
Digital Media & Society

CMST 301 – Final Project

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Attention Student: Type your name and date below and submit your completed exam to your Assignments Folder in your CMST 301 LEO classroom. Thank you and Goodluck!

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Student ID: Date:


ESSAY QUESTIONS 1. How has the Internet altered the way in which newspapers present news? How are print newspapers responding to the decline of subscribers and the rise of online readers? Support your discussion with reliable sources.

<Type your answer here>

2. How has Digital Media influenced (or changed) the field of education? Include a historical (before and after the digital media) and global perspective (include discussion of the US and at least two additional countries). Include whether the change has been positive, negative, or both. Support your discussion with reliable data.

<Type your answer here>

3. How has "fake news" come to exist and spread so rapidly? Why do you think this happens? How is "fake news" harmful? What are the long- and short-term effects and consequences of being a consumer of "fake news"? How does it affect each of us? How can we, as consumers and sharers of news, learn to identify potential "fake news" stories? Support your discussion with reliable sources.

<Type your answer here>

4. Define fair use and give examples of the four factors considered in deciding whether the use of another's copyrighted work is legal (a. the purpose and character of the use: b. the nature of the copyrighted work; c. the amount of the portions used; and, d. the effect of the use upon the potential market). Why is the issue of fair use described as a "flash point" for digital media? Support your discussion with reliable sources.

<Type your answer here>

5. How has Digital Media influenced (or changed) children of this generation? How are their lives different than ours? Include a historical (before and after the digital media) and global perspective (include discussion of the US and at least two additional countries). Include whether the change has been positive, negative, or both. Support your discussion with reliable sources.

<Type your answer here>

6. How has Digital Media influenced (or changed) the field of e-commerce? Include a historical (before and after the digital media) and global perspective (include discussion of the US and at least two additional countries). Support your discussion with reliable sources.

<Type your answer here>

7. How has Digital Media influenced (or changed) the culture? Include a historical (before and after the digital media) and global perspective (include discussion of the US and at least two additional countries). Include whether the change has been positive, negative, or both. Support your discussion with reliable data. Support your discussion with reliable sources. <Type your answer here>

8. Discuss how social media was used in the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election in terms of communicating with voters, fundraising, and campaign organizing. Discuss how databases of political information can be used to help voters make decisions on candidates and issues. Support your discussion with reliable sources.

<Type your answer here>

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1. Format: Open Books and Open Notes.

2. Download the CMST 301_FinalExam.V4.docx file attached to this assignment.

· Type your responses to the essay questions  directly  in the attached exam and save the file as: CMST 301_FinalExam.V4.docx.

· Submit the completed document to the Project 4 assignment folder.

3. You must answer 4 of the 8 essay questions. Should you answer more than 4, only the first 4 will be graded. Each essay is worth 25 points for a total of 100 points for the exam. The exam is worth 20% of your final grade. Be sure you organize your response covering all the aspects of the questions.

4. Length Requirement: Each essay response is required to be at least 250 words in length Going over 250 words is fine, but if you are under 200 words you will be penalized (10%). Your response should be at least 90% original thought. Also, I am expecting to see analysis and the synthesis of ideas in your essays (not just a manipulation of direct quotes with your words spliced in between). 

5. Content Requirements: Content must be comprehensive, accurate, and persuasive. Your response should be at least 90% original thought.  Must use data from a minimum of one scholarly source to support statements and draw a thorough and convincing conclusion from the data. 

6. Bibliographical Requirement: Please do not use unprofessional sources such as Wikipedia, About.com, Answers.com, Dictionary.com, How.com, or anything remotely similar.  Examples of scholarly sources include our course content (e.g. Read & Watch resources), textbooks, journal articles, trade magazines, and conference proceedings. UMGC has a top-notch, extensive online library. You can find many scholarly sources there. Note: "Personal communications (e.g. Twitter Posts, Blogs, and YouTube Videos)" are not considered professional or scholarly sources.   Include at least ONE in-essay citation in EACH essay and a reference list at the ENDof each essay.

7. Formatting Requirements

· The paper must follow APA guidelines throughout.  See Course Content>Course Resources>Sample Paper to Show Appropriate Document Formatting.

· Double-spaced (including the reference page) with the first line of each paragraph indented.

· 1-inch Margins

· 12 point professional font 

· Begin each essay on a separate page

8. This exam is **not** a group project. Your answers should be yours alone.

9. Please spell-check your work

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