists are intelligent, educated, family- oriented, professional people? How can this be?

Sageman found that suicide terrorists had gone through a process of radicalization. Here is their trajectory:

1. Moral outrage. They became angry, even enraged, about something they felt was terribly wrong.

2. Ideology. They interpreted their moral outrage within a radical, militant understanding of Islamic teachings.

3. Shared outrage and ideology. They found like-minded people, sometimes on the Internet, especially in chat rooms.

4. Group support for radical ac- tion. They decided that thinking and talking were not enough. The moral wrong needed direct action. The choice was an act of terrorism.

To understand terrorists, then, it is not the individual that we need to look at. We need to focus on group dynamics, how the group influences the individual and how the individual influences the group (as we studied in Chapter 5).

In one sense, however, the image of the loner does come close. Seventy percent of these terrorists committed themselves to extreme acts while they were living away from the country where they grew up. They became homesick, sought out people like themselves, and ended up at radical mosques where they learned a militant script.

Constantly, then, sociologists seek to understand the relationship between the individual and the group. This fascinating endeavor sometimes blows away stereotypes.

For Your Consideration → How do you think we can help eliminate the process of

radicalization that turns people into terrorists?

→ Sageman concludes that this process of radicalization has sprouted networks of homegrown, leaderless ter- rorists who don’t need al-Qaeda to direct them. He also concludes that this process will eventually wear itself out. Do you agree? Why or why not?

This woman, Ahlam Tamimi, is unlikely to match your stereotype of a suicide terrorist. She is serving 16 life sentences in an Israeli prison for her involvement in a terrorist attack in Jerusalem.

■ The Economy: Work in the Global Village If you are like most students, you are wondering how changes in the economy are going to affect your chances of getting a good job. Let’s see if we can shed some light on this question. We’ll begin with this story:

“Not Monday already,” Kim groaned as the alarm went off. “There must be a better way of starting the week.” With her eyes still closed, she pressed the snooze button on the clock (from Germany) to sneak another 10 minutes’ sleep. In what seemed like just 30 seconds, the alarm once again shrilly insisted that she get up and face the week.

364 Chapter 11

The Transformation of Economic Systems 11.6 Emphasizing inequality, summarize the broad historical shifts in economic


Although this vignette may be slightly exaggerated, many of us are like Kim: We use a mul- titude of products from around the world, and yet we’re concerned about our country’s ability to compete in global markets. Today’s economy—our system of producing and distributing goods and services—differs radically from past economies. The products that Kim uses make it apparent that today’s economy knows no national boundaries. To bet- ter understand how global forces affect the U.S. economy—and your life—let’s begin by summarizing the sweeping historical changes that have led to the society we live in today.

Preindustrial Societies: The Birth of Inequality The earliest human groups, hunting and gathering societies, had a subsistence economy. In small groups of about twenty-five to forty, people lived off the land. They gathered plants and hunted animals in one location and then moved to another place as these sources of food ran low. Having few possessions, they did little trading with one another. With no excess to accumulate, everybody owned as much (or, really, as little) as everyone else.

Then people discovered how to breed animals and cultivate plants. The more depend- able food supply in what became pastoral and horticultural societies allowed humans to set- tle down in a single place. Human groups grew larger, and for the first time in history, it was no longer necessary for everyone to work at producing food. Some people became leather workers, others made weapons, and so on. This new division of labor produced a surplus, and groups traded items with one another. The primary sociological significance of surplus and trade is this: They fostered social inequality, since some people accumulated more possessions than others. The effects of that change remain with us today.

The plow brought the next major change, ushering in agricultural societies. Plowing made land more productive, allowing even more people to specialize in activities other than producing food. More specialized divisions of labor followed, and trade expanded. Trading centers then developed, which turned into cities. As power passed from the heads of families and clans to a ruling elite, social, political, and economic inequalities grew.

economy a system of producing and distributing goods and services

subsistence economy a type of economy in which human groups live off the land and have little or no surplus

Still bleary-eyed after her shower, Kim peered into her closet and picked out a silk blouse (from China), a plaid wool skirt (from Scotland), and leather shoes (from Italy). She nodded, satisfied, as she added a pair of simulated pearls (from Taiwan). Running late, she hurriedly ran a brush (from Mexico) through her hair. As Kim wolfed down a bowl of cereal (from the United States) topped with milk (from the United States), bananas (from Costa Rica), and sugar (from the Dominican Republic), she turned on her kitchen television (from Korea) to listen to the weather forecast.

Gulping the last of her coffee (from Brazil), Kim grabbed her briefcase (from India), purse (from Spain), and jacket (from Malaysia), left her house, and quickly climbed into her car (from Japan). As she glanced at her watch (from Switzerland), she hoped that the traffic would be in her favor. She muttered to herself as she pulled up at a stoplight (from Great Britain) and eyed her gas gauge. She muttered again when she pulled into a Shell station (a Dutch company) and paid for gas (from Saudi Arabia), because the price had risen over the weekend. “My paycheck never keeps up with prices,” she moaned.

When Kim arrived at work, she found the office abuzz. Six months ago, New York head- quarters had put the company up for sale, but there had been no takers. The big news was that both a Chinese company and a Canadian company had put in bids over the weekend. No one got much work done that day, as the whole office speculated about how things might change.

As Kim walked to the parking lot after work, she saw a bumper sticker proclaiming “Make America Great Again: Buy American.” “Good advice,” she said to herself. “If peo- ple were more like me, this country would be in better shape.”

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The commonsense meaning of market is a place where people exchange or buy and sell goods. Such old-fashioned markets remain common in the Least Industrialized Nations, such as this one in Vietnam. I took this photo in a village market outside Ho Chi Minh City. The customer (squatting, as is customary in Vietnam) does not have to wonder if her chicken is fresh.

Industrial Societies: The Birth of the Machine The steam engine, invented in 1765, ushered in industrial societies. Based on machines powered by fuels, these societies created a surplus unlike anything the world had seen. This, too, stimulated trade among nations and brought even more social inequality. A handful of individuals opened factories and exploited the labor of many.

Then came more efficient machines. As the surpluses grew even larger, the emphasis gradually changed—from producing goods to consuming them. In 1912, sociologist Thor- stein Veblen coined the term conspicuous consumption to describe this fundamental change in people’s orientations. By this term, Veblen meant that the Protestant ethic identi- fied by Weber—an emphasis on hard work, savings, and a concern for salvation—was being replaced with an eagerness to show off wealth by an “elaborate consumption of goods.”

Postindustrial Societies: The Birth of the Information Age Sociologist Daniel Bell (1973) noted that a new type of society was emerging. This new society, which he called the postindustrial society, has six characteristics: (1) a service sector so large that most people work in it, (2) a vast surplus of goods, (3) even more extensive trade among nations, (4) a wider variety and quantity of goods available to the average

conspicuous consumption Thorstein Veblen’s term for a change from the thrift, savings, and investments of the Protes- tant ethic to showing off wealth through spending and the dis- play of possessions

366 Chapter 11

person, (5) an information explosion, and (6) an interconnected global village—that is, the world’s nations are linked by fast communications, transportation, and trade.

To see why analysts use the term postindustrial society to describe the United States, look at Figure 11.3. The change shown in this figure is without parallel in human history. In the 1800s, most U.S. workers were farmers. Today, farmers make up about 1 percent of the workforce. With the technology of the 1800s, a typical farmer produced enough food to feed five people. With today’s powerful machinery and hybrid seeds, a farmer now feeds about eighty. In 1940, about half of U.S. workers wore a blue col- lar. As changing technology shrank the market for blue-collar jobs, white-collar work continued its ascent, reaching the dominant position it holds today.

Biotech Societies: The Merger of Biology and Economics We seem to be on the verge of yet another new type of society. This one is being ushered in by advances in biology, especially the deciphering of the human genome system. Although the specif- ics of this new society have yet to unfold, the marriage of biology and economics is likely to yield even greater surpluses and more

extensive trade. The technological advances that will emerge in this new society may allow us to lead longer, healthier lives. Its effects on inequality between the nations are likely to be spotty. Some poorer nations may be able to import the new technology and develop their economies, while others will remain in poverty.

Rather abstract? Read the following Applying Sociology to Your Life.










P e rc

e n ta

g e



1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 20201900


White-collar Blue-collar Farming

Figure 11.3 The Revolutionary Change in the U.S. Workforce

SOURCE: By the author. Based on Statistical Abstract of the United States, 2017:Table 639.

Applying Sociology to Your Life Your Work and Your Future in the Global Village The broad changes in societies that I just sketched may seem to be merely abstract matters, but they are far from irrelevant to your life. A changing society has profound effects on your life. If you had grown up during our industrial society, you likely would not have gone to college. Fresh out of high school, you probably would have marched through the factory gates. But now, with the information explosion of our postindustrial society, college is both more necessary than it used to be and also much more accessible. When you graduate from college, you will avoid those factory gates and most likely will do some form of “knowledge work.” You probably will manage information or will design, sell, or service products.

Work is vastly more than an activity or a paycheck. The type of work you do has profound implications for your life. Work produces attitudes, and it even affects how you view yourself and the world. Work also produces social net- works, which, in turn, limit or expand your opportunities and influence how you view yourself and others.

Increasingly, you are living in a globally-connected society. To gain a broader perspective of your future work,

let’s place it in a global context. Think of the globe as one large village, divided into three neighborhoods. These are the three worlds of industrialization that you read about in Chapter 7. Some nations are located in the poor part of the global village. Their citizens do menial work and barely eke out a living. Life is so precarious that some even starve to death, while their fellow villagers in the rich neighborhood have plenty to eat, and in extreme cases feast on steak and lobster, washed down with vintage Chateau Lafite Roth- schild. It’s the same global village, but what a difference the neighborhood makes.

Now peer closer. Look within any one of these three neighborhoods. Again you will see severe inequalities. In the poor neighborhood, not everyone is poor, and in the rich neighborhood, there are pockets of poverty.

Your work, whatever it is going to be, will take place within this global division. As the global economic leader, the United States occupies the most luxurious mansion in the best neighborhood and spearheads the coming biotech society. It is quite likely that your social location will place you among the Earth’s privileged.

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World Economic Systems 11.7 Contrast capitalism and socialism: their components, ideologies, criticisms, and


Now that we have sketched the major historical changes in world economic systems and their means of exchange, let’s compare capitalism and socialism, the two main economic systems in force today. This will help us to understand where the United States stands in the world economic order.

Capitalism Let’s begin with an overview of capitalism.

WHAT CAPITALISM IS People who live in a capitalist society may not understand its basic tenets, even though they see them reflected in their local shopping malls and fast- food chains. Table 11.3 distills the many businesses of the United States down to their basic components. As you can see, capitalism has three essential features: (1) private own- ership of the means of production (individuals own the land, machines, and factories), (2) market competition (competing with one another, the owners decide what to produce and set the prices for their products), and (3) the pursuit of profit (the owners try to sell their products for more than they cost).

capitalism an economic system built around the private ownership of the means of production, the pursuit of profit, and market competition

For Your Consideration The matter that I am going to ask you to consider is not a usual part of introductory sociology texts, but it touches on vital issues of your life.

→ Do you think that your more privileged work and social location bring with them any obligations for those who live in the poor part of the global village?

→ How about for those who live in the poorer part of the rich neighborhood that you occupy?

No one can provide definitive answers to these ques- tions for you. They are actually very private matters, and only you can provide the answers. I just want to provide the invitation for you to apply what you are learning in a slightly different way.

Capitalism Socialism

1. Individuals own the means of production. 1. The public owns the means of production.

2. Based on competition, the owners determine production and set prices.

2. Central committees plan production and set prices; no competition.

3. The pursuit of profit is the reason for distributing goods and services.

3. No profit motive in the distribution of goods and services.

Table 11.3 Comparing Capitalism and Socialism

SOURCE: By the author.

WHAT STATE CAPITALISM IS No country has pure capitalism. Pure capitalism, known as laissez-faire capitalism (literally “hands off” capitalism), means that the gov- ernment doesn’t interfere in the market. The current form of U.S. capitalism is state (or welfare) capitalism. Private citizens own the means of production and pursue profits, but they do so within a vast system of laws designed to protect the welfare of the population, and—not incidentally—ensure that the government can collect taxes.

Consider this example:

Suppose that you discover what you think is a miracle tonic: It will grow hair, erase wrinkles, and dissolve excess fat. If your product works, you will become an overnight sensation—not only a multimillionaire but also the toast of television talk shows and the darling of Hollywood.

laissez-faire capitalism literally “hands off” capitalism, meaning that the government doesn’t interfere in the market

368 Chapter 11

But don’t count on your money or fame yet. You still have to reckon with market restraints, the laws and regu- lations of welfare capitalism that limit your capacity to produce and sell. First, you must comply with local and state laws. You must obtain a business license and a state tax number that allows you to buy your ingredients with- out paying sales taxes. Then come the federal regulations. You cannot simply take your product to local stores and ask them to sell it; you first must seek approval from fed- eral agencies that monitor compliance with the Pure Food and Drug Act. This means that you must prove that your product will not cause harm to the public. Your manufac- turing process is also subject to federal, state, and local laws concerning fraud, hygiene, and the disposal of haz- ardous wastes.

Suppose that you overcome these obstacles and your business prospers. Other federal agencies will monitor your compliance with laws concerning minimum wages, Social Security taxes, and discrimination on the basis of race, gender, religion, or disability. State agencies will examine your records to see whether you have paid unemployment and sales taxes. Finally, as your shadowy but ever-present business partner, the Internal Revenue Service will look over your shoulder and demand about 35 percent of your profits.

In short, the U.S. economic system is highly regulated and is far from an example of laissez-faire capitalism.

Socialism Let’s get an overview of the world’s second major economic system.

WHAT SOCIALISM IS As you can see from Table 11.3, socialism also has three essential components: (1) public

ownership of the means of production, (2) central planning, and (3) the distribution of goods without a profit motive.

In socialist economies, the government owns the means of production—not only the factories but also the land, railroads, oil wells, and gold mines. Unlike capitalism, in which market forces—supply and demand—determine both what will be produced and the prices that will be charged, a central committee decides that the country needs X number of toothbrushes, Y toilets, and Z shoes. The committee decides how many of each will be produced, which factories will produce them, what price will be charged for the items, and where they will be distributed.

Socialism is designed to eliminate competition: Goods are sold at predetermined prices regardless of the demand for an item or the cost of producing it. The goal is not to make a profit, nor is it to encourage the consumption of goods that are in low demand (by lowering the price) or to limit the consumption of hard-to-get goods (by raising the price). Rather, the goal is to produce goods for the general welfare and to distribute them according to people’s needs, not their ability to pay.

In a socialist economy, everyone in the economic chain works for the government. The members of the central committee who set production goals are government employees, as are the supervisors who implement their plans, the factory workers who produce the merchandise, the truck drivers who move it, and the clerks who sell it. Those who buy the items may work at different jobs—in offices, on farms, or in day care centers—but they, too, are government employees.

socialism an economic system built around the public ownership of the means of production, central planning, and the distribution of goods without a profit motive

market forces the law of supply and demand

This advertisement from about 1885 represents an early stage of capitalism when individuals were free to manufacture and market products with little or no interference from the government. Today, the production and marketing of goods take place under detailed, complicated government laws and regulations.

Politics and the Economy 369

SOCIALISM IN PRACTICE Just as capitalism does not exist in a pure form, neither does socialism. Although the ideology of socialism calls for resources to be distrib- uted according to need and not the ability to pay, socialist countries found it neces- sary to pay higher salaries for some jobs in order to entice people to take on greater responsibilities. Factory managers, for example, always earned more than factory workers. These differences in pay follow the functionalist argument of social strat- ification presented in Chapter 9. By narrowing the huge pay gaps that characterize capitalist nations, however, socialist nations established considerably greater equality of income.

DEMOCRATIC SOCIALISM Dissatisfied with the greed and exploitation of capitalism and the lack of freedom and individuality of socialism, Sweden and Denmark developed democratic socialism (also called welfare socialism). In this form of socialism, both the state and individuals produce and distribute goods and services. The government owns and runs the steel, mining, forestry, and energy concerns, as well as the country’s tele- phones, television stations, and airlines. Remaining in private hands are the retail stores, farms, factories, and most service industries.

Ideologies of Capitalism and Socialism Not only do capitalism and socialism have different approaches to producing and dis- tributing goods, but they also represent opposing belief systems. Capitalists believe that market forces should determine both products and prices. They also believe that profits are good for humanity. The potential to make money stimulates people to produce and distribute goods, as well as to develop new products. Society benefits as the result is a more abundant supply of goods at cheaper prices.

Socialists take an opposite view of profits. They consider profits to be immoral. An item’s value is based on the work that goes into it, said Karl Marx. The only way there can be profit, he stressed, is by paying workers less than the value of their labor. Profit, he said, is the excess value that has been withheld from workers. Socialists believe that the government should protect workers from this exploitation. To do so, the government should own the means of production, using them not to generate profit but to produce items that match people’s needs, not their ability to pay.

Capitalists and socialists paint each other in such stark colors that each perceives the other system as one of exploitation. Capitalists believe that socialists violate people’s basic right to make their own decisions and to pursue opportunity. Socialists believe that capitalists violate people’s basic right to be free from poverty. With each side claiming moral superiority while viewing the other as a threat to its very existence, the last cen- tury witnessed the world split into two main blocs. In what was known as the Cold War, the West armed itself to defend and promote capitalism, the East to defend and promote socialism.

Criticisms of Capitalism and Socialism In India, an up-and-coming capitalist giant, the construction of a 27-story building is almost complete (Yardley 2010b). It comes with a grand ballroom, nine elevators, a fifty-seat theater, a six-story garage, and three helipads on the roof.

The occupants are ready to move in—all five of them—a husband and wife and their three children. From their elegant perch, they will be able to view the teeming mass of destitute people below.

The primary criticism leveled against capitalism is that it leads to social inequality. Capitalism, say its critics, produces a tiny top layer of wealthy people who exploit an immense bottom layer of poorly paid workers. Another criticism is that the tiny top layer wields vast political power. Those few who own the means of production reap huge prof- its, accrue power, and get legislation passed that goes against the public good.

democratic socialism a hybrid economic system in which the individual ownership of businesses is mixed with the state ownership of industries thought essential to the public welfare, such as the postal service, natural resources, the medical delivery system, and mass transportation

370 Chapter 11

The first criticism leveled against socialism is that it does not respect individ- ual rights. Others (in the form of some government agency) control people’s lives. They decide where people will live, work, and go to school. Government officials in China even used to determine how many children women could bear (Mosher 1983, 2006). Critics make a second point: Central planning is grossly inefficient and socialism is not capable of producing much wealth. They say that socialism’s greater equality really amounts to giving almost everyone an equal chance to be poor.

The Convergence of Capitalism and Socialism Regardless of the validity of these mutual criticisms, as nations industrialize they come to resemble one another. They urbanize, encourage education, and produce similar divi- sions of labor (such as professionals and technicians; factory workers and factory man- agers). Despite their incompatible ideologies, both capitalist and socialist systems have adopted features from the other. That capitalism and socialism are growing similar is known as convergence theory (Form 1979; Melloan 2016).


When an economic crisis hit the United States in 2008, it spread quickly around the world. To decide what they should do, the leaders of the 20 countries that produce the most consumer goods met in Washington. The Chinese leaders said that no one should worry about them not being a team player; they knew that their actions would affect other nations. (Yardley and Bradsher 2008)

In the 1980s and 1990s, the rulers of Russia abandoned communism. Although making a profit had been a crime, practically overnight making profits was encouraged. Chinese leaders saw the potential and joined the change. However, they kept a communist gov- ernment. Their encouragement of profits unleashed an entrepreneurial energy that, with its new businesses, rapid industrialization and urbanization, and vast exports, has trans- formed the country. As a sign of the fundamental change, China’s new capitalists have joined the Communist party.

The switch to capitalism has led to an immense production of wealth in China. China now has 600 billionaires, more than the United States (“Hurun Report” 2017). Attitudes toward profits have swung so extremely that some Chinese textbooks even

convergence theory the view that as capitalist and socialist economic systems each adopt features of the other, a hy- brid (or mixed) economic system will emerge

Propaganda to influence public opinion surrounds us, but most propaganda is covert, difficult to recognize. During economic- political conflicts such as World War II, much propaganda moves into the open. The anti-Japanese poster on the right is from the United States. The anti-allies (the British-American-Russian coalition) poster on the left is from Germany. It reads: “Behind the fiendish enemy is The Jew.” Racism was rampant on both sides: The ugly rich Jew making money from the war and the ugly sadistic Japanese raping white women.

Politics and the Economy 371

praise Bill Gates as a model for youth (Guthrie 2008). And just as in the West, Chinese capital moves to the cheapest labor. You know that American capitalists moved millions of jobs to China, but did you know that Chinese capitalists are now moving factories from China to Africa? And for the same reason: They can pay African workers less than Chinese workers (Kroeber 2016).

For a glimpse of the new capitalism in China, read the following Cultural Diversity around the World.

Cultural Diversity around the World A Fierce Competitor: The Chinese Capitalists

Socialism has the virtue of making people more equal. Socialism’s equality, however, translates into making al- most everyone equally poor. Capitalism has the virtue of producing wealth. However, a lot of people remain poor, leaving deep gaps between wealth and poverty.

Realizing that their country was mired in poverty and that capitalism has such capacity to produce wealth, Chinese leaders turned to capitalism. One consequence has been an astonishing growth of wealth. The irony is thick. China’s capitalism directed by communists has lifted a half-billion people out of poverty (“China Overview” 2014).

This new capitalism has also produced extravagant ostentatiousness. In Beijing, the capital of China, Zhang Yuchen built a mansion. This is no ordinary mansion, like those built by China’s other newly rich. It is a reproduction of the Chateau de Maisons-Laffitte, an architectural landmark on the Seine River outside Paris. At a cost of $50 million, the Beijing replica matches the original edifice detail for detail. The architects followed the original blueprints of the French chateau, even using the same Chantilly stone (Kahn 2004, 2007).

In the midst of China’s transition to capitalism, poor farmers have remained poor farmers. This has fueled anger and resentment, which have kept the Party busy sending out the army to squelch riots. It turns out that to make themselves wealthy the powerful have taken the farmers’ land. To replicate the Maisons-Laffitte chateau and its nearby luxury homes turned 800 farmers into landless peasants. The spiked fence, the moat, and the armed guards—looking sharp in their French-style uniforms complete with capes and kepis—are not just decorative. They also keep the peasants out.

In most places, you need connections to become wealthy. It is the same in China. There, connections refer to the

Communist Party, since this group holds the power. Yuchen has those connections, which he used to get the peasants’ wheat fields rezoned from farmland to a “conservation area.” He was even able to divert a river so he could build a moat

around the chateau, one of the finishing touches on his architectural wonder.

Beneath such capitalistic excesses lies this irony: China’s capitalism has become a threat to the capitalism of the capitalist countries. Harnessing the state machinery, the Chinese leaders have proven themselves nimble at seizing opportunities for profit, in reacting to competition, and in accumulating vast amounts of capital. In another irony of history, the Western capitalists have become envious of China’s success (Bremmer 2011; Karon 2011).

For Your Consideration → When China has completed its transition to capitalism,

what do you think the final version will look like (that is, what characteristics do you think it will have)?

→ Where will the top Party leaders fit in the class sys- tem that is emerging in China? Why? (To answer this, consider the connections and resources of the Chinese elite.)


Hong Kong

China Shanghai


Hong Kong

China Shanghai


As China has embraced its version of capitalism, wealth has grown. China is now moving into the next phase of capitalism, with the emphasis changing from production to consumption. This shopping mall is in Shanghai.

372 Chapter 11

CHANGES IN CAPITALISM: CONVERGENCE The United States has adopted many socialist practices. One of the most obvious is that the government collects money from some individuals to pay for benefits it gives to others. When the country was founded, it had none of these: unemployment compensation (taxes paid by workers are distributed to those who no longer produce a profit); welfare, subsidized housing, food, and medi- cal care for the poor (with no motive of profit, taxes from the many are distributed to the needy); a minimum wage (the government, not the employer, determines the minimum that workers are paid); and Social Security (the retired do not receive what they paid into the system but, rather, money that the government collects from current workers).

Convergence is continuing. In 2008, when Wall Street and auto firms started to buckle, the U.S. government stepped in to shore up these businesses. The government even bought some companies, fired CEOs, and set salary limits. This extended embrace of socialist principles indicates that the United States has produced its own version of a mixed economy.

IN SUM Capitalist and socialist countries are converging. On the one hand, capitalists have assumed, reluctantly, that their system should provide workers with at least min- imal support during unemployment, illness, and old age—and, in some instances, that the government should bail out private companies that are going bankrupt. On the other hand, wanting to increase the nation’s wealth and standard of living, socialist leaders have reluctantly embraced profit-making and private property.

The Globalization of Capitalism 11.8 Discuss the globalization of capitalism, including its effects on workers, the

divisions of wealth, and the global superclass.

“This new global business system will change the way everyone lives and works.”

Louis Galambos, a historian of business (Zachary 1995)

The globalization of capitalism is so significant that its ultimate impact on our lives may rival that of the Industrial Revolution. Let’s look, then, at how capitalism is changing the face of the globe.

A New Global Structure and its Effects on Workers The globalization of capitalism is producing a new world structure, one that integrates the world’s nations into a global production and distribution system. Three primary trading blocs have emerged: North and South America, dominated by the United States; Europe, dominated by Germany; and Asia, dominated by China and Japan. Functional- ists stress that this new global division benefits not only the multinational giants but also the citizens of the world.

Consider free trade. Free trade increases competition, which, in turn, drives the search for greater productivity. This lowers prices and brings a higher standard of living. Free trade also has dysfunctions. As production moves to countries where labor costs are lower, millions of U.S., U.K., French, and Spanish workers lose their jobs. Functionalists point out that this is a temporary dislocation. As the Most Industrialized Nations lose factory jobs, their workers shift into service and high-tech jobs. Perhaps. But the millions of workers searching in vain for jobs that no longer exist would disagree.

The adjustment certainly is not easy. As the U.S. steel industry lost out to global competition, for example, the closing of plants created “rust belts” in the northern states. The globalization of capitalism has also brought special challenges to small towns, which were already suffering long-term losses because of urbanization. Their struggle to survive is the topic of the following photo essay.

In striking contrast to the grandiosity of some small town business names is the utter simplicity of others. Cafe tells everyone that some type of food and drinks are served here. Everyone in this small town knows the details.

Small Town USA: Struggling to Su


All across the natio n, small towns are


gling to survive. Pa rents and town offi


are concerned beca use so few young a


remain in their hom e town. There is litt

le to

keep them there, a nd when they grad


from high school, m ost move to the cit


With young people leaving and old on


dying, the small to wns are shriveling.

How can small tow ns contend with cu


throat global comp etition when worke

rs in

some countries are paid just a few do


a day? Even if you open a store, down


road Wal-Mart se lls the same

products for about what you

pay for them—and offers much

greater variety.

There are exception s: Some small town

s are

located close to a c ity, and they receive

the city's

spillover. A few pos sess a rare treasure


unique historical ev ent or a natural at


-that draws visitors with money to spe

nd. Most

of the others, thoug h, are drying up, le

ft in a

time warp as histor y shifts around the

m. This

photo essay tells th e story.

People do whatever they can to surv ive. This enterprising

proprietor uses the building for an u nusual combination of

purposes: a “plant world,” along wi th the sale of milk, eggs,

bread, and, in a quaint southern tou ch, cracking pecans.

I was struck by the grandiosity of people’s dreams, at least

as reflected in the names that some small-towners give their businesses. Donut Palace has

a nice ring to it—inspiring thoughts of wealth and royalty

(note the crowns). Unfortunately, like so many others, this business didn’t make it.

The small towns are filled with places like this— small businesses, locally owned, that have enough clientele for the owner and family to eke out a living. They have to offer low prices because there is a fast-food chain down the road. Fixing the sign? That’s one of those “I’ll get-to-its.”

© James M. Henslin, all photos

This is a successful business. The store goes back to the early 1900s, and the proprietors have capitalized on the “old timey” atmosphere.

With little work available, it is difficult to afford adequate housing. This house, although cobbled together and in disrepair, is a family’s residence.

One of the few buildings consistentl y in good repair in the small

towns is the U.S. Post Office. Althou gh its importance has declined

in the face of telecommunications, fo r “small towners” the post

office still provides a vital link with the outside world.

There is no global competition for this home-grown business.

Shirley has located her sign on a main highway just outside

Niceville, Florida. By the looks of the building, business could

be better.

This general store used to be the mai

n business in the a rea: It even

has a walk-in safe. This store has bee

n owned by the sa me family since

the 1920s, but is no longer successful.

To get into the bu ilding, I had to

find out where the owner (shown he

re) lived, knock on her door, and

then wait while sh e called around to

find out who had the keys.

Politics and the Economy 375

Stagnant Paychecks With extensive automation, the productivity of U.S. workers has increased year after year, making them some of the most productive in the world (Statistical Abstract 2017:Tables 663, 1363). One might think, then, that their pay would be increasing. This brings us to a disturb- ing trend, one that troubles the economy and underlies widespread resentment, fears, and insecurity among the working class.

Look at Figure 11.4. The gold bars show current dollars. These are the dollars the average worker earns. You can see that since 1970 the average pay of U.S. work- ers has soared from just over $3 an hour to almost $22 an hour. Workers today are earning almost seven times as many dollars as workers used to.

But let’s strip away the illusion. Look at the purple bars, which show these dollars adjusted for inflation, the buying power of those paychecks. You can see how inflation has suppressed the value of the dollars that workers earn. Today’s workers, with their $22 an hour, can buy little more than workers in 1970 could with their “measly” $3 an hour. The question is not “How could workers live on just $3 an hour back then?” but, rather, “How can workers get by on an 87-cent-an-hour raise that took 47 years to get?” That’s less than two cents an hour per year! Incredibly, despite workers having more years of college and more technical training, despite the arrival of computers and much higher productivity, the workers’ purchasing power increased just 87 cents an hour between 1970 and 2017. What can you buy with those 87 cents?

Actually, after taxes and Social Security deduc- tions, we should ask, what can you buy with those six or seven dimes?

The New Economic System and the Old Divisions of Wealth

Suppose that you own a business that manufactures widgets. You are paying your work- ers $175 a day ($21.83 an hour including vacation pay, sick pay, unemployment benefits, Social Security, and so on). Widgets similar to yours are being manufactured in Thailand, where workers are paid $8 a day. Those imported widgets are being sold in the same stores that feature your widgets.

How long do you think you could stay in business? Even if your workers were willing to cut their pay in half—which they aren’t willing to do—you still couldn’t compete.

What do you do? Your choices are simple. You can continue as you are and go broke, try to find some other product to manufacture (which, if successful, will soon be made in Thailand or India or China)—or you can close up your plant here and manufacture your widgets in Thailand.


1970 19901980 20102000

Current dollars

Constant dollars
























D o

lla rs

p e r

H o

u r








$8.30 $8.91





Figure 11.4 Average Hourly Earnings of U.S. Workers in Current and Constant Dollars

NOTES: Constant dollars are dollars adjusted for inflation with 1982–1984 as the base.

SOURCE: U.S. Bureau of Labour Statistics 2017.

376 Chapter 11

What happens when oil tankers wear out? They go to Bangladesh, where they are turned into scrap. These workers, an expendable part of the global economic system that we are all a part of, are exposed to PCBs, asbestos, and other toxins. For this, they earn $1 a day.






Percentage of the U.S. population Percentage of the nation's income received






Figure 11.5 The Inverted Income Pyramid: The Proportion of Income Received by Each Fifth of the U.S. Population

SOURCE: By the author. Based on Statistical Abstract of the United States 2017:Table 721.

These are not easy times for workers. One disruption after another. High insecurity with layoffs, plant closings, and the prospect of more of the same. The insecurity is especially hard-hitting on the most desperate of workers, the less skilled and those who live from paycheck to paycheck. How can they compete with people overseas who work for pea- nuts? They suffer the wrenching adjustments that come from having their jobs pulled out from under them, looking for work and finding only jobs that pay lower wages—if that—watching their savings go down the drain, postponing their retirement, and seeing their children disillusioned about the future. The photo from Bangladesh indicates some of the effects on the workers in the Least Industrialized Nations.

What about the wealthy? In these tough economic times, aren’t they being hurt, too? Some rich individuals do get on the wrong side of investments and lose their collective shirts. In general, though, the wealthy do just fine in these challenging times.

How can I be so sure of this?, you probably wonder. Take a look at Figure 11.5. Each rectangle on the left of this figure represents a fifth of the U.S. population, about 65 mil- lion people. The rectangles of the inverted pyramid on the right show the percentage of

Politics and the Economy 377

the nation’s income that goes to each fifth of the population. You can see that half (51 per- cent) of the entire country’s income goes to the richest fifth of Americans. Only 3 percent goes to the poorest fifth.

This gap has been growing over the years, and it is now greater than it has been in gen- erations. The transition to a postindustrial economy and the globalization of capitalism have increased our income inequalities. The common folk saying that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer is certainly an apt observation, well supported by social research. What implications of this division of the nation’s wealth do you see for our future?

The Global Superclass The overlapping memberships of the globe’s top multinational companies enfold their leaders into a small circle of wealthy, powerful individuals (Robinson 2014). For an indi- cation of their wealth, you might want to look again at Figure 7.1. This group, called the global superclass, has access to the top circles of political power around the world (Roth- kopf 2008). This group shies away from researchers, but here is your chance to listen to a member of the global superclass describe their tight connections:

Every country has its large financial institutions that are central to the development of that country, and everyone else in finance knows somebody who will know the head of one of those companies. That person knows a senior person in their government that could be useful in a situation…. the key is the network…. it is twenty, thirty, fifty people worldwide who ultimately drive the decisions. (Rothkopf 2008:129–130)

Twenty to fifty individuals make the world’s major decisions! Could this possibly be true? What radical person would make such an outlandish claim? This is where the state- ment becomes more interesting. The person who said this, Stephen Schwarzman, is one of those twenty to fifty insiders (Freeland 2011). Worth about $14 billion, he is the seventy-fifth richest person in the world (Hurun Report 2017). He added $3 billion to his wealth just since the last edition of this book 2 years ago.

How does this interconnected global power work? Here is a real-life example:

When Schwarzman, a co-founder of Blackstone Group, an investment company, had a problem with some policy of the German government, he called a German friend. The friend arranged for Schwarzman to meet with the Chancellor of Germany. After listening to Schwarzman, the Chancellor agreed to support a change in Germany’s policy.

Do you see the power that is concentrated in this small group? The U.S. members can call the U.S. president, the English members can ring up the British prime minister, and so on. They know how to get and give favors, to move vast amounts of capital from country to country, and to open and close doors to investments around the world. This concentra- tion of power is new to the world scene. Working quietly behind the political scenes (as its members prefer), the global superclass affects our present and our future.

To close this chapter, let’s look at this aspect of our changing political and economic order.

What Lies Ahead? A New World Order? 11.9 Explain how the globalization of capitalism might be bringing a New World

Order—and why it might not be.

As nations try to impose their will on other nations and with ethnic tensions and antago- nisms continuing, war and terrorism are inevitable. A New World Order, however, might be ushered in by nations cooperating for economic reasons. Perhaps the key political event in our era is the globalization of capitalism. Why the term political? Because politics and economics are twins, with each setting the stage for the other.

global superclass the top members of the capi- talist class, who, through their worldwide interconnections, make the major decisions that affect the world

378 Chapter 11

Unity and Disunity Despite their problems and differences, twenty-eight countries in Europe managed to cobble together an economic and politi- cal unit called the European Union (EU). These countries, which in years past have gone to bitter war with one another, adopted a single currency, the euro, displacing their marks, francs, liras, lats, and pesetas. They also attempted to speak in a single polit- ical voice, which often faltered, breaking in midsentence. The patchwork has begun to rip apart, with Great Britain voting to leave the EU and political parties in other member states, espe- cially France and Holland, threatening to do the same.

Other regional trading partnerships are probably more fragile than they appear. We will have to see what happens with NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement), which

binds the United States, Canada, and Mexico in a trading partnership, and ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations), which unites ten Asian countries with a com- bined population of a half-billion people.

TWO SCENARIOS Let’s leave this section with two extreme possibilities. The first: Nations overcome their rivalries and tensions and enfold themselves in larger and larger economic- political alignments until just one state or empire envelops the earth. Perhaps. The United Nations (UN) is striving to become the legislative body of the world, wanting its decisions to supersede those of any individual nation. The UN operates a World Court (The International Court of Justice). There is even a World Bank.

The second: Rivalries, envies, and old wounds produce increasing disunity that ever renews itself in fresh bloodshed. This possibility, as sad as it is, likely is much more real- istic than the first. Incompatible world views in the midst of a flow of weapons from the world’s sellers of death make all steps to unity tentative and fragile.

Inevitable Changes If we take a trip through history, we see that the dominance of a particular nation, group of nations, or a culture always comes to an end. The decline can take hundreds of years (Toynbee 1946). With today’s life so speeded-up that the future invades the present, the decline of U.S. dominance could come fairly quickly—although certainly not without resistance and bloodshed.

Ruptures among the present arrangements of power make it difficult to foresee the shape of future global stratification. Certainly, though, it will include an ascendant China (Rachman 2017). We can also be certain that a small group of wealthy, powerful people, whose main goal is to continue its own dominance, will direct whatever alignments are formed. At times, it will look as though this process is leading to a one-world govern- ment. At other times, it will appear that the world is about to erupt in flames.

We are certainly living in exciting geopolitical times.

“Brexit,” the exit of Great Britain from the European Union, indicates fundamental disarray in this organization. Some predict its collapse during the next decade.

Summary and Review Power, Authority, and Violence 11.1 Contrast power, authority, and violence; compare

traditional, rational–legal, and charismatic authority.

How are authority and coercion related to power?

Authority is power that people view as legitimately exercised over them, while coercion is power they consider

unjust. The state is a political entity that claims a monopo- ly on violence over some territory.

What kinds of authority are there?

Max Weber identified three types of authority. In traditional authority, power is derived from custom: Pat- terns set down in the past serve as rules for the present.

Politics and the Economy 379

In rational–legal authority (also called bureaucratic au- thority), power is based on law and written procedures. In charismatic authority, power is derived from loyalty to an individual to whom people are attracted. Charismatic au- thority, which undermines traditional and rational–legal authority, has built-in problems in transferring authority to a new leader.

Types of Government 11.2 Compare monarchies, democracies, dictatorships,

and oligarchies.

How are the types of government related to power?

In a monarchy, power is based on hereditary rule; in a democracy, power is given to the ruler by citizens; in a dictatorship, power is seized by an individual; and in an oligarchy, power is held by a small group.

The U.S. Political System 11.3 Discuss voting patterns, lobbyists, and PACs.

What are the main characteristics of the U.S. political system?

The U.S. political system is dominated by the Democratic and Republican parties that represent slightly different centrist positions. The differences are most obvious in those who take extreme positions.

Voter turnout is higher among people who are more socially integrated—those who sense a greater stake in the outcome of elections, such as the more educated and well- to-do. Lobbyists and special-interest groups, such as po- litical action committees (PACs), play a significant role in U.S. politics.

Who Rules the United States? 11.4 Compare the functionalist (pluralist) and conflict

(power elite) perspectives on U.S. power.

Is the United States controlled by a ruling class?

In a view known as pluralism, functionalists say that no one group holds power, that the country’s many compet- ing interest groups balance one another. Conflict theorists, who focus on the top level of power, say that the United States is governed by a power elite, a ruling class made up of the top corporate, political, and military leaders. The most recent evidence supports the conflict view.

War and Terrorism: Implementing Political Objectives 11.5 Explain why countries go to war and why some

groups choose terrorism.

How are war and terrorism related to politics?

War and terrorism are both means of pursuing political objectives. Nicholas Timasheff identified three essential conditions of war and seven fuels that ignite antagonis- tic situations into war. His analysis can be applied to terrorism.

The Transformation of Economic Systems 11.6 Emphasizing inequality, summarize the broad

historical shifts in economic systems.

How are economic systems linked to types of societies?

In early societies (hunting and gathering), small groups lived off the land and produced little or no surplus. Eco- nomic systems grew more complex as people discovered how to domesticate animals and grow plants (pastoral and horticultural societies), farm (agricultural societies), and manufacture (industrial societies). As people produced a surplus, trade developed. Trade, in turn, brought social inequality as some people accumulated more than others. Service industries dominate the postindustrial societies. If a biotech society is emerging, it is too early to know its consequences for our economy.

World Economic Systems 11.7 Contrast capitalism and socialism: their compo-

nents, ideologies, criticisms, and convergence.

How do capitalism and socialism differ?

The world’s two major economic systems are capitalism and socialism. In capitalism, private citizens own the means of production and pursue profits. In socialism, the state owns the means of production and has no goal of profit. Adherents of each have developed ideologies that defend their own systems and paint the other as harmful or even evil. As expected from convergence theory, each system has adopted features of the other.

The Globalization of Capitalism 11.8 Discuss the globalization of capitalism, including

its effects on workers, the divisions of wealth, and the global superclass.

What is the new global structure?

The world’s nations are forming major trading blocs. As multinational corporations seek the lowest costs of pro- duction, millions of jobs are transferred to nations where workers are paid little. This is causing great suffering to workers who are losing their jobs and to those whose pay is stagnant. At the same time, an ultra-wealthy and power- ful global superclass has risen.

380 Chapter 11

What Lies Ahead? A New World Order? 11.9 Explain how the globalization of capitalism might

be bringing a New World Order—and why it might not be.

Is humanity headed toward a world political system?

The trend toward regional economic and political unions may indicate that a world political system is developing. Oppositional forces, including disarray in G7 and the EU, point in the other direction.

Thinking Critically about Chapter 11 1. What are the three sources of authority, and how do

they differ from one another?

2. Apply the three essential conditions of war and its seven fuels to a recent (or current) war that the United States has been (or is) a part of.

3. What global forces are affecting the U.S. economy? What consequences are they having? How might they affect your own life?

381People Enjoying Picnic and Barbecue, 2012, Christopher Corr (gouaches painting)


Chapter 12

Marriage and Family

Learning Objectives

After you have read this chapter, you should be able to:

12.1 Define marriage and family, and summarize their common cultural themes.

12.2 Contrast the functionalist, conflict, and symbolic interactionist perspectives on marriage and family.

12.3 Summarize research on love and courtship, marriage, childbirth, child rearing, and family transitions.

12.4 Summarize research on families: African American, Latino, Asian American, Native American, one-parent, couples without children, blended, and gay and lesbian.

12.5 Discuss changes in the timetable of family life, cohabitation, and elder care.

12.6 Summarize problems in measuring divorce, research findings on children and grandchildren of divorce, fathers’ contact after divorce, ex-spouses, and remarriage.

12.7 Summarize the dark and bright sides of family life.

12.8 Explain the likely future of marriage and family.

I was living in a remote village in the state of Colima, Mexico. I had chosen this nondescript town a few kilometers from the ocean because it had no other Americans, and I wanted to immerse myself in the local culture.

The venture was successful. I became friends with my neighbors, who were curious about why a gringo was living in their midst. After all, there was nothing about their drab and dusty town to attract tourists. So why was this gringo there, this guy who looked so different from them and who had the unusual custom of jogging shirtless around the outskirts of town and among the coconut and banana trees? This was their burning question, while mine was “What is your life like?”

We satisfied one another. I explained to them what a sociologist is. Although they never grasped why I would want to know about their way of life, they accepted my explanation. And I was able to get my questions answered. I was invited into their homes—by the men. The women didn’t talk to men outside the presence of their husbands, brothers, or other women. The women didn’t even go out in public unless they were accompanied by someone. Another woman would do, just so they weren’t alone. The women did the cooking, cleaning, and child care. The men worked in the fields.

I was culturally startled one day at my neighbor’s house. The man had retired from the fields, and he and his wife, as the custom was, were being supported by their sons who worked

It was his wife’s job to pick up the used toilet paper.

Marriage and Family 383

in the fields. When I saw the bathroom, with a homemade commode made of clay—these were poor people—I asked him about the used toilet paper heaped in a pile on the floor. He explained that the sewer system couldn’t handle toilet paper. He said that I should just throw mine onto the pile, adding that it was his wife’s job to pick up the used toilet paper and throw it out.

I became used to the macho behavior of the men. This wasn’t too unlike high-school behavior—a lot of boisterous man-to-man stuff—drinking, joking, and bragging about sexual conquests. The sex was vital for proving manhood. When the men took me to a whorehouse (to help explain their culture, they said), they couldn’t understand why I wouldn’t have sex with a prostitute. Didn’t I find the women attractive? Yes, they were good looking. Weren’t they sexy? Yes, very much so. Was I a real man? Yes. Then why not? My explanation about being married didn’t faze them one bit. They were married, too—and a real man had to have sex with more women than just his wife.

Explanations of friendship with a wife and respect for her fell on deaf cultural ears.

Marriage and Family in Global Perspective 12.1 Define marriage and family, and summarize their common cultural themes.

These men and I were living in the same physical space, but our cultural space—which we carry in our heads and show in our behavior—was worlds apart. My experiences with working-class men in this remote part of Mexico helped me understand how mar- riage and family can differ vastly from one culture to another. To broaden our perspec- tive for understanding this vital social institution, let’s look at how marriage and family customs differ around the world.

What Is a Family? “What is a family, anyway?” Family should be easy to define because it is so significant to humanity that it is universal. Although every human group organizes its members in families, the world’s cultures display an incredible variety of family forms. The Western world regards a family as a husband, wife, and children, but in some groups, men have more than one wife (polygyny) or women more than one husband (polyandry). How about the obvious? Can we define the family as the approved group into which children are born? If so, we would overlook the Banaro of New Guinea. In this group, a young woman must give birth before she can marry—and she cannot marry the father of her child (Murdock 1949).

What if we were to define the family as the unit in which parents are responsible for disciplining children and providing for their material needs? This, too, seems obvious, but it is not universal. Among the Trobriand Islanders, it is not the parents but the wife’s eldest brother who is responsible for providing both the children’s discipline and their food (Malinowski 1927).

Such remarkable variety means that we have to settle for a broad definition. A family consists of people who consider themselves related by blood, marriage, or adoption. A household, in contrast, consists of people who occupy the same housing unit—a house, apartment, or other living quarters.

We can classify families as nuclear (husband, wife, and children) and extended (including people such as grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins in addition to the nuclear unit). Sociologists also refer to the family of orientation (the family in which an individual grows up) and the family of procreation (the family that is formed when a couple has its first child).

polygyny a form of marriage in which men have more than one wife

polyandry a form of marriage in which women have more than one husband

family two or more people who consid- er themselves related by blood, marriage, or adoption

household people who occupy the same housing unit

nuclear family a family consisting of a hus- band, wife, and child(ren)

extended family a family in which relatives, such as the “older generation” or unmarried aunts and uncles, live with the parents and their children

family of orientation the family in which a person grows up

family of procreation the family formed when a cou- ple’s first child is born

384 Chapter 12

What Is Marriage? We have the same problem in defining marriage. For just about every element you might regard as essential to marriage, some group has a differ- ent custom.

Consider the sex of the bride and groom. Until recently, opposite sex was taken for granted. Then in the 1980s and 1990s, several European coun- tries legalized same-sex marriages. Canada and several U.S. states followed. And to many people’s surprise, same-sex marriages became legal in the United States in 2015.

Same-sex marriages sound so new, but when Columbus landed in the Americas, some Native American tribes already had same-sex mar- riages. Through a ceremony called the berdache, a man or woman who wanted to be a member of the opposite sex was officially declared to have his or her sex changed. The “new” man or woman put on the clothing and performed the tasks associated with his or her new sex and was allowed to marry.

Even sexual relationships don’t universally characterize marriage. The Nayar of Malabar don’t allow a bride and groom to have sex. After a three- day celebration of the marriage, they send the groom packing—and he can never see his bride again (La Barre 1954). This can be a little puzzling to figure out, but it works like this: The groom is “borrowed” from another tribe for the ceremony. Although the Nayar bride can’t have sex with her husband, after the wedding she can have approved lovers from her tribe. This system keeps family property intact—along matrilineal lines.

At least one thing has to be universal in marriage: You can at least be sure that the bride and groom are alive. So you would think. But even for this there is an exception. On the Loess Plateau in China, if a son dies without a wife, his parents look for a dead woman to be his bride. After buying one—from the parents of a dead unmarried daughter—the dead man and woman are married and then buried together. Happy that their son will have intimacy in the afterlife, the parents throw a party to celebrate the marriage (Fremson 2006; Tsoi 2016).

With such tremendous cultural variety, we can define marriage this way: a group’s approved mating arrangements, usually marked by a ritual of some sort (the wedding) to indicate the couple’s new public status.

Common Cultural Themes Despite this diversity, several common themes run through marriage and family. As Table 12.1 illustrates, all societies use marriage and family to establish patterns of mate selection, descent, inheritance, and authority. Let’s look at these patterns.

MATE SELECTION Each human group establishes norms to govern who marries whom. If a group has norms of endogamy, it specifies that its members must marry within their group. For example, some groups prohibit interracial marriage. In some societies, these norms are written into law, but in most cases, they are informal. In the United States, most whites marry whites, and most African Americans marry Afri- can Americans—not because of any laws but because of informal norms. In contrast, norms of exogamy specify that people must marry outside their group. The best exam- ple of exogamy is the incest taboo, which prohibits sex and marriage among desig- nated relatives.

As you can see from Table 12.1, how people find mates varies around the world, from fathers selecting them to the highly personal choices common in Western cultures. Changes in mate selection are the focus of the following Sociology and Technology: The Shifting Landscape.

marriage a group’s approved mating arrangements, usually marked by a ritual of some sort

endogamy the practice of marrying within one’s own group

exogamy the practice of marrying outside of one’s group

incest taboo the rule that prohibits sex and marriage among designated relatives

Often one of the strongest family bonds is that of mother–daughter. The young artist, an eleventh grader, wrote: “This painting expresses the way I feel about my future with my child. I want my child to be happy and I want her to love me the same way I love her. In that way we will have a good relationship so that nobody will be able to take us apart. I wanted this picture to be alive; that is why I used a lot of bright colors.”

Marriage and Family 385

Sociology and Technology: The Shifting Landscape Online Dating: Risks and Rewards

There are more than 1,000 online dating sites. Some are general—they try to appeal to everyone. Others are niche, targeting people by age, race, or religion. Still others are super-niche. There are sites for Goths, military widows, and pet lovers (Broughton 2013). One targets “green singles,” people for whom environmen- tal, vegetarian, and animal rights are central. Another targets women who like men with mustaches (Cole 2012; Webb 2013).

Online dating has become so popular that one-third of current U.S. marriages began as online relationships ( Cacioppo 2013).

It isn’t difficult to see the appeal of dating sites. They offer thousands of potential companions, lovers, or spous- es. For a low monthly fee, you can meet the person of your dreams—or so the promise goes.

But first, you have to traverse that pesky matter of gender, which we reviewed in Chapter 10. No longer will that dichotomy, either-male-or-female, work. To keep up with changing times, OkCupid has added androgynous, asexual, genderqueer, transman, transsexual, transmascu- line, heteroflexible, pansexual, bigender, and sapiosexual (Ulaby 2014). The last one refers to people who are attract- ed to smart people.

If you want to meet a mate online, you can expect to be fed a few lies. To “put their best foot forward,” women say they weigh less than they do. And men? They say they

are taller than they are (D’Costa 2014). Since the correspon- dence is via computer, they can get away with it. But isn’t this similar to what you can expect wherever people seek mates? To make a good impression, most people stretch

Table 12.1 Common Cultural Themes: Marriage in Traditional and Industrialized Societies

Characteristic Traditional Societies Industrial (and Postindustrial) Societies

What is the structure of marriage?

Extended (marriage embeds spouses in a large kinship network of explicit obligations)

Nuclear (marriage brings fewer obligations toward the spouse’s relatives)

What are the functions of marriage?

Encompassing (see the six functions listed under The Functionalist Perspective)

More limited (many functions are fulfilled by other social institutions)

Who holds authority? Patriarchal (authority is held by males) Although some patriarchal features remain, authority is divided more equally

How many spouses at one time?

Most have one spouse (monogamy), while some have several (polygamy)

One spouse

Who selects the spouse? Parents, usually the father, select the spouse

Individuals choose their own spouses

Where does the couple live? Couples usually reside with the groom’s family (patrilocal residence), less commonly with the bride’s family (matrilocal residence)

Couples establish a new home (neolocal residence)

How is descent figured? Usually figured from male ancestors (patrilineal kinship), less commonly from female ancestors (matrilineal kinship)

Figured from male and female ancestors equally (bilineal kinship)

How is inheritance figured? Rigid system of rules; usually patrilineal, but can be matrilineal

Highly individualistic; usually bilineal

SOURCE: By the author.


386 Chapter 12

DESCENT How are you related to your father ’s father or to your mother ’s mother? You would think that the answer to this question would be the same all over the world—but it isn’t. Each society has a system of descent, the way people trace kinship over generations. We use a bilineal system; that is, we think of ourselves as related to both our mother’s and our father’s sides of the family. This is so obvious. Doesn’t every- one do it this way? Actually, no. Ours is only one way that people reckon descent. Some groups use a patrilineal system, tracing descent only on the father’s side; they don’t think of children as being related to their mother ’s relatives. Others don’t consider children to be related to their father’s relatives and follow a matrilineal system, tracing descent only on the mother’s side. The Naxi of China don’t even have a word for father (Hong 1999).

INHERITANCE Marriage and family are also used to determine rights of inheritance. In a bilineal system, property is passed to both males and females; in a patrilineal system, only to males; and in a matrilineal system (the rarest form), only to females. No system is natu- ral. Rather, each way of reckoning inheritance matches a group’s ideas of fairness and logic.

AUTHORITY Some form of patriarchy, men-as-a-group dominating women-as-a- group, runs through all societies. Contrary to what some think, there are no historical records of a society that was a true matriarchy, where women-as-a-group dominated men-as-a-group. Although U.S. family patterns are becoming more egalitarian, or equal, some of today’s customs still reflect their patriarchal origin. One of the most obvious is the U.S. naming pattern: Despite some changes, the typical bride still takes the groom’s last name, and children usually receive the father’s last name.

Marriage and Family in Theoretical Perspective 12.2 Contrast the functionalist, conflict, and symbolic interactionist perspectives on

marriage and family.

As you just read, human groups around the world have many forms of mate selection, ways to view the parent’s responsibility and ways to trace descent. Although these patterns are arbitrary, each group perceives its own forms of marriage and family as natural. Now let’s see what pictures emerge when we view marriage and family theoretically.

The Functionalist Perspective: Functions and Dysfunctions Functionalists stress that to survive, a society must fulfill basic functions (that is, meet its basic needs). Functionalists focus on how marriage and family are related to other parts of society, especially the ways that marriage and family contribute to society’s well-being.

system of descent how kinship is traced over the generations

bilineal system (of descent) a system of reckoning descent that counts both the mother’s and the father’s side

patrilineal system (of descent) a system of reckoning descent that counts only the father’s side

matrilineal system (of descent) a system of reckoning descent that counts only the mother’s side

patriarchy men-as-a-group dominating women-as-a-group; authority is vested in males

matriarchy a society in which women-as- a-group dominate men-as-a- group; authority is vested in females

egalitarian authority more or less equally divided between people or groups (in heterosexual mar- riage, for example, between husband and wife)

the truth. They try to match their presentation of self to what they think the other expects.

Are there dangers? The rapists of Craig’s List and all that? Certainly there are, and you have to watch out for shady characters lurking on the Internet. How do you know that the engaging person you are corresponding with is not already married, does not have a dozen kids, or is not a child molester or a rapist? But what makes such concerns unique to Internet dating? Aren’t these the same kind of issues you need to be concerned about when meeting someone at school, a party, or even in the supermarket?

Even though the form is changing, the substance appears to be about the same. Maybe Internet dating is just tradition dressed up in technological clothing.

For Your Consideration → Have you used an online dating site? Why or why not?

→ Would you consider using one (if you were single and unattached)? Why or why not?

Marriage and Family 387

WHY THE FAMILY IS UNIVERSAL Although the form of marriage and family varies from one group to another, the family is universal. The reason for this, say functionalists, is that the family fulfills six needs that are basic to the survival of every society. These needs, or functions, are (1) economic production, (2) socialization of children, (3) care of the sick and aged, (4) recreation, (5) sexual control, and (6) reproduction. To make certain that these functions are performed, every human group has adopted some form of the family.

FUNCTIONS OF THE INCEST TABOO Functionalists note that the incest taboo helps families to avoid role confusion. This, in turn, helps parents socialize children. For exam- ple, if father–daughter incest were allowed, how should a wife treat her daughter—as a daughter or as a second wife? Should the daughter consider her mother as a mother or as the first wife? Would her father be a father or a lover? And would the wife be the hus- band’s main wife or the “mother of the other wife”? And if the daughter had a child by her father, what relationships would everyone have? Maternal incest would also lead to complications every bit as confusing as these.

The incest taboo also forces people to look outside the family for marriage partners. Anthropologists theorize that exogamy was especially functional in tribal societies, because it forged alliances between tribes that otherwise might have killed each other off. Today, exogamy still extends both the bride’s and the groom’s social networks by build- ing relationships with their spouse’s family and friends.

ISOLATION AND EMOTIONAL OVERLOAD As you know, functionalists also ana- lyze dysfunctions. The relative isolation of today’s nuclear family creates one of those dysfunctions. Because the members of extended families are embedded in a larger kin- ship network, they can count on many people for material and emotional support. In nuclear families, in contrast, the stresses that come with crises—the loss of a job, a death, or even family quarrels—are spread among fewer people. This places greater strain on each family member, creating emotional overload. In addition, the relative isolation of the nuclear family makes it vulnerable to a “dark side”—incest and other forms of abuse, matters that we examine later in this chapter.

The Conflict Perspective: Struggles between Husbands and Wives Let’s see how the conflict perspective’s focus on conflict and power applies to marriage.

INEVITABLE CONFLICT Anyone who has been married or who has seen a marriage from the inside knows that—despite a couple’s best intentions—conflict inevitably arises. Think of the many areas of life that wives and husbands share as they live intimately with one another—from their goals and checkbooks to their bedroom and children. At some point, their desires and approaches to life clash, sometimes mildly, at other times quite harshly. Conflict among married people is so common that it is the grist of soap operas, movies, songs, and novels.

CHANGING POWER RELATIONS Power is the source of much conflict in marriage. Who has it? And who resents not having it? Throughout history, hus- bands have had more power, and wives have resented it. In the United States, as I’m sure you know, wives have gained more and more power in marriage. Do you think that one day wives will have more power than their husbands?

You probably are saying that such a day will never come. But could wives already have reached this point? From time to time, you’ve seen some surprising things in this book. Now look at Figure 12.1. Based on a national sample, this figure shows who makes decisions concerning the family’s finances and purchases, what to do on the weekends, and even what to watch on television. As you can see, wives now have more control over the family purse and make more of these decisions than their husbands. These findings are such a surprise that we await confirmation by future studies.

Wife makes more


Couples divide

decisions equally

Husband makes more



31% 26%







Figure 12.1 Who Makes the Decisions at Home?

NOTE: Based on a nationally representative sample, with questions on who chooses weekend activities, buys things for the home, decides what to watch on television, and manages household finances.

SOURCE: Morin and Cohn 2008.

388 Chapter 12

Paid work Housework Child care









H o

u rs

p e r

w e e k

Hours per week Wives

1965 1975 1985 1995 2005 20081965 1975 1985 1995 2005 2008 Husbands

20.4 18.9


10.2 51.4




8.4 49.7


9.6 54.2


13.9 54.4

13.9 55.5





31.9 23.6

4.4 2.5 53.3


6.0 2.6 54.0


10.2 2.6 52.6



4.2 53.9






7.8 60.1



Figure 12.2 In Two-Paycheck Marriages, How Do Wives and Husbands Divide Their Responsibilities?

SOURCE: By the author. Based on Bianchi 2010:Tables 1, 2.

In Hindu marriages, the roles of husband and wife are firmly established. Neither this woman, whom I photographed in Chittoor, India, nor her husband question whether she should carry the family wash to the village pump. Women here have done this task for millennia. As India industrializes, as happened in the West, who does the wash will be questioned—and may eventually become a source of strain in marriage.

The Symbolic Interactionist Perspective: Gender, Housework, and Child Care With symbolic interactionists focusing on face-to-face interaction, their research on marriage and family covers many topics. For our purposes, let’s look at how couples divide up work.

CHANGES IN TRADITIONAL GENDER ORIENTATIONS This chapter ’s opening vignette gave you a glimpse into extreme gender roles. Apart from the

specifics mentioned there, throughout the generations, housework and child care have been regarded as “women’s work.” As times changed and women put in more hours at paid work, men gradually did more housework and took more responsibility for the care of their children. Ever so slowly, cultural

ideas shifted, with housework, care of children, and paid labor coming to be regarded as the responsibilities of both men and women. Let’s examine this shift.

PAID WORK AND HOUSEWORK Figure 12.2 illustrates major changes that have taken place in U.S. families. The first is startling—how wives have traded housework

for paid work. They have cut down the amount of time they spend doing housework by 14.5 hours a week, while they have increased the time they spend at paid work by 14.9 hours a week. From this figure, you can see that husbands have done just the opposite. They have increased the time they spend on housework and child care, while they have dropped their paid work hours slightly.

From Figure 12.2, you can see that husbands and wives have dropped the time they spend on housework by 9.4 hours a week. This is a lot less housework—about 500

hours a year of less washing, vacuuming, dusting, and so on. Does this mean that today’s homes are dirtier and messier than those of the past? This is one possibility. But it is likely that the explanation lies in changed technology (Bianchi et al. 2006). Our micro- waves, dishwashers, washing machines, clothes dryers, and wrinkle-free clothing save

Marriage and Family 389

hours of drudgery. There is also the “McDonaldization” we discussed in Chapter 5. Our many “fast-food” meals also reduce the time it takes to prepare food and clean up. Home hygiene could well be about the same as in years past.

MORE CHILD CARE From this figure, you can see another significant change: Both husbands and wives are spending more time on child care. How can children be getting more attention from their parents than they used to? This flies in the face of our mythical past, the Leave It to Beaver images that color our perception of the present. We know that today’s families are not strolling leisurely through life as huge paychecks flow in. So if parents are spending more time with their children, just where is this time coming from?

The answer isn’t very exciting, but researchers know what it is. Today’s parents have squeezed out some of the extra time for their children by cutting down on their reading and the time they spend on preparing meals. However, the main way that parents are getting the extra time is by spending about 5 hours a week less visiting friends and rel- atives (Bianchi 2010). We don’t yet know the implications of the individual family with- drawing more into itself, but it could be increasing the family’s “emotional overload.”

TOTAL HOURS There is another surprise in Figure 12.2. You can see that both husbands and wives are now putting in more hours taking care of family responsibilities. However, each week husbands average 4.6 hours more than their wives. This comes to 240 hours a year, the equivalent of today’s husbands spending thirty 8-hour days a year more than their wives.

A GENDER DIVISION OF LABOR Something else is evident from Figure 12.2. Look at how differently husbands and wives spend their time. Sociologists call this a gendered division of labor. You can see that husbands still take the primary responsibility for earn- ing the income and wives the primary responsibility for taking care of the house and children. But you have seen that this traditional gender orientation is undergoing a major shift: Wives have increased the time they spend earning the family income, while hus- bands are spending more time on housework and child care. In light of these trends and with changing ideas of gender—of what is considered appropriate for husbands and wives—we can anticipate greater marital equality in the future.

The Family Life Cycle 12.3 Summarize research on love and courtship, marriage, childbirth, child rearing,

and family transitions.

We have seen how the forms of marriage and family vary widely, looked at marriage and family theoretically, including major shifts in gender. Now let’s discuss love, courtship, and the family life cycle.

Love and Courtship in Global Perspective Have you ever been “love sick”? Some people can’t eat, and they are obsessed with thoughts of the one they love. Some neuroscientists decided to study “love sickness,” and they found that it is both real and extreme: Love feelings release dopamine and light up the same area of the brain that lights up when heroin addicts are craving heroin (Bernstein 2015).

Evidently, then, love can be an addiction. From your own experience, you probably know the power of romantic love—mutual sexual attraction and idealized feelings about one another. Although people in most cultures talk about similar experiences, ideas of love can differ dramatically from one society to another (Jankowiak and Fischer 1992; de Munck et al. 2011). In the following Cultural Diversity around the World, we look at a soci- ety where people don’t expect love to occur until after marriage.

romantic love feelings of erotic attraction accompanied by an idealization of the other

390 Chapter 12

Cultural Diversity around the World Arranged Marriage in India: Probing Beneath the Surface The idea that parents should choose their child’s husband or wife shocks Western sensibilities. Arranged marriage seems to violate our basic ideas of the rights of individuals to forge their own path in life. And it does just that. In fact, this is what is wrong with the Western system, say the Indians. Young people don’t have the experience to make such life-significant decisions. They need to depend on their elders, who have more experience. Their parents know them well, have their best interests at heart, and can make a much better choice of mate than they can.

Such thinking is foreign to us, of course. It is almost the polar opposite of what we expect and see as the right way to do things. The distinction gets even more complicated when we learn that Indians’ ideas of love also differ from ours. We expect love to occur before marriage, and to base marriage on love. Indians expect to base marriage on wise parental decisions, and then love will develop after marriage.

We each—the Westerner and the Indian—shake our heads in wonderment at the strange customs of the other. Each wonders how life could possibly work out the way the other does things.

But each system works. So perhaps we can learn from one another. I have done work in several states of India, so let me share with you what I learned from the experience of an Indian friend. As I saw an arranged marriage unfold, I realized that there is much more to this process than met my Western eye.

My friend, Atal, began to look for a husband for his daughter, Bhanumati. From my Western perspec- tive, this was a strange approach to marriage, but as I observed the process, my perspective changed. I saw that this was a burden for Atal. It was a part of his father role, and everyone—his wife, daughter, and son—was looking to him expectantly. They had full confidence that he would do right, a confidence that placed a heavy burden on his shoulders.

Bhanumati is a pretty young woman, age 23, intelli- gent, with an engaging personality. She is also educated, with a master’s degree in English. Despite her education, Bhanumati would never question her father choosing her spouse. Nor did her brother when it came time for his marriage. This traditional way of mate selection in India makes sense to the people who live there.

I saw Atal’s disappointment as he tried to fulfill his duty of arranging a good marriage for his daugh- ter. He made several overtures to families of eligible sons, only to be rejected. My friend is a poor man, and

he was unable to afford the dowry that these parents demanded. Atal’s problem was unexpectedly solved when a young American visitor “fell in love” with Bha- numati. This man, an engineer with a good job, would make a good husband. Everyone—Atal, his wife, his son, and his daughter—approved of the match. The

man, of course, had to follow the Indian custom of seeing his future bride only in the pres- ence of her parents or brother.

Behind the scenes of arranged marriages, as you can sense, there is much more than the father’s decision. The responsibility is laid on him, but to fulfill it and keep a good family life, the father must have his family’s agreement. Without it, the system fails.

My friend is a good man, a gentle and considerate husband

and father. Tradition laid this responsibility on his shoulders, and he fulfilled it well. You can see that other men might have used this power to benefit themselves and not their child. You can also see how this duty is an example of the patriarchy we reviewed in Chapter 7, of how power is vested in men.

As strange as it seems to us, the Indian view of love works. With the marriage arranged, Bhanumati is freed to develop feelings of love for her husband-to-be. From marriage, the Indians say, comes love. We, of course, say that marriage comes from love. Americans and Indians confuse one another, but perhaps sharing this experience will help you to understand a different way of life.

For Your Consideration → Why do you think that educated Indians still go along

with the custom of arranged marriages?

→ What advantages and disadvantages do you see in the Indian system of mate selection? In the U.S. system of mate selection?

→ What do you think love is, anyway?

This billboard in India caught my attention. As the text indicates, even though India is industrializing, most of its people still follow traditional customs. This billboard is a sign of changing times.


New Delhi



Marriage and Family 391

Because romantic love plays such a significant role in Western life—and often is regarded as the only proper basis for marriage—social scientists have probed this concept with the tools of the trade: experiments, questionnaires, interviews, and observations (Hatfield et al. 2012; Bolmont et al. 2014). In a fascinating experiment, psychologists Donald Dutton and Arthur Aron discovered that fear can produce romantic love (Rubin 1985). Here’s what they did.

A rickety footbridge sways in the wind about 230 feet above the Capilano River in North Vancouver, British Columbia. Walking on it makes you feel like you might fall into the rocky gorge below. A more solid footbridge crosses only 10 feet above the shallow stream.

The researchers had an attractive woman approach men who were crossing these bridges. She told them she was studying “the effects of exposure to scenic attractions on creative expression.” She showed them a picture, and they wrote down their associ- ations. The sexual imagery in their stories showed that the men on the unsteady, fright- ening bridge were more sexually aroused than were the men on the solid bridge. More of these men also called the young woman afterward—supposedly to get information about the study.

You may have noticed that this research was really about sexual attraction, not love. The point, however, is that romantic love usually begins with sexual attraction. Finding our- selves sexually attracted to someone, we spend time with that person. If we discover mutual interests, we may label our feelings “love.” Apparently, then, romantic love has two compo- nents. The first is emotional, a feeling of sexual attraction. The second is cognitive, a label that we attach to our feelings. If we attach this label, we describe ourselves as being “in love.”

Marriage Ask Americans why they married, and they will say that they were “in love.” Contrary to folklore, whatever love is, it certainly is not blind. That is, love does not hit us willy- nilly, as if Cupid had shot darts blindly into a crowd. If it did, marital patterns would be unpredictable. When we look at who marries whom, however, we can see that love follows social channels.

THE SOCIAL CHANNELS OF LOVE AND MARRIAGE The most highly predictable social channels are age, education, social class, and race–ethnicity. For example, a Latina with a college degree whose par- ents are both physicians is likely to fall in love with and marry a Latino slightly older than herself who has graduated from college. Similarly, a girl who drops out of high school and whose parents are on welfare is likely to fall in love with and marry a man who comes from a back- ground similar to hers.

Sociologists use the term homogamy to refer to the tendency of peo- ple who have similar characteristics to marry one another. Homogamy occurs largely as a result of propinquity, or spatial nearness. This is a sociological way of saying that we tend to “fall in love” with and marry someone who lives near us or someone we meet at school, church, work, or a neighborhood bar. The people with whom we associate are far from a random sample of the population, since social filters produce neigh- borhoods, schools, and places of worship that follow racial–ethnic and social class lines.

As with all social patterns, there are exceptions. Although most Amer- icans marry someone of their same racial–ethnic background, 9 percent do not. Nine percent is a lot of people. With 62 million married couples in the United States, this comes close to 6 million couples (Statistical Abstract 2017:Table 61).

homogamy the tendency of people with similar characteristics to marry one another

Kanye West and Kim Kardashian are an example of the most common pattern of marriages between African Americans and whites.

392 Chapter 12






1970 19901980


45 61






2010 20152000















White husband, African American wife

African American husband, white wife





To ta

l in

T h o

u sa

n d


Figure 12.3 Marriages between Whites and African Americans: The Race–Ethnicity of the Husbands and Wives

SOURCE: By the author. Based on Statistical Abstract of the United States 1990:Table 63; 2017:Table 61.

One of the more dramatic changes in U.S. marriage is the increase in marriages between African Amer- icans and whites. Today it is difficult to realize how norm- shattering such marriages used to be, but they were once illegal in forty states (Staples 2008). In Mis- sissippi, the penalty for interracial marriage was life in prison (Crossen 2004b). Despite the risks, a few couples crossed the “color line,” but it took the social upheaval of the 1960s to shatter this barrier. In 1967, the U.S. Supreme Court struck down the state laws that prohib- ited such marriages.

F i g u re 1 2 . 3 s h o w s t h i s c h a n g e . L o o k a t t h e race–ethnicity of the husbands and wives in these marriages, and you will see that here, too, Cupid’s arrows don’t hit random targets. Why do you think this particular pattern exists? Why do you think it is changing?

Childbirth As you have seen, the family adapts to social change. Because we never have a shortage of change in our society, marriage and family are in a continual pro- cess of change. In this context, let’s look at bearing children.

IDEAL FAMILY SIZE The number of children that Americans consider ideal has changed over the years.

You can track these changes in Figure 12.4. Look at the abrupt change that took place in the 1970s, how women suddenly decided that they preferred fewer children. What happened?

Recall the emphasis of the sociological perspective introduced in Chapter 1, how historical events influence our lives. This abrupt change in ideal family size occurred












0 20112007 20141945 1953 1962 1966 1973 1977 1980 1983 1986 1990 2003 202020171997


P e rc

e n ta

g e

Larger Families: Three or more children

Smaller Families: Zero, one, or two children



71 70



48 54 55


66 63

50 55 56


23 29

17 19 23

43 36

32 35

28 29

42 37




Figure 12.4 The Number of Children Americans Think Are Ideal

NOTE: Based on the University of North Carolina Alumni Heart Study, follow-up research on a cohort of 4,802 men and women.

SOURCE: Gallup Poll 2011b.

Marriage and Family 393


1976 2014


4+ children

P e rc

e n t


1976 2014


2 children

P e rc

e n t

Figure 12.5 The Remarkable Change in Two and Four Children Families

SOURCE: By the author. Based on U.S. Census Bureau 2015.

in the context of three major events: the arrival of the birth control pill, the onset of the sexual revolution, and a fundamental change in how women viewed work—from a temporary activity before marriage to long-term careers.

Sometimes our ideals change, but we are not able to put them into practice. As you can see from Figure 12.5, this was not the case with this shift in ideal family size. With the arrival of the birth control pill, there was a remarkable drop in births.

If they had their way, some couples would specify not just the number of children but also their characteristics, the topic of the following Sociology and Technology: The Shifting Landscape.

Sociology and Technology: The Shifting Landscape What Color Eyes? How Tall? Designer Babies on the Way

Ready to shop for your child? You might begin by browsing the online catalogue of sperm donors at the London Sperm Bank. With a few clicks, you can check the donor’s race–ethnicity, eye color, hair color, and height—even the man’s religion, education, and TV preferences (de Lange 2014).

Satisfied? Click “Add to Cart” and go to Check Out.

Actually, they haven’t added those check-out clicks yet. But the list of donor characteristics is there. In the coming world of Designer Baby Clinics, you will be able to put in your order. Not like fast food, of course, because it will still take the usual nine months.

The allure of choosing a daughter who will be a sci- entist, a son who will be musical—or a basketball star—is apparent. To pick superior qualities for your child, isn’t this like being able to pick a superior college?

Moral Dilemmas But with this allure comes moral dilemmas. Let’s suppose that a couple wants a blue-eyed red-headed boy. As Figure 12.6 shows, the technicians will fertilize several eggs, test the embryos, and plant the one(s) with the desired characteristics

in a uterus. And the embryos that are not used? They will be flushed down the toilet. Some people find this objectionable.

Others are concerned that selecting certain characteristics represents a bias against people who have different characteristics. To order a tall designer baby, for example, is this a bias against short people?

If it isn’t quite clear why this is a bias, perhaps this will help. If there is a preference for boys, a lot of female embryos will be flushed down the toilet.

Or consider this: Two deaf parents want a deaf child. They fear that if their child is part of the hearing world it will drive a wedge between them (Fordham 2011). Would it be moral or immoral to produce a deaf child?

Oh, the moral dilemmas our new technologies bring!

For Your Consideration → What are your answers to the questions raised in this

box? On what do you base your answers?

→ One more moral issue to consider: a super race. If we can produce people who are superior physically, intellectually, and emotionally, would it be wrong to do so? Or would it be immoral not to do so if this is within our capacity?

A single cell is removed from each embryo. This cell is tested for biomarkers for sex and red hair and blue eyes.

In the lab, a woman’s eggs are fertilized with sperm, which produces multiple embryos.

Embryos with biomarkers for male and the desired hair and eye colors are placed in the woman’s uterus.

The ensures that the child will be male, and makes it likely that he will have red hair and blue eyes.

Figure 12.6 On Our Way to Designer Babies

SOURCE: Adapted from Naik 2009. Reproduced with permission.

394 Chapter 12

MARITAL SATISFACTION AFTER CHILDBIRTH Sociologists have found that after the birth of a child, marital satisfaction usually decreases (Dew and Wilcox 2011; Musick et al. 2016). To understand why, recall from Chapter 5 that a dyad (two persons) provides greater intimacy than a triad (after adding a third person, interaction must be shared). In addition, the birth of a child unbalances the life that the couple has worked out. To move from the abstract to the concrete, think about the implications for marriage of cop- ing with a fragile newborn’s 24-hour-a-day needs of being fed, soothed, and diapered— while the parents’ sleep is disrupted and their expenses grow.

Then when the last child reaches age 6, marital happiness increases. This is when the child starts school and is away from home a lot. This happiness is short-lived, though, and takes a nosedive when the child reaches age 12 or 13. You can figure this one out— the devil years of adolescence. But those years don’t last forever (although many parents think they will), and happiness increases again when the last child gets through the trou- bled, rebellious years (Senior 2010).

Husbands and wives have children because of biological urges and because of the satisfactions they expect. New parents bubble over with joy, saying things like “There’s no feeling to compare with holding your own child in your arms. Those little hands, those tiny feet, those big eyes, that little nose, that sweet face …” and they gush on and on.

There really is no equivalent to parents. It is their child, and no one else takes such delight in the baby’s first steps, first word, and so on. Let’s turn, then, to child rearing.

Child Rearing As you saw in Figure 12.2, today’s parents are spending more time with their children than parents did in earlier decades. But they are also spending huge amounts of time at work. Let’s ask, then: Who’s minding the kids while the parents are at work?

MARRIED COUPLES AND SINGLE MOTHERS Figure 12.7 com- pares the child care of babies of single and married mothers. As you can see, their overall arrangements are similar. A main difference, though, is that when married women are at work, the father is more likely to be taking care of the baby. To help single mothers, grandpar- ents and other relatives fill in for most absent fathers.

SINGLE FATHERS But what about single fathers? These are the men who have sole custody of their children, usually because the mothers have abandoned the children or the court has declared them unfit as parents. While we don’t have space to explore this in detail, read what a student who read this text, a 40-year-old father who has custody of his 8-year-old son wrote to me. This will help you gain insight into their conflicts and difficulties.

My son is being raised by his father, me. I do not have the social net- work that I used to have because my life consists of cooking, clean- ing, playtime, and schoolwork. I am not accepted by other mothers, and while I am respected by most men, they aren’t interested in hear- ing about domestic life. This has started to impact my son because I can’t really model relationships for him being in this awkward state of mother–dad.

DAY CARE You know that quality child care is important, but did you know that children who receive quality care do better at lan- guage, math, and reading? They even have better memories (Li et al. 2013). About one of five U.S. children is in day care, but only a minority of these children receives high-quality care— stimulating learning activities, emotional warmth, and attentiveness to their

The single father with custody of his child(ren) has unique role conflicts. Just what is a mother–dad?



Other relatives a 3%

Nonrelatives b 13%

Mother cares for child at work 4%

Nonrelatives b 13%

Mother cares for child at work 2%

Father 22%

Grand- parents


Center- basedc


Other d


Father 15%

Grand- parents


Center- basedc


Other d


Other relativesa


Figure 12.7 Who Takes Care of the Babies While Their Mothers Are at Work?

aIncludes siblings. bIncludes in-home babysitters and other nonrelatives providing care in either the child’s or the provider’s home. cIncludes day care centers, nursery schools, preschools, and Head Start programs. dIncludes no regular arrangement.

SOURCE: America’s Children 2014:Table FAM3A.

Marriage and Family 395

needs (Blau 2000; Belsky 2009; Statistical Abstract 2017:Table 593). A primary reason for this dismal situation is the low salaries paid to day care workers. They average only about $10.26 an hour (Bureau of Labor Statistics 2017).

How can you find quality day care and how can you watch your children while you are at work? Let’s look at this in the following Applying Sociology to Your Life.

Applying Sociology to Your Life Finding Quality Day Care Let’s assume that you have become a parent, and also that you have to work full-time. How do you find quality day care?

If your parents, the new grandma and grandpa, are around—and willing—you don’t have to be concerned. But let’s suppose they aren’t. It is difficult for you to judge the quality of day care, since things might look “quality,” but you don’t know what takes place when you are not there. What should you look for? Here are the two factors that best predict quality care: a staff that has taken courses in early childhood development and a low ratio of children per staff member (Belsky et al. 2007; Manning et al. 2017).

If you have nagging fears that your child might be neglected or, forbid the thought, even abused, choose a center that streams live Web cam images on the Internet. While at work, you can “visit” the day care center via cyber- space and monitor your child’s activities and care.

Daycare has become a primary socializing agent for millions of children. The text explains how to select superior daycare facilities.

NANNIES For upper-middle-class parents, nannies have become a popular alterna- tive to day care centers. Parents love the one-on-one care and the convenience of not having to drive the child to a day care center or having to take time off from work when the child becomes ill. A recurring problem, however, is tensions between the parents and the nanny: disagreements over discipline styles and jealousy that the nanny might see the first step, hear the first word, or—worse yet—be called “mommy.” There can also be what parents find heart-breaking—the child crying when the nanny leaves but not when the mother goes to work.

SOCIAL CLASS Do you think that social class makes a difference in how people rear their children? If you answered “yes,” you are right. Sociologists have found that working-class parents tend to think of children as wildflowers that develop naturally, while in the middle-class mind, children are like tender garden flowers that need careful nurturing if they are to bloom (Lareau 2011). These contrasting views make a world of difference in how people rear their children (Mose 2016). Working-class parents are more likely to set limits for their children and then let them choose their own activities, while middle-class parents are more likely to try to push their children into activities that they think will develop their thinking and social skills.

Sociologist Melvin Kohn (1963, 1977; Kohn and Schooler 1969) also found that the type of work that parents do has an impact on how they rear their children. Because mem- bers of the working class are closely supervised on their jobs, where they are expected to follow explicit rules, their concern is less with their children’s motivation and more with their outward conformity. These parents are more apt to use physical punishment, which brings about outward conformity, and may or may not change attitudes. Middle-class workers, in contrast, are expected to take more initiative on the job. This leads them to

396 Chapter 12

have more concern that their children develop curiosity and self- expression. Middle-class parents are less likely to use physical punishment and more likely to withdraw privileges or affection.

HELICOPTER PARENTING Parents who hover over their children, involved in almost all aspects of their lives as they try to make certain that everything goes according to plan—their plan—are called helicopter parents. Helicoptering has become common among upper-middle class parents, who are almost obsessively concerned that their children have the right experiences and make the right choices in life. The helicoptering that begins in childhood often doesn’t end with childhood, as some deans have discovered when parents have called to complain that their child received an “unfair” grade.

Helicoptering can make children dependent. Those who have decisions made for them can find it difficult to stand on their own. Consider this real-life event:

The fresh college graduate was on a job interview. Things went well, and the interviewer was about to offer him the job. When the interviewer mentioned salary, the man said, “My mom is really good at negotiating,” and he got up and brought in his mother, who had been waiting outside the office. (author’s files)

And no, he did not get the job. The interviewer was not interested in hiring his mother.

THE RIGHT WAY TO REAR CHILDREN Helicoptering will come and helicopter- ing will go. The social classes will always have different approaches to child rearing. But what is the right way? For this answer, read the following Applying Sociology to Your Life.

Applying Sociology to Your Life What Kind of Parent Will You Be? Most people marry and have children, so for the purpose of this applying sociology to your life, let’s assume that you will, too.

When you get pregnant or learn that your wife is pregnant, one of your first thoughts is likely to be some version of “I’m not sure I can handle this. I don’t think I know how to be a parent.” Such thoughts aren’t surpris- ing, especially because the family “experts” keep hammering at the same old thing: “Be careful about how you raise your new- born, that fragile little thing, or you might ruin its life.”

And they keep singing a related refrain: “We have the answers, so listen to us and follow what we tell you.”

A decade earlier these experts were telling parents a different way to raise their

children. And a decade from now, those same experts will be giving new answers in carefully scripted best sellers, eagerly sought by concerned parents.

Spank—never spank. Let children be dependent— not that much dependence. Give them freedom—no, too much freedom confuses them. Supervise their play—no, give them free play and let them find themselves. Be goal

directed—no, let children enjoy childhood and just have fun. On and on.

But be ultra-careful, they warn, with fingers pointing at you, their shrill voices screaming in your ears, making you think that one false step, and you can ruin your child forever.

Really? Well, let’s look around the world.

American family ex- perts today: “Don’t sleep with your child. Your child

Marriage and Family 397

Family Transitions The later stages of family life bring their own pleasures to be savored and problems to be solved. Let’s look at two transitions—children staying home longer and adults adjusting to widowhood.

TRANSITIONAL ADULTHOOD Adolescents, especially young men, used to leave home after finishing high school. When the last child left home at about age 17 to 19, the parents were left with what was called an empty nest. Today’s nest is far from as empty as it used to be. With prolonged education and the higher cost of establishing a household, children in the Western world are leaving home later. Many stay home during college, while others who strike out on their own find the costs or responsibilities too great and return home. Much to their own disappointment, some even leave and return to the par- ents’ home several times. As a result, for the first time since 1880, the percentage of young adults (ages 18 to 34) who live with their parents is larger than those who live with a spouse or partner in a separate household (Fry 2016). Some even bring their boyfriend or girlfriend to live with them at their parent’s house.

Sociologists use the term transitional adulthood to refer to this major change in how people become adults. A more playful term, but just as accurate, is waithood (Milkman 2017). Having so many young adults waiting for “full adulthood” is new on the historical scene, so its roadmap is still being worked out. Although adultolescents enjoy the protec- tion of home, they have to grapple with issues of privacy, authority, and responsibilities— items that both the “waiters” and the parents thought were resolved long ago. You might want to look again at Figure 3.2 in Chapter 3.

WIDOWHOOD As you know, women are more likely than men to become widowed. There are two reasons for this: On average, women live longer than men, and they usu- ally marry men older than they are. For either women or men, the death of a spouse tears at the self, clawing at identities that merged through the years. With the one who had become an essential part of the self gone, the survivor, as in adolescence, once again con- fronts the perplexing question “Who am I?”

will become too dependent, won’t learn to make the sepa- ration so essential for its development. Besides, dear new mother and father, you might crush the little thing as you turn in your sleep, slowly squeezing the life out of its tiny helpless body.”

Fear. Listen to those experts. Co-sleeping, as it is called, isn’t some strange new

parenting practice that harms children. In Japan, almost all mothers sleep with their babies. And when mothers of Nso, a tribe in Africa, learned that German mothers and their babies don’t sleep together, they were shocked. “How can those mothers be so cruel?” they wondered.

“Make sure you look your children in the eye,” so they will learn proper eye contact with adults. Absolutely the right way, say the experts. How wrong those Gusii mothers in Africa must be. They figure that direct eye contact with their children is too stimulating for them.

“Don’t pick up your child every time she cries. She needs to learn independence.” Those Gusii mothers again. Not only do they pick their babies up when they cry, but they also nurse them when they cry. They figure that the bodily contact—the touching and the breast and the cooing—makes the babies feel secure.

What’s the answer?

The answer is that there is no single right way of being a parent. Children are resilient. Relax. Your children will do just fine. Follow the basics that you already know—give your babies love and security and plenty of food. Let them be little kids and enjoy themselves. When they are frightened or sad, comfort them. And don’t worry about the “right” way to do this. If the child feels better, you did just fine.

Those family experts are selling books! Or else they are little parrots who haven’t been able to write their own books, repeating what they’ve read about the right way to rear children.

From looking around the world, you can see that there are different ways of rearing children. There is no such thing as the right way. Despite contrasting childrearing practices, most adults turn out just fine.

Knowing this should help you relax about being a parent—and enjoy it more.

Based on Caplan 2012 and Levine and Levine 2016.

For Your Consideration → What kind of parent do you think you’ll be? Why?

→ If you are a parent already, how would you describe your parenting?

398 Chapter 12

The death of a spouse produces what is called the widowhood effect: The impact of the death is so strong that surviving spouses tend to die earlier than expected. The widowhood effect hits men harder than women, as there are almost twice as many “excess deaths,” as sociologists call them, among widowed men than among widowed women (Shor et al. 2012). This indicates that marriage brings greater health benefits to elderly men.

Diversity in U.S. Families 12.4 Summarize research on families: African American, Latino, Asian American,

Native American, one-parent, couples without children, blended, and gay and lesbian.

In several contexts, we have seen how significant social class is in our lives. Its signifi- cance will continue to be evident as we examine diversity in U.S. families.

African American Families Note that the heading reads African American families, not the African American family. There is no such thing as the African American family any more than there is the white family or the Latino family. The primary distinction is not between African Americans and other groups but between social classes (Hattery and Smith 2012).

African Americans who are members of the upper class follow the class interests reviewed in Chapter 8—preservation of privilege and family fortune. Viewing mar- riage as a merger of family lines, they are concerned about the family background of those whom their children marry (Gatewood 1990). Children of this class marry later than children of other classes. Middle-class African American families focus on achievement and respectability. Both husband and wife are likely to work outside the home. A central concern is that their children go to college, get good jobs, and marry well—that is, marry people like themselves, respectable and hardworking, who want to get ahead in school and pursue a successful career.

African American families in poverty face all the problems that cluster around poverty (Smith-Bynum 2013). Because the men have few marketable skills and few job prospects, it is difficult for them to fulfill the cultural roles of husband and father. Consequently, these families are likely to be headed by a woman and to have a high

rate of births to single women. Divorce and desertion are also more common than among other classes. Sharing scarce resources and “stretching kinship” are primary survival mech- anisms. People who have helped out in hard times are considered brothers, sisters, or cousins to whom one owes obligations as though they are blood relatives. Men who are not the biologi- cal fathers of their children are given fatherhood status (Stack 1974; Nelson 2013). Sociologists use the term fictive kin to refer to this stretching of kinship.

From Figure 12.8, you can see that, compared with other groups, African American families are the least likely to be headed by married cou- ples and the most likely to be headed by women. Because African American women tend to go farther in school than African American men, they face a marriage squeeze. That is, their pool of

There is no such thing as the African American family, any more than there is the Native American, Asian American, Latino, or Irish American family. Rather, each racial–ethnic group has different types of families, with the primary determinant being social class.

Marriage and Family 399

eligible partners with characteristics that match theirs has shrunk, and they are more likely than women in other racial–ethnic groups to marry men who are less educated than themselves (Reeves and Rodrigue 2015).

Latino Families As Figure 12.8 shows, the proportion of Latino families headed by married couples and women falls in between that of whites and Native Americans. The effects of social class on families, which I just sketched, also apply to Latinos. In addition, families differ by country of origin. Families from Mexico, for example, are more likely to be headed by a married couple than are families from Puerto Rico (Statistical Abstract 2017:Table 36). The longer that Latinos live in the United States, the more their families resemble those of middle-class Americans (Falicov 2010).

Researchers disagree on what is distinctive about Latino families (Cabrera and Bradley 2012). Some indicate that Latino families are set apart by the Spanish language, the Roman Catholic religion, and a strong family orienta- tion coupled with a disapproval of divorce. True in a general sort of way, but this overlooks the Latino families that are Protestants, don’t speak Spanish, and so on. Some point to loyalty to the extended family, with an obligation to support relatives in times of need. This, too, is hardly unique to Latino fam- ilies. Descriptions of Latino families used to include machismo—an empha- sis on male strength, sexual vigor, and dominance, like that recounted in the chapter ’s opening vignette—but machismo decreases with each generation in the United States and is certainly not limited to Latinos (Hurtado et al. 1992; Wood 2001; Torres et al. 2002).

With such diversity among Latino families, you can see why researchers are unable to generalize about all or even most Latino families. However, there is a central sociological point that runs through the studies of Latino families:

Both parents



Neither parent

2% 2%

4% 3%

Native Americans

LatinosWhitesAsian Americans


African Americans


39% 49%




26% 11%

3% 4%





SOURCE: By the author. For Native Americans, Kreider and Elliott 2009:Table 1. For other groups, Statistical Abstract of the United States 2017:Table 67.

Figure 12.8 Family Structure: U.S. Families with Children under Age 18 Headed by Mothers, Fathers, and Both Parents

As with other groups, there is no such thing as the Latino family. Some Latino families speak little or no English, while others have assimilated into U.S. culture to such an extent that they no longer speak Spanish.

machismo an emphasis on male strength and dominance

400 Chapter 12

Social class is more important in determining family life than is either being Latino or a family’s country of origin.

Asian American Families As you can see from Figure 12.8, Asian American children are more likely than children in the other racial– ethnic groups to grow up with both parents. This significant difference is a foundation for the higher educational and income attainments of Asian Americans that we discussed in Chapter 9. In addition, parents stress that their children represent the family in the community, that the child’s suc- cess brings honor to the family, but a child’s failure brings it shame (Zamiska 2004). Building on this, parents are more likely to use shame and guilt than physical punish- ment to control their children.

In Chapter 9, I emphasized how Asian Americans, like Latinos, are not a single group. That Asian Americans emigrated from many different countries means that their family life reflects not only differences of social class but also a variety of cultures. Here is an illustration of these differences: Compared with mothers from Korea, mothers from the Philippines are more likely to hold down full-time jobs outside the home. Filipino families are also more likely to be Roman Catholic, while Korean families are more likely to be Protestants (MLSAAF 2017).

This deep diversity shows up in other ways. Families whose origin is Japan, for example, tend to follow Confucian values that provide a framework for family life: humanism, collectivity, self-discipline, hierarchy, respect for the elderly, moderation, and obligation (Suzuki 1985). But because Asian Americans come from many different cultures, many Asian Americans are not even familiar with Confucianism.

Like Latinos, Asian American family life also differs by length of residence in the United States. As with immigrants everywhere, recent immigrants continue their old patterns, while the family life of Asian Americans who have been here for generations reflects few of the patterns of their country of origin.

Native American Families Perhaps the most significant issue that Native American families face is whether to follow traditional values or to assimilate into the dominant culture (Johnson 2014). This

primary distinction creates vast differences among families. The traditionals speak native languages and emphasize distinctive Native American values and beliefs. Those who have assimilated into the broader culture do not.

From Figure 12.8, you can see that the structure of Native American families is closest to those of Latinos and African Americans. In general, Native American parents are permissive with their chil- dren and avoid physical punishment. Elders play a much more active role in their children’s families than they do in most U.S. families. Elders, especially grandparents, not only provide child care but also teach and discipline children. Like others, Native American families differ by social class.

IN SUM From this brief review, you can see that race–ethnicity tells us little about family life. The keys

It is easy to see why there is no such thing as the Asian American family when you realize that Asian American is a general census category that lumps together groups from many nations. Shown here is an Asian American family, this one from Bangladesh.

To search for the Native American family would be fruitless. There are rural, urban, single-parent, extended, nuclear, rich, poor, traditional, and assimilated Native American families, to name just a few. This photo was taken on the Big Cypress Reservation near Hollywood, Florida.

Marriage and Family 401

to understanding, rather, are social class and culture. The more resources that families have, the more they follow the characteristics of middle-class nuclear families. Regardless of race–ethnicity, compared with the poor, middle-class families have fewer children and fewer unmarried mothers. They also place greater emphasis on educational achievement and deferred gratification.

One-Parent Families An indication of how extensively U.S. families are changing is the increase in one-parent families. Look at Figure 12.9. You can see the decline in the percent- age of U.S. children who live with two parents. Divorce is not the only reason for this change. Another is that single women who give birth are taking longer to get married (Gibson-Davis 2011).

The poverty rate of one-parent families is about four times higher than that of two-parent families (U.S. Census Bureau 2016d:Table 4). Because most women earn less than most men, one-parent families headed by moth- ers have even higher rates of poverty than one-parent families headed by men. Despite this, four of five children of divorce live with their mothers. The concerns—even alarm—that many express about one-parent families may have more to do with their poverty than with children being reared by one parent.

Couples without Children Like women around the world, most women in the United States give birth. However, one of six U.S. women does not (U.S. Census Bureau 2017a:Table 6). This number is double what it was 30 years ago. From Figure 12.10, you can see that the more educa- tion women have, the less likely they are to have children. You can also see how significant race-ethnicity is, that Latinas are the most likely to give birth.

Some couples are infertile, but most childless couples have made a choice to not have children—and they prefer the term childfree rather than childless. Some decide before marriage that they will never have children, often to attain a sense of freedom—to pursue a career, to travel, and to have less stress. Other couples keep postponing the time when they will have their first child until either it is too late to have children, or it seems too uncomfortable to add a child to their lifestyle.

And the future? We have several indicators that the per- centage of women who never bear children will increase: women going to school longer, more women career-oriented, birth control and legal abortion, the high cost of rearing chil- dren, and an emphasis on possessing material things. Here is how one woman expressed her view:

I’d rather continue traveling the world, running my business, getting massages, getting pedicures and manicures, working out with my trainer, enjoying great dining experiences and enjoying life to the fullest.

A couple summed up their reasons for choosing not to have children this way:

We are DINKS (Dual Incomes, No Kids). We are happily married. I am 43; my wife is 42. We have been married for








1970 1980 1990 2000

78% 72%


2010 2020*


The percentage of children under 18 who live with both parents

Figure 12.9 The Decline of Two- Parent Families

*Author’s estimate.

SOURCE: By the author. Based on Statistical Abstract of the United States 1995:Table 72; 2017:Table 67.

NOTE: These totals are for all women, ever married and never married.

SOURCE: U.S. Census Bureau 2017:Table 6.

Figure 12.10 What Percentage of U.S. Women Ages 40–44 Have Never Given Birth?

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By Race-Ethnicity By Education



402 Chapter 12

almost twenty years…. Our investment strategy has a lot to do with our personal philosophy: “You can have kids—or you can have everything else!” (in a newsletter).

Blended Families Two divorced people who marry and each bring their children into a new family unit form a blended family. With divorce common, millions of children spend some of their childhood in blended families. I’ve never seen a better explanation of how blended families can complicate family relationships than this description written by one of my freshman students:

I live with my dad. I should say that I live with my dad, my brother (whose mother and father are also my mother and father), my half sister (whose father is my dad, but whose mother is my father’s last wife), and two stepbrothers and stepsisters (children of my fa- ther’s current wife). My father’s wife (my current stepmother, not to be confused with his second wife who, I guess, is no longer my stepmother) is pregnant, and soon we all will have a new brother or sister. Or will it be a half brother or half sister?

If you can’t figure this out, I don’t blame you. I have trouble myself. It gets very complicated around Christmas. Should we all stay together? Split up and go to several other homes? Who do we buy gifts for, anyway?

Gay and Lesbian Families Until 2015, same-sex marriages were legal only in some states, but with the historic ruling of Obergefell v. Hodges, same-sex marriages became legal throughout the United States. Just as with heterosexual couples, for same-sex couples marriage is a big step as it immerses them in legal ties and obligations. Like heterosexual couples, gay and les- bian couples hope that marriage will make their relationship even more solid. Let’s see what researchers have found about same-sex relationships.

If you expect exotic differences of some sort, you are in for a disappointment. Research- ers have found that the main struggles of same-sex couples are housework, money, careers, problems with relatives, and sexual adjustment (Blumstein and Schwartz 1985). If these sound familiar, they should, as these are the same problems that heterosexual couples face. A major difference is that many same-sex couples face a stigma, sometimes accompanied by discrimination. As you can imagine, this complicates a couple’s relationship.

The similarity continues when it comes to relationships that sour. Breakups occur among same-sex marriages at the same rate as for heterosexual marriages (Gelman 2014;

Rosenfeld 2014). The reasons are also the same: disagreements about sex, how to spend money, how to rear children, romantic triangles, and so on. About 30 percent of lesbian couples and 17 percent of gay couples are rearing children, so these breakups bring the usual problems of custody and visitation (Gartrell et al. 2011).

CHILDREN REARED BY GAY AND LESBIAN COUPLES A concern expressed by many is that children reared by same-sex parents will have worse emotional adjustment than children reared by two biological par- ents. Researchers have tried to answer this question by comparing the children of heterosexual and gay and lesbian couples. Here is the latest research. As you can see, the results are mixed.

Research on a representative sample of 200,000 U.S. children, 512 of whom had same-sex parents, has stirred up controversy. Match- ing the children by age, race, and sex and the parents by income and education, the researcher found that children of same-sex parents were twice as likely to have emotional problems as children of opposite-sex parents (Sullins 2015). Other researchers who also used a large sample, the National Survey of Children’s Health, matched 95 female same-sex parents and 95 opposite-sex parents (Bos et al. 2016). They found that

blended family a family whose members were once part of other families

Views on whether same-sex couples should have the legal right to marry are marked by an age gap. Younger Americans are more likely to approve of same-sex marriages than are older Americans. This photo was taken in Holstein, Germany, where same-sex marriages are legal.

Marriage and Family 403

the female same-sex parents experienced more stress in rearing their children, but they found no differences in the outcomes for their children. Using smaller and less dependable samples, researchers in Holland found no difference in the problem behav- iors of children of same-sex and opposite-sex parents (van Rijnvan Gelderen et al. 2015). Researchers in Italy, who also had smaller samples, found that the emotional well-being of children of opposite-sex and same-sex parents were similar (Baiocco et al. 2015).

Around this research swirls controversy and ideology. Academics are generally polite as they criticize one another, but the Sullins’ research has been bluntly called “an argument presented in the form of science” (Green 2015). Researchers’ personal interests or sentiments are getting in the way of their objective examination of data. If research goes against their ideology, biases, or views, they feel threatened, angry, or even dis- gusted. The passionate points of view and arguments that surround this issue are rooted not in science but in people’s values. Truth can be determined only by objective research that follows the cannons of science, and—with passions put aside—by the objective anal- ysis of those data. Perhaps this will occur, and we will learn the answer to this question.

Trends in U.S. Families 12.5 Discuss changes in the timetable of family life, cohabitation, and elder care.

As is apparent from our discussion, marriage and family life in the United States is undergoing fundamental change. Let’s look at other major trends.

The Changing Timetable of Family Life: Marriage and Childbirth Figure 12.11 illustrates another profound change in U.S. marriage. As you can see, the average age of first-time brides and grooms declined from 1890 to about 1950. In 1890, the typical first-time bride was 22, but by 1950, she had just left her teens. For about 20 years, there was little change. Then in 1970, the average age took a sharp turn upward, and today’s average first-time bride and groom are older than at any other time in U.S. history.

A g


19 1890 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2010










2000 2020






Figure 12.11 When Do Americans Marry? The Changing Age at First Marriage

NOTE: This is the median age at first marriage. The broken lines indicate the author’s estimate.

SOURCES: By the author. Based on Fry 2014; U.S. Census Bureau 2016e

404 Chapter 12

Since postponing marriage is today’s norm, it may surprise you to learn that most U.S. women used to marry before they turned 24. To see this remarkable change, look at Figure 12.12. The percentage of women between 20 and 24 who are married is now less than a fifth of what it was in 1970. For men, it is less than a sixth. Just as couples are postponing marriage, so they are putting off having children. Today’s average U.S. woman now has her first child at age 26, the highest age in U.S. history (NCHS 2016).

What lies behind this change in postponing marriage? We can trace the primary reason to cohabitation. Although Americans are marrying later, they have not post- poned the age at which they first set up housekeeping with someone of the opposite sex. Let’s look at this change.

Cohabitation To see one of the most remarkable trends in the United States, look at Figure 12.13. This figure shows the increase in cohabitation, adults living together in a sexual relationship without being married. I know of no other social trend that has risen this steeply and consistently. Although cohabitation is most common among those ages 25 to 34 years old, it is by no means limited to the young. The average age of those who are cohabiting is 39 (Statistical Abstract 2017:Table 71). Cohabitation was once a furtive activity, but today’s cohabitants announce to friends—and often to parents—that they are moving in together, and they have a party at their newly shared apartment. This is a fundamental change in ideas of morality and relationships.

COHABITATION AND MARRIAGE: THE ESSENTIAL DIFFERENCE The essential dif- ference between cohabitation and marriage is commitment. In marriage, the assumption is permanence; in cohabitation, couples agree to remain together for “as long as it works out.” For marriage, individuals make public vows that legally bind them as a couple; for cohabitation, they simply move in together. Marriage requires a judge to authorize its termination, but if a cohabiting relationship sours, the couple separates, telling friends and family that “it didn’t work out.”








P e rc

e n ta

g e

















2010 2016


11% 12%



Figure 12.12 Americans Age 20–24 Who Have Married

NOTE: Includes widowed and divorced.

SOURCE: By the author. Based on Statistical Abstract of the United States 1993:Table 60; 2002:Table 48; 2012:Table 57; U.S. Census Bureau 2016f:Table A1.

Figure 12.13 Cohabitation in the United States

NOTE: Broken line indicates author’s estimate.

SOURCE: By the author. Based on U.S. Census Bureau 2007 and Statistical Ab- stract of the United States 1995:Table 60; 2017: Table 71.

N u m

b e r

o f

C o

u p

le s

(i n m

ill io

n s)


0 1970 1980 1990 20202010





















Marriage and Family 405

Within 3 years of cohabiting, 40 percent of couples decide to make this commitment, and they marry. Another 27 percent break up, and the rest continue to cohabit (Copen et al. 2013).

DOES COHABITATION MAKE MARRIAGE STRONGER? It would seem that cohabitation would make marriage stronger. Cohabiting couples share everyday living-together-experiences, giving them the chance to work out many problems before they marry. So, are couples who live together before marriage less likely to divorce than couples who did not cohabit before marriage? It turns out that their divorce rate is about the same (Manning and Cohen 2012). If this finding holds, we can conclude that cohabi- tation neither weakens nor strengthens marriage.

The “Sandwich Generation” and Elder Care The “sandwich generation” refers to people who find themselves sandwiched between and responsible for two other generations, their children and their own aging parents. Typically between the ages of 40 and 55, these people find themselves pulled in two directions. Many feel overwhelmed as these competing responsibili- ties collide. Some are plagued with guilt and anger because they can be in only one place at a time and are left with little time to pursue personal interests—or to just “get away from it all.” As during the child-rearing years, women provide more emotional support than men to both grown children and aging parents (Parker and Patten 2013).

With people living longer, this issue is likely to become increasingly urgent.

Divorce and Remarriage 12.6 Summarize problems in measuring divorce, research findings on children

and grandchildren of divorce, fathers’ contact after divorce, ex-spouses, and remarriage.

The topic of family life would not be complete without considering divorce. Let’s first try to determine how much divorce there is.

Ways of Measuring Divorce You probably have heard that the U.S. divorce rate is 50 percent, a figure that is popular with reporters. The statistic is true in the sense that each year about half as many divorces are granted as there are marriages performed. The totals are about 2 million marriages and 1 million divorces (Statistical Abstract 2017:Table 139).

What is wrong, then, with saying that the divorce rate is about 50 percent? Think about it for a moment. Why should we compare the number of divorces and marriages that take place during the same year? The couples who divorced do not—with rare exceptions—come from the group that married that year. The one number has nothing to do with the other, so in no way do these two statistics reveal the divorce rate.

What figures should we compare, then? Couples who divorce come from the entire group of married people in the country. Since the United States has 62,000,000 married couples and about 1 million of them get divorced in a year, the divorce rate for any given year is less than 2 percent. A couple’s chances of still being married at the end of a year are higher than 98 percent—not bad odds—and certainly much better odds than the mass media would have us believe. As the following Social Map shows, the “odds”—if we want to call them that—depend on where you live.

cohabitation unmarried couples living together in a sexual relationship

406 Chapter 12

Over time, of course, each year’s small percentage adds up. A third way of measuring divorce, then, is to ask, “Of all U.S. adults, what percentage is divorced?” Figure  12.15 answers this question. You can see how divorce has increased over the years and how race– ethnicity makes a difference for the likelihood that couples will divorce. But this figure only shows us the percentage of Americans who are currently divorced. Those who have remar- ried don’t show up here.

We get yet another answer if we ask the question, “What percentage of Americans who marry will ever divorce?” The best estimate is about 42 to 45 percent (Amato 2010; Stanley 2015). A divorce rate of 50 percent, then, is actually fairly accurate.

Lower than average: 1.5 to 2.8

Annual divorces per 1,000 people

Average: 2.9 to 3.5

Higher than average: 3.6 to 5.3

AK 4.0

HI 3.1

SC 2.9

NC 3.4

VA 3.5

WA 3.6

OR 3.4

CA 2.9

NV 5.3

ID 4.2

MT 3.4

WY 4.6

AZ 3.9 NM


CO 3.9

ND 2.8

SD 2.8

NE 3.1

KS 3.0

OK 4.5

TX 2.7

MN 2.6

IA 1.5

MO 3.3

AR 4.8

LA 2.3

WI 2.7

IL 2.2

KY 3.8

TN 3.8

MS 3.4

AL 3.8

GA 2.7

FL 4.0

IN 3.1

MI 3.0

WV 4.2

PA 2.7

NY 2.8

ME 3.6VT 3.5

UT 3.1

OH 3.2

Highest divorce rate

1. Nevada 5.3

2. Arkansas 4.8

Lowest divorce rate

1. Iowa 1.5

NH 3.5 MA 2.7

RI 2.8

CT 2.6 NJ 2.8

DE 3.3

MD 2.5

DC 2.6

3. Wyoming 4.6

2. Illinois 2.2

3. Louisiana 2.3

Figure 12.14 The “Where” of U.S. Divorce

NOTE: Data for several states are incomplete. For these, best estimates are used.

SOURCE: By the author. Based on Statistical Abstract of the United States 1995:Table 149; 2002:Table 111; 2017:Table 140.




11.2 10.4







P e rc

e n ta

g e



4.4 3.1




6.0 5.8



8.1 7.0





2010 2015

3.2 4.3

The Percentage of Americans Who Are Divorced

African Americans Whites Latinos Asian Americans

Figure 12.15 The Increase in Divorce

NOTE: This figure shows the percentage of those who are divorced and have not remarried, not the percentage of those who have ever divorced. Only these racial–ethnic groups are listed in the source. The source only recently added data on Asian Americans.

SOURCE: By the author. Based on Statistical Abstract of the United States 1995:Table 58; 2017:Table 57.

Marriage and Family 407

Divorce and Mixed Racial–Ethnic Marriages It is “common knowledge” that people who marry outside their racial–ethnic group have a higher divorce rate. This is true in gen- eral, but it is not quite this simple (Wang 2012). Researchers have found that it depends on “who marries whom.” The marriages most likely to break up are those between African American men and white women. Their rate is much higher than the national average. For marriages between Latinos and whites, the divorce rate is less than this, but it is still higher than the U.S. average.

The researchers also came up with a major surprise: Some mixed marriages, as they are called, have a lower divorce rate than the U.S. average. Two types of mixed marriages are more durable than the national average: those between Asian Americans and whites and those in which the husband is white and the wife is African American. Why these marriages are stronger is not known at present.

Symbolic Interactionism and the Misuse of Statistics The statistics on divorce can be frightening. In the next Applying Sociology to Your Life, let’s see how these statistics will apply to you if you marry.

Applying Sociology to Your Life “What Are Your Chances of Getting Divorced? The Misuse of Statistics”

As you have seen, over a lifetime, close to half of all marriages fail. If you have that 50 percent figure dancing in your head while you are getting married, you might as well make sure that you have an escape hatch open even while you’re saying “I do.”

You might be interested in Table 12.2. As you can see, marriage is more likely to last for people who go to college, participate in a religion, wait until marriage before having children, and earn higher incomes. You can also see that having parents who did not divorce is significant. If you reverse these factors, you will see how the likelihood of divorce increases for people who have a baby before they marry, who have low incomes, and so on.

Student Concerns Many students are concerned about divorce statistics. They read about the (close to) 50 percent divorce rate, know that their parents divorced, or have a low income, and so on, sta- tistics that make them afraid that their marriage will fail. What

do these statistics actually say about your chances of divorce?

The Statistics Apply to Groups If the divorce rate were 33 percent or 50 percent, this would not mean that if you marry, your chances of get- ting divorced are 33 percent or 50 percent. If people who don’t finish college have a higher chance of divorce, this does not mean that

Table 12.2 What Reduces the Risk of Divorce?

Factors That Reduce People’s Chances of Divorce

How Much Does This Decrease the Risk of Divorce?

Some college (vs. high-school dropout) −13%

Affiliated with a religion (vs. none) −14%

Parents not divorced −14%

Age 25 or over at marriage (vs. under 18) −24%

Having a baby 7 months or longer after marriage (vs. before marriage)


Annual income over $25,000 (vs. under $25,000)


NOTE: These percentages apply to the first ten years of marriage. SOURCE: Whitehead and Popenoe 2004; Copen et al. 2013.

This fanciful depiction of marital trends may not be too far off the mark.


408 Chapter 12

Divorce can have serious consequences, as you know. Let’s begin with children.

Children of Divorce Divorce is especially hard on children. Let’s first see what those negative effects are, then what helps children adjust to divorce.

NEGATIVE EFFECTS Children whose parents divorce are more likely than children reared by both parents to have behavioral problems, to get poor grades and drop out of high school, and to get in trouble with the law (Amato 2000, 2010; Haimi and Lerner 2016). They are also more likely to divorce, perpetuating a marriage–divorce cycle (Cui and Fincham 2010). These negative effects are more common for children in poverty (Mandemakers and Kalmijn 2014).

Is the greater maladjustment of the children of divorce a serious problem? This question initiated a lively debate between two psychologists. Judith Wallerstein claims that divorce scars children, making them depressed and leaving them with insecurities that follow them into adulthood (Wallerstein et al. 2001). Mavis Hetherington replies that 75 to 80 percent of children of divorce function as well as children who are reared by both of their parents (Hetherington and Kelly 2003).

Without meaning to weigh in on either side of this debate, it doesn’t seem to be a simple case of the glass being half-empty or half-full. If 75 to 80 percent of children of

divorce don’t suffer long-term harm, this leaves one-fourth to one-fifth who do. Any way you look at it, one-fourth or one- fifth of a million children each year is a lot of kids who are hav- ing a lot of problems.

WHAT HELPS CHILDREN ADJUST TO DIVORCE? The chil- dren who feel close to both parents make the best adjustment, and those who don’t feel close to either parent make the worst adjust- ment (Richardson and McCabe 2001). Children have an especially difficult time when one parent tries to undermine the other. These children are more likely to be depressed and insecure—even after they are grown up (Ben-Ami and Baker 2012). Children adjust well if they experience little conflict, feel loved, live with a parent who is making a good adjustment, and have consistent routines.

your chances of divorce increase if you don’t graduate from college.

Why? Because divorce statistics represent all marriag- es. They have nothing to do with your marriage. You are an individual, not a group. Statistics on groups don’t apply to you, only to those particular groups. To apply them to indi- viduals is a misuse of statistics—and a common one at that.

This is good news. The idea of a 50 percent chance of getting divorced can be depressing.

Applying Symbolic Interactionism Your chances depend on your situation, over which you have a great deal of control. Especially important is the way you approach marriage.

To make this point clearer, let’s apply symbolic inter- actionism. From a symbolic interactionist perspective, you create our own worlds. That is, because your experienc- es don’t come with built-in meanings, you interpret your experiences and act accordingly. As you do so, you can create a self-fulfilling prophecy that either helps your mar-

riage succeed or hurts your marriage, that either decreases or increases the chances that you will divorce. For example, if you think that your marriage might fail, you are more likely to run when things become difficult. If you think that your marriage is going to work out, you are more likely to stick around and do things to make your marriage successful.

The folk saying “There are no guarantees in life” is certain- ly true, but it does help to have a vision that a good marriage is possible and that it is worth the effort to work things out.

For Your Consideration → Why can’t you figure your chances of divorce by adding

the percentages that sociologists have worked out (say 14 percent less likelihood of divorce if your parents are not di- vorced, another 13 percent for going to college, and so on)?

→ Why do you think that, as a group, people who go to college have a lower risk of divorce?

→ How would you explain the other factors shown in Table 12.2?

Divorce often summarizes nasty, bitter feelings. What feelings do you think Kevin Cotter was expressing when he posed his ex-wife’s wedding dress as Darth Vader? He has also dragged the dress behind his car.

Marriage and Family 409

It also helps if their family has adequate money to meet its needs. Children also adjust better if a second adult can be counted on for support (Hayashi and Strickland 1998). Urie Bron- fenbrenner (1992) said that this person is like the third leg of a stool, giving stability to the smaller family unit. Any adult can be the third leg, he said—a relative, friend, or even a former mother-in-law—but the most powerful stabilizing third leg is the father, the ex-husband. (For children living with their father, it is the mother, of course.)

PERPETUATING DIVORCE As you saw in Table 12.2, when the children of divorce grow up and marry, they are more likely to divorce than are adults who grew up in intact families. Have researchers found any factors that increase the chances that the children of divorce will have successful marriages? Actually, they have. Children of divorce are more likely to have a lasting marriage if they marry someone whose parents did not divorce. These marriages have more trust and less conflict. If both husband and wife come from broken families, however, it is not good news. Those marriages tend to have less trust and more conflict, leading to a higher chance of divorce (Wolfinger 2003).

Grandchildren of Divorce: Ripples to the Future Paul Amato and Jacob Cheadle (2005), the first sociologists to study the grandchildren of couples who had divorced, found that the effects of divorce continue across generations. Using a national sample, they compared grandchildren—those whose grandparents had divorced with those whose grandparents had not divorced. Their findings are astounding. The grandchildren of divorce have weaker ties to their parents, don’t go as far in school, and don’t get along as well with their spouses. As these researchers put it, when parents divorce, the consequences ripple through the lives of children who are not yet born.

Fathers’ Contact with Children after Divorce With most children living with their mothers after divorce, how often do fathers see their children? As you can see from Table 12.3, researchers have found four main patterns. The most common pattern is for fathers to see their children frequently after the divorce and to keep doing so. But as you can see, a similar number of fathers have little contact with their children both right after the divorce and in the following years.

Which fathers are more likely to see and talk often to their children? It is men who were married to the moth- ers of the children, especially those who are older, more educated, and have higher incomes. In contrast, men who were cohabiting with the mothers, as well as younger, less educated men with lower incomes, tend to have less contact with their children. If his former wife marries, the father tends to see his children less (Berger et al. 2012).

The Ex-Spouses Anger, depression, and anxiety are common feelings at divorce. But so is relief. Women are more likely than men to feel that divorce is giving them a “new chance” in life. A few couples manage to remain friends through it all; but they are the exception. The spouse who initiates the divorce usually gets over it sooner (Kelly 1992; Wang and Amato 2000) and remarries sooner (Sweeney 2002).

Divorce does not necessarily mean the end of a couple’s relationship. Many divorced couples maintain contact because of their children. For others, the continuities, as sociologists call them, represent lingering attachments (Vaughan 1985; Masheter 1991; author ’s file 2005). The former husband may help his former wife paint a room or move furniture; she may invite him over for a meal or to watch television. They might even go to dinner or to see a movie together. Some couples even continue to make love after they divorce.

Table 12.3 Fathers’ Contact with their Children after Divorce Frequent1 Minimal2 Decrease3 Increase4

38% 32% 23% 8% 1Maintains contact once a week or more through the years. 2Little contact after the divorce, maybe two to six times a year. 3Has frequent contact after the divorce but decreases it through the years. 4Has little contact after the divorce but increases it through the years. Sometimes called the “divorce activated” father.

SOURCE: By the author: Based on Cheadle et al. 2010.

410 Chapter 12

Remarriage: “I Do” Again and Again How common is remarriage? Look at Figure 12.16. As you can see, three of five couples getting married today are saying “I do” for the first time. Two of five have said “I do” at least once before, sometimes several times.

How do remarriages work out? If there is no blended family—no children being brought into the new marriage—the divorce rate is about the same as that of first marriages. But bringing children into a marriage adds stress, and these couples are more likely to divorce (MacDonald and DeMaris 1995). One problem is that these families lack clear norms: They have to work out how they are related to one another and what their relationships require. Names indicate how awkward their relation- ships are: What do step-mother, step-father, step-brother, step-sister, and

so on mean? These terms represent ill-defined relationships (Cherlin 1989). Perhaps the “real” family happens when step-mother becomes Mom and step-father becomes Dad.

Two Sides of Family Life 12.7 Summarize the dark and bright sides of family life.

Let’s first look at situations in which marriage and family have gone seriously wrong and then try to answer the question of what makes marriage work.

The Dark Side of Family Life: Battering, Child Abuse, Marital Rape, and Incest The dark side of family life involves events that people would rather keep in the dark. We will look at spouse battering, child abuse, rape, and incest.

SPOUSE BATTERING This might surprise you, but based on a national sample, in one of four cases of domestic violence it is the man who is the victim (Truman and Morgan 2014). From his own research, sociologist Murray Straus (2011) concludes that wives attack their husbands as often as husbands attack their wives. With most men bigger and stronger than most women, however, women are more likely to be injured.

That women initiate domestic violence as often as men do blows away stereotypes. It also has serious implications: If we want to curb violence, we should not concentrate on men but, instead, on both men and women. The basic sociological question, then, is how to socialize both males and females to handle frustration and disagreements without resorting to violence. We do not yet have this answer.


I answered an ad about a lakeside house in a middle-class neighborhood that was for sale by owner. As the woman showed me through her immaculate home, I was surprised to see a plywood box in the youngest child’s bedroom. About 3 feet high, 3 feet wide, and 6 feet long, the box was perforated with holes and had a little door with a padlock. Curious, I asked what it was. The woman replied matter-of-factly that her son had a behavior prob- lem, and this was where they locked him for “time out.” She added that sometimes they would tie him to a float, attach a line to the dock, and put him in the lake.

I left as soon as I could. With thoughts of a terrorized child filling my head, I called the state child abuse hotline.

As you can tell, what I saw upset me. Most of us are bothered by child abuse— helpless children being victimized by their parents and other adults who are supposed to love, protect, and nurture them. The most gruesome of these cases make the evening

Figure 12.16 The Marital History of U.S. Brides and Grooms

SOURCE: By the author. Based on Livingston and Caumont 2017.

Remarriage: Both husband and wife

First Marriages

Today’s Newlyweds: Their Marital History

Remarriage: Either husband or wife


60% 20%

Wives and husbands are equally as likely to initiate violence, but unlike this photo, wives are more likely to be injured.

Marriage and Family 411

news: The 4-year-old girl who was beaten and raped by her mother ’s boyfriend, passed into a coma, and three days later passed out of this life; the 6- to 10-year-old children whose stepfather videotaped them engaging in sex acts. Unlike these cases, which made headlines in my area, most child abuse is never brought to our attention: the children who live in filth, who are neglected—left alone for hours or even days at a time—or who are beaten with extension cords—and cases like the little boy I learned about when I went house hunting.

Child abuse is extensive. Each year, U.S. authorities receive about 2 million reports of children being abused or neglected. More than 3 million children are involved in these reports. After investigating, authorities find that about 700,000 of the children have been abused or neglected (Children’s Bureau 2017). The excuses that parents make are incred- ible. Of those I have read, the most fantastic is what a mother said to a Manhattan judge: “I slipped in a moment of anger, and my hands accidentally wrapped around my daugh- ter’s windpipe” (LeDuff 2003).

MARITAL AND INTIMACY RAPE Marital rape seems to be more common than is usually supposed (National Intimate Partner… 2017). Sociologist Diana Russell (1990) used a sampling technique that allows generalization, but only to San Francisco. Four- teen percent of married women told her that their husbands had raped them. In inter- views with a representative sample of Boston women, 10 percent reported that their husbands had used physical force to compel them to have sex (Finkelhor and Yllo 1985, 1989). Compared with victims of rape by strangers or acquaintances, victims of marital rape are less likely to report the rape (Mahoney 1999).

With the huge numbers of couples who are cohabiting, we need a term that includes sexual assault in intimate but nonmarital relationships. Let’s use the term intimate partner rape. This term will apply to both heterosexual and homosexual relationships. Sociologist Lori Girshick (2002) interviewed women who had been sexually assaulted by their female partners. Girshick points out that if the pronoun “he” were substituted for “she” in her interviews, a reader would believe that the events were told by women who had been raped by male partners. Just as in heterosexual rape, these victims suffered from shock, depression, and self-blame.

INCEST Sexual relations between certain relatives (for example, between brothers and sisters or between parents and children) constitute incest. Incest is most likely to occur in families that are socially isolated (Smith 1992). Sociol- ogist Diana Russell (n.d.) found that incest victims who experience the greatest trauma are those who were victimized the most often, whose assaults occurred over longer periods of time, and whose incest was “more intrusive”—for example, sexual intercourse as opposed to sexual touching.

Incest can occur between any family members, but apparently the most common form is sex between children. An analysis of 13,000 cases of sibling incest showed that three-fourths of the incest was initiated by a brother who was 5 years older than his sister (Krienert and Walsh 2011). In one-fourth of the cases, the victim was a younger brother, and in 13 percent of the cases, the offender was an older sister. Most offenders are between the ages of 13 and 15, and most victims are age 12 or younger. Most parents treat incest as a family matter to be dealt with privately.

The Bright Side of Family Life: Successful Marriages On the bright side, marriage improves people’s health (Siegler et al. 2013). Compared with single people, most married people also have more sex, are happier, have less

incest sexual relations between spec- ified relatives, such as broth- ers and sisters or parents and children

What is unusual about this German couple is not that they have four children but that they are brother and sister. The European Court ruled against their challenge to Germany’s incest laws. They insist they have done nothing wrong and they are in love. What do you think?

412 Chapter 12

depression, and are less likely to abuse drugs (Emery et al. 2012). And the more success- ful the marriage, the better all of these good things are.

But what makes marriage successful? Let’s try to find out.

SUCCESSFUL MARRIAGES Sociologists Jeanette and Robert Lauer (1992) interviewed 351 couples who had been married 15 years or longer. Fifty-one of these marriages were unhappy. The couples had stayed together for religious reasons, because of family tradi- tion, or “for the sake of the children.”

What about the 300 happy couples? They all

1. Consider their spouse to be their best friend

2. Like their spouse as a person

3. Think of marriage as a long-term commitment

4. Believe that marriage is sacred

5. Agree on aims and goals

6. Believe that their spouse has grown more interesting over the years

7. Strongly want the relationship to succeed

8. Laugh together

Sociologist Nicholas Stinnett (1992) studied 660 families from the United States and South America. He found that the happy families

1. Spend a lot of time together

2. Are quick to express appreciation

3. Promote one another’s welfare

4. Do a lot of talking and listen to one another

5. Are religious

6. Deal with crises in a positive manner

Here are three more important factors, which won’t surprise you: Marriages are happier when couples enjoy leisure activities together (Crawford et al. 2002), agree on  how to spend money (Bernard 2008), and get along with their in-laws (Bryant et al. 2001).

The Future of Marriage and Family 12.8 Explain the likely future of marriage and family.

What can we expect of marriage and family in the future? We can first note that marriage is so functional that it exists in every society. Despite its many problems, then, marriage is in no danger of becoming a relic of the past, and the vast majority of Americans will continue to find marriage vital to their welfare.

We can catch a glimpse of the future by considering trends that are firmly in place. Cohabitation, births to single women, and the age at first marriage will increase. As more married women join the workforce, wives will continue to gain marital power. As the number of elderly increase, more couples will find themselves sandwiched between car- ing for their parents and rearing their own children.

Our culture will continue to be haunted by distorted images of marriage and family: the bleak ones portrayed in the mass media and the rosy ones perpetuated by cultural myths. Sociological research can help correct these distortions and allow us to see how our own family experiences fit into the patterns of our culture. Sociological research can also help to answer the big question: How do we formulate social policies that support and enhance the quality of family life?

Marriage and Family 413

Summary and Review

Marriage and Family in Global Perspective 12.1 Define marriage and family, and summarize their

common cultural themes.

What is a family, and what themes are universal?

Family is difficult to define because there are exceptions to every element that you might consider essential. Consequently, family is defined broadly—as people who consider themselves related by blood, marriage, or adop- tion. Universally, marriage and family are mechanisms for governing mate selection, reckoning descent, and estab- lishing inheritance and authority.

Marriage and Family in Theoretical Perspective 12.2 Contrast the functionalist, conflict, and symbolic

interactionist perspectives on marriage and family.

What is a functionalist perspective on marriage and family?

Functionalists examine the functions and dysfunctions of family life. Examples include the incest taboo and how weakened family functions increase divorce.

What is a conflict perspective on marriage and family?

Conflict theorists focus on inequality in marriage, especially unequal and changing power between hus- bands and wives.

What is a symbolic interactionist perspective on marriage and family?

Symbolic interactionists examine the contrasting experi- ences and perspectives of men and women in marriage. They stress that only by grasping the perspectives of wives and husbands can we understand their behavior.

The Family Life Cycle 12.3 Summarize research on love and courtship,

marriage, childbirth, child rearing, and family transitions.

What are the major elements of the family life cycle?

The major elements are love and courtship, marriage, childbirth, child rearing, and the family in later life. Most mate selection follows patterns of age, social class, and race–ethnicity. Childrearing patterns vary by social class.

Diversity in U.S. Families 12.4 Summarize research on families: African

American, Latino, Asian American, Native American, one-parent, couples without children, blended, and gay and lesbian.

How significant is race–ethnicity in family life?

The primary distinction is social class, not race–ethnicity. Families of the same social class are likely to be similar, regardless of their race–ethnicity.

What other diversity do we see in U.S. families?

Also discussed are one-parent, childless, blended, and gay and lesbian families. Each has its unique characteristics, but social class is important in determining their primary characteristics. Poverty is especially significant for one- parent families, most of which are headed by women.

Trends in U.S. Families 12.5 Discuss changes in the timetable of family life,

cohabitation, and elder care.

What major changes characterize U.S. families?

Three major changes are postponement of first marriage, an increase in cohabitation, and having the first child at a later age. With more people living longer, many middle-aged couples find themselves sandwiched be- tween rearing their children and taking care of their ag- ing parents.

Divorce and Remarriage 12.6 Summarize problems in measuring divorce,

research findings on children and grandchildren of divorce, fathers’ contact after divorce, ex-spouses, and remarriage.

What is the current divorce rate?

Depending on what numbers you choose to compare, you can produce rates between 2 percent and 50 percent.

How do children and their parents adjust to divorce?

Divorce is difficult for children whose adjustment problems often continue into adulthood. Consequences of divorce are passed on to grandchildren. Fathers who have frequent contact with their children after a divorce are likely to maintain it.

414 Chapter 12

Two Sides of Family Life 12.7 Summarize the dark and bright sides of family life.

What are the two sides of family life?

The dark side is abuse—spouse battering, child abuse, marital rape, and incest, all a misuse of family power. The bright side is that most people find marriage and family to be rewarding.

The Future of Marriage and Family 12.8 Explain the likely future of marriage and family.

What is the likely future of marriage and family?

We can expect cohabitation, births to unmarried women, and age at first marriage to increase. The growing numbers of women in the workforce are likely to continue to shift the balance of marital power.

Thinking Critically about Chapter 12 1. Functionalists stress that the family is universal

because it provides basic functions for individuals and society. What functions does your family pro- vide? Hint: In addition to the section “The Function- alist Perspective,” also consider the section “Common Cultural Themes.”

2. Explain why social class is more important than race– ethnicity in determining a family’s characteristics.

3. Apply this chapter’s contents to your own experience with marriage and family. What social factors affect your family life? In what ways is your family life different from that of your grandparents when they were your age?

Elegant Pastime, Calligraphy, ca. 1700, Kano Tansetsu (painting on screen)


Learning Objectives

After you have read this chapter, you should be able to:

13.1 Understand how education is related to a nation’s culture and economy; compare education in Japan, Russia, and Egypt.

13.2 Apply the functionalist perspective by explaining the functions of education.

13.3 Apply the conflict perspective by explaining how the educational system reproduces the social class structure.

13.4 Apply the symbolic interactionist perspective by explaining the significance of teacher expectations.

13.5 Discuss mediocrity in education, grade inflation, social promo- tion, raising standards, cheating by administrators, and violence in schools.

13.6 Explain what Durkheim meant by sacred and profane and discuss the three elements of religion.

13.7 Apply the functionalist perspective to religion: functions and dysfunctions.

13.8 Apply the symbolic interactionist perspective to religion: symbols, rituals, beliefs, and religious experience.

13.9 Apply the conflict perspective to religion: opium of the people and legitimating social inequalities.

13.10 Explain Weber’s analysis of how religion broke tradition and brought capitalism.

13.11 Compare cult, sect, church, and ecclesia.

13.12 Summarize the main features of religion in the United States.

13.13 Discuss the likely future of religion.

Chapter 13

Education and Religion

Education and Religion 417

Kathy Spiegel was upset. Horace Mann, the school principal in her hometown in Oregon, had asked her to come to his office. He explained that Kathy’s 11-year-old twins had been acting up in class. They were disturbing other children and the teacher—and what was Kathy going to do about this?

Kathy didn’t want to tell Mr. Mann what he could do with the situation. That would have gotten her kicked out of the office. Instead, she bit her tongue and said she would talk to her daughters.

* * * * * On the other side of the country, Jim and Julia Attaway were pondering their own prob-

lem. When they visited their son’s school in the Bronx, they didn’t like what they saw. The boys looked like they were little gangsta wannabes, and the girls dressed and acted as though they were sexually active. Their own 13-year-old son had started using street language at home, and it was becoming increasingly difficult to talk to him.

* * * * * In Minneapolis, Denzil and Tamika Jefferson were facing a much quieter crisis. They found

life frantic as they hurried from one school activity to another. Their 13-year-old son attend- ed a private school, and the demands were so intense that it felt like the junior year in high school. They no longer seemed to have any relaxed family time together.

* * * * * In Atlanta, Jaime and Maria Morelos were upset at the ideas that their 8-year-old daugh-

ter had begun to express at home. As devout first-generation Protestants, Jaime and Maria felt moral issues were a top priority, and they didn’t like what they were hearing.

* * * * * Kathy talked the matter over with her husband, Bob. Jim and Julia discussed their prob-

lem, as did Denzil and Tamika and Jaime and Maria. They all came to the same conclusion: The problem was not their children. The problem was the school their children attended. All four sets of parents also came to the same solution: home schooling for their children.

Home schooling might seem to be a radical solution to problems in education, but it is one that the parents of 1.8 million U.S. children have chosen. We’ll come back to this topic, but, first, let’s take a broad look at education.

“Kathy’s 11-year-old twins were disturbing other children and the teacher—and what was Kathy going to do about this?”

■ Education: Transferring Knowledge and Skills To understand how education is related to a nation's culture and economy, let's trace the development of uni- versal education and then compare education in three countries at different levels of industrialization.

Education in Global Perspective 13.1 Understand how education is related to a na-

tion’s culture and economy; compare education in Japan, Russia, and Egypt.

Have you ever wondered why people need a high school diploma to sell cars or to join the U.S. Marines? You will learn what you need to know on the job. Why do employers insist on diplomas and degrees? Why don’t they simply use on-the-job training?

In some cases, job skills must be mastered before you are allowed to do the work. On-the-job training was once adequate to become an engineer or an airline pilot, but with changes in information and technology, it is no

The cartoonist captures a primary reason that we have become a credential society.

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418 Chapter 13

longer sufficient. This is precisely why doctors display their credentials so prominently. Their framed degrees declare that an institution of higher learning has certified them to work on your body.

But testing in algebra or paragraph construction to sell sheets at Target or to serve bur- ritos at Chipotle? As sociologist Randall Collins (1979) said, industrialized nations have become credential societies. By this, he meant that employers use diplomas and degrees as sorting devices to determine who is eligible for a job. Because employers don’t know potential workers, they depend on schools to weed out the incapable. For example, when you graduate from college, potential employers will presume that you are a responsible person—that you have shown up for numerous classes, have turned in scores of assign- ments, and have demonstrated basic writing and thinking skills. They will then graft their particular job skills onto this foundation, which has been certified by your college.

Education and Industrialization Let’s look at how the universal education that we take for granted came about.

INDUSTRIALIZATION AND MANDATORY EDUCATION In the early years of the United States, most people worked on farms, and there was no free public education. But by 1918, all U.S. states had mandatory education laws requiring children to attend school, usually until they completed the eighth grade or turned 16, whichever came first. Graduation from the eighth grade marked the end of education for most people. “Drop- outs” at that time were students who did not complete grade school.

It is no coincidence that universal education and industrialization occurred at the same time. The economy was changing from farm to factory, and as political and civic

leaders observed this transformation, they recognized the need for an educated workforce. They also feared the influx of “foreign” values and looked at public education as a way to “Americanize” immigrants (Jones and Meyer 2010).

THE EXPANSION OF EDUCATION As industrializa- tion increased, fewer people made their living from farm- ing. Even more years of formal education then came to be regarded as essential to the well-being of society. As more and more students graduated from high school, the demand for a college education grew. Free education stopped with high school, however, and with the distance to the nearest college too far and the cost of tuition and lodging too great, few high school graduates were able to attend college. As discussed in the following Down-to-Earth Sociology, this pre- dicament gave birth to community colleges.

credential society the use of diplomas and degrees to determine who is eligible for jobs, even though the diploma or degree may be irrelevant to the actual work

mandatory education laws laws that require all children to attend school until a specified age or until they complete a minimum grade in school

A primary purpose of early public education was the “Americanization” of immigrants. This meant turning immigrants into Americans, that is, assimilating them into dominant values and orientations. This photo from 1926 was taken in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, where 98 percent of the students were children of immigrants.

Down-to-Earth Sociology Community Colleges: Facing Old and New Challenges I attended a junior college in Oakland, California. From there, with fresh diploma in hand, I transferred to a senior college—a college in Fort Wayne, Indiana, that had no freshmen or sophomores.

I didn’t realize that my experimental college matched the vision of some of the founders of the community college movement. In the early 1900s, they foresaw a system of local colleges that would be accessible to the average

high school graduate—a system so extensive that it would be unnecessary for universities to offer courses at the freshman and sophomore levels (Handel 2013).

A group with an equally strong opinion questioned whether preparing high school graduates for entry to 4-year colleges and universities should be the goal of junior colleges. They insisted that the purpose of junior colleges should be vocational preparation, to equip people for jobs such as

Education and Religion 419

The expansion of education marched hand in hand with the advance of industrial- ization, a pace it has continued during our post-industrialized society. As you can see from Figure 13.1, receiving a bachelor ’s degree is now more than twice as common as completing high school used to be. Two of every three (68 percent) high school graduates enter college (Statistical Abstract 2017:Table 288).

To place our own educational system in global perspective, let’s look at education in three countries at different levels of industrializa- tion. This will help us see how education is related to a nation’s culture and its economy.

Education in the Most Industrialized Nations: Japan Japanese students outscore U.S. students. Why? One reason is that hardly any nation takes education as seriously as Japan does. One of five students in Japan attends a cram school (juku) (“Japan’s Shrinking…” 2017). These schools operate after the regular school day.

electricians and other technicians. In some regions, where the proponents of transfer dominated, the admissions requirements for junior colleges were higher than those of Yale (Pedersen 2001). This debate was never won by either side, and you can still hear its echoes today (Levin et al. 2017).

The name junior college also became a problem. Some felt that the word junior made their institution sound as though it weren’t quite a real college. A struggle to change the name ensued, and several decades ago, community college won out. The name change didn’t settle the debate about whether the purpose was preparing students to transfer to universities or training them for jobs, however. Community colleges continue to serve this dual purpose.

Community colleges have become such an essential part of the U.S. educational system that 37 percent of all undergraduates in the United States are enrolled in them (Statistical Abstract 2017:Table 291). They have become the major source of the nation’s emergency medical technicians, firefighters, nurses, and police officers. Most students are nontraditional students: Many are age 25 or older, come from the working class, have jobs and children, and attend college part-time (J. C. Chen 2017).

To help students transfer to 4-year colleges and universities, many community colleges and 4-year public and private universities are working closely together (Korn 2017). Some community colleges coordinate courses with universities, making sure they match the university’s title and numbering system, as well as its rigor of instruction and

grading. Many offer honors programs that prepare talented students to transfer with ease into these schools.

An emerging trend is for community colleges to become 4-year colleges without changing their names

(Elfman 2016). Some are now granting work-related baccalaureate degrees in such areas as teaching, nursing, and public safety. This raises the question: Will these community colleges eventually develop into full 4-year colleges, perhaps even creating the need to establish 2-year community colleges to supplement them?

Community colleges face continuing challenges. They must secure adequate funding in the face of declining resources, adjust to changing

job markets, and maintain quality instruction and campus security. Other challenges include offering financial aid, remedial and online courses, and flex schedules. Still other challenges are teaching students for whom English is a second language and providing on-campus day care for parents. A pressing need is to increase graduation rates. For this, a promising course of action, guided pathways, is being developed: focused first-year orientation, helping students select end goals, more personalized advising, faculty mentoring, and closer monitoring of students’ progress (Dembicki 2017).

For Your Consideration → Do you think the primary goal of community

colleges should be to train students for jobs or to prepare them to transfer to 4-year colleges and universities? Why?

Community colleges have opened higher education to millions of students who would not otherwise have access to college because of cost or distance.

These high school students in Fukuoka, Japan, who are completing their cram school courses, are raising their fists in enthusiastic hope of success in their coming university entrance exams.

420 Chapter 13

Another unique aspect of Japanese education is that during the regular school day, all grade school children study the same page from the same textbook (“Less Rote …” 2000). This vast uniformity is accompanied by a personal touch: Teachers are required to visit each student’s home once a year (Yamamoto and Brinton 2010).

A central sociological principle of education is that a nation’s education ref lects its culture. Studying the same materials at the same time reflects the core Japanese value of solidar- ity with the group. In the workforce, people who are hired together are not expected to compete with one another for promotions. Instead, they are promoted as a group (Inat- sugu 2011). Japanese education reflects this group-centered approach to life.

In a fascinating cultural contradiction, college admission in Japan is highly compet- itive, and this is where the cram schools come in. The Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT), taken by college-bound high school students in the United States, is voluntary. Japa- nese seniors who want to attend college, however, must take a national test (“575,966 Students …” 2017). U.S. students who perform poorly on their tests can usually find some college to attend—as long as their parents can pay the tuition. Until recently, in Japan, only the top scorers—rich and poor alike—were admitted to college. Because Japan’s birth rate has dropped so low, more space is available, and it is now easier for students to get into college. Competition for entrance to the best colleges, however, remains intense (Kazuyoshi 2015; Bothwell 2017).

As in the United States, children from Japan’s richer families score higher on college admission tests and are more likely to attend the nation’s elite colleges (Okada 2012). In both countries, children born in richer families inherit privileges that give them advantages over others. Among these privileges, which sociologists call cultural capital, are having more highly educated parents, encouragement and pressure to bring home top grades, and cultural experiences that translate into higher test scores.

A major change is occurring in Japan’s colleges and universities, one that mirrors the community college debate we discussed earlier. For its lower-tier schools, govern- ment officials have decided to de-emphasize arts, literature, history, and the social sci- ences and stress preparation for jobs (Obe 2015). For the upper-level universities, they are increasing funding for research, with the goal of increasing from two to ten the number of Japan’s universities that are in the world’s top one hundred.

cultural capital privileges accompanying a social location that help someone in life; included are more highly educated parents, from grade school through high school be- ing pushed to bring home high grades, and enjoying cultural experiences that translate into higher test scores, better jobs, and higher earnings

Figure 13.1 Educational Achievement in the United States

NOTE: Americans 25 years and over. Asterisk indicates author’s estimate. College graduates are included in both cate- gories (high school and higher, and college graduates).

SOURCE: By the author. Based on National Center for Education Statistics 1991:Table 8; Statistical Abstract of the United States 2017:Table 254.











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High school and higher College graduates

1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020*

Education and Religion 421

Education in the Industrializing Nations: Russia Before the Russian Revolution of 1917, the czar had been expanding Russia’s educational sys- tem beyond the children of the elite (Andreev 2012). The Soviet Communist party continued this expansion until education encompassed all children. True to the sociological principle that education reflects culture, the new government saw education as a way to undergird the new political system and made certain that socialist values dominated its schools. Schoolchil- dren were taught that capitalism was evil and communism was the salvation of the world. Every classroom was required to prominently display photographs of Lenin and Stalin.

Under the Soviets, education, including college, was free. Just as the economy was directed from central headquarters in Moscow, so was education. Each school followed the same state-prescribed curriculum, and all students in the same grade used the same text- books. Schools stressed mathematics and the natural sciences. To prevent critical thinking, which might lead to criticisms of communism, there were few courses in the social sciences. Students memorized course materials, repeating lectures on oral exams (Deaver 2001).

Russia’s switch from communism to capitalism brought a change in culture— especially new ideas about profit, private property, and personal freedom. This, in turn, meant that the educational system had to adjust to the country’s changing values and views of the world. Not only did the photos of Lenin and Stalin come down, but also, for the first time, private, religious, and even foreign-run schools were allowed. For the first time as well, teachers were able to encourage students to think for themselves.

The problems that Russia confronted in “reinventing” its educational system were mind-boggling. Tens of thousands of teachers who had been teaching students to mem- orize Party-dictated political answers had to learn new methods of teaching. As the econ- omy faltered during Russia’s early transition to capitalism, school budgets dwindled. Some teachers went unpaid for months; instead of money, at one school, teachers were paid in the strange combination of toilet paper and vodka (Deaver 2001). Teachers are now paid regularly (and in money), but the salaries are low. Average salaries in Russia are difficult to document, but university professors are paid less than the average per capita income. With such low salaries, tens of thousands of academics have left Russia (Grove 2015).

With teachers and texts able to shape minds, politicians around the world are inter- ested in their country’s educational system. Russia is no exception. After Vladimir Putin, the president of Russia, declared that the new history books did not do justice to Rus- sia’s glorious past (Rapoport 2009), he eliminated most of the publishing competition and arranged for his old friend and judo partner to become the publisher of “patriotic” texts that “match Russian values” (Becker and Myers 2014). With or without Putin, we can be certain that Russia’s educational system will glorify Russia’s history and reinforce its values and world views—no matter what direction those values and views may take.

Education in the Least Industrialized Nations: Egypt Education in the Least Industrialized Nations stands in sharp contrast to education in the industrialized world. Because most of the citizens of these nations work the land or take care of families, there is little emphasis on formal schooling. As we saw in Chapter 7 (Figure 7.3), many people in the Least Industrialized Nations live on less than $1,000 a year. Amid such poverty, many children don’t even finish grade school. As was once com- mon around the globe, it is primarily the wealthy in the Least Industrialized Nations who have the means and the leisure for formal education—especially anything beyond the basics. As an example, let’s look at education in Egypt.

Several centuries before the birth of Christ, Egypt’s centers of learning were world renowned. They produced such acclaimed scientists as Archimedes and Euclid. During this classic period, Egypt excelled in astronomy, geography, geometry, mathematics, medicine, philosophy, and physics. The world’s largest library was at Alexandria. This library burned to the ground, but fragments from its papyri manuscripts have helped

Vladimir Putin, Russia’s president, detests the weakness that led to the breakup of the Soviet empire. To make up for this humiliation, he ordered Russia’s textbooks revised to glorify the country. He also projects an image of strength to Russian citizens and to the world through confrontations with the West and, as you can see, by publicity photos of his own macho persona.

422 Chapter 13

scholars decipher ancient manuscripts. After Rome defeated Egypt, education declined, never to regain its former prominence.

Education in Egypt is free, but qualified teach- ers are few, and classrooms are crowded (Hussein 2014). As a result, one-fourth of Egyptians are illiterate, with more women than men unable to read and write (UNESCO 2015:Table 2). After the 6 years of grade school, students are tracked. Most study technical subjects for 3 years, and at about the age of 14 are done with school. Others go on to high school for 3 years. Those who score the high- est on national exams are admitted to college.

The emphasis has not been on thinking, but on memorizing facts to pass national tests. With concerns growing that this approach leaves minds less capable of evaluating life and opens the door

to religious extremism, Egyptian educators are rethinking their educational system. They want to remold it, patterning it after the educational system in Great Britain (Reisz 2014). These are the goals, but to implement them will take a great deal of money, making it unlikely that serious reform will follow. The general low quality of education in Egypt, including at the university level, leaves Egypt uncompetitive in the global economy. Without fundamental reforms, Egypt will continue to lag behind in the global race for economic security.

The Functionalist Perspective: Providing Social Benefits 13.2 Apply the functionalist perspective by explaining the functions of education.

A central position of functionalism is that when the parts of society are working properly, each contributes to the well-being or stability of that society. The positive things that peo- ple intend their actions to accomplish are known as manifest functions. The positive consequences they did not intend are called latent functions. Let’s begin by looking at the functions of education.

Teaching Knowledge and Skills Education’s most obvious manifest function is to teach knowledge and skills—whether the traditional three R’s or their more contemporary counterparts, such as computer liter- acy. Each generation must train the next to fill the group’s significant positions. Because our postindustrial society needs highly educated people, the schools supply them.

Cultural Transmission of Values Another manifest function of education is the cultural transmission of values, a process by which schools pass on a society’s core values from one generation to the next. Schools in a socialist society stress values that support socialism, while schools in a capitalist soci- ety teach values that support capitalism. U.S. schools, for example, stress the significance of private property, individualism, and competition.

Regardless of a country’s economic system, loyalty to the state is a cultural value, and schools around the world teach patriotism. U.S. schools—as well as those of Rus- sia, France, China, and other countries around the world—extol the society’s founders, their struggle for freedom from oppression, and the goodness of the country’s social institutions. Seldom is this function as explicit as it is in Japan, where the law requires

latent functions the unintended beneficial con- sequences of people’s actions

manifest functions the intended beneficial conse- quences of people’s actions

cultural transmission of values the process of transmitting val- ues from one group to another; often refers to how cultural traits are transmitted across generations; in education, the ways in which schools transmit a society’s culture, especially its core values

The poverty of the Least Industrialized Nations carries over to their educational systems. This photo was taken in Togolese Republic, West Africa.

Education and Religion 423

that schools “cultivate a respect for tradition and culture, and love for the nation and homeland” (Nakamura 2006).

To better understand what the functionalists mean by transmitting values in educa- tion, consider how different a course in U.S. history would be if it were taught in Cuba, Iran, and Muncie, Indiana.

Social Integration Schools also bring about social integration. Among the ways they promote a sense of national identity is by having students salute the flag and sing the national anthem.

INTEGRATING IMMIGRANTS One of the best examples of how U.S. schools promote political integration is their teaching of mainstream ideas and values to tens of millions of immigrants. The schools help the immigrants regard themselves as Americans and give up their earlier national and cultural identities (Ornstein et al. 2017).

STABILIZING SOCIETY: MAINTAINING THE STATUS QUO This integrative func- tion of education goes far beyond making people similar in their appearance, speech, or even ways of thinking. To forge a national identity is to stabilize the political system. If peo- ple identify with a society’s institutions and perceive them as the basis of their own welfare, they have no reason to rebel. This function is especially significant when it comes to the lower social classes, from which most revolutionaries emerge. The wealthy already have a vested interest in maintaining the status quo, but getting the lower classes to identify with a social system as it is goes a long way toward preserving the system as it is.

INTEGRATING PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES People with disabilities often have found themselves left out of the mainstream of society. As a matter of policy, students with special needs used to be placed in special classes or schools. There, however, they learned to adjust to a specialized situation, leaving them ill prepared to cope with the dominant world. To overcome this, U.S. schools added a manifest function, inclusion, or mainstreaming. As in the nearby photo, educators now try to incorporate students with disabilities into regular school activities. Schools provide wheelchair ramps for people who cannot walk and interpreters who use sign language for students who cannot hear. About 90 percent of students with disabilities spend at least some of their days in regu- lar classrooms, with more than half there most of the time (IES 2010, 2017). Exceptions include most blind students, who attend special schools, as well as people with severe learning disabilities. Most inclusion goes fairly smoothly, but mainstreaming students with serious emotional and behavioral problems disrupts class- rooms, frustrates teachers, and increases teacher turnover (Logan and Winner 2013; Mader 2017).

Gatekeeping (Social Placement) Sociologists Talcott Parsons (1940), Kingsley Davis, and Wilbert Moore (Davis and Moore 1945) analyzed social placement as a func- tion of schools. They pointed out that some jobs require few skills and can be performed by people of lesser intelligence. Other jobs, such as that of physician, require high intelligence and advanced education. The schools sort the capable from the incapable. They do this, say the functionalists, on the basis of merit, the students’ abili- ties and ambitions.

As you can see, social placement, more commonly known as gatekeeping, means to open the doors of opportunity for some and to close them to others. What opens and closes those doors? Is it merit, as the functionalists argue? To accomplish gatekeeping, schools use some form of tracking, sorting students into different

inclusion helping people to become part of the mainstream of society; also called mainstreaming

social placement a function of education— funneling people into a society’s various positions

gatekeeping the process by which educa- tion opens and closes doors of opportunity; another term for the social placement function of education

tracking the sorting of students into different educational programs on the basis of real or perceived abilities

Children with disabilities used to be sent to special schools. In a process called mainstreaming or inclusion, they now attend regular schools.

424 Chapter 13

educational “tracks” or programs on the basis of their perceived abilities. Some U.S. high schools funnel students into one of three tracks: general, college prep, or honors. Stu- dents on the lowest track are likely to go to work after high school or to take vocational courses. Those on the highest track usually attend prestigious colleges. Those in between usually attend a local college or regional state university.

You can also see that the impact of gatekeeping is lifelong. Tracking affects people’s opportunities for jobs, income, and lifestyle. When tracking was challenged—that it is based more on social class than merit, which perpetuates social inequality—schools retreated from formal tracking. Placing students in “ability groups” and “advanced” classes, however, serves the same purpose (Barrington 2016).

Replacing Family Functions Over the years, the functions of U.S. schools have expanded, even replacing some family functions. Child care, for example, has always been a latent function of formal educa- tion, since it was an unintended consequence. Now, however, with two wage earners in most families, child care has become a manifest function, and some schools offer child care both before and after the school day. Some high schools provide nurseries for the children of their teenaged students. Tucson, Arizona, even runs a “Teenage Parent High School,” where pregnant girls and those who have already given birth learn parenting skills as well as traditional subjects (TAP 2017).

Another function is providing sex education, and in some school-based health cen- ters, making condoms and birth control pills available (Hartocollis 2012). This has stirred controversy because some families resent schools taking this function away from them. Disagreement over values has fueled the social movement for home schooling, featured in our opening vignette.

IN SUM Functionalists analyze the functions, the benefits, that schools provide to soci- ety. Not only do the schools teach the knowledge and skills needed by the next gener- ation, but they also stabilize society by forging a national identity, providing work for millions, and keeping other millions out of the workforce. A controversial function is gatekeeping, sorting students for various levels of jobs. Schools have expanded their domain, taking over some functions formerly performed by families.

The Conflict Perspective: Perpetuating Social Inequality 13.3 Apply the conflict perspective by explaining how the educational system

reproduces the social class structure.

Unlike functionalists, who look at the benefits of education, conflict theorists examine how the educational system reproduces the social class structure. By this phrase, they mean that schools perpetuate the social divisions of society and help members of the elite maintain their dominance.

Let’s look, then, at how education is related to social classes, how it helps people inherit cultural capital, the life opportunities that were laid down before they were born.

The Hidden Curriculum: Reproducing the Social Class Structure The term hidden curriculum refers to the attitudes and the unwritten rules of behav- ior that schools teach in addition to the formal curriculum. Examples are obedience to authority and conformity to mainstream norms. Conflict theorists stress that the hidden curriculum helps to perpetuate social inequalities.

hidden curriculum the unwritten goals of schools, such as teaching obedience to authority and conformity to cultural norms

Education and Religion 425

To understand this central point, consider the way English is taught. Schools for the middle class—whose teachers know where their students are headed—stress “proper” English and “good” manners. In contrast, the teachers in inner-city schools—who also know where their students are headed—allow ethnic and street language in the class- room. Each type of school is helping to reproduce the social class structure. That is, each is preparing students to work in positions similar to those of their parents. The social class of some children destines them for higher positions. For these jobs, they need “refined” speech and manners. The social destiny of others is low-status jobs. For this type of work, they need only to obey rules (Bowles and Gintis 1976, 2002; Stephens et al. 2014). Teaching these students “refined” speech and manners would be wasted effort. In other words, even the teaching of English and manners helps keep the social classes intact across  generations.

Tilting the Tests: Discrimination by IQ Even intelligence tests help to keep the social class system intact. Let’s look at an exam- ple. How would you answer this question?

A symphony is to a composer as a book is to a(n) _________ ________ paper ________ sculptor ________ musician ________ author ________ man

You probably had no difficulty coming up with “author” as your choice. Wouldn’t any intelligent person have done so?

This question raises a central issue in intelligence testing. Not all intelligent people would know the answer. This question contains cultural biases. Children from some back- grounds are more familiar with the concepts of symphonies, composers, and sculptors than are other children. This tilts the test in their favor.

To make the bias clearer, try to answer this question:

If you throw two dice and “7” is showing on the top, what is facing down? ________ seven ________ snake eyes ________ box cars ________ little Joes ________ eleven

Adrian Dove (n.d.), a social worker in Watts, a poor area of Los Angeles, suggested this question. Its cultural bias should be obvious—that it allows children from some social backgrounds to perform better than others. Unlike the first question, this one is not tilted to the middle-class experience. In other words, IQ (intelligence quotient) tests measure not only intelligence but also acquired knowledge.

You should now be able to perceive the bias of IQ tests that use such words as com- poser and symphony. A lower-class child may have heard about rap, rock, gangsta, or jazz, but not about symphonies. One consequence of this bias to the middle-class experience is that the children of the poor score lower on IQ tests. Then, to match their supposedly inferior intelligence, these children are assigned to less demanding courses. Their inferior education helps them reach their social destiny, their lower-paying jobs in adult life. As conflict theorists view them, then, IQ tests are another weapon in an arsenal designed to maintain the social class structure across the generations.

Stacking the Deck: Unequal Funding Conflict theorists stress that the way schools are funded stacks the deck against the poor. Because public schools are supported largely by local property taxes, the richer communities (where property values and incomes are higher) have more to spend on their children’s schools, and the poorer communities have less to spend on theirs. The richer communities, then, can offer higher salaries and take their pick of the most highly qualified and motivated teachers. They can also afford to buy the latest text- books, computers, and software, as well as offer courses in foreign languages, music, and the arts. This, stress conflict theorists, means that in all states the deck is stacked against the poor.

426 Chapter 13

The Bottom Line: Social Class and Race Ethnicity Let’s look at how attending college is related to social class and race–ethnicity.

REPRODUCING THE SOCIAL CLASS STRUCTURE As sociologists found a long time ago, when it comes to attending college, money is more important than ability. Whether children have high or low ability, they are more likely to go to college if their parents have high income (Bowles 1977; Chetty et al. 2014).

When we look at the quality of the colleges that stu- dents attend, we find the same relationship. As you can see from Figure 13.2, the higher the parents’ income, the better the quality of their children’s college. This piles advantage on advantage. The children of richer parents are more likely to go to college, they go to higher qual- ity and more prestigious colleges, and they get higher- paying and more prestigious jobs when they graduate.

In short, colleges, too, help to reproduce the social class structure. The elite colleges are the icing on the cake for students who have won the lottery of more privileged birth.

REPRODUCING THE RACIAL–ETHNIC STRUCTURE Conflict theorists point out that the educational system reproduces not only the U.S. social class structure but also its racial–ethnic divisions. From Figure 13.3, you can see that, compared with whites, African Americans and Latinos are less likely to complete high school and, of those who do, less likely to go to college. Because adults with only a high school diploma usually end up with low- paying, dead-end jobs, you can see how this supports the conflict view—that education is helping to reproduce the racial–ethnic structure for the next generation.

IN SUM U.S. schools closely reflect the U.S. social class system. They equip the chil- dren of the elite with the tools they need to maintain their dominance, while they pre- pare the children of the poor for lower-status positions. Because education’s doors of opportunity swing wide open for some but have to be pried open by others, conflict theorists stress that the educational system perpetuates social inequality across gener- ations (or, as they often phrase it, helps to reproduce the social class structure). In fact, they add, this is one of its primary purposes.






30% 0 20 40 60 80 100

C o

lle g

e Q

u al

it y

Parents’ Income Rank

College Quality and Parents’ Income

Figure 13.2 Parents’ Income and the Quality of Their Children’s College

SOURCE: Modified from Chetty et al. 2014.











How many complete high school?

Of those who complete high school, how many go to college?

83 79

African Americans


Whites 79


40 43

P e rc

e n ta

g e

Figure 13.3 The Funneling Effects of Education: Race–Ethnicity

NOTE: The source gives totals only for these groups.

SOURCE: By the author. Based on Statistical Abstract of the United States 2017:Table 286.

The Symbolic Interactionist Perspective: Teacher Expectations 13.4 Apply the symbolic interactionist perspective by explaining the significance

of teacher expectations.

As you have seen, functionalists look at how education benefits society, and conflict the- orists examine how education perpetuates social inequality. Symbolic interactionists, in contrast, study face-to-face interaction in the classroom. They have found that what teach- ers expect of their students has profound consequences for how students do in school.

The Rist Research Why do some people get tracked into college prep courses and others into vocational ones? There is no single answer, but in what has become a classic study, sociologist Ray Rist came up with some intriguing findings. Rist (1970, 2007) did participant observation

Education and Religion 427

in an African American grade school with an African American faculty. He found that after only eight days in the classroom, the kindergarten teacher felt that she knew the children’s abilities well enough to assign them to three separate worktables. To Table 1, Mrs. Caplow assigned those she considered to be “fast learners.” They sat at the front of the room, closest to her. Those whom she saw as “slow learners,” she assigned to Table 3, located at the back of the classroom. She placed “average” students at Table 2, in between the other tables.

This seemed strange to Rist. He knew that the children had not been tested for ability, yet their teacher was certain that she could identify the bright and slow chil- dren. Investigating further, Rist found that social class was the underlying basis for assigning the children to the different tables. Middle-class students were separated out for Table 1, and children from poorer homes were assigned to Tables 2 and 3. The teacher paid the most attention to the children at Table 1, who were closest to her, less to Table 2, and the least to Table 3. It didn’t take long for the children at Table 1 to perceive that they were treated better and come to see themselves as smarter. They became the leaders in class activities and even called children at the other tables “dumb.” Eventually, the children at Table 3 disengaged themselves from many class- room activities. At the end of the year, only the children at Table 1 had completed the lessons that prepared them for reading.

This early tracking stuck. Their first-grade teacher looked at the work these stu- dents had done, and she placed students from Table 1 at her Table 1. She treated her tables much as the kindergarten teacher had, and the children at Table 1 again led the class.

The children’s reputations continued to follow them. The second-grade teacher reviewed the children’s scores and also divided her class into three groups. The first she named the “Tigers” and, befitting their name, gave them challenging readers. Not sur- prisingly, the Tigers came from the original Table 1 in kindergarten. The second group she called the “Cardinals.” They came from the original Tables 2 and 3. Her third group consisted of children she had failed the previous year, whom she called the “Clowns.” The Cardinals and Clowns were given less advanced readers.

Rist concluded that each child’s journey through school was determined by the eighth day of kindergarten! As we saw with the Saints and Roughnecks in Chapter 4, labels can be so powerful that they can set people on courses of action that affect the rest of their lives.

What occurred was a self-fulfilling prophecy. This term, coined by sociologist Rob- ert Merton (1949/1968), refers to a false assumption of something that is going to hap- pen, which comes true simply because it was predicted. For example, if people believe an unfounded rumor that a credit union is going to fail because its officers have embezzled their money, they all rush to the credit union to demand their money. The prediction— although originally false—is now likely to come true.

How Do Teacher Expectations Work? Sociologist George Farkas (Farkas et al. 1990a; Farkas et al. 1990b; Farkas 1996) became interested in how teacher expectations affect grades. Using a stratified sam- ple of students in a large school district in Texas, he found that teacher expectations produce gender and racial–ethnic biases. On the gender level: When boys and girls have the same test scores, girls, on average, are given higher course grades. On the racial–ethnic level: Asian Americans who have the same test scores as the other groups average higher grades.

At first, this may sound like more of the same old news—another case of discrimina- tion. But this explanation doesn’t fit, which is what makes the finding fascinating. Look at who the victims are. It is most unlikely that the teachers would be prejudiced against boys and whites. To interpret these unexpected results, Farkas used symbolic interac- tionism. He observed that some students “signal” to their teachers that they are “good

self-fulfilling prophecy Robert Merton’s term for an originally false assertion that becomes true simply because it was predicted

428 Chapter 13

students.” They show an eagerness to cooperate, and they quickly agree with what the teacher says. They also show that they are “trying hard.” The teachers pick up these signals and reward these “good students” with better grades. Girls and Asian Americans, Farkas concluded, are better at giving these signals so coveted by teachers.

So much for Texas. How about the other states? Their interest piqued, other researchers examined data from a national sample of students from kindergarten to the fifth grade. The results? The same. Regardless of race– ethnicity, if girls and boys have the same test scores, the girls, on average, receive higher grades (Cornwell et al. 2013). The researchers asked the teachers to rank their students on their “interpersonal skills,” how often they “lose control,” and how “engaged” they are in the classroom. The teachers reported that the girls had a “better attitude toward learning.” Like the Texas researchers, these researchers conclude that the teachers are responding to the children’s behavior.

We do not have enough information on how teachers communicate their expectations to students. Nor do we know much about how students “signal” messages to their teachers. Perhaps you will become the educa- tional sociologist who sheds more light on this interesting area of human behavior.

Self-Expectations In the section on conflict theory, you read about how social class affects students’ chances of going to college, which denies advantages to some and heaps advantages on others. You just read about how teachers’ expectations influence students’ performance. In the following Applying Sociology to Your Life, let’s switch the topic to self-expectations—and how they can help you get through college.

Why do some students with the same test scores receive higher grades? “Signaling” that one is a “good student” may influence teacher perceptions.

Applying Sociology to Your Life You Want to Get Through College? Let’s Apply Sociology As you just read, students from low-income homes are less likely to go to college than students from more privileged backgrounds. And if they do go to college, they are more likely to drop out. Why? On average, their scores on the SAT tests are lower, so some might think they aren’t as intelli- gent. This, in fact, is close to the main problem—but not quite it. These students are not less intelligent. Rather, the problem is that they think they are less intelligent. And this has huge consequences.

Students from low-income homes arrive at college with more self-doubts than do students from higher-income homes. When problems occur, as they will, such as doing badly on a test, these self-doubts come into play. Students from low-income backgrounds tend to see the self as the problem. They are more likely to think something like this: “I’m not sure I’m smart enough to get through college. Maybe this is the wrong place for me.” Seeing problems as a sign of self-deficiency sets these students on a self- defeating course.

When the same thing happens to students from higher-income homes, they tend to say to themselves,

“It’s just a situation. I didn’t study enough.” Or maybe: “The teacher threw in some unexpected material.” Thinking like this deflects blame away from the self. It moves the fault away from the individual’s abilities and places it on a tem- porary situation.

Look at how vitally different these self-expectations are. Students from the less privileged backgrounds tend to see the cause as flaws within the self, while students from the more privileged backgrounds tend to shrug off the problem as a temporary situation. These contrasting self- expectations direct students onto different paths, ones that have resounding consequences for the students’ lives.

What I have just told you is not simply an idea. It has been demonstrated in a remarkable set of experiments run by David Laude at the University of Texas (Tough 2014). Laude followed good scientific methods. He randomly divided incoming freshmen according to their SAT scores and parents’ income. During their orientation, the control group of students read neutral essays, while the experimen- tal group read an essay about how intelligence increases as people study and learn. The low-scoring students from

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Problems in U.S. Education—and Their Solutions 13.5 Discuss mediocrity in education, grade inflation, social promotion, raising

standards, cheating by administrators, and violence in schools.

Now that we’ve looked at some of the dynamics within the classroom, let’s turn to three problems facing U.S. education—mediocrity, cheating, and violence—and consider potential solutions.

Mediocrity Mediocrity refers to being inferior or second rate, characteristics that are inexcusable when it comes to the U.S. educational system.

THE RISING TIDE OF MEDIOCRITY Because I know you love taking tests, let’s see how you do on these three questions:

1. How many goals are on a basketball court? a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4

2. How many halves are in a college basketball game? a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4

3. How many points does a three-point field goal account for in a basketball game? a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4

I know this sounds like a joke, but it isn’t. Sociologist Robert Benford (2007) got his hands on a copy of a twenty-question final examination given to basketball players who took a credit course on coaching principles at the University of Georgia. It is often dif- ficult to refer to athletes, sports, and academics in the same breath, but this is about as mediocre as mediocrity can get.

Let’s move to a broader view of the mediocrity that plagues our educational system like pollution plagues gasoline engines:

• Arizona officials gave their high school sophomores a math test covering the math that sophomores should know. One of ten passed.

• Arkansas officials get their students out of high school by dropping the passing score in math to 24 out of 100 (Urbina 2010).

• In Washington, D.C., most of the students who graduate from high school operate at about the fifth grade level. How do they graduate? When they fail a course, they

low-income homes who read the essay about intelligence got better grades as they went through college, and they were more likely to graduate than students from this same background who did not read that essay.

Hardly anybody could believe the results of Laude’s experiment. Could reading a little essay really have such a deep impact on students? It did. But how? Without the students realizing it, the essay changed self-expectations. It provided a new way to interpret problem situations in col- lege. “Ah, my brain can grow. My intelligence can change. I can get smarter.” If there is a low grade on a test, the self, then, is not the problem. The problem is the low test score, a temporary situation to overcome.

For Your Consideration I wrote this Applying Sociology to Your Life with two pur- poses in mind. The first is to illustrate the power of self-

expectations. I find this to be a fascinating application of symbolic interactionism. You can apply it to many situations in life, not just to college.

The second reason is to encourage students. It is good to realize that how you think about the problems you face makes a significant difference for your life. Research shows that your brain continues to develop and your intelligence can continue to increase. When you confront obstacles in college—such as a low test score or doing poorly on a term paper—do not think of the problem as your lack of ability. Rather, think of the problem as a par- ticular situation that you can overcome. You can make it in college. So do it.

If this analysis turns out to make a difference in someone’s life, helping to set positively predictive self- expectations and self-interpretations, my ultimate purpose, I will be most pleased.

430 Chapter 13

take something called “Credit Recovery,” which does not require a test (Rossiter 2012).

• In Florida, only 27 percent of the state’s fourth graders passed the reading test. That didn’t sound good, so the state dropped the passing grade, and suddenly 80 percent passed (Kristoff 2012). Much better.

THE SATs How are we doing on the SATs? Look at Figure 13.4. You can see how the scores dropped from the 1960s to 1980. At that point, educators sounded an alarm—and even Congress expressed concern. School officials decided they had better do something if they didn’t want to lose their jobs.

Here’s the good news. When school officials raised their standards, the SAT scores in math started to climb, and they continued going up for 25 years, surpassing even the scores of the 1960s. Unfortunately, the news did not stay good. As you can see, the math scores have dropped for about the past 15 years. Apparently, administrators have begun to require less of math teachers, who, in turn, are requiring less of their students.

But there is also the bad news. Look at the verbal scores on Figure 13.4. Not only have they stayed down, but now they have dropped even more. No one knows why, but the usual suspects have been rounded up: “dum- mied down” textbooks, less rigorous teaching, and less

reading because of television, videos, and computer games. The news is actually worse than what you see on this figure. To accommodate

today’s less-prepared students, those who develop the SAT have made it easier. They shortened the test, dropped the section on analogies and antonyms, and gave students more time to take the test. The test makers then “rescored” the totals of previous years to match the easier test. This “dummying down” of the SAT is a form of grade inflation, the topic to which we shall now turn.


Some graduates of prestigious law schools were having difficulty getting jobs. This reflected badly on these proud law schools—Georgetown, Golden Gate University, Loyola Law School, Tulane University, and New York University. They found a quick solution. To make their graduates look better, they raised everyone’s grades (Rampell 2010). Much better-looking transcripts—all in a flash.

The letter grade C used to indicate average. Because more students are average than superior, high school teachers used to give about twice as many C’s as A’s. Now they give twenty times more A’s than C’s. Students aren’t smarter—grading is just much, much easier. Grade inflation is so pervasive that 59 percent of all college freshmen have an overall high school grade point average of A. This is more than twice what it was in 1980 (Statistical Abstract 2017:Table 298). Unfortunately, many of today’s A’s are the C’s of years past.

Easy grades and declining standards have been accompanied by social promotion, passing students from one grade to the next despite their failure to learn the basic mate- rials. One result is functional illiteracy, high school graduates who have never mastered things they should have learned in grade school. Some even have difficulty with reading and writing. Some high school graduates can’t fill out job applications; others can’t even figure out whether they get the right change at the grocery store.

grade inflation higher grades given for the same work; a general rise in student grades without a corresponding increase in learning

functional illiteracy refers to high school graduates who have difficulty with basic reading and math

social promotion passing students on to the next level even though they have not mastered basic materials








S co


Year 1967 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020



Figure 13.4 National Results of the Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT)

NOTE: Possible scores range from 200 to 800.

SOURCES: By the author. Based on College Board 2016 and Statistical Abstract of the United States 2017:Table 280.

Education and Religion 431

Overcoming Mediocrity How can we overcome mediocrity? By raising standards.

RAISING STANDARDS FOR TEACHERS It is one thing to identify problems, quite another to find solutions for them. How can we solve mediocrity? To offer a quality education, we need quality teachers. Don’t we already have them? Most teachers are qualified and, if motivated, can do an excellent job. But a large number of teach- ers are not qualified. Consider what happened in California, where teachers must pass an educational skills test. The teachers did so poorly that to fill the classrooms, officials had to drop the passing grade to the tenth-grade level. These are college graduates who are teachers—and they are expected to perform at the tenth-grade level (Schemo 2002). I don’t know about you, but I think this situation is a national disgrace. If we want to improve teaching, we need to insist that teachers meet high standards.

A WARNING ABOUT HIGHER STANDARDS If we raise standards, we can expect to upset students and their parents. It is soothing to use low standards and to pat students on the head and tell them they are doing well. But it upsets people if you do rigorous teaching and use high standards to measure performance. When Florida decided that its high school seniors needed to pass an assessment test to receive a diploma, 13,000 students across the state failed the test. Parents of failed students protested. Did they demand better teaching? No. What they wanted was for the state to drop the test. In their anger, they asked people to boycott Disney World and to not buy Florida orange juice (Canedy 2003). What positive steps to improve their children’s learning!

Let’s look at a second problem in education.

Cheating The cheating I’m referring to is not what you might have seen in your social studies or math class in high school. I’m referring to cheating by teachers and school administra- tors. Listen to this:

Computer scanners showed that teachers in 191 schools in Atlanta, Georgia, had erased students’ answers on reading and math tests and penciled in correct ones (Gabriel 2010). Thirty-five teachers were charged with conspiracy. Some were sen- tenced to probation and weekends in jail. Three high-ranking administrators were sent to prison for seven years (McWhirter and Porter 2014). The superintendent of Atlanta’s school system, who apparently led the cheating, was charged with theft for taking $500,000 in bonuses for producing good test scores. She died of cancer before she could be tried.

The school district was facing pressure to show that their teaching had improved, and cheating was the way they produced the “improvements.”

Now look at this:

Mississippi keeps two sets of books: The one sent to Washington reports the state’s grad- uation rate at 87 percent. The other, which the state keeps, reports that 63 percent of its students graduate. Other states do the same. California reports its totals at 83 percent and 67 percent. (Dillon 2008)

Why do high school administrators across the nation fake their graduation rates? The reason is that federal agencies publish these reports, and states don’t want to look bad. Also, Washington might reduce the money it gives them. It’s like a girl telling her parents that she received a B in English when she really received a D. She doesn’t want to look bad, and her allowance might be cut.

432 Chapter 13

School administrators can be quite creative in faking their numbers. Some count the number of students who begin their senior year and report the percentage of these seniors who graduate. This conveniently overlooks those who drop out in their fresh- man, sophomore, and junior years. Some even encourage high school students who are doing poorly to drop out before they reach their senior year. This way, they won’t be counted as dropouts (Dillon 2008).

THE SOLUTION TO CHEATING The solution to this cheating is fairly simple. Zero tolerance. Require all states to follow the same measurement of student performance and high school graduation, and fire teachers and administrators who cheat. A simple measure is to compare the number of those who graduate from high school with the number who entered high school in the ninth grade, minus those who died and those who transferred out, plus those who transferred in. Federal officials can spot-check records across the nation. With loss of job the punishment, we could expect honesty in reporting to jump immediately. Knowing students’ real performance and real graduation rates can help pinpoint where the problems are, letting us know where to focus solutions. If you don’t know where it’s broken, you don’t know where to fix it.

Let’s turn to the third problem.

Violence The man stalked the high school’s hallways. He pressed his ear against a door, trying to determine if students were in the classroom. Hearing nothing, he moved silently to another classroom and did the same thing. Going from one locked door to another, he proceeded down the length of the entire hallway. Students were behind each door, but they remained absolutely quiet.

Still hearing nothing, the man smiled.

The man smiled? Yes, because he was not a sociopath seeking random victims. This was a teacher checking how well the school was performing in a “Code Blue” drill. In some schools, the safety of students and teachers is so precarious that armed guards, metal detectors, and drug-sniffing dogs are permanent fixtures. In an era of bomb threats and armed sociopaths, some states require lockdown, or “Code Blue,” drills: The classrooms—each equipped with a phone—are locked. Shades or blinds on the windows are closed. The students are told to remain absolutely silent, while a school official wan- ders the halls, like an armed intruder, listening for the slightest sound that would indi- cate that someone is in a classroom (Kelley 2008). Students are even warned that the glow of their cell phones could make them targets (Healy 2014).

Although hope springs eternal in the human breast, it is unlikely that we will return to a time when school shootings are unknown. But certainly a good teaching–learning environment starts with safety.

How much worse are school shootings getting? The answer—in the following Thinking Critically about Social Life —might surprise you.

Thinking Critically about Social Life School Shootings: Exploding a Myth The media sprinkle their reports of school shootings with such dramatic phrases as “alarming proportions,” “outbreak of violence,” and “out of control.” They give us the impres- sion that wackos walk our hallways, ready to spray students with gunfire. Parents used to consider schools safe havens, but no longer. Those naïve thoughts have been shattered by the media accounts of bullets ripping through our schools,

children hovering in fear, and little bloody bodies strewn across classroom floors.

Have our schools really become war zones, as the mass media would have us believe? Certainly events such as those at Sandy Hook Elementary School, Columbine High School, and Virginia Tech are disturbing, but we need to probe deeper than screaming headlines and startling images.

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The Need for Educational Reform Most of the changes in education are merely minor adjustments to a flawed system: giv- ing this test instead of that test, requiring more memorizing or less memorizing, measur- ing progress this way instead of that way, tinkering with the curriculum or motivating teachers and students by this carrot or that carrot. Each might be important in its own way, but each is but a minute adjustment to the details of a system that needs to be over- hauled from top to bottom.

We are unlikely to do this.

When we do, we find that the media’s sensationalism has created a myth. Contrary to “what everyone knows,” there is no trend toward greater school violence. In fact, we find just the opposite—the trend is toward greater safety at school. Despite the occasional dramatic school shooting that makes the screaming headlines, as you can see from Table 13.1, deaths at schools are decreasing. Because school homicides are high one year and low another, to see trends we need to average them out. Here is where we get the surprising results. The average number

of annual murders in U.S. schools for 1992 to 2000 is 29. For 2000–2010, it is 20.4, a drop of 29 percent.

I don’t think you’ve seen any screaming headlines proclaiming this decrease in school killings, right?

Violent deaths at school are a serious problem. Even one student being wounded or killed is too many. But contrary to the impression fostered by the media, school deaths have dropped. Headlines like “No Shootings This Month!” or “Schools Safer Than Ever!” simply don’t get much attention—nor bring in much advertising money.

Can you see why we need sociology? Sociologists can search behind the headlines to quietly, dispassionately do research that helps us better understand the events that shape our lives. The first requirement for solving any problem is accurate data. How can we create solutions based on hysteria? The information presented in this box may not make for sensational headlines, but it does serve to explode one of the myths that the media have created.

For Your Consideration → How do you think we can reduce school shootings?

→ How about reducing school violence of any sort?

→ Why do you think so many people think that school shootings are worse now than in the past?

→ Why are people’s ideas often based more on headlines than on facts?

This frame from a surveillance camera at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado, shows Eric Harris, on the left, and Dylan Klebold, on the right, as they search for victims.

School Year Murders

1992–1993 34

1993–1994 29

1994–1995 28

1995–1996 32

1996–1997 28

1997–1998 34

1998–1999 33

1999–2000 14

Mean of 1992–2000: 29.0

2000–2001 14

2001–2002 16

2002–2003 18

2003–2004 23

2004–2005 22

2005–2006 21

2006–2007 32

2007–2008 21

2008–2009 18

2009–2010 19

Mean of 2000–2010: 20.4

2010–2011 11

2011–2012 15

2012–2013 31

2013-2014 12

Table 13.1 Exploding a Myth: Murders at U.S. Schools1

1Homicides of students age 5-18 at U.S. elementary or secondary schools, including victims who were “on the way to or from regular sessions at school” or while they were “attending or traveling to or from an official school-sponsored event.” These are the latest totals available in the source.

SOURCE: National Center for Education Statistics, May 2017:Figure 1.1.

434 Chapter 13

■ Religion: Establishing Meaning Let’s look at the main characteristics of a second significant social institution.

What Is Religion? Durkheim’s Research 13.6 Explain what Durkheim meant by sacred and profane and discuss the three elements of religion.

Religion was one of Emile Durkheim’s major interests. For whatever reason— likely because he was reared in a mixed-religion family, by a Protestant mother and a Jewish father—Durkheim decided to find out what all religions have in common.

A f t e r s u r v e y i n g re l i g i o n s a ro u n d t h e w o r l d , D u r k h e i m p u b - lished his findings in his book, The Elementary Forms of the Religious Life (1912/1965). This book is complicated, but here are three of Durkheim’s main conclusions. The first is that there is no particular belief or prac- tice common to all religions. The second is that despite their diversity, all religions develop a community that centers on their beliefs and prac- tices. And third, all religions separate the sacred from the profane. By sacred, Durkheim meant things that have to do with the supernatural, things

that inspire awe, reverence, deep respect, or even fear. By profane, he meant things that are not concerned with religion but, instead, are part of ordinary, everyday life.

After he did his research, here is how Durkheim (1912/1965) defined religion:

A religion is a unified system of beliefs and practices relative to sacred things, that is to say, things set apart and forbidden—beliefs and practices which unite into one single moral community called a Church, all those who adhere to them.

Religion, then, has three elements:

1. Beliefs that some things are sacred (forbidden, set apart from the profane)

2. Practices (rituals) centering on the things considered sacred

3. A moral community (a church), which results from a group’s beliefs and practices

Durkheim used the word church in an unusual sense, to refer to any “moral community” centered on a group’s beliefs and practices regarding the sacred. In Durkheim’s sense, church refers to Buddhists bowing before a shrine, Hindus dipping in the Ganges River, and Confucians offering food to their ancestors. Similarly, the term moral community does not mean morality in the sense familiar to most of us—of ethical conduct. Rather, a moral community is simply a group of people who are united by their religious practices—and that would include sixteenth-century Aztec priests who each day gathered around an altar to pluck out the beating heart of a virgin.

To better understand the sociological approach to religion, let’s see what pictures emerge when we apply the three theoretical perspectives.

The Functionalist Perspective 13.7 Apply the functionalist perspective to religion: functions and dysfunctions.

Functionalists stress that religion is universal because it meets universal human needs. Let’s explore this idea.

Functions of Religion One way to see what the universal human needs are that religion meets is to ask, What are religion’s functions? Here are six functions of religion that sociologists have identified.

profane Durkheim’s term for common elements of everyday life

sacred Durkheim’s term for things set apart or forbidden that inspire fear, awe, reverence, or deep respect

religion according to Durkheim, beliefs and practices that separate the profane from the sacred and unite its adherents into a moral community

church according to Durkheim, one of the three essential elements of religion—a moral community of believers; also refers to a large, highly organized reli- gious group that has formal, sedate worship services with little emphasis on evangelism, intense religious experience, or personal conversion

Parents around the world teach their children their religious beliefs and practices. This father in Beijing, China, is teaching his daughter Buddhist rituals.

Education and Religion 435

One of the functions of religion is providing emotional support. Shown here is a girl in Mongolia being visited by a sister of the Missionaries of Charity.

Religion can promote social change, as was evident in the U.S. civil rights movement. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., a Baptist minister, shown here in his famous “I have a dream” speech, was the foremost leader of this social movement.

MEANING AND PURPOSE Around the world, reli- gions provide answers to perplexing questions about ultimate meaning. What is the purpose of life? Why do people suffer? Is there an afterlife? The answers to questions like these give followers a sense of purpose, a framework for living. Instead of seeing themselves buf- feted by random events in an aimless existence, believ- ers see their lives as fitting into a divine plan.

EMOTIONAL COMFORT The answers that religion provides about ultimate meaning bring comfort by assur- ing people that there is a purpose to life, even to suffering. The religious rituals that enshroud crucial events, such as illness and death, assure the individual that others care.

SOCIAL SOLIDARITY Religious teachings and practices unite believers into a community that shares values and perspectives (“we Jews,” “we Christians,” “we Muslims”). The religious rituals that surround marriage, for example, link the bride and groom with a broader community that wishes them well. So do other religious rituals, such as those that celebrate birth and mourn death.

GUIDELINES FOR EVERYDAY LIFE The teachings of religion are not all abstractions. They also provide practical guidelines for everyday life. For example, four of the ten commandments delivered by Moses to the Israelites concern God, but the other six con- tain instructions for getting along with others, from how to avoid problems with parents and neighbors, to warnings about lying, stealing, and having affairs.

Many consequences for people who follow these guidelines can be measured. For example, people who attend church are less likely to abuse alcohol, nicotine, and illegal drugs than are people who don’t go to church. They are also more likely to exercise (Gillum 2005; Wallace et al. 2007; Newport et al. 2012). In general, churchgoers follow a healthier life- style than people who don’t go to church—and they live longer (VanderWeele et al. 2017).

SOCIAL CONTROL Although a religion’s guidelines for everyday life usually apply only to its members, nonmembers feel a spillover. Religious teachings, for example, are incorporated into criminal law. In the American colonial period, people could be arrested for blasphemy and adultery. As a carryover today, some states have laws that prohibit the sale of alcohol before noon on Sunday. The original purpose of these laws was to get people out of the saloons and into the churches.

436 Chapter 13

SOCIAL CHANGE Although religion is often so bound up with the prevailing social order that it resists social change, religious activists sometimes spearhead change. In the 1960s, for example, the civil rights movement, whose goals were to desegregate public facilities and abolish racial discrimination in voting, was led by religious leaders. African American churches served as centers where demonstrators were trained and rallies were organized. Other churches were centers for resisting this change.

Dysfunctions of Religion Functionalists also examine ways in which religion is dysfunctional, that is, how religion can bring harmful results. Two dysfunctions are persecution and war and terrorism.

RELIGION AS JUSTIFICATION FOR PERSECUTION, WAR, AND TERRORISM Religion is sometimes a motivation for harming people. Beginning in the 1100s and continuing into the 1800s, in what is known as the Inquisition, special commissions of the Roman Catholic Church tortured accused heretics and burned them at the stake. In 1692, Protestant leaders in Salem, Massachusetts, executed twenty-one women and men who were accused of being witches. The Aztec religion also had its dysfunctions— at least for the young virgins who were offered to appease angry gods.

History is filled with wars based on religion—commingled with politics. The Israel- ites wiped out many groups of people as they invaded and conquered their lands. The Muslims also conquered lands, killing those who would not swear allegiance to their God. The Christians conducted nine bloody Crusades between the eleventh and four- teenth centuries in an attempt to wrest control of the region they called the Holy Land from the Muslims.

I would like to say that this dysfunction of persecution and killing was all in the past, but it continues yet today. In India, Hindus beat and lynch Muslims who are caught with beef (Doshi 2016). In Papua New Guinea, accused witches are tortured, doused with gas- oline, and set on fire (Chumley 2013). As I write this, ISIS, an Islamic group, is beheading enemies in the name of their God. In short, religion is used to justify oppression and any number of brutal acts.

The Symbolic Interactionist Perspective 13.8 Apply the symbolic interactionist perspective to religion: symbols, rituals,

beliefs, and religious experience.

Symbolic interactionists focus on the meanings that people give their experiences, espe- cially how they use symbols. Let’s apply this perspective to religious symbols, rituals, and beliefs to see how they help to forge a community of like-minded people.

Religious Symbols Suppose that it is about two thousand years ago and you have just joined a new religion. You have come to believe that a recently crucified Jew named Jesus is the Messiah, the Lamb of God offered for your sins. The Roman leaders are persecuting the followers of Jesus. They hate your religion because you and your fellow believers will not acknowledge Caesar as God.

Christians are few in number, and you are eager to have fellowship with other believers. But how can you tell who is a believer? Spies are everywhere. The government has sworn to de- stroy this new religion, and you do not relish the thought of being fed to lions in the Colosseum.

You use a simple technique. While talking with a stranger, as though doodling ab- sentmindedly in the sand or dust, you casually trace the outline of a fish. Only fellow believers know the meaning—that, taken together, the first letter of each word in the Greek sentence “Jesus (is) Christ the Son of God” spell the Greek word for fish. If the other person gives no response, you rub out the outline and continue the interaction as usual. If there is a response, you eagerly talk about your new faith.

Education and Religion 437

All religions use symbols to provide identity and create social solidarity for their mem- bers. For Muslims, the primary symbol is the crescent moon and star; for Jews, the Star of David; for Christians, the cross. For members, these are not ordinary symbols, but sacred emblems that evoke feelings of awe and reverence. In Durkheim’s terms, reli- gions use symbols to represent what the group considers sacred and to separate the sacred from the profane.

A symbol is a condensed way of communicating. Worn by a fundamen- talist Christian, for example, the cross says, “I am a follower of Jesus Christ. I believe that he is the Messiah, the promised Son of God, that he loves me, that he died to take away my sins, that he rose from the dead and is going to return to Earth, and that through him I will receive eternal life.”

That is a lot to pack into one symbol—and it is only part of what this symbol means to a fundamentalist believer. To people in other traditions of Christianity, the cross conveys somewhat different meanings—but to all Christians, the cross

Symbolic interactionists stress that a basic characteristic of humans is that they attach meaning to objects and events and then use representations of those objects or events to communicate with one another. Michelangelo’s Pietà, depicting Mary tenderly holding her son, Jesus, after his crucifixion, is one of the most acclaimed symbols in the Western world. It is admired for its beauty by believers and nonbelievers alike.

is a shorthand way of expressing many meanings. So it is with the Star of David, the crescent moon and star, the cow (expressing to Hindus the unity of all living things), and the various symbols of the world’s many other religions.

Beliefs Symbols, including rituals, develop from beliefs. The belief may be vague (“God is”) or highly specific (“God wants us to prostrate ourselves and face Mecca five times each day”). Religious beliefs include not only values (what is considered good and desirable in life—how we ought to live) but also a cosmology, a unified picture of the world. For example, the Jewish, Christian, and Muslim belief that there is only one God, the creator of the universe, who is concerned about the actions of humans and who will hold us accountable for what we do, is a cosmology. It presents a unifying picture of the universe.

Religious Experience The term religious experience refers to becoming aware of the supernatural or a feeling of coming into contact with God. Some people undergo a mild version, such as feeling closer to God when they look at a mountain, watch a sunset, or listen to a certain piece of music. Others report a life-transforming experience. St. Francis of Assisi, for example, said that he became aware of God’s presence in every living thing.

Some Protestants use the term born again to describe people who have undergone a life-transforming religious experience. These people say that they came to the realization that they had sinned, that Jesus had died for their sins, and that God wants them to live a new life. Their worlds become transformed. They look forward to the Resurrection and to a new life in heaven. They see relationships with spouses, parents, children, and even bosses in a new light. They also report a need to change how they interact with people so that their lives reflect their new, personal commitment to Jesus as their “Savior and Lord.” They describe a feeling of beginning life anew—which is why they use the term born again.

Rituals Rituals, ceremonies or repetitive practices, help to unite people into a moral community. Some rituals, such as the bar mitzvah of Jewish boys and the holy communion of Christians, are designed to create in devout believers a feeling of closeness with God and unity with one another. Rituals include kneeling and praying at set times; bowing; crossing oneself; singing; lighting candles and incense; reading scripture; and following prescribed traditions at processions, baptisms, weddings, and funerals. The photo essay on the next two pages features photos I took of annual rituals held in Spain during Holy Week (the week that precedes the Christian holiday of Easter).

cosmology teachings or ideas that provide a unified picture of the world

religious experience a sudden awareness of the su- pernatural or a feeling of coming in contact with God

born again a term describing Christians who have undergone a religious experience so life transforming that they feel they have become new persons

rituals ceremonies or repetitive prac- tices; in religion, observances or rites often intended to evoke a sense of awe of the sacred

Holy Week in S pain

Religious groups develop rituals d


to evoke memori es, create awe, in


reverence, and st imulate social so


One of the prim ary means by wh

ich groups,

religious and sec ular, accomplish

these goals

is through the d isplay of symbols


I took these phot os during Holy W


in Spain—in Ma laga and Almuñe


Throughout Spai n, elaborate proc


feature tronos th at depict the

biblical account o f Jesus'

suffering, death, a nd resurrec-

tion. During the processions in

Malaga, the part icipants walk

slowly for about two minutes;

then because of t he weight of the

tronos, they rest

for about two mi nutes. They repea

t this process for

about six hours a day.

Bands, sometimes several of them, are part of the processions.

The proces sion in the

village wa s more info


This Roma n soldier

has an inte resting wa


of particip ating—and

keeping ta bs—on his

little daug hter. The g

irl is

distributin g candy.

A group of participants exiting the Church of the Incarnation for Malaga‘s Easter procession.

Parents gave a lot of attention to their children both during the preparations and during the processions. This photo was taken during one of the repetitive two-minute breaks.

© Jim Henslin, all photos

Beneath the cost umes

are townspeople and

church members who

know one anoth er well.

They enjoy them selves

prior to the proc ession.

This man is prep aring

to put on his hoo d.

During the short breaks at the night processions, children from the audience would rush to collect dripping wax to make wax balls. This was one way that the audience made themselves participants in the drama.

Some tronos are so heavy that they require many men to carry them. (Some were carried by over 100 men.) This photo was taken in Malaga, on Monday of Holy Week.

For the Good Friday proce

ssion, I was fo rtunate

to be able to p hotograph th

e behind-the- scenes

preparations, which are se

ldom seen by visitors.

Shown here a re finishing to

uches being g iven to

the Mary figu re.

The town square was packed with people awaiting the procession. From one corner of the square, the trono of Jesus was brought in. Then from another, that of Mary (“reuniting” them, as I was told). During this climactic scene, the priest on the balcony on the left read a message.

© Jim Henslin, all photos

440 Chapter 13

The Conflict Perspective 13.9 Apply the conflict perspective to religion: opium of the people

and legitimating social inequalities.

In general, conflict theorists are highly critical of religion. They stress that religion sup- ports the status quo and helps to maintain social inequalities. Let’s look at some of their analyses.

Opium of the People Karl Marx, an avowed atheist who believed that the existence of God was impossible, set the tone for conflict theorists with this statement: “Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the sentiment of a heartless world…. It is the opium of the people” (Marx 1844/1964). Marx meant that for oppressed workers, religion is like a drug that helps addicts forget their misery. By diverting thoughts toward future happiness in an afterlife, religion takes the workers’ eyes off their suffering in this world, reducing the possibility that they will overthrow their chains by rebelling against their oppressors.

Legitimating Social Inequalities Conflict theorists stress that religion legitimates social inequalities. By this, they mean that religion teaches that the existing social arrangements represent what God desires. For example, during the Middle Ages, Christian theologians decreed the divine right of kings. This doctrine meant that God determined who would become king and set him on the throne. The king ruled in God’s place, and it was the duty of a king’s subjects to be loyal to him (and to pay their taxes). To disobey the king was to disobey God.

In what was perhaps the supreme technique of legitimating the social order (one that went even farther than the divine right of kings), the religion of ancient Egypt held that the pharaoh was a god. The emperor of Japan was similarly declared divine. If this were so, who could ever question his decisions? Today’s politicians would give their right arms for such a religious teaching.

Conflict theorists point to many other examples of how religion legitimates the social order. In India, Hinduism supports the caste system by teaching that anyone who tries to change caste will come back in the next life as a member of a lower caste—or even as an animal. In the decades before the U.S. Civil War, southern ministers used scripture to defend slavery, saying that it was God’s will—while northern ministers

legitimated their region’s social structure by using scrip- ture to denounce slavery as evil (Ernst 1988; White 1995; Riley 2012).

Religion and the Spirit of Capitalism 13.10 Explain Weber’s analysis of how religion

broke tradition and brought capitalism.

Max Weber disagreed with the conflict perspective. Religion, he said, does not merely reflect and legiti- mate the social order and impede social change. Rather, religion’s focus on the afterlife is a source of profound social change.

Like Marx, Weber observed the early industrial- ization of Europe. As he did so, he began to wonder

For some Americans, religion is an “easy-going, makes-little- difference” matter, as expressed in this cartoon. For others, religious matters are firmly held, and followers find even slight differences of faith to be significant.

© R

ob er

t W

eb er

/ T

h e

N ew

Y or

k er

C ol

le ct

io n

/ w

w w

. ca

rt oo

n b

an k

.c om

Education and Religion 441

why some societies embraced capitalism while others held onto their traditional ways. Tradition was strong in all these countries, yet capitalism transformed some while oth- ers remained untouched. As Weber explored this puzzle, he concluded that religion held the key to modernization—the transformation of traditional societies to indus- trial societies.

To explain his conclusions, Weber wrote The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism (1904–1905, 2011). He said that:

1. Capitalism represents a fundamentally different way of thinking about work and money. Traditionally, people worked just enough to meet their basic needs, not so that they could have a surplus to invest. To accumulate money (capital) as an end in itself, not just to spend it, was a radical departure from traditional thinking. People even came to consider it a duty to invest money so they could make profits. They reinvested these profits to make even more profits. Weber called this new approach to work and mon- ey the spirit of capitalism.

2. Why did the spirit of capitalism develop in Europe and not, for example, in China or India, where people had similar material resources and education? According to Weber, religion was the key. The religions of China and India, and indeed Roman Ca- tholicism in Europe, encouraged a traditional approach to life, not thrift and invest- ment. Capitalism appeared when Protestantism came on the scene.

3. What was different about Protestantism, especially Calvinism? John Calvin taught that God had predestined some people to go to heaven and others to hell. Neither church membership nor feelings about your relationship with God could assure you that you were saved. You wouldn’t know your fate until after you died.

4. “Am I predestined to hell or to heaven?” Calvin’s followers wondered. As they wrestled with this question, they concluded that church members have a duty to live as though they are predestined to heaven—for good works are a demonstration of  salvation.

5. This conclusion motivated Calvinists to lead moral lives and to work hard, to use their time productively, and to be frugal—because idleness and needless spending were signs of worldliness. Weber called this self-denying approach to life the Protestant ethic.

6. As people worked hard and spent money only on necessities (a pair of earrings or a second pair of dress shoes would have been defined as sinful luxuries), they had money left over. Because the money couldn’t be spent on personal items, this capital was invested, which led to a surge in production.

7. Weber’s analysis can be summed up this way: The change in religion (from Catholi- cism to Protestantism, especially Calvinism) led to a fundamental change in thought and behavior (the Protestant ethic). The result was the spirit of capitalism. For this rea- son, capitalism originated in Europe and not in places where religion did not encour- age capitalism’s essential elements: the accumulation of capital and its investment and reinvestment.

Although Weber ’s analysis has been influential, it has not lacked critics. Hundreds of scholars have attacked it, some for overlooking the lack of capitalism in Scotland (a Calvinist country), others for failing to explain why the Industrial Revolution was born in England (not a Calvinist country). Hundreds of other scholars have defended Weber’s argument, and sociologists continue to test Weber ’s theory (Basten and Betz 2011). Cur- rently, sociologists are not in agreement on this matter.

At this point in history, the Protestant ethic and the spirit of capitalism are not con- fined to any specific religion or even to any one part of the world. Rather, they have become cultural traits that have spread to societies around the globe (Greeley 1964; Yinger 1970). U.S. Catholics have about the same approach to life as do U.S. Protestants. In addition, China, Hong Kong, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, South Korea, and Taiwan— not exactly Protestant countries—have embraced capitalism. Russia and Vietnam are in the midst of doing so.

modernization the transformation of traditional societies into industrial societies

spirit of capitalism Weber’s term for the desire to accumulate capital—not to spend it, but as an end in itself— and to constantly reinvest it

Protestant ethic Weber’s term to describe the ideal of a self-denying, highly moral life accompanied by thrift and hard work

442 Chapter 13

Types of Religious Groups 13.11 Compare cult, sect, church, and ecclesia.

Sociologists have identified four types of religious groups: cult, sect, church, and ecclesia. Why do some of these groups meet with hostility, while others tend to be accepted? For an explanation, look at Figure 13.5.

The more that a group has these emphases, the less it is accepted:

Less acceptance by society





More acceptance by society

1. Rejection of society (the culture is a threat to true religion)

2. Hostility from society 3. Hostility toward other religions 4. Hostility from other religions 5. Personal salvation 6. Emotional expression of religious beliefs 7. Revelation (God speaks directly to people) 8. God intervenes in people’s lives

(such as healing or giving guidance) 9. A duty to spread the message (evangelism) 10. A literal interpretation of scripture 11. A literal heaven and hell 12. A conversion experience is necessary

The more that a group has these characteristics, the more the group is accepted:

1. The organization is large 2. The organization is wealthy 3. The members are well to do (”worldly success”) 4. The clergy are required to have years of

formal training

Figure 13.5 Religious Groups: From Hostility to Acceptance

NOTE: Any religious organization can be placed somewhere on this continuum, based on its having “more” or “less” of these characteristics and emphases. The varying proportions of the rectangles are intended to represent the group’s relative characteristics and emphases.

SOURCE: By the author. Based on Troeltsch 1931; Pope 1942; Johnson 1963.

Let’s explore what sociologists have found about these four types of religious groups. The summary that follows is a modification of analyses by sociologists Ernst Troeltsch (1931), Liston Pope (1942), and Benton Johnson (1963).

Cult The word cult conjures up bizarre images. Shaven heads, weird music, brainwashing—even ritual suicide—may come to mind. Cults, however, are not necessarily weird, and few prac- tice “brainwashing” or bizarre rituals. In fact, all religions began as cults (Stark 1989). A cult is simply a new or different religion whose teachings and practices put it at odds with the dom- inant culture and religion. Because the term cult arouses negative associations in the public mind, however, some scholars prefer to use the term new religion instead. As is evident from the following Cultural Diversity in the United States, “new” can mean that an old religion is making its appearance in a culture that is not familiar and is uncomfortable with it.

cult a new religion with few fol- lowers, whose teachings and practices put it at odds with the dominant culture and religion

Cultural Diversity in the United States Human Heads and Animal Blood: Testing the Limits of Tolerance As the U.S. customs officials looked over the line of people who had just gotten off the plane from Haiti, there was nothing to make this particular woman stand out. She would have passed through without a problem, except for one thing: A routine search turned up something that

struck the custom agents as somewhat unusual—a human head.

The head had teeth, hair, pieces of skin, and some dirt. It had evidently been dug up from some grave, probably in Haiti.

Education and Religion 443

Cults often originate with a charismatic leader, an individual who inspires people because he or she seems to have extraordinary gifts, qualities, or abilities. Charisma refers to an outstanding gift or to some exceptional quality. People feel drawn to both the person and the message because they find something highly appealing about the individual—in some instances, almost a magnetic charm.

The most popular religion in the world began as a cult. Its handful of followers believed that an unschooled carpenter who preached in remote villages in a backwater country was the Son of God and that he was killed and came back to life. Those beliefs made the early Christians a cult, setting them apart from the rest of their society. Per- secuted by both religious and political authorities, these early believers clung to one another for support. Many cut off associations with friends who didn’t accept the new message. To others, the early Christians must have seemed deluded and brainwashed.

So it was with Islam. When Muhammad revealed his visions and said that God’s name was really Allah, only a few people believed him. To others, he must have seemed crazy, deranged.

Each cult (or new religion) is met with rejection on the part of society. Its mes- sage is considered bizarre, its approach to life strange. Its members antagonize the majority, who are convinced that they have a monopoly on the truth. The new religion may claim messages from God, visions, visits from angels—some form of

charismatic leader literally, someone to whom God has given a gift; in its extend- ed sense, someone who exerts extraordinary appeal to a group of followers

charisma literally, an extraordinary gift from God; more commonly, an outstanding, “magnetic” personality

The 30-year-old woman, who lives in Florida, practiced voodoo. The head was for her religious rituals.

The woman was arrested. Her crime? Not filing a report that she was carrying “organic material” (“Mujer con Cabeza …” 2006).

* * * * *

The Santeros from Cuba who live in Florida sacrifice animals. They meet in apartments, where, following a Yoruba religion, they kill goats and chickens. Calling on their gods, they first ask permission to sacrifice the animals. After sacrificing them, they pour out the animals’ blood, which opens and closes the doors of their destiny. They also cut off the animals’ heads and place them at locations in the city that represent the four directions of the compass. This is done to terrorize their enemies and give them safety. The heads also protect the city from hurricanes and other destructive forces.

When city officials in Hialeah, Florida, learned that the Santeros were planning to build a church in their city, they passed a law against the sacrifice of animals within the city limits. The Santeros appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court, claiming discrimination because the law was directed against them. The Court ruled in their favor.

City officials of Euless, Texas, were shocked when they learned that Jose Merced was sacrificing goats in his home. They sent in the police (Rassbach 2009). Merced appealed to the federal circuit court, saying that the officials were violating his rights as a Santeria priest. He can now sacrifice goats at home.

For Your Consideration → What do you think the lim-

itations on religious freedom should be?

→ Should people be allowed to sacrifice animals as part of their religious practices?

→ If the Santeros can sacrifice animals, why shouldn’t peo- ple who practice voodoo be able to use human heads in their rituals if they want to? (Assume that the relatives of the dead person have given their permission.)


A Santera priestess touches a sacrificed goat's head with the tip of her tongue during a ceremony in Cuba.

444 Chapter 13

enlightenment or seeing the true way to God. The cult demands intense commit- ment, and its followers, who are confronting a hostile world, pull together in a tight circle, separating themselves from nonbelievers. Most cults fail. Not many people believe the new message, and the cult fades into obscurity. Some, however, succeed and make history. Over time, large numbers of people may come to accept the mes- sage and become followers of the religion. If this happens, the new religion changes from a cult to a sect.

Sect A sect is larger than a cult, but its members still feel tension between their views and the prevailing beliefs and values of the broader society. A sect may even be hostile to the soci- ety in which it is located. At the very least, its members remain uncomfortable with many of the emphases of the dominant culture; in turn, nonmembers tend to be uncomfortable with members of the sect.

If a sect grows, its members tend to gradually make peace with the rest of society. To appeal to a broader base, the sect shifts some of its doctrines, redefining matters to remove some of the rough edges that create tension between it and the rest of society. As the members become more respectable in the eyes of the society, they feel less hostility and little, if any, isolation. If a sect follows this course, as it grows and becomes more inte- grated into society, it changes into a church.

Church At this point, the religious group is highly bureaucratized—probably with national and international headquarters that give direction to the local congregations, enforce rules about who can be ordained, and control finances. The relationship with God has grown less intense. The group is likely to have less emphasis on personal salvation and emo- tional expression. Worship services are likely to be more sedate, with formal sermons and written prayers read before the congregation. Rather than being recruited from the outside by personal evangelism, most new members now come from within, from chil- dren born to existing members. Rather than joining through conversion—seeing the new truth—children may be baptized, circumcised, or dedicated in some other way. At some designated age, children may be asked to affirm the group’s beliefs in a ceremony, such as a confirmation or bar mitzvah.

Ecclesia Finally, some religions become so well integrated into a culture, and allied so strongly with their government, that it is difficult to tell where one leaves off and the other takes over. In these state religions, also called ecclesia, the government and religion work together to try to shape society. Because citizenship makes everyone a member, there is no recruitment of members. For most people in the society, the religion is part of a cultural identity, not an eye-opening experience. Sweden provides a good example of how extensively religion and government intertwine in an ecclesia. In the 1860s, all citizens had to memorize Luther’s Small Catechism and be tested on it annually (Anderson 1995). Today, Lutheranism is still associated with the state, but most Swedes come to church only for baptisms, marriages, and funerals.

Unlike cults and sects, which perceive God as personally involved with and con- cerned about people, ecclesia envision God as more impersonal and remote. Reflecting this view of the supernatural, church services tend to be highly formal, directed by min- isters or priests who, after undergoing training in approved schools or seminaries, follow prescribed rituals.

sect a religious group larger than a cult that still feels substan- tial hostility from and toward society

ecclesia a religious group so integrated into the dominant culture that it is difficult to tell where the one begins and the other leaves off; also called a state religion

Education and Religion 445

Religion in the United States 13.12 Summarize the main features of religion in the United States.

To better understand religion in the United States, let’s look at some of its major features.

Characteristics of Members About 63 percent of Americans belong to a church, synagogue, or mosque. What are the characteristics of people who hold formal membership in a religion?

SOCIAL CLASS Religion in the United States is stratified by social class. As you can see from Figure 13.6, some religious groups are “top-heavy,” and others are “bottom-heavy.” The most top-heavy are Jews and Episcopalians; the most bottom-heavy are the Assem- bly of God, Southern Baptists, and Jehovah’s Witnesses. This figure provides further confirmation that churchlike groups tend to appeal to people who have more “worldly” success, while the more sectlike groups attract people who have less “worldly” success.

Education: Percent with College Degrees

0% 20% Percentage

40% 60%













Presbyterian USA


Lutheran (Missouri Synod) Roman Catholic

Southern Baptist

Assembly of God

Jehovah’s Witness

Family Income1

$0 $20 Thousands

$40 $60 $80










United Methodist $50,000


Occupational Prestige 2

20 40 60











Figure 13.6 Social Class and Religious Affiliation

1The family incomes reported here must be taken as approximate. The original totals were from 1996. I increased them by 48 percent, the infla- tion rate reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics for 1996 to 2013. 2Higher numbers mean that more of the group’s members work at occupations that have higher prestige, generally those that require more education and offer higher pay. For more information on occupational prestige, see Table 10.2 on page 268.

SOURCE: By the author. Based on Smith and Faris 2005.

From this figure, you can see how status consistency (a concept we reviewed in Chapter 8) applies to religious groups. If a group ranks high (or low) on education, it is also likely to rank high (or low) on income and occupational prestige. Jews, for example, rank the highest on education, income, and occupational prestige, while Jehovah’s Witnesses rank the lowest on these three measures of social class. As you can see, the Mormons are status inconsistent. They rank second in income, fourth in education, and tie for sixth in occupational prestige. Even more status inconsistent is the Assembly of God. Their mem- bers tie for third in occupational prestige but rank only eighth in income and ninth in edu- cation. This inconsistency is so jarring that there could be a problem with the sample.

RACE–ETHNICITY Many religions are associated with race–ethnicity: Islam with Arabs, Judaism with Jews, Hinduism with Indians, and Confucianism with Chinese. In the United States, all major religious groups draw from the nation’s many racial–ethnic groups. Like social class, however, race–ethnicity tends to cluster. People of Irish descent are likely to be Roman Catholics; those with Greek ancestors are likely to belong to the Greek Orthodox Church. African Americans are likely to be Protestants—more specifi- cally, Baptists—or to belong to fundamentalist sects.

446 Chapter 13

Although many churches are integrated, it is with good reason that Sunday morning between 10 and 11 a.m. has been called “the most segregated hour in the United States.” Afri- can Americans tend to belong to African American churches, while most whites see only whites in theirs. The segregation of churches is based on custom, not on law.

Characteristics of Religious Groups Let’s turn to major characteristics of the religious groups in the United States.

DIVERSITY Two of three Americans (63 percent) are mem- bers of a church, synagogue, or mosque, but with hundreds of denominations, no religious group comes even close to being

a dominant religion in the United States (Statistical Abstract 2017:Tables 79, 81). Table 13.2 illustrates some of this remarkable diversity.

Members of Centro Palabra de Fe in Compton, California, at prayer. Participating in religious rituals molds identities and bonds people to one another.

Religious Group Number of Members Percentage of U.S. Adults

Christian 174,300,000 70.6%

Protestant 115,000,000 46.5%

Evangelical churches 60,500,000 25.4%

Mainline churches 36,300,000 14.7%

Historical black churches 16,000,000 6.5%

Roman Catholic 51,300,000 20.8%

Mormon 4,000,000 1.6%

Jehovah’s Witness 2,000,000 0.8%

Orthodox: Greek, Russian 1,250,000 0.5%

Other Christian 1,000,000 0.4%

Other Religions 14,600,000 5.9%

Jewish 4,700,000 1.9%

Muslim 2,200,000 0.9%

Buddhist 1,700,000 0.7%

Hindu 1,700,000 0.7%

Other faiths (Unitarians, New Age, Native American religions, Liberal)

3,700,000 1.5%

Other world religions (Sikhs, Baha’is, Jains, others)

700,000 0.03%

No Identity with a Religion 56,500,000 22.8%

Nothing in particular 39,000,000 15.8%

Agnostic 10,000,000 4.0%

Atheist 7,700,000 3.1%

Don’t Know or Refused 1,500,000 0.6%

Table 13.2 How Americans Age 18 and Older Identify with Religion

NOTE: These data are based on a telephone survey of a nationally representative sample of 35,000 adult Americans. The population of adults on which I computed the numbers of members is 246,745,000. Because of rounding the totals do not equal 100.

SOURCES: Totals computed by the author based on America’s Changing Religious Landscape 2015; Statistical Abstract of the United States 2017:Table 10.

PLURALISM AND FREEDOM It is the U.S. government’s policy not to interfere with religions. The government’s position is that its obligation is to ensure an environment in which people can worship as they see fit. Religious freedom is so extensive that any- one can start a church and proclaim himself or herself a minister, revelator, or any other desired term. The exceptions to this hands-off policy are startling. The most notorious

Education and Religion 447

exception in recent times was the attack by the Bureau of Alco- hol, Tobacco, and Firearms on the Branch Davidians, an obscure religious group in Waco, Texas. The eighty-two victims remain a dark blot on the history of the United States. A second example is the government’s infiltration of mosques to monitor the activi- ties of Arab immigrants (Audi and Jordan 2014). This stopped in 2015. Other limitations to this policy were discussed in the pre- ceding Cultural Diversity in the United States.

TOLERATION The general religious toleration of Americans can be illustrated by three prevailing attitudes: (1) “All religions have a right to exist—as long as they don’t try to brainwash or hurt any- one.” (2) “With all the religions to choose from, how can anyone tell which one—if any—is true?” (3) “Each of us may be convinced about the truth of our religion—and that is good—but don’t be obnoxious by trying to convince others that you have the exclusive truth.”

THE ELECTRONIC CHURCH What began as a ministry to shut-ins and those who do not belong to a church blossomed into its own type of church. Its preachers, called “televangelists,” reach millions of viewers and raise millions of dollars. Some of its most famous ministers are Joel Osteen, Kenneth Copeland, Creflo Dollar, Benny Hinn, Joyce Meyers, and Pat Robertson.

Many local ministers view the electronic church as a competitor. They complain that it competes for the attention and dollars of their members. Leaders of the electronic church reply that the money goes to good causes and that through its conversions, the electronic church feeds members into the local churches, strengthening, not weakening them.

The Future of Religion 13.13 Discuss the likely future of religion.

Religion thrives in the most advanced scientific nations—and, as officials of Soviet Rus- sia and communist China were disheartened to learn—even in ideologically hostile cli- mates. Although the Soviet and Chinese authorities threw believers into prison, people continued to practice their religion. Humans are inquiring creatures. As they reflect on life, they ask, What is the purpose of it all? Why are we born? Is there an afterlife? If so, where are we going? Out of these concerns arises this question: If there is a God, what does God want of us in this life? Does God have a preference about how we should live?

Science, including sociology, cannot answer such questions. By its very nature, sci- ence cannot tell us about four main concerns that many people have:

1. The existence of God. About this, science has nothing to say. No test tube has either isolated God or refuted God’s existence.

2. The purpose of life. Although science can provide a definition of life and describe the characteristics of living organisms, it has nothing to say about ultimate purpose.

3. An afterlife. Science can offer no information on this at all because it has no tests to prove or disprove a “hereafter.”

4. Morality. Science can demonstrate the consequences of behavior, but not the moral superiority of one action compared with another. This means—to use an extreme example—that science cannot even prove whether loving your family and neighbor is morally superior to hurting and killing them.

There is no doubt that religion will last as long as humanity lasts—what could replace it? And if something did and answered such questions, would it not be religion under a different name?

In Sociology and Technology: The Shifting Landscape, which closes this chapter, let’s try to glimpse the cutting edge of religious change.

A basic principle of symbolic interactionism is that meaning is not inherent in an object or event, but is determined by people as they interpret the object or event. Does this dinosaur fossil “prove” evolution? Does it “disprove” creation? Such “proof” and “disproof” lie in the eye of the beholder, based on the background assumptions by which it is interpreted.

Like other aspects of culture, religion is filled with background assumptions that usually go unquestioned. In this photo, which I took in Amsterdam, what background assumption of religion is this woman violating?

448 Chapter 13

Sociology and Technology: The Shifting Landscape Changing Religious Practices in the Digital Age Some say that the microchip will bring about a religious refor- mation as big as the one set off by Gutenberg’s invention of the printing press. This is likely an exaggeration, but perhaps not. As you look at how religious practices are adapting to technology, you might be glimpsing the future of religion.

Apps Roman Catholics in Europe use Confesor Go to locate priests to hear confessions and WhatsApp to discuss moral dilemmas with priests (“Church Goes Digital” 2016). An app for Jews shows a replica of the fond of a palm tree—with instruc- tions how to swing it during Sukkot (“Study Finds…” 2014).

Tweets The Pope tweets little messages in 145 char- acters or less. The Pope doesn’t actually write the tweets, but he “is involved” in what they say (Moloney 2012).

YouTube Teenaged Buddhist monks post videos of themselves on YouTube playing air guitar and reciting religious chants to hip-hop beats. This upsets older Buddhists who feel that the young monks are being disrespectful (Hookway 2012).

Prayers at holy sites Want to pray at the Holy Land, but you can’t leave home? No problem. Type your prayer, and we will download and insert it in the Western Wall. Or buy our telephone card—available at your local 7-11.

Record your prayer, and we’ll broadcast it via the Internet at the site you choose. Press 1 for the holy site of Jerusalem.

Press 2 for the holy site of the Sea of Galilee. Press 3 for the birthplace of Jesus. Press 4 for…. (Rhoads 2007)

Stay where you are but pray back home You moved to Kansas, but you want to pray in Chennai? No problem. Order your pujas (prayers), and a priest will say them in the temple of your choice. Just click how many you want. Food offerings for Vishnu included in the price. All major credit cards accepted (Sullivan 2007).

Texting during sermons One rabbi has congregants text anonymous messages regarding their reactions to what is being dis- cussed. The cell phone messages are projected onto a screen in front of the congregation (Alvarez 2012).

Chaplains at the keyboard Christian and Jewish chaplains counsel hospital patients via e-mail, giving them spiritual sup- port regarding the meaning of their illness (Beck 2015).

Virtual church services Muslims download sermons and join an invisible community of worshippers at virtual mosques. Christians can choose an avatar, sing, kneel, pray, and listen to virtual sermons. If they get bored, they can walk around the virtual church and talk to other avatars (Feder 2004). And, of course, they can use their credit card—a real one, not the virtual kind.

For Your Consideration → In what ways do you think the Internet is changing religion?

→ Do you think online religion can replace the warm embrace of fellow believers? Will tweets bring comfort to someone who is grieving for a loved one?

→ Has the computer, programming, or the Internet had an effect on any of your religious practices? If so, how?

Ancient temple and ancient prayer custom, but this monk is connected to the Internet as he goes through Buddhist rituals.

Education and Religion 449

Summary and Review Education in Global Perspective 13.1 Understand how education is related to a nation’s

culture and economy; compare education in Japan, Russia, and Egypt.

What is a credential society, and how did it develop?

A credential society is one in which employers use diplomas and degrees to determine who is eligible for a job. One rea- son that credentialism developed is that large, anonymous societies lack the personal knowledge common to smaller groups. Educational certification is taken as evidence of a person’s ability.

How does education compare among the Most Industrialized, Industrializing, and Least Industrial- ized Nations?

Formal education reflects a nation’s economy and culture. Education is extensive in the Most Industrialized Nations, undergoing vast change in the Industrializing Nations, and spotty in the Least Industrialized Nations. Japan, Russia, and Egypt provide examples of education in countries at three levels of industrialization.

The Functionalist Perspective: Providing Social Benefits 13.2 Apply the functionalist perspective by explaining

the functions of education.

What is the functionalist perspective on education?

Among the functions of education are the teaching of knowledge and skills, providing credentials, cultural transmission of values, social integration, gatekeep- ing, and mainstreaming. Functionalists also note that education has replaced some traditional family func- tions.

The Conflict Perspective: Perpetuating Social Inequality 13.3 Apply the conflict perspective by explaining how

the educational system reproduces the social class structure.

What is the conflict perspective on education?

The basic view of conflict theorists is that education repro- duces the social class structure. Through unequal funding and operating different schools for the elite and for the masses, education perpetuates a society’s basic social inequalities from one generation to the next.

The Symbolic Interactionist Perspective: Teacher Expectations 13.4 Apply the symbolic interactionist perspective by

explaining the significance of teacher expectations.

What is the symbolic interactionist perspective on education?

Symbolic interactionists focus on face-to-face interaction. In examining what occurs in the classroom, they have found that student performance tends to conform to teacher ex- pectations, whether they are high or low. Self-expectations also significantly influence student performance.

Problems in U.S. Education—and Their Solutions 13.5 Discuss mediocrity in education, grade inflation,

social promotion, raising standards, cheating by administrators, and violence in schools.

What are the chief problems that face U.S. education?

The major problems are mediocrity (low achievement as shown by standardized tests and SAT scores), grade in- flation, social promotion, functional illiteracy, cheating by school officials, and violence.

What are the potential solutions to these problems?

To restore high educational standards, we must expect more of both students and teachers. School administrators can be required to use a single reporting measure based on objec- tive, verifiable data. For an effective learning environment, we must provide basic security for students and teachers.

Religion: Establishing Meaning 13.6 Explain what Durkheim meant by sacred and

profane and discuss the three elements of religion.

What Is Religion?

Durkheim identified three essential characteristics of religion: beliefs that set the sacred apart from the profane, rituals, and a moral community (a church).

The Functionalist Perspective 13.7 Apply the functionalist perspective to religion:

functions and dysfunctions.

What are the functions and dysfunctions of religion?

Among the functions of religion are answering questions about ultimate meaning; providing emotional comfort, so- cial solidarity, guidelines for everyday life, social control, and social change. Among the dysfunctions of religion are religious persecution and war and terrorism.

450 Chapter 13

The Symbolic Interactionist Perspective 13.8 Apply the symbolic interactionist perspective to

religion: symbols, rituals, beliefs, and religious experience.

What aspects of religion do symbolic interactionists study?

Symbolic interactionists focus on the meanings of religion for its followers. They examine religious symbols, rituals, beliefs, and religious experiences.

The Conflict Perspective 13.9 Apply the conflict perspective to religion: opium of

the people and legitimating social inequalities.

What aspects of religion do conflict theorists study?

Conflict theorists examine the relationship of religion to social inequalities, especially how religion reinforces a soci- ety’s stratification system.

Religion and the Spirit of Capitalism 13.10 Explain Weber’s analysis of how religion broke

tradition and brought capitalism.

What does the spirit of capitalism have to do with religion?

Max Weber saw religion as a primary source of social change. He analyzed how Calvinism gave rise to the Protestant ethic, stimulating what he called the spirit of capitalism. The result was capitalism, which transformed society.

Types of Religious Groups 13.11 Compare cult, sect, church, and ecclesia.

What types of religious groups are there?

Sociologists divide religious groups into cults, sects, churches, and ecclesias. All religions began as cults. Those that survive tend to develop into sects and eventually into churches. Sects, often led by charismatic leaders, are unsta- ble. Some are perceived as threats and are persecuted by the state. Ecclesias, or state religions, are rare.

Religion in the United States 13.12 Summarize main features of religion in the

United States.

What are the main characteristics of religion in the United States?

Membership varies by social class and race–ethnicity. Major characteristics are diversity, pluralism and freedom, toler- ance, and the electronic church.

The Future of Religion 13.13 Discuss the likely future of religion.

What can we anticipate in the future?

Because science cannot answer questions about ultimate meaning, the existence of God, or an afterlife, or provide guidelines for morality, the need for religion will remain. In any foreseeable future, religion will prosper. The Internet is likely to have far-reaching consequences on religion.

Thinking Critically about Chapter 13 1. How does education in the United States compare

with education in Japan, Russia, and Egypt?

2. How have your experiences in education (including teachers and assignments) influenced your goals, attitudes, and values? How have your classmates influenced you? Be specific.

3. Why do the functionalist, symbolic interactionist, and conflict perspectives produce such different pictures of religion?

4. Why is religion likely to remain a strong feature of U.S. life—and remain strong in people’s lives around the globe?

451City Scene, 2005, Stock Illustrations (digital illustration)

Learning Objectives

After you have read this chapter, you should be able to:

14.1 Contrast the views of the New Malthusians and Anti-Malthusians on population growth and the food supply; explain why people are starving.

14.2 Explain why the Least Industrialized Nations have so many children, consequences of rapid population growth, population pyramids, the three demographic variables, and problems in forecasting population growth.

14.3 Explain how cities developed, and summarize urbanization from city to megaregion.

14.4 Be familiar with the patterns of urbanization that characterize the United States.

14.5 Compare the models of urban growth.

14.6 Discuss alienation and community, types of people who live in the city, the norm of noninvolvement, and the diffusion of responsibility.

14.7 Explain the effects of suburbanization, disinvestment and deindustrialization, and the potential of urban revitalization.

Chapter 14

Population and Urbanization

The image still haunts me. There stood Celia, age 30, her distended stomach visible proof that her thirteenth child was on its way. Her oldest was only 14 years old! A mere boy by our stan- dards, he had already gone as far in school as he ever would. Each morning, he joined the men to work in the fields. Each evening around twilight, I saw him return home, exhausted from hard labor in the subtropical sun.

I was living in Colima, Mexico, and Celia and her husband Angel had invited me for din- ner. Their home clearly reflected the family’s poverty. A thatched hut consisting of only a single room served as home for all fourteen members of the family. At night, the parents and younger children crowded into a double bed, while the eldest boy slept in a hammock. As in many homes in the village, the other children slept on mats spread on the dirt floor—despite the crawling scorpions.

The home was meagerly furnished. It had only a gas stove, a table, and a cabinet where Celia stored her few cooking utensils and clay dishes. There were no closets; clothes hung on pegs in the walls. There also were no chairs, not even one. I was used to the poverty in the village, but this really startled me. The family was too poor to afford even a single chair.

Celia beamed as she told me how much she looked forward to the birth of her next child. Could she really mean it? It was hard to imagine that any woman would want to be in her situation.


“There stood Celia, age 30, her distended stomach visible proof that her thirteenth child was on its way.”

Population and Urbanization 453

Yet Celia meant every word. She was as full of delighted anticipation as she had been with her first child—and with all the others in between.

How could Celia have wanted so many children—especially when she lived in such pover- ty? This question bothered me. I couldn’t let it go until I understood why.

This chapter helps to provide an answer.

■ Population in Global Perspective Celia’s story takes us to the heart of demography, the study of the size, composition, growth (or shrinkage), and distribution of human populations. It brings us face to face with the question of whether we are doomed to live in a world so filled with people that there will be little space for anybody. Will our planet be able to support its growing population? Or are chronic famine and mass starvation the sorry fate of most earthlings?

Let’s look at how concern about population growth began.

A Planet with No Space for Enjoying Life? 14.1 Contrast the views of the New Malthusians and Anti-Malthusians on

population growth and the food supply; explain why people are starving.

The story begins with the lowly potato. When the Spanish conquistadores found that peo- ple in the Andes Mountains ate this tuber that was unknown in Europe, they brought some home with them. At first, Europeans viewed the potato with suspicion, but gradu- ally it became the main food of the lower classes. With a greater abundance of food, fertil- ity increased, and the death rate dropped. Europe’s population soared, almost doubling during the 1700s (McKeown 1977; McNeill 1999).

This surging growth alarmed Thomas Malthus (1766–1834), an English economist, who saw it as a sign of doom. In 1798, he wrote An Essay on the Principle of Population (1798/1926). In this book, which became world famous, Malthus proposed what became known as the Malthus theorem. He argued that although population grows geometri- cally (from 2 to 4 to 8 to 16 and so forth), the food supply increases only arithmetically (from 1 to 2 to 3 to 4 and so on). This meant, he claimed, that if births go unchecked, the population will outstrip its food supply.

The New Malthusians Was Malthus right? This question has provoked heated debate among demographers. One group, which can be called the New Malthusians, is convinced that today’s situation is at least as grim as—if not grimmer than—Malthus ever imagined (Mayhew 2016). For example, the world’s population is growing so fast that in just the time it takes you to read this chapter, another 20,000 to 40,000 babies will be born! By this time tomorrow, Earth will have about 246,000 more people to feed. This increase goes on hour after hour, day after day, without letup. For an illustration of this growth, see Figure 14.1.

The New Malthusians point out that the world’s population is following an exponential growth curve. This means that if growth doubles during approximately equal intervals of time, it suddenly accelerates. To illustrate the far-reaching implications of exponential growth, sociologist William Faunce (1981) retold an old parable about a poor man who saved a rich man’s life. The rich man was grateful and said that he wanted to reward the man for his heroic deed.

The man replied that he would like his reward to be spread out over a four-week period, with each day’s amount being twice what he received on the preceding day. He also said

demography the study of the size, composition, growth (or shrinkage), and distri- bution of human populations

Malthus theorem an observation by Thomas Malthus that although the food supply increases arithmetically (from 1 to 2 to 3 to 4 and so on), population grows geometrically (from 2 to 4 to 8 to 16 and so forth)

exponential growth curve a pattern of growth in which numbers double during approxi- mately equal intervals, showing a steep acceleration in the later stages

454 Chapter 14

he would be happy to receive only one penny on the first day. The rich man immediately handed over the penny and congratulated himself on how cheaply he had gotten by.

At the end of the first week, the rich man checked to see how much he owed and was pleased to find that the total was only $1.27. By the end of the second week he owed only $163.83. On the twenty-first day, however, the rich man was surprised to find that the total had grown to $20,971.51. When the twenty-eighth day arrived the rich man was shocked to discover that he owed $1,342,177.28 for that day alone and that the total reward had jumped to $2,684,354.56!

This is precisely what alarms the New Malthusians. They claim that humanity has entered the “fourth week” of an exponential growth curve. To see why they think the day of reckoning is just around the corner, look at Figure 14.2. It took from the begin- ning of time until 1800 for the world’s population to reach its first billion. To add the second billion, it took only 130 years (1930). Just 30 years later (1960), the world population hit 3 billion. The time it took to reach the fourth billion was cut in half, to only 15 years (1975). Then just 12 years later (in 1987) the total reached 5 billion, in another 12 years it hit 6 billion (in 1999), and in yet another 12 years it hit 7 billion (in 2011).



The Accumulating Increase

Each second 2.85

Each minute 171

Each hour 10,250

Each day 246,000

Each week 1,722,000

Each month 7,482,000

Each year 89,790,000

The Results of a Single Day




0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350






Population increase

400 450 Thousands

Figure 14.1 How Fast Is the World’s Population Growing?

SOURCE: By the author. Based on Haub et al. 2016.





The birth of Christ

1 0

2 3 4 5 6 7

B ill

io n s

o f

P e o

p le

200 Year

400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200

8 9

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

12 13 14 15 16 17 18

1 0

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

1800 1930 1960 1975 1987 1999 2011

Only 300 million people in the world?

P ro

je cte



B ill

io n s

o f

P e o

p le

Figure 14.2 World Population Growth

SOURCES: Modified from Piotrow 1973; McFalls 2007; based on projections from Haub et al. 2016.

Population and Urbanization 455

The world’s population growth is astounding. Consider this:

• At each sunset, the world has 246,000 more people than it did the day before.

• Each year, the world’s population increases by about 90 million people.

• During the next 4 years, the world will add more people than there are in the entire United States.

• In the next dozen years, the world will add as many people as it did during the entire time from when the first humans began to walk the earth until the year 1800.

These totals terrify the New Malthusians. They are convinced that we are headed toward a showdown between population and food. It is obvious that we will run out of food if we don’t curtail population growth. Soon our television screens will be filled with images of pitiful, starving children.

The Anti-Malthusians All of this seems obvious, and no one wants to live shoulder-to-shoulder and fight for scraps. How, then, can anyone argue with the New Malthusians?

To find out, let’s turn to a much more optimistic group of demographers, whom we can call the Anti-Malthusians. For them, the future is painted in much brighter colors. They believe that Europe’s demographic transition provides a more accurate picture of the future. This transition is diagrammed in Figure 14.3. During most of its history, Europe was in Stage 1. Europe’s population remained about the same from year to year, because its high death rates offset its high birth rates. Then came Stage 2, the “population explosion” that so upset Malthus. Europe’s population surged because birth rates remained high while death rates went down. Finally, Europe made the transition to Stage 3: The popula- tion stabilized as people brought their birth rates into line with their lower death rates.

demographic transition a three-stage historical process of change in the size of popula- tions: first, high birth rates and high death rates; second, high birth rates and low death rates; and third, low birth rates and low death rates; a fourth stage of population shrinkage in which deaths outnumber births has made its appearance in the Most Industrialized Nations

Stable population: Births and deaths are more or less balanced.

Rapidly growing population: Births far outnumber deaths.

Stable population: Births drop, and births and deaths become more or less balanced.

Death rate

Birth rate

Population increase

Population decrease

Shrinking population: Deaths outnumber births.


Figure 14.3 The Demographic Transition

NOTE: The standard demographic transition is depicted by Stages 1–3. Stage 4 has been suggested by some Anti-Malthusians.

SOURCE: Standard presentation modified by the author to add Stage 4.

This, say the Anti-Malthusians, will also happen in the Least Industrialized Nations. Their current surge in population growth simply indicates that they have reached Stage 2 of the demographic transition. Hybrid seeds, medicine from the Most Industrialized Nations, and purer public drinking water have cut their death rates, while their birth rates have remained high. When they move into Stage 3, as surely they will, we will won- der what all the fuss was about. In fact, their growth is already slowing.

456 Chapter 14

Who Is Correct? As you can see, both the New Malthusians and the Anti-Malthusians have looked at historical trends and projected them onto the future. The New Malthusians project con- tinued world growth and are alarmed. The Anti-Malthusians project Stage 3 of the demo- graphic transition onto the Least Industrialized Nations and are reassured.

There is no question that the Least Industrialized Nations are in Stage 2 of the demo- graphic transition. The question is, Will these nations enter Stage 3? After World War II, the West exported its hybrid seeds, herbicides, and techniques of public hygiene around the globe. Death rates plummeted in the Least Industrialized Nations as their food sup- ply increased and health improved. Because their birth rates stayed high, their popu- lations exploded. This alarmed demographers, just as it had Malthus 200 years earlier. Some predicted worldwide catastrophe if something were not done immediately to halt the population explosion (Ehrlich and Ehrlich 1972, 1978).

We can use the conflict perspective to understand what happened when this message reached the leaders of the industrialized world. They saw the exploding populations of the Least Industrialized Nations as a threat to the global balance of power they had so carefully worked out. With swollen populations, the poorer countries might demand a larger share of Earth’s resources. The leaders found the United Nations to be a will- ing tool, and they used it to spearhead efforts to reduce world population growth. The results have been remarkable. The annual growth of the Least Industrialized Nations has dropped by close to half (44 percent), from 2.5 percent a year in the 1960s to 1.4 percent today (Population Reference Bureau 2016).

The New Malthusians and Anti-Malthusians have greeted this news with incompat- ible interpretations. For the Anti-Malthusians, this slowing of growth is the signal they were waiting for: Stage 3 of the demographic transition has begun. First, the death rates in the Least Industrialized Nations fell; now, just as they predicted, birth rates are also falling. Did you notice, they would say if they looked at Figure 14.2, that it took 12 years to add the fifth billion to the world’s population—and also 12 years to add the sixth billion—and also 12 years to add the seventh billion? Despite millions upon millions of more women of childbearing age, population growth has leveled off. The New Malthusians reply that a slower growth rate still spells catastrophe; it will just take longer for it to hit.

Large families on U.S. farms used to be common. Children helped plant and harvest crops, take care of animals, and prepare food. As the country industrialized and urbanized, children became nonproducers, making them expensive to have around. Consequently, the size of families shrank as we entered Stage 3 of the demographic transition. This photo was taken in 1887 near Comstock, Nebraska.

Population and Urbanization 457

Then the Anti-Malthusians drop a bombshell, making the New Malthusians moan in disbelief. They say that our future will be the opposite of what the New Malthusians worry about: There are going to be too few children in the world, not too many. The world’s problem will not be a population explosion, but population shrinkage— populations getting smaller.

Europe points to the future. If it weren’t for immigration from Africa, all the countries of Europe would fill more coffins than cradles (Haub et al. 2016). Population shrinkage has also reached Asia, with Japan’s population dropping by almost a million people a year (Hongo 2016). With their concerns about future workers and their dislike of immi- grants, to say that Japan’s politicians are worried would be an understatement.

Some Anti-Malthusians even predict a demographic free fall (Mosher 1997). As more nations enter Stage 4 of the demographic transition, the world’s population will peak and then begin to grow smaller. Two hundred years from now, they say, we will have a lot fewer people on Earth.

Who is right? It simply is too early to tell. Like the proverbial pessimists who see the glass of water half-empty, the New Malthusians interpret changes in world population growth negatively. And like the eternal optimists who see the same glass half-full, the Anti-Malthusians view the figures positively. Sometime during our lifetimes, we should know the answer.

Why Are People Starving? Pictures of starving children gnaw at our conscience. We live in such abundance, while children and their parents starve before our very eyes. Why don’t they have enough food? Is it because there isn’t enough food in the world to feed them or because the abun- dant food the world produces does not reach them?

The Anti-Malthusians make a point that seems irrefutable. As Figure 14.4 shows, there is much more food for each person in the world now than there was in 1950. Despite the billions of additional people who now live on this planet, improved seeds and fertilizers have made more food available for each person on Earth. Since the 1990s, world hunger has

population shrinkage the process by which a country’s population becomes smaller be- cause its birth rate and immigra- tion are too low to replace those who die and emigrate

P e r

C ap

it a

F o

o d

P ro

d u ct

io n


0 1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995












2005 2015 20202010



Figure 14.4 How Much Food Does the World Produce per Person?

NOTE: 2004–2006 equals 100. Projections by the author.

SOURCES: By the author. Based on Simon 1981; Statistical Abstract of the United States 2010:Table 1335; Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 2013, 2015a.

458 Chapter 14

dropped 40 percent (UN FAO 2015b). And, with bioengineers making breakthroughs in agriculture, even more food is on the way.

But will bioengineered foods live up to their promise? A slight problem seems to be emerging, the focus of our following Down-to-Earth Sociology.

Down-to-Earth Sociology BioFoods: What’s in Your Future? Threats to Scientific Research Luddites are people who fear change. They oppose anything new.

You can expect Luddites to complain about bioengineered foods. Biofoods, also called genetically modified organisms (GMOs), are a radical departure from the past. Until a few years ago, biofoods were just a gleam in scientists’ eyes. As they experimented, they developed seeds that vastly increase harvests. Good enough. Then they came up with seeds that could withstand drought. Then seeds whose added genetic materials produce the plants’ own insecticides.

Crops kept increasing. And the Luddites kept shouting warnings about contaminating nature, about humans playing God. Scientists and the public shrugged them off. And Monsanto and the other agricultural conglomerates kept doing their research, developing new seeds that would allow the world’s population to keep growing—and company profits, too.

Then scientific controversy hit full force, a storm that has not subsided. Some Italian researchers divided rats into control and experimental groups (Seralini et al. 2012). They fed the control group non-GMO corn, and the experimental group GMO corn. Compared with the control group, a lot of the rats in the experimental group came down with tumors. Some growths were large enough to block the rats’ breathing and digestion. The rats’ kidneys and livers were also damaged. Their sex hormones were disturbed. And female rats tended to come down with breast tumors.

In an earlier edition of this book, I reprinted a photo of one of their sick, tumor-filled rats. Evidently, someone didn't like this, and I have now been denied permission to show this photo to you.

With such damage to essential organs, the death rate of the experimental group was two to three times higher than that of the control group. The researchers suggest that the GMO corn disturbs the subnuclear structure of body cells.

To publish such research is like dangling a mouse in front of a starving cat. The criticisms flew fast and furious. Not enough rats were used in the research. The wrong rats were used. The statistics were flawed. These scientists are opposed to GMOs. And even that the rats were treated inhumanely.

The pressure was heavy, and the editors of the scientific journal, a good one, caved in. They said they made a mistake in publishing the article, and they retracted it.

The researchers stood by their research, defending it. Some scientists took their side.

Some demanded that Monsanto publish the full results of their own research. Monsanto did not do so. Apparently, Monsanto had released only selective findings. Not exactly good science, but apparently allowed when it comes to getting government approval to sell GMOs (Casassus 2013; Philpott 2014).

The plot thickens. It was later revealed that the journal that retracted the research had developed a new position, associate editor for biotechnology. To fill this position, they chose a faculty member who had previously been a researcher at Monsanto. Even as a faculty member,

he receives paid research grants from Monsanto. It was after he was brought on board at the journal that the journal retracted the article critical of Monsanto’s GMO corn (Goodman 2013; Clark 2013; “Agribusiness Giants…” 2014).

Crazy for science. But there are billions of dollars at stake, and the Italian research poses a threat to those billions.

This was not the first time that researchers had challenged Monsanto and lost. In 2004, a microbiologist at Berkeley pointed out that the millions of dollars Monsanto was giving the university would taint research. He was fired (Brenneman 2004).

GMOs are good for you? GMOs are bad for you?

This is the rat breed used in the research reported here. Bowing to pressure from Monsanto, the journal retracted (withdrew) the article. This has outraged many scientists who deplore this as egregious contamination of scientific research.

Population and Urbanization 459

If the earth is so productive, why do people die of hunger? From Figure 14.4, which you just viewed, we can conclude that people don’t starve because the Earth produces too little food, but because particular places lack food. Droughts and wars are the main reasons. Just as droughts slow or stop food production, so does war. In nations ravaged by civil war, opposing sides confiscate and burn crops, and farmers flee to the cities (Stone 2014; Bariyo 2017).

The New Malthusians counter with the argument that the world’s population is still growing and that we don’t know how long Earth will continue to produce enough food. They add that the recent policy of turning food (such as corn and sugar cane) into biofuels (such as gasoline and diesel) poses a threat to the world’s food supply. A bushel of corn that goes into someone’s gas tank is a bushel of corn that does not go on people’s dinner plates.

Both the New Malthusians and the Anti-Malthusians have contributed significant ideas, but theories will not eliminate famines. Starving children are going to continue to peer out at us from our televisions and magazines, their tiny, shriveled bodies and bloated stomachs nagging at our consciences, imploring us to do something. Regardless of the underlying causes of this human misery, the solution is twofold: first, to transfer food from nations that have a surplus to those that have a shortage, and second, to teach more efficient farming techniques.

The pictures of starving Africans leave the impression that Africa is overpopulated. Why else would all those people be starving? The truth, however, is far different. There are 37 people per square kilometer in Africa, only slightly more than the 33 people per square kilometer in the United States. At 136 people per square kilometer, Asia’s population is three-and-a-half times as concentrated as Africa’s, and people there are not starving (Haub and Kaneda, 2015). Africa even has vast areas of fertile land that have not yet been farmed. The reason for famines in Africa, then, cannot be too many people living on too little land.

We will find out. Scientists will do the proper research and come up with correct answers. I am referring to objective scientists—neither those who are predisposed for or against GMOs nor those whose research is funded by GMO companies.

We don’t yet have the answers. In the meantime, no GMOs for me.

For Your Consideration → How do you think we can make our food safe?

→ Do you think that companies should be required to put labels on food that let customers know if the product contains GMOs?

→ Do you think scientists whose research is funded by Monsanto can be objective?

Photos of starving children, such as this child in South Sudan, haunt Americans and other members of the Most Industrialized Nations. Many of us wonder why, when some are starving, we should live in the midst of such abundance, often overeating and even casually scraping excess food into the garbage. As in this photo from Toronto, Ontario, Canada, we even have eating contests to see which “competitive eater” can eat the most food in the least amount of time.

460 Chapter 14

Population Growth 14.2 Explain why the Least Industrialized Nations have so many children,

consequences of rapid population growth, population pyramids, the three demographic variables, and problems in forecasting population growth.

Even if starvation is the result of a maldistribution of food rather than overpopulation, the Least Industrialized Nations are still growing much faster than the Most Industrialized Nations. Without immigration, it would take several hundred years for the average Most Industrialized Nation to double its population, but just 50 years for the average Least Industrialized Nation to do so (Haub and Kaneda 2015). Figure 14.5 puts the matter in stark perspective.

Why the Least Industrialized Nations Have So Many Children Why do people in the countries that can least afford it have so many children? Let’s go back to the chapter’s opening vignette and try to figure out why Celia was so happy about having her thirteenth child. It will help if we apply the symbolic interac- tionist perspective. We must take the role of the other so that we can understand the world of Celia and Angel as they see it.

As our culture does for us, their culture provides a perspec- tive on life that guides their choices. Celia and Angel’s culture tells them that twelve children are not enough, that they ought to have a thirteenth—as well as a fourteenth and fifteenth. How can this be? Let’s consider three reasons why bearing many children is important to Celia and Angel—and to millions upon millions of poor people around the world.

First is the status of parenthood. In the rural areas of the Least Industrialized Nations, motherhood is the most prized status a woman can achieve. The more children a woman bears, the more she is thought to have achieved the purpose for which

she was born. Similarly, a man proves his manhood by fathering children. The more chil- dren he fathers, especially sons, the better: Through them, his name lives on.

Second, the community supports this view. Celia and those like her live in Gemeinschaft communities, where people share similar views of life. To them, children are a sign of God’s blessing. By producing children, people reflect the values of their commu- nity, achieve status, and are assured that they are blessed by God. It is the barren woman, not the woman with a dozen children, who is to be pitied.

You can see how these factors provide strong motivations for bearing many children. There is also another powerful incentive: For poor people in the Least Industrialized Nations, children are economic assets. Look at Figure 14.6. Like Celia’s and Angel’s eldest son, children begin contributing to the family income at a young age. But even more important: Children are their equivalent of our Social Security. In the Least Industrialized Nations, the government does not provide social security or medical and unemployment insurance. This motivates people to bear more children, because when parents become sick, or too old to work, or when no work is to be found, their children take care of them. The more children they have, the broader their base of support and the more secure their future.

To those of us who live in the Most Industrialized Nations, it seems irrational to have many children. And for us, it would be. Understanding life from the frame- work of people who are living it, however—the essence of the symbolic interactionist

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1750 1800 1850 1900 1950 2000 2050 2100 Year


The M ost Industria

lized Nations

Figure 14.5 World Population Growth, 1750–2150

SOURCES: “The World of the Child 6 Billion” 2000; Haub et al. 2016.

Population and Urbanization 461

perspective—reveals how it makes perfect sense to have many children. Consider this report by a government worker in India:

Thaman Singh (a very poor man, a water carrier) … welcomed me inside his home, gave me a cup of tea (with milk and “market” sugar, as he proudly pointed out later), and said: “You were trying to convince me that I shouldn’t have any more sons. Now, you see, I have six sons and two daughters and I sit at home in leisure. They are grown up and they bring me money. One even works outside the village as a laborer. You told me I was a poor man and couldn’t support a large family. Now, you see, because of my large family I am a rich man.” (Mamdani 1973)

Conflict theorists offer a different view of why women in the Least Industrialized Nations bear so many children. Feminists argue that women like Celia have internalized values that support male dominance. In Latin America, machismo—an emphasis on male virility and dominance—is common. To father many children, especially sons, shows that a man is macho, strong and sexually potent, giving him higher status in the commu- nity. From a conflict perspective, then, the reason poor people have so many children is that men control women’s reproductive choices.

Consequences of Rapid Population Growth The result of Celia’s and Angel’s desire for many children—and of the millions of Celias and Angels like them—is that the population of the average Least Industrialized Nation will double in 50 years. In contrast, women in the United States are having so few chil- dren that if it weren’t for immigration, the U.S. population would start to shrink.













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8.0 7.9

Figure 14.6 Why the Poor Need Children Children are an economic asset in the Least Industrialized Nations. Based on a survey in Indonesia, this figure shows that boys and girls can be net income earners for their families by the age of 9 or 10.

SOURCE: U.N. Fund for Population Activities.

462 Chapter 14

The implications of a doubling population are mind-boggling. Just to stay even, within 50 years, a country must double the number of available jobs and housing facilities; its food production; its transportation and communication facilities; its water, gas, sewer, and electrical systems; and its schools, hospitals, churches, civic buildings, theaters, stores, and parks. If a country fails to maintain this growth, its already meager standard of living will drop even farther.

Conflict theorists point out that a declining standard of living poses the threat of politi- cal instability—protests, riots, even revolution—and, in response, repression by the govern- ment. Political instability in one country can spill into others, threatening an entire region’s balance of power. Fearing such disruptions, leaders of the Most Industrialized Nations are using the United Nations to direct a campaign of global birth control. With one hand, they give agricultural aid, IUDs, and condoms to the masses in the Least Industrialized Nations; while, with the other, they sell weapons to the elites in these countries. Both actions, say conflict theorists, serve the same purpose: promoting political stability in order to maintain the dominance of the Most Industrialized Nations in global stratification.

Population Pyramids as a Tool for Understanding Although changes in population bring serious consequences, both on a personal and a political level, the reasons underlying these changes can be elusive. To illustrate one of these significant reasons, demographers use population pyramids, figures that depict a country’s population by age and sex. Look at Figure 14.7, which compares the popula- tion pyramids of the United States, Mexico, and the world.

population pyramid a graph that represents the age and sex of a population

80+ 75–79 70–74 65–69 60–64 55–59 50–54 45–49 40–44 35–39 30–34 25–29 20–24 15–19 10–14 5–9 0–4

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Male Female Male Female

Male Female

Percentage of Total Population

Percentage of Total Population

Percentage of Total Population

Mexico Ages

80+ 75–79 70–74 65–69 60–64 55–59 50–54 45–49 40–44 35–39 30–34 25–29 20–24 15–19 10–14 5–9 0–4

AgesUnited States The World

Figure 14.7 Three Population Pyramids

SOURCE: Population Today, 26, 9, September 1998:4, 5.

Let’s see why population pyramids are important. Imagine a miracle: that overnight, Mexico is transformed into a nation as industrialized as the United States. Imagine also that overnight, the average number of children per Mexican woman drops to 1.9, the same as in the United States. If this happened, it is obvious that Mexico’s population would change at the same rate as that of the United States, right?

But this isn’t what would happen. Instead, the population of Mexico would continue to grow rapidly. To see why, look again at the population pyramids. Notice that a much higher percentage of Mexican women are in their childbearing years. This means that even if Mexico and the United States had the same birth rate, a larger percentage of Mexican women would be giving birth, and Mexico’s population would grow rapidly while, with- out immigration, that of the United States would be standing still or decreasing. As demog- raphers like to phrase this, Mexico’s age structure gives it greater population momentum.

Population and Urbanization 463

The Three Demographic Variables How many people will live in the United States 50 years from now? What will the world’s population be then? These are important questions. Educators want to know how many schools to build. Manufacturers want to anticipate changes in the market for their prod- ucts. The government needs to know how many doctors, engineers, and executives to train. Politicians want to know how many people will be paying taxes—and how many young people will be available to fight their wars.

To project the future of populations, demographers use three demographic variables: fertility, mortality, and migration. Let’s look at each.

FERTILITY The number of children that the average woman bears is called the fertility rate. The world’s overall fertility rate is 2.5, which means that during her lifetime, the average woman in the world bears 2.5 children (Haub et al. 2016). A term that is some- times confused with fertility is fecundity, the number of children that women are capable of bearing. This number is much higher, as some women have given birth to 30 children (McFalls 2007).

To see which countries have the highest and lowest low birth rates, look at Table 14.1. You can see that four countries tie for the world’s lowest fertility rate. In these counties, the average woman gives birth to only 1.2 children. Three of the lowest-birth countries are in Asia, and seven are in Europe. Now look at the countries with the highest birth rates. All of them are in Africa. Niger in West Africa holds the record for the world’s high- est birth rate. There, the average woman gives birth to 7.6 children, six times as many children as the average woman in Romania, Singapore, South Korea, and Taiwan.

demographic variables the three factors that change the size of a population: fertility, mortality, and net migration

fertility rate the number of children that the average woman bears

fecundity the number of children that women are capable of bearing

Table 14.1 Extremes in Childbirth Where Do Women Give Birth to the Fewest

Children? Where Do Women Give Birth to the Most


Country Number of Children Country Number of Children

Romania 1.2 Niger 7.6

Singapore 1.2 South Sudan 6.7

South Korea 1.2 Congo, Dem. Republic 6.5

Taiwan 1.2 Chad 6.4

Bosnia-Herzegovina 1.3 Somalia 6.4

Greece 1.3 Burundi 6.1

Moldova 1.3 Angola 6.0

Poland 1.3 Mali 6.0

Portugal 1.3 Mozambique 5.9

Spain 1.3 Uganda 5.8

SOURCE: Haub et al., 2016.

To compute the fertility rate of a country, demographers analyze the government’s records of births. From these, they figure the country’s crude birth rate, the annual num- ber of live births per 1,000 people.

MORTALITY The second demographic variable is measured by the crude death rate, the annual number of deaths per 1,000 people. The highest death rate is 16, a record held by Democratic Republic of Congo in Africa. The lowest death rate is 1, a record held by Qatar, an oil-rich Asian country (Haub et al., 2016).

MIGRATION The third demographic variable is migration, the movement of peo- ple from one area to another. There are two types of migration. The first type occurs when people move from one region to another within the same country. During and after World War II, in what U.S. demographers call “The Great Migration,” millions of

crude birth rate the annual number of live births per 1,000 population

crude death rate the annual number of deaths per 1,000 population

464 Chapter 14

African Americans moved from the South to the North. In a historical shift, many are now returning to the South to participate in its growing economy, to enjoy its warmer climate, and to renew ties with family roots (Graves 2014).

The second type of migration occurs when people move from one country to another. Demographers use the term net migration rate to refer to the difference between the number of immigrants (people moving into a country) and emigrants (people moving out of a country) per 1,000 people. Unlike fertility and mortality, migration does not affect the global population: People are simply shifting their residence from one country or region to another.

Motivation to migrate What motivates people to give up the security of their family and friends to move to a coun-

try with a strange language and unfamiliar customs? To understand migration, we need to look at both “pushes” and “pulls.” The pushes are the things people want to escape: poverty, violence, war, or persecution for their religious and political ideas. The pulls are the magnets that draw people to a new land, such as opportunities for education, better jobs, the free- dom to worship or to discuss political ideas, and a more promising future for their children. After “migrant paths” are established, immigration often accelerates—networks of kin and friends attract more people from the same nation, even from the same villages.

The direction of migration Around the world, the flow of migration is from the Least Industrialized Nations to the industrialized countries. By far, the United States is the world’s number-one choice. The United States admits more immigrants each year than all the other nations of the world combined. Forty million Americans—one of every eight— were born in other countries (Statistical Abstract 2017:Table 40). Table 14.2 shows where recent U.S. immigrants were born. A major change from the past is that more immigrants are from Asia than any other continent.

net migration rate the difference between the number of immigrants and emi- grants per 1,000 population

We are in the midst of a large wave of immigration. Shown here are some of our newest citizens.

Table 14.2 Country of Birth of Authorized U.S. Immigrants Asia India China Philippines Vietnam Korea Pakistan Iran Bangladesh Iraq Burma Japan Taiwan

5,495,000 983,000 979,000 806,000 426,000 308,000 219,000 177,000 154,000 135,000 103,000 100,000 100,000

North America Mexico Dominican Republic Cuba El Salvador Haiti Jamaica Canada Guatemala

4,907,000 2,253,000

543,000 467,000 325,000 294,000 259,000 218,000 203,000

Africa Ethiopia Nigeria Egypt Ghana

South America Peru Colombia Brazil Ecuador Venezuela Guyana

1,265,000 163,000 163,000 112,000 102,000

1,226,000 324,000 276,000 169,000 146,000 121,000 101,000

Europe United Kingdom Ukraine Russia Poland Germany

1,599,000 212,000 181,000 176,000 142,000 101,000

NOTE: Totals are for countries of origin with more than 100,000 immigrants for 2001–2014.

SOURCE: By the author. Based on Statistical Abstract of the United States 2017:Table 51.

Illegal immigration To escape grinding poverty, such as that which surrounds Celia and Angel, millions of people also enter the United States illegally. Although it may seem sur- prising, as Figure 14.8 shows, U.S. officials have sufficient information on these approxi- mately 11 million people to estimate their countries of origin.

Population and Urbanization 465

Experts cannot agree on whether immigrants are net contrib- utors to the U.S. economy or a drain on it (Parker 2013; Rector and Richwine 2013; Davis 2016). Adding what immigrants pro- duce in jobs and taxes and subtracting what they cost in welfare and the medical and school systems, some economists conclude that immigrants produce more than they cost. Other economists conclude that immigrants cost taxpayers trillions of dollars. Determining the costs or benefits of immigrants has become a highly charged political matter. I shake my head in wonder as I see political liberals and conservatives look at the same data and arrive at opposite conclusions. In the midst of this controversy, the fairest conclusion seems to be that the more educated immi- grants produce more than they cost, while the less educated cost more than they produce.

Problems in Forecasting Population Growth

Italians watching television were surprised when an ad appeared that showed a man holding a half-burned cigarette and the words, “Don’t let your sperm go up in smoke.”

They were startled further when another ad appeared, this one showing a woman holding an hourglass, with the words, “Beauty has no age limits. Fertility does.”

If population growth depended only on biology, making projections of the future population would be easy. Just use the basic demographic equation. Add and subtract the three demographic variables—fertility, mortality, and net migration—and you get a country’s growth rate, the net change after people have been added to and subtracted from a population. Here is how the demographers put it:

Growth rate equals births minus deaths plus net migration.

Then you project the results into the future because current rates indicate future rates.

Or they usually do, and here is the rub. Some politician can come along and push those rates in an unexpected direction. The ads that appeared on Italian tele- vision were in response to Italy’s low birth rate. The politicians proposed a “National Fertility Day.” For the sake of the country, stay home and make babies.

T h i s a t t e m p t d i d n ’ t m a k e t h e demographer ’s job more difficult, though. Italians were offended at the government tel li ng them to make babies, and the ads were jerked from TV (Pianigiani 2016).

H i t l e r w a s m o r e s u c c e s s f u l . Deciding that Germany needed more “Aryans,” the Nazis outlawed abor- tion and offered cash to women who gave birth. Germany’s population increased. Today, Turkey’s politicians proudly pin a gold medal on women

basic demographic equation the growth rate equals births minus deaths plus net migration

growth rate the net change in a population after adding births, subtracting deaths, and either adding or subtracting net migration; can result in a negative number

El Salvador 690,000 Guatemala 560,000 Honduras 360,000 Philippines 310,000 India 260,000 Korea 230,000 China 210,000 Ecuador 170,000 Vietnam 160,000 Other Countries 1,760,000

Mexico 6,700,000

Figure 14.8 Countries of Origin of Unauthorized Immigrants to the United States

SOURCE: Statistical Abstract of the United States 2017:Table 46.

Trying to increase births, the Italian government declared a national Fertility Day. Shown here is Italy's Minister of Health as she promotes this campaign.

466 Chapter 14

who give birth to their first child. More gold medals and cash follow if they have more children (Buchanan 2015).

Some politicians go in the other direction and try to slow births. The most infa- mous example is China, which used to have a “one-couple, one-child” policy. Its enforcement was ruthless. Steven Mosher (2006), an anthropologist who did field- work in China, reported that if a woman became pregnant without government per- mission (yes, you read that right!), doctors would abort the fetus—even if the woman was nine months pregnant. The woman had no say in the matter. After the birth of her first child, each woman—whether she wanted it or not—was fitted with an IUD (intrauterine device). Every three months, each woman had to have a sonogram to verify that she was not pregnant (Chang 2013). If a woman had a second child, she was sterilized.

With this policy in effect, the demographer ’s job became impossible. No one could predict the results—except to say that fewer babies would be born, of course. In the end, about 400 million fewer babies were born (Auslin 2017). Another result of this policy was a shortage of young people entering the work force, which threatened the Communist Party’s plans for economic expansion. Party officials also became con- cerned that there would not be enough workers to support their rapidly aging popula- tion. They then changed their policy, and they now allow couples to have two children (Qi 2017).

As you might suppose, wars, economic booms and busts, plagues, and famines also affect population growth. So does sexism, which we discuss in the following Cultural Diversity around the World.

Cultural Diversity around the World Killing Little Girls: An Ancient and Thriving Practice

“Raising a girl is like watering someone else’s plant.”

—A common saying in India

“The Case of the Missing Girls” could have been the title of this section. How many girls are missing? More than 100 million!

Unraveling the reason that the girls are missing starts with a simple fact (Anand and Woo 2015). Around the globe, for every 100 births of girls, about 105 boys are born. In China, however, for every 100 baby girls, the total jumps to 121 baby boys (Last 2011). China has about 30 million fewer females than males younger than age 20 (Yardley 2010a).

What happened to these millions of girls? The answer is female infanticide, the killing of baby girls. When a Chinese woman goes into labor, the village midwife sometimes grabs a bucket of water. If the newborn is a girl, she is plunged into the water before she can draw her first breath.

The other answer is sex-selection abortion. When tests show that the fetus is a girl, the parents are more likely to choose abortion.

At the root of China’s sexist infanticide is economics. When parents can no longer work, sons support them. In contrast, when a daughter marries, her obligations transfer

to her husband and his family. It is the same in India, which is why the Indians have the saying quoted above.

This skewed sex ratio has created a shortage of brides. For Chinese in their 20s, there are six bachelors


Hong Kong

China Shanghai


Hong Kong

China Shanghai

India New Delhi



India New Delhi



Population and Urbanization 467

As you can see, government policies can change a country’s growth rate. The main factor, though, is not the government, but industrialization. In every country that industrializes, the birth rate declines. Why? One reason is that industrialization makes rearing children more expensive. They require more education and remain dependent longer. Another reason is that the basis for conferring status changes—from having many chil- dren to attaining education and displaying material wealth. As people like Celia and Angel in our opening vignette begin to see life differently, their motivation to have many children drops sharply. Not knowing how rapidly industrialization will progress or how quickly changes in values and reproductive behavior will follow adds to the difficulty of making accurate projections.

Consider how difficult it is to estimate U.S. population growth. During the next 50 years, will we have zero population growth? (Every  1,000 women would give birth to 2,100 children, the extra 100  children making up for those who do not survive or repro - duce.) Will more women go to college? (Educated women bear fewer children.) How many immigrants will we have? Will some devastat- ing disease appear? Because of these many unknowns, demographers play it safe by making several projections of population growth, each depending on an “if” scenario. Figure 14.9 shows three projections of U.S. population.

for every five potential brides. Politicians fear that the men who cannot marry—“bare branches,” as they call them—will become alienated from society and create problems. And they are right: The crime rate is higher among those who cannot find brides (Edlund et al. 2013). Politicians also fear that since these bare branches lack the stabilizing influences of marriage and children, they will become a breeding ground for political dissent. To head this off, officials have begun a campaign to stop the drowning of girl babies and the aborting of female fetuses.

The solution? Strangely enough, it probably is urbanization. With urbanization comes education and expanding ideas of rights. At least this is what happened in South Korea, which used to have a highly lopsided sex ratio. In one generation, South Korea went from a country

that prized sons highly above daughters to one where daughters are also welcomed. South Korea’s sex ratio at birth, which at 117 to 100 was close to China’s, now matches the normal ratio of 105 boys to 100 girls (Anand and Woo 2015).

This same change is likely to occur in China, as it is undergoing rapid urbanization. At least the communist officials hope so. In the meantime, the bride shortage remains and millions of men can’t find wives.

For Your Consideration → What do you think can be done to reduce female infan-

ticide? → Why do you think sex-selection abortion receives so little

publicity and is not a priority with world leaders? → Do you think urbanization will restore the normal sex ratio

at birth in China and India?

This photo was taken in the Morena District of the Indian state of Madhya Pradesh, where the law indicated here is seldom enforced. By the age of 6, for every 1,000 boys, there are only 825 girls.

Chinese officials are concerned about their lopsided gender ratio, largely an unintentional consequence of their former “one couple, one child” policy. By featuring a female child on posters, billboards, and even ceramic tile, they are trying to reduce female infanticide.

468 Chapter 14

Let’s turn to a different aspect of population, where people live. Because more and more people around the world are living in cities, let’s look at urban trends and urban life.

■ Cities and City Life As I was climbing a steep hill in Medellin, Colombia, in a district called El Tiro, my informant, Jaro, said, “This used to be a garbage heap.” I stopped to peer through the vegetation alongside the path we were on, and sure enough, I could see bits of refuse still sticking out of the dirt. The “town” had been built on top of garbage.

This was just the first of my many revelations that day. The second was that the Medellin police refused to enter El Tiro because it was so dangerous. I shuddered for a mo- ment, but I had good reason to trust Jaro. He had been a pastor in El Tiro for several years, and he knew the people well. I was confident that if I stayed close to him, I would be safe.

Actually, El Tiro was safer now than it had been. A group of young men had banded together to make it so, Jaro told me. A sort of frontier justice prevailed. The vigilantes told the prostitutes and drug dealers that there would be no prostitution or drug dealing in El Tiro and to “take it elsewhere.” They killed anyone who robbed or murdered some- one. And they even made families safer; they would beat up any man who got drunk and battered “his” woman. With the threat of instant justice, the area had become much safer.

Jaro then added that each household had to pay the group a monthly fee, which turned out to be less than a dollar in U.S. money. Each business had to pay a little more. For this, they received security.

As we wandered the streets of El Tiro, it did look safe, but I still stayed close to Jaro. And I wondered about this group of men who had made the area safe. What kept them from turning on the residents? Jaro had no answer. When Jaro pointed to two young men, who he said were part of the ruling group, I asked if I could take their picture. They re- fused. I did not try to snap one on the sly.

My final revelation was El Tiro itself. In the following photo essay, you can see some of the things I saw that day.

zero population growth women bearing only enough children to reproduce the pop- ulation

1950 204020302020201020001990198019701960 2050


M ill

io n s

o f

P e o

p le














Figure 14.9 Population Projections of the United States

NOTE: The projections are based on different assumptions of fertility, mortality, and especially migration.

SOURCE: By the author. Based on Day 2010.

Population and Urbanization 469

Medellin, Colomb ia: A Walk Throu

gh El Tiro

One of the most s ignificant changes

in our time is the g lobal rush of poor,

rural people to the cities of the Least

Industrialized Nati ons. Some of these

settlements are dan gerous. I was fortu


to be escorted by a n insider

through this sectio n of

Medellin, Colombi a.

Almost at th e top of the g

arbage heap , I saw this b

oy in front o f his

house. His m other hung o

ut the family ’s wash to d

ry. Kids are kids the world over. These children don’t know they are poor. They are having a great time playing on a pile of dirt in the street.

This is the “richer” area below El Tiro. As you can see, some of the residents own cars.

This is one of my favorite photos. The woman is happy that she has a home—and proud of what she has done with it. What I find remarkable is the flower garden she so carefully tends, and has taken great effort to protect from children and dogs. I can see the care she would take of a little suburban home.

What do people do to make a living in El Tiro? Anything

they can. This man is sharpening a saw in front of his home.

The road to El Tiro . On

the left, going up t he

hill, is a board wal k.

To the right is a m eat

market (carnicería ).

Note the structure

above the meat ma rket,

where the family t hat

runs the store live s.

It doesn’t take m uch skill to build

your own house in El Tiro.

A hammer and s aw, some nails, a

nd used lumber will provide

most of what yo u need. This ma

n is building his house on top

of another house .

An infrastructure has developed to serve El Tiro. This woman is waiting in line to use the only public telephone.

“What does an E l

Tiro home look

like inside?” I ke pt

wondering. The n Jaro,

my guide (on th e left),

took me inside t he

home of one of h is

parishioners. Am elia

keeps a neat hou se,

with everything highly


El Tiro has home delivery.

© James M. Henslin, all photos

Population and Urbanization 471

In this second part of the chapter, I will try to lay the context for understanding urban life—and El Tiro. Let’s begin by first finding out how the city itself came about.

The Development of Cities and Urbanization 14.3 Explain how cities developed, and summarize urbanization from city to megaregion.

Cities are not new to the world scene, but how did they develop?

The Development of Cities Perhaps as early as 7,000 years ago, people built small cities with massive defensive walls, such as biblically famous Jericho (Homblin 1973). Cities on a larger scale appeared about 3500 b.c., around the time that writing was invented (Chandler and Fox 1974; Hawley 1981). The earliest cities emerged in several parts of the world—in Asia (China, India, Iran, and Iraq), West Africa (Egypt), Europe, and Central and South America (Fischer 1976; Palen 2015).

About 6,500 years ago, Bulgaria was home to the oldest town in Europe (Toshkov 2012). Its massive walls were 10 feet high and 6 feet thick. Its 350 residents made their living pro- ducing salt for trade. Another city that goes back 5,500 years was discovered in 2010, buried under sand in Norway (Goll 2010). In the Americas, the first city was Caral, in what is now Peru (Fountain 2001). It was also discovered recently, covered by jungle growth.

The key to the origin of cities is the development of more efficient agriculture. Only when farming produces a surplus can some people stop producing food and gather in cities to spend time in other economic pursuits. A city, in fact, can be defined as a place in which a large number of people are permanently based and do not produce their own food. The invention of the plow about 5,000 years ago created widespread agricultural surpluses, stimulating the development of towns and cities.

city a place in which a large number of people are permanently based and do not produce their own food

Early cities were small economic centers surrounded by walls to keep out enemies. These cities had to be fortresses, for they were constantly under threat. This photo is of Ávila, Spain, whose walls date from 1090.

472 Chapter 14

Most early cities were small, merely a collection of a few thousand people in agricultural centers or on major trade routes. The most notable exceptions are two cities that reached 1 million residents for a brief period of time before they declined—Changan (Xi’an) in China about a.d. 800 and Baghdad in Persia (Iraq) about a.d. 900 (Chandler and Fox 1974). Even Athens at the height of its power in the fifth century b.c. had only about 250,000 inhabitants. Rome, at its peak, may have had a million people or more, but as the Roman Empire declined, the city of Rome became only a collection of villages (Palen 2015).

Two hundred years ago, the only city in the world that had a population of more than a million was Beijing (Peking), China (Chandler and Fox 1974). But today, as you can see from Figure 14.10, the world has about 500 cities with more than a million residents. Behind this urban surge lies the Industrial Revolution, which not only drew people to cities by providing work but also stimulated rapid transportation and communication. These, in turn, allowed the efficient movement of people, resources, products, and, especially today, information—essential factors (called infrastructure) that allow large cities to exist.

Urbanization Although cities are not new to the world scene, quite recent in world history is urbanization—the movement of masses of people to cities, which then have a growing influence on society. In 1800, only 3 percent of the world’s population lived in cities (Hauser and Schnore 1965). The watershed year was 2008, when for the first time in his- tory, more people lived in cities than in rural areas. Urbanization continues strongly, and today 54 percent of the world’s people live in cities (Haub et al. 2016). From Figure 14.11, you can see how urbanization has accelerated. Note especially the rapid increase of urbanization in the Least Industrialized Nations.

THE APPEAL OF CITIES To understand the city’s attraction, we need to con- sider the “pulls” of urban life. Because of its exquisite division of labor, the city offers incredible variety—music ranging from rap and salsa to death metal and classical, shops that feature imported delicacies from around the world and those that sell special foods for vegetarians and diabetics. Cities also offer anonymity, which so many find refreshing in light of the tighter controls of village and small- town life. And, of course, the city offers work.

FORCED URBANIZATION An interesting twist has occurred. Knowing that urbanization fuels economic growth, China’s leaders are forcing villagers to move to the city. In some cases, they send demolition crews and tear down the villagers’ houses. Since the government owns the land, the villagers cannot rebuild, and they have no choice but to move to the city (Johnson 2014; Minter 2016). With both vol- untary and forced urbanization, China’s villages are shrinking by 300 a day.

METROPOLISES Some cities have grown so large and have so much influence over a region that the term city is no longer adequate to describe them. The term metropolis is used instead, referring to a central city surrounded by smaller cities and their suburbs. Metropolises are linked by transportation, communication, and economics. Sometimes politics also binds them through county boards and regional governing bodies. St. Louis is an example.

Although the name St. Louis officially refers to a city of 350,000 people in Missouri, in common usage St. Louis also refers to another 3 million people who live in more than a hundred separate towns in both Missouri and Illinois. Altogether, the region is known as the “St. Louis or Bi-State Area.” Although these towns are independent politically, they form an economic unit. They are linked by work (many people in the smaller towns work in St. Louis or are served by industries from St. Louis), by communications (they share the same area newspaper and radio and television stations), and by transportation (they use the same interstate highways, the Bi-State Bus system, and the international airport). As symbolic interactionists would note, shared symbols (the Arch, the Mississippi River,

urbanization the process by which an increasing proportion of a population lives in cities and has a growing influence on the culture

metropolis a central city surrounded by smaller cities and their suburbs








1900 2000 2014 2030

1 16







Figure 14.10 A Global Boom: Cities with over One Million Residents

SOURCES: By the author. Based on Chandler and Fox 1974; Brockerhoff 2000; United Nations 2014:Figure 8.

1950 2050202520001975 0










P e rc

e n t

U rb

an Most Industrialized Nations

Least Industrialized Nations

Ind ust

ria lizi

ng Na

tio ns

Figure 14.11 How the World Is Urbanizing

SOURCE: By the author. Based on United Nations 2010.

Population and Urbanization 473

Busch Brewery, the Cardinals, the Rams, and the Blues—both the hockey team and the music) provide the residents a common identity.

MEGALOPOLISES Some metropolises have grown so large and influential that the term megalopolis is used to describe them. A megalopolis is an overlapping area of at least two metropolises and their many suburbs. The three largest megalopolises in the United States are the Eastern seaboard running from Maine to Virginia, the area in Flor- ida between Miami, Orlando, and Tampa, and California’s coastal area between San Francisco and San Diego. The California megalopolis extends into Mexico and includes Tijuana and its suburbs.

MEGACITIES This process of urban areas turning into a metropolis, and a metropolis developing into a megalopolis, is occurring worldwide. When a city’s population reaches 10 million, it is called a megacity. In 1950, the world had only two megacities: New York City and Tokyo. Today, there are thirty-one. Megacities are growing so fast that by 2030 the world will add another ten, all in the Least Industrialized Nations (United Nations 2016). In Figure 14.12, you can see where the ten largest megacities are located.

megalopolis an urban area consisting of at least two metropolises and their many suburbs

megacity a city of ten million or more residents








10 7

9 Mexico City

New York

Mumbai (Bombay)

14,400,000 Kolkata (Calcutta)

Sao Paulo


15,400,000 Dhaka

16,600,000 Beijing

22,700,000 Delhi


20,200,000 Shanghai


37,200,000 Tokyo


Figure 14.12 The World’s 10 Largest Megacities

NOTE: A megacity is a city with more than 10 million people. These are the largest of the world’s 31 megacities.

SOURCE: By the author. Based on United Nations 2014.

MEGAREGIONS With today’s vast population growth and massive movement of peo- ple to cities, some megacities have begun to merge into one another. The resulting mass of people is called a megaregion (also called an endless city). Apparently, the world now has six megaregions, the largest being Hong Kong-Shenzhen-Guangzhou in China. This megaregion is home to 120 million people (Vidal 2010).

U.S. Urban Patterns 14.4 Be familiar with the patterns of urbanization that characterize the United States.

In its early years, the United States was almost entirely rural. In 1790, only about 5 percent of Americans lived in cities. By 1920, this figure had jumped to 50 percent.

megaregion a merging of megacities and nearby populated areas into an even larger mass of people

474 Chapter 14

Urbanization has continued without letup, and today, 81 percent of Americans live in cities (Haub et al. 2016).

To depict and keep track of this urban mass, the U.S. Census Bureau divides the country into 274 metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs). Each MSA consists of a central city of at least 50,000 people and the urbanized areas linked to it. About three of five Americans live in just fifty or so of the country’s MSAs.

Let’s look at some of the country’s major urban patterns.

Uneven Urbanization As you can see from the following Social Map, like our other social patterns, urbaniza- tion is uneven across the United States.

metropolitan statistical area (MSA) a central city and the urbanized counties adjacent to it

Average states: 66.3% to 81.0% urban

The most rural states: 38.7% to 66.2% urban

The most urban states: 83.3% to 95.0% urban

AK 66.0

SC 66.3

NC 66.1

VA 75.5

WA 84.1

OR 81.0

CA 95.0

NV 94.2

ID 70.6

MT 55.9

WY 64.8

AZ 89.8

NM 77.4

CO 86.2

ND 59.9

SD 56.7

NE 73.1

KS 74.2

OK 66.2

TX 84.7

MN 73.3

IA 64.0

MO 70.4

AR 56.2

LA 73.2

WI 70.2

IL 88.5

KY 58.4

TN 66.4

MS 49.4

AL 59.0

GA 75.1

FL 91.2

IN 72.4

MI 74.6

W V 48.7

PA 78.7

NY 87.9

ME 38.7

NH 60.3 MA 92.0 RI 90.7

CT 88.0 NJ 94.7

DE 83.3 MD 87.2

DC 100

HI 91.9

VT 38.9

UT 90.6

OH 77.9

The most rural states:

1. Maine (61.3% rural)

2. Vermont (61.1% rural)

3. West Virginia (51.3% rural)

The most urban states:

1. California (95.0%) 2. New Jersey (94.7%)

3. Nevada (94.2%)

Figure 14.13 How Urban Is Your State? The Rural–Urban Makeup of the United States

SOURCE: By the author. Based on Statistical Abstract of the United States 2017:Table 26.

Shifting Resources and Power Because of Urban Migration Americans are a restless people, in constant movement as they search for work and better lifestyles. Over time, this migration creates major shifts of resources and power among regions of the United States. Most cities grow, but not all. In Table 14.3, you can compare the fastest-growing U.S. cities with those that are losing people. As you can see, five of the ten fastest-growing cities are in the West and five are in the South. Of the ten shrink- ing cities, seven are in the Northeast, two are in the Midwest, and one is in the South. The shift of people, resources, and power to the West has been going on for the past 150 years. The shift to the South is more recent.

Edge Cities As Americans migrate, edge cities have appeared—clusters of buildings and services near the intersections of major highways. These areas of shopping malls, hotels, office parks, and apartment complexes are not cities in the traditional sense. Rather than being political units with their own mayors or city managers, edge cities, such as Tysons Corner

edge city a large clustering of service facilities and residential areas near highway intersections that provides a sense of place to people who live, shop, and work there

Population and Urbanization 475

outside of Washington, D.C., overlap political boundaries and include parts of several cities or towns.

Edge cities have no heart. Tasteless clusters of buildings don’t meet deep human needs. Edge cities lack a “downtown,” an area that provides identity, where people can go to bars and restaurants and socialize. Another lack is attractive parks. Aware of these drawbacks, developers are adding parks, sidewalks, even rectangular blocks (Brown 2014, 2016). The goal is to create the familiar look and feel of traditional cities.

Gentrification Another U.S. urban pattern is gentrification, the movement of middle-class people into rundown areas of a city. What draws the middle class are the low prices for large houses that, although deteriorated, can be restored. With gentrification comes an improvement in the appearance of the neighborhood—freshly painted buildings, well-groomed lawns, and the absence of boarded-up windows.

As a neighborhood improves, property prices go up, driving many of the poor out of their neighborhood. This creates tensions between the poorer residents and the newcomers (Anderson 1990/2006; S. Brown 2014). These social class tensions are often tinged with racial–ethnic antagonisms, as the residents usually are minorities while the middle-class newcomers usually are whites. Beneath this surface, though, is a more posi- tive factor. Sociologists have found that gentrification also draws middle-class minorities to the neighborhood and improves their incomes (McKinnish et al. 2008).

Among the exceptions to the usual pattern of the gentrifiers being whites and the earlier residents being minorities is Harlem in New York City. We examine this change in the following Down-to-Earth Sociology.

gentrification middle-class people moving into a rundown area of a city, displacing the poor as they buy and restore homes

Table 14.3 The Shrinking and the Fastest-Growing Cities The Shrinking Cities The Fastest-Growing Cities

1. –3.5% Flint, MI 1. +16.6% Austin, TX

2. –2.8% Youngstown, OH 2. +14.7% Myrtle Beach, SC

3. –2.5% Rockford, IL 3. +13.5% Cape Coral–Ft. Myers, FL

4. –1.3% Utica-Rome, NY 4. +12.8% Greeley, CO

5. –1.0% Scranton, Wilkes-Barre, PA 5. +12.7% Raleigh, NC

6. –0.9% Erie, NY 6. +12.4% Houston, TX

7. –0.9% Huntington, OH 7. +12.0% Charleston, SC

8. –0.8% Cleveland, OH 8. +11.8% Orlando, FL

9. –0.8% Kingsport, TN 9. +11.3% Ft. Collins, CO

10. –0.8% Norwich, CT 10. +11.3% San Antonio, TX

NOTE: Population change from 2010 to 2015, the latest years available.

SOURCE: By the author. Based on Statistical Abstract of the United States 2017:Table 21.

Down-to-Earth Sociology Reclaiming Harlem: A Twist in the Invasion–Succession Cycle The story is well known. The inner city is filled with crack, crime, and corruption. It stinks from foul, festering filth strewn on its dangerous streets and piled up around burned-out buildings. Only people who have no choice live in these despairing areas where predators stalk their prey. Danger lurks around every corner.

What is not so well known is that affluent African Americans are reclaiming some of these areas.

Howard Sanders was living the American Dream. After earning a degree from Harvard Business School, he took a position with a Manhattan investment firm. He lived in an exclusive apartment on Central Park West, but he missed Harlem, where he had grown up. He moved back, along with his wife and daughter.

African American lawyers, doctors, professors, and bankers are doing the same.

476 Chapter 14

What’s the attraction? The first is nostalgia, a cultural yearning for Harlem past, the time of legend and folklore. It was here that black writers and artists lived in the 1920s, here that the blues and jazz attracted young and accomplished musicians.

The second reason is that Harlem offered housing values. Some homes, built in the 1800s, boasted five bedrooms and 6,000 square feet. They sold for a song, even with Honduran mahogany. Some brownstones were in good condition, although others were only shells and had to be rebuilt from the inside out.

Rebuilding Communities What happened was the rebuilding of a community. Some people who had suc- ceeded in business and the professions wanted to be role models. They wanted chil- dren in the community to see them going to and returning from work.

When the middle class moved out of Harlem and the area was taken over by drug dealers and prostitutes, the amenities moved out, too. When the young professionals moved back in, the amenities returned. There were no coffee shops, restaurants, jazz clubs, florists, copy centers, dentist and optometrist offices, or art galleries—the types of things urbanites take for granted. Now there are.

There is also a Whole Foods market, an American Eagle, and a Burlington Coat Factory. There is even a 95 square block of free Wi-Fi. Quite a change.

The police have also helped to change Harlem. No longer do they rush in, sirens wailing and guns drawn, to confront emergencies and shootouts. Instead, the police have become a normal part of this urban scene. Not only did they shut down the open-air drug markets, but they also began enforcing laws against urinating on the streets, something they used to ignore as too trivial to matter for “that area.” The greater safety of the area has attracted even more of the middle class. The change is so extensive that former President Clinton chose to locate his office there, and Magic Johnson opened a Starbucks and a multiplex.

Social Class Tensions Another side of the story has emerged—tension between the people who were already living in Harlem and the newcomers. Social class is often the source of the irritation. Each class has its own ways, and the classes often grate on each other’s nerves. The old-timers like loud music, for example, while the newcomers prefer a more sedate lifestyle. Then there is the old power establishment. They feel slighted if the newcomers don’t ask for approval before they open a business. For their part, the new business owners feel they don’t need to get those old people’s permission to open anything.

There is another issue as well. The large houses built in the 1800s used to sell for a song. No longer. Vacant lots

now bring a million dollars. Rents have shot upward, of course. Tenants’ associations protest, their moans mostly muffled and unheard.

And the poor? The same as has happened in other gentrified areas. Most are pushed out, block by block, forced into adjoining rundown streets.

The in-fighting of this emerging drama mostly involves African Americans. The issue is not race but social class. The “invasion– succession cycle,” as sociologists call it, is continuing, but this time with a twist—a flight back in.

A New Pattern It isn’t just Harlem. In the Boyle Heights area of Los Angeles, for example, more well-to-do Chicanos are moving back. As this run-down barrio is being transformed, property prices are rising, and tensions there, too, are flaring (Medina 2013). We can expect this twist in the invasion– succession cycle to be a new

pattern that will occur throughout the country.

SOURCES: Based on Leland 2003; Hyra 2006; Gayles 2014; Kravitz 2014; Mays 2017

For Your Consideration → Would you be willing to move into an area of high crime

in order to get a housing bargain?

→ How do you think the current residents of an area being gentrified can be protected from rising rents so they can continue to live in the area? Should they be?

Part of the gentrification of Harlem is bicycle tours.

Population and Urbanization 477

Changes in Suburbanization The term suburbanization refers to people moving from cities to suburbs, the communities located just outside a city. Suburbanization is not new. The Mayan city of Caracol (in what is now Belize) had suburbs, perhaps even with specialized subcenters, the equivalent of today’s strip malls (Wilford 2000). The extent to which people have left U.S. cities in search of their dreams is remarkable. In 1920, only about 15 percent of Americans lived in the suburbs, while today, over half of all Americans live in them (Palen 2015).

An unexpected consequence of the racial integration of U.S. schools in the 1950s and 1960s was an increase in suburbanization. To avoid integration, whites fled the city. Then around 1970, minorities also began to move to the suburbs. Some black churches also fled the city, following their parishioners to the suburbs. In some U.S. suburbs, minorities have become the majority.

Another unexpected change is the return of whites to the city. This recent change is so extensive that in some cities such as Washington, D.C. and San Francisco, California, some black churches and businesses are switching to a white clientele.

Models of Urban Growth 14.5 Compare the models of urban growth.

In the 1920s, Chicago was a vivid mosaic of immigrants, gangsters, prostitutes, the homeless, the rich, and the poor—much as it is today. Sociologists at the University of Chicago studied these contrasting ways of life. One of these sociologists, Robert Park, coined the term human ecology to describe how people adapt to their environments (Park and Burgess 1921). (This concept is also known as urban ecology.) The process of urban growth is of special interest to sociologists. Let’s look at four main models they developed.

The Concentric Zone Model To explain how cities expand, sociologist Ernest Burgess (1925) proposed a concentric-zone model. As shown in part A of Figure 14.14, Burgess noted that a city expands outward from its center. Zone 1 is the central business district. Zone 2, which encircles the downtown area, is in transition. It contains rooming houses and deteri- orating housing, which Burgess said breed poverty, disease, and vice. Zone 3 is the area to which thrifty workers have moved in order to escape the zone in transition and yet maintain easy access to their work. Zone 4 contains more expensive apartments, residential hotels, single-family homes, and exclusive areas where the wealthy live. Commuters live in Zone 5, which consists of suburbs or satellite cities that have grown up around transportation routes.

Burgess said that no “city perfectly fits this ideal scheme.” Some cities have physical obstructions, such as a lake, river, or railroad, that cause their expansion to depart from the model. Burgess also noticed another deviation from the model, that businesses were beginning to locate in outlying zones (see Zone 10). This was in 1925. Burgess didn’t know it, but he was seeing the beginning of a major shift that led businesses away from downtown areas to suburban shopping malls. Today, these malls account for most of the country’s retail sales.

suburbanization the migration of people from the city to the suburbs

suburb a community adjacent to a city

human ecology Robert Park’s term for the rela- tionship between people and their environment (such as land and structures); also known as urban ecology

478 Chapter 14

The Sector Model Sociologist Homer Hoyt (1939, 1971) modified Burgess’ model of urban growth. As shown in part B of Figure 14.14, he noted that a concentric zone can contain several sectors—one of working-class housing, another of expensive homes, a third of businesses, and so on— all competing for the same land.

In this dynamic competition comes the invasion–succession cycle. Poor immigrants and rural migrants settle in low-rent areas. As their numbers grow, they spill over into adjacent areas. Upset by their presence, the middle class moves out, which expands the sector of low-cost housing. The invasion–succession cycle is never complete, since later, another group will replace this earlier one. As you read in the Down-to Earth Sociology on Harlem, there has been a switch in the sequence: The “invaders” are the middle class.

The Multiple-Nuclei Model Geographers Chauncy Harris and Edward Ullman noted that some cities have several centers or nuclei (Harris and Ullman 1945; Ullman and Harris 1970). As shown in part C of Figure 14.14, each nucleus contains some specialized activity. A familiar example is the clustering of fast-food restaurants in one area and automobile dealers in another. Sometimes similar activities are grouped together because they profit from cohesion; retail districts, for example, draw more customers if there are more stores. Other cluster- ing occurs because some types of land use, such as factories and expensive homes, are incompatible with one another. One result is that services are not spread evenly through- out the city.

invasion–succession cycle the process of one group of people displacing another group whose racial–ethnic or social class characteristics differ from their own

1. 2.

3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.


Central business district Wholesale and light manufacturing Low-class residential Medium-class residential High-class residential Heavy manufacturing Outlying business district Residential suburb Industrial suburb Commuters’ zone

Districts (for Parts A, B, C)

2 1



3 4 7



9 8

Multiple nuclei


5 1

2 4


4 3







1 2

5 4



Concentric zones


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.


Central city Suburban residential areas Circumferential highway Radial highway Shopping mall Industrial district Office park Service center Airport complex Combined employment and shopping center

Districts (for Part D)

Peripheral model



5 5


79 8


2 2


2 2

1 1









Figure 14.14 How Cities Develop: Models of Urban Growth

SOURCE: Cousins and Nagpaul 1970; Harris 1997.

Population and Urbanization 479

The Peripheral Model Chauncy Harris (1997) also developed the peripheral model shown in part D of Figure 14.14. This model portrays the impact of radial highways on the movement of people and services away from the central city to the city’s periphery, or outskirts. It also shows the development of industrial and office parks.

Critique of the Models These models tell only part of the story. They are time bound: Medieval cities didn’t fol- low these patterns, as you can see from the photo of Avila, Spain, that opens the section on urbanization. In addition, they do not account for urban planning. Most European cities have laws that preserve green belts (forested areas and farmlands) around the city. This prevents urban sprawl: Walmart cannot buy land outside the city and put up a store; instead, it must locate in the downtown area with the other stores. Norwich has 200,000 people—yet the city ends abruptly in a green belt where pheasants skitter across plowed fields while sheep graze in verdant meadows (Milbank 1995).

Another challenge to these models is the huge, sprawling areas that have sprung up around older cities. These sprawls seem to have no distinct form (Florida 2013). If sociol- ogists ever discern clear patterns in these sprawls, they will develop new urban models to account for them. If you were to depend on these classic models, you would be sur- prised when you visit the cities of the Least Industrialized Nations. There, the wealthy often claim the inner city, where fine restaurants and other services are readily accessible. Tucked behind walls and protected from public scrutiny, they enjoy luxurious homes and gardens. The poor, in contrast, especially rural migrants, settle in areas outside the city— or, as in the case of El Tiro, featured in the earlier photo essay, on top of piles of garbage in what used to be the outskirts of a city. In the Cultural Diversity around the World that follows, let’s look at the vast movement of rural migrants to the city.

Cultural Diversity around the World Why City Slums Are Better Than the Country: Urbanization in the Least Industrialized Nations

At the bottom of a ravine near Mexico City is a bunch of shacks. Some of the parents have 14 children. “We used to live up there,” Señora Gonzalez gestured to- ward the mountain, “in those caves. Our only hope was one day to have a place to live. And now we do.” She smiled with pride at the jerry-built shacks … each one had a collection of flowers planted in tin cans. “One day, we hope to extend the water pipes and drainage— perhaps even pave….”

And what was the name of her community? Señora Gonzalez beamed. “Esperanza!” (McDowell 1984:172) Esperanza means “hope” in Spanish.

What started as a trickle has become a torrent. In 1930, only one Latin American city had over a million people— now fifty do. The world’s cities are growing by three million people each week (IOM 2015). The rural poor are flocking to the cities at such a rate that, as you saw in Figure 14.12, most of the world’s largest cities are located in the Industri- alizing or the Least Industrialized Nations.

When migrants move to U.S. cities, they usually settle in rundown housing near the city’s center. The wealthy live

in suburbs and luxurious city enclaves. Migrants to cities of the Least Industrialized Nations, in contrast, establish illegal squatter settlements outside the city. There, they build shacks from scrap boards, cardboard, and bits of corrugated metal. Even flattened tin cans are scavenged for building material. The squatters enjoy no city facilities—roads, public transportation, water, sewers, or garbage pickup. After thousands of squatters have settled an area, the city reluctantly acknowledges their right to live there and adds bus service and minimal water lines. Hundreds of people use

480 Chapter 14

City Life 14.6 Discuss alienation and community, types of people who live in the city, the

norm of noninvolvement, and the diffusion of responsibility.

Life in cities is filled with contrasts. Let’s look at two of those contrasts: alienation and community.

Alienation in the City In a classic essay, sociologist Louis Wirth (1938) noted that urban dwellers live anony- mous lives marked by segmented and superficial encounters. This type of relationship, he said, undermines kinship and neighborhood, the traditional bases of social control and feelings of solidarity. Urbanites then grow aloof and indifferent to other people’s problems. In short, the price of the personal freedom that the city offers is alienation.

Alienation takes many forms, such as the “road rage” that makes the evening news. You can be following your usual routine, such as driving home from work, when the unexpected erupts, changing your life forever.

In crowded traffic on a bridge going into Detroit, Deletha Word bumped the car ahead of her. The damage was minor, but the driver, Martell Welch, jumped out. Cursing, he pulled Deletha from her car, pushed her onto the hood, and began beating her. Martell’s friends got out to watch. One of them held Deletha down while Martell took a car jack and smashed Deletha’s car. Scared for her life, Deletha broke away, fleeing to the bridge’s railing. Martell and his friends taunted her, shouting, “Jump, bitch, jump!” Deletha plunged to her death. (Stokes and Zeman 1995). Welch was convicted of second-degree murder and sentenced to 16 to 40 years in prison.

This certainly is not an ordinary situation, but anyone who lives in a large city knows that even a minor traffic accident can explode into murderous road rage. And you never know who that stranger in the mall—or even next door—really is. The most common reason for impersonality and self-interest is not fear of danger, however, but the impossi- bility of dealing with crowds as individuals and the need to tune out many of the stimuli that come buzzing in from the bustle of the city (Berman et al. 2008).

alienation Marx’s term for workers’ lack of connection to the product of their labor; caused by workers being assigned repetitive tasks on a small part of a product, which leads to a sense of pow- erlessness and normlessness; others use the term in the gen- eral sense of not feeling a part of something

a single spigot. About 5 million of Mexico City’s residents live in such squalid conditions, with hundreds of thousands more pouring in each year.

Why this rush to live in the city under such miserable conditions? On the one hand are the “push” factors that come from the breakdown of traditional rural life. More children are surviving because of a safer water supply and modern medicine. As rural populations multiply, the parents no longer have enough land to divide among their children. With neither land nor jobs, there is hunger and despair. On the other hand are the “pull” factors that draw people to the cities—jobs, schools, housing, and even a more stimulating life.

How will the Least Industrialized Nations adjust to this vast migration? Removing the migrants by force

doesn’t work. Authorities in Brazil, Guatemala, Venezuela, and other countries have sent in the police and even the army to evict the settlers. After a violent dispersal, the settlers return—and others stream in. The roads, water and sewer lines, electricity, schools, and public facilities must be built. But these poor countries don’t have the resources to build them. As wrenching as the adjustment will be, these countries must— and somehow will—make the transition. They have no choice.

For Your Consideration → What are the reasons that the world is urbanizing so

rapidly? → What solutions do you see for this vast flow of migration

to the cities of the Least Industrialized Nations?

It is difficult for Americans to grasp the depth of the poverty that is the everyday life of hundreds of millions of people across the globe. These children are playing in an open drainage ditch while it is being repaired in Manila, the capital of the Philippines.

Population and Urbanization 481

Community in the City I don’t want to give the impression that the city is inevitably alienating. Far from it. Many people find community in the city. There are good reasons that so many millions of people around the globe are rushing to the world’s cities. And there is another aspect of the attack on Deletha Word. After Deletha went over the railing, two men jumped in after her, risking injury and their own lives in a futile attempt to save her.

Sociologist Herbert Gans, a symbolic interactionist who did participant observation in the West End of Boston, was so impressed with the area’s sense of community that he titled his book The Urban Villagers (1962). In this book, which has become a classic in sociology, Gans said:

After a few weeks of living in the West End, my observations—and my perceptions of the area—changed drastically. The search for an apartment quickly indicated that the indi- vidual units were usually in much better condition than the outside or the hallways of the buildings. Subsequently, in wandering through the West End, and in using it as a resident, I developed a kind of selective perception, in which my eye focused only on those parts of the area that were actually being used by people. Vacant buildings and boarded-up stores were no longer so visible, and the totally deserted alleys or streets were outside the set of paths normally traversed, either by myself or by the West Enders. The dirt and spilled- over garbage remained, but, since they were concentrated in street gutters and empty lots, they were not really harmful to anyone and thus were not as noticeable as during my initial observations.

Since much of the area’s life took place on the street, faces became familiar very quickly. I met my neighbors on the stairs and in front of my building. And, once a shop- ping pattern developed, I saw the same storekeepers frequently, as well as the area’s “characters” who wandered through the streets everyday on a fairly regular route and schedule. In short, the exotic quality of the stores and the residents also wore off as I became used to seeing them.

SLUM OR LOW-RENT AREA? In short, Gans found a community, people who identi- fied with the area and with one another. Its residents enjoyed networks of friends and acquaintances. Despite the area’s substandard buildings, most West Enders had chosen to live here. To them, this was a low-rent district, not a slum.

Most West Enders had low-paying, insecure jobs. Other residents were elderly, living on small pensions. Unlike the middle class, these people didn’t care about their “address.” The area’s inconveniences were something they put up with in exchange for cheap housing. In general, they were content with their neighborhood.

Who Lives in the City? Whether people find alienation or community in the city depends on whom you are talking about. As with almost everything in life, social class is especially significant. With the city’s wealthier residents enjoying greater security and the ability to buy more of what the city offers, they are more likely to be satisfied with city life (Santos 2009).

Sociologist Herbert Gans (1962, 1968, 1991) identified five types of urbanites, each with distinctive experiences of the city. Try to see where you fit.

THE COSMOPOLITES These are the intellectuals, professionals, artists, and entertain- ers who have been attracted to the city. They value its conveniences and cultural benefits.

THE SINGLES Usually in their early 20s to early 30s, the singles have settled in the city temporarily. For them, urban life is a stage in their life course. Businesses and services, such as singles’ bars and apartment complexes, cater to their needs and desires. After they marry, many move to the suburbs.

482 Chapter 14

THE ETHNIC VILLAGERS Feeling a sense of identity, working-class members of the same ethnic group band together. They form tightly knit neighborhoods that resem- ble villages and small towns. Family- and peer-oriented, they try to isolate themselves from the dangers and prob- lems of urban life.

THE DEPRIVED Destitute, emotionally disturbed, and having little income, education, or work skills, the deprived live in neighborhoods that are more like urban jungles than urban villages. Some of them stalk those jun- gles in search of prey. Neither predator nor prey has much hope for anything better in life—for themselves or for their children.

THE TRAPPED These people don’t live in the area by choice, either. Some were trapped when an ethnic group “invaded” their neighborhood, and they could not afford to move. Others found themselves trapped in a downward spiral. They started life in a higher social class, but because of personal problems—mental or physical illness or addiction to alcohol or other drugs—they drifted downward. There also are the elderly who are trapped by poverty and not wanted elsewhere. Like the deprived, the trapped suffer from high rates of assault, mugging, and rape.

CRITIQUE You probably noticed this inadequacy in Gans’ categories, that you can be both a cosmopolite and a single. You might have noticed also that you can be these two things and an ethnic villager as well. Gans also seems to have missed an important type of city dweller—the people living in the city who don’t stand out in any way. They work and marry there and quietly raise their families. They aren’t cosmopolites, singles, or ethnic villagers. Neither are they deprived nor trapped. Perhaps we can call these the “Just Plain Folks.”

IN SUM Within the city’s rich mosaic of social diversity, not all urban dwellers expe- rience the city in the same way. Each group has its own lifestyle, and each has distinct experiences. Some people welcome the city’s cultural diversity, and they mix with sev- eral groups. Others find community by retreating into the security of ethnic enclaves. Still others feel trapped and deprived. To them, the city is an urban jungle. It poses threats to their health and safety, and their lives are filled with despair.

The Norm of Noninvolvement and the Diffusion of Responsibility To avoid intrusions from strangers, urban dwellers follow a norm of noninvolvement.

To do this, we sometimes use props such as newspapers to shield ourselves from others and to indicate our inaccessibility for interaction. In effect, we learn to “tune others out.” In this regard, we might see the [iPod] as the quintessential urban prop in that it allows us to be tuned in and tuned out at the same time. It is a device that allows us to enter our own private world and thereby effectively to close off encounters with others. The use of such devices protects our “personal space,” along with our body demeanor and facial expres- sion (the passive “mask” or even scowl that persons adopt on subways). (Karp et al. 1991)

Social psychologists John Darley and Bibb Latané (1968), who ran the series of experiments featured in Chapter 5, uncovered the diffusion of responsibility: The more bystanders there are, the less likely people are to help. As a group grows, people’s sense of responsibility becomes diffused, with each person assuming that another will do the responsible thing. “With these other people here, it is not my responsibility,” they reason.

The diffusion of responsibility helps to explain why people can ignore the plight of others. Those who did nothing to intervene in the attack on Deletha Word were not uncaring people. Each felt that others might do something. Then, too, there was the

These men are members of the Lubavitch, an ultra-orthodox Jewish sect in Crown Heights, New York. Where do you think they fit in Gans’ classification of urban dwellers?

Population and Urbanization 483

norm of noninvolvement—helpful for getting people through everyday city life but, unfortunately, dysfunctional in some crucial situations.

As mentioned in Chapter 5, laboratory experiments can give insight into human behavior, but they can also woefully miss the mark. Recall the photo sequence I took of the man who fell on a street in Vienna, Austria. That these were strangers who were sim- ply passing one another on the sidewalk didn’t stop them from immediately helping the man who tripped and fell. We carry many norms within us, some of which can trump the diffusion of responsibility and the norm of noninvolvement.

Urban Problems and Social Policy 14.7 Explain the effects of suburbanization, disinvestment and deindustrialization,

and the potential of urban revitalization.

To close this chapter, let’s look at the primary reasons that U.S. cities have declined and then consider how they can be revitalized.

Suburbanization We have discussed the transition to the suburbs. The U.S. city has been the loser in this transition. As people moved out of the city, businesses and jobs followed. Insurance com- panies and others that employ white-collar workers were the first to move their offices to the suburbs. They were soon followed by manufacturers and their blue-collar workers. This process has continued so relentlessly that today, twice as many manufacturing jobs are located in the suburbs as in the city (Palen 2015). This transition hit the city’s tax base hard, leaving a budget squeeze that affected not only parks, zoos, libraries, and muse- ums but also the city’s basic services—its schools, streets, sewer and water systems, and police and fire departments.

Left behind were people who had no choice but to stay in the city. As we reviewed in Chapter 9, sociologist William Julius Wilson says that this exodus transformed the inner city into a ghetto. Individuals who lacked training and skills were trapped by poverty, unemployment, and welfare dependency. Also left behind were those who prey on others through street crime. The term ghetto, says Wilson, “suggests that a fundamental social transformation has taken place … that groups represented by this term are collectively different from and much more socially isolated from those that lived in these com- munities in earlier years” (quoted in Karp et al. 1991).

CITY VERSUS SUBURB Suburbanites want the city to keep its prob- lems to itself. They reject proposals to share suburbia’s revenues with the city and oppose measures that would allow urban and suburban governments joint control over what has become a contiguous mass of people and businesses (Innes et al. 2011). They do not mind going to the city to work or venturing there on weekends for the diversions it offers, but they do not want to help pay the city’s expenses.

It is likely that the mounting bill ultimately will come due, how- ever, and that suburbanites will have to pay for their indifference toward the urban disadvantaged. Sociologist David Karp and col- leagues (1991) put it this way:

It may be that suburbs can insulate themselves from the problems of central cities, at least for the time being. In the long run, though, there will be a steep price to pay for the failure of those better off to care compassionately for those at the bottom of society.

Our occasional urban riots may be part of that bill—perhaps just the down payment.

As cities evolve, so does architecture. This building is in Barcelona, Spain.

484 Chapter 14

SUBURBAN FLIGHT In some places, the bill is coming due quickly. As they age, some suburbs are becoming mirror images of the city that their residents so despise. Suburban crime, the flight of the middle class, a shrinking tax base, and eroding services create a spiraling sense of insecurity, stimulating more middle-class flight (Katz and Bradley 2009; Palen 2015). Figure 14.15 illustrates this process, which is new to the urban– suburban scene.

Figure 14.15 Urban Growth and Urban Flight 50 years ago 25 years ago Now

At first, the city and surrounding villages grew independently.

As city dwellers fled urban decay, they created a ring of suburbs.

As middle-class flight continues outward, urban problems are arriving in the outer rings.

TOMORROW’S SUBURB Employers want young, college-educated workers, and most of the young and college-educated find suburbs boring. They prefer to enjoy the city’s diversity and stimulation. To attract both employers and young educated workers, some suburbs are now trying to turn themselves into cities. They are hoping that build- ing high-rise apartments will transform their flat, nondescript downtowns into thriving hubs of activity (Brown 2016). Shortly, we should know how this effort worked out.

Disinvestment and Deindustrialization As the cities’ tax bases shrank and neighborhoods deteriorated, banks began redlining: Afraid of loans going bad, bankers would draw a line around a problem area on a map and refuse to make loans for housing or businesses there (Andriotis and Ensign 2015). This disinvestment (withdrawal of investment) pushed these areas into further decline. Youth gangs, muggings, and murders are common in these areas, but good jobs are not. All are woven into this process of disinvestment.

Redlining is illegal, and banks do not practice it openly. Without calling it redlin- ing, though, banks still target areas to disinvest. In Rhode Island, for example, Banco Santander was sued after its mortgages in white neighborhoods increased 25 percent while at the same time its mortgages in black neighborhoods declined by 63 percent (Dewan 2014).

The globalization of capitalism has also left a heavy mark on U.S. cities. As we reviewed in Chapter 11, to compete in the global market, many U.S. companies moved their factories to countries where labor costs are lower. This process, called deindustrialization, eliminated millions of U.S. manufacturing jobs. Lacking training in the new information technologies, many poor people are locked out of the benefits of the postindustrial economy. Left behind in the inner cities, many live lives of quiet and not-so-quiet despair.

redlining a decision by the officers of a financial institution not to make loans in a particular area

disinvestment the withdrawal of investments by financial institutions, which seals the fate of an urban area

deindustrialization the process of industries moving out of a country or region

Population and Urbanization 485

The Potential of Urban Revitalization Social policy usually takes one of two forms. The first is to tear down and rebuild— something that is fancifully termed urban renewal. The result is the renewal of an area—but not for the bene- fit of its inhabitants. Stadiums, high-rise condos, luxury hotels, and boutiques replace run-down, cheap housing. Outpriced, the area’s inhabitants are displaced into adjacent areas.

The second is to attract businesses to an area by offering reduced taxes. This program, called enterprise zones, usually fails because most businesses refuse to locate in high-crime areas. They know that the high costs of security and the losses from crime can eat up the tax savings.

A highly promising form of the enterprise zone, called the Federal Empowerment Zone, is the opposite of disinvestment. It targets the redevelopment of an area by adding low-interest loans to the tax breaks. The renaissance of Harlem, featured in the earlier Down-to-Earth Sociology, was stim- ulated by designating Harlem a Federal Empowerment Zone. The low-interest loans brought grocery stores, dry cleaners, and video stores, attracting the middle class. As these newcomers moved in, they brought with them a demand for specialty shops. A self-feeding cycle of investment and hope then replaced the self-feeding cycle of despair and crime that accompanies disinvestment.

If U.S. cities become top agenda items of the government, they can be turned into safe and decent places to live and enjoy. This will require not just huge sums of money but also creative urban planning. That we are beginning to see success in places like Harlem indicates that we can accomplish this transformation.

PUBLIC SOCIOLOGY Replacing old buildings with new ones is certainly not the answer. Instead, we need to do public sociology (discussed in Chapter 1) and apply socio- logical principles to build community. Here are three guiding principles suggested by sociologist William Flanagan (1990):

Scale Regional and national planning is necessary. Local jurisdictions, with their many rivalries, competing goals, and limited resources, end up with a hodgepodge of mostly unworkable solutions.

Livability Cities must be appealing and meet human needs, especially the need for community. This will attract the middle classes into the city, which will increase its tax base. In turn, this will help finance the services that make the city more livable.

Social justice In the final analysis, social policy must be evaluated by how it affects people. “Urban renewal” programs that displace the poor for the benefit of the mid- dle class and wealthy do not pass this standard. The same would apply to solutions that create “livability” for select groups but neglect the poor and the homeless.

Most actions taken to solve urban problems are window dressing by politicians who want to appear as though they are doing something constructive. The solution is to avoid Band-Aids that cover up the problems that hurt our quality of life and to address their root causes—poverty, poor schools, crime, lack of jobs, and an inade- quate tax base to provide the amenities that enhance our quality of life and attract people to the city.

urban renewal the rehabilitation of a rundown area, which usually results in the displacement of the poor who are living in that area

enterprise zone the use of economic incentives in a designated area to encour- age investment

U.S. suburbs were once unplanned, rambling affairs that took irregular shapes as people moved away from the city. Today’s suburbs are planned to precise details even before the first foundation is laid. This photo is of a waterfront suburb in Florida

486 Chapter 14

Summary and Review A Planet with No Space for Enjoying Life? 14.1 Contrast the views of the New Malthusians

and Anti-Malthusians on population growth and the food supply; explain why people are starving.

What debate did Thomas Malthus initiate?

In 1798, Thomas Malthus analyzed the surge in Europe’s pop- ulation. He concluded that the world’s population will outstrip its food supply. The debate between today’s New Malthusians and those who disagree, the Anti-Malthusians, continues.

Why are people starving?

Starvation is not due to a lack of food in the world: There is now more food for each person in the entire world than there was 50 years ago. Rather, starvation is the result of a maldistribution of food, which is primarily due to drought and civil war.

Population Growth 14.2 Explain why the Least Industrialized Nations have

so many children, consequences of rapid popula- tion growth, population pyramids, the three de- mographic variables, and problems in forecasting population growth.

Why do people in the poor nations have so many children?

In the Least Industrialized Nations, children are often viewed as gifts from God. In addition, they cost little to rear, contribute to the family income at an early age, and provide the parents’ social security. These are powerful motivations to have large families.

What are the three demographic variables?

To compute population growth, demographers use fertility, mortality, and migration. They follow the basic demographic equation, births minus deaths plus net migration equals the growth rate.

Why is forecasting population difficult?

A nation’s growth rate is affected by changing conditions— from economic cycles, wars, and famines to industrializa- tion and government policies.

The Development of Cities and Urbanization 14.3 Explain how cities developed, and summarize

urbanization from city to megaregion.

How are cities related to farming and the Industrial Revolution?

Cities can develop only if there is an agricultural surplus large enough to free people from food production. The primary impetus to the development of cities was the invention of the plow. After the Industrial Revolution stimulated rapid transportation and communication, cities grew quickly. Today, urbanization is so extensive that some cities have become metropolises, dominating the areas ad- jacent to them. Some metropolises spill over into each other, forming a megalopolis.

U.S. Urban Patterns 14.4 Be familiar with the patterns of urbanization that

characterize the United States.

What are some of the major U.S. patterns of urbanization?

Urbanization in the United States is uneven, with some states much more urbanized than others. Regional mi- gration is bringing huge shifts in power and resources, primarily to the West and South. Other patterns are the development of edge cites, gentrification, and suburban- ization.

Models of Urban Growth 14.5 Compare the models of urban growth.

What models of urban growth have been proposed?

The primary models are concentric zone, sector, multiple-nuclei, and peripheral. These models fail to ac- count for ancient and medieval cities, many European cit- ies, cities in the Least Industrialized Nations, and urban planning.

City Life 14.6 Discuss alienation and community, types of people

who live in the city, the norm of noninvolvement, and the diffusion of responsibility.

Who lives in the city?

Some people experience alienation in the city; others find community in it. What people find depends largely on their backgrounds and urban networks. Five types of people who live in cities are cosmopolites, singles, ethnic villagers, the deprived, and the trapped.

Population and Urbanization 487

Urban Problems and Social Policy 14.7 Explain the effects of suburbanization,

disinvestment and deindustrialization, and the potential of urban revitalization.

Why have U.S. cities declined?

Three primary reasons for the decline of U.S. cities are suburbanization (as people moved to the suburbs, the

tax base of cities eroded and services deteriorated), disinvestment (banks withdrew their financing), and dein- dustrialization (which caused a loss of jobs).

What social policy can salvage U.S. cities?

Three guiding principles for developing urban social policy are scale, livability, and social justice.

Thinking Critically about Chapter 14 1. Do you think the world is threatened by a population

explosion? Use data from this chapter to support your position.

2. Explain the causes of food shortages that lead to star- vation.

3. Why do people find alienation or community in the city?

4. What are the causes of urban problems, and what can we do to solve those problems?

The Cliff at Etretat after the Storm, 1870, Gustave Courbet (oil on canvas)


Learning Objectives

After you have read this chapter, you should be able to:

15.1 Summarize how social change transforms society: include the four social revolutions, Gemeinschaft and Gesellschaft, capitalism, social movements, and global politics.

15.2 Summarize theories of social change: social evolution, natural cycles, conflict over power and resources, and Ogburn’s theory.

15.3 Use the examples of the automobile and the microchip to illus- trate the sociological significance of technology; include changes in ideology, norms, human relationships, education, work, business, war, and social inequality.

15.4 Explain how industrialization is related to environmental problems; contrast the environmental movement and environmental sociology; discuss the goal of harmony.

Chapter 15

Social Change and the Environment

The job seemed to go on forever. Two archeologists and their team spent 25 years mapping Caracol, perhaps the oldest and largest city in the Americas. This city in Belize, where people had lived from 600 bc to ad 900, when it was mysteriously abandoned, lay under thick jungle cover. The vegetation was so thick that the city had not been discovered until 1938, when some loggers stumbled onto it.

Year after year, the archeologists slaved away. Each year, they were able to map just a small part of the city. They knew that there were roads leading to the city, also hidden by thick jungle. And what else?

At the pace they were going, maybe archeologists would know the answer in 100 years or so. But only if more teams of archeologists joined the project. And only if they could survive the jungle’s heat, insects, animals, and disease. This is the traditional archeological way. Dig and document. What else can there be? Even

attempts at using radar to map the site had failed. The jungle was too thick to penetrate. Diane and Arlen Chase, the wife-and-husband team who had been slogging away in the

jungle for 25 years, searched for alternatives. “Let’s try LiDAR (light detection and ranging),” they concluded. “We can try it in the dry spring, when the vegetation is somewhat lighter.”

When spring came, a little plane flew back and forth a half mile above the area. For four days, it sent laser beams onto the ground. The Chases grew anxious. Would the laser beams show anything besides vegetation? If so, what?

The results were astounding: high-quality 3-D images of what lay beneath the jungle. And not just in the area near the excavated site. LiDAR also revealed intriguing things hid- den in an 80-square-mile area. You could see crisp images of house mounds, roadways, and agricultural terraces.

At the pace they were going, maybe archeol- ogists would know the answer in 100 years or so … if they could survive the jungle’s heat, insects, animals, and disease.

490 Chapter 15

In just four days, the new technology revealed much more than the archeologists had dis- covered by slaving away for 25 years.

Since this little experiment, LiDAR has exposed other ancient cities that had been lost to jungle growth.

Based on Chase et al. 2010; Handwerk 2010; Wilford 2010; Preston 2017.

If you want a better understanding of society—and your own life—you need to under- stand social change, probably the main characteristic of social life today. As you will see in this chapter, technology, such as the laser imagery that reveals ancient cities hid- den beneath thick jungle, is the driving force behind this change.

Let’s begin by reviewing how social change transforms social life.

How Social Change Transforms Social Life 15.1 Summarize how social change transforms society: include the four social

revolutions, Gemeinschaft and Gesellschaft, capitalism, social movements, and global politics.

Social change, a shift in the characteristics of culture and society, is such a vital part of social life that it has been a recurring theme throughout this book. To make this theme more explicit, let’s review the main points about social change that we have looked at in the preceding chapters.

The Four Social Revolutions Rapid social change is part of your everyday life. Why? To understand why our society is changing so fast, we need to go back in history a bit. Let’s start with forces that were set in motion thousands of years ago when humans domesticated plants and animals. This first social revolution allowed hunting and gathering societies to develop into hor- ticultural and pastoral societies. The plow brought about the second social revolution, from which agricultural societies emerged. The third social revolution, prompted by the invention of the steam engine, ushered in the Industrial Revolution. Now we are in the midst of the fourth social revolution, stimulated by the invention of the micro- chip. The process of change has accelerated so greatly that the mapping of the human genome system could be pushing us into yet another new type of society, one based on biotechnology.

From Gemeinschaft to Gesellschaft Although our society has changed extensively— think of how life was for your grandparents when they were children—we have seen only the tip of the iceberg. Based on what happened in ear- lier social revolutions, we know that by the time this fourth—and perhaps fifth—social revolution is full-blown, little of our current way of life will remain.

Consider the change from agricultural to industrial society. This transition didn’t just touch the surface. It was not simply that peo- ple changed where they lived, moving from the farm to the city. The change was so exten- sive and deep that it even transformed peoples’ relationships. Lives had been built around the

social change the alteration of culture and societies over time

The evolution of societies has been so thorough that scenes of people working with their hands to harvest food are unusual. Our type of society, which we take for granted, will be replaced by some new type yet to appear. This photo is of Bangladeshi women working at a pepper harvest.

Social Change and the Environment 491

reciprocal obligations (such as helping one another) that are essential to kinship, social status, and friendship. Moving to the city broke many intimate relationships, replac- ing them with impersonal associations built around paid work, contracts, and money. As reviewed in Chapter 4, sociologists use the terms Gemeinschaft and Gesellschaft to indicate this fundamental shift in society.

Traditional, or Gemeinschaft, societies are small, rural, and slow-changing. Men dom- inate social life, and the divisions of labor between men and women are rigid. People live in extended families, have little formal education, treat illness at home, tend to see morals in absolute terms, and consider the past the key for dealing with the present. In contrast, modern, or Gesellschaft, societies are large, urbanized, and fast-changing, with more fluid divisions of labor between the sexes. When a group reaches the third stage of the demographic transition, people have smaller families and low rates of infant death. They prize formal education, are future-oriented, have higher incomes, and enjoy vastly more material possessions.

The Industrial Revolution and Capitalism As you can see, these changes didn’t touch just the surface of human relationships. The switch from Gemeinschaft to Gesellschaft society even transformed people’s orientations to life. In his analysis of this transition, Karl Marx stressed that when feudal society broke up, it threw people off the land, creating a surplus of labor. These desperate masses, moving to cities, were exploited by capitalists, the owners of the means of production (factories, machinery, and tools). This set in motion antagonistic relationships between capitalists and workers that remain today.

As we reviewed in Chapter 5, Max Weber traced capitalism to the Protestant Reformation. He noted that the Reformation stripped Protestants of the assurance that church membership saved them. As they agonized over heaven and hell, they con- cluded that God did not want the elect to live in uncertainty, that God would give them a sign that they were predestined to heaven. That sign, they decided, was prosperity. An unexpected consequence of the Reformation, then, was to make Protestants hard- working and thrifty. This created an economic surplus that stimulated capitalism. In this way, Protestantism laid the groundwork for the Industrial Revolution that transformed the world.

The sweeping changes ushered in by the Industrial Revolution, called modernization, are summarized in Table 15.1. You should note that no society exemplifies all of the traits of industrialized (or information) societies to the maximum degree. New technology creates a remarkable unevenness in the characteristics of nations, making them a mixture of these traits. For example, Uganda is a traditional society, but the elite have smaller families, emphasize for- mal education, and use computers. The charac- t e r i s t i c s s h o w n i n Ta b l e 1 5 . 1 s h o u l d b e interpreted as “more” or “less,” not “either–or.”

The basic principle is this: When technology changes, societies change. Consider how technol- ogy from the industrialized world transforms traditional societies. When the West exports medicine to the Least Industrialized Nations, for example, death rates drop while birth rates remain high. The population explodes, bringing hunger and uprooting masses of people who migrate to cities that have little industrialization to support them. In Chapter 14, the photo essay

modernization the transformation of traditional societies into industrial societies

The Protestant Reformation ushered in not only religious change but also, as Max Weber analyzed, fundamental change in economics. This painting by Johann Zoffany from about 1775 is of Sir Lawrence Dundas, a Scottish merchant. Note the wealth that he enjoyed.

492 Chapter 15

on Medellin, Colombia, and the Cultural Diversity around the World on urbanization in the Least Industrialized Nations focus on some of these problems.

Social Movements Social movements reveal the cutting edge of social change. Upset by some aspect of society, people band together to demand some change they want or to resist some change they don’t want. With today’s extensive globalization, social movements can sweep across national borders. A social movement can be a subdued affair, with people tepidly challenging some aspect of society, or it can be so heated and dynamic that it upends a group’s way of life. The underlying issue can be a concern that has just appeared or something that has simmered for generations, but then, sud- denly bursts onto the scene, generating such support that it top- ples governments. Such was the case with the Arab uprisings across North Africa in 2011.

Conflict, Power, and Global Politics In our fast-paced world, we pay most attention to changes that directly affect our own lives or that make headlines. But largely out of sight lies one of the most significant changes of all, the shifting arrangements of power among nations. Let’s look at some of these changes.

A BRIEF HISTORY OF GEOPOLITICS By the sixteenth century, global divisions of power had begun to emerge. Nations with the most advanced technology (at that time, the swiftest ships and the most powerful cannons) became wealthy through colonialism, con- quering other nations and taking control of their resources. As the Industrial Revolution began in the eighteenth century, the nations that industrialized first exploited the resources of countries that had not yet industrialized. According to world system theory, which we reviewed in Chapter 7, this made the nonindustrialized nations dependent and unable to develop their own resources. The conse- quences of this early domination remain with us today, including the recurring conflicts over oil in the Middle East.

G7 PLUS Since World War II, a realignment of the world’s powers has created a triadic division of the globe: a Japan- centered East (with China in the process of replacing Japan), a

Germany-centered Europe, and a U.S.-centered western hemisphere. In an effort to align their interests and divide global areas of dominance, these three powers, along with four lesser ones—Canada, France, Great Britain, and Italy—formed G7, meaning the “Group of 7.” Fear of Russia’s nuclear arsenal prompted G7 to let Russia join this elite club, creat- ing G8. Currently, Russia has been put on a blacklist of unwanted guests, and for now the membership seems to have dropped back to G7.

DIVIDING UP THE WORLD The heads of G7 (presidents, prime ministers) hold annual meetings at which they set policies to guide global economic/political affairs. (Representatives of major capitalist interests also hold more informal annual meetings at Davos, Switzerland.) Their goal is to perpetuate their global dominance. Essential to this goal is maintaining access to abundant, cheap oil—which requires that they dominate the Middle East. If the Arab nations became an independent power, it would sabotage this

Characteristics Traditional Societies

Industrialized (and Information) Societies

General Characteristics

Social change Slow Rapid

Size of group Small Large

Demographic transition First stage Third stage (or Fourth)

Religious orientation More Less

Education Informal Formal

Place of residence Rural Urban

Family size Larger Smaller

Infant mortality High Low

Life expectancy Short Long

Health care Home Doctor’s office

Severe illnesses Home Hospital

Temporal orientation Past Future

Expectation of the future More of the same


Material Relations

Technology Simple Complex

Division of labor Little Extensive

Income Low High

Material possessions Few Many

Social Relationships

Basic organization Gemeinschaft Gesellschaft

Families Extended Nuclear

Respect for elders More Less

Social stratification Rigid More open

Social mobility Little Much

Statuses More ascribed More achieved

Gender equality Less More


View of morals Absolute Relativistic

Social control Informal Formal

Tolerance of differences Less More

Table 15.1 Comparing Traditional and Industrialized (and Information) Societies

SOURCE: By the author.

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goal. The policies and international relations they develop to perpetuate their power and interests are known by the term the New World Order.

F O U R T H R E AT S T O T H I S C O A L I T I O N O F POWERS The global divisions that G7 has been trying to work out face four major threats. The first is dissension within. Currently, the United States is insisting on a re-examination of global trade that has led to its huge trade deficit. The United States has also withdrawn from the Paris Accord on climate change, which has upset the other six members of G7. Russia remains on the outside, a lingering threat as it and the West remain in the midst of a bitter intrafamilial feud. Still stinging from the loss of its empire and suspicious of G7’s intentions, in 2014 Russia seized the Crimea, a part of the Ukraine. To avoid war, the West’s response was trade and banking sanctions. Coupled with a huge drop in the price of oil, Russia’s main export, Russia’s economy has been damaged severely. As I write this, the snarling has grown so bitter that the United States and Russia are backing opposing sides in Syria, a risky misalliance in the oil-rich region of the Middle East.

The second threat is the growing global power and influence of China. From a huge but sleepy backwater nation, China has emerged as a giant on the world stage. China’s transition to an economic and military power threatens G7’s plans, especially those con- cerning Asia and Africa. So far, the struggle between these rival powers has been limited to bidding wars for natural resources, threats about the sea lanes in the South China Sea, and mutual accusations about cyberespionage. If this competition were to erupt into real war, however, all bets would be off concerning G7.

In a sign of changes to come, G7 is gradually—but with severe reluctance— bowing to the inevitable. Attempting to reduce the likelihood of conflict as China steps onto turf claimed by others, G7 has allowed China to become an observer at its annual summits. If China cooperates adequately, the next step will be to add China to this exclusive club, transforming the group back into a G8. Unless China decides to go it alone—or pairs with Russia and the two split off—China will be incorporated into the coming New World Order.

The third threat is the resurgence of ethnic rivalries and conflicts. In Europe, Muslim immigrants feel unwelcome. In Africa, the Igbo in Nigeria won’t let the government count them because, as they say, “We are not Nigerian.” In North America, ethnic conflicts flare up in the United States and Mexico, and in Asia, they occur in China and Vietnam. We do not know how long the lid can be kept on the world’s seemingly bottomless ethnic antagonisms or whether they will ever play themselves out. The end of these hostilities will certainly not come during our lifetimes.

For global control, G7 requires political and economic stability, both in its members’ own backyards and in those countries that provide the raw materials that fuel its giant industrial machine. This explains why G7 cares little when African nations self-destruct in ethnic slaughter but refuses to tolerate ethnic warfare in its own neighborhoods. To allow warfare between different groups in Bosnia, Kosovo, or Georgia to go unchecked would be to tolerate conflict that could spread and engulf Europe. In contrast, the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Tutsis in Rwanda carried little or no political significance for these powerful countries.

The fourth threat comes from the smoldering embers of the Cold War that threaten to burst into flames. The United States thinks that Russia wants to invade Europe, and Russia suspects that the United States is planning to attack it with nuclear weapons

Each year, the leaders of the most powerful nations meet in a secluded, secure place to make world-controlling decisions. This photo was taken at their 2017 meeting in Taormina, Sicily, Italy. With the striking absence of Russia, G8 has shrunk back to G7.

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(Kozin 2013). When the United States announced that to prevent attacks from “rogue nations” it was going to place “missile interceptors” in Poland and Romania, Russia suspected that the missiles were intended for it and threatened to bomb the bases (Boudreaux 2012). The West’s suspicions were confirmed when Russia invaded the Ukraine, and Russia’s suspicions were confirmed when NATO officials said the “nuclear defense system” should be directed against Russia (“Baltic Fears” 2014). As a warning to Russia, NATO has stationed token troops in the Baltics. It is chilling to recall that Russia and the United States both claim the right of first strike, the right to strike the other with nuclear weapons even though the other has not launched any (Kozin 2013).

THE GROWING RELEVANCE OF AFRICA No longer can G7 safely ignore Africa, once a remote continent but now transformed by globaliza- tion into a neighbor. In the scramble to secure resources, G7 increasingly views Africa as significant to its own well-being. These global powers are realizing that African poverty and political corruption breed political unrest that can come back to haunt them. In addition to Africa’s vast nat- ural resources, including oil reserves that could counterbalance those of the unstable Middle East, Africa is also the world’s last largely untapped market. Political stability in Africa could go a long way toward trans-

forming this continent into a giant outlet for the products of G7’s economic machin- ery. This combination of resources and markets helps explain why the United States has raised funds for African AIDS victims and, as in Liberia, Somalia, and Darfur, has begun to intervene in African politics.

To gain and maintain dominance over Africa and to send a not-so-subtle signal to China, its chief competitor for Africa’s resources, the U.S. government has formed AFRICOM (African Command). This special command unit of the U.S. Marines was “sold” to the U.S. Congress as a “soft force.” It would specialize in humanitarian mis- sions, such as bringing medical assistance to Africa (Vandiver 2013a, 2013b). Finding a humanitarian mission less than macho and a civilian staff cumbersome, the Marines succeeded in shedding its softer side. AFRICOM now proudly boasts of a focus more to its liking: combat-ready Marines ready to strike specific targets at a moment’s notice. AFRICOM has forged relationships with most African leaders and is training Africans to fight rebels in their own countries. With its rapid-reaction, crisis-response units and its new drones and Ospreys (planes that can take off and land vertically),

AFRICOM is now “military ready,” and is zeroing in on groups that threaten U.S. access to Africa’s resources. Currently, those groups are Islamic radicals, especially those in Nigeria and Mali, not surprisingly, oil-rich countries.

Theories and Processes of Social Change 15.2 Summarize theories of social change: social evolution, natural

cycles, conflict over power and resources, and Ogburn’s theory.

Social change has always fascinated theorists. Earlier in this text, we reviewed the theories of Karl Marx and Max Weber, which I just sum- marized. Of the many other attempts to explain why societies change, we will consider four: the evolution of societies, natural cycles, con- flict and power, and the pioneering views of sociologist William Ogburn.

To maintain global power requires the continuous development of weapons. Shown here is the F-35 Lightning II, as it is refueled off the coast of Florida. The United States spent more to develop and deploy this plane than it did to land a man on the moon.

Despite the globe’s vast social change, people all over the world continue to make race a fundamental distinction. Shown here is a Ukrainian being measured to see if he is really “full lipped” enough to be called a Tartar.

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Evolution from Lower to Higher Evolutionary theories of how societies change are of two types, unilinear and multilinear. Unilinear theories assume that all societies follow the same path: Each evolves from sim- pler to more complex forms. This journey takes each society through uniform sequences (Barnes 1935). Of the many versions of this theory, the one proposed by Lewis Morgan (1877) once dominated Western thought. Morgan said that all societies go through three stages: savagery, barbarism, and civilization. In Morgan’s eyes, England, his own society, was the epitome of civilization. All other societies were destined to follow England’s path.

Multilinear views of evolution replaced unilinear theories. Instead of assuming that all societies follow the same sequence, multilinear theorists proposed that different routes lead to the same stage of development. Although the paths all lead to industrialization, societies need not pass through the same sequence of stages on their journey (Sahlins and Service 1960; Lenski and Lenski 1987).

Central to all evolutionary theories, whether unilinear or multilinear, is the assump- tion of cultural progress. Tribal societies are assumed to have a primitive form of human culture. As these societies evolve, they reach a higher state—the supposedly advanced and superior form that characterizes the Western world. Growing appreciation of the rich diversity—and complexity—of tribal cultures discredited this idea. In addition, Western culture is now in crisis: poverty, racism, sexual assaults, unsafe streets, gigantic national deficits, a fragile banking system, war, and terrorism. Consequently, the idea of cultural progress and Western culture as the apex of human civilization has been cast aside, and evolutionary theories have been rejected (Eder 1990; Smart 1990).

Natural Cycles Cyclical theories attempt to account for the rise of entire civilizations. Why, for example, did Egypt, Greece, and Rome wield such power and influence, only to crest and then decline? Cyclical theories assume that civilizations are like organisms: They are born, enjoy an exuberant youth, come to maturity, and then decline as they reach old age. Finally, they die (Hughes 1962/2005).

The cycle does exist, but why? Historian Arnold Toynbee (1946) said that each civili- zation faces challenges to its existence. Groups work out solutions to these challenges, as they must if they are to continue. But these solutions are not satisfactory to all. The ruling elite manages to keep the remaining oppositional forces under control, even though they “make trouble” now and then. At a civilization’s peak, however, when it has become an empire, the ruling elite loses its capacity to keep the masses in line “by charm rather than by force.” Gradually, the fabric of society rips apart. Force may hold the empire together for hundreds of years, but the civilization is doomed.

In a book that provoked widespread controversy, The Decline of the West (1926–1928), Oswald Spengler, a high school teacher in Germany, proposed that Western civilization had passed its peak and was in decline. Although the West succeeded in overcoming the crises provoked by Hitler and Mussolini, as Toynbee noted, civilizations don’t end in sudden collapse. Because the decline can last hundreds of years, perhaps the crisis in Western civilization mentioned earlier (poverty, rape, murder, and so on) indicates that Spengler was right, and we are now in decline. If so, it appears that China is waiting on the horizon to seize global power and to forge a new civilization.

Conflict over Power and Resources Long before Toynbee, Karl Marx identified a recurring process of social change. He said that each thesis (a current arrangement of power) contains its own antithesis (contradiction or opposition). A struggle develops between the thesis and its antithesis, leading to a synthesis (a new arrangement of power). This new social order, in turn, becomes a thesis that will be chal- lenged by its own antithesis, and so on. Figure 15.1 gives a visual summary of this process.

Thesis (some current

arrangement of power)

Synthesis (a new arrangement

of power)

Antithesis (contradictions in the

arrangement of power)

Classless state

Process continues throughout history

Figure 15.1 Marx’s Model of Historical Change

SOURCE: By the author.

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According to Marx’s view (called a dialectical process of history), each ruling group sows the seeds of its own destruction. Consider capitalism. Marx said that capitalism (the thesis) is built on the exploitation of workers (an antithesis, or built-in opposition). With workers and owners on a collision course, the dialectical process will not stop until work- ers establish a classless state (the synthesis).

The analysis of G7 in the previous section follows conflict theory. G7’s current division of the globe’s resources and markets is a thesis. Resentment on the part of rival and have-not nations is an antithesis. The demand to redistribute power and resources will come from any Least Industrialized or Industrializing Nation that gains military power. With their nuclear weapons, China, India, and Pakistan fit this scenario. Russia, Iran, and North Korea present especially threatening antitheses, as do ISIS and the al-Qaedas and their desire to change the balance of power between the Middle East and the industrialized West.

Eventually, the forces for change will become irresistible, and the current arrangements of power will give way. Like the old, this new synthesis will contain its own antitheses, such as ethnic hostilities or leaders who feel their countries have been denied a fair share of resources. These contradictions will haunt the rearrangement of power, which at some point will be resolved into another synthesis. The process repeats, a continual cycle of thesis, antithesis, and synthesis.

Ogburn’s Theory Sociologist William Ogburn (1922/1950, 1961, 1964) proposed a theory of social change that is based largely on technology. As you can see from Table 15.2, he said that technol- ogy changes society by three processes: invention, discovery, and diffusion. Let’s con- sider each.

dialectical process (of history) each arrangement of power (a thesis) contains contradictions (antitheses) that make the arrangement unstable and that must be resolved; the new arrangement of power (a synthesis) contains its own contradictions; this process of balancing and unbalancing continues throughout history as groups struggle for power and other resources

Table 15.2 Ogburn’s Processes of Social Change Process of Change What It Is Examples Social Changes

Invention Combination of existing elements to form new ones

1. Cars

2. Microchip

3. Graphite composites

1. Urban sprawl and long commutes to work

2. Telecommuting and cyber warfare

3. New types of building construction

Discovery New way of seeing some aspect of the world

1. Columbus—North America

2. Gold in California

3. DNA

1. Realignment of global power

2. Westward expansion of the United States

3. Positive identification of criminals

Diffusion Spread of an invention or discovery

1. Airplanes

2. Money

3. Condom

1. Global tourism

2. Global trade

3. Smaller families

NOTE: For each example, there are many changes, such as those discussed in this chapter ushered in by the automobile and microchip. You can also see that any particular change, such as global trade, depends not just on one item but also on several preceding changes.

SOURCE: By the author.

INVENTION Ogburn defined invention as a combining of existing elements and materials to form new ones. We usually think of inventions only as material items, such as computers, but there also are social inventions. We have considered many social inven- tions in this text, including democracy and citizenship (in Chapter 11), capitalism (in Chapters 5 and 11), socialism (in Chapter 11), bureaucracy (in Chapter 5), the corporation (in Chapters 5 and 11), and gender equality (in Chapter 10). We looked at how these social inventions had far-reaching consequences for people’s lives. Material inventions can also affect social life deeply, and, in this chapter, we will examine how the automobile and the microchip have transformed society.

invention the combining of existing elements and materials to form new ones; identified by William Ogburn as one of three processes of social change

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DISCOVERY Ogburn identified discovery, a new way of seeing reality, as a second process of change. The reality is already present, but people see it for the first time. An example is Columbus’s “discovery” of North America, which had consequences so huge that they altered the course of human history. This example also illustrates another prin- ciple: A discovery brings extensive change only when it comes at the right time. Other groups, such as the Vikings, had already “discovered” North America in the sense of learning that a new land existed—obviously no discovery to the Native Americans already living there. Viking settlements disappeared into history, however, and Norse culture was untouched by the discovery.

DIFFUSION Ogburn stressed how diffusion, the spread of an invention or discovery from one area to another, can deeply affect people’s lives. Consider an object as simple as the axe. When missionaries introduced steel axes to the Aborigines of Australia, it upset their whole society. Before this, the men controlled axe-making. They used a special stone that was available only in a remote region, and fathers passed axe-making skills on to their sons. Women had to request permission to use the axe. When steel axes became com- mon, women also possessed them, and the men lost both status and power (Sharp 1995).

Diffusion also includes the spread of social inventions and ideas. As we saw in Chapter 11, the idea of citizenship changed political structures around the world. It swept away monarchs as an unquestioned source of authority. The idea of gender equal- ity is now circling the globe. To those who live where this concept is taken for granted, it is surprising to think that rights would be withheld on the basis of someone’s sex. Like citizenship, gender equality is destined to transform human relationships and entire societies.

CULTURAL LAG Ogburn coined the term cultural lag to refer to how some elements of culture lag behind the changes that come from invention, discovery, and diffusion. Tech- nology, he suggested, usually changes first, with culture lagging behind. In other words, we play catch-up with changing technology, adapting our customs and ways of life to meet its needs.

EVALUATION OF OGBURN’S THEORY Some find Ogburn’s analysis too one- directional, saying that it makes technology the cause of almost all social change. They point out that people also take control over technology, developing or adapting the tech- nology they need, and then selectively using it. You read about the Amish in Chapter 4, an example of people rejecting technology that they perceive as threatening to their culture.

Technology and social change are certainly not one-directional. Rather, they are like a two-way street: Just as technology stimulates social change, so social change stimulates tech- nology. The Nazi armies that marched across Europe last century and the Japanese atrocities across the Pacific stimulated the United States to build the atomic bomb and led to nuclear power. Today, the growing number of elderly is spurring the development of new medical technologies, such as treatments for Alzheimer’s disease. Similarly, ideas about people with disabilities are changing—that instead of being shunted aside, they should participate in society’s mainstream. This, in turn, has triggered the development of new types of wheelchairs and prosthetic devices that allow people who cannot move their legs to play basketball, participate in the Paralympics, and even compete in downhill wheelchair races. The street is so two-way that this greater visibility and participation, in turn, are changing attitudes toward people with disabilities.

In fairness to Ogburn, we must note that he never said that technology is the only force for social change. Nor did he assert that people are passive pawns in the face of over- whelming technological forces. He did stress, though, that the material culture (technology) usually changes first, and

discovery a new way of seeing reality; identified by William Ogburn as one of three processes of social change

diffusion the spread of an invention or a discovery from one area to another; identified by William Ogburn as one of three process- es of social change

cultural lag William Ogburn’s term for human behavior lagging behind technological innovations

Diffusion refers not only to technology spreading from one group to another but also to the cultural diffusion of ideas. Women’s rights, for example, taken for granted in the West, is a new idea in some parts of the world. This protest rally in India indicates that this new idea is reshaping views of the world. That women have the right to organize to defend themselves is a powerful transformation.

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Do you know what that large object in the center of the photo is? In the 1920s, 30s, and 40s, middle-class families would gather in the living room after dinner and listen to the radio. (It was a sit-down dinner served by the wife and assisted by the daughters.) Can you see how technology is influencing this 1940s family? How about yourself?

the symbolic culture (people’s ideas and ways of life) follows. This direction still holds, as you know from personal experience, with the technology stimulating the rapid changes that are engulfing us today. And we are still playing catch-up with technology, with the microchip especially, which is transforming society and, with it, our way of life.

How Technology Is Changing Our Lives 15.3 Use the examples of the automobile and the microchip to illustrate the

sociological significance of technology; include changes in ideology, norms, human relationships, education, work, business, war, and social inequality.

Technology is so significant that it influences not only how we live but also what we become. We generally perceive only its superficial, external effects, but let’s look a little closer at this fundamental force.

Extending Human Abilities To understand what technology is, let’s look at its three meanings. Its first meaning refers to tools, the items used to accomplish tasks. The tools can be as simple as a comb or as complicated as a computer. Technology’s second meaning refers to the procedures nec- essary to produce tools: in this case, the ways we manufacture combs and computers. Technology’s third meaning refers to the skills needed to use tools: in this case, the skills we need to “produce” an acceptable hairdo or to do research online.

No matter what tools, procedures, or skills we are talking about, technology always refers to artificial means of extending human abilities. Consider our opening vignette about

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the archeologists uncovering a hidden city in the jungle. The essence of the story is how greatly our new technology has extended human abilities.

All human groups make and use technology. They all have tools, procedures, and skills. The chief characteristic of technology in postindustrial societies (also called post- modern societies) is that it greatly extends our abilities to communicate, to travel, and to retrieve and analyze information. These new technologies, as they are called, extend our abilities beyond anything known in human history. We can now do what has never been done before: communicate almost instantaneously anywhere on the globe, probe space, travel vast distances, quickly transplant organs from one human to another, and soon to come, xenotransplantation, transplanting the organs of animals into humans. And, as in our opening vignette, we can produce, store, retrieve, and analyze vast amounts of infor- mation, even if we must penetrate thick jungles to do so.

The Sociological Significance of Technology: How Technology Changes Social Life Our journey to the future is going to have so many twists and turns that no one knows what our lives will be like. It is intriguing, however, to try to peer over the edge of the present to catch a glimpse of that future. But because this text is about sociology, we cannot lose sight of the sociological significance of technology—how it changes our way of life. When a technol- ogy is introduced into a society, it forces other parts of society to give way. In fact, new tech- nologies can reshape society. Let’s look at four ways that technology changes social life.

CHANGES IN PRODUCTION Technology changes how people organize themselves. In Chapter 5, we discussed how, before machine technology was developed, most peo- ple worked at home. Then came the new power-driven machinery, which required them to leave their families and go to work at a place called a factory. In the first factories, each worker still made an entire item. Then it was discovered that production increased if each worker performed only a specific task. One worker would hammer on a single part or turn certain bolts; then someone else would go to the item and do some other repetitive task on it; a third person would then take over; and so on. Henry Ford built on this innovation by developing the assembly line: Instead of workers moving to the parts, machines moved the parts to the workers. In addition, the parts were made interchange- able and easy to attach (Cwiek 2014).

CHANGES IN WORKER–OWNER RELATIONS Marx noted that before factories came on the scene, workers owned their tools. This made them independent. If workers didn’t like something, they would pack up their hammers and saws and leave. They would build a wagon or make a table for someone else. The factory brought fundamental change: The capitalists now owned the tools and machinery. This ownership transferred power to the capitalists. The workers had to submit, since other workers, desperate and unemployed, were lined up, eager to take the place of anyone who left.

Marx also noted that workers who perform repetitive tasks on just a small part of a product do not feel connected to the finished product. No longer do they think of the product as “theirs.” As Marx put it, workers became alienated from the product of their labor, an alienation that bred dissatisfaction and unrest. With alienation, exploitation, and vast differences in power, basic antagonisms developed between workers and owners.

CHANGES IN IDEOLOGY The new technology that led to factories also led to a change in ideology. On one side came an ideology that promoted capitalism. Making huge prof- its came to be viewed as a moral, even spiritual, endeavor. Profits benefited society—and pleased God as well.

On the other side were followers of Marx, who built ideologies in opposition to capitalism. In their view, profit comes from exploiting workers. Workers are the true

postmodern society another term for postindustrial society; a chief characteristic is the use of tools that extend human abilities to gather and analyze information, to commu- nicate, and to travel

alienation Karl Marx’s term for work- ers’ lack of connection to the product of their labor; caused by workers being assigned repet- itive tasks on a small part of a product—which leads to a sense of powerlessness and normless- ness; others use the term in the general sense of not feeling a part of something

500 Chapter 15

owners of society’s resources, and it is their labor that produces profits. This exploitation, Marx believed, would bring on a workers’ revolution: One day, deciding that they had enough, workers would unite, violently take over the means of production, and establish a workers’ state.

CHANGES IN CONSPICUOUS CONSUMPTION Just as ideology follows technology, so does conspicuous consumption. If technology is limited to clubbing animals, then animal skins are valued. No doubt primitive men and women who wore the skins of some especially unusual or dangerous animal walked with their heads held high—while their neighbors, wearing the same old sheepskins, looked on in envy. With technological change, Americans make certain that their clothing and accessories (sunglasses, hand- bags, and watches) have trendy labels prominently displayed. They also proudly dis- play their cars, boats, and second homes. In short, while envy and pride may be basic to human nature, the particular material display depends on the state of technology.

CHANGES IN FAMILY RELATIONSHIPS Technology also changes how people relate to one another. When men left home to work in factories, they became isolated from much of the everyday lives of their families. One consequence of becoming relative strangers to their wives and children was more divorce. As more women were drawn from the home to offices and factories, there were similar consequences—greater isola- tion from husbands and children and even more fragile marriages. A counter-trend is now under way, as the newer technology allows millions of people to work at home. One consequence may be a strengthening of families and a reduction of divorce.

To get a better idea of how technology shapes our way of life, let’s consider the changes ushered in by the automobile and the computer.

When Old Technology Was New: The Impact of the Automobile About 100 years ago, the automobile was a new technology. You might be surprised at some of the ways in which this invention shaped U.S. society. Let’s look at them.

DISPLACEMENT OF EXISTING TECHNOLOGY In a process that began in earnest when Henry Ford began to mass-produce the Model T in 1908, the automobile grad- ually pushed aside the old technology. People found automobiles to be cleaner, more reliable, and less expensive than horses. People even thought that cars would lower their taxes, since no longer would the public have to pay to clean up the tons of horse manure that accumulated on city streets (Flink 1990). As humorous as it sounds now, they also

In the photo on the left, Henry Ford proudly displays his 1905 car, the latest in automobile technology. As is apparent, especially from the spokes on the car’s wheels, new technology builds on existing technology. At the time this photo was taken, who could have imagined that this vehicle would transform society? The photo on the right is of an electric car by Renault.

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thought that automobiles would eliminate the cities’ parking problems, since an automo- bile took up only half as much space as a horse and buggy.

EFFECTS ON CITIES The automobile stimulated suburbanization (Kopecky and Suen 2010). By the 1920s, Americans had begun to leave the city. They found that they could live in outlying areas where housing was more affordable and commute to jobs in the city. Eventually, this exodus to the suburbs produced urban sprawl and reduced the cit- ies’ tax base. As discussed in Chapter 14, suburbanization contributed to many of the problems that U.S. cities experience today.

CHANGES IN ARCHITECTURE The automobile’s effects on commercial architecture are easy to see—from the huge parking lots that loop around shopping malls to the drive-up windows at banks and fast-food restaurants. Not so apparent is how the auto- mobile altered the architecture of U.S. homes (Flink 1990). Before cars came on the scene, each home had a stable in the back where the family kept its horse and buggy. At first, people parked their cars there.

Then, in three steps, parking the family car changed home architecture. First, new homes were built with a detached garage. It was located, like the stable, at the back of the home. As the automobile became more essential to the U.S. family, the garage was incorporated into the home. It was moved from the backyard to the side of the house, where it was connected by a breezeway. In the final step, the breezeway was removed, and the garage was integrated into the home, letting people enter their automobiles with- out going outside.

CHANGED COURTSHIP CUSTOMS AND SEXUAL NORMS By the 1920s, the automo- bile was used extensively for dating. This removed young people from the watchful eye of parents and undermined parental authority. The police began to receive complaints about “night riders” who parked their cars along country lanes, “doused their lights, and indulged in orgies” (Brilliant 1964). Automobiles became so popular for courtship that by the 1960s, about 40 percent of marriage proposals took place in them (Flink 1990).

In 1925, Jewett introduced cars with a foldout bed, as did Nash in 1937. The Nash version became known as “the young man’s model” (Flink 1990). Mobile lovemaking has declined since the 1970s, not because there is less premarital sex but because the change in sexual norms has made bedrooms easily accessible to the unmarried.

EFFECTS ON WOMEN’S ROLES The automobile also lies at the heart of the change in women’s roles. To see how, we first need to get a picture of what a woman’s life was like before the automobile. Historian James Flink (1990) described it this way:

Until the automobile revolution, in upper-middle-class households groceries were either ordered by phone and delivered to the door or picked up by domestic servants or the  husband on his way home from work. Iceboxes provided only very limited space for the storage of perishable foods, so shopping at markets within walking distance of the home was a daily chore. The garden provided vegetables and fruits in season, which were home-canned for winter consumption. Bread, cakes, cookies, and pies were home-baked. Wardrobes contained many home-sewn garments.

Mother supervised the household help and worked alongside them preparing meals, washing and ironing, and housecleaning. In her spare time she mended clothes, did dec- orative needlework, puttered in her flower garden, and pampered a brood of children. Generally, she made few family decisions and few forays alone outside the yard. She had little knowledge of family finances and the family budget. The role of the lower- middle- class housewife differed primarily in that far less of the household work was done by hired help, so that she was less a manager of other people’s work, more herself a maid-of- all-work around the house.

Because automobiles required skill to operate rather than strength, women were able to drive as well as men. This new mobility freed women physically from the narrow confines of the home. As Flink (1990) observed, the automobile changed women “from

502 Chapter 15

producers of food and clothing into consumers of national-brand canned goods, prepared foods, and ready-made clothes. The automobile permit- ted shopping at self-serve supermarkets outside the neighborhood and in combination with the electric refrigerator made buying food a weekly rather than a daily activity.” When women began to do the shopping, they gained greater control over the family budget, and, as their horizons extended beyond the confines of the home, they also learned different views of life.

IN SUM The automobile helped transform society, including views of courtship and sexuality. It had a special impact on a woman’s role at home, including the relationship with her husband. It altered women’s

attitudes as it transformed their opportunities and stimulated them to participate in areas of social life not connected with the home.

No one attributes such fundamental changes in relationships and values solely to the automobile, of course. Many historical events and other technological changes occurred during this same period, each making its own impact on social change. From this brief overview of the social effects of the automobile, however, you can see how technology is much more than just a tool, that it has a profound influence on social life.

The New Technology: The Microchip and Social Life Ten years ago, landlines were so limited in Mongolia that it was difficult to make a tele- phone call. Then came the technological leap. Investing heavily in information technol- ogy, the country now has an extensive 3G network. Most homes in the capitol city now have Internet connections, and most Mongols have cell phones. Even the nomads tending their sheep on the remote steppe are using cell phones. (Pappano 2013)

With technology changing so rapidly, the future greets us with unexpected events. Although we don’t know where the future will lead us, it is intriguing to peer over the edge of the present to catch a glimpse of how our future is being shaped.

Let’s do this by focusing on the microchip. We will begin with the effects of this marvelous device on education, business, and the waging of war. We’ll then consider the chip’s impact on social inequality.

COMPUTERS IN EDUCATION Because of computers, students can take courses in Russian, German, and Spanish—even when their schools have no teachers who speak

these languages. If their school also lacks sociology instructors, they can still study the sociology of gender, race, social class, or even sex, and sports. (The comma is important. It isn’t sex and sports. That course isn’t offered—yet.)

We’ve barely begun to harness the power of computers, but I imagine that the day will come when you will be able to key in the terms social interaction and gender, select your preference of historical period, geographical site, age, and eth- nic group—and the computer will spew out text, maps, moving images, and people from that period speaking on that topic. You will be able to compare sexual discrimination in the military in 1985 and today or the price of marijuana in Los Angeles and New Orleans in 1970 and 2000. If you wish, the computer will give you a test—geared to the level of difficulty you choose—so that you can check your mastery of the material.

From this 1946 photo, you can see how computers have changed. This is the ENIAC, the world’s first computer, which weighed 30 tons, was 8 feet high, 3 feet deep, and 100 feet long. Our cell phones have more computing power than this monstrosity.

Long the dream of many is the flying car, and here is one. Soon to be offered to the public, this car can fly over traffic jams, as well as rivers, lakes, and even mountains. New technology changes not only the way we do things, such as travel, but also the way we think about life and the self and the way we relate to others.

Social Change and the Environment 503

Distance learning, courses taught to students who are not physically present with their instructor, will integrate students around the world. Using laptops, apps, and technology that transmits images and simultaneously translates spoken languages, everyone in the class will be able to see and understand everyone else, even though the students live in different countries and speak a variety of languages.

Imagine this—and likely it soon will be a reality: Your fellow students in a course in sociology will be living in Thailand, South Africa, Latvia, Egypt, China, and Australia. With zero-cost conference calls and file sharing, you will compare your countries’ customs on eating, dating, marriage, family, or burial—whatever is of interest to you. Combine this with artificial intelligence and mobile cameras, and you will be able to go with the other students on virtual field trips that immerse you in different realities. You will have all the sights and sounds—and eventually the smells—of each location you visit. You will then write a term paper in which you apply the theories in the text to what you have learned from your fellow students and the locations you have visited. With a flourish and a smile, you will send a digital copy of your paper (with moving images) to your instructor.

Okay, forget the flourish and smile, but from this, you can catch a glimpse of the future of education.

COMPUTERS IN BUSINESS AND FINANCE The advanced technology of businesses used to consist of cash registers and adding machines. Connections to the outside world were managed by telephone. Today’s computers connect suppliers, salespeople, and cli- ents around the country—and around the world—into networks. Computers track sales of items, tabulate inventory, and without human intervention set in motion the process of reordering. Sales reports alert managers to their customers’ changing preferences. For retail giants like Walmart, the reports signal regional changes in preferences of products.

National borders are rendered meaningless as computers instantaneously transfer billions of dollars from one country to another. No “cash” changes hands in these trans- actions. The money consists of digits in computer memory banks. In the same day, digi- tized money can be transferred from the United States to Switzerland, from there to the Grand Cayman Islands, and then to the Isle of Man. Its zigzag, encrypted path around the globe leaves few traces for sleuths to follow. “Where’s my share?” governments around the world are grumbling, as they consider how to control—and tax—this new technology.

COMPUTERS IN INTERNATIONAL CONFLICT Computers are also having a major impact on war. Many of the changes, fortunately for us, are still theoretical. When the appli- cation arrives, the loss of lives will be horrendous. In the following Thinking Critically about Social Life, we’ll look at cyberwar. After this, we’ll consider drones and warfare in space.

This robot allows a child to participate in class even though the child is ill and in the hospital. The child can listen to the teacher, follow the teacher’s movements by controlling the robot’s eyes, and can even raise “his” or “her” hand and ask questions.

Thinking Critically about Social Life Cyberwar and Cyber Defense

With its archenemy Israel in mind, Iran was developing a nuclear enrichment program. Iranian scientists stared in disbelief as their 5,000 centrifuges suddenly sped up and slowed down, ripping their delicate parts to shreds.

Iran had been hit by the Stuxnet worm, a malware that the United States and Israel had slipped into Iran’s computer codes. Iran’s goal of producing material for a nuclear bomb had been set back by months, perhaps by years. (Sanger 2012)

Every country in conflict with another looks for an edge. The computer’s marvelous strength—its capacity to store, re-

trieve, and analyze information and to execute commands— can be turned into an Achilles heel that can bring down the powerful.

To turn strength into weakness brings both delight and fear to generals around the world. Their delight comes from the mouthwatering anticipation that they will be able to use this capacity against their enemies. Their fear? That they might become the victim.

Cyberweapons pack power. They can force missiles to sit in their silos like wounded birds taking refuge in their nests. They can darken an enemy’s computer screens, or

504 Chapter 15

In the following Sociology and Technology: The Changing Landscape, let’s look at another way that technology is transforming war.

fill them with false information. They can make radar report safety—while missiles are launched. They can turn alert armies into sitting ducks.

This is not some far-off future, as the Iranians discovered. The opening volleys of cyberwar have been launched (Rounds 2016). The major players are the United States, Russia, China, Iran, Israel, and North Korea. Current attacks are limited, mostly probes to find weaknesses and to insert malicious code—like Stuxnet—to be unleashed at some designated

moment. The targets are not only a nation’s military, but also its electrical grids, banking systems, stock exchanges, oil and gas pipelines, air traffic control systems, and Internet and cell phone communications.

The United States has spent billions of dollars preparing for cyberwarfare. The Pentagon’s U.S. Cyber Command has nine “National Mission Teams.” Each team of 60 military personnel is given a specific cyber assignment. The Navy, Army, Air Force, and Marines are putting together their own cyber teams (Paletta et al. 2015). And if a nation doesn’t have billions to spend on cyberespionage? No problem. Hacking Team, an Italian company, sells “off-the- shelf” programs that can exploit a target’s software weaknesses, letting the opponent enter the other’s computers and mobile devices.

The games have begun. The outcome, unfortunately, might not resemble a game.

For Your Consideration → Do you think the United States should insert dormant

malicious codes in Russia’s, China’s, Iran’s, and North Korea’s military computers—so it can unleash them during some future conflict?

→ If such dormant codes were discovered, what do you think the consequences might be?

This military command post is in South Korea, with both U.S. and South Korean personnel. South Korea and North Korea accuse one another of attacking the other’s communication systems. Each accusation is likely true.

Sociology and Technology: The Shifting Landscape Weaponizing Space: The Coming Star Wars

The operators of the Predator, an unmanned plane that flies thousands of feet above the ground, sit at a remote base watching streaming video sent from the Predator. When the operators identify what they call “the kill shot,” they press a button. At this signal, the Predator beams a laser onto the target and launches guided bombs. The enemy sees neither the Predator nor the  laser. Perhaps, however, an instant before they are blown to bits, they do hear the sound of the incoming bomb (Barry 2001).

The Pentagon plans to “weaponize” space far beyond the Predator. The Pentagon’s X-47B is a “space plane:” It has an airplane’s agility and a spacecraft’s capacity to travel 5 miles per second in space (Cooper 2010). The Pentagon is also building its own Internet, the Global Infor- mation Grid (GIG). The goal of GIG is to encircle the globe and give the Pentagon a “God’s eye view” of every enemy

everywhere (Weiner 2004). An arsenal of space weapons is ready: microsatellites the size of a suitcase that can pull alongside enemy satellites and fry their electronics with microwave guns; a laser whose beam will bounce off a mir- ror in space, making the night battlefield visible to ground soldiers who are wearing special goggles; pyrotechnic electromagnetic pulsers; holographic decoys; oxygen suckers—and whatever else the feverish imaginations of military planners can devise.

The Air Force has nicknamed one of its space pro- grams “Rods from God,” tungsten cylinders to be hurled from space at targets on the ground. Striking at speeds of 7,000 miles an hour, the rods would have the force of a small nuclear weapon. In another program, radio waves would be directed to targets on Earth. As the Air Force explains it, the power of the radio waves could be “just a tap on the shoulder—or they could turn you into toast” (Weiner 2005).

Social Change and the Environment 505

Cyberspace and Social Inequality We’ve already stepped into the future. The Internet gives us access to digitized libraries. We use software that sifts, sorts, and transmits text, photos, sound, and video. We zap messages, images, and digitized money to people on the other side of the globe—or even in our own homes, dorm, or office. Our world has become linked by almost instanta- neous communications. With information readily accessible around the globe, few places can still be called “remote.”

This new technology carries severe implications for national and global stratification. On the national level, computer technology could perpetuate our current inequalities: We could end up with information have-nots, people cut off from the flow of information on which prosperity depends. Or this technology could provide an opportunity for the inner city and the rural areas to break out of poverty. On the global level, the question is similar, but on a grander scale, taking us to one of the more profound issues of this century: Will unequal access to advanced technology destine the Least Industrialized Nations to perpetual pauper status? Or will access to this new technol- ogy be their passport to affluence?

IN SUM As technology wraps itself around us, it transforms society, culture, and our everyday lives. This leads us to four primary issues that we need to confront:

1. What type of future will technology bring?

2. Will technology liberate us or make us slaves of Big Brother?

3. Will the new technology perpetuate or alleviate social inequalities on both national and global levels?

4. Finally, and perhaps most ominously, will the technology that is transforming war and which the United States is using to wage constant war “over there someplace” come back to haunt us in our own land?

But what happens when enemy, or even rival, nations develop similar capacities—or even greater ones? We are beginning to see an ominous transition in international tech- nological expertise. Already there is the Pterodactyl, China’s

answer to the Predator. China has advanced its technology to the point that its unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) now rival those of the United States (Page 2010; Wall 2010). Chi- na has even begun to flaunt its space weapons in the face of the Pentagon, a not-too-subtle warning not to mess with China as its leaders expand their territorial ambitions.

Weapons are made to be used—despite the constant polite rhetoric about their defensive purposes. On both sides are itchy trigger fingers, and now that China is becoming an ominous threat to U.S. space superiority, the Pentagon faces a new challenge. How can it contain China’s political ambitions in the face of Star Wars?

For Your Consideration → Do you think we should militarize space?

→ What do you think of this comment, made to Congress by the head of the U.S. Air Force Space Command? “We must establish and maintain space superiority. It’s the American way of fighting” (Weiner 2005).

→ Is it rational for the United States to think that it can always maintain technological superiority? What happens if it cannot?

This pilotless drone, an MQ-9 Reaper, streams live video to an operator at a remote, safe base. When the operator gives the signal, the Reaper reaps, unleashing the missiles you see here. One day, our technological killing might come home, with operators in another country doing the same to us.

The offspring of the microchip— from computers to cell phones— offer access to vast information and efficiency of communication, manufacturing, and transportation. Will this fundamental change bring greater equality to the world’s nations? These concrete pipes are home to some residents of Manila, the capital of the Philippines.

506 Chapter 15

The Growth Machine versus the Earth 15.4 Explain how industrialization is related to environmental problems; contrast

the environmental movement and environmental sociology; discuss the goal of harmony.

After a frustrating struggle of 20 years, Russian environmentalists finally won a court order to stop Baikalsk Paper Mill from dumping its wastes into Lake Baikal. When the mill filed for bankruptcy, Vladimir Putin, the prime minister of Russia, boarded a mini- sub and said, “I’ll see if the lake has been damaged.” At the bottom of Lake Baikal, Putin said, “It’s clean. I can see the bottom.” He then told Oleg Deripaska, the major owner of the paper mill, “You can dump your wastes in the lake.” (Boudreaux 2010)

Politicians are usually more subtle than this, but, befitting his power and position, Putin doesn’t have to be. He can crown himself an environmental expert and give personal permission to pollute. Although the specifics differ, in country after country, similar bat- tles are being waged. While environmentalists struggle for a clean Earth, politicians fight for jobs and votes—and while doing so, some line the pockets of their friends and their own as well.

The Globalization of Capitalism and the Race for Economic Growth Like cars speeding around a NASCAR racetrack, we are in the midst of a global economic race that threatens to destroy the Earth. The racetrack is the Earth, and the cars and drivers are the Earth’s nations. At the head of the pack are the Most Industrialized Nations. To maintain their lead—and cheered on by their spon -

sors, the multinational corporations— governments push for economic growth. Without an annual increase in produc- tion, the economic engines of the Most Industrialized Nations falter, sputter- ing into recession or depression. Behind them, furiously trying to catch up, are the Industrializing Nations. To develop their economies, China and the others strive for even larger percentage growth. M e a n w h i l e , t h e L e a s t I n d u s t r i a l i z e d N a t i o n s , l a g g i n g f a r t h e r b e h i n d a n d envious of the others, do their best to rev up their economic engines.

A S U S TA I N A B L E E N V I R O N M E N T Many people are convinced that the Earth cannot withstand such an onslaught. Global economic production creates global pollution; faster-paced production that feeds the globalization of capitalism, means faster-paced destruction of our environment. In this relentless pursuit of economic development, many animal spe- cies have been destroyed. Others, hanging by a claw or a wounded wing, are on the v e rg e o f e x t i n c t i o n . I f t h e g o a l i s a

sustainable environment a world system that takes into account the limits of the environment, produces enough material goods for everyone’s needs, and leaves a heritage of a sound environment for the next generation

Sumatran Tiger Fewer than 400, Indonesia

Texas Ocelot Fewer than 250, southern United

States, northern Mexico

Gaur About 36,000, Southeast Asia

Mountain Bongo About 50, Kenya

Social Change and the Environment 507

sustainable environment, a world system in which we use our physical environment to meet our needs without destroying humanity’s future, we cannot continue to trash the Earth. In short, the ecological message is incompatible with an economic message that implies it is okay to rape the Earth if it makes someone rich.

Before looking at the social movement that has emerged around the environment, let’s examine some major environmental problems.

Environmental Problems and Industrialization Although even tribal groups produced pollution, the frontal assault on the natural envi- ronment did not begin in earnest until nations industrialized. Industrialization was equated with progress and prosperity. For the Most Industrialized Nations, the slogan has been “Growth at any cost.”

TOXIC WASTES Industrial growth did come, but at a high cost. Despite their harm to the environment and the dangers they pose to people’s health, toxic waste has been dumped onto the land, into the oceans, and, with the occasional permission of Putin and other politicians, into our lakes. Formerly pristine streams have been turned into polluted sewers. The disease-ridden water supply of some cities is unfit to drink. The following Social Map shows the locations of the worst hazardous waste sites in the United States. Keep in mind that these are just the worst. There are thou- sands of others.

The Growth Machine versus the Earth 15.4 Explain how industrialization is related to environmental problems; contrast

the environmental movement and environmental sociology; discuss the goal of harmony.

After a frustrating struggle of 20 years, Russian environmentalists finally won a court order to stop Baikalsk Paper Mill from dumping its wastes into Lake Baikal. When the mill filed for bankruptcy, Vladimir Putin, the prime minister of Russia, boarded a mini- sub and said, “I’ll see if the lake has been damaged.” At the bottom of Lake Baikal, Putin said, “It’s clean. I can see the bottom.” He then told Oleg Deripaska, the major owner of the paper mill, “You can dump your wastes in the lake.” (Boudreaux 2010)

Politicians are usually more subtle than this, but, befitting his power and position, Putin doesn’t have to be. He can crown himself an environmental expert and give personal permission to pollute. Although the specifics differ, in country after country, similar bat- tles are being waged. While environmentalists struggle for a clean Earth, politicians fight for jobs and votes—and while doing so, some line the pockets of their friends and their own as well.

The Globalization of Capitalism and the Race for Economic Growth Like cars speeding around a NASCAR racetrack, we are in the midst of a global economic race that threatens to destroy the Earth. The racetrack is the Earth, and the cars and drivers are the Earth’s nations. At the head of the pack are the Most Industrialized Nations. To maintain their lead—and cheered on by their spon -

sors, the multinational corporations— governments push for economic growth. Without an annual increase in produc- tion, the economic engines of the Most Industrialized Nations falter, sputter- ing into recession or depression. Behind them, furiously trying to catch up, are the Industrializing Nations. To develop their economies, China and the others strive for even larger percentage growth. M e a n w h i l e , t h e L e a s t I n d u s t r i a l i z e d N a t i o n s , l a g g i n g f a r t h e r b e h i n d a n d envious of the others, do their best to rev up their economic engines.

A S U S TA I N A B L E E N V I R O N M E N T Many people are convinced that the Earth cannot withstand such an onslaught. Global economic production creates global pollution; faster-paced production that feeds the globalization of capitalism, means faster-paced destruction of our environment. In this relentless pursuit of economic development, many animal spe- cies have been destroyed. Others, hanging by a claw or a wounded wing, are on the v e rg e o f e x t i n c t i o n . I f t h e g o a l i s a

sustainable environment a world system that takes into account the limits of the environment, produces enough material goods for everyone’s needs, and leaves a heritage of a sound environment for the next generation

Least waste sites: 0 –12

Average waste sites: 13 – 27

Most waste sites: 30 –111

= 10 sites












ND 0






HI 3












9 14



VT 11





















NH 20 MA 30 RI 12

CT 14 NJ 111

DE 13 MD 20 DC 1











14 15




25 38








Most hazardous sites

1. New Jersey (111)

2. California (98)

3. Pennsylvania (96)

Least hazardous sites

1. North Dakota (0)

2. Nevada (1);

3. South Dakota (2); Wyoming (2)

Figure 15.2 The Worst Hazardous Waste Sites

SOURCE: By the author. Based on Environmental Protection Agency 2013.

Nuclear power plants are a special problem. The wastes they produce remain lethal for tens of thousands of years. We simply don’t know what to do with these piles of deadly garbage. In our ignorance and folly, we store most of them in temporary containers (Turner 2017). Another problem is that our nuclear power plants’ “fool-proof safety fea- tures” are vulnerable. The nuclear catastrophe at Fukushima, Japan, is mute testimony to nuclear folly.

We certainly can’t lay the cause of our polluted Earth solely at the feet of the Most Industrialized Nations. The Industrializing Nations also do their share, with China

508 Chapter 15

the most striking offender. Here is a shocking figure: Of the world’s ten most-polluted cities, seven are in China (Staedter 2013). Here is another: With nine thousand chem- ical plants lining its banks, China’s major waterway, the Yangtze River, has been turned into an industrial sewer (Zakaria 2008). Now that China has secured its place in the industrialized world, its leaders are placing more emphasis on reducing pollution (Gardiner 2017). However, the harm done to our planet is incalculable.

With limited space to address this issue, let’s focus on fossil fuels, the energy shortage, and the rain forests.

FOSSIL FUELS AND CLIMATE CHANGE Burning fossil fuels to run motorized vehicles, factories, and power plants has been especially harmful to our Earth. Figure 15.3 illus-

trates how burning fossil fuels produces acid rain that kills animal and plant life. The harm is so extensive that fish can no longer survive in some lakes in Canada and the northeastern United States.

acid rain rain containing sulfuric and nitric acids (burning fossil fuels releases sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide that become sul- furic and nitric acids when they react with moisture in the air)

Pollution poses a risk to health around the world. This photo of garbage collectors was taken on the Bagmati River in Nepal.

Acidic gases (sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide) are released into the atmosphere

Gases react with moisture in the air to form acid rain (sulfuric and nitric acids)

Acid rain kills plant life and pollutes rivers and streams

Figure 15.3 Acid Rain

SOURCE: By the au thor.

Global warming is producing many problems for Earth’s inhabitants, but with the limited space we have, in the following Thinking Critically about Social Life, we will con- sider just one of them.

Social Change and the Environment 509

THE ENERGY SHORTAGE AND INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES If you ever read about an energy shortage, you can be sure that what you read is false. There is no energy shortage, nor can there ever be. We have such unlimited low-cost power that we can raise the living standards of humans across the globe. The Sun, for example, pro- duces more energy than humanity could ever use. Boundless energy is also available from the tides and the winds. In some cases, we need to develop technology to harness these sources of energy; in others, we need only apply the technology we already have.

Burning fossil fuels in internal combustion engines is the main source of pollution in the Most Industrialized Nations. Changes are on the way: car and truck engines that burn

the most striking offender. Here is a shocking figure: Of the world’s ten most-polluted cities, seven are in China (Staedter 2013). Here is another: With nine thousand chem- ical plants lining its banks, China’s major waterway, the Yangtze River, has been turned into an industrial sewer (Zakaria 2008). Now that China has secured its place in the industrialized world, its leaders are placing more emphasis on reducing pollution (Gardiner 2017). However, the harm done to our planet is incalculable.

With limited space to address this issue, let’s focus on fossil fuels, the energy shortage, and the rain forests.

FOSSIL FUELS AND CLIMATE CHANGE Burning fossil fuels to run motorized vehicles, factories, and power plants has been especially harmful to our Earth. Figure 15.3 illus-

trates how burning fossil fuels produces acid rain that kills animal and plant life. The harm is so extensive that fish can no longer survive in some lakes in Canada and the northeastern United States.

acid rain rain containing sulfuric and nitric acids (burning fossil fuels releases sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide that become sul- furic and nitric acids when they react with moisture in the air)

Ocean pollution has become a threat to the world's coral reefs, such as this one off the coast of Egypt.

Thinking Critically about Social Life Climate Controversy, the Island Nations, and You The Problem The case seems clear-cut. As the United Nations Panel on Climate Change (2014) reported, food shortages, mass flooding, and mass extinction of plants and animals are on their way.

Global warming threatens the Earth’s coral reefs. These reefs are not just beautiful with breathtaking colors and shapes, but they also house a treasure of substances that can help cure diseases. Venom from the cone snail, 50 times more potent than morphine, is being used as a painkiller. A drug effective against AIDS was found in a sea sponge (Loria 2014).

The ice caps at the North and South Poles store such vast amounts of water that if they melt, the level of the world’s oceans will rise by several feet. Low-lying areas in the United States, such as the bayous around New Orleans and Mississippi, will be buried by water. Barrier islands off the coast of the United States will disappear. The oceans will reclaim Florida’s Everglades.

Then there are the world’s island nations. The highest point on some of these nations is just 6 feet higher than the level of the ocean. All of their land mass will end up below water.

The residents of these nations cannot live in wet suits, so what will they do to survive? So far, no one sees a solution. The Maldives, an island nation in the Indian Ocean, did come up with a cute tongue-in-cheek slogan to promote tourism: “Come see us while we’re still here” (Dickey and Rogers 2002).

No one has taken the Maldives’ ministry of tourism suggestion seriously, so the Maldives aren’t using this slogan. But it does point to the severity of the problem. Since no one other than a few divers and surfers wants to wear those wet suits, just what will these island nations do?

The Controversy Not all climate scientists agree on global warming. As a top climate scientist pointed out, scientific consensus is limited to two matters: The world’s climate is changing, and human activity is part of this change (Koonin 2014). Beyond these two points, there is little consensus. Climate scientists use computer models to predict the future. Nature, however,

is confounding these models. During the last part of the 1900s, for example, carbon dioxide increased and so did global warming. This is what the models predict. But during the past 16 years, with carbon dioxide increasing even more, the rate of warming slowed. Then another event has climate scientists shaking their collective heads: The polar ice caps at the Arctic are shrinking, but the polar ice caps at the Antarctic are growing. Antarctic’s ice caps have even reached record thickness.

For Your Consideration If only life were as simple as we would like it to be—not just in our finances and relationships, but also in what science knows and how this knowledge can guide us in making life choices. But to our dismay, life is seldom as simple or as clear as we would like it to be. When it comes to global cli- mate change, it is so much simpler to skip over inconsisten- cies and agree that unless we take action now, doomsday is just around the corner. Climate scientists want closure, too, and facing inconsistencies, they have taken sides and begun to hurl insults at one another. Eventually, however, all the facts will be in, the inconsistencies will be explained, and the insults will cease.

→ So what do you think about this controversy among scientists?

510 Chapter 15

natural gas, which is a cleaner and lower-priced fossil fuel; and cars powered by fuel cells that convert hydrogen into electricity, with water, not carbon monoxide, coming out of the car’s exhaust pipe (Ramsey 2014). And soon to become commonplace, self-driving electric vehicles (Wilmot 2017).

THE RAIN FORESTS Of special concern are the world’s rain forests. Although these forests cover just 6 percent of the Earth’s land area, they are home to one-half of all the Earth’s plant and animal species (Frommer 2007). Despite knowing the rain forests’ essential role for humanity’s welfare, we seem bent on destroying them for the sake of timber and farms. In the process, we extinguish plant and animal species, perhaps thousands a year. As biologists remind us, once a species is lost, it is gone forever.

As the rain forests disappear, so do the Indian tribes who live in them. With their extinction goes their knowledge of the environment, the topic of the following Cultural Diversity around the World. Like Esau who traded his birthright for a bowl of porridge, we are exchanging our future for lumber, farms, and pastures.

The way of life of the world's few remaining rain forest tribes is threatened. The shaman of the Shuar tribe has begun to teach the successor he has chosen his knowledge of the Amazon forest.

Cultural Diversity around the World The Rain Forests: Lost Tribes, Lost Knowledge In the past hundred years, 90 of Brazil’s 270 Indian tribes have disappeared. Other tribes have moved to villages as ranchers and gold miners take over their lands. Tribal knowledge is lost as a tribe’s members adapt to village life.

Contrary to some stereotypes, tribal groups are not ignorant people who barely survive. On the contrary, these groups have developed intricate forms of social organization and possess knowledge that has accumulated over thousands of years (Briand 2013). The Kayapo Indians, for example, who belong to one of the Amazon’s endangered tribes, use 250 types of wild fruit and hundreds of nut and tuber species. They cultivate thirteen types of bananas, eleven kinds of manioc (cassava), sixteen strains of sweet potato, and seventeen kinds of yams. Many of these varieties are unknown to non-Indians. The Kayapo also use thousands of plants as

medicine, one of which contains a drug that is effective against intestinal parasites.

Western scientists used to dismiss tribal knowledge as superstitious and worthless. Some still do, but others have come to realize that to lose tribes is to lose valuable knowledge.

In the Central African Republic, a man whose chest was being eaten away by an amoeboid infection lay dying because the microbes did not respond to drugs. Out of desperation, the Roman Catholic nuns who were treating him sought the advice of a native doctor. He applied crushed termites to the open wounds. To the amazement of the nuns, the man made a remark- able recovery.

The disappearance of the rain forests means the destruction of plant species that may have healing properties. I don’t mean to imply that these tribes have medicine superior to ours, just that we can learn from their experience with nature.

Social Change and the Environment 511

The Environmental Movement Concern about environmental problems has touched such a nerve that it has produced a worldwide social movement. In Europe, green parties, political groups whose central concern is the environment, have become a force for change. Germany’s Green Party, for example, holds seats in the national legislature and negotiates on major issues (Meiritz 2017). In the United States, in contrast, green parties have had little success.

One concern of the environmental movement in the United States is environmental injustice, minorities and the poor being the ones who suffer the most from the effects of pollution. Industries locate where land is cheaper, which, as you know, is not where the wealthy live. Nor will the rich allow factories to spew pollution near their homes. As a result, pollution is more common in low-income communities. Sociologists have studied, formed, and joined environmental justice groups that fight to close polluting plants and block construction of polluting industries. As with the defeat at Lake Baikal, with Putin a friend of the mill owner, this often pits environmentalists against politicians and those connected to them.

Like the members of last century’s civil rights movement, environmentalists are cer- tain that they stand for what is right and just. Most activists seek quiet solutions in poli- tics, education, and legislation. Despairing that pollution continues, that the rain forests are still being cleared, and that species continue to become extinct, others are convinced that the planet is doomed unless we take immediate action. This conviction motivates some to choose extreme tactics to publicize their concerns and to force the government to act. Such activists are featured in the following Thinking Critically about Social Life.

environmental injustice refers to how minorities and the poor are harmed the most by environmental pollution

eco-sabotage actions taken to sabotage the ef- forts of people who are thought to be legally harming the envi- ronment

Some of the discoveries from the rain forests have been astounding. The needles from a Himalayan tree in India contain taxol, a drug that is effective against ovarian and breast cancer. A flower from Madagascar is used in the treatment of leukemia. A frog in Peru produces a painkiller that is more powerful, but less addictive, than morphine (Wolfensohn and Fuller 1998). A researcher noticed that the Mapuche people in the rain forests of Chile were using an avocado plant to heal wounds. Tests showed that this plant overcomes the bacteria’s resistance, allowing antibiotics to work (“Rainforest Plant” 2012).

On average, one tribe of Amazonian Indians has been lost each year for the past century—because of violence, greed for their lands, and exposure to infectious diseases against which these people have little resistance. Ethnocentrism underlies some of this assault.

Perhaps the extreme is represented by the cattle ranchers in Colombia who killed eighteen Cueva Indians. The cattle ranchers were perplexed when they were put on trial for murder. They asked why they should be charged with a crime, since everyone knew that the Cuevas were animals, not people. They pointed out that there was even a verb in Colombian Spanish, cuevar, which means “to hunt Cueva Indians.” So what was their crime, they asked? The jury found them not guilty because of “cultural ignorance.”

SOURCES: Durning 1990; Gorman 1991; Linden 1991; Stipp 1992; Nabhan 1998; Simons 2006; Okpiliya 2014.

For Your Consideration → What do you think we can do to stop the destruction of

the rain forests?

Thinking Critically about Social Life Eco-sabotage Chaining oneself to a giant Douglas fir that is slated for cutting, tearing down power lines and ripping up survey stakes, driving spikes into redwood trees, sinking whaling vessels, and torching SUVs and Hummers—are these the acts of dangerous punks who have little understanding of the needs of modern society? Or are they the efforts of brave men and women who are willing to put their freedom, and even their lives, on the line on behalf of Earth itself?

To understand why eco-sabotage—actions taken to sabotage the efforts of people who are thought to be legally harming the environment—is taking place, consider the Medicine Tree, a 3,000-year-old redwood in the Sally Bell Grove near the northern California coast. Georgia Pacific, a lumber company, was going to cut down the Medicine Tree, the oldest and largest of the region’s redwoods, which grows in a sacred site of the Sinkyone Indians. Members of

512 Chapter 15

Environmental Sociology A specialization within sociology, environmental sociology, focuses on the relationship between human societies and the environment (Dunlap and Catton 1979, 1983; Bell). Environmental sociology is built around these key ideas:

1. The physical environment should be a significant variable in sociological research.

2. Human beings are but one species among many that depend on the natural environment.

3. Human actions have unintended consequences, many of which have an impact on nature.

4. The world is finite, so there are physical limits to economic growth.

5. Economic expansion requires the increased extraction of resources from the environment.

environmental sociology a specialty within sociology whose focus is how humans affect the environment and how the environment affects humans

Earth First! chained themselves to the tree. After they were arrested, the sawing began. Other protesters jumped over the police-lined barricade and stood defiantly in the path of men wielding axes and chain saws. A logger swung an axe and barely missed a demonstrator. At that moment, the sheriff radioed that the courts had granted a restraining order, and the cutting stopped.

How many 3,000-year-old trees remain on our planet? Does our desire for fences and picnic tables for backyard barbecues justify cutting them down? Issues like these—as well as the slaughter of seals and whales, the destruction of the rain forests, and the drowning of dolphins in mile-long drift nets—spawned Earth First! and other organizations devoted to preserving the environment, such as Greenpeace, the Rainforest Action Network, the Ruckus Society, and the Sea Shepherds.

“We feel like there are insane people who are consciously destroying our environment, and we are compelled to fight back,” explained a member of one of the militant groups. “No compromise in defense of Mother Earth!” said another. “With famine and death approaching,

we’re in the early stages of World War III,” added another.

We can’t paint all radical environmentalists with the same brush. They are united neither on tactics nor on goals. Most envision a simpler lifestyle that will consume less energy and reduce pressure on the Earth’s resources. Some try to stop specific activities, such as the killing of whales. For others, the goal is to destroy all nuclear weapons and dismantle nuclear power plants. Some would like to see everyone become vegetarians. Still others want the Earth’s population to drop to 1 billion, roughly what it was in 1800. Some even want humans to return to hunting and gathering societies. These groups are so splintered that Dave Foreman—the founder of Earth First!—quit his own organization when it became too confrontational for his tastes.

Radical groups have had some successes. They have brought a halt to the killing of dolphins off Japan’s Iki Island, achieved a ban on whaling, established trash/recycling programs, and saved hundreds of thousands of acres of trees, including the Medicine Tree.

SOURCES: Eder 1990; Foote 1990; Parfit 1990; Reed and Benet 1990; Gunther 2004; Fattig 2007; Grigoriadis 2011; Tsolkas 2016.

For Your Consideration → What do you think about eco-saboteurs?

→ As symbolic interactionists stress, your view depends on how you define their actions. And as conflict theorists emphasize, your view depends on your social location. That is, if you own a lumber company, you will see eco-saboteurs quite differently than a camping enthusi- ast will. How does your view of eco-saboteurs depend on your life situation?

→ What effective alternatives to eco-sabotage are there for people who are convinced that we are destroying the life support system of our planet?

Environmental activism is a global social movement. These members of Greenpeace in France are protesting the fishing methods of a major canner.

Social Change and the Environment 513

Pollution in the Least Industrialized Nations has become a major problem. This boy is “swimming” in the Philippines’ Manila Bay, a formerly pristine body of water that has been turned into a festering garbage dump.

The social movement that centers on the environment has become global. In all nations, people are concerned about the destruction of the earth’s resources. This photo is a sign of changing times. Instead of jumping on this beached whale and carving it into pieces, these Brazilians are doing their best to save its life.

6. Increased extraction of resources leads to ecological problems.

7. These ecological problems place limits on economic expansion.

8. Governments create environmental problems by encouraging the accumula- tion of capital.

9. For the welfare of humanity, environ- mental problems must be solved.

The goal of environmental sociology is not to stop pollution or nuclear power but, rather, to study how humans (their cultures, values, and behavior) affect the physical environment and how the physical envi- ronment affects human activities. Not sur- prisingly, environmental sociology attracts activists, and the Section on Environment and Technology of the American Sociological Association tries to influence governmental policies (American Sociological Association n.d.).

Technology and the Environment: The Goal of Harmony It is inevitable that humans will develop new technologies. But the abuse of our environ- ment by those technologies is not inevitable. To understate the matter, the destruction of our planet is an unwise choice.

If we are to live in a world worth passing on to coming generations, we must seek harmony between technology and the natural environment. This will not be easy. At one extreme are people who claim that to protect the environment, we must eliminate

514 Chapter 15

industrialization and go back to a tribal way of life. At the other extreme are people who are blind to the harm being done to the natural environment, who want the entire world to industrialize at full speed. Somewhere, there must be a middle ground, one that rec- ognizes not only that industrialization is here to stay but also that we can control it. After all, it is our creation. Controlled, industrialization can enhance our quality of life; uncon- trolled, it will destroy us.

It is essential, then, that we develop ways to reduce or eliminate the harm that tech- nology does to the environment. This includes mechanisms to monitor the production and use of technology and the disposal of its wastes. The question, of course, is whether we have the resolve to take the steps necessary to preserve the environment for future generations. What is at stake is nothing less than the welfare of planet Earth. Surely this should be enough to motivate us to make wise choices.

Summary and Review How Social Change Transforms Social Life 15.1 Summarize how social change transforms society:

include the four social revolutions, Gemeinschaft and Gesellschaft, capitalism, social movements, and global politics.

What major trends have transformed the course of human history?

The primary changes in human history are the four social revolutions (domestication, agriculture, industrialization, and information); the change from Gemeinschaft to Ge- sellschaft societies; capitalism and industrialization; and global stratification. Social movements indicate cutting edges of social change. Ethnic conflicts and power rivalries threaten the global divisions that the Most Industrialized Nations have worked out. We may also be on the cutting edge of a new biotech society.

Theories and Processes of Social Change 15.2 Summarize theories of social change: social

evolution, natural cycles, conflict over power and resources, and Ogburn’s theory.

What are the main theories of social change?

Evolutionary theories hold that societies move from the same starting point to some similar ending point. Unilinear theo- ries assume that every society follows the same evolution- ary path, while multilinear theories conclude that different paths lead to the same stage of development. Cyclical theo- ries view civilizations as going through a process of birth, youth, maturity, decline, and death. Conflict theorists see social change as inevitable, because each thesis (basically an arrangement of power) contains antitheses (contradictions). A new synthesis develops to resolve these contradictions, but it, too, contains contradictions that must be resolved, and so on. This is called a dialectical process.

What is Ogburn’s theory of social change?

William Ogburn identified technology as the basic cause of social change, which comes through three processes: inven- tion, discovery, and diffusion. The term cultural lag refers to symbolic culture lagging behind changes in technology.

How Technology Is Changing Our Lives 15.3 Use the examples of the automobile and the

microchip to illustrate the sociological significance of technology; include changes in ideology, norms, human relationships, education, work, business, war, and social inequality.

How does new technology affect society?

Because technology is an organizing force of social life, changes in technology can bring profound effects on hu- man life. The automobile and the microchip were used as extended examples. The microchip is changing the ways we interact with one another, learn, work, do business, and fight wars. We don’t yet know whether information tech- nologies will help to perpetuate or to reduce social inequal- ities on national and global levels.

The Growth Machine versus the Earth 15.4 Explain how industrialization is related to envi-

ronmental problems; contrast the environmental movement and environmental sociology; discuss the goal of harmony.

What are the environmental problems of the Most In- dustrialized Nations?

Among the most serious of the environmental problems of the most industrialized nations is global warming, which is likely to have severe consequences for the world. Burning fossil fuels in internal combustion engines lies at the root of many environmental problems. The location of factories

Social Change and the Environment 515

and hazardous waste sites creates environmental injustice, with environmental problems having a greater impact on minorities and the poor.

Do the Industrializing and Least Industrialized Nations have environmental problems?

The rush of the Least Industrialized Nations to industri alize and the push of the Industrializing Nations to indus- trialize even faster are adding to the planet’s environmental decay. The world is facing a basic conflict between the lust for profits through the exploitation of the Earth’s resources and the need to establish a sustainable environment.

What is the environmental movement?

The environmental movement is an attempt to restore a healthy environment for the world’s people. This global so-

cial movement takes many forms, from peaceful attempts to influence the political process to eco-sabotage.

What is environmental sociology?

Environmental sociology is not an attempt to change the environment but, rather, a study of the relationship be- tween humans and the environment. Environmental sociol- ogists are generally also environmental activists.

What is the goal of harmony between technology and the environment?

The goal of harmony is to control industrialization so it doesn’t harm the environment, resulting in a world worth passing on to the next generation.

Thinking Critically about Chapter 15 1. How has social change affected your life? Be specific—

what changes, how? Does Ogburn’s theory help to explain your experiences? Why or why not?

2. In what ways does technology change society?

3. Do you think that a sustainable environment should be a goal of the world’s societies? Why or why not? If so, what practical steps do you think we can take to produce a sustainable environment?


As you explored social life in this textbook, I hope that you found yourself thinking along with me. If so, you should have gained a greater understanding of why people think, feel, and act as they do—as well as insights into why you view life the way you do. Developing your sociological imagination was my intention in writing this book. I have sincerely wanted to make sociology come alive for you.

Majoring in Sociology If you feel a passion for peering beneath the surface—for seeking out the social influences in people’s lives, and for seeing these influences in your own life—this is the best reason to major in sociology. As you take more courses in sociology, you will continue this enlightening process of social discovery. Your sociological perspective will grow, and you will become increasingly aware of how social factors underlie human behavior.

In addition to people who have a strong desire to continue this fascinating process of social discovery, there is a second type of person whom I also urge to major in sociology. Let’s suppose that you have a strong, almost unbridled sense of wanting to explore many aspects of life. Let’s also assume that because you have so many interests, you can’t make up your mind about what you want to do with your life. You can think of so many things you’d like to try, but for each one there are other possibilities that you find equally as compelling. Let me share what one student wrote me:

I’d love to say what my current major is—if only I truly knew. I know that the major you choose to study in col- lege isn’t necessarily the field of work you’ll be going into. I’ve heard enough stories of grads who get jobs in fields that are not even related to their majors to believe it to a certain extent. My only problem is that I’m not even sure what it is I want to study, or what I truly want to be in the future for that matter.

The variety of choices I have left open for myself are very wide, which creates a big problem, because I know I have to narrow it down to just one, which isn’t something easy at all for me. It’s like I want to be the best and do the best (medical doctor), yet I also wanna do other things (such as being a paramedic, or a cop, or firefighter, or a pilot), but I also realize I’ve only got one life to live. So the big question is: What’s it gonna be?

This note reminded me of myself. In my reply, I said:

You sound so much like myself when I was in college. In my senior year, I was plagued with uncertainty about what would be the right course for my life. I went to a counselor and took a vocational aptitude test. I still remember the day when I went in for the test results. I expected my future to be laid out for me, and I hung on every word. But then I heard the counselor say, “Your tests show that mortician should be one of your vocational choices.”

Mortician! I almost fell off my chair. That choice was so far removed from anything that I wanted that I immediately gave up on such tests.

I like your list of possibilities: physician, cop, fire- fighter, and paramedic. In addition to these, mine included cowboy, hobo, and beach bum. One day, I was at the dry cleaners (end of my sophomore year in college), and the guy standing next to me was a cop. We talked about his job, and when I left the dry cleaners, I imme- diately went to the police station to get an application. I found out that I had to be 21, and I was just 20. I went back to college.

I’m very happy with my choice. As a sociologist, I am able to follow my interests. I was able to become a hobo (or at least a traveler and able to experience differ- ent cultural settings). As far as being a cop, I developed and taught a course in the sociology of law.

One of the many things I always wanted to be was an author. I almost skipped graduate school to move to Green- wich Village and become a novelist. The problem was that I was too timid, too scared of the unknown—and I had no support at all—to give it a try. My ultimate choice of so- ciologist has allowed me to fulfill this early dream.

It is sociology’s breadth that is so satisfying to those of us who can’t seem to find the limit to our interests, who can’t pin ourselves down to just one thing in life. Sociology covers all of social life. Anything and everything that people do is part of sociology. For those of us who feel such broad, and perhaps changing interests, sociology is a perfect major.

But what if you already have a major picked out, yet you really like thinking sociologically? You can minor in sociology. Take sociology courses that continue to pique your sociological imagination. Then after college, continue to stimulate your sociological interests through your reading, including novels. This ongoing development of your sociological imagination will serve you well as you go through life.

Epilogue: Why Major in Sociology?

Epilogue 517

But What Can You Do with a Sociology Major? I can just hear someone say: “That’s fine for you, since you became a sociologist. I don’t want to go to graduate school, though. I just want to get my bachelor’s degree and get out of college and get on with life. So, how can a bachelor ’s in sociology help me?”

This is a fair question. Just what can you do with a bachelor’s degree in sociology?

A few years ago, in my sociology department we began to develop a concentration in applied sociology. At that time, since this would be a bachelor ’s degree, I explored this very question. I was surprised at the answer: The short answer is: Almost anything!

“How can this be?” I can hear you ask. Here’s how it works: Most employers don’t care what you major in. (Exceptions are some highly specialized fields such as nursing, computers, and engineering.) Most employers just want to make certain that you have completed college, and for most of them one degree is the same as another. College provides the base on which the employer builds.

Because you have your bachelor ’s degree—no matter what it is in—employers assume that you are a responsible person. This credential implies that you have proven yourself: You were able to stick with a four-year course, you showed up for classes, listened to lectures, took notes, passed tests, and carried out whatever assignments you were given. On top of this base of presumed responsibility, employers add the specifics necessary for you to perform their particular work, whether that be in sales or service, in insurance, banking, retailing, marketing, product development, or whatever.

If you major in sociology, you don’t have to look for a job as a sociologist. If you ever decide to go on for an advanced degree, that’s fine. But such plans are not necessary. The bachelor’s in sociology can be your passport to most types of work in society.

Final Note I want to conclude by stressing the reason to major in sociology that goes far beyond how you are going to make a living. It is the sociological perspective itself, the way of thinking and understanding that sociology provides. Wherever your path in life may lead, the sociological per- spective will accompany you.

You are going to live in a fast-paced, rapidly changing society that, with all its conflicting crosscurrents, is going to be in turmoil. The sociological perspective will cast a different light on life’s events, allowing you to perceive them in more insightful ways. As you watch television, attend a concert, converse with a friend, listen to a boss or co-worker—you will be more aware of the social contexts that underlie such behavior. The sociological perspective that you develop as you major in sociology will equip you to view what happens in life differently from someone who does not have your sociological background. Even events in the news will look different to you.

There is one more benefit of majoring in sociology. Much of the insight and understanding that I have just described can be applied in your work setting to advance your career.

The final question that I want to leave you with, then, is, “If you enjoy sociology, why not major in it?”

With my best wishes for your success in life,


achieved statuses positions that are earned, accomplished, or  involve at least some effort or activity on the individual’s part

acid rain rain containing sulfuric and nitric acids (burning fossil fuels release sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide that become sulfuric and nitric acids when they react with moisture in the air)

activity theory the view that satisfaction during old age is related to a person’s amount and quality of activity

age cohort people born at roughly the same time who pass through the life course together

ageism prejudice and discrimination directed against people because of their age; can be directed against any age group, including youth

agents of socialization people or groups that affect our self concept, attitudes, behaviors, or other orientations toward life

aggregate individuals who temporarily share the same physical space but who do not see themselves as belonging together

alienation Marx’s term for workers’ lack of connection to the prod- uct of their labor; caused by workers being assigned repetitive tasks on a small part of a product—this leads to a sense of powerlessness and normlessness; others use the term in the general sense of not feeling a part of something

anarchy a condition of lawlessness or political disorder caused by the absence or collapse of governmental authority

anomie Durkheim’s term for a condition of society in which people become detached from the usual norms that guide their behavior

anticipatory socialization the process of learning in advance an anticipated future role or status

apartheid the government-approved-and-enforced separation of racial–ethnic groups as was practiced in South Africa

applied sociology the use of sociology to solve problems—from the micro level of classroom interaction and family relationships to the macro level of race relations and pollution

ascribed status a position an individual either inherits at birth or receives involuntarily later in life

assimilation the process of being absorbed into the mainstream culture

authoritarian leader an individual who leads by giving orders

authoritarian personality Theodor Adorno’s term for people who are prejudiced and rank high on scales of conformity, intolerance, insecurity, respect for authority, and submissiveness to superiors

authority power that people consider legitimate, as rightly exercised over them; also called legitimate power

back stages places where people rest from their performances, discuss their presentations, and plan future performances

background assumption a deeply embedded, common understand- ing of how the world operates and of how people ought to act

barter the direct exchange of one item for another

basic (or pure) sociology sociological research for the purpose of making discoveries about life in human groups, not for making changes in those groups

basic demographic equation the growth rate equals births minus deaths plus net migration

bilineal system (of descent) a system of reckoning descent that counts both the mother’s and the father’s side

blended family a family whose members were once part of other families

body language the ways in which people use their bodies to give messages to others

bonded labor (indentured service) a contractual system in which someone sells his or her body (services) for a specified period of time in an arrangement very close to slavery, except that it is entered into voluntarily

born again a term describing Christians who have undergone a religious experience so life transforming that they feel they have become new persons

bourgeoisie Karl Marx’s term for capitalists, those who own the means of production

bureaucracy a formal organization with a hierarchy of authority and a clear division of labor; emphasis on impersonality of positions and written rules, communications, and records

capital punishment the death penalty

capitalism an economic system built around the private ownership of the means of production, the pursuit of profit, and market competition

case study an intensive analysis of a single event, situation, or individual

caste system a form of social stratification in which people’s statuses are lifelong conditions determined by birth

category people, objects, and events that have similar characteristics and are classified together

charisma literally, an extraordinary gift from God; more commonly, an outstanding, “magnetic” personality

charismatic authority authority based on an individual’s outstand- ing traits, which attract followers

charismatic leader literally, someone to whom God has given a gift; in its extended sense, someone who exudes extraordinary appeal to a group of followers

checks and balances the separation of powers among the three branches of U.S. government—legislative, executive, and judicial—so that each is able to nullify the actions of the other two, thus preventing any single branch from dominating the government

church according to Durkheim, one of the three essential elements of religion—a moral community of believers; also refers to a large, highly organized religious group that has formal, sedate worship services with little emphasis on evangelism, intense religious experience, or personal conversion

citizenship the concept that birth (and residence or naturalization) in a country imparts basic rights

city a place in which a large number of people are permanently based and do not produce their own food

city-state an independent city whose power radiates outward, bringing the adjacent area under its rule

class conflict Marx’s term for the struggle between capitalists and workers

class consciousness Marx’s term for awareness of a common identity based on one’s position in the means of production

class system a form of social stratification based primarily on income, education, and prestige of occupation

clique a cluster of people within a larger group who choose to inter- act with one another


Glossary G-2

closed-ended questions questions that are followed by a list of pos- sible answers to be selected by the respondent

coalition the alignment of some members of a group against others

coercion power that people do not accept as rightly exercised over them; also called illegitimate power

cohabitation unmarried couples living together in a sexual relation- ship

colonialism the process by which one nation takes over another nation, usually for the purpose of exploiting its labor and natural resources

common sense those things that “everyone knows” are true

compartmentalize to separate acts from feelings or attitudes

conflict theory a theoretical framework in which society is viewed as composed of groups that are competing for scarce resources

conspicuous consumption Thorstein Veblen’s term for a change from the thrift, savings, and investments of the Protestant ethic to showing off wealth through spending and the dis-play of possessions

contact theory the idea that prejudice and negative stereotypes decrease and racial–ethnic relations improve when people from different racial–ethnic backgrounds, who are of equal status, interact frequently

continuity theory a theory focusing on how people adjust to retire- ment by continuing aspects of their earlier lives

contradictory class locations Erik Wright’s term for a position in the class structure that generates contradictory interests

control group the subjects in an experiment who are not exposed to the independent variable

control theory the idea that two control systems—inner controls and outer controls—work against our tendencies to deviate

convergence theory the view that as capitalist and socialist economic systems each adopt features of the other, a hybrid (or mixed) economic system will emerge

core values the values that are central to a group, those around which a group builds a common identity

corporate crime crimes committed by executives in order to benefit their corporation

cosmology teachings or ideas that provide a unified picture of the world

counterculture a group whose values, beliefs, norms, and related behaviors place its members in opposition to the broader culture

credential society the use of diplomas and degrees to determine who is eligible for jobs, even though the diploma or degree may be irrelevant to the actual work

crime the violation of norms written into law

criminal justice system the system of police, courts, and prisons set up to deal with people who are accused of having committed a crime

crude birth rate the annual number of live births per 1,000 population

crude death rate the annual number of deaths per 1,000 population

cult a new religion with few followers, whose teachings and practices put it at odds with the dominant culture and religion

cultural capital privileges accompanying a social location that help someone in life; included are more highly educated parents, from grade school through high school being pushed to bring home high grades, and enjoying cultural experiences that translate into higher test scores, better jobs, and higher earnings

cultural diffusion the spread of cultural traits from one group to another; includes both material and nonmaterial cultural traits

cultural goals the objectives held out as legitimate or desirable for the members of a society to achieve

cultural lag Ogburn’s term for human behavior lagging behind technological innovations

cultural leveling the process by which cultures become similar to one another; refers especially to the process by which Western culture is being exported and diffused into other nations

cultural relativism not judging a culture, but trying to understand it on its own terms

cultural transmission of values the process of transmitting values from one group to another; often refers to how cultural traits are transmitted across generations; in education, the ways in which schools transmit a society’s culture, especially its core values

cultural universal a value, norm, or other cultural trait that is found in every group

culture the language, beliefs, values, norms, behaviors, and even material objects that characterize a group and are passed from one generation to the next

culture of poverty the assumption that the values and behaviors of the poor make them fundamentally different from other people, that these factors are largely responsible for their poverty, and that parents perpetuate poverty across generations by passing these characteristics to their children

culture shock the disorientation that people experience when they come in contact with a fundamentally different culture and can no longer depend on their taken-for-granted assumptions about life

deferred gratification going without something in the present in the hope of achieving greater gains in the future

degradation ceremony a term coined by Harold Garfinkel to refer to a ritual whose goal is to remake someone’s self by stripping away that individual’s self-identity and stamping a new identity in its place

deindustrialization the process of industries moving out of a country or region

democracy a government whose authority comes from the people; the term, based on two Greek words, translates literally as “power to the people”

democratic leader an individual who leads by trying to reach a consensus

democratic socialism a hybrid economic system in which the individual ownership of businesses is mixed with the state ownership of industries thought essential to the public welfare, such as the postal service, natural resources, the medical delivery system, and mass transportation

demographic transition a four-stage historical process of change in the size of populations: first, high birth rates and high death rates; second, high birth rates and low death rates; and third, low birth rates and low death rates; fourth, shrinkage, in which deaths outnumber births

demographic variables the three factors that change the size of a population: fertility, mortality, and net migration

demography the study of the size, composition, growth (or shrinkage), and distribution of human populations

dependent variable a factor in an experiment that is changed by an independent variable

deviance the violation of norms (or rules or expectations)

dialectical process (of history) each arrangement of power (a thesis) contains contradictions (antitheses) that make the arrangement un- stable and that must be resolved; the new arrangement of power (a synthesis) contains its own contradictions; this process of balancing and unbalancing continues throughout history as groups struggle for power and other resources

dictatorship a form of government in which an individual has seized power

G-3 Glossary

differential association Edwin Sutherland’s term to indicate that people who associate with some groups learn an “excess of definitions” of deviance, increasing the likelihood that they will become deviant

diffusion the spread of an invention or a discovery from one area to another; identified by William Ogburn as one of three processes of social change

direct democracy a form of democracy in which the eligible voters meet together to discuss issues and make their decisions

disabling environment an environment that is harmful to health

discovery a new way of seeing reality; identified by William Ogburn as one of three processes of social change

discrimination an act of unfair treatment directed against an individual or a group

disengagement theory the view that society is stabilized by having the elderly retire (disengage from) their positions of responsibility so the younger generation can step into their shoes

disinvestment the withdrawal of investments by financial institu- tions, which seals the fate of an urban area

diversity training efforts to minimize conflict among people of dif- ferent backgrounds and promote their cooperation in reaching mutual goals

divine right of kings the idea that the king’s authority comes from God; in an interesting gender bender, also applies to queens

division of labor the splitting of a group’s or a society’s tasks into specialties

analysis of documents in its narrow sense, written sources that provide data; in its extended sense, archival material of any sort, including photographs, movies, CDs, DVDs, and so on

dominant group the group with the most power, greatest privileges, and highest social status

downward social mobility movement down the social class ladder

dramaturgy an approach, pioneered by Erving Goffman, in which social life is analyzed in terms of drama or the stage; also called dramaturgical analysis

dyad the smallest possible group, consisting of two persons

ecclesia a religious group so integrated into the dominant culture that it is difficult to tell where the one begins and the other leaves off; also called a state religion

economy a system of producing and distributing goods and services

eco-sabotage actions taken to sabotage the efforts of people who are thought to be legally harming the environment

edge city a large clustering of service facilities and residential areas near highway intersections that provides a sense of place to people who live, shop, and work there

egalitarian authority more or less equally divided between people or groups (in heterosexual marriage, for example, between husband and wife)

ego Freud’s term for a balancing force between the id and the demands of society

endogamy the practice of marrying within one’s own group

enterprise zone the use of economic incentives in a designated area to encourage investment

environmental injustice refers to how minorities and the poor are harmed the most by environmental pollution

environmental sociology a specialty within sociology whose focus is how humans affect the environment and how the environment affects humans

estate stratification system the stratification system of medieval Europe, consisting of three groups or estates: the nobility, clergy, and commoners

ethnic cleansing a policy of eliminating a population; includes forc- ible expulsion and genocide

ethnic work activities designed to discover, enhance, maintain, or transmit an ethnic or racial identity

ethnicity (and ethnic) having distinctive cultural characteristics

ethnocentrism the use of one’s own culture as a yardstick for judging the ways of other individuals or societies, generally leading to a negative evaluation of their values, norms, and behaviors

ethnomethodology the study of how people use background assumptions to make sense out of life

exchange mobility a large number of people moving up the social class ladder, while a large number move down; it is as though they have exchanged places, and despite much social mobility the social class system shows little change

exogamy the practice of marrying outside of one’s group

experiment the use of control and experimental groups and depen- dent and independent variables to test causation

experimental group the group of subjects in an experiment who are exposed to the independent variable

exponential growth curve a pattern of growth in which numbers double during approximately equal intervals, showing a steep acceleration in the later stages

expressive leader an individual who increases harmony and minimizes conflict in a group; also known as a socioemotional leader

extended family a family in which relatives, such as the “older generation” or unmarried aunts and uncles, live with the parents and their children

face-saving behavior techniques used to salvage a performance (interaction) that is going sour

false class consciousness Karl Marx’s term to refer to workers identifying with the interests of capitalists

family two or more people who consider themselves related by blood, marriage, or adoption

family of orientation the family in which a person grows up

family of procreation the family formed when a couple’s first child is born

fecundity the number of children that women are capable of bearing

feminism the philosophy that men and women should be politically, economically, and socially equal; organized activities on behalf of this principle

feminization of poverty a condition of U.S. poverty in which most poor families are headed by women

feral children children assumed to have been raised by animals, in the wilderness, isolated from humans

fertility rate the number of children that the average woman bears

folkways norms that are not strictly enforced

front stages places where people give performances

functional analysis a theoretical framework in which society is viewed as composed of various parts, each with a function that, when fulfilled, contributes to society’s equilibrium; also known as functionalism and structural functionalism

functional illiteracy refers to high school graduates who have diffi- culty with basic reading and math

gatekeeping the process by which education opens and closes doors of opportunity; also known as social placement

Gemeinschaft a type of society in which life is intimate; a community in which everyone knows everyone else and people share a sense of togetherness

gender the behaviors and attitudes that a society considers proper for its males and females; masculinity or femininity

Glossary G-4

gender socialization learning society’s “gender map,” the paths in life set out for us because we are male or female

gender stratification the unequal access of men and women to prop- erty, power, and prestige

generalizability the extent to which the findings from one group (or sample) can be generalized or applied to other groups (or populations)

generalized other the norms, values, attitudes, and expectations of people “in general”; the child’s ability to take the role of the generalized other is a significant step in the development of a self

genetic predisposition inborn tendencies (for example, a tendency to commit deviant acts)

genocide the annihilation or attempted annihilation of a people because of their presumed race or ethnicity

gentrification middle-class people moving into a rundown area of a city, displacing the poor as they buy and restore homes

Gesellschaft a type of society that is dominated by impersonal relationships, individual accomplishments, and self-interest

gestures the ways in which people use their bodies to communicate with one another

glass ceiling the mostly invisible barrier that keeps women from advancing to the top levels at work

global superclass the top members of the capitalist class, who, through their worldwide interconnections, make the major decisions that affect the world

globalization the growing interconnections among nations as a result of advances in trade, travel, and communications

globalization of capitalism capitalism (investing to make profits within a rational system) becoming the globe’s dominant economic system

goal displacement an organization replacing old goals with new ones; also known as goal replacement

grade inflation higher grades given for the same work; a general rise in student grades without a corresponding increase in learning

graying of America the growing percentage of older people in the U.S. population

group people who interact with one another and who believe that what they have in common is significant; also called a social group

group dynamics the ways in which individuals affect groups and the ways in which groups influence individuals

groupthink a narrowing of thought by a group of people, leading to the perception that there is only one correct answer and that to even suggest alternatives is a sign of disloyalty

growth rate the net change in a population after adding births, sub- tracting deaths, and either adding or subtracting net migration; can result in a negative number

“hidden” corporate culture stereotypes of the traits that make for high-performing and underperforming workers, which end up pro- ducing both types of workers

hidden curriculum the unwritten goals of schools, such as teaching obedience to authority and conformity to cultural norms

homogamy the tendency of people with similar characteristics to marry one another

Horatio Alger myth the belief that due to limitless possibilities anyone can get ahead if he or she tries hard enough

household people who occupy the same housing unit

human ecology Robert Park’s term for the relationship between people and their environment (such as land and structures); also known as urban ecology

hypothesis a statement of how variables are expected to be related to one another, often according to predictions from a theory

id Freud’s term for our inborn basic drives

ideal culture a people’s ideal values and norms; the goals held out for them

ideology beliefs about the way things ought to be that justify social arrangements

illegitimate opportunity structure opportunities for crimes that are woven into the texture of life

impression management people’s efforts to control the impressions that others receive of them

incest sexual relations between specified relatives, such as brothers and sisters or parents and children

incest taboo the rule that prohibits sex and marriage among desig- nated relatives

inclusion helping people to become part of the mainstream of society; also called mainstreaming

income money received, usually from a job, business, or assets

independent variable a factor that causes a change in another vari- able, called the dependent variable

individual discrimination person-to-person or face-to-face discrimi- nation; the negative treatment of people by other individuals

in-group a group toward which one feels loyalty

institutional discrimination negative treatment of a minority group that is built into a society’s institutions; also called systemic discrimination

institutionalized means approved ways of reaching cultural goals

instrumental leader an individual who tries to keep the group moving toward its goals; also known as a task-oriented leader

intergenerational mobility the change that family members make in social class from one generation to the next

internal colonialism the policy of exploiting minority groups for economic gain

interview direct questioning of respondents

interviewer bias effects of interviewers on respondents that lead to biased answers

invasion–succession cycle the process of one group of people displacing a group whose racial–ethnic or social class characteristics differ from their own

invention the combination of existing elements and materials to form new ones; identified by William Ogburn as one of three processes of social change

iron law of oligarchy Robert Michels’ term for the tendency of formal organizations to be dominated by a small, self-perpetuating elite

labeling theory the view that the labels people are given affect their behavior either deviance or conformity

laissez-faire capitalism literally “hands off” capitalism, meaning that the government doesn’t interfere in the market

laissez-faire leader an individual who leads by being highly permissive

language a system of symbols that can be combined in an infinite number of ways and can represent not only objects but also abstract thought

latent functions the unintended beneficial consequences of people’s actions

leader someone who influences other people

leadership styles ways in which people express their leadership

life course the stages of our life as we go from birth to death

life expectancy the number of years that an average person at any age, including newborns, can expect to live

life span the maximum length of life of a species; for humans, the longest that a human has lived

G-5 Glossary

lobbyists people who influence legislation on behalf of their clients

looking-glass self a term coined by Charles Horton Cooley to refer to the process by which our self develops through internalizing others’ reactions to us

machismo an emphasis on male strength and dominance

macro-level analysis an examination of large-scale patterns of society; such as how Wall Street and the political establishment are interrelated

macrosociology analysis of social life that focuses on broad features of society, such as social class and the relationships of groups to one another; usually used by functionalists and conflict theorists

Malthus theorem an observation by Thomas Malthus that although the food supply increases arithmetically (from 1 to 2 to 3 to 4 and so on), population grows geometrically (from 2 to 4 to 8 to 16 and so forth)

mandatory education laws laws that require all children to attend school until a specified age or until they complete a minimum grade in school

manifest functions the intended beneficial consequences of people’s actions

market forces the law of supply and demand

marriage a group’s approved mating arrangements, usually marked by a ritual of some sort

mass hysteria an imagined threat that causes physical symptoms among a large number of people

mass media forms of communication, such as radio, newspapers, and television that are directed to mass audiences

master status a status that cuts across the other statuses that an individual occupies

material culture the material objects that distinguish a group of people, such as their art, buildings, weapons, utensils, machines, hairstyles, clothing, and jewelry

matriarchy a society in which women-as-a-group dominate men-as- a-group; authority is vested in females

matrilineal system (of descent) a system of reckoning descent that counts only the mother’s side

McDonaldization of society the process by which ordinary aspects of life are rationalized and efficiency comes to rule them, including such things as food preparation

means of production the tools, factories, land, and investment capital used to produce wealth

mechanical solidarity Durkheim’s term for the unity (a shared consciousness) that people feel as a result of performing the same or similar tasks

medicalization of deviance to make deviance a medical matter, a symptom of some underlying illness that needs to be treated by physicians

megacity a city of 10 million or more residents

megalopolis an urban area consisting of at least two metropolises and their many suburbs

megaregion a merging of megacities and nearby populated areas into an even larger mass of people

meritocracy a form of social stratification in which all positions are awarded on the basis of merit

metropolis a central city surrounded by smaller cities and their suburbs

metropolitan statistical area (MSA) a central city and the urbanized counties adjacent to it

micro-level analysis an examination of small-scale patterns of society; such as how the members of a group interact

microsociology analysis of social life that focuses on social interaction; typically used by symbolic interactionists

minority group people who are singled out for unequal treatment and who regard themselves as objects of collective discrimination

modernization the transformation of traditional societies into indus- trial societies

monarchy a form of government headed by a king or queen

mores norms that are strictly enforced because they are thought essential to core values or the well-being of the group

multiculturalism (or pluralism) a policy that permits or encourages ethnic differences

multinational corporations companies that operate across national boundaries; also called transnational corporations

negative sanction an expression of disapproval for breaking a norm, ranging from a mild, informal reaction such as a frown to a formal reaction such as getting fired or receiving a prison sentence

neocolonialism the economic and political dominance of the Least Industrialized Nations by the Most Industrialized Nations

net migration rate the difference between the number of immigrants and emigrants per 1,000 population

new technology the emerging technologies of an era that have a significant impact on social life

nonmaterial culture a group’s ways of thinking (including its be- liefs, values, and other assumptions about the world) and doing (its common patterns of behavior, including language and other forms of interaction); also called symbolic culture

nonverbal interaction communication without words through ges- tures, use of space, silence, and so on

norms expectations of “right” behavior

nuclear family a family consisting of a husband, wife, and child(ren)

objectivity (in research) not imposing personal biases (values, attitudes) when conducting research or analyzing research fndings

oligarchy a form of government in which a small group of individu- als holds power; the rule of the many by the few

open-ended questions questions that respondents answer in their own words

operational definition the way in which a researcher measures a variable

organic solidarity Durkheim’s term for the interdependence that results from the division of labor; as part of the same unit, we all depend on others to fulfill their jobs

out-group a group toward which one feels antagonism

participant observation (or fieldwork) research in which the researcher participates in a research setting while observing what is happening in that setting

patriarchy men-as-a-group dominating women-as-a-group; authority is vested in males

patrilineal system (of descent) a system of reckoning descent that counts only the father’s side

patterns of behavior recurring behaviors or events

peer group a group of individuals, often of roughly the same age, who are linked by common interests and orientations

personality disorders the view that a personality disturbance of some sort causes an individual to violate social norms

pluralism the diffusion of power among many interest groups that prevents any single group from gaining control of the government

pluralistic society a society made up of many different groups

police discretion the practice of the police, in the normal course of their duties, to either arrest or ticket someone for an offense or to overlook the matter

political action committee (PAC) an organization formed by one or more special-interest groups to solicit and spend funds for the purpose of influencing legislation

Glossary G-6

politics the exercise of power, leadership, influence, and authority

polyandry a form of marriage in which women have more than one husband

polygyny a form of marriage in which men have more than one wife

polytheism the belief that there are many gods

population a target group to be studied

population pyramid a graph that represents the age and sex of a population

population shrinkage the process by which a country’s population becomes smaller because its birth rate and immigration are too low to replace those who die and emigrate

population transfer the forced transfer of a minority group

positive sanction a reward or positive reaction for following norms, ranging from a smile to a material reward

positivism the application of the scientific approach to the social world

postmodern society another term for postindustrial society; a chief characteristic is the use of tools that extend human abilities to gather and analyze information, to communicate, and to travel

poverty line the official measure of poverty; calculated to include incomes that are less than three times a low-cost food budget

power the ability to carry out your will, even over the resistance of others

power elite C. Wright Mills’ term for the top people in U.S. corporations, military, and politics who make the nation’s major decisions

prejudice an attitude or prejudging, usually in a negative way

prestige respect or regard

primary group a small group characterized by cooperative, intimate, long-term, face-to-face relationships

profane Durkheim’s term for common elements of everyday life

proletariat Marx’s term for the exploited class, the mass of workers who do not own the means of production

property material possessions: includes animals, bank accounts, bonds, buildings, businesses, cars, cash, commodities, copyrights, furniture, jewelry, land, and stocks

Protestant ethic Weber’s term to describe the ideal of a self-denying, highly moral life accompanied by thrift and hard work

public sociology applying sociology for the public good; especially the use of the sociological perspective (how things are related to one another) to guide politicians and policy makers

race a group whose inherited physical characteristics distinguish it from other groups

racism prejudice and discrimination on the basis of race

random sample a sample in which everyone in the target population has the same chance of being included in the study

rapport a feeling of trust between researchers and the people they are studying

rational–legal authority authority based on law or written rules and regulations; also called bureaucratic authority

real culture the norms and values that people actually follow; as opposed to ideal culture

recidivism rate the percentage of released convicts who are rearrested

redlining a decision by the officers of a financial institution not to make loans in a particular area

reference group a group whose standards we refer to as we evaluate ourselves

reformative social movement a social movement that seeks to reform some specific aspect of society

reliability the extent to which research produces consistent or dependable results

religion according to Durkheim, beliefs and practices that separate the profane from the sacred and unite its adherents into a moral community

religious experience a sudden awareness of the supernatural or a feeling of coming in contact with God

replication the repetition of a study in order to test its findings

representative democracy a form of democracy in which voters elect representatives to meet together to discuss issues and make decisions on their behalf

research method (or research design) one of seven procedures that sociologists use to collect data: surveys, participant observation, case studies, secondary analysis, analysis of documents, experiments, and unobtrusive measures

reserve labor force the unemployed; unemployed workers are thought of as being “in reserve”—capitalists take them “out of reserve” (put them back to work) during times of high production and then put them “back in reserve” (lay them off) when they are no longer needed

resocialization the process of learning new norms, values, attitudes, and behaviors

respondents people who respond to a survey, either in interviews or by self-administered questionnaires

rising expectations the sense that better conditions are soon to fol- low, which, if unfulfilled, increases frustration

rituals ceremonies or repetitive practices; in religion, observances or rites often intended to evoke a sense of awe of the sacred

role the behaviors, obligations, and privileges attached to a status

role conflict conflict that someone feels between roles because the expectations attached to one role are at odds with those attached to another role

role performance the ways in which someone performs a role; showing a particular “style” or “personality”

role strain conflicts that someone feels within a role

romantic love feelings of erotic attraction accompanied by an idealization of the other

routinization of charisma the transfer of authority from a charismat- ic figure to either a traditional or a rational–legal form of authority

ruling class another term for the power elite

rumor unfounded information spread among people

sacred Durkheim’s term for things set apart or forbidden that inspire fear, awe, reverence, or deep respect

sample the individuals intended to represent the population to be studied

sanctions either expressions of approval given to people for following norms or expressions of disapproval for violating them

Sapir–Whorf hypothesis Edward Sapir and Benjamin Whorf’s hypothesis that language creates ways of thinking and perceiving

scapegoat an individual or group unfairly blamed for someone else’s troubles

science the application of systematic methods to obtain knowledge and the knowledge obtained by those methods

scientific method the use of objective, systematic observations to test theories

secondary analysis the analysis of data that have been collected by other researchers

secondary group compared with a primary group, a larger, relatively temporary, more anonymous, formal, and impersonal group based on some interest or activity

sect a religious group larger than a cult that still feels substantial hostility from and toward society

segregation the policy of keeping racial–ethnic groups apart

selective perception seeing certain features of an object or situation, but remaining blind to others

G-7 Glossary

self the unique human capacity of being able to see ourselves “from the outside”; the views we internalize of how we think others see us

self-fulfilling prophecy Robert Merton’s term for an originally false assertion that becomes true simply because it was predicted

self-fulfilling stereotype ideas of what someone is like that lead to the person’s behaving in ways that match the stereotype

serial murder the killing of several victims in three or more separate events

sex biological characteristics that distinguish females and males, consisting of primary and secondary sex characteristics

sexual harassment the abuse of one’s position of authority to force unwanted sexual demands on someone

significant other an individual who significantly influences someone else

sign-vehicle the term used by Goffman to refer to how people use social setting, appearance, and manner to communicate information about the self

slavery a form of social stratification in which some people own other people

small group a group small enough for everyone to interact directly with all the other people

social change the alteration of culture and societies over time

social class according to Weber, a large group of people who rank close to one another in property, power, and prestige; according to Marx, one of two groups: capitalists who own the means of production or workers who sell their labor

social construction of reality the use of background assumptions and life experiences to define what is real

social control a group’s formal and informal means of enforcing its norms

social environment the entire human environment, including interaction with others

social inequality a social condition in which privileges and obligations are given to some but denied to others

social institution the organized, usual, or standard ways by which society meets its basic needs

social integration the degree to which members of a group or a soci- ety are united by shared values and other social bonds; also known as social cohesion

social interaction people’s actions influencing one another; usually refers to what people do when they are in one another’s presence, but also includes communications at a distance

social location the group memberships that people have because of their location in history and society

social mobility movement up or down the social class ladder

social network the social ties radiating outward from the self that link people together

social order a group’s usual and customary social arrangements, on which its members depend and on which they base their lives

social placement a function of education—funneling people into a society’s various positions

social promotion passing students on to the next level even though they have not mastered basic materials

social stratification the division of large numbers of people into lay- ers according to their relative property, power, and prestige; applies to both nations and to people within a nation, society, or other group

social structure the framework of society that surrounds us; consists of the ways that people and groups are related to one another; this framework gives direction to and sets limits on our behavior

socialism an economic system built around the public ownership of the means of production, central planning, and the distribution of goods without a profit motive

socialization the process by which people learn the characteristics of their group—the knowledge, skills, attitudes, values, norms, and actions thought appropriate for them

society people who share a culture and a territory

sociobiology a framework of thought in which human behavior is considered to be the result of natural selection and biological factors: a fundamental cause of human behavior

sociological perspective understanding human behavior by placing it within its broader social context

sociology the scientific study of society and human behavior

special-interest group a group of people who support a particular issue and who can be mobilized for political action

spirit of capitalism Weber’s term for the desire to accumulate capital—not to spend it, but as an end in itself—and to constantly reinvest it

split labor market workers split along racial–ethnic, gender, age, or any other lines; this split is exploited by owners to weaken the bargaining power of workers

state a political entity that claims monopoly on the use of violence in some particular territory; commonly known as a country

status the position that someone occupies in a social group (also called social status)

status consistency ranking high or low on all three dimensions of social class

status inconsistency ranking high on some dimensions of social status and low on others; also called status discrepancy

status set all the statuses or positions that an individual occupies

status symbols indicators of a status; items that display prestige

stereotype assumptions of what people are like, whether true or false

stigma “blemishes” that discredit a person’s claim to a “normal” identity

strain theory Robert Merton’s term for the strain engendered when a society socializes large numbers of people to desire a cultural goal (such as success), but withholds from some the approved means of reaching that goal; one adaptation to the strain is crime, the choice of an innovative means (one outside the approved system) to attain the cultural goal

stratified random sample a sample from selected subgroups of the target population in which everyone in those subgroups has an equal chance of being included in the research

street crime crimes such as mugging, rape, and burglary

structural mobility movement up or down the social class ladder that is due more to changes in the structure of society than to the actions of individuals

subculture the values and related behaviors of a group that distin- guish its members from the larger culture; a world within a world

subsistence economy a type of economy in which human groups live off the land and have little or no surplus

suburb a community adjacent to a city

suburbanization the migration of people from the city to the suburbs

superego Freud’s term for the conscience; the internalized norms and values of our social groups

survey the collection of data by having people answer a series of questions

sustainable environment a world system that takes into account the limits of the environment, produces enough material goods for everyone’s needs, and leaves a heritage of a sound environment for the next generation

symbol something to which people attach meaning and then use to communicate with one another

symbolic culture another term for nonmaterial culture

Glossary G-8

symbolic interactionism a theoretical perspective in which society is viewed as composed of symbols that people use to establish meaning, develop their views of the world, and communicate with one another

system of descent how kinship is traced over the generations

taboo a norm so strong that it brings extreme sanctions, even revulsion, if violated

taking the role of the other putting yourself in someone else’s shoes; understanding how someone else feels and thinks, so you anticipate how that person will act

teamwork the collaboration of two or more people to manage im- pressions jointly

techniques of neutralization ways of thinking or rationalizing that help people deflect (or neutralize) society’s norms

technology in its narrow sense, tools; its broader sense includes the skills or procedures necessary to make and use those tools

terrorism the use of violence or the threat of violence to produce fear in order to attain political objectives

theory a general statement about how some parts of the world fit together and how they work; an explanation of how two or more facts are related to one another

Thomas theorem William I. and Dorothy S. Thomas’ classic formu- lation of the definition of the situation: “If people define situations as real, they are real in their consequences”

total institution a place that is almost totally controlled by those who run it, in which people are cut off from the rest of society and the society is mostly cut off from them

totalitarianism a form of government that exerts almost total control over people

tracking the sorting of students into different educational programs on the basis of real or perceived abilities

traditional authority authority based on custom

transitional adulthood a term that refers to a period following high school when young adults have not yet taken on the responsibilities ordinarily associated with adulthood; also called adultolescence

transitional older years an emerging stage of the life course between retirement and when people are considered old

triad a group of three people

underclass a group of people for whom poverty persists year after year and across generations

universal citizenship the idea that everyone has the same basic rights by virtue of being born in a country (or by immigrating and becoming a naturalized citizen)

unobtrusive measures ways of observing people so they do not know they are being studied

unstructured interviews interviews that use open-ended questions

upward social mobility movement up the social class ladder

urban legend a story with an ironic twist that sounds realistic but is false

urban renewal the rehabilitation of a rundown area, which usually results in the displacement of the poor who are living in that area

urbanization the process by which an increasing proportion of a population lives in cities and those cities have a growing influence on the culture

validity the extent to which an operational definition measures what it is intended to measure

value cluster values that together form a larger whole

value contradiction values that contradict one another; to follow the one means to come into conflict with the other

values the standards by which people define what is desirable or undesirable, superior or inferior, good or bad, beautiful or ugly

variable a factor thought to be significant for human behavior, which can vary (or change) from one case to another

voluntary associations groups made up of people who voluntari- ly organize on the basis of some mutual interest; also known as voluntary memberships and voluntary organizations

voter apathy indifference and inaction on the part of individuals or groups with respect to the political process

WASP White Anglo-Saxon Protestant

wealth the total value of everything someone owns, minus the debts

white ethnics white immigrants to the United States whose cultures differ from WASP culture

white-collar crime Edwin Sutherland’s term for crimes committed by people of respectable and high social status in the course of their occupations; for example, bribery of public officials, securities violations, embezzlement, false advertising, and price fixing

world system theory a theory of how economic and political connections developed among nations, connections that now link the world’s countries

zero population growth women bearing only enough children to reproduce the population


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A Abbott, Grace, 9 Aberle, David F., 109 Addams, Jane, 11–12 Adler, Patricia A., 90 Adler, Peter, 90 Adorno, Theodor W., 277 Aeppel Timothy, 114 Agins, Teri, 124 Agnew, Robert, 175 Agno, John, 124 Ahmed, Shumaila, 85 Aichholzer, J., 277 Alba, Richard, 354 Albert, Ethel M., 61 Albright, Matthew, 184 Aldrich, Nelson W., Jr., 244 Allen, Nick, 238 Allen, Paul, 234 Allport, Floyd, 279 Althaus, Dudley, 190 Altman, Daniel, 339 Alvarez, Lizette, 448 Amato, Paul R., 406,

409–410 Amenta, Edwin, 339 Anand, Geeta, 466–467 Andersen, Margaret L., 319 Anderson, Elijah, 103,

177, 475 Anderson, Elizabeth, 183 Anderson, Jenny, 245 Anderson, Nels, 56 Andreev, A. L., 421 Andriotis, Anna Maria, 484 Angler, Natalie, 265 Annandale, Ellen, 243 Anwar, Shamena, 189 Aptheker, Herbert, 11 Ariès, Philippe, 94 Arlacchi, P., 169 Arndt, William F., 349 Aron, Arthur, 391 Arquitt, George, 137 Asch, Solomon, 157 Aso, Taro, 339 Audi, Tamara, 296, 447 Auslin, Michael, 466 Austin, S. Byrn, 122 Ayittey, George B. N., 200

B Bailenson, Jeremy, 150 Baiocco, R., 403 Baker, Al, 190 Baker, Amy J. L., 409 Balch, Emily Greene, 9, 12 Baldwin, Clare, 218 Bales, Robert F., 155 Baltzell, E. Digby, 244 Banjo, Shelly, 245 Bariyo, Nicholas, 459

Barnes, Harry Elmer, 495 Barone, Michael, 355 Barra, Mary, 326 Barrett, A. E., 336 Barrett, Devlin, 178 Barrington, Kate, 424 Barry, John, 53, 504 Barstow, David, 178 Basten, Christoph, 441 Bates, Karen Grigsby, 317 Bates, Marston, 45 Baumeister, Roy F., 312 Baumer, Eric P., 185 Baumgartner, Frank R., 189 Beals, Gregory, 265 Beals, Ralph L., 61 Bean, Frank D., 266 Beauchamp, Jonathan P.,

265 Beck, Allen J., 327 Beck, Melinda, 561 Beck, Scott H., 338 Becker, Howard S., 164 Becker, Jo, 421 Becker, Selwyn W., 155 Beckman, Nils, 97 Beeghley, Leonard, 250 Begley, Sharon, 71 Belkin, Douglas, 85 Bell, David A., 294 Bell, Michael Mayerfeld,

513 Bello, Marisol, 241 Belsky, Jay, 88, 395 Ben-Ami, Naomi, 409 Benet, Lorenzo, 512 Benet, Sula, 331 Benford, Robert D., 429 Bennett, Jessica, 325 Bentley, Arthur Fisher, 359 Berger, Lawrence M., 410 Berger, Peter L., 347–348 Bergman, Jerry, 350 Bergman, Lowell, 178 Berman, Marc G., 480 Bernard, Tara Siegel, 413 Bernard, Viola W., 282 Bernstein, Elizabeth, 389 Berry, Halle, 336 Bertrand, Marianne, 293 Best, Deborah L., 82 Bettelheim, Bruno, 316 Betz, Frank, 441 Beyer, Janice M., 155 Bianchi, Suzanne M.,

388–389 Bick, Johanna, 73 Biggs, Mae A., 126 Bilefsky, Dan, 84 bin Laden, Osama, 362 Bishop, Jerry E., 318 Blair, Irene, 275–276 Blake-Beard, Stacy, 326

Blau, David M., 395 Blau, Peter M., 248 Blee, Kathleen M., 272 Bloom, Paul, 79 Bloomfield, Ruth, 233 Blume, Harvey, 280 Blumstein, Philip, 403 Boepple, Leah, 122 Boksem, Maarten A., 309 Bolmont, Mylene, 391 Booth, Alan, 308 Boroditsky, Lera, 50 Bos, H. M., 403 Bothwell, Ellie, 420 Boudreaux, Richard, 494,

506 Bowles, Hannah, 326 Bowles, Herbert, 426 Bowles, Samuel, 425 Bradford, Calvin P., 109 Bradford, Phillips Verner,

280 Bradley, Jennifer, 484 Bradley, Robert H., 400 Bradsher, Keith, 370 Braig, Stephanie, 236 Brajuha, Mario, 33 Bravin, Jess, 299 Bray, Rosemary L., 290 Brayne, Sarah, 182 Bremmer, Ian, 371 Brenneman, Richard, 458 Brewster, Zachary W., 292 Briand, Frederic, 510 Bridgwater, William, 349,

355 Brilliant, Ashleigh E., 501 Brinton, Mary C., 420 Bronfenbrenner, Urie, 409 Brooke-Hitching, Edward,

43 Brooks, David, 187 Brooks, Graham, 168 Brooks-Gunn, Jeanne, 88 Broughton, Philip Delves,

385 Brown, Anna, 324 Brown, Carol, 329 Brown, Eliot, 475, 484 Brown, Stephanie, 475 Browning, Christopher R.,

282 Bryant, Chalandra M., 413 Buchanan, Elsa, 466 Buckley, Cara, 114 Buffett, Warren, 165 Bundy, Ted, 187 Burger, Jerry M., 159 Burgess, Ernest W., 12,

15, 477 Burgmann, Verity, 209 Burman, Jeremy

Trevelyan, 77

Burnham, Walter Dean, 353 Burns, Lucy, 315–316 Bush, Diane Mitsch, 78 Bush, George W., 53, 242 Byers, Michele, 317 Byrnes, Hilary F., 88

C Cable, Daniel M., 155 Cabrera, Natasha J., 400 Cacioppo, John T., 97, 385 Cacioppo, Stephanie, 97 Callahan, Mary, 184 Callimachi, Rukmini,

169, 200 Calvin, John, 441 Cameron, Doug, 225 Canedy, Dana, 431 Caplan, Bryan, 397 Carbado, Devon W., 250 Carlson, Lewis H., 294 Carlson, Steven, 241 Carpenito, Lynda Juall, 328 Carr, Deborah, 94 Carrington, Tim, 224 Carson, Ann E., 183–184 Carter, Michael J., 84 Cartwright, Dorwin, 155 Casey, Edward S., 222 Casey, Nicholas, 190 Castle, John, 233 Cassasus, Barbara, 458 Castro, Fidel, 350 Catan, Thomas, 170 Catton, William R., Jr., 513 Cauldwell, Richard, 212 Caumont, Andrea, 410 Ceausescu, Nicolae, 73 Chacon, Justin Akers, 222 Chafetz, Janet Saltzman,

309, 315, 316 Chagnon, Napoleon A., 164 Chambliss, William J.,

127–128, 180 Chandler, Tertius, 471–472 Chandra, Vibha P.,

200–201, 269 Chandy, Laurence, 252 Chang, Leslie T., 466 Chapman, Catherine, 124 Chase, Arlen F., 490 Cheadle, Jacob, 409–410 Chen, Edwin, 71 Chen, Joseph C., 419 Chen, Te-Ping, 43, 508 Cherlin, J. Andrew, 410 Chetty, Raj, 248, 426 Chodorow, Nancy J., 78 Chrobot-Mason, Donna, 155 Chu, Kathy, 223 Chumley, Cheryl K., 436 Clair, Jeffrey Michael, 335

Clark, Candace, 80 Clark, E. Ann, 458 Clarke, Philippa, 88 Clearfield, Melissa W., 82 Clemence, Sara, 236 Clinton, Bill, 287 Clinton, Hillary, 354–355 Cloud, John, 185 Cloward, Richard A., 175,

177 Cobb, Jonathan, 249 Cohen, Jessica A., 405 Cohen, Patricia, 243 Cohn, D'Vera, 387 Colapinto, John, 307, 308 Colburn, George A., 294 Cole, Diane, 385 Collins, Chuck, 240 Collins, Randall, 209, 418 Compton, Allie, 211 Comte, Auguste, 5–6, 16 Connors, L., 82 Cooley, Charles Horton,

14, 74–75, 77, 135 Cooper, Anna Julia, 9 Cooper, Cary L., 243 Cooper, Charles, 504 Copen, Casey E., 405, 408 Corkery, Michael, 178 Corll, Dean, 187 Cose, Ellis, 300 Coser, Lewis, 19 Costa, Stephanie, 318 Costantini, Christina, 49 Cousins, Albert N., 478 Cowen, Emory L., 277 Cowgill, Donald, 335 Cowley, Joyce, 316 Crane, Andrew, 200 Crawford, Duane W., 413 Crerand, Canice E., 122 Crivelli, Carlos, 79–81 Crocker, Diane, 317 Cross, Jennifer Riedl, 90 Crossen, Cynthia, 280,

315, 339, 391 Cruikshank, Margaret, 335 Crumley, Bruce, 159 Cumming, Elaine, 337 Cwiek, Sarah, 499

D Dabbs, James M., Jr., 308 Dahl, Robert A., 359 Dao, James, 238, 327 Darley, John M., 153, 482 Darwin, Charles, 6, 61 Dasgupta, Nilanjana, 275 Davis, Bob, 465 Davis, Jaya, 180 Davis, Kingsley, 70, 71,

207–208, 226, 423

Name Index

Name Index N-2

Davis, Mike, 222 Davis, Nancy J., 248 Davis, R. E., 32 Dawisha, Karen, 213 Day, Doris, 316 Day, Jennifer Chesseman,

468 D'Costa, Krystal, 385 Deaver, Michael V., 421 de Cordoba, José, 189–190 DeCrow, Karen, 326 de Klerk, Ferdinand, 350 de Lange, Catherine, 393 DeLeire, Thomas, 247 Deliege, Robert, 201 Delmar-Morgan, Alex, 211 DeMaris, Alfred, 410 DeMause, Lloyd, 95 Dembicki, Matthew, 419 de Munck, Victor C., 389 DeNavas-Walt, Carmen, 252 Dew, Jeffrey, 394 Dewan, Shaila, 484 Diamond, Milton, 308 Dickey, Christopher, 53, 509 Dillon, Sam, 431–432 Doane, Ashley W., Jr., 270,

340 Dobriner, William M., 6105 Dodds, Peter Sheridan, 142 Dollard, John, 277 Domhoff, G. William, 111,

234–235, 240, 360 Domingo, Santiago, 318 Donley, Conley, 62 Donlon, Margie M., 336 Doshi, Vidhi, 436 Dougherty, Debbie S., 159 Dove, Adrian, 425 Drakulich, Kevin M., 279 Drew, Christopher, 180 Drum, Kevin, 185 Du Bois, W. E. B., 10–11,

199, 278, 297 Duff-Brown, Beth, 265 Dugger, Celia W., 315 Duiker, William J., 221 Dunaway, Wilma A., 178 Duncan, Otis Dudley, 248 Duneier, Mitchell, 103, 258 Dunham, Warren, 244 Dunlap, Riley E., 513 Durkheim, Emile, 7,

111–112, 175, 193, 434, 437 Durning, Alan, 511 Durose, Matthew R., 186 Dutton, Donald, 391 Dworkin, Anthony Gary,

315 Dye, H. B., 72 Dyer, Gwynne, 94

E Eagly, Alice H., 317 Ebaugh, Helen Rose

Fuchs, 123 Eberstadt, Nicholas, 268,

332 Eder, Donna, 84, 91

Eder, Klaus, 495, 512 Edgerton, Robert B., 18,

45, 50, 64, 165 Edlund, Lena, 467 Ehrhardt, Anke A., 307 Ehrlich, Anne H., 456 Ehrlich, Paul R., 456 Eibl-Eibesfeldt, Irrenäus, 47 Einstein, Albert, 6 Eisenegger, Christoph, 308 Ekman, Paul, 47, 79–81 Elfman, Lois, 419 Ellison, Larry, 233 Emery, Cécile, 155 Emery, Robert E., 412 Engels, Friedrich, 6 England, Paula, 317 Ensign, Rachel Louise,

245, 484 Epstein, Cynthia Fuchs, 78 Erikson, Kai, 29 Ernst, Eldon G., 440 Evans, Natalie, 237–238 Ezekiel, Raphael S., 274

F Fabrikant, Geraldine, 234,

236, 240 Falicov, Celia Jaes, 400 Farahbakshsh, Khostrow,

12 Faris, Robert E. L., 244 Farkas, George, 427–428 Fattig, Paul, 512 Faunce, William A., 453–454 Feagin, Joe R., 293 Featherman, David L., 248 Feder, Barnaby J., 448 Fedewa, Alicia L., 84 Feldschreiber, Jared, 187 Felsenthal, Edward, 327 Fincham, Frank D., 409 Finkelhor, David, 412 Fiorina, Carleton, 326 Fischer, Claude S., 471 Fischer, Edward F., 389 Fish, Jefferson M., 267 Fisher, Bonnie S., 328 Fisher, Sue, 318 Flanagan, William G., 485 Flavel, John H., 75, 77 Fletcher, Jason, 62 Fletcher, Kathryn L., 90 Flink, James J., 500–501 Florida, Richard, 479 Foote, Jennifer, 512 Ford, Henry, 500 Fordham, Brigham A., 394 Foreman, Dave, 512 Form, William, 370 Forsythe, Michael, 60 Foster, John Bellamy, 240,

243 Fountain, Henry, 471 Fowler, Geoffrey A., 150 Fox, Alison, 169 Fox, Bryanna, 167 Fox, Elaine, 137 Fox, Gerald, 471

Frank, Reanne, 265 Fraser, Graham, 223 Freedman, Jane, 316 Freeland, Chrystia, 234, 377 Freeman, James, 339 Fremson, Ruth, 384 Freud, Sigmund, 6, 77–78 Frey, William H., 294 Frommer, Arthur, 510 Frosch, Dan, 296 Fry, Richard, 398 Fuller, Kathryn S., 511 Furstenberg, Frank F., Jr., 96

G Gabriel, Trip, 431 Galambos, Louis, 372 Galbraith, John Kenneth,

223 Gale, Alastair, 353 Gallagher, Ryan, 211 Gampbell, Jennifer, 45 Gans, Herbert J., 12, 481,

482 Gardiner, Sean, 169 Garfinkel, Harold, 93–94,

125, 170–171 Gartrell, Nanette, 403 Gates, Bill Gatewood, Willard B., 398 Gaudichet, Nicolas, 84 Gay, Jason, 233 Gayles, Contessa, 476 Gelman, Andrew, 245, 403 Gentleman, Amelia, 89 Gerth, H. H., 206 Gibson-Davis, Christina,

401 Gilbert, Dennis, 239–240,

246, 261 Gilder, Jeannette, 315 Gilens, Martin, 111,

360–361 Gilligan, Carol, 77 Gillum, R. F., 435 Gilman, Charlotte Per-

kins, 9, 10, 82 Gingrich, F. Wilbur, 349 Gintis, Herbert, 425 Girshick, Lori B., 412 Gitlin, Todd, 6 Gitsels, Lisanne A, 318 Glanton, Dahleen, 279 Glasgow, Joshua M., 266 Glaze, Lauren E., 168 Goffman, Alice, 28 Goffman, Erving, 92, 94,

120, 121, 164 Gold, Ray, 236 Goldberg, Abbie E., 84 Goldberg, Susan, 82 Goldhill, Olivia, 63 Goldstein, Joseph, 190 Goll, Sven, 471 Gonzalez-Barrera, Ana, 275 Goodman, Richard E., 458 Goonan, Casey, 292 Gorman, Peter, 511 Goth, Ursula S., 338

Gottfredson, Michael R., 170 Gotti, John, 169 Grabe, Shelly L., 122 Graham, L. O., 250 Graif, Corina, 88 Graves, Earl G., 464 Greeley, Andrew M., 441 Green, Emily, 403 Greenstein, Mindy, 335 Greenwald, Anthony G.,

275 Grigoriadis, Vanessa, 512 Grimes, Michael D., 241 Grossman, Andrew, 178 Grove, Jack, 421 Guensburg, Carol, 88 Gulati, Mitu, 250 Gunther, Marc, 512 Gurian, Michael, 331 Guru, Gopal, 200 Guthrie, Doug, 371

H Hacker, Helen Mayer, 312 Hagey, Keach, 236 Haimi, Mott, 409 Hakim, Catherine, 317 Hale, Erin, 211 Hall, Edward T., 118 Hall, G. Stanley, 95 Hallowell, Lyle, 33 Halpern, Jack, 45 Hamermesh, Daniel, 122 Hamilton, Jon, 73 Handel, Stephen J., 418 Handler, Jerome S., 199 Handwerk, Brian, 490 Harding, Luke, 213 Hardoon, Deborah, 213 Hare, A. Paul, 155, 156 Harlow, Harry F., 73–74 Harlow, Margaret K., 73–74 Harrington, Michael, 224 Harris, Angel L., 250 Harris, Chauncy D.,

478–479 Harris, Marvin, 269 Harrison, Paul, 221 Hart, Charles W. M., 330 Hart, Paul, 159 Hartley, Eugene, 273 Hartocollis, Anemona, 424 Hatch, Laurie Russell, 338 Hatfield, Elaine, 391 Hattery, Angela, 398 Haub, Carl, 454, 457,

459–460, 463, 472, 474 Haughney, Christine, 233 Hauser, Christine, 200 Hauser, Philip, 472 Hausmann, Leslie R. M.,

276 Hawking, Stephen, 64, 107 Hawley, Amos H., 471 Haworth, Abigail, 315 Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 170 Hayashi, Gina M., 409 Healy, Jack, 432 Heise, Kia, 257

Hellinger, Daniel, 352 Hemmings, Annette, 90 Henley, Elmer Wayne, 187 Henry, William E., 337 Henslin, James M., 126, 246 Herrnstein, Richard J., 167 Hershberger, Scott L., 71 Herships, Sally, 339 Herz, Rachel, 45 Hetherington, Mavis, 409 Higginbotham, Elizabeth,

249 Hill, Mark E., 275 Hindman, Matthew Dean,

359 Hippler, Fritz, 278, 353 Hirono, Mazie, 329 Hirschi, Thomas A., 257 Hirschi, Travis, 170 Hitler, Adolf, 156,

267–268, 277, 350, 353, 465–466

Hochschild, Arlie, 79 Hoffman, Bert, 350 Hoijer, Harry, 61 Holland, Jimmie, 335 Holland, Kathryn J., 327 Holtzman, Abraham, 339 Homblin, Dora Jane, 471 Hong, Lawrence, 386 Hongo, Jun, 457 Hookway, James, 448 Hopschneider, Anita, 96 Horn, James P., 295 Horning, Amber, 177 Horowitz, Mark, 309 Horowitz, Ruth, 169 Horwitz, Allan V., 47, 80 Houtman, Dick, 246 Howells, Lloyd T., 155 Hoxie, Josh, 240 Hoyt, Homer, 478 Hsu, Francis L. K., 293 Huber, Joan, 204 Huebner, Daniel R., 75 Huggins, Martha K., 217 Hughes, Everett C., 139, 495 Huizenga, Wayne, 233–234 Humphreys, Laud, 34 Hurdley, Rachel, 32 Hurtado, Aída, 400 Hussein, Hayat, 422 Hussein, Saddam, 211, 353 Huttenbach, Henry R., 352 Hymowitz, Carol, 326 Hyra, Derek S., 476

I Inatsugu, Hiroaki, 420 Innes, Judith E., 483 Isaac, Carol A., 326 Isaacs, Ken, 268 Itard, Jean Marc Gospard,


J Jaggar, Alison, 330 Jakab, Spencer, 45

N-3 Name Index

Janis, Irving L., 159 Jankowiak, William R.,

389 Jefferson, Thomas, 352 Jensen, Lene Arnett, 79 Jeong, Yu-Jin, 278 Jessop, Bob, 53 Joan of Arc, 349 Joas, Hans, 75 John-Henderson, Neha, 243 Johnson, Benton, 442 Johnson, Ian, 189, 401, 472 Johnson, Sheree, 86 Jones, Allen, 185 Jones, James H., 265 Jones, Jeffrey Owen, 418 Jones, Nikki, 275 Jong-un, Kim, 353 Jordan, Miriam, 447 Judd, Dennis, 352 Judge, Timothy A., 155

K Kagan, Jerome, 77 Kahl, Joseph A., 239–241,

261 Kahlenberg, Richard D., 299 Kahn, Joseph, 371 Kalmijn, Matthijs, 409 Kaminer, Ariel, 28–29 Kanazawa, Satoshi, 122 Kaneda, Toshiko, 459–460 Kang, Jay Caspian, 293 Kanter, Rosabeth Moss, 149 Kantor, Jodi, 143 Kapila, Kriti, 200–201 Kaplan, Thomas, 359 Karon, Tony, 371 Karp, David A., 482–483 Katz, Bruce, 484 Kaufman, Joanne, 240 Kazuyoshi, Hirada, 420 Keating, Giles, 204 Keith, Jennie, 338 Kelley, Florence, 9 Kelley, Tina, 432 Kelly, Joan B., 410 Kelly, John, 409 Keniston, Kenneth, 96 Kennedy, John F., 233, 299 Kent, Mary, 49 Kephart, William M., 114 Khan, Shamus Rahman,

245 Khare, Amy T., 250 Khouri, Saeed, 237 Kim, Richard, 294 Kimmel, Michael, 272 Kindzeka, Moki Edwin, 314 King, Eden B., 209 King, Martin Luther, Jr.,

290, 435 King, Patricia M., 273 Kingsbury, Alex, 321 Kingston, Maxine Hong, 45 Klaas, Polly, 184 Kleinfeld, Judith S., 142,

320 Klinesmith, Jennifer, 308 Kluegel, James R., 259

Kneebone, Elizabeth, 252, 254

Kochbar, Rakesh, 275 Kofman, Ava, 211 Kohlberg, Lawrence, 77–79 Kohn, Melvin L., 87, 244,

396 Konigsberg, Eric, 233 Kontos, Louis, 177 Koonin, Steven E., 509 Kopecky, Karen A., 501 Korn, Melissa, 419 Kotsadam, Andreas, 329 Kotz, David M., 8 Kovar, Jodi L., 122 Kozin, Vladimir, 494 Kramer, Michael W., 159 Kravitz, Derek, 476 Kraybill, Donald B.,

113–114 Kreider, Rose M., 256 Krieger, Linda Hamilton,

275 Krienert, Jessie L., 412 Kroeber, Arthur R., 371 Kroeger, Brooke, 13 Krogstad, Jens Manuel, 289 Krugman, Paul, 221 Kubrin, Charis E., 169 Kuchera, Ben, 85 Kulesza, Wojciech, 117 Kulish, Nicholas, 315 Kurian, George Thomas,

214 Kynaston, David, 212 Kynaston, George, 212

L La Barre, Weston, 61, 384 Lacy, Karyn R., 250 LaFraniere, Sharon, 211 Lahiri, Tripti, 203 Lalasz, Robert, 49 Lam, Dottie, 321 Lanbewiesche, William, 445 Landry, Bart, 250 Landtman, Gunnar,

198–199 Lang, Kevin, 253 Langevin, Stephanie, 167 Lapsley, Michael, 201 Lareau, Annette, 87, 244,

396 Last, Jonathan V., 466 Latané, Bibb, 153, 482 Laude, David, 428–429 Lauer, Jeanette, 412 Lauer, Robert, 412 Lawler, Steph, 249 Lazarsfeld, Paul F., 35 Lazarus, Jeffrey, 358 LeDuff, Charlie, 411 Lee, Raymond M., 32 Leighton, Paul, 178 Leland, John, 265, 476 Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich,

212 Lengermann, Madoo, 10 Lenski, Gerhard, 209, 226,

236–237, 495

Leo, Jen, 234 Lerner, Aaron, 409 Lerner, Gerda, 198–199, 312 Leslie, Lisa, 325 Levanthal, Tama, 88 Levi, Ken, 29 Levin, J., 419 LeVine, Robert A., 397 LeVine, Sarah, 397 Levinson, D. J., 94 Levy, Becca R., 336, 338 Lewis, Michael, 82 Lewis, Neil A., 160 Lewis, Oscar, 223, 257 Li, Weilin, 73, 395 Liang, Ma, 353 Liberman, Akiva M., 173 Liebow, Elliot, 103, 258 Lindau, Stacy Tessler, 97 Linden, Eugene, 511 Linthicum, Kate, 189 Linton, Ralph, 40, 108 Lipman, Joanne, 325 Lippitt, Ronald, 155 Lipset, Seymour Martin,

349 Liptak, Adam, 359 Liu, J., 117 Liu, Jianqing, 167 Livingston, Gretchen, 410 Locke, Gary, 294 Locke, Harvey, 15 Lofgren, Mike, 240 Logan, Brenda E., 512 Logan, John R., 358 Lombroso, Cesare, 167 Lopoo, Leonard, 247, 249 Lore, Marc, 232 Lorenco, Orlando M., 76 Loria, Kevin, 509 Louis XIV (King), 43 Lovett, Ian, 296 Lövheim, M., 317 Lyall, Sarah H., 212 Lynn, Michael, 292 Lyons, John, 217

M MacDonald, William L.,

410 Mack, Raymond W., 109 MacLennan, Michael, 60 Mader, Jackie, 423 Magdoff, Fred, 240, 243 Magee, Leanne, 122 Mahoney, Patricia, 412 Main, Jackson Turner, 199 Malinowski, Bronislaw, 383 Malkin, Elisabeth, 190 Maloba, W. O., 224–225 Malthus, Thomas Robert,

453 Mamdani, Mahmood, 461 Mandela, Nelson, 201, 350 Mandemakers, Jornt J.,

409 Mander, Jerry, 297 Manning, Matthew, 395 Manning, Wendy D., 405 Marcus, Anthony, 177

Markoff, John, 142 Marolla, Joseph, 32 Marques, Sibila, 336 Marsh, Kris, 250 Marshall, Samantha, 122 Martineau, Harriet, 10 Maruschak, Laura M., 168 Marx, Gary, 150 Marx, Karl, 6, 18, 147–148,

150, 205–206, 226, 238–239, 369, 440, 480, 491, 495–496

Masheter, Carol, 410 Masto, Catherine Cortez,

289, 329 Matthes, Jorg, 86 Matthews, Christopher M.,

178 Matthews, Stephen A., 88 Matza, David, 172 Mayhew, Robert J., 453 Mays, Jeffrey C., 476 Mazur, Allan, 308 McCabe, Marita P., 409 McCartney, Scott, 119 McCormick, John, 178 McDowell, Bart, 479 McEwen, Barb, 124 McFalls, Joseph A., Jr., 454,

463 McIntosh, Peggy, 286 McKeown, Thomas, 453 McKernan, Signe-Mary,

252 McKibbin, Molly Little-

wood, 265 McKinley, William, 219 McKinnish, Terra, 475 McLaughlin, Martyn, 86 McLemore, S. Dale, 295 McNeill, William H., 453 McShane, Larry, 238 McWhirter, Cameron, 431 Mead, George Herbert,

14, 61, 75–76 Medina, Jennifer, 476 Meese, Ruth Lyn, 73 Mehrabian, Abbas, 142 Meiritz, Annett, 511 Melin, Anders, 232 Melloan, George, 370 Mema, Briseida, 84 Menzel, Peter, 197 Merkel, Angela, 330 Merton, Robert K., 16–17,

139, 175, 427 Meyer, Bruce D., 252 Meyer, Peter, 418 Michalopoulos, Stelios, 221 Michels, Robert, 138 Milbank, Dana, 479 Milgram, Stanley, 142,

158–159 Milkie, Melissa A., 84–85 Milkman, Ruth, 398 Miller, Brenda A., 88 Miller, Walter B., 168 Mills, C. Wright, 3, 12, 20,

98, 206, 234, 261, 360 Minter, Adam, 472

Mittag, Nikolas, 252 Mogato, Manuel, 218 Mohawk, John C., 296 Moloney, Liam, 448 Money, John, 307 Montagu, M. F. Ashley,

266 Montes, Juan, 190 Moore, Wilbert E.,

207–208, 423 Morgan, Lewis Henry, 495 Morgan, Rachel E., 411 Morin, Rich, 387 Morris, Joan M., 241 Morris, Robin, 308 Mosca, Gaetano, 208, 226 Mose, Tamara R., 87, 236,

396 Mosher, Steven W., 370,

457, 466 Moyers, Bill, 278 Muhamad, Roby, 142 Mukhopadhyay, Carol C.,

267 Mullainathan, Sendhil, 293 Mulligan, Christy A., 71 Murdock, George Peter,

60–61, 383 Murrell, Audrey J., 326 Musick, Kelly, 394 Mwiti, Neva, 200 Myers, Steven Lee, 421

N Nabhan, Gary Paul, 511 Nagpaul, Hans, 478 Naik, Gautam, 394 Nakao, Keiko, 235 Nash, Gary B., 295 Nee, Victor, 354 Needleman, Sarah E., 85 Neil, Andrew, 212 Nelson, Barbara Mullins,

249 Nelson, Margaret K., 399 Nelson, Naree M., 82 Neugarten, Bernice L., 97 Newman, David B., 338 Newport, Frank, 435 Nguyen, Tram, 317 Niebrugge, Gillian, 10 Nieuwenhuis-Mark, Ruth

Elaine, 59 Nolt, Steven M., 114 Nordberg, Jenny, 82 Nordhaus, William D., 231 Nordland, Rod, 211, 313

O Obama, Barack, 292, 350,

355 Obe, Mitsuru, 420 O'Brien, Timothy L., 178 O'Connor, Patrick, 246 Ogburn, William F., 64,

494, 496, 504, 512 O'Hare, William P., 252–253 Ohlin, Lloyd E., 175, 177 Okada, Akito, 420

Name Index N-4

Okpiliya, F. I., 511 Olmsted, Michael S., 155,

156 Onishi, Norimitsu, 296 Oppel, Richard A., 185 Orme, Nicholas, 94 Ornstein, Allan C., 423 Oro-Piqueras, Maricel,

336 Orwell, George, 346

P Page, Benjamin I., 111,

360–361 Page, Jeremy, 505 Page, Joe W., 338 Pager, Devah, 13 Palen, J. John, 471–472,

477, 483–484 Paletta, Damian, 504 Papaioannou, Elias, 221 Pappano, Laura, 502 Parfit, Michael, 512 Park, Robert, 12, 477 Parker, Chris, 465 Parker, Kim, 406 Parker, Laura, 86 Parks, Rosa, 290 Parmar, Pratibha, 314 Parry, Nicola, 122 Parsons, Talcott, 12, 423 Partington, Donald H.,

188 Paterniti, Michael, 84 Patten, Eileen, 324, 406 Paul, Alice, 9, 316 Pearlin, L. I., 87 Pedersen, R. P., 419 Pellicer, Antonio, 318 Penner, Louis A., 276 Peretz, Evgenia, 240 Perez, Santiago, 190 Perkins, Frances, 9 Perot, Ross, 355 Petersen, Andrea, 119, 321 Phillips, Erica E., 184, 328 Philpott, Tom, 458 Piaget, Jean, 76–77 Pianigiani, Gaia, 465 Piketty, Thomas, 278 Pilling, Arnold R., 330 Pines, Maya, 73 Piotrow, Phylis Tilson, 454 Piven, Francis Fox, 19 Pokharel, Krishna, 203 Pollock, Joycelyn M., 309 Pope, Liston, 442 Popenoe, David, 408 Popescu, Ioana, 276 Porter, Caroline, 431 Portés, Alejandro, 299 Prasanth, A., 78 Preston, Douglas, 490 Putin, Vladimir, 421

Q Qi, Liyan, 466 Quadagno, Jill, 94 Quick, James Campbell, 243

R Rabin, Roni Caryn, 32 Rachman, Gideon, 378 Rader, Dennis, 187 Ramakrishnan, Kavita B.,

327 Rampell, Catherine, 430 Ramsey, JonBenet, 159 Ramsey, Mike, 510 Rank, Mark R., 257 Rapoport, Anatoli, 421 Rassbach, Eric, 443 Ratcliffe, Caroline, 252 Ray, J. J., 277 Re, Daniel E., 155 Read, Madlen, 178 Reagan, Ronald, 206 Reckless, Walter C., 170 Rector, Robert, 465 Reed, Susan, 512 Reeves, Richard V., 249, 399 Reilly, Matthew, 199 Reiman, Jeffrey, 178 Reimer, David, 307–308 Reisz, Matthew, 422 Reitz, Jeffrey G., 35 Rendon, Maria G., 88, 168 Reutter, David M., 170–171 Rexrode, Christina, 178 Rhoads, Christopher, 448 Richardson, Stacey, 409 Richwine, Jason, 465 Ricks, Thomas E., 94 Riley, Naomi Schaefer,

273, 440 Rios, Victor M., 169 Rist, Ray C., 426–427 Ritzer, George, 145 Robbins, John, 331 Robbins, Liz, 187 Roberts, Andrew, 31 Robertson, Ian, 52, 212 Robinson, Gail, 249 Robinson, Robert V., 248 Robinson, William I, 377 Rodrigue, Edward, 399 Rodriguez, Richard, 89–90 Rogers, Adams, 509 Roosevelt, Franklin D., 9,

159, 294 Roosevelt, Theodore, 295,

355 Ropiequet, John L., 276 Rosenblatt, Fernanda

Fonseca, 217 Rosenfeld, Michael J., 403 Rossi, Alice S., 309 Rossiter, Caleb, 430 Rothkopf, David, 204, 377 Rothman, Lily, 283 Rounds, Mike, 504 Rowthorn, Robert, 198 Rubin, Zick, 391 Ruggles, Patricia, 257 Rule, Nicholas O., 155 Rumbaut, Rubén, 299 Rumsfeld, Donald, 53 Russell, Diana E. H., 412 Russell, Nestar John

Charles, 158

S Saad, Lydia, 138 Saez, Emmanuel, 240 Sageman, Marc, 12, 362–363 Sahlins, Marshall D., 495 Sales, Nancy Jo, 182 Salomon, Gisela, 49 Samor, Geraldo, 119 Samuelson, Paul Anthony,

231 Sanchez, Tatiana, 287 Sánchez-Jankowski,

Martín, 177 Sandberg, Britta, 139 Sanders, Howard, 475–476 Sanger, David E., 503 Sankaran, Lavanya, 201 Santander, Banco, 484 Santos, Fernanda, 481 Sapir, Edward, 50 Sapolsky, Robert M., 117 Saul, Richard, 191 Saulny, Susan, 266 Savage, Charlie, 276 Scarf, Damian, 79 Schaefer, Richard T., 281,

294–296 Schemo, Diana Jean, 431 Schiller, J. S., 243–244 Schmiddle, Nicholas, 65 Schnore, Leo, 472 Schooler, Carmi, 87 Schottland, Charles I., 339 Schwartz, David, 287 Schwartz, Felicia, 225 Schwartz, Pepper, 403 Schwarzman, Stephen, 377 Scolforo, Mark, 114 Scully, Diana, 32, 318 Segal, Nancy L., 71 Seib, Gerald F., 246 Sellers, Patricia, 326 Sengupta, Somini, 142, 362 Senior, Jennifer, 394 Sennett, Richard, 249 Séralini, Gilles-Eric, 458 Service, Elman R., 495 Shane, Scott, 160 Sharp, Lauriston, 497 Sheridan, Mary Beth, 190 Sherif, Carolyn, 278, 348 Sherif, Muzafer, 278, 348 Shor, Eran, 398 Shuttuck, Rachel M., 256 Sidhva, Shiraz, 200 Siegler, Ilene C., 393, 412 Sigmundson, Keith, 308 Sills, David L., 146 Simic, Natasa, 78 Simmel, Georg, 151–152 Simmons, Robert G., 78 Simons, John, 149 Simons, Marlise, 511 Simonyi, Charles, 234 Simpson, George Eaton,

279, 282 Skeels, H. M., 72–73 Skinner, Jonathan, 276 Slater, Amy, 122 Smaland, Erik, 338

Smart, Barry, 495 Smith, Beverly A., 412 Smith, Clark, 362 Smith, Cory, 252 Smith, Earl, 398 Smith, Eliot R., 259 Smith, John, 209 Smith, Ryan A., 324 Smith-Bynum, Mia A., 399 Snyder, Mark, 117 Sorensen, Jon R., 180 Sowell, Anthony, 187 Spector, Mike, 178 Spencer, Herbert, 6, 16 Spengler, Oswald, 495 Spielvogel, Jackson J., 221 Stack, Carol B., 399 Staedter, Tracy, 508 Stampp, Kenneth M., 199 Stanley, Scott, 406 Staples, Brent, 391 Stark, Rodney, 11, 442 Starr, Ellen Gates, 11 Stein, Mark, 300 Stephens, Nicole M., 244,

425 Stern, Jared Paul, 233 Stetler, Dean A., 167 Stevens, Mitchell L., 245 Stewart, James B., 231 Stinnett, Nicholas, 413 Stipp, David, 511 Stodgill, Ralph M., 155 Stokes, Myron, 35, 480 Stolberg, Sheryl Gay, 276 Stone, Daniel, 459 Straus, Murray A, 411 Strickland, Bonnie R.,

409 Stutzman, Rene, 173 Suen, Richard M. H., 501 Suh, Stephen, 257–258 Suizzo, Marie-Anne, 77 Sullins, D. Paul, 403 Sullivan, Kevin, 448 Sumner, William Graham,

42 Susman, Tina, 237 Sutherland, Edwin H.,

168, 178 Suzuki, Bob H., 294, 400 Sweeney, Megan M., 410 Sykes, Gresham M., 172 Symington, Annabel, 314 Szasz, Thomas S., 191–192

T Tabenkin, H., 318 Tadic, Maja, 337 Tafoya, Sonya M., 266 Taft, William Howard,

295, 355 Talbot, Marion, 9 Taylor, Howard F., 143 Terhune, Chad, 149 Tewary, Amarnath, 201 Thomas, Dorothy Swaine,

126, 268 Thomas, Holly N., 97 Thomas, Paulette, 275

Thomas, W. I., 126, 268 Thompson, Ginger, 222 Thompson, J. Kevin, 122 Thompson, Paul, 211 Thornton, Russell, 296 Tierney, John, 185 Tiggermann, Marika, 122 Timasheff, Nicholas S., 361 Tolich, Martin, 158 Tönnies, Ferdinand, 112 Torres, Jose B., 400 Toshkov, Veselin, 471 Tough, Paul, 428 Townsend, Francis, 339 Toynbee, Arnold, 378, 495 Treas, Judith, 235 Treiman, Donald J., 235 Tresniowski, Alex, 237 Trice, Harrison M., 155 Troeltsch, Ernst, 442 Trottman, Melanie, 296 Truman, Jennifer L., 411 Trump, Donald, 350,

354–355 Tsoi, Grace, 384 Tsolkas, Panagioti, 512 Tumin, Melvin M.,

207–208, 226 Turan, Bulent, 308 Turkewitz, Julie, 314 Turner, Jonathan H., 19 Turner, Zeke, 507 Turow, Joseph, 31

U Ulaby, Neda, 385 Ullman, Edward, 478 Ulloa, Jazmine, 288 Ur, Jason A., 350 Urbina, Ian, 429 Useem, Michael, 111

V van Buren, Peter, 151 Vance, J. D., 249 Vandell, Deborah Lowe, 89 VanderWeele, Tyler J., 435 Vandiver, John, 494 van Rijn-van Gelderen, L.,

403 Vasilogambros, Matt, 49 Vaughan, Diane, 410 Venator, Joanna, 249 Vendituoli, Monica, 321 Venkatesh, Sudhir, 28–29 Vidal, David, 288 Vogt, Manuel, 19 Volti, Rudi, 4, 112 von Clausewitz, Carl, 361 Von Goethe, Johann

Wolfgang, 95 Von Hoffman, Nicholas, 34

W Waddell, Kaveh, 211 Wade, Nicholas, 61 Wagley, Charles, 269 Wahab, Juliana Abdul, 85

N-5 Name Index

Wakefield, Jerome C., 47 Walker, Alice, 314 Wall, Robert, 505 Wallace, John M., 435 Wallerstein, Immanuel,

222 Wallerstein, Judith S., 409 Walsh, Jeffrey A., 412 Wang, Guixiang, 62 Wang, Hongyu, 410 Wang, Wendy, 407 Wang, Xiangwei, 211 Ward, Mark, 63 Ward, Rose Marie, 155 Warren, Louis S., 296 Watkins, Mary, 222 Watson, J. Mark, 173 Webb, Amy, 385 Webb, Beatrice Potter, 9 Weber, Lynn, 249 Weber, Max, 8, 143, 144,

150, 206, 226, 230,

238–239, 259, 347, 348, 440–441, 491

Weinberger, Catherine, 323 Weiner, Tim, 504–505 Weitzer, Ronald, 169 Welch, Chris, 211 Wells-Barnett, Ida B., 9 Western, Bruce, 248, 257 Westfall, Richard, 117 Wheaton, Blair, 88 White, Jack E., 440 White, Joseph B., 178 White, Ralph K., 155 Whitehead, Barbara

Dafoe, 408 Whorf, Benjamin, 50 Wiafe-Amoako, Francis,

268, 282 Wiggins, Ovetta, 250 Wilcox, W. Bradford, 394 Wilford, John Noble, 477,


Williams, Jasmin K., 56 Williams, Joseph P., 299 Williams, Robin M., Jr.,

56–57 Wilmot, Stephen, 510 Wilson, Colin, 312 Wilson, Edward O., 61–62 Wilson, James Q., 167 Wilson, Nona L., 122 Wilson, William Julius, 28,

292, 483 Winfrey, Oprah, 234 Wirth, Louis, 269, 479, 480 Wolfensohn, James D., 511 Wolff, Edward N., 231 Wolff, Kevin T., 185 Wolfinger, Nicholas H., 409 Wolitzky-Taylor, Kate B.,

328 Wong, Andrea, 224 Woo, Elaine, 71 Woo, Jaeyeon, 466

Wood, Daniel B., 400 Woods, Tiger, 265–266 Woody, Christopher,

189–190 Woolf, Steven H., 243 Word, Deletha, 480–482 Wright, Erik Olin,

238–239, 261 Wright, Lawrence, 71,


X Xie, Min, 329 Xie, Qin, 43

Y Yadron, Danny, 211 Yager, Mark, 119 Yamamoto, Yoko, 420 Yardley, Jim, 202, 369,

370, 466

Yinger, J. Milton, 277, 279, 282, 441

Yllo, Kersti, 412 You, Hyun-Kyung, 278 Young, Robert D., 331

Z Zakaria, Fareed, 508 Zamiska, Nicholas, 400 Zander, Alvin, 155 Zandonella, M., 277 Zarya, Valentina, 325 Zaslow, Jeffrey, 122, 332 Zellner, William W.,

114, 56 Zeman, David, 480 Zerubavel, Eviatar, 50 Zoepf, Katherine, 313 Zuchman, Gabriel, 240 Zumbrun, Joshua, 84


A AA (Alcoholics Anonymous), 92 Ablution ritual, 200 Aborigines of Australia, 497 Abortion, 185, 246, 402, 465–467 Achieved status, 107 Achievement values, 56 Acid rain, 508, 509 ACLU (American Civil Liberties

Union), 12 Acquaintance rape, 328 Activity theory, 337–338 ADHD (attention-deficit hyper-

activity disorder), 191 Adolescence, 91, 95–96, 398 Adultolescence, 96–97, 398 Advertising

body image, 122 gender and, 86

Affirmative action, 201, 299, 320–321

Africa. See also specific countries Burundi of, 61 caste in, 201–202 Chinese factories in, 371 colonialism in, 5, 219 culture of, 40, 41, 61 enslavement of Africans, 57,

199, 270 ethnic conflicts in, 493 female circumcision in, 314 fertility rate in, 463 graying of globe and, 332 G7 and, 494 immigrants to U.S. from, 464 military coups in, 353 slavery in, 198, 200 growing relevance of, 494 population density in, 459 pygmy from, on exhibit, 280 resources, 494 starvation in, 459 travel to, 64–65 world system theory, 222

African Americans. See also Race–ethnicity; Slavery

and civil rights movement, 435–436

contact theory, 272–273 culture of, 51 death penalty and, 188–189 discrimination against, 13,

199–200, 275–276, 292–298 economic well-being statistics,

289 education, 290 family life, 398–399 gentrification by, 475–476 The Great Migration, 463–464 and Harlem, 475–476 home mortgage discrimination,

275–276 and internalization of norms, 275

interracial marriage, 391–392 participant-observation of gangs,

169 poverty and, 252–255, 399 prisoner demographics, 183–184 race–ethnicity overview, 290–293 racial caste system, 202–203 and rape, 202 ”rogue sociologist” research

and, 28–29 social mobility and, 250 Souls of Black Folk, The (Du Bois),

10–11 in Tuskegee experiment, 264

AFRICOM (African Command), 494

Afro Latino, 286 Afterlife beliefs, 43, 435, 440, 447 Age/aging. See also Adolescence;

Children/childhood; Elderly attitudes and practices, 331 conflict perspective on, 339–340 creative, 342 developing views of, 342 functionalist perspective on,

337–338 global perspective, 331–335 graying of America, 333–335 industrialization and graying

of globe, 332–333 inequalities of, 330 life span and, 332–333 mass media’s influence on,

336–337 poverty and, 255 shifting meanings of aging,

335–336 symbolic interactionist perspec-

tive on, 335–337 Age cohort, 337 Ageism, 335 Agents of socialization, 86–92 Aggregate, 135 Agricultural revolution, 490–491 Agricultural societies, 364 AI (Artificial intelligence), 63 AIDS/HIV, 509 Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), 92 Alienation

bureaucratic, 147–148 city life and, 480 in politics, 357 of workers, 499

Al-Qaeda, 496 Alzheimer’s disease, 497 American Civil War, 58, 199–200,

250, 290 American Dream, 247–248 American Journal of Sociology, 9 American Museum of Natural

History, 280 Amish, 497 Amoral stage, 78

Analysis of documents, 30 Anarchists, 176 Anarchy, 359 Animals

deprivation of, 73–74 extinction of, 59, 506–507, 509–511 genetically modified organisms

and, 458–459 Anomie, 175, 237 Anonymity of cities, 472 Anticipatory socialization, 92 Anti-Malthusians, 455–457 Apartheid, 201–202 Appeal to higher loyalties, 172 Appearance. See Beauty/looks/

appearance Apple, 211 Applied sociology, 12–13 Arabs. See also Islam entries

al-Qaeda, 496 Islamic State, 496 Saudi Arabia, 178, 219, 224

Arab uprisings, 492 Architecture and automobiles, 501 Arranged marriages, 390 Artificial intelligence (AI), 63 Aryan supremacist survivalists, 56 ASA (American Sociological

Association), 12 Asch experiment, 157 Ascribed status, 106–107 ASEAN (Association of South-

east Asian Nations), 378 Ashkenazi Jews, 270 Asian Americans. See also Race–

ethnicity families, 400–401 race–ethnicity overview, 293–294

Asian tigers, 225 Assimilation, 282, 294 Athens, Greece, 472 Atomic bomb, 497 Attachments, 170 Authoritarian leader, 156 Authoritarian personality, 277 Authority. See also Leaders; Power

charismatic, 349–350 defined, 347 legitimate violence and, 347–348 power of, 158–159 rational–legal, 349 traditional, 348 transfer of, 350

Automobile technology, 500–502 Avocado plants, 511

B Background assumptions

ethnomethodology of, 124–126 taken-for-granted, 286 violation of, 166

Back stages, 120 Baghdad in Persia (Iraq), 472

Bamboo curtain, 299 Banaro of New Guinea, 383 Baptists, 242 Basic sociology, 12–13 Beauty/looks/appearance

appearance defined, 121 classification of, 267 deviance and, 164, 173 gender differences, 90–91 as sign-vehicle, 121 social class and, 250 standards of beauty, 44 stigma in, 164

Becoming roles, 123 Behavior. See Human behavior Behavior Detection Officers, 119 Beijing (Peking), China, 472 Beliefs, 170, 437 Berdache ceremony, 383 Bias

in crime statistics, 190 cultural, in intelligence testing,

425 death penalty and, 186–189 designer babies and, 393–394 gender, 188, 318, 427 interviewer, 27, 32 racial–ethnic, 427 in survey questions, 26–27

Big brother technology, 211 Bilineal system, 386 Bilingual instruction, 288 Biofoods, 458–459 Biography, 3 Biological characteristics, 305 Biological weapons, 222 Biology. See also Sociobiology

heredity vs. environment, 70 human behavior and, 61–62 life course and, 98 socialization vs., 83, 95–96

Biosocial explanations of deviance, 167

Biotech societies, 366 Births/birthrates. See also Child-

birth cash incentives for births, 465–466 ceremonies and, 201 fertility rates, 463 global birth control, 462 poverty and, 256 single mothers, 254, 395

Blended families, 402 Blue-collar workers, 90 Body image, 122 Body language, 119 Bonded labor, 199 Boot camp, 93–94 Born again, 437 Bosnia massacre, 268 Bourgeoisie (capitalists), 6, 18, 205 Boyle Heights area, Los Angeles,


Subject Index

S-2 Subject Index

Brajuha research, 33–34 Branch Davidians, 447 Brazil, 217–218, 267 Breast cancer, 511 Bring Your Parents to Work Day,

96 Buddhists/Buddhism, 547–548 Bull Moose party, 355 Bureaucracies

characteristics of, 143–145 dysfunctions of, 147–148 perpetuation of, 146–147 as social invention, 496

Bureaucratic alienation, 147–148 Bureaucratic authority, 349 Bureau of Indian Affairs, 296 Burundi of Africa, 61 Businesses, 499, 503. See also

Corporate culture; Workers/workforce

C Calvinists/Calvinism, 8, 441 Cambodian dump people,

220–221 Cancer, breast, 511 Capitalism/capitalist class. See

also Corporate culture capitalist class, 240 in China, 370–371 choice of spouse, 244 conflict theory and, 18–19 convergence with socialism, 372 criticisms of, 369–370 defined, 367 dialectal process of history, 496 globalization of, 35, 222,

506–507 ideology of, 209, 369 laissez-faire vs. state, 367–368 multinational corporations, 506 overview, 367–368 private schools, 245 Protestant ethic and, 8 religion and, 440–441 in Russia, 213 social change and, 491–492 social class and, 238–239 as social invention, 496 technology impact on, 499

Capital punishment, 186–189 Cartoons and gender, 85 Case studies, 29 Casinos, 296–297 Caste system

defined, 200 India, 200–201 racial system in US, 202–203 South Africa, 201–202

Category, 135 Causation, 31 CEOs (chief executive officers), 232 Changan (Xi’an) in China, 472

defined, 443 routinization of, 350

Charismatic authority, 349–350 Charismatic leaders

defined, 443 political, 349–350 religious, 443

Checks and balances, 359 Chicago, Illinois, 477 Child abuse, 411 Childbirth. See also Births/birth-

rates extremes in, 463 family life cycle and, 392–394 marriage and, 404 race–ethnicity and death in, 276

Child care, 389 Childfree/childless couples,

401–402 Child rearing

co-sleeping, 397 overview of, 394–398 social class and, 244

Children/childhood. See also Family/families

adolescent norms, 91 daycare socialization, 88–89 divorce impact, 409–410 feral children, 71 identical twin studies, 70–71 immigrant children, 89–90 institutionalized children, 72–73 isolated children, 71–72 life course, 94–95 peer groups, 84–85, 90–92 poverty and, 255–256 school socialization, 89–90 socialization of, 70–71 toys/play and gender, 82–83

China Beijing (Peking), 472 Changan (Xi’an), 472 deviance, 165 exports, 225 female infanticide in, 466 global influence of, 493 Han/Uighur discrimination, 270 Hong Kong-Shenzhen-

Guangzhou, 473 Internet control, 211 ”one-couple, one-child” policy,

466 pollution by, 507–508 transition to capitalism, 371 unmanned aerial vehicles, 505

Chinese culture, 43 Chinese discrimination, 294 Chinese Exclusion Act (1882), 294 Christianity/Christians. See also

Roman Catholic Church colonialism and, 219 Protestant Reformation, 491

Church religious group and, 444 use of term (Durkheim), 434

Circumcision female, 204, 314–315 religious group and, 444

Citizenship, 352, 496 Citizens United v. Federal Election

Commission, 2010, 359 City/cities. See also Inner cities

alienation in, 480 anonymity of, 472 automobile impact on, 501 community within, 481 cosmopolites in, 481

defined, 471–472 the deprived in, 482 development of, 469, 472 globalization and, 222, 225 Industrial Revolution and, 5,

491 life experiences in, 480–483 medieval cities, 479 megacities, 473 megaregions, 473 movement away from, 254 racial strife in, 291 sanctuary cities, 287 singles in, 481

City-state, 350–351 Civil rights movement

South Africa, 201 United States, 273, 292,

435–436, 511 Civil Rights Act (1964), 290 Civil War, U.S., 58, 199–200, 250,

290 Clashing values, 60 Class conflict, 6, 18, 208–209. See

also Conflict perspective Class consciousness, 205 Class system, 204 Climate change, 508 Clique, 140 Closed-ended questions, 27 Coalition, 152 Coercion, 347 Cohabitation, 404, 405 Cold War, 369, 493 Collective behavior. See Groups;

Human behavior College

enrollment, by sex, 319 getting through, 429–430 by sex and race–ethnicity, 320 social class and ethnicity, 426

College football, 105 Colonialism, 219, 282, 492 Commitments, 170 Common folk, 240 Common sense, 14 Communication. See also Lan-

guage; Mass media body language, 119 cultural leveling, 65 with gestures, 46 Internet and, 504 new technology and, 62–63 nonmaterial culture, 62, 64

Communist Party, 212–213, 466 Community

in city, 481 Gemeinschaft communities, 460 rebuilding, through gentrifica-

tion, 475–476 Community college, 418–419 Computers

Big Brother, 211 international conflict and,

503–505 microchip technology, 496, 498 Stuxnet worm malware, 503, 504 technology of, 502–505

Concentration/internment camps, 93, 268, 282

Concentric-zone model, 477 Concrete operational stage, 77 Condemnation of the condemners,

172 Condom distribution, 462 Cone snail venom, 509 Conflict perspective

class conflict, 208–209 on education, 424–426 in families, 387 intergenerational competition,

339–340 marriage and, 387 on power elite, 360–361 on religion, 440 role conflict, 120, 121 social institutions, 109–111 on Social Security, 339–340

Conflict theory, 18–19, 209, 278–279, 496

Conformity, 157, 175 Conscience, 78 Conspicuous consumption, 365,

500 Contact theory, 272–273 Continued gains, 291–292 Continuity theory, 338 Contradictory class locations, 239 Control group, 30 Controlling information, 211 Control theory, 170 Conventional stage, 79 Convergence theory, 370–372 Core values, 56–57 Corporate culture. See also

Businesses diversity in, 149–150 ”hidden,” 149 self-fulfilling stereotypes, 148–149 as social invention, 496

Correlations, 31 Corridor curriculum in schools, 90 Co-sleeping, 397 Cosmology, 437 Cosmopolites, in cities, 481 Countercultures, 53, 57 Countries of origin, 286–287 Couples without children, 401–402 Creative aging, 342 Credential societies, 418 Crime

criminal justice system, 180–181 death penalty, 186–189 defined, 165 gender differences, 179 official crime statistics, 190–191 prisoner demographics, 182–184 recidivism rates, 185–186 repeat offenders, 184–185 social class and, 246 street crime, 167, 176–177, 182–183 vigilantes, 189–190 violent crime, 179, 185 white-collar crime, 178–179

Criminal justice system, 180–181 Criticism of elite, 211 Cuban origin (Cubanos), 286 Cultural capital, 420, 424 Cultural change, 64 Cultural diffusion, 64–65

Subject Index S-3

Cultural diversity, in U.S. Amish Gemeinschaft community,

113–114 job discrimination, 13 language controversy, 49 race and language, 50–51 Mexican immigrants, 89–90,

287–288 racial–ethnic mix, 298 religious ritual, 442–443 social mobility, 250 Tiger Woods’ heritage, 265–266

Cultural diversity, worldwide arranged marriages, 390 belief in ghosts, 43 Chinese capitalists, 371 ethnocentric reaction to food, 45 female circumcision, 314 female infanticide, 466–467 sexual deviance, 165 money in the afterlife, 43 lost tribes, 510–511 sworn virgins, 83–84 urbanization, 479–480

Cultural goals, 175 Cultural lag, 64, 497 Cultural leveling, 65 Cultural privilege, 286 Cultural relativism, 42, 43 Cultural relativity of morality, 79 Cultural transmission of values,

422–423 Cultural universal, 60–61 Culture. See also Symbolic culture

countercultures, 56 defined, 40–46 human behavior, 61–62 ideal culture, 60 introduction to, 39–40 material culture, 40, 62 new technology, 62–63 nonmaterial culture, 40, 62, 64 of poverty, 223, 257–260 real culture, 60 social structure, 106 sociobiology, 61–62 standards of beauty, 44 subcultures, 53–55, 169 within us, 41, 78 values in U.S. society, 56–60

Culture shock, 41 Culture wars, 60 Current losses, 292 Cyber age differential association,

169 Cyberespionage, 493 Cyberspace and social inequality,

505 Cyberwarfare/cyber defense,


D Dalit caste, 200 Date rape, 328 Daycare, 88–89, 395–396 Death/dying. See also Murder;

War afterlife beliefs, 43, 435, 440, 447 battlefield, 362 caste system and (India), 200

in childbirth, and race–ethnicity, 276

female infanticide, 467 gender discrimination, 315, 331 life course, 97 population growth and, 454–456,

465 poverty and, 223 of prisoners in North Korea, 268 religious ritual and, 435 as sanction, 53, 166, 169 at school, 21, 23, 433 shootings in Mexico, 189 slavery and, 199 social class and, 243 of spouse, 398

Death penalty, 186–189 Death squads, 217–218 Decline of the West, The (Spengler),

495 Deferred gratification, 257–259 Degradation ceremony, 93, 170, 171 Deindustrialization, 484 Delinquency, 167–168, 172–173, 190 Democracy, 351–352

defined, 352 direct, 352 overview of, 57 representative, 352 as social invention, 496

Democratic facade, 234 Democratic leader, 156 Democratic Party, 246, 355 Democratic socialism, 369 Demographic equation, 465 Demographic free fall, 457 Demographic transition, 455 Demographic variables in

population, 462–465 Denial of injury, 172 Denial of responsibility, 172 Denial of victim, 172 Dependent variable, 30 Deprived, the, in cities, 482 Desexualization, 126–127 Designer babies, 393–394 Deviance. See also Crime; Social

control biosocial explanations of, 167 competing explanations of,

167–168 control theory, 170 cultural diversity and, 165 defined, 164 differential association, 168–169 functionalist perspective, 175–180 humane approach to, 193 illegitimate opportunity

structures, 176–180 introduction to, 163–164 labeling theory, 172–174 medicalization of, 191–193 norms, 166 psychological explanations of, 167 reactions to, 181 as relative, 164–165 sanctions, 166 self-control, 170, 171 sexting, 182 shaming, 170–171

sociological explanations of, 168 stigma of, 164 strain theory, 175–176 street crime, 167, 176–177 symbolic interactionist perspec-

tive, 168–174 as threatening, 166

Dialectal process of history, 496 Dictatorships, 353 Differential association, 168–169 Diffusion

cultural diffusion, 64–65 inventions and, 497 in social change, 497

Diffusion of responsibility, 153, 482–483

DINKS (Dual Incomes, No Kids), 402

Direct democracy, 352 “Dirty work,” 279 Discovery, in social change, 497 Discrimination. See also Gender

inequality of Asian Americans, 293–294 Chinese discrimination, 294 Han/Uighur discrimination, 270 health care, 276 home mortgage discrimination,

275–276 individual, 275–276 institutional, 275–276 prejudice and, 270–276 unintentional, 276

Disengagement theory, 337 Disinvestment, 484 Distance learning, 502–503 Distorting lens, 60 Distribution of income, 231–233 Distribution of property, 231 Diversions, 173 Diversity. See also Cultural diver-

sity; Race–ethnicity Asian American, 294 in corporate culture, 149–150 in employment, 13 in family/families, 398–403 by IQ, 425, of Native Americans, 295 unequal funding in education, 425 virtual reality and, 149

Diversity training, 149–150 Divine right of kings, 210, 440 Division of labor, 112 Divorce

ex-spouses, 410 impact on children, 409–410 interracial marriage, 407–408 overview of, 406–410 race–ethnicity, 407–408 social class and, 244 symbolic interactionist perspec-

tive, 15–16, 408 ways of measuring, 406, 407

Dominant culture, 53, 269 Downward social mobility, 246 Dramaturgy, 119–124 Drones, 211, 504–505 Dump people, 220–221 Dyad, 151–152 Dynamics of poverty, 257–260

Dysfunctions bureaucracies, 147 deviance, 175 free trade, 372 functional analysis, 16–18, 20,

387 noninvolvement norm and,

481–482 nuclear family, 387 prejudice, 278 religion, 436 school curriculum, 90 social groups, 137, 139 social stratification, 208

E Early middle years, 96–97 Earth First!, 511–512 Ecclesia, 444 Economic assets, 460 Economic inequality, 364 Economic issues in politics, 246 Economic systems. See also

Capitalism/capitalist class; Socialism

biotech societies, 366 capitalism, 367–368 divisions of wealth and, 375–377 industrial societies, 365 postindustrial societies, 365–366 preindustrial societies, 364 socialism, 368–369 transformation of, 364–367

Economy defined, 364 Least Industrialized Nations, 506 postindustrial societies, 484

Eco-sabotage, 511–512 Edge cities, 474–475 Education

African Americans, 290 Asian Americans, 290, 294 cheating by teachers and

administrators, 431–432 class system, 212 computer impact on, 502–503 conflict perspective on, 424–426 distance learning, 502–503 in Egypt, 421–422 functionalist perspective, 422–424 gender inequality in, 319–321 global perspective, 417–422 hidden curriculum, 424–425 industrialization and, 418–419 in Industrializing Nations, 421 in Japan, 419–420 in Least Industrialized Nations,

421–422 mandatory laws, 418 mediocrity in, 429–431 in Most Industrialized Nations,

419–420 overview of, 57 poverty and, 254 private vs. public schools, 245 problems in U.S., 429–433 race–ethnicity, 290t in Russia, 421 self-expectations, 428–429 social class and, 244–245

S-4 Subject Index

Education (Continued) social integration in, 423 social inequality and, 424–426 symbolic interactionism, 426–429 teacher expectations, 427–428 violence in schools, 432–433 reform, 433 unequal funding for, 425

Efficiency, 57 Egalitarian patterns, 386 Ego, in personality, 78 Elderly. See also Age/aging

in mass media, 336–337 Native American traditions, 401 sandwich generation and, 406

Elites. See also Power elites maintenance of social stratifica-

tion, 210–211 Embezzlers, 167, 176 Emigrants, 464 Emotional overload, 387 Emotions, 79–81 Employment. See also Workers/

workforce discrimination in, 13

Empty nest, 398 Encryption technology, 211 Endogamy, 200, 383 Energy shortage, 509–510 “English immersion, no Spanish,”

288 “English-only” movement, 288 Enterprise zones, 485 Environment. See also Pollution

concerns over, 59 globalization of capitalism,

506–507 industrialization and, 507–510 introduction to, 489–490, 506 rain forests, 510–511 technology and, 513–514 toxic waste, 507–508

Environmental injustice, 511 Environmental movement, 511–512 Environmental sociology,

512–513 Episcopalians, 242 Equality, 57 Essay on the Principle of Population,

An (Malthus), 453 Estate stratification system, 203–204 Ethics

Milgram experiment, 158 in sociological research, 33–34

Ethnic groups, 269, 493 Ethnicity, 269–271, 482. See also

Race–ethnicity Ethnocentrism, 41–42, 45 Ethnomethodology, 124–125 European Americans, 284–285 European immigrants, 295, 296 European Union (EU), 158–159, 378 Everyday life

body language, 119 caste system, 200–201 common elements of, 434 deviance in, 164, 174 dramaturgy in, 119–124 labeling, 174 navigation of, 41

neutralization techniques, 172–173

poverty and, 480 race–ethnicity and, 283 religious guidelines for, 435 social interaction in, 114–117 social movements and, 490 status symbols, 107 stereotypes in, 114, 117 symbols in, 14 values of, 51

Exchange mobility, 247 Exogamy, 383, 387 Experiments. See also Research

methods; Sociological research

flow chart, 32 as research method, 30

Experimental group, 30 Expressive leader, 155 Extinction concerns, 506–507,

509–511 Exponential growth curve, 453 Ex-spouses, 410 Extended family, 383 Extinction concerns, 59 Eye contact, 119

F Facebook

analysis of documents and, 30 gender classifications, 309 ”skinny ideal and,” 122 small world phenomenon and,

142 social networking, 143

Face-recognition software, 211 Face-saving behavior, 123 Facial expressions, 79 False class consciousness, 205 Family/families. See also Child

rearing; Children/childhood; Divorce; Marriage

as agents of socialization, 87 blended families, 402 blue-collar families, 90 changing timetables, 404–405 child care, 389 child rearing, 394–398 cohabitation, 404, 405 conflict perspective, 387 couples without children,

401–402 defined, 383 designer babies, 393–394 diversity in, 398–403 education replacing functions

of, 424 family life, 244–245 family of orientation, 383 family of procreation, 383 functionalist perspective, 386–387 future of, 413 gay/lesbian families, 403 gender socialization, 82–84 global perspective, 383–386 impact of technology on, 500 introduction to, 382–383 sandwich generation/elder

care, 406

symbolic interactionist perspective, 388–389

transitions, 397–398 violence within, 411–412

Fatalism, 223 Fatherhood, 399 Favorable business climate, 225 Fecundity, 463 Federal Empowerment Zone, 485 Feeling rules, 79–80 Female circumcision, 314–315 Female infanticide, 467 Female status, 204 Femininity, 81, 84, 124, 309 Feminist groups, 169 Feminists/feminism. See also

Gender inequality; Women conflict theory and, 19 defined, 315 first wave, 316 rise of, 315–317 second wave, 316–317 third wave, 317

Feminist sociologists, 78 Feminization of poverty, 254 Feral children, 71 Fertility rates, 463 Fictive kin, 399 Financial success of Asian

Americans, 294 First world, 214 Fisher v. University of Texas (2013),

299 Fixed number of races, 266 Flying cars, 503 Folkways, 52–53 Food

biofoods, 458–459 culture of, 45 ethnocentric reaction to food,

45 genetically modified

organisms, 458–459 Least Industrialized Nations,

456 Food stamps, 241 Forced urbanization, 472 Foreign Miners Act (1850), 294 Foreman, Dave, 512 Formal operational stage, 77 Formal organizations.

See Bureaucracies Former Soviet Union, 212–213 Fossil fuels and climate change,

508 Freedom, value of, 57 Free trade, 372 Front stages, 120 F-35 Lightning II, 494 Fukushima nuclear disaster, 507 Functional analysis, 16–17 Functional illiteracy, 430 Functionalism, 16, 278 Functionalist perspective

deviance and, 175–180 on aging, 337–338 on education, 422–424 marriage and family, 386–387 pluralism, 359 on religion, 434–436

social institutions, 109–111 of social stratification, 207–208

Furman v. Georgia (1972), 188

G G7 (Group of 7), 492–494, 496 Gangs

Mafia gangs, 169 participant-observation of, 169 urban gangs, 177 youth gangs, 484

Gatekeeping, 423–424 Gaur, 506 Gay/lesbian families, 403 Gemeinschaft, 112–113, 460, 490–491 Gender. See also Feminists/

feminism; Masculinity; Men/ boys; Women

beauty/looks/appearance, 90, 91 crime, 179 cultural standards of, 306 death penalty and, 188 defined, 81, 305 emotional expressions, 79–80 masculinity, 81, 84 mass media and, 81, 85–87 murder crimes, 188–189 and pay, 322–325 peer groups, 90–91 politics and, 329 sociological research and, 32–33 sociological significance of,

305–306 standards of, 305 teaching (1940s/50s), 317 violence and, 327–329

Gender differences behavioral, 307 biological, 307–309 murder and, 328–329

Gendered division of labor, 389 Gender gap

in politics, 357–358 in social mobility, 249

Gender inequality. See also Gender in education, 319–321 in health care, 318–319 pay gap, 322–325 as social invention, 496 in U.S., 315–317 in workplace, 322–327

Gender map, 81 Gender messages, 82–84 Gender orientations, 388 Gender roles, 60, 305 Gender socialization, 321

defined, 81 family dynamics, 82–84 gender map, 81 gender messages, 82–84 glass ceiling, 326 global perspective, 312–315 hope for future, 330 mass media, 85–86 peer groups, 84–85 sexual harassment, 326–327 sworn virgins, 83–84

Gender status, 107 Gender stratification, 305 Gender tracking, 321

Subject Index S-5

Generalizability, 29 Generalized other, 75 Genetically modified organisms

(GMOs), 458–459 Genetic predisposition, 167 Genetics, 61–62 Genocide, 268, 295–296 Gentrification, 475–476 Geography and death penalty, 187 Geopolitics and social change,

492–494 Germany, 49, 511 Gesellschaft, 112–113, 490–491 Gestures, 46 Ghettos, 483 GIG (Global Information Grid), 504 Glass ceiling, 326 Global birth control, 462 Global dominion, 225 Global emotions, 79 Globalization of capitalism

defined, 35, 222 economic growth and, 506 effects on workers, 372 global superclass, 377 income inequality, 375–376 Mexican maquiladoras and,

222–223 New World Order, 377–378 sustainability and, 506–507 wage stagnation, 375

Global perspective aging in, 331–333 education, 417–422 gender inequality, 312–315 love and courtship, 389–391 marriage and family, 383–386 population growth, 453–468

Global pollution, 506 Global stratification

classification of, 218 colonialism and, 219 culture of poverty, 223 Industrializing Nations, 214,

217–218 introduction to, 213 Least Industrialized Nations,

214, 218 maintenance of, 224–225 Most Industrialized Nations,

214–216 multinational corporations,

224–225 neocolonialism, 224 social inequality, 213–214 strains in, 226 technology and global domin-

ion, 225 world system theory, 222

Global superclass, 204, 377 Global trade, 493 Global village, work in, 363–364,

366–367 Global warming, 508, 509 GMOs (genetically modified

organisms), 458–459 Goal-directed behavior, 49 Goal displacement, 146–147 God, 210. See also Religion Google, 211

Gossip and adolescent norms, 91 Government. See also Politics

democracies, 351–352 dictatorships, 353 oligarchies, 353 types of, 350–353 monarchies, 350–351 as state, 348

Grade inflation, 430 Graying of America, 333–335 Great Britain

social stratification in, 212 world system theory and, 222

Great Migration, The, 463–464 Green parties, 511 Greenpeace, 512 Group dynamics, 151–160

Asch experiment, 157 defined, 150 effects on stability and

intimacy, 151–152 group size and, 151–152 groupthink as consequence of,

158–160 Groups. See also Social

movements defined, 108–109, 135 dominant groups, 269 ethnic groups, 269, 493 feminist groups, 169 G7/G8, 496 in-groups, 138–139 intergroup relations, 281–283 minority groups, 269–270, 296 out-groups, 138–139 peer groups, 84–85, 90–92 periphery groups 222 racial groups, 269 primary, 135–137 reference, 139–140 secondary, 137–138 semiperiphery groups 222 social networks, 140–143 social structure, 108–109 superiority of, 57

Groupthink, 159–160 Growth rates, 465 Gynecological examinations,


H Hallucinogenic drugs, 165 Hard work, 57 Harlem, New York, 475–476 Health/health care. See also Life

expectancy costs for elderly and disabled, 341 discrimination, 276 gender inequality in, 318–319 hysterectomy controversy,

318–319 Least Industrialized Nations, 491 marriage benefits, 393f

Helicopter parenting, 396 Heredity vs. environment, 70–71,

278 Hidden corporate culture, 149 Hidden curriculum, 90, 424–425 Highest-paid CEOs, 232

High-school dropouts, 241–242 Hindus/Hinduism, 388 HIV. See AIDS/HIV Holographic decoys, 504 Homeless. See also Poverty

author experiences with, 229, 258 human ecology and, 477 India, 219 industrialization and, 242 lack of sympathy for, 242 macrosociology and, 104 mental illness and, 192–193 public sociology and, 485 social class and, 205, 217, 230, 242 as status consistent, 236

Home mortgage discrimination, 275–276

Homogamy, 391 Homophobia, 309 Homosexuals

children of, 84 Facebook classifications, 309 Nazi slaughter of, 268 sexual assault, 412 ”tearoom” interactions, 34

Hong Kong-Shenzhen-Guang- zhou, in China, 473

Honor killings, 169, 313 Hopelessness, 260 Horatio Alger myth, 259–260 Household, 383 Housework, 388 Human ability, 498–499 Human behavior

culture of, 61–62 goal-directed behavior, 49 patterns of, 40 problem behaviors, 191

Humane approach to deviance, 193 Human ecology, 477 Human sexuality, 165 Human variety, 265 Humphreys research, 34 Hunkpapa Sioux, 296 Hunting and gathering societies,

364 Hustler role model, 177 Hybrid seeds, 455 Hypothesis, 22 Hysterectomy, 318–319

I Id, 78 Ideal culture, 60 Identical twin studies, 70–71,

126, 278 Identity. See also Self, the

adolescence, 95–96 military identity, 93–94 Native Americans, 297 personal identity kit, 93 race–ethnicity, 270

Ideology capitalist, 209 changes in, 499–500 defined, 199, 210 elitist, 210, 234 Islamist, 210, 363 socialist, 209, 213, 369

Igbo in Nigeria, 493 Illegal immigration, 464 Illegal squatter settlements, 479–480 Illegitimate opportunity structures,

176–180 Illiteracy

female statistics of, 204 in Industrializing Nations, 217 social stratification, 198 voting rights, 290

Imitation stage, 75 Immigrants/immigration

children of, 89–90 controversy over, 297–299 cultural diversity, 89–90 European immigrants, 295, 296 The Great Migration, 463–464 illegal immigration, 464 migration rates, 463–465, 479 Protestant English immigrants,

285 unauthorized immigrants,

287–288 Implicit Association Test, 275 Impression management, 123, 124 Incest, 412 Incest taboos, 61, 383, 387 Inclusion, 423 Income. See also Money; Poverty

American Dream, 248 DINKS, 402 distribution of, 231–233 inequality of, 375–377 Most Industrialized Nations, 217 prestige and, 206, 235–236 wealth vs., 230–231, 243

Indentured service, 199 Independent variable, 30 India

affirmative action, 201 arranged marriages, 390 caste system, 200–201 exports, 225 homelessness, 219 women at work in, 310–311

Indian removal, 296 Individual discrimination, 275–276 Individualism, 57 Individualization, 98 Industrialization

education and, 418–419 environment and, 507–510 evolution and, 495 graying of globe and, 332–333 overview of, 214 perception of children

and, 95 population demographics and,

467 social structure, 113

Industrializing nations, 214, 217–218

education in, 421 environmental problems for,

507–508 Industrial Revolution

city development and, 472 overview of, 95 social change and, 490–492

Industrial societies, 365

S-6 Subject Index

Inequality. See Economic inequal- ity; Gender inequality; Social inequality

Infanticide, 466–467 Infant mortality, 79 Infant-mother bonding, 73–74 Infertility, 401–402 Information age, 365–366 Infrastructure, 472 In-groups, 138–139 Inheritable slavery, 199 Inheritance rights, 386 Initiation rites, 95 Inner circle, 137–138 Inner cities

African American upward mobility and, 292, 475–476

dominant norms for skin color in, 275

hidden curriculum and, 426 illegitimate opportunity

structure, 177 in Least Industrialized Nations,

479 poverty and, 252, 292 suburbanization and, 483 technology and, 505 underclass, 242 urbanization and, 479 urban revolts in, 291

Inner controls, 170 Innovators, 175 Institutional discrimination,

275–276 Institutionalized children, 72–73 Institutionalized means, 175 Instrumental leader, 155 Intelligence quotient (IQ), 72–73 Interaction styles, 174 Intergenerational mobility, 246 Intergroup relations, 281–283 Internal combustion engines,

509–510 Internet

body ideal, 122 Chinese control of, 211 communication via, 504 daycare and, 395 Gesellschaft society and, 113 Global Information Grid, 504 libraries online, 505 as new technology, 62, 502 online dating, 386 sociology and, 265 stratification and, 197

Interracial marriage, 391–392, 407–408

Intimacy rape, 412 Intimate distance, 118 Intimate physical contact, 74 Invasion-succession model, 478 Inventions

automobile, 500 defined, 496 diffusion and, 497 master status through, 107 material inventions, 496 microchip, 490 of nouveau riche, 240 plow, 471

social inventions, 95, 496 steam engine, 490

Interviewer bias, 27 Invisible minority, 296 Involvements, 170 IQ (intelligence quotient), 425 Iraq, 472 Iron law of oligarchy, 138 Iroquois people, 295 Islam, 443 Islamic fundamentalism, 112 Islamic State (ISIS), 496 Isolated children, 71–72 Isolationism, 387 IUD distribution, 462, 466

J Japan

fatalism, 223 population shrinkage, 457

Japan-centered East, 492 Japanese Americans, 294 Jati subcastes, 200 Jerico, 471 Jim Crow laws, 290 Joblessness, 260

K Killing and manhood, 169 KKK (Ku Klux Klan), 274, 277 Knights Templar, 190 Kuwait, 218, 219

L Labeling

delinquency, 167–168, 172–173, 190

deviance, 172–174 everyday life, 174 genocide, 295–296 prejudice and, 279 self-labels, 50–51

Labeling theory, 172–174 Laissez-faire capitalism, 367 Laissez-faire leader, 156 Language

body language, 119 cultural diversity, 49 ”English immersion, no Span-

ish,” 288 ”English-only” movement, 288 goal-directed behavior, 49 perception and, 50 race and, 49–51 Spanish language, 50 as symbolic culture, 47–51

Latent dysfunctions, 17 Latent functions, 16–17, 89, 422 Later middle years, 96–97 Latin Americans (Latinos). See

also Race–ethnicity culture of, 51 death penalty, 188 families, 400 home mortgage discrimination,

275–276 participant-observation of

gangs, 169 poverty and, 255

race–ethnicity overview, 286–290

Leaders. See also Authority; Poli- tics; Power

charismatic, 349–350, 443 defined, 155 expressive, 155 instrumental, 155 Pakistani leaders, 210

Leadership, 155–157. See also Leaders

Least Industrialized Nations advanced technology and, 505 child labor, 95 colonialism, 219, 282 demand to redistribute power,

496 demographic transitions, 455, 456 dump people, 220–221 economic growth, 506 education in, 421–422 food supply increases, 456 global birth control, 462 global stratification, 213–214, 218 income, 215f–216f life expectancy, 214 medicine exports to, 491 migration from, 464 natural resources in, 219 neocolonialism, 224 new technologies, 225 pollution in, 513 population in, 460–461, 491 poverty in, 223 power elites in, 225 power redistribution, 496 standard of living, 217 urbanization in, 479–480

Legitimate violence, authority and, 347–348

Leisure value, 58 LiDar (Light detection and

ranging), 489–490 Life course

adolescence, 95–96 childhood and, 94–95 middle years, 96–97 older years, 97 socialization through, 94–98 social location, 94–95, 98, 242 sociological perspective on, 98 transitional adulthood, 96

Life expectancy defined, 333 global perspective, 334 health care and, 276 Least Industrialized Nations, 214 of minorities, 296 stratification impact on, 217 in United States, 197, 333–334 wealth impact on, 243

Life span, 332–333 Livability, 485 Loading the dice (in research),

26–27 Lobbyists, 358–359 Looking-glass self, 74–75 Looks. See Beauty/looks/

appearance Lottery winners, 237–238

Love, symbolic interactionism and, 16

Love and courtship, 389–391 Lower-middle class, 241 Low-rent areas, 481 Lumpenproletariat, 205

M Machismo, 400 Macro-level analysis, 19–20 Macrosociology, 103, 104–114,

127–128 Madagascar, 511 Mafia gangs, 169 Maladjusted individuals, 78 Maldives, 509 Male dominance, 85 Malnutrition concerns, 460 Malthus theorem, 453 Managers, 239 Mandatory education laws, 418 Manhood and killing, 169 Manifest functions, 16, 89, 422 Manner, 123 Maquiladoras of Mexico, 222–223,

225 Marital rape, 412 Market forces, 368 Marriage. See also Divorce

arranged marriages, 390 changing timetables, 404–405 childbirth, 392–394 cohabitation vs., 404, 405 conflict perspective, 387 cultural themes, 385 defined, 384 functionalist perspective, 386–387 future of, 413 global perspective, 383–386 health benefits, 393f Hindu marriages, 388 interracial, 391–392, 407–408 introduction to, 382–383 love and courtship, 389–391 online dating and, 385–386 overview of, 391–392 power in, 387 race–ethnicity and, 391 remarriage, 410 same-sex, 383, 403 satisfaction after childbirth, 394 social class and, 244, 391 spouse battering, 411 success in, 412–413 symbolic interactionism, 15–16,

388–389 Marriage squeeze, 399 Marxism

functionalist argument, 209 impact of technology, 499–500 social class, 106, 212, 238–239,

238f, 259 Masculinity. See also Men/boys

in gangs, 169 gender behavior and, 81, 84 murder and, 85 neo-Nazi skinheads, 272 stereotypes, 124

Mass extinction, 509

Subject Index S-7

Mass media body image and, 122 gender and, 81, 85–87 influence on aging, 336–337 marriage/divorce odds, 406, 413 prejudice and, 278 romantic love, 57 social institutions, 109 success portrayal, 60

Mass murderers, 187 Master status, 107, 164, 305 Material comfort, 57 Material culture, 40, 62 Material inventions, 496 Mate selection, 244, 384, 386, 390 Matriarchy, 386 Matrilineal system, 386 Maximum-security society, 150–151 McDonaldization of society,

145–146, 389 McDonald’s, income of workers

vs. owners, 230 Means of production, 205–206 Mechanical solidarity, 111–112 Medicalization of deviance,

191–193 Medicine. See Health/health care Medicare, 339–341 Medicine Tree, 511–512 Medieval cities, 479 Mediocrity in education

cheating educators, 431–432 functional illiteracy, 430 grade inflation, 430 overcoming, 431 rising tide of, 429–430 SATs, 430 social promotion, 430

Megacities, 473 Megalopolis, 473 Megaregions (endless cities), 473 Men/boys. See also Gender;

Masculinity affirmative action for, 320–321 dominant culture, 53, 269 education gap, 320–321 fatherhood, 399 initiation rites, 95 machismo, 400 military identity, 93–94 patriarchy, 312–313, 386 sworn virgins, 83–84

Mental health/illness Alzheimer’s disease, 497 deviance and, 191–193 divorce impact, 409–410 social class and, 243–244

Meritocracy, 207 Metropolis, 472–473 Metropolitan statistical areas

(MSAs), 474 Mexican origin (Mexicanos), 286 Mexico

California megalopolis, 473 children of slaves, 199 crime/corruption, 189–190 gestures, 46 globalization and, 222–223 human sexuality, 165 illegal travel, 287–288

industrialization in, 462 Latinos in, 286–287 maquiladoras, 222–223, 225 marriage and family, 382, 383 migration from, 49 population pyramids and, 462 prejudice in, 270 racial–ethnic relations, 283 Roman Catholic immigrants

from, 60 vigilantes, 189–190

Microchip technology, 496, 498 Micro-level analysis, 19–20 Microsociology, 103, 114–119,

127–128 Middle class, 244, 396, 398–399 Middle years life course, 96–97 Migration rates, 463–465, 479 Milgram experiment, 158–159 Military. See also War

body language, 119 identity in, 93–94 Stuxnet worm malware, 503–504

Minority groups. See also Race– ethnicity; specific groups

defined, 312 overview, 269–270, 296 race–ethnicity, 269–270 women as, 312–315

Missile interceptors, 494 Misunderstanding gestures, 46–47 Misuse of statistics, 408 MNCs (multinational corpora-

tions), 224–225, 506 Models of urban growth, 477–480 Modernization, 441, 491 Monarchies, 350–351 Money. See also Income

in the afterlife, 43 old money, 240 property and social class,

230–234 wealth, 230–231, 243

Mongolia, 502 Monkey interaction, 74 Monsanto, 458 Moral holidays, 51–52 Morality

amoral stage, 78 in child rearing, 95 cultural relativity of, 79 culture and, 40–41 designer babies, 393–394 development of, 78–79 science and, 447

Mores, 52–53 Mortality rates, 463 Most Industrialized Nations

colonialism, 282 demographic transition, 455 economy and environment, 506 education in, 419–420 global dominance, 461–462 global stratification and,

214–216, 218, 225 income levels, 217 multinational corporations,

224–225 natural resources of, 219 politics and, 223

pollution by, 507, 509 population in, 460–461 slums in, 217–218

Motherhood infant-mother bonding, 73–74 single mothers, 246, 254, 294,

395, 396 Mountain bongo, 506 Movies and gender, 85 Moyers, Bill, 278 MQ-9 Reaper drone, 505 MSAs (metropolitan statistical

areas), 474 Muggings, 484 Multiculturalism, 300 Multilinear views on evolution, 495 Multinational corporations

(MNCs) capitalism and, 506 global stratification, 224–225

Multiple-nuclei model, 478 Mundugumors of New Guinea, 61 Murder. See also Genocide;

Terrorism deviance and, 164, 191 frontier justice, 468 gangs, 169 gender differences, 188–189,

328–329 of lottery winners, 238 masculinity and, 85 road rage and, 480 serial murders, 187 slavery and, 198 social structure and, 128, 218 statistics on, 179, 202 street crimes, 246 sworn virgins and, 83 violent crimes and, 185

Muslims. See Arabs and Islam entries

Myth in culture, 61, 180, 271, 413 about feral children, 71 fixed races, 266 Horatio Alger myth, 257, 259 of mental illness, 191 perceptions of past, 389 plausibility of, 274 of poverty, 253 pure races, 265 race–ethnicity and, 265–268 racial superiority, 267

N NAACP (National Association

for the Advancement of Col- ored People), 11, 51, 290

NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement), 378

Nakedness, 165 Nannies, 395 National Fertility Day, 465 National Survey of Children’s

Health, 403 Native Americans

casinos and, 296–297 culture of, 51 as descendants, 266, 270 enslavement of, 199

families, 401 genocide against, 281, 295 identity with heritage, 271 intergroup relations, 281 as invisible minority, 296 overview of, 295–297 prejudice against, 270 racial–ethnic relations, 283, 286,

399–400, 399f relocation of, 282 same-sex marriages, 384

NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization), 494

Natural disaster, 129–130 Naturalization Act (1790), 285 Natural resources, 219, 456, 493,

512 Nature vs. nurture, 70–71 Nayar of Malabar, 383 Nazis

impact on technology, 497 prejudice of, 277–278 slaughter of homosexuals, 268

Negative sanctions, 51–52, 166 Neighborhood and socialization,

87–88 Neocolonialism, 224 Neo-Nazis, 274 Net migration rates, 464 Neutralization techniques, 172–174 New Malthusians, 453–457 New technology. See also Com-

puters; Technology automobile technology, 500–502 communication and, 62–63 designer babies, 393–394 drones, 211, 504–505 global stratification, 225 Internet as, 62, 502 Least Industrialized Nations, 225

New World Order, 35, 377–378, 493 Nigeria, 493 9/11. See September 11, 2001 attack Nobility, 203 Nonindustrialized nations, 492 Nonmaterial culture, 40, 62, 64 Nonverbal interaction, 20 Norms

adolescent norms, 91 among peer groups, 90–92 deviance and, 166, 175 functions of, 51–52, 166 moral holidays, 51–52 of noninvolvement, 482–483 symbolic culture, 51–52

North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), 222

North American sociology, 46, 51 North Atlantic Treaty Organiza-

tion (NATO), 494 Nouveau riche, 240 Nuclear family, 383 Nuclear power, 497, 507 Nuclear weapons, 222, 493–494,

496, 504, 512

O Objectivity, 27 Offensive gestures, 46–47 Official crime statistics, 190–191

S-8 Subject Index

Oil, conflicts over, 492 Oil-rich nations, 216, 218, 222,

224, 463 Older years life course, 97 Old money, 240 Old Order Amish, 113–114 Old Testament, 198 Oligarchies, 137, 353 “One-couple, one-child” policy, 466 One-parent families, 395, 401 Online dating, 385–386 Onondaga tribe, 296 Open-ended questions, 27–28 Operational definitions, 22 Oppression, 180–181 Organic solidarity, 111–112 Orphanage experiments, 72–73 Outer controls, 170 Out-groups, 138–139 Outlaw bikers, 173 Oxygen suckers, 504

P Pacific Rim nations, 225 PACS (Political action committees),

359 Pakistan, 210, 496 Paralympics, 497 Parenthood. See also Children/

childhood; Family/families child rearing, 394–398 co-sleeping, 397 gender messages, 82 helicopter parenting, 396 same sex parents, 84 single fathers, 395 single mothers, 246, 254, 294,

395, 396 symbolic interactionism and, 16 working-class parents, 87

Paris Accord, 493 Participant observation (field-

work), 28–29 community in the city, 481 deviance, 169, 173 dominant norms, 275 gangs, 177 racism, 274

Pastoral and horticultural societies, 364

Patriarchy, 312–313, 386 Patterns of behavior, 7–8, 40 Pay gap, 322–325

CEO power gap, 325–326 by education, 323 geographical factors, 322 history of, 322 reasons for, 324 testosterone bonus”, 322–324

Pearl Harbor attack (1941), 294 Peer groups, 84–85, 90–92 Peer pressure, 157 Peripheral model, 479 Periphery group, 222 Personal distance, 118 Personal identity kit, 93 Personality development, 77–78 Personality disorders, 167 Personal space, 118–119 Petty bourgeoisie, 239

PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) encryp- tion, 211

Philanthropy, 240 Physical fitness value, 59 Physical health, 243 Piaget, Jean, 76–77 Play, 76, 82–83, 87 Plessy v. Ferguson (1896), 290 Pluralism, 56, 359 Pokot people, 165 Poland, 494 Police: militarization of, 260 Police discretion, 190–191 Political action committees, 359 Political parties

Communist Party, 212–213, 466 Democrats, 246, 354 green parties, 511 Republicans, 245, 354 U.S. map, 354

Political stability, 225 Politics. See also Government;

United States political system Asian Americans, 294 cyberespionage, 493 economic issues in, 246 geopolitics and social change,

492–494 gender and, 329, 357–358 G7 (Group of 7), 492–494, 496 Latin Americans in, 289 lobbying, 358–359 macropolitics/micropolitics, 283 Most Industrialized Nations, 223 parties and elections, 353 polling and predictions, 354–355 power, authority, and violence,

347–350 radical politics, 237 social class and, 242, 245–246 social issues in, 246 terrorism and, 362–363 third parties, 355 U.S., 353–359 war and, 361–362

Pollution. See also Environment acid rain, 508 by China, 507–508 global pollution, 506 Least Industrialized

Nations, 513 Most Industrialized Nations,

507, 509 ritual pollution, 200

Polyandry, 383 Polygyny, 383 Population. See also Urbanization

Anti-Malthusians, 455–457 biofoods, 458–459 demographic variables in,

462–465 global perspective, 453–468 growth of, 460–468 introduction to, 452–453 Least Industrialized Nations,

460–461 Malthus theorem, 453 Most Industrialized Nations,

460–461 New Malthusians, 453–455

rapid population growth, 461–462

starvation, 457–459 Population pyramids, 462 Population shrinkage, 457 Positive sanctions, 51–52, 166 Postconventional stage, 79 Postindustrial economy, 484 Positivism, 5 Postindustrial societies, 365–366 Postmodern society, 499 Poverty. See also Homeless;

Income; Social class African Americans, 253, 255, 399 age and trends in, 341 author’s experience with, 258 births/birthrates and, 256 children and, 255–256 culture of poverty, 223, 257–260 deferred gratification, 257–259 dynamics vs. culture of, 257–260 feminization of, 254 Horatio Alger myth, 259–260 individual characteristics, 257 inner city, 104, 177, 242, 275,

292, 475, 479, 505 introduction to, 251 joblessness, 260 Least Industrialized Nations,

214, 218, 223 one-parent families, 401 overview of, 253–255 personal journey of, 258 reality check, 252–253 social class and, 251–256 starvation, 457–459

Poverty line, 251–252 Poverty trigger, 257 Power. See also Authority; Lead-

ers; Leadership defined, 347 geopolitics and social change,

492–494 male dominance, 85 in marriage, 387 of slaves, 199 in social class, 206, 234–235, 240 in U.S., 359–361

Power elite conflict perspective on, 360–361 defined, 234–235, 360 as global superclass, 377 information control by, 211 political stability, 225 social class and, 230 social reform and, 12 social stratification and, 210, 226 threat to, 181 workers and, 279

Practicality, 57 Preconventional stage, 78–79 Predator drones, 504–505 Predictability and deviance, 166 Preindustrial societies, 364 Prejudice

associations with others, 272 contact theory, 272–273 defined, 272 discrimination vs., 272–276 dominant mind, 275

labels and, 279 learning prejudice, 270–275 nature of, 273–274 psychological perspectives, 277 sociological perspectives,

278–280 theories of, 276–279

Preoperational stage, 77 Prestige, 206, 235–236 Primary groups, 135–137 Primary sex characteristics, 305 Primogeniture, 203 Prisoner demographics, 182–184 Private schools, 245 Problem behaviors, 191 Procedures, 498 Profane, 434 Professional degrees, gender

changes, 321 Profiteering, 165 Proletariat (workers), 6, 18, 205 Promotions at work, 123, 124 Propaganda, 370 Property and social class, 230–234 Propinquity (spatial nearness), 391 Proposition 209 (California), 299 Protestant English immigrants, 285 Protestant ethic (Protestantism),

8, 441 Protestant Reformation, 491 Psychoanalysis, 78 Psychological explanations of

deviance, 167 Psychology, 167–168 Psychotherapy experiences, 92 Public distance, 119 Public schools, 245 Public sociology, 12–13, 485 Puerto Rico (Puertoricanos), 286 Pure races myth, 265 Pygmies, 280 Pyrotechnic electromagnetic

pulsers, 504

Q Qur’an (Koran), 198

R Race

defined, 265 voting and, in U.S., 357–358

Race–ethnicity African Americans, 290–293 Asian Americans, 293–294 cultural diversity, 49–51 cultural privilege, 286 death penalty, 188–189 divorce and, 407–408 education, 290t ethnic groups, 269 European Americans, 284–285 fixed number of races, 266 future concerns, 297–300 global rivalry, 493 identity of, 270 immigration controversy, 297–299 intergroup relations, 281–283 introduction to, 264–265 Latinos, 286–290

Subject Index S-9

marriage and, 391 minority groups, 269–270 multiculturalism, 300 Native Americans, 283, 286,

399–400 poverty and, 254–255 prejudice and discrimination,

270–280 reality vs. myth, 265–268 religion and, 445–446 self-fulfilling stereotypes, 279–280 social class and, 292–293, 426 in U.S., 283–299

Racial groups, 269 Racial superiority myth, 267–268 Racism

defined, 272 as everyday burden, 293 reduction in, 300 sociology and, 10–11

Racist Mind, The (Ezekiel), 274 Rader, Dennis, 187 Radical environmentalists, 512 Radical politics, 237 Rainforest Action Network, 512 Rain forests, 510–511 Random sample, 25 Rape

date, 328 death penalty, 188 forcible, 327 homosexual rape, 187 intimacy rape, 412 marital rape, 412 racial caste system, 202–203 repeat offenders, 184 by serial killers, 187

Rapid population growth, 461–462 Rapport, 28 Rational–legal authority, 349 Reagan, Ronald, 206 Real culture, 60 Reality, social construction of,

125–127 Reasoning development, 76–77 Rebellion, 176 Recidivism rates, 185–186 Reckless, Walter, 170 Redlining, 484 Red tape, 147 Reference groups, 139–140 Reform party, 355 Relationships, 80, 501. See also

Human behavior; Marriage Relativity of deviance, 164–165 Reliability, 23 Religion. See also Christianity/

Christians; Islam entries; Roman Catholic Church; and entries for individual religions

beliefs, 437 Buddhists/Buddhism, 547–548 capitalism and, 8, 440–441 conflict perspective on, 440 defined, 434 dysfunctions, 436 elements of, 434 functionalist perspective on,

434–436 functions, 434–436

future of, 447–448 Hindus/Hinduism, 388 as “opium of the people,” 440 race–ethnicity and, 445–446 rituals, 437–439 sacred and profane, 434 social change and, 436 social class and, 245, 445 social control and, 435 social inequality and, 440 socialization and, 88 symbolic interactionist perspec-

tive on, 436–439 technology’s impact on, 448 in U.S., 445–447

Religiosity, 57 Religious experience, 437 Religious groups

church, 444 cult, 442–444 diversity and, 446 Ecclesia, 444 electronic church, 447 pluralism and freedom, 446–447 sect, 444 toleration, 447

Religious symbols, 436–437 Remarriage, 410 Repeat offenders, 184–185 Representative democracy, 352 Republican Party, 245, 354–355 Research

social reform vs., 35 theory and, 20

Research methods (designs). See also Sociological research

analysis of documents, 30 case studies, 29 experiments, 30 loading the dice, 26–27 participant observation, 28–29 secondary analysis, 30 surveys, 25–28 unobtrusive measures, 31–32

Research model, 21–24 Reservations for Native Americans,

296 Reserve labor force, 279 Resocialization, 92–94 Resources

Africa, 494 limited, 226, 485 natural, 219, 456, 493, 512 scarcity of, 208–209, 279, 399

Respondents, 26 Retreatism, 176 Revolutions. See also Industrial

Revolution agricultural, 490–491 American, 57, 351–352 political, 5, 462 rebellion and, 176 Russian, 212, 421 sexual, 392 social, 490 workers’, 6, 205, 209, 500

Ridicule and adolescent norms, 91 Right of first strike, 494 Rights of inheritance, 386 Right to vote, 290

Rising expectations, 291 Rist research, 426–427 Ritualism, 175 Rituals, 437–439 Ritual pollution, 200 Road rage, 480 Rogue nations, 494 Role conflict, 120, 121 Role confusion, 387 Role performance, 120 Roles

becoming roles, 123 defined, 108 gender roles, 60 hustler role model, 177 taking role of the other, 75

Role strain, 120, 121 Role taking, 75–76 Roman Catholic Church, 441

belief system, 8 Confesor Go app, 448 estate system, 203–204 Latin Americans, 400

Romania, 73, 494 Romantic love, 57, 389, 391 Rome, Italy, 472 Roughnecks, the, 174 Routinization of charisma, 350 Ruckus Society, 512 Ruling class, 360 Ruling Class, The (Mosca), 208 Runaway inflation, 278 Rural poverty, 251–253 Russia

assimilationism, 283 capitalism/capitalist class, 213 Cold War, 493 geopolitics and, 492–493 population in, 282 right of first strike, 494

Russian Revolution, 212 Rwanda, 268, 281, 493

S Sacred, 434 Saints, 174, 193 Same-sex marriages, 383, 403 Same sex parents, 84 Sample, 25 Sanctions, 51–52, 166 Sanctuary cities, 287 Santeria, 443 Sapir-Whorf hypothesis, 50 SAT scores, 430 Saudi Arabia, 178, 219, 224 Scale, 485 Scapegoat, 277 Scarce resources, 208–209,

279, 399 Scarlett Letter, The (Hawthorne), 170 Scenery, 121 Schools. See also College; Education

corridor curriculum in, 90 high-school dropouts, 241–242 private schools, 245 private vs. public, 245 replacing family functions, 424 socialization in, 89–90 violence in, 432–433

Science defined, 5 tradition vs., 5 value of, 57

Scientific method, 5 Sea Shepherds, 512 Secondary analysis, 30 Secondary groups

voluntary associations, 137 inner circle, 137–138 iron law of oligarchy, 138

Secondary sex characteristics, 305 Second world, 214 Sector model, 478 Self, the. See also Identity

concept of, 172–173 defined, 74–75 labeling, 50–51 mind and, 74–77 as object, 76 as subject, 76

Self-construction, 98 Self-control, 170, 171 Self-driving electric vehicles, 510 Self-fulfilling prophecies, 117,

408, 427 Self-fulfilling stereotypes,

148–149, 279–280 Self-fulfillment value, 59 Self-labels, 50–51 Semiperiphery group, 222 Sensorimotor stage, 76 Separatism, 296 September 11, 2001 attack, 139,

160, 211, 224 Serfs, 203 Serial killers, 186–187 Serial murder, 187 Setting and feeling rules, 80 Sex

defined, 305 desexualization, 126–127 human sexuality, 165 interaction in “tearooms,” 34

Sexism early sociology and, 9–10 hysterectomy surgeries and,

318–319 population growth and, 466–467

Sex offenders, 182 Sex-selection abortions, 466–467 Sexting, 182 Sexual harassment, 326–327 Shaming, 170–171 Shared past/future, 48 Shared perspectives, 48 Sick Societies (Edgerton), 45 Signal encryption, 211 Significant other, 75 Sign-vehicles, 121–123 Silent Circle encryption, 211 Single fathers, 395 Single mothers, 246, 254, 294,

395, 396 Singles, in cities, 481 Single women and poverty, 256 Sinkyone Indians, 511–512 Skills, 498 Slavery

bonded labor, 199

S-10 Subject Index

Slavery (Continued) causes of, 198 class divisions, 250 conditions of, 199 current trends, 200 defined, 198 ideology in New World, 199–200

Slums, 217–218, 481. See also Inner cities

Small world phenomenon, 142 Smiling, 119 SNAP (Supplemental Nutritional

Assistance Program), 241 Social change

aging, 335–336 capitalism and, 491–492 defined, 490 deviance and, 175 evolutionary theories of, 495 four social revolutions, 490 geopolitics and, 492–494 Industrial Revolution and,

490–492 introduction to, 489–490 masculinities/femininities,

305, 309 natural cycles of, 495 religion and, 436 social movements and, 492 theories and processes, 494–498

Social class beauty/looks/appearance, 250 child rearing, 396 consequences of, 242–246 death penalty and, 188 defined, 230 deviance and, 174 example of, 127–128 family life, 244–245 feeling rules, 80 gentrification impact, 476 introduction to, 229–230 lottery winners, 237–238 lower-middle class, 241 marriage and, 244, 391 means of production, 205–206 mental health, 243–244 middle-class Americans, 244 physical health, 243 play and, 87 politics and, 242, 245–246 poverty and, 251–256 power in, 206, 234–235, 240 prestige, 235–236 property, 230–234 race–ethnicity and, 292–293, 426 religion and, 445 social mobility, 246–250 social structure, 106 sociological models of, 238–242 super-rich, 233–234 testosterone levels and, 308 three-tier society, 260 type of work and, 87 underclass, 242 United States, 239–242 upper-middle class, 240–241 working class, 241 working poor, 241–242

Social construction of reality, 125–127

Social control. See also Deviance control theory, 170 criminal justice system, 180–181 defined, 166 introduction to, 163–164 symbolic interactionism, 168–174 religion and, 435 traditional bases of, 480

Social Darwinism, 6 Social distance, 119 Social environment, 70 Social experiences, 192 Social genomics, 62 Social inequality, 364

cyberspace and, 505 in education, 424–426 global stratification, 213–214 overview of, 86 religion and, 440 social networks and, 143

Social institutions, 109–111 Social integration

defined, 7, 111 in education, 423 voting patterns and, 356–357

Social interaction body language, 119 defined, 19 eye contact, 119 microsociology of, 103, 114–119 overview of, 72, 103 personal space, 118–119 in politics, 246 smiling, 119 stereotypes, 114–117

Social inventions adolescence and, 95 bureaucracies, 496 capitalism, 491–492, 496 citizenship, 496 corporate culture, 496

Socialism convergence with capitalism,

370–371 criticisms of, 369–370 defined, 368 ideology of, 213, 369 overview, 368–369 self and mind, 76 as social invention, 496

Socialization agents of, 86–92 of children, 70–73 defined, 74 emotions and, 79–81 gender, 81–86, 321 introduction to, 69–70 looking-glass self, 74–75 morality development, 78–79 personality development, 77–78 prisoners of, 98 reasoning development, 76–77 resocialization, 92–94 role taking, 75–76 self and mind, 74–77 social mirror, 81 through life course, 94–98

Social justice, 485 Social location

defined, 3

life course and, 94–95, 98, 242 maquiladoras and, 223 race–ethnicity and, 267 social class and, 106, 205 social structure and, 104 symbolic interactionism, 185

Social media. See also Facebook global stratification and, 204

Social mirror, 81 Social mobility

African Americans, 250 American Dream, 247–248 global stratification, 204 pain of, 249 social class, 246–250 types of, 246–247 women and, 248–249

Social movements, 492 Social networks

as career aid, 141 defined, 140 social inequality and, 143 small world phenomenon, 142 unintentional barriers, 142–143

Social order, 166 Social past/future, 48 Social placement, 423 Social policy, 483–485 Social promotion, 430 Social reform, 11–12, 35 Social Security, 339–340 Social Security taxes, 234 Social setting, 121 Social status

achieved status, 107 ascribed status, 106–107 college football and, 105 inconsistency in, 107–108 master status, 107 social structure, 106–108 status sets, 106

Social stratification caste system, 200–203 class conflict, 208–209 class system, 204 defined, 197–198 dysfunctional nature of, 208 elite maintenance of, 210–211 estate stratification, 203–204 female status and, 204 former Soviet Union, 212–213 functionalist view of, 207–208 global stratification, 213–218 global superclass, 204 Great Britain, 212 slavery, 198–200 soft control vs. force, 210–211 universal nature of, 206–209

Social structure changes in, 111–113 college football as, 105 components of, 105–109 cultural diversity, 113–114 culture, 106 defined, 104 dramaturgy, 119–124 ethnomethodology, 124–125 groups, 108–109 macrosociology, 103–114,


microsociology, 103–119, 127–128

poverty and, 257 roles, 108 social class, 106 social construction of reality,

125–127 social status, 106–108 sociological significance,

104–114 Social unity and deviance, 175 Societies

biotech, 366 defined, 3 groups within, 135–138 humanity and, 74 industrial, 365 postindustrial, 365–366 preindustrial, 364

Society maximum-security, 150 McDonaldization of, 145–146

Sociobiology, 61–62 Socioemotional leader, 155 Sociological analysis, 103–109 Sociological explanations of

deviance, 168 Sociological imagination, 40 Sociological models of social

class, 238–242 Sociological perspective

broader social context, 3–4 defined, 3 global context, 4

Sociological research. See also Research methods

ethics in, 33–34 gender in, 32–33 model of, 21–24

Sociologists, 78 Sociology

applied, 12–13 basic, 12–13 conflict theory, 18–19 defined, 5 environmental, 512–513 functional analysis, 16–17 future trends, 34–35 group dynamics, 151–160 North American, 9–14, 46, 51 origins of, 4–8 public, 12–13 research vs. social reform, 35 social reform and, 11–12 symbolic interactionism, 14–16 theoretical perspectives in, 14–20 theory vs. reform, 12 tradition vs. science, 5 women in early, 9–10

Soft control vs. force, 210–211 Software programs, 211 Solidarity, 111–112 South Africa

apartheid in, 269, 282–283 caste system, 201–202 transition of authority in, 350

Soviet Union, 212–213 Spain, holy week in, 438–439 Spanish language, 50 Special-interest groups, 358–359

Subject Index S-11

Spillover bigotry, 294 Spirit of capitalism, 8, 440–441 Split labor market, 278–279 Sports

caste system and, 201 computers and, 502 cultural relativism, 43 as leisure, 58 mass media, 240 prejudice and, 278 twin studies and, 70 video game scholarships, 85

Spousal abuse, 411 St. Louis, Missouri, 472–473 Standards of beauty, 44 Starvation, 457–459 State, 348 State capitalism, 367 State religions, 444 Statistics

female statistics on illiteracy, 204 metropolitan statistical areas, 474 misuse of, 408 on murder, 179, 202 official crime statistics, 190–191

Status, 106, 236–237 Status consistent, 236, 445 Status inconsistent, 236–237 Stereotypes

defined, 117 deviance and, 174 in everyday life, 117 of impoverished, 257 masculinity, 124 self-fulfilling, 148–149, 279–280 social interaction of, 114–117

Stigma, 164 Strains in global stratification, 226 Strain theory, 175–176 Stranger, helping a, 154 Stratification. See also Global strat-

ification; Social stratification estate stratification, 203–204 introduction to, 196–197 life expectancy and, 217 social class, 205–206 social stratification, 197–204

Stratified random sample, 26 Street crime, 167, 176–177, 182–183 Structural functionalism, 16–17 Structural mobility, 246–247, 249 Studied nonobservance, 123 Stuxnet worm malware, 503–504 Styles of interaction, 174 Subcultures, 53–55, 169 Subsistence economy, 364 Suburb, 477 Suburban flight, 483 Suburbanization, 477, 483–484, 501 Suburbanization of poverty, 254 Success values, 56 Suicide patterns of, 7–8 Suicide terrorists, 362–363 Sumatran tiger, 506 Superego, in personality, 78 Super PACS, 359 Super-rich, 233–234 Supplemental Nutritional Assis-

tance Program (SNAP), 241 Surgical sexism, 318–319

Surveys, 25–28 Sustainable environment, 506–507 Suttee, 313 Swara, 313–314 Sworn virgins, 83–84 Symbol, 14, 46 Symbolic culture

folkways, mores, and taboos, 52–53, 61

gestures, 46–47 introduction, 46 language, 47–50 language and perception, 50 race and language, 50–51 Sapir-Whorf hypothesis, 50 values, norms, sanctions, 51–52

Symbolic interactionism, 14–16 aging and, 335–337 education and, 426–429 religion and, 436–439

Symbolic interactionist perspective body language, 119 deviance, 168–174 divorce, 408 families, 388–389 marriage and families, 388–389 prejudice and, 279 social control, 168–174 social location, 185

Symbols, in everyday life, 14–16 System of descent, 386

T Table, reading, 24 Taboos, 52–53, 61 Taken-for-granted assumptions.

See Background assumptions Taking the role of the other, 75 Task-oriented leader, 155 Taxol drug, 511 Team games stage, 76 Teamwork, 123 Techniques of neutralization,

172–174 Technology. See also Computers;

New technology automobile technology, 500–502 big brother technology, 211 computer technology, 502–505 cultural leveling, 65 defined, 362, 498 diversity training, 149–150 environment and, 513–514 global domination and, 225 impact on capitalism, 499 Marxism impact on, 499–500 maximum-security society and,

150 meanings of, 498–499 Nazi impact on, 497 new technology, 62–63 online dating, 385–386 political objectives and, 362–363 religious practices and, 448 Security State (SS) and, 150–151 sociological significance, 499–500 value of, 57

Teenage delinquent, 173 Television and gender, 85

Temporary slavery, 199 Terrorism. See also September 11,

2001 attack fears of, 260 fight against, 119 in Middle East, 224 social media use, 169

Testosterone, 308–309 “Testosterone bonus,” 322–324 Texas ocelot, 506 Theoretical perspectives in

sociology. See Functionalist perspective; Symbolic inter- actionist perspective

conflict theory, 18–19 functional analysis, 16–17 symbolic interactionism, 14–16 in sociology, 14–20 macro level analysis, 19–20 micro level analysis, 19–20

Theory defined, 14 research and, 20

Third parties, in U.S. politics, 355 Third world, 214 Thomas theorem, 126 Three-strikes” laws, 184–185 Three-tier society, 260 Tomb Raider video game, 86 Tools, 498 Total institutions, 92–93 Totalitarianism, 353 Toxic waste, 507–508 Toys and gender, 82–83 Tracking, 423–424 Tradition, social control, 480 Traditional authority, 348 Transgender, 107 Transitional adulthood, 96–97, 398 Transitional older years, 97 Trapped, the, in cities, 482 Travel, as cultural leveling, 65–66 Triad, 152 Tribal knowledge, 510–511 Trobriand Islanders, 383 Tysons Corner, Washington D.C.,


U UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles),

504–505 Ukraine, 494 Umbrella term, 286 Unauthorized immigrants, 287–288 Underclass, 242 Unilinear views on evolution, 495 Unintentional discrimination, 276 United Nations (UN), 378 Union of Soviet Socialist Repub-

lics (USSR), 213 United Auburn tribe, 296 United Fruit Company, 224 United Nations Panel on Climate

Change, 509 United States

clashing values, 60 cultural diversity, 265–266,

287–288 distorting lens, 60

life expectancy, 197 orphanage experiments, 72–73 overview of, 56–57 population pyramids and, 462 power elite, 360 race–ethnicity in, 283–299 racial caste system, 202–203 religion in, 445–447 social class ladder, 239–242 struggle for survival in small

town, 373–374 urban patterns in, 473–477 value clusters, 57–60 value contradictions, 58

United States political system, 353–359

lobbying, 358–359 parties and elections, 353 pluralism and, 359–361 voting patterns, 355–357 third parties, 355

Universal citizenship, 352 Universal gesture, 47 Universality, 89 Universal nature of family, 387 Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs),

504–505 Unobtrusive measures, 31–32 Upper-middle class, 240–241,

396, 501 Upward social mobility, 246 Urban gangs, 177 Urbanization

city development, 469, 471–472 city life, 480–483 defined, 472 gentrification, 475–476 introduction to, 468–471 in Least Industrialized Nations,

479–480 models of growth, 477–480 overview of, 469, 472–473 patterns in United States,

473–477 polling and predictions, 354–355 problems with, 483–485 sex-selection abortions and,

466–467 suburbanization, 477, 483–484

Urban renewal, 485 Urban revitalization, 485 Urban sprawl, 479 Urban Villagers, The (Gans), 481 Urueu-Wau-Wau tribe in Brazil, 510 U.S. Army, 296 U.S. Cyber Command, 504 U.S. Defense Department, 211 U.S. Department of Anthropology,

280 U.S. Marines, 494 U.S. Public Health Service, 268 U.S. Supreme Court, 287, 288,

290, 299 USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist

Republics), 213

V Validity, 22 Value clusters, 57–60

S-12 Subject Index

Values achievement values, 56 clashing values, 60 core values, 56–57 cultural transmission of, 422–423 of everyday life, 51 of freedom, 57 leisure value, 58 physical fitness value, 59 of science, 57 self-fulfillment value, 59 success values, 56 symbolic culture, 51–52 of technology, 57 in U.S. society, 56–60 youthfulness value, 59

Variables, 22, 462–465 Video games and gender, 85–86 Vietnam, 493 Vietnam Veterans study, 308 Vigilantes, 189–190 Violence. See also Murder; Rape

within families, 411–412 female circumcision, 314–315 in schools, 432–433 subculture of, 169

Violence against women, 327–329 date rape, 328 forcible rape, 327 as global phenomenon, 313–315 murder, 328–329

Violent crime, 179, 185 Virtual reality, diversity training

and, 149–150 Voluntary associations, 137 Voter apathy, 357 Voting patterns, 355–357 Voting rights, 290

W War. See also Genocide; Military;

Weapons; specific wars drones, 211, 504–505 for political objectives, 361–362 profit from, 362 right of first strike, 494 computers and, 503–505

WASPs (White Anglo-Saxon Protestants), 284–285

Wealth, 230–231, 243 Weapons

biological, 222 drones, 211, 504–505 nuclear, 222, 493–494, 496, 504,

512 pyrotechnic electromagnetic

pulsers, 504 White-collar crime, 178–179 Whites

contact theory, 272–273 demographics, 255, 256 discrimination and, 275

European Americans, 284–285 gentrification, 475 mate selection, 384 physical health, 243 race–ethnicity and, 188, 254, 267 racial tension, 200–202, 274–284 racism by, 274 wealth of, 250

Widowhood and widows, 398 Women. See also Feminists/femi-

nism; Gender inequality automobile impact on, 501–502 crime by, 179 in estate system, 203–204 genetics of empathy, 167 global stratification and, 204 poverty and, 254 social mobility, 248–249 in workforce, 323

Women’s movement first wave, 316 second wave, 317 third wave, 317

Workers/workforce. See also Bureaucracies

alienation of workers, 147–148, 499

blue-collar workers, 90 change in U.S. workforce, 366 division of labor, 112 employment discrimination, 13

ethnic work, 270, 271 and globalization, 372 global village, 363–364, 366–367 hard work, 57 housework, 388 in Least Industrialized Nations,

376 proletariat, 205 promotions, 123, 124 salary negotiation, 324–325 socialization among, 92 wage stagnation, 375 women in workforce, 323 women in India, 310–311 workers, defined, 239

Working class, 87, 241, 396 Working poor, 181, 241–242 World systems theory, 492 World War II, 224, 463, 492

X X-47B space plane, 504

Y Youthfulness value, 59 Youth gangs, 484

Z Zapotec Indians of Mexico, 165 Zero population growth, 467, 468 Zimbabwe, 80


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  • Front Cover
  • Title Page
  • Copyright Page
  • Brief Contents
  • Contents
  • Special Features
  • Guide to Social Maps
  • To the Student ... from the Author
  • To the Instructor ... from the Author
  • A Note from the Publisher on the Supplements
  • About the Author
  • 1 The Sociological Perspective
    • The Sociological Perspective
      • Seeing the Broader Social Context
      • The Global Context—and the Local
    • Origins of Sociology
      • Tradition versus Science
      • Auguste Comte and Positivism
      • Herbert Spencer and Social Darwinism
      • Karl Marx and Class Conflict
      • Emile Durkheim and Social Integration
        • Applying Durkheim
      • Max Weber and the Protestant Ethic
        • Religion and the Origin of Capitalism
    • Sociology in North America
      • Sexism at the Time: Women in Early Sociology
      • Racism at the Time: W. E. B. Du Bois
      • Jane Addams: Sociologist and Social Reformer
      • Talcott Parsons and C. Wright Mills: Theory versus Reform
      • The Continuing Tension: Basic, Applied, and Public Sociology
        • Basic Sociology
        • Applied Sociology
        • Public Sociology
    • Theoretical Perspectives in Sociology
      • Symbolic Interactionism
        • Symbols in Everyday Life
        • In Sum
        • Applying Symbolic Interactionism
        • In Sum
      • Functional Analysis
        • Robert Merton and Functionalism
        • In Sum
        • Applying Functional Analysis
        • In Sum
      • Conflict Theory
        • Karl Marx and Conflict Theory
        • Conflict Theory Today
        • Feminists and Conflict Theory
        • Applying Conflict Theory
        • In Sum
      • Putting the Theoretical Perspectives Together
      • Levels of Analysis: Macro and Micro
      • How Theory and Research Work Together
    • Doing Sociological Research
    • A Research Model
      • Selecting a Topic
      • Defining the Problem
      • Reviewing the Literature
      • Formulating a Hypothesis
      • Choosing a Research Method
      • Collecting the Data
      • Analyzing the Results
      • Sharing the Results
    • Research Methods (Designs)
      • Surveys
        • Selecting a Sample
        • Asking Neutral Questions
        • Types of Questions
        • Establishing Rapport
      • Participant Observation (Fieldwork)
      • Case Studies
      • Secondary Analysis
      • Analysis of Documents
      • Experiments
      • Unobtrusive Measures
    • Gender in Sociological Research
    • Ethics in Sociological Research
      • Protecting the Subjects: The Brajuha Research
      • Misleading the Subjects: The Humphreys Research
    • Trends Shaping the Future of Sociology
      • Tension in Sociology: Research versus Social Reform
        • Three Stages in Sociology
        • Diversity of Orientations
      • Globalization
        • How Globalization Applies to This Text
    • Summary and Review
    • Thinking Critically about Chapter 1
  • 2 Culture
    • What Is Culture?
      • Culture and Taken-for-Granted Orientations to Life
        • In Sum
      • Practicing Cultural Relativism
        • Attack on Cultural Relativism
    • Components of Symbolic Culture
      • Gestures
        • Misunderstanding and Offense
        • Universal Gestures?
      • Language
        • Language Allows Human Experience to Be Cumulative
        • Language Provides a Social or Shared Past
        • Language Provides a Social or Shared Future
        • Language Allows Shared Perspectives
        • Language Allows Shared, Goal-Directed Behavior.
        • In Sum
      • Language and Perception: The Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis
      • Values, Norms, and Sanctions
      • Folkways, Mores, and Taboos
    • Many Cultural Worlds
      • Subcultures
      • Countercultures
    • Values in U.S. Society
      • An Overview of U.S. Values
      • Value Clusters
      • Value Contradictions
      • An Emerging Value Cluster
        • In Sum
      • When Values Clash
      • Values as Distorting Lenses
      • “Ideal” Culture Versus “Real” Culture
    • Cultural Universals
      • In Sum
    • Sociobiology and Human Behavior
      • In Sum
    • Technology in the Global Village
      • New Technology
      • Cultural Lag and Cultural Change
      • Technology and Cultural Leveling
        • Cultural Diffusion
        • Communication and Travel
        • Cultural Leveling
    • Summary and Review
    • Thinking Critically about Chapter 2
  • 3 Socialization
    • Society Makes Us Human
      • Feral Children
      • Isolated Children
      • Institutionalized Children
        • The Orphanage Experiment in the United States
        • The Orphanage Experiment in Romania
        • Timing and Human Development: The Case of Genie
        • In Sum
      • Deprived Animals
        • In Sum: Society Makes Us Human
    • Socialization into the Self and Mind
      • Cooley and the Looking-Glass Self
        • In Sum
      • Mead and Role Taking
        • In Sum
      • Piaget and the Development of Reasoning
      • Global Aspects of the Self and Reasoning
    • Learning Personality, Morality, and Emotions
      • Freud and the Development of Personality
        • Sociological Evaluation
      • Kohlberg and the Development of Morality
        • Kohlberg’s Theory
        • Criticisms of Kohlberg
        • Research with Babies
        • The Cultural Relativity of Morality
      • Socialization into Emotions
        • Global Emotions
        • Expressing Emotions: “Gender Rules”
        • The Extent of “Feeling Rules”
        • What We Feel
        • Research Needed
      • Society Within Us: The Self and Emotions as a Social Mirror
        • In Sum
    • Socialization into Gender
      • Learning the Gender Map
      • Gender Messages in the Family
        • Parents
        • Toys and Play
        • Same-Sex Parents
      • Gender Messages from Peers
      • Gender Messages in the Mass Media
        • Television, Movies, and Cartoons
        • Video Games
        • Advertising
        • In Sum
    • Agents of Socialization
      • The Family
        • Social Class and Type of Work
        • Social Class and Play
      • The Neighborhood
      • Religion
      • Day Care
      • The School
      • Peer Groups
      • The Workplace
    • Resocialization
      • Total Institutions
    • Socialization through the Life Course
      • Childhood (from birth to about age 12)
        • In Sum
      • Adolescence (ages 13–17)
      • Transitional Adulthood (ages 18–29)
        • “Bring Your Parents to Work Day”
      • The Middle Years (ages 30–65)
        • The Early Middle Years (ages 30–49)
        • The Later Middle Years (ages 50–65)
      • The Older Years (about age 65 on)
        • The Transitional Older Years (ages 65–74)
        • The Later Older Years (age 75 or so)
    • Are We Prisoners of Socialization?
    • Summary and Review
    • Thinking Critically about Chapter 3
  • 4 Social Structure and Social Interaction
    • Levels of Sociological Analysis
      • Macrosociology and Microsociology
    • The Macrosociological Perspective: Social Structure
    • The Sociological Significance of Social Structure
      • In Sum
    • Components of Social Structure
      • Culture
      • Social Class
      • Social Status
        • Status Sets
        • Ascribed and Achieved Statuses
        • Status Symbols
        • Master Statuses
        • Status Inconsistency
      • Roles
      • Groups
    • Social Institutions
      • Comparing Functionalist and Conflict Perspectives
        • The Functionalist Perspective
        • The Conflict Perspective
        • In Sum
    • Changes in Social Structure
      • What Holds Society Together?
        • Mechanical and Organic Solidarity
        • Gemeinschaft and Gesellschaft
        • How Relevant are These Concepts Today?
        • In Sum
    • The Microsociological Perspective: Social Interaction In Everyday Life
    • Symbolic Interaction
      • Stereotypes in Everyday Life
      • Personal Space
      • Eye Contact
      • Smiling
      • Body Language
        • Applied Body Language
    • Dramaturgy: The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life
      • Stages
      • Role Performance, Conflict, and Strain
      • Sign-Vehicles
      • Teamwork
      • Becoming the Roles We Play
        • Applying Impression Management
    • Ethnomethodology: Uncovering Background Assumptions
      • In Sum
    • The Social Construction of Reality
      • Gynecological Examinations
        • In Sum
    • The Need for Both Macrosociology and Microsociology
    • Summary and Review
    • Thinking Critically about Chapter 4
  • 5 Social Groups and Formal Organizations
    • Groups Within Society
      • Primary Groups
        • Producing a Mirror Within
      • Secondary Groups
        • Voluntary Associations
        • The Inner Circle
        • The Iron Law of Oligarchy
      • In-Groups and Out-Groups
        • Shaping Perception and Morality
      • Reference Groups
        • Evaluating Ourselves
        • Exposure to Contradictory Standards in a Socially Diverse Society
      • Social Networks
        • The Small World Phenomenon
        • Is the Small World Phenomenon an Academic Myth?
        • Building Unintentional Barriers
    • Bureaucracies
      • The Characteristics of Bureaucracies
      • Goal Displacement and the Perpetuation of Bureaucracies
      • Dysfunctions of Bureaucracies
        • Red Tape: A Rule Is a Rule
        • Alienation of Workers
        • Resisting Alienation
    • Working for the Corporation
      • Self-Fulfilling Stereotypes in the “Hidden” Corporate Culture
        • Self-Fulfilling Stereotypes and Promotions
      • Diversity in the Workplace
    • Technology and the Maximum-Security Society
    • Group Dynamics
      • Effects of Group Size on Stability and Intimacy
      • Effects of Group Size on Attitudes and Behavior
        • Laboratory Findings and the Real World
      • Leadership
        • Who Becomes a Leader?
        • Types of Leaders
        • Leadership Styles
        • Leadership Styles in Changing Situations
      • The Power of Peer Pressure: The Asch Experiment
      • The Power of Authority: The Milgram Experiment
      • Global Consequences of Group Dynamics: Groupthink
        • Preventing Groupthink
    • Summary and Review
    • Thinking Critically about Chapter 5
  • 6 Deviance and Social Control
    • What Is Deviance?
      • A Neutral Term
        • Stigma
      • Deviance Is Relative
      • How Norms Make Social Life Possible
      • Sanctions
        • In Sum
    • Competing Explanations of Deviance: Sociobiology, Psychology, and Sociology
      • Biosocial Explanations
      • Psychological Explanations
      • Sociological Explanations
    • The Symbolic Interactionist Perspective
      • Differential Association Theory
        • The Theory
        • Families
        • Friends, Neighborhoods, and Subcultures
        • Differential Association in the Cyber Age
        • Prison or Freedom?
      • Control Theory
        • The Theory
      • Labeling Theory
        • Rejecting Labels: How People Neutralize Deviance
        • Embracing Labels: The Example of Outlaw Bikers
        • Labels Can Be Powerful
        • How Do Labels Work?
        • In Sum
    • The Functionalist Perspective
      • Can Deviance Really Be Functional for Society?
      • Strain Theory: How Mainstream Values Produce Deviance
        • Four Deviant Paths
        • In Sum
      • Illegitimate Opportunity Structures: Social Class and Crime
        • Street Crime
        • White-Collar Crime
        • Gender and Crime
        • In Sum
    • The Conflict Perspective
      • Class, Crime, and the Criminal Justice System
      • The Criminal Justice System as an Instrument of Oppression
        • In Sum
    • Reactions to Deviance
      • Street Crime and Prisons
      • The Decline of Violent Crime
      • Recidivism
      • The Death Penalty and Bias
        • Geography
        • Social Class
        • Gender
        • Race–Ethnicity
      • The Trouble with Official Statistics
      • The Medicalization of Deviance: Mental Illness
        • Neither Mental Nor Illness?
        • The Homeless Mentally Ill
      • The Need for a More Humane Approach
    • Summary and Review
    • Thinking Critically about Chapter 6
  • 7 Global Stratification
    • Systems of Social Stratification
      • Slavery
        • Causes of Slavery
        • Conditions of Slavery
        • Bonded Labor in the New World
        • Slavery in the New World
        • Slavery Today
      • Caste
        • India’s Religious Castes
        • South Africa
        • A U.S. Racial Caste System
      • Estate
        • Women in the Estate System
      • Class
      • Global Stratification and the Status of Females
      • The Global Superclass
    • What Determines Social Class?
      • Karl Marx: The Means of Production
      • Max Weber: Property, Power, and Prestige
        • In Sum
    • Why Is Social Stratification Universal?
      • The Functionalist View: Motivating Qualified People
        • Davis and Moore’s Explanation
        • Tumin’s Critique of Davis and Moore
        • In Sum
      • The Conflict Perspective: Class Conflict and Scarce Resources
        • Mosca’s Argument
        • Marx’s Argument
        • Current Applications of Conflict Theory
      • Lenski’s Synthesis
        • In Sum
    • How Do Elites Maintain Stratification?
      • Soft Control versus Force
        • Controlling People’s Ideas
        • Controlling Information
        • Stifling Criticism
        • Big Brother Technology
        • In Sum
    • Comparative Social Stratification
      • Social Stratification in Great Britain
      • Social Stratification in the Former Soviet Union
    • Global Stratification: Three Worlds
      • The Most Industrialized Nations
      • The Industrializing Nations
      • The Least Industrialized Nations
      • Modifying the Model
    • How Did the World’s Nations Become Stratified?
      • Colonialism
      • World System Theory
      • Culture of Poverty
      • Evaluating the Theories
    • Maintaining Global Stratification
      • Neocolonialism
        • Relevance Today
      • Multinational Corporations
        • Buying Political Stability
        • Unanticipated Consequences
      • Technology and Global Domination
    • Strains in the Global System: Uneasy Realignments
    • Summary and Review
    • Thinking Critically about Chapter 7
  • 8 Social Class in the United States
    • What Is Social Class?
      • Property
        • Distinguishing Between Wealth and Income
        • Distribution of Property
        • Distribution of Income
      • Power
        • The Democratic Facade
        • The Power Elite
      • Prestige
        • Occupations and Prestige
        • Displaying Prestige
      • Status Inconsistency
    • Sociological Models of Social Class
      • Updating Marx
      • Updating Weber
        • The Capitalist Class
        • The Upper-Middle Class
        • The Lower-Middle Class
        • The Working Class
        • The Working Poor
        • The Underclass
    • Consequences of Social Class
      • Physical Health
      • Mental Health
      • Family Life
        • Choice of Husband or Wife
        • Divorce
        • Child Rearing
      • Education
      • Religion
      • Politics
      • Crime and Criminal Justice
    • Social Mobility
      • Three Types of Social Mobility
      • Women in Studies of Social Mobility
      • The Pain of Social Mobility: Two Distinct Worlds
    • Poverty
      • Drawing the Poverty Line
      • Who Are the Poor?
        • Breaking a Myth
        • The Geography of Poverty
        • Education
        • Family Structure: The Feminization of Poverty
        • Race–Ethnicity
        • Age and Poverty
      • Children of Poverty
    • The Dynamics of Poverty versus the Culture of Poverty
      • Why Are People Poor?
      • Deferred Gratification
      • Where Is Horatio Alger? The Social Functions of a Myth
    • Peering into the Future: Will We Live in a Three-Tier Society?
    • Summary and Review
    • Thinking Critically about Chapter 8
  • 9 Race and Ethnicity
    • Laying the Sociological Foundation
      • Race: Reality and Myth
        • The Reality of Human Variety
        • The Myth of Pure Races
        • The Myth of a Fixed Number of Races
        • The Myth of Racial Superiority
        • The Myth Continues
      • Ethnic Groups
      • Minority Groups and Dominant Groups
        • Not Size, but Dominance and Discrimination
        • Emergence of Minority Groups
      • Ethnic Work: Constructing Our Racial–Ethnic Identity
    • Prejudice and Discrimination
      • Learning Prejudice
        • Distinguishing Between Prejudice and Discrimination
        • Learning Prejudice from Associating with Others
        • The Far-Reaching Nature of Prejudice
        • Internalizing Dominant Norms
      • Individual and Institutional Discrimination
        • Home Mortgages
        • Health Care
    • Theories of Prejudice
      • Psychological Perspectives
        • Frustration and Scapegoats
        • The Authoritarian Personality
      • Sociological Perspectives
        • Functionalism
        • Conflict Theory
        • Symbolic Interactionism
        • How Labels Create Prejudice
        • Labels and Self-Fulfilling Stereotypes
    • Global Patterns of Intergroup Relations
      • Genocide
        • In Sum
      • Population Transfer
      • Internal Colonialism
      • Segregation
      • Assimilation
      • Multiculturalism (Pluralism)
    • Racial–Ethnic Relations in the United States
      • European Americans
        • In Sum
      • Latinos (Hispanics)
        • Umbrella Term
        • Countries of Origin
        • Unauthorized Immigrants
        • Residence
        • Spanish
        • Economic Well-Being
        • Politics
      • African Americans
        • Rising Expectations and Civil Strife
        • Continued Gains
        • Current Losses
        • Race or Social Class? A Sociological Debate
        • Racism as an Everyday Burden
      • Asian Americans
        • A Background of Discrimination
        • Diversity
        • Reasons for Financial Success
        • Politics
      • Native Americans
        • Diversity of Groups
        • From Treaties to Genocide and Population Transfer
        • The Invisible Minority and Self-Determination
        • The Casinos
        • Determining Identity and Goals
    • Looking Toward the Future
      • The Immigration Controversy
      • The Affirmative Action Controversy
        • A Brief History
        • Supreme Court Rulings
        • The Bamboo Curtain
        • The Potential Solution
      • Less Racism
      • Toward a True Multicultural Society
    • Summary and Review
    • Thinking Critically about Chapter 9
  • 10 Gender and Age
    • Inequalities of Gender
    • Issues of Sex and Gender
      • The Sociological Significance of Gender
      • Gender Differences in Behavior: Biology or Culture?
      • The Dominant Position in Sociology
      • Opening the Door to Biology
        • A Medical Accident
        • The Vietnam Veterans Study
        • More Research on Humans
        • In Sum
    • Gender Inequality in Global Perspective
      • How Did Females Become a Minority Group?
        • Global Violence Against Women
        • In Sum
    • Gender Inequality in the United States
      • Fighting Back: The Rise of Feminism
      • Gender Inequality in Health Care
      • Gender Inequality in Education
        • The Past
        • A Fundamental Change
        • Gender Tracking
    • Gender Inequality in the Workplace
      • The Pay Gap
        • Historical Background
        • Geographical Factors
        • The “Testosterone Bonus”
        • Reasons for the Gender Pay Gap
        • The Ceo Power Gap—and the New Female Premium
      • Is the Glass Ceiling Cracking?
      • Sexual Harassment—and Worse
        • Labels and Perception
        • Not Just a “Man Thing”
        • Sexual Orientation
    • Gender and Violence
      • Violence Against Women
        • Forcible Rape
        • Date (Acquaintance) Rape
        • Murder
        • Violence in the Home
        • Feminism and Gendered Violence
        • Solutions
    • The Changing Face of Politics
    • Glimpsing the Future—with Hope
    • Inequalities of Aging
    • Aging in Global Perspective
      • Extremes of Attitudes and Practices
        • In Sum
      • Industrialization and the Graying of the Globe
        • The Life Span
      • The Graying of America
    • The Symbolic Interactionist Perspective
      • Shifting Meanings of Growing Old
      • The Influence of the Mass Media
        • In Sum
    • The Functionalist Perspective
      • Disengagement Theory
        • Evaluation of the Theory
      • Activity Theory
        • Evaluation of the Theory
      • Continuity Theory
        • Evaluation of the Theory
        • In Sum: The Functionalist Persective
    • The Conflict Perspective
      • Fighting for Resources: Social Security Legislation
      • “Old People Are Sucking Us Dry”: Intergenerational Competition and Conflict
        • In Sum: The Confict Perspective
    • Looking Toward the Future
      • New Views: Creative Aging
    • Summary and Review
    • Thinking Critically about Chapter 10
  • 11 Politics and the Economy
    • Politics: Establishing and Exercising Leadership
    • Power, Authority, and Violence
      • Authority and Legitimate Violence
      • Traditional Authority
      • Rational–Legal Authority
      • Charismatic Authority
        • The Threat Posed by Charismatic Leaders
      • The Transfer of Authority
    • Types of Government
      • Monarchies: The Rise of the State
      • Democracies: Citizenship as a Revolutionary Idea
      • Dictatorships and Oligarchies: The Seizure of Power
    • The U.S. Political System
      • Political Parties and Elections
      • Polling and Predictions
        • Slices from the Center
        • Third Parties
      • Voting Patterns
        • Social Integration
        • Alienation
        • Apathy
        • The Gender and Racial–Ethnic Gaps in Voting
      • Lobbyists and Special-Interest Groups
        • Lobbying by Special-Interest Groups
        • The Money
    • Who Rules the United States?
      • The Functionalist Perspective: Pluralism
        • In Sum
      • The Conflict Perspective: The Power Elite
        • In Sum
      • Which View Is Right?
    • War and Terrorism: Implementing Political Objectives
      • Why Countries Go to War
        • The Flesh and Blood of War
      • Terrorism
    • The Economy: Work in the Global Village
    • The Transformation of Economic Systems
      • Preindustrial Societies: The Birth of Inequality
      • Industrial Societies: The Birth of the Machine
      • Postindustrial Societies: The Birth of the Information Age
      • Biotech Societies: The Merger of Biology and Economics
    • World Economic Systems
      • Capitalism
        • What Capitalism Is
        • What State Capitalism Is
      • Socialism
        • What Socialism Is
        • Socialism in Practice
        • Democratic Socialism
      • Ideologies of Capitalism and Socialism
      • Criticisms of Capitalism and Socialism
      • The Convergence of Capitalism and Socialism
        • Changes in Socialism: Convergence
        • Changes in Capitalism: Convergence
        • In Sum
    • The Globalization of Capitalism
      • A New Global Structure and Its Effects on Workers
      • Stagnant Paychecks
      • The New Economic System and the Old Divisions of Wealth
      • The Global Superclass
    • What Lies Ahead? A New World Order?
      • Unity and Disunity
      • Inevitable Changes
    • Summary and Review
    • Thinking Critically about Chapter 11
  • 12 Marriage and Family
    • Marriage and Family in Global Perspective
      • What Is a Family?
      • What Is Marriage?
      • Common Cultural Themes
        • Mate Selection
        • Descent
        • Inheritance
        • Authority
    • Marriage and Family in Theoretical Perspective
      • The Functionalist Perspective: Functions and Dysfunctions
        • Why the Family Is Universal
        • Functions of the Incest Taboo
        • Isolation and Emotional Overload
      • The Conflict Perspective: Struggles between Husbands and Wives
        • Inevitable Conflict
        • Changing Power Relations
      • The Symbolic Interactionist Perspective: Gender, Housework, and Child Care
        • Changes in Traditional Gender Orientations
        • Paid Work and Housework
        • More Child Care
        • Total Hours
        • A Gender Division of Labor
    • The Family Life Cycle
      • Love and Courtship in Global Perspective
      • Marriage
        • The Social Channels of Love and Marriage
      • Childbirth
        • Ideal Family Size
        • Marital Satisfaction After Childbirth
      • Child Rearing
        • Married Couples and Single Mothers
        • Single Fathers
        • Day Care
        • Nannies
        • Social Class
        • Helicopter Parenting
        • The Right Way to Rear Children
      • Family Transitions
        • Transitional Adulthood
        • Widowhood
    • Diversity in U.S. Families
      • African American Families
      • Latino Families
      • Asian American Families
      • Native American Families
        • In Sum
      • One-Parent Families
      • Couples without Children
      • Blended Families
      • Gay and Lesbian Families
        • Children Reared by Gay and Lesbian Couples
    • Trends in U.S. Families
      • The Changing Timetable of Family Life: Marriage and Childbirth
      • Cohabitation
        • Cohabitation and Marriage: The Essential Difference
        • Does Cohabitation Make Marriage Stronger?
      • The “Sandwich Generation” and Elder Care
    • Divorce and Remarriage
      • Ways of Measuring Divorce
      • Divorce and Mixed Racial–Ethnic Marriages
      • Symbolic Interactionism and the Misuse of Statistics
      • Children of Divorce
        • Negative Effects
        • What Helps Children Adjust to Divorce?
        • Perpetuating Divorce
      • Grandchildren of Divorce: Ripples to the Future
      • Fathers’ Contact with Children after Divorce
      • The Ex-Spouses
      • Remarriage: “I Do” Again and Again
    • Two Sides of Family Life
      • The Dark Side of Family Life: Battering, Child Abuse, Marital Rape, and Incest
        • Spouse Battering
        • Child Abuse
        • Marital and Intimacy Rape
        • Incest
      • The Bright Side of Family Life: Successful Marriages
        • Successful Marriages
    • The Future of Marriage and Family
    • Summary and Review
    • Thinking Critically about Chapter 12
  • 13 Education and Religion
    • Education: Transferring Knowledge and Skills
    • Education in Global Perspective
      • Education and Industrialization
        • Industrialization and Mandatory Education
        • The Expansion of Education
      • Education in the Most Industrialized Nations: Japan
      • Education in the Industrializing Nations: Russia
      • Education in the Least Industrialized Nations: Egypt
    • The Functionalist Perspective: Providing Social Benefits
      • Teaching Knowledge and Skills
      • Cultural Transmission of Values
      • Social Integration
        • Integrating Immigrants
        • Stabilizing Society: Maintaining the Status Quo
        • Integrating People with Disabilities
      • Gatekeeping (Social Placement)
      • Replacing Family Functions
        • In Sum
    • The Conflict Perspective: Perpetuating Social Inequality
      • The Hidden Curriculum: Reproducing the Social Class Structure
      • Tilting the Tests: Discrimination by IQ
      • Stacking the Deck: Unequal Funding
      • The Bottom Line: Social Class and Race Ethnicity
        • Reproducing the Social Class Structure
        • Reproducing the Racial–Ethnic Structure
        • In Sum
    • The Symbolic Interactionist Perspective: Teacher Expectations
      • The Rist Research
      • How Do Teacher Expectations Work?
      • Self-Expectations
    • Problems in U.S. Education—and Their Solutions
      • Mediocrity
        • The Rising Tide of Mediocrity
        • The SATs
        • Grade Inflation, Social Promotion, and Functional Illiteracy
      • Overcoming Mediocrity
        • Raising Standards for Teachers
        • A Warning about Higher Standards
      • Cheating
        • The Solution to Cheating
      • Violence
      • The Need for Educational Reform
    • Religion: Establishing Meaning
    • What Is Religion? Durkheim’s Research
    • The Functionalist Perspective
      • Functions of Religion
        • Meaning and Purpose
        • Emotional Comfort
        • Social Solidarity
        • Guidelines for Everyday Life
        • Social Control
        • Social Change
      • Dysfunctions of Religion
        • Religion as Justification for Persecution, War, and Terrorism
    • The Symbolic Interactionist Perspective
      • Religious Symbols
      • Beliefs
      • Religious Experience
      • Rituals
    • The Conflict Perspective
      • Opium of the People
      • Legitimating Social Inequalities
    • Religion and the Spirit of Capitalism
    • Types of Religious Groups
      • Cult
      • Sect
      • Church
      • Ecclesia
    • Religion in the United States
      • Characteristics of Members
        • Social Class
        • Race–Ethnicity
      • Characteristics of Religious Groups
        • Diversity
        • Pluralism and Freedom
        • Toleration
        • The Electronic Church
    • The Future of Religion
    • Summary and Review
    • Thinking Critically about Chapter 13
  • 14 Population and Urbanization
    • Population in Global Perspective
    • A Planet with No Space for Enjoying Life?
      • The New Malthusians
      • The Anti-Malthusians
      • Who Is Correct?
      • Why Are People Starving?
    • Population Growth
      • Why the Least Industrialized Nations Have So Many Children
      • Consequences of Rapid Population Growth
      • Population Pyramids as a Tool for Understanding
      • The Three Demographic Variables
        • Fertility
        • Mortality
        • Migration
      • Problems in Forecasting Population Growth
    • Cities and City Life
    • The Development of Cities and Urbanization
      • The Development of Cities
      • Urbanization
        • The Appeal of Cities
        • Forced Urbanization
        • Metropolises
        • Megalopolises
        • Megacities
        • Megaregions
    • U.S. Urban Patterns
      • Uneven Urbanization
      • Shifting Resources and Power Because of Urban Migration
      • Edge Cities
      • Gentrification
      • Changes in Suburbanization
    • Models of Urban Growth
      • The Concentric Zone Model
      • The Sector Model
      • The Multiple-Nuclei Model
      • The Peripheral Model
      • Critique of the Models
    • City Life
      • Alienation in the City
      • Community in the City
        • Slum or Low-Rent Area?
      • Who Lives in the City?
        • The Cosmopolites
        • The Singles
        • The Ethnic Villagers
        • The Deprived
        • The Trapped
        • Critique
        • In Sum
      • The Norm of Noninvolvement and the Diffusion of Responsibility
    • Urban Problems and Social Policy
      • Suburbanization
        • City Versus Suburb
        • Suburban Flight
        • Tomorrow’s Suburb
      • Disinvestment and Deindustrialization
      • The Potential of Urban Revitalization
        • Public Sociology
    • Summary and Review
    • Thinking Critically about Chapter 14
  • 15 Social Change and the Environment
    • How Social Change Transforms Social Life
      • The Four Social Revolutions
      • From Gemeinschaft to Gesellschaft
      • The Industrial Revolution and Capitalism
      • Social Movements
      • Conflict, Power, and Global Politics
        • A Brief History of Geopolitics
        • G7 Plus
        • Dividing Up the World
        • Four Threats to This Coalition of Powers
        • The Growing Relevance of Africa
    • Theories and Processes of Social Change
      • Evolution from Lower to Higher
      • Natural Cycles
      • Conflict over Power and Resources
      • Ogburn’s Theory
        • Invention
        • Discovery
        • Diffusion
        • Cultural Lag
        • Evaluation of Ogburn’s Theory
    • How Technology Is Changing Our Lives
      • Extending Human Abilities
      • The Sociological Significance of Technology: How Technology Changes Social Life
        • Changes in Production
        • Changes in Worker–Owner Relations
        • Changes in Ideology
        • Changes in Conspicuous Consumption
        • Changes in Family Relationships
      • When Old Technology Was New: The Impact of the Automobile
        • Displacement of Existing Technology
        • Effects on Cities
        • Changes in Architecture
        • Changed Courtship Customs and Sexual Norms
        • Effects on Women’s Roles
        • In Sum
      • The New Technology: The Microchip and Social Life
        • Computers in Education
        • Computers in Business and Finance
        • Computers in International Conflict
      • Cyberspace and Social Inequality
        • In Sum
    • The Growth Machine versus the Earth
      • The Globalization of Capitalism and the Race for Economic Growth
        • A Sustainable Environment
      • Environmental Problems and Industrialization
        • Toxic Wastes
        • Fossil Fuels and Climate Change
        • The Energy Shortage and Internal Combustion Engines
        • The Rain Forests
      • The Environmental Movement
      • Environmental Sociology
      • Technology and the Environment: The Goal of Harmony
    • Summary and Review
    • Thinking Critically about Chapter 15
  • Epilogue: Why Major in Sociology?
  • Glossary
  • References
  • Name Index
  • Subject Index
  • Credits

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