Biomedical Ethics: Week 5
Critical Reflection Paper: Chapter 9
Objective: To critically replicate you’re thoughtful of the readings and your competence to rub on them to your Health care ethics.
Students will judgmentally appraise the readings from Chapter 9 on your textbook. This assignment is intended to help you assessment, examination, and spread over the readings to your healthcare ethics as well as become the foundation for all of your remaining assignments.
You need to read the article (in the additional weekly reading resources localize in the Syllabus and also in the Lectures link) assigned for week 1 and develop a 2-3-page paper reflecting your appreciative and ability to apply the readings to your ethics. Each paper must be typewritten with 12-point font and double-spaced with standard margins. Follow APA format 7th Edition, when referring to the selected articles and include a reference page.
1. Introduction (25%) Provide a short-lived summary of the undertone (not a description) of each Chapter and articles you read, in your own words.
2. Your Critique (50%)
*What is your response to the content of Chapter 9?
*What did you absorb about Ethics and Safe patient handling? Mention and explain two examples where you can apply them.
* What are the ethics arguments for advocacy on SPHM programs and behaviors?
*For the Professional role you have right now: what are the implications of this chapter for you?
3. Conclusion (15%)
Fleetingly recapitulate your thoughts & postulation to your analysis of the articles and Chapter you read. How did these articles and Chapters impact your thoughts about the principles of ethics?
Evaluation will be based on how clearly you respond to the above, in particular:
a) The clarity with which you critique the articles;
b) The depth, scope, and association of your paper; and,
c) Your conclusions, including a description of the impact of these articles and Chapters on any Health Care Setting.
The assignment is to be electronically posted in the Assignments Link on Blackboard no later than noon on Sunday, November 29, 2020.
Originality: SafeAssign submission required
Assignments Guidelines |
1.0 Points |
10% |
Introduction |
2.5 Points |
25% |
Your Critique |
5.0 Points |
50% |
Conclusion |
1.5 Points |
15% |
Total |
10 points |
100% |
A |
90% - 100% |
B+ |
85% - 89% |
B |
80% - 84% |
C+ |
75% - 79% |
C |
70% - 74% |
D |
60% – 69% |
F |
50% - 59% Or less. |
Dr. Gisela LLamas
Project Information
This section is meant to provide an overall picture of the project that can be seen at a glance as well as convey important project details.
Project Title: Transition to Organizational Learning
Project Summary: Write a 2–4 sentence summary of the project scope (i.e., the work that you will be doing to address the organization’s learning needs).
Prepared by: Student Name
Attached Documentation: List title of attached documentation
Project Contacts:
List those individuals who are involved with the project and can be contacted. Be sure to include their name, title, role in the project, as well as phone numbers and email addresses
Project Summary
The goal of this section is to present the reasons for doing this project as well as stating all of the project's objectives. In this section in particular, it is very important to write concisely and clearly. Some project professionals even suggest writing the project summary last. Before you begin writing you should be able to answer the following questions:
· Why are you doing this project?
· What will you be doing?
· How will you be doing it?
· Who will be doing it?
· Where will it be done?
Project Background
This section explains what needs or problems you are trying to solve and why these needs or problems are worth solving. You should also provide a brief setting and history behind the project. This section should be no more than one page. Include references to supporting documentation, such as research papers and articles.
Project Goals and Methodology
This section details the plan for both the goals of the project and the strategies for achieving them. This section also details anticipated general problems and general strategies for managing them.
Project Risk Management
This section details the major project risks and delineates the plans to alleviate or control them. Make sure to address each risk's likelihood of occurring as well as its impact on the project and the organization.
List all references (at least five) cited in the proposal in this section.
This is where you should include additional charts, graphs, reports, etc. that were cited in the proposal, but were not appropriate to place in the main body of the document.
Organizational Learning
Larry Ratliff
HRM 562
Strayer University
Dr. Allen Beck
November 1, 2020
To: CEO, Great Surgeons Hospital
From: Vice-President, Human Resource Department, Great Surgeons Hospital
Date: October 31, 2020
Subject: Organizational Learning Issues
We are facing challenges when it comes to our surgeons adopting the new technology in the surgical environment of the hospital. From the research I conducted, most of the surgeons are failing to support this process because of the fear of being replaced by the machines and left jobless. Also, most of the surgeons have become comfortable with conducting all the surgical processes manually hence becoming reluctant to change. Most of them do not understand that the inclusion of technology is aimed at improving the efficiency of surgical procedures.
Organizational learning has not been incorporated in our culture and therefore this has made it difficult to leverage the new technology in our processes. The employees therefore feel that this process will be of waste of time because they are not used to being in a dynamic environment that is able to incorporate change. As an organization, we need to instill confidence and trust to the employees and show them that change is good because of the shifting market trends. They should not feel threated by technology because of fear of replacement. To install trust in the surgeons, the organization needs to show the employees that they are valued and that they are not replaceable.
The machines will only be introduced to improve the efficiency of the existing processes being performed by the employees. The management therefore should be honest and supportive and also build accountability in all the employees. This will help instill trust in the employees. The best OLM to be used in this situation is online and internal. This will be effective and also cost effective for the organization. To ensure that the organizational learning program is carried out nicely, I want to request for more time to continue with research and provide insights for smooth transition from a manual working environment to a technological one.
Yours Sincerely
Larry Ratliff Jr
Vice-President, Human Resource Department
Great Surgeons Hospital
Organizational Learning Issues
Larry Ratliff
Strayer University
HRM 562
Dr. Beck
October 25, 2020
I worked as a surgical doctor in my former place of employment, and after there was an inclusion of new technology that would help in improving efficiency, most of the individuals were reluctant to change. I was working with individuals with more years of experience than me. They argued that they were doing pretty good with the skills that they had earned all the years that they have been working. They argued that they trust their skills more than taking some more other time to learn new technology. One of the reasons why these people feared modern technology is the fear of being replaced.
Many thought that the main aim of the organization adding more technology is making sure that human labor is replaced. From their understanding, they also believed that it would take them long to understand how to work with the new technology. For this reason, many, so it is a waste of time (Alohali, Carton, & O’Connor, 2020). The company culture allowed the use of evolving technology, although they did not mention the particulars. This could have also been among a significant reason as to why most of the people in the organization, especially in the surgical department, were reluctant to go for the changes.
There are some of the issues that I had identified to be the reasons why organizational learning was not successful at the moment (Gandini, & Horák, 2020). Most of the employees seem to be resistant to the changes being imposed. To begin with, the surgical department, they did not want the employment of the new technology. There was no leadership training in the company, and this turned out to be a problem. Organizational learning is mainly cheered by training from the leaders. If they are not trained, then it became difficult for organizational learning. There was no much regard for the teams' success. Workers, for this reason, were not prepared much for embracing changes and other forms of knowledge. A good example is working as a team was not in any way regressed as a contribution to the success of the organization.
The internal training method is best since it ensures that the expertise develops and also deliver some specific type of training to their fellows in the place of work. It is the best method to use since it is a cost-effective method (Neto et al., 2020). It does not cost the organization much because the facilitators of the lessons are within the organization, not like external methods. The technique is essential since it will help improve the existing training methods and also employee communication.
One of the norms that should be changed is that learning is only for new trainees. This is one of the challenges that the organization faced. Learning should be made available to all the organizations (Gomes, Seman, & De Montreuil Carmona, 2020). The company had the wrong choice of learning time. It is only when the organization is learning about something new that learning is enabled. Learning should be made after some time so that the employees can continue learning new things. Not unless the organization imposes these changes there will be suffering on improvements. A good example is that the organization should select a period that they will use to improve their organization.
The other way that the organization could improve organizational learning is by using human resources. This is a department that plays a vital role in the organization. Human resource personnel assist within the organization, bringing much effectiveness through bringi9ng new design of the business strategies. Since the company human resource plays a significant role in the employment of the new employees, they also can play a crucial role in ensuring that the impact the company goals. It is essential to get a human resource professional involved in the design and implementation of the changes that are within the company and also improve the organization.
The other important thing that the organization can do is focusing on education and also growth. The organization requires leadership, which is an active measure to work differently with groups and even individuals. As a leader, it is essential to understand all the strengths and weaknesses of all the workers (Loon, Otaye‐Ebede, & Stewart, 2020). This is important because the leader will be able to learn about different workers and their shortcomings. This is what will help in providing learning activities to various individuals in the organization. It is essential to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the professionals that are with different background. The company should therefore ensure that they develop teams that have other skills and strengths. They will be used to increase and also improve their fellows.
The other way that an organization can do to improve organizational learning is by employing technology. Technology is one of the best ways that can be used to enhance more improvements to the organization. The organization can help our technology to improve learning. Learning has been made more comfortable and more effective through the use of technology.
Alohali, M., Carton, F., & O’Connor, Y. (2020). Investigating the antecedents of perceived threats and user resistance to health information technology: a case study of a public hospital. Journal of Decision Systems, 29(1), 27-52.
Gandini, E. A., & Horák, T. (2020). Promoting a complimentary wash forward through personalized test feedback and other benefits: Piloting a computer-based testing system. Language Learning in Higher Education, 10(1), 235-244.
Gomes, G., Seman, L. O., & De Montreuil Carmona, L. J. (2020). Service innovation through transformational leadership, work-life balance, and organizational learning capability. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 1-14.
Loon, M., Otaye‐Ebede, L., & Stewart, J. (2020). Thriving in the new normal: The HR micro-foundations of capabilities for business model innovation. An integrated literature reviews. Journal of Management Studies, 57(3), 698-726.
Neto, J. H. F., Tibana, R. A., de Sousa, N. M. F., Prestes, J., Voltarelli, F. A., & Kennedy, M. D. (2020). Session Rating of Perceived Exertion Is a Superior Method to Monitor Internal Training Loads of Functional Fitness Training Sessions Performed at Different Intensities When Compared to Training Impulse. Frontiers in Physiology, 11.
Resistance Risk Mitigation Intervention Table
Resistance Risk BEFORE Mitigation Intervention: High (H) or Moderate (M)
Resistance Risk AFTER Mitigation Intervention: Change to Moderate (M) or Low (L)
Resistance Issues |
Resistance Issue Description |
Resistance Risk (Before) |
Mitigation Intervention |
Resistance Risk (After) |
Mitigation Intervention Rationale |
Culture |
A workforce is filled with people from diverse cultures which affects their ability to perform certain activities as a result of barriers like beliefs, language and ethics.
H |
It is important to crate interventions that are impartial to employees’ beliefs. This would promote the ability to impact the |
L |
The decision-making team creates frequent meetings to analyze employee activities and behaviours so that an appropriate intervention is created for all of them. |
Psychological Learning Threat |
The organization has a diverse workforce which can affect the capability of their members to accept changes. |
H |
The most appropriate technique of dealing with the psychological issue is to inform employee to remove all negative mental attitudes towards the changes. |
L |
The technique proposed is effective since communication of business operations to the workforce removes all mental blocks employees have. |
Organizational Structure |
The organizational structure applied by the company involves a CEO as the head who mandates monitoring of employees by the vice president of human resources. The workforce must respect policies mandated by the human resource leadership. |
L |
The risk of employees ignoring policies mandated by the human resource department is low since every employment opportunity is created by the human resource department. It is thus mandatory for employees to adhere to all job descriptions. |
L |
The main intervention in this case is to ensure all leadership roles are properly created so that employees know where to report any issues. Employees should get supervised on a daily basis to ensure their activities are in accordance with policies mandated by leaders. |
Workforce Commitment |
Employees may face commitment issues when they are presented with change in the workforce’s operations. Issues may occur primarily because of lack of clear communication to employees causing them to perform poorly in a newly adopted work strategy. |
M |
The mitigation tactic applied in this case is to engage the entire workforce in training sessions to ensure their commitment positively impacts a business’ operations. The training will major on engaging employees with management so that they are motivated to fulfil organizational goals. |
L |
The rationale behind the transformation is to create awareness in employees to realize the importance of change in their productivity. Commitment is increased when employees converse with leaders since they realize the holistic boost of individual productivity on the company’s mission.
Dissemination of Knowledge |
The majority of resistance to change occurs when employees are not accurately informed of the step by step methods of changing their activities. |
H |
Since the majority employees function based on their leaders’ expectations, it is mandatory to inform them of the proper method of applying new products and services. |
L |
The new operational tactic, its importance and the channel used to apply change are informed to employees as soon as the CEO proposes the change. The vice president of HR can use technological means of communication such as projectors and digitized messages to inform employees of all required activities. |
Asher, P. (2016). 9 Effective Tactics for Managing Resistance to Change: Do What Work. Retrieved 17 November 2020 from
“Overcoming Employee Resistance To Change In The Workplace” (2019). Overcoming Employee Resistance To Change In The Workplace. Retrieved 17 November 2020 from

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