EDUC 554
Literacy Assessment Toolbox Template
1. Candidate Name | Click or tap here to enter text. |
School District | Click or tap here to enter text. |
2. Grade level | Click or tap here to enter text. |
Informal Reading Inventory Tool |
1. Describe the IRI you have created. |
Click or tap here to enter text. | |
2. Insert sample IRI you have created. |
Click or tap here to enter text. | |
3. List research-based article #1 title and author(s). |
Click or tap here to enter text. | |
4. Summary of research-based article supporting this assessment tool. (150-200 words). |
Click or tap here to enter text. | |
5. List research-based article #2 title and author(s). |
Click or tap here to enter text. | |
6. Summary of research-based article supporting this assessment tool. (150-200 words). |
Click or tap here to enter text. | |
7. Additional comments, information: |
Click or tap here to enter text. |
Candidate Name | Click or tap here to enter text. |
School District | Click or tap here to enter text. |
3. Grade level | Click or tap here to enter text. |
Diagnostic Tool (for specific reading skill) |
1. Describe the Diagnostic tool (cannot be a statewide tool currently used like PALS or DIBELS) you have created. |
Click or tap here to enter text. | |
2. Insert sample Diagnostic tool you have created. |
Click or tap here to enter text. | |
3. List research-based article #1 title and author(s). |
Click or tap here to enter text. | |
4. Summary of research-based article supporting this assessment tool. (150-200 words). |
Click or tap here to enter text. | |
5. List research-based article #2 title and author(s). |
Click or tap here to enter text. | |
6. Summary of research-based article supporting this assessment tool. (150-200 words). |
Click or tap here to enter text. | |
7. Additional comments, information: |
Click or tap here to enter text. |
4. Candidate Name | Click or tap here to enter text. |
School District | Click or tap here to enter text. |
5. Grade level | Click or tap here to enter text. |
Progress Monitoring Tool |
1. Describe the progress monitoring tool you have created. |
Click or tap here to enter text. | |
2. Insert progress monitoring tool you have created. |
Click or tap here to enter text. | |
3. List research-based article #1 title and author(s). |
Click or tap here to enter text. | |
4. Summary of research-based article supporting this assessment tool. (150-200 words). |
Click or tap here to enter text. | |
5. List research-based article #2 title and author(s). |
Click or tap here to enter text. | |
6. Summary of research-based article supporting this assessment tool. (150-200 words). |
Click or tap here to enter text. | |
7. Additional comments, information: |
Click or tap here to enter text. |
EDUC 554
Literacy Assessment Toolbox Grading Rubric
Criteria |
Levels of Achievement |
Content 70% |
Advanced |
Proficient |
Developing |
Not present |
Literacy Assessment 1: Informal Reading Inventory |
10 points All the following are evident. · The informal reading inventory is appropriately created. · Its supported with research as a literacy practice. · The assessment is original. · It connects to the practicum course for EDUC 554. · An overview of the assessment is provided in the template and is relevant for the grade level in focus. |
8 to 9 points All but one of the following components are evident. · The informal reading inventory is appropriately created. · Its supported with research as a literacy practice. · The assessment is original. · It connects to the practicum course for EDUC 554. · An overview of the assessment is provided in the template and is relevant for the grade level in focus. |
1 to 7 points Two or more of the following are missing. · The informal reading inventory is appropriately created. · Its supported with research as a literacy practice. · The assessment is original. · It connects to the practicum course for EDUC 554. · An overview of the assessment is provided in the template and is relevant for the grade level in focus. |
0 points Not present |
Literacy Assessment 2: Diagnostic Reading Tool |
10 points All the following are evident. · The diagnostic reading tool is appropriately created. · Its supported with research as a literacy practice. · The assessment is original. · It connects to the practicum course for EDUC 554. · An overview of the assessment is provided in the template and is relevant for the grade level in focus. |
8 to 9 points All but one of the following are evident. · The diagnostic reading tool is appropriately created. · Its supported with research as a literacy practice. · The assessment is original. · It connects to the practicum course for EDUC 554. · An overview of the assessment is provided in the template and is relevant for the grade level in focus. |
1 to 7 points Two or more of the following are missing. · The diagnostic reading tool is appropriately created. · Its supported with research as a literacy practice. · The assessment is original. · It connects to the practicum course for EDUC 554. · An overview of the assessment is provided in the template and is relevant for the grade level in focus. |
0 points Not present |
Literacy Assessment 3: Progress Monitoring Tool |
10 points All the following are evident. · The progress monitoring tool is appropriately created. · Its supported with research as a literacy practice. · The assessment is original. · It connects to the practicum course for EDUC 554. · An overview of the assessment is provided in the template and is relevant for the grade level in focus. |
8 to 9 points All but one of the following are evident. · The progress monitoring tool is appropriately created. · Its supported with research as a literacy practice. · The assessment is original. · It connects to the practicum course for EDUC 554. · An overview of the assessment is provided in the template and is relevant for the grade level in focus. |
1 to 7 points Two or more of the following are missing. · The progress monitoring tool is appropriately created. · Its supported with research as a literacy practice. · The assessment is original. · It connects to the practicum course for EDUC 554. · An overview of the assessment is provided in the template and is relevant for the grade level in focus. |
0 points Not present |
Research-based Support |
37 to 40 points Each created assessment tool is clearly supported with two research-based journal articles from literacy journals for a total of 6 references. The articles are within the past five years. The research from the articles provides a rationale for the use of each assessment tool. |
34 to 36 points Each created assessment tool is supported with two research-based journal articles and are mostly from literacy journals for a total of 6 references. Most of the articles are within the past five years. The research from the articles provides a rationale for the use of most of the assessment tools. |
1 to 33 points There are not two research-based journal articles from literacy journals for each of the assessment tools. Many of the articles that are used for support are from articles that are over five years old. There is not a clear connection between the research and the rationale for the use of the assessment tool. |
0 points Not present |
Structure 30% |
Advanced |
Proficient |
Developing |
Not present |
Mechanics |
14 to 15 points The sentence structure is complete with correct spelling, punctuation, capitalization, varied word choices. The writing exemplifies a professional.
13 points The sentence structure has minor errors (fragments, run-ons, subject-verb not parallel) with correct spelling, punctuation, and capitalization. There is some variation in word choices. |
1 to 12 points The sentence structure has several errors in sentence fluency with multiple fragments/run-ons and poor spelling, and punctuation. There is limited variation in word choice. |
0 points Not present |
Literacy Assessment (s) Template |
10 points The template is fully completed for 3 assessments and submitted as one-word document. It is answered with clarity and in well-developed sentences. |
8 to 9 points The template is mostly completed and attached. Most of the sentences have clarity and are well developed. |
1 to 7 points The template is attached but has many incomplete sections. Some of the sentences lack clarity and are incomplete. OR not submitted as one-word document. |
0 points Not present |
Current APA Format |
5 points There is current APA formatting including a title page, header, and reference page. The research that supports each assessment is referenced correctly on the reference page. |
4 points There are some current APA formatting errors, and one of the following is missing: a title page, header, and reference page. Most of the research that supports each assessment is referenced correctly on the reference page. |
1 to 3 points There are many current APA formatting errors, and two of the following are missing: a title page, header, and reference page. The research that supports each assessment is not referenced correctly on the reference page. |
0 points Not present |
EDUC 554
Literacy Assessment Toolbox Assignment
The purpose of this assignment is to research and create appropriate literacy assessment tools used by elementary and special education teachers to diagnose and measure reading achievement and progress. There are three assessment tools in this assignment, each with a different focus.
Step 1 – Research
For each of the three tools (informal reading inventory, diagnostic reading tools, and progress monitoring tools), select two research-based journal articles from current literacy journals. All articles should be published within the past five years. Research articles should come from literacy journals. No other articles will be accepted. Read each article with a critical lens. You are looking for support for the assessment tool you will create for your classroom.
Step 2 – Create Tools
· Create an assessment for each of the three assessments. These should relate to your practicum connected to this course.
· The toolbox assessments should not be your state test such as PALS, DIBELS or other commercially purchases assessment. These should be authentic assessments made by teachers (meaning you the candidate).
· The toolbox will include three literacy assessment samples (informal reading inventory, diagnostic reading tools, and progress monitoring tools) supported by two current research-based articles indicating its relevance of assessment tools to current literacy practices.
· The samples should be orginial work and inserted in the Literacy Assessment Toolbox Assignment Template.
Step 3 – Written Report in Template
· At the top of each section in the Literacy Assessment Toolbox Assignment Template, insert the specific grade level and school information, then fill in each section of the Literacy Assessment Toolbox Assignment Template.
· Each journal article summary should be 150-200 words in length. The other sections of the template do not have a word count.
· Use current APA format including a cover page and reference page.

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