College of Administrative and Financial Sciences
Assignment 2
Human Resource Management (MGT211)
Course Name: Human Resource Management |
Student’s Name: |
Course Code:MGT211 |
Student’s ID Number: |
Semester: 1st |
CRN: |
Academic Year:2020-21, 1st Term |
For Instructor’s Use only
Instructor’s Name: |
Students’ Grade: Marks Obtained/Out of 5 |
Level of Marks: High/Middle/Low |
· The Assignment must be submitted on Blackboard (WORD format only) via allocated folder.
· Assignments submitted through email will not be accepted.
· Students are advised to make their work clear and well presented, marks may be reduced for poor presentation. This includes filling your information on the cover page.
· Students must mention question number clearly in their answer.
· Late submission will NOT be accepted.
· Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from students or other resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO marks. No exceptions.
· All answered must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font. No pictures containing text will be accepted and will be considered plagiarism).
· Submissions without this cover page will NOT be accepted.
Assignment Workload:
· This Assignment comprise of a short Case.
· Assignment is to be submitted by each student individually.
Assignment Purposes/Learning Outcomes:
After completion of Assignment-2 students will able to understand the
Lo 1.1-Demonstrate overall Human Resource concepts, goals and strategies within the context of organizations goals and strategies.
Lo 1.6 & 1.7-Demonstrate a thorough understanding of an HR Strategic planning which includes Effective job analysis, Recruitment and selection strategies.
· Please read the Case “For Personal Financial advisors, A Small Staffing Plan with a Big Impact” at the end of Chapter 5 (page 224), “Human Resource Planning and Recruitment” available in your textbook Human Resource Management: Gaining A Competitive Advantage-Noe, Hollenbeck, Gerhart, Wright,11e., and answer the following questions:
Assignment Question(s): (Marks 5)
1. Is a company ever too small to need to engage in human resource planning? Why or why not? Discuss whether you think Robert Reed planned his hiring strategy at an appropriate time in the firm’s growth.(Marks: 1.5)
2. Using Table 5.3 , review the options for avoiding a labor shortage, and discuss how well the options besides new hires could have worked as ways for Reed to reach his goals for growth. As you do so, consider qualities of a financial-planning business that might be relevant (for example, direct client contact and the need for confidentiality).(Marks: 2.5)
3. Suppose that when Reed was seeking to hire a certified financial planner, he asked you for advice on where to recruit this person. Which sources would you suggest, and why? ( Mark:1)
Chamberlain College of Nursing NR361 Information Systems in Healthcare
Week 1: AACN Self-Assessment Essentials The Essentials of Baccalaureate Education for Professional
Nursing Self-Assessment
Understanding your competencies related to information systems in healthcare provides you with valuable information as you begin this course. Throughout the course you will discover how course content will be related to The Essentials of Baccalaureate Education for Professional Nursing from the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (2008).
You must complete this self-assessment, which is based on the Essentials, prior to posting to the Week 1 Threaded Discussion. Place a check mark or X in the column that best describes your current level of competency or understanding of the Essential’s statement. There are no incorrect answers. After you have completed the assessment, total the number of points you earned. Record this number in a location where you will be able to retrieve it at the end of the course, when it will serve as the basis for future threaded discussions.
AACN (American Association of Colleges of Nursing) Baccalaureate Essentials |
1 |
2 |
Very Good 3 |
4 |
Demonstrate skills in using patient-care technologies, information systems, and communication devices that support safe nursing practice. |
Use telecommunication technologies to assist in effective communication in a variety of healthcare settings. |
Apply safeguards and decision-making support tools embedded in patient care technologies and information systems to support a safe practice environment for both patients and healthcare workers. |
Understand the use of CIS systems to document interventions related to achieving nurse-sensitive outcomes. |
Use standardized terminology in a care environment that reflects nursing’s unique contribution to patient outcomes. |
Evaluate data from all relevant sources, including technology, to inform the delivery of care. |
Recognize the role of information technology in improving patient care outcomes and creating a safe care environment. |
Uphold ethical standards related to data security, regulatory requirements, confidentiality, and clients’ right to privacy. |
Apply patient care technologies as appropriate to address the needs of a diverse patient population. |
Advocate for the use of new patient care technologies for safe, quality care. |
Recognize that redesign of workflow and care processes should precede implementation of care technology to facilitate nursing practice. |
Participate in evaluation of information systems in practice settings through policy and procedure development. |
Total for each column |
Grand total |
American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN). (2008). The essentials of baccalaureate education for professional nursing practice. Washington, DC: AACN. Retrieved from
NR 361 Week 1 Self-Assessment Form.docx 10/18 JMJ |
1 |

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