Discussion 1 – Emerging Threat & counter Measures

Many business environments have both visible and invisible physical security controls. You see them at the post office, at the corner store, and in certain areas of your own computing environment. They are so pervasive that some people choose where they live based on their presence, as in gated access communities or secure apartment complexes. Alison is a security analyst for a major technology corporation that specializes in data management. This company includes an in house security staff (guards, administrators, and so on) that is capable of handling physical security breaches. Brad experienced an intrusion—into his personal vehicle in the company parking lot. He asks Alison whether she observed or recorded anyone breaking into and entering his vehicle, but this is a personal item and not a company possession, and she has no control or regulation over damage to employee assets. This is understandably unnerving for Brad, but he understands that she’s protecting the business and not his belongings.

When or where would you think it would be necessary to implement security measures for both?

350-400 Words


Poyraz, Canan, M., McShane, M., Pinto, C. A., & Cotter, T. S. (2020).  Cyber assets at risk: monetary impact of U.S. personally identifiable information mega data breaches. Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance. Issues and Practice, 45(4), 616–638. Fausto, Gaggero, G. B., Patrone, F., Girdinio, P., & Marchese, M. (2021).  Toward the Integration of Cyber and Physical Security Monitoring Systems for Critical Infrastructures. Sensors (Basel, Switzerland), 21(21), 6970–.

Directions: Please respond to one of the following essay prompts. Your response must be about 1000 words in length, and must adhere to a standard manuscript form. Be sure to support your argument with specific references to primary or secondary sources.

Requirements for paper: According to Loyola University professor George Anastaplo, a constitution is “that recognized body of principles which defines a community and guides its conduct.” If this be so, then every time the US amends its constitution, the community is redefined. Which amendment or set of amendments do you believe changed the American community the most? Why?

Sources to consider:

0. The US Constitution as amended.

0. Anastaplo, George. The Amendments to the Constitution: A Commentary. Baltimore & London: Johns Hopkins UP, 1995.

Your response must be about 1000 words in length, and must adhere to a standard manuscript form. Be sure to support your argument with specific references to primary or secondary sources

1. How to organize the paper:

1. The parameters of the Standard Manuscript Form are as follows:

1. Page Size: 8.5” X 11”, Portrait Orientation

1. Left and Right Margins: 1”

1. Head and Foot Margins: 1”

1. Line Justification: Left

1. Spacing: Double line spacing (24-25 lines of text per page)

1. Font Style: Non-decorative font, preferably monospaced (e.g. Courier, Lucida, Console, Monaco). However, some proportional fonts are permitted (e.g. Times New Roman, Garamond, Perpetua).

1. Font Size: various typesetter’s scales can be used. The following are equivalent to each other:

1. Font points: Minimum 10, maximum 12.

1. Pitch (characters per inch): minimum 12 cpi, maximum 10 cpi

1. Pica: minimum 0.8, maximum 1.0

1. Inches: minimum 0.14”, maximum 0.17”

1. Page One Header: Title Centered on Line One of Content, Other Style Guides Vary for Author & Course Information. Since Political Science does not adopt a consensus regarding style, you may wish to adjust the style guide according to the features of the sources you use. (MLA emphasizes location of information in the source, while APA emphasizes date of publication). For the record, this document is not in Standard Manuscript Form.

Essay Prompt:

According to Article IV of the Constitution, “Full Faith and Credit shall be given in each State to the public Acts, Records, and judicial Proceedings of every other State.” If this is true, why are many professional licenses and certifications, e.g. nursing and medical licenses, teacher and counselor certificates, not valid across state lines?

Sources to consider:

a. The Constitution of 1787, especially Article IV.

b. Madison, James. The Federalist #39.

Discussion 1 – InfoTech Import in Strat Plan

During this session, we looked at several topics on Strategic IT planning and strategy. We examined researchers, models, and issues in the area, and as you get closer to starting your own dissertation, you will need to choose a topic in your first dissertation class DSRT-736, so it is essential to start preparing.

This week, let us take a look at some topics to consider, and by the end of the week, we could have several ideas for dissertation topics. Since you have already examined several research articles, another way would be to examine previous dissertations in these areas. Visit the University of Cumberland’s library, go to the Dissertation Database, and locate an interesting topic on IT atrategy, or examine a model presented this term. Here are some pointers that will help critically evaluate some viable topics. • Is the topic attainable for a first-time dissertation student? • Is the problem rooted in the literature? • Is the research empirical, i.e., is there a survey, is there an interview guide, has the data been analyzed via some statistical tool? • Is there a theoretical model or framework discussed? Discuss the topic, the problem the model has been used in the research, and any present findings.

Do not read the entire dissertation, as the abstract and chapter one introduction should give a clear understanding of the research.


Title: Managing and Using Information Systems

ISBN: 9781119560562

Authors: Keri E. Pearlson, Carol S. Saunders, Dennis F. Galletta

Publisher: John Wiley & Sons

Publication Date: 2019-12-05


Chen, Chau, P. Y. ., & Li, W. (2019).  The effects of moral disengagement and organizational ethical climate on insiders’ information security policy violation behavior. Information Technology & People (West Linn, Or.), 32(4), 973–992.

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