College of Doctoral Studies

RES-831 Problem Space Identification & Reflection

This assignment will help you develop key points for the prospectus presentation slides and Chapter 2 Identification of the Problem Space Section in the Dissertation Template.

Part 1 - Key Points Table

In the following table, enter information for your proposed study in the Potential Topic Key Point Description column using the instructions for each key point in the Key Point column. Bullets may be used in the table. Complete sentences are required with properly formatted APA-style in-text citations. Sources of in-text citations must be included on the references page.

Key Point

Potential Topic Key Point Description

Background to the Problem

1. Describe what is already understood about the problem.

2. Present findings from prior research related to the history of the problem space.

3. Focus on:

a) When the problem started

b) What has been discovered about the problem

c) The current state of the problem

4. Support information with empirical citations

Problem Space

1. In 3-5 bullets, describe what still needs to be understood related to the topic from empirical literature or research.

2. Use empirical literature dated primarily within the past 5 years.

3. Identify and support what still needs to be understood regarding the problem space through a combination of arguments that justify the problem space:

a) Professional and/or broader societal need identified in the literature

b) Directions for future research based on limitations, recommendations, and/or conflicting findings

c) Synthesis of broader topics to study in combination

Review of Literature Topics/Themes

1. Identify 3-5 major topics in the literature related to the proposed problem space

2. Each bullet should include:

a) 1-2 sentences defining/describing each topic

b) At least 3 empirical sources supporting each topic

Problem Statement

1. State the specific problem for research with a single clear declarative statement starting with “It is not known…”

2. Alignment: The problem statement must align with the established problem space as described above.

Part 2 - Written Reflection (250-500 words)

Using the problem space justification from the Problem Space section as well as the Review of Literature Topics/Themes and Problem Statement sections above, reflect on the following:

· Explain how and why your topic has changed over the past several courses.

· From the findings of research studies and evolution of recent literature on the topic, define the parameters for the problem statement for potential study.

· Describe how the study may contribute to the body of literature.

· Describe the potential practical applications from the research to your profession or practitioner community and to your personal growth.

This reflection must be written in paragraph form in complete sentences and using proper APA in-text citations as appropriate. Include a properly formatted APA-style references page below the reflection. The references page must include all references associated with in-text citations in this assignment.

Delete the above instructions after writing your reflection.



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Problem Space Identification and Reflection - Rubric Total 215 points

Criterion 1. Unsatisfactory 2. Less Than Satisfactory

3. Satisfactory 4. Good 5. Excellent

Background to the Problem

Background to the


0 points

A statement of the

background to the

problem is either

missing or not evident.

31.39 points

A statement of the

background to the

problem is present but

inaccurate or

incomplete. The

statement omits or

inaccurately describes

what is already known

about the problem.

Research findings

related to the history of

the problem are not

presented. No empirical

support is presented.

35.26 points

A statement of the

background to the

problem is present but

cursory. The statement

partially describes what

is already known about

the problem. Research

findings related to the

history of the problem

are presented, but some

are not relevant to the

problem. Support is

presented but is from

dated sources or

sources that are not


39.13 points

A statement of the

background to the

problem is present. The

statement describes

what is already known

about the problem.

Research findings

related to the history of

the problem are

presented, but relevance

to the problem is not

clearly explained.

Empirical support is

presented, and sources

are scholarly though

some sources are dated.

43 points

A statement of the

background to the

problem is thoroughly

presented. The

statement clearly

describes what is

already known about the

problem. Research

findings related to the

history of the problem

are presented, and the

relevance to the

problem is clearly

explained. Empirical

support is presented,

and sources are

scholarly and current.

Problem Space

Problem Space

0 points

A description of the

problem space is either

missing or not evident.

31.39 points

A description of the

problem space is illogical

or inaccurate. The

description omits or

inaccurately addresses

what is remains to be

understood about the

problem. The problem

space does not emerge

from professional or

societal need; directions

for future research

based on limitations,

recommendations, or

conflicting findings; or a

synthesis of broader

topics to study in

combination. No

empirical support is


35.26 points

A description of the

problem space is

present but cursory. The

description vaguely

addresses what is

remains to be

understood about the

problem. The problem

space partially emerges

from professional or

societal need; directions

for future research

based on limitations,

recommendations, or

conflicting findings; or a

synthesis of broader

topics to study in

combination. Support is

presented but is from

dated sources or

sources that are not


39.13 points

A description of the

problem space is

present. The description

largely addresses what is

remains to be

understood about the

problem. The problem

space tends to emerge

from professional or

societal need; directions

for future research

based on limitations,

recommendations, or

conflicting findings; or a

synthesis of broader

topics to study in

combination. Empirical

support is presented,

and sources are

scholarly though some

sources are dated.

43 points

A description of the

problem space is

present. The description

clearly addresses what is

remains to be

understood about the

problem. The problem

space clearly and fully

emerges from

professional or societal

need; directions for

future research based

on limitations,

recommendations, or

conflicting findings; or a

synthesis of broader

topics to study in

combination. Empirical

support is presented,

and sources are

scholarly and current.

Review of Literature Topics/Themes

Review of Literature


0 points

A review of literature

topics/themes is either

missing or not evident.

31.39 points

A review of literature

topics/themes is illogical

or inaccurate. The

themes do not emerge

from a synthesis of the

cited literature. The

description of one or

more of the

35.26 points

A review of literature

topics/themes is cursory.

There is a limited

connection to the cited

literature. The

description of the

topics/themes is vague.

Support is presented but

39.13 points

A review of literature

topics/themes is

present. There is a loose

connection to the cited

literature. The

description of the

topics/themes is

present. Empirical

43 points

A review of literature

topics/themes is present

and thorough. There is a

strong connection to the

cited literature. The

description of the

topics/themes is

present, clear, and

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topics/themes is

inaccurate. No empirical

support is presented.

is from dated sources or

sources that are not


support is presented,

and sources are

scholarly though some

sources are dated.

accurate. Empirical

support is presented,

and sources are

scholarly and current.

Problem Statement

Problem Statement

0 points

A problem statement is

either missing or not


23.54 points

A problem statement is

given but is not a single

declarative statement.

The problem statement

presented does not align

with the problem space

identified above.

26.44 points

A problem statement is

given and is a single

declarative statement.

However, the statement

is a run-on sentence.

The problem statement

presented only loosely

aligns with the problem

space identified above.

29.35 points

A problem statement is

given and is a single

declarative statement.

The intent of the

statement is not easily

comprehended. The

problem statement

presented aligns

moderately well with the

problem space identified


32.25 points

A problem statement is

given and is a single

declarative statement.

The intent of the

statement is easily

comprehended. The

problem statement

presented clearly and

fully aligns with the

problem space identified




0 points

A written reflection is

either missing or not

evident to the reader.

23.54 points

A written review of the

work submitted is

present though several

key elements are

missing. Reflective

practice is not evident.

26.44 points

A written reflection is

present but cursory. A

reasonable attempt is

made to discuss the key

elements though the

ideas presented remain

vague generalizations.

Reflective practice is

somewhat evident.

29.35 points

A written reflection is

present. All key elements

are included and are

addressed in more than


Reflective practice is


32.25 points

A written reflection is

present. All key elements

are included and are

thoughtfully addressed.

Reflective practice is

clearly evident.

Mechanics of Writing

Mechanics of Writing

0 points

Mechanical errors are

pervasive enough that

they impede

communication of

meaning. Inappropriate

word choice and/or

sentence construction

are used.

7.85 points

Frequent and repetitive

mechanical errors

distract the reader.

Inconsistencies in

language choice

(register), sentence

structure, and/or word

choice are present.

8.82 points

Some mechanical errors

or typos are present, but

are not overly distracting

to the reader. Correct

sentence structure and


language are used.

9.78 points

Prose is largely free of

mechanical errors,

although a few may be

present. A variety of

sentence structures and

effective figures of

speech are used.

10.75 points

Writer is clearly in

command of standard,

written, academic


APA Format

APA Format

0 points

Required format is rarely

followed correctly. No

reference page is

included. No in-text

citations are used.

7.85 points

Required format

elements are missing or

incorrect. A lack of

control with formatting

is apparent. Reference

page is present.

However, in-text

citations are

inconsistently used.

8.82 points

Required format is

generally correct.

Reference page is

included and lists

sources used in the

paper. Sources are


documented though

some errors are present.

9.78 points

Required format is used,

but minor errors are

present. Reference page

is present and includes

all cited sources.

Documentation is

appropriate and citation

style is usually correct.

10.75 points

In-text citations and a

reference page are

complete and correct.

The documentation of

cited sources is free of


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