Michael Priebe

Southern New Hampshire University


Prof Bacho


Critical Thinking


Critical thinking is the main idea in this discussion, which is the intellectually disciplined process of skillfully and actively conceptualizing. In addition, it deals with the application, synthesizing, and evaluation of the information gathered from or generated by observation. There is an examination that is done concerning structures of thought implicit in all reasoning. Critical thinking entails being responsive to all variable that is subject to the matter. This is incorporated in a family of interwoven modes of thinking.

As discussed earlier, critical thinking is comprised of the questioning and evaluation of the information. Critical thinking as an argument contributes to the capability to ensure that solving information is done by use of various contexts ( Smith , 2019 p. 499). The assessment of the data is a more complicated but still very much important process. One can utilize the CRAAP test to determine that information and sources are reliable. When using critical thinking to evaluate information, there is a need for clarification of thinking to oneself and even to other individuals. It is a process that is composed of seeking questions and giving the answer to those probing questions. For instance, a good example is the logic questions that might have been discussed before.

Evaluation is very crucial in critical thinking that entails mainly assessment of the arguments. Thoughts and ideas. The points of view are essential for the development of students as autonomous thinkers. Learning how analysis is done and critically evaluating statements also assists in the growth of a sound framework (Wechsler, 2018 p. 114). This is mainly done to incite testing of own opinions and ensure the advancement of points of view. The analysis of critical thinking is comprised of steps that are involved.

The first step is identifying problems or issues, followed by a definition of the problem that is done with a clear and concise statement of the problem. Thirdly, gathering vital information is done, assessing credibility and accuracy of the information, and supporting evidence are performed. Moreover, data analysis is done, followed by looking at reasons and leading causes of complications ( Kozikolu , 2019 p. 111).


Critical thinking has been termed as the ability to analyses information objectively and finally creates a reasoned judgment. The complex information is broken down into more essential parts. It is a mental process that entails the evaluation of data, which later interpretation is made to make a sound judgment.


Kozikoglu, I. (2019). Investigating Critical Thinking in Prospective Teachers: Metacognitive Skills, Problem Solving Skills and Academic Self-Efficacy. Journal of Social Studies Education Research10(2), 111-130.

Smith, L., Gillette, C., Taylor, S. R., Manolakis, M., Dinkins, M., & Ramey, C. (2019). A semester-long critical thinking course in the first semester of pharmacy school: Impact on critical thinking skills. Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning11(5), 499-504.

Wechsler, S. M., Saiz, C., Rivas, S. F., Vendramini, C. M. M., Almeida, L. S., Mundim, M. C., & Franco, A. (2018). Creative and critical thinking: Independent or overlapping components?. Thinking Skills and Creativity27, 114-122.

Main Claim Key Points The article’s main claim of ____ is ____ because ____, ____, and ____.

ENG 122 Identifying Your Thesis Statement Guidelines and Rubric

Overview: Let’s work on identifying the thesis statement in your work. In Summative Assessment Part Two Milestone One, you created a first draft of your critical analysis essay by answering a series of questions in a Microsoft Word document. At this point, your preliminary thesis may not be at the end of the introductory paragraph, or it may not be as concise as it will be in the final draft. In this “hide-and-seek” exercise, you will find your hidden thesis statement. And when you are finished, you will have a workable thesis that will help you complete the reverse outline later in this module.

Prompt: Review the first draft of your critical analysis essay and identify your main claim. The main claim should summarize your reaction to your selected reading and your supporting points. Remember that a strong thesis statement should contain a main claim and three supporting points to back up the main claim. (Feel free to return to the 6-1 reading to review the material on thesis statements.) Use the framework below for help constructing your thesis statement.


Guidelines for Submission: Save your work in a Microsoft Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. Then, check your writing for errors. Once you have proofread your document, submit it via the Assignment: Identify Your Thesis Statement link in Brightspace.

Critical Elements Proficient (100%) Needs Improvement (75%) Not Evident (0%) Value Main Claim Identifies claim that relates to

selected work Identifies claim, but relation to selected work is vague

Does not identify claim 40

Supporting Key Points Identifies three relevant key points in support of claim

Identifies three key points, but they do not support the claim

Does not identify three key points


Articulation of Response

Submission has no major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization

Submission has major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that negatively impact readability and articulation of main ideas

Submission has critical errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that prevent understanding of ideas


Total 100%


Mother Tongue





Question 1

The author's justification in the selected reading is on zero discrimination. According to the author, discrimination on language fluency is also bad. The author is also advocating for the acceptance of social diversity. The author emphasizes people to respect one competence regardless of their language fluency. From the reading, the author emphasizes the need for language and how one sees life.

Question 2

I have identified passion as a key point. For Amy, she ended up becoming a writer despite being discouraged by her teacher. Finding one's voice is the other idea identified. Here, I have identified that once a person has identified their voice, they become unstoppable. The teacher was not able to divert Amy to do sciences.

Question 3

In her book, the primary audience is those who are not familiar with a certain language. They tend to speak a broken foreign language and try to fit it. Her audience is also people with diverse demographic characteristics from society's commonalities. These are people who are roughed up due to their differences from the majority in society. Her audience is also those who are rejected in certain endeavors simply because of their mother tongue.

Question 4

The author of the book a comic way to connect with the audience. He uses broken English to bring the essence of his mother's challenges in English. By using wrong spelling, bring out how the author was affected by her mother tongue. Her book is entertaining, and this is symbolic. This is meant to signify that some people are smart and intelligent but limited by their language barrier.

Question 5

For me, the author's claim was string to understand and follow. Through humor in the book, it was easy to understand how society saw some serious things as funny. This claims that society might have a certain view different from that of a person as an individual. As much as one tries to fit in such a society, they end up being left out. The author's claim is also string because she is explaining it from personal experience. She is thus the best person who understands it.


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