Chapter 12 Contracts and Sales: Performance, Remedies,

and Collection

Its Legal, Ethical, and its Global Environment

Marianne M. Jennings


11th Ed.

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Both Parties to a Valid Contract Must Have Capacity, Which Includes Age (18) and Mental Capacity

Age Capacity

In most states age is 18

Before that, the party is an infant or minor

Defenses: Capacity

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Capacity – Age

Contracts are voidable − minor can get out at his/her option

Liable in quasi-contract for necessaries

Some exceptions − student loans; military service

Defenses: Capacity

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Capacity, Necessities, and Parents

Case 12.1 Yale Diagnostic Radiology v. Estate of Fountain (2003)

What was the nature of the medical care?

Why was there money available for payment?

Why does the court see unfairness in excusing the minor and the minor’s parent?

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Person Understands Contracts are Enforceable and Significance of Legal Documents

Understands Contracts Involve Costs and Litigation

If Declared Legally Incompetent – Contracts are Void!

Otherwise, If No Legal Capacity, Contracts are Voidable

Defenses: Mental Capacity

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Misstatement of a material fact



Remedy Can Be Rescission – Contract is Set Aside

Must Have Been Material

Cannot Be Sales Puffing (Opinion)


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Knowing and intentional use of false information

Knowing and intentional failure to disclose

Many states have statutes exempting the disclosure of a murder or AIDS victims as previous owners or residents

However, if there is an inquiry by the potential buyer, the information cannot be withheld


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Fraud: The Failure to Disclose Material Information Can Be Fraud or Misrepresentation

Case 12.2 Reed v. King (1983)

What does Mrs. Reed need to establish to be entitled to recession and damages?

Would the information about the house make a difference to you in making a buying decision?


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Regulation Z Gives Three-Day Cooling-Off Period

Home Equity Loan Consumer Protection Act of 1988/Home Ownership and Equity Protection Act of 1994

Penalties under TILA

Two times the amount of finance charges

Minimum of $100 and maximum of $1,000

Class action = $500,000 or 1 percent of creditors’ net worth (the lesser of)

Canceling Credit Contracts

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Three-Day Cancellation Notice

H-9 Rescission Model Form (Refinancing)


Your Right to Cancel

You are entering into a new transaction to increase the amount of credit provided to you. You are entering into a new transaction to increase the amount of credit provided to you. We acquired a [mortgage/lien/security interest] [on/in] your home under the original transaction and will retain that [mortgage/lien/security interest] in the new transaction. You have a legal right under federal law to cancel the new transaction, without cost, within three business days from whichever of the following events occurs last:

(1) the date of the new transaction, which is ______; or

(2) the date you received your new Truth-in-Lending disclosures; or

(3) the date you received this notice of your right to cancel.

If you cancel the new transaction, your cancellation will apply only to the increase in the amount of credit. It will not affect the amount that you presently owe or the [mortgage/lien/security interest] we already have [on/in] your home. If you cancel, the [mortgage/lien/security interest] as it applies to the increased amount is also cancelled. Within 20 calendar days after we receive your notice of cancellation of the new transaction, we must take the steps necessary to reflect the fact that our [mortgage/lien/security interest] [on/in] your home no longer applies to the increase of credit. We must also return any money you have given to us or anyone else in connection with the new transaction.

You may keep any money we have given you in the new transaction until we have done the things mentioned above, but you must then offer to return the money at the address below. If we do not take possession of the money within 20 calendar days of your offer, you may keep it without further obligation.

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Three-Day Cancellation Notice


If you decide to cancel the new transaction, you may do so by notifying us in writing, at

(creditor's name and business address).

You may use any written statement that is signed and dated by you and states your intention to cancel, or you may use this notice by dating and signing below. Keep one copy of this notice because it contains important information about your rights.

If you cancel by mail or telegram, you must send the notice no later than midnight of (date) (or midnight of the third business day following the latest of the three events listed above). If you send or deliver your written notice to cancel some other way, it must be delivered to the above address no later than that time.


________________________ ____________________

Consumer's Signature Date

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Duress – Contract Voidable

Physical force or threats

Party is deprived of a meaningful choice

Has right of rescission



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Undue Influence

Undue Influence – Contract Voidable

Must have confidential relationship


Elderly parents


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Illegal Subject Matter

Contract is void

Contracts in violation of criminal statutes

Examples: Contract to have someone killed; contract to pay for a vote

Illegality – Public Policy

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Illegality – Public Policy

Case 12.3 Durrett v. ACT, Inc. (2011)

Did applicant agree to ACT terms?

Were the contract provisions fair or oppressive?


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Contracts in Violation of Licensing Statutes Must Be Competency-Based as Opposed to Revenue-Raising For Contracts to Be Void

Contracts in Violation of Usury Laws Charging Interest in Excess of Statutory Maximum

Illegality – Public Policy

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Contracts in Violation of Public Policy

Exculpatory clauses − full liability elimination is generally invalid

Covenants not to compete must be reasonable in time and geographic scope

Unconscionable contracts

Illegality – Public Policy

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Illegality – Public Policy

Case 12.4 Hawkins v. Globe Life Insurance (2015)

Explain the full history of the insurance policy

Discuss whether the mother should have disclosed more


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When is Performance Due

Conditions precedent

Conditions concurrent

Conditions subsequent

Contract Performance

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Standards for Performance

Complete performance is required

Substantial performance allowed in contract cases

Substantial Performance = Nonmaterial Breach

Contract Performance

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E-Commerce: Payments

Credit Cards

Digital Cash

Person-to-Person Payment (or PayPal)

Contract Performance

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When Performance is Excused

Impossibility − contract cannot be performed

Example: Cannot build house if the land is washed away

Commercial impracticability − UCC-2-615

Basic assumptions parties made are no longer true

Can protect themselves by putting in force majeure clause − covers problems such as wars, embargoes, depressions

Performance: Excuse

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Case 12.5 Sons of Thunder, Inc. v. Borden, Inc. (1997)

What impact does “good faith” have on termination of a contract?

What are the damages when there is a lack of good faith in the termination of a conduct?

Performance: Good Faith

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Two original parties agree, along with third party, to substitute one party for another

Accord and Satisfaction

Agreement reached to discharge a disputed obligation

Substitute Performance

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Requires Monthly Statement on Open-End Transactions

Bill Must Have Address to Write for Errors

Debtors Must Write Bill Objections to Get Damages

Must send within sixty days of bill’s receipt

Creditor has thirty days to acknowledge

Creditor has ninety days to take action

Fair Credit Billing Act

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Fair Credit Billing Act

Debtor need not pay protested amount or finance charges during protest period

Once resolved, must pay

If creditor does not comply with time limits, debtor need not pay (even if creditor is correct)

Fair Credit Billing Act

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Collection Rights of the Creditor

Regulated by FDCPA (Fair Debt Collections Practices Act) if it is a consumer debt


Third party collection agencies


Prohibits unreasonable collection practices by collection agencies


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Collection Rights

Collectors’ obligations

Must provide written verification of debt if debtor asks or within five days after contact with debtor

Must include amount of debt, name of creditor, debtor’s right to disputed debt


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Collection Rights

Collector’s restrictions

Debtor contact

Third party contact

Prohibited Acts

Penalties or FDCPA violations

FTC responsible for enforcement


Debtor may collect actual damages

Debtor may collect up to $1,000 in additional damages


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Case 12.6 Litt v. Portfolio Recovery Associates LLC (2015)

What violations of FDCPA does the court find?

What policies should collectors develop on phone calls?


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Suits to Enforce Debts

Reduce to judgment

Use garnishment for wages, accounts, and so on

Limits wage garnishments to 25 percent of wages (50 percent for child support)


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The End of the Line on Enforcement of Debts: Bankruptcy

Debts discharged in bankruptcy except


Child support

Student loans (seven years)

Taxes (three years)


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Fair Credit Reporting Act

Applies to consumer reporting agencies: third parties (not creditors)

Limitations on disclosure

Can disclose to debtor his/her own report

Can disclose to creditor with signed credit application

Can disclose to potential employer

Can disclose for court subpoena

Fair Credit Reporting Act

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Limitations on Content

No bankruptcies longer than ten years ago

No lawsuits finalized longer than seven years ago

No disclosures of criminal convictions finalized more than seven years ago UNLESS applying for $50,000 in credit or $20,000/year job

Debtor’s right of correction

Notify agency

If no connection, debtor can write 100-word statement of clarification

Fair Credit Reporting Act

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Fair Credit Reporting Act

Case 12.7 Smith v. E-Backgroundchecks, Inc. (2015)

Explain the impact of credit report errors

What are the damages in a case such as this?


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Types of Damages

Compensatory − put party in same position they would have been in without the breach

Example: Sales − buyer has to buy car for $7,000 as opposed to original $6,000 − gets $1,000 in damages

Incidental damages, e.g., cost of finding the other car; attorney’s fees

Contract Remedies

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Types of Damages

Consequential damages

Damages experienced in relation to third parties

Late fees or loss of income for delays

Liquidated damages

Parties agree on damage amount in advance

Contract Remedies

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Original party to contract assigns his/her benefits under the contract to another

Example: Credit company sells credit contract for present value to another who undertakes its collection

Assignee has same rights as original party


Transfer of obligations under contract

Third Party Rights

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Third Party Rights

Third Party Beneficiary

Originally named in the contract to benefit from the contract

Insurance beneficiaries are third party beneficiaries

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Assuring Payment

Use a bill of lading

Title to goods controlled

Used in connection with letter of credit or draft

Letter of Credit issued by buyers bank to seller

Seller may draw on L/C to receive payment

International Issues

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Assuring Performance

Need force majeure clause

Stability of currencies

International Issues

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Estate Planning Case Study #2


A couple, Carol and Al French, in their mid-60s, New York State residents, have seen their

net worth balloon from $3 million to more than $6.5 million during the last four years, chiefly

through rapid appreciation of a stock portfolio primarily invested in large-capitalization growth

stocks. The client had read articles in financial publications about the ·near total confiscation of

IRAs upon the death of the last to die of the account holder or spouse. The client has

approximately $1.25 million in these types of plans, with his wife listed as the beneficiary. He

had planned to hold the stock portfolio for life in order to get a step up in basis, avoiding capital

gains taxes for himself and his heirs. He also planned to name his wife as beneficiary of all

IRAs in order to assure her of a source of income if she survived him. The client also had a

number of charitable bequests in his will.

The client had more than 40% of his investment holdings in a single large- cap stock and

was growing concerned about the lack of diversification. He wanted to diversify his portfolio while

avoiding federal and state long-term capital gains taxes. Calculations determined that there were

potentially tremendous net after-tax benefits available to the client's children if they, rather than

the spouse, were named as primary beneficiary on some or all of these IRAs. However, the

client remained concerned about his wife's financial well-being if his IRAs were left solely to

the children.

The client had several competing objectives:

1. Diversifying the investment portfolio, selling off $1-1.5 million of the single large-cap stock which dominated the portfolio. (He would still maintain over $1 million of that

stock after these sales.)

2. Minimizing and, if possible, avoiding capital gains tax on the sale of any stock.

3. Assuring sufficient cash flow for the rest of the client's and wife's lives (about 30 years).

4. Minimizing transfer and income taxes so that the children and grandchildren receive the greatest amount of net assets possible from the estate.

Reflect on the assigned readings for the week. Identify what you thought was the most important concept(s), method(s), term(s), and/or any other thing that you felt was worthy of your understanding.

Also, provide a graduate-level response to each of the following questions:

1) Discuss the various defenses in contract formation, stating what is required to establish each individual defense, and providing examples of when the defense may be found valid.

2) Sly Salesperson sells cars. While selling a car, Sly Salesperson tells the potential buyer that “this is the best car around. It’s a great car and sips gas.” The car has an average fuel rating. Has Sly Salesperson committed a misrepresentation? Fraud? Why or why not? Does the analysis change if Sly Salesperson says the car get 40 miles per gallon, but in fact the car only gets 30 miles per gallon?

[It should be at least 450+ words and in APA format (including Times New Roman with font size 12 and double spaced). Post the actual body of your paper in the discussion thread then attach a Word version of the paper for APA review]

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