FRED Graph

FRED Graph Observations
Federal Reserve Economic Data
Economic Research Division
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
TB3MS 3-Month Treasury Bill: Secondary Market Rate, Percent, Monthly, Not Seasonally Adjusted
Frequency: Monthly
observation_date TB3MS PPIACO
2014-08-01 0.03 207.0
2014-09-01 0.02 -0.01 206.4 -0.2898550725
2014-10-01 0.02 0.00 203.4 -1.4534883721
2014-11-01 0.02 0.00 200.9 -1.2291052114
2014-12-01 0.03 0.01 197.0 -1.9412643106
2015-01-01 0.03 0.00 192.0 -2.538071066
2015-02-01 0.02 -0.01 191.1 -0.46875
2015-03-01 0.03 0.01 191.5 0.209314495
2015-04-01 0.02 -0.01 190.9 -0.3133159269
2015-05-01 0.02 0.00 193.4 1.3095861708
2015-06-01 0.02 0.00 194.8 0.7238883144
2015-07-01 0.03 0.01 193.9 -0.4620123203
2015-08-01 0.07 0.04 191.9 -1.0314595152
2015-09-01 0.02 -0.05 189.1 -1.4590932777
2015-10-01 0.02 0.00 187.5 -0.8461131676
2015-11-01 0.12 0.10 185.7 -0.96
2015-12-01 0.23 0.11 183.5 -1.1847065159
2016-01-01 0.26 0.03 182.6 -0.4904632153
2016-02-01 0.31 0.05 181.3 -0.7119386637
2016-03-01 0.29 -0.02 182.1 0.4412575841
2016-04-01 0.23 -0.06 183.2 0.6040637013
2016-05-01 0.27 0.04 185.3 1.1462882096
2016-06-01 0.27 0.00 187.6 1.2412304371
2016-07-01 0.30 0.03 187.7 0.0533049041
2016-08-01 0.30 0.00 186.6 -0.5860415557
2016-09-01 0.29 -0.01 186.9 0.1607717042
2016-10-01 0.33 0.04 186.7 -0.1070090958 SUMMARY OUTPUT
2016-11-01 0.45 0.12 186.3 -0.2142474558
2016-12-01 0.51 0.06 188.2 1.0198604402 Regression Statistics
2017-01-01 0.51 0.00 190.7 1.3283740701 Multiple R 0.1713227632
2017-02-01 0.52 0.01 191.6 0.4719454641 R Square 0.0293514892
2017-03-01 0.74 0.22 191.5 -0.0521920668 Adjusted R Square 0.01261617
2017-04-01 0.80 0.06 193.0 0.7832898172 Standard Error 0.0683263099
2017-05-01 0.89 0.09 192.8 -0.103626943 Observations 60
2017-06-01 0.98 0.09 193.6 0.4149377593
2017-07-01 1.07 0.09 193.5 -0.0516528926 ANOVA
2017-08-01 1.01 -0.06 193.8 0.1550387597 df SS MS F Significance F
2017-09-01 1.03 0.02 194.8 0.515995872 Regression 1 0.0081878914 0.0081878914 1.7538649201 0.190586716
2017-10-01 1.07 0.04 194.9 0.0513347023 Residual 58 0.2707721086 0.0046684846
2017-11-01 1.23 0.16 195.9 0.5130836326 Total 59 0.27896
2017-12-01 1.32 0.09 196.3 0.2041858091
2018-01-01 1.41 0.09 197.9 0.8150789608 Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95% Upper 95% Lower 95.0% Upper 95.0%
2018-02-01 1.57 0.16 199.3 0.7074279939 Intercept 0.0328453667 0.0088439553 3.7138775038 0.0004604103 0.0151422667 0.0505484667 0.0151422667 0.0505484667
2018-03-01 1.70 0.13 199.3 0 X Variable 1 0.0141507749 0.0106851876 1.3243356523 0.190586716 -0.007237952 0.0355395018 -0.007237952 0.0355395018
2018-04-01 1.76 0.06 200.3 0.5017561465
2018-05-01 1.86 0.10 203.2 1.4478282576
2018-06-01 1.90 0.04 204.2 0.4921259843
2018-07-01 1.96 0.06 204.3 0.0489715965
2018-08-01 2.03 0.07 203.4 -0.4405286344
2018-09-01 2.13 0.10 203.6 0.0983284169
2018-10-01 2.25 0.12 204.6 0.4911591356
2018-11-01 2.33 0.08 202.3 -1.1241446725
2018-12-01 2.37 0.04 201.0 -0.6426099852
2019-01-01 2.37 0.00 199.1 -0.9452736318
2019-02-01 2.39 0.02 199.2 0.0502260171
2019-03-01 2.40 0.01 200.8 0.8032128514
2019-04-01 2.38 -0.02 202.1 0.6474103586
2019-05-01 2.35 -0.03 201.5 -0.2968827313
2019-06-01 2.17 -0.18 200.3 -0.5955334988
2019-07-01 2.10 -0.07 201.0 0.3494757863
2019-08-01 1.95 -0.15 199.3 -0.8457711443

Title Here

Student Name (First and Last)

Panther ID

Florida International University

Month Year

Literature Review

This section is the literature review. You will need a minimum of three concepts to

elaborate on relative to your research topic. Within this section "Literature Review" you are

required to include one paragraph which gives a brief overview of what a literature review is

and what concepts you plan to discuss. Briefly introduce your next research section. While this

may seem redundant at each section, it is important to remind the reader at the beginning of each


Overview of Literature Concept 1

Research your topic by reading articles, dissertations, and other scholarly materials.

Elaborate on one concept that stood out to you as important for your research topic. This section

requires three paragraphs in length.

Overview of Literature Concept 2

Research your topic by reading articles, dissertations, and other scholarly materials.

Elaborate on one concept that stood out to you as important for your research topic. This section

requires three paragraphs in length.

Overview of Literature Concept 3

Research your topic by reading articles, dissertations, and other scholarly materials.

Elaborate on one concept that stood out to you as important for your research topic. This section

requires three paragraphs in length.


Remember that any reference in your reference list must be present in your paper in the form of a

citation (Author, year). Likewise, any citation in your paper must be present in your reference

list. Refer to your APA Handbook 6th edition for more detailed information on developing a

reference list. For your Assignment 2 you need a minimum of four (4) scholarly references.

Assignment 2 Grading Rubric: Literature Review

Criteria Points Possible

Title of Proposed Topic/Research 10

Literature Review (Overview)


Overview of Literature Concept 1


Overview of Literature Concept 2


Overview of Literature Concept 3


References (Four Required) 10

Deductions: APA formatting,

Spelling/Grammar/Punctuation at the College

Level, Originality etc.


Total Points Possible 100

1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 0.0








Pe rc en t

3-Month Treasury Bill: Secondary Market Rate

Shaded areas indicate U.S. recessionsSource: Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (US)

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